#The Wraiths of Arjun
sandydgreen · 5 months
THE CONJUROR'S CURSE: A YA/Upper MG Book Review by Georgie Bartlett
REVIEW **The following repost is from Carol Baldwin’s wonderful blog where she discusses all things literary! Thank you, Carol, for letting me share Georgie Bartlett’s great reviews of THE CONJUROR’S CURSE: A YA/Upper MG Book! The Conjuror’s Curse (Monarch: 2022) by Stephanie Cotta is an epic fantasy set in the fictional world of Mestria. We follow seventeen-year-old Rowan as he struggles with…
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deeptrashwitch · 23 days
Incorrect quotes
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Jackson: *talking with Aelan (@islandtarochips OC)*
Alexander: Umm, Sergeant...? *arriving with a bit of shyness*
Jackson: What now? *sighs*
Alexander: We had an accident on the salt water pool, the Lieutenant fell and-
Jackson: Is he drowning?
Alexander: No
Jackson: Then he can figure it out alone
Alexander: But Gun Powder is also in the water...and Elliot hasn't taught it how to swim
Jackson: *froze* ...
Aelan: Jackson?
Jackson: *stands up and runs towards the pool* MICHAELIS! I SWEAR THAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO MY BABY-!
Aelan/Alexander: ...
Aelan: Is this usual?
Alexander: More or less, he really loves the cat
Aelan: While he doesn't hit someone...
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Alicia: *playing UNO with Kanoa and Aly (@alypink OC)*
Aly: Here *puts a red 9 and smiles* uno!
Alicia: ... *puts a red 8*
Kanoa: *giggles when is his turn*
Aly: What is it?
Kanoa: I don't know...
Aly: C'mon, throw me anything! I can lead with it *confident* what do you have there?
Kanoa: Hehehehehe *puts a +100 over the deck* eat up, Aly
Aly: ... *gets a tic on her eyebrow*
Alicia: Uhh, Aly?
Aly: *slams the card over the table and tries to throw herself to hit Kanoa* NOA!!!
Alicia: ESPÉRATE ALY! *holds her to stop a possible murder* NO VALE LA PENA! NO, NO, NO! CÁLMATE!
Kanoa: *screeches out of fear*
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Luke: Why are we here?
Alicia: Dominique asked me to teach you about...courtesy with our superiors
Jackson: What for?
Alicia: *shrugs* Beats me, but anyway, what do we tell when our superiors starts bickering and say "you should obey me as if I was king!"?
Luke: Uhhh, oh! I'm sorry but Americans don't like kings, have you seen us? We'll fuck you up
Jackson: Well sir, history have taught us that the best way to lead with a king is beheading them!
Alicia: ...
Tiala: *wheezes from the background*
Alicia: I mean, you aren't wrong...
Wraith: Alicia! Focus!
Alicia: Sorry, sorry. Let's try again-
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Agnes/Nigel/Tiala/Alicia: *watching at Kanoa asleep on a chair*
Tiala: Are you thinking the same as me?
Agnes: Can I do it? Can I?
Alicia: *giggles* I'll record *takes out her phone* whenever you're ready
Nigel: Ohhh, let's try, go for it Blast
Agnes: *smiles and stand near Kanoa* WAKE UP PRIVATE! ARE FUCKING DEAF?! *screams with Drill Sergeant voice*
Kanoa: *wakes up suddenly, stands and salutes*
Nigel: *laughs* Holy shit it worked!
Tiala: You'll pass me the video?
Alicia: Hell yes *laughing* wow Noa! What good reflexes!
Kanoa: I'll have my revenge *sighs* but I want the video too
Alicia: Of course
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Aly/Arjun (@welldonekhushi OC): *walking like normal people down the aisle*
Kanoa/Noah/Aditya: *from the archives room* InTo ThE uNkNoWn-!!
Aly: Uhh...
Alicia: *opens the conference room door* I wasn't the only one who heard that, was I?
Arjun: I heard it too *sighs dissapointed*
Alicia: Alright *looks at the archive room* I'll leave Luke to lead with this *shrugs* want some tea?
Aly: Yep! I have some things to tell too~
Alicia: Ohhh, nice
Arjun: ...Yeah, why not? *nods*
Kanoa/Noah/Aditya: INTO THE UNKNOWN!!!
Alicia/Arjun: *groan*
(90% of this came from pinterest but I lost the videos ;-; sorry. I hope you enjoy this!)
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