madmadammimblr · 1 year
Updated Fanfic List
My AO3 name is maeveofconnacht :)
Full-length stories
Cobweb Potion (ALOTO, Gretson) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/42704973/chapters/107279862
Older Eyes (X-Files, MSR) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/32392261/chapters/80310004
Who’s a Heretic Now? (X-Files/ Silence of the Lambs crossover) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/29245845/chapters/71812791
Athens, Nebraska (X-Files, MSR) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/23995651/chapters/57722470
Short stories
But Isn’t Midnight Intermittent? (X-Files/The Fall, S/S) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/28268097/chapters/69272994
Sleepover at the Smithsonian (X-Files, MSR) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/37226716/chapters/92879134
Readings (Buffy, Fuffy) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/37697341/chapters/94110445
One shots and others  
A Cup of Tea on a Sunday (X-Files/ The Fall, S/S) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/34439053
Smores (X-Files, MSR) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/39064629/chapters/97720680
X-Files AITAs (X-Files, MSR) -https://archiveofourown.org/works/40270866/chapters/100869366
X-Files Verse (X-Files, MSR) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/37381126/chapters/93282493
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palepinkpores · 1 year
maybe charlie comes around to meet new baby anna and gracie and QUICKLY becomes the most favorite uncle💙
We love Uncle Charlie!
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scullyverse · 2 years
This was written purely because I needed some fluffy respite from some other things I’ve been writing. I hope you all enjoy!
And for all my msr fans, I’m sorry that it’s another Stella/Scully fic….I just also needed a break from the very heterosexual smut fics I’ve been writing 😂 and these two are my weakness.
This is unbeta’d, so all mistakes are on me.
Also available to read on AO3
Completely AU. Stella and Dana enjoy a peaceful picnic in the park.
Stella/Scully || Fluff || 1.3k words || Rating G
“Why don’t we do this more often?”
Stella’s question stirs Dana from her quiet reverence of the rare, pleasant weather — considering they are smack bang in the middle of autumn in London.
Dana hums and allows her eyes to flutter shut, head snuggling further into Stella’s lap, the detective’s delicate fingers brushing through her hair.
At times like this she’s glad she grew her hair out.
“I think you should ask your miserable London weather about that,” Dana replies with a cheeky smile creeping onto her lips.
“It’s your miserable London weather too, darling,” Stella looks down at her wife laid out on their picnic blanket, a quirk to her brow.
Dana opens an eye and squints, managing to catch the amusement on Stella’s face through the sharp rays of sunshine radiating behind her head; marveling at the angelic halo it creates — highlighting soft blonde curls and revealing the few stray hairs rippling in the slight autumn breeze.
They haven’t had the time or energy to make many plans just for themselves lately. So when the sun broke through their bedroom curtains and the uncharacteristic warmth overtook them, a picnic in the park sounded like perfection.
After a few hastily purchased snacks from the local supermarket and the blanket from their car, they now made themselves comfortable on a grassy hill; the small shade of a growing elm tree providing just the right touch of reprieve from the sun.
“I’ve missed this,” Dana sighs contently, looking up to watch Stella sip on her bottle of orange juice, fingers still playing in her hair.
“I have too,” Stella allows her fingers to move down to Dana’s cheek, her thumb brushing over it softly.
“But, we’ve had other things to focus on.”
Dana smiles.
A true, pure , smile that radiates from her lips into a glistening twinkle to her eyes. 
There’s a warmth blossoming in her chest at the proud look on Stella’s face as she looks down at her; like she’s the most treasured thing to ever exist.
And up until now, she was sure that she alone held that place in Stella’s heart.
Now, she has to share that pedestal.
A soft cry — delicate and squeaky — makes Dana turn her head towards the bundle of pink fluffy blankets starting to stir. Her heart melts and her nipples tingle at the sound of their daughter — only a few months old — seeking the comfort of her mothers. That and rooting around to fulfil her hungry stomach.
“It’s okay, baby, you’re okay,” Dana coos, getting up onto her knees — with more effort than she would express — to gather their baby into her arms.
The little cotton bunny ears of her beanie hit Dana’s chest as their daughter instinctively searches her chest with an arched mouth, seeking, as tiny fingers clench and unclench against Dana’s skin.
“I was hoping she might have slept a little longer,” Dana settles down at Stella’s side — her wife nuzzling up to her so she can run a fingertip lovingly up and down the arch of her daughter's nose. “I didn’t bring her feeding blanket.”
Dana’s cheeks blush with a looming anxiety as she looks around the crowded park; filled with young families, couples, and office workers using their lunch break to relax in the sun. Her anxiety only grows when their daughter cries in frustration; her cheeks growing red as her nose scrunches up under Stella’s finger.
“I have my cardigan if that will help?”
Stella reaches for her loosely knitted jacket, giving it to Dana who nods — a visible relaxation to her shoulders.
Stella watches both of them — captivated in an awe that hasn’t quite left her since their daughter was born — and can’t help but place a kiss to Dana’s lips.
Dana startles in pleasant surprise before smiling into the kiss. It’s quick, but no less thoughtful.
The baby cries again — growing louder with her frustration — her thick eyelashes wetting with unshed tears.
“Shh, my love,” Stella brushes the baby’s nose again.
Dana juggles the squirming weight in her arms as she adjusts her shirt to reveal her breast, their daughter quick to latch on and gurgle between sobbing hiccups against her skin.
Stella places her cardigan over Dana’s shoulder to shield her wife’s modesty and allow their daughter to enjoy her lunch in peace.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this feeling,” Dana squirms, one of her eyes scrunching at a particularly rough tug at her nipple.
"Feels different to when I suck your tits, then?” Stella jokes, taking another drink and smirking around the rim.
“Very ,” Dana rolls her eyes, nudging Stella gently with her shoulder, her free hand resting lovingly on Stella’s thigh. “And please, never compare the two again.”
Stella chuckles, her fingers intertwining with Dana’s on her thigh.
“I suppose I can restrain myself in the future,” Stella promises with a kiss to Dana’s chubby cheek — her baby weight still lingering stubbornly, much to Stella’s adoration.
“Good,” Dana leans into her kiss before stealing a playful look — one loaded with promised desires. “Otherwise, I’ll have to punish you.”
Stella grins — outright grins — at the idea with an appreciative rumble in her throat.
Dana still needs time to heal; her labor became more complicated than first expected, but that — so far — hasn’t stopped them from doing other things.
Those other things often left Stella breathless and utterly satisfied…But it did leave Stella with a guilty niggle whenever she saw the flush of obvious arousal to Dana’s cheek — knowing that, for now, things couldn’t be reciprocated.
“Hold onto that thought until you’re ready,” Stella kisses her again, this time with a promise to the corner of her mouth. “And when I can ravish you in return.”
Dana sighs with a smile and adjusts the baby in her arms, switching her to her other breast with a growing skill as Stella helps to fix her shirt. As their daughter resumes her feeding — this time with a little less enthusiasm now she’s getting full — Dana sags into Stella’s embrace, resting her head on Stella’s shoulder.
They sit like that; basking in the warmth of the sun, until Dana notices the consistent suckle to her nipple has ceased.
“Can you take her while I fix myself?”
Stella nods, of course, and carefully takes the heavy weight of their daughter into her arms. She’s out like a light, eyes closed with her lips parted ever so slightly. 
Stella takes in every minute feature; the rosy blush to her cheeks, the slightest brush of freckles on her button nose — which is curved just like her mothers — and the butter soft strawberry blonde hair peeking out from underneath her bunny beanie.
Her fingertip traces the curve of her nose again before kissing her forehead with a deep inhale.
The baby sighs deeply in her sleep at the familiar touch.
“God, she loves you,” Dana admits, her eyes as soft and loving as her forehead. “She never settles that quickly for me. You’ve got the magic touch.”
“Perhaps,” Stella ponders as she pulls the baby closer for a sneaky cuddle before putting her back into her travel carrier, being gentle as to not wake her. “But she’ll always be a mommy’s girl.”
“We’ll see,” Dana settles against Stella again — not quite ready to leave the peaceful spot they’ve claimed for the moment. Dana plays with the diamond around Stella’s ring finger. “I think our little Ellie is going to be the biggest mama’s girl in the world. I have my suspicion she’s gonna be your little shadow.”
Stella looks down at Dana, the redhead marveling about how completely, how utterly, content she looks at that very moment — how happy she is, for the first time in so long.
“I couldn’t think of anything I’d love more.”
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texaschainsawmascara · 10 months
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Gillian Anderson, Melody Maker ‘97
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welphereweare22 · 2 months
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doggystyle, sideways, frontwards, backwards, upside down, 360 degrees, no condom, skin on skin, on the living room, on the bedroom, on the fridge, on the closet, on the ceiling, on the wall, the bathroom, on the couch, on the car, AND on the street
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spookiscully · 8 months
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Gillian Anderson for Net-A-Porter (2023)
Photography Philip Messman | Styling Charlotte Blazeby
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poopyhead42 · 1 year
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stephy-gold · 4 months
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Also the BELIEVE 🤩🤩🤩 “very clever…” aksjakajskajsjsjajsjsakajjsjasakk I’m dead
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tiredactivist · 10 months
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thank u connie. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GILLIAN ANDERSON. loml. forever and always.
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mementomori047 · 2 months
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Meowing in British
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lilyflowerhere · 5 months
I don't have type
Also me when she is a traumatized female detective
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palepinkpores · 2 years
I don’t know how many people look at my Tumblr and just my Tumblr (not my Twitter as well) but I know I’ve got a fair few requests sitting in my inbox for my Light series on AO3.
Just to let you know, I haven’t forgotten your prompts! You’ve been amazing and given me some great ones which I am working towards writing but I can’t write them all straight away as most of them take place further ahead than where I’m up to in Aureate (such as the process of Stella getting pregnant, etc). I will make sure I write each and every one of them when I get up to those parts in my writing, I promise.
I just wanted to post this to ensure you that I haven’t forgotten and to let you know how grateful I am for your patience and interest in my writing. ❤️
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scullyverse · 2 years
is anyone considering participating in Kinktober this year?? whether it be with fics or fanart or any other form?
I have a template of prompts that I’m going to be using and was wondering if anyone else wanted it? I tried to keep 99% of the prompt words neutral in gender (some are a bit more of a stretch but the majority are able to be worked for most genders)
I’m personally writing fics but they would work for fanart too 🥰 let me know and I can post it on here!
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clark-hailey77 · 2 years
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Gillian Anderson - Rolling Stone Magazine [February 1997] Photography by Mark Seliger
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welphereweare22 · 2 months
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My Gillian and Doctor Who heart 😱😭💓
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jetaimedarling · 6 months
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I am very gay
I can make one for u, send me a message or inbox me about who u want!
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