#Star Wars TROKR
eirenare · 4 years
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Oh no Ren got hotter
H  E  L  P
... also “hi” to sneaky Ben in the panels and honestly Ben is hitting me in the feels in the preview images, specially with that childhood flashback
(“The Rise of Kylo Ren” #3)
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The Knights of Ren have a reputation to keep.
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earstwo · 4 years
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yesterday i died, tomorrow’s bleeding fall       into       your       s u n l i g h t
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obiben · 5 years
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  I named you after my only hope.
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proserpineisback · 4 years
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Callbacks Part 2
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mother-of-felines · 3 years
I used to be kinda ambivalent about a movie or tv series based on The Rise of Kylo Ren comics but the more I think about it the more I like the idea.
It might actually help Ben Solo haters see him from a more empathetic point of view. 🤞🏻
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Back to rant again because WTAF, Lucasfilm???
The saddest part of this quote is that HE'S RIGHT. As the comic series has made abundantly clear, Ben Solo NEVER had a choice in his entire life. He was ALWAYS defined by the mistakes of his family, always targeted for his parentage, always always ALWAYS a victim. He never got to choose until the end of TROS and by then he valued himself so little that he thought the only good he could do was die. He chose death. I mean yes, he saved Rey, but the novel makes clear that he believed the galaxy was better off with her than with him. He chose death because he thought it was all he was good for, because HIS ABUSERS (including Luke who wanted to use him as a pet perfect Jedi) MADE HIM THINK THAT. Because he NEVER HAD A CHOICE. He didn't get to choose to be a Skywalker, or to NOT be one.
But then REY, who it turns out was born to both Dark and Light just like Ben was and yet was never groomed and abused and manipulated for her power the way Ben was, SHE gets to choose. SHE GETS TO CHOOSE not to be a Palpatine (even though the father who gave her that name was a good man). SHE gets to choose to be a Skywalker (but only takes the Light side of the family legacy, not that pesky Dark). SHE gets to be saved by her good parents who died to protect her, SHE gets to be saved by Ben Solo who also died for her. By CHOOSING not to be a Palpatine and choosing to be a Skywalker, she manages to erase ALL THE PEOPLE WHO DIED FOR HER with that single choice. Parents? Nope, disavowed. Soulmate? Nah, replaced as the child his parents always wanted. TROS-Rey is a monster. And Ben is the ultimate tragic victim.
I am so horrified and grossed out. I cannot believe this is what Star Wars has become. This is the ending we were sold as "happy." I will never consider the ST canon, ever. The best I can do is considering TLJ a high-production-value work of fanfiction. But I f*cking reject EVERYTHING about TROS.
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trickstersmagic · 4 years
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I was gonna put that Tai was his first kiss too but I couldn’t fit all that in there.
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blackwidowsim · 4 years
So it‘s now canon that Rey and Ben felt each other way before they met.
That means the light Ben was feeling all along wasn’t just metaphorically Rey, it was literally Rey‘s light he felt and couldn’t shut off.
We really got tragic soulmates, huh?
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sarcastictictacs · 4 years
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This hurts me
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kylosbreedingkink · 2 years
So how much does Ren Prime even eat?
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So how much does Ren eat? I estimate it to be roughly 4500kcal - 5100kcal per day. According to the NHS, the recommended daily intake for an average man is 2500kcal. So basically, Ren eats a fuckload of food.
I came to this figure mainly out of my arse and by using a body building calculator found on a popular body builder website, with the following inputs:
Age: 45
Sex: Male
Height: 205cm (Height from @startrasherbase useful height graph)
Weight: 134kg (Difficult to estimate, see below)
Goal: Gain weight (I doubt this guy ever looked at himself and thought ‘Yes. Yes this is enough’)
Activity level: Extra active (Working out 6-7 days, constantly on very physical heists)
Read on for more info on my guesstimates.
Estimating the weight is the hardest thing.
He's pretty tall, and height adds more weight than people seem to expect, and of course he's incredibly bulky. So finding a height and frame size reference was difficult. I started by looking at pro wrestlers, then realised that their billed heights and weights will be exaggerated, because wrestling. (Saying that, once I had a ball mark guess, I did compare a bit to The Rock, and it seems like it could be accurate with his billed height and weight)
So then I thought… What about Arnold Schwarzenegger? He is 15cm shorter than Ren and a bodybuilder who cuts a lot for competitions. But thankfully google tells us his out of competition weight of 118kg. Using this as something to work from.
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Let me know if anyone can think of a better match, this guy isn't as tall as Ren but I think the body type here is quite similar. Bulky, defined abs and chest, not cut to bodybuilding competition levels. That triangle of large shoulders.
Apparently Schwarzenegger weighed about 104kg at this point in his life. Weighing 104kg would be 4016kcal per day according to the calculator. Now, Ren is 15cm taller.
I did a quick search, and good old quora said 1-2kg added per cm of height. I don't know how accurate this is I cba with looking deeper. So that is 15-30 extra kg on Ren. 119kg - 134kg. But, let’s be honest, it will be on the higher range there as look at the sheer size of the lad. Therefore, 134kg.
The age is also a complete guess, but 45 feels like it could work for TRoKR age. Could also take 50 I suppose.
Whichever it is, Ren eats a shit ton of food. Extra meals a day, snacking constantly… Or maybe he just forgoes water for additional protein shakes? Do they have protein shakes in Star Wars? What would a daily meal plan look like for this guy?
If anyone can offer more insight on building mass and being a Big Lad, I’d love to hear it!
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eirenare · 4 years
OH KRIFF I just finished reading “The Rise of Kylo Ren” #1 (I was able to get it on Kindle from Amazon, luckily, because I was having problems with Comixology) and it has me:
t r e m b l i n g
[More under a “read more” because of spoilers of TROKR and some mentions of TROS speculation.]
I was surprised to see that the comic started with the Knights of Ren and Mr. Hottie McHotHot aka their leader. And the more I see, the more my suspicions arise about him being Ben from the future or another timeline. Like, yeah, not as if a comic called “The Rise of Kylo Ren” starting with someone apparently other than Ben, masked, saying “I am called Ren. But that’s not my name”, is... pretty kriffing suspicious
And, honestly, I’m super excited speculating about this
It’s hilarious because I’ve been trembling from page one, and everything gets even more epic considering I had an “eerie” playlist while reading
The bad thing? Kindle for PC apparently has no zoom (why), so I kinda lose a lot of details, but well, hopefully the Android version will have it
But yeah, I’m just... I’m overall blown away. Ben’s expressions are absolutely nailed (page 17 was like a big ouch with him putting on that expression, and my goodness, page 22 slayed me there in the spot specially with him remembering Leia T_T And page 26... “I never... I didn’t want this”... Ben... </3 Q_Q) and now I have so many feels. Damn. The art, overall, is astounding
Tai’s such a good man, and really believed Ben... Ouch :( I really hope he doesn’t die, but... yeah, I have a feeling he’s just gonna die. Voe (who has a damn badass design) and Hennix are interesting, but seeing them draw their lightsabers from the start and not believing Ben stings. So, yeah: stan Tai for believing Ben
WHAT. IS. THAT. I love it and it looks gorgeous but WHAT THE KRIFF IS THAT?? It gives me THE CREEPS and the only thing I can think of “hey look at this modified Mortis” and “oh look, giant tree of life but dead”
The first thing that comes to my mind is that he’s draining that place of life
I really hope this piece of shit Snoke/Palpatine (whatever he is exactly) dies a most painful (and hopefully humilliating) death in TROS asdfbflfnglgmg
The fact that Ben hugged him?? Just how much had this baby been lied and manipulated and— *internally screaming in anger and sadness*
I swear to any deity out there, if Ben dies in TROS with no resurrection, if he doesn’t have a happy ending, I’m going to rage inside
I’m still trembling, guys—and tomorrow we got TROS going on, just a little bit more than 24h in my case...
I’m barely holding on asdffffnflfnflgbflgnglgn
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Ben’s story is called ‘The Lost Boy’
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jenniferladybug · 4 years
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Saving what we love.
The goodest boy to ever boy. 
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agir1ukn0w · 4 years
Attention Reylo Fam!
After hearing some disturbing rumors on social media that Lucasfilm may be considering pulling back the release of The Rise of Kylo Ren in order to change some major plot details of Ben Solo’s journey to becoming Kylo Ren (specifically his involvement in the destruction of Luke’s academy), I have decided to write a letter to Lucasfilm asking them, if the rumors are indeed true, not to do so. Obviously it is more than likely that the things I’ve been hearing are no more than supposition, given that I’ve only seen them on Tumblr, however I would still like to voice some of my concerns and the collective concerns of the fandom to Lucasfilm if there is a small chance they will receive my letter and take it seriously.
I have just finished my first draft, and I wanted to post it here so that you may read it and give me suggestions on things I should change or add on in the comments. I value the input of my reylo family, and I want to be as truthful and accurately representative of the feelings of the collective fandom as I can. I will post the draft below the cut, and also, if you would like your name to be included in the signing of the letter (either your blog url or, if you are comfortable, your real name), please let me know and I will add you to the list.
Dear Disney Lucasfilm Ltd.,
I would like to preface this letter by saying think you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all the wonderment and inspiration that you have given me these past four years of my life. These movies, tv shows, books, etc. have been a cornerstone of my cultural upbringing since before I can remember and I personally believe that Star Wars is the single greatest tale in the history of the world. I thank you with all my heart for carrying it forward so honorably.
That being said, I still very much believe in this story’s potential to be a beacon of empowerment for those who feel so disenfranchised and even oppressed in the real world. I still believe that this story is capable of making children look up and believe in themselves and their power to make a difference.
I don’t think I’ll ever fully understand the reasons why you made the choices you made with regards to Episode IX: TROS. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a fine movie, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. No work of art can possibly please everyone, and I would also like to thank the cast and crew for working so hard and putting their entire souls into these projects these past several years.
This has all been a roundabout way of coming to the main point of my letter to you. Specifically, this letter concerns the character Ben Solo.
I’m sure that you have been hearing and seeing a variety of heated emotions on social media concerning the fate of this character. The first time I met him way back in TFA, I knew that he was someone special; even then I felt a very deep connection with his struggle and began to root for him. The arc that you gave him in TROS was beautiful, and everything I really wanted to see. I’d been hoping for his redemption for a long time, and to see it so beautifully acted on screen was truly inspiring. Although I must say that I really could have done without his death, for the purpose of this particular letter, I will digress from that opinion, even though I know for a fact that I am not the only one who holds it. At the end of the day, Ben’s storyline was fulfilled because he overcame the darkness within him, helped Rey to defeat the ultimate Evil, and brought her back to life with his love. I couldn’t have asked for more.
However, I have been hearing rumors on social media which are very concerning. A few people have suggested that Lucasfilm plans to pull back the release of the comic The Rise of Kylo Ren by Charles Soule in order to change some of the major details of Ben Solo’s story to better fit with what happened in the movie. Specifically, I am referring to the very important fact that Ben actually didn’t kill his fellow students in cold blood and that he didn’t set his uncle’s academy on fire. I don’t know if this rumor is even true, and I pray that it isn’t. The fact that I have as yet only seen these rumors on social media leads me to believe that there is little probability to it.
However, I cannot convey to you the depth of my despair should they turn out to be true. And I know that I am not alone. The fandom has already seen the plates, clearly showing that it was not Ben who set fire to his uncle’s academy. It would be a huge mistake to completely redo them now, and I can tell you with absolute certainty that you would lose the good faith and trust of many people in this fanbase.
I have written this letter to implore you all at Lucasfilm, if these rumors are indeed true, to please rethink your strategies; Speak with your fans directly, understand their viewpoints and how important this character is to so many. I won’t tell you how much I personally love and care for the character of Ben Solo so as not to take up too much space in the letter, but there are many others who love him feel a much deeper connection with the character than I. Should you chose to do this, you would not only be drastically changing important details of the character’s life, but you would also be taking his own past from him. So many dedicated fans will feel disenfranchised. Furthermore, your sales would go down drastically. I cannot tell you how devastated the vast majority of your fans would be. We all want justice for Ben Solo, and if we cannot have it through him living a long and happy life, we deserve to see it through the truthful telling of his past.
Both Disney and Lucasfilm have been major centers of hope and inspiration for me throughout my life. The messages that you send, that even those who have made terrible decisions in their lives can be gravely misunderstood by others, and that they can always make things right, is extremely important to me. And the story of Ben Solo is one which I have followed closely since I saw The Force Awakens for the first time. I believed in his ability to redeem himself even before the information that what happened at Luke’s academy wasn’t his fault came out. Even when it was assumed that he had killed his fellow students, I believed in him because that is what Star Wars is about. Belief, hope, and understanding. In The Last Jedi, Leia says, “Hope is like the sun. If you only believe in it when you can see it, you’ll never make it through the night.” I have held on to that message ever since I heard it, and it has gotten me through many tough, emotional times in my life. I know that you respect your fans, and we as a fandom have not given up hope that you will do what is right for these characters.
Once again, before I close out this letter, please accept my deepest gratitude for all that this company has done to bring Star Wars into a new generation, inspiring us to go forward and create our own stories and modern myths. I am, and always will be proud to be a Star Wars fan.
Let me know what you guys think, I am excited to mail this letter!
Peace, Love, and Reylo💜
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stoppingby · 3 years
guys finally made it through the rise of kylo ren (with a lot of pauses to stave off tears) uhm that was a lot and… ugh my poor baby
also i’m completely on board w something going on w tai and ben once upon a time
ugh but genuinely SO sad and so worth it
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