Just Look at You, Baby- Poe Dameron x f!reader
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Main Masterlist | Star Wars Masterlist | Poe Dameron Masterlist
Rating: E for EXPLICIT MDNI 18+
Summary: After a recon mission gone wrong, you attempt to blow off some steam. Commander Dameron interrupts and decides to lend a hand.
Word Count: 2359
Warnings: reader is able-bodied but otherwise undescribed, teasing, masturbation, use of a sex toy, mirror sex, frottage
Author's Note: Happy Birthday to Oscar Isaac! This fic was inspired by this post. Shout out to @beskarandblasters and @catchallfangirl for beta reading. Thank you both for encouraging the brainrot!
It was just supposed to be a recon mission. Spying on a planet suspected of having a First Order base on it. You weren’t planning on being shot at. You weren’t planning on being chased by TIE fighters. When Commander Dameron tells you to fall back, you disregard his order. 
“I’ll just lead them back to the cruiser, to everyone, if I do that!”
“That wasn’t a suggestion! Disengage and fall back! That’s an order!” He shouts. You kill the comms in response and begin flying the evasive maneuvers he taught you when he recruited you to Black Squadron. It doesn’t take long in your T-70 X-Wing to lose the TIEs and jump to hyperspace. You're a good enough pilot that you didn’t take even a single hit. You're better than Commander Dameron, even. Not that he’d ever admit it. 
Once you park on the cruiser, you hop out and begin making your way out of the hangar. You almost make it to the door when he catches up with you. 
“Hey!” You hear from behind you, stopping you in your tracks. You roll your eyes and sigh before turning to face him. 
“Yes?” There is no mistaking the edge in your voice. 
“What the hell were you doing out there?” Another sigh. Another roll of the eyes. 
“I was trying to get my ass out of there, without risking the safety of everyone on this cruiser!” When he huffs out a breath you add, “You’re welcome, by the way.”
“I gave you a direct order!” 
You don’t bother answering. There’s no point arguing with him. He is your commanding officer, after all. But he only seems to care about following orders when he’s the one giving them. You spin on your heel and start for the door once more. 
“I’m not finished!” He calls after you. 
“I am!” You call back without turning around, giving him the finger over your shoulder. You smile when you hear him grunt in frustration. A quiet thought appears in your brain. Is that what he sounds like when he- you stop the thought before it goes any further. It wouldn’t be appropriate. Besides, nobody on this ship grates on your nerves quite like Poe Dameron. 
You stew about it all the way to your quarters. When you soap up in the shower you absolutely do not briefly imagine that it’s his hands scrubbing your skin, soaping your breasts, sliding down the curve of your ass. When you get out and dry off, you don’t wonder what his stupid face would look like if he was watching you. When you slip into your bunk you don’t pretend like it’s his fingers, thicker than yours and calloused from doing maintenance on his X-Wing, sliding under the waistband of your shorts instead of yours. You stuff your fingers inside of yourself, not thinking about how his would fill you up better. 
This isn’t enough, you think, pulling your hand out and wiping it on the sheets. You reach into the bottom drawer of the steel table next to your bunk. You pull out the vibrator you picked up at a specialty shop in a market the last time you were on Naboo. You’d hidden it, buried it deep in your pack until you got back to the cruiser. It’s not warm, it doesn’t tremble or throb under your touch. But it gets the job done. 
You toss your blanket off your legs and shimmy your shorts down. You twist the knob on the bottom until you find your favorite setting. You run the tip of it over your clit and a jolt of pleasure shoots through your spine. Fuck, you whisper quietly. You trace small circles with even pressure until you find a rhythm that suits you. You palm your breast with your free hand, fingers ghosting over your nipple. Definitely not thinking about the wet heat of Poe’s tongue flicking it, covering it with his mouth. 
Your eyes fall closed and your back arches off the bed, your mouth hangs open in a silent scream. Your door flies open, banging against the wall and scaring the hell out of you. You scream in surprise and fling your hand towards the intruder instinctively. Before you can stop it your vibrator bounces off the chest of none other than Poe Dameron. His mouth is twisted into a shocked smirk and his eyes widen in surprise when your vibrator, still buzzing, hits the durasteel floor. It rattles loudly, echoing off the walls. 
“Close the kriffing door!” You shout, jolting him from where he stands frozen and staring. You throw your blanket over your head and try to make yourself as small as possible. You hear the door click shut and pull your head back out. Surprisingly, Poe is still standing there, watching your vibrator buzz in circles on the floor. “I meant with you on the other side!” You growl at him. 
“I- sorry.” Is all he manages to get out. He tries to find somewhere else to look but his eyes just flit between yours and the floor. 
“Get. Out.” you say shoving him towards the door. Instead, he bends over and picks up your vibrator. First, he turns it all the way up, then he turns it off. You can see the laughter that he’s holding back and you can’t help but to snicker as well. If there was anyone you wouldn’t have wanted to catch you in this position, it’s him. “What are you even doing here?” you ask, pulling the blanket off your bed and wrapping it around yourself. 
“I wasn’t done yelling at you for almost getting yourself killed today. But, uh, I can come back later. I can see you’re… busy .” You bury your face in your hands and groan loudly as tears prick at the corners of your eyes. You sniffle to hold them back and Poe walks closer to you. He places a hand on your shoulder. “Hey. It's okay. I’m really sorry.”
“Ugh! This is so embarrassing !”
“It’s not embarrassing. What do you think we all do when we go to bed at night?”
“Yeah, well I doubt you’re doing it in front of General Organa.”
He snorts out a laugh and you join him, finally uncovering your face. “Oh, man! Could you imagine?”
“Okay, can you please go now? I promise I’ll let you keep yelling at me tomorrow. I’ll set aside time for it. But, for now, I’d really like to try to salvage what’s left of my dignity.” 
He holds his hand out, the one with your still slick vibrator in it. “I could go,” he begins. You reach out to grab it from him but he pulls his hand back, holding it out of your reach. He leans his head close to yours and whispers in your ear, “or I could stay.”
You let out a soft gasp at the idea. All the things you weren’t imagining before come flooding back to you. 
“We shouldn’t be-” 
“No. We shouldn’t. But I want to, anyway.” He nudges the blanket wrapped around your shoulders and you let it drop to the floor. He tosses the vibrator on the bed and pulls your shirt over your head. It falls to the floor and Poe holds you by your shoulders, drinking you in. “I’ve thought about this a lot.” he says quietly. 
“I haven’t.” You are nothing if not stubborn. 
“Brat." he replies, but he’s smiling. He leans over slowly, capturing your bottom lip between his. You slide your tongue along his, only breaking apart for him to take his clothes off. Once he’s bare he jerks his head towards your bunk. “Get on the bed.” For once in all the time you’ve known him, the authoritative tone in his voice doesn’t irritate you. You climb into your bunk and before he joins you, he walks over to the door. You admire his thick thighs and the jiggle in his plush ass as he does. He clicks the lock and turns back to you, smiling even wider. “Don’t need a repeat of what just happened.” 
“Get over here before I change my mind and finish myself off.”  He crosses the room in two steps, climbing on top of you. The weight of his broad, strong body settles on top of you. The trail of hair below his belly button tickles your mound. He kisses along your jaw and his stubble rubs your skin and it’ll probably hurt tomorrow but you can’t think about that now. All you can think about is his hands on you, his mouth. His cock is pressed between your bodies, getting harder by the second. 
You roll your hips against him, pressing your cunt into the soft swell of his stomach. Poe drops his forehead to your chest and groans, sending vibrations through your body. He kisses down your sternum, torso, and just before he reaches where you are so desperate to feel his mouth, he sits back on his heels. He grabs your vibrator from the bed and turns the knob on the bottom, buzzing fills the air. 
He licks his lips when he spreads your lips apart with the fingers of his free hand. He touches the toy to your clit, but just barely. Your hips jerk up instinctively but he holds you down with his forearm across your stomach. The hunger in his eyes, the intensity of his stare makes you feel self conscious suddenly. You cover your face with your hands, content to just feel him. When Poe takes notice he removes his hands from you. 
“Hey. None of that.” You drop your hands from your face with a sigh. “Don’t cover up. I want to see you. All of you.” 
When you don’t respond Poe stands from the bed. You expect him to start dressing himself, to leave you alone, dripping and aching for his touch. Instead, he walks to the edge of your bed and sits, facing the full length mirror on the wall across. He turns at the waist and grabs your ankle, pulling you towards him. 
“Come here. Sit in my lap.” You do as he asks, settling your ass on the bed in between his spread legs. “I said in my lap.” He throws your legs over his own, spreading them wide. His cock is pressed up against your lower back. You lean your head back, resting it on his shoulder, looking up at the ceiling. Your back is pressed against his chest, sweat sticking your bodies together. He grabs your chin and gently tugs your head forward, until your eyes meet his in the mirror. “Just look at you, baby.” he breathes into your ear. 
You raise one of your arms above your head and thread your fingers through his thick curls. He traces a long line with his fingertips down your arm, down the swell of the side of your breast, down your torso and hip. When he reaches your thigh he grips the meat of it, squeezing tightly. “Look at how beautiful you are like this. Spread open and slick for me.” 
Your breath comes in whining pants now. You ache for him to touch you. To quell the gnawing, throbbing feeling inside of you. As if reading your thoughts, he trails his finger to the inside of your thigh and towards where you want him, need him, to touch you. He ghosts his fingers across your slick entrance, and up over your clit. 
When he pulls his hand away again, you groan out in frustration. “If you’re just gonna tease me, I am perfectly capable of doing this on my own.” He laughs against your neck and kisses your shoulder. 
“Impatient, aren’t we?” He reaches for your vibrator and twists the knob with his thumb. “Such a needy little thing.” 
Finally , he nudges the toy slowly inside of you, savoring the quiet moans that fall from your mouth. When you start to lean your head back again, his free hand grips your chin. He holds you there, facing the mirror, never breaking eye contact with you until the vibrator is nestled deep inside of you. Your walls flutter around the vibrating silicone and you wish it was him that was buried deep inside you instead. 
He fucks the toy in and out of you, watching where it stretches you open. His thumb never stops working your clit. He finally finds it, the spot he was looking for. The spot that lights a fire in your belly. Your moans grow louder and he inches his hand up, covering your mouth. “Gotta be quiet, baby.” You whimper behind his hand as he continues working your clit. “Don’t want everyone to hear how good I’m fucking you, huh?” 
Your legs begin to shake and you can feel his leaking cock twitching where it’s wedge between your back and his stomach. He snaps his mouth closed and breathes through his nose. His nostrils flare in time with your own heaving breaths. Your orgasm hits you like a railspeeder, punching your breath out of you. Your dripping cunt clenches on the vibrator and your moans grow louder behind Poe’s hand. His mouth falls open and he lets out a low growl. It reverberates through your body and you feel the warm, sticky spurts of his own release against your back. It drips down to your ass and you bat his hand away as you near overstimulation. 
Your body collapses against his as you attempt to catch your breath. He wraps his arms around you and falls back on your bed. He kisses your neck and shoulders, rubs his hands over your body until it settles against his. “We should get cleaned up.” He rasps, kissing the crown of your head. “I don’t wanna sleep with come all over me.” 
“Kind of presumptuous of you isn’t it? Thinking I want you to stay?” 
He barks out a laugh and shakes his head. “Brat.” He lands a light swat against your ass. 
He does end up staying the night with you, though neither of you get much sleep. 
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deepinthelight · 5 months
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The Bad Batch and the Mandolorian really do be propping up and trying to breathe life into this one disaster of a line from Rise of Skywalker:
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amanda2119 · 2 months
Hi it’s missing them hours. I love my babies so much. I’m always hoping they’ll bring Ben back somehow. 🩵💙
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h2o-my-gods · 20 days
Does anybody still read Kylo Ren x reader fics?
(Asking for a friend)
((Definitly not because I have a couple to post))
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melymigo · 3 months
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tarzelladraws · 2 years
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They made it off Exogol. They’re fine.
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theki11ingmoon · 2 years
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easily the most beautiful and absolutely soul destroying scenes in star wars. their connection displayed so strongly but without any words. you can almost hear their hearts shatter, and the realisation hit them. honestly never fails to make me cry 😭😭 especially when anakin starts crying, as he knows what he will do is wrong, but is so blinded by love for Padmé that he cannot and will not back down. this feels like a silent apology, a begging for forgiveness.
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beststarwars · 1 year
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poesababe · 2 years
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Take that ridiculous thing off
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deepinthelight · 1 year
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Kissing Adam Driver
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nerdtamin · 18 days
Why Kylo Ren maliciously teases Rey about her origin throughout The Rise of Skywalker (it's not what you think)
It is truly no surprise that Kylo Ren seems to enjoy pressing Rey's buttons. There's something about pushing her to the edge that gives him that rush. However, when rewatching TROS, I noticed that he tends to have a hint of excitement in his tone when talking to Rey about her past. Which begs the question: Why not just tell her about her connection to Palpatine when they're connected? Why wait to be seen face-to-face? What difference does it make? Well, I'm about to tell you.
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There's no doubt that Kylo wants nothing more than to have Rey by his side. She is his other half after all. However, Ms. Little to perfect has nothing he can truly use against her. Until now.
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Those three little words cut Kylo more deeply than he would like to admit. Sure, he's always FELT like a monster and even been treated like one. However, no one has uttered the words until Rey and they've stuck by him ever since. He brings it up again in their second bond in The Last Jedi and it's mentioned in the novelization of The Rise of Skywalker ("...There was no denying that the Jedi would consider Kylo Ren to be natural, too. An abomination, A monster, the scavenger had said. pg 26). So, What does this have to do with Kylo Ren withholding Rey's parentage as long as he can?
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Kylo Ren is savoring every moment of the biggest irony that came into both their lives. Rey called him a Monster, and yet she's related to the biggest Monster that the galaxy has ever known. It's all too funny. He has information to finally humble little Ms. High and Mighty.
You're a Monster
You are a Palpatine.
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7 notes · View notes
Im not even gonna lie..if they replaced crusty ol’ palpy with MAUL in TROS I would have been completely okay with that
Like no explanation needed for how he’s back
I’d just accept it
I might’ve definitely would’ve even cheered him on
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manic-vagabond · 10 months
Kylo Ren and Rey from Star Wars: TROS
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darthskys · 1 year
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me explaining the sequel trilogy & slug, & the subsequent live slug reaction, & cross-referencing it to gay ships she would know, in order to make my mother realize why the gay human & slug couple on jedi survivor is Funny, Actually
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