#Sonic HCs
sonicattos · 3 months
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btxtyuri · 4 days
how can sonic be so bisexual aroace and trans at the same time
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pocketscribbs · 1 year
here, have some small lemur doodles:
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and take some headcanons while you’re at it:
- she and Jewel were about the same height when they were little, tho Tangle hit her growth spurt early teens while Jewel stopped growing around 11
- i’m fairly certain Tangle was that kid who chewed/ate their popsicle sticks
- she was definitely a stuffed animal kid(probably still is) but she’d always play too rough with them and she’d feel AWFUL whenever her ‘mini friends’ ripped
- the lemur has a bunch of scars from whatever dangerous antics she got into, one of which was a nasty cut, smack-dab on her forehead, it never bothered her but the thing stuck out like a sore thumb, and no she does not remember how she got it
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h31fd3ad · 1 month
Sonic has an obscene amount of tails merch, and he will argue with teenagers about who is tails number one fan (it’s him)
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sonic-hc · 7 days
Shadow once crushed a pumpkin with their thighs and then looked sonic dead in the eyes and called him a Twink
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pastelspindash · 5 months
fun rouge headcanon!! she has piss poor eyesight and gets around primarily with her hearing similar to a real bat. her poor eyesight causes her to have bad facial recognition so she mainly identifies people by their voice or their colour . this is where her "blue" nickname for sonic came from
makes sense to me also that she's an agent because with that hearing she's incredible at eavesdropping
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btnclmrttn · 2 years
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If he accidentally hurt your feelings
I got my first request and I'm so excited to be working on it but imma drop this here for the time being
He was probably joking around and said something out of pocket
If it hurt you a little and you mentioned it, he would just be like "Oh, my bad" and won't talk about it again
If it was enough to really upset you he will try his best (very awkwardly) to reassure he was joking and like, hold your hand the whole explanation. He does a pretty good job, surprisingly, and it settles quickly.
It would never be anything that would make you cry. If this fool made you cry about anything it would probably be accidentally hurting you physically and man, he would never live it down. Even if it didn't leave any mark.
It would be something he meant with good intentions but it could easily be taken the wrong way.
No matter how badly it hurt your feelings, the treatment is the same overwhelming apology and loving.
The wrong person could get anything they wanted from him he would refuse to say no to you about anything at all. Even going out of his way to spoil you unnecessarily.
Once things are chilled out you gotta try and reassure him it happens and he's not a failure of a boyfriend.
God forbid it ever happens again he might explode.
Yeah he's a bit of a prick in general. You guys can dig at each other forever and none of it means anything.
During a playful date he says something that you initially didnt think much of, but later found yourself overthinking about.
You bring it up just to get it out of your head. At first he said "Wasn't that a while ago?" Seeing how it affected you though he contradicts his initial statement and is actually genuinely sweet about comforting your feelings and is very validating.
Nothing he would say would ever make you cry, he knows most boundaries. He takes it easy on you for a while before getting back to his shit head shananagings. Also tries to add some balance to it by dishing out some nicer remarks. *Tries*
Now this was probably inevitable, let's be honest. Dude hasn't had enough nice people in his life to know how to not be awkward trying.
It was just some teasing as he usually does, and you were trying to give it back to him. After some back and fourth he takes a little bit of a low ball, and when your face changed it was a serious "oh shit" moment.
Endless awkward silence. Endless
It would really depend on your reaction how he responds. It will vary from a shy, decent apology to some awkward coddling if you're more upset (sad/mad it doesn't matter). He does feel bad and didn't realize how much a low ball it was.
If you somehow cry he will definitely half ass cry later and feel like a huge asshole and don't deserve you after that. He lays off and tries to be more of a sweetheart, forcefully, it just is so painfully awkward you eventually say its water under the bridge and to go back to his old self.
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bee-birb · 5 months
drew shadow in le boscage maze but with colorssssss he name spectre
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My theory is that the normally more intelligent characters get 'flipped' in the Boscage Maze, hence Shadow's beastly counterpart.
Sonk is confused but he's getting hugged by Shadow so he's relishing it lmao
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buckaroosboogara · 4 months
Whatever you do, do not imagine Maria lovingly calling Shadow "Star Fish" because of the way his quills are styled. Do not imagine Shadow asking her what that is and then Maria telling him all about the so called 'sea creatures.' Do not imagine them playing as Pirates until Gerald demanded for them to go to bed already.
It will ruin your day.
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I'm bored, show your eclipse headcanon... But please don't let it be such a long text xd
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sonicattos · 9 months
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a night at team dark’s place.
the sink is because in sonic x they say chao need to be near a body of water so i thought it’d be silly
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spruffle · 2 years
one of my fav things in fandom is friendly interactions between characters who don't often interact in canon
things like this would be fun:
rouge trying to persuade silver to travel back in time so she can steal something
tails working with the chaotix and being friends with charmy
knuckles and blaze sipping tea and talking about the hardships/values of guarding ancestral emeralds
omega and vector playing volleyball and barbecuing together when the whole gang hits the beach after defeating eggman
amy enlisting espio to help teach her the basics of being a ninja
in fact, x2 all of this if it's eggman having a non-evil conversation with one of our heroes, like with tails in SA2, talking to sonic or amy or even big the cat
in fact, eggman and big fishing together with froggy
god please someone draw fanart of that
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pocketscribbs · 1 year
Well, you asked for it!
I can't remember if it was explicitly stated in IDW or not, but I decided in my fic-verse that Tangle and Jewel had known each other since they were babies. Their parents were friends, so naturally the two had baby playdates together.
So like, BABY Tangle and BABY Jewel! 😭 Sitting in a playpen or on a little quilted blanket staring at each other like 👁️👄👁️
I have a million ideas about their childhood.
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lil escape artist🥷
off to find ‘ah-ben-tur’(adventure)!
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h31fd3ad · 19 days
You can pry Unisex shadow from my dead hands
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colorfulplasma · 2 months
Strange how my brain doesn't see Shadow on top of a motorcycle but can vision him riding on a moped
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sonic-hc · 14 days
Sonic has chronic pain in the joints in his legs from his super speed
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