#Sollux Zahhak kin
hskinsprites · 4 months
*peers over the counter* May I please have a Sollux Zahhak with a ponytail who wears a tank top and sweat pants. She has blue and orange psionics (and glasses). Thank u <3
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hskinhome · 4 months
Hii, dropping my tq for this one boys(gn)
Hi im an Eridan Pyrope fictive, and im makin a canon call for myself >:]
The swaps for my tl are:
Humans -
Jade Egbert
Rose Strider
Dave Lalonde
John Harley
Kanaya Vantas
Gamzee Megido
Vriska Nitram
Equius Captor
Feferi Lejion
Karkat Maryam
Eridan Pyrope (me)
Tavros Serket
Sollux Zahhak
Aradia Makara
Terezi Ampora
Nepeta Peixes
I honestly would love to just find someone (kin or fictive idm either) with the same swaps but i also have detailss!!
Me and Tav were pitch/flush, and i think i was in a poly pale relationship w fef and sol (i think sol and i sometimes switched pitch too tho)
Me and John were rlly close even though i almost killed his sis and i think we almost started a flush relationship (i dont remember if we did or not, i think we might have?)
I remember being rlly close friends with kanaya and rose, who i think were flush too
Dave and kark definitely were flush lmao, think they got married
We were all from a tl where we finished the game and got to earth c and stuff too!
And i was blind </3 tav blinded me which sucked but i delt
My lusus was a sea serpent
And i think thats all for now before i ramble more lol, im gonna reach out to anyone who interacts with this because i dont want to put my @ here!! Alr byeee!!
“Hey! Its that eridan pyrope from before who sent in a canon call, i think forgot to mention im a minor bodily (i dont know if i did)”
Interact if this sounds familiar!
-Mod Nepeta
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vriskasicons · 2 years
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"could ii get 2ome matchiing equiiu2 and 2ollux iicon2 (iif iit2 not two diiffiicult, maybe wiith 2ome panel riip2) wiith a kiinda 2tarry theme?"
Hello Sollux! I went with the star shape, 8ut let me know if you wanted star as in space-themed icons! I also used 8oth rips and Pesterquest spr8s for you. Hope you enjoy!
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attentiion feferii vanta2, eriidan leiijon, karkat zahhak, and aradiia ampora.
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fanonical · 1 day
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skaiakin · 4 months
do u guys do inbox checks at all :P my bad if not
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ye2, we do. we've been 2lackiing on keepiing the piinned updated, 2o here'2 a lii2t of what we have at the moment:
(yes, we do. we've been slacking on keeping the pinned updated, so here's a list of what we have at the moment:)
separating the tarot readings because i take a long time to get to them. they're dependent on a lot of things.
tarot for an aradia megido fictive's relationship with nepeta.
tarot for a roxy timeline's relationships.
tarot for a gamzee timeline, about how their game went/if they were close to anyone.
tarot for a rufioh nitram (tavros-ways) timeline, relationship focused.
the rest:
playlist for a non-canon mutantblood, with themes of vengeance and rituals.
art for a sollux kin, currently being worked on.
non-specified edit for a dave lalonde (roxy ways) with light pink curly hair, freckles, a sweater dress-shirt combo, hot pink glasses, and a hot pink gameboy symbol on the sweater.
pesterquest edit for a dirk strider with purple hair streaks, buck teeth, an orange star for a symbol, normal glasses instead of sunglasses with dark blue frames, bead bracelet on the right arm with a pattern of green, orange pink and blue.
pesterquest edit for rose lalonde, with light tan skin, hair texture similar to roxy's sprites, dyed hair tips in her text color, and colored bracelets.
pesterquest edit for a jade harley, with a provided design, lightly flushed cheeks, versions with and without a necklace.
pesterquest edit for a nepeta leijon, with 1970s fashion, warm colors and round gold wire-frame glasses.
penulum for kinning jade harley or jane crocker.
names and pronouns for a j. egbert, preferably starting with a j and being short.
pesterquest edit for a dave strider, with curlier, above shoulder-length hair, a few light beauty marks, a layered jacket with sew patches and flannel over the shirt.
reply icons for a tavros nitram, with themes of greenery and life aspect.
pendulum for being 1, 2 or 3. intentionally vague.
sprite edit for a nepeta ampora (eridan-ways), with mostly nepeta features.
moodboard for a dave strider, with themes of writing, in neon-ish pinkish-red.
pendulum for kinning any tavros or gamzee.
moodboard for a dave strider (fictive), with themes of leaving toxic relationships and feeling free of from old hurts.
pendulum for being kin with 🦕.
names for vriska serket, specifically butch, incorporating dungeons and dragons adjacent things, leaning neutral.
care kit for a mituna captor, with themes of gaming and scenecore.
sprite edit for an indigoblood gamzee zahhak, with no face paint, and a black leather jacket.
pesterquest edit for a dave strider, with a fem/neu scene haircut, angel bites and 3 pins: an olive gemini pin, a <3 pin and a scormini pin.
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bloodswapkinfessions · 4 months
i swear 90% of my kins are sollux or sollux ways !! i have 2 canon similar timelines, two beforus, one no sgrub, Sol vantas, leijon, maryam, serket, zahhak, AND peixes, a humanstuck tl, THREE SEPARATE sprite timelines(erisol, vrisol, soldavesprite^2), a dave captor, vriska captor, karkat captor, and two roxy captors(one beforus sollux, one beta sollux) and one where im a ROBOT??? sollux swap heaven....
omg beforancestors hi. come be my friend
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fictionkinfessions · 4 months
KIN GODS PLEEEASE I CANT BE MORE BLUE CHARACTERS <- is kinsidering jay crom ninjago
-leo 🔷⚔️🌌 (for a scope of the blue kinda characters i am, im: like 6 versions of leo AT LEAST, vriska, vrissy, june egbert, john ward, sonic (sonic underground specifically im pretty sure), craig tucker, gamzee zahhak, wally darling, sal fisher, toy bonnie (and most other versions of bonnie, depending on if you consider him blue or not), sans undertale, bluestar, ENA, terezi pyrope (teal but she counts), sollux captor if you count him, HUMANSTUCK vriska, equius zahhak and amiya from specifically the muse dash collab
a) obviously you dont need to tag any of those mpc, your fingers might fall off b) this is. fucking ridiculous. actually what the fuck c) you could make an ask game thing out of this (what colour shows up the most in your kintypes as a Major colour? :3c try guess what mine is lol /silly)
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gmanwhore · 4 months
I made up a list of my quadrants as each character i kin from Homestuck
Jade Harley:
Matesprit: Karkat Vantas
Moirail: Nepeta Leijon
Kismesis: N/A
Austispice: N/A
Rose Strider:
Matesprit: Kanaya Vantas and Aradia Peixes
Moirail: N/A (Traditionally human Best Friend was Jade Egbert)
Kismesis: N/A
Austispice: N/A
Kanaya Maryam:
Matesprit: Rose Lalonde
Moirail: Vriska Serket (Ex), Karkat Vantas
Kismesis: N/A
Austispice: N/A, for Vriska Serket and Eridan Ampora (Ex)
Nepeta Leijon
Matesprit: N/A
Moirail: Equius Zahhak
Kismesis: Terezi Pyrope
Austispice: N/A
Feferi Peixes
Matesprit: Rose Lalonde
Moirail: Eridan Ampora (Ex), Sollux Captor
Kismesis: N/A
Austispice: N/A
Gamzee Makara
Matesprit: Aradia Megido
Moirail: Karkat Vantas
Kismesis: N/A
Austispice: Kanaya Maryam
Aranea Serket
Matesprit: Latula Pyrope
Moirail: Mituna Captor
Kismesis: Damara Megido
Austispice: N/A
Callie Ohpeee:
Matesprit: Roxy Lalonde
Moirail: Jane Crocker
Kismesis: Vriska Serket
Austispice: Karkat Vantas
Oh that is excellent!!!!
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wheremakingthishapen · 7 months
okay okay here's a fun little list of characters i've been in relationships with as my kins
<3: dualscar
<3: john egbert
<>: karkat vantas
<3: the signless/the sufferer
<>: porrim maryam
<3: eridan ampora
<>: kanaya maryam
<>: equius zahhak
<3: dice, gentaro, and jakurai(?)
<3: sarvente
<3: kanaya maryam
<>: karkat vantas
anyway, why am i putting all this here, you may ask? well, it's because all of these characters (minus sarvente bcuz it's complicated 🙄) are now f/os of mine bcuz i loved them so so much and i will continue to love them forever and ever and ever and ever. and now you know all the characters i loved/love so much
also i was in a pitch relationship with vriska in my sollux tl for a period of time but we broke up and also she sucked so that's why i didn't include her in this because fuck the vriska from my sollux tl specifically she can suck my dick. all other vriskas are fine tho i just hate that one in particular she personally wronged me
anyway that was my incoherent rambling i hope you enjoyed thank you for coming to my ted talk 👍
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honeycombsprites · 2 years
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This user is kin with Sollux Zahhak
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hskinsprites · 8 months
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these poor kids got neglected for five years. here they are with their actual sprites now
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hskinhome · 5 months
for gamzee zahhak !! if anything looks weird just say smt :) two versions like always
-mod sollux
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homestuck-kinstuff · 4 years
could i have a pendulum reading on whether i kin sollux (/any bloodswaps) or not?
Hello Darling Anon,
You absolutely can. Thank you for sending in a request. 💜
After a quick consultation I can confirm you do not kin Sollux Captor, but you do have two Sollux bloodswap timelines:
Sollux Zahhak, from Beforus
Sollux Ampora, from Alternia
I hope this helped clarify a thing or two for you, dear. As always, it's best to take these answers with a grain of salt. Treat them more as a flexible foundation, than an unshakeable concrete truth.
The answers from these readings can be quite fickle, and you would know your kin better than I. If something doesn't feel right, it likely isn't. 💜
Kind Regards,
🌹Mod Rose🌹
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I'm seein a bunch of swaps sendin requests here so I wanna do a canon call! I'm hal lalonde/halal n I wanna find my alpha kids ;_; I owe some apologies..we had Dirk lalonde, Roxy strider(dirk ways), jane English, n jake crocker, and the trolls were the opposite signs switched (feferi vantas, aradia ampora, etc). There was a LOT of romantic drama w us alpha kids and I had a big hand in it all, I just lolz. If this sounds familiar can u reply 2 this and I can reach out 2 u? Thnx a lot! Miss yall ♡
I may not be your Dilal, but as a Dilal, I wish you the best of luck.
Mod Bro
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fanonical · 4 months
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