#Skybound ❤️
anas-tasiaa · 2 years
Day. Night.
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Sky. Space.
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deeenae · 19 days
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I’m late to Revalink week, but I was cooking!! Here’s my contribution, a short comic inspired by none other than @star-pup01‘s fic Skybound Wishes ❤️
It’s sad hours over here. I’ve been rereading this fic in honor of Revalink Week, and Link witnessing Revali’s demise firsthand… 😔 In the Silent Realm, “Vah Medoh painted Link a perfect picture of Revali’s last moments” and yeah I’ve been emo about it for awhile. Day 2’s prompt “Danger” seemed to align with the despair Link must have felt in this moment… UGHHH
I didn’t capture the full scene here so please just go read Skybound Wishes 💖 we all know what Link’s gestures mean even though he doesn’t AHHH 😫
Happy Revalink Week!! (edit: except I’m still sad after making this sorry y’all)
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alizibtheterrible · 7 months
Skybound Jay angst ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😩😩👌👌😍😍😍😍😍😍 (feel free to gimme an ask 🤫)
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I roughed him up a little more just for you 👁️👁️✨✨✨✨✨
As much as I hated Jay in Skybound when I watched it the first time, it annoyed me in that one scene where the other ninja just keep wishing for stuff while Jay is literally right there.
(man you and @sharksandjays are both Jay Angst fans huh?)
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hiddensneker · 3 months
One general kinda inconsequential thing about skybound that makes me upset is how they literally just wrote off miskao for no reason
Like she immediately figures out what nadakhan deal is and refuses to make a wish but she still gets captured off screen somehow??? How did nadakahn even do that
Anyways would have been cool as hell to see her become a pirate mentor to nya in s6 idk… women rights ❤️
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vivilingriphyn · 3 months
Before Jay lost his memories, does he ever accidentally attempt to attacked his own friends especially Nya, because of C!Nadakhan tricked him just for fun?
Yes. Yes he has and probably again.
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@mariasparkles PRETTY COLORS❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Definitely. Especially after skybound and the aftermath of it, since C!Nadakhan still hasn't had any development in its character at that time, its torment on Jay was constant and severe to the point Jay often couldn't distinguish dreams from reality anymore because of C!Nadakhan. Making him feel as if the consequences of his actions seem meaningless since he thinks he's in a dream or in an illusion, like many times before. And when confronted by the others, Jay would look at them as if he doesn't see them at all but thinks he's simply in another nightmare. So he would either let them hurt him (basically giving up at times), putting up a fight or to hurt them without a second thought with the intention of just wanting to get this round of torment over with.
So yes he has hurt them and at one point almost killed them. To which I wanna i call that part of The Sham | Origins, the seclusion arc or Self-imprisonment. Basically more hurt before the healing begins for Jay.
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plainandgeneric · 2 months
Just caught up with skybound's transformers comics. OUGH AUGH. The art is so delicious. It's so stretchy and bouncy, everyone is getting spaghettified. I'm so happy they've made the decepticons ultraviolent little freaks. 💜
⚠️ Spoilers:
When Soundwave said "MY Ravage" 😭❤️ Also loved it when he held Ravage's body in almost all the scenes. Man casually carries his semi-dead child everywhere he goes.
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sitp-recs · 2 months
Hey Liv,
My friend had the most chaotic day today. She left on holiday and ended up packing at the last minute. Cue bags overflowing in every room, a dog to get into the car, a kid to pick up at daycare and no time to spare.
THEN her husband’s car broke down so she had to go pick him up almost two hours away with both dog and baby in the backseat….
All this so say: she might need a pick me up.
Do you have a Drarry rec where either of them (or both) are absolute chaos/ are under a bad luck spell /…?
Love love love ❤️
Omg your poor friend! 😱 I’m sorry things have been wild for her, that sounds super stressful and overwhelming! I hope everything was okay in the end. This story actually led to a really interesting ask, I did a mix of curses, pranks and bad luck with a touch of angst at the end - hope they work for what you’re looking for!
Bad Luck, Red Pants, and Broken Washing Machines by @the-starryknight (T, 2k)
After his five year sentence of magical suppression, Draco Malfoy got used to working without his wand. It's just days like today when nothing seems to be going right that he regrets his life in the Muggle world.
Special Affinity by @skeptiquewrites (E, 4k)
Auror partners Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy seem to have a special affinity for getting into convoluted accidental bonds. Once is a mistake, twice is bad luck, and five times...well five times seems like carelessness, doesn’t it?
Bubbles, Baths, and Bad Luck by manixzen (E, 5k)
A poisonous potion covering Professor Potter nearly head-to-toe would normally be a pretty big deal. It should be as bad as his day gets. But that’s before he’s informed that the cure involves a steamy, hot bath with an unrequited crush.
Then Comes a Mist and a Weeping Rain by Faith Wood (E, 21k)
It always rains for Draco Malfoy. Metaphorically. And literally. Ever since he had accidentally Conjured a cloud. A cloud that's ever so cross.
At the Crossroads There We’ll Meet by firethesound (E, 24k)
Potter keeps dying; Draco keeps saving him.
Rarely Pure and Never Simple by birdsofshore (E, 28k)
Harry never thought taking a job as Draco Malfoy's bodyguard was going to be easy. Add in a curse that makes Malfoy even more of an obnoxious git than usual, and Harry's got serious problems.
The Four Ds of Apparition (or: Destination, Determination, Deliberation, and Dicks) by @eidheann, @firethesound (E, 36k)
After transferring to the Apparition Department, Harry's life becomes one big dick joke. And all his friends are arseholes. So is Malfoy, but what else is new? AKA Harry Potter and the eighteen twenty dicks.
Draco Malfoy, It's Your Lucky Day by Faith Wood (E, 38k)
Even though he's unarmed, injured, lost in the Forbidden Forest, and facing a possible murder charge, Draco Malfoy gets lucky.
Skybound by @xanthippe74 (T, 61k)
No matter how much Harry Potter wanted to believe he’d left danger behind when the war ended, it found him again anyway. All he had to do was step out his own front door on a Tuesday morning. A Drarry re-imagining of Howl’s Moving Castle.
Tea and No Sympathy by who_la_hoop (E, 70k)
It's Potter's fault, of course, that Draco finds himself trapped in the same twenty-four-hour period, repeating itself over and over again. It's been nearly a year since the unpleasant business at Hogwarts, and Draco's getting on with his life quite nicely, thank you, until Harry sodding Potter steps in and ruins it all, just like always.
Super Rich Kids by @thusspoketrish (E, 81k)
Draco Malfoy has become disillusioned by the glitz and glamour of the scandalous lives of the Post-Second Wizarding War Pureblood Elite. Enter: one existential crisis, one group of thieving cynical friends, and several terrible, terrible decisions.
Nor All That Glisters by @sweet-s0rr0w (E, 110k)
Lonely and frustrated on house arrest, with no prospects for the future, Draco begins brewing Felix Felicis in an attempt to improve his lot. Just in the short term, of course. He isn’t a total idiot.
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holographic-mars · 2 months
What do you think of the new transformers comic?
I LOVE IT. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. SKYBOUND AAUUUU oh my god I am nearly obsessed. It’s so good and I love the art and I love the characterization and I just KNOW it’s gonna get better.
I have my small irks with it ofc, I was a little offput by the sort of maybe ish implied arcee x ratchet but that’s just a personal gripe, so I’m not even that mad about it. I don’t think it’ll become canon anyways but.
I love starscream. I love unapologetically evil starscream. I love irredeemable starscream and you know what I love more? Angry soundwave.
I want (I HOPE, I PRAY) soundwave to get fed up with starscreams bullshit and finally do something. Soundwave is such a powerful and underutilized character I want skybound to actually let him take more control over the decepticons for once. Even for a short while until megatron comes back. Soundwave is always the “loyal guy standing stoically behind whoever is in charge” and I yearn for soundwave to get ANGRY and take matters into his own hands. Because god, if anyone can successfully lead the decepticons it’s that bastard.
I also am so so happy to see Jazz again. And Jazz is so wonderfully… Jazz. It’s perfect. He’s perfect.
THE POINT IS. I love it and I’m very excited for more. I have very high hopes and I’m so eager to see what DWJ has planned.
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altraviolet · 2 months
Hi! I wanted to thank you for getting me into MTMTE and IDW transformers in general. The comic format is smth that's hard for me to get into, but The Echo Garden has given me enough motivation to try it again, and I have been having the time of my life.
I think so far the funniest experience of my backwards approach to this fandom has been learning which creative, amazing, amusing parts of your fic are, in fact, actual canon. I thought that things like Movie Night, Cyclonus' horrible signing, and some aspects of Swerve's bar were probably something you extrapolated yourself based on character dynamics. But apparently the source is just as fun, endearing and fascinating as your work. Despite all these "spoilers", I was still unprepared for the small mech piloting the massive mech that is Ultra Magnus to have actually had another mecha suit layer of protection all along. That made me laugh. Knowing which characters make it to the end has been comforting in the tenser moments of the comic, but has not stopped me from letting out a tear or two. So I don't think being spoiled has worsened my reading experience at all.
I can't wait to eventually return to The Echo Garden with a new-found appreciation for the crew. Right now, reading MTMTE feels like getting more of The Echo Garden. I imagine that later the inverse will become true. Thank you for your writing and thank you for the beautiful way you have captured this wonderful crew of characters. And thank you for introducing me to this side of the Transformers franchise I wasn't able to convince myself to try out before.
hello lovely anon!
ah, wow! thank you so much for this kind message! I've been sooo curious how it feels to read TEG first and then MTMTE, and you've sent me such a nice message about it!
as a huge fan of JRO's work in MTMTE, this part: Right now, reading MTMTE feels like getting more of The Echo Garden. feels astoundingly amazing to hear. thank you! and yes, I think the inverse will become true- I wrote TEG because I missed MTMTE so much!
I'm glad the spoilers didn't affect your enjoyment of MTMTE and I'm super glad you gave it another try! I really hope Skybound makes the comics available in print again, so folks can get their hands on it. it's a comic that deserves to be preserved and enjoyed =)
thank you again for the kind message! it felt really nice to receive 😊💎❤️💙
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tornoleander · 6 months
For the ask game: ❤️ (canon and non canon?) 💭💭
Mmm Ships
All best ships are Cole X men
The man barely matters lol just let him be GAY
Canon probably Pixane they have some amazing scenes and lines that I think about sometimes.
And Jaya I Love in later seasons, but early seasons, I enjoy Fic more than the actual execution. Lol
Headcannon oh boi mmm most are canon compliant so I’ll find something interesting.
I’ll do another thing I brought up in Hans Discord
Watching this scene with thinking about Jay’s last time alone with a Villain
I believe Jay is EXTRA worried about Kai fighting Krux alone baced on his time alone with Nadakhan.
The headcanon is Jay’s getting Skybound flashbacks in this scene. Credit to @sharksandjays for saying that it looks like he’s dissociating.
I agree he acts unresponsive and zoned out.
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my-mt-heart · 9 months
Sorry if this is a huge downer, but I'm just getting so worried. Are there enough Caryl fans to make AMC listen? I posted a drawing of a Caryl kiss I drew on fb the other day, in a Melissa McBride appreciation group no less, and it got so many "ew" and "gross" comments I ended up deleting it. If that's the consensus among the general public, I'm so scared they'll just end up listening to those voices
I’m really sorry. I hope you won’t let that experience discourage you. You’re so talented and your work gives Caryl fans something to smile about when they’re going through a hard time ❤️
In recent years, FB has become more of a hub for younger men 25-34 and also 18-24 and unfortunately they’re more likely to have biases against a romantic relationship like Caryl’s. That could be one of the issues you’re running into.
I’ve also talked before about how Caryl fans are retreating to more private corners of the internet or avoiding online spaces altogether because of increased bullying, but to address your concern about the GA, I think some are having a harder time recognizing the romance that we know was written into the show early on because of how much Gimple pulled back on their arc and how much AMC pulled back on marketing them (for reasons that had nothing to do with the story or with changes in the market, I will add 🤨)
The good news I suppose is it all comes down to target audience. It’s better to have 2 million guaranteed fans who will follow you to the ends of the earth than 4 million wishy washy fans who won’t guarantee viewership and take A LOT more effort to market to.
The marketing for S2 of le spinoff is most definitely aimed at Carylers, so AMC knows there’s a lot to be gained from their viewership. I just think with the damage S1 is doing and the gaslighting from actors and EPs on top of the mistrust from ruining S11 and the original spinoff, they’re going to need to hit a lot harder and soon.
While S10 aired, the Caryl fandom was booming and once the spinoff was announced, we were like weeds that wouldn’t stop growing (I started my blog a month after the announcement). They were the runner-up in TV Guide’s best endgame ship poll, they made Tumblr’s top 100 list, the social media manager for Skybound at the time said the Caryl engagement beat other TWD ships by miles. I think we can get that energy back, but Caryl fans 👏 need 👏 fuel. We need to feel validated for shipping them.
I completely understand feeling like no one is listening, so my advice is keep reminding them that you’re here. Keep being vocal about what you want and what you'd pay for. I know what I'd pay for…👀
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angelthefirst1 · 2 months
The same beginning and end convergence concept that I talked about in my last post is at play with the following signs...
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The official AMC skybound page talks about Carol's cookies 🍪 being in the Echelon briefing.
Emily also posted a picture of a cookie on her instagram story at the same time that she posted the pizza and conspiracy theories stories.
Unfortunately, I didn't bother saving that one, so if anyone has it, send it to me, please 🙏 I'll add it here.
Carol was making cookies at (A) Alexandria 🍪 when the first wolf walker was found. This wolf walker has a bullet hole right where Beth's was...
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Carol herself represented the Wolves.
I've always said Carol and Beth are interchangeable, Carol is foreshadowing Beth's story.
Carol's cookie recipe substituted eggs (Easter eggs) for Apple sauce 🍎 Apple = reunion.
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Emily's album, "OH" Jonathan, the song Mortal, was about Beth and Daryl...
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The flower artwork on her album cover for Oh Jonathan is the same as on Carol's cardigan, and it = reunion.
The Book of Carol is the introduction to the wolves, the cookies with Apple 🍎 sauce (reunion), and the "oh" Jonathan flower jumper of love. ❤️
They all represent Beth's return.
That means Beth is what is in the Echelon briefing, and a Daryl/Beth reunion is coming.
The reason Apple 🍎 = reunion is because a bitten Apple (garden of eden) represents the fall of mankind and separation from God.
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Matthew 16.18
I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
I'll leave you to figure that one out.
Undoing that separation = cure and reunion with God.
The Echelon briefing is about Beth and is also about a fake and real cure.
Alexandria in Virginia, where the Wolves first appeared, is a play on the Alexandria of Egypt.
This is important because the pyramid/Louvre/wolf symbolism of Egypt, Alexandria, and France connects them all.
They are all symbolic of the antichrist kingdom.
The ancient Roman Empire once conquered Alexandria in Egypt back in the day. So, it became part of the Roman empire territory.
Biblically, the antichrist is said to come to power out of a revived Roman Empire.
The Roman empire was founded and made great by Alexander the Great. Hence, the name is Alexandria.
The France/Louvre symbolism is a representation of this revived Roman Empire.
The song up the Wolves talks about mother being absent ever since we founded Rome and a party when the wolf comes home...
This same episode with the cookies is when the group at Alexandria has the welcome party.
This is why I say Beth has both Christ and Antichrist symbolism at the same time.
A fake antichrist cure will be what starts the outbreak in the first place (the end is the beginning), and a real cure will bring an end to death.
At (A) Alexandria Rick and Jessie get the A stamp on their right hand.
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The mark of the beast that the antichrist makes everyone get, so they can buy and sell, goes on either the right hand or on the forehead (like Carol and the walker with the W) or the right hand, like Rick and Jessie.
That's why Daryl says HELLS that! When he sees the W on the walker. It leads to hell.
Revelation 13.16
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
What happens to the group in Alexandria with Negan is a reworked version of the Antichrist, who makes everyone bow down or "kneel."
It's symbolic of having to bow down and receive the mark of the Antichrist, which leads to death.
Beginning to end, we also have an upcoming first look at Daryl Dixon - The book of Carol (coughs The book of Revelation)
Which will air after the final of 106 off TOWL, and after a show called parish (church)
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Beginning to end while Emily is in Paris and posts the Eiffel Tower.
I've mentioned before how the top of the tower is a radio, which means Sirius. (Messanger/angel, which can be fallen or holy)
In the Apple sauce, cardigan, and cookie 🍪 scene with Carol, she says, "She's Sirius" when talking about the cookie recipe.
And now we see Emily post a cookie and Sirius the Eiffel tower (A)
On screen and off-screen, beginning to end mentions, of Carol, cookies, apples, reunions, the Wolves, mark of the beast, A for Alpha (Sherrifs hat), France and the beginning of the outbreak.
It's all lining up 🙌
"Oh," one more thing...
Daryl missed the boat at the end of DD1 and guess who (beginning to end) posts about missing a boat...
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He catches the boat at the beginning, tho...
She's coming, and so is the beginning of the end.
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the-ninjago-historian · 5 months
Bestie I’m begging you, I’m on my knees, save yourself from Skybound. Stay blissfully ignorant. Don’t delve into the pit of pain. 🙏🥺
Aw, it's okay! I already know about all the drama in it from other people. It ain't new to me. But I do want to watch it still. Because I want to be able to give out proper info on my blog if fans have questions and stuff. And besides, I'm kinda interested in watching it actually. It sounds like it may have some intriguing world building elements.
But I appreciate you concern. That means a whole lot to me. Ya know? ❤️ It's so sweet of you! Thank you! - ✒️🐉
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cboffshore · 6 months
hey there!
Fave ship: You can't see it from wherever you are, but I am shoving the urge to shout DESTINY'S BOUNTY back into the box labeled LOOPHOLE ANSWERS that I keep under my bed for special occasions like this one. I guess romantic pairing wise I would maybe say, eh, Pixane? They're cute together. I like Jaya well enough too, but tbh, there aren't any pairings that make me flip out.
how I first got into Ninjago: answered this one in an earlier ask, but TLDR: got shown a random s1 preview clip and then the pilots by a sibling and the rest is history.
a headcanon I have: ooh, I already dropped the post-Skybound Jay guitar DIY one and that's my favorite, but I've got others! I like to believe that, post-Seabound, Kalmaar's become some kind of inside joke at scientific institutions and colleges. Students and scientists invoke his name for good luck, but only for their wildest experiments and thesis defenses - especially when defending topics or ideas that shouldn't work or are maybe a little questionable. Someone got blurry CCTV footage of Kalmaar during the final battle and used that to make a 3D model, then funded their college costs by selling miniature figures of him for thesis defenders to set on their podiums. (This is a little bit of projecting on my part - my capstone project for my degree was on a VERY obscure novel and ultimately should not have worked at all, but it did, so while I was giving my final presentation, I had my Kalmaar minifigure on my desk with me, just off camera. If he can raise a primordial sea goddess, I can defend this PowerPoint, dammit!)
Thanks for the ask!
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darknessinaninja · 2 years
What is your favorite Lego Mimi figure ?
Ah! I’m so sorry about being so late to answer !! Apologies 💙❤️🔥⚡️
I think those gave it away … but !
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I love the Skybound outfits out of all of them outfits! The colors and looks and everything just makes me happy !!!
Original Kai in his Skybound attire is my fave and he’s super cute next to jay (yes I made this plasma) ((sorry ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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camp-mithril-lake · 1 month
Free Comic Day Skybound Transformers/ Energon Universe Spoilers:
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