#Skar stormlight archive
nevertheless-moving · 3 months
Stormlight AU 14, where kaladin manages to hold it together oathwise in words of radiance for a few more chapters, just long enough to out himself as radiant right after prison, because of course hes gotta fly and save everyone from bridge sabotage. Immediate cascade effect of radiant reveals.
Angsting over next week after prison. Shardplate and Blade possibly put on hold "too big a decision for him to just accept right away" "I just got out of jail and need some time to think."
People think he's insane but they thought that anyway
moash would be obvious choice - best friend/fighter but he still can't decide about elhokar assassination so the shards are just in very very valuable limbo...can he make it just general bridgemen Shards? No, too much training...
Joins shattered plains expedition as per canon
when the bridge collapses again what's he gonna do? Not save everyone?
Terrified officers start gently floating back up
Tries to lash shallan but she's already full of stormlight and it doesn't work on her. Moment of shocked, glowing eye contact.
there's a whole bunch of parshendi attacking so no time for kaladin to react to shallan falling or kholins to yell at kaladin
yes no time to deal with Dalinar. Kaladin has to do Very important flying thing. Uh...oh thank the almighty there's another army for him to fly at.
You KNOW bridge four had been storming Training a whole dramatic 'Captains Luck' thing. Bunch of gem pouches thrown in the air. Parshendi shouting as kaladin repeats the arrow drawing trick (sigzil is quietly pleased that after their practice, this time he throws the shield, as opposed to taking all those hits himself)
Adolin finally tore his attention away from the sky long enough to speak, dry mouthed.
"I take it by the..." he mimed the tossing of sphere pouches.
Storms, Skar had felt stupid practicing that, but Teft had insisted. And it was absolutely worth the weeks and weeks of extra weight, watching the Captain flying now. Jezrian's breath, when had he figured out flying? Lopen had said he had just started wall walking before prison. Had he figured out flying in prison? Oh, Brightlord Adolin was still talking.
"You all knew didn't you," Adolin looked amazed. "All of Bridge Four. I mean I knew there was something but - how in the Almighty's tenth name did you all keep this a secret? For this long!"
Skar and Drehy exchanged a glance.
"May we be blunt, Brightlord," Drehy finally said, watching as Kaladin swooped down low over the Parshendi, sending a few of them tumbling over to the next plateau, unharmed. Stormfather, he really was too good for this world.
"Please," Adolin said, gesturing emphatically.
Drehy hesitated, and they exchanged another look. Skar nodded at him, agreeing to take the lead, then took a deep breath.
"How in damnation did you not know??" His voice came out louder then he intended.
But storms, he had been waiting to say that for ages!
Drehy nodded eagerly, gesturing with the hand that wasn't holding his spear. "He storming glows!"
"I mean I know you were distracted during the tower assault- "
"Distracted?" Adolin sputtered.
"For a while I genuinely thought you knew but were keeping it secret for some stupid reason," Moash added, walking up. A small crowd was gathered around, attention pulled away slightly from the glowing man above and the retreating army.
"I mean," Moash snorted. "He formed a giant storming pillar of light while we were charging. You could see us charging. He was glowing like a herald for half the tower fight. No one from your entire army noticed?"
Dalinar coughed, sheepish look at odds with the golden gloryspren that kept flickering around his head.
"I... may have noticed a faint glow," he said slowly. "When he rescued me from the Parshendi Shardbarer."
The Blackthorn shrugged helplessly, looking at Kaladin, still high above. "I thought I was hallucinating..."
Why was he still up there anyway - Oh. Right. When he came down he'd have to deal with the lighteyes. Yeah, he'd stay up there too.
Adolin let out a short laugh, the hysterical noise seeming to escape uncontrolled. "You." He pointed at his father. "You saw a radiant in real life and your first thought was this is a hallucination."
Dalinar sighed. "I had hit my head. Quite a few times. It seemed more reasonable."
Adolin stared at his father, then laughed again. "You-" he couldn't get the words out over the chuckles. "Hallucinating-"
Adolin wiped his eyes, looking around. "Shallan would have something more witty, hold on."
He frowned, looking at the men who had been pulled from the chasm. They still glowed softly. Most looked shellshocked, and were holding something heavy. One of them was grinning, looking amazed as he waved his arms, bouncing off the ground, tethered by a bemused comrade.
"Where's Shallan?" He looked around more frantically, then ran to the Chasm's edge.
Skar let out a groan, and he and Drehy went after him.
"I don't think I saw her come up," Drehy whispered grimly.
Skar nodded back. Oh, there was going to be fallout for that. The Captain was always inconsolable when he failed to save someone, nevermind how many miracles he performed first - a bunch of lighteyes yelling at him was not going to help.
The Captain finally came back down, touching down at the chasm's edge just before Adolin arrived. Behind, he could hear Teft gruffly setting up a perimeter to keep onlookers back. The Highprince and the Queen's Mother pushed through of course, Renarin trailing behind. Storm's he hadn't even realized Renarin was there. Had he been running with the bridgecrew?
Skar's skin prickled as it usually did when he realized how outclassed he was was by the lighteyes around him. Almighty, the Captain most of all. He suppressed a small sigh of relief as Kaladin's eyes faded from a glowing whiteblue back to brown. He looked impassive at the Kholins.
Dalinar stepped up, opening his mouth to speak. A golden sphere spun to existence around him once more.
Kaladin turned to face him, hair streaming behind, looking for all the world like a Herald of Old, even without the glow.
Adolin interrupted. "Shallan," he said quietly, desperately. "She was on the bridge - please, I can't find her."
The Captain frowned and Skar's heart sank.
"I tried to grab her," Kaladin said slowly. "Lash her upwards. Everyone was falling too fast for me to do more....more than touch a hand to them."
"I'm sure you did everything you could," Dalinar said gravely, putting a hand on Adolin's shoulder. "I'm sorry son."
Adolin stumbled back, looking nauseous.
Kaladin shook his head. "No, you don't understand. It didn't work. She...I had to reach for another man who was about to hit a wall, but I think she was glowing. That she had already taken in Stormlight."
Adolin's head snapped up, eyes full of hope.
Kaladin shrugged. "If she's like me then...she's fine. It took me ages to figure out wallrunning, so I should still go get her."
He paused, looking off at air like he sometimes did. "Actually... I don't think most of the, uh, other orders could do the wallrunning and flying. So she's probably alright, I just need to go down and rescue her."
"What are you waiting for then?" Adolin asked eagerly.
"Son," Dalinar reprimanded. "More respectfully, please."
Adolin and Kaladin rolled their eyes in unison.
"He's still the same person," Adolin muttered. "I knew there was something strange about him."
Kaladin scoffed. "Yeah. You were right on my trail. Knew all about 'my thing with the stuff.'"
The prince brightened visibly. "And I was right! That's why you didn't want the Shardplate and Blade! You've already got your own? Or...do you have to earn it a certain way?"
Renarin sucked in a breath behind him. Skar glanced over, and saw the strange Brightlord's eyes wide with...realization, maybe? He was pretty hard to read.
The Captain, amazingly, smiled. "Something like that, princeling."
Adolin beamed, than smacked his hand to his face. "Thing... with the stuff! You need stormlight, don't you?"
He fumbled under his armor, before pulling out a small fortune in reserve Sapphire's in a pouch, tossing them.
Kaladin caught the bag, looking inside with a snort. "Well, this takes me back to how we met."
"Nevermind. Doesn't matter."
The Captain still stood there, not breathing in, hesitating.
"Soldier?" Dalinar said. "Is there...some reason you don't want to rescue Brightlady Devar? The...other radiant?"
Kaladin let out a deep breath. "I...realize I've also been hiding my powers, so I don't have much ground for accusation. But I've suspected for sometime that she...might not be who she says she is. That she's dangerous."
Prince Adolin frowned, expression darkening as he crossed his arms. "We can figure that out once she's safe from the chasm. Now breathe in that bag and rescue my fiancee," he ordered. He hesitated, then blushed. "Please."
Kaladin sighed, then took in a deep breath, silvery white mist leaving the gems and filling the Captain with holy light. Awespren sprung up around them, and Skar knew that a few of them were his own. There were some things that you just didn't get used to.
With a salute, Kaladin stepped off the ledge, falling in a glowing streak of light. More awespren burst to life, but Skar just rolled his eyes. There were some things that you could get used to, and your commanding officer being a dramatic bastard was one of them.
continued here. also: other stormlight aus
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cosmerelists · 1 month
It's Quick, It's Easy, and It's Free! (Stormlight Edition)
It's a meme, kind of!
1. Lopen: It's quick, it's easy, and it's free! Eating crem!
Teft: Why would I do that though? Lopen: It's quick, it's easy, and it's free!
2. Lift: It's quick, it's easy, and it's free! Stealing food!
Wyndle: W-While technically correct in your case, I'm not really sure that's the best... Lift: Quick! Easy! Free!
3. Hoid: It's quick, it's easy, and it's free! Listening to my stories!
Kaladin: ... quick? Hoid: On my timescale, almost anything can be considered quick. Kaladin: What? Hoid: What?
4. Shallan: It's quick, it's easy, and it's free! Looking at a cool flower or a nifty bug!
Adolin: Uh, Shallan, my love...I saw you look at a cremling for thirty minutes yesterday. Shallan: 😅
5. Rlain: It's quick, it's easy, and it's free! Not treating other people like crem!
Renarin: Here, here! Rlain: Although people sure act like it's difficult, sometimes...
6. Szeth: It's quick. It's easy. It costs nothing…material. It’s Murder.
Nightblood: Here, here! Szeth: This is a lament, sword-nimi.
7. Moash: It's quick, it's easy, and it's freeing. Giving up your emotions to Odium.
Odium: Nice variation on a theme! Moash: Thanks. I feel nothing.
8. Lezian: It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s free! Killing Kaladin!
Leshwi: I have…doubts about each of your chosen adjectives. Lezian: Shut UP, Leshwi!
9. Rock: He’s quick, he’s easy(going), and - thanks to Kaladin- he’s free! It’s me!
Skar: you say quick but the stew has been cooking for nine hours Rock: I did not say my STEWS are quick
10. Dalinar: It’s slow, it’s tough, and it costs everything: taking the next step
Adolin: I can’t decide…do you not understand the meme, or do you understand it too well? Dalinar: (mysterious smile)
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mr-potatoesssss · 6 months
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Logicspren poll
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Twok becomes funnier the more bridge 4 characters you learn are just irl people
Other authors go to their friends and say look what a nice cameo I gave you, sanderson puts his friends to war
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knight-of-skyloft · 1 year
They didn’t seem angry that he’d killed their friend. Storms though, did things like these even have emotions? Shen had often just sat around staring.
(OB ch. 43)
Moash my guy you literally held him down when he tried to stop Kaladin from getting near the Listener corpses. You've seen him weep uncontrollably. Moash. Dude.
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amemoryofwot · 2 years
It’s actually called Bridge Four because that’s the number of brain cells they were allotted. Rock hoards them all and dishes them out in the stew as needed
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wayward-wren · 2 years
So what the heck happened to my guy Rock?
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purrpleberrie · 2 years
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Rereading oathbringer and this moment was really ruined by Skar suddenly wanting to talk about the New Zealand cricket team...
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dracanthropic · 4 months
Kinda wish Skar had become part of a different order. I can't remember if he ended up attracting a spren or stayed a squire (not quite halfway through Oathbringer on my reread), so maybe there's still a chance that he can squire for Windrunners but end up a different order.
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chaos-monkeyy · 7 months
Been making some more headway into getting my stormlight archive kinkmeme fills tidied up and cross-posted to AO3 💖 (post 1 with the first ..11 of them). And here are the next 6 I've posted since! Again they cover a variety of ships, tropes, and kinks - but these ones are mostly Explicit 😇
A little overview, full tags for each on AO3:
Spice Things Up - M - 1.2k, Shallan/Adolin/The Mink.
"Rumours" Weekend Kink prompt: Rumors about a Herdazian general who's into bondage spark curiosity in a newlywed couple looking to experiment.
Self-mating - E - 1.5k, Moash/Singers (masturbation & voyeurism)
"Rumours" Weekend Kink prompt: The Fused, Regals, Venli, Khen, and/or assorted singers are wondering about the noises Moash makes when he's alone at night. What is with him?
A good, experienced soldier... or two - E - 3.8k, Radiant/Teft/Dalinar
"Rumours" Weekend Kink prompt: Radiant overhears a young woman bragging to her friends, saying that she slept with an older man and it was way better than guys their own age. They knew how to make love vs just getting laid, and were able to show her new things and satisfy her every need. So Radiant decides to see what the big deal is about.
Time for a Break - E - <900 words, Drehy/Skar, Bridge Four/fuckplant
Skar needs a break to go make use of a very particular plant that Bridge Four found down in the chasms. He's not the only one.
Carried Away - E - 300 words, Kaladin/Dalinar/Elhokar
Hot wet tongues, rough roving hands, the slide and press of bodies and sweat; Kaladin’s caught in a highstorm of pure sensation that part of him never wants to be free of.
Sweet Scent - E - <1k, Teft/Renarin/Bridge Four
For the Weekend Kink - Come to your senses prompt: Renarin is an omega that goes into heat and B4 just so happens to have a few hungry alphas that catch a whiff of his intoxicating scent.
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lamaery · 3 years
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Bridge Four!!! Since the the number of my followers of both my accounts of instagram and Tumblr cracked the 3K mark last week, I thought something special was in order... So a great thanks to all of you for enjoying my mad, obsessive, fanart, training crunch with me! It has been and still is exhilarating and delightful to be all able to share the love for these books with so many people! ❤️ It's not full Bridge Four of course, but as many as I found reasonable and I finally managed to put faces to a few more of the names I haven't drawn before.
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cosmerelists · 11 months
Bridge Four: What Punctuation Mark They’d Be
Previously we considered what parts of speech the Kholin household would like best...for some reason. Next up: Bridge Four as Punctuation Marks!
1. Kaladin: Exclamation Point
We all know that Kaladin is a dramatic boy. When he arrives, he is an exclamation point embodied, usually glowing with Stormlight and there to save the day.
2. Sigzil: Colon
A colon indicates that further information will follow: perhaps a list, or a several-sentence description, or a series of questions. And as a Worldsinger, Sigzil is there to spread information and knowledge. Plus, when he found out about Kaladin’s powers, his first thought was to design experiments to get some good old data points. I can just imagine him writing, “Kaladin’s abilities are as follows:”
3. Rlain: Semicolon
Semicolons connect two independent clauses, much as Rlain, the Bridger of Minds, is able to connect disparate peoples and ideas. The semicolon is solid and steadfast, but does not end the thought like a period does. It brings different thoughts together.
4. Rock: Question Mark
I just remember the scene where we find out that Bridge Four goes to see Rock for advice, and he asks them questions to help them realize what they need/want to do. Rock is the type of person who can help people feel welcome, draw them in, help them open up. So I think a question mark suits him well!
5. Moash: Slash 
The slash can indicate separation and difference, but it can also show options and alternatives: and/or, his/her, color/colour. And yes, Moash has some black and white thinking (or should I say “black/white”)--light-eyes vs. dark-eyes, guilty vs. innocent, and so on. But he also represents alternatives: What if justice does mean killing a king who is liable in your grandparents’ death? What if the Singers should be the rulers? What if Kaladin is wrong? So for many reasons, I think the slash suits him.
He also, like, keeps slashing people to death, but maybe that’s a cheap joke.
6. Renarin: En-Dash
The en-dash is a poorly understood and little utilized punctuation mark: it is used specifically in ranges of numbers (like 14–30). And Renarin too had a specific and little-understood power--seeing the future--whose usefulness was not accepted at first. And when I use the en-dash, I have to manually download it because I don’t actually know the keystroke for it, and people tend to need some time to get used to Renarin too, as when he had to work hard to join Bridge Four.
Look, I swear this makes perfect sense in my head!
7. Teft: Hyphen
The hyphen is a support punctuation mark; it doesn’t get used alone, but rather connects together a compound noun or adjective. And Teft, as the sergeant and also as Kaladin’s friend, has always been there in support. He backs Kaladin up, even going so far as to stay behind when Kaladin was somewhat forcibly retired from the army.
The hyphen can also indicate speech or thoughts being abruptly cut off, but perhaps we won’t talk about that.
8. Skar: Apostrophe
An apostrophe shows ownership and belonging: my mother’s necklace, the captain’s spear. And Skar really is all about his love for being Bridge Four. He was the first to rip off the Cobalt Guard Patch in favor of a Bridge Four patch. He was completely crushed when he couldn’t draw in Stormlight at first, because he was afraid of not being useful to Bridge Four. He still helped others learn to drawn in the Stormlight, though. This love for the group and sense of belonging means the apostrophe suits him well, I think.
9. Dabbid: Ellipses 
Dabbid didn’t speak for a while, at first because of battle shock, and later because he didn’t want the others to know that he thought differently from most people. Now he does speak some, but carefully. And the ellipses can indicate not only silence, but also a pause before continuing.
10. Drehy: Period
Drehy is extremely dependable--he’s one of the first to back up Kaladin, one of the first to pick up fighting, one of the first to learn first aid. He goes with Skar on the mission to Kholinar, and helps rescue Elhokar’s son after we all (or at least me) thought that Sanderson had dared to kill off the one gay character.
And yes, I wanted to pick the gayest punctuation mark for Drehy, but that’s gotta be either the question mark or the ellipses (right?), and I had already used those.
11. Hobber: Comma
The comma lets you know that this isn’t the end; there is more (of the sentence) coming. And Hobber is a figure of hope: he’s so delighted that Kaladin rescues him, that he’s already smiling even though at that point it was likely that he would die. He loses his legs to a shardblade, but later is able to draw in Stormlight to heal himself. So I think “hope” is the emotion I’d associate with Hobber, and I’ve decided that the comma--the “there’s more; don’t worry”--is the punctuation mark for him.
12. Leyten: Brackets
Literally all I know about Leyten is that he is the armorer. And brackets are like strong, uh, breastplates that, uh, protect the words within? 
I’m so sorry, Leyten. I got nothing.
13. Lyn: Em-Dash
The em-dash is very versatile; it can be used in place of a comma or a semicolon or parentheses.  And Lyn is a versatile woman: scout, messenger, soldier, Windrunner. Plus, everyone likes her, in book, and I’m pretty sure the em-dash is everyone’s favorite punctuation mark.
14. Lopen: Interrobang
The interrobang is the combination of the question mark and the exclamation mark: ?!. You might say, “That’s not a proper punctuation mark!” but then, that’s the point! It’s Lopen. He likes to be improper, to joke around and try to shock people.
Plus, I think he’d find the word “interrobang” to be funny.
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coffeequ33n · 2 years
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Pictured from left to right: Hobber, Dabbid, Lyn, Teft, Kaladin, Lopen, Rock, Skar, Drehy, Renarin, Rlain, Leyten, Sigzil.
Bridge 4, chasms and stew.
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stardustravens · 2 years
underrated friendship dynamic: adolin, skar and drehy
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Kaladin: I am the ultimate third wheel.
Adolin, cuddling with Shallan: You shouldn’t think that way.
Dalinar, holding hands with Navani: Yes, what makes you say that?
Skar, making out with Drehy: Completely untrue.
Kaladin: Wow, I have leveled up to seventh wheel. I am truly powerful.
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