#Serenity’s blood
ghosts-and-glory · 3 months
Series of wips, sketches and unfinished art I found in my files.
Also there’s literally no through line includes Cult of the Lamb, my dnd characters, lots of grievous, some studies and ocs.
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murmel-malt · 9 months
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Daenys Targaryen aka Daenys the Dreamer
i have so many thoughts about her it's insane
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terrornothorror · 2 years
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getting hit w a tranquilizer dart as an excuse for hand holding …
Click for higher res !
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poppy-purpura · 7 months
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Um... References. I m not sure this is final version but yeah... There are my silly kids!
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serendipity0930 · 1 month
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Day Five (April 30th): Psychic Powers / Demon Blood / Lucifer
"Devil For the Fire" by Vundabar // 04x09 / 04x16 / 04x20 / 04x21 / 05x22
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blue-rose-soul · 3 months
So thoughts on Kaledyas Alastor and oc Daughter Serenity. Cuz it just wrenches at my heartstrings
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Aw, Serenity seems very lovely! Murder-y tendencies aside.
...Actually, no, murder-y tendencies included.
This makes for such a sweet and tragic story. That final shot of Alastor's mangled body, the shock on Serenity's face.
Alastor, you fuckin' hypocrite. I find his whole, 'do as I say, not as I do' thing pretty hilarious, but it adds more to the tragedy of the whole thing. Considering how they met, it's not surprising she followed him into Hell. Maybe that's not a bad thing though. At least they have one another.
Could you send me a link to the original artwork so I can link it here?
Edit: The original artist can be found here!
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rexc0re · 11 months
They’ll always have each other.
A Serenity Fic
A/N: Haiiiii this is the first fic of Serenity :3 You might have already read this on twitter but I write everything on here and the format is better, I just post there cause it always flops here lol (im so sad), BUT!!! It is here now and eventually there will be a master list for this Au <3 Feel free to send asks with questions or comments Abt the au!!! ENJOY!
Warnings: Blood, Injury, Panic attacks, Angst
Fight back.
I can’t.
They need you.
I’m so tired.
Get up.
He’s alive.
Alive, and awake. On the cold hard floor of the mall. The last thing Sneeg remembered was being thrown to the ground and brutally attacked by that wire monster. Now, here he was. Alive. With a barely recognizable mangled leg but, alive.
Get up. He needed to get up. He needed to find his friends. He needed to make sure they were alright. It took forever but, he eventually got up. Shaky legs, blood pooling, but he was up. God it was so painful to stand. But he had to. He needed to go back. He said he would. He promised.
Sneeg limped through the mall. Past the empty stores. Past every exit he saw even with everything in his body telling him to leave he stayed. He had people to stay for. People he needed to fight to get back and get out with him.
He walked past yet another empty store until he heard it. The cries of agony. The sobs of pain. Charlie’s sobs.
“Fuck…oh god it hurts…This fucking sucks….”
“Charlie? Charlie holy shit it’s you you’re alive!”
“Sneeg?? Is it really you? Oh my god it’s you you’re here you’re here oh my god.”
Sneeg stumbled into the room to find Charlie on the ground, his stomach covered in blood. He was badly injured. But he was alive. Sobbing his eyes out at the sight of Sneeg. But alive. Just ike Sneeg. They were alive. And they had each other.
The hug they shared was gentle yet they held such a strong grip on each other. Charlie couldn’t stop crying, neither could Sneeg. It seemed that everything had been taken from them and they were left to rot away in a mall where no one would find them. Yet, here they are. Alive and with each other. Despite everything, they had each other.
The box closed.
I’m bleeding out.
I’m bleeding out.
It’s almost over.
Ranboo was in so much pain he could only think about the sweet ending he was soon to receive. It needed to be over. The ache in his hands, the pounding of his head, and the blood. It was icy cold against the skin which held his spasming muscles. They’ve never felt such discomfort.
The darkness was calling his name. Until the light started to drag them back.
They’d been stumbling around the mall for what seemed like hours. So many empty rooms, so many endless halls. No Ranboo. Until the red light drew them in. The unforgiving red stained the walls like blood as it shined out of the room from where it was sourced.
Sneeg and Charlie knew something was wrong. To their dismay, they were right. Upon the back wall of that room was..Ranboo. He was tied to the wall his hands secured with wires that dug into their skin. A box, around their head. Blood, pouring down their chest.
Charlie immediately panics and bursts into tears and limps his way towards Ranboo. “Fuck no nonono sneeg HELP ME SNEEG please god no we have to get it open.” Sneeg stands in shock. Charlie keeps rambling in panic before he turns to Sneeg, his face covered in tears. Through his own tears Sneeg steps forward and attempts to open the box as Charlie frees Ranboos hands.
With a few painful tugs and a slew of curses, Sneeg gets the box open.
The ringing won’t stop. There’s light? He’s pretty sure it’s light. Are their eyes open? He can’t tell for some reason. Oh no. He’s falling. Someone’s holding onto them. The ringing still hasn’t stopped. He’s pretty sure his eyes are open but he can’t see. Why can’t they see??
Nononono who’s holding onto them. Who’s touching their hands, their face. He needs to get away. They’re going to hurt him. Ranboo begins to fight back. Kicking, hitting, flailing as hard as he can. Every little movement burns. Everything hurts the bloods still flowing the ringing won’t stop. He. Can’t. See. But the tears and need to leave overpower.
The hands hold him down. Someone has their arms around his chest and arms hugging him close to their chest. Another has their hands holding down their legs. He’s held still now but still sobbing and begging to be let go. He can’t be put back into these shows he needs to leave. They’re so weak now, their cries coming out quieter.
“Let me go…please. I promise I won’t tell anyone, please let me go.”
The one holding his arms speaks. He recognizes their voice finally as it registers over the prominent ringing in his ear.
“It’s me Ran, it’s Charlie! I got you, I’ve got you. It’s me and Sneeg I promise we’re not gonna hurt you I know ur scared but it’s us kid it’s okay it’s okay i promise.”
Ranboo hiccups, and gently moves his arms underneath Charlie’s to grab at his hand. Their other arm, trembling, reaches for Sneegs. They both let him hold their hands. Ranboo shifts to lay against Charlie listening to his heart beat and feeling Sneegs through his wrist.
“We’ve got you bud. I told you I’d come back. You’re safe. Relax”
Ranboo still felt so much pain. As he laid in Charlie’s arms. Even when they got in that car and he leaned against Sneeg. The pain was still there, along with the ringing and his lack of vision. But there was also something new. Something they hadn’t felt in a while.
Calm and Peace.
His life had been hell the past three days and the three of them had been through so much. They’d lost everything they had. That mall had stripped them down of everything that made them, them and left them with practically nothing.
But it did leave them with one thing; Eachother. They always had eachother. Throughout it all. And it was then that Ranboo realized something new in the back of that beat up old car.
He was always going to have his brothers. Charlie and Sneeg. They were always going to have each other. And with that they were always going to be safe. They brought each other safety, love, and one very important thing.
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alevolpe · 1 year
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Warm up sketch of the princess
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waywardwizzard · 1 day
○If you had to choose
between you and me
who would it be?
•It would always be you
When Simon woke up - why was his arm burning? - and saw Mal leaning against the wall, he should have known that they had gone too far.
"No. No," Simon mumbled, staring at him with wide eyes, "You - you're not supposed to be here."
Mal only continued to stare at him, his eyes unreadable.
"You were supposed to go away and keep her safe."
Like you were supposed to do?
Straining against the straps tying him to the bed, the needle in the crook of his arm shifting under his skin, Simon tried to reach the captain, trying to get him to understand. She needed to be safe-
His leg spasmed and the doctor howled. The bullet wound in his thigh had been reopened and blood sluggishly oozed down his leg, staining the sheets red. Dark puddles gleamed in the artificial lighting, the slow tink of liquids echoing through the room. The doctor wasn't sure if it was blood or the IV-
Men finding them at the market, telling River to run, throwing himself at them, fighting, watching as Serenity took off, screams, pain-
Everything clicked.
"You're not real," Simon whispered, glancing at the captain.
Something shifted and everything blurred, the colours running together, turning the whole room blue blue blue-
Two by two, hands of blue. He was beginning to understand why she cried.
Tell us where River Tam is-
Ge-ge? Simon?
Oh God, please no- she was supposed to be safe-
He tried to find the captain in the swirling colours but his eyes wouldn't focus, fire running through his veins, burning burning burning-
The last thing he saw before he passed out was Mal's disappointed eyes staring back at him, blue points in a blue sea. It felt like he was drowning.
The look reminded him of the last time he had seen Gabriel.
'I won't come for you'
The lights flashed, red and grey, red and grey, throwing shadows onto the walls.
(Shadows are people who just forgot who they are.)
Did he remember who he was?
His thought chased each other round and round-
Lost in the woods
no crumbs left,
running around in circles
Look behind you-
Everything hurt hurt hurt-
A door banged open, the sound of metal on metal echoing through the room. Too fast too loud too much-
"Zoë! In here!"
He forced his eyes open and brown filled his vision, making him want to cry. Why did he want to cry?
Drowsily, he tried to roll his head, trying to follow the flash of colour, forcing his eyes to focus.
Why wouldn't they focus?
Tired blue eyes met his and it felt like he couldn't breathe.
"C-can't, can't be here. Not real."
The hallucination bent over one his restrained wrists, frowning.
"Y'know doc'," it said, "that's a real funny way of saying 'thank you', but considering the circumstances, I'll let it slide."
He wasn't - couldn't - River -
"Easy, kid, she's safe. We got her."
(We got you)
Warm, calloused fingers undid the restraints, carefully, gently, brushing over the bloody skin the straps had left behind. Simon (he remembered, he didn't forget-) remembered why he wanted to cry.
Captain Malcolm Reynolds, blood trickling down the side of his face was real and he had come.
'I won't come for you.'
'You're on my crew.'
(The captain looked real in a way Gabriel never had.)
A burst of gunfire made them flinch, Simon hissing when his leg jostled.
Cursing, the captain rushed to the door and peered around the corner.
It felt like something inside Simon suddenly pulled taut and snapped, ice replacing the fire burning in his veins.
At the door the captain glanced back and cursed again.
"Hurry up Zoë!" he yelled, his voice too loud in the small room (he was cold, so so cold, why was he cold?) before rushing back to the bed, shrugging out of his browncoat.
Gently, he threw it over the doctor, the soft leather still warm. It smelled like Serenity.
It smelled like home.
"Stay awake doc'. That's an order, dong ma?"
The captain' voice drifted over the the sound of gunfire and screaming and the last thing Simon heard was Zoë clattering into the room, her soft voice mixing with the captain's.
He was safe safe safe-
○If you had to choose
between your children
who would it be?
Her or me?
•It would always be both
Author's note-
@quirkykayleetam It's finally done! It was so much fun to write, thank you for the request. I really hope you like it and that it's whumpy enough <3
I also hope it's fine if I use it to mark off day 2 of june of doom😅.
Also, there's something so satisfying about writing whump in a glitter gel pen😂.
Both beginning and end pieces are part of a poem called Letters I wrote for this fic (this fic spawned a lot of ideas😅):
Father dear,
answer me this.
If you had to choose
between you and me
who would it be?
Daughter dear,
I'll answer you this.
It would always be you
between you and me.
Father dear,
answer me this.
If you had to choose
between your children
who would it be?
Her or me?
Son dear,
I'll answer you this.
It would always be both
between you and her.
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ballwizard · 7 months
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my half of an art trade with @dykeguro of their BALLER mask au‼️
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sneepy cozy....
#cats#(medical stuff mention for tags)#poasting confortable image of boye for peace and serenity and such forthe#I have little weird episodes sometimes where I get shaky (but like violently like 'would spill a drink if you were holding it beacuse#your hands are moving so much' type shaky) and weird and sick feeling but usually it passes in an hour or less. but last night I just#literally couldnt sleep I was shaking so much and my heartrate was up a ton and wouldn't go down even after like 6 hours plus super nausea#so I went to the hospital and now shall wear a heart monitor for a week. which hopefully it's just some weird drastic low blood sugar#event or something and there's nothing actually going on. ekg + ct scan for blod clots + virus panel + almost all of the blood work seems#normal so... aa.......#Though me being so privacy focused hrggh... I basically have a constantly bluetooth connected device around me#since the monitor comes with a cell phone that is constantly transmitting data to the place. which they said they'll call you#if they see anything weird which is also scary. random phone calls... but definitely better than letting an issue go unadressed lol#the phone is also not meant to be more than 10 feet away from the monitor at any time so I put on this old tactical fishing#vest thing thats like navy green with 100 pockets and im just using one of the giant pocketson the side as a phone holder#my enormous silly vest just to keep one little phone#ANYWAY... because I got up early the morning before and didn't sleep at all and spent nearly all day in waiting rooms and such#I have been awake for like 32 hours striaght. which I'm sure also does not help with an elevated heartrate lol#feeling shrimp emotions or whatever people talk about unlocking at a certain level of stress and sleep deprivation#and also no food or water. after a while they brought me like 3 saltines and some ice water but I basically also haven't eaten since 3am#last night and it's 2pm now..#thus............ bapy............. baby boye....... he will help ease all ailments with his baby powers...#And no I dont drink energy drinks or anything with caffiene really I'm afraid of all substances on the planet essentially#My body just likes to become shaky and weird randomly even when I'm not conciously anxious about anything/have had no caffiene/etc#and I guess I'm always more nervous about getting anything heart related checked out because of my arm/shoulder/chest area injury stuff#... i literally have constant chest pain all the time. it moves around but i nearly always have some sort of pain or pressure in my chest#so when people are like 'oh well a little weird heartrate is fine but watch out if you have pain!' it's like... i always do lol.. how am I#supposed to tell the Bad Pain apart from the Always Pain when the descriptions of Bad Pain are very very similar#AAAANYway.... hrghh... i wanted to be very productive and finally post drafts and wrok on things today. but alas..#I can at least post small image of soft boye.. though he recently got into stuff in the bathroom whilst left#alone and knocked things into the toilet.. So perhaps not an innocent and NICE boy.. but still.. a soft one .. beautfile....
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neeko-system · 10 months
finished my second playthrough of signalis, was going for the artifact ending. then loaded my save and got the memory ending. such a good game aaaa
the memory ending made me cry, it was really heartwrenching when ariane said sorry i dont remember, i just crumpled. watching elster be so exhausted was a lot.
not really sure if i understand the artifact ending. i feel like either its really vague (on top of all the other vagueness) or if im missing something. it kind of feels like a burial of arianes memory? like elster dies and we see ariane thikning about her and elster dancing in the wrecked ship? i’m not sure. maybe someone could give me their interpretation of it?
i also found out that theres a difficulty setting and really wished i had set it to survival before my second playthrough. woulda been nice!!! I do have one more ending so i might play the game again but might also just watch it on youtube and play the game again some other time(gotta let it ruminate so i can go back in with different eyes), I wanna get all the achievements anyways.
all in all i fucking love this game a lot. very rarely do i replay a game so soon after playing it for the first time. its really tragic i’ll never get to experience this game for the first time again, but, so it goes. its such a beautiful game i will be thinking about it for a longgggggggggggg time. ive been wanting to talk about it so badly for so long but none of my friends have played it yet kyaaa!!! >_<
its crazy to me that the game exists the way it does. the style, the mechanics, the story, the music, everything about it oozes so much passion and care and thought. very few games have made me want to stare at every part of it to figure out how they made it look the way it did (THE GAME IS SO STYLISTICALLY RICH LIKE HOIW DID THEY DO ALL THAT) and the game mechanics are so nice to my brain, everything is so tactile and clicky and inventory management and ammo management and horror stratgey and the flesh and rust and death and love and lesbians and robots and anime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
amazing game thank you rose engine, i hope they make more stuff because i really want to see it
edit:(thinking about the first time i played compared to the second. i was considerably less scared since i had a clue of waht was going on but the fear that i felt playing the first time was special to me. i really like games with stories about ‘time loops’ because the replay-ability is baked in in a cool way. especially with how the game throws information at you, viewing things again having experienced perspective shifts from information is really cool. seeing scenes again re-contextualized makes my brain go ^-^(hots quest ding sound) but going in completely blind and being afraid of everything (i especially remember being scared of the dream beach, i had literally no clue what to expect and it was nice) it all had a different flavor than the second time which is cool because i feel like i experience that kind of emotion change *with* elster. (girlie needs a FUCKING cuddle nap)
the way the game balances reality and the surreal i think is super neat. i love surrealist dream stuff a lot and i think that a video game is a super good medium for that kind of experiential stuff that really inspires me to wanna make video games. especially because then theres also this super nerdy sci fi stuff going on about robots and space regimes and magical tech(my favorite) and planetary systems and military systems and all that good shit. i similarly wanna get nerdy about stuff like military logistics while also telling a story about gay robots and girls that keep missing each other just barely in the space time continuum. i love that the game tells you a lot but also is vague and also says fuck you (affectionate) stop looking for answers and just feel it. it explains just the right amount to not feel esoteric while keeping enough vague to leave a lot up to interpretation/figure it out by playing it again/thinking about it. it plays with themes and reality and reoccuring symbolism and all that good shit that makes stories addicting to think about.) ((also one of the endings requiring beating the game once among other things that keep between playthroughs, yummyyy. games that know they are games/stories/worlds that are aware of themselves., thats good shit right there))
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jackexmachina · 2 years
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Sam & Mary // Dean & John
image description: scenes from “Pilot,” “Shadow,” “Dead Man’s Blood,” “In My Time of Dying,” “In the Beginning,” “When the Levee Breaks,” “First Blood,” and “Moriah.” These scenes compare Sam to Mary and Dean to John.
4x03: Dean stands across from Mary in 1973, in her living room. He looks a little confused as she tells him, earnestly, “This job, this life... I hate it.”
1x16: Sam smiles a little, shaking his head. He tells Dean, “I’m not gonna live this life forever.” Dean turns away from him.
1x20: John stands in front of Sam in the middle of a street, at night. He yells, “You walked away!” Dean tries to interject saying, “Stop it, both of you!” Neither of them him any attention, and Sam answers John, “You’re the one who said, “don’t come back,” dad. You’re the one who closed that door, not me!” He becomes more enraged as he finishes, “You were just pissed off you couldn’t control me anymore!”
4x21: Dean lies on the floor, nose bloody and surrounded by some broken glass. He yells at Sam, “You walk out that door, don’t you ever come back!” Sam breathes heavily, turning slightly to glare at him.
2x01: John leans over to whisper to Dean, laying in a hospital bed. After a moment, Dean jerks back slightly to look at him, shocked. John moves away from him slowly, crying a little, but looking serious. Dean blinks.
14x20: Sam sits on Dean’s bed, across from him. He stutters a bit from emotion, asking, “Now y– you want my permission? You want me to say I– I’m cool with losing him? And losing you, all at once?”
12x09: Dean sits next to Castiel in the backseat, he asks Mary, “So, wait, you’ve been hunting?” She’s driving and she shrugs slightly, answering, “A little bit...” Sam sits in the passenger seat and laughs a little, telling her knowingly, “I knew you couldn’t stay away.” They share a look, and Sam smiles.
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serenofroses · 5 months
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Darth Marr x Ania x Darth Jadus: [5/?]
sw:tor Nevrakis legacy.
Marr and Jadus are trans women and uses she/they pronouns respectively. // Ania is miraluka-sith hybrid.
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poppy-purpura · 6 months
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Flow became more nervous and started spin his antennae.
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yarn-dragon · 8 months
Whunptober Day 18! 5 against 1 really isn't fair
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