thepiratefish · 10 months
More popcross headcannons because it's been
*counts on fingers and sweats*
A year? Idk anyways-
[]Including Aus[]
Magama!Benny uses a heatlamp
-bonus- astra will Ocassionaly will just hangout with him becuase Dragon.
Harold listens to Nightvale
Tayren discovers YouTube because of Anna and now records himself with the dangerous creatures I'm his world
(think of Steve Irwin but for his universe)
Champagne doesn't want to be one, but he is most definitely one of those Father figures who dosent want to be a father figure (think of Sci-5 (Ik they are probably adults but they definitely have some sort of daddy issues)
The Sci-5 probably accidently went to the Sharp Gang once. idk how maybe Champanges watch, but I feel like it happened
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therummonster · 1 year
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FIC vvvvvvvvvvvvv
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sapphirebluephoenix · 2 months
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Oh, and Happy Easter! (I'm assuming that's what these bunnies are for)
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animentality · 4 months
I miss when sci fi was allowed to be goofy and weird and long running, with a lot of daily life plots and silly costumes and fun real sets.
nowadays it's trying so hard to be prestige television, and intelligent, without realizing that the best sci fi could be that AND ridiculous. it's all CGI and brooding and people being sad on sad looking gray planets.
I also dislike how modern sci fi is dystopian this, dystopian that.
you know, farscape is technically a dystopia, but it still let itself be a fun one.
maybe your dystopian sci fi needs puppets.
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elearttt · 9 months
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atomic-chronoscaph · 2 months
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Michael York and Jenny Agutter - Logan’s Run (1976)
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koroa · 7 months
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timetravellingkitty · 21 days
I'm not listening to a white person on what's racist or insensitive to brown people. read orientalism by edward said before talking to me or my son ever again
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mari-beau · 1 year
Never Forget that Delenn (Satai, Ambassador, Entil'Zha, The One) said WORKERS RIGHTS!
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alphamecha-mkii · 19 days
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Chasing the Comet by Marc-Laurent Magnier
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roguespazz · 1 year
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thepiratefish · 1 year
Things That are Cannon in popcross that are sometimes forgotten that make me happy.
1 Soundstrike is neither a Girl or a Boy they are non bianary witch I love, [I asked Popcross in a comment if there was any Trans/nonbianary characters and he said They were nonbianary] :)
Champange Knows BSL / Sign Language
Benny Once did drugs [If you watch the Multiverse Tales battle for the beast world part 1 Benny mentions Hus uncle had him deliver 'Snow' to his freinds Once getting a whiff of it]
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therummonster · 1 year
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me after correcting the popcross wiki so it has the actual info.
i've got no clue how to create new pages! so if you know how to do that, please halp.
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sahind · 7 months
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“The death chill. The power to kill by fear itself. Your veins turn to rivers of ice, your bones crack and the last thing you see is your own tear ducts freezing up.“ GHOSTBUSTERS: FROZEN EMPIRE (2024) Directed by Gil Kenan
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Day 5
I successfully made contact with the human today. As per usual, I completed my cyclic meal intake, but did not come across the human. When I arrived at my work station, the human was already present. She turned around to me and once again, her face warped into a horrifying grimace similar to the one on the second day, baring her teeth and raising the corners of her mouth in a rather threatening manner. I recoiled, although fortunately, the grimace was gone as soon as it had appeared. The human did not seem to notice my discomfort, and simply turned back to her work station.
After a moment, I felt secure enough to approach my own work station. As we worked in silence, I pondered if this was perhaps not a sign of aggression, but rather a way of greeting among humans. Although this thesis could not be supported by any real evidence, as baring ones teeth was a universal sign of aggression among most species.
The human, suddenly, seemingly without any indicator, spoke up: "Y‘know, I just realized that I never asked your name. That must‘ve seemed terribly rude of me." "I was not upset by your behaviour", I decided on after a moment.
"So what is your name?" "My species does not participate in the gifting of individual names.", I explained. "We simply address each other by their titles or their profession. I am addressed as 'mechanic'." 
"But that‘s…boring and sad." My front pliers uttered a rattling sound. "I have never known anything else." Her vocal cords vibrated, producing a barely detectable humming sound. 
The silence did not last long. "Can I ask you a kind of personal question? You don‘t have to answer, obviously…I was just wondering: Do…all of your species look like you? Kind of like, insect-looking, six legs, pliers, compound eyes type?"
"The anatomy of my species does not wary greatly. We all look quite similar, yes." "Oh, cool"
I tried to word my own following question as polite as possible: "What…about your species? Do your individuals vary greatly from each other in terms of physique?" 
"Well…kind of. I mean, we all have, like, the same 'ground structure', I guess you‘d call it? Like, anatomy-wise? But we like, can vary in, for example skin colour, eye colour, hair colour, height, weight, so shape, basically. Uuh yeah, that‘s what‘s coming into my head right now." She had started 'counting' with her fingers while she spoke, taking one finger for every thing she listed.
"That is quite astounding, compared to my species.", I informed her. "Yeah, I guess you could say so…", she opened and closed her mouth, producing a clicking sound as her teeth clashed together. Seemingly, she had wanted to say another thing, but decided against it.
Before I was able to strike up another conversation, Wrin walked, or rather, stumbled into the main control room, a bottle in their gloved hand. They informed me that, apparently, there was another leak in one of the machinery rooms that they wanted me to have a look at. Although I doubted their words, I followed them nonetheless, even if it was solely to reassure them. 
As it transpired, there was an actual leak, which I had to spend the rest of the cycle repairing and checking that there was further damage or similar leaks, since there had been two in a row in a rather short matter of cycles.
When I eventually finished the task at hand, the cycle had almost come to an end and the human had left the premises to indulge in her (now dark) recharging time session.
As I stated in the report prior to this one, I do not draw conclusions, but I have a slight presentiment that the human may like me.
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lunemoths · 3 months
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kiss ryuji week day 4: sports / hangouts / post-canon !!
they are the eepers
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