freeessaywriterai · 5 months
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We are thrilled to share the amazing features of our citation machine!
✅ Citing sources is crucial for several reasons: 1️⃣ Respect for original creators 2️⃣ Avoiding plagiarism and academic misconduct 3️⃣ Building trust and credibility in your work 4️⃣ Sharing knowledge and giving credit where it's due 5️⃣ Joining the conversation and contributing to scholarly discussions
Pro tip: Utilize our citation machine to effortlessly create accurate citations!
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thxnews · 7 months
Harvard University Press: Pioneering Scholarly Excellence
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  Establishment of Harvard University Press
Harvard University Press (HUP) stands as the oldest academic press in the United States, with its inception dating back to 1913. It was Charles William Eliot, the president of Harvard University at the time, who laid the foundation for this prestigious institution. Eliot's vision for HUP was ambitious: to create a press dedicated to publishing high-quality scholarly works capable of advancing knowledge and understanding across all academic disciplines.  
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University Press printing office, Brattle Sq. Old Cambridge, Mass. Circa. 1915. Photo by Boston Public Library. Flickr.   Early Years and Growth In its initial years, HUP published a modest number of books. Yet, its commitment to quality quickly gained recognition. By the 1930s, it had risen to become one of the world's foremost academic presses, boasting an impressive list of publications authored by eminent scholars like W.E.B. Du Bois, T.S. Eliot, and Stephen Jay Gould.  
Flourishing Through Expansion
Decades of Expansion Following World War II, Harvard University Press experienced a period of rapid growth. The institution broadened its scope to include new fields of study such as economics, political science, and social history. Additionally, HUP diversified its offerings by publishing books intended for a general readership. Notable publications from this era include Thomas Kuhn's "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" (1962), John Rawls' "A Theory of Justice" (1971), Paul Gilroy's "The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness" (1993), and Thomas Piketty's "Capital in the Twenty-First Century" (2013).  
Trailblazing Contributions to Academia and Publishing
Contributions to Academia and the Industry Throughout its history, Harvard University Press has made significant contributions to academia and the publishing industry. It has published some of the most influential scholarly works of the past century. HUP has also been a pioneer in the development of new publishing models, particularly in the realm of open-access publishing. HUP's books have left an indelible mark, serving students, professors, and researchers worldwide, while also appealing to a broader audience eager to explore the latest advancements in scholarship. These publications have played an essential role in shaping our understanding of the world and our place within it.  
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Milanovic, Branko. Global Inequality - A New Approach for the Age of Globalisation. Harvard University Press 2016. Photo by Gwydion M Williams. Flickr.  
Adapting to Modern Challenges
Addressing Contemporary Challenges In recent years, Harvard University Press has faced its share of challenges, particularly concerning the rise of digital publishing and the decline of traditional book sales. However, the press has demonstrated adaptability by expanding its digital publishing portfolio and innovating new ways to engage readers.  
Embracing the Digital Age
Evolution and Modernization Harvard University Press has embraced the digital age, adjusting to the evolving needs of academia and the publishing industry. In addition to its traditional print publishing, HUP now delivers books in various digital formats, including e-books, audiobooks, and online databases. Moreover, HUP offers a range of open-access publishing options.   Global Accessibility and Outreach HUP remains committed to making its books accessible worldwide, ensuring affordability for students and scholars in developing countries through discounts and special programs. Collaboration with libraries and other institutions further widens the reach of HUP's publications.  
Continuing the Legacy
Harvard University Press proudly stands as one of the most prestigious and respected academic presses globally. With a rich history of publishing high-quality scholarly works that have advanced knowledge across all disciplines, HUP continues to adapt and modernize to meet the ever-changing demands of academia and the publishing world. HUP remains an invaluable resource for students, professors, researchers, and anyone passionate about staying informed on the latest developments in scholarship. The books it publishes offer profound insights into the world and our place within it.   Sources: THX News, Harvard University Press & Wikipedia. Read the full article
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esupportforresearch · 2 years
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agrariacad · 4 months
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#artigo Efeito do tratamento térmico nas características do concentrado proteico proveniente da carne mecanicamente separada de salmão do atlântico.
Rev. Agr. Acad. v. 6, n. 5, p. 98-105, 2023 DOI 10.32406/v6n5/2023/98-105/agrariacad ISSN 2595-3125
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nogorsolutions · 8 months
Best Journal Submission System
At Nogor Journal, we strive to provide you with the best journal submission system for all your scholarly needs. Submit your work hassle-free with us! #AcademicJournals #ScholarlyPublishing #NogorJournal #Research
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rasayely · 2 years
What is Plagiarism and How to Avoid Plagiarism in Your Manuscript?
What Is Plagiarism?
Plagiarism arises when someone copies someone else’s idea, piece of writing, or work and pastes it into another work without providing full credit to the original author. Duplication of text or findings from other papers or books, whether from the work of other academics or the author’s own work, is absolutely unethical (known as self-plagiarism). This covers everything whether deliberately or accidentally, published or unpublished, online or offline.
How Do Publishers Detect Plagiarism?
Plagiarism is crucial, and it endangers the scientific literature’s credibility. It is vital to detect improper copying in order to protect the scientific literature’s integrity. Previously, plagiarism detection was a time-consuming complicated process. editorial offices used to rely on accidental observation by reviewers or editors to determine whether or not a piece of work had been previously published. Nowadays, journals are using technologies and software tools that can effectively scan thousands of papers in seconds, matching submitted material to already published content. Most publishers use iThenticate to be able to detect plagiarism. iThenticate scans documents and compares them against its database which contains millions of published items from scholarly publishers.
According to a study conducted by Higgins et al. (2016), 17% of submitted manuscripts had unacceptable amounts of plagiarized material. Of them, 82% are coming from countries where English was not the official language. Over half of the plagiarized manuscripts were “self-plagiarized,” which should also be avoided.
Zhang Y and Jia X performed a thorough survey among journal editors from both English-speaking and non-English-speaking countries to find out how they employed the plagiarism detection tool, iThenticate, for submissions received. 42% of the 219 respondents stated that they use iThenticate as part of their submission screening process. Below are some statistics on the approach the publishers follow to detect plagiarism and take a decision on the submitted manuscripts. An overall similarity index of 50% was found unacceptable by the editors on average, and a “reject” conclusion was recommended.
66%: Rely on the iThenticate report and editorial assessment/peer reviewers' comments
20%: Rely entirely on the report and reject manuscripts with a high similarity score
10%: Seek peer reviewers' advice on papers when plagiarism was suspected
4%: Contact the manuscript authors for an explanation
Plagiarism is considered a breach of academic integrity and publishing ethics. When the editorial office notices this type of misconduct, they may impose sanctions on the manuscript’s authors, such as:
The plagiarized manuscript will be rejected outright.
The authors will not be able to submit any more articles to the journal.
Some publishers contact the authors’ institutions to inform them of the situation.
Tips to Avoid Plagiarism
As the number of publishers employing plagiarism-detection software has grown, so has the number of cases in which manuscripts have been found plagiarized. In the journal publishing industry, this form of scientific misconduct at the research level has become a big concern. Although no defined set of standards exists at this time, publishers, research institutes, and other organizations have established policies and guidelines to assist authors:
Copying Is Not Sufficient
Rather than duplicating what you have read, discuss other people’s ideas or results (using references) and how they relate to your argument. Avoid the cut/copy and paste option as it motivates you to copy everything you have read verbatim.
Writing with Your Style
Establish a unique writing style and make your style succinct and clear. Do not use others’ same words as this will raise suspicions of plagiarism.
Discussing Ideas from a Variety of Sources
When it comes to academic writing, do not limit yourself to just one or two sources or a certain author, though discuss ideas from a variety of sources. This demonstrates that you have created your own opinions based on thorough research.
Citing the Resources
Always credit the original author even if the original author is you. Keep in mind that if you incorporate someone else’s ideas in your work, you must credit them with a citation. You must cite the source, even if you are using one of your own previously published works; otherwise, this will be considered self-plagiarism.
Making Use of Quote Marks When Necessary
If it is necessary to use a quote from another author verbatim, make sure to put the words in quotation marks to show that they are a direct quote. Direct quotations should be used rarely and should not have a lot of content in them.
Scanning Your Manuscript
Scanning your manuscript before submission using plagiarism detection software is useful. It will draw your attention to the parts that require rephrasing. Be careful also to the overall similarity and ensure that it does not exceed 25%.
If so, it is highly required to go through the parts of your manuscript that are identical or very similar to existing material and rewrite it in your own style.
Seeking Assistance from a Native English Speaker or a Language Editing Center
As per the findings by Higgins et al. (2016), 82% of the plagiarism cases are coming from countries where English was not the official language. For non-native/non-professional English speakers, it will be difficult to rephrase an English text in their own language. So, seeking assistance from a native English speaker or a language editing center is highly recommended. In fact, our language editing service, at Rasayely, may be helpful.
Not only academic journal editors or scholarly publishers are responsible for maintaining a strategy to avoid plagiarism and duplicate publications, but also researchers themselves, whether as authors or reviewers, they need to acknowledge their role in raising their own standards to eliminate plagiarism.
Further Readings and Resources
[1] Higgins JR, Lin F-C, Evans JP. Plagiarism in submitted manuscripts: incidence, characteristics and optimization of screening—case study in a major specialty medical journal. Research Integrity and Peer Review 2016;1:13. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41073-016-0021-8.
[2] Zhang Y (Helen), Jia X. A survey on the use of CrossCheck for detecting plagiarism in journal articles. Learned Publishing 2012;25:292–307. https://doi.org/10.1087/20120408.
[3] Plagiarism | University of Oxford n.d. https://www.ox.ac.uk/students/academic/guidance/skills/plagiarism (accessed March 10, 2022).
[4] Plagiarism detection by publishers. Imperial College London n.d. http://www.imperial.ac.uk/admin-services/library/research-support/plagiarism-awareness-for-researchers/plagiarism-detection-by-publishers/ (accessed March 10, 2022).
[5] English Editing|Proofreading Academic Papers | Rasayely 2018. https://www.rasayely.com/english-editing-proofreading/ (accessed March 10, 2022).
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bluesyemre · 4 years
OCLC-LIBER #OpenScience Discussion on #ScholarlyPublishing
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Photo by Dino Reichmuth on Unsplash
Recently OCLC Research andLIBER (the Association of European Research Libraries) hosted the first of seven small group discussions comprising the OCLC-LIBER Open Science Discussion Series. This discussion series, which takes place from 24 September through 5 November 2020, is based upon the LIBER Open Science Roadmap, and will help guide research libraries in…
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kaythaney · 4 years
Are the #scholarlypublishing systems in #LatinAmerica really "non-commercial"? Please have a loot to this preliminary study we conducted in 2019 ---> Outsourced services: The other actors in the production of Latin American scientific journals https://t.co/IHuIEO7x58
— Ivonne Lujano (@ivonnelujano) June 8, 2020
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academicanalytics · 4 years
RT @AJOlejniczak: Are a disproportionate number of #openaccess articles authored by a particular subset of scholars? Our newest study addresses the authorship side of #OA and is now up as a preprint @socarxiv, check it out! https://t.co/SLrY4EfHr3 #AARC #scholarlypublishing #highered https://t.co/S5Wk7dluxG
Are a disproportionate number of #openaccess articles authored by a particular subset of scholars? Our newest study addresses the authorship side of #OA and is now up as a preprint @socarxiv, check it out!https://t.co/SLrY4EfHr3#AARC #scholarlypublishing #highered https://t.co/S5Wk7dluxG
— Anthony J Olejniczak (@AJOlejniczak) March 20, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/Acad_Analytics March 20, 2020 at 12:35PM via IFTTT
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agrariacad · 4 months
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#artigo Clinical evaluation and digestibility of banana (Musa spp.) compared to the Coast Cross hay (Cynodon sp.) as food for sheep.
Rev. Agr. Acad. v. 6, n. 5, p. 89-97, 2023 DOI 10.32406/v6n5/2023/89-97/agrariacad ISSN 2595-3125
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creativecommons · 8 years
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It's #oaweek 2016! Keep an eye on our blog to find out what you can do for open in action! #OAWeek2016 #OA #scholarlypublishing
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