your-fave-is-bi · 2 years
mom driving: call ur dad’s workplace and say you want to speak to him me: [doing that word for word] mom: [corrects my words to chastise me n point out i was being rude and could be more polite]
bruh you TOLD me to say that.
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iamtheempress · 4 years
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A Vegeta x OC Fan Fiction (part 6)¤ ¤ ¤
The walk back took almost the entire night, and she gladly gave Vegeta what he asked for. Silence. Cold complete silence. She is still in this vice grip as well as Vegeta’s grip… The thrill and fun of being in the Great Ape Princes grip had long passed before he even held her. SHe was pissed. Like a pouty child who didn’t get their way. Rightfully so.. 
The sun crested the horizon and just started to dip away from view just like the moons despite the consistent  fact of her being held like this, the scene was really pretty. Evenings that were reminiscent of beautiful purple, blues and pinks, splashed with bright bands of stars and asteroids that would hurtle over head from the closest belt.. Absolutely gorgeous. If only she could voice it without being chastised like a child.
Finally the base was within view. “I ought to thank you for being so considerate and quiet for me.. For once you actually listen.” His voice remained flat in his booming voice. He unwrapped her from the icy cold grip of the To-Rotian Zombie, like a banana. Where she dusted her arms off and jumped from his palm without a word or a thanks. Calamatta coldly entered the code to get into the ship and disappeared before Vegeta could even begin to shrink.
Vegeta watched this unfold, only becoming more and more annoyed, utter disrespect and cold. “Ungrateful little..” He muttered returning to size and walking right into the ship, his fist clenched tight and jaw stiff. This girl was in for it. “Hey! Woman!! Is this the thanks i get for saving your life so graciously.” Calamatta walked to the holomap and opened it up again to see the newly updated map, a map that was constantly updated by the mother ship, the barren city was now wiped from the map. Vegeta seethed and stood point blank behind her. "I am speaking to you, Calamatta. look at me, thats an order." Vegeta tapped his fingers on his bicep, impatient. he flipped his bangs abit out of his face and stared through the back of her head.
Calamatta took a breath and turned. "You wanted a thank you.. for what… yelling at me when i was following orders? Or for me getting caught by that much bigger fucking monstrocity." She furrowed her brows, the annoyance from her voice was palpable and her one cute c shaped tail hung low close to the ground.
 "If you paid attention a bit you wouldn't have gotten caught." Vegeta was cold and direct, as a more experienced Saiyan he had every right to be more arrogant but this is her second mission out. "Well so-rry Vegeta this is still my 2nd goddamn mission, didnt think youd make this such a big freakin 'deal." She went to turn around and was promptly grabbed by the wrist and jerked back around to meet the prince's sharp black eyes and finger pointing at her face.
 She twitched. "It's a 'big-freakin-deal' when im pulling the weight between the both of us. Each time we've seen those things you're grabbed making you the weakest link of the both of us" Calamatta's teeth grit and a vein formed in her forehead. She got closer to him making it apparent who the taller saiyan was. "Get your damn finger out of my face and stop talking down to me, i'm getting fed up with it"
 Vegeta felt a twinge in his gut. He didn't know if it was guilt or blatant aggravation for this whole situation. If he weren't in his Great Ape form he would have been as good as dead as well as her and that much was obvious. "Next time you do anything foolish, don't expect me to save your ass. Are we clear?" 
She closed her eyes and gulped.. there's that heartache again. Her tail thumped to the floor and her eyes went back to the map. "Yes, Vegeta…" she responded obediently. Vegeta turned and made his way to the bathroom to wash up and breathe before he snapped. First disrobing his gloves. "Frieza was right…" her voice cracked, eyes glued shut as she turned from him. Vegeta heard it loud and clear. It made him stop in his tracks. What is he right about? Does she know something he doesn't? He turns halfway. 
"Calamatta." She darts her eyes up from her unwrapping her hands from her tight hand wraps and offers a hum as a response, looking over her shoulder. "Make dinner for us when i get back out." She huffed a sigh as he closed and locked the shower door, sighing heavily. 
Calamatta did as she was told. She made dinner fit for two saiyans. Frozen meat that was still delicious and bloody, noodles, potatoes, an enormous crustacean creature with enough meat to share some alcohol and water. They turned off the holomap and she lain out the food on the table waiting for him. She disrobed the armor and let it clunk to the ground. Taking sips of some of the previous crew unopened stash. 
Vegeta showered himself off of the blood and sweat from the carnage he set forth, his face looking up at the shower head. His brain was although elsewhere: Calamatta and how he can utilize her.. He is here for her after all. Though their lifelong friendship was amicable its recently become aggressive… he excused that for simply her being under-utilized as a Saiyan. That doesnt excuse her natural strength though; her under-utilized strength was still absolutely on par with his own. How can he see himself how strong she is without wasting another moment of time terraforming. It hit him as he grinned and stopped the shower. 
He can fight her.
Vegeta exited the bathroom in his clothing but no armor his freshly washed hair hung in his face and he had a smug little shit earing grin on his face. “Whats with the smile? Its freaking me out.” He seated himself opposite the Saiyan and pulled some to his side to eat and started chowing down. “Eat. Then afterwards were going to fight” “What? Why? Isnt that a waste of time?” She asked scarfing down food voraciously. As if shes never eaten a day in her life. “Not entirely. You want to prove your worth to me then you will fight me and win. That is if you can even lay a hand on me.” She rolls her eyes and flicks her tail back and forth. Vegeta did something he rarely did. He let his tail relax. 
It curled into an s shape behind him and the tip remained stagnant. “Fine, dont bitch when i beat you though, wouldnt want to see the prince cry.” Her infectious bravado came out once again, her eyes narrowing at the prince before her. Vegeta growled and tore meat from bone. “Ill make you eat those words, Cala…” “Im going to comb those stupid bangs out of your face, im tired of talking to a curtain of hair.” Vegeta pounded his chest, swallowing potatoes quickly. “Your not going anywhere near my face with anything.” She chuckles and clears plates off with ease, guzzling down water and sharing alcohol with the prince who put the liqour away with ease.
Vegeta stood and gestured with his head. “Cmon, one round of me putting you in your place then off to sleep..” She springs to her feet and slips on her white boots. “I cannot wait for your to eat your damn words.” She chuckles and presses the button on the wall, he stops her, noticing shes not putting her armor on. “No armor?” “Nope! I wanna kick your ass and make you look at mine…” Vegeta scoffed and watched the saiyan leave the safety of the base with her arms crossed and tail flicking behind her as she took to the sky, only illuminated by the light of the waning gibbous. “If i win, Im combing your stupid hair back.” She promises cracking her knuckles mid air. Eyes narrowed and ready to brawl. “Pff… If i win you do as i say no questions asked, if so im going to give a negative report to frieza.” She gasps meeting eyes with the saiyan prince and a twinge of fear in her eyes. “What! You wouldnt dare!" Vegeta sneered and grinned menacingly, with a competitive look in his eye. "Try me, cmon. Show me what your made of"
Tags: @dragonblobz @lizardhipsdontlie @lilhemmo @dragonballcollector @msgreenverse @hierophantblue @thotful-writing @supremeleadershitlord @dragonball-hcs-or-sum-shit @memevember
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maple-keenes · 5 years
of drunk kisses and superpowers
summary: deceit (damien) is a mostly-normal journalism student who managed, somehow, to only make friends with superheroes and supervillains. he's in his final year of college, got an amazing best friend who's only a semi-murderous supervillain and he's landed an internship at the new york times. problem is, they keep making him report on all the superhero vs supervillain fights around the city - which means he's seen roman and remus fight against each other a million and a half times. the only issue with that is that he's starting to watch these fights more intensely and notice a hell of more about how good remus's costume looks on him. soon, damien's juggling his job, his schoolwork, and the growing feeling that he might want a little bit more than friendship with remus.
pairing: dukeceit, logicality, remile if you squint 
tw: remus, deceit, cursing, alcohol, getting drunk, more cursing
wc: 4293
a/n: ...i’m not ashamed of what i’ve done here 
read it on ao3
@analogical-chaos @theflatpancake @ilovemygaydad @alltimevirgilant @virgiliananxiety @romanticsanders @theincediblesulk @wroammin @creativity-killed-thekitten @bitchyybabyy400 @wooflesthatwoof @lyditist @heck-im-lost @max-is-tired @demurphart @thelowlysatsuma @land-of-dragons-and-frogs @theeternalspace @magicallygrimmwiccan @weirdsthenewnormal @romansleftshoulderpad
Damien May was a fairly normal college student. He was a bit of an asshole, tended to not do his homework, but deep down he was a decent person. He lived in an apartment with a friend of his, Logan, and he was majoring in journalism. 
He was not a superhero. 
Actually, Damien was fairly certain he was the only one in his extended friend group that wasn’t a superhero or villain. Logan, his roommate was also known as Logic (he wasn’t the most creative), Remus was The Duke, his twin brother, Roman, was The Prince, (Damien was ticking these off on his fingers as he went), Logan’s boyfriend was Empath, Damien’s kind-of-friend from Composition was known as Dark Magic, and Damien's cousin Remy was also some sort of superhero. Thank god Remy's husband was just a therapist, or Dami would have gone batshit. 
None of his friends knew that he knew who they all were except Logan. It was something that was hard to hide from your roommate, especially when said roommate is a seasoned professional in persuasion and observation. And Logan tells Patton everything and Damien tells Logan everything and vice-versa, so the whole-Patton-is-Empath thing was kind of out in the open from the beginning. And Virgil, aka Dark Magic, had told him off the bat too.
So really, it was just Roman and Remus. 
Overall, he was generally content to stick with his normal life, with his not-so-normal friends, and continue pissing off Roman's main gang of friends with Remus. 
This worked fine for him until his internship at the Times decided that he needed to cover a fight between The Duke and The Prince that had broken out, and Damien just sighed and grabbed his notebook. Tonight was gonna be great. 
So he sat in a car, watching the twin brothers fly around yelling weird insults at each other. Since he lived and worked in New York, this was not the first or last fight he'd ever have to cover, so Damien just scribbled down an account of what had happened the last four times (the Arellano twins were pretty consistent) they had fought. He pulled out his phone and texted Logan an update. 
The Best Person To Ever Exist (Me) 5:43 PM
they're not even fighting anymore, just yelling weirdly personal insults at each other
The Best Person To Ever Exist (Me) 5:43 PM
Spooky Mind Control Dude 5:44 PM
Oh, hell. Well, that sounds like them. I'll see you later, Dami.
The Best Person To Ever Exist (Me) 5:45 PM
i hate it when you call me that. 
Spooky Mind Control Dude 5:45 PM
Okay, Dami.
Damien groaned and banged his head against the dashboard of his car, not even noticing the fountain explode next to him as Roman and Remus flew over top of the car. 
“This is dumb, my life is dumb, I want to go home,” he muttered to himself as the battle raged on. “Go Remus, go Remus.” 
It dragged on for another hour or so, and Damien found himself napping the backseat and dreaming about… something not to be discussed. 
He woke up when someone tapped on his window and he mumbled “mrmph” and sat up. He quickly rolled down the window and stuck his head out, immediately waking up fully when he realized he was staring right at Remus and Roman. “Oh, hello sirs, I’m with the Times, do you think I could get a statement from you two on what we can expect from you next?”
“Hi, Damien. How long have you been reporting on us?” Roman asked, hands on his hips. 
“I’m not allowed to tell you that. Now, what can we expect -” 
“Damien,” Remus interrupted. “We know you know it’s us.” 
He jerked up, smiling. “Oh, hi Remus, didn’t see you there.” 
“I’m here too! Don’t think you can ignore me just cause you’re gay for my brother or some shit -” Roman said. 
Remus spun around to face his brother. “Now listen here, Ro -”
Damien sank back into his chair, hoping that he could just drive away and possibly hit both of them when he did. He had to deal with their bickering constantly at home, dealing with it at work as well was something he’d definitely had nightmares about. Eventually he gave up and turned back to the window, raising his voice to be heard over the twins’ arguing and said, “Hey! You two! Shut up!” 
They both looked at him, startled. “Damien?” Remus raised an eyebrow. “You okay?”
“Okay, you two aren’t subtle. I’ve known you guys are the Duke and Prince since I met you because anyone who knows you in real life knows it’s ridiculously obvious.” He took a deep breath. “And - and - I have to report on you guys because it’s my job. It’s not a personal thing and no, Roman, it’s not because I’m gay for your brother, it’s not like I want to report on you two doing the same thing every time!” Damien chastised. “So, please, stop it.”
Damien sighed. “Thank you. Remus, I’ll see you later?” 
He nodded. “8 PM?” 
“Sounds good.” 
With that, Damien figured the conversation over and drove off, wishing that it was possible to just scream as loudly as possible on the highway and hope that no one heard him. Ugh. If Remus and Roman knew he knew who they were, that meant he couldn’t report on them unbiased anymore, and that was just great. 
When he got back to his and Logan’s apartment, he didn’t even bother to go to his room before he collapsed on the couch and started screaming into the pillow. 
Logan poked his head out of his room. “Damien, what are you doing?”
“Suffocating myself,” he said, voice muffled by the pillow. “Roman and Remus found out.” 
“About what? The superhero thing or the other thing?” 
Damien sat up and glared at him. “What other thing? There’s only one thing!” 
“I just meant…” Logan trailed off, giving him a curious look. “You don’t realize? Oh, that’s interesting. Anyway, I’m sorry about that. Are you sure they’ll act strange now that they realize it’s you that’s been reporting on them?”
“Yes! It’s what happened with you!” He groaned, burying his face in his hands. “Especially Remus. He’ll be super weird if he knows it’s me watching. Probably hurt Roman less. Which’ll especially suck because that’s like, the most enjoyable part of my job.” 
Logan shook his head. “You are really oblivious, you know that?” 
“I do, actually,” he replied, glancing at the time. “I’m leaving at 7:30, walking over to Remus’s place to hang out for a bit and awkwardly talk about what happened today before we get blackout drunk.”
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” 
He grinned. “Isn’t that the whole point, Logan?”
Damien lounged around the apartment for a bit, typing up the rest of his report and trying to figure out why the hell everyone was acting so weird about him and Remus lately. Logan was even doing that thing that Damien had told him when they moved in together he was Not Allowed To Do - which was to give him that look like “I know something you don’t.'' The rule was wholeheartedly ignored because Damien did it all the time, but it was just really annoying this time. 
Come 7:30, he grabbed his jacket and opened the door, only to be greeted with a smiling Patton. 
“Oh, hey Damien! I’m just -” 
“Hey, Patton, nice to see you too. I’ll be back around… eventually, don’t do it in my room.” 
He laughed and nodded, and Damien waved goodbye as he walked down the hallway towards the stairs. It was a long walk to Roman and Remus’s place, but he enjoyed the calm of it all once in a while, even if he’d never admit it.
When he reached their apartment, he knocked on the door and Roman opened it begrudgingly, and Damien went straight upstairs (stupid rich superheroes) to Remus’s bedroom. He threw his jacket on the chair and flopped down on the bed next to his best friend. “It has been too long of a day for anything other than your best wine, man.”
“I have, like, tequila and vodka too, you know,” he said, leaning back against the wall. 
“I have standards, Remus.” 
He laughed a bit. “Nothing is ever good enough for Damien May.” 
Damien pouted. “Not true. You’re good enough for me, why do you think I let you stick around?” 
“My impeccable fashion sense and weird sense of humor,” came Remus’s response, muffled by the fact that he was now halfway through a bottle of beer. 
“And your ass.” 
“I’m blushing.” This was meant to distract from the fact that he was, indeed, blushing. 
Damien rolled over and made himself comfortable in Remus’s lap, staring up at the ceiling. “So… are you mad that I knew that you and Roman were superheroes this whole time?”
“Number one rule of my bedroom is that my brother’s name does not enter this room. That stupid bitch ruins my whole vibe,” Remus said, eliciting a laugh from Damien. “Secondly, I’m not mad. I understand that it’s a problem and a conflict of interest or whatever and I’d rather you keep your internship.”
He reached up and patted Remus’s cheek. “So selfless. Ugh, I could kiss you. You’re the best.” 
Four glasses of wine later and Damien was practically straddling Remus as they talked about… something. Both boys were pretty damn drunk at this point so talking was pretty much off the table unless it was something that required few sounds and even less thinking. 
“Have I ever told you how hot you are, Remus?” 
“That’s the wine talking, Dami,” he responded quietly. 
Damien flopped backward onto the bed, taking his legs off Remus’s hips. “I would say that even if I wasn’t drunk. I already said I’d kiss you.” 
“Mmph. You were kidding.” 
He looked at Remus, aghast. “I have never told a lie in my life.”
“You lie all the time.” 
“Ah, wait, no, that’s right,” Damien said, giggling. “I wasn’t lying about wanting to kiss you though.” 
Remus sighed and crossed his legs. “Yeah, okay.”
“I’ll prove it.” He sat up straight, as sober as someone five glasses of Chardonnay in could be. “C’mere.”
“I’m not going to - “ his sentence was cut off by Damien grabbing the front of his shirt and kissing him hard. God damn, this felt good. It wasn’t the best kiss Damien had ever had, because it was sloppy and messy and Remus was messing up his hair as he played with it but the best part for some reason was that he was kissing his best friend. 
His hands were on Remus’s face, on his waist, and then he was straddling him and they were still kissing and - 
“Holy shit, you two are making out,” came Roman’s voice. “Oh my god, I so regret opening this door.”
Remus broke the kiss and threw a nearby plastic cup at his brother. “Why, oh why, are you here?”
“I was going to tell you that I ordered pizza and you two assholes could have some, but apparently you guys are getting sexy up here so -” 
“I’m going to throw you out a window.” 
Roman stuck his tongue out at him. “Do it, I dare you.” 
He shut the door behind him after that, and Remus smiled sheepishly and sidled back up to Damien. “Should we pick up where we left off?”
There were a few seconds where all Damien wanted to do was grab Remus by the front of his stupid green shirt and kiss him senseless, but his fight or flight instinct kicked in and he pushed Remus away from him. “I - I’m sorry, I shouldn’t - I can’t -” he stuttered, getting off the bed and grabbing his jacket. “I shouldn’t have done this. I have to go.” 
“Holy hell, Dami, what are you doing -” 
“I’m leaving, Remus,” he said, running down the stairs as his best friend ran after him. 
Remus huffed. “You’re kidding.” 
“I don’t know what came over me, I - I’ve never felt like that around you before and I guess I was just drunk -” 
“Get out of my house, you fucking asshole!” he cried, tears in his eyes. He turned around and slammed his door, and Roman gave Damien the dirtiest look in his repertoire.
And so for the second time that day, Damien walked through the gardens on the way between his apartment and Remus’s. However, this time, his eyes stung with tears and he could only think about Remus, Remus, Remus…
He didn’t stop to say hello to Logan and Patton, who were watching a movie on the couch, as he stormed into his room and laid facedown on the pillow. He sobbed quietly, trying to make himself feel like his world didn’t just come crashing down on top of him and he didn’t just ruin the best thing in his whole life. 
Patton sat down on the edge of Damien’s bed. “Hey, kiddo, what’s wrong? Did something happen?”
“I fucked it up,” he mumbled into his pillow. 
“Fucked what up?” Logan asked. 
Damien sat up, wiping his eyes. “So… we got drunk, as usual, and then we were flirting a bit, and I was probably straddling him, and then we started making out and when we stopped… I freaked out. I had never thought about Remus like that, and it felt like I was taking advantage of him. I just… I know I don’t like him…” he trailed off, creasing his eyebrows as Logan stifled a laugh behind his hand. “What?”
Patton patted his leg affectionately. “You seem a little lost, kiddo.”
“I’m older than you.”
“Congratulations, Dami, you’re officially the last person to know that you, oh magnificent journalist, are totally into Remus,” Logan deadpanned. 
Damien laughed, still wiping away tears. “I’m not.” 
He nodded. “Yeah, you are.” 
“I am not!” 
“You are!” Patton exclaimed. “You’ve seen every single one of his fights.” 
“It’s a work thing.”
Logan groaned. “If it was a work thing, you would have talked to them about it by now.”
“That’s true,” he agreed, “I can feel it, Damien. It’s one of those things that’s always buzzing in the background behind you, like right now, it’s right under the fact that you’re super angry with me -”
He threw his hands in the air. “Fine! So I like him a little. But now I’ve gone and screwed it up so it doesn’t even matter, and I’m here rambling to you two.”
“He likes you, Damien. He does. You need to apologize for freaking out.”
“I doubt Roman will even let me in the house.” Damien flopped back onto his bed. “I appreciate you two, but right now I want to sit here and cry about lost love until I have to go to Composition tomorrow.”
Patton and Logan relented and left him alone, and Damien laid back down and cried to his heart’s content (not that he would ever tell anyone that). 
The next day in Composition, Damien slid into the chair next to his kind-of-friend and slammed his head down on the table, groaning. 
Virgil chewed on the back of their pencil. “What’s up, Damien?” 
“Mrph,” was his response. 
“Dude, are you hungover or something?” 
He sighed, picking himself up off the table. “I wish I was just hungover. That would make my life so much easier right now.”
Virgil tilted their head, concerned. “Is something wrong?”
“You ever make out with your best friend, then freak out on him and run out, then only later when you’re talking to your roommate’s boyfriend figure out that you’re probably in love with him and now he won’t talk to you and his brother is probably about to kill you, which he can do because he has super strength?” 
They chewed on their pencil some more. “No, but are you talking about Prince and Duke? Cause lemme tell you, they are massive pains in my ass,” Virgil said. 
“I don’t think I can tell you that,” Damien responded, laughing. “Anyways, now I can’t even talk to him.” 
“Mm. Did you analyze the essay from last week?” 
The rest of his day passed by like a blur until the gods at the Times decided it was time to punish Damien for his crimes. 
Boss Man Holt Dude 4:36 PM
Hello, Damien. We need you cover a battle that’s broken out between Empath and The Duke on 39th street. Final report due on my desk by this time tomorrow. Thanks, Charles Holt. 
Damien leaned back in the seat of his car and flip off the sky through his sunroof. “You see that, O God Who Hates Me? Fuck you.” 
He gripped the steering wheel and sighed long and hard, trying to exhale out all of his stress. Still mentally hitting his head against the wheel as hard as possible, he drove over to 39th and parked right next to where Patton was standing off against Remus. He tried to hide his car best as possible so he wouldn’t be noticed. 
It didn’t end up making a difference, because after about fifteen minutes of Patton fighting Remus, he noticed that Damien was parked a few meters away and after a bit of an argument with Patton, stormed off and left Patton to fix the mess he’d made by manipulating reality. Damien was half tempted to drive off, but since he’d missed most of the fight he was going to need to take Patton’s statement. 
He rolled down his window as his roommate’s boyfriend walked over. “Hello, Empath, I’m with the Times, could I take your statement on the fight today?” 
“Hi, sir, of course.” (Thank god at least one of his friends knew how to properly conduct themselves.) “The Duke was set on warping the reality of this neighborhood for no other reason than to cause chaos, and I was contacted by the police to slow him down. Luckily, he got spooked when he noticed that the guy he’s in love with that also crushed him completely was watching.�� 
(He rescinds his earlier statement.)
He shrugged. "I'm not saying put it in your report, I'm just telling you that's what happened." 
"I came all the way here and now I'm being attacked by my roommate's boyfriend," Damien grumbled. 
Patton's face softened even more, if that was possible. "You can call me your friend, you know." 
Damien felt his face heat up. "Yeah, thanks." 
"You're welcome. Anyways, I'm all done here," he said with a snap of his fingers, clearing up the mess, "so you can go home and write up your report. Oh, and also you should apologize to Remus." 
He shot Patton an annoyed glare. "I'm going to." 
As it turns out, the answer to that question was a week later when Logan got sick of him moping around their apartment and kicked him out until he was able to talk to Logan with some inflection in his voice again. This led to him moping in the park. 
Thankfully (not for him, but for his friends and such that were so done with the moping) his cousin texted him at the point Damien was about to turn around and beg Logan to let him back into the apartment. The universe, it turns out, is also done with his moping. 
The Gay Cousin 10:27 PM
hey girl, do you have grandma’s phone number
Actual Mistake (Me) 10:28 PM
life is a curse. why do i exist 
Actual Mistake (Me) 10:28 PM
also yeah it’s [a totally real phone number]
The Gay Cousin 10:29 PM
u okay dami?
Actual Mistake (Me) 10:29 PM
no i’m having boy troubles 
The Gay Cousin 10:30 PM
well you came to the right cousin!!!! what seems to be the issue??
Damien recounted the events of last week to Remy, who was supportive, but also willing to call him out on his bullshit, which is the best balance a person can have. 
 The Gay Cousin 10:35 PM
you need to talk to him, dami. this isn’t something you can ignore and hope that it goes away after a while. if you really like this guy you need to set the record straight. 
 The Gay Cousin 10:35 PM
Actual Mistake (Me) 10:36 PM
i... yeah. i guess so. i’ll text you later, okay?
Damien turned off his phone and took a deep breath, standing up and steeling his nerves. “Guess I gotta get this over with,” he mumbled to himself. 
He knocked on the door of Remus’s apartment a couple times, only to be greeted with an irate Roman. “Damien, why are you here? It is 11 pm and I have class in the morning - “
“I need to talk to your brother.” 
Roman mouthed “oh” and folded his arms across his chest. “Well, I was told you weren’t allowed in here. Remus wants you to, and I quote, ‘go jump up your own ass.’” 
“I get it, I fucked up, but I need to see him!” He rolled his eyes and looked down at the ground. “I wanted to apologize for leading him on or whatever.” 
“Really?” Roman asked, raising an eyebrow. “Alright, well, as much as my brain is struggling between the desire to torment my brother and the hope that he’ll find someone that makes him happy someday, you can come in. I’ll go get Remus.” 
Damien bounced his leg up and down as he waited for Remus to come down the stairs. He knew he screwed up - he had been doing that a lot recently - but he was kind of certain that he might like Remus a little bit and that was messing with his whole thing. 
He heard footsteps coming downstairs and his head shot up, glancing at the stairs. The second Remus saw Damien waiting for him, he turned and went back upstairs, and Roman’s annoyed sigh was probably loud enough to hear all the way back in Damien and Logan’s apartment. 
Damien sat back down, putting his head in his hands. “Jesus, I am never going to fix this.”
Roman sighed and plopped down on the couch next to him. “I know I give you guys a lot of shit, but I’m rooting for you two. I want that weird little psychopath to be happy.” 
“You’re a good person, Roman,” he said. “This is really hard for me to say, but I’m really thankful you’re doing this.” 
“Mm.” He nodded thoughtfully. “Now come on, just go sit outside of his door and talk to him. He’s been so depressed lately, and I know he’s liked you for a long time. If Remus knows you’re sorry… he’s going to forgive you.” 
Damien gave him a half-smile. “Thanks, Ro.”
He followed Roman’s advice, slowly walking up the stairs and sitting down in front of his best friend’s door. “Hey, Remus. Your brother told me I could come up here. I’m sorry I’m here right now, instead of the day after. I should have come right away.” He took a deep breath and exhaled, picking at his fingernails. “I think I do like you. I think I might love you, even. And I think that’s the most honest thing I’ve ever said. I’m sorry I freaked out on you, you deserve better than that. I’m sorry I blamed it all on the alcohol because yeah, I was drunk but kissing you was the soberest I’d been that whole night. It’s been a hell of a week without my best friend, Remus. And… you don’t have to love me, or even like me, but I at least want you to forgive me,” Damien said. “I just want you to know that I never meant to make you feel used, and I’m sorry I did. It was awful of me.”
There was a small thump against the door, and Damien whipped around to face it. “Remus? You there?”
“I - yeah. I’m here.” 
“Will you talk to me?”
The door creaked open. “I’ll talk to you,” he whispered. 
“I’m really sorry, Remus.”
“I know you are.” He sighed. “I just… I dunno. Something felt right but then you got into my head about it being just ‘cause we were drunk and then I was just angry as all hell with you.” 
Damien nodded. “And I deserve that.”
He bit his lip, which Damien only noticed because it was just adorable. “You drive me crazy, Dami. But it’s your best quality, how close you are to your friends. And if I could have just a little bit of that attention I think I’d be set for life.”
“Remus, I promise you’ve got all of it.” 
Remus smiled, turning to face Damien. “Then I forgive you.”  
He stopped his nervous fidgeting and glanced up at Remus. “You do?”
“Yes, I do, you dumb snake, it’s not like you killed my brother - though I think I’d forgive you for that too.” 
He giggled. “God, you’re amazing.” 
“Here, my turn,” Remus said, grabbing the front of Damien’s shirt and kissing him hard. 
Something switched on inside of him at that moment and Damien pushed him back into the room and slammed the door behind them. These kisses weren’t the fervent, messy ones they had shared when they were drunk, but they were slower, softer, and there was the knowledge behind them that this meant more than a makeout session, and that was good enough for both of them. 
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