tristis-333 · 2 years
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I love how the pixiv girlies make up for Naruto’s shitty adult haircut by giving him fat tits
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tristis-333 · 2 years
Sannin Swap, part 6
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This part took soooo long, but I really wanted to make sure i did it justice since it’s one of the most complicated parts in canon for Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura’s characters! I hope the work paid off and you all enjoy it!
First: Part 1 Previous: Part 5 Next: Part 7 Big thanks again to my patrons!!! Love ya
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tristis-333 · 2 years
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“Riku’s a sexy guy.”
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tristis-333 · 2 years
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Known as the All healer
At a base level, Amethyst is known for bringing a sense of calm and clarity to a chaotic world. keep Amethyst close and you will find that you feel comforted, grounded and soothed in a uplifting way.
Amethyst centers the emotions, so can be a beautiful aide in recovery for those suffering from the overwhelming emotions that come with grief, loss and all shades of sadness. Thanks to its divine spirituality, it’s a great stone for reminding people not to fear the unknown.
Psychic Abilities
Physical Healing
Spiritual Awakening
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Chakra: Crown,Third Eye
Planets: Jupiter,Saturn,Neptune
Zodiacs: Virgo, Sagittarius,Capricorn,Aquarius,Pisces
Elements: Wind
Colour: Purple
Numerology: 3
Metaphysical Tags: Meditation, Psychic Abilities, Spiritual Growth, Creativity, Family
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Wearing an Amethyst crystal is one of the best ways to ensure the crown chakra and third-eye chakra are always inflow
This crystal has the power to calm the mind leading it into a subtle awareness. When the mind is in this state it gives wonderful result of contentment in practice. It brings clarity in visualization and can bring meditation in a deep state faster.
(check out my crystal master post to learn more about other stones!)
Please don’t ever hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!
Merry meet!~ B (Phae)
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tristis-333 · 3 years
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warm up doodles of disney characters in kh🪄
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tristis-333 · 3 years
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redraw of an old pic
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tristis-333 · 3 years
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Been having a sort of art block when working on my commissions so I did these today~
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tristis-333 · 3 years
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24 pages of sannin swap part 4 done…….. almost done with the pain fight and about to start the killer bee fight aaaaaah this parts taking foreverrrrrrr
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tristis-333 · 3 years
sakura throughout the manga: sasuke seek help. please. i want you to get help. stay here so we can help you.
sakura in the boruto era: *creates a hospital to take care of traumatized children thinking of her friends especially sasuke*
naruto fandom: sakura was so selfish with her love for sasuke she didn't give a fuck about him at all
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tristis-333 · 3 years
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tristis-333 · 3 years
Sakura should have Wood Style so she can have her own Kaiju monster form.
One of the things that makes it very difficult for me, and many others, to believe Sakura is equals with her teammates is mostly how while Sakura is a strong shinobi in her own right she still has to deal with the fact her teammates are demigods who can summon giant monster forms strong enough to level a continent if they wanted to.
And I've always loved the idea of Sakura getting Wood Stlye so she could summon the Several Thousand hands. It doesn't even need to be as big as the one Hashirama summons, it just need to be something Sakura can use to put herself on better footing with her teammates. Plus it's rather fitting seeing as how Sakura's main form of attacking is punching. So now she can punch a thousand things at once! XD
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But what I would really love to see actually comes from the video games. A lot of Naruto video game titles with have Sakura summon her inner self in some form as her ultimate jutsu especially in the early series since Kishimoto didn't really give her any unique skills until shippuden.
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But now with this she can do that literally. Like when it's first summoned it has the peaceful buddha face. But as soon as Sakura takes control inner Sakura manifest and the face contorts in frustration, ready to clobber anything in her path.
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tristis-333 · 3 years
The Kekkai Genkai retcon was stupid and I just flat out ignore it.
So the idea of Sakura using wood style has been one of my favorite head canons for a while now. Mostly because it would help my girl to have the power boost she would need for me to believe she can actually stand as equals with her demigod teammates.
But whenever this idea comes up there is no end of people who hate fun who come along and start whining about "BuT WOOd sTyle iS a KekkAi geNkAI! iT woUldn'T maKe SEnse 4 SaKUra 2 HAvE Itt." Never mind the fact that the Kekkai Genkai nonsense was easily one of the more blatant retcons in the series. Like honestly, why did it take so long for us to be introduced to one of the most basic fundamental building blocks of the worlds combat system like chakra natures?
But I hate this retcon more so for the reason it does more to limit the possibilities in the stories at best, and can come of a bit like genetic purity propaganda at worst. Like I was fine with specific techniques (like the Byakugan, and Kimimaro's bone manipulation) being hereditary traits, but having whole nature styles being limited to certain clans just strikes me as stupid overall. Like we see ninja from the village hidden in the snow using ice style, so does that mean they are all distant relatives of Haku?
And when I say genetic purity propaganda I mostly referring to how this idea of entire styles being hereditary takes the idea of "working hard to get stronger" and busts its kneecaps. Why work hard when you can just inject yourself with Hashirama cells and become one of the strongest characters around? (Madara, Obito, Danzo, Zetsu, and apparently a couple more in Boruto). And yes I know there are risks to doing that but considering the number of characters who pull this off I don't think its not an valid argument to make.
My solution to this would be to still have specific techniques like the Byakugan are still clan specific abilities, while having chakra nature fusions be a considerably harder task to accomplish. Maybe some of these techniques have a certain trick or method behind them and those secrets are still kept within certain clans and villages but there's still the possibility of sharing them with outsiders. Like with my Sakura headcanon Tsunade as a member of Senju clan (another plot hole if you ask me, why can't Tsunade use wood style as Hashirama's direct descendant? The answer is Kishimoto is a misogynist ) could share those secrets with her student as a way of training her to help with Naruto, and later on for the coming war.
Just let my girl have nice things, she deserves it.
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tristis-333 · 3 years
While I agree that Sakura needs more battle focus (slug sage mode where), I don’t think it’s just battle focus that makes Sakura unpopular. It’s also the fact that how she deals with sasuke is the issue. I get the drift even the toughest girl is gentle to those she loves but His execution is terrible, granted he did admit he sucks at romance. When asked about Sakura even neutral fans would say she would have been an ok character if not for her “obsession” towards sasuke.
Okay but firstly, I’m well aware that Sakura’s lack of battle focus wasn’t the only contributing factor to her unpopularity. However, it was proven multiple times during the story that whenever Sakura did get some time to shine in combat, it was always universally well received, to an almost overwhelming degree, and among other things, it would have silenced all those ignorant “useless” accusations since judging by the hugely positive receptions that her fight scenes always receive, that’s apparently all they base those assertions on. People didn’t had a bad word to say about Sakura during Gaiden - even the YouTube comments section which is notorious for being a haven for Sakura hate, was showering her with praise. Why? Because she threw some hands against Shin, and as shallow of a reason as that is, that’s just the reality of it.
The universal praise Sakura received in those instances were all with the writing which you claim was terrible, proving that those people would have readily overlooked their hypocritical hatred if she was given the right type of focus.
Secondly, please don’t even bother mentioning how Sakura apparently has an “obsession” with Sasuke because that’s just a complete load of nonsense. Or at the very least, it demonstrates the severe hypocrisy that I alluded to earlier. Fact is, Naruto showcased a much larger level of “obsession” towards Sasuke in the series than Sakura ever did, and yet he gets no hate from it all, whereas Sakura gets called obsessive. Why? Why does Naruto get a free pass? Why does the fact that Naruto loved him like a brother and Sakura loved him romantically make any difference? That is not what determines whether or not their actions were obsessive, and yet this fandom chooses to ignore Naruto very clearly displaying a greater level of “obsession” (by their logic, not mine), it’s stupid. Sasuke treated Naruto far worse overall than he ever did to Sakura, and yet Naruto still persisted in never giving up on him; They both did. Yet, Naruto gets praised for being a true friend, and Sakura gets hated on for being an obsessive bitch who can’t take no for an answer and should have moved on. This is just the theme of forgiveness and redemption in the series. I mean…
Why doesn’t Hinata get hate for forgiving Neji and becoming very close to him, despite his attempt on her life during the Chuunin Exams?
Why doesn’t the entire Sand Village get hate for electing Gaara as their Kazekage, despite his history as a killing machine who killed countless innocents in their own village?
Why doesn’t Naruto get hate for calling Obito a cool guy, despite how the latter was directly responsible for Naruto’s parents’ deaths, and by far the most shit in the entire series?
Why doesn’t the Leaf Village get hate for allowing Kabuto to run their orphanage, despite him being a notorious war criminal?
That’s just the extreme lengths the series will go to showcase forgiveness and redemption, and the way Kishi wrote Sasuke and Sakura’s relationship was just another example of this. But do people acknowledge this? No, they instead zero in on Sakura and make her out to be the only obsessive and stupid one, despite the plethora of other characters who are exactly the same.
Therefore, Sakura being hated on for being “obsessive” isn’t a direct fault of Kishi’s writing (seeing as how he wrote Naruto in exactly the same way but to an even greater degree, and yet no one bats an eyelid). It’s just another example of the double standards that plague this fandom so heavily. No “neutral” fan will label Sakura as obsessive, and not give Naruto the same description. No “neutral” fan will admonish Sakura for forgiving Sasuke too easily, and let the countless other characters off the hook, despite being just as guilty of this.
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tristis-333 · 3 years
hi sakura should’ve had wood style + sage mode like hashirama heres why
she’s never seen using them yet her canon nature types are earth and water (the two elements needed for wood style) 
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yamato, the only other living wood style user, was literally her captain and could’ve trained her like naruto - and as a wood style user she could’ve trained with naruto by controlling kurama instead of sitting around with sai and watching
she’s the student and successor of tsunade (hashirama’s granddaughter) and surpassed even tsunade’s byakugou - as in, the closest jutsu to hashirama’s regeneration
from the beginning her character and narrative have heavily involved nature and growth (even down to her name - literally “spring field of cherry blossoms” - and color design - green + floral pinks)
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she has a much higher focus / concentration and learning speed than naruto, who reached sage mode! she should be able to just as well!
sage mode is already taught by both the toads and snakes, so narratively the slugs should be able to teach it too - and sakura already has an established summoning ability and connection with katsuyu
just a little thing, but sakura’s clasped hands shown repeatedly in openings and endings could’ve grown from a passive gesture to one of strength - the snake hand sign iconic to wood style
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not to be cheesy but let sakura go from a bud to a flower to a fucking Tree
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tristis-333 · 3 years
hi sakura should’ve had wood style + sage mode like hashirama heres why
she’s never seen using them yet her canon nature types are earth and water (the two elements needed for wood style) 
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yamato, the only other living wood style user, was literally her captain and could’ve trained her like naruto - and as a wood style user she could’ve trained with naruto by controlling kurama instead of sitting around with sai and watching
she’s the student and successor of tsunade (hashirama’s granddaughter) and surpassed even tsunade’s byakugou - as in, the closest jutsu to hashirama’s regeneration
from the beginning her character and narrative have heavily involved nature and growth (even down to her name - literally “spring field of cherry blossoms” - and color design - green + floral pinks)
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she has a much higher focus / concentration and learning speed than naruto, who reached sage mode! she should be able to just as well!
sage mode is already taught by both the toads and snakes, so narratively the slugs should be able to teach it too - and sakura already has an established summoning ability and connection with katsuyu
just a little thing, but sakura’s clasped hands shown repeatedly in openings and endings could’ve grown from a passive gesture to one of strength - the snake hand sign iconic to wood style
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not to be cheesy but let sakura go from a bud to a flower to a fucking Tree
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tristis-333 · 3 years
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tristis-333 · 3 years
Choji should have been a medical ninja.
I've been rewatcching Naruto, and I recently watched Sage's Rain's video about how Kishimoto screwed over all his female characters by under developing them and shoving them all into support roles whether they fit it or not. Namely in how out of all of the konoha 11 who become medical ninja, they were all women. Because as far as Kishimoto is concerned, woman can only ever be nurturing support instead of being fully competent combatants in their own right. I know there are exceptions to this but those are too few and far between to really fix the issue for me.
I think one could way this could have counteracted, besides from just not having all the female ninja be medics, would have been to have at least one of the male ninjas become a medic. And when I think of who would best fit this role the answer was pretty obvious with Choji. Choji is easily the least aggressive out of the boys, so long as you don't say Foxtrot Alpha Tango in front of him. And his love of food could actually play a role in his medical ninjustu.
Think of Choji making nutrient dense and medicinal food for his squads, and using those in conjunction with healing to boost his team mates. He'd be like Hisako Arato from food wars combining medicine with cooking.
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As for Ino, I would remove her medical ninjutsu altogether seeing as how she rarely uses it outside of a few moments and in filler. Instead I would have her train to be a genjutsu specialist. Her mind techniques already focus on the brain as their primary target so having her be a genjutsu wielder would focus in are her talent for psychological over physical attacks. Plus this would help to differentiate her from Sakura who is all about the "SMASH!". Maybe she uses the plants from her flower shop to make hallucinogens, anything that throws off her opponents perceptions.
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