Hey. Mod behind @violet-flower-without-color and @seared-and-incinerated here.
I'm going on hiatus from Violet Flower Without Color and Rotumblr-related stuff. It'll be better for me to do this than post pointless rambles here. I need to figure things out, given I've lost interest in doing anything with Colanda. There's another idea that's caught my mind, but... Given my history with it, I don't know yet.
So... See y'all in a while concerning that stuff, I guess?
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Someone wants attention.
Vivi you aren’t a lap Eevee anymore and haven’t been one for like 9 years. Stop. :p
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^ A menace to society and sanity. ^
Somebody remind me why this was preferred over Porygon?
--[Post Edit] Blegh.
- Sparky the Rotom
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oh thank the deity I'm not being yelled at for the crime of being related to a colress today
Sparky? H-hold on... Dad patched the possession exploit. How did you-
[Posted to Rotumblr.]
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Bro I need dry clothes get the fuck out
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Guys, who let him have children???
Better pray to your deities that Colress doesn't ice more cities for sending this kid hate mail...
Why am I suddenly getting so much hate mail? Do you guys seriously not understand the concept of alternate realities? Or are we ragging on me for simply existing? Is the idea that a Colress has family that tolerates him that abhorrent?
Maybe coming here was a mistake... There's few universes where things turn out this well for Dad... The vast majority of his counterparts...
//Once again, self-sent.
//I should probably make a tag for this.
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I'm surprised he got the chance to have a child. Whoever your mother is, she's probably as awful as him.
What did I just say?
Don't disparage my mother. I may not know who she is (Any day now, Father), but she probably doesn't deserve your vitriol.
Further hate mail will result in your anons being blocked.
//Once again, self-sent! Please read my blog's rules if you want to interact!
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You're the spawn of Colress and tolerate his bullshit?
Disgusting. You must be just like your father. Just waiting to cause mayhem to sate your curiosity.
Um, what?
Have you read any of my posts? The whole deal with the multiverse? I've steered my father away from causing "mayhem".
...Geez. I'm probably talking to a wall.
Have it your way. Chances are we're never going to meet with how vast the cosmos are. Go fight a Colress who runs his own account and did commit domestic terrorism.
//No need to worry, y'all! This was self-sent.
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showed you my pidove, pls respond
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What did you say?
I questioned Reshiram's judgement in awakening for my father.
Otus informed me this morning that the fire stone I got in that big haul of junk a while back was tampered with. It was cut in half with its very core extinguished. Mocha and Otus no longer have a chance of evolving into a Flareon and Simisear, respectively.
not that Otus would want to evolve he likes being small
Dad's behavior is concerning, but I wish I'd kept my mouth shut. The thought might've be better off staying in my head. At least, not said around Reshiram, of all pokémon.
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Reshiram's mad at me for making some... Comments. She's taken to the air to cool down.
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Sorry, girl. I know I say the stupidest things sometimes...
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...I'm starting to hate that word.
Spent most of my morning outside. It's humid. I hate it. Makes me lethargic.
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This guy will be my best friend until autumn rolls around...
[Post Edit - By Sparky the Rotom]
figuratively otus figuratively
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Spent most of my morning outside. It's humid. I hate it. Makes me lethargic.
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This guy will be my best friend until autumn rolls around...
[Post Edit - By Sparky the Rotom]
figuratively otus figuratively
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Spent most of my morning outside. It's humid. I hate it. Makes me lethargic.
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This guy will be my best friend until autumn rolls around...
[Post Edit - By Sparky the Rotom]
figuratively otus figuratively
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It's a nice day out.
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Took a walk with Mocha!
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Just because we have two of the three Unovan dragons living with us doesn't mean you have permission to use the DNA Splicers on them, Father.
Brought to you by an exhausted daughter who's the protector of said DNA Splicers.
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