Worst Ut/Dr Fanon Thing Tournament:
Round One, Part Two!
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saintsenara · 2 months
How are you able to enjoy toxic/unhealthy/“problematic” ships/characters without feeling weird (for lack of a better word) about it?
I ask this because I want to be able to do this myself as it seems like a much more enjoyable way of engaging with fiction to me. I can get over some ships just being toxic and the characters not being good together and still enjoy their dynamic but I have trouble with the other ships that feel morally wrong. I know it’s just fiction but I can’t seem to get over the ick feeling I have when I think about those ships/characters. I feel like I’m being too puritanical about these things but I don’t know how to stop feeling like something is gross when I feel it’s gross…
Do you have any tips to stop jumping to moralizing ships/characters?
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
i'm going to be upfront that this reflexive gross feeling isn't something i've ever really struggled with - both in fic and more broadly. this is due to various personal idiosyncrasies, above all the fact that i've got disengaged boomer parents who didn't police our media consumption [my favourite book when i was eleven? lolita...] and that i'm a doctor, which is a profession which requires you to develop a very high threshold for what you find disgusting. the human body - at all stages of its life-cycle and its cycle of decomposition - produces a lot of different fluids... and it's also the case that [just as if you can think of it, there's porn for it] if an inanimate object exists, somebody somewhere has got it stuck inside them...
and so the situation that i find myself in is that i consider it infinitely less weird that i enjoy the odd bit of hot tomarrymort action than that i actively enjoy cutting through bone with a saw...
but, obviously, "get a medical degree" isn't particularly helpful advice...
i am a ride-or-die fan of the concept of stepping outside of your comfort zone. this is why i'm such an avowed multishipper - i think it's good for us as fandom citizens to examine the potential of our faves in relationships [romantic or otherwise] which are either not their canon endgames or which aren't our preferred pairings, and in situations which don't align with their canon experiences [whether that means making them suffer or giving them full-on fluff]. it draws out the multiple aspects of a character to consider them from these different angles - and it prevents us from getting so stuck in one interpretation of a character or configuration of a ship which means that it puts our backs up to stumble across stories which approach things differently.
but stepping outside of your comfort zone doesn't mean that you have to go enormously far. it may be that a reader decides - having only ever read teen-rated fics where characters' sex lives don't extend beyond hand-holding and forehead kisses - to take the plunge into an explicit piece filled to the brim with watersports and age play. it may be that a reader decides - having only ever read teen-rated fics for one canon pairing - to read a teen-rated fic for a non-canon alternative. both of these are entirely valid approaches.
by which i mean, our comfort levels and our thresholds for discomfort are subjective, they're personal. if there are ships or themes or characters you don't want to read about because they don't feel good... you're not doing something wrong if you avoid them. exposing yourself to fics you expect to make you uncomfortable can be useful - and fiction is certainly a way to explore discomfort which gives you much more control over the experience than encountering it in real life - but it's not something you're obliged to do to be active in fandom.
the thing you are obliged to do to be active in fandom is to be nice to other people, no matter what their tastes in fiction. this means, at its fundamental level, that when you see people who ship pairings or like themes which make you think "ew"... you keep it to yourself/the group chat rather than putting it on the timeline.
but, once this is something you've got the hang of [which takes a bit of time! but practice makes perfect!], something i feel can be a really useful way of overcoming a tendency towards knee-jerk moralising reactions is to just vibe in the vicinity of people you know like the content you instinctively feel is gross.
this doesn't mean you have to read any of this content - but you'll learn just by hanging out near them that the people who do are just... normal. one minute they might reblog a rec for a pairing you think "absolutely not" about, the next they might reblog a cat picture which makes you squeal with delight. you'll like some of their content, but not all. you'll agree with some of it, but not all. you might like progressively more of it as you spend time in their orbit - maybe they'll explain why they like the pairing or character in question and you'll think "huh, i've never looked at it like that" - or you might not. this is absolutely fine.
all of us - at one time or other - have made a black-and-white moralising pronouncement: people who think x are gross; people who like y are fucked-up, you'd never catch me doing z. and these pronouncements are different from our wider, societally-influenced moral codes - which are good things, otherwise we'd live in the purge - in that they're fundamentally ways for us to feel good about ourselves and our families and our friends by defining ourselves as better than a faceless other. we say "you'd never catch me reading that, it's foul" when we know [or think we know] that the friend we're talking to would agree with the statement. we are far less likely to say it if we know that the friend - whom we see as a human being who is beautiful in their imperfection and inherently worthy of love simply by virtue of being alive - was reading and enjoying that just the other day.
and so the best way to train yourself out of reflexively moralising ships or characters or tropes is to put a face to the faceless other who likes them. be intentional in sharing a space with fans of the stuff you feel uncomfortable with and, eventually, it just becomes background noise. you'll scroll on tumblr, say "well there we are, jane's written some more of her sirius/harry piss kink fic - although i'm not interested in clicking on it" and go on with your day.
because the other thing i think it's really useful to do is to train yourself into reframing your disgust as disinterest. there are plenty of things which i don't seek out to read - and some of these topics are completely benign and some are darker [i don't enjoy reading explicit non-con, for example] - but this is because i try to frame it as that i don't think these things would interest me.
this is still the maintenance of a personal comfort zone, but thinking of the content outside this zone as something you are disinterested in turns it into something neutral. when you think of it as something to be disgusted or grossed out by, it naturally provokes a visceral response which makes you look through a moral lens. thinking in terms of disinterest, instead, gives you sufficient detachment from this visceral response to recognise, interrogate, contextualise, and control it.
and - in time - this neutral reframing may result in you feeling more interested in taking the plunge into the ships and characters and stories you currently don't vibe with, once you don't have an instinctive disgust response as a barrier.
or it may not. and this is absolutely fine.
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neptunescore · 1 month
Literally started this blog just to say how hypocritical F1 – both the people working in it, and the sport itself – is becoming. The main 3 things I want to address is: no.1 women in motorsport, no2 the ongoing genocide in palestine and no3 F1's disallowance of anything political, yet enabling the absolute political shitshow that was the 2024 miami gp.
Numéro 1: I just think its absolute bullshit that the FIA genuinely created a whole ‘Women in Motorsport Commission’, assigned SIX STRONG ambassadors to it, and THEN proceeded (come 2023) to launch a wholeass unfair investigation onto one of them, based on the MOST groundless claims?? Like wtf?? (Talking abt Susie Wolff here). Also, the whole Cristian Horner situation really showed just how much they care about women working under them, bc tell me why the possible victim in his situation was the one getting SUSPENDED, while this possible filth of a man is still parading shamelessly around the paddock?? Like??? AND SOME OF THE DRIVERS COMMENTS ON THE SIRUATION?? pissed me off so much u dont even understand. Anyway, my last point on this convo is how women should ALSO be taken accountable of their actions, and not just glossed over because they’re ‘women’, over here im specifically talking abt Bianca Bustamante and her liked tweet which calls lance stroll autistic… girl :| and her apology was so atrocious as well. T-T
Numéro 2: The fact that not ONE driver (excluding Lewis Hamilton — that man is so much more than a driver) has spoken up/ posted about the situation pisses me off SO much bc?? THOUSANDS of people are dying, and with the platform you have, the fans you have, you could have such a positive effect! This is ESPECIALLY targeted on the drivers so I FULLY KNOW have control of their accounts (Charles Leclerec, Esteban Ocon, Lando Norris [GOD DO I HAVE ALOT TO SAY ABT HIM], Pierre Gasly, etc) bc tell me why drivers are fully capable of uploading a post 2 years ago stating how the WHOLE of F1 stands with Ukraine (which i do applaud them for) but cant say SHIT abt the same situation occuring in Gaza, but SO much worse?? Lando can genuinely go f himself, bc as much as i used to adore him there’s no way he did NOT know abt the atrocities happening in Palestine, no way he did not know abt the company boycott when he decided to fully display that Starbucks logo on his little reel. And IF (literally a 0.0000001% chance, bc by then a 1000 articles were already written on it and the WHOLE world was aware) he genuinely didn’t know, then that is just ignorant as fuck. Icel. Anyway, literally all drivers should be held accountable, no matter if they’re ur favs or not; I like Carlos a lot but that doesn’t mean i dont get the ick every time i think abt the fact he’s stayed completely silent on the matter. OH MY GOD, DONT get me started on lance stroll and his confirmed (yes, i DO fact check) Zionist girlfriend, like?? Ew.
Can i also just say, that if any of u are gonna msg me saying ‘oH bUt NeP, thE FIA BanNeD AnY anD aLl PoliTiCaL StAtEmEnTS’ Shut up. If you guys could just READ the rest of the statement, you'd know that this rule only applies to when the drivers are ACTIVELY in the paddock. The FIA has literally included the fact that driver can do WHATEVER the want, stand up for WHOEVER they want in their personal lives – which brings me to my next point,
Numéro 3: The FIA bans any and all political statements in the paddock, (without their written consent) YET INVITES TRUMP (a man who has been charged with EIGHTY EIGHT criminal offenses) to the race, is the most disgusting and hypocritical thing ive seen in all my years of watching F1. And don't even get me started on all the shit lando said abt him, like bro?? What are you saying?? Why are you saying these things?? I get u cant speak bad abt him, but that does NOT mean u need to praise him to the sun and back. T-T
That's my rant! Additional reminder abt ppl bringing up how '*retired driver (insert name)* would NOT stand for this, and would post and talk ALL abt palestine if they were still racing,' this is a reminder that those drivers are still alive and well, with WORKING platforms and can STILL do all those things now if thry CHOOSE to :] (which also sadly reminds me to tell u guys that lewis hamilton is literally doing the bare minimum ppl. yes I love him, but he could be doing SO much more :/
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jamiedryssnail · 2 days
pls i need to know about quinn and that experience 💀💀😭😭
- replying to anon
Warnings- Smut!!!! Awkward Quinn!
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Rutger and Madi had been deprived of each other all week if you know what I mean.
Spending summers at the lake house got hard. Let’s just say there was never any peace and quiet. Especially right now as it was the peak of summer. With her having her three brothers and all there friends. There was always so much going on it was extremely chaotic to say the least.
They had not had time nor been left alone to have sex this week. Usually there 5 times a week kinda people so it has been hard.
Especially because rutger has been walking around shirtless all week and his biceps looking better than usual.
Rutger was no better. He love love loves mads in her bikini. Her tits pushed up in just the right way. Her piercings all visible accept for some ifykyk….
Oh my god and her ass just bounced perfectly as she walked around. He was honestly in disgust with himself. He had gotten a boner four times in the last week in front of everyone. He obviously ran of and dealt with it the way he does on roadies. Pulling out a pic of Stella out of all the ones she’s sent or he’s took. And going for it.
It was safe to say that we’re both so horny it’s all they could think about. So when everyone went out for dinner and they said they wanted a movie night what better time to do it. They both knew they were needing each other. They had played a movie getting out snacks as everyone started exiting the house in different vehicles. Quinn ending up having to drive himself.
Little did they know Quinn had lost a game of beer pong and had to pay for everything tonight everyone’s dinner. I mean it’s not like he didn’t have the money. Once he arrived at the restaurant he realised this and told everyone he’d be back soon and had to rush home.
Oh poor Quinn.
As soon as Quintin had left rutger had started to undress her starting with her sundress, then her bikini top, and bottoms. As she layed beneath him on the leather couch he started smothering her breast with kisses. Small moans left Madi’s lips as he pinched her sensitive nipples.
Rutgers lips kissing her cold pierced boobs. Rut didn’t think he could get any harder.
“Please Rut” Madi exclaimed breathlessly
“What baby, use your words” he said smiling down at her.
Madi having had enough decided to show him she slid herself onto her back as rutger watched. She started fingering herself rubbing soft circles on her clit as he watched. Load moans leaving her lips.
At this point rutger has had enough he needed her. But also being rutger he has to please her.
So without warning he grabbed her by the hips and started licking all around her wet pussy. Her aching core practically begging for his dick.
After a few minutes he needed to fuck her.
“Baby you ready” rutger whispered
“Yes, I need you in me” she moaned back
Rutger without a second thought started fucking her. It was like heaven to them or at least for the next minute.
The room was so filled with moaning and groaning they didn’t hear Quinn’s car engine come and stop.
Nor did they hear the door open.
“Faster Rut, Oh right there baby” Mads screamed.
“Oh my god baby your so tigh-“ rut was cut off
“ Holy Fuck, Holy Fuck, STOP OH MY GOD YUCK” Quinn’s voice echoed through the air.
Madison quickly covered herself up trying to hide under rutger.
“ omg are you stopping I need my keys what the fuck your just kids”
“Bleach my eyes”
“GET THE FUCK OFF MY SISTER, was the im going to bleach my eyes not enough”
“quinny we’re not currently fucking” madi said
“yea but you were and oh gross don’t use that words” he said
“oh wait oh yuck gross im getting flashbacks”
“Oh shut up and get out” madi said jokingly
And oh my god did he. He basically ran.
Honestly it should have ruined the mood but it didn’t they still did it. They did it hard ( ew wtf I just gave myself the ick )
Quinn handled it reasonably well never ever bringing it up again. Let’s just hope it doesn’t happen with Luke or his forbid Jack.
It Does…
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teddybeartoji · 1 month
i've been racking my brain for quite some time now to come up with a way to really express how i feel about this film - and i think the best way to do it is just to say that it truly made me want to get into filmmaking. and that it made me feel so fucking alive. it felt like a different type of oxygen. like crack or something. this is obviously going to be a ramblepost so i apologize if it's super fucking messy. also big spoilers will come with a warning so don't worry abt that. i am going insane.
+ btw here's the trailer if u don't know anything abt this hehehehe
anywayy i've never sat through a WHOLE film with a smile on my face bc i was just so fucking excited. elated is a really good word here i think. all of the following thoughts and words are in fact coming from my lower tummy bc no other film has turned me on so much as this did. it's not about sex btw.
luca guadagnino understands. he really fucking does. this guy is everything i want to be. it's all about the intimacy and the closeness. the sweat. the colors. the eyes. the dialogue. the camerawork. the build-up. staging and blocking. lighting. it is about sex but not in the way that you think. forget about porn and smut and whatever the fuck you think sex is. it's about watching and observing. taking everything in. it's about your heartbeat. the warm and fuzzy feeling in your stomach. a tightening knot. want and desire. anger. the rawness of it all. just the way things should be. forget about quickies and think about your best friend thinking about your lover. it's hot, right? it's about the rush. it's about sharing and not sharing. it's about greed and envy. think about sore muscles - how good they feel. think about flashing lights and thrumming bass in your ears. it's about music that makes you feel alive. it's about nudity, it's about power. humility and the absolute lack of it. it's about real humans, real people. eroticism. kissing. disgust. need. spit and saliva. tongues dancing together. muscles. skin on skin. laughter. love and something that's very akin to it but not quite the same. extreme close-ups and moments in slow motion, followed by fast-paced cuts and scenes. slapping. teasing and bickering. it's about everything i could possibly want in this fucking life and luca just handed it all to me on a silver platter.
i'm trying so hard to make this as coherent as possible lmao please bear with me i quite literally shed a couple of tears just from the overwhelming feeling this film gave me.
the casual intimacy is insane in this. one really specific thing made me absolutely lose it - there are TWO scenes where art spits out his gum into people's hands. the first is with tashi and the second time it's with patrick - both times they stand so close together that they're almost brushing against each other and they keep eye contact. there's zero disgust, there's no ew you just spit your gum into my hand. they ask for it. both times, patrick and tashi, hold out their palms for art to do it, and they do it without a word. no please or spit it out. i loved it so fucking much i wish i was better with words bc this genuinely had such a big effect on me. this type of intimacy is so important to me. it feels so real.
the dialogue was fucking great. i feel like the script is often where i might get The Ick bc i just hate when it's just so clear that it was written down without a second thought abt whether or not people actually talk like that (ok this actually might just be a problem with every single film my country makes but still). this felt good!!!!! they talk over people, they talk about small irrelevant things. they repeat what they said, they giggle, they laugh - again, it just felt so real and i loved it.
also. men in shorts. sweaty men in shorts. with shirts and without shirts. biceps. more sweat. muscles. we need more of that in life actually. i think men should wear shorter shorts and they should bend over more. ALSO MIDRIFF. SHIRTS RISING UP JUST A LITTLE, GIVING US A GLORIOUS PEEK OF WHAT'S UNDERNEATH. WHEN I TELL YOU THAT LUCA UNDERSTANDS I FUCKING MEAN THAT SHIT.
THE SOUNDTRAAAACKKKKKK RRRRRAAAAHHHHHHH EVERYBODY SAY THANK YOU TRENT REZNOR AND ATTICUS ROSS WE LOVE YOU TRENT REZNOR AND ATTICUS ROSS!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean it's obviously not a surprise that the score slaps so hard bc well... these guys have yet to make a bad score lmao. but this one is genuinely one of my favourite scores i think. super fast paced, exhilarating - it suits the film so fucking good holy shit. fuck it i'll give you a few songs:
challengers: match point + yeah 10x + pull over +
the cast was incredible. and also very hot. i think they were all so fucking perfect and i have literally zerooo complaints abt them i loved them so much. but if i had to pick a favourite performance... it's josh o'connor as patrick zweig. fuuuuckkkk, man. ok maybe i'm a bit biased here i do wanna kinda eat him buTTTTTTT HE'S AN AMAZING ACTOR OKAY. i loved his character soooooo fucking much and i think he did such a good job at portraying this little silly fucked up guy. the way he looks at art, the way he acts around art...
here are two crazy fucking examples for you the churro + the chair uhhhhhhh i am very unwell abt them actually what the fuuuuckkkkk
oke but yeah i just might be really down bad bc i really do love overly cocky assholes with beautiful big smiles okay don't judge me
THE VISUALSSSSS OH MY FUCKING GODD THE COLORSSS!!!!!!!! IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOO BRIGHT AND PRETTY AND FUN AND ALIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EVERYBODY CHEEERRSSS!!!!!!!!! it's such a big problem nowdays that all of the films are so fucking dark like bro where's the sun...... dark and just very dull you know??? and i hate it i hate it so much. this was great though. again - super birhgt and colorful, luca plays with the light like a god and he's really making me believe that the cinema is truly backk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they also mentioned spider-verse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i <3 luca fr
okay i think this covers most of it. i think. i have already decided that i'm gonna go and see it again next week so i'm sure that i'll be returning to this post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope you can all feel my love for this wonderful piece of art and i hope that you all will go and watch it aswell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 ily thank you for reading<333333
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just-antithings · 4 months
I don’t feel like getting too into detail but I have a bit of a story. So I’m in this server with a bunch of people my age, right? And in the server some managers (like 5) are elected each year, just to help make sure everything stays in check. It’s a pretty big server, basically like an old fashioned chat room. So I apply to be a manager, and I make it to the top ten selections!! I start to think I have a serious chance at winning, until…
Someone fucking outs me as a proshipper.
I wasn’t online at the time and I don’t have notifs on, so I had no idea what was happening. Lo and behold, I hop on and the server prepared for some goofs and lighthearted chatting like usual, and the page is FLOODED with people debating my morality and humanity like I’m their fucking monkey. People calling me creepy, gross, disgusting left and right. Someone even posted screenshots of stuff I’d said before in private, and the only replies were “ick” “ew” and “I’ll have to block them.” The people that I once called my friends now hated me and equated me to vermin because of one fucking guy.
In the end, one of the active managers reached out to me, listened to me and helped clear my name a bit. People were still reluctant at first, but healing. I ended up getting voted to be a manager, which I will forever be grateful that I wasn’t initially disqualified, but the person that outed me I remember right after finding out about my promotion on the server was making off-handed comments of “ick they got promoted” and “ew ew ew I’m so uncomfortable” like mf how did you think I felt for three days straight when you got up and decided to expose me to more than 10,000 people????? Your discomfort is NOTHING. I was afraid of getting doxxed during the time while it was still going down.
All of this and I’m only 15.
But yeah, antis are the good guys.
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ancientpersacom · 1 year
Ahkmenrah is autistic because I’m autistic and I said so. Here’s some HCs:
The others started to notice symptoms after he was finally let free from the sarcophagus. At first they weren’t sure if it was just trauma from being trapped or autism. Came to the conclusion it was both
Had no idea what that even meant because he’s literally ancient. Larry had to explain it in detail
Everything made sense after that
Refuses any food that isn’t relatively soft because it ‘feels yucky in my mouth’
All those dangly gems he wears are perfect stim toys
Likes the weight of his crown and cloak, feels wrong without them on
Discovered documentaries and instantly had a new special interest. He’s ALWAYS watching some random documentary that’s available in the gift shop.
Can’t stand still, always rocking or tapping feet.
Pants? Sensory nightmare. Skirts or robes only
Get them tight ass mummy wraps OFF- sensory ICK.
Bouncy happy stim
Quickly learnt to not fiddle with the tablets tiles as a stim toy because it causes magic mischief.
Loud noise yucky, keeps his exhibit nice and quiet so he can retreat into it when the museum gets too loud.
Shaky hands stim
Touches a gross texture by accident and gets intense spine shivers followed by disgusted Egyptian rambling akin to “ew ew stop no gross”
Hyper focus one moment, complete lack of interest the next
Parallel play, but like in an adult way. Doesn’t need to talk or interact with people but just being in the same room and doing the same thing is enough to be considered socialising for him.
Over compensates for lack of eye contact by going ‘oh right I have to look interested’ and just ends up staring for too long by accident
Can just spend hours watching his cloak and robes be all flowy when he spins around. Makes him giggle all happy because ooo sensory seeking
If he bumps into something he has to do it again on the other side because sensory symmetry
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box-dwelling · 9 months
Hey fuck it i choose chaos tonight. Controversial AA Ships and my opinions (all these are being treated as romantic ships):
Krisnix- great to observe. Horrific for them to be in. It is a terrible choice for Phoenix to make but it is one I am certain he did in fact make. It's also a fundamentally very interesting dynamic
Narumaya- I don't hate it as much as a lot of people though pre JFA it's gross because shes underage and I don't like the age gap. I don't always think thats whats going threw shippers heads with it. It just really strikes me as basic. Just seeing a male and female protagonists and presuming they have to be dating. It reeks comphet. If you want Nick to be straight Iris is right there you know. Also canon is pretty explicit about it being a sibling relationship.
Klema- OK, I don't think it's a thing but like... it is very very funny in concept. Idk I could see my girl being down for some hate fucking. So maybe but only if she straps him.
Junipollo- again not loving that age gap but there is canon backing at least from. Junipers side. I think it's a one sided crush but there's are worse
Oldbag x Edgeworth- actively dislike. It feels like people are giving a pass to a woman sexually harassing a man
Edgeworth x Kay, Edgeworth x Trucy, Phoenix x Trucy- I never understood the concept of a notp until I heard this was a thing. I find these actively disgusting and I feel like I don't need to explain why. Kayworth is marginally better but it's still a relationship that pretty canonly discussed as being a parental one and it's still fucking disgusting to me. Ew ew no
Edgeworth X Ema- ew. I get she had a crush on him but like. I feel like it don't need to explain why them dating is problematic
Cykesquill- before I played DD I kinda got it. Like they're really close. Then I played DD found out the age gap and also found out that their mother's were canonically at least a one sided thing and now this is 1000% a sibling thing to me and I find it gross
Apollo x Phoenix- I like don't have an explanation of why I don't like it, the age gaps not great but there's waaaay worse on this list, but it just gives me the ick
Larriska- come on man my girl deserves so much better than him.
Apollo x athena- eh, fine. I don't vibe with it but the age gap isn't that bad, they both met as adults even if athena is barely one and they do have a fun dynamic even if it feels like a sibling on to me to me, its way less one than some of the others here.
Tag or hit me an ask with any others that I might have missed.
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redtail-lol · 7 months
I'm both a sensory avoiding and sensory seeking autistic (sensitivity being touch and taste)
Ew ew ew what was that it's so s l i m y ewww gross
Icky icky bad texture in my mouth spit it out spit it outtt ough I hate peas and I fucking hate fat
Why is my gummy gushing liquid that's disgusting ick
Scratchy. Scratchy. Scratchy clothes. Take it off
Too hot too hot too hot ow ow ow toO COLD TOO COLD TOO COLD OWIE OW OW OW
That texture is ROUGH and NASTY get it AWAYYY
The cilantro tastes like soap I hate it I have a gene that makes it gross
Yes I removed the pickles but I can still taste the pickle residue
Too much sauce and it tastes so gross??? this is offending both of my senses
I know it's subtle but that taste is gross and it's ruining the whole meal! >:[
mr man pls stop clawing me whenever u try to make biscuits pls it hurts
Pet the soft pet the soft pet the soft pet it pet it now
Touch everything in the whole store that looks interesting
Ooo what does that feel like?
Woa this feeling so neat
hehe soda bubbles feel good
I need those clothes they r so soft I will go to sensory heaven if I put them on
Kiggy layin on me <33 so soft n warm <33
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
least favourite ships 👀
oh baby you got a BIGGER storm coming 😈
just wanna make clear if any of my beautiful wonderful sexy followers ship any of these: i am mostly joking, i dont care, do what you want, the fun of fandom is getting to play in the sandpit. but in this post i will be kicking your sandcastles over.
also im speaking ENTIRELY about ship and fandom. i can think daemon and rhaenyra or sansa and sandor are interesting textually while also thinking its fucking gross and you guys are weird. anyways!
JONSA&JONRYA: thats his sister!!!!!!!!!! i cant even. that his SISTER!!! eugh. jon is so boring(joking) why do all the ship wars gravitate around him
SANSA/ADULT MEN: this includes littlefinger x sansa, stannis x sansa, sandor x sansa, anything else i cant think of. grossgrossgross ewewew. look sandor/sansa has some textual backing but it still icks me eugh. if you ship littlefinger or stannis with sansa like sorry but im just gonna assume you're self inserting as sansa and want to fuck stannis and petyr, they're like the hermione x snape of asoiaf ships
JORAH/DANY: kill yourself. sorry but fr its fucking gross. and yeah the show is like less gross and i know most jorleesi shippers are shownly and just think iain glen is hot which like whatever but eugheugheugh. book jorah is disgusting to me sorry not sorry STAY AWAY FROM HER!!!! i like barristan because he's the only man in dany's life who's not weird about her hes just her dad :)
DAEMYRA: as a pairing to read and watch canonically and dissect and analyse its very interesting. as a ship, ew. very weird. ive seen too much eugenics and race science from daemyras to treat them with respect
LUCEMOND: have your fun babes i dont care it seems fun #yaoi! but i swear you guys are making shit up about luke... hes just a baby. just a babby boye!
HELAEMOND: its so boring it doesnt even have the spice of lucemond yaoi or daemyra habsburgcest. oh they're cheating on aegon oh the kids are aemond's. lame! daeron ii did uncertain parentage better.
THRAMSAY: more of an ick than hate. im just not into dead dove dont eat sort of thing y'know.
SANDORxBRIENNE, SANSAxGENDRY: im going off the game of thrones shipping wiki because i cant fucking remember half the shit people ship and those were listed. WHAT! HUH???? ight....
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goongiveusnothing · 10 months
he won’t come out as gay/bi or queer because 1) i don’t sense he even feels those labels accurately define him and 2) he knows it would change the way he was viewed and the nature of his career. he would become a gay popstar. and that’s exactly why he isn’t gay. he isn’t treated through that lens. he’s not out here getting the mika or adam lambert treatment and there’s a reason for that. his star gets to be as big as it is because precisely because he’s straight. his marketing doesn’t work if he’s actually gay. the whole point is that he isn’t. his persona doesn’t work if he’s actually gay. are there gay men who aren’t stereotypically flamboyant and “limp wristed” in their character? absolutely but the fact that it’s a conscious part of their identity still affects their lived experience because that’s the reality of the current societal context we live in. harry styles literally cannot be gay. it changes the foundation of his success.
he won’t come out as gay/bi or queer because 1) i don’t sense he even feels those labels accurately define him and 2)
lmao "don't assume his sexuality!!!!11" suddenly becomes "as harry style's biggest astrologer i can sense from the vibes exactly what the lines of his sexuality are, and how he doesn't belong in any of them, because harry simply exceeds all boundaries and definitions. the lines are too rigid for this QUEER man. he cannot accept a QUEER label. because the lines confine his QUEER and BOY driven penchant too much. nobody else in history has defined and blurred the outlines of his QUEERness as much as harry, for that reason no lines can exist for him, but he is also QUEER."
his star gets to be as big as it is because precisely because he’s straight.
what is this nasty homophobia? it's always the gayrries who are the biggest homophobes. fantasizing that people have to be fiercely closeted, fantasizing about people being rounded up, and fantasizing that being gay would ruin a man worth $150 million's career and so he gets to keep his straight privilege so he doesn't have to be burdened by the real queer celebrities who do fit into lines like "i like boys" by being open about it? yeah, congrats to bigoted greedy coward harry. definitely a superhero of the queer LGBT people. what a motivation and inspiration that he hasn't been burdened down by the ugly hideous label of "GAY" which is ew ick disgusting and gets to still be the glory defining passing "STRAIGHT" as you also squeal in disgust when people give him that label, despite the fact you think it's a benefit and a good thing and something he fucking wants?
like yay him! you're essentially admitting he's queerbaiting and using these lines however he wants for the benefits, but is lucky he doesn't have to be weighed down like all those nasty real queer people do by the fact that the reality of their sexuality literally impacts their lives and those of the people they date.
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onlyjaeyun · 8 months
I feel like people don't understand the difference in comments and full on criticism. Like I've sent you so many Poison!Hee/Hoon/Jay/Jake headcannons, but it's not like I've been in your ask all demanding them, I've just been like I think Jake had parents who divorced and neither wanted him, I think Hoon would be the top tier uncle, I think Hoon would absolutely lose his mind finding out Ning is pregnant, and so forth. It's not like I'm in your ask being all do it or I'll never read anything you do again, yet some people do that, and it's just like don't read anything I write then, seems like a you problem. Some are so entitled, and it's just like what we are writing here is free, you should be thankful we aren't charging you.
It is just such a big ick too, like it's giving disgusting, uncalled for, and just ew. I don't write smut, I have nothing against it, I just personally prefer not to; but I remember getting request like the moment the Dreamies turned legal, like I'd suddenly be like oh Jaemin's legal, of course I'll write smut now. I remember one of my friends that ran a smut account, she got so many request for all of the Dreamies as they turned legal, and people were sending her Jisung and Chenle request as well, and then when she was posting the ask and calling the asker out, they would be all I just thought you'd write it ahead of time and save it and then publish it on their birthday they turn legal, like that's just as bad as writing it and posting it while they are still minors. It is sad, but there really is nothing to do except report it, yet I know many of these writers have backup accounts, since the expect to get banned for it, so they prepare for it, which is sad.
exactly!!!!! personally i absolutely dont mind asks like yours where people send me their own ideas and like hcs bc i love indulging in your thoughts and suggestions yet demands are an absolute no go. i dont even have my requests open and ppl come and try to demand smth from me like calm down and get in line istg
and yeah, the whole legal thing in the kpop fandom is super problematic but im sfraid it won't ever be any different. people just..don't care and its sad but the truth, youbjust gotta stay away from those atp
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Higurashi When They Cry - Watanagashi Chapter 5
I just want everyone to know that I don’t have the Steam achievement for meeting Shion. That’s so outrageous. I have the Steam achievement for getting food from Shion and the Steam achievement for getting rescued by Shion but not the one for meeting her.
Keiichi’s Shion Meal is actually a super powerful rare meal he obtained via cheating that has been imposed upon him.
Also I think Rena is shipping Keiichi and Mion probably. If I’m right that’d be funny after Keiichi spent half of the last arc shipping Keiichi and Rena.
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Hmm. Two? Where by “Two?” I mean “That’s inherently unacceptable!!”
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Oh, Keiichi’s voice acting was cute here. That’s a first. For his voice acting. And probably a higher single-digit number in terms of overall Keiichi Cuteness Moments. Still a single-digit number either way though. But... a higher one if we’re counting things other than voice acting.
Keiichi learns that he can actually drag three leeches to the Shion Meal, but he only learns it while surrounded by leeches, so he learned it at a bad time, because it takes more than three leeches to surround a person, and also he doesn’t like them.
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Keiichi doesn’t like to make jokes about sexual assault. I guess that makes him a better When They Cry protagonist than Battler.
Ew... did I really just say that...? Ew... disgusting...
Hmm, if Rena is actually a Keiichi/Mion shipper, and Shion is actually a completely different person from Mion (possibly untrue) and Keiichi is stupid (definitely true), that specific set of conditions would mean it sucks for Rena how Shion is groping all over Keiichi. Metaphorically speaking. It’s up to you to figure out what part of what I just said was a metaphor--shouldn’t be too hard, maybe.
Unfortunately for Keiichi, Shion’s Mealhouse is also a den of leeches. The acting drains from their voices and presumably also the color drains from Keiichi’s face.
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fuck, this entire chapter is making me like keiichi. the stakes aren’t even high, why do i like him right now
Well, I guess this is just the same thing they pulled on the show Frasier via the existence of Niles Crane. Except I actually like Niles Crane. Not that I’m an avid Frasier fan.
Keiichi reiterates his stance that sexual harassment is actually bad.
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Non-voiced text disagrees.
Keiichi decides to unveil the foreshadowed Shion Reciprocity and make a huge scene. Also he’s fatphobic. Also his fuckin’ Way-More-Useless-Spidey-Senses are inescapable even when they don’t really impact the plot meaningfully. They truly are innate to the boy himself, and not simply to his genre.
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Ick, don’t say that. Especially not without enclosing it in <>s, old-timer! ...Actually I don’t know offhand which localization is older, but I know what I like, so I have chosen to ascribe youth to that which I like.
Keiichi lacks training and is a young man, so in order to cover for one of those deficiencies, he summons Chekhov’s Leeches who aren’t young men: Rena and the Toddlers.
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wtf since when are all the losers not losers. they’re even less losery than the last time they weren’t losers!!
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Keiichi is pretending he owns walky-talkies. Or maybe he actually owns them. Probably not though.
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The punctuation is getting sassy this time around. I like it! :)
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This is the single most vile sentence known to man???
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Why’d an entire BG get drawn for this restroom. How many more times is Keiichi gonna come in here.
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Not “a” girl, not “the” girl, but simply Girl, in its purest state. Like a Toddler 02-shaped-hole punched through reality straight to the ocean known as All Quantifiable “Girl” Substance. I guess that makes Toddler 02 one of the best characters, because entity-shaped holes punched through reality are extremely great, especially when they lead to The Outer Turn!
...why would anyone trying to rationally explain their position end their sentence with “NyaaaAAAHH~”. Well whatever
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Ah, but the English words used by the voice acting were clearly “I shall return”. Everyone else isn’t actually going to return, and the implication that they will is a false narrative concocted for unclear yet sinister reasons.
Anyway, Keiichi’s anti-leech fatphobia saved the day.
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If the voice acting is to be believed, then the definition of the word “hau” is “was a pervert”. This explains a lot about Rena’s character!
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Hmm... I suppose it could be said then that I also wield it... the power to make Keiichi laugh...
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Ah yes, playing dumb. Another episode of Keiichi Being Correct Moments.
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Is Rena calling Keiichi “the girl” here? Hmm... it suits him.
Rena all-but-confirms Keiichi’s theory that Mion and Shion are the same. Phew, I guess the fact that Shion loves groping Keiichi isn’t going to ruin Rena’s day after all. Not that I care especially deeply about that specific Mood Hypothetical.
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Ah... hold on... let me do some cross-referencing...
“I’m very kind and thoughtful, but Shion has a cold and scary personality...!”
Alright. Dichotomy noted.
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Nico Robin moment
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MEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(
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Oh right, I kinda forgot about that too. It was like two hiatuses ago on my part.
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Um. Okay dude
Anyway, I can’t believe it... Keiichi has entered his Mind Palace and activated Smart Mode. Via the activation of Smart Mode, he’s completely eviscerated his greatest character flaw... this power level is way too high...
...okay even with Smart Mode activated, Keiichi didn’t even note the dichotomy I noted. Okay
Y’know a friend was saying a while ago that as someone who started with the anime, he found the VN’s pacing unbearable. I wonder if the anime also has this many extensive flashbacks in Keiichi’s Mind Palace.
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BRO THE WORLD IS SO ORANGE??? There need to be more visual novels that take place in Orange World.
Anyway, this is just the plot of Umineko.
Keiichi decides to fix everything by giving Shion a toy, like in that Phineas and Ferb movie where Doofenshmirtz fixes everything by giving Shoofenshmirtz a toy. Keiichi is standing in for Mion in this situation and also this analogy doesn’t make any sense.
Wait, actually, Keiichi isn’t going to give Shion a toy directly, he’s going to make Mion give Shion the toy. So my analogy was fucking great and all of you were wrong to ever doubt me!
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You jackass. Mion, just give her the toy already so she goes to jail
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yeah she is laying this on way too thick for it to be anything other than a lie
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i am going to commit fucking murder
Meanwhile, in Side Story Land...
What??? Why is Shion putting Keiichi in a car in Side Story Land??? What is this
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floripire · 5 days
a comeback starter for @6ellas
"no but seriously! i only watched two episodes and then i couldn't anymore! i got the ick so fast, i'm telling you. he literally---ew, it's so gross, okay, so that blonde white lady - diana - likes rowing, right? and she does her little rowing thing like la, la, la, swish, swoosh and then disembarks, puts the rowing boat away, but loses her vest which she'd like swung over her shoulder or something. anyway, she rigs it up, turns around, and that vampire dude - matthew de clairmont - is there. they exchange words and walk outside. once there, he sees that her vest is still laying on the ground. he goes to pick it up. and then, the worst part happens, he actually smells it. full on. and then he goes into a vampire frenzy. like, ugh. the disgust! the absolute disgust!"
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dahliasanddimples · 1 year
Today is Day 23: I haven’t even had the urge to write about it. It really does get better. The waves of sadness are no longer as sad. Sometimes I miss you but it doesn’t hurt anymore. I do still think of you, what you’re doing what you’re up to. Maybe you still think of me too. I can’t even imagine or even think about how much it actually used to hurt, physically hurt. I think about you but I don’t yearn for you anymore. You still cross my mind but not as often. I’m finally focusing on myself and working on me. Going out more. I can’t wait to be the careless single friend again.
I did go out last weekend and one of my favorite songs I dedicated to you came on and I instantly started missing you.
Isn’t it so weird that when you break up with someone you like it hurts but when you end things with someone that is just completely not your type you get the ick? Like I’ve made some questionable decisions in my life but there is just one specific person that absolutely cannot get off my mind bc he literally disgusts me. Like idk what it is about him but is the epitome of ICK. I physically wanna throw up bc he disgusts me so much idk lol it really is the quiet ones that are the weirdest. He was overly clingy. We talked for like three months and he was talking about moving in and always wanting to come over like omg please. Like I stalk my ex but why is it weird when he does it? Like he’s obsessed with me and it honestly just creeps me out. I swear I will never date outside of my league again. I’m done going for personalities and giving ugly guys chances. Giving ugly guys chances is probably the worse thing someone can do. One, they are SUPER insecure super. Two, everyone stares bc like HOW. Three, they get obsessive like do not know what to do and become obsessive over you like holy shit please get a hobby. Ew ew ew ew ew. I could write forever how weird this guy was and is. Manipulative on so many levels like weird manipulative. Like kinda glad I moved manipulative. Like stalker manipulative. Ew ew ew ew ew eewwwWWWWWWWW LITERALLY FUCKING EWWWWWW 🤮 I kid you not if I ever saw him in person I would. Idk why I’m so disgusted with him honestly I’ve never been so disgusted with anyone really, at least to this extent. Every time I think about him I don’t feel sorry, I feel disgusted. I could probably watch him die and feel no remorse, no sadness. I could probably watch him get bullied and not say a word. If weird had a person it would be him. Sometimes I just want him beat up just cause. Why do I feel this way about him? He didn’t do me dirty he was just a certified weirdo.
Between him and my bum ex I wonder what the fuck I’ve been doing with these men. I’m realizing I have made PLENTY of questionable decisions. It’s like I’m so over it. I’m so over dating lol they have all left such a bad taste in my mouth and I’m so at peace with me, myself and I that it’s probably gonna take a rom com type love to get me out of it. Ew to all, ew to everything, just overall fucking EW lol
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alex-demon-wolf · 2 years
14. “Ew. Get that away from me…” with Roman + Virgil for prompts? ♥️♥️♥️
Thank you for the prompt!
Chores Challenge
"Ew. Get that away from me." Virgil moved away from his partner, and the object his partner was holding in his gloved hand
"I'm showing you why you need to be cleaning the stupid drain! I had to pull this out cause of your dumb hair clogging it," Roman huffed, throwing it, and the glove in the trash
"Fine, I'll clean the drain, but that means you have to do the dishes," Roman gasped an offended gasp at that
"You know I hate doing the dishes,"
"Yes, but most are dirty because of you," Virgil looked at his phone, "So either do the dishes, or clean the drain yourself,"
"Uuuuuuuugh, fine, I'll do dishes, but you need to take out the trash," And that lead to an argument of getting the other to do the chores, ending with them basically having to do each other's chores
"Bet I can do these better than you on a good day," Virgil said as he put his long hair up in a beanie
"Hah! As if! I bet I can do all of this better than you could any day!" Roman challenged, the two glaring at one another
"Challenge. Accepted." Virgil took his hoodie off, and left to start on Roman's chores, Roman leaving to start on Virgil's
"I bet I could even get this done faster than Roman," Virgil muttered to himself as he pulled on the gloves, pulling the metal on the drain off, gagging at the hair dangling from it, "Oh-oh my gods- that is disgusting!"
"What was that Darling?" Roman called, having vaguely heard him. Virgil took a shakey breath
"I said this looks so easy!" Roman huffed hearing that, unloading the dishwashers, "There is so much in here," He huffed as he put the plates in the cabinets
A few minutes passed, and he was done with that part. He looked at the stacks of dirty dishes, grimacing at the food still on some of them, trying to get over the ick feels as he cleaned them, "Come on Roman you can do this, you gotta," He muttered to himself as he got the first dish in. This would be a long long day
Virgil sighed as he got back into the house, checking taking out the trash off of his list of chores, "Already half way done.. next chore is-" He groaned as he read to next thing, "Why did I write that after that?!" He sighed as he looked at their livingroom, one of the few rooms he had to get the trash out of. The mountains of mountain dew that littered the side tables were just the beginning of it
"Great.." He got a trash bag, and started to put the empty cans in it, forcing a smirk on as Roman came in, "Hey there Princey, how you doin?"
"Amazingly well, I can't believe you struggle with these things," Roman crossed his arms over his chest with a cocky smile, "What about you?"
"I'm doing these with ease, only reason I'm taking so long is cause of the breaks I've been taking," He lied as he threw away more stuff.
He noticed Roman's smile fade slightly, before coming back, "Guess I should be getting on to the next thing then so I don't let you catch up," He left to their room, smile and cockiness dropping when Virgil couldn't see him anymore
"I need to hurry up.." He sighed as he looked at their room, frowning at the task ahead of him, "It's going to be ok, you'll beat him, and win bragging rights once again," He started to clean up the room, humming Disney songs to keep himself going
Roman sighed as he sat on the couch, "Finally, done.."
"Me too.." Virgil flopped on top of him, looking at his partner, "Why did we do all this again?.."
"Cause we want to one up each other.." Roman looked back at him, "How about we agree we both do them good, don't do this again, and oder pizza?.."
"Hell yeah, let me just grab my phone.." He sat up, pulling his phone out of his jacket that he'd forgotten to pick up, "Brownies too?"
"Soda and garlic knots as well, I'll get the Disney movies put on," Roman grabbed the remote, going to do so.
Soon, it was them cuddled together, eating pizza while watching Encanto, "Good day?" Virgil smiled up at him
"Good day," Roman smiled at the kiss he got, not being able to agree more
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