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everyone look at baby elphaba NOW!!!
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sai-haras · 4 days
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happy pride month to fucked up bisexuals with questionable writing
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thedeadthree · 8 months
TAGGED BY @corvosattano, @chuckhansen, @jillvalentinesday, @leviiackrman, @jackiesarch, @marivenah and @nightbloodbix to take this quiz!!! thank you !!!! ❦
TAGGING: @flymm, @bloodofvalyria, @griffin-wood, @dekarios, @lavinet, @gortash, @fragilestorm, @dameayliins, @risingsh0t, @moonmothers, @cptcassian, @marivenah, @faerune, @mrdekarios, @queennymeria, @unholymilf, @florbelles, @jendoe, @jackiesarch, @adelaidedrubman, @theviridianbunny, @yennefre, @vanoefucks, @katsigian, @yennas, @fenharel, @full---ofstarlight, @baldursgate2, @druidgroves, @anoras, @lavampira, @bg3, @grapecaseschoices, @sstewyhosseini, @gwynbleidd, @shadowglens, @quickhacked, @malefiicarum, @minaharkers, @envergothash, @feypacts, @themalkavian and you!
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your love is healing. it burns you with every bit of your soul, but you choose to heal, nevertheless. you are so, so so strong and i hope you know that. i send you peace. i send you calm. i hope things will become better for you in time, just as you have made others better in time as well.
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love unconditional, love unfailing. you love no matter what happens because you believe in the best – of you, and them. it will hurt and it will fail you, but this love tastes so sweet – you can never believe that it bitters sometimes. the way you choose to love unconditionally is incredible.
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you love so fiercely, with every fibre of your being. maybe you were wounded by love in the past ; such that you choose to love and love and love so wonderfully that the next person who comes into your life never doubts that they are loved by you.
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you make sure that people know that they are loved, and you give them strength when they need it the most. this is an ability that is rare; the love that you hold speaks wonders of yourself. i hope you're doing alright. isn't it exhausting always being the bigger person?
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this is sweet. i hope you know that you make others feel at ease around you. you're a gem, a blessing, a treasure – and you should know it. it's comfortable loving you. it's a privilege to be around you and to be let into your world.
#only if you want to of course! <3#oc: anasyana an enaviryn#oc: tissaia thorm#oc: vaermina vanthampur#oc: amavet aerasume#oc: virthac vyuthurim#as always ash i owe you my life for the worlds cutest banners!!#leg.tagged#leg.ocs#tissaia and love that lasts oh the way i am CRYING RAHHHHH#holding her gently in my HANDS wrapping her in a blanket and making her fresh pastries MY BAAABY OH POOR BABYYY !!!!!!!#amavet and virthac and the EXACT answers i knew i felt in my SOUL they would have oh we love to see it <3#yana and love that heals WHEEZE murder muffin bbg !!!!!!!#shhdkah shes the one who IS THE PAIN *wheezes* BUT THE WAY HER ANSWER HIT ME LIKE A TRUCK !!!!!!#the way i was thinking haha funny until i read it and then it HIT ME !!!!! uquiz taking me out with these answers AGAIN!!!!!!#'it burns you with every bit of your soul' LIKE YOU WOULDNT BELIEVE BESTIEE!#(btw YANAGORTASH REUNION HAPPENED AND UHHHHH THOUGHTS THIS AND THE REUNION I HAVE THINGS ON THE BRAIN !!!!!!!!)#tissaia the one who became an urchin when she was whisked from moonrise the one who was left at last light the one who had grown#so accustomed to people coming and going that the old fear of them leaving was replaced by expecting those she holds dear to leave after sh#becomes attached !!!!!!!!! the one who gains a love that lasts with her friends HER SISTER and a lover in gale A LOVE THAT LASTS#crying crying screaming sobbing BABY BABY!!!!!!!!#vaermina wounded by love in the past by her own family by partners BABY GIRL YOUR EVERYTHING TO MEE#oust your mother as grand duke thwart your brothers marry that disney prince warlock you DESERVE IT POOKIE#VIRTHAAAAC they are the sweetest soul the cutest cutie THEYRE BABY THEYRE MY SWEET BABY BABY only the loveliest for kar OFC!!!!!!!!! <3#the calm to their fiery dynamic theyll have theyre my BABIES#AMAVEEEET *dizzy*#'i hope you're doing alright. isn't it exhausting always being the bigger person?' WHEN I TELL YOU I SCREAMED#using ams fc for now for this until i can fix his beard jksnkdnad#AND TY TY FOR THE TAG DEARS OH I MISSED DOING TAGS SO STONKIN MUCH#a small handfull of the tadfools bc the silly balduring gates game has the braincell *giggles* <3
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noivern · 8 months
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touchstarvedandinlove · 9 months
Instead of thinking “oh my gosh I’m already 21 (or another age that is actually not that old) why do I not have my life together?!”
Think “oh my gosh I’m ONLY 21, I don’t have to have everything figured out right now”
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vivwritesfics · 7 months
Poly!landoscar x reader with baby fever?? Or even as parents? I feel like that’s unexplored territory
This ended up being HC's because I'm tired af but still in the mood to write
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Y/N's sister had a baby
A baby that she often gor Y/N to babysit
Only if Y/Ns sister was going out on a weekday: her weekends were reserved for her boys
The first time the boys came over to Y/Ns apartment and there was a baby, they were shocked
"Y/N?" Lando shouted after he pushed open the front door
She shouted something back from the kitchen, something incoherent
But still, there was a baby there, a baby that the boys didn't know
"What's going on?"
Y/N emerged from her kitchen, yellow rubber gloves on her hands
"What's up, Lan?" She asked as she walked over to give him and Oscar a kiss each
Lando pointed at the baby
"Oh!" Y/N said as she pulled off the rubber gloves
She pulled the baby from his high chair and placed the baby on her hip
"This is little Hughie," she said and held the babies hand to make him wave
"When did this happen?" Asked Oscar as he sat on her sofa. "Is he..."
"Osc! No! We've literally been dating six months, how could he be one of yours?"
"Okay, but is he somebody else's then?"
"Yeah, my sisters."
Lando let out a sigh as Oscar took the baby from Y/N and sat him on his lap
But then they spent the day with Hughie
Oscar sat him on his lap while he watched cartoons
Lando had his toys, pulling faces to make Hughie laugh
By the time Y/Ns sister came to pick him up, the boys were in love
"Baaaby," Lando said as he slid onto the sofa beside her
Y/N grabbed a hold of his face and pulled him in for a kiss. "What do you want?"
"A baby of our own."
Y/N looked from Lando to Oscar
"The both of you?"
Swallowing the lump in his throat, Oscar nodded to
There was a lot they needed to discuss about it
Babies, that is
They weren't going to try, not yet at least
But if it happened, so be it
It wouldn't matter who's baby it was, it was going to be Norris-Piastri
They had a list of baby names stuck to the fridge, one that was ever growing
The boys had gotten Pinterest just to make a collaborative board with Y/N about baby things
They moved in together before they started trying
They got married before they started trying
Babysitting Hughie was the best
Oscar was a natural with him, which kind of shocked everyone
Y/N and Lando would watch on with heart eyes
"He's going to be the best dad," Lando said as he swayed Y/N from side to side
"So are you," Y/N replied as she took one of his hands and kissed the back of it. "I can't wait to have a baby with the two of you"
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pedrithink · 1 year
texts w/ kylian
notes: just some random texts with kylian ;)
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you: DID U SEE THAT???????
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kylian: WTF
you: baby i’m so confused rn
kylian: wtf did he do with our taytay
you: i can’t sleep
kylian: gimme a call, baby.
you: nooo :( i feel so bad because it’s so late already
you: why are u up btw
kylian: because i heard my phone buzz
kylian: but you don’t need to feel bad ever,
kylian: i would love to help you to sleep
you: you woke up just from that small buzz from my text?
kylian: i had my ringer on so it was a ring
you: why do you have your ringer on?
you: baby, you need to sleep properly.
kylian: in case you call or need
something from me
you: [photo]
kylian: you’re so damn gorgeous
kylian: i’m so lucky
kylian: je suis fasciné par ta
beauté (i am fascinated by your beauty)
kylian: not even joking
kylian: you look stunning, babe.
you: hey 😞😔
you: love you so much
you: you’re my baby girl 🫵🏻
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kylian: what
kylian: stop acting like my mom that’s weird
kylian: oh wait…
kylian: no, don’t stop.
kylian: mommy 🤭😏
you: got you 🥵
kylian: i love you
you: no you don’t
kylian: baby…
kylian: it's not because i didn't hang
you with my thighs that i don't love you 😞
you: this is literally the cruelest form of betrayal
kylian: hey
kylian: your mom called me
kylian: she said that u were feeling sad
kylian: what happened? 😟
you: nothing, baby.
you: don’t need to worry
you: just college stuff and the total failure that i am
kylian: heyyy, don’t say that.
kylian: tell me what’s going on baby
kylian: i just hate to be far away
from you in these times
you: i’m gonna fail in this exam i just know it and i’m panicking and crying
kylian: hey no negative thoughts ok?
kylian: you can do it
you: no i can’t
kylian: i believe in you
you: 🥺😢😓
kylian: answer my call
kylian: don’t leave me please i’m
nothing without you
you: ???
kylian: i love you
kylian: i would kill for you
kylian: i sound like a psycho but
it’s just that i love you so much
you: wtf u can’t even kill an ant
you: what’s going on
you: are you drunk or smth like that
kylian: i just saw that u liked
chris evans new pic
you: wow i’m so jealous
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kylian: ah baby
kylian: don’t need to
kylian: i’m all yours 🥺
you: what
you: i’m not jealous of you
you: i wanted to be the one holding messi
you: eaaaating pasta todaaaay
you: missed thisss 😩😫
kylian: that’s great, my love.
kylian: i’m happy.
you: hm…hey?
you: what’s going on
you: what happened
kylian: nothing, baby.
kylian: just a shit day
you: can i call you?
kylian: please
you: want me to buy something at the market?
kylian: no babe that’s fine
you: ok got you
you: i will be home at 7 pm or smth like that
kylian: drive safely
kylian: love you
you: love you baby
you: see you soon
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butmakeitgayblog · 4 months
Ooooo ooooooh OOOOOOOO
MBFW Lexa after the clexa wedding we all know is going to happen (right? RIGHT???)
In a slinky little white number to actually be able to dance and celebrate with Clarke and their people 🤤 FECK
That dress is just soft enough to pull up above her thighs easily for a little bit of action in the bridal quarters mid-reception when they sneak away for some alone time
It's not going to happen explicitly in the fic, but yeah they do end up married. Eventually. With baaabies 🥰
Anyway, yes very much that. Lexa never has any intention of keeping her dress after the big day, so it kind of gets a bit trashed in their wedding photos 🥴 she makes sure to save enough that there's scrapes of lace and beading left unscathed that Clarke can save for one of her over-the-top art creations or anniversary presents for the future that she knows without even having to ask is coming eventually. (Clarke comes through with a hand stitched and embroidered pocket square for one of Lexa's suits made of the dyed dress scraps for their 10 year anniversary, in case you're wondering)
So naturally that chaotic choice means only one thing in Abby's eyes: buy two dresses 🙃 one for flash and the photography shoot and one for the reception. Where Lexa had been fine heading to their reception and changing into some simple linen pants and a criminally low-cut, loose white blouse, instead Abby surprises her and insists on paying for the second number for her to change into because, quote, "oh, honey. I couldn't let you have your first dance in cotton blend 🙁"
12 years into being a part of this family and the Griffin women still keep Lexa on her toes
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teenyweenyeenymeeny · 5 months
I have a question…💕💕👀
Do different friens of Young Neil call him different nicknames when he’s little or teeny…like as in different people have different pet/nick names for him…like the Sex Bob-Omb members and whoever else..I wanna know…🤝🤝💕/lh
ooh hm… okay here is. Tha thing about this. in the nicest way to Neil… he does not Have. many friends… his friends are sex bobomb and I Do think Wallace [in canon they r more like acquaintances yea but I think they are a Bit closer than that… because I can think Whatever I want] and Knives but she is a little more Complicated…
here you go I will ramble about them all in order of like. Involvement in Neil’s regression
I think I have said he doesn’t mind other people Knowing so I do think some of his classmates are Aware of his regression but I think that he isn’t very close to any of them and since he doesn’t tend to regress at school no one he knows From school has ever really met Younger Neil and they haven’t gotten an opportunity to come up with nicknames for him.
the thing with Knives is. when they were Together I think that Neil was comfy regressing around her and perhaps she would regress around him too [I am still Thinking about whether Knives strikes me As a regressor at all or if the vibes r there because she is Actually a child]. what I am thinking Right now is that maybe Knives experimented with age regression or perhaps age dreaming With Neil but not always… they r kind of Siblings coded when one or both of them is regressed [I think this is Not very weird to say because I don’t think Either of them ever actually liked the other in a Romantic way] newayz Knives liked to be Younger Neil’s big sister sometimes and his little sister other times… and when she was his Big sister she liked to fawn over him and use silly cutesy nicknames [no Specific examples but lots of Calling him cute or sweet or baby 🤍] when she was his Little sister though she was more likely to stick to just calling him big brother and things Similar to that ☆ after Knives and Neil broke up things were a little Harder though and so they didn’t see much of each other for a while maybe…
mmmm Wallace is easier ☆ I don’t know if he has any Neil Specific nicknames he kind of just uses the same ones he does for Scott maybe !! he says buddy or Little buddy or little guy… yeag.
Kim isn’t really A Caregiver she just gets stuck with babysitting duty sometimes tehe and she is more like. Cool Big sister or cousin. Yes. and she is more Teasing with the Little guys I think… so Usually she calls Neil Younger Neil or Even Younger Neil if she’s talking About him but if she’s interacting With him and he’s regressed she would maybe be more likely to call him things like. twerp. or something like that I don’t know I think that she uses silly affectionate “insult” words though… like you see on tv…
Scott n Neil have such a funny dynamic when they r Both regressed I think… because. Scott is usually just a Bit younger than Neil but Neil Seems much younger than he actually regresses to… and so When they r regressed Together Scott is like heehe the baaaby he is so Small and I am so big >:] basically even though he is. The Smaller one hehe. when Scott is Not regressed but Neil is he usually just sticks to Even Younger Neil or Younger Neil though 🤍 tehe
Stephen is the Most involved with Neil when he is regressed because he is like his big brother All the time but the thing is. I think that even though that Has been their dynamic for a while Stephen is still a little awkward around Younger Neil… just a Little 🤍 what I mean is like only for a few minutes Maybe an hour when Neil first regresses and Stephen is with him he’ll worry about making sure he’s like a Good caregiver/big brother and Then he’ll relax into the role a bit more… so I think that. a lot of the time Stephen Worries about what to call Neil if he is regressed because if he says something New what if Neil actually doesn’t Like being called that or something augh so much to think about !! Usually while Stephen is still in his Big Worrying phase he will maybe say man or dude or Maybe buddy… but once he is more comfy he will maybe say Little man Little dude Little buddy etc… hehe. like the rest of sex bobomb though if he’s Referring To Neil and not Talking to him he will probably say Even Younger Neil or Younger Neil though 🤍
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wosobronze · 7 months
the baaaby 🐶 idk if you've seen it but one of my fave narla photos she's sat in the passenger of lucys car on a pink puffer coat with her pink harness on and lucy is posing next to her like 🤓 princess vibes 💕
yes!!! i adore this pic🥰
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differenteagletragedy · 8 months
Derek's gonna be a daddy
Takes place anytime after step 4 -- you're married to Derek and you're having his baaaby! Pregnancy is hard, but Derek is Derek so that's still nice.
MC is AFAB, mentions of vomit :)
You tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep. Come to think of it, you also weren't very good at tossing and turning -- instead you sort of kicked around a little, desperate to find some comfort for your poor, aching body.
"I can't believe it," you said quietly. "I'm dying."
"You're not dying, you're just pregnant," Derek said, trying to be supportive but failing to muffle his chuckle.
"Tell me the difference," you told your husband. "Tell me, I dare you."
He tucked his head against your shoulder, and you thought you felt a smile, but he kept quiet.
He was right -- you were pregnant, not dying, but you certainly felt like you were on death's door. Just a few weeks away from your due date, your belly was huge and heavy, and all your muscles hurt trying to support it. It made it hard to sleep. Oh, and also there was the constant heartburn that almost always led to the vomiting. Getting the sudden urge to puke throughout the night made for a restless sleep as well.
"You don't have too much longer," Derek said softly, reaching a strong arm around you to gently rub your stomach. "Then it'll be baby time. I'll stay up with her and feed her, change her diaper, give her burps ..."
He continued listing off the things he would do for your baby girl once she arrived -- after you told him you were pregnant, he'd thrown himself into research mode. Sure, he was the world's best big brother, but he was only little himself when Jorge and Nicolas were babies, so he needed to get good on the infant care.
For months, you'd watched him practicing swaddling and trying burping techniques on a baby doll he'd proudly purchased. He'd looked into all the gadgets available, then joined mommy forums online to learn which were actually helpful and which were money grabs. Whenever you talked to him about it, he'd gladly chat with you about what you thought and what he'd learned, but always made it clear that you were doing the hard work in carrying the baby, so it could be his job to do this sort of stuff.
Suddenly a familiar but entirely unwelcome sensation pulled you out of your thoughts. There was a burning in your chest, followed by a tell-tale squeeze in your stomach and yep, you were going to throw up again.
"I'm gonna be sick," you managed to get out as you swung your legs over the side of the bed as quickly as possible.
Luckily your husband was not pregnant and as fit and strong as ever. Derek hopped up before you were able to and rushed over to your side of the bed, gently but firmly grabbing your arms so you could pull yourself up.
"It's ok, baby, I got you," he said, one hand on the small of your back as he guided you to the bathroom.
He stayed with you while you were sick, holding your hair back and staying close to keep you steady. When you were done, he pulled you up off the ground and wiped your face with a washcloth he'd prepared quickly and quickly helped you brush your teeth as tears pooled in your eyes.
"I'm so sorry," he told you, setting the toothbrush down before wrapping both of his arms around you. "I know that this has been hard, and I know I have no idea how hard."
He left it at that for the moment. You hugged him back as best you could, not getting as close as you'd like with your belly between you.
"I'm so excited," you told him after a moment. "I can't wait until she's here, but this part sucks. Is that ok?"
Derek smiled and planted a kiss on your forehead, telling you "Yeah, I think that's fair."
After you were all cried out, for the moment, anyway, you let him lead you back to bed. He sat you down then laid you back carefully, then situated your legs. A pillow went between your knees for support, and another under your belly before he pulled the covers up carefully.
"Do you need anything else?" he asked.
You knew full well he'd get absolutely anything you asked for -- he'd proven this multiple times already, especially during your intense cravings period during the second trimester. But for now, you just wanted your sweet husband.
"Can you lay back down too and be nice to me?" you asked, trying once again to get comfortable.
"Give me a hard task next time," he laughed before hurrying into bed himself, cozying up against your back again. He got as close as he could, and you felt his hot breath by your ear.
"I love you so much," he said softly, his hands running up and down your hip. "You're so amazing, you're so strong. We're going to have a baby, and she's going to as beautiful and as sweet as her mama, and no matter how much this sucks right now, we're going to have a little girl to love for the rest of our whole lives because of it."
"Derek," you said lovingly, moving to hold his hand. He kissed your shoulder and tried to get even closer.
"And you know, the books say that every pregnancy is different, so hopefully with babies 2 and 3 things are easier," he said in the same gentle tone before placing a kiss on your jaw.
"Get out."
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mcltiples · 1 month
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@countlessrealities sent; Rick stumbled out of a portal, which he had somehow managed to open into Verosika's living room. He was holding a mostly empty bottle of liquor, but the state he was in made it clear that he had drained many more before it.
"H-Hey, baaaby! G-Great night, right? Y-You know what would make it even better? Y-You, me and no clothes on!"
[[ You asked for a drunk Rick and here he is, making a fool of himself x3 ]]
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The appearance of a portal nearly startled the succubus. Verosika wasn't expecting any company. Certainly not Rick, of all people. Especially after she had performed all night at Ozzie's.
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"How about we keep our clothes on and we get you sober?" That was rich coming from her. Considering how much she drinks herself. However, there was no way she was going to mess around with him when he was this intoxicated. "I'll get you some coffee, just sit there on the couch."
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mosneakers · 1 year
I have a strange request. Feel free to indulge in it or not 😂
I'd love to see ts4 version of young Kirs. I'm an old reader of yours and what you did with this character... she just touched me alot.
And i love your aesthetic, so yeah. I'd love to see what you'd do with this one 😊
Either yay or nay, have a great day Momo!
baaaby I got youuuu!!! 😁💖 Young Kirsten will have her heart wrenching story told in even more depth in Many Moons Ago when we get to generation 2, which I am DREADING by the way, but also SO excited for, but for now I absolutely cannot resist indulging this! I didn't know if you were more curious about seeing the original childhood Kirsten or YA Kirs in her "Sunflower" era, so... I included both 🥰
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You can also see Kirsten in a few different life stages in a challenge I did here 🌻
Thank you so much for this ask, it was so fun! <3
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fireheartwraith · 8 months
I don't care if she’s a code, she’s a smol baby. A silly little baby. Baaaby
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saltyslime · 6 months
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BogWhistle my mean old lady for a warriors rp im in <3<3 she has a litttle smashed in snout and a fucked up back leg and so much trauma i love her so much she is so stinky i am holding her up and swinging her around and going "baby baybyyyy baaaby!!!" as she tries to bite my hand off <3<3<3
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colorisbyshe · 1 year
bro tuna is so fucking cute 😭 when i’m lying in bed, she’ll walk up to me and put a paw on my face as a signal to lift up the blanket
she does a lil circle and then settles so her head is poking out 🥹 she was asking to be tucked in. she really is my baaaby
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