#Ryan gosling photo shoot
pulpkale · 5 months
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Save me bleached-blonde Ryan Gosling, save me
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gamoraaaaaa · 2 months
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Ryan Gosling in the Photoshoot for SNL
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joapmactavish · 11 months
Tanning with a grumpy Bucky :,)
just a little somethin (it’s nothing good i just was tanning myself and felt the need to live in a little fantasy, brain barf tbh) *insert ryan gosling photo*
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warnings: none, just fluff tbh like tooth rotting fluff like so cheesy you might hurl. bucky’s dialogue is in blue! also both reader and bucky being assholes to eachother is just lovey lol.
“This sucks.”
“Bucky you’re the one who wanted to tan remember?”
“Yeah but then I remembered its super hot out…. i’m sweating…. i feel gross…. i should’ve just gotten a fake tan” he says, emphasizing that he’s sweating and bothered.
“cmon beefcake, remember what happened when you did get that fake tan?”
“oh god don’t remind me of the thong sweetheart i’ll get flashbacks.”
“HA I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THAT I WAS…” you remembered the people around you and corrected yourself by lowering your voice. “you never sent me a photo in it, i would’ve had that framed and mounted.”you giggled and he rolled his eyes. “I CALL YOU NALGON FOR A REASON!” You then noticed the eyes from others around you again.
Bucky always told you not to care but you hated when people judged. Truthfully you could care less about the judgment toward you but when it came to him you became the most protective person ever, and for good reason! He was amazing with you.
“Erm, honey?”
“Yeah Buck?”
“I think you forgot to get my thighs, yknow how bad it is when they’re burnt” he smiles, using that annoying ass charm he has to try and convince you.
“nice try dude but i specifically applied the high spf lotion the first run through, you’re not due for a “”re-rub”” until the clock hits 12:40 and it’s?” you pause and check your phone, “12:38- oh damn it” your hands go to your face.
“yeah you were starting to get all nerd on me that you forgot about the time, you forget my timing is always right baby.”
“don’t even start it old man, you wanna walk down that road i’ll go the full 150 miles!” you shoot back, playfully.
“Oh yeah? and i’ll go the full 6,000 miles!”
“yeah yeah sure whatever grandpa, did you remember to take your vitamins today? oh no… i distinctly remember making you take them AND making you breakfast.”
“are you sassing me, missy?” he lowers his sunglasses and raises a brow.
oh shit. oh fuck. OH SHIT.
you look away from his eyes,
“listen, let’s say hypothetically i was joking right….”
“my ass, you’re gettin thrown in that pool next time!” he jokes.
he just chuckles and intertwines your hands together and strokes your hand with his thumb, as if instinct. it’s funny because he also forgot about the re-rub after doing that.
you don’t know why but after he relaxes again with a smile on his face you remember what it took to get here with him and you almost cry. all the one on one time, respect, and understanding with how difficult you could be according to others… he just wasn’t like the rest of em so you knew from the first time you talked to him that you were both fucked, in a good way.
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wowbright · 5 months
I'm about halfway through La La Land. Really wanted to like it. I mean, it's a musical. I like musicals. But I didn't know much about it other than that.
Review/liveblog below the cut.
Started suspecting in the opening number that I might not like it, since the opening hinted that it would be an ode to the LA film scene. (Ooh, LA film people talking about how great LA film is--I'm not an actor, I'm not a filmmaker, hopefully this movie will have something more interesting to hook me in.)
Oh, good! It's also going to be about jazz!
Huh. Neither Emma Stone nor Ryan Gosling are very good singers. They are okay at dancing. Now, I hear that these days it's important that anybody in a musical be an actor first and the other things second. But if music and dancing are part of the storytelling, it's important that they be as strong as the acting IMO.
Okay. Now we're back to jazz. He's going to explain to her why jazz is so awesome. He takes her to a club.. Except ... Hmmm. This is uncomfortable. Why are we seeing jazz exclusively through the eyes of this white dude? We see black musicians, but they are just in the background. He plays at a club. Again, black people are furnishings. John Legend gets a line. Then he gets some more lines.
Around now this review of the first half of the movie turns into a live blog of the second half of the movie.
Yay John Legend sings. Alas it's on a stage and not part of the storytelling, but background to the storytelling. Idk I can't really watch this scene too closely because of the strobing lights.
(Aside: Where has she been getting the money to pay for the dresses, the high heels, and now the one woman show? There's a limit to how much you can put on a credit card, isn't there?)
The dialogue in this movie often feels stilted. Is this a stylistic choice?
Now they're arguing. He doesn't like the music he's been playing with John Legend, which is interesting, because it seems like he was enjoying it and she was the one who wasn't enjoying it. Is any of this real or they just like super enmeshed and codependent?
Eh I've completely divested myself emotionally from this movie. I'm going to start fast forwarding to see what happens. It's not like there's musical numbers anyway.
Photo shoot. More strobing lights.
Why do we see him perform, but we don't see her perform?
Oh look they're fighting again. Do I give a fuck? No.
I don't get it. Is it supposed to be a fun musical or A Star is Born?
We have gone half an hour without a genuine musical number.
Emma Stone is singing. This is a musical again! Too bad this song, like the others, is just so-so. (Idk maybe it was Kristin Chenoweth they would sound amazing?) I feel like this song is supposed to be the big emotional payoff for a strong storyline, but unfortunately the storyline hasn't been that strong. (I mean to be fair I have fast forwarded through like the last 20 minutes but that was because the story was already meandering and sucking.)
They break up. Unfortunately, I never bought their love story beyond the initial crush, so I don't care. (I'm not saying I don't believe that these people *could* love each other deeply. I'm saying that the story skipped over the part after the first kiss where they got to truly know each other and fall in love, so I'm not convinced of it.)
What the fuck? in the alternative "what if their lives have been perfect" montage, Ryan Gosling just waves off Keith like he's some kind of subordinate? Like, arguably one of the most talented musicians we have seen in this whole movie? Gross.
Then in the part that is an explicit visual ode to the golden age of movie musicals, when they are on that colorful soundstage resembling a cartoonish LA, I actually lose track of where Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling are mixed in with all the other dancers. That should not be possible if the correct cinematographic choices were made.
Also I think it should be illegal to market movies as romances when the characters don't end up together in the end.
So yeah I guess this movie got all the accolades because the people who give the accolades and awards see themselves in this story.
But seriously what the fuck now that I've seen this movie I feel like I've been lied to for the past six years.
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tctteredwings · 9 months
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if you’re hearing VOGUE by MADONNA playing, you have to know NATHAN YOUNG (HE/HIM; CIS MAN) is near by! the FORTY-ONE year old PHOTOGRAPHER has been in denver for, like, NINE YEARS. they’re known to be quite COCKY, but being FREETHINKING seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble RYAN GOSLING. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those DESK FULL OF EMPTY COFFEE CUPS, A CONSTANTLY BUZZING CELLPHONE, A PLAYFUL SMILE AND A WINK vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the RIVER NORTH ART DISTRICT long enough!
tw: adultery
Name: Nathan Young Nicknames: Nate Age: Forty-one Date of Birth: 5th November 1981 Birthplace: Manhattan, New York, USA Current Location: Denver, Colorado, USA Occupation: Photographer Romantic/sexual orientation: Biromantic/bisexual
Nathan was born in Greenwich Village to Enid and Marc . They were big in the community, always doing charity work and volunteering. His father even ran for major at one point. He was expected to get involved, too, but he really wasn’t interested.
All he wanted was to take photos, so at 16 he got a part time job at Starbucks and bought all the equipment his parents refused to. The rest was history as they say.
Eventually drifted away from his parents, the relationship with his younger sisters also suffering as a result.
In his senior year he came out as bisexual and dated a guy from the hockey team for a little over six months, up until college pulled them apart anyway.
The New York Film Academy was his chosen college. He briefly dabbled in movies, but in the end decided to stick with photography, landing an internship at a major fashion magazine shadowing one of the photographers as soon as he graduated.
He worked his way up the ladder, starting with fetching coffee, basically doing everybody else's shit. It took a couple of years, but in the end he got where he wanted, finding himself being headhunted for Vogue, GQ and Vanity Fair.
At 24 he met his soon to be wife on a shoot, she was pretty new, majorly awkward and he fell for her in a big way.
It was proper whirlwind romance, in the space of a year and a half they were married and had a child. Within a couple more years their family of three became four... and then there was the dogs, too. Three of them in total. Fluffy Pomeranian's his wife was obsessed with. They set up home in the Upper East Side and could haven’t have been happier.
Up until Nathan cheated on her anyway.
Flirty in nature he was always chatting people up, just a way to get people to ‘fall in love with him’ for the benefit of the camera, but six years after he first got married, things went a little too far.
He confessed straight away and within a year they were divorced, his wife granted full custody of the children.
Deciding on a fresh start, he up and moved to Denver, setting up his own studio in the city a year later.
His daughters are Lyndsey ( 16 ) and Jessica ( 14 ), who he sees during the holidays for the most part now, the pair coming to stay in Denver with him ever since.
He’s still a flirt, something that will never change, but he’s failing pretty dramatically at getting back on the dating scene. His job is his life now, though, and a lot of his time is dedicated to that and spending time in his studio.
1984: Manhattan, New York 2005: Manhattan/Los Angeles 2014: Denver, CO
Despite his protests in the debate over whether to get a dog or not with his ex-wife, he’s found he’s actually quite fond of them now. After spending six years having miniature breeds yapping at his heels, he chose to adopt a Doberman within a couple of months of moving to Denver.
Nathan is a keen reader and considers himself a bookworm. It’s a little known fact about him, but he adores the classics, and his favourite book is War and Peace. One day he hopes to write something himself, although knows it will probably only end up being a photography book or a pictorial of his years taking photos.
- two younger sisters; their relationship was strained when they were younger, but I imagine it’s something that’s improved over the years. - ex-wife;  they were together around 7 & a half years. a proper whirlwind romance that ended in disaster. - ‘the fling’; the person he cheated on his wife with. it would have been in la in 2013 with someone who works/worked in the arts industry. ( I’ve always head-canoned that they were male, but it’s not set in stone. ) - exes pre-2008; anyone he dated in nyc (possibly la for v.short term things too) before meeting his wife at 24. - failed dates since arriving in denver; he’s been on numerous & they’ve mostly been a disaster. - one night stands; before & after the wife. - people he’s photographed; either for a magazine in the past or since setting up his studio in the city. - jogging buddies; he jogs every day, so I imagine there’s a couple of people he chooses to go with. - good friends; those he’s close to and spends most of his time with. - confidant/closest friend; someone he can talk to about anything and always come to when there’s a problem. - fellow book nerds; he’s big on reading, so just people he can enthuse about literature with. - bar buddies; those he frequents the bars with.
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the-stone-of-queer · 10 months
Whoever directed the Ryan Gosling GQ photo shoot I owe you my life
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somuchyoudontknow · 11 months
Some more articles where Scott is promoted, today. Again Chris is mentioned in both the articles.
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oftatteredwings · 1 year
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⸻  RYAN GOSLING. HE/HIM / have you ever heard of VOGUE by madonna, well, it describes NATHAN ‘NATE’ YOUNG to a tee! the forty year-old, and PHOTOGRAPHER was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say HE is more cocky or more FREETHINKING instead? anyway, they remind me of a desk filled with empty coffee cups, sunglasses hooked on his shirt front, a constantly buzzing mobile phone, a playful smile and a wink, maybe you’ll bump into them soon! 
time in notting hill ; 8 years.
tw: adultery
Name: Nathan Young Nicknames: Nate Age: Forty  Date of Birth: 5th November 1982 Birthplace: Manhattan, New York, USA Current Location: Notting Hill, London, UK Occupation: Photographer Romantic/sexual orientation: Biromantic/bisexual
Nathan was born in Greenwich Village to Enid and Marc . They were big in the community, always doing charity work and volunteering. His father even ran for major at one point. He was expected to get involved, too, but he really wasn’t interested.
All he wanted was to take photos, so at 16 he got a part time job at Starbucks and bought all the equipment his parents refused to. The rest was history as they say.
Eventually drifted away from his parents, the relationship with his younger sisters also suffering as a result.
In his senior year he came out as bisexual and dated a guy from the hockey team for a little over six months, up until college pulled them apart anyway.
The New York Film Academy was his chosen college. He briefly dabbled in movies, but in the end decided to stick with photography, landing an internship at a major fashion magazine shadowing one of the photographers as soon as he graduated.
He worked his way up the ladder, starting with fetching coffee, basically doing everybody else's shit. It took a couple of years, but in the end he got where he wanted, finding himself being headhunted for Vogue, GQ and Vanity Fair.
At 24 he met his soon to be wife on a shoot, she was pretty new, majorly awkward and he fell for her in a big way.
It was proper whirlwind romance, in the space of a year and a half they were married and had a child. Within a couple more years their family of three became four... and then there was the dogs, too. Three of them in total. Fluffy Pomeranian's his wife was obsessed with. They set up home in the Upper East Side and could haven’t have been happier.
Up until Nathan cheated on her anyway.
Flirty in nature he was always chatting people up, just a way to get people to ‘fall in love with him’ for the benefit of the camera, but six years after he first got married, things went a little too far.
He confessed straight away and within a year they were divorced, his wife granted full custody of the children.
Deciding on a fresh start, he up and moved to London, setting up his own studio in the city a year later.
His daughters are Lyndsey ( 16 ) and Jessica ( 14 ), who he sees during the holidays now, the pair coming to stay in London with him ever since.
He’s still a flirt, something that will never change, but he’s failing pretty dramatically at getting back on the dating scene. His job is his life now, though, and a lot of his time is dedicated to that and spending time in his studio.
1984: Manhattan, New York 2005: Manhattan/Los Angeles 2015: Notting Hill, London
Despite his protests in the debate over whether to get a dog or not with his ex-wife, he’s found he’s actually quite fond of them now. After spending six years having miniature breeds yapping at his heels, he chose to adopt a Doberman within a couple of months of moving to London.
Nathan is a keen reader and considers himself a bookworm. It’s a little known fact about him, but he adores the classics, and his favourite book is War and Peace. One day he hopes to write something himself, although knows it will probably only end up being a photography book or a pictorial of his years taking photos.
- two younger sisters; their relationship was strained when they were younger, but I imagine it’s something that’s improved over the years. - ex-wife;  they were together around 7 & a half years. a proper whirlwind romance that ended in disaster. - ‘the fling’; the person he cheated on his wife with. it would have been in la in 2013 with someone who works/worked in the arts industry. ( I’ve always head-canoned that they were male, but it’s not set in stone. ) - exes pre-2008; anyone he dated in nyc (possibly la for v.short term things too) before meeting his wife at 24. - failed dates since arriving in london; he’s been on numerous & they’ve mostly been a disaster. - one night stands; before & after the wife. - people he’s photographed; either for a magazine in the past or since setting up his studio in the city. - jogging buddies; he jogs every day, so I imagine there’s a couple of people he chooses to go with. - good friends; those he’s close to and spends most of his time with. - confidant/closest friend; someone he can talk to about anything and always come to when there’s a problem. - fellow book nerds; he’s big on reading, war and peace is actually his favourite. just people he can enthuse about literature with. - bar buddies; those he frequents the bars with.
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emma-what-son · 2 years
We have long lived in the age of paparazzi, yet the public in general is ignorant about the reality of how these images are created. Many people believe that freewheeling photographers happen to stumble across reality TV stars working out in full makeup, or musicians walking very slowly to their cars outside five-star hotels, or soap actors frolicking in the surf in Dubai. What the public does not see: the paparazzi who go on holiday with celebrities; the agents who have paparazzi on speed dial; the paparazzi who give a cut of their income to the people they photograph.
But recent months have seen the paparazzi thrust, blinking and unwilling, into the spotlight. In the recently concluded “Wagatha Christie” libel case, text messages were submitted to the court in which Rebekah Vardy and her former agent Caroline Watt discussed tipping off the photo agency Splash News about the arrest of the footballer Danny Drinkwater, as well as arranging for a paparazzo to photograph – without their consent – a group of footballers’ partners leaving a restaurant during the 2018 World Cup. (Splash News and Backgrid are the leading photo agencies in the industry, responsible for most of the images sold into newspapers and magazines.)
Meanwhile, the public mania for paparazzi shots continues to grow. In January, the pop star and beauty entrepreneur Rihanna announced her pregnancy with a set of staged photographs showing her walking with her boyfriend, the rapper A$AP Rocky, in Harlem, New York City. In March, the internet went into a paroxysm of nostalgia when Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck recreated a scene from Lopez’s 2002’s music video Jenny from the Block for the benefit of a conveniently positioned photographer with a long-lens camera. In June, Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling were snapped looking like a nightmare in neon while filming the much-awaited Barbie film on Venice Beach, Los Angeles.
“I think a lot of people are quite dumb to how it works,” says the Manchester-based paparazzo Aaron Parfitt. “People think we are scumbags hanging out of trees. But these celebrities are ringing us.” He estimates that 80% of his shots are set up in advance. “I’ve been on holiday with celebrities,” says Parfitt, 22. “Most of them are reality stars. We go to Spain, shoot six bikini sets and stick them out throughout the month.”
A culture of omertà prevails. “No one wants to talk about it,” says Malin Andersson, a 29-year-old influencer and mental health podcaster from Bedfordshire. “But I have done it. I openly admit to that.” After leaving Love Island in 2016, she routinely posed for arranged shots. “It was so fucking weird,” she says. “I’d pretend to be on my phone. I felt so awkward doing it. But then it became a norm.”
Fellow Love Island alumna Rachel Finni, 30, remembers the moment she was inculcated into this secret practice. She was having dinner with a minor celebrity, having just left the show. “He said: ‘I am going to text the pap guy.’” Finni was confused. “He said: ‘Honey, paps only come if you call them!” Over the next few months, she routinely let paparazzi know her plans. “Seeing yourself in the papers and magazines every other day is the most incredible feeling,” she says.
Finni and Andersson are not alone. “When you come off Love Island, you have a year to cash in until the next season,” says Jesal Parshotam, 32, a paparazzo who works in London and LA. “The people who make it are the ones who are regularly appearing on MailOnline. Love Islandpeople go out to be photographed. They have their guy.”
It is not only lower-tier stars who contact paparazzi routinely. “Kim Kardashian has a unique relationship with the paparazzi,” says Emily Rose, whose pop culture podcast It’s Become a Whole Thing dissects the relationship between celebrities and paparazzi. Kardashian has admitted to seeking out paparazzi when she was up-and-coming; she is understood to work with favoured photographers.
Rihanna has a close relationship with the paparazzo Miles Digg, who shot her pregnancy reveal photos. “He is trusted,” says Parshotam. “She’s worked with him for over 10 years. If we’re in a crowd of 10 photographers, I’ve seen her stop and hug him.”
Whether A-lister or otherwise, the reason that celebrities notify paparazzi of their whereabouts is the same. “It’s an exposure game,” says Chad Teixeira, the chairman of the celebrity PR firm Daddy the Agency. “It’s about keeping relevant.” Teixeira often contacts paparazzi on behalf of his clients. “What everyone has to remember is that everyone is just doing their job,” says Teixeira. “Celebrities need paps to promote their profiles. Papers need celebrities to earn an income. One can’t exist without the other.”
For lower-tier celebrities, being papped regularly helps them to increase their social media following and secure brand work. Higher-tier celebrities are papped while on promotional tours for their latest project. “A common trope is famous people who are usually fairly reclusive suddenly being photographed every day canoodling with their new love, who happens to be a co-star in their movie,” says Rose. Other times, paparazzi are used to rehabilitate a celebrity’s public image after a controversy. “I know one high-profile footballer who’d had an affair,” says Parshotam. “He organised pictures of him holding hands with his family, to take the heat off the story.”
If the public has a basic understanding of paparazzi, it goes something like this: paparazzi are the cruel men, usually bald, who hounded Britney Spears to a breakdown. “I was definitely a part of that,” says 53-year-old Giles Harrison, an industry veteran who lives in LA. “That was one of the darker times in the industry.” As such, paparazzi are commonly despised. “We’re hated more than traffic wardens,” says Jaimie Harris, 31, a paparazzo turned picture editor from Essex. “People used to shout at me: ‘You killed Princess Diana!’” In her decade-long career, Harris saw much reprehensible behaviour. “High-speed chases,” she says. “All of us would go through red lights.”
The period 2004 to 2016 was a “golden era”, Harrison says. “That’s when we were making more money than we knew what to do with.” His company generated about $1.5m annually in picture sales. In the UK, the Leveson inquiry heard evidence in 2011 from witnesses including Sienna Miller, who said she was spat at and verbally abused by photographers, and JK Rowling, who said that paparazzi targeted her daughter’s primary school. But most paparazzi insist that the bad old days of Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Charlotte Church et al being taunted and harassed are in the past. “When people think of paparazzi, they think of that Britney Spears gold rush era,” says Parshotam. “But that photography was disgusting and doesn’t exist any more. We are all against it.”
With the advent of social media, margins have been squeezed. Newspapers and magazines are less willing to pay for photographs when they can lift them from Instagram for free. Celebrities unhappy about being papped can upload an image of themselves on to social media, killing the value of a paparazzi photograph. While photo sets of rarely spotted A-listers still sell for tens of thousands of pounds, mostly paparazzi make no more than a few hundred pounds at a time. “I know so many people who are giving it up or struggling,” says Harris.
Because there is less money at stake, paparazzi have calmed down. “It’s not the feeding frenzy it once was,” says Harrison. “When people can get tens of thousands of dollars for a shot, it can make people bloodthirsty.” That is not to say that intrusive behaviour does not take place. While Parshotam says he wouldn’t take someone’s photo if they asked him not to, Parfitt and Harris have done so. “I think if you’re following someone, doing covert pictures out and about, that’s fair game, even if they don’t know you are there,” says Harris. “That’s what paps are there to do. We’re there to take pictures.”
Many A-listers have reached an accommodation with the people who take their images. “Celebrities understand the benefits of it now,” says Parshotam. Harrison agrees. “It’s a lot less adversarial. As much as people overtly seem to dislike the paparazzi and the product, behind the scenes, people like it and embrace it.” This is not to say that all A-listers call the paparazzi on themselves. As a rule of thumb, the more famous someone is, the less likely they are to do this, although there are high-profile exceptions.
But when celebrities are spotted in public, most don’t mind having their photos taken, says Parshotam. “The other day, I photographed [the American model] Hailey Bieber,” says Parshotam. “I asked if it was OK to take some pictures and she said: ‘Give me a minute.’ When she was ready, I took them. I made sure there were none of her looking bad, none with her eyes closed.”
The A-listers who aren’t OK with paparazzi? Adele. Prince Harry. David Beckham. Woman-of-the-moment Coleen Rooney varies, says Parfitt. “If you get her on a good day, she doesn’t mind,” he says. “On a bad day, she tells you to fuck off.” Those who want to avoid being papped know to avoid notorious celebrity hangouts such as Carbone in New York or Chiltern Firehouse in London. “The people who want to be seen will be seen,” says Harris.
By contrast, celebrities desperate to stay newsworthy may resort to degrading antics. In 2016, Parfitt photographed a former Big Brother contestant posing naked on Blackpool beach. “She messaged me on Twitter and said: ‘I have an idea. What if I go skinnydipping on Blackpool Beach?’” he says. “I picked her up and she went on the beach and started stripping off and rolling around in the sand.” The images went viral. “She loved them. It got her back in the press, put it that way.”
But other celebrities grow tired of the hamster wheel. “You’d be going to events just to get papped,” says Andersson. “That’s how sad it was. And so was everyone else. The next day, you’d look at the Mail to see if you were on there and you’d feel inadequate if you weren’t.” When flashes start to illuminate other, fresher talents, the sense of loss can be crushing. “Seeing myself in the Mail gave me validation, but it was empty validation. Because the article would drop down in five minutes and you’d want the next one. It becomes a bit of an addiction and you start chasing it more.”
The issue with inviting paparazzi to photograph your life, says Finni, is that you start to think of everyaspect of your life, even your darkest moments, as monetisable moments. “You see people who have gone through traumatic events who are in the Mail the next day,” she says. “You think: you’re going through something so disturbing, but you called someone to come to take a picture of you?Where do you lose the sense of value of your own privacy? What message are you giving out to people who follow in your footsteps, in terms of stepping into the spotlight?” Andersson and Finni no longer arrange paparazzi shots. “It doesn’t do anything for me, but to remind people I exist,” says Finni. “And how does it benefit me to remind people I exist? It’s so empty.”
Everyone in this ecosystem is required to perform a complicated charade. Celebrities pretend they haven’t contacted paparazzi; photographers accept the public’s dislike as a necessary price for doing their job. “I’ve had people walking past going: ‘Leave them alone!’” says Parfitt. “And I’m thinking: they rang me to shoot these pictures. But celebrities can’t be seen to be working with paps. So they have to say: ‘It’s fine – I’m used to it.’” They partake in this unholy dance because it is considered unforgivably gauche to seek fame, rather than to stumble upon it en route to another destination. “We hold our hands up and say: ‘It’s set up,’” says Harris. “It’s the celebrities themselves who are embarrassed about it.”
The public partakes in this collective denial, too. As much as we heckle paparazzi in the street and pontificate about the invasion of privacy, we consume these images voraciously. Indeed, the market wouldn’t exist without customers. Harris says: “People moan: ‘Leave them alone!’ but they’re the ones looking at the pictures.”
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So, I just found out about the Barbie movie with Margot Robbie being a real thing. A bit of a surprise on my end. When I first saw the promo pics with Ryan gosling, I just thought Ryan gosling was doing a funny photo shoot for a clothing line dressed up as Ken. But nope. It’s a real live-action Barbie movie. Premise even sounds fun.
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elibabayblog · 3 months
Pick up from Daycare
This imagine will be told from the POV of a black woman married to Ryan Gosling. If you do not wish to read this, please skip to the next imagine. For those who stayed, thank you and enjoy.
Trigger warning: Harassment
"Just park right here."
He pulls into the parking spot. He was about to go pick up Carter from daycare. This was his first day there, and Ryan wore a face mask and glasses when he dropped him off. Now, because you had a family photo shoot after this, his face was bare.
"I'll grab him. Do you have his diaper bag?"
He turns around and grabs his bag from behind your chair.
"Right here."
"Okay, I'll be right back."
"I'll be here, missing my princess."
"So sappy, but I love it."
You climb out the car and shut the door. You quickly walk to the front door. You knock on the 
"Hi, I'm here to pick up Carter."
"Yes, Carter y/l/n."
(You and Ryan decided to use your last name, so wherever he went, he wouldn't be defined as Ryan Gosling's son.)
"Are you sure that's the correct child?"
"Are you saying I'm not his mother?"
"You said it, not me."
"Can you please find my son?"
"I know exactly where he is, bit I'm not giving him to you."
While arguing with the teacher, you feel a tugging on your dress.
"Hi, little man."
You picked him up as he babbled and shook the toy in your face. The teacher tried to take him from you.
"Give him here!"
Carter started crying as he was being pulled two different directions by his mother and his teacher. Another lady came over and took him from you both.
"Ladies, what seems to be the problem?"
"This is my son, and she refuses to let me sign him out. She thinks that just because I'm black and he is light skinned that he isn't mine."
"She's lying. He looks nothing like her. Maybe we have another Carter in the class."
"You know what? My husband and his father are outside in the car. How about I go get him then come back?"
"Yeah, you do that."
'I'm about to slap this bitch.'
"Don't be rude. Yes, please. Let's just get this whole situation solved so everyone can have a nice afternoon."
You step outside and make your way to his car. You get in and start to cry.
"What's wrong? What happened? Why are you crying?" He questioned.
"I, they, Carter,"
"Come on."
He turned the car off and helped you out. He took your hand and walked inside the daycare.
"Hi, sorry to be blunt, but my wife just left here in tears, and I want to know why."
"Oh my god!"
"Ryan Gosling?"
"Yeah, I am he. Now why did my wife juat leave here crying?"
You point to the lady who was holding your child. You then wipe your eyes.
"She won't let me sign out, Carter. She pretty much told me that he's too light to be mine."
He walks over and takes Carter from the woman.
"Carter, my handsome man."
He then hands you, Carter.
"Go ahead to the car. I'll deal with this."
You squeeze his hand before exiting the building. You get back to the car before you hear him slightly yelling.
"That is my wife. She was in labor for over 48 hours with her child. For you to tell a grown woman that the child he is picking up is apparently too light to be hers is very disrespectful. You have done nothing but disregard her feelings since being here, and you. To accuse my wife, a mother, and a black woman of not having this child is something else. I want you to realize that interracial love exists. Couples aren't just white and white or black and black. You need a performance evaluation, but never mind that I am pulling my son out of this center."
"No, please, he is a wonderful little boy!"
"No, you only want him here because you want to see myself. I won't be here most days. I said, pull his file."
"You heard the man. You get the file since you disrespected his wife."
"Thank you, and by the way, my wife has a name. She isn't just Ryan Gosling's wife, she isn't Y/n."
You watch as Ryan walks outside with a file in his hand.
"Come on, let's go."
You sit back, with Carter in your arms.
"Ryan wait!"
He hops into the drivers seat and takes off.
"Ryan, wait, I'm still holding Carter!"
After hearing his name the second time, he looks over at you clutching your son to your chest. He finally slows down and pulls over. You get out then hook Carter in his seat. He gets out and hugs you.
"Are you okay?" You ask him as he pulls away from the hug.
"I'm pissed off. How could they do that? Just be okay with treating anyone like that?"
"I don't know, but thank you for speaking up for me."
"Anytime princess, I'm always going to defend you."
He holds you then kisses your forehead.
"I'm always going to defend and protect my family."
"Come on, we still have a photo shoot to make."
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barbielandvshollywood · 10 months
Come on Barbie, let’s go down memory lane!
A year prior to the release of Barbie, behind the scenes images were posted of Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling on the Venice Beach Boardwalk in neon pink and yellow roller-skates and a 1980s workout gear. Underneath the photo was a description labelled, ‘Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling shooting Barbie in Venice Beach, Los Angeles’. My first reaction was, ‘they’re actually making a live-action Barbie movie?’ My second reaction was more of an internal, innate feeling. I felt a faint smile creep up on me and a rush of warmth cover my body like an old, knitted blanket. I knew somewhere, hidden away, the six-year-old version of myself was running around our tiny apartment, squealing in a high-pitched voice and racing to her pink-infused room to pull out her favourite Barbie. (Pink-infused meaning if it wasn’t pink, it didn’t go in my room. This was a household, known fact).
When the long-anticipated movie finally came out in Australia on the 20th July 2023, I avoided social media platforms (TikTok) like the plague, eager to walk into that cinema with no expectations; no pre-conceived narrative. Just the hope that it would make six-year-old Amber smile. I told myself I was going because Greta Gerwig had directed it, and the two protagonists were actors I admired and had enjoyed most, if not all, of their previous work. I’m 24 years old now; Barbies are silly, overpriced and childish. All they represented to me was a time where life felt infinite, sparkly and pink. When you could dream about growing up to be a mermaid and it felt rational. But life didn’t feel infinite anymore, and you stopped dreaming a long time ago.
Low and behold, 10 minutes in, I was grinning like a Cheshire cat. It was ridiculous! Barbie was pouring juice out of an empty carton and drinking the empty cup of juice! She was walking on her tip toes and getting into her electric Corvette Restomod from her dream house roof! But the most ridiculous concept out of all of the above was that it made sense. It was like being transported to la la land where up was down and left was right. But I had been here before. In fact, I knew it like the back of my hand. It felt like home.
But Barbie wasn’t just a feel-good movie. It was a punch in the gut. It was the soft, outspoken, a bit naïve, hopeful, happy six-year-old version of myself meeting the anxious, insecure, male-validated, reserved 24-year-old version and thinking ‘What happened?’ This blog is dedicated to everything Barbie represents to the women in Hollywood, the women in our homes, and the women in the mirror. It’s a letter of apology to the little girl I let down who had big dreams and a bigger heart, and it’s my own way of finding my way back to her.
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nottinghillhq · 10 months
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NATHAN YOUNG our ryan gosling is looking for his EX-WIFE/MOTHER OF HIS CHILDREN, with the face of any suitable female fc, and in the age range of 37-40. if you’re interested and want more details please contact HEATHER at @oftatteredwings ( is necessary )
tw: adultery.
they met around 15 years ago at a photo shoot in central park, new york. he was working as the photographer, she was working as a make-up artist or wardrobe assistant, something like that, but it was one of her first assignments. he described her as awkward, but irresistible, at the time. they had a very cliché relationship, falling head over heels in love very quickly, on their way to a wedding within six months. the wedding plans were forced to come to an abrupt halt, however, when she fell pregnant. it went ahead eventually, just nine months later, with a baby in a lacy dress by their sides. lyndsey young was born in late 2009 and was the turning point in both of their lives.
the pair were married for 6 years, moving to the upper east side during that time, having another child (jessica, who is now 12), and taking on 3 yappy dogs. nathan wasn’t around anywhere as much as he should have been, always working and missing out on those important moments in their daughter’s lives. he didn’t doubt that she resented him for that as time went on. and when he found himself distracted by work and pretty faces, he strayed, something that came to ruin their marriage. he had to tell her almost immediately, not able to live with the guilt.
they were divorced within the year and shortly after that, nathan moved away to london to start afresh — lyndsey and jessica stayed with your character after she was granted full custody.
since then they’ve worked tirelessly to get to a good place again, something they are now very much at. the girls have been travelling back and forth to london for holidays for a couple of years. it’s up to you how long your character’s been in london now and the reason for deciding to make the move.
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goodthoughts001 · 1 year
Chicago Fire Season 3 Episode 9 Recap: What the Truck?
Things for personal for some of our favorite firefighters on Chicago Fire Season 3 Episode 9. And not necessarily in a good way. If you are looking forward to translate this content, contact Translation Agencies UK
Called to the scene of a semi-truck accident, the tension between Dawson and Casey reached a boiling point after the former disobeyed an order by the latter.
This was the first time the couple has had trouble transitioning from their home life to the office life, as the lines have now started to blur. Was Dawson right? Did she save the day ? Yes.
But Casey can’t make it look as if he’s giving her special treatment. And she must show him the respect he deserves as her boss.
At least Dawson wanted to talk about the issue, however. She gets points for that move… and Casey gets the same points deducted for becoming so closed off.
Elsewhere, watch Chicago Fire online and see how the series teased us with the possibility of Mills and Dawson rekindling their romance. Or just their friendship? For Casey fans, let’s hope it’s the latter.
On the flip relationship side, Severide and Brittany shared many tender moments this week. The former isn’t like Casey. He can easily open up and discuss his feelings. With Brittany by his side, Severide finally visited the Academy headquarters and saw Shay’s bridge.
Perhaps he can now start to heal and move on?
Severide’s honesty prompted Brittany to share her own story, as she finally revealed she was behind the wheel during the car crash that killed her sister. Not exactly a shock, but still a nice scene between the couple.
Finally, Mills has things to worry about that don’t include romance of any kind. He recognized he’s being tailed by Mr. Lullo toward the end of the hour and finally grew as frightened as he ought to be about this situation.
Eva Mendes on First-Time Motherhood: It’s Exhausting!
For the first time since becoming a first-time mother, Eva Mendes is speaking out in depth about the experience.
The actress, who gave birth to a daughter named Esmeralda in mid-September, recently sat down with online publication The Violet Files and didn’t bring up the topic of her famous baby daddy, Ryan Gosling.
But Mendes did speak on the overall struggles of caring for a tiny person’s life at all times.
“I’m completely exhausted,” the star said, joking: “I thought my wild nights were over but these are some of the wildest nights I’ve ever had.”
Mendes said she is yet to hire a nanny because she believes “part of being a mother” is going through the “struggle of not being able to sleep and not knowing what I’m doing and really going through it with her and battling out those nights.”
Fans, meanwhile, have been wondering for awhile about the origin of Esmeralda. How did Mendes and Gosling arrive at that name?
“We both love the Esmeralda character from the Victor Hugo novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame and just think it’s a beautiful name,” explained. “Her middle is Amada, which was my grandmother’s name. It means ‘beloved’ in Spanish.”
That’s beautiful.
Aside from now acting as a parent, Mendes said she has starting to think like one.
“I consider how my own actions now will seem to her later on,” she said. “For instance, with the Violet Grey photo shoot, I thought, ‘Is this something that she’s going to be proud of?’ The idea that I would ever embarrass her is really heartbreaking for me.”
Why do we doubt that Kim Kardashian ever thought in such a way?
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As you can tell, Mendes is having a somewhat difficult time adjusting to her new, vital role.
But she knows it’s nothing compared to what her child is going through.
“I’ve learned that it’s way harder to be a baby,” she quipped. “Everything is a struggle for her. For instance, I haven’t thrown up since the ‘90s and she’s thrown up twice since we started this interview. Motherhood is cake compared to what it’s like to be a baby.”
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tctteredwings · 18 days
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[ ryan gosling, cis man, he/him ] — whoa! NATHAN YOUNG just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for 42 YEARS, working as a FREELANCE/FASHION PHOTOGRAPHER. that can’t be easy, especially at only 42 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit COCKY and SECRETIVE, but i know them to be FREETHINKING and RESPECTFUL whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to MANHATTAN!
IN A NUTSHELL; a desk full of empty coffee cups, denim jackets whatever the weather, a constantly buzzing cell phone, a playful smile and a wink, loves a candid photo, playing the beatles in the car, scuffed up chelsea boots.
tw: adultery
Name: Nathan Young Nicknames: Nate Age: Forty-two Date of birth: 5th November 1981 Birth place: Manhattan, New York Occupation: Freelance/Fashion Photographer Romantic/sexual orientation: Biromantic/bisexual
Nathan was born in Greenwich Village to Enid and Marc . They were big in the community, always doing charity work and volunteering. His father even ran for mayor at one point. He was expected to get involved, too, but he really wasn’t interested.
All he wanted was to take photos, so at 16 he got a part time job at Starbucks and bought all the equipment his parents refused to. The rest was history as they say.
Eventually drifted away from his parents, the relationship with his younger siblings also suffering as a result.
In his senior year he came out as bisexual and dated a guy from the hockey team for a little over six months, up until college pulled them apart anyway.
The New York Film Academy was his chosen college. He briefly dabbled in movies, but in the end decided to stick with photography, landing an internship at a major fashion magazine shadowing one of the photographers as soon as he graduated.
He worked his way up the ladder, starting with fetching coffee, basically doing everybody else's shit. It took a couple of years, but in the end he got where he wanted, finding himself being headhunted for Vogue, GQ and Vanity Fair.
At 24 he met his soon-to-be wife on a shoot where she was also working, she was pretty new, majorly awkward and he fell for her in a big way.
It was proper whirlwind romance, in the space of a year and a half they were married and had a child. Within a couple more years their family of three became four... and then there was the dogs, too. Three of them in total. Fluffy Pomeranian's his wife was obsessed with. They set up home in the Upper East Side and could haven’t have been happier.
Up until Nathan cheated on her anyway...
Flirty in nature he was always putting on the charm, just a way to get people to ‘fall in love with him’ for the benefit of the camera, but six years after he first got married, things went a little too far.
He confessed straight away and within a year they were divorced, his wife granted full custody of the children.
Deciding on a fresh start, he up and moved to California, setting up his own studio in the city a year later. He lived out there for going on five years.
His daughters, Lyndsey ( 16 ) and Jessica ( 14 ), he saw during the holidays for the most part while living in LA They'd come and stay with him for weeks on end, enjoying the sun, sand and sea.
He's now been back in New York for four years, eventually tiring of the new life he'd found and missing his home. With the girls getting older and a friendship forming between both him and his ex-wife, they now have equal custody and co-parent like a dream. The reasons for their divorce a decade ago are never discussed and they've both done their best to move on from it.
He’s still a flirt, something that will never change, but he’s been failing pretty dramatically at getting back on the dating scene ever since separating from his wife. His job is his life now, though, and a lot of his time is dedicated to that and spending time in the studio he'd doing up.
Despite his protests in the debate over whether to get a dog or not with his ex, he’s found he’s actually quite fond of them now. After spending six years having miniature breeds yapping at his heels, he chose to adopt a Doberman within a couple of months of moving to California and he'd travelled back to New York with him.
Nathan is a keen reader and considers himself a bookworm. It’s a little-known fact about him, but he adores the classics, and his favourite book is War and Peace. One day he hopes to write something himself, although knows it will probably only end up being a photography book or a pictorial of his early years taking photos.
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hellsbellschime · 2 years
Damn these premiere photos of the Gray Man cast look so awkward together, I wonder if that got to do with the rumor that Chris Evans and Ryan Gosling hate each other like these two apparently didn't shoot the poster together but instead they shot in different places and got their heads photoshopped together.
Oh is that the tea? I hadn't heard of this but I'm here for some petty celeb beef.
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