rwrbmovie · 9 months
RE: intimacy & the intimate scenes
Quotes from interviews on #RWRBMovie about the intimate scenes and the intimacy between Alex and Henry
This post will be updated as content is released
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Last updated: August 9
From Glamour
Red, White & Royal Blue, the book, is—I'm not sure how to put this any other way—famously horny. For the movie adaptation, intimacy coordinator Robbie Taylor Hunt was enlisted to ensure that physical intimacy between Henry and Alex was told in the best and safest way possible. “He was incredible,” Zakhar Perez says of working with Taylor Hunt. “In London there are these brand of mints called Smints, and we called him the Smint Lord because we would always come up to him and ask for a mint or Listerine strip. I didn't want my breath to be offensive to Nick as soon as we get on set and have to be intimate with each other…” He continues, "A great thing about having rehearsals is that we'd have an hour a day set aside to be with Robbie. It was just like a dance. I grew up in theatre, and Nick's done musicals. We're both very musical people. So Robbie found it easiest to talk to us in musical terms—there's a musicality to intimacy. There'd be lots of counting. Like, ‘1, 2, 3, 4, grab. 2, 3, 4, squeeze.’ That's what was going through my mind as we did it, to get it in your body. Once your body remembers it, you can let it go. The muscle memory is so strong. Then it's just about getting your mind in the game.” Adds Galitzine, “It's a very vulnerable and trusting space. Taylor and I had to rely on each other because we really wanted to tell that story honestly and feel that we weren't hindered by any of our own boundaries that we were setting up. It becomes a sort of wonderful choreography that all serves to facilitate these two young men who fell in love with each other. Robbie was really helpful in educating me in the physical language of the character.”
From GQ
As our tea gets cold and our time draws to a close, we quickly touch on what it was like to film Red, White & Royal Blue’s more intimate scenes. To fight the awkwardness of being surrounded by the film crew, Zakhar Perez and Galitzine would whisper jokes and try to make the other one crack up. “There’s a playful teasing that never veered into anything nasty, which was a lovely dynamic to be a part of,” says Robbie Taylor Hunt, the film’s intimacy coordinator. “But also they just treated each other like colleagues and co-creatives in a really nice, collaborative way.” “There’s so much choreography to sex…ual scenes,” Zakhar Perez says, laughing, recounting the sheer amount of time and energy (and the occasional blow-up mattress) that went into rehearsals. “It’s a crazy thing to be intimate in that way with your friend,” says Galitzine. “And we want people to fall in love with these characters, because their love has to be real.” “Our guards were down during the rehearsals,” Zakhar Perez adds. But as soon as someone would yell “Cut”? “One of us would say something stupid, like, Get off me!” 
From People
When Red, White & Royal Blue got labeled with an R rating from the Motion Picture Association, López admits he was surprised by the stamp. The MPA cited "some sexual content, partial nudity and language" in its rating. "I think I was a little surprised at the R rating just because, while I never was encouraged to limit what we were showing or limit what I was depicting, the scene is what I intended to show. It plays exactly how I wanted it to play," López says of a sex scene between the two leads. The Tony winner explains that he had free rein to include whatever he felt necessary onscreen while depicting the love story: "It's the movie I set out to make." He adds, "I essentially decided to hedge my bets, in that I wouldn't step a toe over the line of PG-13 into R when it came to language, when it came to— there's no violence in the story, of course. But I would just do what I felt was right for the story when it came to the sexuality of the film and let the chips fall where they may."
From Out Smart Magazine
The director explains that giving the film’s sex scenes the royal treatment was an important factor for him. “One of the things in the novel that I knew needed to be in the film was the fundamental truth that these two people have really good sex with each other, they are very attracted to each other, and they find ways of expressing it physically. I inherently knew that there were a multitude of ways that we were going to express intimacy in this movie and that we were tracking the progression of their closeness. They sort of meet-cute and not only go from being enemies to lovers, but one of them is not fully aware of the extent to which he’s into guys before they meet. I thought a lot about the intimacy themes in the movie as a way of bringing them incrementally closer and closer together. “By the time we got to the real lovemaking scene in the movie, I knew that I wanted to create something that was beautiful, loving, and tender. It’s not about maximizing an opportunity to get as much sex in the movie as possible. It’s about maximizing what I’ve got in order to tell the story effectively and honestly, in a way that the people for whom the movie is being made understand that it is being made for them.”
From Hindustan Times
Red White And Royal Blue also features a sex scene that was so empowering in terms of how it chooses to focus not on the body but on the gradual understanding between what two people in love want from each other. Did you always have a specific direction in how you wanted the scene to be shot? My answer to your question is your question! That is precisely how I wanted to shoot it. It is undeniable that these are two beautiful men but what was more important to me was this be a scene of true intimacy between these two characters. I always knew I wanted to shoot those scenes primarily on their faces. I knew that what we would read in their eyes and their faces was much more powerful a storytelling tool than what I could have shown in a wider shot using their bodies, and it allowed them to thoroughly act that scene rather than simply perform that scene. I love that question because the way you phrased that question is exactly the way we talked about the scene- as we planned it with my intimacy coordinator, and as Taylor, Nick and I rehearsed it. Yeah, so you could just your question and turn it into my answer, because that's precisely it.
From TV & Satellite Week
The two leads were equally keen to make their characters’ relationship evolve believably. ‘Nick and I felt a responsibility to bring to life these sexual moments that are in the book in a real, grounded way,’ says Zakhar Perez. ‘The intimate scenes were choreographed and specific when it came to whether it was a moment of passion, or a tender experience. In a relationship you go through different stages, and we got to explore those throughout the film.’
From PinkNews
“I don’t think you can tell the story of Alex and Henry without talking about their very enjoyable sex life,” he says. However, the sex isn't just thrown in for the sake of it, each has a purpose and nuance. López likes to think of the scenes as songs in a musical. "It needs to progress the story, it needs to progress your understanding of the character. If it doesn't, then it doesn't belong," he explains. The two lead stars worked with an intimacy co-ordinator to ensure the scenes were done carefully and safely, but were also realistic. “We need to actually believe that Alex and Henry have really great, connected sex,” López says. “That, as a queer man, was really important to me to convey.”
From Observer
Hollywood has a tendency to shy away from gay sex onscreen. But this movie goes all in. Did you get any pushback about that?  ML: When I was pitching myself for the job, this was part of my pitch. Basically, “If you hire me, you’re getting this.” I let it be known from the get-go that this was going to be in the film. And, of course, there were negotiations throughout the process of what exactly it would be. But I was adamant from the start that this film honor what’s in the book, which is that these two characters have a very healthy sex life. They are very, very into each other, they have great sex, and a lot of it. So that was important to me.  It was really important to me as well in a mainstream love story. We talked about this as a rom-com and there other times we talked about it as a love story. As a love story, it was really important to me that the audience understand that these two young men are deeply connected—emotionally, intellectually and physically. Their physical connection is a huge part of what binds them. It would have been absolutely the decision I would make if it was a man and a woman. So I was going apply the same storytelling and requirements on my queer film that I think anybody would on a on a heterosexual film. I will say Amazon didn’t give me a hard time on these scenes. I got support. I got notes, of course. But that’s what happens when you don’t have final cut. There was a lot of support for this story being told as we all knew it needed to be told.
From MetroSource
Our sex is beautiful. The way we have sex is beautiful. Our intimacy is beautiful. Consensual sex between two humans is a beautiful thing, and it’s one of the wonderful things about being alive. The book is very steamy, very sexual, and I really love that about the book. I knew that I’d be committing heresy if I didn’t bring that into the film. A sex scene in a movie is like a song in a musical. It really does need to either charm you or teach you something about the characters and move the plot along. The other thing, too, is that you’re asking two performers to do something that is really vulnerable, and you don’t ever want to ask too much of them, and you don’t ever want to make anybody feel uncomfortable or forced into doing something. We were conscientious about how we approached each one of these scenes. I spent a lot of time with my intimacy coordinator mapping them out. We really paid particular attention to what story are we telling with each and every one of these intimacy scenes so that we could turn around and speak to Taylor and Nick and explain to them exactly why we were asking them to do what we were asking them to do. Beyond just sort of the mechanics of the filmmaking, to tell the story of Alex and Henry and not include the fact that they are very passionately, physically attracted to one another, is to not tell the full story of Alex and Henry.
From Windy City Times
Robbie Taylor Hunt was the intimacy coordinator on the film. How important was that for this film? ML: It was essential. I think that if someone doesn't like working with intimacy coordinators, then they are missing the point. Robbie was an important partner in creating this. In essence, it was a way of protecting the actors and making them not just feel, but be, safe. It is no different than working with my director of photography or my costume designer. We use stunt coordinators with stunts, so in the same way, I wanted to use an intimacy coordinator. Robbie helped me articulate what I wanted to show and execute it. He was invaluable to me.
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wecandoit · 3 months
bimonthly roundup | dec-jan
notes: trying out a new layout and name for these bimonthly updates. i'll tag them now under #roundups (including the past posts). i'm using summer break to get back into watching films and tv!
101 Essays That Will Change the Way You Think by Brianna Wiest (book)
How to end a toxic relationship
At what point does the Santa myth become a harmful deception?
What does switching from paper to screens mean for how we read?
youtube: third places, stanley cup mania, and the epidemic of loneliness
youtube: Make Body Language Your Superpower
youtube: How every child can thrive by five
culture, history, race
The day the Taliban banned women like me from working
youtube: the LOSS of architectural BEAUTY: america's ugly housing developments
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (book)
misc interests
Mirrorless or DSLR Cameras—which is right for you?
How do Credit Cards work?
How Suppliers Design Traditional Ornamental Ceilings
youtube: NEVER TOO SMALL: Iconic Tokyo Architect’s Tiny House - 19sqm/194sqft
youtube: The importance of documenting my (boring) life
youtube: i rated places with 0 reviews
movie: Minari (2020)
movie: Luca (2021)
movie: The Handmaiden (2016)
movie: The Grand Budapest Hotel (2001)
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hathorneheiress · 7 months
Cattle roundups, Hawthorne style
So we all know that cattle and horse roundups are a big part of being a cowboy, but also I big part of Texas.
So of course, being born and breed in Texas, there is no doubt the Hawthorne brothers had their fair share of roundups.
This is how I think it would go.
Nash: Out of all the brothers, he is the best. He is also what every girl would say, "The dream cowboy" With his well-worn jeans, plaid short sleeved shirt, and cowboy boots and hat, he is surely a sight for all! With his gentle mare and experience, it doesn't take Nash long to get the herd moving in the right direction. Wistling a country tune, he is able to get the animals where they need to be.
Grayson: He actually doesn't mind going out with Nash and herding up some cattle. But unlike his older brother's simple and rustic style, Grayson dresses in a fashionable pants and coat with frills going down the front. His stubborn Arabian stallion doesn't always listen to him, and he finds himself steering his horse more then the cattle! Gray is a perfectionist, which means everything has to be done the right way. After many times of things going haywire and falling off his horse, Grayson had enough and stopped doing roundups.
Jameson: He loves them! The thrill and adrenaline that courses through his body is something he craves. Unfortunately, he gets too excited and scares the cattle in the wrong direction. His Thoroughbred stallion senses his owners excitement and gets over excited as well. Whooping like an Indian, Jameson chases the cattle head-on. In the end, he is given a very big reprimand by Nash to not scare the herd. Doing things slowly is not how Jameson works so he leaves it up to Nash.
Xander: He hates it! He could care less about rounding up some cattle. He has never enjoyed riding, actually being afraid of the horses till he was about six. Occasionally, Nash can coax him out for a ride, but it's very rare. He just watches from afar, laughing at his brothers.
So, this was a collaboration with @riddles-n-games. @riddles-n-games wrote the first post with the horses and gave me a snippet of what Nash's was. I then added on with my own ideas with roundups.
The post @riddles-n-games made is so good and I highly recommend checking it out on their page.
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jabithacentral · 2 years
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Thank you to everyone who participated in Jabitha Week 2022! There was so much delightful content this week, and here is our round up of it!
Day One: Favorite Episode | Timeless | Starting Over
Timeless | art | @jabitha-endgame
Timeless | fic | @sapphicserpentqueen
we'll be the one thing in this town that won't hurt | fic | @godheadjones
Timeless (again) | edit | @jabitha-endgame​
Favorite Episode: Next to Normal | gif | @jabarchie
Timeless - The Sweet Hereafter | art | @sonofaraven
Day Two: Favorite Scene | Between dreams and reality | Between Heaven and Earth
Favorite Scene | gif | @jabithacentral
you’re here | fic | @godheadjones​
Between Heaven and Earth | art | @jabitha-endgame​
Happy jabitha day two | vid | @azzysaid
Fav Scene - 6x16 | art | @sonofaraven​
Day Three: Favorite Physical Touch | Divine | Mythical
Favorite Physical Touch | art | @jabitha-endgame​
Physical Touch Headcanons | meta | @sapphicserpentqueen​
you’re just like an angel | fic | @godheadjones​
Day Four: Favorite Quote | Death Sentence | Tick Tock
Favorite Quote & Tick Tock | art | @jabitha-endgame
i’m not going to leave you | fic | @godheadjones
Death Sentence? | fic | @sapphicserpentqueen
Day Five: Favorite Outfits/Clothing | Home | Food
Favorite Outfits | art | @jabitha-endgame
we finally got our italian | fic | @godheadjones
Burger’s and Boyfriend’s | fic | @sapphicserpentqueen
Day Six: Why You Ship Them | Mind Reading | Memories
did you just read my mind? | fic | @godheadjones 
some very rushed mind reading headcanons (nsfw) | meta | @sapphicserpentqueen 
why you ship them | art | @jabitha-endgame 
why I ship them | memories | vid | @azzysaid
Day Seven: Free Space
Super Teens | art | @jabitha-endgame 
my endgame | vid | @azzysaid
i need her | fic | @godheadjones 
Jabitha + Titanic | gif | @arsenicpanda
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theautomaticpencil · 1 year
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helenfletcher · 2 months
Here are some wonderful suggestions to make your holiday brighter than ever. Something for everyone from breakfast to dinner and everything in-between. Above all have a very Happy Holiday. [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="19931" template="plp---roundup-summary" image="24802" summary="A favorite pie this Coconut Cream Pie features a lightened pastry cream filling loaded with coconut and instead of whipped cream it is finished with a toasty meringue. "] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="17563" template="plp---roundup-summary---green" image="32158" summary="A deeply chocolate yeast roll rippled with German Chocolate filling makes a special treat anytime of the day."] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="10475" template="plp---roundup-summary" image="32165" summary="Two layers of carrot cake sandwiched with a layer of cheesecake all finished with cream cheese frosting makes this a very special dessert."] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="13419" template="plp---roundup-summary---green" image="13423" summary="Swirls of Nutella filling twist through a sweet yeast bread all soaked in a sweet syrup. Truly a special treat that can be made ahead and frozen. "] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="12581" template="plp---roundup-summary" image="32179" summary="An easily made treat from the continent, this crescent shaped sweet roll is filled with walnuts, sugar and cinnamon, then dusted with powdered sugar after baking."] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="16105" template="plp---roundup-summary---green" summary="A soft sweet yeast dough holds a variety of fillings and the fact they freeze perfectly makes them perfect for breakfast, brunch or anytime. "] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="21810" template="plp---roundup-summary" image="23825" summary="Layers and layers of ingredients encased in a butter crust make this savory dish perfect for a do-ahead entree. "] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="16348" template="plp---roundup-summary---green" image="16351" summary="Big on flavor and short on work, these freezeable muffins feature orange and dates in a can't be beat combo."] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="4645" template="plp---roundup-summary" image="32173" summary="Greek Baklava is famous for its cinnamon and sugar ground walnuts between layers of phyllo that are soaked in a rum and lemon sauce. Great make ahead dessert."] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="31844" template="plp---roundup-summary---green" image="31847" summary="This no bake wonder consists of layers of vanilla wafer crust, caramel (an easier way to make it) bananas, chocolate mousse and coffee whipped cream. What'snot to like?"] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="19307" template="plp---roundup-summary" image="19309" summary="Vertical stripes of the fruit and nut filling in a yeast dough are topped with crumbs and sprinkled with powdered sugar. "] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="10735" template="plp---roundup-summary---green" image="32175" summary="Delicate, crisp, snow white meringue shells can be filled with anything. They can be made weeks ahead if stored in an airtight container. "] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="19429" template="plp---roundup-summary" image="19433" summary="The combination of brie, bacon and caramelized onions is hard to beat. Unlike a quiche, I have used a combination of low fat cottage cheese and plain yogurt as well as eggs for the liquid. This combination allows the flavors to come through since the cottage cheese/yogurt mix does not coat your tongue as does cream."] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="21872" template="plp---roundup-summary---green" image="21873" summary="A show stopping Triple Lemon Cake will have everyone asking where you got it.  The “filling” is on the outside of the French sponge cake, genoise.  The crumbs on the outside are cake crumbled in the processor.  To protect the “filling” from crusting over, meringue is piped on top.  "] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="9600" template="plp---roundup-summary" image="26164" summary="A delicate white chiffon cake filled to
the brim with a coconut filled pastry cream and finished with whipped cream showered with coconut."] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="9658" template="plp---roundup-summary---green" image="24206" summary="German lemon shortbreads like no other topped with pieces of pecans and sugar cubes. "] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="15958" image="32185" summary="A quickly made puff pastry turned into the French pastry, Pithiviers that is filled with pastry cream and is baked into a many layered beauty. It has the traditional swirled top and scalloped edge. Perfect anytime, anywhere. "] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="31786" template="plp---roundup-summary---green" image="31741" summary="What could be better than an individual pineapple upside down cake to finish a festive brunch or dinner? "] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="6431" image="32188" summary="This All American Marble Cake couldn't be easier to make and finish with its spiky buttercream. "] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="1564" template="plp---roundup-summary---green" image="32189" summary="This delightful tart features red and yellow peppers under the goat cheese filling highlighted with basil. To make it easier it can be frozen after baking. "] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="14530" image="32190" summary="What more can you say about a peanut butter muffin with jelly rippling througout?"] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="17453" template="plp---roundup-summary---green" image="32195" summary="This famous Greek spinach and feta pie is easily made with phyllo. Check out the much easier way to use this delicate, paper thin pastry."]
0 notes
xtremeservers · 2 months
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Every year, I end up writing roundups of... https://www.xtremeservers.com/blog/day-of-the-devs-shows-new-games-from-boyfriend-dungeon-snipperclips-devs-and-more/?feed_id=128106&_unique_id=65ea88981d139&Day%20of%20the%20Devs%20Shows%20New%20Games%20From%20Boyfriend%20Dungeon%2C%20Snipperclips%20Devs%20and%20More
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skialbainn · 4 months
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obsob · 3 months
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poems and cats from january!!
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rwrbmovie · 9 months
#RWRBMovie Roundup: Interview Quotes
Want to know are the cast & creative team behind #RWRBMovie saying about the film? I've organized all the quotes from interviews, articles, etc. into relevant topics. Each post will be updated as more content is released.
My inbox is open if I've missed anything. Hope you find this helpful somehow :)
RE: Red, White & Royal Blue
RE: adapting the book
RE: casting
RE: filming
RE: Alex Claremont-Diaz
RE: Prince Henry
RE: Taylor & Nick's chemistry
RE: intimacy + the intimate scenes
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wecandoit · 7 months
what i read | aug-sep
notes: (1) '*' indicates a content warning for references to death, abuse, violence, obvious triggers for mental illnesses (2) bolded links show sources that i found super interesting or introduced me to a new/profound concept
The Island of Missing Trees by Elif Shafak
Revisiting the Languages of Love: An Empirical Test of the Validity Assumptions Underlying Chapman’s (2015) Five Love Languages Typology
Topical treatments for acne
The True Story of the Koh-i-Noor Diamond—and Why the British Won’t Give It Back
Repatriation of the Kohinoor Diamond: Expanding the Legal Paradigm for Cultural Heritage
Challenging the colonisation of birth: Koori women's birthing knowledge and practice
A cognitive developmental approach to understanding how children cope with disasters
Nature-Based Early Childhood Education and Children's Social, Emotional and Cognitive Development: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review.
Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological model: a theoretical framework to explore the forest school approach?
How AI Generates Images from Text
Discrimination Has Trapped People of Color in Unhealthy Urban 'Heat Islands'
A Newly Discovered Brain Signal Marks Recovery from Depression
Message to My Beloved Sibling
The Kingmaker by Lauren Greenfield
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem by Jeff Rowe
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nerdwelt · 1 year
Watchlist Startup RoundUp - Finanzierungen in Millarden Höhe 🔥
Ein RoundUp über gelungene Finanzierungen aus der High-Tech-Branche in dieser Woche: A.I.: Das in San Francisco ansässige Unternehmen Adept.AI ist im Bereich der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion tätig und arbeitet an sich immer wiederholenden Aufgaben. Das ein Jahr alte Unternehmen wurde in einer von General Catalyst und Spark Capital geleiteten Finanzierungsrunde mit 1 Milliarde US-Dollar bewertet.…
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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12 Muslim Artists To Listen to on Muslim Women’s Day Whether you’re a hip-hop historian or a casual listener that’s heard an Arabic word or two in a Drake song, it’s hard to miss Islam’s influence on hip-hop, and, by extension, R&B. Poetry culture was popular in pre-Islamic Arabia. Poetry battles complete with creative insults (naqa'id) were commonplace and bore resemblance to battle rap culture. Rhymed Arabic poetry was fifteen meters; Al-Akhfash al-Akbar later identified a sixteenth meter. Hip-hop verses – 16 bars – are similar in theory. Upon the arrival of Islam, poetry retained its cultural significance, with the work of Muslim poets such as Hafez, Rumi and Omar Khayyam still relevant today. Much like hip-hop, their work spoke to the cultural, social and political climate of the time. None — (@) During the slave trade, large numbers of Muslims were enslaved and trafficked into the United States. Despite attempts to forcibly strip them of it, many held on tightly – and spread – their faith. Black Islam continued to influence generations of artists, including some of hip-hop’s pioneers like Afrika Bambaata and the Zulu Nation, Rakim, Public Enemy, Brand Nubian and other legends in the game whose protest rap was inspired by teachings from the Nation of Islam and Five Percenters. As educator and historian Zaheer Ali tweeted, “Because you can’t talk about Hip Hop without talking about Black Islam, which has shaped Black music from blues to jazz to R&B.”In honor of Muslim Women’s Day, we’re showcasing 12 talented Muslim artists (masha’Allah!) that deserve a spot on your playlist – and asked a few how their faith impacts their work. 1. SZASongstress SZA was born to a Muslim father and a Christian mother. She was raised Muslim and pays homage to Islam in her stage name. SZA is an acronym derived from the Supreme Alphabet that stands for “Sovereign Zig-Zag Allah.” The Grammy Award-winning artist told MuslimGirl.com that she realizes spirituality is “super-individualized,” elaborating that “everybody’s journey with God, source, spirit, Allah, whatever you want to call it, is very personal.” She reflects that she did wear a hijab at one point but removed it due to fears about the sociopolitical environment in a post-9/11 world. 2. ABIRAbir Haronni, known professionally as ABIR, was born in Fez, Morocco, arriving in the United States at age five. Young Abir’s penchant for song began soon after the family settled in Arlington, Virginia, when she would listen to Etta James with her father, a chauffeur. Her singing career began with her doing guest vocals for rappers like Fabolous. Within a few years, she made her debut as a solo artist with the song “Wave” and made waves internationally representing Morocco in the Europa Song Contest.Abir tells PAPER that her faith “permeates every aspect of my life and work. It’s in the brief minutes before I take the stage when my team and I recite a surah to bless the show and audience, it’s in the lyrics I compose in my songs that remind me of my faith and God and what a beautiful connection. It makes me feel protected and loved at my best and worst moments.”3. DouniaMoroccan-American Dounia’s original claim to fame was being an Instagram model known for body positivity and thrifting. Dounia’s otherworldly charm helped catch the eyes of the right brands and people, and instead, she ended up working as a professional model for major companies like Forever 21 and Refinery29 before launching her music career.Dounia credits her culture – and Islam – as being formative for her as both an artist and a person. “Growing up with a foundation in God is something I’ve always appreciated,” she says. “My mother always had this trust in a greater divine force; a trust which I’ve also continuously leaned on in music, career, and life in all facets. I remember the daily prayer in my childhood home in Morocco, breaking fasts with a large family, and the energy of love, comfort, and authentic laughter. More than anything, these moments represent a culture that shaped me into the unique human and artist I am today.”4. NeelamNeelam Hakeem is the first Black Muslim woman rapper to be featured in Vogue Arabia. Born in Seattle, Neelam moved to LA, where she currently lives, at the age of 15. She reverted to Islam in 2007. Neelam’s witty bars and smooth delivery captured the attention of music industry majors like Diddy and Erykah Badu.Neelam confessed to Vogue Arabia that she “never felt like I was fully ready to commit to hijab.” In an interview with Amaliah, she cites Muslim Women’s Day as inspiration for her decision to cover and ultimately launch her music career: “Social media is honestly what influenced me to wear modest fashion. On Muslim Women’s Day, I went through the hashtag and became inspired by all the beautiful and confident women and girls who displayed their modesty in such a gorgeous way. That day I decided to dress modestly and wear the hijab, wraps, and turbans. When my platform grew and girls continued to reach out to me telling me how much I inspired them, l felt compelled to do more with my platform and speak on issues going on in the world.”5. ElyannaElyanna is a Palestinian-Chilean singer and songwriter. Coming from a creative family – her mother is a poet and her grandfather is a poet and singer – it was only natural that Elyanna start singing at age seven. Encouraged by her musical family, she began posting covers on SoundCloud. Her family then relocated from Palestine to California to help her achieve her dreams of stardom. Once she arrived stateside, she started posting to Instagram as well, resulting in hundreds of thousands of followers. Her soulful signature sound is a very deliberate fusion of Arabic and English.“I always want to make sure my music sounds different. Yes, I have the Arabic lyrics but at the same time it’s not so Arabic, [and] not so American,” she explains. “It’s in-between and I want to keep that happening... it gets everybody to listen,” she told GQ Middle East.6. Saint LevantSaint Levant (born Marwan Abdelhamid) is an LA-based artist of Palestinian, French, Algerian and Serbian descent. Known for his effortless fusion of English, French and Arabic, Saint Levant was born in Palestine (Jerusalem) during the second intifada and raised in Gaza. His infectious style prompted him to go viral on social media, skyrocketing him to stardom.In an interview with Arab News, Saint Levant described the jarring contrasts of his childhood: “...childhood is very meaningful. And for me, it was a juxtaposition because I remember the sound of the drones and the sounds of the bones. But more than anything, I remember the warmth, and the smell of...and the taste of food and just the odd feeling of soil.”Related | Saint Levant Signs His Political Message 'From Gaza, With Love'7. RotanaRotana Tarabzouni, originally from Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, is a US-based artist and pleasure activist. Her work centers on women’s rights and addresses cultural and religious taboos around sex, pleasure, body image and more, encouraging women to shed their shame and embrace what it means to fully experience living in – and feeling good in – our bodies, because only then can we partake in the full experience of being alive. See on Instagram In 2021, Rotana released a comedy special, F*d & Blessed. “This show is me finally saying out loud that sexuality is not bad. It is good, and in fact, holy. It is a gift, and a portal to the divine,” she told MuslimGirl.com. 8. FelukahSara El Messiry’s stage name, Felukah, was inspired by a conversation with her mother. The Egyptian rapstress shared the story with PAPER: “A felucca is essentially a sailboat that the pharaohs used to travel along the Nile River, and modern-day Egyptians still use them for transport – and also celebrations! My mama and I were brainstorming names that were both Arabic and easily pronounced in the West when she thought of Felucca, which then became Felukah. I started developing the Felukah Philosophy around this name easily… we falayek (plural of felucca) are artistic travelers guided by the wind. The ebb and flow of the universe that many call turbulence is necessary for us to continue sailing/floating. It’s all part of the process.”Felukah’s faith takes center stage in her life. She says it brings her a sense of peace and certainty, telling PAPER, “My faith keeps me grounded when everything else feels up in the air. I can rely on the unlimited divine love that brought me here, and know in my heart I’ll always find my way because of it.”9. ilhamMoroccan-American artist ilham had dreams of becoming a singer from a young age. A classically trained vocalist, she initially resisted going to college but relented under pressure from her parents. She applied to Ivy Leagues in hopes of being rejected and pursuing her music but ended up attending Cornell University. Post-college, ilham headed to LA for an internship at Capitol Records. From there, her dreams started coming true, culminating in fellow Moroccan French Montana signing her.For ilham, success is bigger than herself. “Being a Muslim woman in the music industry pushes me to go ten times harder than the average artist because I know how it important it is for young Muslim girls and boys to have representation, especially in entertainment. I want our youth to know we can more than dream to exist in these spaces. We are here. I do it for them. I do it for us.”Her faith has given her the confidence to succeed in a tough business. “I think being in an industry like this requires you to have unshakeable faith or you’ll get lost. I love music so much, and it has been part of my life as far back as I can remember. That comes from a pure space, but the reality is not everyone will have pure intentions. My faith allows me to stay grounded when faced with circumstances and situations that conflict with my moral compass. In fact, it’s safe to say most people are trifling AF in this industry, so leaning on my faith is what keeps me going and motivated to achieve my goals as an artist,” she expressed to PAPER.10. NemahsisNemah Hasan’s clever wordplay should be evident from her stage name, Nemahsis. The Palestinian-born, Canada-raised crooner quickly gained a massive social media following for her fashion and beauty looks. She started showcasing her vocal prowess by posting covers on social media before releasing her original single “What If I Took It Off For You?” in 2021. Within a few months, she dropped her sophomore single, “Paper Thin” – a powerful song about her struggles with self-acceptance.11. Ain’t AfraidAin’t Afraid made their debut as musicians in June 2020. Twin sisters Inah and Yahzi have been singing since they were just two years old. The dynamic duo says their mission is to “empower, inspire, and motivate people all over the world.” Their music is a testament to their mission; in less than a year, Ain’t Afraid racked up millions of streams. The multitalented twins are creative souls, with talents including spoken word, dance, fashion, and creative direction, in addition to their music. Advocacy and allyship are at the center of their artistry and creative endeavors. Their work has been featured in HypeBae, GQ Middle East, Vogue Arabia and more. They are currently part of Meta’s “We the Culture” program committed to empowering and elevating Black creators. 12. NarcyYassin Alsalman, known to hip-hop heads as “Narcy,” is an Iraqi-Canadian rapper, writer, and professor. Alsalman teaches at Montreal’s Concordia University, where his curriculum focuses on music as a vessel for social change, as well as media and narrative. His work has been featured on the Netflix show Mo, as well as in the movies Voices of Iraq and Furious 7. His credits include collabs with Shadia Mansour and Yasiin Bey (formerly known as Mos Def).Narcy remains true to his roots on his tracks, often weaving in references to his faith. When we asked Narcy about his influences, Islam was undoubtedly at the forefront. “Islam directly impacts my creativity,” he tells PAPER. “I always start with intention whenever I have a show, studio session, creative build, or project. I think about what reverberations my words might have without literally censoring myself. Islam being my science of life, it permeates all my public works, from education to music and video.”If you’d like to read more on Islam’s influence on hip hop, check out Dr. Su'ad Abdul Khabeer’s book, Muslim Cool.Photos via Getty https://www.papermag.com/muslim-womens-day-artists-2659659843.html
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itoibit3kxxvl · 1 year
Delicinha fritando forte Thai ladyboy in a tiny bikini fucked hard Bimbo does her best to impress with her reality oral pleasure Ebony college girl giving sloppy head Thick Teen Employee Caught Shoplifting Sex With Officer To Keep Her Job romanian Cute blonde gets fucked by a young dude with a big hung cock Japanese Hentai Amateur Couple Sex Female College Student Doggie Style Lexington Steele ASSHOLE Fucks Dana DeArmond Bailey Brooke sexy college slut love to suck snd fuck in class Young petite teen amateur What A Mess You Made
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kayleerowena · 2 years
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tomorrow's halloween & today's my birthday! to celebrate, here's some of my favorite haunted houses i've drawn 🏚🎈
thank you to everyone who's enjoyed any of my funny little haunted house art in the past year! i've done a lot of really cool stuff this year — ran my first kickstarter, self-published my first artbook, tabled some really exciting comic conventions, made some cool art, worked on some comic projects i'm stoked to be able to share sometime soon — and i'm super excited to see what 24 has in store for me! 💖
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helenfletcher · 5 months
From outstanding desserts to breads, a soup, snacks, gifts and more, you're sure to find something new to add to your holidays. Because I know your days are as filled as mine with things to do, the majority of these recipes can be made in whole or in part ahead of time. [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="21125" summary="Orange chiffon cake, Cranberry curd and chocolate ganache enclosed in white as snow whipped cream...and it can be made ahead. "] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="26060" template="plp---roundup-summary---green"] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="9926" name="Eggnog Cheesecake" summary="Eggnog Cheesecake with rum, brandy, nutmeg and heavy cream is the perfect eggnog in a bite to end any holiday dinner."] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="11912" template="plp---roundup-summary---green" summary="The Buche de Noel is a spectacular extravaganza from France and is one dessert, among many, of their gifts to the world of food. And what a gift it is! While it looks complicated, it can be done over several weeks. "] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="19685" summary="A Christmas tradition in England, mincemeat tarts are the perfect ending to a holiday meal and could become your next tradition."] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="9845" template="plp---roundup-summary---green" summary="Chocolate Cranberry Curd has become an absolute favorite for the holidays on my blog. Besides its vibrant color, the taste and texture are outstanding."] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="7212" summary="Apple, pumpkin and cranberry muffins in one post for the best muffins of the season."] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="15335" template="plp---roundup-summary---green" summary="Caramel Apple Tart is everything you would want in an apple dessert.  Full of apples, spices, brown sugar and brandy, it's covered with walnut streusel and caramel. This was a fall favorite with my clientele at the bakery"] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="21043" summary="This Cranberry Pecan Streusel Coffee Cake shouts out fall.  The tartness of the cranberries is tempered by the streusel in this easily made treat."] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="25423" template="plp---roundup-summary---green" summary="At the bakery we were known for our chocolate. These Chocolate Chocolate Truffles were the same ones we made - hundreds and hundreds that were hand dipped. The secret is to freeze the fillings first making coating them so much easier to initially coat."] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="19771" summary="This European Nut Roll with Three Fillings is a recipe long in my family.  Every household had their own version.  Nut rolls are especially popular during holidays and celebrations in Central Europe."] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="21111" template="plp---roundup-summary---green" summary="Bread puddings are a favorite this time of year and this is a standout among them. Easy to make, easier to eat!"] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="16998" summary=" I don’t know about you, but the last thing I want to do is think about on a holiday is making a big breakfast. What if this Chocolate Cranberry Quick Bread is stashed in the freezer waiting to add to the festive feeling?"] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="12083" template="plp---roundup-summary---green" summary="Artichoke Croustades, Sesame Salmon with Apricot Ginger Sauce, and Spicy Meatballs are easy enough for the last minute or they can be made in whole, or in part ahead."] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="24459" summary="These don't get any easier than my 60 second method of making brioche in the food processor...and they can be made ahead and frozen."] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="11799" template="plp---roundup-summary---green" summary="Both white chocolate and dark chocolate mousse team up with a deeply chocolate, yet light textured chocolate chiffon cake. The Double Chocolate Mousse Cake is beautiful, light and easy to make and while full of flavor is not overwhelming sweet."] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="19511" summary="This frozen Reine de Saba is the perfect dessert for a busy schedule as the entire thing can be done a month ahead.
  If you do freeze it ahead, keep it in the pan so the filling doesn’t get smooshed."] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="15391" template="plp---roundup-summary---green" summary="The scones are easily made and the jam requires no canning if kept in the refrigerator or freezer.  The combination of the cranberries and strawberries makes a sweet-tart topping for the scones, toast, biscuits, or pancakes and waffles. A jar of the jam makes a perfect hostess gift."] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="19898" summary="This soup takes all the components of this entrée including red wine and brandy and turns them into a delicious, easy to make soup that only gets better made ahead,"] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="6777" template="plp---roundup-summary---green" summary="Wine and Cheese Baguettes are one of my all-time favorite breads. This bread couldn't be easier to make with the help of a food processor. While gorgeous to look at this bread actually tastes of the white wine and swiss cheese."] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="8696" summary="Dobos Torte is a Hungarian multilayered cake consisting of anywhere between 6 to 11 layers of spongecake filled with an intense, but super light, chocolate buttercream made like no other I have seen.  Traditionally it is topped with hard caramel fans.  Since no one ever ate the caramel and it was a pain to make and cut, I changed it to chocolate!"] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="11804" template="plp---roundup-summary---green" summary="This quick to put together Cranberry Fresh Pineapple Relish will keep in the refrigerator for a week, so make it ahead of time so you have one less thing to do on the day of the get together."] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="10201" summary="Be sure to make this Hot Curried Party Mix a minimum of one day ahead – a week is better. Stored in an airtight container, this will last a month, if you can keep out of it. It also makes a fantastic gift."] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="13893" template="plp---roundup-summary---green" summary="These pecans are a standout. Heat Alert -  they are hot!!  So if you don't favor a lot of heat, tone down all the pepper and the hot pepper sauce. Start with half and go from there. Packaged up with a pretty bow and they make a great gift."] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="11904" summary="I don't know about you, but last minute everything seems to happen at my house and these Puff Pastry Crackers take care of that. With little time to plan or think ahead, it makes it difficult sometimes when your guests expect something a bit out of the ordinary."] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="23947" template="plp---roundup-summary---green"] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="25510" summary="Two pieces of cinnamon bread filled with an orange cream stuffing are dredged in an egg mixture with a few additions to spark it up served with an Orange Cream Sauce borrowed from Crepes Suzette."] [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id="4539" template="plp---roundup-summary---green" summary="These are particularly good for entertaining as they must be frozen solid -  so you can make them a month in advance, wrap well and tuck away in the freezer.  By freezing them solid, the salmon won't  overcook in the time it takes to bake the puff pastry.   It makes a perfect entrée for entertaining."]
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