#Ronald Mace
nestorleont · 19 days
Siete Principios del Diseño Universal: Diseño para Todos
¿Qué es el Diseño Universal? El Diseño Universal es una metodología de diseño que tiene como objetivo crear productos, servicios y entornos que puedan ser utilizados por el mayor número de personas posible, independientemente de su edad, habilidades o condiciones. La premisa fundamental del Diseño Universal es que el diseño debe considerar desde el inicio las necesidades de todos los usuarios,…
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filosofablogger · 10 months
Bring On Da Snarky Snippets
It doesn’t take much to raise my hackles these days and start the snark rolling!  A number of things that crossed my radar in the past week qualify as snark-makers, so I thought to share just a few of them with you … I’ll start with an excerpt from Robert Hubbell’s newsletter of 7/12/2023: And so it begins . . . the damage wrought by 303 Creative.           Some commentators claimed that…
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mneiai · 1 year
Jon Snow's Living Situation in ASOIAF
A lot of people take for granted that it was "unusual" for Jon Snow to be raised at Winterfell, so I tried to gather information on as many natural born children mentioned in ASOIAF and related materials to see if that was true.
And it seems not to be, even in the South (outside of Dorne, even). The children born out of wedlock to highborn parents seem to be kept with them or nearby.
This is admittedly a small sample size (around 80 characters, and I didn't go too deep into it so I'm missing at least some), but it's not like this is real history, and the fact that Jon's situation is not unusual seeming from what we're shown in the books just adds to the idea that people's impressions of what is normal are not the truth of what is normal.
Northern Bastards that lived/probably lived with their families (other than Jon himself):
Brandon Snow (Torrhen Stark’s brother, most likely lived at Winterfell)
Sara Snow (Rickon Stark’s daughter during the Dance, if she existed definitely lived at Winterfell)
Dacey, Alysane, Lyra, Jorelle, and Lyanna Mormont (Maege Mormont’s daughters, father(s) unknown and most likely not married to Maege)
Denys Snow (Bastard of Barrowtown, bastard of House Dustin)
Lonnel Snow (Son of Brandon Stark from Daeron II’s reign, possibly the origin of House Cassel)
Timothy Snow (the Bastard of Flint’s Finger, presumably lived with his Flint relatives)
Northern Bastards who were acknowledged and fostered elsewhere in the North:
Larence Snow (Halys Hornwood’s son, fostered with the Glovers)
Other Bastards who seem to have lived with/near their families:
Addison Hill (Bastard of Cornfield during the Conquest)
Alys River (House Strong, a wet nurse at Harrenhal)
Aurane Waters (Bastard of Driftmark, Lord Monford Velaryon’s brother)
Bastard of Blackhaven (House Dondarrion during the conquest)
Bastard of Harrenhal (House Lothston during Daeron II’s reign)
Bryden Rivers (Bloodraven), Gwenys Rivers, Mya Rivers
Cedrik Storm (Bastard of Bronzegate, House Buckler bastard, fought Barristan Selmy)
Daemon Sand (Bastard of Godsgrace, son of Ryon Allyrion)
Daemon Waters (aka Daemon Blackfyre, son of Princess Daena and Aegon IV)
Falia Flowers (daughter of Humfrey Hewitt, though made a servant)
Joy Hill (Gerion Lannister’s daughter)
Lynora Hill (daughter of Ser Jason Lannister, works at Casterly Rock)
Obara Sand, Nymeria Sand, Tyene Sand, Sarella Sand, Elia Sand, Obella Sand, Dorea Sand, and Loreza Sand (the Sand Snakes)
Orys Baratheon (rumored bastard of Aerion Targaryen)
Red Robb Rivers (the Bowman of Raventree, bastard of House Blackwood)
Rolland Storm (Bastard of Nightsong, House Caron)
Ronald Storm (son of Ser Ronnet Connington)
Ronard Storm (House Durrandon, usurped his brother King Morden II)
Tom Flowers (Bastard of Bitterbridge, from House Caswell during the Dance)
Tyler Hill (Bastard of Lannisport, son of Lord Lyman during Maegor’s reign)
Tyrion Tanner (Lollys Stokeworth’s son)
Walda Rivers (great-granddaughter of Walder Frey)
Walder Rivers (Walder Frey’s oldest bastard son)
Walys (Maester at Winterfell under Rickard Stark, while becoming a Maester might normally be seen as sending the child away, he was the son of a Hightower and an Archmaester)
Wex Pyke (son of Sargon Botley)
(I don’t think it’s a stretch to assume if someone is called “Bastard of [seat of their family]” that they lived with their family, as Jon Snow is the “Bastard of Winterfell”)
Other Bastards who possibly lived with their families (at least for a time)
Blackshield (Bastard of Uplands, possibly of House Mullendore)
Ellaria Sand (daughter of Harmen Uller)
Garrett and Garse Flowers (Mace Tyrell’s first cousins, presumably lived with their father)
Harry Rivers (Bastard of Bracken, son of Lord Jonos Bracken)
Shiera Seastar (daughter of Aegon IV, not really confirmed where she lived her early years I don't think, though most likely in King’s Landing)
Bastards definitely not raised at home:
Aegor Rivers (Bittersteel, would have been raised in King’s Landing but Daeron and Aemon forced Aegon to send him away)
Cotter Pyke (Night’s Watch member, most likely did not live with his highborn relatives)
Edric Storm (Robert Baratheon’s son, technically was raised at his family’s seat in Storm’s End, but not at the Red Keep)
Gendry Waters (Robert Baratheon’s son)
Mya Stone (Robert Baratheon’s daughter)
All the rest of Robert Baratheon's kids
Notable bastards whose situations are not at all comparable to Jon’s:
Ramsey Snow (Roose Bolton’s son, a product of a First Night rape)
Benedict I Justman (a Blackwood/Bracken mix, so basically an abomination in the eyes of the gods lol)
Addam and Alyn Velaryon (Lord Corlys Velaryon’s probable sons, most likely purposefully hidden)
Franklyn Flowers (mother was a small folk raped by Fossoways of Cider Hall)
Glendon Flowers (could not prove parentage, claimed to be Quentyn Ball’s son with a camp follower)
Jayne and Jon Waters (Alyn Velyaron and Elaena Targaryen’s children, Alyn died when they were young but had planned to marry Elaena)
Joffrey, Tommen, and Myrcella (obviously)
All of Lyonel Hightower and Samantha Tarly’s children (weren’t allowed to marry, but had children anyway)
Named bastards we don’t have enough information on:
Addam Rivers (briefly a river king)
Humfrey Waters (Commander of the City Watch)
Jafer Flowers (Night’s Watch member)
Mervyn Flowers (King Aegon III KG)
Robert Flowers (former LC of the KG)
Robin Hill (former LC of NW)
Ser Samuel Stone (Runestone master-at-arms)
Tristan Rivers (Golden Company)
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queersrus · 4 months
can i get names similar to Jon / Jonathan?
assuming masc
rob/robb, rick, richard, ron, ronald
bran, bret/brett, bob, brandon, bretton, ben, benjamin/benjamon
jona/joana, joan, jo/joe, jordan/dorden/jordon, jace/jase, jason/jasson/jacon, jack, jackson, jake, jacob, jim, james, jameson
nat/natt, nathan, nathanial/nathaniel, nick, nickolas/nicholas
dave, david, dan, daniel/danial/daniall, drew
chris/cris, christofer/christopher/cristopher, christian
kris, kristofer/kristopher, kev, kevan/kevin
mat/matt, matthew/mattieu, mike, michael/mickal/mickael, mick, mo/moe, morgan, mace/mase, macon/mason/masson
will, william
andy, andrew, anthony, alex, alexander, alexandre
tim, timothy/timothe, tony
gabe, gabriel/gabrial
pete, peter, peterson, percy, percival
sam, samuel, samson
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watchingspnagain · 1 year
Rewatching Are You There, God? It’s Me, Dean Winchester
Welcome to “I Think That Means Sam Is Grover: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
  Up today, s4e2: Are You There God? It’s Me, Dean Winchester.
 Dean’s not convinced Cas is who he says he is—not just because he’s having a hard time wrapping his head around angels, but also because he thinks it’s unfathomable that God would choose to save *him* or recruit him for anything. Meanwhile, hunters are dying off weird and bloody. Sam, Dean, and Bobby look into it and discover that spirits of the dead are being risen and bound to someone to do as they are bidden. The spirits of Meg, Victor, Ronald, and two little girls that Bobby couldn’t save come for the boys and Bobby, and Dean, in particular, is eaten up with guilt over his inability to save everyone. The episode ends with a late-night visit from Cas where he reveals to Dean that Lilith is trying to break the 66 seals that will allow Lucifer to rise. You could cut the sexual tension between them with a floppy feather.
 Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
 nnnngggg Cas
 this is a LONG intro
 I was just gonna say!
did they think people FORGOT?
 “because we have work for you” I have some work for you, Cas...
 ooo Hunter living in a space that could just as easily be 25 years ago as it could be when it is set
 she looks amazing in that shirt
there is nothing like a woman in a scoop or v-neck t-shirt that fits her perfect
 "groped by an angel"
 "yeah, you just did, Dean"
Hahaha Sammy
 Fairy dust, Dean? I don’t think that’s PC
 omg Dean in his Henley over a t-shirt. he's all snuggy
 the way he rubs his shoulder
 it’s not “cuniform” Bobby. Christ.
 Vegas money has been on yeah ALL ALONG. your incantations and shit WORK
 “who actually gives a crap about me?” OH DEAN
 "I don't like getting singled out at birthday parties" oh MUFFIN
 aw, he’s an INTROVERT
 he IS
 "you're gonna get me some pie"
 remember later when the bunker is full of strangers and he hides in his room? MY SOULMATE
when has he ever REMEMBERED THE PIE
 (actually my headcanon is that he never forgets the pie. he deliberately doesn't get it because he's a little brother)
 (oh i assumed that that’s actual canon because OF COURSE)
 no, Sam, she's a waitress at a diner who needs to know about angels
 "something's up, huh?"
pets him
 yeah, seriously gross
 “they’ve redecorated. in red”
 OMG Dean asleep and letting Sam drive
 nope. Victor would 100% appear to Dean first
 spooky kids. always with the spooky kids
 “don’t think at all” omg Dean
 Sam gets all in his head and fretful and Dean is all frantic nervous energy
 i love Bobby’s half creepy half cozy half absolute fucking mess house
 look, I don’t like demon meg much either, but lady? women can dress the way they want without judgment
 And she's not exactly not showing skin herself. like, don't be misogynistic and especially don't be a hypocrite about it
 ooooof Dean
hon, it's not your fault
not EVERYTHING is your fault
 he needs all the hugs this ep
 he really does
 he doesn't think he's a hero
 no he doesn't
 oh Dean
they are getting so beat up
 oooo clever Dean
 they really are
 I call shenanigans on Dean being able to stand up straight and walk around (more evidence for our theory about when the injuries last)
 "I had a weekend off"
 “you’re awesome” DED
 I love that Dean tells Bobby he's awesome
 "if he is out there, what's wrong with him?"
"why doesn't he help?"
I love that Dean has this crisis
AND that they come back to it waaaaay later
 I’m still having that crisis, Dean
 aaaaaah I love it when they say something at the same time
 They need Buffy to give them a seminar on apocalypses
 he wants to go to the Star Trek Experience. LET’S GO, DEAN. LET'S GET SHIT AT THE GIFTSHOP
 "aim careful"
I love Bobby
 i love bobby
 awww Ronald
 oh boy
 “don’t talk” HAHAHA
 okay, Ronald, hon, I like you, buddy, and I KNOW Dean feels terrible about your death, but you are dead because of you
and the little hand gesture he makes when Bobby tells him to go
 this is SUCH a good way to set up some of the major themes of this season. Sam's a monster, Dean doesn't think he's worthy
 but there isn’t any Cas and that’s a problem for me
 I think he shows up for a minute at the end?
 oh DEAN
his trembly lip I CANNOT
 omg DEAN
 I LOVE when Dean says no when someone asks if he's all right
 “you alright?” “no” the truthiest truth he’s ever spoken
 "I'm not a cheeseburger" SNORK
 ...dammit. now I want one
 and now I want a cheeseburger
OMG us today
 where do they get these little girls who do the creepy thing SO WELL?
 actually, you know what, never mind. I remember being a little girl. we dark as fuck sometimes
 Dean sleeps on the floor so Sammy can have the couch
(though I do not believe for a second this house doesn't have more than one bedroom)
 GOD Cas just leaning on the sink like that
 right?! what does bobby have in all those upstairs rooms!
 “not dicks” HAHAHA
 "Michael Landon. Not dicks"
 LIAR. you are 100% there to perch on his shoulder
 omg Cas raising his hands and Dean's little "did I just threaten an angel of the lord?" face
they are standing SO CLOSE TO EACH OTHER
 the EXTREME closeups where you can't NOT focus on their lips and their eyes
 Misha doesn’t blink and I love that
 and the Dom/sub undercurrent. I like this scene a normal amount vibrates at a frequency unknown to science
 the way Dean gets uncomfortable when Cas leans in
 omg that lean in and "you should show me some respect"
 and then he's gone and Dean's leaning on the sink
I cannoooooot
and the cut to him waking up on the floor
 sock-footed Sammy OMG
 the first time I watched this ep, I wondered if only Dean could see Cas
 which would have been an interesting way to go, at least for a little bit
 Ha! Cas as Snuffleupagus to Dean’s Big Bird I LOVE IT
I need that fanart
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THE IDIOTS HAVE NO CLUE   ::  That’s Another Fine Mess
Back last May, Heather Cox Richardson wrote this:
“This is no longer your mother’s Republican Party, or your grandfather’s…or his grandfather’s.
“Today’s Republican Party is not about equal rights and opportunity, as Lincoln’s party was. It is not about using the government to protect ordinary people, as Theodore Roosevelt’s party was. It is not even about advancing the ability of businesses to do as they deem best, as Ronald Reagan’s party was.
“The modern Republican Party is about using the power of the government to enforce the beliefs of a radical minority on the majority of Americans.”
You can apply this excellent analysis to anything the House Republicans do, but it is particularly relevant to the current drama over the debt ceiling.
One of the oddest things about this year’s version of the debt ceiling drama is that even the crazy people instigating it don’t appear to have much interest in the subject of the national debt or deficit reduction. Marjorie Traitor Green was asked the other day what programs she specifically would like to cut, and replied, “I don’t have a list of those yet.”
That’s probably because the World’s Dumbest Airhead doesn’t actually know anything about what things government does, other than she doesn’t like Social Security and Medicare, but since she’s attempting (so far, unsuccessfully) to appear “responsible,” she knows the Party Line is that “we won’t touch Social Security and Medicare,” and that even the guy on whose ticket she wants to run as Vice President (!) - the World’s Dumbest Moron - has been smart enough to say the party shouldn’t touch those. So, beyond those, she probably doesn’t have a clue.
Even J.D. Vance gave a thumbs-up to Trump’s tweet about not taking after Social Security and Medicare.
Alleged “moderate” (there really are none left in the party, but some get called that because they don’t slaver when they talk) Nancy Mace was asked on Meet The Press what she wants to cut and couldn’t name anything to cut, but specifically ruled out Social Security and Medicare cuts. Demonstrating her lack of knowledge about how the government actually works, the Big Idea she’s pushing is that Congress should mandate some kind of non-specific overall reductions in discretionary spending and then leave it up to the agency heads to decide what to do.
That neither the alleged moderate Mace, or the trying-to-be-serious Greene have any slight understanding of how the government they allegedly are supposed to direct works is all the proof needed that the modern Republican party has no interest in actually governing.
Of course, Republicans will never opt to address their concerns about the deficit with higher taxes. But right now, they seem to have no clue about what to cut. They just want to hold the debt hostage and more than a few of them would like to see the country default. At the same time, there is a faction in the party that sees doing this as poltiical suicide. They just don’t know how to bring themselves to oppose it without setting their constituents on fire.
The truth is that Republicans may say they are trying to hold a negotiation, that mean old Joe Biden won’t participate in, but they don’t actually have a negotiating position.
They’re certain that passing a clean debt limit would mean they’d be yelled at by the real leaders of the party over at Faux Snooze, and their followers would likely fill their in-boxes with death threats, but they really don’t know why they don’t want to do the responsible thing an actual governing party would engage in, other than that nobody wants to surrender.
They also have a vague sense that “bad stuff happening” would be bad for Joe Biden. Those of them who were around 12 years ago believe that the belief a debt ceiling crisis will damage the incumbent president is how they got leverage over Obama.
But now they’re faced with a President who was “in the room” the last time, and who seems to have learned from his failed attempt to do the “responsible Democrat thing” and run up the white flag and then say “let’s negotiate” back then didn’t work, made things worse, and today backed by a public with a deeper understanding of the issue and thus giving more support to the White House to oppose the crazies, on some level even the Marjorie Traitor Goons know they don’t have that leverage.
If they knew anything about how the part of government they are in actually works, they would know that if they want to reduce appropriations for the discretionary budget, there’s an established process for that.
Last December, a bipartisan majority in the House and Senate passed an omnibus appropriations bill for fiscal year 202, which offered an unusually large increase in nominal spending. Republicans scored a key win in that the defense budget grew faster than non-defense appropriations for the first time since defense/non-defense parity written into the Budget Control Act of 2011.
Looking at the history of that is a good way to demonstrate how the actual process the Republicans don’t seem to understand works:
Back during the 2011 debt ceiling fight, Obama refused to cut Social Security and Medicare unless Republicans would raise taxes. Naturally, Republicans refused to raise taxes, so they settled on a group of discretionary spending cuts. By 2013, when the next attempt to create a debt crisis happened, Republicans felt those cuts were squeezing the Pentagon unfairly, so they agreed to lift the budget caps while maintaining the parity principle. In the FY2023 omnibus, they won an end to parity by agreeing to an unusually large increase in appropriations.
But whatever you think about this whole series of events, we have a process in place for setting discretionary spending levels.
If today’s Republicans want to write appropriations bills that set lower spending levels - Quiverin’ Qevin has set a goal of paring spending back to the levels of FY2022, which would mean some big cuts - and pass them in the House, nothing stops them from doing that. Since it is likely Democrats would not agree to those cuts, there then might be a government shutdown in October and we’d find out who the public sides with.
Or they could pass appropriations bills with the cuts they want but avoid a shutdown by agreeing to a continuing resolution. A continuing resolution (CR) that maintains current spending levels is in fact a cut in real terms, and the longer that CR and any supplemental CRs run, the deeper the cut.
When Republicans held the White House, House and Senate in 2017-18 and didn’t cut discretionary spending, the demonstrated their actual level of commitment to the issue of spending.
The point is, there is a way to fight about discretionary spending if that’s what they want to do. They can even have their dramatic crisis moment in the form of a government shutdown.
There’s no need to do this debt ceiling fight, which will harm their voters as much as it harms Democratic voters
.It’s likely that the real thing they want to do is trash Medicaid. It’s been a Republican dream since then-Speaker Ryan waxed nostalgic about how he had dreamed of doing that since he was in college. This is why they tried to repeal Obamacare, which had put a lot of money into expanding Medicaid; a repeal of the ACA would generate a big cut to Medicaid eligibility. Look at how many Republican-dominated legislatures have refused to take the free money for Medicaid expansion that the ACA offers.
McCarthy was around for all that and he knows killing Medicaid is a loser outside the party, though it is an Article of Faith among Republicans.
In the “negotiations” he wants with Biden, one way to get the appearance of urgent action on the deficit without touching Medicare and Social Security would be go back to cutting Medicaid.
Cutting poor people off from their health insurance would demonstrate a morally outrageous set of priorities, but a desire to do this is an explanation of why Republicans want to risk national bankruptcy. They think agreeing to cut Medicaid as an alternative to debt default and all the terrors that brings would make them look “responsible.”
But they can’t say that in public, because they know without a crisis at hand, they’re back to where they were when McCain turned his thumb down on them in 2017.
When Joe Manchin tried to defuse the crisis by proposing another run at the bipartisan commission exercise that didn’t work back in 2011, his attempt to find an alternative was rejected out of hand by the Freedom Caucus. Even if it was proposed by Manchin, the idea of a bipartisan commission charged with formulating some balanced deficit reduction measures is a good idea, if it includes both spending cuts and revenue increases. However, that equation is politically futile. But proposing such a thing could create a way for a “sane faction” of House Republicans to jettison the Freedom Caucus and deal responsibly with the debt ceiling, with the ability to go back to their districts and tell their voters they are working seriously the the problem of “gub’mint spendin.”
The fact that the Freedom Caucus was so quick to kill the idea when Manchin proposed it is a demonstration that they know this is how they can be sidetracked back to being the noisy minority with no power they should be.
If Biden were to propose such a commission, it would likely get enough public support to give the “sane ones” enough backbone to agree. Yes, it’s “negotiation,” but it is not negotiation on the debt crisis.
At least some faction of House Republicans need to keep in mind that the most recent polls show that they have a national rating of 32% approval to 67% disapproval, and that Quiverin’ Qevin has a national approval of 19%. While the Fweedumb Kawkuss members come from districts that would elect Caligula’s horse before electing a Democrat, the actual “governing majority” of the House Republicans are the 18 members who can look at those numbers and see political extinction next year.
Give them something they can take back home and show they’re serious, something that allows them to do what they know is the responsible thing regarding the debt ceiling, and they might just discover that they do have a backbone hanging there in the office locker.
Who knows? Let those 18 “Biden District Republicans” find out that doing this leads to their own personal political success, and they might find they actually want to create a governing coalition with Democrats that provides them an opportunity to start overturning Trumpism.
And if it doesn’t happen, even the DC Press Corpse might finally see who is and who isn’t serious about governing. (Hope springs infernal)
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airmanisr · 2 years
221006-N-LI114-1118 by U.S. Pacific Fleet Via Flickr: SEA OF JAPAN (Oct. 6, 2022) An F/A-18E Super Hornet, attached to the "Royal Maces" of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 27, lands on the flight deck of the Navy’s only forward-deployed aircraft carrier, USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), in the Sea of Japan. The Royal Maces conduct carrier-based air strikes and strike force escort missions, as well as ship, battle group, and intelligence collection operations. Ronald Reagan, the flagship of Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 5, provides a combat-ready force that protects and defends the United States, and supports alliances, partnerships and collective maritime interests in the Indo-Pacific region. (U.S. Navy Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Michael B. Jarmiolowski)
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clausalazar · 1 year
-Permite el acceso -> rol -> usuario.
-Diseño universal: 1963 Ronald Mace.
-Capacidad -> para todos
-Arquitectura -> Hergonomía: medidas del hombre con las cosas a su alrededor y sus necesidades.
-Diseñar para todos: más inversión.
-W3C -> WWW: Consorcio -> todos los actores que trabajan para la web: -Accesibilidad: una web que sea para todos
-Privacidad -internacionalización - Seguridad
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Permitir el acceso: rol y usuario. Limites de todo tipo: geográficamente, por dispositivo.
Para todos.
Diseño universal; 1963 Ronald Mace este concepto empieza por la arquitectura y tiene que ver con la ergonomía
W3C, consorcio de desarrolladores y constructores de la web. Pilares de w3c
Pautas de accesibilidad 2.0
Límite temporal
Límite programado
Facilidad con interacción
Eficiencia, eficacia, satisfacción
Intuitivo- instinto
Aprendizaje - curiosidad
No exista una curva de aprendizaje
Patrones de diseño: conjunto de diseños que toma importancia gracias a la validación colectiva, esta solución se basa en el conocimiento previo de las personas
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Entrada #24
Esta semana avanzamos la relación entre la accesibilidad y el diseño en el ámbito digital. Es cierto que, según las características, un dispositivo, infraestructura o elemento puede limitar su acceso a este. La accesibilidad se basa en la forma en la que se puede acceder a algo de forma general. Esto quiere decir que busca ser funcional para todos, sin importar quién. Por esto, la accesibilidad depende mucho de la capacidad de una persona de usar algo, lo que se puede ver limitado por factores sociales, geográficos, físicos o mentales.
El diseño universal es algo que se remonta a 1963, por parte del arquitecto Ronald Mace. Se dio lugar a la ergonomía, la comprensión de la medida de las personas para poder determinar un tamaño estándar de todos los objetos posibles.
El término usabilidad se relaciona con el grado de facilidad que se tiene al usar o interactuar con algo. En el ámbito digital, debe de ser eficaz, satisfactorio y eficiente, así como intuitivo en cierta medida. La usabilidad tiene una estrecha relación con el usuario, y buscar reducir la curva de aprendizaje para entender un determinado objeto.
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Se llama curva de aprendizaje al proceso por el cual se entiende o aprende información. Esto incluye las fallas y errores que se tiene al aprender. Reducir esta curva requiere de determinados patrones de diseño, que se basa en la validación colectiva y el pensamiento intuitivo del usuario. Sin embargo, hay ciertos patrones que buscan que el usuario se vuelva adicto al uso de uno o varios sistemas o páginas. Estos se conocen como "patrones oscuros"
La accesibilidad web viene desde la W3C, que ha generado estándares para el fácil acceso a las redes de Internet. Estas pautas se basan en 4 criterios:
Perceptible: la información debe ser visible para los usuarios.
Operable: los elementos deben ser funcionales y fáciles de usar.
Entendible: la información debe ser comprensible, concisa y clara.
Robusto: debe funcionar en una variedad de dispositivos, trabajando con las limitaciones de cada uno de ellos.
La accesibilidad, tanto en Internet como en general, se mide de forma cuantitativa, mientras que la usabilidad se mide de forma cualitativa (la calidad del elemento). El objetivo del diseño universal es que cualquier persona, sin importar quien sea, pueda ser capaz de usar cualquier objeto o servicio sin grandes dificultades.
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carol-vallejo · 1 year
Accesibilidad vs. Usabilidad
En esta clase hablamos de las diferencias que existen entre los mismos, cuando hablamos de este tema nos referimos a lo siguiente:
-Accesibilidad: Fácil acceso que hace referencia a la capacidad o discapacidad física, mental y temporal, también así tenemos la libertad, sin restricciones. En base a todo esto se habla del Diseño Universal por Ronald Mace en 1963, que nos habla de la Equidad de Uso, Flexibilidad de uso, simple e intuitivo, información perceptible (informar en el momento adecuado), tolerancia al error (minimizar las consecuencias del uso), bajo esfuerzo físico (mínimo esfuerzo), espacio suficiente de aproximación y uso (ergonomía, distancia de los productos en base a las medidas de los humanos).
Por otro lado al hablar de ''fuera de restricciones'' me refiero a la restricción del idioma, limitante de creación (política, financiera, religiosa, etc).
También al hablar de ''accesibilidad'', este es cuantitativo (números, estadísticas).
-Usabilidad: Más simple, cuenta con restricciones, fácil de entender intuitivo (Experiencia de uso, sera más fácil para ti basado en lo que ya conoces, patrones de diseño que hace referencia a la colectividad), cualitativo (calidad, cualidad, subjetivo, experiencia).
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Universal Design
Mitrasinovic, M., Erlhoff, M., & Marshall, T. (2008). Universal Design. In Design dictionary: Perspectives on design terminology (p. 419–422). Birkhäuser Basel. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-7643-8140-0_290
"The term “universal design” was first coined by architect Ronald L. Mace in 1985. Universal design is also known as design for accessibility, design for all, transgenerational design, and inclusive design. Despite the terminological and sometimes normative differences, the ethical principles are analogous across countries and regions.
Universal design is not a specialised field of design practice but an approach to design, an attitude, a mindset conducive to the idea that designed objects, systems, environments, and services should be equally accessible and simultaneously experienced by the largest number of people possible.
Although the term would not appear until much later, the ideas behind universal design stand in the tradition established by scientists, researchers, engineers, and designers of the 1940s, who worked together in military-sponsored research units to provide design solutions for many of the engineering problems the Second World War had brought to light. Toward the early 1950s, these reflections on the Second World War experience had prompted several large research universities in Europe and the United States to conduct scientific studies on human performance and the man-machine relationship. During this period, Alexander Kira conducted well-known studies of lavatory use and sanitary equipment for the United States military, closely observing sanitary attitudes and corresponding behavior patterns of army personnel. Similar studies of office workers in task-specific environments were conducted across the world, particularly in the United Kingdom and Sweden."
This connects to a lot of the other research I've done, that the idea of universal design was only really considered after world war two, due to all the injuries soilders were coming back with.
"By the mid-1950s, the “systems approach” to design had brought together researchers in the areas of (→) human factors and engineering factors into the field of human engineering (also known as human factors engineering or (→) ergonomics), with the aim of creating optimal configurations of human and physical aspects of the man-made world in order to improve accessibility for people of all ages and across physical and mental abilities. The emerging term in common use at that time was “barrier-free design,” which usually meant modifying existing designs to allow for more appropriate and comfortable use by people with disabilities.
Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, government research centers and national organizations in Sweden, Denmark, France, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan conducted environmental studies and developed standards for (→) environmental design aimed at reaching a desirable balance between human performance and corresponding task environments, the so-called “environmental fit” or “good fit.” In 1977, Michael Bednar proposed that in order to achieve a desirable environmental fit for all users, all potential physical barriers had to be removed from the environment in the early stages of the (→) design process. One way of accomplishing that goal was to methodically involve endusers in the process of design. In the 1970s, Henry Sanoff initiated the Environmental Design Reseach Association, an organization that performed evaluative studies of architecture and environmental planning, and began developing (→) participatory design methods that involved a range of stakeholders in the early stages of designing.
In the mid-1980s, Ronald Mace and his collaborators at the University of North Carolina began arguing for more inclusive practices of environmental design that made both social and economic sense. A major milestone in this effort was the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which renders illegal any discrimination based on physical or mental impairment that “substantially limits” human performance. In 1995, the analogous Disability Discrimination Act was passed in the United Kingdom. These acts changed the discourse on disability from one based on building codes and regulations to one based on civil rights and equal opportunities for all citizens. They also had a deep impact on the design industry; designers were expected and encouraged to integrate universal design as a mode of thinking into all stages of the design and production process, rather than a set of technical or normative requirements to be satisfied at the end. This mode of thinking extended beyond building design to the design of everyday objects and services traditionally covered by the (→) industrial design profession. A whole new market opened up for products such as OXO Good Grip potato peelers or public buses with floating floors and wheelchair access.
Today, with the growing life expectancy and aging demographics across the world, with an increasingly globalized economy, growing purchasing power and the emergence of consumer economies in the world's most populated regions, universal design is gaining in significance. In 2001, the World Health Organization (WHO) established the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Rather than diagnosing people with stable disability conditions, this classification describes limited ability as a function of the capacity to perform specific environmental tasks. ICF views both disability and functioning as outcomes of the interactions between “health conditions” and “contextual factors.” These contextual factors include external environmental factors (social attitudes, material environment, legal and social structures, climate, landscape) and internal personal factors (demographic profile, past and current experiences, natural predispositions). Two important qualifiers regulate the essential information about disability and health: the “performance qualifier” describes what an individual does in his environment, and the “capacity qualifier” describes an individual's ability to execute a specific environmental task. The “gap” between capacity and performance points to the misfit between human beings and their environment: if, for example, capacity is greater than performance, then some aspect of the environment de facto disables optimal performance outputs.
As with the anti-disrimination acts of the 1950s, ICF is indicative of a shift in the way the world understands and defines disability today. The contemporary understanding is based on the belief that everyone at some point in their lives experiences reduced functionality; aging, farsightedness, back problems, and immobility can all contribute to a misfit with the surrounding environment. Disability, therefore, is a universal human experience that depends on the context, time, and circumstances of social and professional practices. In that respect, the role of universal design is, as Ronald Mace wrote, to promote the “design of products and environments to be useable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design.”
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pain-in-the-butler · 3 years
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The time has come once again
The Bloodbath
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“I’m simply one hell of a butler” says Sebastian as he starts cleaning as usual
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Okay so Agni’s taking no prisoners
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Work Nerd, Science Nerd, and Jock Nerd team up to form the Nerd Trifecta
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Team One Brain Cell joins up with Phipps, who is quite possibly their only chance for survival
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Ran-Mao remembers how Harcourt beat everyone in the unfortunately deleted round and said “Not in my backyard”
So far, everyone else has simply run away unscathed or grabbed a weapon they won’t use because the game doesn’t record weapons. Rip Tanaka
Day 1
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Ran-Mao bringing the canon energy by adding a second weapon to her arsenal
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Phipps somehow always turns into Team Dad during these, so I’m glad to see he’s finding time for his favorite hobbies
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Undertaker up to his usual Sneaky Antics
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It hasn’t even been twelve hours yet. Kind of impressive honestly
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Considering Harcourt lost his mace, I’ll just assume the attack Grell “escaped” from was the vicious stabbing of his trim little schoolboy fingernails
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Bad vibes
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It appears that Lau also brought his canon game
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Sebastian in the most recent chapters be like
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I’ve actually never had this event come up before and it has to happen between two of the more innocent characters in the series;;;; god Lizzie you deserve better even in the Hunger Games Simulator
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Where’s a Safety Nerd when you need one
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What’s better than this? Guys bein dudes
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This is probably what happened after Ciel left Weston
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Sebastian will take care of this for ya, huh bud
Other events:
Agni practices his archery
Wolfram goes fishing
Othello finds a cave
Soma goes ‘splorin
Edward goes huntin
Day 1′s Deaths: Tanaka, Sieglinde, Lizzie, and Macmillan. Someday one of the ladies will win
Night 1
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Butler slumber party in the woods, BYOYM (bring your own young master)
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It takes a lot of energy to be this blond
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I’m happy for her :)
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Yeah I’ll bet you probably do Lau
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A tonal shift so abrupt I got mental whiplash
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Can we go back to when Grell was looking at the sky pls
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Thought about science too hard. Got a concussion
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Thought about Ciel dying too hard. Got an infection
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Aww dad :( Hope you caught some fish tho
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Looks like Harcourt won’t be winning this one, gang
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I stg the hunger games simulator is misogynist because the ladies always DIE /j
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Ran-Mao is hopefully here to prove the previous statement wrong
Other events:
Bard gets a hatchet
Undertaker also passes out from exhaustion
R!Ciel goes to sleep in a tree
Day 2
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Oh you five are SO going in my burn book for this. It’s what Grell would’ve wanted
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Ahaha just like in the real manga... right guys (;
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Idk about you but I’m rooting for her
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I don’t think the simulator could’ve picked four people who were less likely to team up than this
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I would too if I saw my best friend was palling around with an opium dealer, a grim reaper with a lawn mower, and another grim reaper that the first grim reaper doesn’t like
Other events:
Othello chases Wolfram
That’s the only other event actually
That means today we lost O!Ciel, Mey-Rin, Harcourt, and Grell. ffs, I hope Ran-Mao kills all of you
Night 2
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I’ve missed you, rare pair simulator
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The “unknown sponsor” was Undertaker and the “fresh food” was O!Ciel
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Confirmed: Lau doesn’t get high off his own supply
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Once again a ceasefire between the strong hungry boys is formed
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Girl, you don’t have to do that
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“Did you kill Ciel?” Sebastian asks
“No that was William,” Othello says
Sebastian punches a tree so hard that it combusts. “God damn. Fuck” Sebastian says
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Wolfram just realized I put him in the Hunger Games simulator
Other events:
Phipps thinks about “Are you winning son”
Undertaker gazes at space
Ronald becomes Lost Ronald
Soma passes out
Bard gets some water
Day 3
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Damn Agni who haven’t you flirted with
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Finny sees that Bard has water and thinks Bard cooked it himself, so he wants no part of that (might be burnt)
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What did he even have that was worth stealing? A fish?
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Well I can tell you who isn’t creating that smoke: Lau
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“What’s worse than two young masters? No young masters. Now get over here and make a contract”
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Everything about this sentence is a fever dream
Other events:
Undertaker decides he wants a slingy shot too
Edward chases Dad I mean Phipps
Othello gets some ouchies from picking berries
Night 3
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When your young master dies, you just get an infection apparently
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damn Finny’s playing hardball
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I don’t think anything bad has actually happened to Bard yet. It’s just been a grand frolic the whole time
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I barely remember reading the first Hunger Games but Ran-Mao’s the Foxface of this journey: she deserves to win and I just know she’ll die in the stupidest way possible
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Sebastian’s like a cat that can’t reach the bird it wants to attack, so it attacks the nearest other thing instead. Poor Dad
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Two white-haired anime boys and a not-white-haired anime boy talk about who will die tomorrow. Anime doesn’t exist yet so the white-haired anime boys don’t know their hair color automatically spells their doom
Other events:
Edward starts a fire, which means he’s capable of smoking opium
Ronald gets some medical supplies
Othello gets a hatchet
R!Ciel thinks about winning
Lau gets an entire explosive, but he won’t be able to light it, so no it’s no big deal
Day 4
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In Soviet Hunger Games, white-haired anime boy kills you
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But why murder someone when you could just mess with them
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Other events:
Grey scares Bard
Finny goes hunting
Night 4
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Have you four even killed anyone yet
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The list of “people who didn’t start the manor fire and also don’t smoke opium” now consists of Lau and R!Ciel
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The mood is too light now. Someone needs to die and it better not be Ran-Mao
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At last, Father Phipps has chosen his son for this round
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Agni gushes about all the hot guys he’s simultaneously in love with, giving Ran-Mao a clearer idea of who’s still alive
Day 5
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Girl, it’s about time, go claim some trophies
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Finny’s easily got the longest kill streak and it’s a little unnerving
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Father Phipps finds a new secret fishing hole
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Othello doesn’t
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Lau continues to put in all the efforts of a kindergarten bully
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Oh no. He’s a yandere
Other events:
Sebastian fucks around and explores the arena
Bard fucks around and hunts for tributes
Undertaker fucks around and sleeps
R!Ciel fucks around and picks flowers
Night 5
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I’ve never met anyone who ships Sebastian/Undertaker but I know you’re out there
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Okay, maybe these four are even less likely to team up than Phipps, Ronald, Undertaker, and Lau
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Edward sees I’m making jokes about people who build fires and stays hidden
Day 6
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Canonically, that is the only way R!Ciel would win a fight, so
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I probably could have predicted this
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I hope these are the faces they made when it happened
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The “unknown sponsor” is R!Ciel and the “fresh food” is an ear that fell off his own head
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I’m not sure if I should be concerned or unsurprised that Bard’s Hunger Games life is more chill than his canon life
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the “unknown sponsor” was the fish and the “clean water” was “fish water”
Other events:
Ran-Mao gets her third weapon that she doesn’t want to use, which is a hatchet
Finny finds a river
Agni practices archery again, but he doesn’t kill anyone because he wants this to go on forever
Night 6
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Ran-Mao I beg you please. Release us from this purgatory of mediocrity
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And suddenly we’re back to canon Bard
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I guess not everything can be canon
Other events:
Both Agni and Phipps pass out from exhaustion. It’s 2:50 a.m. so I should really be taking a page from their book, but unfortunately everyone refuses to die
The Feast
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Finny has been a stone cold killer this entire match, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that the girl I wanted to win would get eliminated by him, but it still hurts ✌️😔
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If you cheat on Othello, he will overpower you, killing you
Everyone else decided not to go to the Feast. Honestly, I don’t remember what the Feast is, but everyone who did go either murdered someone or got murdered, so I guess that was probably a good call
Day 7
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I’ve had enough of this dude
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Jesus Finny I can’t wait to see how many kills you got, I feel like you and Agni were the only two who took anyone down
Bard, Undertaker, Sebastian, and Phipps all hunt for other tributes but they’re useless and don’t kill anyone
Arena Event: Volcano Eruption
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In one fell swoop, we lose Sebastian, Undertaker, R!Ciel, and Finny, jeez. But... that means it comes down to.............
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FATHER PHIPPS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Wow... Unlike his manga counterpart, this boy coasted the whole time and won... He basically went on vacation and he actually won... But then again, it’s Hunger Games Simulator and nothing is sacred
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Well I hope you learned a valuable lesson today. I hope you did at some point before you read my post, because you sure as hell learned nothing from this. Thank you for wasting precious minutes of your life with me 😏
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watchingspnagain · 2 years
Rewatching Nightshifter
Welcome to “Everybody’s Working for the Mandroid: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
 Up today: s2e12: Nightshifter
 Sam and Dean are working a string of robberies where things feel… supernatural when they encounter Ronald, a security guard at a bank that’s been robbed. Ron *swears* his fellow guard, who robbed the bank, was Not Himself. And Ron thinks he knows why. Because he was a mandroid. Dean seems to connect a bit with Ron (he did some good research, after all), but ultimately Sam tells Ron he’s full of it. The boys, sure they are hunting a shapeshifter, get into the bank disguised as techies working on the security system, but when Ron shows up with a gun and locks everyone inside, Sam and Dean have to deal with all the freaked-out bank employees, a confused Ron, and the shapeshifter—who could be just about anyone in the bank. Things go from bad to worse when the FBI show up hunting Sam and Dean. Poor Ron ends up dead and the boys play cat and mouse with the shapeshifter before making a brilliant escape from the FBI via one of the best needle drops in all of television.
 Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
 I get so nervous watching this one
 ooof, yeah
 omg the look on Dean's face there
 LORD he knows how to work that girl
 when does he stop doing this?
at some point he stops flirting like a goof
smacks him upside
 a bit after Cas shows up
 ah well sure
 (I'm not even kidding)
 makes sense
 my god Sam looks good
 he DOES
 the way Dean keeps looking over at Sam while getting the number
 "no they're doing our job but they don't know it so they suck at it"
pets him
 oh Ronald
he knows exactly how to work Ronald too
 he sure does
 lookit the little waves in Sam's haaaair
 that is LITERALLY a cyberman from Doctor Who
 poor Ronald accidentally sort of understands
and there's no way Ronald doesn't know that
 ....I say with love and understanding
 of course
 omg Dean's face
he’s impressed
 he's like 60 percent hooooboy and 40 percent impressed
 awww Dean was waiting for Sam to really tell him the truth
Sam’s trying to protect him but Dean would tell him the truth
 now I need fanfic in which Dean and Ronald are poker buddies
 it's an AU where Dean is a civilian and Ronald has all these crazy theories that he tells Dean over poker and Dean thinks he's nuts but he also really enjoys Ronald's passion and knowledge. and then one day an angel drops in on Dean's head
 “he says okeydokey"
 "I like him. He says okey dokey"
Dean is drawn to the things in people that other people find weird or odd
and also butts
 haaaaahahahahahaha yep
 oh Ronald
 "especially us"
Sam is DONE
 mmmm, Dean on his knees. I'm fine
 Sam is SO done
 "I'm not just gonna walk in here naked"
 "Yes. NO!"
 HOW could you not just believe him
 his stupid dumb freckles on his stupid dumb face
 I would believe him
 oooooh we get to meet Victor
 of course
I like Victor
he’s okeydokey
I love him
 haaaaahahahahahaha Sam's face
 HA! Sam’s face when the women gushes over Dean
 …but there are also werewolves...
 also, I love Dean in colors but that tan flannel is FINE
 yeah, I always wonder about that
 and how does that make sense anyway? These guys are not really like werewolves at all...
 yeah, only in that they change form
 yeah i guess
 aw, Ronald
 but it's a weird comparison
 I feel so bad for him
 yeah, poor dude
 “it’s not looking good, Ron"
 mrrrrg profile
 “he’s like a real…hero…or something” OMG
 This is not Sam’s favorite day
 omg Dean
 it is NOT
 omg the thumbs up
 omg poor Sam
 he’s so grumpy I LOVE IT
 “hi Ronald."
 "Hi, Ronald"
 omg Sam is so finished
 he’s having SUCH a bad day
 he really is
and Dean is allllmost having fun
 it’s so funny how they’re handling things differently: Sam is annoyed and grumpy - Dean is in problem solving mode but neither are freaking out of course
 oi! stop slamming my Dean's head into things
 oh no RONALD
it never gets easier to watch this scene
and the SOUND
 poor Dean
 oh Dean.
 of course he feels responsible
 you can’t save everyone, buddy
 though you do try
 unless they’re witches. he hates witches
 ha! yep
 nnngggg Sammy
 YAS being all stern
 I love how he took charge from Dean when Dean was momentarily not in charge after Ron got shot
 "we're so screwed"
 I love him
 “there’s a monster in that bank” and then they cut to Sam
 him and Missouri are probably top on my list of characters I wish they kept around longer
 "Hi, Sherry." GAWD
 "you don't know crap about my dad"
 the terrified look when Victor starts talking about John
 hitting his head with the phone
 It’s great how Victor knows them but absolutely doesn’t know them
and he's SUCH a great window into what they look like from the outside
 they’re all the things he says they are but not at all in the way they say
 Sam's face when she faints
 HA! They’re so confused
 they just keep HURTING him
 they sure do
 i love the way this one ends so much
 double headbutt!
 oh gross
 correct, Dean
 what the HECK injury was there at the bank 67 days ago?
 the MUSIC
 he's impressed
 ngggggg the two of them with the caps
 “we are so screwed"
they look very nice in those swat outfits, too
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j-r-macready · 3 years
An F/A-18E Super Hornet launches from USS Ronald Reagan while operating in the Philippine Sea
An F/A-18E Super Hornet launches from USS Ronald Reagan while operating in the Philippine Sea by U.S. Indo-Pacific Command Via Flickr: PHILIPPINE SEA (Oct. 24, 2020) - An F/A-18E Super Hornet attached to the Royal Maces of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 27 launches from the flight deck of the Navy’s only forward-deployed aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76). Ronald Reagan, the flagship of Carrier Strike Group 5, provides a combat-ready force that protects and defends the United States, as well as the collective maritime interests of its allies and partners in the Indo-Pacific region. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Apprentice Oswald Felix Jr.) 201024-N-BR419-2078 ** Interested in following U.S. Indo-Pacific Command? Engage and connect with us at www.facebook.com/indopacom | twitter.com/INDOPACOM | www.instagram.com/indopacom | www.flickr.com/photos/us-pacific-command; | www.youtube.com/user/USPacificCommand | www.pacom.mil/ **
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airmanisr · 2 years
220920-N-WU964-1130 by U.S. Pacific Fleet Via Flickr: PHILIPPINE SEA (Sept. 20, 2022) Sailors prepare to recover an F/A-18E Super Hornet, attached to the "Royal Maces" of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 27, on the flight deck of Navy’s only forward-deployed aircraft carrier, USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), in the Philippine Sea. The Royal Maces conduct carrier-based air strikes and strike force escort missions, as well as ship, battle group, and intelligence collection operations. Ronald Reagan, flagship of Carrier Strike Group 5, provides a combat-ready force that protects and defends the United States, and supports alliances, partnerships and collective maritime interests in the Indo-Pacific region. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Dallas A. Snider)
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