#Riri williams x reader
quintessencewrites · 9 months
Yes, Daddy pt. 4
stud! Riri x stud! Shuri x black! fem! reader
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Who else did they take together in the backseat of Shuri’s SUV?
How many times did Riri use her tired-ass pick-up lines?
How many girls had gone to Wakanda and been fucked in Shuri’s childhood bedroom?
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Warnings: ANGST!! SMUT!!! 18+, spanking, degradation, explicit language, praise kink, daddy kink, mami kink, dom! Shuri, switch! Riri, sub! reader, mentions of cheating, reader gets with a man..., rough sex, edging, oral sex (reader receiving), fingering (reader receiving), choking, strap slinging Riri, alcohol use, squirting, fluff, probably some that I missed
Word Count: 13.1k + (you guys have no idea how excited I am about that)
Tags: @inmyheadimobsessed @shurislover @6-noir @ihearttish @vampzxi @verachii @phantomof-themcu @taiiunknown @pocketsizedpanther @shuris3leg @bellaallebbella1
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Riri couldn’t remember a time when she’d slept so soundly. Nightmares and restless nights grew up with her, and slumber evaded her, creating a habitual insomniac out of the poor girl. Shooting up from bed in a cold sweat and slight shiver wasn’t out of the ordinary. The creak in Riri’s bed, when she tossed and turned through the night, is what finally caused her roommate to abandon ship and move out.
Riri was free to ignore sleep all she wanted in the comfort of her loneliness. She could turn and toss without complaint. Her bed could squeak and creak as much as she pleased. She could flip her pillow to the cool side over and over and over until the sun came up.
But at that point, why try to sleep at all? 
It didn’t make much sense, so she didn’t. Instead, she filled her night with bodies. A presence to ward off the loneliness. Something to do in the darkness. 
Her bed still creaked and squeaked, and she still tossed and turned, but this time, she wasn’t alone. 
It didn’t matter much to her who the person was; she wouldn’t remember their name in the morning anyway. 
And they’d be out of her bed long before that. Riri didn’t do sleepovers.
Then came along Shuri Udaku.
And Riri had her first sleepover since childhood. 
And her first friend.
And the sleepless nights got better. The nightmares didn’t go away completely, and some nights, sleep still dodged her, but with Shuri present, Riri could rest, really rest, for a few hours. 
They could be at each other’s throats all damn day, but when night came, they held each other in silence, bodies together, fingers laced. The only sound Riri focused on was that of Shuri’s heart against her ear.
On the nights that Shuri spent in her own room, keeping her own company, Riri went back to strangers in her bed to keep her sane until the sun came up.
But those nights were so long gone that she couldn’t even see them over the horizon. Years of doctors and sleep aides, essential oils, and so much melatonin when all she needed was you. 
The weight of your body atop hers, the slow, steady rhythm of your breaths, the way you sighed in your sleep and curled into her. Damned be to the prickles in her arm when your head rested upon it for too long and the way your legs tangled beneath the sheets. 
She didn’t sleep well unless you were in her bed, and she wasn’t afraid to admit that she needed you there. 
The first time you fell asleep there, you saw Riri’s brows relax, the permanent wrinkle that resided between them fading. You made it a habit to take up space in her bed whenever you could, to watch with a slight pride, knowing that wrinkle only disappeared for you.
Riri welcomed the feeling of waking up to you beneath her, your hair in her face, and the scent of you in her bedding. She could wake up with that for the rest of her life and die a happy woman.
So, waking up without you that morning was jarring. The wrinkle returned, and confusion clouded her sleepy eyes. 
You were there when she fell asleep; she was sure of that. The sound of your light snores caused her to doze off. Your bonnet lay abandoned on your pillow.
It only took a moment for her coppery gaze to focus, and when they did, you came into view.
You paced the other side of the room in silence, a trail of heat following the path you’d made in the carpet. Your knee-length braids swung behind you in the rhythm of your movements. The screen in your hand illuminated your darkened face with a faux blue light, but it was enough for Riri to notice the pinch in your brows and the way they drew together the more you scrolled. 
You were far too engrossed in whatever held your attention to notice Riri sit up and rub the sleep from her eyes. Worry was pooling in the depths of her stomach as she looked over at the clock on her desk. The LED numbers were too fucking bright, 1:15 am blaring across the screen.
A groan crept from the back of her throat. You two had only slept two hours, and that itself was a blessing; Riri could kiss her chances of falling back asleep goodbye. 
“Why are you up, ma?” Her voice was deep, groggy, and soft as it traveled across the room toward you. 
Your head snapped in her direction, but only for a moment. “Our phones been blowing up,” you replied lowly, talking more to the phone than to Ri. “Surprised that didn’t wake your ass up.”
Riri glanced at her phone on the desk next to the clock but made no move to grab it. “It couldn’t wait til the sun was up?”
Your silence wasn’t an adequate answer, and dread rose with Riri’s worry. “Is it Shuri?”
She was a part-time college student, part-time princess, and she still had duties back home that couldn’t be tended to across oceans. It was supposed to be a short trip, only a few days to handle her shit and return. But a few days was now two weeks with no end in sight. 
Both you and Riri were feeling the effects of Shuri’s absence, though Riri wouldn’t outwardly admit it. The distance was hard, and the time difference was harder. Days would go by before any of your schedules aligned for so much as a twenty-minute FaceTime. 
Even now, it was nearing the thirty-hour mark since either of you had spoken to the princess.
Riri didn’t think that anything was wrong; Shuri could sure as hell handle her own, and what she couldn’t handle, the Dora Milaje could.
Your scoff was an ugly sound, anger embedded within it, and Riri flinched. “What’s wrong, y/n?”
You crossed the room with quick steps, falling to the bed beside Riri and shoving the too-bright screen in her face. 
“You seen this?”
Riri peered at the phone behind squinted eyes, hoping the blurry image would adjust. 
When it finally did, Riri found herself staring at a video. It was hard to see, clearly taken from the phone camera of a fan’s shaky hands in a dark nightclub. 
Shuri was never hard to spot; Riri had grown accustomed to having to pick the princess out in crowds swimming with people. She looked good, and Riri’s heart beat a bit harder beneath her chest. Shuri sported a black suit like it was uniform; she never failed to impress in them. Dark shades were glued to her face despite her being indoors and it already being dark. 
Riri couldn’t help the brow that shot to the top of her head at the scene playing out for her. She knew Shuri could catch ass; she’d witnessed it more times than she could count, but goddamn.
“Goddamn,” her words parroted her thoughts, strained and breathy. She took the phone from your hand and brought it closer to her face. Ass was being thrown, and Shuri was catching it expertly. They moved in tandem, Shuri with one hand laced around the girl’s waist, the other in her hand. 
Riri couldn’t count how many times she watched the video; she just knew the two of you sat there in silence while it played. That was, until you broke her trance, scrolling further down until an image appeared. 
And once again, it was Shuri, head held high with a jawline sharp enough to slice and a slick smirk accentuating her cheeks. The girl sitting in front of her was resting her head against the panther, eyes shut, lips pursed. Riri’s eyes were bugging out of her head at this point. She was fully awake. 
“Kehlani?” Her gaze shifted between you and the photo, eyeing it as if it would come to life. “She catching ass from Kehlani?”
Your lips were pursed, and you were quick to snatch the phone back from Riri. “It’s all over the place. Twitter, Instagram, damn TMZ.”
“What the hell?” Riri whispered, mostly to herself. How Shuri always found herself in these lucky positions, she had no clue, but Ri made a mental note to start accompanying her on business trips.
“And we getting tagged in this shit across the board, Ri. They calling Shuri greedy, saying she got a harem and shit.”
“What the hell?”
“Some of ‘em saying she cheating on me with you, you with me, and both of us with fucking Kehlani.”
“She ain’ cheating on nobody-” the words trailed off into nothing, Riri stopping short at the venomous look you were currently throwing her way.
“You okay with her catching ass from Kehlani?”
Riri could’ve laughed out loud; what a fucking sentence. 
“Nigga, it’s Kehlani-”
“So, I wish I was catching ass from Kehlani-”
Riri wasn’t getting a word in inch-wise in this conversation. You cut her off again, “Okay, let’s say it’s not Kehlani. You okay with her catching ass if it ain’ from me or you? You think she fucking her?”
Riri shrugged, finally reaching for her own phone. “You just described Shuri’s weekends, baby.”
You went silent for so long that Riri looked up from her device to make sure you were still there. She wasn’t expecting to meet your gaze. Your mahogany eyes, usually lit up with a smile, were dull and hot with the inferno that burned behind them. “What?”
Riri recoiled, thrown by the way your question burned her. She rose from the bed slowly, readying herself to backtrack, though, truth be told, she wasn’t sure what she’d said wrong. “What, baby?”
“So when she not here with us,” your index finger pointed from Riri back to yourself. “She catching ass from other bitches?”
“Catching ass, getting ass.” Riri had the audacity to shrug again. “Not like she used to, but-”
Poor Riri should’ve just put her foot in her mouth at that moment. You stepped forward, closing the space between the two of you, and Riri allowed her hands to rest on your hips. The breath she didn’t know she was holding released when you sunk into her touch.
“And you’re okay with that?” 
Riri tilted her head to the side, her tongue swiping her lips before she responded. “We ain’ never been exclusive, baby-”
“We who?”
Riri had to suck back the sigh she was about to release. “Me and Shuri-” 
“It ain’ just you and Shuri no more, Riri-” 
She was unaware of how rough her movements were, of how she lightly scratched you when she reached to cup your cheeks. “Quit interrupting me, baby.” 
You tore Riri’s hands from your face like they burned and shoved her back a step. She stumbled, and you almost reached out to catch her before she steadied herself. Her shocked eyes met the fight building in yours. She could see the deep red line, only about an inch long, that lingered on your cheek where her hands once were. “Shit, baby-” She took a step toward you and you took a step back. “I-I’m sorry.”
Her apology went in one ear and out the other while you tried to level your breathing. The two of you stood perfectly still, gazes locked on one another. 
“So Shuri ain’ just fucking me or you? There are others?”
Riri knew there wouldn’t be any good way to answer, but you gave her no chance to anyway.
“Are- are you-?” You glanced over to her bed, imagining how many other bodies had taken up space in it, wondering how many had lately. 
Riri’s voice was small, pleading, “We ain’ never-” She stumbled over her words.
Your anger was growing, your nostrils flared, and your eyes narrowed. Had you been a cartoon character, steam would have been blowing from your ears. “The two of you gave me the fucking silent treatment until I agreed to go public with you, but we not fucking exclusive?”
Riri had never been so silent, so unsure. 
“Shuri been fucking outside of us? You been fucking outside of us?”
Riri just stared at you. That’s okay, though. Her silence was enough of an answer. 
She felt her heart physically break when your voice did. “And y’all okay with that?”
Riri found her tongue, though it probably would have been better had she not. “You not?”
Her body visibly recoiled when a deep, insincere chuckle left your parted lips. Panic flooded her tiny body when you started moving about the room, collecting your belongings and throwing them into the black duffle you’d arrived with. 
She took barely two steps to reach you, reaching into your bag to throw the contents back to the floor. “Stop, baby, stop!”
You just silently collected your items, not wanting to stay any longer. 
Riri snatched the bag from your hands and turned it upside down, dumping all of your things onto the floor. “C’mon, baby. Listen-” She might as well have been talking to a brick wall, and her already damaged heart broke further at the sight of you on your knees, picking your possessions up one by one.  
She dropped to her knees with you, trying desperately to grab for your hands, which you kept snatching away from her. “Listen to me, baby. Stop, please-”
Her beg was so pathetic it froze you in place, and you allowed yourself to look at her through your lashes. 
“Me and Shuri been doing this for so long, baby, we didn’t know-” She stopped short, halting her words behind her bit bottom lip. 
Riri started again. “I didn’t think-”
She ignored your jab and continued. “Me and Shuri ain’ never been exclusive, baby-”
The rest of her sentence floated through the air, never reaching your ears. Her and Shuri. That’s all you were hearing; it sent ice through your veins. Her and Shuri were never exclusive. They weren’t exclusive before you, and they wouldn’t be exclusive during you. 
What a foolish girl you were, to have found this out so late. For a year and nine months, they’d been fucking you and each other, and Bast knows who else. 
Who else did they take together in the backseat of Shuri’s SUV?
How many times did Riri use her tired-ass pick-up lines?
How many girls had gone to Wakanda and been fucked in Shuri’s childhood bedroom?
You searched for the answers behind Riri’s eyes but found nothing. 
She bit back a sob when your hand slipped from hers, but the shock in her face when she saw yours bore a smile dried away all her tears. “Baby?” she whispered.
Your eyes were sad, and your cheeks strained, but the smile never fell. “It’s cool. We not exclusive; you and Shuri never was.”
Riri’s brows drew together. “Did you even hear me-”
One hand rose to silence the girl before you while the other went back to gathering your items from the floor. “I get it.”
Riri’s voice was full of sorrow. “Then why you still packing?”
“I think I wanna sleep in my room tonight-”
Something deep in your chest panged hard, hearing your real name roll off her tongue with such dejection. It took everything in you to swallow the feeling down. Your tongue felt like lead, weighing heavy with your next words: “It’s alright. You’ll find somebody else to fill your bed tonight.” 
Your hand waved the words away as though they meant nothing, but they knocked the air straight from Riri’s lungs in a gasp that pained you to hear. 
She watched with wide eyes and a face full of hurt as you stood, turning towards her with your bag thrown over your shoulder and a smile that didn’t reach your eyes. 
“It’s cool, Ri.” You whispered with such false confidence you didn’t even believe what you said. “I’ll hit you up later.”
Panic rose like bile in Riri’s throat when you reached for the doorknob. “Baby-“ she tried again. Her plea was so soft it actually stopped you in your tracks. Fictitious hope washed over her when you took a step back, walking toward her. 
Her arms reached toward you out of instinct, waiting for you to fall into them. 
But you didn’t. 
Your lips pressed to her cheek softly, and Riri held her breath. In 21 months, she’d welcomed your kisses, the feeling of your lips on any part of her body. 
This time, she hated it. 
It felt so empty, so final. 
Riri hated it more when you pulled away, further and further, until you were out the door, and there she stood in her dark room, alone, with the video of Shuri at the club playing on her discarded phone on a continuous loop. 
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The weight of the world rested heavily on the Princess of Wakanda’s shoulders. She’d only been home for three weeks, but every second there reminded her why she’d left. 
Sure, she missed her family, and she sure as hell missed her lab, but nothing soothed the ache in her chest that came with missing you. 
And yeah, she missed Riri too, but Ri would have to pry that confession from her. 
Shuri had been slacking, which was an unusual occurrence for the girl. She hadn’t come close to keeping her promise of constant contact while she was away, not even daring to count the days since she’d last spoken to either of you. 
That would all change soon, she thought. The Talon Fighter was growing closer to campus, and she could not wait to get back. 
The moment her feet touched American soil, they took her in the direction of Riri’s room. Every time she had spoken to the two of you, that’s where you were residing, so with any luck, she would be greeted with a welcome committee. 
It was the middle of the day, and campus was crowded, with frantic students rushing to class or somber ones leaving. Regardless, it took Shuri close to fifteen minutes to reach Riri’s door in what should have been a five-minute walk. 
Her knuckles rapped against the solid door with urgency. 
When it didn’t open right away, she raised her hand to knock a bit harder, but the door swinging ajar stopped her short. 
Riri had opened the door and walked back to her desk, more interested in whatever she was working on than on who was visiting her. 
“What kind of ‘welcome home’ was that?”
Shuri’s smooth words pulled Riri’s head from her computer, but only for a moment. She didn’t pay the Wakandan any mind as she slipped into the room, shutting the heavy door behind her. “Ri? Hello?”
Riri barely mustered out a “Hey. Welcome home.”
Shuri peered around the room with a raised brow. “Where’s y/n?”
Riri lifted her head long enough to glance at the clock on the wall. “I’m assuming class.” Her voice was whispered and muffled and just didn’t sound like Ri at all. 
She sounded more like the girl Shuri had found crying in the hall all those years ago. 
And that caused the pit in Shuri’s stomach to swirl with dread. 
When Riri stood to retrieve something from the other side of the room, Shuri followed. “You not happy to see me?” She teased, trying to edge Riri back into their usual banter. 
She didn’t take the bait, ignoring Shuri instead. It didn’t look purposeful; Riri just seemed too engrossed in her own thoughts. 
Shuri stepped closer to the smaller girl, closing the space between them until Ri’s back was pressed against the wall, and Shuri’s hand on her waist kept her there.
The other hand trapped Riri’s head in place, palming the wall beside it. Shuri bent from her full height, leaning until she and Riri were face to face, so close that Ri was forced to stare into the mocha chasm that was Shuri’s eyes. 
“What’s wrong?” Gone from Shuri’s voice was the sarcasm from before. There was no teasing, no short quips. 
Riri sank into Shuri’s touch, but she couldn’t bring herself to speak. 
It was a rare intimate moment between the two, and Riri would rather relish in it, even if for a moment, than ruin it with words. 
But Shuri wasn’t letting up. She removed her hand from the wall, moving it to grip Riri’s chin, forcing their faces closer until their foreheads kissed. 
“What happened, Ri?”
Riri welcomed the softness, even basking in it for just a second before she lightly pushed Shuri away. 
Shuri took the hint, taking a step back but not allowing the space between her and Ri to grow too large. Her eyes swam with concern, searching Riri’s face for an answer her lips weren’t providing. 
Riri’s tiny frame shook with emotion. Her fingers tensed, her hands running across her face with such a desolate sigh it almost sprang tears to her eyes.
“I ain’ seen y/n in bout a week.” Her confession only rang slightly true; she’d seen you around campus, between classes, and in the caf, and each time, you acted like you hadn’t seen her. 
Like you couldn’t feel the intensity of her stare on your back, burning a Riri-sized hole into you with a fiery glare. 
You hadn’t texted, hadn’t called. When she went to your room and knocked, you didn’t answer. 
It scorched Riri to see you going about life without her. Almost like you hadn’t needed her to begin with. 
But Bast, did she need you. Riri hadn’t slept all week, and she knew it was written all over her face. 
The dark circles that decorated her under eyes looked as though they weighed a ton, and the wrinkle in her brow had taken up a permanent residence. 
Shuri paused for a moment, letting Riri’s words settle in the air between them. 
“Fuck you mean you ain’ see Y/n in a week?”
“Exactly what I said.” Riri fell into the chair behind her desk with a thud. 
“How you ain’ see her in a week, Ri? Last time I talked to you-“
“Over a week ago-“
Shuri continued as though Riri hadn’t spoken. “You two were here. Together, I saw you.”
Riri took a beat to take a deep breath and released it slowly before replying. “Yes. And she saw you.”
Confusion riddled Shuri’s sharp features. “She saw me?”
“Yeah, nigga, she saw you. The whole damn internet saw you.”
Shuri was stunned into silence. She knew exactly what Riri was talking about, and wave after wave crashed over her. Embarrassment, disappointment, and confusion rippled, and Shuri’s eyes squeezed shut, hoping to escape the uncomfortable feeling.
“And it upset her?” The end of her sentence fluttered upwards with perplexity. 
The princess hadn’t seen a problem with her actions at the time. She partied often, and she partied hard. Shuri was known for catching ass on a good Friday night, and this had been just that. 
Sure, more girls had seen the inside of Shuri’s dorm room than she might have liked to admit, but she hadn’t been ashamed of it. 
Not until she learned it upset you. 
She really had slowed down, though, since becoming involved with you. Hell, she’d slowed down since she and Riri had started fucking. What used to be one or two girls a night quickly morphed into none over multiple months. 
But Riri didn’t know that. She still thought Shuri’s reputation preceded her, imagining that she was keeping the same company as before. 
In reality, the Wakandan native’s interest in anyone else was long gone. 
Images of your face that night flashed through Riri’s memories. 
You, pacing the room, looking absolutely heartbroken.
You, on your knees, picking up your things. 
You kissing Riri’s cheek before pulling away from her. 
Riri’s poor heart ached at the thought, and in came the now familiar feel of her throat growing tight and her eyes stinging with salty tears. 
She quickly blinked them away, turning to face Shuri with a sigh that sounded like it contained all the world’s sorrows. 
“Yeah,” she nodded slowly. “Yeah, man, it upset her.”
Add disgust to the abundance of emotions Shuri was currently feeling. She cursed herself aloud for making you feel that way. She could just imagine the way you held your head high, refusing to cry with a quiver in your lip that only she would have noticed. 
How you probably departed with a broken smile on your face.
It was eerie how right she was. 
She gulped, attempting (and failing) to wet her suddenly very dry throat. “Did she say anything?” Shuri asked through the scratchiness.
Riri looked over with blank eyes. “Said so much I couldn’t get a word in.” A hush fell between them before Riri spoke again. “We gave her the silent treatment until she agreed to go public, but we ain’ commit to her.”
Shuri winced. Yeah, they had done that…
“She ain’ asking for much, man. She just want us.”
Shuri’s long legs carried her to Riri’s bed with ease. She fell to the mattress with a soft thump before speaking. “Okay,” she said plainly. 
“Okay, what?”
“Okay, Ri. She want us,” Shuri’s shrug left Riri speechless. “She got us.”
Riri’s mouth fell open with the weight of Shuri’s words. “Simple as that?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
Riri stood to her feet, letting them lead her to Shuri, still on the bed. Her hands hesitated for a moment before resting on Shuri’s clothed knees, her eyes shining with forgotten tears. “Nigga, don’t play with me right now.”
A small smirk threatened to curve the ends of Shuri’s lips upward. She used one hand to support her weight on the bed and the other to push Riri’s kinky curls away from her face. 
Riri was getting ready to ease into the gentleness of Shuri’s touch when the princess tangled her fingers at Riri’s scalp and pulled hard.
Ri’s head fell back with a sharp tug from Shuri, exposing the entire length of her neck. Her lips parted in shock, and the breath she inhaled had no way to escape with Shuri’s lips so dangerously close to Ri’s ear. 
“You got soft while I was away,” Shuri whispered. It was just the two of them in the small room; no one would have heard her. 
Riri fixed her mouth to say something smart, but Shuri cut her off. “I missed you.”
It was a sincere moment. Shuri’s voice still hadn’t reached octaves above a whisper, and the look she gave Ri was enough to send a tingle down to her toes. 
Shuri hopped from the bed, her hands steady on Riri’s hips before releasing them with a prompt nod. “C’mon. Let’s go get our girl.”
She’d barely made it two steps before Ri’s tiny hand wrapped around her wrist, pulling her back. “Wait,” she called. 
Shuri turned, her eyes landing on Riri with the same intensity as before. Her chest caved with each deep breath, and her expression looked pained, scared even.
“We doing this? We getting serious bout each other?”
Shuri truly moved with the grace of a panther, retreating swiftly, encapsulating Riri’s face cupped in her hand. 
They were so close they stole each other’s breath. Shuri’s gaze flickered between Riri’s lips and her eyes, not able to decide which was more worthy of her attention. 
Riri’s breathing paused altogether at the sound of Shuri’s chuckle ringing in her ears. “We been doing this how many years, Ri?” Riri’s bottom lip tucked into her mouth clenched between her rows of perfect teeth.
Shuri tutted quietly, using her thumb to roll Riri’s lip back out. 
She didn’t move her finger nor her gaze from Riri’s deep brown lip before she spoke again. “Who’s to say I wasn’t already serious about you?”
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The knocking at your door hadn’t subsided, and it was driving you fucking insane. You burrowed further into your comforter, tugging at the heavy blanket until it swallowed you whole. 
You made no conscious movements to answer it. Getting up and going to class had exerted all of your remaining energy this past week, and you didn’t have any left to entertain company. You weren’t getting up until tonight when it was required of you. 
Maybe whoever it was would take the hint and leave. 
They didn’t.
Muffled voices on the other side of the door were your only warning before it opened so harshly that the handle indented into its adjacent wall. 
Your body shot straight up, speechless. The blanket fell, pooling at your hips, and your eyes widened three sizes. 
Riri’s footsteps were nearly silent as she strolled in, hands in her pocket, with a stoic expression. 
Shuri stepped in behind her, and your already large eyes grew to the size of saucers. Hers were glued on you, noticing the way they sparkled at the sight of her. 
The steps she took toward you were timid, and your breath collected in your chest the entire time it took her to cross the small room. 
“Sthandwa,” she spoke directly toward you, her native tongue sounding so much stronger after the time she spent home. 
The tiniest whimper escaped your lips, and the irritation on Shuri’s face was wiped away with a smirk. Her hand made its way to your face, cupping your cheek and smiling even wider when you fell into her touch.
“You missed me,” Her words were low, for your ears only. 
The moment that passed was a shared one, just between you and Shuri. 
You almost nodded, admitting how badly you had missed her.
And then your eyes closed.
And you remembered why you’d put yourself through a week of hell.
You remembered why you were avoiding Riri, ignoring Shuri. 
You remembered why you were going out tonight with someone who wasn’t them. 
And what was a soft smile on your face curled into the nastiest of snarls. 
Your body straightened, pulling your head from Shuri’s hand and retreating until your back touched the wall, and a mountain of pillows distanced you from the princess. 
Her demeanor just about crumbled when your eyes cut sharply from her and landed on Riri, who still stood a couple of feet away with an unreadable expression etched across her features. 
“Y’all broke into my room?”
It was more an accusation than a question, and it oozed with venom. Shuri fought back a flinch, and Riri dug her hand from her pocket, revealing a gold key swinging from her index finger. 
“Not breaking in if I have the spare.”
“It’s breaking in if you weren’t invited.”
Riri tossed her hand back in her pocket and joined Shuri beside your bed, leaning forward until her elbows dug into the mattress. “We ain’ come here to argue with you, y/n.”
Ri had spoken your name more times lately than she had all the months you’d been together, and you hated it. The hairs on your arm stood on end, and your vision turned blood red. 
“Shouldn’t have come at all-” 
Shuri’s hand around your neck evaporated whatever else was about to roll off your tongue. You begrudgingly focused your gaze on her, shocked to see amusement swimming in her eyes. “Who are you talking to like that?”
Your lips remained sealed in defiance, and Riri shook her head with a scoff directed towards you. 
Shuri’s fingertips were digging into the side of your throat, tugging you toward her. It was a gentler touch at first, but then you had to be hard-headed and try to fight it. Her hands gripped tighter, pulling you harder, and the dark spots that started to attack your vision told you to obey. 
You fell on all fours, staring up at Shuri behind lashes so long, they almost touched your brows. She removed her hand, allowing air to reach your lungs again, cursing under her breath. 
“Fuck,” she breathed out. Even Riri had to bury her bottom lip between her teeth to avoid speaking her thoughts aloud.
You looked fucking delicious, seated on hands and knees, glaring up at them. Heat burned deep in Shuri’s chest, heaving with deep inhales. “Come here,” she commanded.
Shuri’s tone left no room for attitude, but that didn’t stop you from having one. Your eyes rolled, and your knees planted in place with a wiggle of your hips.
Even Riri’s brow rose at the action, and she turned to Shuri with a question behind her eyes.
Shuri’s glance at Ri was quick and filled with an unfamiliar husk. She looked back at you, speaking to Riri while her eyes burned such heat into yours that you had to look away. “She wanna be a brat? That’s fine-” The smile that Shuri bore filled your stomach with fear. “We can tame a brat.”
She opened her mouth again, this time to speak to you. “Come. Here.” Her words sent a noticeable chill through your body, and you rose to just your knees, getting ready to swing your legs around and scoot to the edge of the bed, where Shuri and Riri stood.
“Uh, uh,” Shuri shook her head at you, smiling wider at the confusion on your face. She stood taller, shoulders back, spine straight, chin tilted, truly like royalty. “Crawl to me.”
This time, it was your brows that shot to your hairline. The heat that was burning in her belly moved south, and with a gulp, you found yourself crawling, slowly and seductively, until you were face-to-face with Shuri’s torso.
You stared at it for a moment too long, and she fell into a squat, aligning her face with yours. She was so close, the smell of her cologne almost bringing tears to your eyes. You inhaled deeply, wishing you could commit the scent to memory for the next time Shuri left. 
“What’s wrong with you, baby?” She asked sweetly. “Hm? Why you acting like this?”
You were still. 
A minute passed, then another, and you refused to part your lips and address her. 
“Silent treatment, baby? Forreal?”
The room was quiet.
“You being childish,” Shuri mumbled, standing to her full height again. 
She moved to sit beside you, and you watched with interest.
With swift movements, Shuri was next to you, reaching for your wrists.
It all happened so quickly, her tugging your arms sharply until you laid on your belly across her lap. You gasped, further pressing your torso into Shuri’s thighs.
One hand held your wrists out in front of you as though you were swimming while the other caressed your ass through your shorts. 
Her touch was too soft, a stark contrast to the rest of her movements. You made the mistake of relaxing in her grasp, allowing your guard and attitude to fall completely. 
Poor you. 
A sharp slap sounded throughout the room, followed by the sharp sting that radiated through your right ass cheek. And just as quickly as the strike came, it went, covered by Shuri’s soft massage. 
The way your mout h fell open to form a little “O” was so cute.  Shock, and anger, and desire all fueled the fire that was burning in your lower belly, igniting and growing it further.
“We gonna work on you and Riri’s ‘Welcome’ next time, baby” Another harsh slap, this time to the opposite cheek. 
Riri spoke up, her voice sounding like a squeak. “You could always take us with you next time.” She barely got the sentence out without a moan escaping. Her eyes bore into the scene before her, wanting so badly to rub away the pain Shuri was inflicting. 
Shuri smirked at Ri before turning back to land another hard clap on your ass. “What you think, baby? Wanna come with me?”
Her words and her actions weren’t lining up. The way she spoke to you was so tender, as though the three of you sat in a coffee shop having a pleasant conversation. 
The way she assaulted your ass said otherwise. You were writhing under her touch, with a wetness that pooled between your clenched thighs uncomfortably. 
Another slap, then she continued. “We spend weeks together, relaxing by the water. I could take you on the Royal Talon Fighter. Fuck you right on the floor while we’re in the air”.
Another slap. “Riri fingering you in the pool.”
Slap. “I’ll sit you on my throne, where you belong, and eat you until you cry.”
Slap. “Sound like a plan, Ri?”
Riri was in a fucking daze. She could smell your arousal, and it was so hard to resist planting her face between your legs, inhaling your scent deeper. She struggled to mutter so much as a “yeah” in response to Shuri’s question. She wasn’t even sure she’d been listening. 
Shuri’s attention fell back to you, and a deep groan escaped her chest. You were a mess. She could feel how hot your body had grown in the short time you’d been pressed against her. You were still quiet, but her ears picked up on the soft whimpers that you thought no one could hear. Your body was practically vibrating.
An insatiable need swam in your eyes, falling over your cheeks and down the side of Shuri’s leg. 
“That sound like a plan, baby?”
You remained quiet, the sound of her hand clapping your ass echoing in the room. 
“I don’t like being ignored, y/n.” Shuri must’ve lost her mind and left it in Wakanda, using your real name like that. It just made you dig your heels in further, refusing to give her a verbal response.
She shook her head, turning to Riri to speak again. “I been gone three weeks, and you let her get all defiant and shit.”
Riri snapped out of her trance at the accusation. “I ain’ let her do shit-”
“You did,” Shuri removed her hand from your ass to point toward your nightstand. “Grab her vibrator from the drawer and come fix your shit.”
Your head shot up at Shuri’s words. A part of you was relieved the attack on your now swollen ass cheeks had stopped. The other part was full of dread. You needed to fucking come, but there was no way Shuri was going to make it that easy on you. 
She lifted your limp body with ease, shuffling around until you were in her lap, back pressed to her heaving chest. You winced a bit at the stinging sensation that traveled down the back of your thighs, but Shuri’s padded fingertips drawing circles in your abdomen was enough of a distraction for you to relax a bit. 
Her lips peppered up and down the length of your neck, stopping every now and then to nip at your tight skin. “Imma hear that pretty voice one way or another, baby.”
She grinned at the shiver her words sent down your spine and lifted her head to see Riri starting back toward your bed with your massive pink wand in hand. Your knees lifted to your chest without thought, and Shuri planted her hands on them,  prying them apart until the wet spot in your shorts was visible to Ri. 
Her breasts bounced with the way her chest heaved at the sight. Your grey shorts were noticeably darker around the spot that bore your cunt, and your dark thighs glittered with your own slick. 
The sudden cool air that hit your pussy shocked you, and your thighs clenched, trying to close in response. They barely moved with Shuri’s hands in place.
She didn’t even acknowledge your failed attempt, instead nodding her head at Riri. The smaller girl looked as though it pained her to look away from you, and it did. 
“Come here.” Riri glanced over you one more time, then started stepping closer to the bed. Shuri ducked her head, taking your ear lobe between her teeth before speaking lowly. “See how she listen the first time?”
Riri rolled her eyes but climbed onto the bed anyway, kneeling beside you and Shuri’s bodies flush against one another. “What?” she asked again.
Shuri let go of your thighs, snaking an arm around your torso to hold you in place while the other tugged on Riri’s curls, luring her closer and closer and closer until she and Shuri’s breaths became one.
Shuri leaned up, pressing her lips against Riri’s with a moan. The delicacy of the kiss didn’t last long, and the strain in your neck as you turned and watched them wasn’t enough to peel your eyes away. 
Riri’s tongue darted out first, sloppily tracing over Shuri’s before she reached to grasp the back of her head and deepen the kiss. 
Your moan at the sight was music to their ears, and Riri pulled away, gracing you with a smile before Shuri’s hand on her chin pulled her back. Shuri’s lips brushed Ri’s as she whispered, “I ain’ get to kiss you properly since I been back.” She let her gaze linger on you with a side-eye before she turned back to Riri. “We had other things to deal with.” 
Riri’s nose scrunched up, her curls swaying to and fro with the shake of her head. “And I’m the one who got soft?” she asked with a scoff. 
Shuri ignored Ri. “Lemme taste her off your lips when you finish.”
Riri’s stare at you was hungry. She hadn’t had a taste of you in so long. Her mouth watered, and her tongue swiped across her lips, leaving behind a sheen. “I’ll think about it,” she mumbled, hopping from the bed.
With the click of a button, your vibrator roared to life, and the whimper that left your mouth was pathetic. Riri stood patiently waiting while Shuri pulled your legs apart once more. Her hands on you felt like fire, and your head fell back onto your shoulder. Her chuckle rang loudly in your ear. “We ain’ even touch you yet.”
But then Riri’s hand grazed your thigh, only enough to pull your shorts to one side and expose your needy center. “Oh, baby, you’re fucking soaked.”
Your hips jutted forward, an impatient exhale sharp in your chest. You knew you were soaked; you needed them to do something about it. 
Riri’s delicate fingers brushed over your lower set of lips before stopping to gently slap it a few times. You splashed around her harsh hits, hissing and curving your hips, hoping to catch her fingers at your entrance. 
Mm, Riri hummed. “This ain’ enough.” She nodded to Shuri, “Lift her legs up.”
Shuri’s hands went from your inner thigh to hooking underneath, folding you in half. Your knees almost aligned with your shoulders, and Riri nodded, satisfied. “There she go. All on display for me.”
She brought the vibrator to your clit without warning, and you screamed. “There go that pretty voice, too,” Shuri stated, levity and lust dripping from her accented words. 
You didn’t have the strength to stay silent anymore. Riri had the violently vibrating toy pressed hard against your swollen bud, and she made no move to let up. Your cunt splashed around the rapid movements, and you knew your orgasm would come fast and hard. 
“So pretty,” Riri parroted lazily. The wetness between her own legs was growing uncomfortable, but her focus right now was wholeheartedly on you.
Your pussy clenched around nothing, and your head dug into Shuri’s shoulder with a dull pain that would become prominent later. “Oh, fuck,” you breathed out, repeating the phrase like a broken record.
This time, it was Shuri and Riri who were quiet, listening intently to your voice and the way its crescendo was built. 
Your chest heaved, and your abs contracted, and you could feel your orgasm building in the pit of your stomach. “Shit, shit, shit-” 
And then it was gone. The vibrations stopped, and the glorious orgasm that was about to wreck you washed away. A desperate cry fell from your lips, your glossed eyes staring up at Riri with so many questions. 
“Nah, ma. That was the lowest setting.” She bent down to kiss your cheek. “You don’t gotta come yet.”
Your head shook so fast, it made you dizzy. “I do, I do.”
“Oh, you do?” She was mocking you. Your mouth opened with a smart-ass response that was quickly forgotten when stronger, harsher movements attacked your clit. 
Riri had turned the intensity up, and the vibrations were radiating through your abdomen and your thighs. Your head fell back once more; your jaw stuck slack. “Oh fuck,” you roared. There was no way the people minding their business in the halls weren’t hearing you, but Bast, did you not give a fuck. 
“Fuck, Ri, fuck,” you drawled out with a whimper. Her name had fallen from your lips with ease, and both the girls focused on you moved quickly to correct that. 
Shuri’s hand roughly grabbed a handful of your braids and pushed your head forward at the same time that Riri pulled it forward with her hand on your chin. She hit the button on the vibrator, and the intensity increased once more. 
Their hands on you wouldn’t allow your head to fall. The spew of screams and curses uttered from your mouth while Riri’s eyes dug into yours as if she could see past them. “Yeah, let’s try that again, baby girl.”
Up another setting the vibrator went, and the cry that came from you sounded like that of a wounded animal. “What’s my name?” Riri asked with all the sass in the world, watching you with stern eyes. 
You didn’t answer, too afraid you’d say the wrong thing. There wasn’t a sane thought in that pretty brain of yours right now, and though you searched and searched, your own name didn’t even come to mind at the moment. 
The intensity climbed higher and higher until Riri hitting the button was mundane. The vibrator was on the highest possible setting, and she was proud of you for handling it. 
Your orgasm didn’t creep back on you with ease; it was about to hit you like a train. Your splashing grew, throwing your slick on all three of you. Your stomach was so tight, you were sure you’d have a six-pack after this, and your body shook like you were possessed. 
Your head was still aligned with Ri’s, but your eyes were long gone, rolled back into your skull. A quick tap at your cheek pulled them back, and you stared at Riri, taking in her tiny frame, covered in sweat (or was that your cum?), with a look so sharp, it cut your gasp short. 
“My name, baby,” she growled out at you, but it was too late. You were coming, soaking the sheets beneath you and Shuri with a long, drawn-out cry. Your body was trembling, a shaky “Ooh, shit,” the only thing that you could think well enough to say. 
Riri held the vibrator flush with your cunt, letting the mix of you squirting and the vibrations splash your taste right to her awaiting tongue. 
The moment felt like it lasted forever, and when you finally did start to come down, Riri removed the vibrator from you, turning it off and discarding it on the floor. 
Shuri sat whispering something in Xhosa in your ear, tracing lines up and down your still shaky legs. 
Your body gave out, relaxing into the curve of Shuri’s before Riri’s tight grip around your throat reawoke reality around you. Her eyes darted around your face, her lips tight, and her brows drawn. She yanked you away from Shuri and closed the space between you and her. 
“What is my fucking name?” She questioned harshly. You’d never heard a sound so sinister come from her, and it turned your good mood foul. 
“Red,” you spat at her. 
In the next instant, her hand released your neck, and she took a step back, eyes still racing, breath still raging.
Shuri removed her hands from your thighs, backing herself into a corner of your bed until she was no longer touching you. “Sana-” she started gently, but you barely heard her. 
All of your rage from before was back, and now Riri was the unfortunate target. “That’s not fucking fair, Riri!” 
She remained silent tense brows raising as she watched you jump from the bed onto wobbly legs. You stumbled but stood your ground. “Yeah, you’re Riri now.”
She wasn’t deterred when you started toward her, hands drawn in fists at your side and chest poking out. “You been calling me by my government since that night in your dorm room, but it’s a problem when I do it?”
Riri's mouth opened, starting to speak, but the look on your face advised her not to. “It’s always a fucking problem when I do it, huh?” You were in her face at this point, and she could see the tears glistening behind the anger in your eyes. 
“You two ignore me for a fucking week until I say okay to the whole damn world know I got not one, but two ‘girlfriends.’” Your hands uncurl to throw air quotes around “girlfriends.”  A grizzly laugh escapes your lips, and the tears start to fall.
“But they not even my girlfriends. I-” Your voice broke, and so did the girls’ hearts. “I ain’ nothing but one of many to them.” You sniff before continuing. “And when I try to get a week to figure that shit out, to process it, you break into my fucking room!”
“You break in and fuck my fucking brains out.” Your hands are shaking as they reach up to wipe away the steady stream of tears. “But you gonna leave here and give the same thing to who the fuck ever.” 
Riri’s silence is starting to irritate you, so you direct the rest of your wrath to the princess. The pillow on your desk chair flies toward her, landing with a thud, and you wish you had the balls to throw something heavier. “And you-”
Shuri watches you cross the room toward her, stopping just short of the bed. “You got me out here looking fucking stupid!” Snot and spit mix with your tears in what you only know as the definition of ugly crying, but you do not fucking care. 
“You got a harem, Shuri? Hm?”
“No-” Her words were drowned under yours. 
“Kehlani, nigga? I can’t-” Your voice cracked further. “I can’t fucking compete with Kehlani. I can’t even compete with the other girls on campus, can I?” You whispered. 
Your hand flew to point at Riri, and she flinched, certain that you’d just flung something in her direction. “She the only one who don’t got any competition. It’s always been Ri and Shuri.” You chuckle again. “Y’know what she told me?” Your laughter grew until you were hiccuping behind giggles and sobs. “When I was in her room upset about the viral video of my ‘girlfriend’ dry humping somebody else in the club? She kept saying ‘Me and Shuri’ this and ‘Me and Shuri’ that.”
You looked back toward Riri. The venom in you had run dry, and all that was left behind was sadness. “‘Me and Shuri ain’ never been exclusive’” You took her words and threw them back at her; it was the worst thing you could’ve thrown. 
“‘Shuri catching ass, getting ass; those are just her weekends,’” you repeated what Riri had said to you with bile in your throat. “She laughed about it.”
Shuri’s eyes darted towards Riri, who looked as though she were about to crumble to the floor. 
You closed your eyes, refusing to look at either of them any longer. “Get out,” you whispered.
Shuri rose from your bed, taking tender steps toward you as if you would explode if she were to move any faster. “Baby, I- We-”
You sighed, rubbing your eyes until they were red. “There it go again; ‘we’. ‘We’ is not Shuri, Riri, and me. ‘We’ is Shuri and Riri. It’s always Shuri and Riri.” You shook your head, your braids swinging around you. “I’m not doing this no more. Get out.”
Your voice was eerily calm. As though you were making small talk about the weather and not breaking their hearts. 
“No-” Shuri spoke again. “Baby, listen-”
You glanced at the clock above Riri’s head, avoiding looking at her altogether. “Get. Out.” You emphasized, stalking past them both until you were entering your bathroom and starting the shower. “I need to start getting ready. Thanks for ruining my nap.”
“Getting ready for what?”
You looked at Shuri deliberately as the next words from your mouth rang through the air. “I have a date.”
“Like hell you do.” 
Both of your heads whipped to Riri standing on the other side of the room. Your confession had broken her trance, and she approached you quickly, grabbing for your hand. 
“I do,” You snatched away from her touch roughly. “And I need to wash you off me. Both of you.”
“Y/n, you play too fucking much-” 
Your neck snapped toward Riri. She didn’t back down when a scoff fell from your lips, and you walked to her until your chests were touching, and she had no choice but to look up at you. 
Sadness still decorated your pretty brown eyes, but Riri was more focused on the growl deep in your voice. “What’s the matter, Ri?” You darted your gaze back to the clock once more. “Your eight o’clock cancel on you?”
Your hair whips her in the face as you turn back to Shuri. “Kehlani couldn’t make it?”
Neither of them speaks, just watching you head back to your bathroom door. “I’m getting in the shower,” you announce. “Can’t have all this dried cum on me.” The door starts to close, but not before they hear the last of your sentence. “He might want a fresh slate.”
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Riri sat in the VIP box of a club she did not want to fucking be in, nursing a glass of rum that she was barely sipping on. Anger on a sober Riri was enough to land her in jail; she didn’t need to be drunk tonight. 
Shuri sat across from her, eyes scanning the crowd below them as she threw back another shot, growling with the burn cascading down her throat.
She lifted a hand to fix the blazer on her shoulder before looking over to notice Riri had abandoned hers. A dark, lacey fabric clung to Riri’s bosom like a second skin, and Shuri gulped before turning away again. 
“Why are we even here, Ri? She said she was done.”
Riri’s eye-roll was almost audible. “You wasn’t saying shit when you snuck the Kimoyo bead in her purse.” She brought the cup to her lips again, allowing the sour liquor to run over her tongue before swallowing it harshly. “Ion give a fuck what she said. She’s not done; she’s ours.”
They watched you with fury burning behind their gazes as you gyrated in a crowd full of people. Shuri had to convince Riri to remain glued to her seat when your dress rode up a bit, and luckily, you’d pulled it down before Riri had a chance to expose that she and Shuri were spying on you.
They were just there to make sure your date was respectful. You could have this cute lil date, even if it boiled their blood. They’d make sure your clothes stayed on, and you got home safe, and then try talking to you again tomorrow. Or the day after that, or the day after that.
Except, Riri was finding it really hard to stay under the radar. Every time your date slipped his hands around your waist or brought his face a little too close to yours, her feet begged her to move, her fist itching to hit him. 
Him. Of all the ways you could have chosen to spite them, this was by far the fucking worse. 
You’d never shown interest in a dick, yet here you were, grinding up against one. 
Shuri wasn’t sure how much more she could take. She struggled to read your lips from up here when you brought them to his ear to whisper something or when they spread into a grin. The glass cup in her hand was in danger of breaking; Shuri’s grip just kept getting tighter and tighter. 
And even though you weren’t dancing for them, they were mesmerized by you. Your hair was gathered into a high pony, your eyeliner deep and dark, accentuating your big, round eyes. The dress you chose was sinful. It stopped just under the curve of your ass, exposing the length of your thick thighs for him to touch. Had it been any tighter, your breasts would have spilled right out of the deep plunge that reached your belly button; instead, they sat high and (mostly) covered, aside from your pierced nippled poking through the thin fabric. 
Riri had groaned when you first walked in, and that quickly turned into a growl when she noticed the nigga’s hand resting on your hip. 
That was nearly two hours ago, and her expression had yet to change. 
“You don’t wanna chop his hands off?” she asked Shuri over the rim of her glass.
“Of course, I do, sana-”
“Good, then go do it.”
Shuri sighed, putting her drink down and peering over the railing back down at you. Your ass was rolling into the curve of his front, and he was enjoying every bit of it, with one hand on your hip and the other gathered in your hair. “I’m considering it.”
Riri was about to comment when her body ran cold. A slow song rang through the speakers, something much more sensual than the ass-shaking anthem that was playing before. Her eyes ran back to you, and she watched, frozen.
You’d stood back up to your full height, turning to face him with your arms thrown around his neck. 
Your bodies ground together in sync with the rhythm of the music, and Riri’s mouth fell open when your head fell back with a moan, and he leaned down to kiss your throat. 
She was already on her feet by the time he leaned in, pressing his lips to yours as he practically fucked you through your clothes on the dance floor. The angle put your left breast in danger of being exposed and Ri could see the dark swirl of your areola bouncing free. 
“Fuck no.” Riri was gone, and Shuri wasn’t too far behind her. They pushed through the crowd, ignoring protests coming from every which way. Ri’s vision was blood-shot, her body shaking with rage. 
Her fist was already formed and she stalked toward you, on a mission. Shuri’s voice in her ear caused the smaller girl to stumble. “Do not hit him,” she commanded with a growl.
Riri reached you first, uncurling her fist and reaching up to snatch you by your hair, breaking the now deepened kiss between you and him. Shuri followed closely behind, nearly clipping your heels and already digging her keys from her pockets. 
He stood there stunned as you were pulled away and lead through the front doors without anyone so much as glancing your way. Ri took her hands from your hair and put them around your hips, lifting and flinging you into the backseat of Shuri’s SUV. She hopped in behind you, and Shuri jumped into the driver's seat, pulling off with a loud skid as her tires kissed the pavement.
Riri was livid, shaking in her nearly naked form, and it pissed her off even more to see the smugness that was embedded into your features. Her intentions weren’t to scare you but the fact that you didn’t even show an ounce of fright enraged her. 
“Breaking and entering and kidnapping on the same day? Must not be the first crime the two of you have-”
Riri’s hand was around your throat before you could finish your sentence, pressing your body harshly into the leather seats until your head bounced against the headrest, locking you in place.
“You must be out of your fucking mind,” she hurled at you. Your pompous attitude was gone, and fear danced in your gaze. You’d never seen Riri so angry; you didn’t know lividity was a feeling she was capable of. 
She didn’t give you a chance to speak, staring at your lips in disgust before she continued. “I hope you happy, baby, because you just cost that man his life.”
Your eyes widened further with horror, and Shuri called out Riri’s name in warning. 
Ri scoffed. “Oh, I don’t gotta do shit,” her grip tightened. “Wakanda got a whole ass army who would kill to protect you.”
Alarm bells were ringing in your head and your vision was starting to blur with the lack of oxygen your brain was receiving. You knew you shouldn’t push Riri any further, but the words were out without a second thought. 
“They kill for all your hoes?”
Shuri’s foot came down hard on the brakes, and you and Riri jerked forward, but her eyes never left your face. All around you, horns blarred angrily with the Princess’s driving and you could see the swing of headlights from behind as they swerved to avoid ramming into the back of it, but Shuri continued as if she didn’t almost cause the world’s biggest traffic accident. 
“You fucking-” Riri’s lips curled. “There are no hoes, y/n. It’s just you, only you.”
She turned to look out the window, seemingly analyzing your surroundings, then spoke to Shuri, “Go to my garage.”
The only response she got back was a silent nod, which she ignored anyway. Riri looked hard at your face, glancing back and forth between your lips and your eyes. “Lick your lips,” she commands.
You do as you’re told, surprisingly, and dart your tongue out to swipe over your lips once, twice, three times. Riri groans at the way they shine once you finish, wet with your spit. “They taste like him?”
Shuri watches through the rearview mirror as you hesitate, then nod. Riri crashes her lips into yours in a harsh kiss. She wants to wipe away any trace of him, any taste, any memory, any thought.  She swallows your tongue, moaning as you swap spit, and you bring your arms around her neck to pull her closer. 
Riri resists, though, drawing her body back and creating an unwanted distance between the two of you. “What about now?” She asks through pants. “They still taste like him?”
You lick your lips slowly, savoring the taste. Your head shakes from side to side. 
“Who they taste like?” She demands. 
“You,” you reply breathily. 
Before Riri has a chance to respond, the car comes to a stop, and Shuri cuts the engine off. You look around, recognizing the alley that leads to the back entrance of Riri’s garage. 
Shuri hops out of the car first, walking around to open your door and offer her hand to help you. 
Riri’s already out of the car, walking over to unlock the well-secured garage and stepping inside the darkness. 
She swipes a bunch of papers off the thrifted couch that sits next to her desk, and they flutter to the floor like snowflakes. 
She pushes you into the cushions, watching your body land with a bounce that exposes your right breast in all its pierced glory. 
Riri’s stare at you is lustful and rageful, shaking her with an unusual intensity. Shuri stands beside her, both of them glaring at you, but neither of them moving. 
It isn’t until Riri breaks the trance, shaking her head and walking away. “Handle her, man. I need to calm down some before I touch her.”
Now you and Shuri watch as Riri retreats, guilt building up in your little body. You turn back to see Shuri approaching you, unbuttoning her blazer until it swings open. She stops in front of you, fingers toying with the spaghetti straps of your dress. “He touched this,” she states simply.
You nod, “Shuri, I-”
The sound of ripping fabric echoes off the metal walls, and you look down to see Shuri’s torn your dress straight down the plunge. 
You can only muster out a pathetic squeak at the sight of what was your favorite dress. Shuri is so close when you look up that you almost headbutt her. 
“What is my name?” She growls, accentuating every word. 
“D-daddy-” you manage to stutter out.
Mm, she hums, and you shrink into yourself. No ‘good girl’ or praise. Just a hum.
You hadn’t really deserved the praise lately, though. 
Her head buried in your neck pulls you away from your thoughts. The feel of her lips and her tongue traveling along the softness of your skin causes your head to lazily tilt to the side, giving her more access. 
Her finger juts out to point in the direction Riri wandered in. “And you are hers,” she says with such a harsh bite that you cry out. 
She licks away the pain a moment later, “And you are mine.”
Shuri reaches down to pull the shredded dress away from your body and starts kissing down the length of your collarbone. “I’m sorry that video upset you.” She emphasizes each word with a kiss. “And I’m more sorry that my actions upset you.”
Her kisses trail to the valley between your breasts, and your fingers find her curls tangling in them and pressing her closer. “But I am all about you, baby.” 
Her kissing stops as she spots your underwear. It’s nothing but a black piece of string tied around your hips and thighs. The thinnest fabric in the world barely covers both your lips down there, and even now, it’s twisted to the point where your slit swallows it. 
“You wore these for him?”
You shake your head, missing the feel of her lips on your skin already. “Wore them for you; knew you were there.” 
“How-” Shuri starts.
“Your bead. Found it in my purse before I even left the dorm. Spotted the two of you a few minutes after we got to the club-”
Her face twists into an unreadable expression. “You knew we were there and gave us a good ole’ show, baby?”
Your cheeks grow hot, and Shuri shakes her head. “You really were trying to get that man killed.”
She lets her hand trail down your thigh, stopping at the crevice where they meet. You're already so wet, your little cunt drenching your sorry excuse of panties. 
One harsh tug, and those too, are nothing but shredded fabric. 
The only part of your outfit that isn’t torn and tattered are your heels and when you ask Shuri if she’s gonna go for those next, she ignores you. 
“You owe me new clothes,” you grumble under her attack of kisses on your thigh. You whine when she pulls away, sitting up enough that your gazes are aligned. 
“I don’t owe you shit but an apology.” Her slender fingers run down the length of your slit, coming back up dripping in your essence. You’re hypnotized, watching in fascination and lust as she brings them to her lips, licking them clean of you and groaning at the taste. “But I’d buy you a closet full of clothes if you asked me to.”
Your thighs part and her head descends between them, licking up the wetness that coats them. “And no,” she says with a breathy moan to your twitchy clit. “I don’t do that for all my hoes.”
And with that, her tongue attacks you. There's nothing but a sense of urgency in the air as Shuri laps at you as if the taste would disappear if she didn’t appreciate it enough. Your moans ring through the garage, loud and echoing. 
Shuri’s tongue on your clit is merciless, swiping and sucking. She dips lower, licking a fat, long strip up your slit and her moans tickle you from the inside out. Your thighs on her shoulder are clenched tight around her head, but she couldn’t care less.
You taste like heaven and Shuri never believed in such a place before you. Her tongue stiffens, and then, it’s in your cunt, fucking you feverishly. Your eyes roll and you’re trying so hard to keep them on Shuri. 
The sight of her fucking your pussy, drowning in it, is one the tabloids would have never been able to imagine. If they thought an ass-catching princess was scandalous, they’d drop dead at the sight of this.
Movement from the corner of your eyes catches your attention, and it takes all your strength to pull it away from Shuri long enough to notice Ri in the corner, back pressed against the wall, arms crossed in front of her. 
Your eyes lock, and you stare at Ri as you pant and groan, as if they were directed towards her. And maybe they were. She shifts uncomfortably at the sounds you make, reaching around to adjust something in her, now unbuttoned pants, but before you have time to question it, Shuri’s tongue in your pussy is replaced by two fingers.
They stretch you out deliciously, and she pulls her head away to admire the way you clench around her. “Demethi, nkosazana,” she mumbles under her breath. 
You’d heard her speak enough Xhosa over the years to be able to translate that one. “I’m the princess now?” you stumble and stutter through the question and a red-hot fury makes itself known in your belly with the way she curved her fingers and looks up at you. “My princess,” she responds.
Suddenly, her fingers pick up speed, and she’s added a third, scissoring into you and grinning at the way you stretch around her. “Good girl,” she praises. “Good girl, go ahead and open up for me, hm?”
Ugh, they way they talked to you during sex.. Their words were fucking filthy and the moment they opened their mouths, you knew you wouldn’t last much longer. 
This time was no different. You had been so focused on Shuri, that you didn’t notice Riri stalking toward you. 
Shuri noticed, but she was intent on making you come apart before she handed you over. The taste of you was still on her tongue and she signaled Riri to ‘come here’ with a curled finger, while the other mirrored the action deep within your walls. 
Riri headed over to Shuri, and upon reaching her, took her chin and tilted it upwards so she could capture her lips in a kiss. You watched as they shared your taste between the two of them,  moaning at the sight. 
Shuri pulled away first, feeling the way your walls began to swell around her hand. Your orgasm was coming (pun intended), and as much as you wanted to keep your eyes on them, you couldn’t. Your head fell back, and your eyes shut so tightly, they were just slits. 
Riri just stood and watched, hands tucked in her pockets, and Shuri sang you praises. 
“There you go, baby. Let it out.”
You began to splash around her fingers. 
“Good girl, nkosazana yam, keep going.”
Your wetness had picked up, as did your cries. Shuri’s forearm was soaked, along with the front of her blazer.
“I’m- fuck! I’m com-” Your sentence was nothing but fragments, but Shuri understood it perfectly well. 
“I know baby, come for me,” she cooed. “Umhle kakhulu (So pretty).”
You were already in the midst of coming apart, and Shuri’s fingers didn’t let up, fucking you through your climax. It was such an intense feeling. You felt so full, like the pressure was too much, but Bast, it was so delicious, you didn’t want her to stop. 
You wanted your orgasm to keep coming so Shuri’s fingers never left. Unfortunately for you, your well began to run dry and your screams died down to panting breaths. Shuri’s hand slipped out of you with a loud squelch and she lifted them so you could see how much of you was actively dripping from her digits. “Messy girl,” she stated cooly, rising to her feet and taking a step back.
Your thighs were still sky-high and your breathing hadn’t quite leveled out before Riri stepped to where Shuri once stood. She reached into her pants, pulling out a dildo you’d never seen before already strapped to her hilt. 
It was made of vibranium, that much was obvious with the deep purple glow. Most of the toys the three of you used were, but this one was different. First of all, it was thick. Fuck the fact that it was already a good 8 or 9 inches long, it wasn’t much smaller than the width of a fucking soda can and you could hear a slight buzzing come from it. 
The look on Riri’s face gave away the surprise. It was vibrating, harshly against her clit and when she pressed the tip to your slit, you could feel the vibrations on your end too. 
Fuck, she was about to tear you apart. 
“You seemed to have wanted dick so damn bad tonight, baby,” her words were still angry as she pushed into you at a snail’s pace. 
The stretch was too much, but it felt so fucking good. Your cunt swallowed every inch of her, pulling her in further.
She could feel just how wet you were, how tight you were, having just come. The way you clenched around her almost knocked the wind from her little body, and she had to will herself to take it slow. 
“Shit, baby,” she hissed, eyes closed, breathing staggered. 
“Riri-” Shuri’s voice sounded out from somewhere in the room, but you were too focused on Ri to search for it. 
“What?” She sounded like she was in pain, and still, she wasn’t even fully in you yet.
“Fuck her.”
Riri opened her eyes, burning a hole through yours. Her hips shifted, and she was in you even deeper. “No shit. I ain’ taking orders from you right now,” she growled lowly. 
The only warning you got before she buried her entire cock into you was a hand on your hip as she steadied herself. Your scream rang through the room in agony and Ri’s moans harmonized with yours. 
The two of you sat, stuck for a moment as she took a few deep breaths, allowing you to adjust.
And then she pulled out, leaving you feeling hollow. The feeling didn’t last long because she thrust back into you, this time much easier than the first. 
“Fuck,” you cried, and she did it again, and again, and again, until she’d picked up a steady pace. 
Sweat poured down her forehead as she fucked you with the restraint of a fucking God. You were so tight, so wet, so warm. A week was much too long to go without being buried in your cunt and the fact that you’d almost willingly given it to a nigga earlier that night angered her. 
Her movements were harsh and rough, and so good. This wasn’t love making, it was fucking. 
The kind that sent a tingle to your toes and arched your back to extremes that you didn’t know you were capable of. It was the type that warranted multiple orgasms and the first one ripped through you with a vengeance.
Riri felt it; she felt the way you clenched around her and how your screams pierced the air. She could feel your slick collecting on the pants that she hadn’t bothered to pull all the way down before taking you.
And she didn’t let up. No recovery time this time around. She fucked you through that first orgasm and continued fucking you toward the second. 
Your legs clamed around her waist and your arms trapped her face right in front of yours. You could inhale her pants as she dug into you, reciting elements on the periodic table so she didn’t come before she wanted to. 
“You been playing games with me, baby,” she whispered to you through her thrusts.
You were too dick-crazed to fully process her sentence at first, but once you did, you responded, “No different than the games you and Shuri been playing.” You sounded like a drunk, but Riri understood every bit of what you said. 
Your eyes wandered, rolling back as that second orgasm approached. 
“Look at me, baby,” Riri commanded, and she smiled when you obeyed, locking your lust-blown eyes on hers. “There ain’ nobody else, okay?” Her forehead pressed to yours. “I ain’ fucking nobody else like this.” At that, her hips curved and her cock hit the spongy part of your cunt that was the only thing responsible for holding your orgasm at bay. 
The second one rolled through you, yet Riri continued as if it hadn’t. She groaned, listening to you moan right in her ear. “That pretty sound right there, fuck. I wanna hear that shit for the rest of my life.” She couldn’t hold back any longer. She was about to come.
Her thrusts slowed and she shuddered, sinking into the suppleness of your touch as your legs kept her buried in your cunt and your nails dug into her back, scratching hard enough to draw little beads of blood. 
Shapes, letters, she didn’t know what you were etching into her skin, and it didn’t matter. She groaned, legs shaking as she struggled to stay on them. 
Your lip rolled into your mouth at the feel of Riri’s warmth on your inner thighs. “That’s it,” you muttered, low enough for just her to hear. “Come on me, ma.”
Neither of you knew who’s come was who’s on your thighs and neither of you cared. Riri fell apart in your arms, finally coming down long enough to press your lips together in a kiss that was much softer than her thrusts had been. 
“You’re mine,” she said against your mouth. “You’re barely hers-” she pointed back at Shuri and wrapped both arms around your middle to press you further against her, as if your bodies could fuse and become one. “Because you are all fucking mine,” she growled and you smiled at her words. 
Shuri walked over, slapping her palm against Riri’s ass with a warning. “Watch yourself.” Her head tilted, focusing on Riri’s back and your smile morphed into laughter. Shuri copied you with a chuckle. “Did you write your name in her back, baby?”
You nodded, still laughing, feeling gleeful for the first time in days. “I did,” you stated proudly. 
Shuri chuckled again, shaking her head before eying you. “It’s sideways.”
You shrugged, “It’s there.”
“Well,” Shuri declared, moving her fingers to shake off her blazer, letting it fall to the floor. Her eyes never left yours as she shrugged her shirt over her head. “Guess I need one to match.”
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pvnks0ul · 6 months
me and mrs. wolf (18+)
❊ werewolf/shifter!riri x fem!reader
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sypnosis: Riri ends up having to find a creative way to keep you warm during your first camping trip together, you get more than you bargained for.
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⚠︎: little plot ⁴ 🌽, kinda terotaphilia¿¿, mentions of hunting & eating wild deer(sry), dirty talk, readers really fucking cold, dom!riri + sub!reader, enlarged clit/girldick, several rounds, use of *mommy* + breeding kink, married au, amateur writing ! + bad descriptions of camping cause im js not built for that lifestyle!!
a/n: this was originally based off that one twilight scene (iykyk🧛🏾‍♀️) but shit really do be happening...🥲
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There was no denying the early morning view when you'd first arrived. Selfoss was..beautiful, without a doubt one of the most Ethereal landscapes you'd ever seen but no amount of breathtakingly clear skies or eye watering fields of perfect green grasslands would ever be worth catching pneumonia in the booty hole. You didnt know how much longer you could take before calling it quits and ditching to whatever was closest to a ' 4 seasons round here—quite honestly you were probably already there.
The fire outside endlessly crackled, only reason for it not being put out was because Riri wanted to keep it burning so she could surprise you with dinner. The problem being she waited till the sun had already set to go hunting... Was it obvious she did not have the privilege of cooking very often?
You watched the blurred flames quiver and roar from behind the tents sheeted walls as your teeth clattered at an alarming rate, limbs shivering so hard you'd began jolting randomly to make sure you'd still had control over your own body. But you honestly wouldnt be surprised if they'd all just froze and fell off right about now.
You tried to roll closer to the side nearest of the fire but it's distant warmth only baited you to come outside and embrace it.
And you were so close to giving in if only the sun hadnt already went down, the light from the full moon only something dim compared to the dark forests surrounding you. Riri'd originally asked if you wanted to come with but truthfully your legs were already tired from gathering all the sticks for the pit. The relief she felt when you said you werent feeling up to the chase, especially since you wouldnt be of much help anyways, didn't go unnoticed.
So the agreement was, you'd stay in the tent where she felt you were safest and she'd go hunt alone. A very simple and easy task.
You sat up on the thick foambedding Riri had laid ontop of the built in matt so you wouldnt be laying completely on the ground. And although stocky, the comforter did little to protect you from the chilly air, you had on both your winter coats and one of Riris leather jackets underneath but it was clear no amount of layering would save you— or atleast not with the clothes you'd packed.
you smacked your forehead multiple times over like that would help as you cursed yourself for not going with her. You probably could've convinced Riri to carry you around on her back, if you had.
You poked your head out of the tent and it was nearly pitch black outside, now. The firepit lit up the inside of the empty but tiny lot, just enough to see a few trees surrounding.
The wind blew once more and your ears were starting to burn slightly from how cold it was, even with your beanie on.
By the time your brain had registered what you were thinking about doing, you'd already gotten up & were planting yourself on one of the logs that assisted as chairs. Gloved hands reached out to the fire and only then could you finally feel the slightest umpth of warmth.
You don't get to enjoy the heat for long when a snap of a branch comes from your left, pass the entrance of the camping site and you freeze in place. You try to write it off. You had to remember you were literally in the middle of a forest, it was a given that some wild life would lerk about— and you tried hard to convince yourself that's all it was.
It comes again but dangerously close and your hands drop to your sides faster than your heart to the pit of your stomach, your eyes are wide open, you weren't sure if you were prey but you weren't going to stick around to find out and before the third one can come you've already dashed it back to the little pavilion.
Zipping it up as quickly as you could with shaky hands & thick gloves, covering yourself in the comforter as a shield from whatever could be coming incase it followed you in.
Your breath hitches in your throat as the footsteps near and all you can think about was how much you wished Riri was here to protect you.
The soft thud of something weighty being dropped near your tent makes you jump and freeze out of pure unbridled fear. You have yet to blink, irises shaking and again you feel stupid because the only thing you had to defend yourself with was a lousy clothespin in the front pocket of Riris jacket.
The familiar sound the zipper sliding down sends shivers down your spine and you clutch the small needle tighter, at least you'd be going down with a fight albeit not alot.
You're too scared to even move an inch when you feel a fluffy but ice cold touch on your shoulder. You yelped, moving to a crouch as you held your clothespin infront of yourself.
"Baby, what are you doing?" Riris voice booms & vibrates against you. You can tell she's holding back a laugh by the condescending tone.
You squirm in her grip, trying to turn around in her strong arms,disbelief written all over your face, "You scared me!" you reply with a huff before hitting her hard chest, "Why didnt you say anything when you saw me running?"
"Cause I like the way you run off when you know you're not supposed to be doing something." She chuckles before kissing the side of your face, "Like doing the exact opposite of what was asked when I–"
"Ok, yeah, i get it, damn." you huff and drop your head at the lecture only for her to lift your chin so she can look you in the eye.
She pecks your cheek with chapped lips, forgetting what she was gonna say. Leading you to scoff when she releases her firm grip so she could remove her fuzzy noggin, “But...you were taking too long and i was freezinggg in here."
Riri quirks a brow, smirk festering to the surface, "I took not even 15 minutes."
You smack your teeth at her excuse, "you wouldn't understand." she laughs bolsteriusly, all whites showing as she tosses the hat to the side before seating herself against the back of the tent.
Riri pats the area beside her, "C'mere."
You crawl over to your wife, very tempted to climb into her lap but opting to just let yourself be enveloped when she wrapped her arms around you.
"Fifteen minutes feels more like forty-five when you're dying of frost-bite." you mumbled still not over it yet, snuggling into her, hogging her warmth for yourself.
"Mhmm.." she sighs. She knows that technically human bodies are much more vulnerable than one of her... stature but she also knows when her wife is being dramatic. Her hands rub up and down your back, earning a satisfied hum in response.
Your legs were stretched under you as her thumbs stroke at your cheeks, leaving goosebumps in their wake from how hot they were and it seems the both of you completely forgot about dinner.
She snorts at you before blowing air, "Well, I'll tell you what..If you miraculously manage to make it through the night, I'll get you the finest suite money can buy– in one of those what'd you call if? 4 springs? Gonna get you some proper breakfast and—"
"Mmm, thank god." You quipped before she could finish.
Riri smacks her teeth gathering you at the same time. "Yeah Anyway...all you'll have to do is sit pretty in bed and let me spoil you since you were willing to do this for me." she replies behind a smile before landing a fat peck to your temple, you moan approvingly, nodding as you clutched her shirt in your fist.
"I don't think you understand how much i appreciate it." You lift your head after a few seconds passed and she didnt let go only to find hungry dark orbs staring back at you, falling to your parted lips and then back up. Heat rushes to your face as you look anywhere but at her, "I- I do." an odd burning sensation sets in your core racing all the way up to your tummy.
"Yeah? I bet you still want me to show you though, huh?"
Riri wonders if it'd be selfish to have you right here and now, with how frozen to the touch you were just a second ago.
You grab at her arm, that doting look in your eye that you get when you're too shy under her gaze to speak your mind and she hastly decides it's not. That infact, the little action she's seeking would be helping you in the end.
So she drops her arms from around your body, shaking her jacket off and quickly undoing your puffy winter coats.
She pushes you onto your back without a word. You make sure your silence isnt mistaken for no, helping her in her mission to unbutton the first layers of jackets and slide them away.
Riri bellows at this. You always looked so pretty under her and it was a sight she'd never want to forget. She wastes no time climbing over you, straddling your thighs between her spread legs and leaning down to help.
She doesnt even need to survey once, rough hands just pulling and popping the zippers on the last few, "Ah–! Hey-" Riri brings her lips to yours in a means to shush you but she can't stop herself from the wantonly aura that read it was her who wanted more, her thumbs fumbling with the end of your shirt before yanking it up & over your bra. She grunts into your kiss a subtle, "Shut up, you won't even need them."
Your eyes flutter shut as you arch into her and there's no further argument. Just you kissing back with just as much fervor now, your hands grabbing the back of her neck and holding her closer. Riris hard fingernails scrape against your stomach as they made their way up to your breast, she fondles you gently through the fabric, circling her thumb in search of your nipple and pinching it between her index when she finds it.
You whimper into her mouth desperate for more but all she responds with is before doing the same to the other breast and pulling your bra down under the cusps of them once they'd pebbled hard enough.
She leaves you with a sweet kiss, then a peck that has you blindly chasing after her but you can't get far with the way she holds you down. You whine, bucking your hips up mindlessy absolutely desperate for any kind of friction. What you find in it's place takes you by surprise. You gasp before feeling at the bulge in her pants. Riri tenses on the spot, cursing under her breath before grinding into your palm.
"You brought your strap all the way out here, Ri?" you giggle while tugging on the tent in her pants.
Riri shakes her head, "No, I–!" she shudders when your hand moves even just a little bit, "No. It's all me." your eyes widen at her words.
You're immediately curious, feeling her up through her pants. Your fingertips going over her print and it's long, the thickest you've ever attempted to wrap your hands around. Your hands move lower and riri twitches up again. Right between a familiar set of puffy lips is where it sprouted and you're still a little in disbelief.
Riri holds your wrist in place, guiding it up and back down to the curved base. You can feel her hardening under your touch and it's oh so surreal. After a few more strokes you're already huffing under her, pupils pitch black & fully blown and she knows you're getting just as worked up.
And the shock of it all is not what you choose to focus on, if Riri says it's all her then you believe her. But that also means she must feel so suffocated in her tight-fitting boxers.
The first time you tried to move your hands away to pull at her pants, your reprimanded immediately. She takes it upon herself to push your wrists over your head, holding them in one hand, her extended claws were sharp and marking the skin just a little.
"Need t-to know if i can fuck you..." she whispers directly into your ear, your thighs clench beneath her at the blatant vulgarity.
Your words were caught in your throat in the middle of all of this. Riri takes advantage it, kissing over that side of your face multiple times before making her way to your neck, you gasp, opening your legs mindlessly and Riris already centering her bulge in the middle of your covered achy lips.
She whimpers because of how sensitive you managed to make her, abusing your swollen clit through damp fabric, frantic for a release and she needs to know if you're ready now more than ever.
Riri holds onto the back of your thighs, rolling her hips "Please.." she begs for what seems to be the first time, big brown eyes darting everywhere on your face, bursting with impatience, she felt like she was going to throb herself into a slow release.
You nod your head quickly, she could have whatever she wanted from you right now. Riri sighs before releasing your hands and you already know not to move them.
Riris anxious fingers fumble around for your leggings, tugging and tossing them to the side somewhere.
Your scent is strong and it takes over her senses completely, she almost puts her own needs aside just for a taste, an you can see the complexity in the pinch of her brows as her figure loomed overtop of you.
Evidently she made up her mind as the pads of her fingers now slid down to the edge of your panties and you can see her physically fighting the animalistic urge to rip them off of you. She utilizes her middle & ring, roughly dragging them to your ankle, letting you kick them off before she dips them lightly between your sticky lips, you hiss, giving it your all to not shut your legs around her fingers as she enjoyed the slick.
She decides it was enough with the waiting, you clearly needed this just as bad as her. Riri unbuckles her cargos, sliding off her boxers aswell.
Small desperate pants slip past your lips at the sight of your wife, taking in her muscular form but, what really captures your eye is the pretty little trimmed patch of curly hair sprawled down her abs. Your hands have a mind of their own as you grab her hips with one and claw at her toned tummy to her sport bra with the other.
She bites down on her bottom lip before swatting at you, "Fuck– Alright baby..." she speaks as she collects your wrists in one of her hands... again. She maneuvers your legs up to your chest, so she could appraise your gaping hole; so patiently awaiting her arrival.
Riris holds the tip of her erect clit in her hand, bringing it over yours and rubbing it in the wad of spit she just landed there, letting you grind up as you pleased till she had to go back down.
"Oww– huuh, ohh!" You whimper out the first words you'd spoken since she started this whole thing as she smoothly inches her way pass your entrance. Riri herself, is left hissing when she finally breaks through the ring, grazing each side of your walls effortlessly.
Your head tilts back upon entry, mind going blank as you grasped the comforter under you, needing something to keep you afloat. You're suffocating her and she's barely had a taste. she pushes further until your pelvics meet, bottoming out in one strained push.
"G–god damn." Her clit throbs inside of you, giving you more to stretch around in case you were becoming too accustomed with it the first time.
Riri murmurs more curse words under her breath from the way you clenched and halted her in place when she attempts to move. Only wanting to set a slow but satisfying rhythm to get you both used to the other.
She holds you down with one hand to your waist, pulling out to the rim of your pussy and then slamming back in. She moans louder, getting loss in the immediate pulsing of your gooey walls.
"Yes, Riri~–!" Your eyes roll as she starts to pick up the pace, fucking you harder into the matt. Not even her biggest faux piece had made you feel this full— you want some more and right now.
Her labia kisses yours as she digs deeper into you, strings of your arousal mixing with her own. "Fuck y/n." she whispers your name behind an exasperated grunt, pounding into you harshly as she held onto your waist.
Your face feels like it's on fire and your belly is rapidily turning, you were right on the cusp of an orgasm and too fucked out to warn her.
Yet you tried. You tried jerking on her clit to still her movements. But it only excites her more. She growls in response, "Mmmn—!" slapping your breast and biting her lip till she could taste iron when it bounced, ignoring your yelp completely, "Keep pulling on my shit, baby."
It grows again, the heads vibrating as your pussy adjusted around it and if it weren't for the constant sloshing from the mix of both of your releases against the other, you probably would've heard the humming.
You cry out at the stretch, pushing at her lower stomach to slow down but she simply smacks at your hands, "Nah, this is what she wants– look how she takes me. Don't be greedy, babygirl." Riri taunts referring to the loud squelch of your pussy every time she thrusted just a bit.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as she shook the whole damn mat, "Riri—! I can't—" you try to fixate on the place where your body met hers, clenching around her again, throwing her off balance and she gives up on the steady strokes, "Gonna nmph—! Fucking fill you deep if you do that shit again, Mhmm.." She starts pistoling her hips into you, sloppily creating a dripping mess between your bodies, "..make you have all my babies."
You probably looked like a googly eyed fool with the way they rolled to the back of your head at her rambling, you want it all so bad, you felt delirious.
Your legs lock around her hips as you moaned out a chant of her name, clamping down on her clit with a deadly vice and her head falls back instantly, she lets you have it. Riri holds your lower stomach with her palm, hips stuttering as she ruts against you, desperately using you to empty all her nut into.
The silky straws of her cum are so warm and it makes you have an explosion on your own, your cream gushing and mixing with hers, leaking out of your pussy straight down onto the flat bed because that's you were too stuffed to keep any of it in.
And eventually all of the thick liquid combined slowly pushes her out completely.
Riri looks down to find her clit twitching, absolutely drenched in cum—she's not sure who's– still dripping from the ring formed near the base and that was surely your work.
She gets more aroused at the thought. Rubbing at your sensitive inner–thigh, ready for another round and apparently you were too by how they ease open for her.
"Can you give me a color baby?" fingers moving up to your silk-covered folds.
You blink slowly at her, nodding as you grabbed at the wrist of her curious fingers, "g–green.."
Riri bobs her head, trying not to let her smirk suffice. You're shaking, still on the cusp and yet you want more? what a slut. she hides it by kissing all over your face, making you whine when she got everywhere but your lips.
Your arms are quick to wrap and lock around her neck, pulling her down to you and Riri has to stifle a laugh at how desperate you were acting. Knowing she can't go on long when trying to resist you, she let's you win this battle.
This kiss was different then the first, you had her by the little strands of her neck hair, moaning into the hot kiss when she bit down on your lip, your mouth opens, accepting her tongue and you can feel her shaft poking and twitching with want against your lower stomach as she licked & searched every bit of it..
This kiss was messy & frantic, something that described the both of you to a tee in the exact moment.
Riri growls again, muffled but it still makes your head spin. You arch your back into her, the bottom of her clit rubbing ontop of your own and you have no choice but to leave the kiss, your head falling back in defeat as she kept rolling her pelvic against you.
"Ri! Wait, please–! just wait!" You were gonna cum if she kept going and hard, your body wouldn't have been ready for that yet.
You're flanking against each rushed thrust, as she panted heavily, "shit!shit!shit!" grunting lowly but with your constant running the satisfaction wouldn't be the same.
So Riri stops, she unravels your arms from around her body and sits back on her knees, "Come ride me." she bids, eager to have you all over again while licking at her lips, moist with your spit and cherry balm.
Your mouth gapes open as you stared at her. She purposely moved to the opposite end, knowing you would struggle to make it over there. Ri sits flat down on the mat now, her legs spread and clit swaying proudly over her lap and all you can do is bat your lashes pathetically.
You felt as if you were glued to the bedding with the way you body refused to move. Riris mean– she's so mean when she laughs at you. Shaking her head and crawling back over to you on her knees.
She stays silent as she pulls you into her chest before maneuvering your body the other way around. She pushes you roughly back down into the sheets, "Since you don't wanna listen."
Your brows raise for the first time as you weakly held yourself up on your elbows. You almost speak up but you're interrupted by the sound of a loud moan when she enters you again, moving without giving you a chance to adjust.
"Never gonna be able forget what this pussy feel like, baby." she murmurs softly despite her hard & cruelly plodding pace.
Her hands dig back into their designated slots on your waist and you drop your head, admittedly liking the harsh way she fucked and used your body for her own selfish needs. "Feel so good!" you mumble drunkenly.
The outburst earns you a slap to the round of your ass. You yelp, pulling off to the tip of her clit. "Eugnh! Fuck!" Sticking your back out, approvingly.
"Who told your ass to move?" she growls while roughly yanking you back to her mound, you mutter a meak apology that means nothing to riri as she clenched her teeth, watching you make a mess of her clit. She plays with the globes of your ass, spreading them pleasantly as you formed an unnatural arch trying to push back into her, feening for it.
"Yeah, baby? You like this position, huh? Dirty girl."
You only nod but riri corrects you, a crackle hits the air when she drops her open palm on your ass again, "Talk back to me."
You whine, arms giving out and slumping down to just your elbows, "f-fuck yes, mommy!"
Riri coos before slapping your ass again right in the middle as she snapped her hips, "You want it faster? Huh?"
You moan, "Yeah–!"
"Work for it then." riri sighs out cooly while stopping immediately against you.
Your knees shake pathetically as you immediately try. You throw it back for the first time, just tightening around her and hoping it'd be enough.
Riri squeezes the flesh of your ass in her hand in return having you curl into yourself at the satisfying burn, she bumps you against her until you were able to fuck yourself off her.
"See– shit! You know what you're doing baby."
Riri catches what you throw, grunting dirty pleasures into your sweaty neck, as you led her closer to a final climax.
"My good girl..Damn.", "Fuck, look how you working this shit."
You were brought to the final straw when she brought her hands under your body, pushing her way into your sloppy folds so she could rub at your small clit and ease your nerves. It jolts you again, but you don't run this time, just grinding down into it. You're sure to alert her though. An ear shattering, "M'gonna cum so hard mommy shiiit!"
"And mommy really wants your cum, pretty." She fucks you harsher, pulling you back and forth on her clit so hard you were gasping out at each one, the head tickling your cervix and pushing you further into your orgasm. "C'mon then."
"Ahh! Oh! M'gonna–so close shitghh–!"
Your orgasm racks through your body hard, you can't even keep up with riris strokes, letting her fuck you through your high and then you're clawing at your pillows tryin to get away. She keeps going until her hips stutter into an climax, exploding and pounding it into your coated walls until the high had escaped her.
You cry out finally sliding off her piece and closing your eyes, thighs still shaking just a bit as you went through the motions all over again. Your stomachs twisting and pulling and you dont even feel like turning around the right way– just wanting to catch your breath.
You're trembling slightly when her eyes set back on you, she can tell you're not all the way back yet. She moves between your legs to rub at your thigh and she finds it burning to the touch, problem solved, she smirks proudly.
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Riri sits on the same log you had, the muscles in her biceps bulge as she grips the buck by its front and back legs, laying it flat with a thud much louder than before, using her extracted nails to get rid of the rope she tied it's ankles with in one simple swipe.
When you finally come to and realize she's not by your side, you're immediately jolting up, thinking she left you again. You're quick to take notice of the thick comforter keeping you tucked in. It still hurt to move, your body was so sore but you were more determined to go find Riri.
You toss the blanket over, revealing a fresh set of the aforementioned girls sweatpants snug on your legs and you can't seem to remember how you even got then on.
you groan obnoxiously, lifting yourself up to properly rub the sleep out of your eyes, "Riri!?" your voice was hoarse from *the possible* hours before.
You hear a faint "outside!" and have already kicked into your winter boots. And Riri doesn't need an announcement of your presence, she can feel you idling close by and pats her thigh, you gladly squeeze your way into her bulging arms, wrapping your own around her waist but under her puffer so you could steal some of her body heat.
Riri gets side tracked once again, with your weight ontop of hers, completely forgetting about dinner for a split second as she wraps her arms around you and hoists you further into her lap, her head falling comfortably ontop of your chest while your arms become a cloak around her neck.
She breathes in your scent a little and goosebumps are sprouting under the thick garments now, "Don't you wanna know what happened?"
"mhmn." you shrug your shoulders, you weren't really sure at all, mind still hazy and too busy dozing off in her arms. She was naturally very warm & cozy, almost like a living teddy especially when wearing the fluffy coat you got her and your thoughts becoming pinkish brown mush, vision slowly becoming black dots filling in a canvas as you pressed tighter into her hold, were evidence of that.
The doe-like fluttering of your lashes has her stumped, she's not going to make you stay up since it was her fault you were so worn out in the first place but, she was going to make sure you ate first.
Apparently, you ended up falling asleep against her somewhere down that line anyways because when you next open your eyes, its with a tubberware bowl full of some sweet smelling soup in her lap and a silver utensil, pokin your lip. You furrow your brows, still not all the way up yet and Riri chuckles, "Try it. It'll warm you up a little bit more."
You happily encourage her spoonfeeding it to you after this sliver of information, humming at the unique taste once it hits you. How she was able to skin and gut that deer with you in her arms the entire time, still unbeknownst to you.
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This was supposed to be for Halloween but.. Well, I'll think of an excuse & comeback later 😚
🔖: @sapphicbarbz @shurislover @s0lam33y
(ty @lppriceisright for proof reading another fic for me!)
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s0lam33y · 6 months
You make me so…
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producer! riri x reader
a/n: I’m sorry if there r a lot of typos, I didn’t have to re-edit this. I was gonna make this a series but I just decided to turn it into a oneshot ! I feel like it’s a bit all over the place but yknow what? It’s fine 💀
@pvnks0ul @fentibeauty @onyxstones-world @kissvamps @shurislover
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Riri 🎶
- meet me at the studio in 30, im tryna wrap this album up, I got places to be.
You read the text from your phone and feel an arm secure around your barely conscious frame. You feel a pair of lips against the nose of your neck that you used to make you shiver in the best way possible but has begun to bore you.
“Where you going?” Your girlfriend, Tori, grumbles as you begin to shift away from her. You turn around and gently kiss her forehead.
“I got to go to the studio.” You tell her as you sit up on the foot of the bed. You pull a shirt from the floor over your naked body. She wasn’t all that good in bed and she didn’t put you to sleep anyway so you don’t see a point in staying. Your girlfriend sits up and rubs at her bleary eyes.
“Why does she always need you?” She questions with irritation seeping through her words. You sigh again, this isn’t the first time she’s commented on Riri texting you late at night. You know it’s not flirtatious and they’ve interacted enough for your girl to hate your producer.
You can’t blame her. Riri’s naturally flirtatious, not purposefully. But her kindness can be taken a certain way. She’s caring, loving and so damn carefree it blows your mind. She calls everyone pet names and your girlfriend wasn’t too happy about it when she heard ‘baby,’ slip out of her mouth. Riri’s respectful and when she saw the slow twitch in your girl’s eyes so she had laid off the pet names for a while. Now she doesn’t care so much.
When you don’t feel like recording, she lets you take breaks. She doesn’t push your limits too quickly. She makes the best beats she can find, Hell, she gets you into after parties. She’s so damn considerate and so sweet.
“It’s work, let it go. A’ight?” You breathe out, walking towards the mirror and fluffing your flattened Afro. You feel arms wrap around your clad waist and want to pry her off of you.
It’s no longer cute, it’s borderline possessive and it’s taking everything in you not to say something crazy.
“As long as you know.” She shrugs, kissing your shoulder before heading out of the room, towards the kitchen you’re sure. You freshen up, wearing a skirt and boots. You never leave without a bunch of bracelets on your arm and golden hoops.
On your way out, you hear your girlfriend’s voice over her mic as she clicks away at her ps5 that you remember buying after your first check from a concert.
“I’m heading out.” You murmur.
“Yeah- Yeah, see you, babe.” She says, more excited at the video game on the flatscreen T.V than you. She doesn’t even spare a glance as you head out of your apartment. You don’t understand how someone can be so considerate and careless as the same time.
You do well for yourself, you live on a rather expensive side of Chicago now. And you’ve managed to take your girlfriend with her, she doesn’t work. Not now. She says she’ll get there at some point but even you aren’t sure when.
You don’t bother driving to Riri’s penthouse. It’s a nice night out, not too cold or too hot. It’s a simple light breeze and you find yourself finding more inspiration anyway. You receive a couple looks, a couple fans bump into you, begging for signatures and snapping photos of you. You’re new to this, the fame and paparazzi. It’s flattering and nowhere near Invasive just yet.
You finally reach Riri’s penthouse after a fifteen minute walk. You can hear the strumming of guitar chords and once you reach to knock a voice sounds.
“Doors already open.” Riri’s voice mentions. You push the door open to find her sitting in her leather couch. Her apartment is full of warm light, it’s the perfect temperature with all kinds of warm toned colors splattered around it.
“Wassup, Y/N. I like your fit.” Riri smiles. She noticed at least. She has a one-sided smile plastered on her face and a part of you can’t tell if you find it cute because it’s her or just a preference you have. Her braids are gathered in a bun on top of her head with spiraling curls framing her face.
“Preciate it.” You reply. She’s man spreading, dressed in loose sweats and sports bra , like she is nearly 90 % of the time. The public notices too and she’s had numerous comparisons to Adam Sandler. She’s more stylish but she has I-Don‘t-Give-A-Fuck, attitude. You noticed the sparkle in her tongue from the piercing lodged there as she begins to speak.
“I just wanted to go over the album, before everything’s set. Is that alright?” She questions as she stands up. She doesn’t walk towards her studio room, instead she walks towards the fridge across the island counter.
“You want sumn to drink?” She offers.
You already know it’s gonna be a long session.
“That was good, baby.” Riri encourages through the other side of the glass. You feel your face heat up at her compliment. It’s not the first time she’s ever praised you but you have the same reaction every time. You look up to find her with a headset on and relaxed look.
“Do that again, I need you to drag out the vowels a lil longer, f’me. If you nail that then this album is platinum.” She requests while sitting back and placing her hands behind her head. You hear the beat again. It’s slow, sensual and you find yourself rushing a lot.
That’s what this album is supposed to be. Slow. Sensual. It’s what your going for anyway. It’s supposed to be about love, lust and passion. Your supposed to be thinking about your girl. The woman in your home.
But instead you think of her. The woman in front of you, your producer.
You should be be thinking about your girlfriends smile, the soft cologne she wears, her raunchy laugh. But instead you think of Riri, her perfect hair, the vanilla perfume that she sprays on her neck, the softest chuckle she always lets out and that toothy grin. She has the cutest smile you think you’ve ever seen.
“Y/N, sweetheart, you missed the entire thing, you okay?” Riri asks. You snap your eyes up only to find her looking at you. Have her eyes always been this brown?
“I’m okay.”
“Fuckin’ liar, step out the booth, we gon talk this out, ma.” She replies. You want to complain but you do what she tells you anyway. Because truth is, she could tell you anything and you’d do it. And you hate that.
You take a seat next to a rolling chair next to her and focus on the glass covered album covers behind her.
“What’s botherin’ you?” She investigates. You focus on her the different golden rings on her fingers, the way she twists them around her middle and pointer finger.
“Nothing, I just um- I can’t focus.” You admit.
“Yeah? And why is that?” She digs deeper, sitting up so her elbow rests on her knees. Have her arms been so toned? You watch the Cuban link around her move back and forth.
“Is it sumn with yo girl?” She guesses. She takes your silence as a yes. She’s always seemed neutral when it comes to your girlfriend. She doesn’t mention it.
“Y/N, do you love her?” Riri asks.
“I don’t know.” You reply and Riri doesn’t know the reason why your questioning it is because of her. She smiles at you, and you’re sure she’s gonna drop some wisdom.
“Go home…go see her, we have a long day tomorrow, we got an after party. I want you to let loose and have fun.” She encourages as her hand gravitates towards the curve of your left shoulder.
“But the album-“
“I’ll put it together, you’ve given me everything I need.” She insists as she ushers you out. You want to reach out for hug but for some reason that seems to intimate.
“I’ll see you.” She promises and just like that you’re out in the Chicago air again.
Her words stick in your mind.
“you’ve given me everything I need.”
The next morning is busy. You wake yourself up and catch the sunrise but don’t have time to watch it. You run through your skincare routine, in the hopes of not having any breakouts.
You plan out your outfit for tonight, you want something that presents you on the outside. So you settle for a dark black body con dress, some black boots to match and a leather jacket. You’ll pair it with some shades and silver jewelry.
This is technically your first after-party and although it’s not a big deal to many artists, it’s a big deal to you. You’re going to meet so many other artists like you, some that you’ve been admiring for years.
While your in your robe, rubbing cream into your face, arms wrap around your waist like they do nearly every morning.
You wonder what Riri’s morning routine is like. Knowing her, she probably wakes up later than she should and most likely stays in bed. It’s wrong for think of someone else while your have a good girlfriend standing right behind you.
Tori’s stable. Predictable. She’s comfortable. She doesn’t try to make you happy anymore, she doesn’t know what you favor. Hell, she barely listens to your music. But you too, have grown far too comfortable. You know what she likes. You’ve known her since you were both in highschool. It’s too late to back out now.
You lean back in her arms and the smell of her cologne has become unfamiliar, your body and system have become accustomed to the scent of sweet vanilla and warm lavender.
“Want some coffee?” She asks and all you can do is smile and nod. You want Riri, but the guilt is too much. The guilt of leaving Tori would squeeze the life out of you.
She has no one but you. Hell, she moved from New York to Chicago to chase your dreams with you. You can’t have her and Riri at the same time. She hands you your coffee, it’s black and there’s nowhere near enough cream but you smile as you drink. She’s good to you.
Riri is no longer an option, she never should’ve been.
The party is at a high-end club. Filled with artists, big and small. None that you can see because of the lowly dimmed red lights throughout.
Riri 🎶
-wya? I got ppl for you to meet.
You try to text back but you feel a hand squeeze your own and look back to see Tori smiling at you. She isn’t dressed to coordinate your outfit but she still looks good, only in a simple white Tee and cargo pants.
“You look good, babe.” She smiles, kissing your shoulder excitedly. Her hand squeeze yours again. You notice that she has no rings on it. You shake your head out of it and feel her hand loosen up as her body tenses behind you. You aren’t sure why until you lift your head up. You find Riri in front of you, she’s in the middle of conversation and throwing her head back as she laughs.
She looks gorgeous. Beautiful. She’s in an oversized suit with nothing but supple skin underneath and a plunged v-neck. She holds a clear glass of what you think is wine and her face beat with a soft glam which you see due to her braids being pulled in a high pony tail. She has her rings on as usual and her chain. That never changed.
Tori’s hand trails down to rest on your waist as Riri approaches. You do your best not to stare at the space between her breasts.
“Nice to see you two.” She smiles, gold decorating her bottom row of teeth. You hear Tori fake a laugh as you smile.
“Y/N, I got a couple people for you to meet, just let me know when you ready.” She points out with her bottom lip tucked into her mouth. You spin on your heel to look at displeased Tori.
“Go, I’ll meet you later, mhm?” You suggests. She mumbles something under her breath and pulls you in for a kiss. It’s messy and your sure your lip liner is on her own lips. You latch away from her and find a waiting Riri.
“Here you go,” She says as she hands you a glass of wine. The even doesn’t call for it but she doesn’t need you borderline drunk especially if it’s for business.
Throughout the night, she introduced you to everyone she can think of. All of her friends, all of the artists she works with, some big and some small. You don’t notice how many drinks you begin to grab and she eventually has to wrap an arm around your waist to keep you on your feet. You start to lean into her touch for support, grabbing at shockingly toned shoulders and veiny hands.
“I think you’re done with the drinks, baby.” She whispers lowly as she leans into you. She had caught you trying to grab another but stopped you before you had the chance.
“I don’t need you ruining y’image.” She says sternly. The carefree version of her that you know is long-gone. Her face is stern as she guides you to a more empty part of the club. She puts you up against a wall, forcing her hands not to linger as she reaches into the pocket of your leather jacket.
Your mind is hazy, cloudy is a better word for it. You’re beginning to see two of her.
“Y/N, put the pin in.” She orders as she placed the phone in your face. You want to say something to her, tell her that she looks so fucking good. And that you’ve noticed the tattooed lined down her sternum.
“I’m calling Tori for you.” She sighs.
“Don’t, please. Not now.” You murmur as she puts the phone to her ear. You grab the lapels of her jacket and pull her close, so close that you can tell that she’s swapped her vanilla perfume for something more expensive.
“I want you.” You clarify through a croaky voice. Her eyes widen to the size of plates as you lean in, pressing her body to your own. She leans in close, so fucking close you can taste it.
“I’m not gonna be your second choice, Y/N. I refuse to be an option, okay?” She coldly clarifies. It feels like a damn slap to the face.
The distance between the two or you causes her to drop your phone which she quickly picks up anyway.
“Stop, Y/N. I’m callin’.” She insists. She looks…uneasy. She takes a step back, breathing in deeply as she looks at you with the phone to her ear.
“Yeah, man, she tipsy. We on the bottom floor, by the entrance.” She hangs up and slips your phone back into your pocket.
“We won’t mention this, you’re just drunk, you don’t want this, baby. You don’t want me, aight?” She says, like she’s trying to convince you but more-so herself. She smiles, hoping that it spreads onto your face but it doesn’t. She brings your hand to her lips and for the first time her lips touch your skin. You’ll never forget it. The coldness of her rings, the softness of her fingertips and the callouses on her palm.
“Go home, ma. I’ll see you.” She says with a sad smile that’s etched itself into your mind. She blends in with the lights the further she walks away from you and all you want to do is call for her but you hear Tori’s voice sound form behind you.
“Let me take you home.” She suggests, interlocking her bare fingers with the one that Riri just kissed. Your hand feels gross now, and you can feel the sweat that’s accumulated on your palm.
She kisses your temple but no matter where she kisses you. It won’t compare to the softest one you’ve ever received.
You agree to let her take you home. That’s the good choice. Tori’s the good choice. But if she is then why doesn’t it feel so fucking wrong?
You wake up the next morning with a slight headache but that’s not the worse part. The worse part is that you remember every single part you of last night. You remember Riri, her outfit, her voice, her kiss.
“You got real tipsy.” Tori murmurs as she rubs your back. You’re leaned over the bathroom sink with watery eyes and an angry stomach.
“I bet.” You murmur. You’ve always been a lightweight so even you don’t understand why you decided to get wine drunk last night.
“Yeah and uh- I’ll give you some space.” Tori says, leaving you with your thoughts.
You luckily, never end up puking your guts out but the nausea never leaves. Not becomes of the alcohol but because of the genuine anxiety from last night. You try to get some sleep but you never do.
Two days after the party you find Riri in her studio. She hasn’t spoken a word about the club. It’s like it’s been wiped from her brain. She keeps calling you pet names and has the softest smile on your face you swear you lose synapses by the second.
But you can’t play along. You’re not sure you want to. You’re seated right next to her with your album playing. The open room feels so stuffy.
And today there are no songs to finish up, or to record. All you two have to do is go over your album. Every song there is. And her favorite song begins to play. It’s your least favorite, more vulnerable than you’d like, it’s not your best work. You named it Seen, again, not your best work, not the most thought out.
“We should scrap that.” You murmur. It’s too intimate, and you’re beginning to hate it. Especially since Riri’s the one hearing it.
“Nah, let it play.” She sighs. All she would really need is a blunt to relax her. You stare at her, admiring her side profile while she closes her eyes. You know it’s about her. The song is about her. All of the nights she spent thinking of lyrics and love, were spent thinking around Riri. You watch her visibly relax, her abs tensing on every inhale and chest rising on every exhale.
Her eyes meet yours before you can finish your sentence.
“I know…I was hoping you had forgotten, Y/N.” She says, nearly whispering into the air. You’re so tired of having to settle. Riri doesn’t let you, she doesn’t let you settle for bad brand deals, bad concerts, bad programs. You don’t think about any what if’s, what cons there are in your career because as of now she’s done everything in her power so you don’t have to.
"You've given me a lot, Y/N. But I grew up watching my parents and the love they got...There's no one else for them, there's no other choice. They're meant to be...I want nothing less. I don't want to be the other woman." She murmurs, her eyes low as she stares ahead. You remain silent because there's nothing you can think of saying. "Ion know how you feel bout Tori, I know you want me...But it's not difficult to want someone, You don't want me more than you want Tori," But you do. "I don't like this, being confused. You want me but you still with her..." She exhales before continues. " I can't accept that and neither should you." Your song has stopped playing for a long time. She still doesn't turn her head to look at you. Your phone buzzes in your pocket and both of you know who's calling. Riri knows you'll pick up. She knows now that you'll always pick Tori and seeing it will only solidify her thoughts. Tori's good, She's stable. She's everything you need. She should be enough. If that's the case why do you constantly need to remind yourself. You put the phone to your ear and watch Riri shift a little in her chair. Within two minutes, you're walking towards her apartment door. You don't say anything but before you can walk too far, she speaks. "Get home safe." ...
Within days, your album charts in the top 10 on Spotify and Apple music. Your phone blows with congratulation messages from people you love, people dear to you, people you haven't spoken to in years and exes that you have forgotten to block. While you're in the car with Tori, your least favorite song begins to play on the Radio. Today has been so confusing. It's been the worst day and best day of your life. There's nothing scarier than being vulnerable especially to millions of people worldwide. "This song is real cute, Who's it about?" Tori grins, confident that the song is all about her. Then your heart sinks and you realize that out of the hundreds of messages, you really only wanted to see one. Your eyes begin to burn with tears and your phone pings. Speak of the devil.
Riri 🎶
- congrats, y/n. you deserve it :)
You put your phone down and in your pocket, forcing a smile on your face.
“You.” You murmur and it excites the woman next to you but she doesn’t know who lingers in your mind. She never will.
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what y'all think?
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axailslink · 1 year
"Don't look over there. Look at me"
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Your honor they're girlfriends and we're their devoted wives.
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inmyheadimobsessed · 1 year
I Don't Play Nice
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pairing: riri ✘ black!fem!reader
summary: don't fuck fans. this was your rule. unfortunately though, the development of this rule came only after you'd done just that. and now, you cannot seem to outrun your mistake.
word count: longg <3
contains: singer!reader, obsessed!fan!riri, mean!reader, semi mean!riri, possessive!riri, jealous!riri, ooc riri, tbh riri herself is a warning, toxic dynamics, some darkish themes?, mentions of stalking, smut (18+), dom!reader, sub!riri, bratty!riri, riri is mouthy & very unhinged, oral, choking, knife play (riri loves her knife), light nipple play, mentions of blood, car sex, public sex?, strap!reader, fingering (riri receiving), multiple orgasms, overstimulation, dirty talk, spanking, crying, biting, pain!kink, masturbation, strap sucking (barely), use of drugs (pills), rough sex
tags: @verachii @venusdraco @quintessencewrites @cjariot @widowmakker @blackgcomica @n7cje @dejaonline @shinsousliya @generallysapphic @mbakuetshurisprincess @pinkwright @saintwrld @axailslink @mocha-aya @uhwhatsay @6-noir @cuddl3s4shur1 @chidinma @shuriszn @lppriceisright @sweetalittleselfish-honey @abenomeiiii @marsolgy @prettymrswright @shurisjournal @marsolgy @shurismainbxtch @shurisbbymama @shuriri4life @cafehyunji @yunhofingers @yamsthoughts @iseebeautyinwords @ihearttish @vampzxi @sapphicvqmpires
divider by: @firefly-graphics
note: uhhhh, just stay with me, walk with me!!! see it the way i’m seeing it first!!! the car scene/smut is heavily inspired by ohmami by chase atlantic & maggie lindemann, i've had that song on repeat for weeks just sitting in my ideas. i would suggest listening to it to understand some of the references lol. other songs that inspired this fic: misunderstood - kodie shane, don't fight it - kodie shane, f&mu - kehlani, triggered - chase atlantic, off my head - kodie shane and then ohmami last. also this is dedicated to that anon who was screaming in my askbox for sub!riri for like a month, i saw you fren. i had too much fun writing this even though it killed my brain, i didn't even think i was gon post it fr. but anywhoo, hope y'all enjoy! mwah, mwah!!
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Bright neon lights illuminated the stage, your crimson-hued silhouette resembling that of a deity from where you stood, bathing in the crowd’s continuous chant of your name. There were distinguishable cracks in the voices rushing you, throats more than likely sore from the ear-piercing screams bellowing out of them, yet still, they endured, glazed eyes stalking you in sheer adoration. Your audience clung to your every lyric, your every move down to the bounce of your sweaty curls as you pranced around the stage.
You were in your element, entrancing their minds with a power you had yet to grow used to.
In your chest, your heart gained life, its thump a deafening pound resounding in your ears; if the beating were any louder, the microphone clasped in your fist would surely pick it up. But it was yours to hear, just like the sensation of your stomach in your throat was yours to feel — the absence of your mind yours to know.
Calling your love for performing an addiction would be an understatement. You were your most authentic self on stage, every surge of adrenaline dosing the high you were jonesing for. Your confidence blossomed, not as a mirage, but as the most corporeal entity your body could conjure up, differing greatly from your branded media persona of an arrogant, entitled, asshole.
These were titles intended to condemn following the very messy breakup with your now ex-girlfriend, renowned actress Syla Slate. Gorgeous, talented, beloved by all of America; she was their sweetheart, so naturally, she won the public’s favor in the split. But your resilience had been a thing miscounted, and woefully so; you wore your scarlet letters with honor, refusing to clear up rumors surrounding your infidelity.
If there were words to be said, feelings to unpack, you would express them on the stage before the thousands of people holding your word as bond, which happened to be the exact thing you did now.
“London!” You commanded the audience with outstretched arms, your very presence eliciting a thunderous uproar. “I ain't think y'all could get any louder.”
The drove of onlookers read your disbelief as a challenge, shouts climbing the arena walls as the sharp octave punctured your eardrums.
You popped out your in-ears, unable to halt the slow smile stretching across your features. You were proud, proud that they risked the health of their voices just to hear yours. “Well alright, I guess y’all could get louder.”
They chuckled as a collective, making you follow suit, “I got one more song for you lot. That's what y’all be saying over here, right? You lot? Shidd, my southern ass wouldn't know,” They laughed again at your terrible rendition of a British accent. “Anyway, like I was saying, I got one more song, y’all cool with that?”
Just as you expected, shriek after shriek bled into one another, melding to create a boisterous sound that expanded around the O2 Arena, and you let your smile broaden as you secured your microphone back into its stand. “Ooh, y’all sound excited!”
The slowed tempo of your closing track began its waft, filling the speakers, the ears of your admirers, and your system all at once. They recognized the beat within seconds, the bass now competing with their cries.
A little bit of that arrogance you chose not to refute came peeking through as you adjusted your mic stand, “Oh y'all know this one, huh?” And they yelled again, satisfying you.
You shut your eyes, expiring a shaky breath into the grille of the mic in preparation, allowing the music to seize hold of you. Your digits trembled around the mouthpiece, and your rings scraped the surface.
Complicated, I shouldn't ever have to feel this way.
Instinctively, the lyrics vacated your mouth, and instinctively, your sockets began to well. You fought the tears, keeping your lids tight in protest of the tumble they threatened.
But, every time I try to up and walk away,
You come around and start to love me, love me better.
Your emotions and your wet eyes were both the epitome of irony. How many shows had you closed with this very song? Why were the waterworks threatening to spill now?
Complicated, I shouldn't ever have to feel this way
Perhaps they were due to the truth stewing inside you. Tonight wasn't just the last show of your tour, it would be your last live performance for a while. You would be leaving your heart on this stage tonight. A difficult decision made, but a necessary one nonetheless. Perhaps this was your body attempting to accept this fact.
Every time I try to up and walk away,
You make a promise that you'll love me, love me better
Love me, love me better
After a moment, your eyes fluttered open and the tears swelling your orbs rained down, fogging your vision. You loosened your strangle on the mic, only now realizing how tight you held to it. As you gazed at the sea of bodies, you noted their red eyes and damp cheeks. They were screaming your song back at you, your lyrics dragging through the air.
It wasn't uncommon to witness your fans crying at your shows; your music overwhelmed them; their connection to you overwhelmed them, and the vulnerability birthed from this emotional exchange overwhelmed you.
I think I'd rather just be misunderstood,
Found out your love ain't no good.
You took in the masses, scanning their dazed smiles as you continued to sing, and that's when you saw her.
Through the mist in your eyes, she emerged out of nothingness. Clad in lace, sporting that devilish smirk that curdled your blood, wearing those dark irises brewed to the brim with mischief. You could always pick her out in any crowd, which looking back, had been the commencement of your own undoing.
Had me at hello, got me with a kiss, left me in abyss.
She swayed to the music, mouthing the words with those dangerous fucking lips. Lips that could ruin your life with a single utterance, lips that did ruin your life, your relationship.
When you finally let your eyes meet, she bared her white teeth, taunting you in that way she often did. You were seething and she knew it, her swift little wink a testament to her knowledge.
You should turn away, rip your gaze from hers, focus on the tear-stained faces in the audience. You should ignore the abrupt shift in your heart’s thump, how it rattled in rage now at an uncomfortable rate. You shouldn't allow her to get to you just by simply existing.
Don’t want my heart cold, so I took it off of my neck and my wrist.
But, in an arena sculpted to house twenty thousand, a lone Riri Williams faded your performance high just by being.
God she was maddening, and inescapable it seemed, no matter the continent you ventured to. To the rest of the world, it'd look like you were serenading her in a bubble where just the two of you existed, but you both knew better. Your anger was palpable to her alone, something she counted on; you’d played this game of hers long enough to hone certain skills, like how to bury your building fury. Your muscles tensed, your knees locked in place as you returned to choking the mic yet again, sizzling under your elevating temperature.
You sang through your irritation though, spitting your venomous lyrics directly in her face as she watched, amused. She wouldn't ruin this parting performance for you.
Found out it was mostly lust but not love.
You kept your eyes on her for the duration of the song, earning jealous stares from the other girls rallying around her, their own hopes of soliciting your gaze made obvious. They were shoving, and yelling, yanking the barricade aggressively, yet still, all your focus lay on Riri. It's what she hoped for, to ensure chaos, to make it obvious she did not need to vie for your attention, she just… simply had it.
You were strengthening her pride, the last thing you sought to do, but looking away from her proved to be impossible.
Complicated, I shouldn't ever have to feel this way.
But, every time I try to up and walk away,
You come around and start to love me, love me better,
Love me, love me better…
Confetti raining from the heavens emulated her skin's shine, golden and distracting, the showers causing you to rip your stare away from her briefly. When the dust settled, she’d vanished, disappearing like she'd never existed, and you couldn't help but chuckle to yourself with a head shake.
“London, thank you, I love you. I’m gonna miss you!”
With that, the lights dimmed, giving you time to evacuate the stage swiftly and stealthily. Off you went, mind still muddled with the smugness she wore on her features as she gawked at you with feral eyes.
Riri being in town meant trouble, and you wanted no fucking part in whatever she had planned.
After leaving the venue your entire body felt numb and fatigued, so you instructed your driver to take you straight back to your hotel. Typically, your routine concluding a performance would involve saying hello to fans who stayed behind after the show, you'd done it countless times, but not tonight. With Riri on the loose, you couldn't chance running into her anywhere, not in your current state of exhaustion. If she was to meet you this way, you were ashamed to admit that it would take zero effort on her part to coax you into doing whatever she wished.
You weren't too tired to be furious though, allowing the emotion to take precedence over your shame; you intended to use said fury to venture as far away from Riri Williams' deranged ass as you could manage.
The length of your silent car ride was spent with your head propped on the cool window, pondering her being in London. You didn't have to question her why; Riri fought valiantly to be wherever you were, but her how, that remained somewhat of a mystery.
How was it plausible for her to be in Europe right now? Her finals should be consuming the majority of her time, clashing with the schedule for the last leg of your tour. You knew this because you planned this.
For the first fifteen stops, there were no tour buses broken into, no dressing room locks tampered with, your shows remained uninterrupted, and you hadn't had to suffer through your usual internal battle when facing off with your biggest weakness. All was fine until tonight, your final concert.
How convenient, you thought, though you supposed her powers should in no way surprise you anymore. You knew the things Riri was capable of, experienced the fate of her actions.
Which was why you decided a quiet night in your hotel would be your chosen way of decompressing. When you pulled up to where you were staying, you shot your manager a text informing her you would not be attending the after-party thrown in your honor. Parties meant paparazzi and their intrusive questions about your relationship, or rather, the lack thereof. But most annoyingly, parties meant Riri, and her covert ways of always weaseling past security at events she presumed you to be at.
And you would pass on dealing with either scenario tonight.
The elevator chimed, doors sliding open on your floor and you stepped out, trotting swiftly toward your suite with a hot shower in mind, one that would rinse away your stressors.
Upon unlocking the door though, there was an immediate sense of something being off, the instinct an acquired habit after your colossal mistake of intertwining your life with Riri's. Every day since you'd been made to look over your shoulder. You stalked deeper into your room, eyes trailing to your rumpled white comforter pulled back as though someone had lain in your sheets.
Before you left that morning, you'd made your bed, another acquired habit, this one drilled into you by your grandmother growing up, and one you practiced diligently when sleeping in threads that weren't your own.
So naturally, with the sight laid out before you, your mind ran straight to the only person you knew could be responsible. The pillow on the right side of the bed was dented, and one of your silk button-ups from a previous concert sat in a pool on the carpet. You bent over to pick it up, pulling it to your nose for a deep inhale to find that you were indeed correct; the intoxicating aroma of Riri's perfume misted the fabric, forcing an unintentional smirk to crack across your lips. You battled against its appearance and lost, as usual.
She was here, in your room, in your bed, wearing your clothes. And recently too, her floral scent still lingering on your linens serving as proof. Your eyes rolled on command, but you decided to ignore the knowledge you'd just gained, mind still set on that well-earned shower. You figured you could still get to it, if Riri had still been around, her presence would've been made known the moment you stepped through the threshold.
Her absence indicated one thing though; she wanted you to come find her, but you wouldn't play into her hand. You were far too tired, and far too over her games.
You began a leisure strip, stepping out of your leather pants and dressing down to your undergarments before making your way to the bathroom. You stopped short when your toes met the tiled floor, gawking at the scene awaiting your attention.
Scarlet petals floated atop long departed waters, blanketing the bath that had now run cold. They were scattered across the floor as well, and the lasting whiff of outed lavender candles filled the air. A discarded bra hung off the side of the tub, matching panties too, and you sighed, stepping on the torn roses as you walked further into the bathroom. She sure knew how to make herself at home.
When you stood before the sink, your eyes dropped instantly to the counter, glued to the promiscuous polaroids littered across it.
Every last one of Riri, every last one taken in your bed. Your shirt draped her body in some, the golden shade making her skin pop beneath the material, mimicking the confetti from earlier. But she was fully naked in most, bare breasts and nipple jewelry exposed with her perfectly manicured fingers playing in her pretty cunt. You picked them up one by one, examining the images further.
The angles were impressive, you couldn't lie, and you appreciated her effort. Like her position in the picture your thumb grazed now; Riri was bent over, ass high in the air, her dripping folds glistening in the perfect shot.
The more time spent gaping at the photos, the stickier your underwear became, clinging to your own saturated cunt. Riri's effect on you wasn't some unknown thing, you were aware of it, she was damn sure aware of it, and these polaroids displayed below you were her version of a reminder, but you chose to stare anyway, reveling in the building throb at your center.
In the final one, her locs cloaked her shoulders, slightly shielding her nipples from your view. But your focus did not lie there, instead, the hefty-looking purple toy rammed into her tight hole stole your attention. It stretched her wide, the pleasure causing her head to sling backward, and those pretty lips to part, forming the most pitiful little 'o' you'd ever seen.
It was this shot that compelled your hand's betrayal, your shower partially forgotten as you slipped your digits beneath the waistband of your panties. One stroke of your swelling clit had your throat craning, imitating Riri's in the photo, a rugged moan slipping free as you splashed around in your wetness, eyes fluttering in response to the sensation.
Before you could really delve into pleasuring yourself though, you glanced at the mirror, reading the words written on it, words you'd somehow missed upon entry.
You rolled your eyes and freed your damp hands from your pussy, arousal on a mission to flee your body. It was replaced instead, by your previous rush of agitation as you reread her cheeky message.
“Did you miss me?” Scribbled across the glass in ruby-red lipstick, the question enclosed in her literal kisses.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
In an interesting twist of events, you'd found yourself in the hotel bar nursing a rum and coke with your thumb looming over a poorly typed text message, those photos still weighing heavy on your head.
Under steaming streams meant to wash her likeness away, your pussy had a vastly different idea in mind, wrangling your fingers in on the plan against your will as you fucked yourself to the thought of her. You came harder than you had in weeks, though the orgasm did nothing to relax your spinning mind.
That's what the alcohol was for, or, what it was supposed to be for anyway.
You’d wandered downstairs in disgrace, desperately needing to drink your actions away. But rather than the escape you chased after, you were met with only more shame at the bottom of your glass. It was your single drink that prompted the idea of texting Syla. A risky move, and a cliché at that, texting your ex the second a drop of liquor kissed your lips. But, you’d done worse things, quite literally moments before drafting the unsent message you still stared at.
You supposed it was the guilt of your shower excursions truly driving your choice. She deserved an explanation for everything, a proper one, and providing that hadn't been an accessible opportunity over the past few months. She was busy on set, and you were on tour, battling the everlasting presence of the demon at fault for your parting.
Riri Williams.
You'd met her a year and a half ago, when your career was on the climb, and the line of girls willing to do whatever you wanted on the promise of a good fuck and a shot at being your next video vixen was unending. You never delivered on the latter part of that promise, but after experiencing the former, they hadn't the capability to mind much.
It was a routine you developed, sleeping with girls after every show, slutting them out, then sending them on their merry ways immediately after. So when the girl with full lips and sinful eyes caught your attention in a Chicago crowd, you knew immediately she was to be your next conquest.
She was alluring, unsettlingly so as she bopped to your singing with a smirk hanging off her blood-red lips. Danger lurked beneath that smirk, lying wait, and you took notice. It should've been your first sign to steer clear of the menacing beauty, but, you were stubborn by nature, and evidently your own worst enemy. So you stooped on the stage, extended your hand to meet hers, laced your fingers together, and sent the audience into a frenzy when you dedicated your celebratory ode to the soul foretold to doom your life.
Riri was the first of your plethora of playthings able to keep up with your stamina. She was fucking feral, and insatiable, hell-bent on riding your strap off of its harness. You weren't ashamed at the time to admit she was the best you’d ever had, and that was only after one night together.
You hadn't even questioned her appearances at multiple gigs and events afterward; you were way too gone off the sex to notice the sprouting problem. Much like performing, you were developing an addiction to her, and the heat between her thighs. Submerging your tongue deep within her wet walls provided the same jolt of adrenaline you received from being on stage, if not more. Bending her over to demolish her from the back got you higher than the chants from thousands of fans ever would.
When you finally did come up for air long enough to acknowledge your predicament, it had been far too late. You began to pull away, wanting to wean yourself off of the drug that was Riri. But she wasn't going for that.
Where you tried dousing your addiction into a dwindling flame, Riri's obsession flourished like a forest fire.
Denying her access to yourself was possibly the worst decision you could have ever made. It didn't stop her from finding your studio, damaging your car engine and conveniently being nearby to help fix it, she even went as far as getting jobs at the venues you played just so she could see you, only to quit directly after your set.
Her ways of maneuvering were mind-boggling, frustrating you to your very core because no matter the effort you poured into it, leaving Riri alone was a task you found to be formidable. She'd show up, and you'd give in. Every. Single. Time.
All of that came to a crashing halt when she obtained your home address, deciding to break in as some grand romantic gesture to “win you back.” You didn't read it that way, obviously, and you branded her a lunatic who had no part in your life. You fucked her like she was nothing and sent her packing, threatening a restraining order if she didn't leave you alone from then on.
Dating Syla forced you to make good on that threat. Your relationship was fairly new at the time, but you liked her enough to want to keep Riri miles and miles away from her. You were at a place of contentment in your career, the need to collect a harem of women washed from your system after the nightmare of your last encounter, and peace seemed like an obtainable thing, or at least some semblance of it, with Riri gone for good.
It's what she allowed you to believe anyway, until she'd apparently had enough of watching you be happy with a woman who wasn't her.
You'd received a text composed of the same words signed across the mirror upstairs.
Did you miss me?
And it wasn't much longer before Syla was on the line, screaming obscenities at you through the phone.
“Lying bitch.”
“Cheating ass hoe.”
“Fucking slut.”
“We're Done.”
She hung up without letting you get a word of defense in, leaving you more so angry than heartbroken. Because it was undeniable that the cause of Syla's unrest and the text on your screen somehow coincided. A truth confirmed when your phone started dinging off the hook.
Riri liked to take flicks.
“To commemorate the moment.” She'd say, and it had already been discovered that telling her no wasn't a thing you could do, so you always let her pull the camera out, far too turned on by the idea of your own personal collection of home movies with Riri in your phone.
In hindsight, you should've guessed they'd come back to bite you in the ass eventually, despite Riri's accomplished skill to manipulate. How she'd managed to convince you the tapes existed in your phone alone was embarrassingly beyond you.
Because there they all were, coming through one by one as you sat on the edge of your bed, dumbfounded.
Syla had forwarded every piece of incriminating evidence that backed up her accusations to you. There were dozens of photos, dozens of videos, all of you and Riri over the year she spent in and out of your sheets. None of them recent, but that ceased to matter. Your girlfriend had seen images of your strap down Riri's throat, watched videos of her back arching impressively for you. And your words; her ears were exposed to the vulgar phrases you hissed as you fucked Riri senseless, phrases you'd never once mouthed to her in the bedroom.
Which was why your conscience scolded you so, because the hurt dampening her words that day was unmistakable for anything else. Yet, you ignored that fact in the shower, huffing Riri's name as you permitted a climax brought on by her image to rattle your bones.
You sighed, finally hitting send on the message just as the bartender approached you, “Oof, you look like you could use another one of those. My shift ends soon, but I could make you another if you'd like.”
Her name tag read Esperanza. Pretty, you thought, a pretty name for a pretty girl. Almost pretty enough to tempt a yes out of you, “Could you ask me again, preferably in an accent that isn't as attractive as yours so I can say no? Because I really, really wanna say no.”
She laughed when you groaned in frustration, rewarding you with a blinding smile that unexpectedly heated your cheeks, “I mean I could, my Swedish accent is pretty terrible, that might work. But I won't, seeing as it's in the job description to seduce guests into buying more alcohol with my voice.”
“Is it?” You questioned with a small smirk.
“Yeah. Especially the pretty American ones like yourself.”
You opened your mouth, fully prepared to retort with something equally as flirtatious, but then your phone buzzed in your palm, capturing your attention as your eyes fell to the device in hopes of seeing Syla's name lighting the screen, only to be met with disappointment.
You wanna fuck that bitch or something?
The number unknown, but the sender was far from.
“Would you excuse me?” You spoke finally and Esperanza nodded, returning to her business of cleaning the counter down.
You stood up from the stool with darting eyes, scanning the bar for any signs of her presence but to no avail. When your phone rang, you answered it without a second thought.
“Where are you?”
Soon, Riri’s permanently teasing voice chimed in your ears, “Hi baby, you miss me?”
She giggled, and you imagined her somewhere twirling her hair around her finger, smiling innocently to herself.
You huffed into the mic, already beyond irritated with her antics, “Riri, where are you?”
“Ugh, baby, why you always so hostile?”
“I told you to stop fucking calling me that.”
“Don't be mean to me. I'm sensitive, baby.” You could hear the frown in her voice, the way her tone took a dive indicating she'd been truly hurt by your words, which only annoyed you more.
“No, you're fucking crazy.” She paused, just like you'd anticipated, and you listened for her intake of breath, smirking when the faint sound of her gasp blessed you. You knew her eye twitched like it always did, you just wished you had the pleasure of witnessing it for yourself.
“I don't like that word.” Her declaration blew through the speaker cold as ice.
You dragged your hand over your face, losing the patience you barely had to begin with. “Riri, what do you want?”
“Did you see my pictures, baby?” Just like that, she did away with the chill lacing her voice, returning it to its usual chipper pitch. “Did you like them? I figured you'd need something to… relax you after your big performance. You did so well by the way, I’m proud of you.”
The thrill that shot through you from her praise would have to go ignored, because you weren't trying to deal with any of your conflicting emotions for the psychotic girl on the other end of the call. “What do you want from me?”
“You and Esperanza looked cozy flirting at the bar. Can't say I wasn't jealous, you never talk to me like that. But if you like her, I could help get y’all together, give you a helping hand and shit. Now that you single.” She giggled slightly after finishing her last sentence.
You turned, eyeing the bar once again. It was mostly empty, save for the three girls in a corner booth, the security guard posted at the door, and yourself. Esperanza had left it seemed, clocking out like she promised, leaving you alone with the ghost of Riri on your line.
You rolled your eyes, remembering how you still suffered the ramifications from the last time she felt inclined to offer a helping hand, “Your crazy ass blew up my fucking relationship and you think I want your help?”
She remained silent for a lengthy amount of time, almost tricking you into believing the line went dead. It wasn't until you were lowering the phone from your ear that she cleared her throat, and you braced yourself for impact. “She could never satisfy you and you fucking know it. You ain't even like her for real, you just wanted a new bitch laid up under you after I stopped giving you access to this pussy baby.”
If the word delusional existed as a person, her name would be Riri Williams.
“You're fucking insane do you know that? Like something is genuinely wrong with you if you think–”
Riri cut you off, “Let's not forget I wasn't alone in our little movies baby. You can't blame your fuck ass relationship failing all on me, because if I remember correctly, you was the one holding the camera while you was blowing my shit, wasn't you?”
Your throat dried, your vision reddened, and your phone shook inside your fist. You couldn't speak because there were no words to be said. “Ri–”
“You know what? I change my mind, I won't help you with Esperanza after all. I like having you to myself anyway. You still want me, and with ole girl out the picture, we can go back to how we used to be.”
“Tell me where the fuck you are Riri.” There was a thud on her end, one that you also heard inside the bar. She was definitely somewhere close.
She tsked, “Nuh-uh baby, you gotta come find me. I got a surprise for you.”
And she hung up the phone, the beep forcing an exasperated sigh from your lips as you stood hopeless in the middle of the bar.
For as long as you’d known Riri, she'd always been obsessed with the never-ending game of hide and seek she trapped you in, forcing the role of being it on you every time. She wanted you scouring the hotel for her while she waited, sitting pretty in whatever cranny she'd made herself comfortable in. She wanted you to do what you always did when you inevitably smoked her out of hiding: punish her for her bad behavior.
Fuck what she wanted.
You wouldn't give in, not this time, and what better way to ensure this case than leaving the hotel entirely? It was late, the night breeze dry as the valet pulled your brand new Ferrari GTC4Lusso around the front, the street lights reflecting off its bold cherry tint. A destination was the furthest thing from your mind when you climbed inside the car, but truthfully, you didn't require one. Driving was merely a ploy to put some distance between you and Riri.
The car’s rumble when you pulled off wasn't one loud enough to drown out your screaming thoughts, much to your dismay. You’d hoped, at the very least, that the revving engine, and the openness of the endless motorway you were now zipping down recklessly, would be enough to dampen your anger. But alas, vexation was an ever-present emotion whenever you found yourself in proximity to her, or rather, when she forced proximity between the pair of you, and it didn't emerge for the reasons you wished it did.
Your adrenaline was rocketing, heart rate spiking in tandem with the numbers on the dash as your toes pushed into the pedal, but despite all this, your sour mood remained. Because you could not discredit Riri's infuriating claim; you wanted her still. You'd endured months without her, abiding by the useless lies that failed to convince you otherwise. That lust for her taste lingered, that lust for her feel, all of it.
Lust that Syla could never satiate, and you often got the sense she wasn't heedless to that truth.
“Fuck!” You cursed aloud, eyes flickering to your dinging phone screen colored in her text messages.
You almost reached for the device resting in the mount, crippling guilt once again driving your decision-making. But you reminded yourself you were behind the wheel, just as an identifiable sensation against your bobbing larynx sent a chilling shiver down your spine, and molded you still in your seat. Briefly, cautiously, you allowed your eyes to leave the road, causing the car to swerve unintentionally into another lane when your gaze became acquainted with the object pinning you down. Beautiful, black, and blinding; the razor-edged blade tacked to your flesh was accompanied by the sweetest pain, and a deeply sultry voice. “We don't text and drive, baby. Leave the bitch on delivered.”
When she spoke, it irritatingly settled your breathing, but not enough to assist you in regaining control of the steering wheel clutched in your fists. There were other cars on the road honking at your continued shifting, but what could you really do when there was an insane girl holding a knife to your throat as you drove? “Riri...”
“I told you to come find me and you didn't.” She spat harshly. Just your fucking luck, she was upset.
“Riri, Ima crash this fucking car if you don't move that shit from my throat.”
She ignored you of course, opting to press the knife in harder. If it were her goal, she could break through skin, the choking pressure indicative of the power she wielded, and in any other circumstance you'd probably be enjoying her lethal way of incapacitating you. “Why didn't you come find me? I was waiting for you.”
“I'm not finna play this game with your psychotic ass tonight Riri. I said fucking move that shit.”
Once again, your cry fell on deaf ears. She kept her hand looped around the driver's seat, knife firm in her fingers as she tightened her grip on the decorative, golden handle.
You listened to her airy exhale, flinched beneath its warmth when it plowed into your expecting cheek, and it was then that you allowed your glare to capture hers in the rearview mirror. Her lips, pouty and red-stained, twitched at the corners, morphing into a foreboding smirk that traveled straight up to her smoky eyes. Eyes that were deep, eyes that were dark, and exceedingly dangerous; like a void you were destined to forever fall victim to.
Riri launched her body forward, nibbling on your bare earlobe. “You're being mean again baby. Real mean for somebody with a knife pressed to they throat right now.”
The sting from the blade began to heighten, building into a burn so glorious, it shot through your limbs, and you found yourself inadvertently tilting your head backward to relish in the hurt.
“I could slit your fucking throat right now and you wouldn't even be quick enough to stop me.”
Words of your own were difficult to come by, you were entirely consumed with combatting the violent throb increasing in your pants, all amidst your efforts to keep you both alive in the drifting Ferrari, but it seemed your soul was the only one inside the car yearning to live another day. “Ri–”
“Just kidding!” The dagger levitated, undoing its imprint in your flesh, and you coughed, one hand instantly flying up to your bruised throat while the other remained on the wheel, regaining full control of the vehicle.
She planted a long, sloppy kiss on your cheek before climbing over into the passenger seat, giggling all the while.
“Jesus fucking Christ Riri, what the actual fuck?!” You spared her a glance, of course she was grinning.
“Were you scared for your life, baby?” She giggled again, biting her lip as she tried reaching for your phone, but you smacked her hand away before she could get to it. “Rude!”
You sighed, “How the hell did you get in here, Riri?”
“Mmm, semantics.” She huffed, seemingly bored.
You relaxed, eyes fixed back on the road now that you were somewhat confident Riri wouldn't be slicing you open. Your muscles loosened and you fell into a leisure position, tossing an irritated scowl her way. “What are you doing in London? You should be at school. Don't you have finals and shit?”
“Aww, look at you all concerned about my studies. You're so cute, baby.” You tried your hardest not to cringe at the pet name and the heat it churned inside your abdomen. “But, obviously I had to see you. You all single now, your tour just ended, and you announced that hiatus, I didn't know when I'd get the chance again. Aren't you happy I'm here?”
“Not at all.”
She frowned, “That's not funny.”
“I wasn't tryna be fucking funny, you shouldn't be here.”
You hadn't needed to see her face to know a smirk played in her features. “You didn't think that lil restraining order was gon stretch all the way across the pond did you? They don't got jurisdiction over me out here baby. I can be as close to you as I want.”
You groaned inwardly, unaware of who you were truly annoyed with; Riri and her actions, or yourself for being so damn turned on listening to her insane logic. She was correct, because you knew that her stunt with Syla wasn't a one-off, and you'd eventually be seeing her again.
Riri was immensely smart, so it made sense that she waited until you were no longer on American soil to corner you, and making you think you'd finally escaped her by being in Europe had to certainly be part of her plan as well. Fuck, why was her conniving nature so damn sexy?
“How did you get in my car?” You asked again.
“I'm not that big, and you should know by now that I'm very…” Riri paused, deliberating on the word she wished to use. “Efficient, when it comes to getting into places I probably shouldn't be in.”
“Yeah, cause you're crazy.”
You could see Riri's body turning towards you in your peripheral, she bent her knees in the seat, eyes locked on your form as she skillfully maneuvered her knife in between her digits. “You like your tongue, baby?”
She sneered, “Your tongue. Do you like it?”
“The fuck are–”
“Cause I like your tongue. When it's inside me, when it's rolling over my clit. Yeah, I actually kinda love your tongue, and I really, really want you to keep it.” She surged forward with a quickness, almost diving the point of her ebony dagger through your jugular. “So Ima suggest you stop fucking calling me that shit, I'd hate to have to cut it out.”
All you could do was roll your eyes. “Dramatic ass.”
“And you love it.” She plopped back into the seat with a satisfied smile, extending her legs so they now rested in your lap, to which you did not protest.
Riri giggled, reaching into the bosom of her dress to retrieve a small, clear baggie harboring those circular blue pills that she loved so much. Her wet tongue awaited the tablet's arrival, extending out of her mouth in preparation for its landing. And you turned, one hand on the wheel as you watched a gradual cerulean bleed cover her tastebuds. “Want one?”
“No.” All your attention shifted back to the road and your lack of destination. You'd left the hotel to get away from Riri, yet here you were, essentially taking a fucking joyride with her after she broke into your brand-new car.
“Ugh, lame.” She stashed the pills back inside her titties, once again reaching for your phone, and this time you didn't stop her. “Can I put my song on?”
Your brow quirked, “Your song?”
Riri nodded, “Yes, my song. The song you wrote for me!”
“You think I give enough of a fuck about your deranged ass to write a song about you?” You did, write a song about her that was, a couple in fact. All of them about your reprehensible escapades with the groupie who wouldn't leave you alone, the groupie who you couldn't leave alone.
Your entanglement with Riri had managed to bypass public perception, the only thing you executed correctly when it came to her, so her name had never been in the running when the speculations of who your last album could've been about arose. You knew she'd figure it out though, because of course she would.
She kicked your thigh, causing you to smack her ankle in retaliation. “You do. I'm your muse.”
You bellowed a hearty, sarcastic laugh. "My muse? Oh, you're very unwell, Riri." She pointed the blade your way as a warning, causing you to grin triumphantly. "And which song you think I wrote about you?”
“Don't play dumb baby, you can't pull that shit off.” Riri placed your phone back into its holder, her lips curling into a bashful smile when your voice drifted from the speakers, and her song coasted the car's air.
We done played all these games,
Only now I can't wait, I want you now, I can't wait, oh yeah.
The track she chose had indeed been one she inspired. It was also one you avoided entirely, purposefully leaving it off the set list for all of your shows. But again, here you were, subjected to listening to Riri's painfully off-key rendition of the lyrics that symbolized the relationship you two shared.
But she just wanna off my head, I just want the neck instead.
She just wanna fight in bed, I wanna get high instead, oh yeah.
“You think this is about you?” You teased, only seeking to rile her up. “This could be about any of the other girls I done fucked.”
“You know I can't leavе you alone? You know I could never tell you no? Hmm, definitely sound like this is about me. Cause I know you wasn't running back to none of them other hoes like you was running back to me, let's be for real.” She continued to sing, spreading her legs in the process.
It was muscle memory that had your hand descending to her ankle perched in your lap, making you squeeze it before you began to massage it in the way only you knew she liked. And the smile that you failed to disguise when she whimpered was one of instinct, not intention.
“How many girls have you f-fucked on tour, baby?” The question straggled out of her mouth behind a breathy moan.
You hadn't wanted to award her inquiry with any sort of answer, largely in part due to the answer being one that would please her, so you elected to lie.
“A few.” You retorted with a sanguine smirk you deemed sharper than the blade she flaunted, but when your gaze panned her way, the sight awaiting you dulled your smile into a flaccid frown.
She was bunching her dress, thumbing the fabric of her underwear once the hem circled her waist. “Mmm, that's a l-lie.”
Riri made you weak, downright helpless and impotent whenever her authentic huffs of pleasure gained volume. So it wasn't the least bit surprising when her whines from beside you nabbed your attention from the freeway, making it increasingly difficult to concentrate on anything apart from the wet sounds emitted by her dripping center.
Your eyes drifted, and you stifled a moan of your own when you realized she'd graduated from touching herself with her fingers. Riri had the blade locked in her fist, dragging the handle up, down, and around her throbbing clit above her panties.
“Riri, what are you doing?” You bit your lip, feeling your pussy clench around nothing.
She slipped her sticky panties to the side, finally bridging the gap keeping the hilt of the knife apart from her eager cunt. “If you was fucking bitches I would know. Sticking to your rule I see.” You watched the tip of the handle orbit her hole, just before it slowly sank in, getting swallowed by her grip all the way up to the bolster. “F-Fuck baby, I guess this p-pussy really changed your life, huh?”
“I don't want your fucking pussy juice all over my seat. This car is new.” Your scolding tone was feigned, only in an attempt to express a fragment of restraint, but truthfully, every ounce of it slipped swiftly away from you the second you bore witness to that molly hitting her tongue.
You weren't even sure if you were driving on the right side of the road, far too fixated on keeping your composure as your fibers mastered the art of persuasion. They insisted you pull over and allow your fingers to replace the knife, have your tongue relieve the shiny gold hook of its lewd duty of fucking Riri's cunt.
She was thrashing, pumping the back end of the blade in and out, in and out as her squishy pussy sang to you. “Am I the f-first g-girl you let r-ride in your new 'Rari, baby? Ooh, I feel so special.”
“I'm not letting you, your crazy ass broke in. And I mean it, close your damn legs.”
You did the only thing you could think of to get her to stop: you pushed the pedal to the floor, the speed sucking you into the seat as the car surged forward. But beside you, Riri remained a moaning, giggling mess. It was like your accelerated driving, and your admonishments motivated her to fuck her cunt faster as she slicked the knife, making herself wetter. “Hear h-how wet this pussy is for you b-baby? You haven't even t-touched me and I'm fucking drenched. Oh, oh! Shit!”
“Do not fucking come on my seat Riri.”
“Or what? You gonna p-punish me?” She used her free hand to rub coaxing circles into her twitching clit, biting down on her lip as the tool dove deeper into her stretched hole, prodding her sensitive spot just right. “Fuck! It f-feels so good! I'm close!"
You took your eyes off the road, watching her lids droop from the pleasure building deep within, tuning in to the cry clamoring from her tightening stomach.
“Don't.” But you knew she would.
“I can't baby. I-I… Oh fuck!” She groaned, long and breathy, her back arching inward, chest bouncing rapidly from the build-up. Riri screeched the second her orgasm knocked her down, and it was the sexiest sound you'd ever heard. Droves of bliss pillaged her frail body, and she shook violently next to you. “I'm s-sorry... I-I c-couldn't.”
“It's okay.” You were soothing her as she declined from her climax.
The handle glided out of her used pussy, dragging out strings of her oozing cum with it, and the hilt glistened brighter than it did before her hole consumed it. Your quick glances from the knife to the road, from the road to Riri’s seeping cunt weren't enough, you needed to taste her, and it was apparent that she read your mind. “Wanna taste?”
You tried for reluctance, at least your brain did, your body not so much. A steady nod was your only offer, eyes never leaving the road ahead, and you could sense Riri’s grin after receiving your answer. She was excited, pleased, surprised that you gave into her off the first ask, usually she'd have to work harder to earn your compliance. She was on her knees seconds later, left hand propping her up on the center armrest while her right carried the glimmering dagger to your mouth.
She smeared the tip across your full lips, her slickness coating them like gloss, and out came your tongue, drinking in her juices like a parched animal. As always, Riri's cum tasted fucking fantastic, but you refused to give her the satisfaction of moaning. “You like?”
You remained silent, and she smirked, “You love.” She beamed, tapping your mouth, “Open wide baby.”
She was taunting you, this you knew. You were also aware that you were on the verge of doing exactly as she requested without a lick of shame, and you glared at her, unimpressed.
“Please? For me?” She whined.
You couldn't resist her pout, you couldn't resist her, not anymore. So immediately, you promptly parted your lips, offering the stem of the dagger a seat on your watering tongue, your saliva mingling with Riri's sweet, sweet nectar.
This time you did moan, and loud too, fueling her fire just like she wanted, just like you always did. You twirled your tongue around it, sucking and licking every last drop of her creamy cum off the knife handle.
“Backseat. Now.” The only words out of your mouth when she pulled the hilt free, and she clapped, climbing over you as you smacked her ass before pulling the car over on the side of the highway.
“Bend over.” You tried tearing your lips from hers as you spoke, but Riri snagged your bottom lip between her teeth, biting fiercely while her cunt brushed your lap. She kept her eyes on yours, smirking, wanting you to behold the peril swallowing her pupils when she slipped the point of her blackened blade between the buttons of your shirt. She dragged it down, the sharp knife popping each one clean off until your top flew open under her swift slicing.
Your own eyes twinkled encouragingly; you were far too into this; you always enjoyed those seldom moments when you permitted Riri's belief that she held the upper hand.
The tip of her pointed dagger grazed the valley of your unbound breasts, their exposure earning her marvel as she used the bountiful view to aid her desperate humps against your thigh. And you could hear her pussy, you could feel the sticky puddle created by streaks of her first climax seeping through her thin underwear. Her moans were so broken and docile, it almost seemed criminal to make her stop, but you needed her splayed across you.
“You gon make me say it again, mami? You know how I like you.”
With fogged-out eyes, she nodded, stealing one more kiss and shoving the knife into your palm before stretching her small body across the extended center column. Her plump ass elevated to eye level, and you sat back to enjoy the view presented to you.
Lace complimented her skin's deepness far too well. The material embraced her curves, molding to her hips like a second skin, and you nearly let guilt get the better of you for the actions that followed. Your movement was one of speedy precision as you slashed through the bottom half of Riri's dress with the blade she awarded to you, making her gasp.
“This good baby? This how you wanted me?” She backed up a little, seeking some sort of comfort and it clicked then, that this position must be an awkward one for her with the armrest slanting her, and jabbing right into her abdomen.
You bit your swollen lip, moaning from the sweet pain left behind by Riri’s incisors. “Mhmm,” The blade's handle trailed her sticky crotch, “Just like this mami.”
In seconds, you were cutting her cunt free from her messy underwear, kneading and jiggling her exposed ass cheeks in your hot hands. But your pace wasn't up to her liking, and Riri never shied away from voicing her opinion. “You moving too fucking slow. If you gon hi–”
Before her complaint could force its end out of her mouth your palm collided with the meat of her ass, hitting her with unruly force. Her body jerked on top of you, and she yelped, the fragile screech music to your ears. “What you was saying, mami?”
Riri groaned under the rush of pain, then exhaled, and you took this as your opportunity to slap her behind again.
As you ran your hand along her bare skin, you absorbed the heat drummed up from your two hits alone, chuckling. You skimmed the area with your nails, growing more excited watching her twitch. You'd almost forgotten how hopelessly responsive her body was to your touch, even under the faintest brush of it.
“You're a fucking problem.” You slammed an open palm up against her right cheek, smiling at the ripples the collision created in her skin. “Do you even know what you do to me?”
Of course she knew how her actions dictated your decisions, how her guise plagued every divot in your brain. Riri understood her power over you, and it was this very knowledge that had you spanking her again, and again, and again.
Her ass was hot, sore, and damn near swollen. Her tears were heavy streams rolling from her eyes and into her gaping mouth, yet still, she desired more. A resilient little thing she was; you admired her moxie. With every lash, her sopping pussy called on your digits, needing them to plug the dribbling hole expanding the wet patch already existing on your thigh.
“You like that shit don't you? Being in pain?” Your handprint painted her butt cheek, pulling a guttural scream from her throat. “That scream wasn't an answer to my question mami.”
She was full-on bawling, blubbering in your lap when your fingers forced their way inside her cunt unexpectedly, and she lurched.
She sniffled. “Yes! I l-like it!”
“Then shut the fuck up and stop fucking crying.” You smacked her tired ass for the umpteenth time, sliding your fingers through her soaked folds, coating them with all the slick you could collect before ramming them back within her welcoming walls. “You asked for this shit, and you gon take it like the slut you are.”
“Y-You hit like a b-bitch.”
You spanked her once, twice, three times, four times, five; each hit reprimanded her unacceptable behavior as she sobbed with the brown seat leather aching between her shaking fingers.
She wiggled in your grip, wanting desperately to escape the hurtful blows that just kept coming, smack after smack after smack echoing throughout the car. “Not you tryna run Ri, thought I hit like a bitch. Nah, bring that ass back here.” You laughed.
“Please!” Each of her screams made you fuck her pussy faster, encouraged you to slap her ass harder just to revel in her burning skin as Riri cried herself to the edge of her second orgasm.
You pushed up against her nerves, thumb swatting brashly against her swollen clit. “You squeezing my fingers real tight mami, that must mean you finna come.”
“I'm, I'm…” Riri kicked her feet, whining around the deepness of your digits. When she glanced back at you your heart softened just a little. Her big brown eyes were blown the fuck out, leaking fat tears and mascara that seemed never-ending, and she chewed on her lip hoping the action would alleviate some of the hurt. “C-Com…”
Your thrusts slowed, and your hits morphed into a massage as you groped her cheeks tenderly. “Yeah, give it to me, come on my fingers, come all over them.”
“Ooh, baby you f-fucking me s-so good! I’m coming for you!”
She poked her ass out, twisting from side to side as she permitted spasming shocks of pleasure to surge throughout her body at a rapid pace, still backing up into your digits that had yet to depart her hole. “That's it, fuck yourself on my fingers Ri. Show me you can be a good girl, fuck yourself through it.”
It was a difficult thing you’d tasked her with, but luckily for her, Riri thrived off hardship. When the aftershocks subsided, her movements halted and she sighed, moaning low in her throat at the gentle pace in which you extracted your digits from inside her.
“Sit up and come taste it.” You commanded, rolling your eyes when she looked back at you weakly.
With your hand inching toward the hair hanging over her sweaty back, you looped the ends in your fist, yanking her body up until she shifted, then you turned her so her sore ass could plummet right onto the slim storage compartment she was just bent over. “I said sit up.”
Her naked cheeks being forced against the car’s leather prematurely earned you a painful cry. But you didn't care, the reaction only adding to your arousal. You used her parted, wincing lips as an opportunity to stuff her swollen mouth full of your cum covered fingertips, and she gagged from the intrusion before beginning a light suckle. “That's my good girl. Suck them clean for me. You like how you taste?”
“Mhmm.” She hummed around the digits you thrusted in and out of her mouth.
“I know, mami.” You moaned, feeling your clit jump in your pants. “Open your legs, lemme taste that pussy I just made come.”
Riri giggled, separating her sticky legs to grant your salivating tongue entrance. They made a loud squish when she spread them apart, and you could hardly contain your grunt when presented with her messy, bare, pussy lips; your drug of choice. Her cunt's shine danced like diamonds, entrancing you with a beaming glow that could not go ignored. “Shit…”
You reached out for the lever on the driver's side that pushed the seat forward, never once denying yourself face time with her spilling sex. And then you were dropping to your knees, licking your lips before burrowing open-mouth kisses into her sprawled, wet thigh.
Easing her into it failed to make your list of priorities, you wanted her wriggling, squirming with her legs trembling around your face as you slurped her folds. You were also on a mission to feed the starvation gnawing at your gut; it'd been too long since you last feasted on her, and you didn't plan on letting a single drop go to waste.
Your tongue nudged her pulsing clit, licking firmly before you wrapped your thirsty lips well around it, and Riri screeched. “W-Wait baby, wait… Ooh shit.”
And so it began, her pleas for a pause, for you to slow down and allow her to regain her strength. But sadly, her wants were of no importance to you. You trudged on, running your famished tongue around her sweet hole before slipping it all the way in. Riri tapped your head aggressively when you began a slow thrust through her aching walls, and you laughed when your eyes drifted up to see her scrunched face.
“Fuck! Oh.. w-wait..”
“What I'm waiting for Ri? You getting soft on me?”
It was apparent that your comment struck the nerve you intended it to, her huff of annoyance lighting a smile across your face. You refused to let up, licking and sucking the length of her leaking core as she jerked in between broken grumbles. “Ain't nobody s-soft. Eat it r-right and I won't have no c-complaints. Fuck!”
You simply shook your head before diving back into her pussy, rolling her clit in your tongue once more. She whined, the drugs in her system clearly heightening her stimulation, but she took it like a champ, moaning your name breathlessly from above you with her head thrown back.
Riri fisted your curls as you sucked her watering cunt, whimpering where she sat, hips rolling hard into your already stuffed mouth. “Yes! Yes! Just like that!”
“Fuck, I missed this pussy so much.”
“Yeah?” She huffed, tugging your hair to detach you from her center so your stares would align.
Wild eyes scanned your drenched face over, then she tilted your chin, boring straight through your soul with her hopeful gaze. “You missed me?”
You knew what she wanted, and you were fully prepared to give it to her.
“Yes.” Your answer elated her. It didn't matter that in your mind you were admitting to missing her cunt and the way it drooled cum right onto your accepting tongue, to Riri you were confessing to something far more intimate; to Riri you were confessing that you missed her.
The one word, the yes, was enough to bring her to the brink of her third orgasm. But she wouldn't win that easily. You stopped then, just as she was about to fall over the edge, and you let her saturated labia fall freely from your lips before smirking up at her through plotting pupils.
“The fuck are you doing? I was about to come!”
“Ion know, it don't seem like you want it enough.” You teased, making her whine in annoyance. “Need you to beg.”
You'd learned fairly early on that Riri Williams was not a girl easily deterred. With your refusal to allow her release, the job fell on her to complete. Carefully, Riri began to drag her puffy pussy along the lid of the storage compartment she was perched on, hissing in both pain and pleasure as she attempted to make herself come.
You watched her, forever wonder-strickenn by her fortitude. You should stop her, she’d already undergone one orgasm that didn't come from your hands or mouth, and you didn't want that happening again, but the image of her working through the pain brought on by her sore ass cheeks creating friction against the leather was a sight to behold.
“I’m so c-close! Please can I come?!” Her hands found her erect nipples, the standing nubs threatening to rip their way out of her dress. “Please, let me come!”
Her pussy sloshed against the column, her hip jolts splashing her wetness everywhere. Granting her permission would be easy, considering how badly you wanted to enclose her clit in between your lips again, have her juices course your veins like your own personal brand of ecstasy as she convulsed from the shock waves you caused to ripple throughout her body. But you weren't looking for easy, not tonight, not after her behavior.
Your fingers located her waist, holding her still and making her groan in frustration when your strength prohibited her humping. “Mm, do you deserve it?”
“Yes I fucking deserve it!” She yelled, irritated, “Let me fucking come oh my god!”
“That mouth mami. How you gon talk to me like that and think Ima let you come? Hmm?” You parted her thighs, nuzzling your face back into the sweaty space before planting a kiss on her hot skin. “Say you're sorry.”
You'd predicted her protest, and you took it as your opening to sink your teeth into her pretty waist. You didn't stop amidst her wails, instead, you dove deeper, biting her flesh with more ferocity. “Say you're sorry Ri.”
Still, she shook her head, standing her ground.
Fuck, you loved how stubborn she was, but you'd never admit that out loud. Luck had been on her side it seemed, because she gave in merely seconds ahead of you puncturing skin, weeping through her words. “I'm s-sorry! I'm s-sorry, baby pl-ease let me come!”
Truthfully you were in awe of how long she held out, surprised by even your own restraint with her pussy lips shoved directly in your face. You were spitting on her bud soon after, suckling her bundle of nerves harshly as you hummed into her quivering sex. “Come in my mouth mami.”
“Oh fuck! Oh fuck, fuck, fuck!” Within seconds of your go-ahead, Riri was gushing onto your face, your seats, squirting on everything in her vicinity with a scream so powerful, the hairs on your neck rose to attention.
“Shit Ri, you made a mess all over my fucking seats. I told you this car is new.”
She awarded you a weak chuckle, on the edge of collapse before you steadied her frail body. “You think I give a damn, baby? You can clean all that shit up with your mouth if you so bothered.”
Her smirk was a thing contrived of pure, unbridled deception, and she sported the smoky eyes to match. These were reasons to incite terror, but for you, they only bustled your intrigue.
The blade danced beneath the strap of Riri's dress, leisurely cutting her shoulder free and you watched from in front of her as the frayed fabric fell gracefully away from her skin. “You putting a lot of power in my hands right now Ri.”
“Mhmm. What you gon do with it baby?”
You moved to the other, repeating your destructive motion before finally positioning the gold-trimmed point at her clavicle, gliding the jagged dagger down her chest. Thread after thread bursted under your descent, doing away with everything left of her torn gown, exposing more of Riri's tender flesh.
Riri watched, bewitched by the way you skillfully maneuvered the blade she'd entrusted to you. “You so fucking pretty mami.”
Words that made her brazen, words that bestowed upon you the power to control her body without the need of a weapon. But you used it still, grazing the edge up her bare stomach as she twitched beneath its scrapes. You stopped once you met her bra, slicing it clean down the middle with your lust-filled eyes glued to hers. Riri gasped, startled by your abruptness and the twinge of danger you knew she caught swimming in your irises when her boobs bounced free, and the small baggie of pills fell from its warm hiding spot.
“You sure you don't want one?” She waved it in your face, and you began to contemplate her question. Riri was no stranger to a pill or two, so her enthusiasm hadn't been a surprise. She always offered, and you always declined, more than content with the natural high you floated on from merely making her come undone for you.
Tonight though, something about the tension building in the car was about to coerce a yes right on out of you. But, something else thieved your attention just as you were about to offer her an answer.
Letters. A word. A name. Your name.
Inscribed into her flesh, squarely below her left breast sitting gorgeously in your face, was a tattoo illustrating your name. You blinked, believing you'd somehow imagined the ink and its placement. Unconsciously, you hoisted the knife up toward the tattoo, running the dagger along each and every letter in amazement.
“Do you like it, baby?” Meek words leaving generally poised lips.
Riri had marked herself in your name, in you. And you decided you did indeed like it, you loved knowing that no matter where she ventured, no matter whose fingers wandered her skin, your claim on her would still exist. Permanently. “This my surprise? Cause yeah, I do like it mami.”
You let your lips replace the blade, kissing the tattoo that exemplified your ownership of her body as she giggled from the heat your breath blew onto her.
“Not your main surprise, but I guess it's a s-surprise.”
Soon your lips were latched to her poking nipple, your tongue swirling and tugging on it. She was moaning, a sound that intensified when she felt the sharp jab of the weapon you wielded circle her other bejeweled nub. “Shit… that hurts so damn good baby. Keep it right there.”
Her whimpers traveled directly to your sopping pussy still locked away in your pants. You were swimming in your own wetness, floating atop a wave that threatened to crash down on you the longer you dragged the same knife she held to the column of your throat around her responsive tits. “Yeah? It hurts?”
“L-Love when you make me hurt baby.”
After letting go of her spit-covered nipple, you flattened the sharp tool against it, watching her hiss under the cool contact. You scuffed the steel bar poking through her pebbled nipple with the knife, humming on key with the scraping sound of metal on metal. “I can keep hurting you, or you can give me that surprise I know you want me to have so bad.”
You aligned the pretty dagger with her sweaty neck, and she grinned menacingly. Before the chance to process her guile even arose, Riri regained control of the knife, using it to assist her in widening your mouth. She wiped the back against your tongue, swiping it down the length of your wet muscle. “Your surprise is up next, in the meantime I need you to stick this tongue out for me before I cut it clean off like I promised.”
“You're cute.” You laughed, but you did as she said. Your tongue extended out, and Riri leaned forward, plopping one of her little happy pills directly in the center, waiting for you to swallow it.
“Extraordinary.” She smirked. And then her lips were on yours, kissing you roughly as she sat her naked form in your lap.
Riri attacked your lips with gusto, kissing you like the air you expelled into her was the very breath she desired for survival, and every one of your pecks matched her intensity. “Baby, lemme make you feel good.”
She broke the kiss slowly, tentative in her release of your hot, wanting mouth. But you refused to let her go, holding and compressing her throat amidst her hand fumbling around on the floor. “Yeah?”
“Mhmm…” A second attempt to pull away made you curious as to what she could be searching for. Usually, her main method of action would be to eat you out until your quaking knees detained her head in their hold, and even then she'd still refuse to let up. But that didn't seem to be her intention here.
You groped her boobs, trying your hardest to pinch one of her sparkly nipples, but yet another threat was tossed your way. This time it was your fingers in jeopardy of severance, so you let her go with a deep chuckle. She leaned to the side, pulling her backpack free from under the front seat and you looked at her inquisitively.
Riri upheld her silence, unzipping the bag from her perched position in your lap.
Your question hadn't the chance to escape your lips, because soon the lavender glint of the sizable toy Riri used in the photos dispersed across your bathroom counter reflected in your curious eyes. “Tada!”
“Riri what is that?”
“Um, the fuck does it look like?” She tossed you the harness, worming out of your lap and onto the floor in between the driver's seat and the one you sat in now. Your eyes raked the dildo, examining its shape and the intricacies put into its creation. It looked more… advanced than the ones you were used to, an observation that awakened your fascination.
Riri on the other hand, appeared beyond excited. She fumbled with your belt impatiently before deciding to hack at it with her sharp tool. She popped your button open, and mechanically, your hips levitated so she could guide your bottoms down your legs.
“You this wet and you was talm bout some you not happy to see me. Just be lying for no reason baby.” She laughed, tracing a finger over your pulsating clit and you sighed. With all the straining, and all the buildup you'd been suffering through, that lone stroke could've been enough to do you in, a fact Riri was privy to when she smiled up at you. “Strap up baby, need you inside me.”
You wasted no time assembling the strap and securing the toy in place, and with Riri’s help, the harness was adjusted to your body. She positioned herself across the center console for a second time, sticking her ass out as you kneeled behind her in the seat, admiring the display of her used hole. She backed up onto nothing, trying, and failing to get the tip inside on her own. “You're taking too long! Please, I need you!”
Fuck, you supposed by now Riri's unwavering stamina shouldn't be a thing that caused bewilderment, but it would forever be an entertaining sight. She was sexiest like this; eager; desperate for you to destroy her. “You need it so bad, don't you mami?”
“Yes! Please fuck me!”
She needed not to state her demand again, so you snaked your palm around the tip, pumping it gently before invading Riri's soaked cunt.
The instant you bottomed out, Riri trapped the strap inside her narrowing walls, restricting your movement at the same time your eyes began to roll to the back of your mind. Her wetness, her constricting tightness, the heat derived from stretching her velvety cunt wide; you could feel all of her. It was way too overwhelming, the stimulation weakening your muscles.
You hadn't even gotten a single stroke in and you were already fighting off an orgasm, gripping firmly to her hips in hopes of stopping your collapse. “W-What– Why can– Ri, I can f-feel you. Shit…”
You remained still for a few beats, wanting, needing to savor the snugness of Riri’s warmth before drilling her as she deserved. Her squeeze was intense enough to make your eyes well just a little, and you were certain whenever you did allow that pleasure rush to stifle you, the tears would be unavoidable.
“Surprise! You like it, baby? I made it special for you.”
Of course she made it. You pulled out slowly, then pushed back in, still consumed by the sensation, barely able to keep a steady rhythm as you rocked into her dribbling pussy. “Fuck Ri, this is…”
“Shit! Tell me how good my pussy feels, I'm tight, huh?” Your stamping fingers dented her skin as you began to create a rapidly growing pace of stuffing her full of the faux dick she craved so much, and your thrusts had her quaking around you. Feeling every divot in her pussy walls had only ever been a fantasy, one that existed now as your reality, because you unknowingly chose to fuck a super genius who just so happened to be a little off her rocker.
If you thought you were addicted to her cunt before, this strap just changed the game entirely.
You were fucking her with abandon once completely adjusted, snapping into her again and again with an unrelenting grip on her hips; you’d be admiring the marks you left behind later on. Each thrust sent Riri’s small body forward on the armrest, her cries meshing with your breathy moans that fogged the car windows. “Ooh mami, you so fucking tight. Your crazy ass really made a strap so I can feel this pussy, god.”
Your hips crashed into her bouncing ass cheeks, the impact forcing rushed whines out of her throat. You couldn't tell if the sounds were intended to be words, but truthfully you didn't care, far too enraptured by the feeling of fucking her obnoxiously loud cunt.
Every thrust caused her seeping pussy to squish louder, every squish making your clit thump faster as your high began its heightening.
“Your desperate ass always so damn wet for me, I bet you don't let nobody else fuck you, huh? You know I’m the only one who can treat this pussy right.”
She groaned, attempting to speak through your abusive jolts, “Don't f-flatter yourself, I let plenty of other people hit. This ain't y-your p-pussy.”
It was a trap, an obvious one designed to rile you up, but you chose to fall victim anyway, using the molly floating in your bloodstream to control the power dives you took into her tired little cunt. “Oh it ain't?”
She couldn't even speak with the tip of the strap bludgeoning her sensitive nerves, but she still shook her head defiantly. Riri’s hole gobbled up the girthy toy impressively as you leaned back to marvel at the way it disappeared, then reemerged from inside her convulsing walls.
“Why she leaking this much then? Messing up my fucking seats. So damn wet mami.” You slammed into her cervix. “You make special straps for all them other bitches? You let them slut your nasty ass out on the highway like this? Who else you let use your needy little pussy like this?”
Riri was sobbing, loud and boisterous, almost able to give your screaming fans a run for their money with her pitiful little sounds. A few cars honked on their drive past your parked vehicle, certainly aware of the goings on inside. The Ferrari rocked in tandem with your jabs into Riri’s g-spot, the back and forth motion assisting you in pushing deeper into the smaller girl's sex.
“You hear me talking to you don't you Ri?” A deliberate slap met her welted ass cheek, forcing her to scream. “Why you so quiet? This wet ass pussy louder than that fucking mouth right now. You hear that?”
You fucked her harder, grunting loudly into the air when she squeezed your shaft; she was close.
“This dick shutting you up or something? Pl-ease what?” You mocked, spanking her again, and rattling her entire being.
She pushed back on the unrelenting curved member digging her out, a whimpering mess when she glanced back at you, catching your eyes with her helpless ones. “Wan– Wanna c-come! M-Make this pussy come for you!”
You tsked, “Thought this wasn't my pussy though. Can't make you come if this ain't my pussy.”
Her broken voice made your cock twitch deep inside her, something you hadn't expected and couldn't control.
“M’sorry, it's yours! M'sorry, it's your pussy b-baby, pleaseee!” She cried, squirming as you rammed into her special spot.
“Fuck… What you sorry for Ri?” You tugged on her locs.
You freed one of her hips, looping your hand under her sweaty abdomen so your digits could press into her clit. God, it was too much for her, the endless pounding, the swift flicking of her bud, the jarring hair pulling. You were barely able to move inside her contracting cunt, but you weren't letting her off that easily. “Tell me what you sorry for.”
“All of it, baby all of it! Sorry for s-sending those videos to y-your girlfriend, s-sorry for breaking into your room, your car, s-sorry for hurting that girl at the bar! I'm sor–”
Your thrusts stopped, “You did what?”
“I didn't mean t-to…”
Cautiously, you pulled the strap from inside her reluctant cunt, falling back into the dampened, sticky seat in disbelief.
And Riri followed you, outwardly panicked when she dropped into your lap. She hung her head in shame as she rambled, wanting to explain herself. “She was just flirting with you and you were flirting back, and I didn't like that, cause you're mine, and–”
You thought back to the bar, to Esperanza, to the thud you heard when you were on the phone with Riri earlier, and you tilted her chin so she could look you in the eyes. “Riri… what did you do to her?”
A sound you hadn't expected, but most certainly should've anticipated rumbled out of her: a chilling chuckle. Gone was her frown, in its place stretched a smile that accentuated her unruly eyes. And of course, her seductive response to your pressing question was not an adequate answer. “Put it back in baby, or I’ll fucking bleed you dry.”
You smirked, teasing her clit with the head of the strap. “Crazy girl.”
Damn her, you shouldn't be enjoying this, but you became smitten with the idea of her hurting someone all because she wanted you to herself. It was sick, you were sick, maybe just as sick as her.
Her pussy was dripping onto your dick, coating the length of it with each grind meant to coax you back into fucking her, and it was certainly working.
Riri brought her trusty blade back up to your throat. She pressed in harder this go ‘round, threatening to drag it along your skin, and you were prepared to let her. She leaned in, her breath a warm ghost kissing you instead of her lips. “How many times do I have to tell you I really, really hate that fucking word. Stop saying it.”
“Would you prefer insane?” You clipped back, spitefully teasing as Riri quite literally held your life in her hands. You should be terrified, the bitch was deranged enough to kill you, but the feeling coursing through you was more akin to fear's distant cousin — thrill.
“I'm not crazy,” You could feel the knife's indentation, and your throat bobbed beneath it. “I'm not insane.” She was gliding the dangerous tool against your neck now, and you felt your skin tear, small streaks of warm blood rolling down your tilted neck, catching Riri's wild eyes.
“I just know what I want, and I always get it.”
You moaned, still rubbing up against her overly used clit, head spinning as you reveled in the heat of your crimson liquid staining your chest and Riri's.
Riri lowered the knife, pecking your cheek lovingly before extending her tongue to the shallow little cut she drew into your neck, running it along the length and licking the beautiful blood decorating the area. “And right now I want you to let me ride you, want you to slam into me and punish me for all the bad things I’ve done. I deserve it.”
The head of the toy was still trapped in your fist, twitching from Riri’s every word. You glided it through her crying folds, brushing her hole but not quite shoving your way inside, and she whined.
“Don't p-play. Please just f-fuck me baby.”
And that was all it took for you to slam up into her hovering hole, bullying your way inside her walls as she screamed from the intrusion. “Fuck! Just like that! Keep fucking this pussy like that! Go deep baby, make me take it!”
“This how you want it Ri? You want me to fuck this greedy pussy like this?” Your violent pumps shook her, and she slapped her open palm up against the window to keep herself upright, the knife clattering to the floor. “Use that nasty mouth and answer me when I fucking speak to you.”
But how could she?
Your hands needed something to grab onto as her addictive heat consumed every inch of your dick yet again, nearly rendering you unconscious, so naturally, they gravitated to her neck.
Your fist was strangling her throat, blocking her airflow and her ability to say words. You used her neck to pull her down onto the throbbing member ravaging her tight wetness, enjoying the melody performed by her pussy far more than any of your own.
Shit, you were going to come, and from the feel of things, you were going to unload inside her. An unfamiliar sensation began to brew inside your abdomen, a tightness you knew well, but tucked behind it was something far more rattling, and you weren't prepared for it at all.
“Ooh mami, I'm finna– I think I'm–”
She tapped your stifling fist, unable to breathe and you let her go so she could cough. “I-Inside… do it ins-side!”
And oh fuck, you felt it, the hunger that Syla had never once been able to truly feed. Riri could though, her strangling pussy walls could do that and more.
Your vision went white, and you were quite certain every star in the galaxy resided behind your welling eyelids. Ropes of your release spilled into her accepting cunt, filling her so much, everything that didn't fit leaked right back out and onto your already filthy seats.
“Fuck! Fuck! Oh fuck!”
“Tell me you love me.” She continued to bounce on the strap. You were so sensitive, you could barely take it, but you tunneled your fingertips into her ass cheeks anyway, aiding her as she rode you through your orgasm.
Riri leaned in, kissing your dry lips, “Say it. Tell me.”
“I love you…” You didn't mean it, not in the way she hoped you did. You never meant it when she made you say it, but it made her happy in the moment, and it made her flood your dick, so you always obliged.
With her pussy drowning in cum, hers and your own, she gingerly eased the strap from inside her, slithering onto the floor to wearily envelop your twitching dickhead in her swollen lips, but your ringtone stopped her.
“It's your girlfriend.” She chuckled jeeringly when she turned to read the name flashing your phone screen in the front.
“Let the bitch go to voicemail.” Your final words before you felt Riri swallow you whole, slobbering on the dildo as she permitted your second load to trickle down her throat.
Serenity swaddled you while you lay there, helpless, following Riri's skillful performance with her mouth and jaw. You were still as the unbound night outside the steamy car windows, watching through drooping, fucked out eyes as Riri climbed into the driver's seat. She revved life back into the Ferrari's engine, stealing you, and driving you off to a destination unknown.
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What's Your Favorite Scary Movie // Shuriri // 18+
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Pairing: Ghostface!Shuriri x Fem!Reader 
Warning: Mentioned Death // Violence // Blood // Fluff // Angst // Attempted Robbery // Guns // Murder // Smut // Threesome //  
Word Count: 5.6k
A/N: I started over SO MANY TIMES. Felt like it wasn’t right or something was off but I am happy with how this one turned out. Sorry for making yall wait but here is the Ghostface crossover fic as promised. Not proofread so forgive the errors.
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When you first saw them, they were in the middle of one of their nightly outings. You shouldn’t have been there. You were supposed to meet some friends for a movie. But you just had to be stupid as fuck and try to help a woman who had ran into you. She was bleeding, scared, and disoriented. You would think she ran from a car accident or something. She held onto you while sobbing as you tried to calm her down. "Hey let's go ahead and get you to a hospital okay. You look like you've been hit by a car." You rubbed her shoulders making sure you didn't brush over any wounds. "What's your name? Where did you come from?" She cried into your shoulder before wiping blood off her cheek. "Anita. I was coming from a party and they started chasing me. Stabbed me." She was starting to become hysterical and you brushed her hair down. "Who chased you?' You said as a figure stepped out of the shadows. "We have to run!" She screamed out pulling you behind her as you navigated through the park. The figure was ducking through the trees and you went ahead of her as she started to slow down. You took the lead and ran ahead with her hand in yours. You could see the street ahead and smiled. "Come on, we're almost there." You couldn't wait to get to safety. Just as you passed through the gate the woman was snatched away from you with such force you nearly tripped up. The woman locked eyes with you and you can see the fear swimming in her brown eyes before she was stabbed in her stomach. You wanted to scream but couldn't. The scene in front of you had you frozen in place. The knife was yanked out before they stabbed her again, this time you can see the life fade from her eyes. You should run. Dropping her body they turned the mask in your direction and you felt glued to your spot. Your eyes flickered from the figure to the now dead Anita on the ground. The masked figure gave a small nod and you frowned in confusion. Get up and run. You jumped to your feet and booked it into the street. Running down the sidewalk you kept your eyes forward trying to get to your house. It's right there. Dashing up the steps you grabbed your key and went for the doorknob but the silence behind you had your hair on your neck standing straight. Your thoughts cut short when your head was tilted back as a rag was put over your mouth and nose. You reached back while your legs kicked in the air, trying your best to get out of their iron grip. "Relax, pretty girl." And just like that you were out like a light. 
When you came to you were in a bedroom with your hands and feet tied together. Pulling at the restraints you silently cursed as it didn't budge. This is not happening. The door slowly opened and you saw the mask. You leaned further into the headboard and watched them as they set the knife down on the small table. "You good. I won't hurt you." 
"What do you want with me? Why didn't you kill me at the park?" You couldn't help the questions that rolled off your tongue as they made their way closer to you. "Hate to break it to you ma, but you was in the wrong place at the wrong time. What was a pretty thing like you doing alone at night. You ever watch the news? Ever watch scary movies?" They said with a distorted voice and you felt a shiver run down your spine. The mask was lifted high enough for you to see their dark lips and you held your breath. "Use your words ma. It’s rude to not answer a genuine question." They stated in a light tone and you sighed. You waited anxiously as they took the mask completely off their head and your shoulders fell. She was gorgeous. And also dangerous, but you can’t knock her looks. You were sure your eyes were like saucers as she approached you. "Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you. As long as you don't try anything." You shrunk back into the headboard not knowing what else to do. You wanted to try and escape but with your feet tied together it wouldn't do you much good. She was so ruthless and dangerous when she killed people. She has blood on her hands but yet she spoke so softly to you. Inviting. As if she was afraid you'd despise her. "You're the one going around killing people?" Your fear must've been written all over your face because she was trying her hardest to stay calm. “Nothing gets past you huh pretty?” If you were in any other situation your heart would flutter but she just killed someone AND kidnapped you. You held your hard stare before you gave a small tug on your restraints with a sigh. "This necessary?"
"For now yeah. It was the only way she was gonna let you stay here." You frowned up and looked at the girl. "She?" Riri nodded her head as she walked to the side of the bed. You felt uneasy but did your best to look as calm as possible. "Never been kidnapped before." You mumbled trying to make subtle conversation. You caught her stare and saw a slight glint of worry in her dark eyes. "It ain’t personal. You saw us. Got to make sure you won't say anything to anybody. Wouldn’t want you getting hurt." 
"So she's awake? She better be with how much trouble we just went through for her." A voice called out and you looked behind Riri to see a taller woman leaning on the doorframe wiping her hands with a paper towel. Your stare glued to the red stains. She was a bit thinner but she looks like she could snap you in half if she wanted to. You were sure she was the one that grabbed you. Her curls fell over her eyes but you were sure she was looking right through you. Her accent made it known that she wasn’t from around here. You wanted to seem tough but you stuck in a room with two bitches that kill people. “This is my partner. Wish I coulda introduced yall on a lighter note.” You didn’t miss how she sized you up before a scoff left her lips. “This is her? The one who almost got away. Bast are we getting sloppy?” She slowly approached you before grabbing your chin. “Just because we left you alive doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods. So for your sake you better be on your best behavior.”
A couple hours have passed since you’ve woken up and you've still been kept in the dark on what they were planning to do with you. If they were gonna kill you, you’d like to know. There was a small knock at the door and you sat up quietly. Riri popped her head in the door and your palms started to sweat. "You still looking at me like imma stab you or some shit."
"Like you did ole girl at the park? I'm scared aight. Pretty sure I can be, you’ve killed people." You stated as the other woman walked in shortly after. "She has a right to be afraid. After what we did to those people. I would be too if I was in her position." You winced at the playfulness laced in her words as you watched the two carefully. "Please. I don’t have time for you acting like that.” You were sure she was toying with you at this point. Making you feel uncomfortable on purpose. “Shuri-” A name slipped off her tongue and the three of you sat in silence. The girl noticed her mistake and looked at her partner. “Look, we can only go forward from here. She’s here. Right now. It’s either you get over it or we send her back. Where she could potentially call the cops. The choice was made and now here we are.” You watched the two go back and forth not really knowing if it's your place to say anything. "Why do you think Riri left you alive hm?" She tilted her head and for the first time in this conversation you locked eyes with her. 
"I honestly don’t know. I’m just trying to stay alive here. If I upset you, I’m not doing it on purpose." You tried to level with her but she shook her head. You rubbed your hands down your dirty jeans and she scoffed. 
"You don't have anything to be afraid of. She made sure I knew you were off limits. So I can't kill you. But that doesn't mean I can't harm you." She pulled your chin up so you were looking her in the face. "Shuri-" The taller woman ignored her partner and continued to intimidate you. "You have become a thorn in my side the second we brought you back here." 
"Likewise." You mumbled and she raised an eyebrow. 
"So you do have a little bark in you." She smirked and you balled your fists. "You look like you want to say something. So say it."
"You seem to already know. So why should I?" You scowled and she grabbed the back of your. "Do not forget who you are talking to. I can rip your life away from you in less than a second." For a split second you saw the darkness in her eyes and you felt anger crawl up your spin. "Yo Shuri what the fuck! Let her go." Riri shouted, running to free you from the woman's grip. "Shuri, please calm down. We aint kids no more use your damn words."
"She shouldn't be here." Shuri spat as she ignored Riri's attempts to calm her down. You had enough at this point. You didn’t care if they stabbed you to death or slit your throat. You did NOTHING wrong. "You can talk to me any kind of shit way but when I bite back it’s a problem. What’s the matter, can’t handle what you dish out princess?” You spat before she grabbed her hunting knife off the table. You staggered a bit but refused to back down. You are too deep in the argument to back away now. She swung once but you back away so her next bet was to tackle you to the floor. You brought a hand to the back of her head, grabbing a fist full of curls. She brought the knife up and you used your free arm to cover your chest and neck. “Shuri! Ease up!” Riri ran up to grab her arm before the taller woman swung back. Riri dodged just in time before the blade made contact with her neck. Her eyes grew wide in shock before you felt Shuri’s anger disappear. “Shit. I’m sorry usana. I didn’t mean to snap at you.” She got off you, dropping the blade to cup Riri’s cheeks. You watched the exchange in silence before getting to your feet and walking out of the room, leaving the two alone. Riri came to you to apologize on Shuri's behalf sometime after but everything she was saying went in one ear and out the other. You had completely disassociated yourself. She saw you made no effort to speak and let out a sigh. The look on your face. She’d seen it before. When Shuri found out her mother had passed it's like everything else didn't matter. She wouldn't eat or sleep. Riri was the first to notice how you shut everything out. You just sat there and slept. And Shuri has been gone for the past 3 hours. The younger girl waited for Shrui to return and jumped to her feet when the door was pushed open. 
"Hey." Shuri locked eyes with her before setting her gear on the table. "Hey. How's um.." 
"She still hasn't said anything. You really freaked her out earlier. You can’t be snapping on people like that.” Shuri leaned on the counter with her head down as Riri reamined in her spot. “I know. I know.”
“Look Shuri, I think we're good to take her back home." 
"Out of the question."
"She was on the security footage from that night. The last person to see that woman. Alive. The police have swarmed her home. Checking everything inside and out. With her not being that for so long they're ready to pin it on her." Now she cares? You listened in on their conversation since Riri mentioned you going home but Shuri had a point. You'd be sent to jail on sight. The police force for this town was more of a 'act now ask questions later' kinda setup. "She has to stay here. You said it yourself, just till things calm down." Shuri left a lingering kiss to Riri's lips before she walked down the hall without another word and Riri looked back at the closed door separating you. On the other side you couldn’t help but feel a sense of peace. Shuri was right. You’d have to stay for awhile, a few more days at least. Taking a seat on the bed, you fiddled with your nails when the door opened. Riri walked around to face you with a blank stare. "Hey ma. Listen, I’m sorry about her, but unfortunately you can't go home just yet. Not if you don't want to get arrested." You didn't even flinch in response to her words and she sighed. She tightly grabbed your chin, she made sure you looked at her. Your eyes focused and went wide as she looked at you. "There's no point in sulking now. It's either you stay here with us or go back to get arrested. Which one you prefer?" You remained silent as a smirk appeared on her lips. "You need to loosen up a bit. I can help with that but you gotta tell me yes." You stared up at her with wide eyes before you took your lip between your teeth. “Promise she won’t kill me?” You couldn’t help your shaky voice as she brought her hands to your cheeks. Another voice cut in as she opened her lips to speak. “Cross my heart.” Shuri opened the door with a small smirk. You stared up at her but Riri grabbed your chin, pulling you into a feverish kiss. 
"You okay with this?" You nodded, pulling her flush against you with a soft kiss. Her hands immediately went to your waist as you fell back against the mattress. Any hesitation she held washed away as her kisses became sloppy and hot. "Then tell us what you want, let me hear how you want to get fucked?" Pulling at your pants she slipped her hand over your panties causing you to throw your head back. Riri left a trail of kisses, tongue and spit down your neck as Shuri leaned against the doorframe, watching the scene in front of her unfold. 
"Riri, fuck don't stop." You moaned out while the woman worked diligently on rubbing circles around your covered clit. Your legs spread to give her room to move when the sensation became more than a small jolt of pleasure. You urged her to go faster as she felt the wet spot she created, gently rubbing you down. "You can be louder than that. I know that for a fact." You groaned at her words before she pushed two fingers past the waistband and stroked your folds. "So fucking wet for me." She slipped her fingers inside you as her tongue dragged along your skin. You took the lead and started fucking yourself on her digits while she pulled at your shirt to reveal your gray bra. Not long after the piece was on the floor, giving Riri a chance to clasp her lips around your nipple. She curled her fingers as she sped up the pace, fucking you a bit harder. Shuri watched on as you clenched around her lover's fingers, feeling her own wetness start to pool between her legs. You took her so well. Brushing against your g spot, Riri groaned as you quickly come undone by her hand. "Fuck Ri I'm gonna come. I'm coming." You moaned as your juices spilled into her hand. She pulled away to admire the shine on her fingers before slipping on in her mouth. "You taste so fucking good." You move in for a desperate kiss with half lidded eyes, still warm and sensitive in bliss. You could taste yourself on her tongue before feeling another body beside you. You locked eyes with Shuri, tensing up before Riri tapped your shoulder. 
"It's alright. She gone take care of you too." You felt at ease by her words as Shuri leaned in to kiss your forehead. You sighed into her touch as her hand gently wrapped around your throat. Riri latched onto your pulse to keep herself busy as you fell into the passion of the kiss. "I’m sorry for earlier. I didn’t mean to scare you." Riri groaned against your skin before repositioning against the headboard. She brought her hands up to cup your breasts while Shuri pulled your panties down your legs painfully slow. "Will you forgive me Y/N?.”
"Trust us ma. We both know how to treat a lady." Riri added as she spread your legs. Gently tilting your head back to plant a hungry kiss to your lips. When you pulled away Shuri nestled her own hips between your thighs. "This is why you didn't answer my question earlier?" You said as she rubbed the tip of her strap along your dripping slit. She took her time slipping into you causing you to wince from the slight burn of her stretching you out. This one will take some getting used to. She was halfway inside before she grabbed your chin. "Look at me. Usana." The xhosa slipped off her tongue as you stared into her dark eyes. She then took the chance to fully bury herself into your warmth. Riri on the other hand took the chance to wrap her arm around your body to find the throbbing bundle of nerves aching to be touched. "Oh my god." You moaned out leaning against Riri's now bare chest. When she shed her shirt you'll never know. "Wait. Ri let me taste you baby. Please." You whined and she gave a small nod. "When you ask so nicely. Shuri pulled out to let you maneuver until you were hovering over Riri's clothed pussy. You helped her shimmy out of her shorts before a moan left your lips as you laid eyes on the wetness dripping down her thighs. Your tongue peeked from between your lips as you gave a single lick along her slit. The moan that left her was utterly disgusting and you wanted to pull more from her. She usually never let's you go down on her. You started to lap at her pussy as Shuri ran the tip of her strap over your drooling folds. With a sudden thrust you moaned into Riri's heat, the vibrations sending her into a frenzy. The woman behind you started her own pace while you flatten your tongue and lapped up Riri's arousal. You moaned out as she grabbed your hair to use your face to chase her orgasm. You slid a finger past her walls while your mouth worked its magic.
"Fuuuuuuuuuck that's it." Shuri wasted no time pounding into you while you helped Riri with her own. You licked, spit and sucked on her pussy until you felt her clench around your finger. "She's still so pretty when she comes." Shuri joked as Riri's body went limp on the bed. You could tell Shuri was close. The toy brushed against her clit with the same intensity she was giving to fuck you. The knot was so close to coming loose. The toy pushed against your abused g spot and you felt a second orgasm creep up on you. You clenched down on her strap feeling your juices gush out over her thighs. Soon after her grip tightened over the skin of your ass and her orgasm wrecked through her. "Look at that. You're so pretty like this." Riri held your cheeks as Shuri pulled out of you. Your body went slack against Riri's chest as you took a minute to come down from cloud nine. Shuri peppered a trail of kisses down your back. "You did so good for us Y/N. You groaned in response, not being able to form words as Riri ran her fingers over your scalp. “We’re not through with you yet, beautiful.”
You pulled yourself out of your trance from last night's activities when the lightning lit up the night sky. Leaning on the counter you opened the cabinet to get a bowl down. After filling the dish with Cinnamon Toast crunch you heard your phone buzz. Your eyes lit up when you saw a certain group chat icon on your screen.
Shuri: Didn't take you for a squirter.
You felt your face grow hot before hiding behind a pillow. 
Y/N: Neither did I but I guess you're just good with your hands. 
Riri: If you do that everytime, It'll get even better. You trying to slide through tonight?
Y/N: I can't. Got a tutoring session.
Shuri: With who? 
Y/N: That girl Tiana. Said she needed some help so she could pass her herbology lecture. But she was supposed to be here an hour ago. Idek if she's still coming.
Neither of them responded for a couple minutes and you began to wonder if something happened.
Y/N: Yall okay?
Shuri: Yeah, I had to make a call.
Riri: But she asking for help then don't show. Bitch crazy. Couldn't have been me. 
Y/N: Yeah I know you'd charge her an extra $300. 
Riri: Nah $400 just because I don't like ha ass.
Y/N: Ri! You stupid as hell 
Riri: I'm just saying. But look yall start the movie without me, imma swing by later. I need to handle something.
Y/N: Everything alright?
Riri: Yeah. The brainless jock ass thought I was playing about paying me. 
Y/N: Don't go to hard on him 
Riri: I won't ma.
You sat down your phone and put on some sweatpants before heading to the kitchen with your phone now in hand. You turned on the news and stopped in your tracks as the bright red letters urgent news caught your attention. 
"It's been 6 days since Anita Ubie was found stabbed to death just outside of Chicago's outskirts. This marks the fourth killing in the span of 2 weeks. We have suggested that everyone be cautious and the authorities have begun to set a curfew in place.
Your mind began racing over the past couple of days. It could’ve been you. But it wasn’t. There’s nothing you could do now. They brought you home so you could talk to the police and clear your own name. Thanks to Shuri it was said that a man Anita was seeing snapped and killed her when he found out she was cheating on him. You just so happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. You shook your head of the thought and went into your kitchen. You proceeded to put your dishes in the sink before the doorbell rang. You stood still in the middle of the kitchen, dumbfounded. You weren't expecting company at this time of night. You creeped up to the peephole and let out a sigh of relief when you saw a familiar face. You opened the door to see Tiana fixing her makeup with a man next to her. You recognized him as her sneaky link Tay.
"Bitch you were supposed to be here 2 hours ago. Alone." You sneered not to keen on people wasting your time. 
"Girl relax, I had to stop by Tay's place. I swear he can make any stress I have disappear with a good dick down. But decided at the last minute to bring him, he won't be in the way. I promise." She sighed, stretching her arms above her head as she walked in with Tay on her heels. 
"You reach out to me, saying you want a girls night. Then you wasted my time because of a dick appointment? THEN you show up here with said dick appointment. Where ya man? Cause last I heard, its sure as hell not Tay. You chuckled, closing your door. Not aware of the eyes watching the scene unfold.
"Look, he's not giving it to me the way I need it and Tay can. But that's a secret that stays between us." She frowned as you rolled your eyes. "Look, I'm sorry. It won't happen again."
"Let's just get this over with. I got shit to do. Just make sure you pay me my money when we done. Its extra for me to keep your little secret." You told her as you led the way to your living room. You took notice of how Tiana scanned the room before sitting on the couch.
"I gotchu. Maybe Tay can help you out sometime." You laughed at her offer before setting your books down on the table. "Nah. Don’t root for that team." 
"Really! I never would've thought." She said and you nodded before starting your late night study session. "Girl, what the fuck made you move all the way out here? All this land surely can be scary at night huh."
"It's alright. I tend to like being alone so it's not that big of a deal." You told her as she leaned down to grab the remote.
"Have you seen the news lately? People turning up dead left and right. Makes me not want to leave the house anymore." She stated with a shiver.
"Yeah shits wild. That's why you gotta have something to protect yourself. I always keep my pistol somewhere nearby." Your eyes moved from Tiana to Tay who seemed a little skittish. "You aight? You've been a bit jittery since you got here. I'm not going to shoot you. Not unless you give me a reason to." 
"Nah, just tired is all. Been up all day doing some yard work for a couple down the street from my house. Haven't really wound down yet." He told you but kept diverting his eyes away from you. 
"Yeah. In this heat I'm sure working all day will do it to ya. Hey I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back." You told the couple as you grabbed your phone and went down the hall. You hadn't noticed how Tiana burned holes in your back and entire walk until you closed the door. After doing your business you unlocked your phone to see a slew of messages from your best friend, Shuri, and Riri?
Nia: Bitch call me when you read this!
Shuri: Y/N Call me!
Nia: Bitch I know you're tutoring Tiana today. Watch yo back. Especially if she bring that bum ass nigga Tay. Streets whispering that they gone try to pull some shit on you. Saying they just robbed Jerome and his sister after she invited them over to her place. From what I'm hearing, the bitch don't like you. Please be careful. 
Riri: You said you was tutoring Tiana? Did that bitch bring somebody to yo house.
You frowned as you read the messages and cursed. You should have kicked them both out when she showed up 2 hours late with this nigga. You ran the water to pretend you're washing your hands before going under the sink for the gun you have hidden there. Sticking the gun in the back of your pants you walked out with a slight scowl. "I got to cut tonight short. We're done here."
"What but we haven't gotten to the last chapter yet."
"Yeah I'm pretty tired. Picked up an early shift tomorrow and can't afford to be late." You lied with a smile and Tiana's eye twitched. 
"Okay. We'll just have to finish another time then." She said grabbing her books. "Yeah. I'll get to you when I have an opening." She failed to conceal her annoyance as she let a sigh leave her lips. "Don't you want me to pay you?"
"On the house."
"In that case girl, I need you to hand over everything you got." Her friendly persona quickly dropped as Tay aimed a gun at you. You reached for your own and aimed back as you put distance between you and them.
"Don't fuck with me Tiana. Get the fuck out my house." You sneered as you noticed a shadow walk past the window. "Now."
"Look. I know you tight with Riri Williams. That bitch got people dropping bands to help them pass classes. Now all of a sudden yall fucking? I hear the gossip." She shouted as you began to back up. "There's a lot of students paying her Y/N. Meaning it's a shit ton of money. I just know she giving you a cut, so give it up and we'll leave."
"Bitch fuck you and your pansy ass side piece." You spat and her smile faded into a scowl. "I could always make Tay shoot yo ass hoe!"
"How many people you brought to my house?" Her expression switched to confusion for a split second and she scoffed, not even noticing your attention was on the door. "What? Why would I bring groupies to rob yo stupid ass?"
"So who the fuck is at my door?" You questioned and the two of them turned to look. You could see a figure standing there but you refused to run to check.
"How the fuck should I know? Tay tell them to come back later. We're in the middle of something." She said as Tay walked up to the door. He swung open the door to reveal someone dressed in a black cloak with a white mask. 
"The fuck. Nigga it's a little early to be dressing up for Halloween. Look at this nigga bruh." Tay laughed and Tiana giggled behind her hand. "Look bruh you gotta go. We busy right now. But when we're done, you're more than welcome to take some more of her shit. We just want the money."
"Shut yo ass up Tay. You talk too damn much." Tiana sneered as you aimed your gun at her. 
"Get. Out." She let her mask fall as fear crossed her features. Tay had the gun and he was preoccupied. 
"Tay. Shoot this bitch. We'll just take what we want and leave her bleeding out on the floor." She spat before Tay gasped. We both turned to look at the door in time to see Tay drop the gun. He sounded as if he was trying to speak but weird gurgling sounds came out instead. "Tay quit playing!" Tay turned at the sound of her voice and your eyes widened. His throat had been slit and his hand held the cut to try and stop the bleeding but to no avail. The person at the door tilted their head and you bolted up the stairs, Tiana not far behind screaming her head off. You could hear the steps of the intruder as you ran to your room. Tiana locked herself in your hallway bathroom. You slipped under your bed with your pocket knife close. The house sat silent. Not a word was said. But you could hear the slow footsteps echoing throughout the hall. Black boots stopped in front of the bathroom door and they rattled the handle. Tiana screamed for them to stop but they continued to torment the girl. That was until a voice called out from downstairs. "Tiana! Oh shit, is that Tay? Fuck- Tiana!" The intruder dashed down the hall as Devon came up the stairs. "Devon. They're still out there! They killed Tay." Tiana’s voice cracked as she cried in the bathroom. 
"What, who?" He asked, leaning into the door. "Unlock the door. There's no one out here." As the lock clicked she opened the door but the intruder chose to strike and bury their knife in his back. This one was different. Taller. Slimmer. Stronger. Devon shouted in pain as he was pushed into the bathroom. Between his shouts of pain and Tiana's screams of fear you put a hand over your mouth to silence your own sobs. Tiana slipped out the bathroom unscathed just to trip over her own feet. She crawled into your room before she was grabbed by the hair to lift her up off the floor. You locked eyes with her as the same knife that killed Tay, slid across her neck leaving a thick red line. She began choking on her own blood until she lay still on the floor. The intruders silently backed out of the room leaving you alone under the bed. Your carpet began to stain red the longer Tiana's body laid there. Moving from under the bed you quietly tried to reach the door and run yo ass up outta there. Fuck me.
You tiptoed down the steps trying to avoid tripping over Devon while searching for the masked intruder. When you reached the doorway a gloved hand reached out and wrapped around your neck and you stopped in your tracks. Staring into the dark voids of the mask you just stopped fighting and relaxed. You felt another presence behind you and looked up to see another mask. Tilting their head as they stared down at you, running a gloved finger down your neck.
"What's the matter ma, cat got your tongue?" The voice was distorted and you gave a small sigh. "Took you two long enough."
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Imagine flirting with Shuri when she comes to get Riri
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You were on your way to back to your shared dorm room to grab your textbook for your english class. In the next twenty minutes you picked up the pace a bit remembering Riri agreed to lend you her notes for the same math class. The two of you shared but only if you could catch her in time. She couldn't afford to let to be late for that class again considering how much of a hard-ass the professor was. He was the lock the door five minutes after his class starts type, and the only way in after that was to endure the embarrassment of being. Forced to try and solve some equation that he had yet to cover. Although Riri could probably solve it in her sleep being one of more advanced students in his class. She preferred to avoid the attention.
Your headphones were blaring music into your ears as you reached the door to your dorm. When you twisted the doorknob it stalled indicating it was locked. That caught you by surprise considering neither of ever bothered to lock the door. You were single and as far as you knew so was Riri, and if that had changed. You definitely would've known that girl told you everything. You pulled your ear buds from your ear. Just as you raised your hand ready to bang on the door. You heard your roommate's voice from the other side.
"Get out of my dorm" she demanded. "Get out"
Your blood ran cold trying to figure out who could possibly have her in distress. You knew some of the kids had a bad habit of trying to stiff her on money. After she did the work for them, and she had no problem confronting them about her money. But none of them ever tried to retaliate. Maybe that had finally changed wasting no time you took a firm hold on the doorknob, and slammed your shoulder into the door. As hard as you could manage the door gave away sending you tumbling inside.
You caught yourself before hitting the floor and stood up straight ready to threaten whoever was in the room. Until you came face to face with none other than the Princess of Wakanda.
"Ha I have a witness you can't make me go with you now. Now get out like I said" Riri demanded still standing in the corner by the windows.
There was another woman standing beside the Princess she was tall and fit dressed in a black suit jacket and red spandex. You recognized her as well considering how big of a fan you were of the Princess, and knew wherever she went. This woman seemed to follow both of them had turned at your entrance.
'Y/N tell them to leave" Riri said snapping you out of your trance.
Your eyes flickered back and forth between her and them trying to assess the situation. But in the end it didn't matter you weren't about to kick the Princess of Wakanda out no matter what. "Come on Riri is that anyway to talk to a Princess" You told her instead. Earning a groan from your roommate who threw her hands in the air. Shuri was a bit taken back but gave you a small smile. Okoye just raised an eyebrow at your statement.
Your eyes landed on the portable speaker Riri was holding onto with a death grip. "Please tell me you're not trying to use that as a weapon?" You asked moving in front of Shuri.
"Y/N now is not the time for your smitten behind to be all smooth" Riri said through gritted teeth. "Get over here" she pointed a finger at you.
You turned around with a smile aimed at the women. "I'm sorry for her she can be pretty hostile sometimes."
"Yeah we can see that is there anyway you can convince her not to be?" Shuri asked.
"For you of course" You replied with a wink turning back around to Riri. She had the speaker raised over her head this time. "Riri just put it down and hear them out."
"Girl I already heard them out they want to kidnap me and take me back to Wakanda against my will" she revealed.
You gave her a blank stare for a solid five seconds before glancing at Shuri and Okoye over your shoulder. The room was silent as they all waited to see what you were going to say or do next. Shuri was hoping you would still side with them. It might make this whole process a lot easier. Finally you spoke up again
"If the Princess of Wakanda wants to take you back to her country. You go without question Riri like seriously why is this even a discussion."
"Damn it y/n this isn't one of your romance books or movies."
"Really because this seems like the start of a beautiful love story to me" You shot back throwing Shuri a quick wink.
"Oh for Bast's sake" Okoye muttered under her breath.
Shuri grinned at you making your heart flutter. "Hey if I take your friend back to Wakanda with us will you come?"
Riri reached out to grab you by the arm and yank you beside her before you could say anything. "Don't even think about it?"
"I'll go wherever you want me to go" You said anyway.
"Y/N shut your hopeless ass up" Riri exclaimed angrily.
"Hopelessly in love" You quickly added.
Riri let out a growl of frustration going to throw the speaker, but you took a hold of her arms. "Would you just wait? Can someone tell me what is really going on here besides the beginning of a love story?"
Shuri let out a chuckle.
It was Okoye who answered. "Your friend here got herself put on the wanted list of a merman with her vibranium detector. Now she is in danger and we're trying to protect her."
Your eyes widened in realization as you turned to her with a 'I told you so look. "I told you not to build that thing Riri but you didn't listen."
"Okay fine you were right but don't forget the part where you were hoping. It would win us a trip to Wakanda so you could meet the Princess."
"Well I mean it did kind of workout I guess but if you're in danger don't you think its best you go with them. I mean a merman doesn't sound dangerous, but if it brought the Princess and the General out here to MIT. This has to be serious" You told her with a empathetic look.
Riri let out a sigh relaxing her grip on the speaker. "Will you cover for me?"
You nodded "of course I will."
"Does that mean you don't want to come back to Wakanda with us?" Shuri asked with a smirk.
"Is that an invitation Princess?" You replied.
"I mean your friend could use the moral support" she said with a shrug.
"Yeah right moral support but you know I'm going for the bonus of winning you over right."
"Hmmm we'll see" she mused flinching when Okoye smacked her arm.
Riri gave you a look as well.
"Are the two of done?" Okoye asked with a eye roll.
"For now" You promised with another wink.

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iinkonde · 1 year
Xhosa translations
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I remember mentioning helping with those, so this is me trying. It's so hard reading these amazing stories and then in the middle of the journey being accidentally sworn at. Sometimes translation engines don't do the best job at translating.
So this is me trying to help those who will take the help. I'll write down the most common mistranslations I stumble upon ever so often.
Because most if not all the times some words in Xhosa do not exist in English and visa versa, or there's no translation that would make sense I'm offering some alternatives.
English to Xhosa translation of words, phrases
Greetings - Molo (singular) Molweni (plural)
How are you - Unjani (singular) Ninjani (plural)
My - yami, wami
Baby - Bhabha, Sthandwa
A baby - Usana
My love - Sthandwa sami, Bambo'lwami
Wife - Mfazi
Bride - Umtshakazi (singular) and abatshakazi (plural )
Husband - Myeni
King - Kumkani
Queen - Kumkanikazi
Prince - Nkosana
Princess - Nkosazana
General - Jikelele
Are you okay? - Uphilile?.
What's wrong? - Yintoni/Intoni ingxakhi
You're a lair - Uli menemene.
You're lying - Uyaxoka
How - Njani
Now - Ngoku
Your majesty - Ngangamsha
My girl - Ntomb'am
Girl - intombi, intombazana (singular) Izintombi, amantombazana (plural)
Boy - ikhwenkwe (singular) amakhwenkwe (plural)
Mother - Mama
Father - Baba, Tata
Aunt - Makazi
Uncle - Malume
Sister - sisi, dade
Brother - Mkhuluwe
Grandmother - Makhulu
Grandfather - utata'mkhulu
Roses - iirozi
You're beautiful - Awusemhle
Yes - Ewe
No - Hhayi
My person - Mtuwam
Your beauty renders me speechless - Ubuhle bakho bundigqiba amazwi
This will be all for now. I can't think of any more, these were just the basics and ones I see in most stories. Feel free to add phrases or sentences for me to translate for you. Reblog and share if you found this helpful. Thanks. Bye!
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zymruk · 5 months
Hey you [Shuri x Fem!Reader]
A/N:I've been obssessed with this woman ever since the release of the film. So here I am writing a story for her. Also, Reader's pronouns are she/they.
Warning(s): Fluff
Summary: Shuri's mind has been elsewhere lately. She couldn't stop thinking about Riri's roomate.
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When Shuri had fled to the US to save Riri, she didn't expect to see two beds in that room. By what Okoye had told her, this room could only welcome one person. Riri. Still when she entered the room after the aforementionned, she didn't understand how you'd come to have a bed in that room. Wakandans' reseaches were thorough, way more than American Governments could ever wish to be.
"Oh my god, you're the princess!" As the words escaped Riri's mouth, you found on your way out of the toilet, Wakanda's royalty standing in your dorm room. You only had the time to hide back in before she saw you.
"Yes, now you need to come with me. You're in danger." She had whispered.
Riri looked like she had seen a ghost. "Did I piss off Wakanda?".
While Riri and Shuri were talking in the bedroom, in the bathroom you waited for what felt like forever. On top of that you had forgotten your phone. What a crappy day.
Suddently, you heard a ratteling noise, something was wrong with the window. It looked okay, but it was like it was getting pushed open. Aproching it, to make sure it stayed in place (you didn't need problems with the administration) you were more than taken aback when a bald headed woman's face appeared on the other side. You only had the time to yelp before you were pushed on the ground by the very same woman.
At this point you didn't care if the princess was there, this lady had broken into your bathroom! All you wanted was to get to safety.
Back in the room, Shuri and Riri's conversation was interupted by what seemed like a scream. Barely persceptible to the ear. Then, both women watched in chock how your rushed out the bathroom followed by what looked to be Okoye.
"Who the hell are you?" Riri and you had retreated to a corner of the room, now completely cautious of the two women.
"You said I had five minutes." Blurted Shuri.
"I gave you six." Said the strange woman. Now, after taking a look at her. Not only was she taller than you'd thought. But she wore the most ridiculous outfit you had seen in a while. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to make fun at a woman more than capable to crush you in two. Even if it was in your head. Not only that, but the princess' eyes were almost poking your face with how much intensity she looked at you. She, however, had to stop looking at you if she wanted to protect both Riri and you.
You didn't really understand what was going on. If they just wanted to talk to Riri, why had they broken into your dorm? Why had that lady quite literally fucked with your lease? And most importantly why were they sneaking to get there?
While in your thoughts, Riri had grabbed your brand new speaker as a way to defend the both of you. "Do not make another step!" The two Wakandans had moved foward, and in another attept at protection Riri had thrown the speaker at them.
"You see how they treat their guests?" Okoye turned to Shuri, with one of the tiniest smiles on her face.
"She brought a fucking spear in our room. Get out. We didn't do anything." You couldn't believe what was happening. Not only did they intrude on you but now they were threatening you with weapons? You weren't even alowed a taser here!
"We just want to bring you to safety, before something happens. However, we cannot disclose the reasons for your departure yet."
"Oh, you thought you could come in here and kidnap me, huh? Well you can't. There's a witness here." She stood there proud of herself. She couldn't come to wherever they wanted to take her if she had a witness, right? That was probably what she was thinking.
"What? No, I mean yes. You need to come with us. You're in great danger." The princess said exasperated.
Both you and Riri looked at each other before bursting out laughing. "That's litterally what a kidnapper would say. "You tried to say in your most serious voice. But failed miserably. In your defence, she said it weird.
Now at a crossfire, the princess and her guard shared a look and weirdly enough started smiling. "You know what you're right. We should leave you two alone to deal with what's coming. " All the while backing out towards the door.
"Yeah, let's go back to Wakanda and leave them to fight the fishman alone. With their speaker. I mean it's big enough." The baldheaded woman uttered.
"Wait! What do you mean fishman?" Riri asked for the both of you. In what type of caca did she put yall in this time.
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quintessencewrites · 1 year
Yes, Daddy
stud!ShuRiri x black!fem!reader
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“I’m daddy,” Shuri growls and you sink into her body, melting at her vernacular. “Understand, baby?”
You make the mistake of nodding first, catching yourself quickly. “Yes,” you correct. 
“Yes, what?”
“Y-yes, daddy.”
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Warnings: 18+!!!!! SMUT HEAVY, dom!Shuri, brat!tamer!Shuri, brat!tamer!Riri, switch!Riri, sub!reader, brat!Riri, brat!reader, multiple orgasms, fingering, tribbing, oral sex, squirting, EXPLICIT language, semi-public sex, car sex, edging, HEAVY praise kink, drinking, slight degradation, drunk!Riri, drunk!Shuri, drunk!reader, twerking, stud!Shuri, stud!Riri, fem!reader, possibly some that I missed...
Word Count: 6.3k+
Tag List: @percsane @zestgodtj @k3nn3dyxo @mlmilani @letitias-fav @doms-fav @sweetalittleselfish-honey @g4yforu @widowmakker @becauseimswagman1 @zayswriting @inmyheadimobsessed @laurensmabel1 @malltake12 @msudaku @faeriah-thv @fetchyourlife @mbakuetshurisprincess @sinsikoxo @honey-teaaaaaaaa @rxcently @pinkcorns @takeyaki @yamsthoughts @thethickerside @0hshoot1tsl4ni @shurisbathwater @shurismainbxtch @luvrzhearts @sadfreakx @shuri-my-love @justariellove @heartsforjojo @blackgirlfariy @tuesdaylovesu @chocoflagcutii @taiiunknown @zhanylai @ziayamikaelson @verachii @taiiunknown @beautybyfire @soearthquakequeen @remwritess @pinkwright @jenlouvre @letitiasleftfoot @6-noir
A/N: Happy Valentine's Day, my loves!!! Loosely based on Riri's Love Letter. I got a little carried away, so she's kinda long, but yall, she is filthy. Enjoy <3
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“It’s no way I just let you drag my ass to this party. And on Valentine’s day too? I don’t wanna be around all these damn couples.”
The space was overcrowded, bodies gyrating everywhere. Too many people in a too-small room.
“I did. If I need space away from my lab, your little ass surely needs to get out of your garage.”
Riri’s tiny frame was fuming. If she could have rolled her eyes any harder at Shuri, the pretty brown orbs would have rolled right out of her head. 
“Whatever, man. If you need me, I’ll be in that corner over there.” She pointed to the only empty spot in the building, right next to the trash cans. Riri barely made it two steps away before Shuri grabbed her back by the hood of her jacket.
“Nigga, what?” Ri’s small body jerked hard at Shuri’s swift movements. The Panther’s brow cocked at the irate girl’s words.
 “I spent hours getting you to look decent enough to roll with me. You not bout to hide my hard work in the corner. Go get us some drinks.” Shuri’s dominant tone left no room for defiance, despite Riri’s attitude at the moment. 
She parted from the Wakandan with another eye roll as Shuri swaggered her way through the entanglement of people. 
“Gonna send me for drinks like I’m her damn bottle girl. I know she got actual servants for shit like this,” Riri’s words were mumbled and grumbled, the heavy bottles of liquor unfamiliar in her sober hands. “Why the hell we drinking anyway? We could’ve just rolled up in the car.”
“Hey, Riri,” a candy-coated voice greeted. “Wassup?” Riri never tore her eyes away from the cups, silently cursing them for filling so slowly. 
The stranger wasn’t deterred. “You look good tonight. You got a Valentine?” Cue the third eye roll of the night. Ri didn’t bother responding this time. From her peripheral, she saw the unknown girl step closer, way too close for Riri’s comfort. 
Whoever she was, the bitch was bold. She took Riri’s chain in her index finger, tugging a bit. “This chain look good. I bet it look just as good hanging over me when-”
Riri was beyond irritated now. She stepped in, closing the gap between her and the girl she vaguely recognized from her chemistry class. Vanessa? Victoria? Whatever, she knew it started with a V. 
Her voice dropped several octaves, eliminating any risk for her threats to be heard over the booming music. “Get your hands off me. Now.”
A challenge? Or was V-whatever too drunk to hear the venom behind Riri’s words? “I like a bitch that can take control, daddy. Come on, Cupid ain’t shoot you yet?”
Fourth eye roll in twenty minutes, followed by an almost audible gag. Rather than wasting her breath responding, Riri roughly released the vixen’s grip from her chain and walked off in search of Shuri. 
Her tall frame wasn’t hard to spot. Where else would Shuri be but center stage amongst drunken dancers? “Where the drinks at?”
Shit. Riri’s mind wandered to the forgotten cups. Won’t no way she was going back alone. “C’mon,” she grabbed Shuri’s wrist, dragging her into the mostly empty kitchen. Horny V was nowhere to be seen, Thank Bast. 
“This didn’t need to be a two-person job,” Shuri stated, reaching for fresh cups. 
“It did when I couldn’t pour in peace. Bitch came in here so cocky, so close, I thought she was gon fuck me right here on the island.”
Shuri snickered an amused sound. “So when I try to fuck you in public, it’s an issue-
Riri was not amused, neither by her friend’s tone or accusations. “Shut the fuck up, man. She called me daddy.”
“So? Nigga, do I look like the ‘daddy’ type to you? That’s your shit. I’m ma, mamas, hell, I’ll even take mami, spelled with an I to be exact.”
This time, the eye roll wasn’t from Riri. “Tell me you have mommy issues without telling me you have mommy issues.”
“Yeah, ight, daddy issues.”
Shuri’s eyes narrowed, but she ignored the slick remark. “Here,” she threw a half-full cup into Riri’s empty hands. “You working my nerves. Get this shit in your system and loosen the fuck up.”
The sound of Riri sucking her teeth was louder than intended. “Loosen up, I’ll loosen you the fuck up.” The remark was childish, but it was better than letting Shuri have the last word. 
“Ight, ma,” Shuri tapped Ri’s chin. “Open up.”
Riri obeyed, no longer in the mood to argue. Her head tilted and her lips parted, allowing Shuri to pour the contents of the cup down her throat. 
The liquid felt like fire against Riri’s esophagus. The need to cough, to gag, to breathe became hard to ignore. “Swallow. You almost done.” Shuri commanded. 
The pouring finally ceased and Riri gasped, lungs begging to be filled with air. Coughing made her throat burn all over again. 
“You took that like a bitch.” Shuri was already refilling the red solo.
“Fuck you,” Riri spat, another childish comeback.
The Wakandan royal just slid the cup toward Ri and sauntered back into the crowd, drink in one hand, the other swaying to the beat.
It was clear they wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon. “It’s no way Imma be able to enjoy this shit without something in my system,” Riri was getting into the habit of talking to herself tonight. “Bottoms up.” The girl quoted Trey Songs before knocking back the contents of the cup.
There was a noticeable buzz building at this point, but it wasn’t enough. Riri filled the cup again, downing it much easier than the previous times. 
She was halfway through her fourth cup when she started to sway. There it was. That’s what she wanted to feel. 
Where was Shuri? Ri was suddenly in the mood to dance. She abandoned her cup on the counter and willed her feet to move. Her steps were surprisingly steady as she entered the main room, where bodies swam on top of one another. 
Shuri’s curls waved on top of the crowd, and Riri used them as her guide. The tall girl was preoccupied, in the middle of an intense dance battle that Ri wanted no part in. 
 Riri found solace in a less crowded part of the makeshift dancefloor and allowed her body to bob to the beat. Her right hand hung at the crotch of her sweats while her left hand conducted an imaginary orchestra. The shiny gold chain that hung around her neck swung in her movements and the ends of her long cornrows hit the back of her thighs each time she swayed. 
Ri’s entire focus was on the music, on the way her lonely body rocked. The alcohol in her system was doing just what Shuri had wanted. Riri was loosening up, even beginning to enjoy herself.
Eyes closed, heart thumping to the bass, Riri’s anger, irritation, her stress, all washed away. Her vision was still dark when she felt a body heat that wasn’t hers. A sweet perfume filled her nostrils and a pressure presented itself at her crotch. Ri opened her eyes and looked down, vision blessed to see ass pressed against her, grinding slowly. 
She didn’t know who the ass belonged to, but shit was being thrown, and Riri be damned if she didn’t catch it. 
When the song’s tempo changed, so did your movements. You didn’t know the stranger you were twerking against. She looked good from across the room and she was mouth-watering up close. Your actions were liquor-induced and the way you threw shit at Riri had her thinking you did this on the regular. 
A slower song rang through the speakers and Riri was speechless. You practically had her drunken mind drooling. She was enticed, by your aroma, your body, and the way you maneuvered it. Her hand snaked around your waist and pulled you flush against her. 
She knew the next words out of her mouth would be stupid. “Do you have a name, or can I call you mine?” Her heart swelled with pride when your laughter rang out. It chimed in her ears, the most beautiful sound she’d ever heard. 
Your body shifted beneath her hold as you swung to face the corny-ass girl. Riri’s mouth fell, and her gasp became the loudest thing in the room. You’d taken her breath away. Her eyes never left your face, studying your features as if she would be quizzed on them. She loved what she saw. She loved it all. Your eyes were striking and intense, gazing at her with a look that made her want to take you right then and right there. Your bottom lip was rolled back into your mouth, between your teeth in such a seductive way. She wished so deeply that it was her biting those lips instead. 
Riri stood there, hands never leaving your hips. Her mouth gaped and she struggled to find the words, any words, to say. Your beautiful eyes rolled at her overused pick-up line. “I have a name-”
She found her words at that moment and interrupted yours. “I don’t care. I’d rather call you mine.” Her grip on you tightened and your bit lip suppressed your accidental moans. 
“‘Mine’ isn’t what my mama named me.” The bark behind your words was just that. All bark, no bite. Unless it was her. She could bite you where ever she wanted.
Ri’s head tilted to the right and her playful eyes challenged you. The heart beating in your chest stopped, but only for a moment. You knew nothing about this girl, but God, the things she was already doing to you. “What did your mama name you then?”
“Y/n,” it came out whispered. Any louder would’ve revealed the moans you were trying so hard to conceal. 
Riri’s brows furrowed but her smile widened. “Pretty name for such a pretty girl.”
“You think I’m a pretty girl, then?”
Her head shook slowly and her eyes traveled your body even slower. “Nah, pretty don’t do it justice. I’d have to invent a new word to describe your beauty.”
Another laugh released from you. She was laying it on thick. Matching her energy would mean stepping out of your comfort zone but that had vanished two drinks ago. “What’s your name?”
“You can call me Ma. Mamas or Mami if you feeling me.”
Mhm, hummed from behind your pretty lips. “What your mama name you?”
Her laughter was deep and it vibrated through you. Your thighs involuntarily squeezed together as you willed your cunt to calm itself. “My mama named me Riri.”
“Riri,” you purred. It was befitting. She bore her name like a badge of honor. Her name rolling off your tongue caused an obvious pain to flash her features. “It sound so good when you say it”
Her words… If you bit your lip any harder, it would bleed. Your self-control was crumbling. 
Riri leaned in, fingers digging into your hips like she was trying to ground herself. Her lips were close, brushing against your ear. “I could fucking devour your fine ass right now, y/n.”
Oh, that was it. That’s all it took. 
The look you gave her said ‘fuck me’ and your words weren’t too far behind. “Devour it, then, ma.”
She smirked and you felt your legs weaken under her hold. Her cornrows bounced when she nodded her head, beckoning you away from the music and through the crowd. 
Where was Shuri? Riri scanned the bodies, searching for those signature curls. She was never hard to spot, and with your hand in hers, Riri led you to the tall girl. 
“Shuri, gimme the keys.”
The Princess had reached a point beyond drunk. She danced amongst people she didn’t know, preoccupied with ass coming at her from every direction.
The small girl’s irritation was growing again. She tapped Shuri on the shoulder, hard. “Nigga, give me the keys.”
If looks could kill, Riri would be six feet under, and then some. Shuri begrudgingly parted from the plump behind pushing up on her. “What I tell you bout calling me that shit? You not getting my damn keys.”
Riri could handle Shuri’s dominance in any other scenario, but not this one. She wasn’t about to take this shit, especially not in front of you. 
“Shuri.” It came out like a hiss, in such a tone that Shuri could not disregard. “Give me the fucking keys.”
“For what, Ri-? Oh?” Shuri was facing Riri, now in full view of you. “Oh, shit.” A sly smirk parted her lips, revealing a row of gold grills that glimmered at you. Your stomach somersaulted. No way this already gorgeous girl had a just as gorgeous friend. 
“You gon share?” Shuri asked, her eyes raking across your body, tracing your curves with her gaze.
“I can’t share shit if you don’t give me the keys.”
“So that’s a yes then?” Shuri never takes her eyes off of you, tossing the keys to an anxious Riri.
As soon as they touch her hand, Ri spins on her heels towards the door, dragging you along with her. 
“I thought you was gonna share!” You can hear Shuri’s cries above the thumping bass and Riri just throws her middle finger up in response. 
She walks you to a blacked-out SUV that chirps when she unlocks the doors. 
Riri opens the back door, gesturing for you to get in. “Such a gentleman,” you tease.
“Only for you,” is her quick response. 
The heavy door barely swings shut behind her before you’ve got your lips on hers. Shock is her initial reaction, but it’s quickly washed away. She kisses you back gently as if afraid she would break you.
Nah, fuck all that soft shit. You swing your leg over her lap to straddle her, your dress riding up around your hips. Underneath is a thin string that barely qualifies as a thong. Riri hardly has to utilize any strength to rip it apart, exposing your wetness to the cold February air. 
Her self-control melts at the sight of you on top of her. Your pussy exposed, dripping, begging to be caressed. Your perfect breasts sat in her face, grazing her chin. Riri rested her hands on your ass, overwhelmed by which part of you to devour first. 
Your hand cups her face, pulling the pretty features up to yours before your lips take control again. Your tongues intertwined, hers feeling so soft, so warm against yours. Riri tilts her head, deepening the kiss and forgetting the need for air. 
When you two pull away, a thin string of saliva keeps your lips connected. “Damn,” you gasp, chest heaving. 
Riri’s eyes are back on your bosom, bouncing in her face with each breath you take. She can’t take it anymore. Within seconds, she has the top of your dress pulled down, gathering the garment around your midsection. Your breasts are standing front and center, your nipples aligned with Riri’s mouth.
She glances up at you, awaiting your permission. “Go ahead,” you whisper, yet Ri doesn’t budge. “Take me, mamas.”
“Mamas?” She asks, pulling your pierced nipples to brush her lips. They harden in response and you gasp, wanting so badly for Riri to just devour you as promised. “So you feeling me?”
“Ask me again in twenty minutes.”
Her deep laughter rings out again. “Twenty minutes? You think Imma be done with all this in twenty minutes? Nah, you better strap in, baby girl.”
Riri gives you no time to respond, finally taking your nipple in her mouth and biting down, hard. “Ahh,” you hiss out, pain mixing with pleasure. She’s quick to lick the same spot, washing away the sting it gave you. “Ooh, Ri.” 
“I really like the way you say my shit. Say it again,”
You were never one to just obey like that. She was going to have to work for it. 
Your lips stayed sealed and Riri’s expression dropped when she realized you weren’t gonna give in. “You not gon say my name, baby?”
Boldness ran through your veins (it was probably just the liquor). You fell from her lap, dropping onto the long bench seat underneath you. You wiggled the dress down past your hips, exposing your now fully naked body to the girl staring in awe above you. “Make me.”
Her golden chain glimmered in the passing headlights, swinging over you. Riri loved a good challenge and she was going to have fun taming that brat in you. 
Ri grazes her hand down your slit, barely touching you, though her hand comes back soaked. “Damn, I got you like that?”
You groan at her touch, craving more than she was giving you. “Yeah, yeah, you got me like that.”
“You must want me then?” Her thumb is circling your swollen clit, drawing your back into an arch. Riri’s free hand slides underneath you, snaking the length of her arm around your waist, gripping you hard, and pulling you close. 
“Y-yeah, I want you. I want you,” your cries were pathetic.
“You must not want me too bad, you can’t say my name.”
Ugh, her damn pettiness. It was no match for your stubbornness, though. You refused, saying once again, “Make me.”
“Oh, Imma put that ‘make me’ shit to rest.” Riri removed her hand from your bud. 
“Are yo-ooh my God-” your smart-ass remark was silenced, Riri slipping two fingers straight into your wetness. They curved into you with ease, like they were meant to be there. 
The way they pumped in and out of you was sinful. You splashed around her, clenching under her touch. “You nasty girl. Pulling me in like that.”
If she didn’t stop talking, you’d come undone right then and there. “Ahh,” you moaned out, chest heaving, bosom bouncing. 
Your arms flail, wrapping around her neck and pulling her down, connecting your lips once again. This kiss is deep, more passionate. Riri sinks into your touch, slipping a third finger into you with ease. 
The sudden rush of pleasure electrocutes you and you pull away from the girl with a  cry. “Oh, Shit, Riri!” 
A dry chuckle escapes her. “See, baby, how hard was that?”
The car door opens and shuts again, pulling Riri’s attention away from you. “What do you want?” she asks, though her fingers never let up. You should be concerned by the third presence, but the building of your orgasm is otherwise distracting. 
“You in my car, fuck you mean what I want?” Shuri responds, climbing into the large vehicle. 
Her accent sends a shiver down your spine, one that doesn’t go unnoticed by either girl. Ri adjusts her hand, those skilled fingers now reaching deeper than before. You can feel her and Shuri’s eyes on you as your juices splash back each time Riri thrusts. 
The band in your stomach is tightening, threatening to snap. Your hands feel hollow, needing something to grab hold of as you come undone. Without thinking, they retreat to your breasts, your index finger taking place on your swollen nipples, pulling hard on them. 
Riri’s demeanor is full of lust. This was just foreplay to her; she couldn’t wait to have you cum over and over again throughout the night. Shuri’s mouth watered at Riri’s hand buried deep in your pussy, biting her lip at how well you took them. 
“Demethi (Damn),” Shuri’s gasped at the sight before her. Damn, her native tongue was sexy. Riri tried to shake off the effect it had on her, not wanting to lose focus of your impending orgasm. “Umenze cum, usana (Make her cum, baby).” It rolled off Shuri’s tongue with force, and whatever she said got Riri’s fingers twisting and thrusting in you at an inhumane speed.
“Shit, Ri, I’m cumming!” is what you were trying to say. The words came out slurred; your original intoxication amplified by the girl in front of you.
Riri just hummed a response, eyes fixated on the mess between your legs. Everything was wet; Shuri’s seats were for sure soaked. 
The taller girl of the two chuckled as you squirted all over her luxury vehicle. The smaller one’s fingers never stopped, splashing your wetness everywhere with her tongue out, mouth wide open. 
She didn’t pull away until your writhing stopped and your squirting subsided. Ri plopped onto the seat, reaching over to pull your limp body into her lap so that your legs wrapped around her waist. 
You should have felt shy, maybe even ashamed, to have made the mess you did in Shuri’s car in front of her, but you didn’t. And she clearly didn’t feel bothered by it. 
Shuri climbed into the spot you were previously in, adjacent to you and Riri, your back facing her as you buried your head into Riri’s neck. She rubbed small circles into your back. “You can take a second to catch your breath, but I’m not done with you yet.” 
She turned to Shuri, an entirely different tone dripping from her words. “Nigga, what do you want? I’m busy.”
Shuri ignored the slur that came from Riri’s mouth with such ease. She leans forward, reaching for your resting frame but stopping short right before she makes contact with you. “Sithandwa sam (My love), is it okay if I touch you?” she asks gently.
You nod slowly, without lifting your head. She didn’t have to ask, but the fact that she did meant something to you. 
“Use your words, usana. We do verbal consent around here.”
Wow, that meant so much more. “Y-yes. You can touch me. It’s okay.”
Her “Good girl” was dismissive but pleased. Within seconds, you were pulled away from Riri’s warm body and seated between Shuri’s legs, your back pressed to her clothed chest, your legs propped open by either of the Panther’s hands, exposing your still-sensitive wetness to the girl who caused it.
“You let her call you by your name, Ri?”
Call her by her name. What was she talking about?
Riri must’ve known because her jaw hardened, eyes set with annoyance. 
Shuri brought her hand up to cup your chin, caressing it gently. “What’s your name, entle (beautiful)?”
She switched languages with ease and it sent your heart flying and your pussy throbbing. “Y/n,” you stated, leaning your head back to look into the gorgeous girl’s eyes. 
Her smile down at you was oh-so-sexy. Shuri removed her hand from your face and dragged it down your body, stopping just inside your thigh. 
“Where can I touch you, y/n?”
“Where ever you’d like, Shuri.”
Darkness flashes behind her gaze. Her hand leaves your thigh, brushing gently over your clit, causing you to jump. “Can I touch you here, y/n? Can I touch your clit?”
Her fingers continue to brush over the bud, never applying pressure and touching so slowly, it's torture. “Y-yes.”
Shuri’s brows raise. She’s expecting more. “Yes, Shuri. You can touch my clit.”
“Good girl.”
She massages the little button, picking up speed until you’re a moaning mess squirming in her lap.
“Ahhh,” is the only response you give so Shuri tries again, easing up on her movements enough to leave you coherent. 
“Y/n, answer me when I’m talking to you, baby.”
Damn, these two were fucking filthy. It’s like they wanted you to cum off their words alone. 
“Y-yes, Shuri?”
“Yeah, baby, let’s fix that.” She grips your chin with her free hand. The hand playing with your pussy regains its original speed, causing you to jump and try to writhe away. “Uh-uh. Sit still. Take it like you was before. Look at me,” Shuri commands. 
It only takes her telling you once. When your eyes reach hers, they seem so gentle, so kind, a stark contrast to how she was treating your cunt at the moment. 
“Forget my name. Act like you never knew that shit.”
Your brows furrow in confusion, but any attempts at speech turn up empty. She leans close to you, and you notice the grills on her bottom row again, as well as two on her upper, only on her canines. 
Oh, this bitch better bite you at some fucking point tonight.
“I’m daddy,” Shuri growls and you sink into her body, melting at her vernacular. “Understand, baby?”
You make the mistake of nodding first, catching yourself quickly. “Yes,” you correct. 
“Yes, what?”
“Y-yes, daddy.”
“Good girl,” Shuri drawls, slipping one long, slender finger into your center. 
“Shittt.” Your eyes begin to roll at the pleasure until Shuri administers a light tap on your cheek.
“Uh-uh, usana. Not done yet. Open them pretty eyes for me. Riri, come here.”
Ri is still seated across from you, eyes glued to your pussy collecting juices, wanting nothing more than to taste them. She doesn’t move when Shuri calls.
“Riri, apha, ngoku (Riri, here, now).” This command comes out sharper and Riri does as she’s told, but not without a grumble or two. 
She slides closer to you, hands caressing your thighs as Shuri pumps into you with no mercy. 
“Y/n, look at Ri.” 
When you do, Shuri adds another finger as your reward. Riri almost cums from the sight of you alone, body soaked with sweat and cum and they were just getting started with you. 
“You don’t know her name no more either. It’s ma. She’ll also accept mamas or mami, spelled with an I to be exact.”
Riri smirks at Shuri’s callback to their earlier conversation. She leans her face closer to yours, gaze flashing from your lips to your eyes and back. 
“Understood?” Ri’s deeper voice husks.
“Yes, mamas,” you whisper, praying that Riri will kiss you and kiss you hard. 
The ‘good girl’ comes in unison this time and Ri sits back, much to your dismay.  She watches you for another moment before stripping, pulling the black hoodie over her head, followed by her sports bra, but leaving the chain. 
She gets up to remove her sweatpants as you and Shuri watch. “Shoulda took all that shit off before you made her cum the first time. Those shits were expensive.”
Riri’s wet core is exposed by the time she opens her mouth to respond to the Princess. “Man shut the hell up.”
The two of them talk amongst each other as though you aren’t a babbling mess, growing close to your second orgasm.
Shuri’s smirk reappears, “Yeah, it's that pretty mouth right there we fixing next, aren’t we, y/n?”
You can’t respond, your orgasm is on the brink. Your gasps and moans are closer together, more high-pitched, and both girls grow wetter at your lewd sounds. 
Riri drops to her stomach, face to face with your wet pussy, glistening in your juices. She looks to Shuri with a question burning behind her eyes. Shuri picks up on it and nods, turning to face you, quickening her already furious speed. “Can Riri taste you, baby?”
The thought of Riri’s tongue on your most sensitive area made you jump. “Y-yes, God, yes, ma, taste me, eat me, fucking lap me up.”
Did that string of dirty words just come from your mouth? It did indeed, and Riri’s mouth was on you immediately after. Shuri pulled her fingers away and Ri’s tongue replaced it, stiffening and entering you, licking every inch of your cunt. 
The sounds she made were so unholy, slurping like it was her last meal. She stayed away from your clit, not wanting you to cum yet, though her nose continued to brush it lightly. “Damn, Ri, look at you go,” Shuri whispered, her fingers now focused on twisting and gently tugging at the piercings in your nipples.
Look at her go. She was a fucking munch, flattening her tongue to lick as much of you as she could. You whined and whimpered under her, gyrating your hips, attempting to grind your clit against the girl.
She picked up on your movements and gave in, encapsulating your clit in her lips and sucking lightly. The moment her tongue flicked your bean, you came undone, squirting without warning. Your juices coated Riri’s face, but there she stayed, mouth wide open, drinking you in. She stayed that way until you finished, coming up with a dripping face. Ri coughed slightly, trying to catch her breath after drowning beneath you. 
Shuri suppressed a giggle. “I told you, you take that shit like a bitch.”
“I’m getting real fucking sick of you-” Riri doesn’t even get to finish her sentence. Shuri slips from behind you and makes her way to Ri, pushing the girl down so she's laying in your wetness. 
“Oh, are you? Ight, let’s fix that. Y/n, usana, come here, please,”
The way she speaks to you and the way she speaks to Riri is entirely different. It takes a lot to will your body to move, but you do, not wanting to disobey Shuri. 
“You got one more nut in you, baby girl?” 
Now it’s your turn to smirk, the urge to please the Princess at the front of your mind. “Only one?”
Shuri beams at your words. “Good fucking girl, baby. Can you do something for me then?”
You nod and Shuri’s brow raises. Right, verbal consent. “Yes, daddy.”
Another good girl is your reward. You’re starting to like the praise. “Sit on Ri’s face for me, baby.”
Oh, she didn’t have to tell you twice. That tongue was heaven and while she talked a big game, you couldn’t wait to see her come undone. “Yes, daddy,” you mew, crawling over to an awaiting Riri. She says nothing to you as you take place, hovering your pussy right over her awaiting mouth. 
Riri’s hands grip your hips roughly and bring your cunt all the way down. “She said sit, not hover,” Ri mumbles, words muffled by your fat lips around hers.
“Yes, ma,” you moan as her tongue presses firmly to your clit. 
Your hands fly out to her torso, scratching and squeezing, attempting to steady yourself. In front of you, Shuri pulls Riri’s legs apart, taking her place between them. She brings her face close to yours, stopping just short of your lips. “Can I kiss you, baby?”
“No,” Riri’s muffled cry comes from underneath you. Shuri raises her hand, dropping it back to administer a gentle slap to Ri’s cunt. “Eat, Ri. Your mouth is your damn problem as is.”
“Y/n, baby girl, can I kiss you?” 
Your nods are furious, so quick they make you dizzy. “Y-yes. You c-can kiss me, d-daddy,” you stutter. Riri’s tongue beneath you is doing something heavenly to your clit.
Shuri smiles, happy at your obedience. It’s a breath of fresh air compared to Riri’s usual defiance. When her soft lips finally touch yours, you sink into the feel. 
“Oh, my God,” you moan against her mouth, eyes shut, overwhelmed by both girls’ mouths. The chill of Shuri’s grill sends a shiver down your spine and Riri’s hands creep to your thighs to hold you in place.
Shuri bites your bottom lip when she pulls away, her canines sinking into your flesh. The sudden pain brings forth a moan you didn’t know you were capable of producing. 
When your eyes flutter back open, they peer at Shuri, seated between Riri’s legs, fingers toying with her dripping lips. “You lucky I left the strap at home.”
Mhm, the girl moans underneath you, sending vibrations straight through your center. Without warning, Shuri pushes two fingers into Riri, bringing forth more moans from the girl, followed by your own. 
“Damn, my girls sound so good for me,” Shuri’s proud voice rings as she inserts a third finger into Ri. She’s so wet, it slips in with ease. 
As soon as both Shuri and Riri are adjusted, the thrusts begin, the sound of skin slapping echoing in the dark vehicle. Beneath you, Ri’s pretty, round tits bounce at Shuri’s force, giving you such a show, you’re afraid you’ll drown the poor girl. 
Shuri is fucking Ri with much more vigor than she fucked you with. When it came to you, her thrusts were calculated and gentle. Furious and deep, but still, very clearly skilled. Riri was receiving thrusts that were sloppy and hard, reaching further into her than Shuri had with you. And the way Riri took it was delicious. 
The part in her legs widened, giving Shuri better access. Her licks to you grew sloppy, allowing you to grind into her face to chase your high. 
“Ooh, big girl, Ri. Big fucking girl. Squeeze on my fingers, just like that,” Shuri cooed praises that had you coming close, despite them not being directed at you. 
She hadn’t forgotten you, though. Shuri watched your grip on Ri tighten, your moans climbed octaves. You sounded angelic. “Y/n, my pretty girl. You’re doing so well, sithandwa sam.”
“A-ah,” your mouth fell open, ecstasy swelling within you. 
“Don’t cum yet, okay baby? Hold it for me.”
Hold it? It was right there; you were so close to release. “D-daddy, I can’t.”
“You can. I know you can. Wait, just a minute or two.”
Hmmm, you whined, attempting to hold back the cum that was already leaking from your folds. 
Shuri adjusted her hold on Riri’s core, adding a fourth and final finger and thrusting hard. You felt Ri grow tense in your hold, stomach tightening. She was close and Shuri wanted the two of you to cum together. 
With each grind, you squirted just a little, struggling to hold back the floodgates any longer. “Sh-daddy,” you quickly correct yourself. “I’m gonna cum. I-I’m cumming.”
Riri barely got a word out before your juices overcame her. You came hard on Ri, screams possessing you as you did. 
Riri’s own liquids began to leak from her center around Shuri’s fingers. “You better fucking not,” Shuri threatened, not losing her speed in Ri’s cunt. 
Her whimpers beneath you were pitiful and she writhed as your orgasm finally subsided. Your exhausted body slumped over in the wet seats. Riri was right behind you, unable to hold it any longer. “Sh-Shuri-”
“Yeah, yeah, I know, baby. Go ahead.”
With that, Riri’s little body convulsed, finally releasing everything she’d built up. She rode her big O out on Shuri’s fingers, body going limp when she finished. 
The Princess removed her hand from Ri’s swollen pussy, bringing them to her lips and plunging them into her mouth for a taste. Mm, she hummed. “You taste good, as always. You finally got that mouth in check?”
Riri could barely nod in response, letting out a breathy “Y-yeah.”
“Good. Gimme a kiss?”
“Y-yeah,” she said again, prompting Shuri to bring her lips to Riri’s and give her a slow, tender kiss. 
“You know you my forever Valentine, Ri. You did good. I know you done for the night, gon ahead and rest.”
Shuri turned, settling her eyes on you. “Y/n.”
“Y-yes, daddy?”
She crawled over and wrapped you in her arms. Pulling you into her lap, she planted gentle kisses across your face. 
“You came?”
“Y-yes, daddy…”
Mhm, she hummed. “I thought I told you to hold it.”
Shit, she had. You stay silent, awaiting her next move. She shifts slightly, placing you on the seat and throwing one leg over yours, aligning your clits. 
“Can you give me one more? Last one, baby, I promise.”
You were spent, your body exhausted, but you were sure you could. “Yes, daddy. I got one more in me.”
“Good girl, y/n. You’re such a good fucking girl for me. Go ahead, make a mess on me the same way you did on Ri, okay?”
She kisses her bud against yours, not allowing you anytime to answer. The motion of her hips is intoxicating. You throw your head back, grabbing at her leg to steady yourself. 
“Gah, damnnn.”
“Ooh, yeah. Talk to me, baby. Let me hear that pretty ass voice.”
How could you say no when she asked so sweetly? “Shit feels so fucking good, daddy.”
“What, baby? What feels good?”
She wanted you to be vulgar, and it would be a new territory for you to explore, but you were open and willing. “Y-your clit, daddy. Your clit on mine. It feels so fucking good. I’m so fucking sensitive.”
Mm, Shuri responded. “Are you gonna squirt on me, baby? Flood my shit?”
Most of the mess in her car was caused by you; there was no point in holding back. You wanted to make Shuri proud, to do what she asked. Your movements sped up, a buzzing running through your clit and sending shivers through the rest of you. It didn’t take long for you to come close, so, so close. 
Slick formed beneath the friction you and Shuri produced. “Ahh, y-you gonna cum, baby?” she asked, stutters forming at her own impending release. 
“I-I’m gonna cum, Yeah, daddy, I’m gonna cum.”
Shuri flicks your bejeweled bosom. “Yeah, go ahead, baby. Cum for me.”
Obedience is your repertoire when it comes to Shuri and you do as you’re told, liquid splashing between your still-humping forms. 
Shuri’s orgasm follows close behind, mixing your juices. Her teeth grit, giving you another look at those gold adornments in her mouth. 
You certainly don’t have any more left in you. Your body goes limp, sinking into Shuri’s lap, which she welcomes with open arms. 
“Hey, Ri,” she calls out. 
Hmm? Riri responds without looking up.
“I like this one,” Shuri’s fingers are running through your hair as you settle in, sleep threatening to overtake you.
Mhm, Ri hums. “Me too.”
“Thinking we better make her ours before somebody else snatch her up.”
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pvnks0ul · 10 months
Riri Williams x Fem!reader
Summary: Riri helping you squirt for the first time
⚠︎: no plot once again, dirty talk!, riri calls reader princess!!(once), sub!reader, Gentle!Dom!riri, reader crying & creaming??, ass humping, some lustful talk about riris hands (literally blink and you'll miss it), amateur smut writing!
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Riris holding you open with her own legs, whispering the dirtiest shit she could muster up behind the shell of your ear as she tirelessly jabbed at that specific gooey spot in your walls that left you so dazed any time you tried to respond to her it left you tongue tied and too blissed out to remember what you were even going to say.
Her fingers were so soaked, so glazed in your honeyed slick that even the pitiful way you clenched down everytime she tried to speed up barely had the same grip it did minutes ago. The little high pitched squeaks you let out with each thrust of her lengthy fingers only egged her on more and the way you tried to run away when it got too much meant your ass rubbing right into her spread lips, grinding against her hardened clit with precision.
It was so dirty, so sly, so something only riri could do the way she handled you with one hand on your hip, forcing her hips up in a wining motion at a attempt to get her self off while the other masterfully drilled you in. Feeling her breath patter against your neck because of how you were indirectly making her react out of pure lust, only spurled you on more.
And Riri knows when you're close. She can tell and not just because of the rising pitch in your voice whenever you blubbered something to her but also by the way you threw your head back against her, your hips, that once tried to escape her hold, now spasming uncontrollably against her so desperate and spaced out it only told one story.
"Fu- baby, dontstopdontstop-ah!"
Riri smirks at your pleading and nods her head, "Yeah? Don't want me to stop, huh?" She taunts, simultaneously reassuring you as she maintained her rhythm.
You started to wail now, "Riri, my god-uh!" you grip the wrist of the hand inside of you with a deathly intensity.
She could feel the heat coming off of you, the goosebumps form on your naked back as she pounded you through yet another orgasm. The white silk that trailed after left her open palm with a warm treat but you weren't focused on that. Riri continued her relentless tread, pummeling some of your cream right back inside.
You thighs started to shake at the realization, you lifted your head in a panic, "Wait!- fuck- I can't-", tears starting to grace your water lines like many times before, blurring your vision when you tried to look down at the messy scene.
Riri kisses your cheek as she continues, her tempo becoming more sharp and deliberate when she shushed you "shhh, I got you- gonna- shit- gonna make you feel good."
She brings her hand down from your hip now, tracing tight circles over your glossy bud, "damn, you're so wet f'me, baby..." she murmurs, mostly to herself against your cheek as the pattern she drawn over your clit sped up in momentum, "Only I can do this to you, yeah?"
A numbing fire, almost inflammatory, lit in the pit of your belly, one you hadn't felt before and now, you weren't sure if you really wanted her to stop. It still made you cautious, your grip tightening tenfold but the friction had little to no affect to the flicking of her wrist.
"My pretty girl. Look at you, almost there, already?" Riri cooed sweetly in your ear to which you nodded dumbly at her words, a pathetic mewl slipping from your lips when she attached her lips to your neck and began to suck and nibble, you swore it had you seeing stars.
"Gonna get you to make another mess for me, c'mon...Cum on my hand, princess." something about her calling you that had your body locking up almost immediately, muscles tensing and you didn't know what to do, it was like your brain was on autopilot, your hips bucking up into her hand as you clenched down with more force than ever before keeping her stuck, you screamed out for her, spurting out droplets right into the palm of her hand as she continued tracing your clit with her free hand.
Riri ditches the circles, moving her hand side to side, trying to help you ride out your intense orgasm as she bites at your neck with a grunt, "oh-ho, look at that shit!" she garbled as the everflowing stream caused your gummy walls to continuously open and clamp down on her middle and index.
After a few more seconds passed, you were still twitching with your hips lifted a few inches away from her. Riri kept at it until you started to whine, pushing your head into the space between her neck and shoulder, "Fuck, I can't." Riri's already removing her hands at your words, wiping your cum off her fingers with her own tongue as you turned in her arms.
Everything was too wet ; the mattress, the sheets,her thighs and yours...so sticky too. You were too out of it to notice though, "No more." you mumbled into her. Riri nods in understanding as rubs at your waist to comfort you, "That was so sexy mama.." her calloused hand moves up to your back, making a soothing pattern, "...Thank you." she kisses against your temple multiple times till you wipe them off on her night tee.
Even though you didn't respond her curiosity got the best of her, "Was it cause I called you my princess?" she whispered into the cold air. You groaned again, trying to deny her but it meant nothing when it was overbeared by her chuckles.
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A/N: I was really gonna try to stay away from smut for a bit but... She's too fine I just... Lemme go sit down
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s0lam33y · 6 months
All Night
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riri williams x reader
a/n: y’all lowkey I been on my shit like imo know I been in the studioooo lately. Anyway, I’m working on a longer piece and decided to release this drabble in the meantime.
@pvnks0ul @kissvamps @xchoxix @onyxstones-world @blushyrawrz
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overworked!riri x reader
Sometimes you wish you were in your wife’s brain. To be fair anyone would, she has one of the most brilliant minds on the planet.
You lean against the kitchen counter and watch a crinkle form in between her brows as she scribbles on a blueprint. Her hands are covered in pen ink while she continues to focus.
You watch her gather her locks in a bun and sit them on top of her head.
“Y/N, This shit isn’t fuckin’ working.” She groans. Dropping the pen in frustration. You can’t help but grin once you approach her, letting her rest her head against your chest.
You can finally see her work, elaborate sketches of her new suit all scattered everywhere. She’s been complaining about the fly time on the recent one she has and the inside of it isn’t as comfortable as she’d like. The small scratches on her torso are evidence enough.
“What’s wrong?” You question. You don’t understand all the mechanics behind the suit but it looks nearly identical to the one she has now.
“I can’t make the suit too thick then it’s just impractical, but I need more space to fucking breath, I could change the material of the inside but I need to pick something that can withstand the hot metal, it’s too much, why couldn’t I be normal and practice law or something?” She huffs into your skin. She’s so dramatic at times.
“Well, then the world wouldn’t experience your greatness and all that plus you’re too smart to go into law and you’re too much of a smart ass.” You point out to feel her laugh against your chest. Your hand lifts up to gently caress her wispy baby hairs.
“Man, fuck you. I’d make a good ass lawyer.” She murmurs sleepily as her arms wrap around your waist. They’ve been getting more toned everyday. You feel the soft cotton of her tank top press into your thighs.
“That’s debatable.” You shrug. You can feel how tired is she is and it’s been a long time since she’s joined you in bed. But you don’t want her to not give this another attempt so you place a kiss on her forehead before speaking.
“Think again, try harder, then come to bed.” You order. She hums feigning irritation at the fact that you didn’t order her to bed. She lets go reluctantly but not without lifting up your oversized shirt to kiss at your bare stomach.
You settle into bed without her, leaving her side empty. You lie on your side and the second your eyes begin to feel empty, weight settles next to you. She’s in too early.
“Did you find a solution?” You interrogate her and telling by that grin on her face, you both know she didn’t find a solution.
“No, girl, fuck the suit.” She chuckles boyishly and you’d scold her but her arms tighten around you, her front presses against your back. You can’t complain.
After a couple moments of silence, you raise your voice.
“Did you figure it out?”
Her body is already dead weight against your own.
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If you saw a typo, no you didn’t.
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d0wnb4df0rf1cm3n · 1 year
Send Noods
Shuri Udaku x Reader
Summary: Shuri's hungry. You're confused what she's hungry for.
Word Count: 1K
Warnings: fluff, a lil bit of smutty smut smut (still 18+ pls), tbh this is just funny to me. NOT CANON COMPLIANT
Author's Note: i cant lie this maybe the stupidest thing i've ever written but its funny and cute and shuri deserves that.
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I'm going to be working late tonight. Send noods? Read.
You weren't really sure how to react to Shuri's request. On the one hand, you two had a pretty active and healthy sex life - nudes weren't really the least conservative thing you two had engaged in.
On the other hand, it seemed particularly odd that she would ask for them if she intended to spend the rest of the evening in the labs.
You were slightly pissed off that she had cancelled on yet another date night in favour of working on whatever it was that she was developing - but you understood the importance of her job to Wakanda, so you let it slide.
The prospect of taking nudes excited you - you'd never done it before. You looked yourself once over in the mirror, taking in every inch of your reflection. Not for the first time since moving in with Shuri, you felt... sexy. Wanted. Your confidence wasn't lacking - you knew you were beautiful without Shuri's validation - but there was something about Shuri's spontaneity that made your confidence spike.
You showered, making sure to pamper yourself the same way you knew Shuri would if she were here with you. You shaved, did your skincare, painted your nails in Shuri's favourite colour.
You walked into the massive closet that Shuri had engineered for you, looking for the beautiful lingerie that Shuri had recently brought back from California. She'd been out there for a convention with Peter (Parker) and she'd sent you a picture of the lingerie with a 'thinking of you' message attached. Safe to say that you were so touch-starved that the idea of her thinking of you in that way had got you wet.
You put the lingerie on, marveling at how you felt more naked than if you had been nude, and posed in front of the mirror. You felt powerful in this. You put your favourite heels on, knowing how Shuri loved to unbuckle them for you, and lay on the bed.
You set your phone up on a tripod and took a series of pictures that were risque enough that you'd leave her wanting, but conservative enough that Shuri would want to come to bed. You want to entice her away from her work - the true love of her life.
You googled 'boudoir' and took reference from the poses you found. The photos you took were far from crude - no, they were tasteful, almost works of art.
You smiled when you were done. Shuri asked for nudes? Well, nudes she would get.
You sent her the photos and then threw your phone face down on the bed. Now to wait.
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Shuri's phone pinged. She made a mental reminder to check it in a moment, just after she had finished her work on this new suit. She had modified the Black Panther suit, infusing it with the same nanotechnology that Peter had been working on at MIT. She was excited to test out her improvements.
Her phone pinged again. Whoever it was really wanted to get a hold of her. She sighed when her text tone rang out again, standing up to grab her phone.
From: Sithandwa <;3 Image 📸
What the hell did you want now? Maybe you were asking what noodles she wanted? She opened her phone and promptly turned the screen to the table. What had she just seen?
She looked around to make sure there was no one else in the lab - of course, no one else was in the lab because she had a strict 'you must leave the lab at 8pm' which she enforced for everyone except herself. She looked at her phone again to find 5 pictures of you spread over your shared bed, posing in ways that made her mouth water and pussy clench.
Shuri told Griot to look up the lab and she sprinted down the halls - god, you looked delicious and she wanted to devour you.
She opened your bedroom door to see you sitting on the edge of the bed, anxiously biting your nails.
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You were so nervous. What if you'd completely misread the signals - no response from Shuri was normally never a good sign.
The door swung open and Shuri stood in the doorway, eyes raking over you, a smile playing on her lips. She stalked over to you, hand cupping your face. She pulled you in for a passionate kiss - her tongue slipping inside your mouth. You relaxed into her hold, kissing her back and pulling her towards you.
She climbed onto the bed, straddling you as she rocked into you. You felt something hard under the confines of her trousers and you smiled. You were in for a fun night.
"What did I do to deserve these beautiful pictures of you, sithandwa?" She asked, pulling away to rest her forehead against yours. You looked up in confusion.
"What? You asked for them, remember?"
Shuri looked confused, "Uh- no I didn't?"
"Yes, you did. See," you pulled your phone from the bedside table, "You said, 'send nudes'." Shuri burst out laughing.
You curled away from her, embarrassed, but she pulled you back into her arms, laughter still bubbling up. She cupped your cheeks and looked into your eyes, "I meant noodles, sithandwa, not nudes." You smiled involuntarily, laughter bubbling up from you too, "Not that I'm not appreciative of your gorgeous photos, but you've ruined my plan for this evening."
"I think I already have an idea of what your plan was for this evening."
"And do you like it?"
You nodded gently, a wave of shyness washing over you.
Shuri lifted your chin up with her finger, "Words, princess."
"Yes, please."
She pushed you down so your back was on the bed, "Good girl."
She kissed you again, fingers trailing up and down your sides. She peeled the straps of the lingerie down, revealing each inch of your skin, pressing light kisses to the expanse of your shoulders.
She kissed down your navel, taking her time to make you squirm. If there was any art that Shuri had perfected, it was the art of fucking you just right.
You stopped her as she reached the softness of your belly. She looked up at you, puzzled, but burst into laughter as soon as she heard what you had to say.
"After this can we get noodles?"
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killmongerskeepermain · 8 months
Hide and Seek
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Pairing: Ghostface!Shuriri x FemReader
Warning: Fluff // Being Hunted? // Smut // Shuri calling the shots // Slight Dom!Shuri
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: Hope yall like it!!!
Shuri // Riri
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"Usana don't be nervous. We aren't going to hurt you." Shuri laughed as you rolled your eyes behind the blindfold you were tricked into wearing. "It's just us ma. You ain't got nothing to be worrying about." 
"The blindfold?" You asked, pointing at your face and the two women once again laughed at your whining. "Gotta keep it a surprise." Riri replied, rubbing her hand over the back of your neck. "You've said that but I am not convinced." The drive wasn't long but you felt yourself slowly drifting off to sleep before the car came to a stop. "We're here." You reached for the knot where the blindfold was tied before a pair of hands stopped you. 
"Slow down we got to go over the rules first." Riri chuckled and you sighed but put your hands in your lap. "Now this a big building. Abandoned. The point of this little game is to run and hide. We chase, you run. For 45 whole minutes. Whoever gets to you first gets to have their way with you all night while the other watches." You felt your pussy throb at the thought and had to stop yourself from biting your lip. Didn't want to seem too excited. "And if neither of you catches me?" 
"You take the lead this time. But if we catch you, it won't be too nice." Practically grinning, Riri jumped out of the back seat and opened your door. You held onto her as you stepped out. Feeling Shuri walk up behind you, your eyes fluttered open as she undid the blindfold. You stared up at the long abandoned 2 story building in front of you. "Yall want me to hide in there?" The question rolled off your tongue before the past princess laughed into your shoulder. "It's alright. We checked it beforehand. It's empty and has been for some years." 
"And what if some crackhead snuck in there. Or if some masked psycho tries to kill me?" Riri wrapped her hand around your waist as she peppered soft kisses to your jaw. "They're gonna have to deal with us first." You rolled your eyes as you looked back up at the building. "Do I get a head start?" 
"Of course. 10 minutes." Shuri said letting the wind blow through her curls with her eyes closed. "You want me to find a hiding spot in THERE in 10 minutes? What the fuck is yall on?"
"9 minutes." Her tone was filled with mischief and you narrowed your eyes as she stared up at the sky. "You better run baby." You didn't even reply to Riri as you slowly backed away from the two. When Shuri said nothing else you took the hint and booked it through the busted front door. Scanning the area you cursed to yourself and up the first set of stairs you saw. You figured you'd only make it to the second floor before they came in. Ducking room after room you tried to find a good spot to sit and hide. Under a desk? No, too easy. Behind a door? Come on now Y/N. You know these two. Riri is too quiet and Shuri is stupid fast. You can't outrun either of them. All you know is that you CANNOT sit still. Move when they move. Stop when they stop. Alright. This office room will be your starting point. 10 minutes had passed and you couldn't do anything but wait. Wait until you spotted one of them because hearing them was out of the question. The building was silent. Not even their footsteps were heard. You had managed to keep yourself hidden for a good 30 minutes. You'd see one of the women every now and then but you kept your distance. Eventually you managed to see a shadow turn one of the far off corners down the hall. One of them was up here with you again. "Come out. Come out, wherever you are." You caught a glimpse of her turning the corner in front of you and you silently creeped into the next room, ignoring her taunting. Figured since she checked there she won't come back. You silently ducked under a nearby desk as one of them dragged into the room. You had a feeling it was Riri. Her walk was smooth and confident. Even though they were hunting you, they weren't going to hurt you. Although the thrill of it all sent jolts through your bones. Something felt off. There's no way they'll find you in the next 10 minutes. But that's the scary part. They usually don't take this long when they are in full hunter mode. You shook your head and determination crossed your features as you watched her movements. When she left the room you slowly made your way down the hall with a wide grin. Time was almost up. And for once you were going to win. All you had to do was make it back outside. Reaching the bottom of the stairs meant you were home free. You scanned the hall to the left of you. And to the right. Not a single mask in sight so you made a dash to the front door with a wide smile on your lips. 
Just before you could reach the doorway, a gloved hand grabbed your waist and lifted you off the ground.  You whipped your head around and looked up to see Shuri take off her mask with a smirk. "Aww so close. But I win." Her lips founds yours as she pulled you in for a passionate kiss. "How did you…..where did you even come from! I checked!" Riri came down the stairs and slipped her own mask off. "Damn I should have just got her upstairs."
"Excuse me? You knew I was there?" 
"Of course I did. I was playing with my food and slipped up." She started with a slight shrug. "As per usual." Shuri's comment was ignored and Riri went to continue her thought. "But it's good to see you get all nervous. Not knowing our next move." She grinned and you folded your arms across your chest. Shuri kissed your temple as you huffed. "You were so close to getting out." She pecked your lips as you rolled your eyes. "Come on. Let's get home before the storm rolls in."
When you made it home you could barely sit still. Curious about what she had planned for you. Shuri made the three of you drinks and you made a quick toast before downing it in one gulp. The two of you followed the taller woman to the bedroom and she tossed her bag on the floor. You could tell she wasn't going to make this easy for you. No matter how much you craved it. Had this turned out in your favor you'd be downstairs forcing the two of them to watch a movie with you while the rain fell. But you lost. You lost and she was about to indulge in her prize. "Hold out your hands." You did as you were told and held out your arms in front of you. She used the blindfold from earlier and tied your wrists together. With a raised brow Riri sat down in the bedroom chair as Shuri pushed you to sit on the bed. Your eyes never left hers as she let her jacket fall to the floor. Without breaking her gaze she tied the other end of the blindfold to the headboard. "Just to make sure you don't move." She said as she held up her knife. "Shuri-" Your warning was cut short as she planted a kiss on your neck. "I'm not going to cut you princess. Just getting this out of the way." She made a clean cut of your shirt and bra straight down the middle. Your breath hitched as the cool air hit your exposed skin. Your nipples hardened not long after she pulled your pants down your legs. She grabbed hold on one of one of your breasts while letting her lips close around the pierced bud. You arched off the mattress feeling your own wetness coating your thighs. 
"Fuck, Shuri." She started to suck on your sensitive buds causing your legs to wrap around her hips. You needed her closer. Her kisses left a hot wet trail down your body as she maneuvered her way between your thighs. She gave a quick kiss to your throbbing clit as her thumb brushed against your opening. "She's so wet for me. Perfect." With one lick you moaned out wishing you could just push her face where you needed her the most. She started off slowly while you enjoyed the moment, fluttering your eyes closed. Everytime you would try to push down into her she'd smack your thigh. "I don't need your help usana. I can make you cum on my own." As the words left her she dove back into your dripping pussy without a care in the world. You could tell Riri was getting turned on as she started fidgeting in her seat. The sounds of your gushing pussy being music to her ears. Your hips bucked uncontrollably as you felt yourself come closer to your release. You tugged at the restraints as Shuri slipped a finger past your lips. Her fingertips grazed your walls as you clenched down around her digits with your bottom lip between your teeth. "That's my girl." Her lips found your sensitive bud once more as she sped up the pace, curling her fingers to rub against the spot that made you see stars. "Fuck! Shuri just like that. Don't stop!" You shouted as you shut your eyes tight letting your orgasm surge through you. She held you down with her hand flat on your stomach as you twitched and pulled at the fabric binding your wrists. "I got you princess. Give it all to me." Riri sat anxious across from you while biting her nails as she watched you come undone underneath the other woman. The way your face contorted in pleasure as Shuri slurped up every drop that rolled down your thighs. The wakandan pulled away slightly to kiss your inner thigh while rubbing small circles into your skin, giving you some time to calm down. Riri caught Shuri's gaze as a small smirk appeared on the woman's lips. "Come over here baby." Riri arched her brow before standing up and making her way over to the bed as Shuri stood to her full height. She went up behind Riri, wrapping her arms around her waist. By now it had started to rain and the clouds darkened the room a little.
"What do you think? Y/N and I make our own little movie and you should be our camera woman for the night. Might as well since you're just watching. Isn't that right?" Riri let her eyes flutter closed as Shuri left wet kisses along her neck and shoulder. You laid there to catch your breath watching them, getting wetter by the second. Shuri slipped her phone in Riri's hands, resting her chin on her shoulder. You grinned at the two while biting your lip as Riri zoomed in on your dazed expression, trying to ignore the throbbing between her legs. She didn't even notice Shuri had pulled away and replaced her boxers with a strap. A new one at that. "Aye be careful with that." Riri was more concerned about the size hurting you than how wild Shuri can get. "Don't worry, she can handle it." Her hand slipped in your curls and you groaned at the feeling of her fingertips running over your scalp. The feeling was short lived as she pulled your head back to look you in the eyes. "Can't you Y/N?" With a soft hum Riri rolled her eyes before moving to get a better angle as the tip pushed at your entrance. Suddenly Shuri pulled away while rubbing her chin. "Go in front of the bed." Riri frowned but moved around the bed as Shuri untied the fabric from the headboard. "You keep this in place." You were now on your knees with your ass up in the air. Riri held onto the end of the blindfold, keeping your arms stretched out in front of you. You moaned as you felt your pussy begin to stretch out. Shuri slowly pushed into you while holding onto your waist. "See? She can take it. All of it." She buried her strap to the hilt as a shudder went down her spine. Shuri loved the way you invited her in. Regardless of how big it was. "Oh fuck! It's so big!" You shouted with your face in the covers. "That's it." She pulled out to the tip before sliding back into you. Seeing there was little to no resistance she picked up the pace. You moaned out as the sound of skin against skin drowned out the raindrops hitting the window. 
"Fuckfuckfuckfuck it feels so good." You tugged at the blindfold as Shuri's thrusts never let up. She pounded into you as your eyes never broke from Riri's lustful gaze. "Tell her how bad you want to cum usana." You opened your mouth to speak but no words formed as only sinful sounds emitted from you. You couldn't keep your head up and let your cheek hit the sheets bundled under you. "Seems she needs a little encouragement. Don't you think Riri?" Shuri spoke out with heavy breaths in between as she fucked you closer to your orgasm. Her hand slipped around your throat, pulling hard enough to bring your body against hers. Putting your front on display for Riri to record. Your breasts bounced as Shuri's thrusts got sloppy. Her own release is nearing. You can feel it by the way she fucks you. "You gonna cum for the camera ma? Looking so fucking good for me." Shuri groaned watching the dildo disappear inside you. "I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna fucking cum." Shuri leaned back to get a better angle and you felt her hitting the perfect spot as he hips slammed against the curves of your ass. "That's right cum on that dick." You screamed out as your walls clenched around her strap. "Oh shit! Fuck! I'm cumming." She fucked you through your orgasm, holding you by the arms and smirked at the way you creamed all over her. That sent her over the edge and she buried her face into your shoulder, her own orgasm rushing through her body. You grabbed hold of her hand as she slowed down before wrapping her arms around your stomach. After a couple more slow strokes she pulled out and you fell against the bed. Riri zoomed in on your blessed out expression before smiling. "You good ma?" With a light nod you gave a thumbs up and she chuckled before stopping the video. "You did so well for us usana." Shuri muttered as she kissed your bare shoulder. "Maybe for you, I had to sit back and watch the whole time." You reached out and grabbed hold on Riri's thigh which sent a jolt up her spine. "I think she could go for one more." Riri stared at Shuri for confirmation before looking down at you. You bit your bottom lip as you tapped your face a couple of times indicating where you wanted her. She started undoing her pants and Shuri laughed. "I hope yall know I'm keeping this video." 
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liyawritesss · 1 year
hmm riri finding the perfect ring for you and then proposing hmmmm
ᴏɴᴇ ᴅᴀʏ ɪ ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ʙᴇ ᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀꜱᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴜᴅ ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ
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Characters: MCU!Riri Williams x Black!Fem!Reader
Type: Drabble
Word Count: 1k
Synopsis: Normally vows are made at the altar, but Riri just can’t seem to wait till your decked out in white to swear her life to you.
Warnings: mild cursing 
A/N: This is honestly such a cute ask….i love Riri being a hopeless romantic and when she finds that one person she knows she’s gonna be with, there’s nothing stopping her from loving you in the way a wife would
Tags: @6-noir @playhousedistee @shuririsdefenseattorney @shuriszn @venusdusse @wrendermedone @writingintheshadowsforever @mbakuetshurisprincess @verachii @slytherin-34 @the_lesbian-fangirl @itsmaniiiiiiiii @strangefishflapturtle @cuddl3s4shur1 @shuriislut @dejaonline @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @inmyheadimobsessed @aaliyg @cafehyunji @chunkybabygorl @rosielovesfamily @lulu-network @killmongerskeepermain @riri-red-car
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“I have a question.”
It’s the first thing said that breaks the silence that had been looming in Riri’s room for the past hour. It was a comfortable silence, spent with the two of you laying in each other's arms. You’d snuggled up under Riri’s side as she was entranced in a pretty intense basketball game on her gaming console, you busying yourself by watching TikToks on your phone when she had opened the floor for a conversation.
“Yeah?” You respond, still entranced in your phone.
Riri took a pause, her fingers stilling on her controller. She bites her lip, choosing the next words carefully.
“What does a ring mean to you?”
You find yourself stilling with your scrolling as well, eyebrows furrowing as you tear your eyes from your screen to look up at the girl you were cuddled under. Her eyes had stayed glued to the television screen; probably because if Riri were to return your gaze, the practiced prose she had conjured up would have flown out the window.
“What do you mean?” You asked, rightfully confused by her choice of words. A second passes before Riri completely pauses her game to direct her attention to you.
“If I got you a ring, what would it mean to you?”
Many people would say that nineteen was too young to know the person you’d want to spend forever with. At nineteen, you’re supposed to be finishing your first year of college. At nineteen, you’re supposed to be partying with your friends, drinking the night away, figuring out what you want your twenties to look like. 
At 19, you’re supposed to be taking risks. But Riri has had enough of taking risks.
You’d been the first good thing to happen to Riri in a long time. Since the death of her best friend. Since the whole ordeal with Wakanda and Talokan. And in the two years of knowing you, and the year of dating you, if anything had become more certain to the young engineer, it was that the way she felt about you was the kind of love her mother and step-father had. The kind of love you could feel from miles away, intense and all-knowing. And she had no intention of letting it go.
“I…I would love it, obviously,” you say, “i love anything you get me, Riri, even though I keep telling you I’on need nothin’-”
“-because having me is enough, yeah, yeah- that’s not the point.”
You move to sit up, and Riri helps you, snaking an arm around your waist, discarding her controller to the side as she puts all her attention on you now. She swears the thumping of her heart can be heard outside her body, it being so harsh and profound in her chest that it almost feels as if it shakes her being with each pump of blood in and out of the organ.
“What would it mean to you if I got you a ring?”
You took a moment, letting the thoughts swirl in your mind, trying to conjure up a response that would satisfy her. There isn’t a word imaginable that would describe the absolute joy you’d be in if the purpose of said jewelry piece was for what you thought it was for.
You took one of Riri’s hands into your own, the caramel velvet of her skin beautifully clashing with your own, molding together as if crafted to belong together. 
“It would mean the world to me,” you say, and you’re sure you had more words to say, but once your eyes lock with hers, they get lost in your throat. Perhaps it was the intensity of her stare, and the amount of love they’ve always had for you, or perhaps it’s the way she gently pulls her hand from yours to rest under your chin, focusing your attention onto her, “why?”
Because I have a promise ring under my pillow with our marriage date engraved inside the band. Because I love you fucking much I can’t see life without you anymore. I’ve lost too much. I can’t lose you. I want to promise to be with you until we can make it official.
“Look under my pillow over there,” Riri hums. 
There’s a tightness that rises in your chest; a good kind of tightness, anticipation for what you would find. The sound of rustling sheets fill the room as you reach up towards the head of the bed, a hand diving under the feather stuffed pillows, fishing around until your fingers curl around something small, cube like, velvet. You almost stall for a moment, but the hand on your lower back is a reminder that the anticipation you feel is maximized by ten for the engineer behind you. So you pull back, and with you comes the tiny jewelers box, as well as what you know to be inside of it.
A silence fills the room as your gaze switches between Riri and examining the velvet box in your hand. 
“It ain’t the real thing yet, but-” Riri begins, her hand slipping the box from yours and into her own, opening the top to reveal the ring inside. It takes a minute for you to recognize that it’s the same ring you’d been gawking at in one of the jewelry stores window displays downtown a month prior. If your calculations were correct, that ring would have cost her at least a band; and if she got herself one as well, then more.
She takes the ring from it’s plush white crevice inside the box, holding it up for the both of you to see, “-I figured it’d be enough til we get everything right.”
It takes everything in you to hold back the tears swelling in your eyes, begging to fall from your lids. Speaking would have surely opened the floodgates as well. All you could do was allow her to hold your hand as she slipped the jewelry onto your ring finger, fitting perfectly onto it.
“I ain’t letting you go, (Y/N),” Riri proclaims, as one hand interlocks with your now ringed hand and the other fishes under her hoodie to reveal the silver chain, which has another ring hanging from it, as you suspected, “but I swear when I get my shit together, there won’t be anything that’s gon’ stop me from asking you.”
And yet, with the glistening in your eyes, and the tightness of which you hold her hand, Riri already knows your answer.
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kissvamps · 9 months
vampire!riri headcanons
i love riri williams and vampires so this was bound to happen eventually
dt to my sister, my homegirl, my fellow worm, @clinicallykrazy, stay strong in these times of war🙏🏾
- vampire!riri that was actually turned by an ex-girlfriend on accident….it was a very messy time in both of their lives
- loves sunbathing because it kinda tickles (she's so silly)
- originally was very scared about having to feed off humans but when she fed for the first time it just tasted like strawberry lemonade to her
- vampire!riri that doesn’t meet you until around a year or two after being turned so she’s almost able to keep it a secret from you, emphasis on almost
- you didn't think anything too odd was going on with riri, people have really cold hands and love midday naps, it really wasn't anything too unusual
- but eventually you started noticing the much much smaller things that gave her away, her strong distaste for silver jewelry, the random 'fun' hematology facts, the obsession with having you wear her clothes, riri always play-biting you
- "riri baby, be honest. you be biting people for real, don't you?" "i mean, niggas gotta eat."
- you have like a million questions for her and she is very very excited to answer them all
- "well, how come the silverware don't be burning you up?" "baby, you know them forks not real silver"
- yes, she be draining the niggas that try and get your number, it's in her nature!!
- vampire!riri that loves calling you pretty, baby, ma
- she went to get those fang grillz but they were giving her weird stares so she had to make the grillz herself
- always calling you gay for no reason
- vampire!riri that has a favorite blood type. it's b negative, it reminds her of cherry candies
- riri has you in her phone as wifey because she has every intention of getting down on one knee if marriage is something you want
- nosiest nigga alive omg?? has heightened senses which includes hearing so she stay putting in her two cents
- “if tia was just talkin allat shit, why you sending her flowers for her baby shower?” “and how you know she been talkin shit?”
- vampire!riri that is most definitely robbing the niggas she feed off of every now and again when she knows they're questionable individuals
- she like to go on shopping sprees wit you after robbing her meals
- "riri, baby, where you get this money?" "you look so pretty in this dress, ma, why it matter?"
- will drain people that deserve it cuz riri been said eat the rich and now she actually has an appropriate appetite for them
- do NOT wear perfume around her, or anything with a kinda strong scent tbh, she'll start sneezing and coughing so bad you think she done caught something
- "damn ma, you put the whole bath and body works on?" "ri baby, it's just a body scrub."
- trust she not buying you any scents, all you getting is that vaseline cocoa butter outta her
- vampire!riri that loves to kiss you after you eat, she so weird. it's almost got her ass hospitalized a few times lmao
- “baby, i just had those garlic knots from dominoes." "it's okay, pretty, i got health insurance now."
- the hospital is, sadly, very familiar with riri
- come over to her dorm randomly when she forgets to lock the door and you can catch her floating just above her bed if she's taking another one of her midday naps
- bites the fuck outta you when you feed her food, she so gay
- "ow!! damn, greedy ass." "i thought you was the chocolate for the strawberry, my bad, ma." "rianna, you not serious at all."
- one of your professors was being a bitch about letting you know when office hours are and his ass went missing for 36 hours
- sometimes she watches you sleep, she likes going on nap dates and just looking at your peaceful sleep face
- “how long you been up, baby?” “just a few minutes, pretty.” knowing damn well she was never sleep
- very obsessed with you if that wasn’t clear already
- vampire!riri who loves when you sleep over at hers, one if her fave things to do is just hug you from behind and sway you guys back and forth when you start getting ready in the morning
- always giving you a kiss like she can’t help it (you love it tho so it’s not a real problem)
- “rianna, you fucked up my lipgloss.” “i’m sorry, pretty. lemme try and fix it.” and she just kisses you again, she is so gay.
- she be stealing your clothes sometimes but you can’t even be mad fr cuz she be having that shit on
- vampire!riri that won’t turn you until yall turn like thirty-five
- “riiiii, that’s like forever away.” “you could be a forever milf, ma, i’m tryna put you on.”
just something else to tide yall over while i'm slaving in this hot kitchen making this gay ass food. i’m also very slowly working on my requests so feel free to flood my inbox wit requests for whoever (no crackers and no men, thank you!!)
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