#Ridikulus Masterlist
hollowwrites · 11 months
I’m Bothered by these Boggarts
I always thought the Boggart lesson was cruel. Yeah it’s hilarious when someone is scared of a spider or the dark but shit can get upsetting real fast…
So of course I had to write what I think our bois are scared of.
I’d love to hear what people think our bois fears are?
Warning - some of these are pretty sad. I don’t know why I did Garreth so dirty.
Garreth, Sebastian, Ominis and Amit
Garreth - Being a Disappointment
The boggart takes the form of his mother doting over multiple ginger children, she looks up past the head of one of them at Garreth, her face changes to a stern frown. She shakes her head with disgust ushering the children into the closet. She turns back finger pointing to his chest and her mouth hanging open ready to scold him. He casts Ridikulus before he hears the onslaught of how stupid his potion making is. How well his cousins are doing. How disappointed she is.
He’s heard it all once before…
Her finger bubbles up as does the rest of her and she bounces and floats around the Skeleton of the Hebrodian Black. Hecat pulls her back down and pushes her in the closet.
Leander pats his shoulder as he walks past him to the back of the line, an apologetic smile across his features.
Sebastian - Being Alone and losing his Family
Anne, Ominis and MC lurch unnatural out from the door of the closet. They all turn to talk to each other, Sebastian unable to hear the words tumbling from they’re mouth, like they were another language. Not one of them looks in Sebastians direction. Anne turns to address the person behind him in line before she collapses, eyes rolling back in her head. Eve and Ominis walk back into the closet stepping over Anne. Anne shrivels grotesquely thin before Sebastian casts Ridikulus
Anne bursts into confetti the room filling with brightly coloured strands and streamers. Hecat gathers it up and send the papers back into the closet.
MC throws her arms around him as he walks past.
“You know that will never happen. We’re here for you. Always” Ominis said placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.
Ominis - Becoming his family
All he can hear is screaming. Everyone else is confronted with a mass of contorted faces pressing just under the surface of flesh. Sebastian and MC recognise it as the door in the Scriptorium. Underlying the tortured screams is a new sound, his own laugh. Twisted and Cruel. Unfortunately he’s used to it with his frequent nightmares and casts Ridikulus quickly, seemingly unphased.
The mass contorts to the shape of the fat lady. Screams change to shrill singing and she dances her way back into the closet.
As he walks to the back of the line, he can hear students talking about him. How cold he is for just casting it without it affecting him at all.
“Once a Gaunt, Always a Gaunt nothing will change that.”
Sebastian shoved the accusing Ravenclaw in the line squaring up to him, earning a Detention that he doesn’t regret.
Amit - Being Useless
An exact copy of himself falls out of the closest, tripping over his shoelaces and dropping his books and telescope. He wobbly got back to his feet before Gobbledegook falls from his lips. Badly. Boggart Amit clamps his hand over his mouth but the words fall from his lips in violent spasms. The students behind him laugh and Amit feels an actual tinge of fear not being produced by the boggart.
He casts Ridikulus and the robes contorting around Boggart Amit transfigure into a huge eagle. It flys around the classroom and into the closet leaving tiny lights and constellations in its wake.
“You’re Gobbledegook is much better than that, don’t worry” MC squeezes his arm when they see the defeated look on his face.
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blankdblank · 1 year
Anaticula (1978-1989) Year One at Hogwarts Masterlist
Protego (Marauders Era) Masterlist here - Series Book 1
x Charlie Weasley, Sebastian Krum, Barty Crouch Jr/OC’s -
Prequel to Ridikulus - Life in Hogwarts and path to bringing down the Dark Lord with the drama of trying to just be a teenager.
Book 2 - Anaticula (1978-1989) Year One at Hogwarts -
Ch 1 Triplets & Adulthood Ao3 link here - 
Ch 2 Death and Disguises - 
Ch 3 Memorials & the Mood Ring - 
Ch 4 The Hunt & Heirlooms -
Ch 5 Ten - 
Ch 6 Acceptance Letter - 
Ch 7 - Opal, Summer, Travels - 
Ch 8 - Mysteries Persist -
Ch 9 - Off to Hogwarts - 
Ch 10 - First Morning -
Ch 11 - Transfiguration & The Chamber
Ch 12 - Tea
Ch 13 - Potions to End of Day
Ch 14 - Day 2 to Rest of Week
Ch 15 - Fudge 
Ch 16 - Hello Again
Ch 17 - Malfoy Manor
Ch 18 - Catching Up
Ch 19 - Tulip 
Ch 20 - Rental Owls vs Puffball
Ch 21 - Dentist
Ch 22 - New Wardrobe
Ch 23 - Holiday Visits
Ch 24 - Snakes
Ch 25 - Background Check
Ch 26 - The Performance
Ch 27 - Quidditch and Awkward Questions
Continued in Anaticula Year One - 1989 Quidditch World Cup 
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xreaderbooks · 3 years
Pair: Sirius Black x Reader
Warnings: None
Word count: 1.6k
Summary: Reader remembers Hers and Sirius’ relationship until he gets thrown in Azkaban. 
A/N: Hey guys! so I found this in my drafts, I don’t know why I didn't post it but here it is now. It’s unedited but I hope you enjoy either way. Let me know if you have any requests :)
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That night y/n knew something was wrong. It felt dark, more eerie as if all the dementors had been let loose into the world. It had been a couple of hours since Sirius had left. Sirius thought it was too dangerous for the both of you to go. So you stayed behind in the flat you both shared. ‘He’ll come’ she thought. She occupied herself by cleaning til there wasn’t a speck of padfoots hair. Then the thought of Sirius came back, ‘He should’ve been back by now’ 
Back in her hogwarts days y/n was but a shy, introverted (h/h) who didn’t have that many friends and was mainly focused on trying to pass her exams. Back in Sirius Blacks hogwarts days he was a mischevious arsehole that slept with what seemed like the entire female population of hogwarts, and did a lot of pranks with his equally idiotic best friends. Sirius only knew of y/n because she was an acquaintance of Lily and would be the Marauders source of information when it came to literally anything Remus nor Lily wanted to answer. Besides being acquaintances with the group of boys y/n knew Sirius because well he was Sirius Black, who didn’t know him.
They were never close in those years until a moment in forbidden forest. y/n was caring for creatures and Sirius was taking a walk as padfoot because he had gotten news of his brother joining the death eaters. He tried to do everything he could to protect him from that life but to no avail. He saw you when he transformed back into his human self and couldn’t avoid you when you saw him.
“What are you doing here?” y/n asked shocked, she hadn’t heard him, she always tried to be vigilant since the forbidden forest was filled with all kinds of dangerous creatures.
“I could ask you the same thing l/n.” 
“I was accompanying the bowtruckles, they get lonely you know?” 
“Care to share your thoughts on what you just saw.”  
“I don’t know what I just saw.” To that response he raised an eyebrow and turned his head like a dog being confused at what its seen. At that he put a finger to his mouth in a shushing motion while backing away slowly and winking as he transformed into his animagus. 
You saw him again the next day in the great hall during lunch, you two never really talked if it wasn't for one of his schemes so you were a bit nervous coming up to him. Which is exactly what you needed his help with. The idea dawned on you when you say him yesterday. After all, you help him all the time with him pranks. There was a Gryffindor girl that wouldn't stop bothering you and you wanted some payback. Walking in you went to the Gryffindor table you sat beside him. 
“Come to talk about your findings yesterday ” He turned around in his seat,  a wide grin set on his face.
“Um no, actually I need your help.” You tucked your hair behind your ear. “I wanna prank someone, I wanna make it embarrassing and I want the person to know it was me.” 
“Wow y/n, didn't know you had a bad side” 
“You wouldn't know any of my sides Black considering you know nothing of me.” You glared. 
“No need to be defensive love, besides I know plenty” He said sounding all so confident. “I know Your a (y/h), I know you have a book with you wherever you go, I know you at least answer one question in class because you’d rather answer questions your sure you know of and have the teacher leave you alone for the rest of the class or you’d rather be secretly reading in your corner-”
“I think I get the point, Stalker.” You blushed and hid behind your hair. 
“Only for you.” He winked. 
“When are you free so we can figure out a schedule.” 
“Suddenly my schedules all cleared up, for as long as you need me.” The mischievous glint in his eyes didn’t go un noticed as you rolled your eyes, and beginning to come up with a plan.
Over the course of the next few days you and Sirius had spent a countless amount of hours together setting up a boggart in the Gryffindor girls dorm, you had set up triggers so that the girls fears could be produced and the boggart could appear. 
You and Sirius would be there just in case. Hearing the girls scream was your cue as you burst into the room and shouted ‘Ridikulus’ 
The fear on the girls faced satisfied you enough and you smirked while she glared at you. “You did this.” She sneered. 
“Did what? I just saved your sorry arse.” 
She huffed as she shoved passed you. 
You celebrated with Sirius after with some pumpkin pasties he stole from the kitchens. He promised to take you out on a real celebratory dinner in Hogsmeade, it sounded more like he was asking you on a date more than what he was suggesting but you liked the last option much better. 
Your celebration didn’t last long until McGonnagal summoned you into her office, the Gryffindor told her what you did and Professor McGonnagal gave you detention. 
Luckily you weren't alone. A certain raven haired troublemaker got himself caught doing Merlin knows what. 
You asked him what he was doing there, when he showed up later than the set time for detention. 
“What do you mean? It wouldn’t be fair if you had to deal with this alone, we did this together after all.”
Those days changed your life. He changed your life. He made you a stronger person and if anything were to happen to him, you would go back to the girl who had no backbone because he was your backbone, he was your everything and you would crumble without him. 
That was why, the moment you heard news of Sirius getting arrested you snapped. You pushed all of your closest friends away, got out of the order tired of all the pitied glances they would send your way. The audacity of these people to show you sympathy but not show any towards Sirius who they assumed betrayed them. But you knew he would never. 
He’d rather die than betray Lily and James, or anybody in the order for that matter. So you left you told them they could all go to hell. The only person who stuck was Remus. He was a constant, he kept you somewhat grounded, if it wasn't for him you’d probably be dead by alcohol poisoning or something. Although you could tell the faith he had in Sirius’ innocence was fading, you still appreciated him for taking care of you. In days where things were bad he would even shower you. It was bad. 
Until one day you saw reports of him escaping Azkaban. You couldn’t believe it, Would he come for you or Harry first. ‘This idiot’ Was all that was running through your head. They’ll be coming for him and maybe you, since most people knew that you and Sirius were close to being married. You hoped he thought this through, and that he would come to you first. Although you did know that he’d want to see his Godson, but it wasn't safe for him. No doubt Harry would be angry. ‘If he even knew.’ that thought angered you and brought back old memories. Petunia and her husband probably didn’t tell him anything. 
You had tried to take on the role of Harrys guardian. That was your right entirely considering you were his Godmother and Sirius, his Godfather. However Dumbledore overstepped and said he should be kept hidden in case You-Know-Who came for him. It was bullshit but by the time you got to Godrics Hollow, Hagrid already took him. You argued with Dumbledore on this matter, even going to Little Whinging and once again was interfered by Dumbledore. 
In the middle of thinking about what could happen and what has already happened, a scratching sound was heard at your door. Your heart pounded, you knew it was him. You opened the door and there he was in his animagus form. Once he was inside and you closed the door, you used your wand to close the windows and turn on the lights in your house. 
“Sirius.” You whispered, He transformed back into his human form and you wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around your waist. 
“Hello, My love.” He nuzzled his face into your neck. 
After you insisted he showered before you talked about what would happen next, he hugged you once more again breathing in your scent. “I missed you so much.” 
“I missed you more.” Your eyes were brimming with tears. “It’s been too long.” 
He nodded, you noticed his watery eyes. “God we’ve become such saps.” 
“12 years of not seeing each other, I say we have a right to be.” He laughed out. 
“Did you find Harry?” You asked. 
He shook his head no. “I came to find you first, I figured we could find a way to ease him into the truth. I can’t stand him thinking I could betray his parents, you know I would never-”
“Of course not,” You let out a chuckle. “You think I'd let you in if I truly believed that.”
“I knew you would believe me.”
“Always.” You smiled and squeezed his hand. “So how do we deal with this?” 
“I don’t know but we’ll find a way we always do.” He looked in your eyes. 
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blankdblank · 1 year
Revelio Masterlist
Revelio -
Series between Anaticula and Ridikulus -  Separated from their families and friends Sirius, Remus, Arthur and Ron find themselves on the edge of Rivendell, while Tonks finds herself alone and in need of a hiding place of her own on the outskirts of Rohan to wait out the gap from her waking until she hears word of her family and friends. Because with a family like hers there is bound to be loud echoes eventually able to aim her in the right direction.
Pt 1 Saruman - Pt 2 Off to the Wilderness - Pt 3 The Arrival - Pt 4 Blue Mountains - Ch 5 - 14 on ao3
Ch 5 Welcome to Rivendell - Ch 6 Greater Greenwood & Rohan - Ch 7 Sauron, Quidditch, Night In - Ch 8 Baggins - Ch 9 Journals and the White Lady - Ch 10 Courtship Talks - Ch 11 The Elf King - Ch 12 Crookshanks and Return to Greater Greenwood - Ch 13 Trip to Bree - Ch 14 Tonks
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blankdblank · 1 year
Ridiculus Masterlist
x Thranduil/Glorfindel -
Once upon a time the Boy Who Lived and the Girl Who Died protecting him had led them safely to what the imagined to be a new beginning. But the Boy Who Lived didn’t and it’s all left to his former protector to find a new home for all the shattered hearts coated in the ashes of a long standing war. In another last ditch effort to save the survivors from the Battle at Hogwarts Dumbledore’s Army leads the charge to save the other countless children in danger of falling prey to the rising evil in their world. Landing strangely enough in a small hole in the ground…
Re-edited version -
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Rivendell - Pt 4 - The White Council and meeting of Kings - Pt 5 - Bartering and Breakfast Ambush - Pt 6 -
 Erebor, Pumpernickel - Pt 7 - Healing Amon Lanc, Sleepover, Meet the Great Grandparents - Pt 8 - Pt 9 -
Meeting Tuo, Curious Elves, Quidditch Training and Meeting Haldir - Pt 10 - Healing the King - Pt 11 - Godric’s Hollow - Clearing the Mountains - Meet the Durins - Pt 12 -
 Tea at Rivendell - Mini Date with Glori - Talks of Babies - Pt 13 - Dursleys - Durins - Speaking with Lindir - Pt 14 - Vote - Lulu’s Adoption - Gringotts - Pt 15 -
Fosters, Newt, Fin - Pt 16 - Rohan and Gondor Conference - Run with Tuo - Pt 17 - Tea at Rivendell - Courting Glori - Pt 18 - Minister’s Banquet - It’s raining Elves - Pt 19 - Mermaids - Pt 20 - Fire Falls with Thrandy - Dinner with the Durins - Pt 21 -
Night Wanderings - Curious Ents, Saruman - Pt 22 - Mother - Confronting Feanoreans - Rohan on the Borders - Pt 23 - Rohan - Lesson with the King - Pt 24 - Rohan - Tonks is found - Pt 25 - Ginny - Godric’s Hollow - Sparring and Hide N Seek - Pt 26 - Rohan Save the Queen - Pt 27 -
 Dueling Club - Paris - Pt 28 - Paris with the Pears - Pt 29 - Pt 30 - Pt 31 -  Pt 32 -
 Back Again - To the Zoo - Opal’s Eggs - Pt 33 - Dance Lessons - Dragon Pox - Welcoming Tea - Pt 34 - Pt 35 - Past - Future - The Mirror - Pt 36 - Through the Mirror Glass Charm - Pt 37 -
Continued on Ao3 -
Ridikulus -  
Original Version - Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11 - Pt 12 -  Pt 13 -  Pt 14 - Pt 15 - Pt 16 - Pt 17 - Pt 18 - Pt 19 -
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blankdblank · 1 year
Ch 1 is up
Posted the first chapter of the Anaticula rewrite, going to be splitting it by years. The Marauders era is written out and I hope you guys enjoy the spare details I added to help lay the groundwork for the full series. I know this series especially it’s hard to keep up as I seem to always be circling the wagons with new ideas and revamping older parts, but please bear with me and I do believe it will be worth it in the end. :)
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Anaticula - Revelio - Ridikulus Masterlist
Protego -  Marauders era - Ao3 link here -  Masterlist here
Anaticula (1978-1988) Year One at Hogwarts - Ao3 link here
Revelio Rewrite - Pt 1 on Ao3
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blankdblank · 1 year
Anaticula Masterlist (Original)
x Charlie Weasley, Sebastian Krum, Barty Crouch Jr/OC’s -
Anaticula -
Prequel to Ridikulus - Life in Hogwarts and path to bringing down the Dark Lord with the drama of trying to just be a teenager.
Pt 1 Marauders - The Next Generation – Off to School - Pt 2 Hogwarts - Pt 3 Ghost Snakes - Pt 4 Azkaban - Pt 5 - Pt 6 Quidditch, Christmas, Longbottoms - Pt 7 The Grangers - Pt 8 Second Semester –
2nd Year - Pt 9 2nd Year, Nellie - Pt 10 Crouches, Dursleys, Nightmares –
3rd Year (Philosopher’s Stone) - Pt 11 3rd Year, Riddle - Pt 12 Occlumency - Pt 13 Break-in at Gringotts - Pt 14 Mirror of Erised Go Back to Bed - Pt 15 Troll in the Dungeon - Pt 16 Death and Mirrors - Pt 17 Quirrell’s Funeral - Winter Break with Dobby –
Summer Break - Pt 18 Off to America - Pt 19 Home Again, Fetching Harry, Flourish and Blotts –
4th Year (Chamber of Secrets)- Pt 20 Back to School, New Teacher Smell - Pt 21 Vault of ice - Pt 21b Vault of Ice Pt 2 - Pt 22 Forest Vault - Vault of Fear - Pt 23 Expecto Patronum –
5th Year (Prisoner of Azkaban)- Pt 24 Summer Break - Year 5 - New Enemies - Pt 25 Ser in Hogsmeade - Pt 26 Missing Child -  Pt 27 Xmas Beak - Pt 28 The Funeral - Pt 29 O.W.L.S - Pt 30 Potions Monthly - Quidditch World Cup –
6th Year (Goblet of Fire)- Pt 31 Beauxbatons/Durmstrang Arrive - Pt 33 Are You Going To The Ball? - Pt 34 Champions, Plans and Romance - Pt 35  Quidditch, Mini Tests, Dragons, Exes, Mini Test 3 - Pt 36  Dragon Challenge - Pt 37  The Ball - Pt 38 New Years-Pick Your Poison-Lake Challenge - Pt 39 Happy Birthday - Pt 40  Maze Task - Pt 41  The Dark Lord Returns –
Summer Break - Pt 42  Initiation-Interrogations and Trials - Pt 43  Home Again - End of Summer - Weasley Wizard Wheezes –
7th Year (Order of the Phoenix) - Pt 44  Umbridge - Pt 45 Trelawney - Firenze - Arthur - Pt 46  Mass Breakout - Expulsions - WWW - Pt 47  WWW - Off For the Prophecy - Pt 48 He’s Back - Pt 49 I Slapped Him - Pt 50  Valentines - Pt 51  Graduation - Proposition –
(Half Blood Prince) - Pt 52  Hello Professor - Pt 53  Plots and New Professors - Pt 54  First Day - Pt 55  First Day Pt 2 - Memories and Trust - Pt 56  Miss Bell - Boys - Pt 57 Quidditch - Slug Club -  Pt 58 France for Xmas, Ding Dong the Wolf is Dead - Pt 59 Revenge, Revelations, Plots and Family - Pt 60 He Didn’t, Introducing Pandas - Pt 61  Poisoning, Horcruxes, Plots - Pt 62  Aragog - Quidditch League - Pt 63 Death and Life –
(Deathly Hallows) - Pt 64 Heavily Pregnant - Pt 65 Babes, Weddings, Plots and Escapes - Pt 66  Aiding Umbridge - Checking Horcruxes - Call For War - Pt 67 Battle of Hogwarts - Trial and Judgement –
Post Battle of Hogwarts - Pt 68 The End of the World
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blankdblank · 3 years
Anaticula - Revelio - Ridikulus Masterlist
Book 1
Protego - (Marauders era)
- Ao3 link here - Tumblr Masterlist here -
Summary : This is a tale of three sisters.
A tale of two cousins.
Remus has a tail too, secretly so do three of his friends.
Jewels can sprout a beak.
Minerva can grow whiskers.
So, really, if you’ve got fur or feathers Hogwarts is the school for you!
The kids had to learn it all from somewhere. Even the most stoic of adults bears a colorful past all their own.
Book 2
Anaticula (1978-1988) Year One at Hogwarts - Masterlist here
Summary :
In a post Wizarding War world families are torn to shreds and in the middle of piecing themselves back together the Black Family, notoriously wicked for generations, is the target of Minister Fudge's wrath for a scapegoat to make it all go away. Only what he never expected was the uproar the youngest assumed dead member of the clan would unleash on him to ensure he rights all he has done against her family. Though soon enough she learns Fudge is only the tip of the iceberg, much bigger wicked fish are circling in those waters waiting for her to slip.
Book 3
Anaticula Summer for Year One -The Quidditch World Cup
Book 4
Anaticula Year Two
Book 5
Anaticula Year Three (Philosopher’s Stone)
Book 6
Anaticula Year Four (Chamber of Secrets)
Book 7
Anaticula Year Five (Prisoner of Azkaban)
Book 8
Anaticula Year Six (Goblet of Fire)
Book 9
Anaticula Year Seven (Order of the Phoenix)
Book 10
Anaticula Teaching (Half Blood Prince)
Book 11
Anaticula Teaching (Deathly Hallows)
Book 12
Anaticula Teaching - As the World Falls Down
Original Version Masterlist - here
x Charlie Weasley, Sebastian Krum, Barty Crouch Jr/OC’s -
Book 13
Revelio - 
Summary - 
Separated from their families and friends Sirius, Remus, Arthur and Ron find themselves on the edge of Rivendell, while Tonks finds herself alone and in need of a hiding place of her own on the outskirts of Rohan to wait out the gap from her waking until she hears word of her family and friends. Because with a family like hers there is bound to be loud echoes eventually able to aim her in the right direction.
Masterlist here
Book 14
x Thranduil/Glorfindel -
Once upon a time the Boy Who Lived and the Girl Who Died protecting him had led them safely to what the imagined to be a new beginning. But the Boy Who Lived didn’t and it’s all left to his former protector to find a new home for all the shattered hearts coated in the ashes of a long standing war. In another last ditch effort to save the survivors from the Battle at Hogwarts Dumbledore’s Army leads the charge to save the other countless children in danger of falling prey to the rising evil in their world. Landing strangely enough in a small hole in the ground…
Re-edited version - Masterlist here
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blankdblank · 3 years
Revelio Rewrite
I am finally into the re-write, just have a small opening chapter on ao3 and writing the second. So for those of you who enjoy my Anaticula - Ridikulus trilogy the work is underway. :)
Revelio -  Separated from their families and friends Sirius, Remus, Arthur and Ron find themselves on the edge of Rivendell, while Tonks finds herself alone and in need of a hiding place of her own on the outskirts of Rohan to wait out the gap from her waking until she hears word of her family and friends. Because with a family like hers there is bound to be loud echoes eventually able to aim her in the right direction.
Pt 1
Full masterlist of trilogy on here
All –
@sherala007, @mariannetora, @jesgisborne, @knitastically, @catthefearless, @theincaprincess, ggbbhehe4455, @lilith15000, @alishlieb, 
Not nsfw(smut) - @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore
Hobbit/LotR – @abiwim, @jotink78, @pastelhexmaniac
X Thranduil - @evyiione, @sweetlytenacious25, @tigereyesf, @pastelhexmaniac, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore
x Thorin – @evyiione, @deepestfirefun, @queenoferebor
x Fili
xKili - @slytherinambitious
Ridikulus- @long-cosmos-overhead, @partoftheminfamily, @alishlieb
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blankdblank · 4 years
HP Crossover Masterlist
. HP Crossovers … Adding to my Masterlist Page
x Charlie Weasley, Sebastian Krum, Barty Crouch Jr/OC’s - Anaticula - Prequel to Ridikulus - Life in Hogwarts and path to bringing down the Dark Lord with the drama of trying to just be a teenager.
Revelio - Series between Anaticula and Ridikulus 
x Thranduil/Glorfindel - Ridikulus -  Once upon a time the Boy Who Lived and the Girl Who Died protecting him had led them safely to what the imagined to be a new beginning. But the Boy Who Lived didn’t and it’s all left to his former protector to find a new home for all the shattered hearts coated in the ashes of a long standing war. In another last ditch effort to save the survivors from the Battle at Hogwarts Dumbledore’s Army leads the charge to save the other countless children in danger of falling prey to the rising evil in their world. Landing strangely enough in a small hole in the ground…
Anaticula - Revelio - Ridikulus Masterlist
Leap Year - The child of Lord Celeborn is brought to Middle Earth and aids in a group of wanderers bent on returning home and finds a new home of her own with the Father she had been missing so dearly.
Pt 1 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/619997508259708928/leap-year
Pt 2 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/620813002133946368/leap-year-pt-2
Pt 3 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/620903460427251712/leap-year-pt-3
Twitch – A young Wizard and her godson arrive suddenly in King Thranduil’s bed. A battle of cultures and misunderstandings ensues.
Pt 1 - 
x Thorin x Wizard OC, Thranduil x Wizard OC
Be My Baby – Thorin Request –
A series of Wizards stumble into the paths of Kings in the Journey to Erebor.
Pt 1 - Pt 2+ - https://archiveofourown.org/works/20452505/chapters/48553088
x Fili/Kili x OC, OC x Glorfindel (Possibly Thranduil too)
Ghosts –Radagast finds himself charged with assigning a Wizard to the task of the Journey to Erebor. Gandalf and Saruman are both nowhere to be found leaving him to drastic measures. A few choice ingredients and one unbound soul a not so appreciated and understood guardian is left to abandon her obstinant great niece alone with two strangers in order to aid this kindred soul in his mission. A Son of Durin is sought out and scoffs at the mission leaving her to wander off alone. With Thorin on the hunt for Thrain a surprising volunteer leads the march home again beside the out of place Wizard.
Mal Prologue - Jaqi Pt 1 - Mal Pt 2 – 
Mal Pt 3+ - https://archiveofourown.org/works/18199313/chapters/43501862
Money Bunny - With powers erratic from the fall to Middle Earth a young woman finds her needs being met in the oddest of ways both hindering her and helping her Company on a quest to reclaim a homeland.
x Thranduil/Thorin
Chap Stick - Fallen to ME. With an excruciating backstory you find it hard to trust the intentions of a certain King and find yourself chained to another when you free yourself from the first. Only to have both scrambling to find you when word of your possible death is spread, leading to a shocking discovery, you’ve married both of them.
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 -
Great Consequence – A mother lost in the war Voldemort was waging seeks her revenge on the man who cost her the lives of her sons landing her in a new land trying to heal from all she had done to those who had harmed her along with the unending pain of her loss.
Warning - Mentions of infanticide tying into the Second Wizarding War, OC turned vigilante
Technically this one has a possibility of being a Dwalin/Thorin x oc one but hope it counts all the same :D
Dragons and Deeds – Landing in The Hobbit came a year too early and a warning for the Dwarves comes with an irritated rescue mission.  Fallen to ME – HP Crossover – Dwalin pining – humor - Bagginshield
Heart and Home – A mistaken identity as a Genie has a certain Durin relinquishing his wishes to set you free.  Fallen to ME – Wizard OC – Humor - Argument
Star Crossed – Growing up with the name of a Princess from a vanished kingdom was not easy. And trips to the library for a young Prince brings about a meeting of celestial mischief of a fated union etched in stone and inked for generations to see.  Fallen to ME – mutual pining - angst
Walking Dead – A mysterious masked stranger aids the Company in reclaiming their home. Revealing a 5000 year old curse that none shall be able to remember their face.  Cursed Wizard oc – song – Dwalin centered – hurt oc – wounded oc
Blood and Bonds - Pt 1, Pt 2 – In order to heal Bilbo from a deep sickness the young Wizard helping the Company sets off on a journey to break the sickness and a curse of her own in the process. Two birds with one stone has a heavy blow back on several kingdoms through Middle Earth.  Dwalin centered – Bagginshield – Fallen to ME – HP Crossover – Glorfindel x OC
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blankdblank · 5 years
Did someone say ‘Potter’? *Slides into Masterlist with zero shame and a glass of wine*
Yes, i have some Harry Potter au’s, the biggest being Anaticula, the prequel to Ridikulus, in Ridikulus they are escaping the war following the one with Voldemort and they and those they could gather up land in Middle Earth. Anaticula is my oc’s life from birth up to the fall to Middle Earth. Those are in my in progress list, 
and i think i have a few others on that list, Ghosts, Twitch, Be My Baby
It’s more organized on my ao3 for sorting at least by fandom
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blankdblank · 6 years
Full In Progress List :X
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There’s so many...
Full list - 
Only on Ao3 (And series continued only on Ao3)
Protego -  Marauders era - Ao3 link here -  Masterlist here
Anaticula (1978-1989) Year One at Hogwarts - Masterlist here
Anaticula Year One - 1989 Quidditch World Cup - Masterlist here
Revelio Rewrite - Pt 1 on Ao3 -  Tumblr Masterlist here
x Thranduil/Glorfindel - Ridikulus -  Once upon a time the Boy Who Lived and the Girl Who Died protecting him had led them safely to what the imagined to be a new beginning. But the Boy Who Lived didn’t and it’s all left to his former protector to find a new home for all the shattered hearts coated in the ashes of a long standing war. In another last ditch effort to save the survivors from the Battle at Hogwarts Dumbledore’s Army leads the charge to save the other countless children in danger of falling prey to the rising evil in their world. Landing strangely enough in a small hole in the ground…
Anaticula - Revelio - Ridikulus Masterlist
Ridiculus Rewrite -  Masterlist here
Modern AU
x Thorin Modern - 
Next Caller – Lost to his usual task of filling in for an employee in his tea shop Thorin’s intrigue is sparked by a mysterious green haired customer who instantly draws his attention and urge to help better their life. All the while the Durins are lost to the struggle of finding out who is behind the scandalous radio show with characters supposedly from their famous clan.
Next Caller Masterlist
It’s a Mother Flocking Puffin -  Adopted daughter of Emperor Winge Warbucks of Numenor finds herself in the dead of night using a graduation party as cover to make a new start. The guiding force behind this move a message through the nephews of said Emperor who informed her she was to leave now that her usefulness of playing the child to grant him a pseudo heir for the press had run its course. The farthest speck on the map was chosen, a brand new kingdom of Erebor, the ruling lands governing the island city of Dale housing the University she had just gotten accepted to, Dale U.
It’s a Mother Flocking Puffin Masterlist
Real Person Fiction AU
x Lee/Richard -
Hobbit – Soulmate  - Working your way through school you finally make contact with your Soulmate who happens to be an actor whose career is starting to take off. 
Hobbit - Soulmate Masterlist
x Adopted Brother Eddie Brock/Venom, Loki x oc (Soulmates) - 
Poke -  The White Dove, rogue child assassin lost to HYDRA escaped to America. The figure behind the unknown name however stands in the ongoing battle against traumas internal and external with growing list of allies across the line between Good and Evil is just off the tail of a global killing spree. Written in the blood of the Evil her own chosen code name is well known now to the world and has her in the crosshairs of the newly named Iron Man and SHIELD. Hundreds of thousands slain with an outcry from the soulmates left behind.
Though nothing is as it seems as said Vigilante just turned 18 and wants nothing more than a peaceful world in which to rest her head. In and out of armor paths cross with these supposed Heroes only to complicate matters. And just before the sky opens up like every human upon that landmark birthday that tiny terror is asked the same question in the arrival of two fabled Asgardian Princes, a single way to contact your Mate, ‘Would you choose a poke or a tickle?’
Poke Masterlist (Rewrite)
x Adopted Brother Eddie Brock, protective bond with James Howlett (Wolverine) and Victor Creed, enemies Bucky and neglectful brother Steve - 
Brother Dearest - Bucky doesn’t like having to share Steve’s attentions with his baby sister. Mrs Rogers dies and Steve gets custody and steadily starts neglecting his sister. She hires a bartender in town to be her brother, Eddie Brock. Eddie's try to protect OC from being sent off to be a ward in a war hospital they both get pulled in as he gets drafted himself, by the Canadian forces. In a blitz attack on base a disguise must be made, a too young boy in the war.
Brother Dearest 1940′s - Book One Masterlist
Brother Dearest 1950′s - Book Two Masterlist
-- on Ao3 here
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