#Rhaegar lives au!
fruitageoforanges · 1 year
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Princess Elia Nymeros Martell, heir to Dorne, and her husband Rhaegar in the year 279 AC.
(this is inspired by my au in which birth orders are swapped — elia is the eldest martell sibling and rhaegar is a second son — so their marriage agreement works the other way, with rhaegar being sent to dorne. elia’s clothes are inspired by fashions in moorish spain during the 11th century, while rhaegar’s are a mix of byzantine and early renaissance italy)
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sailorshadzter · 7 months
i saw ai jonsa art yesterday that had sansa in a red dress & somehow that sparked this. i really like the au of rhaegar lives lately & the red dress reminded me of the targaryen colors so it was my excuse to write this little piece.
She appears in the grand hall dressed in Targaryen red.
Somehow, it suits her, despite the fire in her hair. She wears it well, a snug fitting gown with long, fitted sleeves, much like the ones she’d have worn in the North. It is a stark contrast to the gowns of the South, making her all the more alluring there among the women with breasts and skin on display for all to see. Their queen to be is modest, yet she’s stylish all the same, and even now he can hear whispers of the women who say they will have lace and silk insets sewn into their bodices. 
He watches her from the dias, standing beside his father’s throne, which stands empty considering he is there with his future wife on his arm. Aegon, no, Jon as she’s christened him, scowls, shaking his head as he watches her laugh, head thrown back so the ivory skin of her throat is exposed. He wonders, just briefly, what it might feel like to sink his teeth into that soft skin. He wonders what that red gown would look like on the floor of his chambers, rather than adorned to her body. 
“Aegon,” his father speaks suddenly, drawing him out of his own thoughts.
Looking up, he finds him standing there, his bride to be left in the crowd, though she looks quite at home there among the courtiers. “Father,” he replies, offering the man a quick bow, as was expected of him. 
“Your betrothed is a woman of wit and beauty, you are lucky my son,” Rhaegar says as he sinks onto his throne. In some ways, she reminds him of his Lyanna. “Look at her even make Ser Barriston smile,” he says and sure enough, the stony faced soldier is grinning as he listens to her speak words they cannot hear. “I know you are against this marriage, but she will be a good wife to you.” Rhaegar continues on, knowing his son would rather marry for love, would rather perhaps even sell himself to the role of a soldier. To be anything but the prince of a realm, that was his only dream. To his surprise, his son does not shake his head, does not scowl- rather, he sighs. “She will be a good queen for you. For the realm.” Where he would be somber, she would smile. She would be the queen to blow kisses from the balcony, who would nurse the sick in the streets, unafraid to be seen near the poorest of men, the sickest of children. 
“Aye,” he says, because he’s got no reason to argue.
Rhaegar smiles, but the music begins once more, silencing him for a long moment. “The court would enjoy seeing you dance with your betrothed,” he says, a demand, not a request. He heaves another sigh but makes his way down the dias, pushing into the crowd until he reaches her side.
She turns to him at once, dipping a curtsy, her blue eyes glimmering in the torchlight. “May I have this dance, my lady?” He questions, holding out his hand for her to take; a moment later, she does so, the touch of her hand in his sending electric shocks through this entire frame. He draws it to his lips for a kiss, ever the courtier, and she’s eyeing him as if she sees through every moment, through every gesture, though she smiles all the same. 
They dance, because that is what’s expected of them.
But when it’s over, he keeps hold of her hand, gray eyes seeking blue. “Walk with me?” He asks and she smiles, nodding. They’ve been here before, after all. So she loops her arm through his and falls into step at his side, the crowd parting to let them through, while from his throne, Rhaegar watches with a smug sort of smile before he turns back to the conversation he’d been having with another lord. 
Out in the moonlight, Jon leads her down the stone steps and through the garden gate, the swell of the music from the Red Keep lingering through the night as they go. “It’s a lovely ball,” she says as they step into an alcove, shrouded by flowering bushes and lush greenery. There’s a stone bench there that he leads her to, settling into place beside her. In their few weeks of knowing one another, it would seem that this spot in particular had become theirs, for this was not the first nor even the second time they’d sat there among the flowers. “But you don’t seem to be enjoying yourself.” 
Jon blinks and then chuckles, shaking his head, caught off guard as usual by her ability to see right through him. “These functions aren’t really my thing,” he admits, leaning back so he can look up into the starry sky above them. “You on the other hand…” he turns back to her and she’s blushing, lips curving with a hesitant sort of smile. “It’s as if this was what you were born to do.” She fell into court life so easily, with elegant curtsies and an ability to always have the right thing to say. Despite being from the North, she fit in among the Southern court as if she’d been born and raised. “You look beautiful in that gown.” He says next and again she’s blushing, stammering over her thank you as she looks down at her hands twisting in her lap. “Somehow, Targaryen red suits you more than it ever did me.”
She looks back up at this, blue eyes meeting gray. “You’re quite like my father, he too always wears but black and gray.” Sansa smiles, thinking fondly of the father she’d left behind in Winterfell, an honorable man with a reserved smile much like Jon’s. “But it fits you, I think.” She does not know this prince very well yet, but somehow, his black clothes seem fitting. Somehow, she cannot imagine him in anything else. “You dance well enough for a prince who says he doesn’t enjoy these sort of functions.” 
Jon’s eyes widen and now he’s the one blushing, stammering over his reply. “I do enjoy dancing,” he finally admits, kicking at the dirt with his toe. It was true, he enjoyed swinging a sword more than anything else, but those days of youth when he’d learned all princely things- like dancing- he had enjoyed it. One might say perhaps he simply had never had a partner he enjoyed to do it with. Certainly not enough to do it before the entire court as he’d just done this night. “I might enjoy it more, if you’ll continue to be my partner.” 
��I think I can do that,” she says with a smile and she’s radiant there in the starlight. So very beautiful that it steals the breath from his lungs for a moment, his heart skipping a beat as he reaches for her hand, helping her back up onto her feet. But, he does not let go of her, rather he’s drawing her in a little bit closer, the distance between them minimal at best. “Your grace…” She’s speaking softly, so softly, the breath catching in her throat as she peers back at him. “Jon…” His given name sounds so sweet on her lips and he longs to hear it again and again. 
“Sansa…” He speaks her name aloud and she’s inching closer now, so close that when she smiles, he can feel the curve of her lips against his own. He’s kissing her then, soft and slow, his arms twisting around her waist as she sinks into his touch. Somehow, this felt like the moment he’d been waiting for all of his life. Somehow, this felt more right than anything else ever had. And when he pulls away a moment or perhaps even a lifetime later, he’s breathless and grinning, his heartbeat quick in his chest. “Should we return inside…?” He asks quietly, his forehead to hers, one hand sliding into place against her cheek.
To his surprise, she’s shaking her head, smiling almost mischievously, a new shine to her eyes that hadn’t been there before. “I’d like to stay here, just a little while later.” She says and this time, she’s the one kissing him, her hands clutching to the front of his doublet, uncaring of the hand he slides into her hair, knocking pins loose as he threads the red strands through his fingers. 
And a short while later, when they do return inside, no one notices the young queen to be with her hair twisted back in a different way, save for the King who can’t help but to chuckle at the sight, wondering if this marriage for his son would be better than he could have ever hoped it to be.
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Rhaenys Martell Targaryen
"The Sun Dragon"
(Daughter of Rhaegar and Elia)
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herasyndvllas · 10 months
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Jonsa au when????
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adanceofdumbasses · 2 years
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amber-laughs · 3 months
there is just no universe where catelyn likes jon i’m sorry. she knows about R+L=J? ned made traitors of her and her children, put jon’s safety above their’s and is now an even bigger threat to their lives. she hates him. Rhaegar wins and he’s prince jon? he’s still the product of the event that the entire country had to go to war for and probably got her father killed in the process. at the very least she resents him. maybe even hates him. modern au? he’s just the cousin with the teen mom that gets high with her son in the basement and sneaks arya razor blades or whatever. she hates him!
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missglaskin · 6 months
Yandere concepts for Fire & blood/Game of thrones
Fire and Blood
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Aegon I Targaryen
With Twin!reader 
Maegor Targaryen
Obsessed with aunt!reader
Reader dies in childbirth  
Wives becoming platonic yandere for reader 
Baelon Targaryen
Being his young second wife
Living long after him to Hotd timeline 
His not so innocent sister (thirst) 
Manipulating you, his brother's widow to marrying him 
Saera Targaryen
In love with her twin sister 
Baelor I
Him with Daeron's darling 
Game Of Thrones
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Lannister Family 
Reader being told she's not Lannister  
Does reader have her own chambers? 
Jaime offered to marry adopted!reader 
Tywin Lannister 
Darling!wife being as manipulative as Cersei 
Theon Greyjoy
Pre-Reek!Theon as Yandere 
Theon being yandere for Robb's Sister 
Rhaegar Targaryen
Darling dies in childbirth 
Viserys III Targaryen 
AU where he's king and how he's with darling!wife 
Ramsay Bolton
Obsessing over Domeric's darling 
Arthur Dayne
In love with Targaryen!Darling 
Young Griff
His twin!sister actually being the rightful heir 
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missjadesfics · 3 months
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Jason Momoa
Daydream - Jason Momoa x Cavill!Reader Jason helps his girlfriend Y/n with writing her new book during lockdown. | coming soon
Arthur Curry | Aquaman
Forbidden Fruit - Arthur Curry x Reader Arthur has a crush on Bruce's younger sister, Y/n.
Baba Voss
Conan the Barbarian
Connor Slaughter
Duncan Idaho
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We Made An Agreement - Paul Atreides x Reader x Duncan Idaho Y/n and Paul are married, both agreeing they can sleep with whomever they like. The reader finds comfort with Duncan. But Paul questions if the agreement works for him anymore.
Our Na-Baroness - Feyd-Rautha x Reader x Duncan Idaho The reader is arranged to marry Feyd, and her lover Duncan goes as her personal guard to keep her safe. When Feyd learns of the lover's relationship, he ensures everyone understands where they belong.
You will never lose me - Duncan Idaho x Reader Escaping from the attack on Arrakis, Y/n Atreides is reunited with Duncan Idaho and living amongst the Fremen in Sietch Tabr. While Paul and Jessica work with the Fremen about the Lisan-Al Giab prophecy, Y/n and Duncan grow closer, revealing hidden feelings for one another.
Khal Drogo
Love at First Sight - Khal Drogo x Targaryen!Reader After being crowned the realm's beauty with her twin brother, Rhaegar, Y/n runs away from her family. She finds herself embracing the way of the Dothraki and capturing the eye of Khal Drogo | coming soon
Declan Harp
Dante Reyes
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Yours To Keep - Flip x Reader Y/n met Flip in Slumberland when she was a little girl, believing he would leave her when she became an adult. Flip makes her a promise he won't ever leave | coming soon
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Big Jim
Phillip Kopus
Miami Man
Savior - Miami Man x Reader After running away from home, Y/n adapts to her new life with her new friend, Miami Man.
Ray Cooper
Ronon Dex
Are you blushing because of me? - Ronon Dex x Reader Ronon loves making Y/n blush, even so much so it prompts him to reveal his feelings for her.
Sebastien (Witcher AU)
Moon Goddess - Sebastien x Reader Y/n hosts her annual moonlight banquet, which her friends Yennefer, Geralt, and Jaskier attend with a mysterious man in tow, sparking interest.
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Coming soon
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Wish I could see you - Baba Voss x Reader | coming soon Dothraki Love language - Jason Momoa x Reader | coming soon Daydream - Jason Momoa x Reader | coming soon
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atopvisenyashill · 12 days
AU where instead of having a dead ladies club we have a dead dudes club: Aerys dies in Summerhal and Rhaella eventually becomes Queen regent for her son. Joanna, Minisa and Lyarra live while their husbands Tywin, Hoster, and Rickard don't. And Cassana survives the shipwreck along with patchface.
me seeing this ask:
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anyways, let's first establish how each man dies.
Aerys - like you said, just killing him at Summerhall is easiest.
Tywin - if we kill him during the Reyne/Tarbeck revolt, it butterflies away all the Lannister kids so we'll have it be that something goes horrifically bad during the Defiance of Duskendale and he dies there.
Steffon - Cassana washes up on shore with Patchface in 278.
Hoster - this one's a bit tricky because in order to die before Robert's Rebellion kicks off, something Weird and Tragic has to happen to him during a time period that is more or less chill in the riverlands. He does fight in the War of the Ninepenny Kings but that happens in 260 and Edmure likely isn't born until 267. We could say he dies in the Greyjoy Rebellions, but that's after Robert's Rebellion by a few years. We'll just invent a sickness or accident that kills him, instead of Minisa dying in childbirth lol. if it makes the plot more interesting for him to die during the Greyjoy Rebellions though, tbh, that's probably also fine, but I do think having only one (1) parent at Riverrun is important to how the kids develop.
Rickard - this one is similarly difficult. we could just have him die when he does die, and just say that Lyarra didn't die.
anyways, let's dig into what this changes right off the bat, sort of set the scene here-
Rhaella is like 13-14 when Summerhall happens, and then like 15-16 I think when Jaehaerys II dies, so not only is she a very young Queen, she's likely to remarry. Since she's not even at the age of majority yet (jfc), I think if we assume she's regent, it means she allied with Aerys' friends to oust Jaehaerys II's small council - so Tywin is for sure still Hand, and ruling the entire realm in all but name. I do imagine that not only is Steffon very close at court as well, but Cassana becomes close to Rhaella.
Rhaegar won't be allowed to wait until he's like 21 to marry, they will be looking at marriages when he's like 12-13 and likely intend for him to get married right away at like 15-16 and consummate, because he's the only male heir.
Edmure becomes Lord of Riverrun very young, Minisa as his regent. I think given that Minisa will be regent, Catelyn still has a lot of parentification stuff happening here, but I do think it's more likely she notices the crushes going on between Lysa, Cat, and Petyr.
Robert still becomes Lord of Storm's End - he's 15 when Steffon dies, which is plenty old to take up his seat. However, with his mother still around, Stannis and Renly have a parental influence at least.
alright let's go event by event here:
262 AC: Jaehaerys II dies and little three year old Rhaegar Targaryen is crowned King. Though there is an initial push by Edgar Sloane and Jaehaerys' small council to establish one of their own as Regent and Hand of the King, Queen Rhaella is successful in ousting her father's men in favor of her own - mostly the husbands, brothers, or cousins of her ladies. This includes, of course, the impressive and young Tywin Lannister as Hand, probably Steffon Baratheon, and honestly, it's quite possible here that Lewyn or Loreza's husband is named to the small council as well, given the fact that we know one of Rhaella's ladies was Loreza. Despite being so young, Rhaella is named Regent.
272 AC: A decade with the trio of young Rhaegar, Queen Regent Rhaella, and Hand of the King Tywin has allowed the realm to prosper. Without Aerys pawing at her ladies, Rhaella holds onto several close allies, and neither Tywin nor Joanna spend their days being humiliated at court to curry favor with the king. Rhaella is likely more level headed than Aerys, and isn't overpromising on things and then abandoning her projects soon after. There's likely been a push for her to remarry, if only so Rhaegar's children may have a Valyrian option to marry somewhere down the line? But on the other hand...it might be possible there's some problems at court re: everyone gossiping that if Tywin is the real King, and Rhaella is Queen, are they not...you know....that gets back to Joanna. Not only that, but I can bet there's tensions between Loreza's Dornish faction and Tywin, probably with Steffon in the middle because Tywin is clearly trying to get Rhaegar/Cersei hitched from an early age, Loreza is clearly trying to get Elia/Rhaegar hitched from an early age, and Steffon and Cassana are desperately fucking and having kids in the hopes of having a girl for Rhaegar to marry. We know there was a visit by Rickard during the first ten years, so it's very possible that Lyarra develops a friendship with Rhaella, and that instead of that dumb "i'm going to build another Wall" plan, Rhaella starts encouraging more people to be sent to the Wall.
275 AC: Rhaegar comes of age and takes his position as King without a regent. While I don't doubt he would keep Tywin on, I do think there's going to be tension here - we see this with both Jaehaerys and Aegon III, and even Joffrey really, that the move from child to adult can be a bit rough on the Hand/Regent/King relationship. I think Rhaegar, melancholy as he is, would want to be known as a good king, a kind king, and probably doesn't appreciate Tywin's cruelty. I think it makes a lot of sense that he'd purposefully scorn Tywin specifically for this reason - the same as Alysanne purposefully spurning Rogar's match or the Dragon Twins + Aegon III purposefully spurning the lords for Daenaera. It's about making a statement, it's about power, it's about standing out from the people who are trying to rule through you. I almost think it's likely Rhaegar and Elia still marry here, but it's possible Rhaegar decides to just straight up marry someone who isn't connected at court at all - not a Martell, not a Lannister, but maybe a Hightower or Tyrell. Especially, imo, because of Rhaegar's prophecy obsession - what if he visits Jenny's woods witch on his own? Or what if he visits Oldtown and sees Mad Maid Malora is heavy with magic? Maybe, knowing how often he stays at Summerhall to be an emo fuck, he marries Ashara?
277 AC: The Defiance of Duskendale. I don't know if an 18 year old would be this stupid, it does seem likely that he would just fall into the same trap Aerys did - ie "I want to prove I'm better than my Hand and I'll deal with the issue myself" - but I think Rhaella would be like "absolutely fucking not, you're the fucking KING, and you have no heir/only a baby for an heir, if you don't want Tywin to do it, send someone else then." I think it would be really fun if Rhaella got caught in this trap, Tywin completely botches getting her out and gets himself killed, and Rhaegar just goes "oh fuck that noise" and burns Duskendale to the ground his damn self. It could be an interesting change here that Rhaegar's madness + obsession with the prophecy gets kicked off not by his father's own madness but by the near loss of his mother. Even if Rhaella is mostly fine (she went years being tortured by Aerys, I think she's made of sterner stuff! I can see her being real shaken up for awhile before chilling out), the idea that he could really be The Last Dragon is terrifying. Suddenly, he needs to set this prophecy in motion, he needs to have more dragons, it can't just be himself and his mother.
279 AC: Another blow, just after losing Tywin and nearly losing {his mom? joncon? does he care that much about joncon lmao}, Steffon dies in a storm coming back from the Free Cities. Cassana lives but is quite shaken up by the entire event and retires from court to stay at home with her boys. Another blow happens later in the year, when Loreza dies, and Doran inherits Sunspear.
281 AC: So....now we're at the Tourney of Harrenhal, where shit gets real. Who Rhaegar marries will decide who is on his side here and who has started getting ready for Mad King 2.0 because I do imagine that in the four years since the Duskendale fuck up, a lot of the lords have started whispering. If he marries Elia or Ashara, he still has Dorne on lock. If he marries Malora, that might mean Doran is involved in the Southron Ambitions plot (although then again, he might not be, it's not like anyone thought to involve Doran in the wo5k until way too fucking late anyway). If he risks marrying someone like, completely outside of Westeros, I think something kinda crazy starts cooking at home with every single region having no reason to be loyal to him. Not to mention, if Lyarra is friendly with Rhaella, does he already know Lyanna? Since Hoster and Tywin are both dead here, it probably means Rickard had to reach out to Minisa and and Joanna and I'm really interested in how this goes, politics wise. Is it just Rickard and Minisa (and Jon Arryn) doing Southron Ambitions? Is Cassana getting involved after the loss of Steffon? And what does Rhaegar's small council look like now? Is it packed with Dornishmen and Crownlanders? With Reachers? Does he have some sort of woods witch as his Hand?
SO WHEN RHAEGAR TAKES LYANNA. For one thing, when Brandon gets to KL and starts shouting "COME OUT AND DIE" Rhaella isn't going to respond by burning everyone. I can see her maybe taking them captive because what they're accusing Rhaegar of, when he's the King, is pretty fucking severe but she's not just slaughtering them. She's sending the Kingsguard to go look for him while she holds the Northern faction at KL, and while I do think they'll go and get him, I think Rhaegar is going to say something like "it's fine, she's fine, leave us alone" and the North is gonna get real shitty about this. Brandon might attempt to leave. Lyarra might attempt to find Lyanna herself with a host of Northerners, or maybe with a host of stormlanders, riverlanders, or westermen. The crown has to respond to that, so there's likely to be some skirmishes here. Either Rhaegar is found with Lyanna at the Tower of Joy or Rhaegar finally appears and is like "why is everyone yelling" while everyone demands to know where Lyanna is. If he's cagey, the North and their allies are going to start attacking more boldly. If he says "yeah she's my mistress now, back off, I'm the king" I think everyone is too amped up to give a shit and the North refuses to stand down, which leads to whoever is leading them - Lyarra, maybe Ned - being labelled a traitor to the crown. This is going to domino effect quickly. If he says "yeah she's my wife now, back off, I'm king" he is losing everyone fast as fuck.
Anyways, I kept this kind of general in case you just wanted some like, general outline of what could happen but if you want what EYE think is most interesting, it's a) Rhaella at Duskendale b) Minisa being the one to mastermind Southron Ambitions, although Cassana could be fun as well c) LYARRA STARK REBEL WAR HERO. I think it's likely Rhaegar would try to "she's my mistress/wife" his way out of this but its not fucking happening. all those theories about how "lyanna and rhaegar got valyrian married jon is legitimate" no he's fucking not because no one is going to give a single solitary shit. Bigamy is not allowed in Westeros anymore or Aegon IV would have tried it. if he legitimizes his own kid, it's sort of like, okay great, but he was born a bastard, now Rhaegar is legitimizing his kid just like aegon iv, and everyone is going to see this as a threat. they're going to say he's insane. they're still going to oust him. the question here is - can rhaella, through her friendships with the wives and now leaders of southron ambitions, keep hold long enough so that even if Rhaegar dies, she can get his kid on the throne? Can she make peace with Robert? Or does she have to go on the run, not with her own kids, but with Rhaegar's children?
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dope-trope-105 · 9 months
Wanna Watch a Movie?
Modern Aegon II Targaryen x Reader
A/N: A prequel to "Piña Coladas", set in the same storyline as "Enamoured by Strawberries" and can be considered a prequel to that as well. I've written this fic in a way where you see the reader's relations with a lot of people in the Targaryen family, and how they hold a place for her in each of their hearts. And I may have pushed this in a little "love triangle" trope as well, which I might continue in future parts or I might not. Summary: The beginning of the vacation of all the Targaryen children, and a cute family lunch beforehand.
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Warnings: Age-gap, an obsessive and calculated Aegon.
Word Count: 4.1k
It had been another shitty morning for you at the mansion. Daemon had woken you up, his loud voice coming from your door to take laps shaking your brain like he’d made you do the moment he decided he could. It was the worst possible way to wake up, seeing as you weren’t even a morning person. Yet, as you sat by your mirror running a comb through your hair, freshly showered and post-run, you felt great. You loved this part of the day the most, which was why you’d let Daemon force you to do this every day, your lazy ways needed the push. And it felt phenomenal to not feel like a slug after waking up as well. 
You did the same routine as every day, though you opted to wash your hair today. But after getting dressed as comfortably yet fashionably as you could, you headed for lunch, your stomach growling with hunger. As you walked through the large hallway, having made a right to the grand central staircase, you saw little Aeggie and Visie playing with Ana, their au pair, on a carpet in the living room. You waved to her, giving Aeggie a small kiss on the cheek as he came running up to greet you. Visie preferred Dany's company, but Aeggie had become obsessed with you in a matter of the one minute he spent in your arms. He was only three as of now, looking up at you with large, violet puppy-dog eyes as he lifted his arms, "up-up-up" leaving his mouth in his adorable baby voice. 
"You can take him to lunch, I was just getting ready to do so," said Ana. 
You nodded, flashing her a smile as you lifted Aeggie up, resting him on your left hip. One of his little hands went over your shoulder while the other twiddled your earring.
Little Aegon was a curious baby, his fiddling always finding something on your person to adore, sometimes your earrings, sometimes your necklaces, your bracelets, or even your hair. You walked behind the staircase, finding the smaller drawing-room, Rhaegar sat there with Aemond, who was on his laptop, they were both conversing. You walked over to them. "Hey guys, whatcha doing?" you said, grabbing little Aegon's arm to stop him from pulling your earrings off. "Just chatting," said Rhaegar. Aemond beckoned you to him, and you walked to stand near the armchair he sat on, glancing at his screen.
"You remember I was reading Critique of the Power of Judgement last night?"
"Yeah, yeah, the five-part by Kant you were telling me about?"
"Yeah, that one. Turns out, I hit a bit of a snag. That man's fucking diabolical, it's almost like I’m supposed to read it and decipher it on my own. I know you've got some app or something that answers everything, would something help?" he asked, looking up from the screen to you as you sat on the armrest.
"Umm, yeah, Reddit. It’ll probably have a bunch of people giving different answers, and you could read different perspectives, and find your own amongst them, there’s also chat gpt, it’s this AI-based website, I think, that just scrolls through everything on the internet and gives you the best answer. Use small sentences, I'm sure you'll find what you're looking fo- what are you doing?" You stopped mid-sentence as the sound of a camera made both you and Aemond turn to Rhaegar. "You guys kind of look like a married couple," Rhaegar snickered. You scoffed. Aemond frowned.
"I'm going for lunch, you guys gonna join us?" you asked.
"Yeah," said Rhaegar, eyes on his phone as he scrolled through the pictures he took.
"Yeah, I'll come to you for help, thanks for the advice," Aemond said.
You nodded, turning away and walking down the stone hallway. Aeggie was very calm in your arms. Rhaenyra had been grateful to you for this since day one, he was a noisy baby, but in her arms or yours, he'd almost always end up completely relaxed. More often than not, you'd find the crying baby being handed to you along with his sippy cup, and he'd settle down fairly quickly. Right now his head rested on your shoulder as he played with the hem of your top. You smiled as you whiffed his platinum hair, and it smelled like babies do. The hallway to the dining hall was one of the longest, tapestries hung on both sides. You'd glance at each and every single one as you walked to lunch every time. You always took your time in this hallway, strolling as the only sounds were your breathing and your echoing footsteps on the cool stone floors. Little Aegon would sometimes babble lightly. You reached the end of the hallway soon, turning left and entering the large doors of the hall, which opened to the dining table, chatter filled the air. Most of the family sat there.
"Hey guys," you said, walking in, as greetings rang across the table. Rhaenyra smiled at Aeggie, who'd now fallen asleep in your arms. She began to get up. "It's alright, he's asleep, eat your food," you said to her, and she flashed you another smile, settling back down into her seat. You walked to your own, Aegon, who sat in his own chair moved yours so you could sit. You uttered thanks to him as you settled into your seat, folding one foot upwards, adjusting so Aeggie lay on your chest, soft snores coming from him.
The dining hall, like the rest of the castle, was of stone and decorated in a dark, yet luxurious manner, its stone appearance giving it this beautiful, authentic ambience that was not very common, yet touches of modernity to balance it out dotted the place. The table was stone with dark marble designs, and the seats were plush pale green and light pink. You took out your phone, flipping through your notifications before turning it off and setting it on the table. Baela had been busy chatting away with Viserys. She turned away from him to your direction and softly elbowed you so as to not disturb the sleeping Aeggie.
"Yo, I spent almost all day yesterday begging Father, and he said yes to allowing a trip for us, I'm thinking Bora Bora," she said. You hmm'ed, approving of her choice, obviously. 
"When are we going?" you asked. "Tonight?" she questioned. "It'll take all day to pack, how long are you thinking?" you asked, a whine evident in your former sentence. 
"A week? I want a vacation, I've convinced Jace, Mr. Vizzy and his sister here, Vizzy is gonna convince Rhaegar, Aemond, Helaena and Aegon, Daeron's in already," you nodded thoughtfully. You looked over to Vizzy, who nodded at you with a confident smirk on his face. You knew the stubborn boy would get it done within the hour, no issues. He was one of the most persuasive people you knew. You continued chatting with Baela, ever so often running your hand over Aeggie's small body.
Unbeknownst to you, Aegon was simply gazing at you. He'd known about your slight crush on him for a while now, but you kept it under covers. Since the moment he did realise that about you, he'd caught himself staring quite often. He was so lost in his thoughts that Daeron slapped his arm to make him look away from you. He looked back at his younger brother, annoyance evident in his gaze, who leaned in and whispered, "Daemon's caught you staring. If you're really going to undress her with your eyes, at least don't do it in public for all to see," he said, scoffing.
It was well known Daemon had taken a liking to you, he treated you like Baela, only he shared more interests with you. He played a paternal role in your life since you’d moved into the mansion. Aegon did not want to mess with Daemon one bit. He turned back to his meal, uninterested as he'd throw glances at you ever so often. Aegon loved it when you doted on him. He enjoyed it far more when you'd start to get all girly for him, getting flirty, and touchy, but he knew of your inexperience. You were a master of the pre-sex, you were good at flirting, you knew the right thing to say, the right moment to touch. But Aegon knew if he were ever to take you to bed, you'd completely give in, and let him lead.
He'd seen you interacting with others too. You were very sweet at times, like with Baela, with little kids, and especially little babies. Your actions showed affection, your hugs were long, your words thought out, and you were attentive to those you talked to. This was the reason Aemond had taken a liking to you, as a friend even if you were much younger. He'd seen you two have discussions quite often. And sometimes it made him jealous.
You were also a brat. You'd quip, snap and even anger easily. You were social, but if someone tried to cross limits, your temper would take. Your words could be the most bitter of poisons laced in the sweetest honey. It was obvious the only way to handle you was to dominate you. Take Daemon, for example, he was sweet with you but very strict. Aegon knew about the training, and the pride Daemon held in seeing you excel at it. You were angered easily, yes, but could be subdued if caught by surprise. That's how he imagined you in bed, obedient but demanding, bratty but submissive. You'd top him only with his guidance, only if he asked you to and taught you to, and he'd still be in control. He'd teach you things about him, about your own body. The thoughts made his cock twitch, and he threw you another glance.
Little Aegon on your chest had stirred, and you calmed him as he moved his head, resting on your plush chest, his hand gripping the neckline of your top. The baby had luck, Aegon thought, internally scoffing at himself for being borderline jealous of a baby. He lifted his head to see Daemon looking at him, a lazy gaze settled as if the rogue prince was waiting for him to mess up, so he could pounce. Aegon struck up a conversation with his brother, who eyed him ever so often regarding you.
Beala and you slowly chatted as you ate your food, conversation striking all across the table. "Well if you girls are going to be packing for Bora Bora, who's gonna take the high Valyrian classes?" questioned Daemon, and both of you groaned. Studies you shared with Baela, though you studied biology, she studied psychology. But nonetheless, both of you studied High Valyrian, History and English together. Both of you planned to study from home till you turned twenty and jump straight to majoring in your specific fields. Rhaenyra laughed at your reactions, until Baela chimed up, "Luke, Rhaena and Joff should be the ones being taught, maybe we should leave Jace behind, have you heard his Valyrian?" Baela laughed, and you snorted at Jace's defeated look.
It was true, Jace suffered quite a bit with the language. "I was literally kidnapped, and I spoke Valyrian properly Jace," Dany teased, referring to her mom keeping her and Viserys away from the family till Dany had turned thirteen and Rhaegar decided to intervene, taking his younger siblings with him away from their abusive household. "Alright, don't go on making him cry now," Rhaenyra laughed, snickers rising from across the room and Jace groaned. 
"Welp, I guess we're leaving Jacey behind, enjoy the stormy beaches," you shrugged, giggling at Jace whose eyes bugged out of his head, air-fiving Dany from across the table. "I still don't understand why we can't go," Rhaena whined. Luke shook his head in agreement. "Not getting into this again," Baela sighed, shoving her food into her mouth. 
Lunch was finished soon, and Aeggie had woken from his slumber, crying. "Awww, don't cry baby," you cooed, trying to make him stop. "Give him here, he must be hungry," said Ana, walking over to you as she took the baby from you, who screamed louder before becoming completely silent as he was handed a bottle. "Just like you brother," snickered Daeron. "You'd be writhing in pain but the moment you're handed a bottle, all's well," Daeron made eye contact with his mother before hiding his smirk behind his hands, all of you silently laughing as Aegon frowned. But most of it fell deaf on his ears as he saw you, lips completely sealed off by your palm as you covered your flushed face with your hair, trying not to laugh. "Alright, that's enough," said Daemon. The laughing stopped, but Aegon was sure that order was directed not in his defence, but towards him. Nonetheless, you went back to your room, laughing along with Baela.
By the time night fell, the living room was filled up with items of luggage as arguing came from your room from the next room. "No, not that one, I'll look like a whore," your voice came. "Isn't that the point?" Baela's annoyed voice retorted. "No, I wanna look sexy, I don't wanna look like a prostitute," you said, making Alicent groan at the brash discussion between you girls as the argument continued. Everyone was sitting in the living room, your room was only a floor above, and your audible arguments made it clear you'd forgotten to shut the door. "Why couldn't we just go tomorrow, this is a nightmare," you whined again. "Bitch, Bora Bora is worth this," Baela quipped. "Well, of course, you'd say that, you were probably packed last month," you said, Baela's loud groan of frustration was the only reply. You blamed yourself. Both you and Baela had decided to laze around in your room, and when the time to board was only an hour away, Viserys called you to ask if you were done. Since then panic has sprung across your room.
"Alright, Alright, Alright. Let's just make a plan, we still have forty-five minutes," you finally said. "Forty-four, now but ok. We have seven days, we need two flight outfits, seven outfits for the day, seven for the evening, seven for the night, seven to sleep in, seven for swimming and seven pairs of lingerie. I'm thinking three extra pairs of nightwear, bikinis and lingerie," you finished. 
"Plus we need to plan footwear and jewellery for each outfit, plus makeup, skincare, hair and body stuff," Baela added, "and a toothbrush," you added. It was actually quite funny for the family listening to you two pack. Nonetheless, you came up victorious with the plan and had everything laid out on the bed, only needing to pack it all, Baela had gone to her room, left of yours and done the same. Then you girls switched rooms and scanned each other's things, came back out, approved of each other's choices and went back to your own rooms to pack everything. 
By the time you girls were finished packing, you had almost been reduced to tears while Baela was rethinking every single outfit she packed. Your luggage had been brought down a few minutes before you came down the stairs, promising each other to buy outfits if you didn't like what you had already packed. But once you were surrounded by everyone, your entire group hugged the rest goodbye and boarded the jet. 
Aemond and Rhaegar had decided to sit at the far back, followed by Helaena and Dany. This was the quiet part of the flight. They had been speaking quietly, not much, just silly conversation. Then sat Viserys, Jace and Aegon, they were planning what to do, discussing destinations and all. In the free space of the jet in the front stood you, Baela, and Daeron. Aegon had butted out of the discussion soon, rotating his seat so he could speak to Daeron. But even that had been short-lived for he simply retired to rubbing his fingers over the cold beer bottle as he watched you, seat almost completely reclined. He had sunglasses on so you couldn't see his gaze. But he was completely enamoured.
The stress of packing had you and Baela completely unwinding on the flight. Both of you had downed three shots and had ended up dancing with each other. Aegon watched you swaying your hips, arms going over Daeron's neck often as you three sang out some stupid rap. You had very little tolerance and had resolved to become a tumbling, giggling mess already. Baela was pretty much the same. Jace, Viserys and Daeron all sat in the front, drinking, and playing cards, and were responsible for the music, 
Ever so often Daeron would walk up, always to you. Aegon didn't like how his brother was almost a spitting image of himself, so you'd let loose around him too, he wasn't the same as Aegon obviously, but in your mind, it'd do, and Aegon knew that. The kids would cheer as you and Daeron danced together, your hands on his neck, his hands on your waist. You were slurring out the lyrics, Daeron laughing nonstop as he sang along with you, his deep voice a sharp contrast with your high-pitched one. A turbulence had you falling into his arms, him catching you easily as you leant onto him completely, laughing into his shoulder. Aegon's knuckles had become white from the tight grip on his bottle, his irritation turning to anger when Daeron turned to him, eyes directly with his, he knew he was watching. A slight smirk rested on his face, soon turning back to you.
You guys' party had only lasted for a few hours, because two hours later or so, Baela and you had completely worn out. To Aegon's utter delight, sometime after you guys were done with the music, you'd sat on your seat in front of Aegon and spun it so you'd be facing him. Nobody really paid attention to the both of you, Baela was sitting on one edge, talking with Jace quietly as the three boys plus her and Dany played uno. The ones behind them were either asleep or typing away, although Aegon suspected that it was just Aemond, who couldn't be less bothered with anything. You tapped his arm, waiting for him to reply as you sat on the edge of your seat, hands resting on your knees. He lifted up his glasses.
"Why didn't you dance with us?" you asked, a slight pout on your plump lips that he couldn't look away from, your breaths were slightly heavy and you were still off balance. Apparently sometime during the dancing you had downed two more shots. "Hello?" you questioned, dragging out the word when he didn't answer. "Didn't feel like it," he shrugged. He didn't know why, but he liked playing games with you. Acting indifferent just made you more incessant with him. He loved it. "So you're just going to sleep through the whole flight?" you said, a frown evident on your face. Aegon wondered if he had been a little too indifferent.
"Maybe, do you have something in mind?" he asked. You looked up at the ceiling, taking your lower lip between your teeth as you thought. Suddenly your eyes gleamed.
"Wanna watch a movie?" you asked. Aegon saw an opportunity.
"Where would we sit? Two separate seats for a laptop screen is too far," he said, you frowned again. While Aegon had known you were flirtatious, he knew you wouldn't be too bold with him. Though he basically threw you a bone of an opportunity, he wasn't sure you'd take it. And when your frown didn't budge, he sat up, face coming closer to yours as he leaned towards you, eyes boring into yours."How about you sit in my lap? The seat's big enough for both of us," you smiled at his suggestion. "Okay," you said, colour flowing onto your cheeks, fingers reaching for the laptop bag kept on your table.
Aegon laid back again, his seat had already been adjusted to the point of basically being a bed. "Come on then," he said, and you stood up, turning around and sitting on the edge of his seat before scooting towards him until your back hit his chest, you moved your head to one of his shoulders before turning around, forgetting what you were going to say when you realised how close you actually were.
"Something on your mind?" he questioned, a lazy smile settling on his face at your expression. "I-uh, yeah umm, can you see the screen?" you breathed out. He could smell the cherry lollipop you'd been eating to mask the vodka on your breath.
"Yeah, no issues," he shrugged, snaking his arms around your waist like a seatbelt. He watched you basically squirm under his gaze, your smile only growing wider as you blushed more. Aegon was loving this, he couldn't give half a flying fuck about the movie if he could be doing this with you for two more hours. Testing your limits and watching you squirm. Your eyes went back to the laptop as you opened Netflix, you'd lifted one leg up, and balanced your other hip somewhere along his thigh as your head rested on his shoulder. "What do you wanna watch?" you asked him, not turning around this time, you didn't trust yourself. 
"Anything," he simply said, one hand playing with the hem of your shirt. Your hair smelled like your shampoo, with a hint of sweat too. He'd rested his head back. "Grown-ups?" you questioned. "I don't think I know it," he said. "It's a comedy, see?" you clicked on it for him to read. He nodded, knowing he wasn't going to be watching it, but wouldn't hurt if it were a comedy. You played it, relaxing back into Aegon's chest.
You'd be giggling here and there, pointing out all of the numerous celebrities that kept showing up. It had been ten minutes into the movie when Aegon's hold slightly relaxed, his hands going back as one of his rubbed small circles on the outer side of your thigh, maybe a little close to your ass but he blamed it on your shorts. It was a very absent-minded move, but he felt you tense slightly. He saw the goosebumps rise on your flesh. A smirk grew on his lips. "Are you cold?" he asked, his fingers now grabbing your thigh as he moved his thumb across your skin slowly. You cleared your throat. "No," you squeaked. You could feel his breath on your neck, your heart had been exploding. Nonetheless, you looked back at the screen, mind focused solely on the hand on your thigh.
You'd passed out in less than halfway through the movie. Aegon's movements had at the beginning been invasive but soon became relaxing until it almost lulled you to sleep. Aegon softly called out to you, but you didn't say anything. He grabbed the laptop, turned it off and dumped it on the table next to his seat. Aegon had also gotten tired. It was around 4 am on Dragonstone right now, so pretty late for you all. You'd slightly stirred and moved to rest your head on his chest sideways as you curled your legs up slightly, cold no doubt. Aegon had one hand resting on your thigh as he drifted to sleep as well, the smell of you enough to relax him more than two Xanax.
He'd woken to find the frowning face of his brother sitting in front of him, you still in the same position, fast asleep. When his gaze didn't waver, Aegon slightly groaned. "What do you want?" he whispered, voice thick with sleep. "What are you doing?" Daeron asked, annoyed. "Sleeping," he shrugged. "She's basically a child," he said. "What does her being an infant have to do with anything?" he quipped. "Aegon you know this is wrong," Daeron huffed, sitting back in his chair, most people were still asleep.
The sky was a warm orange colour. "She's just using me for warmth, what's the big deal in that," he said, bored of the conversation. Daeron was far too annoying sometimes. "You know how she feels about you," he finally said. Though he did not want to speak out the truth. Aegon smirked. "And how are her feelings about anyone any of your concern, dear brother?" Aegon asked. "Because you'll just end up using her," he said. This didn't feel right. Aegon put his head back, eyebrows furrowed in thought. Would he actually just use you, or did he feel something for you too? His hands absent-mindedly rubbed circles on your thigh again. He closed his eyes again. He'd rather sleep than think.
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misguidedasgardian · 2 years
The White Dragon (9)
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9. While you were gone
Summary: You’d been living in a dream, and now you had to wake up
Pairings: main Harwin Strong x Fem!Targaryen reader
Warnings: cursing, medieval and A song of ice and Fire AU customs, talks about “bastards”, name calling, mentions of smut, and more, a tamed chapter 
Wordcount: 3.7 k
Notes: One thing I changed from ASOIAF… since the conquest, the Tully’s were the lords of the Riverlands… well, now the Strongs are 😂 Short chapter I think, but a transitional one, we will see what they'd been up to for the last 10 years
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Year 128 AC, 10 years after the departure from King’s Landing 
The thing is… that when you are the highest ranking person in a holdfast, you can practically live however you want. And away from court, and royal protocol and responsibilities, you learned, fairly quickly, that you were free
And that’s how you lived with your small family. 
You shared your bed with your husband, and sometimes your children, when they crawled in your bed in the midst of the night claiming about having nightmares. Harwin’s desire to extend your family never dwindled, and you tried, everynight to do so… now for pleasure more than need.
In your fourth year away from court a third babe was born to you, a little girl, with silver hair and kind eyes just like your sweet mother and with the coloring of your husband. She was the apple of his eye, and yours, and you named her Aemma, with your father’s blessing, he even made the trip to bring you a dragon egg. That never hatched 
Your children grew as summer grass, free from the schemes and darkness of the court. Running over open fields, green woods and jumping over streams. And their dragons grew alongside them. Maekar and Rhaegar turn into young dragonriders at age 7, and your daughter was content with riding with you, in Vhaelar’s back 
Harwin dealt with matters of the Strong lands and you managed to finish the construction of your new home. A castle. It was over the hill overlooking Harrenhal, and it was beautiful, with big windows with painted glass and a big patio where your children grew, played, and learned under the shadow of a beautiful tree that you built your home around. towers in which you and your children had your quarters, and a tower named the tower of the princess, that serves as a watch tower with a dome, a favorite spot for you, Rhaegar and Aemma. In the castle you had headquarters for your servants as well, and you all lived together. Still keeping the old Harrenhall, since it was an important seat of great size, closest to King Landing, it was an important military outpost for armies of the crown that could not be forsaken. 
Your children were instructed in philosophy, history, even some arts, and they spoke Valyrian fluently, thanks to your own teachings. Maekar, ever the scholar, would pay close attention to his teachers and septas, but Rhaegar, on the other hand, the boy’s mind seemed to be everywhere but on the patio. And sweet, Aemma, of 6 name days, would listen to her brothers, and learned to read and write only at 4 years old, and the first thing she wanted to do was to write to her dear grandsire, who sat in a big chair and wore a golden ring in his head. 
Ser Steffon at the beginning traveled with you, even if as Rhaenyra had two more sons, and that drove you away from the line of succession, you still were a princess of royal blood, so, your own Kingsguard was appointed to you, alongside a bunch of city watch former soldiers that became soldiers of the House Strong. But your personal guard traveled back and forth, and now with a bigger royal family and descendants to the throne, he was more needed in the Red Keep, than by your side. He was very close to renouncing but you insisted otherwise, you needed him by your father’s side, even if his only wish was to stay with you and train the boys, something you had been postponing as much as you could but they were ten now and Harwin was dying to start their training. 
Under yours, and Steffon’s eyes, you guarded Joanna’s safety, as many suitors came to her seeing that she was now a widow, and a young Lannister woman, and you gave her the liberty to be courted in your home, and to chose her own spouse, after many suitors, she fell for the heir to house Tully and Riverrun, a handsome and good man, with auburn hair and freckles and a kind smile. Of course his Lannister brothers refused him, but with you, a princess, behind her, there was nothing they could do, and with angry looks, they let her wed him. You had constant contact with the Tullys, since the Strongs were the lords of the Riverlands, and House Tully was loyal to you. Now Joanna was happier than you had ever seen her, with two beautiful sons with auburn hair and green eyes just like hers 
But the shadow of the crown was always over you, constant news reached your ears, and a worry was eating you. According to some reports… Rhaenyra’s offspring did not resemble Ser Laenor, and that was becoming a problem for her, the whispers reached you in Harrenhal. The line of succession, her line of succession, was trembling, and in a corner of your mind you wondered if after her, came you as heir, or Aegon, Alicent Hightower’s son. Maybe that was a question you didn’t need answering. Your father was right, the Iron throne was the most dangerous seat in the realm, and looking at your children, you decided you will turn a blind eye and deaf ears to those nasty rumors, which weren’t really rumors, but your allegiance lies with Rhaenyra’s claim and line. 
Your children deserved to be as free as their dragons, and the crown and court was like the Dragonpit for them, a beautiful cage, but a cage nonetheless. You managed to create a perfect life, and escape it, or so you thought.
Aemma rested her head in her chubby little arms, looking at the horizon from the Princess Tower, the sound of horses neighing, and hooves and carriages reached her before a caravan appeared through the King’s road, and she recognized the banner immediately, the banner of her house, flying high alongside the three headed dragon
“Grandpa is here!” she screeched, jumping on her feet and running down the spiral stairs. “Grandpa is coming!” she repeated, as her small feet led her to where you probably were, in the gardens with a book. “mommy!”, she threw herself and you catched her in your arms
“What is it, sweet girl?”, you asked as you kissed the top of her head
“Grandpa is coming”, she beamed with a big smile, missing some teeth, “I saw him”, since you weren’t celebrating any name days, or festivities, the fact that your father by law was visiting did concern you. 
“Is he now? then we should greet him”, you muttered, “Where are your brothers?” her little face 
“I don’t know”, she muttered, looking at the ground in front of her, revealing her little lie.
“Oh you don’t know?” you giggled 
. . .
“Arghugon, Karnax!” demanded Rhaegar, and the dragon fell from the skies and with her powerful claws and clinged into the poor stag that screamed in agony, as the dragon lifted its prey, threw it in the air, “Dracarys!” and finally burned it to the crisp so he could eat it. The cream colored beast with golden marking devoured it whole in long bites. Rhaegar knew better than come close to him when he was feeding, so he was content in watching from the tree line 
Maekar joined him, hoping that his own dragon won’t come near him now. The blue and silver dragons as flying over the God’s eye
“Aerion is bigger”, whined Rhaegar
“They are the same size”, Maekar answered, “they were born at the same time, and they grow all the same, eating the same, sleeping the same. He only looks bigger because it’s mine”, he joked. Rhaegar rolled his eyes, as his dragon finished his feasting
“You heard that?” Maekar asked, walking away from the trees and looked towards the road, where he saw the caravan approaching, “it’s probably Grandpa Lyonel”
Many couldn’t tell them apart, but one look from you was enough to do so, Maekar had broader shoulders than Rhaegar, and he wore his hair short, strong dark curls over his head, while Rhaegar screeched and screamed when the maids tried to cut his main, so you let him wear it longer, often he had to tie it to keep it from obscuring his gaze. 
“Mom will want us there to receive him”, told Maekar, and without thinking it anymore, he ran towards Aerion, who had landed close to him. Rhaegar did the same with Karnax. And they both flew the few miles that separated them from the Castle. 
“Where were you?” you asked as they ran to your side fixing their clothes and hair
“Sorry mom, I was teaching Karmax to hunt”, muttered Rhaegar, “Maekar was helping me” 
“Good lad” you looked at Harwin with a side smile as he ruffled the boy’s hair, as you stood with the members of your household outside the castle to wait for your father
The carriage stopped right in front of you all, a soldier jumped from it and opened the door, and Lyonel showed up, he had lost part of his hair, as ten years took its toll, but he was still a tall, proud and Strong man. 
“Grandpa!” Aemma jumped into Lyonel’s awaiting arms, and the man giggled having his granddaughter hugging him tightly
“Hello sweet girl!” he greeted
“I missed you grandpa”
“I missed you too, and your hugs”, you knew Lyonel wasn’t a man you could just easily hug or anything, but he only had one weak spot in his strong walls, and that was their grandchildren. 
“Lord Lyonel” you greeted
“Father”, greeted Harwin by your side 
“My Lady”, he muttered looking at you, “Son”
“Grandpa” mocked Rhaegar, because of all the title-calling. You looked at him with warning in your eyes but Lyonel only smiled and he hugged his grandsons 
“What have you two been up to? uh?”
“Making the teachers a little mad, that’s all”, muttered Maekar
“just a little?” Chuckled Lyonel.
After the warm welcome you of course invited Lyonel in, the day was turning into darkness, and it was time to serve supper.
Lyonel had much to say about the capital, contrary to the both of you who lived lives more sunk into a routine. The boys and Aemma of course had much to say to their Grandsire, tales about their dragon’s growth and their personal achievements, like they could hold conversation in High Valyrian, and Harwin laughing about it because he felt left out about you chiding them in your mother tongue so it will have more impact. 
With long pouts on their account and they had to be sent to bed, they wanted to share the after-dinner with their parents and grandfather, but you insisted that they will have a long day tomorrow showing Lyonel all the things they talked about. 
After dinner, Harwin, Lyonel and you, gathered in the library, with a cup of wine in hand and the hearth lit up, it was a beautiful night, you could heard crickets in the distance 
“It is not that we don’t enjoy your visits, dear father, but I must ask, what brings you here?” asked Harwin
“I cannot visit my son, his beautiful wife and my sweet grandchildren?”, he tried to sound funny, and you did smile, but his face was tainted with concern, “being here is like a breath of fresh air, so relieving from all my duties… and the heaviness of the court”
“Lyonel, is there something wrong?”, you asked, placing your hand on his arm, encouraging him
“I’m afraid there is something”, he admitted, “it’s about the princess”
“What is it?” you asked. And one of the things you liked most about Lyonel is that he always went straight to the point, he was frank 
“Rhaenyra is alone, without allies, she is sinking, so is her claim”. Even that didn’t surprise you, the ghost of your sister and her hostility towards you ever over you. You had contented with the fact of being the second daughter, and you were happy because of it, but the thing is, she was the first, the heir, and that will have a toll on you someday, and perhaps that day had arrived
“Do you come on your own accord?” asked Harwin
“She sits at the small council”, you interrupted, “she lives in the Keep, she is an active member of court, what was she doing all this time but make allies and show herself as a ruler?”, you muttered, in disbelief, “what has she been doing?”, you asked again. Lyonel looked down
“Did she send you, father?” he asked
“No, well, she may have hinted at it”
“What do you mean?” you muttered
“She needs you, a senior member of the Royal Family, to back up her claim, to support her”, he said, “she has said, outloud, and on many occasions that if you were there at court, you would support her ideas and contributions”. You had never hold grudges against your sister, despite everything, but now… your name being spoken like that, her using you, despite being miles away… really, you now cursed her, for putting your own comfort, word and life in the line 
“I don’t know what I could do for her”, you whispered, “I don’t understand, she had ten years at my father’s side, she should have strengthened her claim by now…”
“The Queen also sits at the small council, they both have their claws on the King”, this was all said in the privacy of the library, in complete secrecy, “and I fear that they are going to… tear him apart”
“It is not with nothing but care that I say these words… only to you both, and in the safety of your home” he said, “I fear for the future of the realm”
“So bad?” you asked then, seeing your own future being sealed right in front of you
“Having you, his darling daughter, will remind his grace of his true family, of why he chose your line as the one to succeed him, I believe you will bring the court comfort, and strength, to your sister’s line.”, you shared concerned looks with Harwin, “A seat in the small council is yours, Princess, and for Harwin, there is the post as commander of the city watch”
“Those are generous seats”, your husband muttered
“Lyonel…”, you called, “I don’t know what you are asking”, you needed him to say it
“I am asking for your return to court”, he said firmly
“You want us to take the boys, and Aemma?”, you asked then
“I wouldn’t ask if I didn't believe this is the best course of action, you are the lords of the Riverlands… You have Dorne and the North as allies, you built those bridges, now you need to cross them”, the princess and now Prince of Dorne had send many letters to you over the years, never forgetting the visit they paid when you were alone in the castle, and for the North, Cregan Stark always send you gifts, and letters, which you answered and in turned send more gifts.
“You are talking like a war is going to break out”, you whispered
“Princess, your father is sick”, he told you, “his mind is drifting, he might change his mind, or else, the Hightowers might take that chance to do something…”, Lord Lyonel was one of the smartest and joust men you had ever encountered, and he sat at the side of the King, if he was exposing this to you, is because it had merit. 
“Dear father by law”, you muttered, “we will talk about this, you must understand my trepidations since… I’ve made Harrenhal my home and, it’s so sad for me to leave it”
“Of course, my sweet daughter by law” 
After that, you and Harwin walked together towards your shared chambers, ready to take to bed, you were suddenly so tired 
“We need to start making preparations” he said as he started taking off his clothes
“Harwin…” you called with concern, “Are you truly entertaining this?” you asked, “put ourselves and our children at risk?”
“The Red keep is the safest place”, he muttered
“For now” you said, “you heard your father, The King is sick, how long until he expires, and a war breaks out for his succession?” you asked, “To Rhaenyra to fight young Aegon, and the Hightowers…” 
“That might not happen if we are there”, he said firmly
“You had visited the capital more than me”, you muttered, you were only going for very special occasions that you could count with fingers of one of your hands, loving your new home too much to abandon it for long, Harwin however, visited as twice as many times, being called upon by his father constantly for accounting of the Riverlands, “what do you think?” 
“I think that my father’s fears as true, we must return at once”, he said firmly
“You seem so eager to return to the capital, husband”, you muttered with bitterness
“Don’t, don’t do that” he begged. You know that even if Harrenhal was thriving under his leadership, no matter how many rides spurring his horse he took, or how much he trained, or how many times a night he took you, he had became restless, missing the fast pace of King’s Landing, and that harmed you, because you were so happy here, but you knew he was missing something to be completely full, or perhaps someone
“I don’t want to go”, you said, words stuck to your throat and tears threatened to fall from your eyes, “I have a bad feeling about this”
“Don’t cry”, he begged
“We are happy here”, you fighted, “our children can do as they please, we can do as we please…”
“This is the future of the realm”, he muttered
“The realm is going to be fine”, you said back, “they have my sister and my father… and Lord Corlys, and princess Rhaenys standing beside her…you want them to have us as well, Maekar, Rhaegar, little Aemma, and me?”
“This is your family, calling for you”, he said firmly, “we should respond to that calling”, the battle was lost, you knew, he knew it. And deep down, you did want to answer that call, but being a mother had made you selfish, self centered, putting your children and your immediate family first
“You are the Lord of Harrenhal and the leader of our family”, you said bitterly, giving up, “what you say, goes”
“Don’t be like that��, he grunted, “I would never force you to do anything”
“But you are forcing me,” you said firmly. You didn’t look at him, instead you turned your back to him and sat on the bed to remove your shoes and socks, “You call in the maester and the Housekeeper and tell them, we leave for King’s landing tomorrow” 
“Darling…” he called for you but you didn’t answer, you just left your rooms barefoot, lonely tears falling down your eyes. You ended up in the tower, you could see the God’s eye from there, and the beautiful sky with a full moon and all the stars
You didn’t want to go to the Capital, because you knew what awaited you there, and deep down you knew about the coming conflict, and the part you will play in it. Deep down you knew, you have dreamt about it many times. 
And no alliances, nor dragons, not even Harwin or all the armies you could gather will protect you from your fate. 
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The carriages were getting ready, and your children couldn’t be happier, you had always taught them about being excited for new adventures, and traveling to the capital, to a huge castle like the Red Keep, filled with members of their family, and other kids, other dragons, they couldn’t be happier as you told them they could start their training. And for that you were thankful. Aemma wanted nothing more than to see the King, and Helaena, even if they never saw each other they exchanged letters alongside the king’s and the girls were fond of eachother. 
“And we could train?” asked Rhaegar, already driving you to the edge of madness with all of his questions. following you around as you commanded servants what to pack in coffers
“I’ll ask Steffon to train you himself”, you said, and they seemed content
“And me” muttered Harwin. You smiled as you stop to kiss your husband, trying to forget the fight of the night before
“Iuuuu”, mocked Rhaegar grossed out by their parents shows of affection, you just giggled as Harwin chuckled and ruffled his hair
“Maybe at court you’ll find a girl to love just as much I love your mother”, he muttered
“Ugh, father, I’m only ten!” he mocked and ran off. You laughed as you saw him go
“Great strategy, husband” you congratulated. He smiled kindly at you
“I know you didn’t want to come, but trust me on this…”
“I know”, the thing is that you trusted your own gut more than Harwin’s, but no matter, your fate was already dictated, you only had to play the game, the cards that you’ve been dealt, and… you’d always have Harrenhal if the things turned sour.
But now your other son required your attention, pulling at your arm
“Where are our dragons going to go?” asked Maekar
“Probably to the dragonpit” you answered, “I told you about it, remember?”
“Yes, but Aerion and Karnax are always in the open”, fighted Maekar
“I know my love, but it’s only for a short time”, you answered calmly. The dragonlings would usually sleep in the wild, and when the weather was hard, Vhaelar would shelter them under her huge wings, as she still recognized them as her’s. “Or they go where their mother goes, just like you”, you booped his nose and he giggled. 
And sooner than you’d like, you were ready, all the things were loaded, and only your family was left
“Can we go on dragon back, mother?”, asked Aemma, you looked at Harwin and he nodded
“Yes, sweetlings”, your sons cheered in joy. You did want to arrive on Dragonback, to show some authority. A show of strength 
And as you saw the caravan with your husband and Lyonel part before you, you looked at your children with worry, but as they looked up at you with bright smiles, you knew everything was going to be alright
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Taglist! ❤️ @tearsarcane @integra1127 @aestmilky @thanyatargaryen @tythaitie @lostinworldofdarkness @voodoogoul @wildmindedbeauty32 @lil-pudd @alicattx @electric-bloo @astaaan-lol @stargaryenx @kaitieskidmore1 @bregarc @lilpnd @jcpenneyyy @janelei @fexibau @ladyoakenshield157 @danielle-leah1997 @lady-ragnvindr @cecilyjmorgenstern @omgsuperstarg @bugheadskid @batprincess1013 @her-fandom-sanctum
Notes: Karnax is the first dragon ever mounted by a man, and that man was Aerion, the very first Valyrian. They were inseparable once Karnax hatched, and then when Aerion realized he could mount him and fly in it, they founded Valyria. Those are the names chosen for the dragons of the Strong Boys
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thelustybraavosimaid · 5 months
Taylor's assorted fanfics:
To Forgive, Divine:
—Aemon and Arya wed.
—Something is not right.
Aemon makes Arya a crown.
Jon and Arya reunite. Sansa watches from afar.
[partial] What am I, if not your son?
Jon's a bit too brutal for Sansa's tastes. She asks Arya about it.
Arya asks Yna about her fate.
Wed to death.
What is fighting but dancing?
Come at me. Strike me.
Observing the constellations.
Come burn me.
Aemon could only stare.
I will not let you go again.
[partial] Jon gives Arya gifts for solstice.
Arya receives a bow.
—Jon is filled with longing.
A flower like that's begging to be stolen.
"The man" his father wanted him to find was no man at all.
Rhaegar and Lyanna spar. Of course.
This man looks familiar.
Daenerys and Jon stand at the edge of the world, peering into the beyond.
A place of wonders.
Threads of Destiny:
—Rhaegar receives the prophecy.
—Rhaegar defies the prophecy.
—Rhaegar rides to war.
—[partial] Rhaegar prays to the gods who may hear.
—To the tower of joy.
—[partial] Thinking of his son after Lyanna's death.
Jon is reborn as himself:
—The warmth of people he longed to know.
—Where did you get this sword?
Rhaegar and the babe Aemon in the ruins of Summerhall.
You will not join the Guard.
Arya must make a sacrifice.
My brother died.
Hearing the latest gossip.
This is a test.
—He looks a little different now.
A reunion.
Take me home, Ghost.
The gods answered his prayers.
Arya gifts Jon Robb's crown.
—Promise me you'll take care of our people.
The night wolf reunites with her brother.
Nymmie hears her brother's silent howl. Somehow.
Your destiny, bride of ice.
You are a holy man, my lord.
You worry of her, she who has your heart.
Jon looks a little different.
Feasting with the dead. Voice of the living.
—The face he wanted to see.
The babe is a girl. He knows.
The wrong man came back from the Trident.
To the War for the Dawn.
Treading through a field of flowers.
Santari is the ghost that haunts his mind.
She is the ghost that he cannot escape.
She is the ghost that he can never leave.
She watches him dwell in his own element.
Guthwulf's loyalty, in the face of madness and despair.
Tess's final moments.
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beebahbah · 7 months
Thinking of doing Rec lists for all my fave fandoms.
So here are my top 5 Jonsa Fics that I've recently read and enjoyed.
1. Reflection of a Fallen World by GingerDsnapped. (Time travel fix it au)
2. From Instep to Heel by Orangeflavor (AU Rhaegar lives and Jon is raised as a Targ in West)
3. The Other Tyrell Girl by Usuallysunny (Sansa is a Tyrell)
4. Shock you like you won't believe by Chispas_and_broken_things (Modern au. Lol so funny and witty. College AU)
5. I fall to pieces when I'm with you by Usuallysunny (Dark Jonsa that's all I can say )
All on ao3
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bucknastysbabe · 11 months
it's still me, sorry.
ancient rome with viserys III (he just has that twink senator build, I am telling ya)
YES TWINKY SELF IMPORTANT VIZZY III YOUR BRAIN MAKES MY GO SPLOOSH, also I took a while bc 1. Work 2. I get wayyyy too invested into research! So I hope you enjoy xoxoxoxxo
AU Bingo - Ancient Rome - Viserys III
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Rating: Explicit
Tags: Imperial Rome setting, Viserys is an angry lil asshole, too much background building, aphrodisiacs, arranged marriage, pnv!sex, enemies to lovers, hate sex, they’re both bottoms they’ll figure it out later, background Jorah and Illyrio, dany living her best life!, orgy time, I hope that was a good offering to Cupid
A/N: Tumblr is full of smart people but I still marked stuff that might need a translation or explanation:)
Viserys Targaryen. The third. Bred well from a long line of Emperors. The dynasty had ended when his mad father was struck down by the Praetorian* guard meant to protect the man. He was a mere senator now, the Baratheon family forcing him into submission. Damnatio Memoriae* for Aerys and his eldest son Rhaegar.
Everyone knew you could flip a coin to decide if a Targaryen would be mad or not. Viserys, although smart and a respected senator, definitely leant towards the unwanted side of the sestertius*. Regardless, the man had enough allies to secure his position in aedileship* and keep the family estate. His little sister had been married off to some obscenely rich warlord king outside of Roman lines, further padding the man’s pockets.
He walked around like an inflated peacock with his purple striped toga, dreaming of revenge and retaking the grand palace. Not married, still young, and quite mean from all accounts. Rumors flew that he was the passive cinaedus* of his longtime Gaulish slave. But you had your eyes on the fool regardless of who said what.
Recently arrived from the ever growing Hispania Baetica*, your father, a powerful proconsul* had sent you with a retainer to find a husband. Your aunt was married to Rhaegar Targaryen, and there was a promise for your hand to Viserys.
There was a catch. Viserys was not made aware of this pact. All of the details ands plans were burnt up during the violent overthrow of mad Aerys. Greek fire everywhere from the accounts. Your sister and her babes had perished from the Lion of Rome’s horrid beast of a soldier.
Elia was gone now, you reminded yourself. Oberyn kept her memory alive much too much but you grinned and bared it. He accompanied you with his lover and only two of his many bastards. Viserys was to be hosting you all in his grand manse upon the Esquiline Hill*. He knew the power of your family and sought to gain more status.
A plethora of slaves tended to your baggage and personal goods. A fat man with a thick accent, Thracian* of sorts, welcomed you all with an ecstatic smile. “Good evening, I know you all must be weary from your travels, our busy Senator will be home late tonight and plans to sup in the morning. Please call me Illyrio, I am the steward here.”
He outstretched a jiggly arm and beckoned you all, “Come, come, dinner awaits.” Oberyn sniffed and sauntered in, viper eyes darting around suspiciously. He had become quite bitter and distrustful after dear Elia’s death. Rhaegar, a wonderful general, had found some Briton barbarian’s daughter while putting down an uprising and squirreled her away. Much to the anger of the Novantae*.
Robert Baratheon also took offense to the affair, having eyes for the same girl. Add on Aery’s madness and rising tensions against the imperial family. Well. That’s what led to now. It’s bad when the Roman army has to enter Rome. Slimy Lion of Lannister, Tywin, a once trusted Consul* and general settled the fighting quite quick. His son, a Praetorian guard, struck down the Mad Emperor.
You shook yourself out of your thoughts, weary from all the travel. Dinner and chatting was a blur, Oberyn interrogating Illyrio up quite intensely about Viserys. You retired early to a sumptuous room, dreaming of frolicking in the paintings until slumber met you at last.
In the morning you had two girls attend your bathing, dressing, and other attending. You felt quite beautiful in your immaculate yellow stola, embroidered with gold. Your headband and jewelry was also gold and citrine. They smudged your eyes with kohl, painted your lips a darker color with berries. All to hopefully ensnare.
Padding to the triclinium* you readied yourself. Being a proconsul’s daughter, you knew how to behave. Hispania Baetica was extremely romanized, it wasn’t like you came from Judaea* or Asia Minor*. Your family was mostly seated, Oberyn and Ellaria looked tired. They may have treated themselves to the pleasure of Rome last night.
Illyrio beside a big man in armor and the distinct silver haired of a Targaryen graced your vision. Viserys was quite handsome, lengthy waves, strong features, and long limbs. No warrior like Rhaegar but self assured in his own right. You gave obeisance and sat down. Viserys intense lilac eyes bored into you, pretty lips curling up in pleasure.
He hummed, “Martells. You have been good to the Targaryens for many a moon. I hope the trip was fair, nice to see you Oberyn. I hope Doran is doing well.” The senator’s smile was stiff lipped and frigid.
Oberyn snorted, “The place smells of pig shit and is overcrowded. But a fine city I suppose. The streets of pleasure are wondrous. How is the usurper doing?”
An awkward hush enveloped the room. Viserys’ eye seemed to twitch. His pallid cheeks reddened, “The fat oaf is fine. The Lion does his dealings after the Arryn man passed.” Oberyn hissed, “Detestable fucker.”
You cleared your throat and gestured to Illyrio, softly stating, “I’d love to reminisce on the injustice of our past but we did not travel to Roma for nothing, Senator.” Viserys seemed a relax a smidgeon, eyes narrowing at Illyrio’s wide frame. He drawled, “Was there something not to my knowledge? As the leader of my family this could be treason.”
The big man placed a hand on his sword.
Illyrio laughed it off and boomed, “No, this is all good tidings. A proposal lost in the fire.”
“Go ahead, Mopatis.”
You nervously popped some grapes into your mouth, eyeing the silver haired man’s heady gaze. He was entranced— for what gain you did not know. Illyrio opened the scroll and read of the marriage pact hastily made after the downfall. You would marry and join Viserys’ household.
The Senator remained quiet, the guard muttering something along the lines of, “That’s a first.” Viserys finally hummed, “What will I receive if I am to marry your girl? Gold, allies, men? I will become Emperor again dear Martells. You burn with the same injustices!” A vein on his forehead twitched.
Oberyn bristled, “You will receive a handsome sum and my gorgeous niece. Have patience, little Targaryen, lest the people might think you’re madder than your father,” he sharply grinned, “Excuse me, the emperor before Robert. Damnatio memoriae is a bitch, hm?”
Viserys barked, “Quiet your tongue, red viper! I accept the girl, shall pay the dowry, but I need allegiance. My sister awaits with her warlord husband, powerful screamers on horseback.”
Oberyn settled back down with a shit-eating grin, placing his sandals on the table, throwing an arm around Ellaria. You nodded and added, “All good things come with time, Aedile Targaryen. We shall plan, and I will do anything in my power to asssist.”
He was quaking with anger, long and thin fingers almost shredding the purple edging of his toga. Illyrio hummed, “Very well, we shall have the wedding, small, and pay the dowry. Then you may return to Hispania.”
Oberyn stated, “My daughter Obara stays as her personal guard, then we shall leave in the morn.” Viserys glared at the strong woman, lips thinning in annoyance. You glanced down at your hands, quite unsure what to do with an unstable temperament.
You’d find a way, always had. Nothing cunt couldn’t fix. Unless the Senator didn’t prefer that. But that could be arranged too.
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After the wedding, you felt alone and bored. Viserys had held intercourse with you once, a banal affair. Strange for a Roman, a Targaryen one at that. Obara and Jorah as you learned, were mainly your company out and about. Viserys spent most of his time on the Capitoline Hill*. Planning events and city works, whatever Aedile’s did.
One day you’d had enough. You decided to snoop around Visery’s personal quarters, he’d be in hearings all day. Illyrio turned a blind eye with a small smile. Coming to a bronzed desk you found a half-unrolled paper. Wonderfully decorated with Pan and his nymphs.
Fingering the scroll open your eyebrows raised. It was an invitation. Tomorrow night. To a secret party with masks only. It was likely to be an orgy once you placed the masks, Pan’s* turgid cock, and the syrupy invitation. Your fool husband wasn’t going to even let you know.
“Illyrio!,” you hollered.
Heavy footsteps and breathing came closer and closer. Mopatis wiped the sweat from his brow. He panted, “My lady?” Padding over to the large man you shoved the invitation toward pudgy hands.
“Was my dear husband planning on inviting me?”
He stared at you with a strange expression, mouth twitching. You held his gaze before he broke. “No. He was to go alone. Felt stifled recently.”
You snarled, snatching the invitation back, Mopatis now leaning on a doorway. You murmured, “Say Illyrio, dear steward, could you perhaps get me into this sordid soirée?” His fleshy face erupted into a smile.
“I have friends in the lowest and highest of places, I’m sure we could arrange your arrival. A surprise for your husband. I’ll have to send one of the girls to the mask maker.” Patting a shoulder you mused, “Hmm, I cannot wait to see the look on the asshole’s face.”
Jorah snorted from afar.
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You gained entrance into a vast complex of gardens and smokey rooms, smelling of herbs. Petals littered the ground at every turn. You fixed your mask and stola, quite lost. You’d heard of these debauchery laden gatherings high up in the echelons of Rome.
It wasn’t like that in your household, definitely in Oberyn’s with all the boys and women he could fuck until dawn. A man with a deep voice sidled next to you, offering a goblet of wine, “Here sweet one, this brew will make Cupid himself bless you.” You took it and asked, “Where is the main gathering?”
“Follow me nymphet,” he hummed.
You downed the wine, unsure if that was a horrid idea or not. But Jorah was waiting on the outskirts in case you may need help. Citizens of Roma were fucking and kissing all over as you drew near the sounds of wailing and drums. The mysterious man hummed, “This is where the show is, where you find your lovers for the night.”
He disappeared as fast as he had met you. Eyes scanning through the fog you spotted silvery hair. Viserys was sprawled with some ladies, idly watching the erotic show on the dais. Sucking in a breath you sat on some cushions directly across from him.
Heat began to slither up your belly, the haze and glistening skin of the erotic dancers making your cunt ache. Pulling at your stola you stifled a whine, chewing on your lip under the mask. It must have been that brew that man gave you, some sort of Aphrodisiac. Venus herself must have dipped her tits in the brew, you were on fire.
Transfixed in the low hum of the droning singers, the sensual beating of the drums and the escalating cries of pleasure— you were not prepared for a rather smug voice in your ear. Yelping and sliding away, long fingers wrapped around your upper arm, jerking you close. Viserys lilac eyes were a bit hazy as he murmured, “You aren’t secretive you know that? Thinking I don’t know that you’re going through my belongings, sending my steward around.”
As his thin face began to erupt into a sinister smile you grew a bit fearful. Maybe you’d crossed the line. Targaryen’s were notoriously unpredictable. You gulped out a weak, “I apologize, maritus*, I do, please!” Viserys only smiled more and pulled you flush atop his thin hips.
“I’d prefer dominus*, my sly little Baetican,” he drawled, dragging fingertips across your overheated skin. Nosing along your slick neck he continued, “Almost as slithering as that viper of your uncle,” his soft curls tickling you issued a full body shudder and whimper.
“Dominus, I simply wished to- ah- find out what pleases you! You show me no attention,” you wheedled, overwhelmed with groping hands and wandering lips. Viserys cruelly mocked, “Dear, you were a pact, a bag of sesterces, a pretty little something that makes me look good when I get my birthright back.”
Anger seized through your veins at his callous words, shoving him off with a hiss. Viserys smug look turned to shock as he called, “I wasn’t done yet! Come back here!” You shook your head and stumbled through the clouds of burning incense, past the degenerates contorted and fucking, howling to Lūna.*
Slinking through to doors, not to make any noise, you arrived on a much quieter plaza of sorts. A fountain, some beautiful columns, and a small worship temple. Probably Venus. You ran toward the temple, seeking to hide from your vile husband.
Inside everything was painted a rosy, gorgeous color. A statue of Cupid* surrounded by candles and offerings sat at the head. You decided to sit against the wall, staring at the little cherub from the side. You filtered through your robes to throw a coin at the shrine. No one had shrines to the son of Venus*. That you knew until now.
“Strike him, will you,” you asked out loud.
Viserys. What a wretched ass. You knew this was a pact. He showed desire but nothing else. Doomed to a loveless marriage with a power-hungry maniac. You wanted to make him cry, make him hurt like you were. Throwing your mask off your hands clenched into balls of fury. Then took a deep breath, holding the tears back.
“I said I wasn’t done, now you ran off to weep?,” Viserys snapped as he entered the shrine. You stared at him coldly and replied, “No, I didn’t want to hear your vile words. I’m sure you had some great insults coming up, dominus.”
The blonde scoffed and leaned against a pink column, crossing his sinewy arms. He drawled, “Whatever, I was going to say, that you have proven yourself to be strong and dedicated. I like that. Ask me next time and I’ll take you along to my affairs.”
You crawled forward on all fours, holding his piercing gaze until you sat back in front of cherubic Cupid. Gesturing to the god you said, “I’m glad then, I have your approval dominus. Now fuck me. Prove it. Prove your power over me.”
Viserys sputtered for a second, pale cheeks blotchy. His cock was hard enough you could see it through the layers of his toga. You needed this, didn’t care if it was the Minotaur of days of old fucking you open. Anger and lust coursed in your veins, the drink wracking your system.
He mumbled under his breath and padded over to shut the doors to the shrine. Just leaving you two and marble Cupid. He knelt down in front of you, looking composed but sweat beaded along the high points of his face. You leaned back, revealing your legs and bare cunt, pulling and undoing your stola*.
Viserys sat like a dolt. Obviously he did not have the upper hand in this situation, Face getting redder and redder. You purred, “Dominus, or should I say, Caesar?” The blonde moaned softly, trembling hands undoing his expensive garments marking the man’s station. You were naked and waiting, smirking to yourself. Viserys, now just as bare didn’t move.
“How do you want me Caesar?,” you hummed with a cock of your head. Visery’s swollen prick could rival Priapus* currently, leaking and red. He rasped thinly, lips agape, “Ride me, ride me, hispanus.” Stifling a laugh at the suddenly submissive acting senator you prowled forward like a tigress, placing your jeweled hand on his pale chest, pushing the man back.
Straddling yourself across lean thighs you rolled your slick pussy across his length, moaning lowly in satisfaction. Big hands clamped down on your thighs, a strangled noise leaving Viserys’ throat. Suspiciously close to a whine.
You leaned forward to press your tits against his flat chest, breathing against his pink lips, “Caesar, why are you bowing to such a simple whore him? One from Hispania, probably not even a citizen. Tsk tsk” Viserys thrashed some, face pouty. His free hand clamped down on your neck as the blonde hissed, “This is no time to jest, your Caesar wants you to ride his cock. Get to it.”
He wouldn’t let go until you heaved for a breath, sliding onto his long cock, the protrusion deep and nestled on your sensitive upper walls. He let go, hands now groping your breasts, that irritating look back on his face. You coughed wetly, sucking in breath as you clumsily began the first few thrusts, but it felt wonderfully divine.
Your pussy, lips, and nipples were hypersensitive and swollen, sending sparks of ecstasy shooting off over your body. You rode harder, seeking more and more. Viserys gasped, “Gods, fuck, you’re different tonight.” Slapping him across the cheek while simultaneously squeezing his turgid length made the made shout, eyes fluttering.
“I may be your, hng ohhh, wife, b-but I can be your equal! Fah-fucking lackwit! Jaehaerys and Alysanne ring a godsdamned bell?” Your cunt grew slicker and slicker with your arousal, sweat rolling down your back, between your bouncing tits. The small shrine was growing warmer, the sounds of fucking echoing in the small temple.
Viserys mewled hungrily around your chest as you reached back to grab his overfull balls, squeezing ever-so gently. His eyes flashed open, mouth opening and body arching as he cried your name passionately. He managed to string together a broken sentence, “I- Ifffff- you beast, keep it up, ah Cupid you little shit! I will rethink my behavior!”
You plastered yourself to the man, luridly slapping your plush hips against him, moaning uncontrollably. Viserys was right along with you in pitch, desperately jerking his wonderful cock into your needy cunt. Sloppy sharing lips you growled, “Good boy.”
Your foggy mind expected another bout of anger.
No. Viserys outright whimpered and seized your lips, skinny arms holding tight as he planted his feet and pounded your cunt. He licked into your mouth, tongues dancing together in a style much older than Rome ever was. The senator caressed and sought to drive himself into you, besides his cock of course.
Pulling free from slobbery lips you rasped, “You like that? Dominus just wants to be my good boy? Ah-ct like one and I’ll give you ah-ah-alll the praise you want oh pretty silver!” He nodded fervently, lilac eyes searching your own, whimpering unintelligibly.
His blunt cock head was massaging your most tender spot, driving you to grab Viserys hand and guide it to your swollen Pearl. He picked up easily, eyes lidded with heavy satisfaction at your carrying on. You began to shake, the pleasure heightening to the realm of the gods.
“Ah! Caesar, Viserys, Dominus! I’m gonna,” you convulsed and crumpled atop of him whining when your clit was rudely pinched. Another one wracked your frame when a flood of hot spend filled your warm cunt. You babbled deliriously in your own dialect, Viserys panting and heaving through his heavy unload.
Flattened atop of him now you warily eyed Cupid, little cheeks puffed as he smiled. With a scoff and a residual tremble you said, “I did pray he would strike us. Not sure if it’s love, but I felt the lust.”
Viserys hummed gently, carding fingers through your sweaty curls, “He might have mad contact, I would kill any other woman this brash. Take that as a compliment, you are quite special my baetican vipera.”
“I’ll take it. Do you think our fucking was a good enough offer?”
He barked a laugh, stealing your lips for a peck, “Very much so. We should built a shrine in the manse.”
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* Praetorian Guard: Guard of the Imperial family, Caesar, and special agents
* Sesterce: Roman Coin 1/4 of a denarius
* Denarius: silver coin
* Aedile/Aedileship: Senator of public office, Job that involved maintenance of Public buildings in shape and regulation of public festivals. Also keeping city life in order and that needs are met.
* Cinaedus: Male willing to be the passive partner in a homosexual relationship
* Hispania Baetica: Third province of Spain. Rich and romanized, they are citizens of Rome. Eventually brought up now named cities of Cádiz, Seville, Cordoba.
* Pro-consul: Governor or military commander of a province
* Esquiline hill: One of the seven hills of Rome. A upper class residential district.
* Thrace/Thracian: Area of people spanning between Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey.
* Briton: Roman conquered England
* Novantae: powerful Celtic tribe in the north of Briton.
* Consul: Highest senate position, has the emperors ear
* Triclinium: a dining room with couches on three sides and a table.
* Capitoline Hill: Name says all they be doing government shit up there
* Pan: Greek name for a forest god with nymphs. A horny goat okay
* Cupid: God of lust/love, son of Venus
* Maritus: Husband
* Dominus: Lord, master, owner
* Caesar: Emperor
* Venus: goddess of beauty and love
* Stola: Women’s dress at the time, feminine version of the toga
* Priapus: Fertiliy protection god known for his HUGE DONG
* Hispanus: From Hispania
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martellspear · 5 months
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I haven't read as many fanfics as I would like, but I still have recommendations to make :)
— we fall apart as it gets dark [elia martell x brandon stark]
— Holy and Heathen [oberyn martell x hightower!OC]
— right where you left me [rhaenys lives!AU]
— Hourglass [elia martell x rhaegar targaryen]
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my to be read:
— Lazarus in the Sun [elia martell x jaime lannister]
— A Dance of Love and Duty
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fvckinaphrodite · 1 year
I cannot understand the rationale of "Good Stepmother Elia" or "Catelyn loves Jon Snow" fics where, because of the patriarchal and oppressive institutions, Elia and Catelyn are forced to live with their cheating husbands and, are expected to raise their husband's bastard born out of the infidelity that could pose a risk to their children's inheritance. I love Jon, but Catelyn's hesitance regarding him was valid. He wasn't a son, and he was the source of insurmountable shame to her.
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I couldn't have put it better myself, honestly. Those fics disgust me. I find them disturbing and repulsive with the way they turn Catelyn and Elia into Jon's cheerleaders LMAO AS IF. I'm sorry but some of these authors just love to turn every female character in ASOIAF into plot devices for Jon's story.
You will not believe how many fics I've read in which Robb always insists to push both Sansa and Arya further down the inheritance line, and the Northern lords and ladies just nod along and agree like a bunch of baboons and how Catelyn just have to suck it all up. Sometimes there is even a fic or two where Sansa insists that Robb points Jon as his heir to mark her so-called "development" when the narrative brings her to the Riverlands after escaping King's Landing, and in the process, ruining a mother-daughter relationship forever. Guess what's gonna happen? Yep. Robb dies and Jon becomes king with Sansa as his ever faithful advisor. Sometimes even Sansa is pushed away from the North and decides to stay in the South because Gods forbid she ever touch the Northern throne again. Lmao.
Or, you know, the favorite of all Rhaegar Wins AU, fics where Jon becomes the next king after Rhaegar because Aegon is gay and conveniently doesn't want the Iron Throne🥺
I'm a Jonsa stan. I love me some fics with angst; Sansa's struggle to overcome the fact that Jon's existence hurts Catelyn, etc. But there's a line for everything. For example, I fucking refuse to read Jonsa fics where Catelyn is so demonized one would think she constantly beat him when he's a child or told him to become a servant or a stable boy or something. And of course, Sansa gonna defend him with her whole chest and worships the ground he walks on. Lmao Unbelievable. What a way to degrade a female character, to turn her into a plot device--a cheerleader for their hero. Well done.
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