#Renee Lukas
Here's the first one if y'all wanna see it
Georgie - Keke Palmer
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Melanie - Stephanie Beatriz
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Daisy - Reneé Rapp
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Basira - Charithra Chandran
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Peter - Michael Sheen
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Mike Crew - Finn Wolfhard
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Michael - Matthew Gray Gubler
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Agnes - Phoebe Waller-Bridge
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Oliver - Lakieth Stanfield
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Not! Sasha - Jenna Ortega
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cassarilladraws · 1 year
Turning Tables: Origins - Freedom (Chapter 4 - “Chat...Noir?”)
Chapter Summary:  Adrien leaves the interview where he quit working for his father, in front of the entire world, and Shadowmoth has already taken advantage of the emotions of a broken-hearted Adrien fan. When Chat Noir shows up to the fight things are a little different.  Master List| Prev Rated: T Read on Ao3 | Wattpad //////////////////////////// Adrien pretended to find a place to hide from the akuma away from everyone else in the studio. He dashed into a supply closet and closed the door behind him. Plagg flew out from his hiding spot. “You know, that reporter lady was right. What you just did was risky. There’s no way Gabriel will take it well.” The blonde didn’t respond, anticipating that the kwami had more to say. “But I’m proud of you kid. And whatever happens, I’m right here with you.” Plagg beamed at him. “I mean how could I not be proud of you after the chaos you just caused! Besides, the whole world deserves to know what a scumbag he is!”
After all of this time doing everything his father asked of him and trying to earn his love, Plagg’s encouraging words meant a lot. The kwami may be a powerful being, and try to pretend he didn’t like expressing his feelings much, but Adrien knew better. “Thank you for always being there for me.” Adrien pulled out his kwagatama from under his shirt and rubbed his thumb over the green stone. Plagg had given it to him a couple of years prior. He’d told him it was a symbol of their strong bond with each other. It was one of the most cherished things in his life. “Plagg, for what it’s worth, you’ve been the closest thing I’ve had to a father figure for a while now. It probably goes without saying, but that means more to me than I could ever explain.” Plagg looked misty eyed but turned away quickly. “Well, if it goes without saying then why did you say it?” Adrien raised an eyebrow and smirked at the floating being. “Because I wanted you to hear it." The kwami slumped and gave in to his feelings, he turned around and quickly floated to Adrien’s cheek to nuzzle into it in a cat-like fashion. “You’re don’t have to get so cheesy.” Once he pulled back he put his paws on his hips, his eyes still watery. “Now, don’t we have an akuma to fight?” He received a nod in response followed by “Claws Out!” Green light illuminated the space as the magic washed over Adrien. It felt different this time, but he didn’t dwell on it too long. He needed to join his teammates in battle. /////////////////////////////////////////// “You’ll pay for this Gabriel Agreste!! How could you not treat your handsome, beautiful, magnificent son like the international treasure he is! You will regret it when I get my hands on you!!” The akuma yelled as she stomped through the streets. She was 20 feet tall, with green skin, and glowing, angry, red eyes. Her jumpsuit was white and emblazoned on her chest was the Gabriel brand symbol, only it looked as though it had been marked through with red spray paint. She held a can of matching paint in each hand. Everything she sprayed with it exploded on contact. Viperion couldn’t blame the girl. She was obviously a big fan of Adrien’s and finding out that he hadn’t been treated well had upset her enough to be akumatized. Honestly, as far as motives go it was one of the best he’d ever heard. No doubt many people were feeling a similar way after Adrien’s interview. “So, she wants to destroy Gabriel Agreste?” Carapace stood with his arms crossed, looking like he was in no hurry whatsoever. “All in favor of just… letting her?” Rena Rouge raised her hand beside him. “Who am I to stand in the way of such a noble cause?” Viperion raised his hand as well to join in on the bit. “Maybe we should clear a path so she can get to him faster— I mean so that she doesn’t hurt anyone along the way!”
Ladybug laughed at their antics and raised her own hand. Rena gasped dramatically. “The bug herself?!” “I’m going to need more motivation than ‘save your friend's awful excuse for a father.’” She shrugged. “Get ready Gabriel! As soon as I bring Ladybug and Chat Noir’s Miraculous to Shadowmoth I’m coming for you and I’ll destroy anyone who gets in my way!” The akuma’s voice boomed through the air. “Ah, can’t let that happen.” Ladybug spun her yoyo. “Guess we’ll have to take her down after all.” A laugh echoed around them. “I heard all of that and for the record I wouldn’t mind her taking him out either!” Viperion turned to look towards Chat Noir’s voice and gasped. The pose and demeanor of the hero were exactly what he expected. The look however, was not. Chat Noir’s once completely black suit was now adorned with bright green detailing. Viperion couldn’t help but notice how they flattered the hero’s muscular form. Additionally, the neckline of the suit had also changed. Now, it cut into a deep V with a collar that granted a view of Adrien’s collarbones and a peak of his chest muscles. Chat Noir’s signature bell remained at the bottom of the V. His mask had green detailing as well. Luka realized after a moment that the lines formed a subtle motif of whiskers. Even Chat Noir’s cat ears had green on them. Then there was his hair. The blonde locks were longer than they had been before and pulled into a messy half ponytail with a green hair tie. Some of his hair remained loose in the front to frame his face. It was a messy, but flattering, style. Luka knew with absolute certainty that he was staring. He’d always known Adrien was a handsome guy, even long before he’d realized his own feelings for him. Until tonight he was a literal model and Luka could see why. But there was also something different to his energy in general. Quitting Gabriel’s company suited Adrien well. Between the new look and the new sense of confidence Viperion was sure Chat Noir was trying to kill him. The hero raised an eyebrow as his tail flicked behind him. “What the heck are you all staring at?” “Chat…Noir?” Ladybug asked with a tilt of her head. “No, it’s Mr. Pigeon.” Chat said sarcastically. His face contorted in confusion. “Bugaboo, we’ve been at this together for how many years? How can you not recognize me? Did you get hit with some kind of beam or what?”
“I do. I know it’s you! It has to be you. But it’s just you look—“ “Fabulous!” Rena Rouge cut in. Carapace put one hand on his hip and gave her a pout. “Oh come on, you know my heart belongs to you turtle boy!” Rena playfully tapped Carapace’s nose as she spoke. "But look at him and then look me in the eyes and tell me I’m wrong.” Carapace looked at Chat Noir and then back at his girlfriend. “Babe, you’re right.” “See?” “Dude! Seriously though, I love the new look!” Carapace gestured to his best friend. “New look?” Chat Noir tilted his head in a very feline way and looked down at his suit, examining the gloves on his hands and tracing along some of the green lines. Ladybug giggled and switched her yoyo to bug phone mode. “I think breaking ties with your father’s company might have had an effect on you as a hero kitty cat. Feeling a little more free tonight?” Chat Noir smiled brightly, “Yeah, purrhaps I am!” “Well, with a pun like that, you have to be our Chat Noir.” She snapped a picture and showed it to her hero partner. “But you’ve changed up your look on us without realizing it.” ////////////////////////////////////////////////// Adrien was surprised to see himself look the way he did. The suit had elements he’d thought about incorporating, but something inside of him stuck to the same look he’d had since he was 14. The old look represented some sense of freedom. He still cherished it for that reason. But maybe he held onto it for so long because not much else had changed in his life as far as his personal freedom was concerned. But now he’d taken a big step in attaining that liberty in other areas of his life. This new look was bolder, he felt stronger, it felt like a look that represented a new chapter. “All of these things on the suit. They're things I’ve thought about before, but I wasn’t ready to change it.” Chat Noir looked at the picture and then to his shoulder where he could see his hair now due to it’s new length. “ I didn’t even realize I did this…” Ladybug shrugged. “Maybe you didn’t have to. The Miraculous decided to show you that you were ready for change. It suits you.” “Don’t tell me you have a crush all over again?” Chat Noir wiggled his eyebrows at her jokingly. They’d never stop teasing each other about the extreme crushes they had in the past on each other. “Pfft. Yeah right.” She shoved him. “The look is pretty extra, but so are you. I like it.” “Glad my favorite designer approves!” Ladybug might not have have romantic feelings for Chat Noir but Viperion, on the other hand, was losing it internally. He realized he still hadn’t said anything. Was he being awkward right now? Probably? No, definitely.
Maybe Chat Noir wouldn’t notice that he had stared a little too long. The other heroes were stunned by the new look too right? Something exploded not far from where the heroes were. Oh, there was still the akuma. “Maybe we should take care of that?” Viperion started running towards it as he spoke. Carapace sighed dramatically and replied with a deadpan voice. “Right, go save a deadbeat. Because we’re heroes. Yay.” Chat Noir laughed at that but joined in. Ladybug called for her lucky charm and it was an old car GPS system. She looked to Viperion and he nodded in understanding. He used Second Chance to see the route the akumatized person would take, then went back to tell the others. They quickly sat up their plan. Rena Rouge cast an illusion of Adrien, which was the perfect distraction as Carapace tripped the akumatized person with his shield. Chat Noir then Cataclysmed the “I <3 Adrien Agreste” necklace that the girl was wearing around her neck. Ladybug proceeded to capture the akuma and repaired the damage. All in all, the battle went as well as they could have hoped. “Wh-what happened?” The young teenage girl asked as Carapace helped her back to her feet. “Well, I think you saw Adrien Agreste’s interview and got a little upset with his old man.” Carapace nudged her gently with his elbow. “Can’t say that I blame you. But unfortunately, Shadowmoth took advantage of your anger and akumatized you.” “Oh. I’m sorry! I just got really upset. You know, I’ve bought a lot of Gabriel stuff because I love Adrien and to find out he wasn’t being treated right really disappointed me.” Her eyes locked onto her feet in shame. “And it’s alright that you’re angry.” Ladybug put a hand on the teen’s shoulder prompting her to look up again. “I’m angry too. I saw the interview. No one should ever have a parent that treats them that way. A lot of people are just as shocked as you are.” The girl wiped at her eyes. “I even have money saved up to buy a shirt I’ve been wanting from the Gabriel brand. It all feels so silly now. I don’t want to support that man anymore!” “That’s a bummer about the shirt.” Chat Noir approached her, he hated that he was connected to her disappointment. “Chat Noir? Is that you? You look…. different.” The girl asked with a noticeable blush. Viperion figured at least the girl’s crushes were consistent, considering she was an Adrien fan. Chat Noir smiled and nodded. “It’s me, just changed up the look a bit.” He snapped his finger as an idea came to mind. “Speaking of looks, obviously you’re into fashion. What if I told you that I happen to know for a fact that Adrien is very good friends with an up-and-coming designer? And don’t worry, she doesn’t work for Gabriel.” “Really?” She lit up at that. “Yep!” Viperion agreed. “I heard that she used to only do commissions individually for people. But recently launched her own online store. There’s some incredible things on there.” “Just a few designs up for now…she’s pretty busy…” Ladybug blurted out nervously, unsure of what someone outside of her friend group would think of the designs she FINALLY decided on. Rena Rouge cleared her throat a bit to remind Marinette she was indeed Ladybug right now. “A few pawsome designs!” Chat Noir said with a wink. The girl blushed harder. Don’t torture the poor girl. Viperion thought. Or me. You ridiculously charming cat. “Can I see your phone for a second?” Chat asked. The girl brought out her phone and Chat Noir pulled up Marinette’s online shop. “See check it out!” Ladybug watched nervously as the girl’s face lit up. “These are amazing!” She gripped the phone with both hands in genuine excitement, not just because these designs were from one of Adrien’s friends but because she really loved them. Rena nudged her best friend and Ladybug shyly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Told you so!” Chat Noir said. It wasn’t long before the girl had already excitedly ordered a shirt from Marinette’s shop and was safely escorted back home. /////////////////////////////////////////////// “You didn’t have to do that.” Ladybug said as the team prepared to head to their respective homes. “But I wanted to!” Chat Noir replied. “If someone is going to buy clothes because of me I’d rather it be from someone who deserves it. And your designs are great. She really loved them!” Viperion nodded. “You could tell by the look on her face!” “Your designs are going to take the world by storm girl!” Rena Rouge wrapped her arm around Ladybug. “They can’t take the world too much by storm. I’m only one person! Who also happens to have superhero-y stuff to worry about. In case you forgot.” Carapace scoffed at that. “Okay, but seriously, don’t let the super hero stuff make you afraid of succeeding.” “But Shadowmoth is still—“ Ladybug began. “Ugh. He’s still out there. I know. Looks like we’ll have to defeat him before you get to busy being a famous designer then.” Rena Rouge stated firmly. Putting an end to any idea that Shadowmoth could take away her Marinette’s dreams. With that settled Chat Noir found himself being pulled into a strong hug. “I know you got messages from all of us. But dude we’re so proud of you! That had to be hard to do. But you stood up to him in front of everyone!” Rena spoke next. “You’re strong. Don’t let him make you back down on this. It’s your life. Not his. If he wanted to be a father to you he would have done that by now.” “Whatever he throws at you, we’ll be here to help you through it.” Ladybug added also giving him a hug. Viperion had pulled away from the group a bit. Now that the battle was over his feelings took center stage again. It wasn’t just about Chat Noir’s new look, but an overwhelming sense of pride at what Adrien had accomplished tonight. The rest of the team’s conversation shifted to other things. Chat Noir took the opportunity to approach Viperion. “I uh… I know I’ve already said it. But seriously, thank you for helping me work through things. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without your help.” Chat Noir spoke softly. “I don’t know what’s coming next, but I know things have changed. I didn’t want things to be the same. I didn’t want to be his puppet forever.” “Don’t give me too much credit. You’re the one who broke yourself free. I’m just happy I could be there to support you.” Viperion turned to him with a smile. “And I’m still here. We’re all still here for whatever is next. You’re not alone.” “I’m so lucky to have all of you.” Chat Noir closed his eyes as he reflected. Taking a moment to be thankful that, despite all of his isolation, he’d managed to connect with some incredible people. Chat Noir looked so peaceful in that moment. Taking in the good things. It was a beautiful sight to see. “I-I also like the new look.” Viperion managed to finally comment on it. “It looks great on you." “Thanks.” Chat Noir rubbed the back of his neck, a familiar nervous habit. “But what makes me happiest is knowing that it’s a reflection of how you’re doing on the inside. This new look is bolder than before.” Viperion tried to shrug nonchalantly, but was afraid it just came across as awkward.
“I do feel that way.” Chat Noir took a deep breath. “I can’t go backwards. I want to push through whatever he throws at me. He can’t hold me back anymore. I won’t let him. Everything changed tonight and it might be rough for a while, but I believe I’ll make it through. Especially with the friends I have. As cheesy as that may sound. From here on out, I’m making my own path.” In his mind, Viperion heard a swell of music accompanying Chat Noir’s words as he spoke them. A pleasant but powerful melody, with a piano slamming down on the keys passionately as other instruments joined in. The bass line thumped and a guitar played along as drums beat steadily in time. Viperion couldn’t help but hum a few of the notes. “What’s that song?” Chat Noir asked. “It’s-um…well.” Chat Noir laughed as Viperion stumbled over the words. “Come on I won’t judge! I really liked how it sounded and half of the time the song I’m humming is some random anime theme song anyway.” “It’s the melody I’m hearing from you.” Viperion admitted. Chat Noir’s eyes lit up. “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I think you have a super power outside of your miraculous. It’s incredible!!” It amazed Luka how Adrien could shift from stunningly handsome to absolutely adorable in an instant. How was that fair? “I still don’t know about calling it a superpower…” “It is to me!” He smiled. “If you say so.” Viperion gave in to Chat’s assessment. Maybe it was? It was something he’d always been able to do. Not like using his Miraculous that just happened one day. “So um… do… do you still hear the piano?” Chat Noir asked in a quiet voice clearly a little afraid of the answer. “It’s interesting…” Viperion focused on listening to the melody he was hearing. “There’s definitely still a piano." Chat Noir’s ears drooped at that. “Oh. I guess I was hoping it was gone.” “Chat, I said there was still a piano, but it’s not that sad piano from before at all. It’s happy, if not a little chaotic. Someone is energetically banging on the keys, but also it’s obviously someone who knows what they are doing. The piano is accompanied by other instruments all playing one song. It’s very rock-n-roll. The flashy type with some definite 50s and 60s influences. It’s inviting and energetic.” Viperion thought about what he was hearing and saying. The conclusion was an obvious one, but Viperion didn’t want to overstep. He hesitated. “It sounds like a good melody. I’m glad the sad piano is gone.” Chat Noir smirked at him to alleviate the mood. “I still say this is a superpower. What do you think it means?” “I think I was hearing that sad piano before because you had been conditioned to let someone else take the lead.” Viperion started. Chat Noir nodded sadly. “He decided everything for me.” “But now the piano is being played by someone entirely different. It’s loud and not afraid to try out different riffs and ideas.” Viperion looked deeply into Chat Noir’s eyes and smiled. He admired what Adrien had done so much. The mental battle he had gone through was difficult but he had come out of on top. “The piano sounds different because it’s you. You’ve taken over the lead in your life and refuse to let someone play over you. I know it wasn’t easy for you to get to that point. But I admire you so much for it.”
Luka was surprised he managed to say what he intended. He knew he was blushing again and there’s no way Chat Noir wouldn’t be able to see it even in the low lighting. Chat Noir’s eyes had started to water. He wiped at them and let out a wet laugh. “Sorry… I just… that means a lot.” Viperion smiled and offered a hug which Chat Noir returned. //////////////////////////////// “Okay, I don’t know about you guys but I’m ready to head home.” Ladybug said as she stretched her arms overhead. She walked towards the edge of the rooftop they’d found themselves on preparing to swing home. Then she winced realized not all of them were looking forward to that. Especially not tonight. “Sorry kitty…” “I’ve got to go there eventually. Might as well be now. Don’t worry. If it gets too bad I’ll leave. I’ll be okay. Heck, I might not even see him tonight if he keeps up his usual behavior.” Chat Noir said to ease her worries. “You guys have a good night. I’ll keep you all updated.” “You better! Good luck. Remember I’m here to talk if you need to.” Ladybug said then she glanced at her yoyo spinning beside her and looked back up dangerously. “And if Gabriel causes too much trouble, he can have a word with me.” “Thanks, Bug. I’ll keep that in mind.” Chat Noir gave her an appreciative grin. With that Ladybug swung away. “See you guys next time!” Viperion readied himself to jump then turned back to Chat Noir. "If you need anything let me know." Then he jumped to the next rooftop and ran Chat Noir watched as he did. Viperion’s words were swirling in his mind as he saw the hero gracefully leap from one rooftop to another. All of his friends were proud of him, they were all supportive. Adrien was grateful. But Luka had been the first person to express to him that he felt like modeling wasn’t what he wanted. It’s like the musician could see right through him. Talking with Luka made him feel more understood than ever. The way Viperion had looked at him earlier combined with his insight and understanding had made his heart beat faster. He wondered if Luka could hear his inner melody picking up the pace. How did that even work? Adrien was fascinated by it and would hold to the belief that Luka’s ability was on some level a sort of super power. There was also the matter of Chat Noir’s new look as a hero. Viperion had seemed rather impressed by it. Was he blushing earlier? Adrien had been fawned over by an unfathomable amount of people. But the idea that someone like Luka, who truly knew and understood him, might be attracted to him in that way made him ecstatic. But no, that couldn’t be could it? That’s just wishful thinking? Wait? Why would that be wishful thinking? Did Adrien want Luka to feel that way? What did that even mean? What was he thinking? Sure he'd had crushes on guys before but Luka was his friend... right? He saw him as a friend? A friend who understood him better than anyone in his life ever had. Viperion was nearly out of view now. He jumped another gap between rooftops. The movement was graceful and beautiful, like a dancer. Luka was always someone Adrien had thought was a good looking guy. But Marinette liked Luka, she had dated Luka, so whatever feelings Adrien might have had were buried deep in his mind. It's been a long time since Luka and Marinette dated and they had obviously moved on to be good friends. So there was no reason for him to push back those feelings now. It clicked in his mind the second Viperion landed skillfully on the next rooftop. Chat Noir realized why he had been nervous to send Luka the message earlier. He hadn’t even noticed exactly when it had happened, but he couldn’t deny it. The realization caused him to blush intensely. He liked Luka. He really liked Luka. Not just as a friend, but something more. When had that happened? Did Luka feel the same? Was that a blush he saw earlier? Did Luka find the new look attractive. Adrien hoped so. Not that he had changed his look for that reason, it really had happened unintentionally. His newfound freedom triggered changes he'd to his look he'd thought about before but didn't feel ready to try. Chat Noir took a deep breath. He wasn’t sure he had the headspace to entertain this revelation. There was the whole going back to his house and inevitable confrontation with his father, this is not something he needed to be focused on right now… and yet. Maybe he did need it? The situation at home was stressful. His feelings towards Luka gave him a sense of hope. But again what if those feelings weren't mutual. He'd only just accepted his own feelings towards the other guy. It was too much to process all at once right now. But Luka really was incredible, talented, brave, handsome... Chat sighed loudly at his own distracted brain and whipped around to head back to the mansion. He came face to face with Rena Rouge and Carapace who were looking at him with amused expressions. “You good?” Carapace asked. Chat Noir was glad he was the one with night vision. Maybe they wouldn’t notice his flustered state. “Yeah! Yep! I’m good. I was just uh… thinking and I spaced out for a minute there. I’m just going to head home and see what happens. Like I said I’ll keep you updated. I’ll see you guys later bye!” ////////////////////////////////////////////// Rena Rouge and Carapace watched Chat Noir rush through his explanation and jump from the roof towards the Agreste Mansion. They didn’t have night vision, but the streets below illuminated the hero’s face just enough that they could indeed see a hint of the red tint to his cheeks. “Well, he was so lost in his own head, I think he actually forgot he wasn’t the only one up here.” Rena noted once he was out of earshot. Carapace glanced at his girlfriend. “Don’t tell me I’m the only one who noticed he was watching every move Viperion made until he was out of view.” “Definitely not the only one.” Rena hummed. “I think the cat might have a thing for the snake.” Carapace stroked his chin doing a spot on impression of detectives from the old movies he put on for Alya to watch with him. She’d become quite a fan of them herself over the years. “And I have a theory that the snake might feel the same way about the cat.” “Ahh… what do you deduce from that detective?” Rena laughed at his antics. Their relationship was one quite accustomed to maximum levels of silly. “Well, my dear ace reporter. I think this case is obvious. What do you say?” Putting on her best ‘reporter voice’ she replied. “In the future, it is speculated that Rena Rouge and Carapace might not be the only super hero couple protecting Paris full-time. ” “I think you may be onto something my dear…” Nino stopped himself. Rena Rouge threw her head back and laughed. “You SO wanted to call me Watson!” “It almost slipped!” He chuckled. “Do I look like Watson to you?” One of her fox ears flicked on her head, emphasizing her point. “Seriously though, if those two really do have feelings for each other, I think they’d make a good couple.” “Probably even more cheesy than we are! They are both such romantics! They’d be writing each other love songs and all of that stuff.” Carapace gestured dramatically. Then he thought about that for a moment and put his hands on Rena’s shoulders and looked directly into her eyes. “Babe, I’m so serious when I say that if they are a couple and there’s an adaptation of their story later it better be a musical. If not, that will be my villain origin story.” Rena Rouge laughed again. “You’re not wrong about the musical thing. But really they are both such sweet, passionate guys. They’ve really been connecting more lately. It seems like a good fit, the two of them.” “You’re right. I hadn’t really thought about it. But now that I am it just makes sense. Their personalities and their lives. Luka is a chill dude and so is Adrien, when other people aren’t running his life and stressing him out. It definitely fits.” “Are we reading into this too much?" “We’re both seeing it. So maybe not. We’ll just have to see how it all plays out.” Carapace’s shoulders slumped some. “I know Adrien has a lot on his mind with his old man right now. He’s probably not looking for a relationship. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so proud of him for standing up for himself. Like, what he did was incredible! But it’s not going to be easy. I wish I could just fast forward through this rough patch for him you know? To sometime when he’s away from his evil father. When this is in his past. Heck, maybe he’s happily in love with Luka and they are doing great with their own place or something.” “I know. I know. Unfortunately, none of the Miraculous work like that.” Rena wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him close. “He’s going to get through this. We know he will. He’s strong and he has all of us in his corner. And as crappy as this is for him, in the end I think he’ll come to appreciate the life he has once the dust settles.” “He would have appreciated it anyway, babe.”
She hummed. “Okay, maybe he would have but you know what I mean. I hope he gets to have the life you just pictured for him, wether that’s with Luka or someone else. He’ll appreciate it all the more knowing what he went through to get to that point. A life he’s in complete control of.” The mood was a bit heavy now as they shared concern for their friend. Alya didn’t want to leave on that note. “But cheesier than us?” She said leaning back and catching Carapace’s eyes. “Come on now. If it’s a competition we have the upper hand! We’ve been doing this couple thing for a while! We should practice being cheesier just in case they do wind up together!” “Oh? When should we do this practicing?” Carapace smirked. “I love you!” She leaned up and kissed his nose. He laughed loudly, but certainly wasn’t opposed. “Yeah well I adore you!” He kissed her forehead. “My beautiful vixen!” “Really? The pun? You’ve been friends with Chat Noir too long.” She giggled. “But you are SO beautiful.” He kissed one cheek chuckling with her. “Talented.” He kissed the other. “Handsome.” She returned the favor by kissing one of his cheeks. “Compassionate.” She kissed the other. Then he dipped her with a laugh that was cut off when his eyes met hers again. The playfulness that had just been there shifted into something much deeper. He absolutely wasn’t complaining. “God, you’re amazing.” His voice deepened as he leaned down and kissed her on the lips. Rena reached her hands up to get his hood out of the way. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. He caught the memo and pulled her up out of the dipped position. Their kiss deepened as he pulled her closer to him. Soon she parted her lips to allow his tongue access. Her own joined in the dance. One of her hands shifted to trace along his jawline, where even through the gloves she could feel the stubble there. She liked the look of it, but it excited her more to see how Nino would look with an actual beard. She was quite fond of men having facial hair. Rena hummed into the kiss, as if she didn’t find him attractive enough already! It’s been over three years since they became a couple and their love had only grown stronger over time. It was no surprise to them that what had started as sweet, cheesy, flirting became a passionate make-out session between a couple who were well practiced in that regard. Rena Rouge and Carapace were the last of the heroes to retire for the evening.
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renee561 · 1 year
Snape, Eleanor (Austen), and Luka for some reason
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Ok but like that's my son, my daughter, and my other son who ALL deserves better 😤
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loominggaia · 1 month
Poll: Worst Mom
To accompany the Word Dad poll, let's now vote for the worst mom!
There are a lot of options, so I'll provide some context below to refresh everyone's memory.
Sofia, Evan's mom: Coddled her disabled son into helplessness. Owns slaves. Refused to leave her abusive husband. Embraces a bigoted religion.
Moswen, Lukas' mom: Verbally, physically, and psychologically abused her children. Gouged out a child's eye with a letter opener. Broke a child's finger. Sold a slave girl to violent bandits.
Oggsa, Glenvar's mom: Abused her kids verbally and physically. Showed favoritism towards her daughters and bullied her son. Sent her son on a dangerous journey with a stranger when he was only 13. Led violent raiding campaigns on neighboring villages.
Rene, Alaine's mom: Lived in squalor while dealing drugs from her home. Was usually drunk or high. Smoked indoors around her child. Let her child run around a dangerous, toxic swamp unsupervised.
Tarajeen, Jeimos' mom: Intolerant of her child's alternative gender identity. Stuffed her child's schedule full of extracurriculars, leaving them with just one hour of leisure time (which she'd take away as punishment). Denied treatment for her mental illness, allowed it to progress and endangered her family.
Karenza, Isaac's mom: Forged a monster-child using her own blood, her husband's blood, and the bones of the baby she miscarried. Performed a dangerous, novel experiment to transfer her own soul into that monster-child's body. Ultimately abandoned that child with mortals, but not before completely wiping his memory of her and his old life.
The poll will end in one week!
Lore Masterpost
Read the Series
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paulinawoodpecker · 5 months
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Tad the lost explorer and the crystal’s odyssey cast
Main Voices:
Tad: Trevor white
Sara: Alex Kelly
Mummy: Joseph Balderrama
Tiffany maze: Gemma whelan
Ramona: Pippa Bennett Warner
Victoria: Elena Sanz
Ramirez: Elena suarel
Reena Roberto Ramirez: Olivia Rodrigo
Flora peace: Ariana grande
Minnie wakanda: Kiki Layne
Snowy Moscow: Taylor swift
Jessie wakins: Tiffany haddish
Kelsey swells: Ariel winter
Chai Ming Kong: akwafina
Nagham hugh: beyonce
Lukas Williams: Patton oswalt
Indiana jones: Harrison ford
Princess kida: Jenny slate
Nathan drake: Louis C.K
Dora: keke Palmer
Tiffany mordon: Sheila Victor
Riña: Brittney spears
Blair: dove Cameron( also singing voice in the crystal’s odyssey)
Andrea: Christina Vee
Ying: Constance Wu
Max: Adam James
Jack: Ramon tikaram
Pickles: Gary Martin
Joya: Becky hill
Queen Rosalina: Christina apple white
Shanlina: Nicki Minaj
Sarafina: Catherine Keener
Amy Jefferson: Eden Riegel
Jasmine Jefferson: Ciara bravo
Sara: Tori Kelly
Mummy: Joseph Balderrama
Tiffany maze: Taylor swift
Ramona: Bebe wood
Victoria: auli’i Cravalho
Ramírez: auli’i Cravalho
Reena: Olivia Rodrigo
Lukas: Justin Bieber
Tiffany mordon: Renee Rapp
Riña: Brittney spears
Max mordon: Adam James
Blair: dove Cameron
Ying: Constance wu
Andrea: Christina Vee
Joya: Becky hill
Queen Rosalina: Jennifer Lopez
Shanlina: phillpha soo
Sarafina: phillpha soo
Jasmine: Matilda(Ronald daul musical)
Amy: auli’i Cravalho
Other voices:
Elena: Aimee Carrero
Isabel: Jenna Ortega
Mateo: Joseph Haro
Gabe: Jorge Diaz
Naomi: Jillian rose reed
Felice: Elle fanning
Victor: Dane dehaan
Camille: Maddie Ziegler
Odette: Carly Rae jespen
Eep: Emma stone
Guy: Ryan Reynolds
Dawn: Kelly Marie Tran
Thunk: Clark duke
Tad’s army:
Asha: Ariana debose
Winnie Coyle: Geraldine Viswanathan 
Mavis: Selena Gomez
Claire: Lexi medrano
Tulip: Katie crown
Pearl West: Natalie Rarick
Mario and Christopher: chris Pratt
Princess peach: Anna Taylor joy
Sonic: Ben Schwartz
Tails: Colleen o shaughnessy
Knuckles: idris Elba
Queen Amaya: Angelique carbal
Dahlia: Jennifer kumiyama
Simon: Evan Peters
Hal: Niko vargas
Gabo: Harvey Guillén
Safi: ramy youssef
Bazeema: Della saba
Dario: Jon rudnitsky
Kenny: Ken jeong
Kevin: Kevin hart
Ryan: Roger Craig smith
Anne: Philpha Alexander
Song list:
A different beat: little mix;(Rini’s cheerleading practice)
Do what you gotta do: dove Cameron: (pickles max and jack’s and Reena’s argument)
What was I made for: Billie Ellish (the mind of memories form first to third film)
Perfect people: Becky hill (mummy’s capture)
Welcome to this day: (the adventure begins)
Shadows: (the ladies have a chance to cure him)
Granted: Olivia Rodrigo( rini realizes what she had done)
All of these things I’ve done: (the ladies realize what they’ve done to Rini)
Hearts of courage (Tad’s training)
The final countdown( The triple team’s final training)
You didn’t know(at the judge, Lukas and pickles objects the death of Margie)
Little Wonders (The Triple Team in new style)
Someday: (tad gets worried about mummy)
The rose song: Olivia Rodrigo and ZAYN (Reena cheers tad up)
Love always comes as a surprise; (Ramirez and Tad having fun together)
Go the distance: (rescue mummy time)
Can you feel the love tonight (Sara and tads romantic moment)
Stuck with you: Ariana grande and Justin Bieber (Reena and Lukas’s love song)
Mountain chase: (mountain discovery)
Hold on: Becky hill (the gang continues on their journey)
A whole new world: Olivia Rodrigo and Justin Bieber and ZAYN and Tori Kelly (the love between the two)
It takes two: (Elena, felice, eep, and their friends count on the team)
Meet the plastics: Renee Rapp (Tiffany mordon’s introduction)
World burn reprise Renee Rapp (Tiffany mordons villain song; she starts making everyone mean using her powers; her revenge on tad)
Respectless: (Reena stands up to pickles for Victoria)
Love someone new (shanlina convinced tad to move on)
Courage in me: Lou (Tad’s transformation)
Bam bam: (Mexican Independence Day, and the Chicago cats cheerleading squad)
Lazarus drug: (epilogue song)
A wish worth making: (end credits)
Empire: Ella Henderson ( playing in the background when end credits rolling)
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epistrefei · 3 months
The rules are simple! Post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people). Please repost, don’t reblog!
artemis (oc....ish)
bruce wayne/batman (DC)
angela ziegler/mercy (ovw)
gabriel reyes/the reaper (ovw)
amelie lacroix/widowmaker (ovw)
moira o'deorain (ovw)
reinhardt (ovw)
cassandra pentaghast (dai)
leliana (mainly dai)
tabris (oc/da:o protag)
inquisitor giles morel (dai protag)
pamela isley/poison ivy (DC)
zinda blake/lady blackhawk (DC)
renee montoya/the question (DC)
tim drake/robin (DC)
noel mctavish (oc)
kassandra (assassin's creed)
eivor (assassin's creed)
randvi (assassin's creed)
natasha romanoff/black widow (marvel)
peggy carter, alt. captain america ver. (marvel oc-ish)
steve rogers/captain america (marvel)
megurine luka (vocaloid)
meiko (vocaloid)
takane enomoto (kagerou project)
archon arvan bryric (oc)
ona (oc)
sempra (oc)
simos gedrich (oc)
siv solheim (oc)
oksana astankova/villanelle (killing eve)
eve polastri (killing eve)
athena the gladiator (borderlands)
lilith (borderlands)
annabeth chase (pjo)
usagi tsukino/sailor moon (sailor moon)
glenn rhee (twd)
rick grimes (twd)
flanker (oc)
and SO many more.
too. many. for the love of god, let me be satisfied with One Muse
tagging: @ofspvrta / @thcdoomed , @sorrowsick , @miidnighters , @soulmissed , and you!
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lgbtqjockshowdown · 1 year
Our Competitors!
Hello and welcome to the LGBTQ Jock Showdown! We have 104 individual competitors, so we'll have 52 brackets! To prepare for our brackets, I wanted to show y'all who you'll have to look forward to. Under a readmore because it's a Lot(tm). Also you're more than welcome to start sending in your propaganda.
Achilles Adora Aiden Kane Alex Alex Claremont-Diaz alex price Ander Muñoz Andrew Minyard aoi asahina Basilton Grimm-Pitch sakura ogami Bobby Drake / Iceman Boris Bram Greenfeld Brittany S. Pierce Caleb Michaels Chad Danforth Chandlo Funkbun Charlie Spring Colin Hughes Connor "Whiskey" Whisk Dana Fairbanks Danny Mahealani Eli rodriguez Emily Fields Eric 'Bitty' Bittle Garroth Ro’Meave Gideon Nav Grizz Haruka Ten’oh Harvard LeeIlya Rosanov Jack Zimmerman Jess Bhamra Jess McCready Jock Jock Girlfriend (Alex) joe / kojiro nanjo Jules Paxton Julian Bashir Juri Arisugawa Kent Parson Kevin Day kineshi hairo Korra Lukas Rivers Lukas Waldenbeck Luke Sunborn Lupe Garcia Megan Bloomfield Missy Pantone Mitch Mondo Owada Morgan Nao Neil Josten Nicholas Cox Nick Nelson Nicky Hemmick noelle holiday Pat Napat Jindapat Jeremy Harkiss Peppermint Patty PHINEAS / FINNY Prince Amir Prince Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Prince Wilhelm Prince Zagreus Ragh Barkrock Rawhide Kid/Johnny Bart Renee Walker Riku Riley Stavos Ronnie Lee Santana Lopez Sarawat Seiji Katayama shane hollander Simon Eriksson Smith Parker Soren Souta Steve Palchuk Taissa Turner Tanaka Issei Tangmo Thun Thunyakorn Troy Barnes Turbo undyne Utena Tenjou Van Victor Nikiforov Victor Salazar Viola Hastings Win Phawin Wanichakarnjonkul Xena Yang Xiao Long yasmina fadoula Yuuri Katsuki Zane Park zarya (aleksandra zaryanova) Zero
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ogdencollegerp · 2 months
Love this vibe! Who are your mw rn?
anon -
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Our most wanted is honestly always whoever will give an applicant the long term muse, creativity, and dedication to join our established group !!! That being said, the skeletons we'd most like to see would probably be THE NEPO BABY, THE COOL LOSER, or THE EXONERATED.
If you were hoping for some FC suggestions and not skeletons, some of our most wanted faces (totally dependent on which skeleton you'd be apping for) are: d'pharaoh woon-a-tai, alex aiono, thomas weatherall, anthony keyvan, archie madekwe, nico hiraga, jeff satur, brian altemus, fernando lindez, luka sabbat, avantika, jihane almira chedid, mimi keene, renee rapp, hunter schafer, chandler kinney, jenna ortega, simay barlas, coco jones, yasmin finney, megan suri, maris racal, sydney park, bahar sahin....to start !!! We definitely have a lot of FCs we'd like to see !!!
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hoard-apothecary · 2 years
current name hoard
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bolded - italics - tiny favoured - if close - trying out/uncertain
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deet, ryn, tai, yuze, yufei, xiyang
ahsoka, alice, alison, abi, babs, bloom, beau, bunnie, bee/bea, chel, cassandra, ciel, corrin, claire, coraline, crybaby, donnie/donatello, el/ellie/eleven, emily, jess, jane, keyleth, katie, kim, kris, kiri, london, layla, lena, maine, mae, matthew, mono, poppy, powder, rene, stolas, soundwave, serene, serena, serenity, sol, tracer, tex, valkyrie, 479er
astre, aether, arsenic, astronaut/astro, crescent, cel, crypt, curse, crux, conjure, catra, callum, domino, douxie, draculin, dixie, diem, dusk, dawn, day, dray, deco, emika, edmund, eos, estes, fleece, gwen, gallery, harley, hiccup, haze, jinx, katniss, kori/koriand'r, katze, koi, korra, klause, kinley/kinley, kikimora, killian, luka, luz, lux, lamb, lune, link, lou, lev, len, mishka, milan, meg/megaera, marceline, marshall lee, mori, melanie, noctum, omen, pour, prismane, porter, pidge, river styx, ryot/riot, robin, rachel, rune, spyro, sunny, stray, sigrune, teth/tethlani, tanya, vida, verta, vapour, wilt,
arseni, aarik, alita, askell, arice, amlet, artourious, bridges/bridger, bailey, caprice, dema, dragomir, deimos, die, dice, deming, daoming emmet, eon, era, eiri, eira, fion/fione, faolan, folke, fiske, fai, ilya, juncai, jiayi, kol, kole, kallen, kestrel, keir, kreed, kyre, kyne, kynar, luca, lane/lain, lei, liang, liu, lan, ming, max, mischa/misha, merrik, malik, phaelyn, parker, peller, riff, runa, rory, runar, royko/rojko, rhys/reece, ru, shen sokka/sokah, sakki, stas, velik, valen, vedun, wren, ye,
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for certain people only:
bf/raf: oliver, pixie
atari/wonder: fishy, feifei, vapoureon, yuyu,
molly: kitcat/kitkat
vax: (little) dove, butterfly
yasha: petals
wire: panty
apollo: sho (shoto)
crow: little light
joker: sugar
dick: baby bat
asra: little apprentice
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open-world-rps · 1 year
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teonys-jf · 2 years
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whomst in your rewrite
wasn't sure which series you wanted {probably irena's diary now that i'm thinking about it}, but i also wanted to just do this for all of my redo's ^v^
mcd {left to right}
leif, sasha, travis
ash, gene, zenix
stranger, kiki, emmalyn {when emma gets really amped}
ash {asch}, leah {lady grandma}, rhett {rhal}
laurence, joh, sasha
laurence, glenda/luna and hayden, cadenza
teony, ivy, luka
tansu {nekoette-tan}, dante/nana/nicole, dmitri
rollo, yip, leelo {lello}
ita {luca}, logan and donna, twins {rollo/leelo}
levin, zoey, malachi
kosu {nana/dante kid i made up}, kiki or leona, ita
zack, rachel, aaron
marcia, tateana, melissa
jay, katelyn, zenix
abby, jeoffery/katelyn, megan
megan, jay, tommy
gene, maria, dante
zane, jeoffery, janus
ivy, lily, alex
kaycee, vylad, mikai
travis, laurence, garroth
mac, betty/sasha, theo
terra, mac, betty
zane, diana, ken
jenny, betty, cathy
lucinda, luka, katelyn
nana, tansu, jay
tansu, kayla, juno / tansu, juno, kayla
alice {aphmau}, nakano, theo
theo, beatrice and nakano, cyrus
vance, cassidy, vance again because cassidy feels like a babysitter by the end of their relationship
mid {not quite a rewrite but more like a rephrasing}
leif, ava, asch
asch, rhys, leif
lorelai, ava, lorelai again {because i love them <2}
kristen, steve, orin
johnny, ava or asch, mirage
zex, bish, rhal
tommy, monty, jackie {aphmau}
polly, jackie, laila
megan, james manly, tommy
reece, jackie, marsh
renee, laila, polly
iris {lady luck}, gina/holly/ian/ein, iris {she's very high energy and her gf's/friends are there to help}
monty, iris/ian/ein, monty since he blew it up
tommy, jack {aphmau}, laurence
monty, polly, laila
jayden, jack, laurence / jack, jayden, laurence
{once seeing aren {aaron}} arica {aphmau}, shichi {nana}, kassandra {katelyn}
zuri, teine, trule
danielle {dottie}, jacob {daniel}, rylie {rylan}
jenovive {aphmau}, eldrich {eric}, kelsie {katelyn}
jenovive, arlo {aaron}, garrison {garroth}
leo {laurence}, arlo, garrison
jenovive, pascal {pierce}, tendra {teony}
ivo {ivan}, lucas {logan}, leslie {lucinda}
zale {zane}, tavari, jenovive
hazel {vylad}, mary {michi}, nelson {mikai}
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pandapupremade · 2 years
f/ovember post
actual pinned with my links (byf, f/o list etc) is here, please check that out if you're new here!
hellooo im doing f/ovember, hosted by the lovely @/cherry-bomb-ships !! this month, I'll answer asks directed at my f/os, essentially roleplaying as them. this isnt to say i wont post normally as well, but I'll be accepting asks for a little bit of fun roleplay too. I'll probably reblog ask memes, but if you have separate asks thats definitely welcome <3 I'll try to give back as well with asks or the like
All f/ovember posts will be tagged #f/ovember takeover if you want to blacklist it!
I'm not entirely sure who I'm using because I have so many f/os, but I know it definitely includes, but is probably not limited to, the list under the cut. I may edit the list as I think of character I want to use, or remove characters I don't wanna use anymore!
Mu Qing + Feng Xin (INSERT: May)
Bubbles (INSERT: N/A, just use Chris)
Mephiles + Infinite (INSERT: Lila)
Xie Lian + Hua Cheng (INSERT: Diantha)
Matsuyuki (INSERT: Della)
Xigbar (INSERT: Rix)
Prince Sidon (INSERT: Ifea)
Lorenz (INSERT: Rene)
Celia (INSERT: Rye)
Shrimp (INSERT: N/A, just use Chris)
Kamui Gakupo + Megurine Luka (INSERT: Dice)
Merc + Ann* (INSERT: N/A, just use Chris)
Claude (INSERT: Rene)
Vanitas (INSERT: Rix)
Maria (INSERT: Viina Lily)
*Ann and Bubbles are @vampking 's ocs!
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Masterlist + Rules
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Will write
2.Angst(including the ones like in ," Don't you know I did this all for us?"
3.Aus( Reverse Isekai, Isekai)
The Minor characters will only be written with platonic stories. (Ex: Freminet, Xingqiu)
Characters that you can request that I can write for~
Genshin Impact
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Kuki Shinobu
Hu Tao
Love and Deep Space
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Xavier (atm)
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(If there is a character you want me to write please ask and I'll see if I can do it.)
Won't write
2.Incest (including Kaeya x Diluc I really don't want to get into that argument)
3. Age gape
5. Creator AU & Cult AU (hate those sm)
Inbox: Closed
Master list
Note: All my genshin stories are tagged under "Rene Genshin Fics". Non Genshin fics will be tagged under rene's fics. Special series for characters have their own tags.
Completed Works
Learning Languages Gorou fic
Self Aware fic (ft. Chongyun, Rosaria, Xiangling, Xinyan)
The Heart and the miraculous Robot
I guess I love you? Thoma fic
And now he's mine!
Been thinking about you
I thought that I could be enough Heizou Angst
I will never be good enough for you will I?- Scara Angst
Qprs Headcanons w Koko, Yato and Xiao
Don't you know I did this all for us?
I want to rip the stars to shreds.
To my Darling whose love is out of reach
Tsundere! rich boy x Reader
Untouchable [Lumine & Asexual Reader]
Vibing to music with the 4nemo boys
Scara Series
Tag for this series is #scara sentient
Sentient[Wanderer Sagau Fic]
Wherever I go the Wind follows( Reverse Isekai! Scara x Reader)
Lyney Series (Tag for all Lyney stories is:
#adventures with a magician boy from a quiet village)
Just like a Circus (Lyney & Steambird Journalist! Reader)
Idol!Lyney Au (Headcanons)
Your Mother and Mine
Expression (Lyney x Reader Angst)
To my darling love whose out of reach
Older Sibling Kazuha! Fontaine Siblings
Ongoing Series
Expired Chances [Isekai Cyno &Sibling Reader]
Sentient[Wanderer Sagau Fic]
Wherever I go the Wind follows( Reverse Isekai! Scara x Reader)
Just like a Circus (Lyney & Steambird Journalist! Reader)
How did we get to Inazuma? (Heizou x Outlander Reader)
Note: If there's a link not working, search the fic name in the search box on my account.
If it still doesn't work, please tell me.
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lukas-crying-heart · 1 year
Luka guess what
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Renee so cheeky
Oh my
She is very cheeky
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loominggaia · 3 months
Just curious, what would you say are the most toxic ships?
As in relationships? There are definitely some nasty ones in the Looming Gaia series. Personally, I would rate them on a tier list like this:
HEALTHY (wholesome relationships)
Dr. Che + Philippa
Prudence + Austerity
Solveig + Mr. Ocean
Gultopp + Juvella
Karenza + Darshaan
Salina + Marina
Jeimos + Linde
IMPERFECT (more loving than fighting)
Ginger + Itchy
Skel + Jasenia
Ojio + Tarajeen (before Tarajeen's accident)
Rene + Sebastian
Okatogg + Hulushka
TOXIC (more fighting than loving)
Evan + Lukas
Alaine + Glenvar
Balthazaar + Feredil
Foster + Sofia
Zeffer + Evan
Linde + Javaan
NUCLEAR (harmful/abusive relationships)
Brogan + Gwyneth
Moswen + Ekwame
Oberon + Sanctoria
Dario + Ivy
Dario + Lilian
Morgause + Reaper
I might be forgetting a few. Anyway these are just my personal opinions, feel free to disagree!
Lore Masterpost
Read the Series
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paulinawoodpecker · 5 months
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Tad The Lost Explorer and the Crystal of Atlantis characters/ cast
Tad: Trevor white (singing: ZAYN )
Sara: Alex Kelly (singing: Tori Kelly)
Mummy: Joseph Balderrama (singing: Joseph Balderrama)
Tiffany maze: Gemma whelan (singing: Taylor swift)
Ramona: pippa Bennett warner (Bebe wood)
Victoria: Elena Sanz (singing: auli’i Cravalho)
Ramirez: Elena suarel (singing: auli’i Cravalho)
Reena: Olivia Rodrigo (singing: Olivia Rodrigo)
Lukas: Patton oswalt (singing: Justin Bieber)
Amy Jefferson: Eden Riegel
Jasmine Jefferson: Ciara bravo
Princess kida: Jenny slate
Roca: Travis Scott
Wawa: Jenna Ortega
Prya: Anna Kendrick
Luca: James corden
Anne: phillpha Alexander
Queen Rosalina: Christina apple white (singing: Jennifer Lopez )
Shanlina: Nicki Minaj (singing: phillpha soo)
Sarafina: Catherine Keener (singing: Maya Rudolph)
Max: Adam james (singing: Adam Sandler)
Jack: Ramon tikaram (singing: James Arthur)
Pickles: Gary Martin (singing: Andrew rannells)
Tiffany: Sheila Victor (singing: Renee Rapp )
Blair: dove Cameron
Ying: Constance Wu
Andrea: Cristina V
Riña: Brittney spears (singing: Brittney spears)
Ruth: snoop dog
Charlie: Jack Harlow
Ninja: Cathy Ang
Agent nick : Chris pine
Agent Lou: pitbull
Agent Justin: Lukas Gabriel
Zulo: Samuel L Jackson
Zula: china anne McClain
Joya: Becky hill (singing: Becky hill)
Other voices:
Elena: Aimee Carrero
Isabel: Jenna Ortega
Naomi: Jillian rose reed
Mateo: Joseph Haro
Gabe: Jorge Diaz
Felice: Elle fanning
Victor: may wolff
Camille: Maddie Ziegler
Odette: Carly Rae jespen
Eep: Emma stone
Dawn: Kelly Marie Tran
Guy: Ryan Reynolds
Thunk: Clark duke
Princess peach: Anna Taylor joy
Mario and Christopher maverick: Chris Pratt
Sonic: Ben Schwartz
Tails: Colleen o shaughnessy
Knuckles: idris Elba
Claire: Lexi medrano
Sam S: Anna faris
Winnie: Geraldine viswanathan
Alexandra: Aimee Garcia
Jun: Ashley Liao
Asha: Ariana debose
Mavis: Selena Gomez
Tulip: Katie crown
Queen Amaya: Angelique carbal
Dahlia: Jennifer kumiyama
Simon: Evan Peters
Hal: Niko vargas
Gabo: Harvey Guillén
Safi: ramy youssef
Bazeema: Della saba
Dario: Jon rudnitsky
Kenny: Ken jeong
Kevin: Kevin hart
Ryan: Roger Craig smith
Jessie wakins: Tiffany haddish
Flora peace: Ariana grande
Minnie wakanda: Kiki Layne
Snowy Moscow: Taylor swift
Chai Ming Kong: awkafina
Kelsey swells: Ariel winter
Nagham hugh: Beyonce
Song list:
All I want: Olivia Rodrigo (Rini wants to ask Lukas to be her boyfriend)
Watch me work: (joyas villain song ft. Her henchmen; takes place when she steals every singers and rappers talent)
Mount rageous: (joyas villain song 2.0 ft her henchmen)
Better place (family harmony): (Tad’s team frees all the singers and rappers)
Just sing (world tour): (all the singers and rappers freedom)
Marry you: Bruno mars (tad and Sara’s wedding aka epilogue)
Most wanted: (Beyoncé and Miley Cyrus): (end credits)
(All the singers and rappers will be able to be in this film)
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