#Reblogging for the time zones!
queenboimler · 2 months
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astrum99 · 3 months
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Righteous Hand of The Father
What Were You Made For?
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asukachii · 1 year
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It really is! 🎶
(I don’t like putting watermarks so, PLEASE, if you want to post this gif somewhere GIVE CREDITS! Thanks~)
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azularedemptionarcwhen · 10 months
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From this poll by @hamletthedane
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spydcddya · 4 months
☾⭑ i will be constructing the new blog these next few days. those who would be interested in following the new blog, please like this post.
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bookinit02 · 23 days
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With tension rising and the stakes higher than ever, Steve fights for his life, while Dustin fights his guilty conscience. Will finds himself, and his family finds him. Reunited, Hawkins must prepare for the beginning of the end.
click here for the playlist!
click here for the comment-free pdf.
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matchalovertrait · 3 months
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Diced Junior is finally here! We'll meet the judges in the next segment.
Next (Transcript under the cut)
(1.) [Andrea] Hello to all of our viewers! Welcome back to Diced Junior. I'm your host, Andrea Mixon. Let's go ahead and meet today's contestants. They're such a cute bunch!
(2.) [Andrea] First up, here's Rubiya Jabal! She was born and raised here in Tartosa; so watch out, everyone! You're on her turf. When Rubiya isn't cooking, she loves to go snorkeling. Also, she won this year's spelling bee at her school.
(3.) [Rubiya] I feel very honored being here. I am almost in disbelief.
(4.) [Andrea] Next, we have Lewis Mack who came all the way from Scotland! His family owns a farm, so he often uses the freshest ingredients. Lewis also likes to collect trading cards.
(5.) [Lewis] It is so fancy here! My new goal in life is to become a food critic living in Tartosa.
(6.) [Andrea] Then, we have Alex Marino! They're more of the quiet type, but they write for their school newspaper. Alex also enjoys skateboarding and playing the guitar.
(7.) [Alex] Can't lie. This is kinda cool.
(8.) [Andrea] Lastly, here's Dulce Alegria! This is also her turf. Her mom owns a fairly popular called Postres de Alegria. Also, Dulce is on the basketball team at her school.
(9.) [Dulce] I'm finally here!! I've been watching Diced Junior for years now. It's one of my favorite shows.
(10.) [Andrea] Chefs, your baskets for the appetizer round have been placed in front of you. Please open them up now to reveal the mystery ingredients.
(11.) [Andrea] Inside, you'll find merguez sausage, veggie flatbread...
(12.) [Rubiya] When I saw the first two ingredients, my mind was already flooding with ideas! I got excited.
(13.) [Andrea] ...pea shoots, and shakshuka sauce.
(14.) [Lewis] Wait, what is shakshuka sauce??? The other contestants don't look fazed. I'm competing with professionals. What am I even doing here? Am I an impostor? I'm such an eejit.
(15.) [Alex] I saw Lewis freaking out. Dude, chill out. Just try out the sauce. It's in front of you.
(16.) [Dulce] I tried the shakshuka sauce for the first time and it was DELICIOUS. I noticed it has a tomato base and anybody who knows me knows that I love tomatoes! Let's do this.
(17.) [Andrea] You have 30 minutes to make an appetizer using all four of the basket ingredients! The timer starts... Now!
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unholyverse · 2 years
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ta da! i made a waterparks mini zine to give to them at sad summer fest :3 behold my hysteric work filled to the brim with tween magazine references, murder jokes, and the combined sense of nostalgia and cringing at outdated shit
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Someone Worth Loving | Yandere!Imayoshi Shouichi
for anon who asked "in which a popular s/o was the crush of imayoshi in first year until there year, but  s/o didn't want to be tie down so they just play around, and yan! imayoshi was a delusional to think that he's special. i think imayoshi will be very oc, so feel free to change something hehe. i love your writing style and works" this was fun to write, challenging but also a good chance to have a think about yandere!imayoshi further and outside my usual box for him. he's not particularly delusional here - i just can't see someone as socially aware and intelligent as ima being a delusional yandere. but i figured the combination of a) him not being a control freak and being pretty laidback; having that darker side, but also not wanting people to perceive him as evil unlike hanamiya + b) probable abandonment/grief issues after losing his mum + c) liking prim and proper girls = a more intriguing and unique yandere than i usually give him credit for. so thanks for the ask anon, and without further ado... content warning for slight explicit-ness. this is a yandere fic - it's not romance, and it's written accordingly.
It was love at first sight for Imayoshi. 
On that fatal first day, you skipped through the doors of the Touou classroom that you would share with Imayoshi for the next three years, holding hands with a ‘friend’ you had befriended just minutes prior (whom, Imayoshi already understood, would be forgotten about as soon as someone more suitable appeared to take her place), asking her where they should sit.
The other girl pointed to two empty desks near the front. That was when you let go of her hand. 
“I just have to sit by the windows,” you said, not at all apologetically, as if it was a given, not even sparing a second glance at the girl beside you - her eyes a little wide, almost a touch teary as she realised that she was already being demoted to rank of Friendless First Year. 
There was only one seat left near the windows. They’d have to split up. And the remaining chair was by fellow first year Imayoshi, who was pulling a pen out his backpack, pondering whether to ignore you or put on a show of bored confidence and do introductions.
As he pondered, you sat down beside him. Your knee briefly pressed against his. Then panicked, pulled away. You looked around the classroom as if you were ignoring your seatmate by accident, just curious about all the new faces. You had felt the sparks too. 
It took only this long - just those few seconds - for Imayoshi to stumble across realisations that would affect the rest of his life. 
(1) For all that confidence you showed off - confidence that, as you grew older, would become glam and men double your age wrapping their arms around your shoulders - you were an insecure coward like the crowds of girls who looked up to you from the distance.
(2) Imayoshi was feeling something. At the time, he called it curiosity; it would take later introspections for it to be correctly labelled as love. 
Not that there was much reason to love you, at the beginning anyway. Though the two of you talked often, quick conversations in at least a couple classes a day, they were nothing but the usual seatmate discussions. You, an idiot, had cottoned onto the fact that Imayoshi was breezing through every class. You put on your usual batting-eyelashes persona, cutesy obsequiousness (“I’m so sorry to bother you again, but for number 13...”) punctuated with meaningless sweet-nothings (“Honestly, Shouichi, you’re the best. I love you.”), and who was he to deny your requests for help?
Of course, with anyone else, Imayoshi would have gotten fed up by now - the occasional question was fine, but in almost every lesson? - yet it was cute how you thought you could rely on him. Like you seriously believed that him talking you through integrating exponentials meant you could trust him. 
When he’d walk into the classroom at break, while you were sat gossiping with all your girlfriends (an ever-expanding plague of copycats, B-rate versions of you), they’d all stop talking but you. 
You’d say, “don’t worry about him - that’s my bestie, Shouichi. He’s literally saving my grade right now.”
And then everyone would go back to gossiping, and you’d flash him a quick smile, and Imayoshi would never comment on how he technically hadn’t given you permission to use his first name, or on how it was so fucking stupid of you to dismiss him as the nerd who let you copy his answers sometimes. Like he didn’t have ears; like he was just one of your pawns; like he didn’t own you. 
Okay, that was an exaggeration. Maybe. But Imayoshi did in fact have ears, and he was a being with agency who overheard plenty of gossip and rumours, gossip that could destroy your sweet little reputation - not to mention your relationship with your parents - if he so chose. The fact that he didn’t was chivalry in action. Anyone else would have faced his bored wrath - he’d already manipulated a few rumours such that you had discarded one of your close friends on account of them.
Yet, for the time being, he was content letting you bathe in the sunlight. 
After all, he couldn’t have his future wife kicked out of school for being a pathetic, needy slut who couldn’t let a party finish without having at least slammed her lips on at least one total stranger.  
If you got expelled, you wouldn’t be in the yearbook. And then what would the two of you reminisce over, twenty years from now, cuddling on the sofa? 
So he tried to be content with observing you, playing his part as the polite nerd, and it worked for over a year. There were highs (you cheering him on during the final basketball match in your first year); there were lows (you had brought some brainless baseball jock to the match). But Imayoshi endured. Imayoshi took his time. Imayoshi let you gush over how happy you were to be sitting next to him again in your second year - “you’re my guardian angel, Shou-chan”. Imayoshi turned a blind eye to the partying and the boys, who lingered by the classroom door hoping to catch sight of you, and the never-ending stream of friends, and the way you’d smile at him like you adored him, only to switch it off as soon as the class was over. As soon as you had no more use for him.
Imayoshi, mature for his age, understood that he couldn’t make you who he wanted you to be overnight. Unfortunately, it seemed that girls like you just had to go through this phase. 
It was in the third year that things went downhill.
When it rains, it pours. On the first day of term, you hadn’t greeted him when you entered the classroom, too busy texting frantically on your phone, a new fluffy pink keychain dangling from it that didn’t match any of your girl friends’ and so had to be a gift from a stranger.
Imayoshi had greeted you, of course.
But when you had looked up briefly to smile and say hi back, he had been demoted: "Shouichi" instead of "Shou-chan". 
You were working harder than before too. Suddenly, the two of you were working in silence side by side, your hair falling over your face, hiding it from Imayoshi. You never once tucked it behind your ear to ask Imayoshi for the answers to the next section. You just sat and wrote away, like you fancied yourself the best in the class now. Clearly, you’d been studying over the holiday. Fine. Good even - Imayoshi couldn’t marry a complete fool, even an obedient housewife needed some brains. But to reject him because of it? Discard him like all the other toys you got bored of using? 
He felt his anger swell and spin in a strength of feeling he had not known since his mother died. Murder occurred to him; abduction no longer seemed unreasonable. He tucked away duct tape and rope and sleeping pills in a shelf his sister could not reach, locked it for good measure, and spent his nights tossing and turning and questioning his own identity. 
He heard rumours you were in trouble. Kicked out the house, financial issues, an abortion: almost everything got mentioned. Someone had a friend whose mum was a cop, and apparently you’d been visiting the police station following a domestic violence case, a prostitution case, or maybe just a mugging. The specifics were unclear and frequently changed, but Imayoshi took sight of the bruises on your neck and arms, just visible under layers of concealer, and on he went pondering.
He would never get the truth out of you directly, no. These days, whenever he entered the classroom at break, you and your few remaining trusted friends whispered until he left. The trust was gone; and the gossip no longer appropriate for male ears to hear.
A complete stranger would have been treated in the same way. A stranger. 
He’d put so much work into you, spent two years as a loyal servant, letting you feel smug and superior, and this was what he fucking got for it? 
"Imayoshi was not rash," he told himself. 
"Imayoshi wants to be rash," his reflection parroted back to him. 
“Imayoshi?” called Susa, nudging him in the middle of a study session, “you okay?”
“Tired,” replied Imayoshi, realising that the page in front of him was still empty. 
He smiled an easy smile, and forced the thought of you out of his mind before he snapped his pencil in two. 
And “he’s tired” was what Susa repeated when Harasawa, fiddling with his hair, asked why Imayoshi acting a bit out of it today. 
The coach glanced at Imayoshi with critical eyes, and saw a stranger in him. “Do you want to take a break?”
“I’ll be alright.“ Imayoshi forced the familiar grin across his lips yet again. “Some match play will wake me up.”
The last thing he needed was some time away from basketball. For every minute he wasn’t concentrating on the game, he was thinking of you smiling at male ‘friends’, you cuddling up with police officers, you flirting with strangers on the street, you and that miniskirt you wore everywhere outside of school and the men who would stare and you feeding into their attraction, and they’d put a hand around your waist and let their fingers slip underneath your tights, and they’d murmur “hotel?” to you, and you’d rub up against them and- 
Sakurai passed the ball to Imayoshi, and the captain dribbled and felt a moment’s peace. He passed it back to Wakamatsu, standing ready under the hoop-
You’d be pulling off your clothes real slow, really teasing them, and they’d be touching and licking and sucking on that skin that belonged to Imayoshi alone. They’d throw you to the bed; you squeal, maybe whimper at the big bad man standing in front of you. God you’d be noisy, slut that you are - you wouldn’t talk to Imayoshi any more but you wouldn’t shut up for these salarymen (why did Momoi have to mention that word on the street was you were in the JK business now? If hearing of you being with classmates wasn’t torture enough!), even when you were gagging you’d be crying out, tears in your eyes, and maybe they beat you, maybe they ground into you until you couldn’t walk, your underwear ripped, miniskirt stained around your hip, lying hopelessly on a bed in an empty room, your skin littered with both hickeys and bruises. 
Maybe you’d pray for a better life. The audacity to pray having spent all these years betraying him. 
“Are you sure everything’s alright?” muttered Susa in the changing room, briefly squeezing his friend's shoulder. 
Imayoshi looked around feeling like he’d awoken from a nightmare.
Everyone but Imayoshi had long finished changing out of their kit. People were talking, laughing, bouncing a spare basketball against the wall. Aomine, despite being a known virgin, was proudly announcing his list of the easiest lays in the school. Your name came in at number two. And before Imayoshi could ask Aomine how he knew that if all he spent his free time doing was jerking off to magazine pages, Wakamatsu interjected. 
Wakamatsu told Aomine not to talk about you like that.
Wakamatsu was blushing. 
"You fucking siren," murmured Imayoshi under his breath, thinking of the way you used to bat your eyelashes at him. 
Something about the blonde made Imayoshi see mistakes like never before. God himself couldn’t have made it any clearer. Imayoshi had let you run wild for too long, and in your own sickness you had diseased everyone else too. You had brought shame to yourself, and - worse - to the Imayoshi name that you would one day take on as your own. 
It was time to remind you to whom you belonged. Maybe, just maybe, it wouldn’t be too late to make you an honourable housewife, an obedient little dog. 
“You still there?” said Susa with a little more concern, nudging Imayoshi again. 
“Don’t worry,” and this time Imayoshi didn’t need to force that closed-eye, cruel grin. “I’ve got something to sort out, and then I’ll be back to normal.”
He would teach you that he had never been your toy. 
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sydneyadmu · 2 months
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absurdumsid · 6 months
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reached this like an hour and a half ago btw nobody warned me about this
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adriancatrin · 4 months
lol i knew i’d lose a few followers over that live action post. sad
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i have a brainrot and this is imortant please stick with me
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look at this glass showcase behind their backs. do you see light grey line that passes behind the narrator's head but is interrupted by cracks in the glass and then continues behind Stanley's head?
do you think this is foreshadowing?
this line doesn't appear in any other shot and sad-ist is a great at all this details so let me know what you think
UPD line appears in other shot, so its most likely to be a shelf in glass show case. still a cool detail
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sofasoap · 1 year
Miss Moonlight
Pairing : Kyle “ Gaz” Garrick x F!reader + 141
Summary: Dodging Soap, proposal and wedding bell.
Part 4.5 to Miss Sunshine series.
I write things backwards sometimes.
Warning: M theme, otherwise overall fluff.
Gaz route for my Mini MacTavish verse.
As always, Thanks to mother of my Mini MacTavish @saltofmercury for lending me the character “Mini” from her story. Go read her “The Favorite MacTavish”  !
“Masterlist”for other stories to this Mini MacTavish expanded verse.
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Gaz swats the hand that is currently slapping his head away, flipping the pillow on top of his head, mumbling incoherently something about Price giving him a day off so he doesn’t have to hose down Ghost and feed Soap.
“Wha…nevermind. I don’t want to know what you boys do at the base, come on wake up!”
You have never seen your boyfriend move so fast in his life before, jumping up from bed, about to run out of the room until you pull him back, nearly falling onto the bookshelf full of the trinkets he gifted you.
Throwing his underwear into his face, “Put some clothes on first!”you hissed.
“He’s inside the house already?”
“Bloody Emma forgot that you were staying over, and she let him in before asking!” quickly throwing a jean and some t-shirts on, you gave him a quick kiss, “I told him I’ll go out for breakfast with him, you know the drill.”
Sudden loud knocking sound on your bedroom door, startling both of you.
“Mini! You decent?”
“NO!!!! Give me Five minutes!” Yelling back as you start throwing Gaz’s stuff into the duffle bag. You were absolutely fuming.
This game of cat and mouse happened so many times after you two reconciled and finally confessed your feelings to each other. It was hard because Soap had a bad habit of showing up at your doorstep, either unannounced, or only informing you of his visit merely a few hours before he dropped in.
“Just want to see my favourite sibling’s face,” he claims.
“John MacTavish, I am your ONLY sibling.”
You suspect other than seeing you, he is here for someone else too.
Thanking his military training for the stealthing ability while you and Emma distract Soap, Gaz always manages to sneak out without being detected.
Gaz eventually gets sick of hiding all the time. He wants to make him yours. And you, officially his.
He took you out for a picnic, up high on a hill, looking right down to a field of sunflowers. How fitting. You were wearing your favourite sunflower dress that day.
You ran around the field, laughing, enjoying the rare chance of basking in the pleasant heat of late summer sun on your skin. 
That beautiful smile of yours. The one he fell in love with. He want to keep that smile on your face forever.
“Come on Kyle!” 
He laughed, shaking his head, motioning you to come back and sit down.
You drop yourself onto the picnic mat gracelessly, fanning yourself with your straw hat, trying to catch your breath. Gaz passed you a bottle of water, watching as droplets of water trickled down the chin.
He leaned in, wiping it away with his thumb before tugging you in for a deep kiss.
“... Marry me.” he whispered while both pulled away from each other for air. Digging out the ring from his back pocket, he adjusted himself, getting on one knee, “ First time Soap showed me a picture of you, I fell hopelessly in love with you. Even before I met you.”  his eyes brimming with tears as he continued, slightly choking, “ Please marry me, my love, my sunshine. I promise I will cherish you forever.”
His hand slightly shaking, looking at you with round puppy eyes, waiting for your answer. You pulled away from him, a moment of panic appeared in his eyes until he saw you pulling out a little velvet box, and started laughing with joy.
It’s amazing both of you had the same idea, to do it on the same day. 
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Gaz’s mouth dropped open when he saw you walking down the aisle.
With the sun setting in the background, you look like an angel, in a simple pink chiffon sleeveless floor length dress, accentuating your pregnant figures beautifully.
He is on the verge of tears.
“Hello husband.”
“Hello my beautiful wife.” Looking down at the belly, lightly patting it. “Hello bub.”
Even though two of you are already married, as Johnny claims, “ to appease me and soothe my anger”, two of you decided to have a small unofficial ceremony and reception at your parent’s farm house, with close team members and friends invited. 
Food and drinks flowing, laughter all round. Everyone was having a good time. It’s one of the rare moments Gaz sees his brothers-in-arms relaxing, not having a care in the world. 
Leading you out of the gazebo and onto the outdoor dance floor, he twirls you around before pulling you back into his embrace, swaying around to a slow dance.
“How did I get so lucky?” Gaz murmured in your ear. You smiled as you nuzzled into the crook of his neck, “I am the lucky one. A husband who loves me, a bunch of great friends, a loving family, well, as soon as Johnny’s anger subsides.” you laughed.
“Looking at the way he is flirting away with your friend, I think he is pretty anger-free.”
“Is that the third bottle of whisky Price is on???? I swear he is only here for the drink…”
“Let him be. My parents had a whole heap of vintages in the distillery cellar, kept for both Johnny and my special occasions.”
“ Well at this rate, there will be none left for Soap!”  Gaz has to admit it was great to see his captain‘s eyebrow not knotted together for once. 
“See that lady over there?” you tilt your head towards the far table and whisper like a great secret. “That’s the reason why Simon was messaging me.” Gaz chuckled. Now he knows the secret, he can get his revenge.
“Oh!” You yelp a little,as both of you feel the little baby kicking away. “Alright alright, daddy will dance with you as well.” Sliding one of his hands down,placing it gently on top of your belly, while the other is still holding yours, both of you continue to dance under the moonlight.
Life couldn’t be more perfect. 
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anakindoodles · 5 months
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Little limited palette screencap redraw to end the year
Please click for better quality and reblog to support artists!
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stainedpast · 1 month
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hit the <3 for a starter, specify muse plz ~
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