brose1229 · 1 year
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HTTYD dragons part 4
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ub-something · 1 year
Sharp class dragons as pokemon types
Dragon will only be used when needed. Go find the previous post yourself. You'll only miss the Stoker and Boulder class. I forgor to say this before but the list will be from alphabetical order from the wiki.
Devilish Dervish: dark/flying or pure flying or dark for the name and unruly nature. It's not metallic, so no steel.
Egg Biter: Dragon/flying or pure dragon for lack of other traits besides strong jaws.
Grim Gnasher: dark/flying or pure dark for vulture like behaviors for attacking the weak and old. The teeth shooting and slitherwing venom immunity can give it a move or ability.
Hackatoo: steel/flying or rock/flying for ax like snout. It isn't described to be hard like metal, so the strength of a Hackatoo is variable.
Raincutter: water/flying or water/ground rain resistant fireballs, water loving behavior and foraging in the mud.
Razorwhip: Steel/flying obviously.
Scuttleclaw: probably some sort of mix of dragon, flying, and fairy. It is constantly described as cute and playful pranksters when young, so STAB play rough could work.
Shivertooth: Ice/flying, ice/steel, or pure ice or cold environment and slicing scales.
Speed stinger: electric/poison, ground/poison, or pure poison for paralyzing venom, lack of flight, and high speed.
Stromcutter: dragon/flying or pure flying for the four wings and swiftness.
Thornridge: fighting/flying for being described as a protector for those in need.
Timberjack: flying/steel or pure flying for the massive wings and their cutting edge.
Windstriker: fire/flying for be described as us using super heated air instead of fire.
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aureallegories · 2 years
Hybrid requests I did through a friend!
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Nightfury x Skrill
Nightfury x Death Song
Nightfury x Wooly Howl
Flightmare x Skrill
Flightmare x Seashocker
Triple Stryke x Speedstinger
Boneknapper x Crimson Goregutter
Raincutter x Monstrous Nightmare
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httyd-art-requests · 3 months
Snow wraith ❄️ !!!
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Okay, I know for a fact that these were all requested by the same person (I would be very surprised if they weren't) so to the mystery person with many favorites;
You know who you are 🫵
I hope you like my solution ^^ I like to think they're all members of the same mixed species flock <3
Dragon #72 - Snow Wraith
Dragon #73 - Raincutter
Dragon #74 - Grim Gnasher
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(I missed a few days due to my early/long weekend messing up my routine, so sorry for that! The project is still going strong!!)
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rayneyroses · 1 year
Someday, to Withstand Fire
Status: A birthday present for my friend @intljaystation 💜 Fandom: Genshin Impact Rating: General Audiences Shipping: Xingyun Content Warnings: n/a ao3: 🍨📘
Chapter 1
Chongyun’s voice was the only sound in the room, aside from the occasional flipping of pages and the rustling of fabric. He spoke quietly yet clearly as he read the contents of the book in his hands to his friend. Xingqiu’s head rested on his lap, his dark hair fanned out on Chongyun’s thighs. His eyes were closed while he listened, intent on enjoying the favour he was done. After all, there had been no time for such idle pastimes the last few days.
He had insisted on retiring to the privacy of their room for tonight. After a long day of traveling to Wangshu Inn and socialising with other merchants on the way, his excuse was that he needed a moment of solitude to recover. Unlike many other people, spending time with Chongyun was rarely draining to him. Perhaps he was spoiled, but he could never get enough of little story times like this.
“The heart was a fool. Rationalising such feelings was for naught since love is stronger than thought. Compelled by… passion roaring inside his body like stormy ocean waves, he…” Chongyun, despite having kept his composure for so long, trailed off. Heat stirred in the pit of his stomach and rushed to the tips of his ears. “Oh, Xingqiu will tease me if I don’t hurry,” he thought. Conquering his fears, he mustered his courage.
“…he crossed the distance between them and… united their lips in a first lovers’ kiss.”
Gauging whether he had been caught in his embarrassment, Chongyun peeked past the edge of the book. But much to his chagrin, his eyes locked onto amber ones full of mischief. He quickly averted his gaze. “Oh no,” he thought, “I won’t hear the end of this tonight.”
“Yunyun. Perhaps if you were brave like the protagonist of this book, that courage would make you a stronger exorcist too. What say you?” Xingqiu mused, squinting his eyes like a mischievous cat.
Chongyun huffed and shook his head in disbelief – at himself, since that statement somehow managed to make a little sense to him. After all, was a successful exorcist really someone who struggled with human relations? Or someone worried to face casual things such as affection? He had never given it much thought, since he was rather busy keeping his emotions tame instead of learning how to express them. Especially around Xingqiu. But even that was always giving him a hard time…
No, these had to be completely different things.
“You’re just teasing me,” he stated, more to himself than his friend. “Kissing has nothing to do with exorcising evil spirits, ‘Qiu.”
“But dear Chongyun, how can you be so sure?” Xingqiu smiled – then showed mercy by closing his eyes once more. “Oh, please continue. I was invested!”
“Alright, alright.” Chongyun cleared his throat and returned to the last line he had read. “Warmth blossomed forth from his chest like fireworks on a night-clad sky. Perhaps this was what he had been missing all along…”
Unlike before, Chongyun realised he was absorbing every sentence carefully. He wouldn’t dare give into such fantasies, scared of the repercussions. But perhaps there was a reason why so many people seemed fascinated by the concept of romance, enough to make a happy marriage their life goal. That was something he could never envision for himself… but craving a genuine bond with another person was relatable. Without Xingqiu, he knew nothing would be quite the same. He wouldn’t trade their friendship for anything in the world.
“…only empty dreams, until the morning hours bid the night farewell.”
That was the end of the chapter. Chongyun was about to ask whether he should read him another, but a glance at Xingqiu’s face told him that he was falling asleep. Icy blue eyes softened at the sight. He placed the book next to him and gave Xingqiu’s shoulder a gentle shake.
“Xingqiu… if you’re going to sleep, you should go to bed first.”
“Mmh…” Xingqiu uttered a sleepy noise in protest, unwilling to move. Who could blame him? These thighs were cosier than any pristine pillow he owned.
Chongyun gave him another shake, to no avail. He sighed. Once Xingqiu was set on something, he turned stubborn and clung to it with metaphorical claws. He, on the other hand, usually found himself getting the short end of the stick. But he was getting tired and his legs were starting to fall asleep.
“Alright… fine,” he mumbled. If it didn’t work this way, maybe he needed to change his strategy. Chongyun mustered his courage and reached for Xingqiu’s hand. Unsuspecting, the other made no move to complain or look.
Pale fingers were brought to his lips. Chongyun placed a tender kiss upon the back of Xingqiu’s hand.
Dark lashes fluttered against blushing cheeks. Xingqiu’s eyes shot wide open. Their gazes met and soon, the blush on his face outmatched the shade of pink on Chongyun’s.
“You said I’m not brave enough… so I’m proving you wrong. And it worked…! So,” Chongyun explained, then avoided his eyes. “…are you ready to go to bed now?”
Xingqiu gaped in disbelief. After regaining his composure, he covered his mouth with his kissed hand to stifle a laugh. The other seemed to interpret it as teasing, a good excuse to hide the spreading heat on his cheeks.
“Well, I can hardly say no after you tried so hard,” he conceded, “but a kiss on the hand isn’t the same as one on the lips, don’t you think?”
“Now you’re just trying to embarrass me,” Chongyun pouted, prompting another laugh from his friend. But indeed, he seemed ready to head to sleep now. Chongyun was simply happy that he hadn’t been punished for his audacious behaviour… but he was going to need some rest, lest the simmering heat in his stomach might overwhelm him.
Perhaps next time he’d be strong enough to withstand the fire.
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emuwarum · 1 year
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bonnie-aphrodite · 5 months
I don't really post anything but I had an awesome idea and I'm obsessed with it.
So it's set in the HTTYD universe BUT Peppy decides to lead around a third of Berk's population on a journey to find an island with no dragons. This happens a few years before Hiccups birth and most Vikings thought them cowards so they are forgotten by the people of Berk. Peppy is a fearsome and strong Viking but wants a peaceful place to raise Poppy and Viva, the events of the journey mirror the trollstice escape to a certain degree.
A Whispering Death named Thorns
Branch is the first in the village to befriend a dragon despite fearing them the most
He helps Branch dig out his bunker
Thorns is kept secret until Poppy and her dragon need to be rescued
Thorns likes to coil around Branch to sleep
Branch is used to diving out of the way of Thorns randomly barreling through the tunnels in the bunker
A Scuttleclaw she names Flutterclaw
Goes off to befriend a dragon immediately after hearing about the Dragon riders on Berk and stumbles across her
Flutterclaw is just as upbeat as Poppy, she's almost never tired
She's named Flutterclaw because we know Poppy isn't the best at naming things on the spot (Tiny Diamond)
They invent dragon-back acrobatics for fun
John Dory
A Snafflefang, it's Rhonda :)
When JD abandoned his brothers he sailed to Neverglaide Mountain and met her by accident
Rhonda had never met a Viking before and just treated the poor guy like a scared hatchling
JD is freaking out but eventually they come to an understanding
They've wandered together ever since
The first character to befriend a dragon
A Scauldron! (Not sure of the name yet)
When he left Bruce went to a neighbouring tribe and established an inn for travelers after meeting Brandy
It was very successful until the Scauldron decided to stake claim
The two had an ongoing rivalry so I famous that everyone on the island was privy to it
When a traveler from Berk came to spread word about dragon riding, Bruce thought he'd give it a shot
It took a while to earn the dragon's trust but it worked eventually
The duo protect the island from wild dragons and Bruce's kids
A Raincutter named Thundertone
When a storm rips through Peppy's fleet, two of the six ships get seperated from the others
These boats hold Viva and Clay, who work together to lead their people on as Peppy would have wanted
They find an island with minimal dragons but their new Chieftess is very fearful of being attacked, so the Vikings of Gulf Island stay hidden
After the brothers reunite, Clay is out brooding in a rainstorm and he meets a Raincutter with an oddly deep roar
He likes how serious the dragon sounds and they bond whole playing in the rain and digging up food for Thundertone
A Windgnasher he names Snaowguard
On the night Brozone (the most formidable dragon slaying family on Berk) broke up, Floyd said goodbye to branch but rushed to a boat the moment he was out of sight
He chased after his brothers' boats, seeing JD's not too far off
In his haste, Floyd accidentally skirted into Outcast waters and was captured
They kept him for his dragon killing knowledge thanks to outcasts Velvet and Veneer
Floyd had grown compassionate towards dragons, he never really liked killing them
After 20ish years his brothers rescued him
The previous week Floyd had spent neighbouring with a Windgnasher who he looked out for and bonded with
Floyd made sure she was saved too and Snaowguard repaid his kindness by protecting him and the two became a pair
A Deadly Nadder named Brightspark
Her fear of dragons rivalled Branch's, especially after the attacks she had to protect her people from after being seperated from her father and baby sister
This means that she is one of the last Vikings to open up to befriending a dragon
Clay, Thundertone, Flutterclaw and Poppy all help her overcome her fear and it comes in handy when she rescues a Deadly Nadder from a dragon trap (possibly her own?)
They're both scarred by their experiences but find an odd sense of comfort in eachother
A Terrible Terror he names Matchsticks
After Poppy brings the idea of dragon riding back to Poptrell Island, Peppy of course wants one
Poppy shows him a bunch of fearsome and tough dragons
But Chief Peppy distracted by the Terrible Terror fighting off a Nadder from his pile of fish
He becomes absolutely enamored with the brave little guy and adopts him immediately
Peppy spoils Matchstick so much that even Poppy has to tell him to chill out a little
I have so much lore written for this AU you don't even know
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flornray · 1 year
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I did a Light Fury redesign since she just makes no sense to me. The top is before, and the bottom is after.
Things I changes:
Made her head less squished, just longer and thinner.
Gave her a small fin on her head. (like Toothless has small spikes.)
Made her ear nubs bigger, and gave her an extra set of smaller ones. Also made the main ones wider, to make up for being shorter.
Gave her more prominent scales on her head, nose, and legs.
Made her patterning more pronounced, plus gave her some patterning on her wings, back, and legs.
Made her back fin spiky, based on the Raincutter, but I did use a hobble grunt tail, with her wings' texture.
Gave her a slight light-blue tint on her top side and front legs.
Also made her wings a bit longer and wider.
I would've gotten rid of her glitter, but it would take way too long. But otherwise, I think she turned out much better, considering this took 2.5 hours...
Also is it just me or does Astrid look weird in the photo... Also, wth is up with Hiccup's sword.
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dkniade · 8 months
Possible Chinese Idioms in Tartaglia’s Normal Attack and Xingqiu’s Burst
By the way, Tartaglia’s Normal Attack “Cutting Torrent” is actually 断雨 (duànyǔ) in Chinese, which literally means something like “severing rain”, but it possibly refers to the idiom 断雨残云 (duàn yǔ cán yún). Literally it’s “severing rain, damaging clouds”, referring to the act of disrupting something that’s going on. Not to be confused with Xingqiu’s Burst “Raincutter” which was originally 裁雨留虹 (Cái Yǔ Liú Hóng), an “idiom” that HoYoverse made up, literally meaning something like “cutting the rain, leaving behind a rainbow”. It’s possibly inspired by the real Chinese idiom 裁云剪水 (cái yún jiǎn shuǐ) which refers to poetry that’s exquisite and original… or something, which would fit Xingqiu’s novelist position, Hydro element, and carrying out the wuxia code of chivalry in his own way, I think?
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vivisandg · 1 year
Hi so I rarely request anything but I’ve fallen back into the httyd rabbit hole again and the lack of eret son of eret content on here is criminal. I came across your eret x pregnant reader and OH. MY. HEART... it’s beautiful! I was wondering if you could write some fluffy Eret x reader who is a dragon nurse? Like a vet for dragons who’s really gentle and compassionate but takes some time to trust him because of the whole ex trapper thing? Thanks and hope you’re enjoying your day and staying hydrated :)
Love thank you sooo much! And yes, I’m trying to stay hydrated, so all of YOU🫵 get some water and drink it RIGHT NOW. Anyways, this is a really good ask and the lack of eret content is, in fact, criminal. I will try my best on this, feel free to criticize and ask for more!
Healing takes Time
Pairing: Eret son of Eret x (g.n/fem)reader
Summary: As a healer for Berk’s dragons, you meet a lot of new dragons in different situations… but nothing prepared you for a certain ex-trapper asking for your help.
     You are one of Berk’s best dragon healers, spending almost 24/7 in the “dragon infirmary” as most call it. To you, it was home. You had been doing this job since Berk made peace with the creatures that you grew to find beautiful, feeling they needed to be treated as equals. You had always loved to help people and were known as one of the kindest Vikings in the archipelago.
     Of course, when the evil Drago Bludvist came about and practically demolished your home, you had a change of heart. You became a bit colder to newcomers and strangers, a bit, but a noticeable bit. After Hiccup and Toothless had successfully taken the madman down, it came as a shock to no one that many dragons needed healing and care for a while.
     One day, as you were releasing a Snafflefang named Muds back to his family, you were greeted by a slightly beat up Skullcrusher with none other than Eret son of Eret, the famous ex-dragon trapper at his side with concern painting his face. It dimmed your heart to see the tall man and not Stoick, the only father figure you ever had, at Skullcrusher’s side, but you would have to get used to it. You had always been skittish around the young Viking, as his tribe killed your dragon before your eyes. You weren’t sure if Eret was there when it happened, you didn’t care, all you saw was your beautiful Raincutter, Sinkah, get beheaded and thrown into the boat next to her.
     It was time to stop thinking about that and face the problem in front of you. “What brings you and Skullcrusher in, Son of Eret?” You ask with more malice than you meant. “He flew through a good 7 trees while finding boulders to rebuild, tore the beast up, they did.” You pursed you lips a bit when he said ‘beast’, but that’s the only way to describe the dragon. “He looks like he got scratched a bit, I’ll have him out of here in about and hour,” you say while examining the slashes on his green wings. “Alright. Thank you, (y/n),” Eret says as he starts to walk away.
     To your surprise, he turns back around and asks you “is there anything that I can help you with? Finding herbs or stuff to help?” This takes you aback, as you expected him to be arrogant, as he seems all the time. You look at him questionably as you ponder why he asks. “If you could get me a few perch from the lake in the east side of the island, that would be great,” you say as both you and Skullcrusher were hungry. Eret says nothing, but nods as he hurries away. That was a bit odd, you thought.
     Eret gets back in a good 30 minutes with a basket of perch, just as you had asked him. You watch as he returns, putting the last few bandages on Skullcrusher, and heading towards him. “Thank you,” you say with sincerity, as you hadn’t eaten in about 5 hours. “No problem, thanks for helping Skullcrusher,” he says back. He then asks a question you weren’t expecting: “ Do you hate me or something?”
     You are taken aback, again, by him. “Why?” You ask this because you don’t even know. “You glare at me every time you see me, specifically the markings on my chin because that’s about as high as your eyes can reach,” he says blankly. “If you must know, your tribe killed my dragon in front of me and threw her into a nearby boat and dumped me into the ocean,” you say, frowning at the memory. Eret looks appalled, he had seen those men that day, sure he was younger, but he saw how heartbroken you looked. He had sabotaged those men’s work so that Drago punished them; he never saw those men again.
     Telling you this, you realized why he always looked at you like you were familiar, why he looked at you with a look of ‘I will protect you’, rather than sympathy. Finally, shocking Eret, you hug him and mutter a thousand ‘sorry’s. He hugs back and says it’s ok. Maybe you can heal dragons in an hour, but for people, healing takes time.
That’s it for this request. Again, wonderful ask, I wrote this in 2 hours💀😭 bc I loved it soo much. Again also, feel free to request stuff in my ask box, have a good day!❤️
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💙 flightmare 💙 💜 skrill 💜 🖤 night fury 🖤
🧡 sand wraith🧡 💛 woolly howl 💛
❤️ stormcutter ❤️ 🧡 timberjack 🧡
🩵 groncicle 🩵 💜 nadder 💜 🤎 quaken 🤎
🩶 whispering death 🩶 🤍 screaming death 🤍
💚 terrible terror 💚 ❤️ monstrous nightmare❤️
💙 slithersong 💙 💜 raincutter 💜
💛 triple stryke 💛 🩷 sweet wraith 🩷
🤍 silver phantom 🤍 🧡 typhoomerang🧡
💚 shadow wing💚 💜 hobgobbler 💜
🩶 razorwhip🩶 🩷 desert wraith 🩷
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hermesserpent-stuff · 2 months
reader beware evil spoilers in there!!! Spoilers for transmutation of the soul~
Viggo swallows and grips the railing. He watches the waves rise and fall under the pale moonlight. Wind swirls around him, almost like it is trying to cool off the rage that burns him. The heat of his rage at himself threatens to tear him apart. He watches the waves as they rock the boat, watches the endless oceans that had acted as an escape route for children that had no reason to fear him or Ryker, but feared anyways. 
Could he have stated his intentions differently? More neutrally? More flowery? What could he have done to make the answer a yes and not a terrifying no that could be permanent? No. It cannot be permanent he refuses to accept that and-
“Long night?”
His brother comes to lean his back on the railing beside him, polishing one of his blades that really does not need polish. But Viggo cannot blame his older brother for seeking comfort in familiar motions. Viggo frowns down at the waters that keep moving, uncaring of the human fates that are made upon them.
“Yes. Too many thoughts. A southern fort with the Hysterics would be beneficial but Im not sure they are here.”
His brother hums in reply. Out of the two of them, Viggo was the planner. And he should have planned the offer of adoption better. He had known better!
Air comes out of his mouth in a hiss.
He snarls at himself willing his brain to just shut up about his failure so that he could sleep for the first time in four days. 
His brother’s voice has an echo of worry he does not deserve. It is his fault, after all, that they are on this journey to find the two children. The two children he should have been able to keep safe. But he failed over and over. He feels tears warm his cheeks. He wonders if Hiccup had shed any more tears, fist in his mouth to silence the noise to hide away. He wonders if Dagur had to fight to keep his brother and draw blood with his blades and had his own blood drawn in turn. He wondered if either was less whole than he when he saw them last. Had a leg or arm been lost? Had they lost those delightful sparks of life that merrily burned in their eyes that lit up in defiance of a cruel world that had cast them aside? 
Viggo gags as he forces down sobs that threaten to rib him like the Raincutter’s talons that had tried to snatch away his own life. He clenches the railing, bending his head in defeat at the weight of his pain. 
“I… I'm sorry. I scared them off and I should have-”
A familiar warm hand comes to rest on his back. 
“It is my fault. I pressed and pressed you, brother. You never would have done anything if I had not been so pressing.”
“And yet, I was the one with the choice to act, brother dear. Have you ever known me to be someone who can be forced to do what I do not wish?”
He asks, while his heart screams. He is a fool. A fool that could be oh so clever and then fail at the most important moment. His tears warm his cheeks, but no tremble enters his voice and he is not sure that his brother knows that he is crying. He hopes not. His heart throbs and he tries not to crumble like the ash from a burning forest. Viggo has to go on. He does not flinch as Ryker punches the railing, sending rattles through the wood. 
“How can you try to take all the blame?!”
“I've always been the more selfish of us two, my dearest brother.”
He whispers deathly calm filling his voice as surety of his guilt soaks his chest.  His moves to be head tilting upwards as tears drip down his cheeks, touching his lips, slipping down to his neck, and then winding beneath his armor. The wind picks up as if agreeing and it spirals around them. Ryker hits the railing again and snarls ferally.
“You’re not! You aren't!! You have never been- you always- How dare you say such things?! Do not take on my guilt!”
Ryker snaps and snarls and hits the railing again and again, splintering it again from rage. A rage that is a screeching blaze demanding to be heard and felt and yet… Viggo looks to the stars and wonders for a moment what it might be like to join those lights in the infinite void of darkness that fills the night. He knows the stars would reflect in the water below if he just looked. That he could join those lights if he just stepped over the edge. But then he would not find the two.
“But I am-”
His sentence is interrupted as Ryker yanks his arms and grips both of his arms hard enough to bruise and Viggo is forced to look into his bothers pained face. Ryker is red with rage and grief and Viggo is silent in his tears. They stare at eachother. Ryker’s hand comes to his cheek, wiping the tear and leaving a thin trail of blood from his broken skin in its place. Viggo finds his tongue.
“I am chief. I make the calls. And I made the wrong one.”
He whispers, voice finally trembling.
“And I advise you. And my advice was wrong.”
Ryker’s voice is now hushed.
“Maybe you should both just say you hold part of the guilt and the other part belongs to those boys’ fathers for being unsuited to raisin’ either of them and get some sleep so that you might actually be of use tomorrow.”
Both startle at Gobber’s voice cutting in and the man raises an eyebrow. 
“I… yes. That would be wise.”
Viggo whispers. Gobber nods as they start to move.
“And treat that wound.”
Gobber adds. Ryker makes a small embarrassed noise.
“I.. didn’t notice that.”
Gobber snorts at Ryker's words. 
“You’re a lot like them you know. Hiccup was always overthinking and Dagur was a quick spark to rage.”
Both stutter a bit at the comparison. 
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askthemysterkids · 1 year
What kind of HTTYD dragons would they train?
Okay so! I had to get help from the wonderful Misty for this one! (Thank you so much!) All of the thoughts on this one is from her. She put a lot of thought behind this and it's quite impressive.
Lili: The Snaptrapper is a mystery class four headed Venus flytrap like dragon that has green scales and is one of the most plantlike dragons. It's kind of pretty but also one of the more deadly ones, seeing how it lures it's prey in with a very sweet scent. It's three-way unhinging jaws are also pretty badass. All in all, something Lili would enjoy and would take the time trying to train. Though it wouldn't be easy.
Raz: Get that guy a typhoomerang. It's large, powerful, overdramatic, fast, and breathes a cyclone of fire. Not as agile as some dragons, but it is one of the strongest, and it just fits him so much better both in style and vibes.
Wybie: Wybie would have a hotburple. It's a medium sized boulder class dragon that's similar to a gronkle in many ways, except it's larger, more bulky, and considerably lazier. It likes eating iron ore, and according to an expert dragon hunter, it's the only dragon capable of eating through dragon proof cages. It's a pretty easy going flyer and isn't good at making sharp turns or smooth landings, but that's okay since Wybie doesn't seem the type to do trick riding. It's surprisingly great in battle because it goes into some kind of frenzy mode when threatened. It's also a great partner for a blacksmith, which he would be assuming this is a question for a HTTYD au.
Coraline: Coraline gets an armorwing. They are dragons that are naturally very vulnerable, so they build an armor coating out of spare scraps of metal. I can see her adopting it when it tried to raid an armory and gave it a metallic gift to lure it out. It has a highly magnetic body, and is surprisingly agile. I just wanna give Coraline an armored dragon and it sounds really neat.
Norman: Ah, the Skrill. Or, as I like to call it, the dragon that ACTUALLY should have had the title of "the unholy offspring of lighting and death itself". It usually only comes out in lighting storms and is so epic looking, especially the lighting patterns on it's wings Very aggressive, very solitary, and very good at holding grudges Give one to Norman. Other than the lighting connecting it to Aggie, it is a very isolated dragon that is feared and lonely. He could relate to it. If he saved one and bonded with it, I can see him being the only one understanding and patient enough to earn that dragons trust.
Neil: Neil with a snafflefang. Like rain cutters they are very friendly. It's an energetic bolder class dragon that loves geodes. Very sweet dragon for a sweet guy.
Greg: Greg with a Raincutter sounds cute. They are pretty easy to train and are happy and playful dragons that love rainy cool days and eat worms. They tend to be very trusting dragons, sometimes to a fault as one of note was known to leave her eggs with any human, even dragon trappers. They aren't huge but bigger than some. They are also stated to be intelligent.
Wirt: I am so, SO tempted to give him a Hobgobbler. It's a little, very cute dragon that is known for it's big appetite and strong jaws. It can eat just about anything. He wouldn't have a whole pack of them, but I can see him having one. It's known to be mischievous and lazy, but are very strong and ferocious. A very adorable, laid back protector that causes messes from time to time. It's also known to cover itself in it's own slobber to slip through tight spots
Mabel: Mabel deserves a Hobblegrunt. It's a chameleon like dragon who's color changes based on their mood. They're considered lucky dragons because they seem to have an ability to predict things good and bad a split second before they happen. They're calm, sensitive, and quiet that love good belly rubs.
Dipper: Dipper's the one with the Stormcutter. Imagining him with a large, intelligent, curious, owl headed dragon is fun. Plus he deserves an epic dragon.
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httyd-art-requests · 5 months
[Pinned post]
(Previously one-httyd-a-day)
Read before you send a request!
Hello! :D
2024 is the year of the dragon! I figured there couldn't possibly be a better year for me to try this, so I'm throwing my hat in the ring and starting a HTTYD themed one-drawing-a-day art blog, heavily inspired by @onewolfaday and @onedragonperday.
I will be drawing one HTTYD species every day, and requests will be periodically open in case you want me to draw a specific species for you :)
With that being said...
Requests are currently CLOSED!
Commissions are open!
I hope my fellow HTTYD fans will appreciate this blog, and I hope you'll stick around <3
Addendum: There is a gap in the numbers between Dragon #52/53 (Toothless vs The Alpha) and Dragon #59 (Sea Shockers). I took a short break from posting dragon art due to some irl events, so the numbers between 53 and 59 are missing to reflect that :)
Addendum 2: No longer posting on the daily due to burnout. Requests and commissions are still active. Thank you to everyone who encouraged me to post, you guys mean the world to me <3
More info under the cut!
🤎 Dragons I will be drawing:
Dragons from all three of the movies
Canon dragons (Toothless, Stormfly, Cloudjumper etc)
Dragons from the spinoff shows (Riders/Defenders of Berk and Race to the Edge)
Dragons from the HTTYD games (Rise of Berk, School of Dragons and Titan Uprising, hybrids and crossbreeds included!!)
Dragons requested by followers
🤎 Dragons I will not be drawing:
Dragons from The Nine Realms (this is a personal preference, no offence meant to fans of the show)
Dragons from the books (I want to focus on the movie franchise)
Fanmade species
🤎 Dragons you've requested:
If you sent an ask requesting a dragon: I won't be answering until I can post the drawing along with it. I keep the asks in the inbox so I won't forget about them.
If you sent me a DM: Hi, thank you for being here and reaching out! :) Rest assured I will be tagging you once I post your dragon.
I love you and I appreciate you being here. Thank you for following my silly dragon project 🤎
[HTTYD OC blog: @wardenofdragons]
[Main blog: @theonewiththeideas]
🤎Dragons I've already done🤎
You can search for them on the blog by searching "httyd [dragon species]" or "rob [dragon name]" for the Rise of Berk ones.
You can also search dragons based on their serial number. Ex. "dragon 006", "dragon 021", etc.
Dragons in order of posting:
Death Gripper | Stormcutter | Deadly Nadder | Gronckle | Monstrous Nightmare | Zippleback | Snaptrapper | Hobblegrunt | Silver Phantom | Scauldron | Reignstorm (Rise of Berk) | Woolly Howl | Auroma (Rise of Berk) | Thunderdrum | Death Song | Flightmare | Night Fury | Skrill | Dart (Nightlight) | Dramillion | Typhoomerang | Terrible Terror | Razorwhip | Screaming Death | Light Fury | Changewing | Sandbuster | Sand Wraith | Speed Stinger | Boneknapper | Timberjack | Nightlight | Singetail (Freezeburn from Rise of Berk) | Sentinel |Prickleboggle | Sliquifer | Skyfire (Rise of Berk) | Shivertooth | Tuffnut's Chicken | Groncicle | Scuttleclaw | Shockjaw | Brute Stormcutter (Rise of Berk) | Egg Biter | Slitherwing | Triple Stryke | Red Death | Eruptodon | Tide Glider | Skrill × Stormcutter Hybrid (my design) | Zipplewraith (Titan Uprising) | Drago's Bewilderbeast | Toothless :) | Sea Shocker | Windstriker | Catastrophic Quaken | Rumblehorn | Titan Woolly Howl | Baby Typhoomerang | Baby Bewilderbeast | Rosethorn (Rise of Berk) | Hobgobbler | Bone Gripper (Bonknapper × Death Gripper Hybrid) | Viggo's Skrill (and Viggo) | Smothering Smokebreath | Deathly Galeslash (Titan Uprising) | Raincutter | Grim Gnasher | Snow Wraith | Snafflefang | Ruffnut's Trancemare (Rise of Berk) | Night Fury OC (Warden) | Fireworm | Fireworm Queen | Scimiterror (Rise of Berk) | Wise Wind (Rise of Berk) | Flame Whipper | Sand Wraith × Night Fury Hybrid (my design) | Monstrous Nightmare × Deadly Nadder Hybrid (my design) | Stormfly and Astrid |
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yourgayfroggiefriend · 9 months
HTTYD starmites Au @sharkboy-starmites Drew the other day
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You can kinda read what dragon they have on the drawing, but it’s not that visible so I’m still going to explain what dragon we assigned them!!
Spacepunk has a hobblegrunt. Her name is citrus and she looks like this. I love her.
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Milady has a thunderdrum (this is because we headcanon her as deaf for more representation, and since she’s deaf it’s adorable that her dragon is also deaf)
Diggity has a monstruos nightmare (i voted changewing >:[)
Ack ack has a singetail
Supsup has a raincutter
Bizarbra has a crimsongorecutter named wail
Father (mother) has a hotburple and a terrible terror
Diva has a shit ton. Specifically hobgobblers and a skrill. She will get more as we find more purple dragons.
Only a few of these have names, so feel free to add on names for names their dragons or different ones altogether!
(Ps, we call you the elder or almighty lesbian)
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