erisdagreatest · 7 months
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Anthro RPaS (new chapter Wednesday btw)
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aresdifesa · 2 months
Modem HM400T per i Grey Eagle 25M del US Army Hughes Network Systems , una società EchoStar, ha annunciato di aver ottenuto un contratto di produzione da General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI) per produrre un componente chiave del sistema di comunicazione satellitare di prossima generazione (SATCOM) per il sistema aereo senza pilota (UAS) MQ-1C Grey Eagle 25M. In base al contratto, Hughes fornirà modem HM400 avanzati e rinforzati, denominati HM400T, che si integrano con la tecnologia delle forme d’onda standard del Dipartimento della Difesa e le funzionalità di sicurezza di trasmissione (TRANSEC) per consentire una resistenza e una resilienza significativamente aumentate per l’ampia gamma di servizi di intelligence e sorveglianza aviotrasportati del Grey Eagle 25M.
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rodspurethoughts · 1 year
GA-ASI Performs Cold Weather Validation Using MQ-9B SkyGuardian
Validation Flight Satisfies the Cold Weather Operational Capability Needs for Nordic Countries SAN DIEGO (Newswire.com) – General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI) successfully performed Cold Weather Validation (CWV) using a company-owned MQ-9B SkyGuardian® Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) in late Jan./early Feb. 2023, adding to the cold weather experience of the MQ-9 family of…
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twigs-sprigs · 6 months
....are u still posting? And also still posting on insta??? Just found ur art, and it's so cool!!!! I love it!!!. just wanna know if ur still alive so I can support you on any apps u are in 👹🙏💥💥💥💥‼️‼️‼️
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i do still post! although pretty rarely since ive been quite busy with trying to get into college! and also final exams LMAOOO have some doodles to prove im alive, ranging from rpa2 greenflower and some other au stuff to me playing lethal company with friends!! and dragons rising. i guess ! i do have an insta, i just dont use it much, it's @/swigs-tprigs but again, i barely post on there, and its just so i can connect w other artists when i need!
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rae-blu · 10 months
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Me when I attack my friends' Ninjago AUs <3
Attacks on @greenflowerceo, @marsipain & @twigs-sprigs
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greenflowerceo · 1 year
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leans on expensive car
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charlicpace · 7 months
NAME INSPO: christmas edition !
felicity 'fizz'
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resovrceful · 1 year
AND HOW TO AVOID THE IMAGE URL APPEARING BELOW THE GIF. i know that for a lot of roleplayers, storing loads of gifs on computers or external hard drives just isn’t feasible. what i’ve seen a lot of since the switch over to beta, is (particularly legacy) roleplayers complaining about the fact that when copy and pasting gifs for threads, there is a new link that shows up beneath the image once the post has been made. this tutorial explains how you can avoid saving your gifs, and not have the image url on your gifs in your new threads. 
before you even start copy and pasting gifs, as a gif maker it is my duty to remind you to check the rules of the maker, that you can use the gifs that way and for the themes the thread contains! gif makers spend hours upon hours producing their content, so please be polite and adhere to their rules. thank you!
in legacy editor, users were able to copy and paste gifs via the image url without much issue. when following that same process using the beta editor (which is now widely being rolled out), the following happens:
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for some reason, we end up with the url sitting below the image of the gif, and it just kind of takes away from the thread. i for one find it distracting, and also doesn’t look particularly great to me. while this is only an issue on the dash/dash view of blogs, i’ve had a number of people express their discontent with it. in order to get your gifs looking how they did in legacy, while you are editing the post you will see a link button appear in the bottom left of the gif when you hover over it:
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by clicking on that button, it pulls up the image url of the gif you’ve just pasted. you can delete that link, and the gif still remains on the post. just make sure once you delete the link you click done or else it won’t delete.
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you can then save your post to your drafts (i recommend just to check it worked) and you’ll see that the link below the image has gone. 
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like so! i know this tutorial is purely for the aesthetics of it all and not necessarily functional, but sometimes that’s how it is! if you do wish to look at other tutorials of how to use the beta editor, i’ve included some reference links below:
a short and easy workaround for reblogs with beta & xkit rewritten, by @heartxshaped-bruises​ how to use beta editor + trim reblogs, by @brekkersource  how to use xkit rewritten / trim reblogs on mobile, by @rpclefairy​  upload gifs to a page with the beta editor, by @spacejams  what is going on with cutting posts? by @rpschtuff​
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leiasources · 1 year
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leiasources  presents    (  . . .  )    LEIASOURCES’  GROUP  VERSE  DISCORD  SERVER  TEMPLATE.
via  the  source  link,  you  will  be  able  to  access  a  discord  server  template  designed  for  group  verses.  this  template  is  based  off  of  the  template  that  i  use  when  creating  group  verse  servers  of  my  own  which  differs  just  slightly  from  servers  that  i've  been  in  and  seen  in  the  past.  beneath  the  cut,  i  provide  a  breakdown  of  the  server,  bot  recommendations  and  how  i  personally  utilize  the  provided  categories  and  channels!  you're  free  to  edit  (  add,  remove,  and  rename  categories  and  channels,  etc.  )  as  much  as  you'd  like.  if  you  found  this  helpful  and  especially  if  you  plan  on  using  the  template,  please  like  and  /  or  reblog  this  post.
firstly,  for  the  server  and  for  all  servers,  i  highly  recommend  using  carl-bot.  carl-bot  comes  with  a  lot  of  features  that  can  be  accessed  within  discord  or  their  site  but  the  ones  that  i  find  myself  using  the  most  in  servers  for  group  verses  are  reaction  roles  and  with  carl-bot  i  often  customize  welcome  and  leaving  messages  too.
in  the  template,  there  are  EIGHT  (8)  CATEGORIES  (  WELCOME,  INFORMATION,  GENERAL,  SOCIAL  MEDIA,  PHONES,  LOCATIONS,  HOMES,  AND  ADMINS  ONLY  )  and  within  those  categories  are  VARIOUS  CHANNELS  that  i  feel  correspond  with  the  category  that  they're  in.  as  for  roles,  the  template  comes  with  roles  for  ADMINS/MODS,  MEMBERS  and  BOTS.
in  the  WELCOME  category,  there  are  two  (2)  channels,  landing  and  rules  and  regulations.
in  the  INFORMATION  category,  there  are  six  (6)  channels,  announcements,  faceclaim  roster,  muse  roster,  mun  introductions,  muse  introductions,  and  triggers.
in  the  GENERAL  category,  there  are  six  (6)  channels,  chatting,  appreciation,  venting,  previously  on,  starboard,  and  tupperbox.
in  the  SOCIAL  MEDIA  category,  there  are  six  (6)  channels,  mass  chat,  confessions,  facebook,  instagram,  spotify  and  twitter.
in  the  PHONES,  LOCATIONS,  and  HOMES  categories,  there  are  four  (4)  channels  each  and  they  were  made  solely  for  you  to  copy  and  paste  the  format  and  edit  to  fit  your  needs.  e.g.,  for  the  phones  and  homes,  you  would  copy  and  paste  the  provided  format  and  replace  ‘first  and  last’  with  your  muses  first  and  last  name,  and  for  the  locations,  you  would  copy  and  paste  the  provided  format  and  replace  ‘location’  with  a  location  within  the  city  /  town  your  group  verse  is  set.
in  the  ADMINS  ONLY  category,  there  are  two  (2)  channels,  admins  chat  and  tumblr  notifs.
***  THE  WELCOME  CATEGORY  AND  THE  CHANNELS  WITHIN  IT  ARE  AVAILABLE  TO  EVERYONE.  i.e.,  those  with  and  without  a  role. ***  THE  INFORMATION,  GENERAL,  SOCIAL  MEDIA,  PHONES,  LOCATIONS,  AND  HOMES  CATEGORIES  AND  THE  CHANNELS  WITHIN  IT  ARE  AVAILABLE  TO  BOTS  AND  THOSE  WITH  THE  MEMBERS  ROLE.  i.e.,  you  will  have  to  assign  the  member  role  to  your  members  for  them  to  be  able  to  view  and  send  messages  in  these  categories  and  channels. ***  THE  ADMINS  ONLY  CATEGORIES  AND  THE  CHANNELS  WITHIN  IT  ARE  AVAILABLE  TO  THOSE  WITH  THE  ADMINS/MODS  ROLE.  i.e.,  you  will  have  to  assign  the  admins/mods  role  to  all  admins  and  moderators  for  them  to  be  able  to  view  and  send  messages  in  these  categories  and  channels.
in  the  SOCIAL  MEDIA  category,  #confessions  was  made  with  the  confessions  bot  in  mind,  and  #facebook,  #instagram,  #spotify  and  #twitter  are  where  your  muses  could  post  as  if  they’re  posting  on  the  respective  social  media  platforms.
in  the  GENERAL  category,  #previously-on  was  made  with  the  idea  to  help  admins  and  members  keep  track  of  everything  that  has  happened  in  character  in  mind.  if  or  when  something  major  happens  to  a  muse  or  between  muses  in  character,  members  can  write  about  it  in  this  channel.  #starboard  was  made  with  the  starboard  bot  in  mind  and  #tupperbox  is  where  members  could  drop  tupperbox  commands.
in  the  PHONES,  LOCATIONS  and  HOMES  categories,  rather  than  give  every  muse  their  own  category  like  some  servers  do,  i  opt  instead  to  provide  these  categories  and  give  every  muse  their  own  channel,  and  in  those  channels,  writers  can  either  post  in  the  channel  itself  or  create  a  thread  within  the  channel  and  post  there. 
if  you  have  any  questions,  feel  free  to  contact  me  via  ask  box  or  im’s!
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dollecitta · 7 months
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        𖥻 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲! ♡  winter dash icons ( 006 ) as requested by anonymous. please do not redistribute my content, copy or claim as your own. please consider liking & reblogging to better support me as a content creator. (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
♡  icon template credit. @springdoy
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chriistianserratos · 1 year
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under the cut are 62 vampire-esque that i love! i’ve put them in alphabetical order to make it easier to navigate through if you’re looking for a name that starts with a certain letter. i hope this is helpful!
asa, asmodeus, baldassare, carden, cassius, cazimir, constantine, damien, danto, dimitri, julius, keiran, kirnon, kristopher, laurent, lawrence, leander, lestate, lucien, mabon, malachi, mathias, nikolas, samuel, silas, stelan, wilfred, xenos
adrienne, amalia, callidore, deonia, desdemona, dominique, eirlys, emerande, helena, juliette, kamra, karlene, lenore, lilah, lucia, lysa, magdelena, marianne, melaina, nessa, nezera, philomena, salome, senna, tourmaline, valentina, victoire, zaleria, zara
amdis, echo, emery, salem, talon
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aresdifesa · 3 months
RPAS WJ-700 per l'Algeria Media algerini hanno riportato la notizia dell’avvenuta recente consegna da parte della Cina di quattro RPAS WJ-700. Il RPAS WJ-700 è stato sviluppato da Haiying Aviation General Equipment Co., LTD., la terza Accademia della Cina Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) per missioni di sorveglianza ed attacco integrato ad alta quota e ad alta velocità. Caratteristiche Trattasi di un veicolo aereo senza pilota da ricognizione armato in grado di operare a media/alta quota ed a lunga durata (MALE/HALE), una classe superiore agli MQ-9. Il WJ-700 è accreditato di un peso massimo al decollo (MTOW) di 3,8 tonnellate e di una capacità
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taryo88 · 8 months
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"She had never fallen into a stranger's arms, caught by their smile. That was the only time she had ever felt the desire." - The Redoubtable Pali Avramapul
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twigs-sprigs · 8 months
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oops i dropped my comic on the ground oops uh oh! (no, there wont be a part 2, i just wanted to post a tidbit of my second reverse pa au that i mentioned)
also for context haeyeon is brad's mom. she is no longer alive.
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Stormy sunset at Creech AFB, Nevada
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fcsources · 2 months
Hiya! Do you have any faceclaim suggestions for a siren who eats immoral people and is set modern day as a burlesque dancer? Thanks so much!
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𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙤 𝙯𝙚𝙥. 𝙞 '𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮 𝙖 𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙚. ooh omg i love this more than i can put into words, anon!! if you're applying for a group, drop the url pls 👀
Abbey Lee Kershaw ( 1987, model with acting resources, white )
Alice Pagani ( 1998, actress, white )
Biran Damla Yilmaz ( 1997, actress, Turkish )
Carla Gugino ( 1971, actress, white )
Carmela Zumbado ( 1991, actress, Cuban )
Cindy Kimberly ( 1998, influencer, half Indonesian )
Dove Cameron ( 1996, musician with acting resources, white )
Emily Browning ( 1988, actress, white )
Irina Shayk ( 1986, model, one quarter Tatar )
Javicia Leslie ( 1987, actress, Black )
Laura Archbold ( 1989, actress, Colombian )
Maddison Jaizani ( 1995, actress, half Iranian )
Maggie Q ( 1979, actress, half Vietnamese )
Priscila Reis ( 1989, actress, Brazilian )
Rachelle Lefevre ( 1979, actress, white )
Richa Moorjani ( 1989, actress, Indian )
Sara Sampaio ( 1991, model, white )
Stephanie Corneliussen ( 1987, actress, white )
Tamara Duarte ( 1991, actress, half Brazilian && half Azorean )
Yetide Badaki ( 1981, actress, Black )
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