#RANT lol
murmurtown · 2 years
another “Indonesian musing about coral island” post
as many had predicted, Coral Island is heavily based on Bali. this is a map of Bali inside the city hall. 
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also that puppet on the left of the map is called wayang (shadow puppet)
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also during the beach cleanup there’s a tug of war mini game, its not an exclusively indonesian thing but we called it tarik tambang here and we like to play this game during the independence day
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a good english article about this and other games
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oh and these??? this is just so so so so pretty and it shook me to my very core. its called Janur and usually used for celebrations 
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end note: Coral Island is a beautiful game and it means a lot to me and other indonesians who almost never get any rep from any media ever. a lot of “Coral Island is just an empty husk of Stardew Valley” complain always comes from white westerners who always sees themselves in media. 
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angelsinluv · 1 year
there's always so much shit on bloggers who don't post proof just because a bunch of loser ass anons want it to feed into their insecurities on why the fuck they fail.
a teacher can give you a study guide, give you all the answers but its up to YOU to apply what you're given to succeed. you think all these successful big and small businesses, self made models, celebrities, and shit succeeded once and it was all up from there? hell no. i guarantee their career went up and down. their orders sold out then suddenly went stagnant n they were scared for their lives because they quit their 9-5 so they can fully commit, models got casted for one season and 0 the next, businesses get shut down, no one refused to take their offers, fucking da vinci took a break from mona lisa for 14 years because shit got in the way, walt disney had to eat dog food because he was in financial ruins and yall shit cry and throw the fuck up because the 3d shows you the opposite and you REFUSE to persist so you complain on the internet, putting the blame on others INSTEAD OF TRYING AGAIN.
you can cry about how ugly and stupid you feel to a friend and they can hype you up, tell you you're not, give you fashion and makeup tips and make you feel like GOD for the next few days and then what if you feel sad again??? lift yourself up. TAKE THE GUIDANCE AND KEEP GOING you can't keep crying to others and complaining and expect to be babied every single time. this behavior would not pass EVEN outside of the law. you'd get kicked to the curb so fucking fast. with the law, you can get things without doing any physical action yeah but this isn't an excuse to be lazy if you don't want to change self and take a leap of faith.
i will say this again. it doesn't MATTER IF YOU ARE SHOWN PROOF. if someone has a low ass self concept, self esteem, don't have any self love or discipline, they WILL MAKE excuses to debunk the proof. "you were already rich, you're just lucky, it was just a coincidence, it was just a misunderstanding" etcetc it can go on. we are not going to put our privacy at risk for strangers who don't want to put in the effort like we all do.
its un fucking fair to us who are willingly dealing with haters on anon just so we can put out advice BECAUSE WE WANT TO
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cha0ticlesbian · 2 months
I love the movie unicorn store so much because not only is it brie larson and a really good movie but probably one of the very few movies that I can 100% relate to! Kit is such a cool character and I relate to her so much as someone who’s always been “different”. My brain doesn’t work the same way others do and at times my ideas can be very eccentric and I can be very childish.
But that’s why I love about it, it really puts a message of hope out there that, yes life is hard and yes you have to grow up but that doesn’t mean you have to stop being a kid, you can express yourself how you want and not everyone will be okay with that but you CAN find people who will be.
I think the that symbolism of the unicorn is that kit just wants someone, SOMETHING, that will love her for who she is! But she also needs to learn to love herself, she spends the whole movie doing what other people want her to do so that they will like her, EXCEPT for Virgil who shows her all of her art at the end and shows her who she really is, she doesn’t need to have a office job and she doesn’t need to do all these things just that the unicorn will love her, because she needs to love herself first.
She wants me this perfect best friend and it turns out she already has one, she just didn’t realize, so in the end she thanks the unicorn for helping her through her childhood and showing her unconditional support, but now she has someone who will do that for her, she doesn’t need to stop being a kid but she lets go of the unicorn because she doesn’t need it anymore, and I think that in the end the other lady who wants the unicorn will realize the same thing. Just like she did.
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st-claremontdiaz · 9 months
A Mess
twitter is a mess this week so im hiding here because i want to live in my rwrb bubble for a little longer.
sorry for all the reblogs coming your way, i used to go to twitter for rwrb content, but now i just go there and feel annoyed.
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dilbobloggins · 11 months
i am so sick of people who aren’t housebound acting like they know what it’s like. you simply can’t. you can’t understand what it’s like to lose years of your life, to lose every friend and acquaintance, to be completely reliant on other people for your every need, with no other choice. it’s impossible to understand the isolation forced upon you. it’s aged me, but i also lack so much basic life experience. I’m simultaneously still stuck as a teenager, and so much older than my peers. i have lost every tiny freedom people take for granted, i spend more time completely alone than with people. i can’t even go to the shops by myself. and i am so tired of trying to explain this and being met with “i know how you feel”
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rinadotcom · 2 years
why bring rina back if they’re not endgame?
why not let gina & ej have that perfect summer without any distractions??
why not let rina’s relationship stay in season 2???
one could argue it’s portwell angst. it’s to strengthen ej & gina’s relationship. but why use ricky for that? is val not a perfect person to use to “cause portwell angst” why even use a person to test their relationship? is EJ being older than gina & leaving for college not enough angst? why bring rina back????
because ricky and gina are the actual love story of hsmtmts.
my perfect slowburn who only get each other. who only tell each other things they don’t tell anybody else. who stay in shows, who stay in town, for each other. who had to grow apart & date other people before they could come back together again.
tim fell in love with Ricky and Gina in season one and new he had to continue writing for them. 
i’m so excited for season 3, and their banter, their stolen glances, their curfew-less nights, & all of the above. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
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geochemists · 1 month
i have to be annoying and whiny for a second but i seriously do not understand why science is only taken seriously if it's biology or chemistry. i absolutely think they're crucial and necessary sciences and i have no complaints there but it is so ridiculous how easily people in biology or chemistry dismiss geosciences as sciences at all or consider it a science only if there's a million studies out there proving that it's a real science.
i'm lumping environmental science in with geosciences/earth science too because i've seen a lot of people at my school consider it like an "easy" path. i don't get it. no fucking major or discipline is easy no matter if it's within STEM or arts or humanities or anything and i'm tired of the elitism myself and my fellow geoscience people experience from scientists of other disciplines.
"what do you do, just go play outside with rocks?" you have no fucking clue just how much terminology and in-depth understanding of geology you need to accurately identify even a "basic" rock like a granite lol i really don't want to hear it 👍
yes it is my passion yes i love to experience nature and see things in the field but good god most of what i do is labwork and geochemistry and reducing the discipline to going outside and fucking around is super reductive to people who cant do fieldwork because of disabilities, people who prefer the chemistry side of things but aren't taken seriously because it's geology and not "real" chemistry, hydrogeologists, seismologists, paleontologists, mineralogists, volcanologists, physicists, astronomers, cmon man. like... just as in other sciences there are so many branches of geosciences and it requires so much knowledge of how this world works
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toastedmanic · 1 month
Urh the phighting fandom makes me feel kinda "woozy" or just feel weird in general erm
I'm glad I have been in the fandom but I might leave idk, even so it'll still have a special place in my heart if I ever leave the fandom
I might take a break from it but if Its for the best then I will
(grr rant post lol)
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bylrlvr · 2 years
malwarebytes saying "if byler wasn't gay, you wouldn't ship it" is not the take they think it is
because that's true for me, actually. i dont think i'd want byler to be canon, as much as i do now, if it were a straight ship. i think a lot of us here including me love the concept of byler not only because we think they have great chemistry and would make a cute pair, etc., but also because we see ourselves in mike and will.
some people here have been a queer kid in the 80's themselves and know what the feeling of that is like. a lot of us are queer people (many are still queer kids) who resonate with experiences like, for eg, will being bullied at school for being queer, feeling like he is left out in his 'straight' friend group or anywhere, growing up in a place and with a parent figure that wants him to be someone else, etc. and on the other hand, we understand why and how mike feels the need to push away the truth about himself and who he loves and hide under the safety of heterosexuality (that is, if we are right about mike being queer and has internalized homophobia). we resonate with a lot of those aspects, something that straight people can feel bad for but cant relate to on a personal level.
our personal stories and experiences are one of the influences that make us root for will to have a happy ending and get the person he loves, and for mike to overcome his inner fears and accept himself for who he is. because we've been there ourselves, have overcome some of these struggles and/or are still going through them. because how great would it be to get to witness such a possible groundbreaking queer representation on a show this big, with two main queer characters we wholeheartedly love and painfully relate to.
so yeah, if byler was a straight ship, it would lose that aspect, so i wouldnt be this desperate for it to be canon
and stop pretending like you wouldnt ship byler over expired overdue milk, if will were a girl instead
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virisdescently · 10 months
i’m very confused as to how different styles of fanfic writing have become controversial. i don’t understand why we need to cry about someone writing something we personally don’t enjoy when we can just scroll and find something we do like. if you prefer historically accurate pieces, great! there are fics out there more catered to you. you are entitled to your preference but why be rude to those who chose to write something more modern or not entirely period accurate. i think it’s also stupid to get mad at someone for writing a character how you don’t personally see them. if you don’t see sebastian as a quidditch player, fine, but why hate on someone else’s harmless headcanon or preference? same with lgbt headcanons - i promise you someone thinking ominis is gay will not affect your life in any way and you can still have a crush on him and not personally hc him as gay! at the end of the day, no piece of fan fiction is not canon, hence the name, so why be mad because something is a little bit more canon divergent than something else? write what you like, read what you like, but don’t bring someone else down because they have different preferences or styles. obviously if someone is writing something actually harmful, that’s different, but gay ominis, quidditch sebastian, and a more modern writing piece isn’t harmful nor does it affect your life in any way (unless you have the energy to waste on letting it).
sorry for the rant - i just think all this discourse on “what’s the best way to write blah blah blah” is kinda stupid.
anyways i hope you all have a good day. <3
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bratzforchris · 10 months
5sos twitter is the most toxic place. the consistent arguing over set lists, picks, etc is annoying. the fights about barricade are annoying. accusing people of being less of a fan for not waiting for pit all day? really? they’ve literally drained me of my excitement for the show and mine is on friday :/
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space-owl · 3 months
Jumping into the Vivziepop discussions and the artstyle discussion again lol
SO as we all know the main cast all have kind of the same body type and similar shapes. And honestly I also wish for more diversity.
BUT!! But I think we all need to look at the CONTEXT! What is the context?
Well you see almost everyone in the main cast started out as a cringy deviantart 2010s OC when Vivzie was still a teen. If you every designed a character as a teen you probably know where this is going. You don’t really know the shape language yet, you just throw everything into an OC to make it look "fun“ and "cool“.
"But she’s older now the characters should look more grown up and not like cringy OCs anymore“ NO! Did you ever have an OC that you loved a lot? So much that you just couldn’t give up their shape? Their behaviour? Because you liked them this much? As someone who has been making OCs for years now, I get it! Vivzie probably loves her characters so much, they surely grew on her. She DESERVES to put her OCs out there just like they were at the beginning! Her own characters DESERVE the stage they’ve got!
Is it over the top character design? Yes. Could there be more body variety in the main cast? Absolutely. Does Vivzie need to change those parts of the characters she loved since she was young? The ones she grew so close to? NO! I’m GLAD those over the top designs made it big! And it makes SENSE that every new character is also over the top to blend in!
"But it’s unprofessional!“ Maybe but it’s also a lot of fun! I have FUN with the show! And this is the most important!
… that all being said though I don’t really see an excuse for new characters to not have more variety in body shapes. We already got a lot of fun fat and curvy background characters. I wish a few more of the main cast looked different if they are a new character
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glitter-alienz · 11 months
how am i expected 2 sleep when its this fucking hot? and my sugar is low so im sweating buckets guh
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oddishfeeling · 1 year
it makes me so sad and frankly enraged to see video after video of ppl saying they cannot mentally emotionally or physically meet the demands of late stage capitalism, that no one makes enough money from one job to eat healthily and to have time to themselves, to survive! that other generations had is so much easier.
it reminds me of my aural reading earlier this week where it showed that my third eye was so active and so potent. that i have the knowledge but i haven’t internalized in into the rest of my chakras, like the other parts of me have to catch up still.
i just get the sense that it’s long been general knowledge throughout the working class that something is deeply deeply wrong. that things are exploitative and unsustainable. i can’t help but feel like we are on the precipice of real meaningful change but i also can’t shake the feeling that we have been on this precipice for some time. the age of aquarius that we’re in is favorable for revolution, that’s what i’ve read anyways.
some days feel more hopeless than others. wars and climate change are not to be taken lightly. people being kicked out of their homes bc of price gouging is not a normal circumstance. it’s inhumane. it’s cruel. its unacceptable.
the internet is like a massive vacuum, a window to one perception of the world, but it’s a massive window. so big people forget that it’s part of the larger world. but i don’t blame ppl for feeling as if this is all there is. our psyches have been hijacked for profit.
but there’s still things worth fighting for in this life. going outside and feeling more like yourself is not something to take for granted. that sun on ur skin or the breeze in ur hair. all the kids and animals who innocently inhabit this world along with us. even having a really good stretch makes life feel worth living lol. think about how good it feels to be close with your loved ones, spending time with them feels rejuvenating and inspiring. kissing, laughing, listening, and creating memories. that’s where hope is! and on the days we do feel hopeful, we have to hold even tighter to it. savor it. immortalize it somewhere time or circumstance can’t touch it. hope is hardly enough on its own but without it there’s no future.
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faszaakisshobbi · 1 year
i apologize for the long rant and any bad wording! it’s really late and i’m hella not processing things.
sometimes i really think she does notice. how can П not notice?? it’s so painstakingly obvious just based on how i change, things i say, actions i take. it’s so easy to see.
and sometimes i also can’t help but think about if she has absolutely any interest back. in any form. she openly favors me over other students, she’ll talk with me after class, compliments me, she’s so much more open around me and laughs a lot more. but i can see her holding back. maybe it’s because there is a tiny spark of anything between us and/or she doesn’t want to seem suspicious. not that she has taken anything too far, really. but she has given me her phone number that she hasn’t given to other students. she’ll give them her google voice or whatever it’s called for emergencies during competitions out of town, but she gave me her NUMBER? willingly?? and i didn’t even ask? and she’s done and said a few other things that taken out of context are a bit odd. after i gave her that valentines card, we’ve gotten a lot closer.
i love her. i can’t contain my love for her and it’s so stupid. you would think after four years things would simmer away, but no. she’s been beyond important to me and i can’t even tell you why. i’m so scared.
i can’t imagine my life without her and i don’t want to. but unless she’ll be bold (which she won’t because she is extremely non-confrontational) i might never see her again after the end of this school year. if it was her expressing that i felt like a daughter to her and she wanted to continue to support me how she could after this year, i would be ecstatic! i don’t want to let her go yet. i’m not ready.
everyone ends up leaving when i need them most. why her? why now?? after all of these years i can’t let her go. i’m really just a kid, why do i have to let her go?
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poison-uwu · 1 year
Does depression posting still count as posting or is that to personal for my fuck~me~senseless~till~i~cant~fucking~walk asthetic? <3
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