don-dake · 8 months
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Guess who has no self-control and ultimately bought Bingo? (No thanks in part to seeing her like this too!)
And now I'm thinking I really should get Bluey as well…seems kind of odd to just have Bingo but not her sis and the titular character of the show?
Who I really like besides Bingo is actually Muffin, but Muffin doesn't seem to be available here (yet?) Hopefully some time down the road soon?
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lickingyellowpaint · 1 year
why's he such a handsome little kissable bunnyboy tho?
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drownedinevents · 7 months
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TWD: Cottage Cheese Pufflets
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crevicedwelling · 5 months
Hi I keep quail too!!! Wanna hear something crazy?? One of my hens actually hatched eggs and raised babies all by herself!! I was absolutely dumbfounded. I've had broody hens before but this gal actually did it! I have many pictures if you're interested
impressive!! I must see these little pufflets
you must have had a very cozy enclosure with lots of hiding spots and plants, right? I offered mine grass and straw and a few of them built nests. Boots sat on eggs for hours at a time but forgot about them after (she would do that wheezy egg call constantly). Sesame the male (Boots’ son… wonder if there’s a genetic basis for that) pair bonded to Maggie in midwinter for some reason and would not leave her side, but she never picked up any natural behaviors.
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saltv2 · 1 month
Dose Nerika lick pufflets with cheese?
I have no idea what that means
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My puffle keeps collecting sandwiches, and growls when I take them away. How do I stop this?
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Hmmm...that's a tricky question without the full picture, nonnie. It depends on a lotta things, really. Maybe your puffle's havin' a growth spurt, and needs extra food for the time being. Maybe they're on their way to having a litter of pufflets, and they're buildin' up strength! Or maybe they already a had a litter and they're using the sandwiches to feed 'em?
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Or it could be a simple explanation: have you fed your puffle penguin food more than ya do puffle food? If that's the case, maybe they ended up liking it more than their usual chow! Most penguin food is safe for puffles to eat, but o-berries and Puffle-O's, wet food, and even seafood like chopped up fish mixed in with their dry kibble is what they should be eating the majority of the time.
I'd say you should keep your puffle on close watch for the time being to make sure they only eat what you give em. Then, when ya feed them you gotta wean em off penguin food. Start by givin' em their usual sandwich with their puffle chow, then slowly give em less sandwiches until they're back to eating their normal meals. After that? Make sure not to go too overboard feeding them your scraps or meals as a treat!
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alienfae · 5 years
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Inktober day 30
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If you are feeling sad today here are some more baby animal names that I found particularly interesting
Baby Guineafowl: Keet
Baby Puffin: Pufflet
Baby Snake: Snakelet
Baby Eel: Leptocephalus (?!?!?)
Baby Oyster: Spat
Baby Urchin: Pluteus (...maximus)
Baby Porcupine: Porcupette 
Baby Sheep: Lambkin (I’m sorry that is so cute)
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allisonandcam · 6 years
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New stickers are listed in the shop here! They won’t make it to you before Christmas, but everyone could use a sticker in January because it’s a garbage month. ❄️
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thesadisticsiren · 6 years
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So i went on a quest... came across a certain @sprixy...
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don-dake · 5 months
冇得出國,可以喺本地感受到香港茶餐廳嘅氣場都唔錯!咁啱表姐同我近排都閒日抽得時間可以一齊出街。尋日下晝就預好一齊去試探先排先發現咗嘅一間港式餐館。亦都可以話係一間 「港式茶餐廳」 喇!雖然本地本來冇 「港式茶餐廳」 嘅文化嘅,但係因為呢幾年都受到香港幾大嘅影響,所以 「港式茶餐廳」 生意嘅發展喺本地越發越大!
而尋日試探嘅茶餐廳呢,就幾唔錯。聽講係由一對香港嚟嘅夫婦開嘅,所以如果要講 「正宗」,呢間就算係夠有 「正宗」 分嘞。裝設氣分方面亦都充滿!
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我覺得室內設計同一間(我喺電視上睇過幾次嘅)正宗舊款香港茶餐廳都有幾分似!而一開門入去就畀80/90年代嘅流行粵曲 「攻擊」 到…唔鍾意80/90年代嘅流行粵曲就話畀 「攻擊」, 鍾意嘅就話係時光倒流畀 「迎接」 返到 「黃金時代」 嘅香港喇!(笑)
我哋去嘅時候咁啱播緊王菲翻唱The Cranberries嘅 《Dreams》,《夢中人》,而非常鍾意呢首歌嘅我就難免忍俊不禁!😺 我哋喺嗰度成個時辰一共聽到…有差唔多七、八首歌咁多吧!我記得有聽到林子祥嘅 《數字人生》,譚詠麟嘅 《Lorelai》,兩首我哋認唔出嘅張學友,同許冠傑嘅歌,仲有一首草蜢歌,都唔知係咩名!(囧) 只認得把聲!(笑) 啊!仲有一首,《暗湧》,我曾經聽過王菲唱過,但係呢次係由一個男嘅唱嘅。邊個就又唔知喇!(笑)
食品又點呢?好難講喎…呢度冇幾多好啲茶餐廳款嘅餐館嚟比較,好難畀個公平啲嘅評論。如果同我以前試過嗰啲所謂 「茶餐廳」 嚟比,呢間就肯定贏過佢哋喇!(笑) 但係係咪香港之外似樣啲嘅其中一間呢…就要有一位喺香港長大嘅人嚟試下做比較先知嘞!(笑)
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試過啲食品有:「天使西多士」,「菠蘿油」,「蛋撻」,「咖哩魚蛋」,同兩杯 「鹹檸蜜」。「矩形狗仔隊」 同 「化骨龍仔隊」 都飲食到好開心喔!(笑)
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後尾過咗晚飯之後又嚟一個 「咖啡時光」!為咗補翻下晝忘記畀魯史迪仔,瑪芬囡囡與龍仔影多啲相,就畀佢哋同咖啡與酥皮泡芙甜品影埋幾張。
忍俊不禁 (🇭🇰🇲🇴 jan² zeon³ bat¹ gam³,🀄 ㄖㄣˇ•ㄐㄩㄣˋ•ㄅㄨˋ•ㄐㄧㄣ)
酥皮泡芙 (🇭🇰🇲🇴 sou¹ pei⁴ paau¹ fu¹,🀄 ㄙㄨ•ㄆㄧˊ•ㄆㄠˋ•ㄈㄨˊ)
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nicoleartist · 7 years
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tiny little pufflets first days of school! what will they learn?
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chouxcocoa · 7 years
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The puff squad in their glory!
Thanks to the original puff creator, rokupou, for these cuties! ♥♥♥
From left to right, top to bottom:
imasmi / me / @ladycarathis
@magickitt / @redfairie / @pom-pom-pomodoro
@thesadisticsiren / @nayawata / @oh-eren-my-eren
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(( Here are some random posts))
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Hey, I wanted to ask if there were any Harry Potter au fics cause I’m a sucker for those and Gallavich I’m that au seems so cute!
Can you guess what houses we’d be in? ⚡️
start by pulling him out of the fire It's bad luck to have one werewolf in the family, especially one who takes off when Fiona is a teenager and never looks back. Two of them though? That's a sign the universe fucking hates you.
story in the fog Mickey doesn't want to go home for the holidays. Ian's family can't afford an extra mouth to feed unless it's absolutely necessary. The only solution? Tell them they're dating.
Heartlines Glimpses into Mickey's life at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
What The Hell Is A Hufflepuff? Mickey gets into Hufflepuff. Five years later, he was still proving just how spectacularly a short-ass Puff could kick a person’s ass.
Mickey's Delightful Gang of Pufflets After getting some disappointing news, Mickey befriends his first of many Gallaghers.
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Official EPF Announcement
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Herbert's inventing skill is quite inferior to Gary T. Gadget Guy's, let alone a newborn pufflet's. He is a fool, who merely got lucky when he broke into this blog and is far too cowardly to do so again. Why, he could not even delete this blog, yet he calls himself a "genius".
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If nothing happens within oh, perhaps twenty minutes or so...I rest my case.
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