#Proposal AU where Mercedes saves the day
vcg73 · 4 years
FREE KURT: Mercedes Style
For the “Free Kurt” story collection organized by @elledelajoie  Work also posted to AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25655086
She stood at the top of the ornate winding staircase at Dalton Academy, flanked by Rachel Berry and Santana Lopez, grinning like a little girl at a parade as she watched Kurt wind through the enormous crowd of friends that Blaine had gathered together to witness the culmination of their love story. A perfect circle moment back to the day they had first met on this very staircase. 
Mercedes sighed wistfully. She couldn’t imagine Sam or Shane ever doing something this big and romantic to woo her.  Kurt was so lucky.
Music swelled around them from the huge choir of voices filling the lobby. Students from McKinley, Dalton, Haverbrook, and even a few from Carmel, blending into a heavenly host of perfect harmony as they serenaded the happy couple. Dancing and smiling, many singers reaching out to touch Kurt in passing, as if the contact would confer a percentage of his good fortune on them.
As Kurt slowly climbed the steps, Blaine approached, unmissable by anyone in the eye-popping, bright yellow suit he had chosen. He was finishing the final verse of his chosen song as he opened a small box and held it out expectantly. Mercedes caught her breath as he began the proposal that he had prepared. Wouldn’t any girl, real or honorary, swoon at such a show, overcome by the opulence and romance of it all?
Moving to the landing where she could have a better view of her best friend’s face, Mercedes smile faltered. For Kurt did not exactly appear to be overwhelmed with joy. He seemed overwhelmed all right, but not in the good way. He looked like he had walked into a party, opened a door, and found himself trapped inside a horror movie.  His face was frozen in a stiff lipped smile that looked more panicked than proud.
She watched his eyes quickly dart around the room, glancing from face to face as if searching for something, before settling back on Blaine. And now that she really looked at them both, didn’t Blaine’s smile seem a little too smug? As if he had no doubt at all that he had come up with something too impressive to turn down. 
But Kurt didn’t look at all like she would have expected on such an occasion. He wasn’t clasping his hands and bouncing on his toes in a giddy display of excitement. His eyes were not squinching up in that cute crinkly way they did when he was delighted. He wasn’t tearing up with emotion the way he did at beautiful romantic scenes in movies. And he was not looking at Blaine the way one would expect a person to look at their Prince Charming when he popped the big question. As if no one in world existed except for the two of them, crowd be damned. 
On the contrary. Mercedes had last seen this look on his face the night her brother - an aspiring gourmet - had proudly presented Kurt with a plate of creamed beef and Brussels sprouts seasoned with candied bacon. Like he was trying his best to look impressed and appreciative so as not to hurt the other person’s feelings, when actually he was trying not to vomit.
Glancing through the crowd, Mercedes looked for support. Did anyone else see what she was seeing? 
Rachel was starry-eyed with delight, practically cooing at every word Blaine spoke. Santana was smiling almost proudly. Kurt’s dad was beaming happily enough. Carole and Finn were . . .  strangely absent from the party. Kurt’s friends were . . . well, all of his closest friends were up here, out of his line of sight. Most of the rest seemed to be Blaine’s friends, or mutual friends from their shared high school life. The crowd below did not include a single friend from New York. Hadn’t Kurt said he’d joined a show choir out there? And what about that Vogue lady he was always gushing about? She had certainly sounded like the kind of person who would love to be part of an event like this. Surely if Blaine had invited everyone they knew in Ohio, he would have thought to ask people from Kurt’s new life too. He would want this to be special and memorable for both of them.
Wouldn’t he?
Mercedes frowned as she suddenly remembered the guy in New York. A new boyfriend that Kurt had posted about on his Facebook page. Someone he had seemed to be really into just a week or two ago, and who had evidently been just as much into him. Why did she not know when or how the two of them had broken up? Had Kurt been cheated on again, and come back to Blaine as a rebound? It would be like him not to advertise if that were the case. Especially with how few people had supported him the last time. When Blaine had cheated.
A cold feeling passed through Mercedes, dispelling the last of her previous romantic haze.
Had Kurt and his new beau simply drifted apart and Kurt had turned back to the familiarity of his old life, to someone familiar? Whatever the reason, it couldn’t have happened more than ten days ago.  
Guilt suffused her as she realized that she had been paying so little attention to her supposed ‘best friend’ over the months since he had moved away that she wasn’t even sure of the NYADA guy’s name. Alex? Andrew? Definitely something with an ‘A’.  Well, whatever his name was, wasn’t it a bit soon to be back with his ex after breaking up with the guy? Never mind getting engaged.
She looked at Rachel Berry again, recalling the disastrous near marriage of Rachel and Finn. Too much, too soon, too young, too impulsive. They had taken a few steps down the runway of life and fallen on their faces.
Was Kurt any more ready for such a big step?  He was a lot more mature than Finn, sure - Where the hell was Finn? The boy should be here for his brother’s big day! - but he was still barely 19 years old, and still in his first year of college. And Blaine was younger even than that. 
Kurt was the one who had always had glittering dreams of moving to the big city, going to college and earning a B.A. and possibly an eventual Master’s Degree in Performing Arts, followed by a brilliant career on stage and screen. He was the boy who had outlined his steps for achieving those dreams in painstaking (one might say obsessive) detail, using graphs, charts, white boards, sketches, spreadsheets, and anything else he could think of. She had always teased him about being as OCD as Miss Pillsbury, but secretly she had admired his drive and determination, his surety that he was good enough and worthy enough to one day achieve all of his dreams. 
Somehow all of that had started to fade when he became Blaine’s boyfriend and Rachel’s bestie.  
Mercedes had learned to like Rachel well enough over the years, but the girl did have a way of taking over other people’s plans and replacing them with her own, hammering away at them until they started to believe that they had wanted whatever she wanted all along. Had Kurt been so affected by living with Rachel that he had lost sight of his self esteem and personal plans for the future? Had Blaine only reinforced that? Sometimes those two were so much alike that Mercedes was tempted to sneak a DNA sample and find out if they were twins who had been separated at birth!
One of the things that had first drawn her to Kurt  was his flat-out refusal to let the people who were out to push him down and squash his ambition win. His native courage and endless passion, daring to dream of a bright future no matter what anyone said, had lit a fire under her own. He had been there for her every time she needed a friend. And when he had mis-stepped or taken the wrong road in their journey together, he had always been quick to apologize and genuine in making amends for any hurt he had caused her.
And how had she repaid that giving spirit? By repeatedly trying to push him down the path that she wanted to follow, dismissing his own concerns as trivial because she knew what was best. 
She had insisted that Kurt take his grieving heart to her church when his father was sick, that he follow her path to comfort, never once thinking that he might not be receiving any comfort himself. It was her own mother who, afterward, had pointed out that Kurt might have been too afraid of losing his best friend to say no. Mama had scolded her thoroughly for being so concerned with Kurt’s soul that she had never considered his mental and physical needs, never asked if Kurt wanted to stay over, or offered to have the Jones’s look after him while his only family was unavailable, or even just sat him down and let him talk, cry, or share the solace of an unbending embrace to keep him together when his world was falling apart. 
Instead she had forced him to walk her path and then patted herself on the back for a job well done and walked away. 
The following year, she had all but stopped talking to Kurt when he went away for those six months at Dalton. A coffee date or meal out with other friends once every couple of months did not begin to compare with their former joined-at-the-hip habits. She had actually resented him on some level for making his escape and leaving her behind. And it still made her burn with shame that she had never even noticed he was being bullied that badly in the first place. 
When Kurt came back to McKinley, things had been good for a while. More like the old days. But she had not liked his new friendship with Rachel, or having his boyfriend around all the time once Blaine transferred, feeling as if she had been replaced. When she had decided to form the Trouble Tones, Kurt had not given her grief or displayed any resentment over not being invited to go with her. He was the only guy in New Directions to get even less solo attention than she did, but she had lumped him in with all the others and turned her back. Where had her best friend loyalty, honorary girl solidarity to Kurt been then?
All of these thoughts flashed through Mercedes’ brain while Blaine spoke the last few words of his proposal. 
It hit her like lightning as Kurt drew in a deep breath to reply. Kurt had told her, Santana, and Rachel that he believed this moment was going to happen before he went home. Not ‘back to school’ or ‘back to New York’. Home. Ohio was not home to him any longer, and Blaine - the same Blaine who had wasted almost no time in casually cheating on Kurt once he left town and then somehow got the entire glee club to sympathize with him over doing so, blaming Kurt for his own betrayal  - was trying to drag Kurt back into the past by disguising it as a bright and shiny future full of love and devotion. Blaine would not stand by his promises, he would not remain faithful and loving, he would never sacrifice anything he wanted, and he would never stop expecting to be taken care of by a partner as he had been by his parents.
Blaine, like Rachel, was an immature child who would always want and expect to get their own way. Mercedes liked the guy, he was very easy to get along with, but she knew in her heart that he could not be the mature, devoted, loving, and equal partner that Kurt deserved. 
And deep down, Kurt knew it too.
That was why he looked so miserable. He did not want this. He had told them as much during their sleepover, but they had dismissed his concern as being dramatic. Kurt had been looking for a way out, for permission to do what his heart was telling him was right. He needed to be told that it was not an unforgivable sin to let people down for the sake his own happiness. He wanted to know it was okay to let his old relationship die and be buried in the past where it belonged. 
That was Kurt’s greatest flaw, and Mercedes recognized it because she shared it. Kurt was instinctively afraid to offend, afraid that those he cared about would not support or stand with him if he bucked their expectations, and in spite of a brave face, not secure enough in his own self worth to risk driving away loved ones. He was afraid to say ‘No’.
And no one else had even noticed. God, maybe he was right to be afraid!  Not being good enough was a fear that Mercedes had struggled with all her life, but unlike Kurt she had both of her parents, two siblings, and a lot of friends from different areas of life to fall back on when self doubt got the better of her. Who did Kurt have?
“You’ve got me, baby.”
She had not intended to speak the words, but they rang out loud and clear in the sudden silence between Blaine’s proposal and Kurt’s pending reply.
Everyone looked up at her, confused. Blaine was shocked and annoyed, probably justifiable given her interruption of his big moment. Kurt was startled but . . . hopeful.
It was the hope in those big baby blues that solidified Mercedes’ courage. Kurt Hummel was her best friend and it was time she showed him that she still had his back.
Walking down the steps, her heart pounded at the sheer audacity of what she was doing. “If this was a wedding, someone would be asking if there was any objection,” she said, smiling winsomely then dropping it when nobody else joined in the joke. Okay then. Serious it was. She took a deep breath. “Well, this isn’t a wedding, but I know that I’d be a terrible friend if I didn’t speak my mind and tell you, Kurt, that I hope you do the right thing and say no.”
Gasps of mingled horror and salacious interest came from all over the room. 
“I should have said that when you asked me yesterday what I thought about your suspicion that Blaine intended to propose before you went back to New York. I let myself get caught up in the romance of it all, but that wasn’t right. Because this isn’t some fairy tale of soul-mates and happy-ever-after. This is your life and your happiness, and those things matter. You matter.”
Mercedes was not sure what she had said to cause such a reaction, but Kurt suddenly jerked like he’d just awakened from a dream. He looked down at his dad, who had taken a couple of steps forward. She had spoken quickly, afraid that she would be interrupted but now, instead of looking annoyed, Burt Hummel looked ashamed of himself. His round cheeks had flushed red and he was looking at his son with apologetic eyes.
Following up this curious advantage, Mercedes continued. “Back in high school, you two were everybody’s romantic dream. Getting with Blaine was kind of your big win after all the bad things you’d been through. I thought getting married to him would be a reward for holding out and staying strong, even after he broke your heart. But that’s really stupid.”
She held out her hand, smiling when Kurt accepted it without thought. 
“This ain’t high school anymore. You’ve moved forward and started a new life with a great job, a lot of nice sounding friends, and living in the city of your dreams. You’re only on Book One, Appendix Seven of the ‘Hummel Guidebook to a Happy and Successful Life’ and I know how you feel about people who skip to the end before reading the whole thing.”
Everyone else looked even more baffled by the latter comment, but Kurt actually laughed, dashing away a sheen of tears that had sprung to his eyes with his free hand.
“You’re not even in your twenties yet, baby,” she said softly, pleading with her eyes for him to listen and understand. “This was your first relationship, and it hasn’t even been a very smooth one. Do you really want to marry someone you’ve barely even started dating again? When none of your old problems ever got worked out? How do you know he won’t lie to you again, or cheat on you again? Kurt, you deserve better than that. You once told me after a guy broke my heart that I had to be strong for myself, to respect and love myself enough to make the hard choices, because you wanted me to be happy.”
With an audible sniffle, Kurt dashed away more tears and nodded. “You deserve that.”
“And so do you. I want that for you. I want you to have a great life and get moving on the future of your dreams. I want you and I to meet up for tea and pastries in some fancy New York patisserie when we’re 80, to look back on our free and fabulous twenties, and laugh at what brave foolish kids we were. I want you to find a real, true, grown up kind of love when the time is right. Some great guy who will enjoy all the good times with you, but never let you down during the hard ones. Can you honestly say that you’re gonna find that with Blaine?”
At the sound of his name, Blaine seemed to snap out of the trance of shock he had fallen into and he moved up a step, turning his flushed face and angry eyes toward Kurt. “You aren’t going to listen to this, are you? This isn’t any of her business, and we ...”
“It is her business,” Kurt interrupted, shoulders straightening as his formerly wilted posture firmed. His voice sounded stronger and more certain than Mercedes had heard it in months. “Because she’s right. I jumped back into this relationship because I was afraid of not being good enough for anyone. Not worth taking a real chance on with somebody new. I’m sorry, Blaine, that my own issues caused me to lead you on and make you think I wanted this. I don’t. On the way over here my dad said I looked like I was going to my own funeral. That isn’t how anyone is supposed to feel when they know they have a proposal coming.”
He took the ring box from Blaine’s hand and snapped it shut, putting it back in his palm and pushing both away from him. He leaned down and hugged the flummoxed teenager with sincere warmth.
“Thank you for such a beautiful proposal, Blaine, but my answer is no. I won’t marry you. I hope we can go back to being friends one day, but I’ll understand if that’s not possible.”
Blaine was gaping like a landed fish, unable to argue with the unusual degree of certainty in Kurt’s eyes and voice. “You’re really dumping me?” he said in a small voice. “Right here in front of everyone?”
Seeing Kurt’s face flush, Mercedes cut in again. “It’s the risk you take when you invite everyone you know to see you propose.” Her eyes narrowed. “Everyone except most of your would-be groom’s family. Did you even ask Finn and his mom?”
That question sparked a reaction in Burt Hummel, who looked startled, as if he had not even realized until she asked the question that he was the only family member present. He looked at Kurt again, and this time he spoke up. 
“She’s right, about everything she said. I feel like finding my favorite socket wrench and whacking myself upside the head to see if it’ll jump start my stupid brain. You asked me what I said when Blaine asked for my permission to do this and I refused to tell you. I shouldn’t have done that, Kurt, and I’m sorry. I said no. That I thought the two of you were too young and had too much ahead of you to make a life changing decision like that. I said that if you were really right for each other, then your relationship would only get stronger with time.” He glared at Blaine. “Though it sounds to me now like it was pretty much built on sand to begin with.”
Mercedes advanced on the startled Blaine. “And what about Kurt’s friends in New York? Did you try to contact any of them? Or did you only want people who would be on your side, to pressure him into saying yes?” 
Poking a finger into the lapel of that garish mustard yellow suit she sailed on. 
“You do that a lot from what I’ve heard. Go behind Kurt’s back to try and get other people to guilt him into doing whatever you want, without a thought as to whether or not it would hurt him. Well, honey, that ends right now. You got your answer, so now it’s time for you to move on. And you can just take me off your Facebook friends list when you leave here too. I’ve chosen my side.” Smiling at Kurt, she held out her elbow. “Come on, baby. Let me hop a ride out to the airport with you and your dad, and he can drop me off home on the way back. I didn’t bring my car.”
Looping his elbow through hers, Kurt held his head high as he was escorted down the wide staircase. He smiled and held out his free arm to his proudly watching father, who straightened his weather baseball cap and accepted the gesture. 
“I feel like we oughtta be singing ‘We’re Off to See the Wizard,” Burt quipped as the three marched past the throng of shocked, and surprisingly admiring in many cases, guests and toward the huge double entry doors of Dalton Academy.
Kurt laughed a little, “I guess that makes me the Tin Man, because I’ve been afraid to trust my heart for a long time.”
"And I’m the Scarecrow,” Burt snorted. “Definitely no brains here.”
“Does that mean I’m Dorothy?” Mercedes asked, grinning at the light banter as they made it outside and over to Burt’s truck.
Kurt let go of their arms, then turned to give his friend a long heartfelt hug. “No,” he said, his voice husky with emotion. “You’re the Wizard. You showed me that I’ve had what I needed all along. Thank you, Mercedes. For keeping me from making the biggest mistake of my life.”
She hugged him back tightly. “I’m sorry I didn’t speak up sooner. You and I both have a problem with going along to get along and we really need to work on that. I’ve just been thinking that it’s time to let go of the past and fully embrace the unknown future, even when it’s a little scary.” She stepped out of the embrace but continued to hold his hand, squeezing it for emphasis as she added, “But at the same time, maybe we need to get back to the fierce divas we both were at 16. I liked those two, and I miss ‘em.”
He nodded. “Me too. That me never would have thought so little of himself that he’d almost agree to marry someone that didn’t respect him.”
“No,” she said, “And he would have flat-out died at the thought of spending his life with someone who dressed like a walking condiment bar.”
Finally, Kurt laughed outright and his father joined in, nodding ruefully. 
“I love you, Mercedes.”
“I love you too, Kurt. Now, let’s get going and you can tell me what happened with that other guy you were so excited about. Aaron?”
“Adam,” he said. He looked rather guilty. “He said he didn’t want to be my rebound but that he wanted us to be a couple. I told him I needed more time before I started anything serious with a new guy. He said he understood. He backed off and I think I panicked. I thought that meant he was okay with cooling things off and maybe I didn’t really mean anything to him after all.”
At this admission, Burt groaned and dragged a hand over his face. “And that’s why you let your heart melt when Blaine came panting back up and started humping your leg.”
Burt raised an eyebrow. “I call it like I see it, kid. And the last ten minutes have opened my eyes to a lot of things. Like, you’ve been put down and pushed out so many times that you don’t even know what a good relationship is supposed to look like anymore. When you get back to New York, I want you to go online and find a good therapist. A real one this time, not some hack school counselor who tries to push their own romantic failures off on you.”
“You know about that?”
“You told Finn. He’s got a big heart and a bigger mouth. And he doesn’t approve of the way Blaine treats you. That should have occurred to me when I didn’t see him in there. I’m real sorry for that, son. You weren’t the only person trying to recapture their past, it seems.” Burt sighed. “Anyway, about that therapist. Find someone you can be comfortable talking about all the crap you’ve been through and let them get your head on straight. I wouldn’t start dating anyone else seriously until you’ve had a few sessions of that. And don’t worry about the money. I put your mom’s life insurance payout in a Trust for you and it’ll mature when you hit your next birthday. I’ll pay for it until then. Just send me the details and I’ll set up a direct deposit for you.”
Kurt looked stunned. “Dad, that’s . . . are you sure?”
The fact that he did not argue that he didn’t need such a thing told his father all he needed to know. “I’m sure. Consider it my apology for being such a myopic ass these last couple of years.”
“You weren’t...”
“I was,” Burt said bluntly. “Take the offer.”
Mercedes gave her friend’s arm a squeeze. “It’s a good idea, but I also want you to know that you can talk to me anytime you want, about anything. This time I promise I’ll listen to what you have to say.”
“Ditto,” he replied, clearly a little overwhelmed by the sudden turnaround his life had just taken. Checking his watch, Kurt said, “We’d better get going. That detour took up most of my pre-flight check in time and I don’t want to miss the plane.”
Burt just nodded, pulling out his keys and heading for the driver’s seat. He had said what he needed to and looked a little relieved to get back to business.
Mercedes climbed into the back seat and was a little surprised, though pleased, when Kurt joined her instead of taking the seat next to his father. “We can catch up a little more,” he said, buckling himself in. “I want to hear more about what’s going on in Los Angeles.”
As she began filling the silence with a dramatic play by play of life as an aspiring recording artist, Mercedes could see the tension leeching out of Kurt. He looked relaxed for the first time since he’d come back to Ohio, his mind at ease, and she felt proud that she had been instrumental in bringing about that expression of peace. She hadn’t been a very good friend of late, but it filled her own heart with healing joy to know that it was not too late.
They were right where they needed to be.
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aftg-keremy-week · 2 years
Keremy Fic Rec: the world better prepare
Title: the world better prepare ('cause i'm a billionaire)
Author: vertigo
Word Count: 18,265
Rating: T+
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Other Relationships: Jeremy & Jean Friendship, Jeremy & Andrew/Neil Friendship, Jeremy & Ichiru Friendship
Tags: Pro Exy AU, Rich Jeremy Knox, Romantic Fluff, Terrible Date Decisions, Unhelpful Friends, Wooing, Gentle Kissing, Mentions of Miscarriage, Minor Angst
AO3 Summary
"Listen, every big family has a team: Jerry Jones has the Cowboys, Mark Walter has the Dodgers, Steve Ballmer has the Clippers…. They're all your friends! Hell, even the Moriyamas have a team and they are like what? Worth half of our net worth? Less?" Jeremy says with a brilliant smile. This is the moment he's been waiting for all his life, that's why he never asked for a pony, or a house in the Alps, or even anything more expensive than a Mercedes-Benz. Throughout all of his life he's been saving in birthday gifts for this exact moment. "The Washington Braves are on sale. I want them for my big quarter birthday, pops. Please."
Why Read It?
Goodness me, where do I begin? Jeremy is sunshine-flavored soda pop in this fic. He's bouncy and sweet and earnest and it's fucking adorable. Then you have my DARLING Kevin, who comes off brusk to begin with, but it's only because he cares.
What really stands out in this fic to me (your humble recommender), though, is Jeremy's relationships with the people around him. We get to see glimpses of his relationships with his friends and family, and it's just so goddamn darling. Jeremy learns and grows throughout this fic and it will fill you, my dear reader, with a bit of Jeremy's inherent sunshine.
Also, I would like to propose an alternate title to this fic: The Wooing of Kevin Day. Because oh my GOODNESS those dates. I die. I die a thousand brilliant deaths.
Please, dear reader, go read and enjoy.
Keremy Week 2022 | May 8-14
Prompt List
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valatheapprentice · 3 years
Random main 6 head cannons because I can?
(My first set of these. Shoukd I do more? Open for suggestions)
You know people who have no chill? He's the opposite. He stole their chill. Just don't get sick or arrested and he'd be aight.
Until you get sick. Ptsd of the plague will make him so on edge. You both will need to talk about it since you don't remember it and don't want there to be tension
We all knew this, but snake sweaters and little hats
He has a specific tea for gossiping. Nothing magically relevant, just he likes the feeling he gets. Maybe hibiscus and skullcap? Idk ill look at my herbs and think on it
He likes to put temporary/semi permanent color in his hair. Just a couple face framing strands. Maybe on holidays or birthdays or big events
Eats healthy, but his weakness is soda. Loves the carbonation
Normally will not say no to you if you want something. If he does, you might change his mind through looking at him in a certain way. Or a blowjob
Unpopular opinion: the man is a switch! He has an extremely stressful job. He has days he has to keep it all together and have control of everything and other people. Then he may wanna bottom. There will be days nothing seems to work out and he feels out of control. He may wanna top then.
Has a vague belief system. Since "dating" asra, he realized that magick was real and I have no doubt he tagged along in at least one holiday ritual. He may not be any more than letting whoever is out there, look over MC. He may want to learn more if you are heavily into it
Bitters and butter pecan ice cream for breakfast? You're darn tootin
Malak will steal your food. Jules may not care until you're in a screaming match with a bird. He may find it so freaking cute though.
He pops so much melatonin pills to sleep, please make the man something lavender to drink. He would also have a weighted blanket. Cuddles help wonderfully, but humans are not blankets. Whether he has a heated stuffed animal is up to your imagination. Long story short, its a cute ass sight
I think she doesn't have a faith system. She celebrates whatever vesuvias main holidays are for public appearances. But I truly think she may be atheist. The way she felt about family growing up, her husband being the way he was, and whatever else we don't know about? Idk. He heart can change towards people but I dont think she has any faith.
Make the woman lavender and honey cupcakes for her birthday
On her period, she will eat a certain strawberry ice cream and watch Mulan on repeat while in fuzzy pj's.
Modern au nadia. I think her favorite music comes from the Civil wars. No idea why I thought that but im sticking with it
If single, I think she'd use tinder on particularly lonely nights. Not often, but once in a while
Wanna see her blush, surprise her. Especially in public. Confess your love in a restaurant. Whisper what you want her to do to you in a meeting. Send a nude when she's out. Show up at dinner with a gift or 9. Surprises are her weakness
I don't think he would ever think of marriage unless you brought it up. Like if your waiting for him to propose on his own? Hope yall live forever bc he is just content just having you with him. Even if you have kids, he'd be so happy. If you want to get married, honestly, I think he'd be proposed to instead.
Put pants on the chickens and wait. When they run he will die of laughter
He clenches his teeth. Ptsd and stress still gets to him. He gets random jaw pains on particularly bad nights. He tries to bite the inside on his cheeks but he really needs some guided meditation
If you get him into condiments, he will use so much, its ungodly. I think he'd like mustard the most
It gets boring in the woods. And he rarely says no to you. Please try out different funky hairstyles on him. Itll be a huge laugh and we love a laughing muriel in this household
Everyday, he leaves you a note when he wakes up before you. Mostly saying he's out doing chores and he loves you. Sometimes it will be so much more emotional. He will blush of he finds out you saved all of them
Wears workout pants and stained oversized t shirts to bed. And honestly, same
Messy artist. She does her job and everything else in the house so cleanly, but he will get paint in her hair or a rhinestone behind her elbow when it comes to crafts.
Thrift shop queen.
She has an eclectic arrangement of home decor in the cottage. Theres no theme but cute things
She loves setting up scavenger hunts for you and jules. You each take turn being the organizer. Whoever of the two (or three if hes with someone) hunting finishes last, pays for dinner.
You'd think she'd be god tier gift wrapper, but no. You see. She likes getting drunk with jules and having a contest on whos the best gift wrapper drunk. Their both horrible but we don't say anything or risk the spoon
Acts like a princess, but has a super high chill to horror or action stuff. During a jump scare, he will gasp, cuss, and laugh at himself
While redeeming himself, he will battle his demons until the day he does for real. Anger and a thirst for power will always be a think with him so I see him taking up martial arts to release some of it
Hes dumb in the way he doesn't think through everything. He is wicked smart in the way that he can assess a room or person almost immediately. Being a mercenary really helped with deduction and quick assessing for survival
Which is why I dont think there would be as many fights as one might think. He does dumb shit. But immediately sees in you where he fucked up and tries to fix it.
He will 10000% help you dress up camio, Mercedes, and melchior. They will hate you both until its time to be fed
Favorite food is fair food. Get him the meaty cheese fries and watch him melt faster than the cheese did
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witchkings · 4 years
The Chaining of Melkor Reloaded
For @eol who’s been asking for morosexual!Mairon for forever and who also came up with this fun modern AU scenario. Hope you enjoy!
Mairon liked to lie which was probably why he was such an outstanding lawyer. He lied to the money-thick, disgusting men whose tax fraud cases he represented in telling them that they would go back to their life of luxury soon. He lied to their wives when they asked him whether he knew of any affairs their husbands might pursue in telling them that no, of course not, he was loyal. He lied to the Starbucks barista ever so often, claiming they had gotten his order wrong so they would give him a refund.
But most of all, Mairon lied to himself. He told himself that being a junior partner in his firm was enough, that he did not have to make it as a state attorney, that he did not want to be a full partner or, better yet, have his own firm. He told himself he didn’t miss his family who lived across the ocean, miss the gloomily luminous charm of England and his endless number of siblings whom he had left to turn his long-distance relationship into one where the only separating space was that between the two mattresses on their California King size because Melkor hadn’t yet gotten around to ordering a single big one. The list went on.
The biggest lie Mairon told himself frequently was this: he was not attracted by stupidity, on the contrary, he dated a man of vast intelligence and many a notable achievement. Melkor’s pretty face was merely a bonus. It was a precarious construction, teetering and nearly brought down in instances when Melkor couldn’t name the current president, managed to wedge himself in between the car and the garage door again, or confused their for there for they’re for the umpteenth time, but he always made up for it. Melkor had an important job as the CEO of a real estate firm, he was as rich as they got without going into politics and participating in lobbyism. Melkor owned a whole library of books on various topics. Melkor was a man of standard and intellect and Mairon would not let himself be told any differently.
That was until he got back from the office one night, it was a Wednesday, he would later recall, the anniversary of their first chat on Facebook, to find a patrol car on the curb in front of their house. A lanky cop leaned against it, munching on a hamburger.
“Good evening,” Mairon said, putting on his pleasant voice. The one that hooked him his clients. “Can I help you, officer?”
“Finally, we could not reach your phone, mobile or office, and I’ve been waiting for you to get home,” the officer replied, crumbs flying. “This is about your client.”
“What client?” Mairon asked. He had been in a conference, that much was true, his phone still in flight mode, but if any client of his had done something that would involve the police needing to approach Mairon, they would have come to the office, surely.
“Mr. ah,” the cop stopped and consulted a wrinkly piece of paper in his breast pocket. “Mr. Melkor Bauglir. We’ve arrested him for vehicular manslaughter. Apparently, he was, and I quote, ‘not sure how to put in the reverse gear on his car and had to exit his parking spot by driving across the sidewalk’. He apparently lost control of the vehicle when a dog jumped in front of it, hit the brakes and swerved to the right where he ran the car into a construction side, causing the death of one and serious injury of four other construction workers.”
Mairon blinked. Then he brushed past the cop and went into their shared house without a word of reply. This was all just a silly dream, he told himself as he uncorked the wine he had saved for a particularly fine evening. Horrifying would do too. Just a dream.
 “You really had to go ahead and kill someone,” Mairon said in place of a greeting as he sat down on the panic-red plastic chair in front of the thick glass and picked up the receiver. He tried not to think about how many people had vented their frustration into it before him and how much of the subsequent spittle still crusted its edges. Melkor sat on the other side, his orange inmate overall clashing violently with his pallor so that he looked a little like he had a mild case of jaundice. His black hair hung in streaks down his front, his mouth was thin, lips nearly invisible. It had been three days since the cop had approached Mairon, and he had refused to see Melkor in that time, had only yielded because his boyfriend had sounded so hollow and miserable over the phone and because the house seemed too empty without him. “You look like hell.”
“Of course, I look like hell, I’m stuck in a dumpster,” Melkor muttered, eyes narrowed.
“It’s your own fault,” Mairon supplied, and when that got him no answer, he dropped his voice to a whisper. “Look, they won’t let you out on bail. Apparently, the construction site belonged to the city so they’re going to sue the living daylight out of you and plead for a lifelong sentence.”
“No big deal.” Melkor swatted at the air as if to make away with the charges like with a nasty mosquito.
“Quite the big deal, if you ask me,” Mairon grated, teeth pressed together. He had to be back in the office in twenty minutes and Melkor didn’t even seem concerned.
“I’m sure you’ll manage to free me of all charges. Perks of having an up and coming lawyer for your boyfriend.”
“Melkor, listen to me,” Mairon said, leaning forward, He pressed his forefinger into the glass. “I cannot take your case, our relationship forbids it.”
“But if we’re not married-“
“Doesn’t matter, if they get a whiff of our relationship, it may discredit my whole case and you’ll truly be stuck. I can’t represent you, love, I’m sorry.”
That got Melkor to finally sit straight. Panic poured through the line as he spoke, and it twisted the knot in Mairon’s throat.
“But, but. I can’t stay here. You have to get me out. Don’t you know someone? Anyone? Mairon, do something,” Melkor shrieked, jumping up. In an instant, three guards were on him, restraining him and he was dragged out of sight before there was a chance to reply.  
Mairon rolled his eyes and slammed the phone back into its hanging, blood boiling. He strode out of the visitor’s room and left the prison behind, fuming with rage and frustration and underneath those layers, a spark that blossomed in the depths of his belly.
“What a moron,” he muttered as he slid into the driver’s seat of his Mercedes. “What an utter moron.”
 Mairon took a deep, shaky inhale to steady himself. He stood before the polished door of his colleague’s office space, not a junior partner yet, but surely on his way, and knocked.
“Come in,” came the smooth reply, and Mairon pushed it open, forcing his facial muscles to relax, thought of how funny it had been when Melkor had meant to replace the toilet seat in the guest bathroom and had accidentally pulled the whole thing out of the wall. Somehow, it didn’t get the job done though. Mairon’s mood only soured further. “Mairon, pal, sit, sit. Have a good lunch?”
Angmar sat in his high-backed chair, a ridiculous expense, his fingertips stapled together in front of his face. His hair was combed back, and his beard neatly trimmed. He smelled like burnt tea.
“Ah, you know how sensible my stomach can be, I’m afraid I had to revert back to grilled cheese,” Mairon lied in reply. Considering the whole debacle at the prison, he hadn’t had the chance to eat at all and his intestines were screaming with abandonment.
“Good old grilled cheese, a national symbol if ever I’ve seen one. I myself had two orders of California Rolls from the best sushi place in town, you know the one. But anyway, look at me, blabbing on. Back to work now, ain’t it? What can I do for you my friend?” Angmar grinned, exposing a set of pearly whites with one gold tooth to the upper left. Mairon remembered that evening, though he would have preferred not to. He cleared his throat, thinking it might be best to get to the point.
“Melkor managed to get himself into jail,” Mairon began and watched the shock unfold on Angmar’s face with slight impatience. “Vehicular manslaughter, destruction of property, mayhem, and a couple minor charges. No bail accepted, and I can’t defend his case.”
Angmar’s eyebrows rose. Then he burst out into hollering laughter.
“Please, Angmar, I know it sounds funny, but this is my boyfriend we’re talking about,” Mairon said calmly, though his insides were fuming. Then, he remembered Angmar’s weakness for a good love story, and put on the teary face. “And it was an accident, I mean. He would never actually want to hurt anyone.” Not something Mairon was confident in. “And we had meant to go on this big vacation and I think perhaps he wanted to propose and now he’s in prison, I can’t believe it.” Mairon sobbed, burying his face in his hands. If this didn’t get Angmar, then he would have to butter on the praise. But the laughter died instantly.
“Geez, I’m so sorry, Mairon, that’s truly horrible. How can I help?”
“Take his case. You’re the only chance I have.” He peered out between his fingers. Angmar was tapping his lips with a pencil, staring at the ceiling. “He’s very rich,” Mairon added.
“Consider it done,” Angmar said. He patted Mairon’s shoulder over the desk.
 “We’ll find another way,” Mairon said, reaching out over the sterile plastic table he and Melkor occupied. Now that Melkor was a permanent resident of the facility and had distinguished himself through well-adjusted behavior – meaning he rarely did anything, ever – they got to meet without the glass between them. Hand-holding was the absolute maximum though, and Melkor’s skin was dry, full of tiny rashes when Mairon touched it. Melkor stared down at their hands, his gaze glazed over.
“I’ll rot in here.” And Melkor had every right to claim that. Angmar had done a fantastic job, but the city had had too many of its own pawns in the game, and there had never been a chance.  Melkor would lose half of his fortune, would have to serve a reduced sentence of seven years and have to do civic work for another three. It was better than life-long, but Mairon would not stand it.
“No, you won’t,” Mairon promised. “We’ll find another way.”
He twisted his hand so the folded in Swiss pocket knife he had bought that morning pressed into Melkor’s hand. Melkor’s brow furrowed, then he pulled back his hand with the tool and brought it close to his face to inspect it. It lit up like a Christmas tree.
“Quick, hide it,” Mairon hissed, but too late. As Melkor flipped the thing open, blade gleaming in the harsh fluorescent light, a guard stormed towards them, gun at Melkor’s temple before anyone else could realize what was happening.
“DROP THE KNIFE INMATE,” the guard screamed, spittle flying. Melkor complied.
“Sorry,” he said to Mairon with a small, apologetic smile. Mairon pinched the bridge of his nose. Moments later, Melkor was gone from the room and an escort was sent to take Mairon out of the prison.
He was barred from visits for the next three months, and that memory of Melkor’s skin against his, the soft plains of his awed expression as he had realized Mairon’s plans were all he had to cling to, all that kept him company at night when he was doomed to fulfill his own aching desires.
 Without volition on Mairon’s part nor with active awareness on Melkor’s, it got to be a pattern.
Mairon slipped Melkor a written note on the security systems which he had procured after dissolving into tears at his colleague’s Gothmog’s desk who had worked a case to do with an escaped inmate once. Gothmog had let Mairon review the file under the guise of research for a new client and Mairon had jotted down the most vital points so that Melkor could work on an escape plan with all the free time he had. Melkor mistook the note for trash and discarded of it in the visitation room’s bin.
Then, he sent large sums of money onto Melkor’s prison bank account so he could buy some of the guards’ favors and Melkor used it all on communal bathroom slippers and toothpaste because his got stolen so frequently, he needed new ones by the day. If he had been any more inclined towards intentional violence, Melkor could have reigned that place, but all his aggressions were accidental. He had a lot more enemies than friends in that place. In general, now that Mairon thought about it.
Later, Mairon brought candy spiked with narcotics for Melkor to distribute amongst the guards and slip out of the prison in the ensuing disruption, but Melkor forgot about the contents. He ate the whole bag himself which meant Mairon received a call at three in the morning informing him that Melkor had fallen into a coma and was unlikely to ever wake up again. He did, eventually, but Mairon was careful to change tactics.  
He dug up shady details about other inmates’ lives so Melkor could blackmail them into helping him organize an escape plan or a riot or really anything that would provide an opportunity for Melkor to get out. In true fashion, Melkor mixed up the inmate’s names and, rather than threatening anyone, insulted a lot of people which resulted in him becoming the victim of a planned attack. No pudding for a whole week.
The list went on and on, and every night that Mairon went to bed alone, jerked off under angry tears and cursed the day he had clicked on Melkor’s profile, a part of him died.
 “I’ve had enough of this,” Mairon announced once upon a visit. His nose was red and runny from the biting cold outside and the first snow had fallen the prior weekend, an emissary of the loneliest holidays he would ever celebrate. He had half a mind to go back to England, just for Christmas, but he couldn’t well leave Melkor here to rot on his own. No, he was devoted and not at all happy about it.
“Enough of what?” Melkor asked. He looked the same as he always did, orange cloth in constant warfare with his taint, his hair open, greasy, now down to his waistline. The prison hairdresser only dropped in once every six months. Their hands lay on the table, twined together, no space between them and it felt to Mairon like he was stranded in a desert, half dead from thirst and only given drops of sea water to drink. He needed to feel Melkor’s mouth, his face, his chest, his cock which no dildo had yet been able to replace. He needed for this nightmare to be over and for Melkor to come home, abandoned though it was as Mairon spent almost all day at work or at various begrudging friends’ houses so he wouldn’t be alone.
“Enough of waking up to a cold mattress beside me, enough of cooking too much because I forget I’m by myself now, enough of fingering myself in the bathtub pretending you’re with me.”
A guard near them cleared his throat noisily.
“I have apologized extensively,” Melkor said, shrugging. “Believe me, if I could, I would bend you over this very table and have my way, but alas. Rules.”
The guard spluttered, but Mairon ignored him.
“There might be a way. Ever heard of a conjugal visit?”
“A what now?”
Mairon explained it patiently, thinking himself clever, and accentuated this whole idea with a sheet of paper he pulled out of his bag. Melkor’s expression darkened, his eyes stormy-wild, his mouth set.
“What is that?” he growled.
“Paperwork. I’ll have the guard lend us a pen and we can seal it right here and now.”
“That’s the worst proposal ever,” Melkor muttered and retracted the hand that was holding Mairon’s to cross his arms over his chest.
“It’s the only one either of us is going to get in the next five years or so. At best. Face it, Melkor, you ruined any prospects of a proper wedding with your accident.” Mairon leaned back, tapping the paper with a nail. “If we sign this, at least we get to fuck ever so often.”
“Sorry?” Mairon smiled, thinking of a hundred different ways he wanted to make Melkor sign the papers already. He had been patient, clever, smart, loving, supportive. He had not left Melkor, was going to stick through this with him. And here he was, this boyfriend he had sacrificed everything for, denying him the simplest of carnal pleasures.
“I am not marrying you in a prison’s visitation room,” Melkor said, a finality in his voice that had Mairon wish he could turn back time or at the very least, make Melkor understand that this wasn’t the place for romantic touches.
“You should,” he said through gritted teeth, anger flaring. His stress levels were through the roof.
“No. Absolutely not. I’d rather wait and run on fantasies of you than throw away something so special. You can only get married once.”
“That’s not-“
“End of discussion,” Melkor said and gestured for the guard to lead him out of the room.
 The solution Mairon came up with was, perhaps, far from ideal and very costly, but it was the only one he saw, the only scenario in which he wouldn’t go insane with longing. Mairon bought a rifle, waited for nightfall, and snuck into the nearest air base. Then he only had to apply what was left of Melkor’s savings to impress upon the right people. A prison selection here, a cell assignment there, and wouldn’t you know. They dressed him in that horrid orange, gave him a bedroll and lead him to a sorry, colorless room with two cods, a few shelves on the walls and his boyfriend, idling away.
“Oh god,” Melkor gasped, sitting up. Mairon laughed as he was shoved into the cell, stumbling into Melkor’s chest. They fall back against the creaky, hard prison bed, Mairon on top of Melkor who still wore a startled expression. “What did you do?”
“Aggravated theft of a military vehicle,” Mairon said, feeling rather proud to have pulled it off. He would have gotten away with it too if he hadn’t gambled for them to catch him trying to escape.
“You are impossible,” Melkor laughed.
“And you a moron.”
They met in a soft, exploring kiss, the first in forever, the first in a million. All the time in the world to make up for the last year or so.
 “I love you for going to prison with me,” Melkor panted into the crook of Mairon’s neck later that night.
“And I love you for…” Mairon paused, trying to think of something redeeming about this situation other than the bites littering his chest, the rigid cock that pounded into him with reckless abandon. He came up short, but that was okay. “For you. I love you for you.”
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moonlightskids · 4 years
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shall we
fluff (long poly au)
the pool water is cold against your warm skin, the reflects on it giving it a crystal effect, it’s a perfect summer day at the bang’s house. the big patio is full of rowdy boys, well, there’s only nine of them but they’re as loud as a hord of teenagers. jisung and jeongin are yelling the lyrics of the song coming from the sound system, doing a rather ridiculous interpretation, while woojin and felix are just staring at them from the tanning chairs, joining once in a while to add an equally ridiculous high note. a giggle scapes your lips as you keep your eyes on your childhood friends.
all of you grew up together on the same block, a neighborhood full of big houses and ostentatious cars, all kids of rich families, who sent their kids to the same private schools, invited to the same fancy parties and matching high brand fits.
turning to your left you find chan, changbin and minho carrying enough drinks and snacks for your always hungry group, there’s pastries and fruits, even some alcohol, chan’s mom really is the best. inside the luxurious home you can see the integral kitchen from outside, seungmin is helping miss bang with the food, which isn’t surprising, seungmin is what moms call: a perfect son in law, at least your mom does, and he’s not even your boyfriend. you sigh at the thought, the idea of dating any of your close friends has always been one that gave you an itchy feeling, but lately, since seungmin came back from america, after a whole semester studying there, you can’t help but think about him differently.
you shake the thought away as you hear the door bell echo through the two story house, after a minute hyunjin walks into the patio, only wearing his swim suit and a sleeveless tank top. everyone has changed since you started college, but hyunjin, he did a whole 180 change. not because he wasn’t handsome before, but in high school he used to give this prince like vibe, that would make your heart jump in your ribcage. now in college, with longer hair and muscled arms, it doesn’t just make your heart go crazy, but your whole body.
“y/n”, hyunjin is shaking a hand in front of your face, a smirk on his stupid lips, “like what you see?”, god you wish you could wipe that expression off his face, “and i haven’t even taken my shirt off yet”
“huh!, you wish”, you’re not a good liar, but you try your best, “i was just looking at the snacks”, you say motioning at seungmin who’s walking in with a tray of food.
“you hear that, seungmin”, yells jisung from the other side of the patio, where they’ve stopped giving an improvised concert, “y/n just called you a snack”, there’s a mischievous smile in his squirrel like face and you curse the day you decided to tell, jisung of all people, of your little crush on your childhood friend.
the heat rushes to your cheeks and you shake your head agressively, “I DIDNT SAY THAT”, you wish you could just drown on chan’s pool right now, “i meant the food”, your words come out as a whisper and you can hear the boys behind you snickering.
“too late, y/n, there’s no saving now”, your defeated sigh is all they need, god, how you hate losing to this losers. looking up, seungmin is still standing there, a soft red on his cheeks. when his eyes find yours, he clears his throat and ends his walk to the table were the rest of the snacks and drinks are. admitting your lost you make your way out of the pool before the hynas you call friends finish all the food.
“so, i have a proposition”, felix interrupts the silent session of stuffing your faces, everyone stops chewing, waiting for him to continue.
“if this is anything like that one time jisung proposed to go camping and instead we ended up lost in the forest for five hours, i don’t wanna know”, everyone agrees with woojin’s statement, that day was no fun. camping was ok but going for a walk inside the dark forest when no one knows any survival skills wasn’t. jisung rolls his eyes at the mention of his infamous idea, “can you guys get over it already? we’re fine”
“yeah, not thanks to you”, jeongin adds, earning a not so threatening look from his hyung.
“anyways”, felix continues, “my dad bought this new cabin, how about we spend a weekend there?, we can swim in the lake, roast some marshmallows, share horror stories...”
“get eaten by a bear”, this time is you who interrupts.
“well”, starts chan, “if things comes to worst, we’ll just sacrifice jisung”, everyone nods in agreement (except jisung for obvious reasons), and it gets settled, this weekend, you’re going to felix’s cabine in the woods and if life’s good enough, you might even get ridden of jisung.
friday comes by fast, like everything when you’re not drowning in essays and presentations. sitting on bed, you make a list of all the things you need to take and have packed while you wait for jisung to pick you up. there’s bikinis, towell, food, comfy pijamas, repelent and your charger. but your mind is somewhere else. a whole weekend, no parents, alcohol and a crush on your childhood friend is never a good combination. jisung barges into your room making you jump, a scowl on your face.
“god jisung”, you frown at his smile, it’s bigger than usual, “what’s with you?”
“i have a plan”, he says as he starts going back downstairs with your way too big bag for just a weekend. following closely behind him, you try not to fall from the new imperial stairs that had been changed while you were away for college.
“what do you mean a plan?”, instead of answering, your best friend throws your bag in the back and opens the front door for you. you go in and wait for him to do the same, “jisung”, you whine, god his plans are never good.
when you’re finally on the road, which only lasts a few minutes as you park infront of hyunjin’s house and wait for him, he finally speaks, “i know how to make your crush on our friend work”, he moves his eyesbrows suggestively, he knows about your crush on hyunjin too? you stare at his front door anxiously, you really don’t want him to know.
“how do you know about my crush on hyunjin?”, you whisper yell as quietly as possible, when you see his eyes open widely you know you’ve fucked up.
“i- YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON HYUN-“, covering his mouth with your hand as fast as possible you shush him, only letting go when you’ve seen he’s calmed down.
“ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod”, your head hitting jisung’s expensive mercedes window, god you’re such an idiot. he starts laughing, you’re so annoyed you would kick him out of the car and leave him there if it weren’t because you don’t have your drivers license yet.
“god, y/n, i was talking about seungmin, but i can’t believe you ALSO have a crush on hyunjin. i mean, i get it, puberty did hit them hard, but two of our childhood friends?”, you groan, great, of all people, he has to be the one who knows about both of your crushes. you should have spent the summer with your parents in the maldives instead of staying here, god stupid friendship promises.
before you can continue the conversation, hyunjin walks out of the mansion, and he’s not alone, of course seungmin is with him, with a simple hi, the both of them climb into the car. jisung is enjoying this too much, making faces at you everytime any of the boys a knowledges your presence. the two hours drive to the cabine is pure torture, after the conversation, you can’t help but blush everytime any of their eyes crosses with yours.
after what it feels like an eternity, jisung finally parks infront of the cabine, you’re the last ones to arrive. chan’s unloading all the bags from his truck, a smile in his face as he watches you climb down the car.
“hey, how was the trip”, his voice is sweet like always and you watch him juggle 4 louis vuitton bags in his arms as you carry your chanel one, high brand bags to a cabine in the woods, god us rich really are annoying.
“a torture”, is all you say as you make your way inside as fast as possible. as soon as you go in, you find the rest of the boys unpacking the food in the kitchen, all except jeongin who’s sitting with felix in the livingroom organizing the video games, “hey”, you greet them collectively, sitting on the sofa infront of the tv and sighing deeply.
“you know”, minho says from the kitchen, “you could come and help”, he’s standing in the entrance, bags of snack on his arms.
“i wish i could, but i don’t want to”, at your answer, minho rolls his eyes and continues with the work.
“spoiled brat”, you hear him say under his breath and you chuckle. “we all are, minho”. when the rest of the boys are finally inside, felix stops what he’s doing to give everyone a tour. the cabine is smaller than you expected from his dad, but still big enough to show off. it has four rooms, five bathrooms, a big kitchen and an even bigger livingroom inside, outside there’s a jacuzzi, a bonfire place, chairs, tables and infront, a lake.
“so this is how it works”, felix starts, “two rooms of three and two rooms of two. since this is my cabine, i choose a double bedroom, changbin hyung and i can share”, changbin is such a lucky bastard.
“as the oldest”, woojin speaks before anyone else has a chance, “i’ll have the other double one and i’ll share with chan”, both boys high five at their stupid privilege. god, old people are the worst. that leaves six people, jisung, minho, jeongin, hyunjin, seungmin and you.
without losing time, jisung interjectes, “rock, paper, scissors?”, everyone agrees. and of course, with your luck, you end up paired with both hyunjin AND seungmin. three scissors and three rocks, what are the fucking odds?
after unpacking and changing at light speed so you could get out of the room before any of the boys could say anything to you, you sit on one of the logs scattered outside the house, there’s a big crystal window that separates the livingroom from the bonfire place. the flames are high enough to almost be scary and they warm your body. you sigh, life was so much easier when you were kids. hanging out every day after class, helping each other with homework, running away from the fancy parties after woojin finally got his license, 10 people in his father’s five seat bmw, only caring about the now; now, is all about the future, what you’re studying, what position you will taking on your parent’s company, will you still be able to see each other, who you gonna marry...
the crystal door rolls to the side and hyunjin exits the house, taking a sit next to you, his smile is so big, his eyes dissapear and you feel literal butterflies going crazy in your stomach.
“beer?”, he’s holding two bottles and you take one, if you’re gonna have to deal with your feelings tonight, you might as well get (a little) drunk. a shocked noise comes from his throat when you down it all in one go.
“everything ok?”, hyunjin’s face is formed into a worried expression. you sigh, why does everything has to be so complicated. looking anywhere but his concerned expression, you lock eyes with seungmin, that’s sitting right infront of you. the flames of the bonfire make his face look distorted but you can still make out his factions. the baby cheeks he used to have are gone, leaving him with high cheek bones and a strong jaw, his eyes still have his soft puppy look, but his long hair makes his turn from good kid to reckles teen too obvious.
he smiles at you, the action sending goosebumps down your spine making you shiver. hyunjin most misinterprete your reaction cause he puts an arm around your shoulder, trying to shield you from the cold breeze that wasn’t bothering you at all. but you let him, cause it feels nice. you’re too distracted in hyunjin’s arms to notice seungmin’s frown from across the patio.
the night is fun, you spend hours drinking and talking and playing stupid high school party games with your friends. at one point jisung is so drunk he willingly gets his clothes off and throws himself into the freezing lake, for your friendship, of course, and woojin, who you have never seen this wasted, starts crying over his master and how he’s gonna have to move to england for two years to keep his studies (he’s not the only one that cries). and now, yourself, you drank so many beers you’re staring to see things multiplicated, has jeongin always had two heads.
hyunjin seems to notice the weird look you’re giving your friend and with a chuckle he helps you up with one hand and starts guiding you inside, “i’m taking y/n to bed”, you hear a chorus of ‘goodnights’ and turn around in time to not miss the suggestive look jisung throws your way, you hate his stupid ass.
the walk up the stairs is a whole odyssey. at some point hyunjin has to carry you cause you’re unable to move your feet correctly. laying you on your bed, he helps you out of your shoes, from where you are, you can see his face perfecly, the long hair glistens with moonlight and your eyes fix on his plump pink lips, you’re so drunk you’ll totally kiss him right now if your heart wasn’t too scared of his reaction.
his face is centimeters away from yours, “you should go to sleep”, his fingers pushing your hair behind your ear, “y/n... are you listening?”, you nod and his face turns into a sweet smile that dissapears as soon as his eyes land on your parted lips.
he’s done with your shoes and instead of sitting next to you he hovers over you, one arm on each of your side, making your body lean back. he’s close enough to even make your drunk self flustered. without a word, his face leans on you and he’s kissing you, it’s a rough kiss, his lips move fast and harsh against yours. somehow you move into the pillow, his arms around your waist and yours holding his shirt tightly. you’re starting to fall asleep, but the feeling of hyunjin’s lips is too addicting to ask him to stop. every now and then his teeth grace your lower lip making you sigh and hold tighter.
“i love you, y/n”, is the last thing you hear before falling asleep, your head on his chest and his face on your hair.
“YOU DID WHAT?”, jisung’s voice boom’s through out your empty house. You’ve had arrived from the cabin last night and now you’re sitting on the livingroom with your best friend, “HE SAID WHAT NOW?”
“goodness jisung, can you stop screaming”, your voice sounds exasperated, you’re waiting for the boys to come for the sleepover you’re having, one last hang out before everyone has to go back to college, and you have no intention in letting anyone know what happened in the cabin, “hyunjin kissed me and told me he loved me and now i don’t know what to do”
“well”, jisung speaks after a minute at a normal volume now, “how do you feel about it?”, how are you supposed to feel about it, you’ve had a crush on hyunjin since you were kids when he used to always bring you a flower when he’ll come to visit you and the way he acts with you helps in no way, and of course, as someone you’ve had in your life for so long, you love him, “you’re smiling...”, your eyes go back to your best friends who’s looking at you with a curious tint in his eyes, one that makes me you blush, “... but what about seungmin?”
a deep sigh scapes your lips, what about him... is not like he’s ever shown any interest in you, at least not like that and god knows how long you’ve been waiting for something to happen, but now that hyunjin had confessed, did it really make sense to keep waiting for seungmin. jisung seems to know your feelings without you even voicing them. he seems like he wants to say something, comfort you, but just like you, he doesn’t find the right words.
“i just don’t know”, your words come out as a whisper and your best friend just nods in understanding, honestly, jisung wouldn’t know what to do in that situation either, but he still has friend duties, so trying to lift the mood, he stands up and plays some music, a mischievous smile on his face and an extended hand. without a word you take it, letting him guide you as you dance as ridiculous as you can to every song that plays.
“you know”, you stop your pathetic attempt of moon walking to look bach at jisung, “back in middle school, i used to have a crush on you”
“in middle school??”, you choke with your own saliva and try to imagine chubby jisung and his big black glasses having a crush on you, “i know...”, and the both of you are laughing again, so hard you end up laying on the floor of your livingroom, “love you, ji”, he nods, looking back at you, “i know”
your emotional moment gets cut short by your doorbell, some seconds letter a group of eight loud boys enter the room, arms full of food and drinks, ready to start this party.
the party doesn’t go as you expected. you thought you’ll spend most of it talking with hyunjin, trying to figure out where you stand, but instead, you’re uncappable to torn your eyes away from seungmin. he’s quieter than usual, fidgeting with his fingers while sitting next to chan who’s engrossed in a conversation with changbin.
now and then he looks up at you, avoiding your eyes as soon as he notices them on him, you’re starting to get impatient, maybe you just need a moment for yourself. standing up you make your way upstairs to your room, the only place free of your friends. not even a minute later you feel the door open behind you and seungmin walks in slowly.
his eyes scan your room, “it look different”, his words are simple but they streak hard. you had made a lot of changes to your room right bedore going to college, the boys had helped you to redecorate but seungmin had left sooner to start his time in london, so he had never seen the changes or your changes, just like you hadn’t seen his.
“yeah, we’ve all changed”, he nods, taking a seat next to you. his eyes are on you and you try your best to hold his look. he seems to be weighing his options and after a minute that feels like an eternity, he finally speaks.
“ok, here goes nothing”, with a deep breath, he speaks again, “i like you”, there’s a long moment of silence. what are you supposed to say, you already confessed to hyunjin that night at felix’s cabine and even if you do have feelings for seungmin too, how are you supposed to reciprocate to both of them. the frustration seems to reflect on your face as seungmin sighs defeated. “i get it, i should have known when i saw you and hyunjin sleeping together”, his voice is low and fragile and your heart clutches at the sad puppy eyes he’s giving you. “i just thought it was worth the try, you know? and with the way jisung was acting, i really thought i had a chance”
he saw that?, you were so drunk, after you fell asleep on hyunjin’s arm, all you remember is waking up to an empty room, you just thought he had slept somewhere else.
your heart jumps to your throat and all the times seungmin ever casted a look on you come to your mind, you imagined the way he looked at you was one of a brother to a sister but now. your hand wraps arouns his arm, his skin is soft and warm and you pull him to you before he can walk out of your room, “but seungmin”, your free hand traces the side of his cheek and you watch as he closes his eyes and leans on your touch, “i do like you, a lot”
“you do?”, his eyes open in surprise, “but you and hyunjin...”
“i like him too, that’s why i don’t know what to do”, you step away, moving back on your bed, “i don’t wanna hurt any of you”, in silence seungmin moves to sit back next to you.
“it’ll hurt me more to not have any of you at all than just half”, seungmin covers the distance between you two to kiss you. different from hyunjin, seungmin’s lips are warm and the way he kisses you is soft and sweet, his hands on your cheeks push your hair out of your face and he deepens the kiss using his tongue. the feeling that fill your stomach when he touches you is like a hot chocolate after a long walk in a snowy day, your heart is beating at a steady pace making you relax your arms around his neck and bring him even closer to you. the way seungmin’s lips move against yours makes you sigh in content. pulling away you earn a cute whine from him that makes you smile, why does he have to be so damn cute.
“now what?”, your voice is muffled agaisnt his lips. someone clears his throat and by the way seungmin reacts, moving back surprised, you can tell is not him. moving away you turn around to find hyunjin standing at the door. more than a hurt expression, than you expected from someone who had find the person he loves kissing someone else, there’s a look of realization on his face, a smile tugging at his plump lips.
“now you choose”, his voice sounds like he’s having fun, shaking your head you start replying only to get interrupted by hyunjin away, who walks inside and sits on your other side, “i meant seungmin”, the look of confusion most be obvious on yours and seungmin’s face cause hyunjin finally decides to elaborate, “you like both of us and we both like you. i’m okay with sharing you, if he’s ok with it too”, your eyes go from hyunjin to seungmin who’s looking at the both of you like he’s already decided.
“i already told her, i’m rather have half than none”, his voice is a whisper and you really can’t believe what’s happening, “but, we have to share and what about her”, what about you????
hyunjin smirks, leaning in to get between seungmin and you, “she’ll have to share too”, at his word both of the boys turn to look at you, “is that okay?”, and you nod without thinking, is ut okay to be with both of your childhood friends at the same time? you’re not sure, will a poly relationship actually work when you haven’t even had another relationship? you’ll have to see, all you know is, you’ll rather share them than don’t have them at all.
hyunjin smiles, that big one that makes his eyes disappear and stands up with you, “we should go back downstairs before they come looking for us”, you follow him to the door, only turning to look for seungmin, he’s righ behind you, showing all his teeth with the happy smile in his face. the three of you walk back into the livingroom where your friends have almost run out of food.
chan and changbin are still talking, the spot seungmin used to occupy is now filled with jeongin who seems to be ready to go to sleep, felix ans minho are sitted on the floor watching jisung lose pathetically in an arms match with woojin, but when you enter all eyes turn to you and your hands that are holding hyunjin, without thinking, jisung jumps in the air, an triumphant scream, “I KNEW IT, everyone pay now”, the room feels with groans as jeongin, felix, changbin and minho put fifties on jisung’s hand. you wait for an explanation, you eyebrow raised.
“jisung bet you’ll end up choosing hyunjin”, at least chan has the decency to sound embarrased as he too puts a fifty in your best friend’s hand, “we bet you’ll end up with seungmin”, he continues and you turn to look at the culprit of all your troubles who’s smiling maniatically.
“oh, c’mmon, i’ll take you out for ice cream”, rolling your eyes you let go of hyunjin to sit on the free sofa where both of your, now boyfriends, lay with you. and to your surprise, seungmin is the one to speak.
“she doesn’t need you to take her out for ice cream, she has us for that”, now’s everyone else’s time to be confused and the frowns deepen when seungmin leans down, an arm around your shoulder and gives your lips a sweet, short kiss, “right?”, you nod shyly, trying to hide your burning face from everyone’s eyes, “right”, this time, hyunjin puts a finger under your chin, lifting your face and kisses you, putting his arm over seungmin’s.
when you look back, everyone’s mouth is hanging, except for woojin’s who’s actually smiling, “which means”, he starts, an innocent smile on his face, “i win”, you open your eyes in surprise as you watch jisung give up his new earned fifties to the oldest on your group, who sends a wink your way, “now, i can take the three of you out for ice cream”, and you laugh, the three of you. what would you do without your friends.
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Any klaine fics based off rom-coms, I've read a good chunk of them like 27 suits and ever after. Maybe like newer ones like to all the boys I've loved before?
There are a surprising number for Klaine fics based upon rom-coms. Under the cut, there are 21 Klaine fics based upon Rom Coms. I add the link to 27 suits for other followers. 
Here is a link to our previous post that sets out three Pretty Woman AUs. 
Here is a link to our previous post that sets out three The Holiday AUs.
Happy Reading!
The Proposal by drunkonwriting
Based on The Proposal. Kurt is a super uptight music producer from Canada whose work visa has been revoked. Cue Blaine, all-American poster boy from Alaska, who has been Kurt’s assistant (or indentured servant, depending on who you ask) for three years and counting. They pretend to get married so that Kurt doesn’t have to leave the country, and end up falling in love instead.
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days by glitterandpaws
Kurt is an up-and-coming fashion designer on the brink of hitting it big, when he’s presented with the possibility of having his newest collection showcased during fashion week. The committee is torn between Kurt and Sebastian for the slot, and Kurt must make someone fall in love with him in ten days order to be in the show, but that’s not the only deal he makes. Meanwhile, Blaine is a successful journalist, writing under the pseudonym Blair for a women’s magazine as their resident how-to “girl” when he’s roped into writing a piece on “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days”. When Kurt and Blaine find each other, both of their tasks prove harder than they first appeared.~~~~~
Here is one where Blaine makes a list, and one of the items is to try and date cheerio!Kurt.
Mr Congeniality by ifinallyfoundsomeone
Miss. Congeniality!AU
Bomb threats are being sent to the newly made Mr. America pageant and FBI Agent Blaine Anderson has taken up the position of being an undercover agent to save the pageant. With some extreme grooming and guidance from his pageant consultant, Blaine infiltrates the world of Men’s pageants. Making some interesting friends, and maybe he even winning the heart of his slave driver pageant consultant, the gorgeous and fascinating, Kurt Hummel.
The Lake House by inkinmyheartandonthepage
Tumblr Prompt: Kurt has lost everything but this house. His father died of cancer, never married Carol, he has lost his friends when things became rough. So he moved out of Lima and started living there. Blaine is a young artist/painter who loses his way one night and ends up in front of the house. Cue epic love story where Kurt becomes Blaine’s muse. Rated T at the moment.
Roses and Bluebells by wynniethepooh
Blaine and Kurt work for rival florists in this “Gnomeo and Juliet” retelling.
But I’m Sure You’ve Thought About Me Naked by icantwritebutimmastilltry
The 10 Things I Hate About You AU!
Kurt and Finn are brothers, and Finn can’t date until his bitchy brother does–but who would be brave enough to try and conquer that task? Enter Blaine Anderson. Resident Badboy of McKinley High. Now all that’s needed is the incentive…
Eighteen Going on Extinct by @klaineanummel  (62K Complete)
Kurt Fabray just wants to relax after a tough week at school, but that is shown to be impossible when he realizes that his absent father has once again blown into town. Not wanting to spend more time around him than necessary, Kurt goes to his old babysitters house, the one place he feels safe when his father is in town. While there, he stumbles upon a secret he knows he was never meant to find out - one that could change the entire course of his life.
An AU very loosely based on Mamma Mia.
What I Know Now by @quizasvivamos
13 Going on 30 AU: Tired of being bullied and taken advantage of, Kurt wishes he could skip past his dreary adolescent years to a time in his life where he is respected, successful, and happy. He might just get what he wishes for, but will it come at a cost? 
I Do by pulling-the-puzzles-apart
Glee crossover with My Best Friend’s Wedding. Kurt realises he is in love with his best friend as Blaine prepares to marry someone else. Can Kurt stop the wedding? Will Blaine realise he still loves Kurt? Loosely based on the film.
Kurt In Manhattan by lemonwhiskers
Based on the film Maid in Manhattan. Kurt is a single parent working in a hotel in New York. He meets politician Blaine Anderson and his life instantly changes. Sparks fly but will Kurt’s lies about his job ultimately destroy any connection they had?
Daddies Girls by BeautyHeldWithin
It has been ten years since Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson broke up and split their family apart. Now, the two girls meet for the first time and scheme to get the happy family they never knew back. Based LOOSELY on The Parent Trap. AU
Wake Up To Me by A-Simple-Rainbow
It’s one am on a Tuesday and Kurt is pulled out of a soulful interpretation of Bootylicious by the door ringing and announcing a costumer. Kurt tosses the yellow cloth away and readjusts the knot on his apron before he makes his way towards the stranger. As the man looks up, Kurt finds himself face to face with Blaine Anderson. Blaine Fucking Anderson. NOTTING HILL AU
Swing the Spinning Step by aspiringtoeloquence
A Klaine AU version of the move ‘Never Been Kissed’ (1999). Kurt Hummel, a copy-editor at The New York Sentinel, just got his big break: the chance to become a reporter, go undercover at a local high school and write an expose. He learns a lot from the people he meets - including a young English teacher with a penchant for bowties - both about high school and about himself.
50 First Dates by Aki_Aiko
Blaine Anderson meets Kurt Hummel in a little coffee shop and they immediately click. The only problem? Kurt forgets who Blaine is every single day. Based on the movie 50 First Dates.
Always the Best Man by Water_Nix
It sometimes feels as though Kurt spends every weekend being dragged out to yet another wedding, although he himself has vowed to never tie the knot. A string of failed relationships have taught him that true love is a fantasy, and just when he’s managed to stop that particular type of daydream, he meets a man who seems to have stepped right out of all his favourite ones. With that complication and then the drunken confession of a good friend, Kurt is sent into a tailspin. He’s got his single friends finding love at every turn—and hell, even people’s dogs are getting hitched for God’s sake—the last thing he needs is to discover that he hasn’t lost hope for a special day of his own. A romantic comedy told over the course of five weddings. Kurt/past OCs. Kurt/Blaine endgame. (Also background Mercedes/Sam, Santana/Brittany, Rachel/Jesse, Cooper/anyone who’s ready and willing.)
Mi Casa Es Su Casa by GoddamnWrite
Kurt Hummel is trying to make a fast buck by renting out his apartment to those who need a little privacy. What could possibly go wrong? Based on the The Apartment.
Nothing’s So Loud by GlassParade
Blaine Anderson is the easy going skateboarding slacker who’s carried a torch for sheltered class Valedictorian Kurt Hummel for the last year. On the day they graduate from high school, he decides to do something about it. There’s no way they should work. Everything will conspire against them. Can this unlikely pairing prevail? A very loose adaptation of the movie 'Say Anything’, set in 1998.
Recipe For Love by blackrose1002
Kurt Hummel is one of the best chefs in New York City. Working in a prestigious restaurant, he had himself convinced that he has everything he had ever wanted, but, suddenly, the life he had built for himself completely falls apart when his brother dies in the car accident, leaving his eight year old daughter behind. On top of everything, there’s a newly hired chef in the restaurant that gets on Kurt’s nerves more than anyone in his life.
Secret Language of Blooms and Love by etextraordinary
Blaine is a florist in New York City. His shop specializes in the Victorian art of floriography, the language of flowers. Blane makes sure that each of his arrangements is both beautiful and portrays the correct meaning. Kurt has Blaine do his wedding flowers, but he is not expecting his entire life to change. Based on the movie Imagine Me and You.
So Much Better by Justsweeneytodd
Blaine (Elle) is in love with Warner, his boyfriend, who broke up with him right before they left for college. Blaine decides to transfer to his school to try to win him back. Along his quest to win back Warner, he meets an upperclassman named Kurt (Emmett) who completely turns his world around.
27 Suits by SurprisinglySuaveKoala
Kurt Hummel loves weddings. So when his best friend comes back into town and wants to marry the man he loves, the last thing he needs is Blaine Anderson following him around.
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sablelab · 5 years
Covert Operations - Chapter 30
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DISCLAIMER: This is a modern AU crossover story with Outlander and La Femme Nikita. LFN and its characters do not belong to me nor do those from Outlander.
SYNOPSIS:  When James Fraser finds out about Claire’s deep cover mission he high tails it to her apartment to reassure her that he will find a way to protect her. This chapter contains some angst before Jamie sets things right.
My sincere THANKS yet again, for reading and supporting my writing.  It is most appreciated. xox  Previous chapters can be found...  
As Jamie drove his Mercedes along the darkened streets, his heart raced with the anticipation of seeing Claire about what had transpired after the briefing at Section today. Whatever Madeline and Operations had asked of her would definitely be hanging over her head like an ominous black cloud, and if his suspicions were correct they had ordered her on a deep cover mission with Madame Cheung which he was not at all happy about.  
Were they testing her or him or both of them by their actions? Madeline and Operations often threw curved balls in their direction to test them all for the good of Section. Was this another of those times?
Nevertheless despite what their reasoning may be, Jamie wanted to reassure Claire that he would find a way to protect her and help her through the initial stages of the new mission until he was able to set an alternate plan into action. They had no guarantees of what tomorrow may hold for them but if Madeline and Operations had ordered Claire on a deep cover mission this would separate her from him and he wouldn’t be able to protect her.  Jamie knew that Claire was more than capable of handling any situations that arose in Hong Kong without him, unless that is ... Madame Cheung asked her to do something which she was vehemently opposed to.
A short time after entering into her neighbourhood Jamie pulled up outside Claire’s apartment building. Pulling into the curb, he parked his car and took a moment to survey the surroundings. The immediate area was devoid of traffic and was relatively dark and deserted.  As he stood across the street from Claire's apartment building Jamie looked up to her residence and could see lights on in the living area.  The balcony area was also illuminated and once realizing that she was outside, he stepped back into the shadows to observe her movements and try to gauge her mindset.  
Good, she’s home, Jamie thought as he watched.
He had chosen this apartment for her after her final training at Section knowing that Claire would love the French windows that opened onto the small, private courtyard overlooking the city lights.  He knew this light and airy apartment was perfect for her and she had loved it at first sight.  It was a haven away from Section One and a place where she could relax and feel normal.  As he watched her, he noticed that Claire appeared lost in her own thoughts. She was probably thinking about whatever Madeline and Operations had discussed today and the danger of the situation they may have placed her in.
Jamie continued to watch until Claire turned and went back inside her apartment. Grabbing the bottle of whisky he had taken from his cellar earlier, he scanned the area once more then walked the few paces to the entrance of Claire’s building.  With these thoughts in mind, he opened the security door and proceeded to her apartment on the fourth floor.
She hated drinking alone, but feeling the need for something to take her mind off what had happened at Section One today, Claire planned to drown her sorrows in the bottle of red that she had been saving for a special occasion.  Taking the bottle of wine and glass from beneath the counter she placed them on the bench. Opening the top cupboard near her stove, she rummaged around in the cabinet looking for the corkscrew she had just bought the other day. Finding it, she set about opening the wine and poured some into a glass.  
Ambling into the living room, Claire placed her glass of wine on the coffee table then chose her favourite CD with haunting French melodies and placed it on her stereo.  Taking her wine glass from the table she sat in her comfy art deco chair listening to Françoise Hardy’s lilting tones surround her. She casually sipped the glass of wine in her hand as her thoughts centred on what Madeline and Operations had intonated today at their private meeting in the perch after the briefing.  
She closed her eyes and deep in thought reminisced about what would await her on this mission while at the same time lost to the melancholy of the music that filtered through her apartment.
Being separated from Jamie would be unbearable particularly now that they had become closer since their mission to Lamma Island.  Circumstances were cruel.  It was so unfair of Madeline and Operations to place her in this situation but she knew that their machinations were always veiled in some underlying motives that had little to do with the mission or Section One.  Had they suspected that Jamie and she had developed a closer relationship while searching for Tony Wong?  They had been totally discreet and had kept their distance from each other when at Section and had also been entirely circumspect in their contact.  What then were the real reasons for her deep cover to this Madame Cheung’s?  Was it purely for the sake of the mission or were they trying to circumvent a potential relationship between her and Jamie?
This mission would also be dangerous.  Her life would be in jeopardy if the Rising Dragons ever found out about her. Madame Cheung by all accounts was ruthless or she wouldn’t be in such an esteemed position within the triad. Given her role and business interests, what would she ask of her? ... Would she want her to replace the void left by Annalise de Marillac and all that it entailed, and if so could she do it?  
Claire worriedly bit her bottom lip as her thoughts took on these many tangents.
When the elevator came to a halt, James Fraser exited quietly with eyes fixed ahead and walked down the corridor towards Apartment 412.  His stride quickened and his footsteps echoed lightly on the floor as her apartment loomed just up ahead of him and a thrill of anticipation tinged with apprehension ran through him at the thought of seeing his Claire again. Jamie had been to her apartment on many occasions but this time was different. He knew he would have to get to the bottom of Madeline and Operations’ discussion with her after the briefing and that could only be done face to face.  Usually, Claire came to his office to discuss things, but he’d left Section early so they had not been able to talk about it. He needed to do this in privacy away from the prying eyes and ears of their Section One’s superiors.  Thankfully Murtagh had contacted him as to Claire’s state of mind this evening when she’d left, although he had not told him why she was feeling this way.  It had worried him ... worried him a lot knowing that whatever it was that had obviously been proposed to Claire other than what was on her panel was serious.  Something was afoot but he would soon know what it was and if his suspicions were correct.
As he approached her door, Jamie could hear the faint sounds of some of his favourite music being played. Raising his knuckles, he lightly rapped on the wooden door.
The soft knocking resonating on her door roused Claire from her thoughts. Placing her glass of wine on the coffee table she gingerly rose from the chair and made her way to the door.  Checking the security screen, Claire Beauchamp immediately saw just who her visitor was.
Jamie was here.
Standing on the threshold, James Fraser was holding a bottle of whisky in his hand.  Instinctively, he raised his head knowing that Claire had activated her security screen. Although her door separated them, his glance held hers as if he were facing her with nothing separating them. Claire caught her breath at the intensity of Jamie’s glance and she swallowed the lump that suddenly appeared in her throat. It was as if he could see her face and that he knew that she was troubled. Her hand touched the video screen caressing his face and noticing that Jamie, at that precise moment, closed his eyes.  
Did he feel the connection also?  
Seeing his wonderful image before her Claire touched the video screen once more.  Her fingertips lightly stroked the screen in a caressing manner as if she was indeed stroking Jamie’s face.  Her heart skipped a beat and began pounding in her chest. Her partner’s presence outside her apartment, away from the prying eyes of Section One, caused a sudden fluttering in the pit of her stomach as well. Claire bit her lip nervously, for although her heart was racing with the eagerness of seeing him, she felt some trepidation too.
With a slightly trembling hand she opened the door.
Feeling his body quicken James Fraser stood on the doorstep and inhaled the sight of his Sassenach. His eyes drank her in a heartbeat for he could see the relief cross her face knowing that he had come to her apartment to see her.  Their eyes met then held as they silently looked at one another while a tiny smile of anticipation bowed her mouth as her eyes were held captive. Jamie’s gaze was an intense stare which mesmerized her and Claire couldn’t sever from his glance. Eventually breaking the spell, she found her voice.  
“Hi,” she said breathlessly in a half whisper. Jamie said nothing, but his clear gaze swept her from head to toe in the space of a heartbeat devouring Claire’s form once more. His eyes lowered to her lips aware of that hesitant bite Claire often did when nervous. Lifting his penetrating gaze slowly back up to her eyes, James Fraser captured his Sassenach in a look that made her bones melt. “Hi ...” he answered softly, “May I come in?” Her heart skipped another beat. Claire could only nod her tacit approval and as if in a trance she pulled the heavy door back a little further. Jamie stepped inside closing the door behind him while narrowing the space between them. Reaching out, he touched her arm sliding his fingers down her limb to clasp her hand. Claire raised her head to look at him and saw the smile light his face as he handed her the bottle of whisky. “Here ... something for ye.” Clutching the bottle, Claire’s lips parted and her tongue peeped out, moistening her bottom lip in nervousness as she replied, “Thank you.” Before they had a chance to move further into the apartment Jamie cut to the chase. “Did they talk to ye?” “What do you mean?” “Did Madeline and Operations order a deep cover on the Cheung mission?” “Yes.”
What Madeline and Operations had asked of her today was out of the ordinary. They must have ulterior motives to her deep cover, other than gaining Intel about the Rising Dragons triad. Perhaps it was payback time for letting Tony Wong slip through their fingers and some doubt over his debrief when they were delayed on Lamma Island. It was obvious to Jamie that they sensed or perceived to see demons where there were none. Madeline and Operations were ruthless in their pursuit of something if they feel it justified in some small away a win for them or Section without whoever may be hurt along the way. Jamie vowed that he would however get to the bottom of whatever it was they wanted. He was resolute in his convictions that he would find a way to manipulate the mission profile once he knew where he stood and would under all circumstances protect Claire at all costs. As they talked, Claire walked to the bench placing the whisky bottle on the counter next to the opened bottle of wine that was already there. Noticing her nervous reactions, Jamie only exacerbated them further by his next actions. Closing the distance between them, he stood right behind her, and when Claire turned around, she collided with his rock hard chest. His predatory like actions made her go to water in front of him. Placing her hands out to brace herself she felt the rise and fall of Jamie’s chest and caught her breath. “And how did ye respond?” “I didn't.” “Good,” he stated as his lips gently placed a kiss to her forehead. Claire raised her eyes to Jamie’s in appeal. “I don’t know if I can do it,” she continued worriedly. “I’ll scan yer PDA. Something will present itself later and I’ll have a contingency strategy,” he replied reassuringly locking his gaze with hers. “I’ll make it happen mo ghràidh.” “Okay.” “They don't want us to be together.” “No they don't.” “What about ye?” Taken aback by Jamie’s question Claire didn’t know how to respond, so Jamie did it for her. Slipping his arms around her waist he pulled her closer captivated by the flame of desire he saw in her eyes. He leaned in for a kiss succinctly heralding his answer. Cupping her chin in his hand, Jamie turned Claire’s face up to his. Spellbound, she could only watch as he leaned down to place a chaste kiss to her lips. By the time his lips finally touched hers all coherent thoughts had fled her mind. Jamie pulled her closer to his warm, hard body and within a few seconds Claire was nestled against him with her arms wrapped around him. The kiss was gentle and Jamie savoured the sweet warmth of her mouth against his knowing that this may very well be the last opportunity for them to be together like this for a long time.
Claire’s heart leapt in her chest as Jamie’s fingertips rested against her throat feeling the beating of the vein under her skin. Their light touch made her close her eyes in blissful joy as his lips gently swept across her forehead then her eyelids. Trailing his lips down Claire’s cheek, Jamie lingered his caress at the corner of her inviting mouth. Then in delicious assault he placed fleeting, whisper light kisses across her cheek and face with caresses that made Claire’s pulse race. Thrilling shivers of pleasure danced along her spine as her soft moan of satisfaction echoed in Jamie’s ear and she swayed toward him. “Mmm,” she murmured with sudden yearning. Threading her fingers through Jamie’s unruly hair, Claire held his mouth to hers deepening their kiss. His lips tasted salty, his mouth soft yet hard at the same time. Warmth spread through her body and Claire wanted Jamie so desperately she felt as though she would burst. She could hardly breathe as it was. The taste of his mouth on hers, and the feel of him against her body was all she cared about. His first few kisses were tentative yet probing as lips joined softly, again and again. Aligning their heads, their mouths touched ... then separated ... only to connect once again. Soft lips caressed Claire’s gently, almost reverently until opening his mouth; his tongue sought entry to her mouth and claimed her with burning desire. Sighing audibly she reciprocated his potent caresses. “Cl-aire ...”
Breathing heavily against her mouth, his lips teased hers with each syllable of her name. A low groan quivered in his throat as he too felt the effects of Claire’s nearness. Their shared kiss at the consulate ball had been far too brief, but now he had time to make amends.
But how much time did he really have? Not nearly enough, Jamie thought, but they had this moment. It took all of his strength not to devour his Sassenach’s soft mouth all over again.  Grudgingly breaking the kiss his fixed gaze caressed her appearance with piercing blue eyes. Reaching up his hand Jamie caressed Claire’s eyebrow, as he trailed his fingertips to her cheeks, her lips and jaw in an all too familiar gesture. With half lidded eyes he swept her face again committing to memory the effect that his nearness had on her. His Claire was beautiful. Hurriedly, she began to take off his jacket lowering it from Jamie’s shoulders while frantically touching his body at the same time. However; without severing his gaze, he captured Claire’s hands as he finished the task tossing his leather jacket carelessly to the bench where the whisky bottle sat.  The piercing blue eyes of her partner caressed her face while the fire in his eyes caused an intense heat to radiate throughout her body.  His intentions were perfectly clear. Reaching down, he captured her hand in his. Claire Beauchamp could not look away.  She watched Jamie Fraser begin to pull her slowly towards him with a predatory look in his eyes that scorched her soul and made her shiver in anticipation.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ to be continued
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