#Principe Libero
pochiperpe90 · 3 months
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Luca Marinelli as Fabrizio De André (bts)
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sigurism · 6 months
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Luca Marinelli
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weardes · 2 years
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youssefguedira · 3 months
tog fandom's favourite luca marinelli movie: ROUND TWO
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Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot / They Call Me Jeeg (2015):
“After coming in contact with radioactive waste, small-time crook Enzo Ceccotti gains super-strength. A misanthropic, introverted brute, he uses his new powers for personal gain until he meets Alessia, a mentally ill girl who believes Enzo is the hero from her favorite anime Steel Jeeg.”
Fabrizio de André: Principe libero (2018)
“A biopic on the personal and artistic life of Italian songwriter Fabrizio De André.”
ideally vote based on which film is your favourite, but if you haven't seen both / either vote which one you'd like to watch most or prefer the vibes of
or any other reasonable metric of your choice
propaganda IS encouraged and can be sent to me or added to the post
go forth and have fun!
ideally vote based on which film is your favourite, but if you haven't seen both / either vote which one you'd like to watch most or prefer the vibes of
or any other reasonable metric of your choice
propaganda IS encouraged and can be sent to me or added to the post
go forth and have fun!
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hello marinelli nation have a singing Luca Marinelli last night on Italian TV
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libero-de-mente · 7 months
A forza di ingoiare rospi evacuo principi azzurri.
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good-nightsocialite · 2 years
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Luca Marinelli - Rome, Trastevere - 16th June 2022
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celia-bracali · 1 year
Luca Marinelli canta il pescatore di Fabrizio De André nel film Principe Libero
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tuportamiviareturn · 1 month
Il principe libero
Finalmente ho visto il film su Fabrizio De André con Luca Marinelli
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indigoishh · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel x Volleyball
“The Devils”
✨Ideas and concepts✨
Ok so my idea is that Hell and Heaven are rival schools. but especially rivals in sports (specifically volleyball because that’s the only competitive sport i know)
I definitely think that Hell schools team name would be something like “The Pentagrams” or just “The devils” and Heavens could be like “The angels” or something else
Teams and Roles
The Devils
My idea is that this school is a public school but a medium sized one and most of the people know each other from pre-k
So Lucifer is Both the coach and Principal But after the first few weeks he basically stopped going to the practices and puts Charlie in charge 90%
I feel like he would only show up a week befor an away game to make sure we know what we’re doing
he definitely owns a duck themed store outside of school (Extremely popular with anyone who owns a jeep…if ykyk)
Charlie is Team Captain but not because she’s the coaches daughter but because she’s a great leader and great at volleyball general
I can see her being really great at digging/bumping
And serving but she never really understood how to do overhand serves until recently
i feel like she’s a Junior
She would also be really big on helping plan team get togethers to help the team gain trust within eachother (If you don’t know that’s extremely important with any sport but especially with volleyball)
Definitely on A team
Team manager so he doesn’t actually play the sport he just organizes and helps out when he can
Senior Vibes
Definitely forced Husk and Nifty to join volleyball
Helps out with planning rotations and plans any fun team get together outisde of school
Like for example after my volleyball tournament last year we had a huge pizza party and a barbecue and pool party the next day as a team
Also is i charge of doing stats and Advertising about home games
He definitely has a famous radio station where he advertises the games
And whatever else you can do on a radio station (music, murder podcast, blah blah blah)
He also holds the power of making the team run suicides, Charlie does not have this power
And he has, many times especially if they’ve lost to “The Vee’s”
I just know she’s super amazing at spiking and serving
Definitely plays defense too
The Libero
My idea is that she used to go to “Heaven” But she either left on her own terms or got kicked out/off the team
I’m going with she got kicked off for not being good enough (or grades cause school sucks)
Freshman Vibes (The freshman this year UNHINGED OMG)
She’s related to Alastor in someway (Either his sister or close cousin
The Outside hitter/spiker in front row
She’s tiny so people don’t expect her to hit HARD or jump as high as she does
Also an amazing overhand server, especially for being like 4’8
Angel Dust
Spiker 100%
Have you seen his arms?? and how tall he is?? Tell me he wouldn’t be amazing at all parts in volleyball but especially Spiking setting and blocking
Hates Serving tho (he’s already serving cunt 24/7)
I don’t know why i just don’t think he would love serving, over hand or under hand
Met Husk through Volleyball, I feel like they would partner up for any of the warmups that requires two people
Sophomore or Junior i can’t decide
He says he hates volleyball but secretly loves it
Alastor has some sort of blackmail on him so he’s had to play for all four years
Outside hitter (Back) and still does underhanded serves
I feel like Alastor caught him smoking or bringing alcohol to school at some point, somehow got evidence over him and has held it uber his head ever since
I really can’t see him ever willing doing volleyball definitely a basketball guy if anything
Really great at Defense and Blocking
He’d have a really strong Overhand serve if he really wanted to he just prefers underhand
Sir Pentious
He didn’t join until like a bit later in the vb season (They still let him join because hey don’t even really have enough for an A and B team)
Underhand server
A Bumper and The right side front hitter
Decently new to Volleyball so he doesn’t exactly understand the sport
A sophomore but he’s a new student for this year, joined about a month in the volleyball season
Cherry Bomb
It took Angel a lot of convincing to get her to play Volleyball in high school
She also didn’t join until the second semester
(I’m making volleyball a year long sport because i can and i want to)
I feel like she did Volleyball from 6th-8th grade but stopped in Highschool, which is why they were okay with her joining so late (again they barley have enough for an A and B team)
She’s a setter and really great at over hand serving
I’ll add more later for “The angels” and try to make the V’s into a volleyball team if anyone is even interested in thisss
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ilpianistasultetto · 9 months
Ogni volta che succede uno stupro abbastanza raccapricciante (come quello di Palermo), qualche politico riprende per i capelli cio' che sta sul fondo del fiume, lo riporta a galla e mostra la testa al popolino inferocito, urlando: "castazione chimica! castrazione chimica". La cosa e' vecchia visto che va avanti dai tempi degli antichi romani e forse prima. Nell'arena, a combattere contro i leoni o ad aspettare il pollice verso, solo schiavi e miserabili. Perche' il punto e' proprio questo. I ricchi, i potenti, tutto quel mondo benestante che ha i soldi per pagarsi ottimi avvocati, subiranno mai la castrazione chimica? La subira' il figlio di Grillo o il figlio di Larussa? E quando arriveranno, come sono arrivate, denunce verso produttori cinematografici, attori, manager, gente di potere che ricatta per un posto di lavoro? Silvio Berlusconi come lo vogliamo considerare? Un play-boy irresistibile o un ricattatore sessuale? Quindi, io ci andrei piano con certe proposte che parlano alla pancia di chi vuole veder scorrere subito il sangue. Una soluzione ci sarebbe visto che il fenomeno sta dilagando (uno stupro ogni 200min, 11 al giorno, dice il Ministero degli Interni). Castrazione chimica per tutti alla denuncia. Poi, a processi conclusi, fine della pratica chimica visto che ci sara'una sentenza. Tornera' libero l'innocente e scontera' il carcere il colpevole. Ah, dimenticavo. Meglio sarebbe che avvocati e periti vengano ammessi e scelti solo tra gli iscritti ad un apposito albo di professionisti che si prestano alla causa, altrimenti saremmo alle solite, il ricco assolda il principe del foro e se la cava, il povero no..@ilpianistasultetto
P.s. ho omesso i viaggi a scopo sessuale. I ricconi che fanno turismo sessuale in Thailandia o in altri paesi asiatici e del centro america con bambine di 10-11 anni, quelli sono stupri o vogliamo dargli una medaglia? Questo per dire di andarci calmi con le decisioni di pancia altrimenti saranno sempre e solo gli stracci a volare in aria.
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smokingago · 10 months
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Ed inizialmente fu cauto nell'avvolgerla, nel girare all'insù uno dei palmi per stringerle le dita, mentre il braccio libero andava a circondarle i fianchi, così che lei usasse il proprio per fare altrettanto con le sue spalle. Temeva di vederla andare via, se avesse forzato la mano fin da subito, era già successo in un mondo onirico diverso da quello. Ben presto però, la calma fu sostituita dal torrido bisogno di passione, mentre la mutaforma trovava maggiore comodità nel sedersi a cavalcioni su di lui, e le mani del re divenivano più esigenti nel loro carezzare, nel loro trovare, nel loro travolgere. Diverse scie di baci persero il dolce oblio della sua bocca per curarsi di altri luoghi a lungo agognati, il cui sapore era rimasto segreto sino a quel momento. E la musica tra loro divenne un eco di sospiri trattenuti, di sussulti, di parole che non avevano bisogno di essere pronunciate. Unico fastidio? I vestiti che entrambi portavano ancora addosso. Eppure al medesimo tempo, l'attrito creatosi tra i loro corpi danzanti l'uno contro l'altro, forse proprio per la presenza di quella costrizione di stoffe, stava già portando il Principe delle Tenebre alla perdizione. Perdizione... perché proprio in quel momento la sentiva così prepotente? E se fosse entrato qualcuno? Non gli importava, anzi, la possibilità di essere scoperti rendeva solo più sapido di spezie quell'incontro, quel peccato capitale cui non si sarebbe sottratto. Peccato capitale. Perdizione. Asmosdeus... che ci fosse lui dietro i sacrifici di New Orleans? Sesso e sangue da sempre erano legati indissolubilmente per i demoni. Ma perché poi perdersi in quel pensiero proprio in quel momento? Era forse impazzito? Ophelia finalmente gli si stava concedendo... per un attimo il mondo poteva aspettare. Anche perché a quel punto le impazienti dita del re erano giunte a raccogliere l'eccitazione della donna, proprio dove esse aveva origine. Non si stupì di sentire il sapore umido di un fiore sbocciato, di saperla pronta ad accogliere quanto da lì a poco sarebbe avvenuto.
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Disegno: Milo Manara
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weardes · 2 years
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Fabrizio De André - Principe libero | Behind the scenes
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hakasims · 2 years
What If I Just Ranked Every Single Luca Marinelli Character From The Least Hot To The Absolute Hottest?
Based entirely on how a character looks and literally nothing else. Let’s go.
21. Andrea (La grande bellezza)
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Sorry, dude.
20. Fabrizio (Nina)
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Maybe he would be higher if I could actually see him.
19. Diabolik (Diabolik)
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Nice widow’s peak, asshole.
18. Saint Joseph (Maria di Nazaret)
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It’s the constant dumb expression on his face for me.
17. Ettore (Lasciati andare)
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He looks like shit but at least he’s got flavor.
16. Mattia Balossino (La solitudine dei numeri primi)
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He’s fine, but he’s nothing special.
15. Paolo (Il padre d’Italia)
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Let’s be real, he’s sweet but he’s nothing special either.
14. Valerio (Slam - Tutto per una ragazza)
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I know you guys wanna bang him. I guess some people just like risking STDs for a quick disappointing fuck.
13. Roberta (L’ultimo terrestre)
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The absolute queen. She would have been higher on the list with more appearances and a better wig.
12. Nicky/Nicolo di Genova (The Old Guard)
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Those sideburns, man. Also when there was an actual theory going around that Nicky was made ugly on purpose for this movie, do you expect him to land in the top 10? (He’s not ugly btw I’m just quoting you guys.)
11. Loris (Il mondo fino in fondo)
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He’s hot and that’s the only thing he’s got going for him.
10. Gabriele (Waves)
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He’s hot like Loris but in a more refreshing way.
9. Cesare (Non essere cattivo)
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He’s hella cute y’all are just haters.
8. Fabio (Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot)
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He’s very hot and he would have been in the top 5 if he washed his hair more often.
7. Guido Caselli (Tutti i santi giorni)
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You don’t need me to explain why he’s so high on the list.
6. Martin Eden (Martin Eden)
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If you’re curious why this one is so high on the list, ask literally every movie critic who was waxing poetic about his beauty.
5. Mickey Miranda (Die Pfeiler der Macht)
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He’s hot and slutty and he looks like no Luca has ever looked. Saint Joseph wishes he had those curls.
4. Milton (Una questione privata)
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He’s like Martin Eden but softer, younger and with kinder eyes.
3. Fabrizio de André (Fabrizio de André - Principe libero)
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He’s so soft and beautiful and his hair is so silky.
2. Lui (Ricordi?)
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There’s just something about him that is so arrrggghhh that I just couldn’t put him lower.
1. Primo Nizzuto (Trust)
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Like there could ever be anyone else at number 1. Puh-lease.
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msanimedolphin · 2 months
~Back In The Game~
~Chapter Twenty-Nine~
-Series Masterlist-
What happens when a girl who loves volleyball joins a boys' volleyball club? Does she find love? Will she relive her past or move forward? Join (L/N) (Y/N) on a journey with fun twists and turns.
I don't own Haikyuu or any of the characters.
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-Last Time-
“Right. First and foremost…receiving.” Ukai says addressing everyone.
“If you can’t do that, you’re useless. We focus on that starting tomorrow!” Ukai continues.
“Yes, Coach! Thank you very much!”
“Don’t forget your cool-down stretches.”
“Okay, guys! Stretch out!” Daichi instructs.
“Graaaah…” Ukai sighs.
“...? Are we really so terrible at receiving that it’s worth that heavy a sigh?” Takeda asks.
“Nah. Yeah it’s bad, but… that’s not what I was thinking.”
“Back when I was a player and I was on the side that got picked to play, I never gave it any thought, but…when you’re on the side that does the picking as a coach…you can get stuck with some real tough decisions.” Ukai says while looking at Suga and Kageyama talking.
“Clean up now! Hurry!” Ukai yells.
“Yes, Coach.”
On your way to help clean, you see Hinata looking off into the distance. Just as you’re about to check on him, he speaks.
“? Yes?”
“I…I’m no Ace, but…I’m gonna be the Greatest Decoy…so that I can open up the way for the Ace!” Asahi looks at him surprised.
‘Way to go Hinata!’ You think proudly.
“Oh! Um! I still can’t do that without Kageyama’s setting though. But, uh…um…ah…uh…er…ummm…”
“Listen, um… It’s usually the wing spiker playing on the outside left that gets labeled the Ace, right? So that’d be me or Tanaka.”
“? Right.”
“Yeah, hitting through triple blocks and getting most of the sets when things get tough… that’s all part of the Ace’s job. But getting your setter to say something like that about you? I think that’s pretty awesome too.”
“Uhh…so umm…yeah. A-Anyway! What I’m trying to say is…despite whatever position anybody plays…don’t you think the coolest player is the one the other team watches out for the most? Like if they said “Watch out for that small middle blocker! He’s crazy fast!” and stuff.”
“!!!” Hinata nods ferociously.
“If you want my spot, I won’t let you take it that easily.” You smile at the two.
“Yes, sir!!”
“Um…that’s assuming I get to be back in the starting lineup though.” You deadpan.
“Geez, Asahi! You are so timid for such a big guy.” Suga chuckles.
“It’s good to have you back too…Suga.” Daichi says.
“I’m sorry I was such a wishy-washy, namby-pamby, fidgety-flighty, indecisive wreck.” 
“I wouldn’t go that far.” You chuckle. “And it’s good to have our reliable libero back. Right, Noya?”
“Yeah!” The libero answers enthusiastically. 
“But no more smacking the vice principal around and breaking stuff, got it?” Noya freezes and has an embarrassed and scared look on his face. “Oh yeah. I guess we got our wuss of an Ace-only-in-name wing spiker back too. I’d almost forgotten.” You giggle at Daichi’s words and Asahi’s facial expression.
“Right. Let’s finish this off and call it a night, folks!” Ukai announces as all the players gather in a circle while you, Kiyoko, Takeda, and Ukai stand to the side.
“Karasuno…Fight!” Dachi cheers.
“Oh, Coach.” Takeda says getting the man’s attention.
“These are the team’s managers. This is Shimizu Kiyoko, a third year.” He introduces, gesturing to the girl, who bows.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Kiyoko says.
“Same to you.”
“And this is (L/N) (Y/N), a first year.” Takeda gestures to you. You bow and then look up to see Ukai has a look of disbelief and hope. When he sees your face fully his expression turns to recognition and shock.
“It’s nice to see you again, Keishin-san.” You say shyly. This surprises Takeda.
“You two know each other?!” He asks.
“Yeah. My gramps used to teach her when she was younger…”
“Don’t forget you would help too.”
“Yeah, you were a terrible student.” He smirks.
“Hey! No, I wasn’t. You were just a bad teacher!!”
“Whatever you say, kid.” You give him a playful evil look. You then get serious.
“So, how is he?” As you and Ukai talk, Kiyoko and Takeda go their ways to let you catch up. The team sees you two talking and wonders if you know each other, and if so, how.
“Okay. Next up…the training camp. Right?” Ukai asks.
“Right.” You reply.
You’re walking home with Hinata Kageyama, Tanaka, and Noya when Hinata speaks.
“Hey, (Y/N)...”
“What’s up?”
“So I saw you talking with Coach before we left…”
“Okay…What about it?”
“W-Well, you looked like you know each other…”
“Oh!” You giggle. “ Yeah, I know him. His grandfather used to teach me when I was little.”
“Really?!” Hinata, Tanakam and Noya ask. You laugh at their reaction.
“Yup! Keishin-san helped Coach Ukai from time to time as well.”
“Wow! That’s awesome!” Hinata says before he starts asking a million questions. This leads to Kageyama getting annoyed and yelling at Hinata. You laugh as you watch your four friends chat and bicker.
‘I can’t believe I found such amazing friends.’ You think.
~To Be Continued~
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good-nightsocialite · 2 years
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Luca at Il Cinema in Piazza’s showing of ‘Fabrizio De André - Principe libero’
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