#Preying on the vulnerable
coochiequeens · 2 months
These are a lot of examples of something that "never happens".
By Anna Slatz March 28, 2024
A female inmate at the Women’s Correctional Center in Washington has come forward to reveal that she was sexually assaulted by a violent transgender sex offender who was transferred into the women’s prison in 2021.
For the purposes of this article, the female inmate will be referred to as “Mary” in order to protect her privacy and prevent her from experiencing institutional repercussions.
Reduxx was provided Mary’s testimony through letters she passed on to an internal source, who then relayed the information out of the institution on her behalf.
Mary explains that the incident occurred in April of 2022 after a transgender inmate named Christopher Williams asked to be moved into her cell. Williams had previously been serving his sentence at a male facility, and has a criminal history including sex offenses and violent assault.
“Christopher asked if he could move into my room because he said his current roommate was bullying him … I had no issues with him being a transgender. But then he would make weird comments like ‘it hurts when it fills up with blood,’ like he wanted me to know when he was having an erection.”
Mary says that she became increasingly uncomfortable with Williams’ behavior towards her, which had a near-constant sexual undertone. At one point, Williams appeared to become frustrated with Mary’s lack of interest in him, and started issuing disturbing threats of sexual violence.
“He said to me, ‘I don’t know why you don’t want [my dick]. Everyone else does.’ Then he started to follow me into the bathroom. And one time he told me, ‘Just so you know, I can get you wherever I want.'”
Mary says she was voicing her concerns to staff, but was “pretty much being ignored.”
By Genevieve Gluck March 27, 2024
A trans-identified male who sexually assaulted three female employees at a disability support organization, of which he was a representative, has been sentenced to six years in prison for his crimes. Kazumi Watanabe, 57, who claims to “have a woman’s heart,” was sentenced March 27 at the Osaka District Court’s Sakai branch.
Watanabe was first arrested on February 7, 2023, after he was accused of sexual assault by multiple female staff members. At the time of his arrest, Watanabe was the owner and head of Aoi Sodanshitsu, a public company that provided services for disabled or otherwise disadvantaged individuals and their families. The company had an agreement with the municipal government of Takaishi, Osaka Prefecture, which referred people with vulnerabilities to Aoi Sodanshitsu for assistance when needed. Watanabe and his staff would then provide supportive consultations and referrals to relevant welfare services.
According to the indictment, Watanabe sexually assaulted multiple female employees and patrons of the business in 2021, luring them into a vulnerable position under the guise of giving them a “massage.” In order to make his victims comfortable enough to trust him, he’d claim he was not sexually attracted to women and had the “heart of a woman.” After they allowed him to touch their bodies, he would sexually assault them. In at least one of the cases, Watanabe raped a victim by forcible penetration.
One woman, in her forties, was a client of the disabilities counseling project. As Watanabe began to massage her, groping her breasts and genitals, he made comments about touching her “pubic bone,” and suggested he could make her breasts bigger, and made her walk around in her underwear.
In its decision, the District Court stated: “The method of committing the crime under the pretense of a offering a massage by lying about his gender identity was cunning, and the fact that he repeated it clearly showed that he had sexual distortions. He also took advantage of his position. This is a strong condemnation.”
By Anna Slatz March 26, 2024
A trans activist drag queen is standing trial for 2019 charges related to the sexual abuse of a teen boy he met through gay hookup app Grindr. Dwight Evan Chisholm, also known as “Sno Wight,” was already a lifetime entrant of the sex offender registry when he began grooming the boy.
As previously reported by Reduxx, Chisolm was initially convicted in 2011 on charges of sexually assaulting a child and sentenced to three years in prison in Brown County.
Upon his release in 2015, Chisolm was listed in official records as homeless and was therefore ordered to report his whereabouts to authorities on a weekly basis. But two years later, the Wisconsin Department of Corrections lost contact with Chisolm, who had stopped making the mandatory weekly declarations of his location. For the following year and a half, authorities were unable to locate him. 
In December of 2018, the state’s District Attorney’s office charged Chisolm with failure to provide information as a sex offender and a judge signed a warrant for his arrest.
That's a lot of sexual violence from mem who claim to be women
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"TESTAMENT IS SENT TO MAN IN PRISON," Toronto Globe. May 6, 1933. Page 11. ---- The story of a man of Polish birth confined to the cell of a jail in Northern Ontario, unable to speak or read English, reaching Toronto this week, touched the hearts of members of the staff of the Upper Canada Tract Society. Immediately a New Testament printed in the Polish language was forwarded to the lonely man of alien birth, serving sentence. This week also a half-dozen New Testaments in French were despatched to prisoners in an Ontario jail, who had expressed an desire for copies of the Scripture in their own tongue.
The Missionary Department of the Upper Canada Society has hummed with activity during the past few days, as under the supervision, of the Superintendent, Rev. G. M. Speedle, 120 miniature libraries have been packed for distribution among Canadian light- houses. Some are being forwarded as far West as the Pacific Coast. Each package contains several books of varied type and a bundle of interesting magazines, that will pass many a lonely hour as the lighthouse keepers end their families keep vigil.
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wiisagi-maiingan · 1 year
I'm all for natural remedies and traditional medicine, but I think when your "natural remedy" is based on the idea that water can become medicinal by being in the presence of a teeny itty bit amount of something, then it's probably bullshit and you're getting scammed. Go buy some ibuprofen or see a doctor.
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jay-wasstuff · 1 year
Some of you ship tedbecca, tedtrent, and/or roykeeleyjamie and was extremely disappointed that none of them set sail in the finale but none of you will ever understand the pain of my otp not happening,
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Dr Jacob X Being Reported/Losing License
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radlymona · 4 months
TRAs having no empathy yet again
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Teenagers who are pushed towards transitioning aren’t “pushovers” they’re mentally and emotionally vulnerable young people who shouldn’t be allowed to make life-changing medical decisions. Acknowledging this fact isn’t stopping adults from transitioning. It just aims to stops other vulnerable teenagers from doing the same.
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autisticvampireclub · 5 months
I think being a tiny borrower size vampire would be So Good. Like in some media vampires can become giant human-sized bats so what if they can also do the reverse (tiny bat-sized human.) Itty bitty bitey person… you’d never have to worry about hurting someone when you drink their blood bcuz your so small!! They’d probably barely even be able to feel your fangs. You could use a mint tin as a coffin… Imagine…..
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alisaint · 6 months
[1] Sejanus pulled up short. “You never miss a beat, do you? I remember that from school. Watching you watch other people. Pretending you weren’t. And choosing the moments you weighed in so carefully.”
[2] “I don’t have time for explanations. Right now the Plinth brat’s loose in the arena with a pack of wolves. If they see him, they’ll kill him on the spot.”
[3] Sejanus had arrived on the school playground ten years ago, a shy, sensitive boy cautiously surveying the other children with a pair of soulful brown eyes much too large for his strained face.
[4] [Coriolanus] thought of people putting a price on her. With her long, pointed nose and skinny body, Tigris was no great beauty, but she had a sweetness, a vulnerability that invited abuse.
[5] “You could send in some Peacekeepers,” Coriolanus said. “And have [Sejanus] bolt like a rabbit?” she scoffed. “Imagine that for a moment, the Peacekeepers trying to chase him down in the dark. No, we’ll have to lure him out, as uneventfully as possible, so we’ll need people he cares about. He can’t stand his father, no siblings, no other friends. That leaves you and his mother.”
[6] Maude Ivory bent over his ear and whispered, “Don’t let him around Sejanus. He’s sweet, and Billy Taupe feeds on sweet.”
[7] He padded across the dirt, channeling the circus wildcats he had seen here as a boy. Fearless, and powerful, and silent. [Coriolanus] knew he must not spook Sejanus, but he needed to get close enough to converse.
[8] As they passed him, Coriolanus locked eyes with Sejanus, and all he could see was the eight-year-old boy on the playground, the bag of gumdrops clenched in his fist. Only this boy was much, much more frightened. Sejanus’s lips formed his name, Coryo, and his face contorted in pain. But whether it was a plea for help or an accusation of his betrayal he couldn’t tell.
[9] Coriolanus buried his face in his hands. He had killed Sejanus as surely as if he’d bludgeoned him to death like Bobbin or gunned him down like Mayfair. He’d killed the person who considered him his brother. But even as the vileness of the act threatened to drown him, a tiny voice kept asking, What choice did you have? What choice? No choice.
[10] Poor Sejanus. Poor sensitive, foolish, dead Sejanus.
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annabelle--cane · 2 months
trevor herbert canonically survived getting bitten by a vampire because when it started slurping him it thought he tasted so bad that it started violently spluttering and trembling and choking
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vigilskeep · 10 months
i need to wynnepost. somebody has to
#its crazy how people will assume she is all the tropes she subverts and then ignore her#also how sympathy for circle mages’ indoctrination only lasts until they get old i guess and then fuck them#because its not as if they were ever a terrified child who’d never had anything better than a single templar’s mildest kindness and any kind#of home even if it was the tower#so an orphan kid who had no memory of anything but scurrying between farmsteads and hiding in barns#didnt want to leave. what a shock. you guys dont get the place comfort has in keeping circle mages complicit#so it’s violent and terrible and you never have privacy and your children get murdered and you’re always watched and hated#its also a warm bed and community and a chance to succeed#do you honestly think every kid from fucking THEDAS knows theres anything better out there#that doesnt make the circle good. it makes it horrific that they prey on vulnerable kids to teach them the world hates them#and only the circle is ‘safe’#i just think there should be some sympathy for those kids and what they grow up into#its easy for the player to walk in and say their character would hate the circle and never have listened to the templars#its easy for say an amell or even a surana with a family back home to not fear what they left behind#wynne genuinely thinks without the circle mages would all be murdered and she’ll fight and die protecting her fellow mages#from the right of annulment#yes its a flaw that she goes on to teach others the circle must be tolerated and that is precisely how the circle is perpetuated ove#over generations#but its amazing to me to just act like its her fault#well. this is more tags than i expected it to be
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meredithbeckham · 3 months
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when you grew up like we did, it… it impacts how you see the world. everything is filtered through a very specific lens. and ward got that.
i think it’s important to realize you can miss something, but not want it back, paulo coelho.
#daisyjohnsonedit#daisy johnson#aosedit#daisy x ward#anti skyeward#to be clear this isn't meant to romanticize them it's just exploring a facet of their dynamic i find interesting (and utterly terrifying#and sickening)#how much of daisy's connection to ward to begin with was in their shared abusive backgrounds#how he specifically could understand how she grew up and the impact it had on her and her worldview#it physically hurts me to think about how vulnerable she was with him and how much she trusted him with as her s.o#how much she would have felt for him in regard to his own abuse and wanted to help him and what a role that in of itself would have played#in their relationship and in her feelings#something i think aos does really well is allude to daisy's history - how clear it is that she is a survivor of abuse and how consistently#present that is in how she perceives and navigates the world#it's subtle but so very there#her face in that scene where ward goes off because of the staff. CHILLS#and it hurts me so very much to think of how connected she felt to ward in that regard while he himself was preying on and manipulating her#tucking away every vulnerable detail she shared for later use#how he convinces her to trust him and that he won't turn his back on her just to be yet another person who has abused her#how when he starts talking about how he isn't a good man it must be so easy to think he's just like her - thinking she's bad and worthless#and wrong and unlovable because that's what abuse does that's what it does to you#and daisy is so keenly aware of that so much more self-aware than she's given credit for#abuse /#daisy who is actually able to articulate what ward was to her and who maybe misses what she thought he was sometimes because how could#it not be nice to for a moment have someone who understood#but who is also so keenly aware of who he is and what he has done
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wonderful-bellies · 5 months
What about wintery vorish things. Pred resting by the fireplace, maybe a mug of hot coco in their hands and snuggled under a blanket. Their prey resting inside their stomach nuzzled up into the walls that squish in around them and keep them warm. Both of them just enjoying a quiet moment with eachother. The pred's hand idly rubs at their belly and they feel their prey burrow further into the stomach walls and give them some gentle strokes in return. Just existing in the moment warm and content.
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
it really really angers me how the US at large is only capable of giving a shit about social injustice and social change when it can be a way of supporting American imperialism. like I was reading "veterans courts" and like...
"having all veterans appear before random judges who may or may not have an understanding of their unique experiences and issues" oh okay. so only veterans get this? everyone else and their unique experiences and issues can go fuck themselves in an uncaring court room, but once you've proven you are willing to materially support US imperialism then you are deserving of this kind of support?
like. you know another group that has widespread mental health issues, substance use issues, high rates of poverty and homelessness and therefore higher rates of crime? Black people. Indigenous people! Poor people in general! Refugees and immigrants and their families! But supporting them doesn't give us those Warm Nationalistic Fuzzy Feelings so why bother, right?
idk how much other countries do military worship, but god if only I could never fucking hear a variant of "support the troops" again in my life. The way that Americans will tap into a sense of compassion and awareness of widespread social issues and how our justice system at large is awful... but only for veterans. And this issue is hilariously relevant to me right now because I literally just got to see a presentation by a guy talking about a local business and how it engages in identity construction, and he pointed out how it is soooo devoted to military bootlicking that the veterans' parking space is closer to the restaurant than the disabled parking space. Like sure a lot of vets are disabled.... but you could just. Idk. have them both be disabled parking spaces?? But no, the point is glorifying service to American imperialism. It has to be clearly veteran worship because the point isn't helping people, its nationalism that at best parasitizes people's desire to help other people
(Also everyday at 12pm they play the national anthem and everyone, including the workers, have to salute the flag. We live in a blue state! Normal country!!!!!!!!)
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senseearly · 11 days
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"Look. All your friends have left."
Or it was the demon who told Msrn that his friends 'disappeared' in the dungeons.
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preywhore · 1 month
what if we were two small creatures huddled together as we hide from the predator stalking nearby and as we pressed our trembling bodies together maybe our hands start to wander as we comfort and shush eachother 🥺 our hunter found us easily but pretends to still be searching until they decide their prey is worked up enough to catch
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wolfsetfree-if · 1 year
The absolute, visceral rage that took over Bela when they saw the Djinn master pet Omega!MC was something they hardly ever experienced before
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darlinglittletoy · 2 years
underrated petplay thing: when they use a less “cutesy” word for whatever pet you are. being their puppy and getting called mutt or dog, being their bunny and getting called rabbit… etc etc the dehumanization of it allll…
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