#Power Rangers imagines
If Andros Had Been Kidnapped As A Child
Imagine request by @taurielthepirateking
Hope this is good! I haven't written anything in a while!
Karone had been looking for her brother, Andros, for years. Together with her friend and later boyfriend Zane, they worked together to find him. Karone gained the Red Space Powers and Zane was the Silver Space Ranger. 
One day, after a fight with Dark Spector, Zhane was mortally wounded protecting Karone. Karone placed him in a cryogenic sleeping chamber. She spent the rest of her time alone aboard the Astro Megaship, searching the galaxy for Andros. She believed he was still alive and never wanted to give up. 
Karone heard a sound aboard the ship. She searched and found a group of people. She approached them cautiously, morphed. 
“Who are you?” Karone said.
“We’re the Turbo Rangers.” the one in pink said.
“From Earth.” added the one in green.
“How did you get on my ship?” Karone asked. 
“It pulled us in. I’m TJ. This is Cassie, Carlos, and Ashley.” TJ said.
“We’re trying to find and defeat Divatox. She took our powers and destroyed our base.” Ashley said.
“I think I know a way to help you. Follow me.” Karone said, leading them to a room aboard the ship. She grabbed a chest and opened it. 4 unused morphers lay. She pulled them out and handed them to the group. 
“These are astro morphers. You will become the Space Rangers when you morph.” Karone said. “Are you ready?” 
They shook their heads and headed out. They were encountered by a man. He was dressed in black, one side of his hair was long and dyed purple and the other side was shorter and blonde. 
“That’s Astron, the evil space prince.” Karone said “Let’s morph. Let’s rock it!” Karone was the red ranger, TJ was blue, Carlos was black, Cassie was pink, and Ashley was yellow.
“Wow. You have a team now. I’ll destroy them.Attack!” Astron said sending his henchman to the team. The rangers fought them with ease. After the fight Astron left and the rangers stayed as a team. 
Along the journey, they awakened Zhane, the silver ranger. Karone and Zhane continued their relationship after his awakening. Ashley saved Astron when he was knocked unconscious during a fight. This resulted in them liking each other, which ended when she was late for their date after a monster was sent out.
The rangers were fighting and Astron’s locket came open. Karone found it and opened it. There was a picture of a girl in it. It looked like Karone when she was a child.
“Don’t touch that!” Astron shouted, grabbing the locket.
“I have a locket too.” Karone said, opening hers. Astron’s eyes widened at the picture. It looked like him as a child. Astron left and began thinking about the lockets. Eventually he joined the Space rangers until he was captured and re brainwashed. During the battle with all of evil, Astron was accidentally knocked unconscious by Karone. Karone was forced by Zordon to destroy his energy tube, destroying almost all the evil in the universe. Karone took Astron back to Earth, where he was turned good, now going by Andros. He began a relationship with Ashley and became the Purple Space Ranger.
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Power Rangers Masterlist
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Power Rangers Ninja Steel
Calvin Maxwell: Date to The Dance
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angele-darliing · 11 months
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When I saw the tweet I instantly thought of them lol
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puraiuddo · 1 year
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TMNT | Raphael & Casey Jones
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amberbeach · 2 months
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The chill of the space beside him alerted RJ that you were no longer sleeping beside him and had been gone for at least ten minutes. He sat up, looking around the room, the moon outside peeking in through the curtains granting enough light that he could see you weren't in your bedroom. He glanced at the clock as he got out of bed and quietly made his way to the living space, finding it was encased in darkness.
He looked around in confusion until he heard a noise from downstairs in the pizza parlour. A smile formed on his lips as he headed downstairs to the kitchen where he found you spreading sauce on the pizza dough you had made.
RJ chuckled, startling you, and you looked at your husband when he approached you. "Let me guess, midnight snack?"
"What? I'm eating for two now." You placed a hand on your bump, and RJ smiled as he stood behind you, placing his hands on your arms while kissing your cheek.
"Here." He took over the cooking, and you helped add toppings, looking over at him.
"Did I wake you?"
He shook his head, "The bed was cold."
He didn't have to elaborate for you to realize why he had started looking for you. It had been months since the incident, but the look in his eyes told you that it was still very much on his mind. RJ could never shake the fear that overcame him when he found you were gone. It took him back again and again and revisited him in his sleep. The night you were taken by Dai Shi, who stole your animal spirit to make himself stronger, haunted him every day since.
You frowned, observing your husband, whom you had met at the academy. You got married weeks after graduation and have been together ever since, and there was no greater test than helping him mentor three teenagers who could save the world.
You couldn't imagine how it must've been while you were gone. RJ had spoken about it after a nightmare, and you discussed his need to be closer to you once you returned. You knew that if the roles were reversed, you would've lost your mind with worry. And since your pregnancy, RJ was more protective than ever.
You approached the Purple Ranger, wrapping your arms around his waist, pressing a kiss to his shoulder after he placed the pizza in the oven. He smiled softly as he turned to you, and you rested your head on his chest as you stood in the lit kitchen, in his warm embrace.
"I'm sorry. I never thought - "
RJ shook his head, "I know. It seems silly now, months on, but I can't shake that feeling." He pressed a kiss to your head, meeting your gaze when you lifted your head to look up at him. "I thought I'd lost you. And I couldn't survive that." He placed a hand on your cheek, and you sent him a small smile.
"Do you remember what I told you at our wedding?"
"No matter what happens, we'll always have each other."
"Which means when - if - something happens to me, I'll haunt you forever."
RJ cracked a smile, and you smiled when he began to chuckle. He kissed you tenderly before walking to the oven to check on the cooking pizza. You placed your hand on your stomach in surprise, a smile forming on your lips.
"RJ," You called softly, gaining his attention.
He met your gaze, glancing at your hands. "What's wrong?"
"They're kicking." You told him.
He approached you, and you held his hand on your stomach. Moments later, he felt pressure against his hand, and he smiled brighter than you had seen in a while.
You met his gaze when he placed his hands on your cheeks and kissed you tenderly. "I love you."
"I love you too."
That night before time ticked by into the early hours of the morning, you headed upstairs and back to bed. RJ laid on his side while you sat with your back against the headboard, sharing the pizza you made as you added to the list of names you liked for both genders.
After the pizza was finished, RJ shifted until his head rested on your lap, and you smiled softly, combing your fingers through his hair, leaning over to turn off the lamp to allow your husband to succumb to sleep, knowing it didn't come easy to him lately.
While you still felt the void left by the absence of your animal spirit, it was nothing compared to the prospect of losing each other. And you were thankful that he and the Rangers had found you when Dai Shi went to extraordinary lengths to hide you away. He was growing stronger, but you knew the final confrontation between him and the Rangers was coming soon. And as you looked down at your husband you silently wished for him not to come to harm, and the Rangers.
Right now, you were still healing through the aftermath.
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morninkim · 3 months
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Ranger Academy OC, now with suit!!
her overall theme is Knight, while her zord is a Dragon because Tommy's influence is inescapable to me (though hers is more european dragon than godzilla dragon)
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emsgoodthinkin · 1 year
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i c u w them light skin undertones w o fine ass😩(click the top pic to view the full view ;)
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prototypelq · 9 months
Was anyone going to tell be Reuben Langdon (stuntman, producer, later actor, Dante's VA and mocap) knew Dan Southworth (stuntman, Vergil's VA and mocap) and Johnny Yong Bosch (actor, Nero's VA and mocap) because
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miciiq · 3 months
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Power ranger KAITO???
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theswissgirl · 8 months
They don't need me- A Jayden Shiba imagine
So I am 18 years old and I still find myself crushing on the red ranger of the Power Rangers Samurai aka Jayden Shiba (in the first season) and I just feel like I have to write my imaginations I feel like it'll be fun. Plus, no one knows who I am here so I wont get mocked :)
Imagine this: you switch places with Kevin when the nighlock takes possession of him, believing that the team need him more than you, especially jayden but little does she know...
Episode : I've got a spell on Blue
PS: Her name is Ember, imagine her as you want, and she has the ability to manipulate fire and able to preform protection spells (think of her as bloom from winx club I guess)
Yes, I know this is a major twist in the plot but this is how I always imagine it.
credits to power rangers, they own everything.
After a fight with the Nighlock had gone south, the rangers and Ember were on their way back to the dojo where Mentor was waiting for them. Concern clear on face.
It only grew as he saw the cuts and bruises and torn clothes.
"this isn't good, its going to very hard to break that monsters spell on the tiger zord and Kevin" he said as he followed them inside and walked along side Jayden.
Mike, Emily and Mia all sat down whilst Ember leaned against the wall, groaning in pain as her entire body ached from being slashed by Kevins spin sword. She wanted to use her powers to defend herself but at the same time, she didn't want to risk hurting Kevin with her fire power.
Jaydens head turned quickly after hearing the noise, feeling the smallest bit of concern but quickly covering it again and turning to mentor.
"we need a plan" he said firmly.
"Jayden, you must be prepared to make tough choices if need be" mentor says to him.
"I know Ji" Jayden replies.
a pause takes over the room before he speaks again.
"But lets figure out a way to break the nighlocks hold on Kevin before it gets to that"
The rangers look solemnly at one another.
But Ember had her own thought progress going on.
The rangers look really upset, I can imagine they are all very worried for Kevin. I understand why, Kevin is the brains of the Samurai rangers and trains harder than anybody else. He gets along with everyone, well maybe not so much with Mike but its gotten better
She quitely snickers to herself at that last bit before she continues to think.
They need him, otherwise the whole team might fall apart
A thought popped into her head.
What if… What if I could trade places with Kevin? I mean I am probably more valuable than Kevin because of my powers, I would be of more use to the nighlock. Besides, I’m not one of the rangers or part of their group, they need Kevin more than they need me. 
Hopefully the protection spells will enable me to break the nighlocks hold before the rangers find out
Suddenly, she feels determined to return Kevin to the rangers.
"Excuse me for a second" she says quietly to the others before dashing off the her room, hoping that the others think she just needs to lay down.
When the rangers start to chatter again, she quietly walks to double doors, pulls them open and walks out, closing the door quietly behind her. She takes off for the forest.
"Show yourself nighlock!"
As soon as she got to the forest, she immediately starts trying to attract the nighlocks attention. She spins around in circles, hoping to catch a glimpse of him somewhere.
"I have a deal for you!" she yells into the air.
When that doesn't spark anything, she tries again.
"I am more useful than the blue ranger, I will be able to inflict more damage and pain on the rangers. Release the blue ranger and take control of me instead!!" suddenly, she hears the sound of lightning
He's here.
"hmm I know you, you're the rangers little pet who always stays behind and does nothing" he retorts.
"that's one way to phrase it" she shrugs her shoulders.
He points a claw at her "how do I know you're not lying"
Ember smirks.
She closes her eyes and when she opens them, her eyes are a bright burning orange. She raises her hands up and out comes fire, growing larger and larger, she moves her wrists to spread the fire around them, creating a ring and trapping them both. With two snaps of her fingers, the fire is gone.
"hmmm color me impressed" the nighlocks hums and Ember nods her head in acknowledgement. A pause follows after.
"you have yourself a deal!" the nighlock exclaims loudly.
In a cloud of blue mist, Kevin appears and is still wearing his ranger suit. A mass of dark blue and black colored substance rises out of him before exploding in the air, cleansing Kevin of the monsters possession. He falls to the ground and catches his breath and his suit disappears from his body. He stands up and he is taken by surprise when he lays eyes on Ember.
"Ember, what are you doing?" he asks alarmed when he spots the nighlock not too far away from him.
"Kevin, before you do something stupid please listen to me. You are free to return to the rangers. They need you okay? more than they need me, especially Jayden" she says, her voice taking a sorrow tone.
"Ember, what did you do??"
"She traded places with you, claimed that she is more useful" the nighlock laughed and Kevin is shocked and can't figure out what to say. This was quite a heavy sacrifice she was making.
" Please tell them I'm sorry for leaving without telling them" she whispers.
"Run!!" she yells one last time.
Kevin takes off to the Dojo, running as fast as he can to warn his fellow rangers
The nighlock unleashes a blast, directly targeting her. The impact of the blast sent her to the ground, where the spell works its way into her body and into her brain. She groans in as the spell takes ahold of her. After a few seconds, she stands up and her eyes are bright purple. The nighlock has control of her now.
"The rangers don't know what's coming for them"
After running for what seemed like eternity, Kevin finally made it to the Dojo. He frantically rips open the doors and runs inside to find the rangers sitting in a circle on the chairs surrounding the map table.
The heads Jayden and Mentor shoot up and quickly stand up once they see Kevin standing there, completely frantic and breathing heavily. The rest of the rangers had retired to their rooms to get some rest and recuperate.
Jayden walks up to Kevin carefully, not sure if they are being tricked or not. He places a hand on Kevins shoulder and finds out that it really is Kevin. He smiles and squeezes his shoulder.
"Welcome back Kevin" Jayden says, relief filling him. Then he asked "how did you get here?"
"Ember, she... she... she took my place, she traded places with me so that the Nighlock has control of her instead of me" he says quickly.
"She did what?!" Mentor exclaims
Jayden could not comprehend the words Kevin has just said. Immediate concern and sorrow fills him as he thinks of the girl whom he's begun to feel things for. Sure, he didn't think anything of it to start with, but as she remained with the rangers and spent more time with them, Jayden grew to care for her. Yes, he cares for all of the rangers but it's different with Ember. He gets nervous when their eyes meet across the room, he gets scared whenever she is injured in battle, he admires how close she's grown with Mia and Emily, he loves how she checks up on him every now and then. And most importantly, she makes him feel good and at ease, like the rest of world and it's problems just faded away. One might say, he developed feelings for her.
"She said that you guys needed me more than we needed her, especially you, Jayden" Kevin mutters quitely.
"She thinks we don't need her?" Jayden asked sorrowfully, feeling great sadness that she came to feel this way.
Kevin nodded sadly.
" Okay new plan. We need to get Ember back, she is now our first priority" Jayden says fiercely, determination crossing his features.
"We need to destroy that nighlock before he hurts her or makes her hurt innocent people" Kevin says and the rest agreed with her. Suddenly, everyone knew what to do and they would do everything in her power to do accomplish the task. Get Ember back at all cost.
"No, I'll go alone, you need to rest just like the others, you need to make sure you okay before you can fight" Jayden tells him. Kevin knew he was right and nodded his head before going to his room.
Jayden runs to doors, pulls out his sammurizer and morphs into his ranger suit. He goes to find the Nighlock that has taken Ember from him.
The Shib alarm starts sounding out in the entire house and the rangers run to Mentor who has already opened the water map.
"Mentor, where's Jayden? Mike asked.
"He's already gone to battle the Nighlock" he informs the rangers.
"Are you kidding me? what about Ember? the Nighlock will make her fight Jayden" Mike states irritated.
"Hopefully that won't happen but it our duty to protect the people. He may have no choice." Mentor sighs.
"There's always a choice!" Mike exclaims
"This is bogus"
Mentor turns and walks around him "Have faith in your leader, Mike"
"Mike, we have to help Jayden" Mia says.
" And hope Ember comes to her senses" Emily adds on.
The rangers run to the join Jayden at the battlefield.
Jayden stands in front of the Nighlock, Ember standing right behind him with a cold expression on her face as she observes Jayden.
"It's about time red ranger" the nighlock bellows out but Jayden's focus is solely on Ember.
"Ember please wake up" he says to her. She smirks and only shrugs her shoulders in response, the spell forcing her.
"Not going to happen, red" The nighlock says before turning to Ember.
"Make this fight count" he says and she nods her head and moves closer to Jayden.
"Or I'll make her use her powers on herself"
The rest of rangers arrive just on time, holding up their morphers.
"Jayden, we're here to help" Mike states.
"No, I can't put anyone else at risk" Jayden rejects Mike's and the others aid.
"You want a show? I'll give you the show of your life, Nighlock" Jayden says beforing morphing into his suit.
"I wish I had some popcorn. Fire girl, attack!" The Nighlock yells before jumping on top of some containers to watch the battle.
She moves her hands to her side, fire sprouting out of them immediately and she advances towards Jayden and the two slowly start to circle each other. Jayden goes into a stance and Ember sees that as her sign to attack. With a flick of her wrist, she throws the fire fire ball towards Jayden
Jayden deflects her attack by using his sword as a barrier, immediately after, he lunges for her. He swipes his sword, Ember holds up her arms, a magical armor protecting her from getting cut and she blocks his attack. This left her flank open and Jayden used that to his advantage.
Before she could see it, Jayden kicks her to the ground. She wheezes as air is knocked out of her and she holds her sides.
"What are you thinking thats Ember!" Mike yells out but his statement goes unheard.
Ember quickly stands up again and moves to launch another attack but.. she stops and lets out a a gasp as she falls to the ground again. Ember is trying to take back control and the rid the control the nighlock has over her.
Groaning, she clutches her head as a headache begins to form but she has to push through the pain, she just has to. She starts thrashing and shaking on the ground, fighting the monsters control over her. The pain is building but she can't give up, she's so close.
"Ember?" Jayden asked concerned and confused.
"Jayden" Ember whimpered.
"Jayden please" she doesn't know why she's saying please, she just wants him to know that she's trying.
"Ember, you can fight this, I know you can. I know you think we don't need you but we do, we all do.. especially me. So please, come back to us... come back to me" He says softly.
That was all she needed to hear. Her screams and cries grow louder and her thrashing becomes more violent and just when she thought it was never going to end, she lets out a final scream and the same black and dark blue substance was pulled from her eyes and mouth, completely expelling the dark magic from her body.
She relaxes and lays flat on the ground, trying desperately to catch her breath and let her senses return to her.
"No!! what on earth did you do !!!"The nighlock screams, angry that his plan did not go accordingly.
Ember sits up carefully and looks the monster dead in the eye.
" I broke your spell. Did you really think I was just going to let you control me that easily?" she laughed dryly.
"But how?? only I can reverse that spell!!" He yelled.
"Guess I'm just stronger than you think" she smirked, happy that she foiled the nighlock's plans.
Her eyes move over to Jayden, only to find him already looking at her with pride and admiration, a small smile present on his face. He nodded and she understood.
They were going to talk later.
(Authors note: my patience was wearing thin so I decided to go ahead and skip it)
The rangers were enjoying a board game where their zords where the game pieces. Suffice it to say, it was not going well for Mike...
Ember was sat next to Emily, she didn't have enough energy to play but she was happy to observe them and watch the smiles on their faces. She leaned her head on Emily's shoulder as her eyes flicker over to Kevin and Jayden who were having a quite discussion.
Anticipation and nervousness came over her, she and Jayden hadn't talked yet and she was only growing more anxious.
Was he mad at her? was he sad? disappointed?
her thoughts were going haywire.
Suddenly, she needed fresh air and walked out the open door to sit on one of the stone benches. She moved to the furthest one away from the laughter and chatter from her friends, wanting to enjoy the open night sky.
But she had a feeling she was not alone and she knew who it was.
"You scared me today"
She turned around and she was right. Jayden followed her outside.
He sat down beside her and examined her face more closely. It was still a little bit banged up but the cuts and bruises were healing fast, thanks to her exacerbated blood. He was relieved and Ember smiled at him.
"I'm sorry" she whispered out before moving her eyes back down to her lap
"Why did you do it? Why did you let that Nighlock do that to you? Jayden asked her quietly and she let out a sad sigh.
"I just thought that you guys needed Kevin more than you needed me. I wanted to help the team, even if it meant sacrificing myself. I don't know, I just feel like I'm a burden to you guys and I'm not even part of the group and I thought I was finally doing something to help you" she opens up to him.
Jayden grabs her chin with two fingers and moves her face so she was looking at him.
"Ember, you are not a burden and you are needed. Mia and Emily need you, Mike needs you because who else keeps him from wrecking the house and Kevin doesn't show it but he needs you to, he believes you provide a great advantage in battle. And I need you too" she blushes at his heartfelt words and moves to pull her face away but is met with resistance.
"There is something else. Ever since I met you, I've come to care for you and you make me feel things I have never felt before. Your smile makes me feel at ease, the way you laugh seems to make my heart race. Every time a monster hurts you, I feel this urge to protect you, Everytime I can see you are scared, I want to comfort you and the way you just are, it amazes me so much. I have feelings for you, Ember and I've tried to fight it but it's pretty difficult when a person like you is so beautiful and caring"
Ember could not believe it, all this time he felt the same as her?? She thought she was insane for developing feelings for the red danger, believing full well that he was never going to see her more than a team mate or friend. But here he was, proving her wrong.
Surprise and shock flitters across her face and she processes his confession before joy and elation start to fill her until the smile that is spreading on her face begins to hurt.
"Jayden, I feel the same way" she finally gathered the courage to speak and her face moved closer to his. Slowly but surely, they lean in closer and closer until their noses touch. Ember closes her eyes and pray he won't reject her. Slowly, she feels his lips against hers and he breathing picks up along with her heart.
Before she chickens out, she closes the gap and seals their lips together in a kiss. Their lips moved slowly against each other, Jayden brings his hand up to caress her face and pull her a little closer with his other hand. Ember moves her hands and interlocks them behind his neck and craning her head.
Their kiss becomes more passionate and deeper as they continue exploring each others mouths. The butterflies in her stomach are going awol, she never thought she was going to be so lucky.
After 5 minutes of passionate kissing, the pair had to pull away from each other to catch some much needed air and lean their foreheads against each other.
3212 Words
okay my head is killing me now, that took way too long to write. But I actually liked it, finally being able to write down one of thought imaginations.
I just felt the urge to suddenly just write and so I just pulled a random imagine from my head and it was the one with Jayden Shiba.
I might come back and do another, if the mood strikes you know :)
-- Swiss girl.
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tvmigraine · 4 months
Disney (Almost) Made an Anniversary Kamen Rider
You remember during the 2000s where Disney owned Power Rangers? It wasn't a bad era in terms of what was put out, but maybe I'm bias because I grew up with it. Running from Ninja Storm to RPM, Disney had a troubling run with the show - the quality was good for a kid's show, but Disney did not like making it. It's not a secret that they were trying to bury Power Rangers, the show only continuing after RPM because it was bought back by Saban. It doesn't feel like a coincidence they sold back Power Rangers less than a year after buying Marvel Entertainment.
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And ever since, Disney has had no interest in Tokusatsu as a genre. You could argue the closest they ever came was Mech-X4, a Disney XD show about a kid controlling a giant robot to save his town.
Then rolls around the 100th anniversary. Tokusatsu is still as popular as ever in Japan and, while Super Sentai isn't as popular as it used to be, Kamen Rider has been going strong ever since it's revival in the Heisei Era.
If Disney wanna make money in Tokusatsu, it makes sense to put it in Kamen Rider.
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This is the Imagination Belt. It was released last month and, honestly, I'm glad I got back into Kamen Rider in time to see the strangest anniversary celebration yet. It was produced by Bandai and I won't pretend this is officially a Kamen Rider product - it's made by the same company, but that's not enough to call it that.
But it sure takes a lot of the beats!
As a person who has previously rambled about a non-existent canon surrounding a Sonic Screwdriver toy, I really appreciate that this gives me more to talk about inherently. Kamen Rider historically has been getting more and more Riders with every era of the show and this toy is no different - ten different Disney icons made into marketable... keys... how did they not do Sora-
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Nevermind, I'm glad they didn't.
The designs aren't great, I won't pretend they are, if you're a fan of Kamen Rider. It's clear the character designs were leaning closer to Kingdom Hearts (or even Spectrobes, if you remember that), so it's hard to judge them in terms of your typical Tokusatsu outfit. That being said, the consistency of the goggles does imply something about this uniform - if it's as important as the belt to be included on everyone, that's notable.
There's also a notable detail with the Imagination Belt itself - the Keys. Half of them are Gold, half of them are Silver, inherently splitting the team of Riders (Imaginators? Imagineers? Disney Adults?) in half. It implies simply that the goals of all the Riders don't align, that perhaps they're in a battle.
The Character Selection is also brought to mind. I imagine it's based on multiple factors, like popularity in that area and inclusion of specific brands... but that doesn't stop them being weird. Including specific representatives for Marvel, Lucasfilms and Pixar absolutely make sense - the choice of Woody is textbook. Iron Man equally makes sense, but the design has him look (personally) more like Lightning McQueen, which may just be a flaw of similar colour schemes.
But Grogu? Ya coulda picked anyone from Star Wars and... I get that The Mandalorian is probably the best received in pop culture... but the implications that he's getting his powers from a space baby is quite funny.
NOTE: The specific split of teams is Gold Keys belong to Mickey, Minnie, Simba, Woody and Iron Man - Silver Keys belong to Snow White, Moana, Tiana, Elsa and Grogu.
They also have built in power-up modes, specifically "Full Max" which seems to grant a power boost based on related characters - Mickey's Full Max gets help from Donald, Goofy and Pluto, meanwhile Simba has Timon and Pumbaa for example. But in your typical Tokusatsu, if your power-up involves other iconography, that tends to involve beating monsters. Are the monsters for "Imagination Belt" other Disney characters? Were Donald and Goofy evil beasts that had to be defeated? Did Woody have to beat Buzz Lightyear and the other Toys-Turned-Monsters? Minnie's Full Max is her with a cat, did Minnie Mouse have to fight a CAT?!
But onto the Lore Implications...
There's easily enough here to build an insane fanfiction, as you're about to see, but this does continue a point that I really appreciate about toys - kids, collectibles, whatever you want. You can tell your own story and it's not even difficult. Everyone has inherent creativity and, given a small amount of time, you can make any story out of any objects.
Case in point...
"Imagination Belt", to me, feels like Ryuki or Geats - it is a Rider War (Disney Adult War) where these two factions of "heroes" are fighting. It's probably against each other, Gold vs Silver, but you can imagine there are other monsters in between as your usual plot hooks.
The "Riders" of this world likely have their powers from raw imagination - passion for something that manifests in the Keys, giving them power in return. If the imagination becomes twisted.
Based on appearances, the Iron Man and Grogu Riders probably are leading both teams, the conflict started by the both of them and spiraling from there. Mickey is the obvious protagonist, Grogu looks like he'd make a good rival to keep the protagonist moving forward.
And there may be only ten official keys but Disney is an all-consuming black hole of creativity. There could be a lot more and you know it.
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I'm going to begin Power Rangers imagines. For now I will only do Mighty Morphin through RPM since I haven't seen Samurai through Beast Morphers in a while and I haven't finished Dino Fury.
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Date to The Dance
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Pairing: Calvin Maxwell x Male Reader Genre: Fluff
Y/n stood at the top of a ladder as he fixed the sign hanging over the cafeteria of Summer Cove High. He and his friend, Leah, had agreed to help Hayley organise the annual Summer Cove High Senior Dance. “So…” Leah excitedly started as Y/n climbed down the ladder. “Who are you taking to the dance tonight?” she eagerly asked. “My TV. And you wanna know what I’m wearing? My couch.” Y/n laughed which stopped quickly once he noticed the serious face that crossed Leah’s face.
“I’m not going because I have nothing to wear and I have no one to go with.” Y/n answered, as they walked over to the food truck to order lunch. “You can’t not go to our senior dance. It’s an important part of any high school experience.” Leah exaggerated.
“Did you just use a double-negative?”
“Don’t change the subject.”
“Hey guys! I just wanted to say great job on the sign.” Hayley complimented, joining the duo that had just reached the front of the line.
“Thank you, Hayley. Do you mind convincing my friend here how he will forever regret skipping our Senior Dance tonight?” Leah snidely asked, giving Y/n a cheeky look who returned the look with a glare. “You don’t actually plan on skipping, do you?” Hayley asked, shifting her gaze to Y/n. “Well, I have no date and no suit, and the dance is less than 7 hours.” Y/n explained as he got his lunch and moved to sit at a table.
“We can go shopping after school for a suit.” Hayley suggested.
“And for a date, you could just ask Calvin.” Leah smirked causing Y/n to roll his eyes and Hayley’s face to twist in confusion.
“Why Calvin?” she asked curiously. “It doesn’t matter.” Y/n answered shortly. “Y/n has a crush on him.” Leah revealed, getting a weak punch from her friend. “You should definitely ask him.” Hayley excitedly agreed, knowing something that the duo didn’t. “How about this, we’ll find a suit after school and then we’ll figure the date thing out later?” Y/n proposed to the two girls.
Y/n, Leah, Hayley and her friends were now wandering around town looking for dress shops. Y/n would mainly talk to Leah or Hayley while occasionally sneaking glances at the dirty blonde boy. “You know instead of looking him, you could just talk to him.” Leah whispered, catching Y/n’s glances. The boy rolled his eyes before he saw a suit in the window display of a shop and walked towards it, admiring the suit. “That would look amazing on you.” A voice complimented capturing Y/n’s attention, where next to him stood Calvin.
“Really?” Y/n curiously asked, unable to keep the small smile from forming on his face. Suddenly, Kudabots were beamed down from the sky landing on the street causing panic across the street. Y/n felt arms wrap around him before being pulled to the ground dodging a energy beam that had been directed to them. Y/n connected eyes with his protector, Calvin, as they moved to hide behind a car. “Y/n, take Leah and get to safety. I need to find my friends.” Calvin instructed, while cupping Y/n’s face, looking him in the eyes. Y/n nervously nodded his head as he turned to see Leah hiding behind a car.
The duo escaped the danger-filled area heading toward Leah’s home to fetch her things before moving to Y/n’s home to get ready. Upon entering his room, they noticed a suit with a note sitting on the bed. Y/n picked up the note and read it: Be my date for the dance tonight? – Calvin. Y/n took the suit out of its cover and noticed it was the one he was admiring earlier. He and Leah had gotten themselves ready before leaving for the dance as Leah’s date had picked them up.
They arrived at the dance as they admired their cafeteria that had been decorated for the dance. Y/n felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Calvin in a suit, with a single rose in his hand. “Hi.” Y/n greeted, with a smile. “Hi.” Calvin greeted back as he handed Y/n the rose. “So, about your offer? I would love to be your date.” Y/n accepted, as Calvin took his hand and they moved to the dance floor where they spent most of their night.
Slowly, the dance was coming to an end as Y/n had his head on Calvin’s chest and his hands in Calvin’s swaying to slow song that was playing. “There is a something I want to show you.” Calvin whispered to his date, enjoying the position they were in. Once the dance had come to an end, Calvin drove Y/n to a secluded area near the ribbon tree. They got out the car and sat on the hood of the car. “I found this place awhile ago when my friends and I saved the tree.” Calvin said as he wrapped his arm around Y/n.
“It’s beautiful, Calvin.” Y/n whispered as he admired the stars twinkling in the night sky, the sound of nature, and the moon. “It is but my view is better.” Calvin agreed, causing Y/n to look at him to notice that Calvin was looking at him causing him to blush. Their eyes connected before Calvin leaned in and pressed a sweet kiss on Y/n’s lips who kissed back. They spent the rest of the night gazing at the stars, in each other’s arms.
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angele-darliing · 11 months
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Sieg doodle
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RPM OT5 playlist!
You want relationship development? Welcome to my favorite relationship development in the entire Power Rangers series, aka my RPM OT5. Now, this one does not make as much instinctual sense as the SPD OT5 or Casey/RJ or Jayden/Antonio, where the relationship development is the backbone of canon, but writing these five idiots was so satisfying that I wrote the original one-shot in FIVE DAYS and that was my record on length of a one-shot until DECEMBER OF LAST YEAR. (You can also tell because I keep going back and writing extra chapters for this fic because I can't resist playing in its universe.)
@skyland2703 @madhare0512 @khruschevshoe @liveinalovelyway @disastardly @augment-techs
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amberbeach · 8 months
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gif belongs to me
Jason searched the school for you while the other Rangers headed to face off against Rita's latest monster. You were heading down the stairs when he found you and you knew instantly from his expression of regret that another date was about to be cancelled. That made it four in a row.
You listened as he claimed to have another emergency, and promising to make it up to you, and as you watched the man you love lie, you felt your anger reach a boiling point and your heart shatter.
"Don't bother." You walked by him and Jason called out to you as you headed down the hallway, sighing when you ignored him. Alpha warned him that the others were struggling without him and he knew he had to choose, and in that split second he chose his friends, hoping he hadn't ruined his chances with you.
Little did he know that you had plans of your own. You followed him out of school to the park where the other Rangers were fighting. Your eyes widened when you saw him help the four Rangers defeat the Putties. You clutched your camera tightly, snapping pictures of the Rangers as they fought to defeat the Putties.
You had supported him during competitions so you knew when his mind was distracted and when two Putties advanced behind him, you called out to him, "Jason, look out!"
He turned, finding you standing with your camera. He took down the Putties and looked at where you stood frozen, "Run, Y/N! Run!"
You hesitated as you watched him take down another Putty and swallowed thickly when he promised to explain later, taking out his morpher. You knew from the look in his eyes that you would only serve as a distraction and the last thing you wanted was for him to get hurt. So you left, looking over your shoulder just in time to catch him morphing into the Red Ranger. You stumbled but kept on running. You had no destination in mind, however, when you realized it was best to stay away from your house, you headed to Ernie's and when he saw how frazzled you were, he brought you a shake on the house.
Almost an hour later Jason entered with his friends and you knew from their expression that they knew, you found out about their secret. Jason approached you, a tentative smile on his lips as he said, "I can explain everything, if you want me too."
You left Ernie's and walked around Angel Grove, having no particular destination in mind as he told you the story about how he and his four friends became Power Rangers and the secret they vowed to keep to Zordon. You listened intently, not asking questions and allowing him to speak freely.
You stopped walking when he took your hands, assuring you that from this moment forth he would always confide in you, never lie about 'emergencies' and you saw the fear in his eyes - his belief that you would reject him and end your relationship.
You closed your eyes, squeezing his hands as you met his gaze, "Just promise me one thing."
"Anything." He agreed instantly.
"Always come back to me."
Jason smiled, a weight lifted from his shoulders, his hands rising to your cheek, "I promise. I love you. And I will never lie to you again. From here on out, complete transparency."
You smiled softly, "I love you too."
He leaned in to kiss you passionately, wrapping his arms around your as he deepened the kiss, and you placed your hands on his cheeks, smiling against his lips.
That day you made an oath to always be truthful, honest, and always stand by one another no matter what the future had in store. Your love will always persevere.
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