#Poop niche
mr-areeb · 10 months
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🌟 Introducing SynoGut - the remarkable new champion in the Poop Niche! 💩 Are you tired of digestive discomfort and irregular bowel movements? Look no further! 🌿 SynoGut is here to revolutionize your gut health and bring balance to your digestive system. With its potent blend of natural ingredients, SynoGut works harmoniously to promote healthy digestion, relieve bloating, and support regularity. 🔬 Our expertly crafted formula is backed by extensive research and carefully selected herbs, fibers, and probiotics to optimize your gut health. Say goodbye to embarrassing gas and hello to a happier tummy! 💪
Click on link and Place your order
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demidevilqueen · 1 year
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This ones for all the aging YTP fans. If you know, you know
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physical-products · 1 month
My Gut Feeling Was Right: A Positive Review of SynoGut
I've always considered myself a healthy person. I eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. But for the past few months, I'd been dealing with some stubborn digestive issues. Bloating, gas, and occasional constipation were making me feel sluggish and uncomfortable. I tried over-the-counter remedies, but nothing seemed to work for long.
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Seeking a Natural Solution
That's when I came across SynoGut while browsing for natural digestive health supplements. The product's focus on a blend of prebiotics and probiotics along with other gut-friendly ingredients piqued my interest. I did some research on the science behind these ingredients and found promising evidence for their effectiveness in improving gut health.
A Gentle Improvement
I decided to give SynoGut a try. Within a few days of taking the recommended dosage, I started noticing a positive difference. The bloating and gas subsided significantly. I also experienced more regularity in my bowel movements, which is something I hadn't realized how much I took for granted until it became a problem.
Overall Well-being Boost
But the benefits of SynoGut went beyond just resolving my immediate digestive issues. I felt a general improvement in my overall well-being. I had more energy throughout the day, and my sleep quality improved as well. I believe this is due to the gut-brain connection and how a healthy gut microbiome can positively impact mood and cognitive function.
Easy to Use and Integrate
SynoGut comes in convenient capsule form, making it easy to incorporate into my daily routine. The capsules are odourless and easy to swallow. I typically take them with a glass of water in the morning before breakfast.
Finding the Right Fit
It's important to note that everyone's body is different, and what works for one person might not work for another. However, in my experience, SynoGut has been a game-changer for my gut health. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a natural way to improve their digestion and overall well-being. Remember, it's always best to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplement, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.
A Sustainable Approach to Gut Health
I've been using SynoGut for a few months now, and I plan to continue incorporating it into my daily routine. It's helped me achieve a healthy balance in my gut microbiome, and I feel confident that it will continue to support my digestive health in the long run.
Disclaimer: This review is based on my personal experience with SynoGut. As always, your individual results may vary.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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Tummy Triumphs: My Positive Experience with
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For years, I've grappled with occasional digestive issues, leaving me feeling sluggish and uncomfortable. These issues often disrupted my daily routine and impacted my overall well-being. Determined to find a natural solution to improve my digestive health, I discovered SynoGut, a gut health supplement generating a lot of positive buzz online.
A Natural Path to Digestive Harmony
SynoGut appealed to me because it offered a comprehensive formula targeting various aspects of digestive health. The blend boasts a range of prebiotics, probiotics, and natural fibers known for their potential benefits in promoting regularity, reducing bloating, and supporting a healthy gut microbiome. Ingredients like Flaxseed, Bentonite Clay, and Bacillus strains stood out for their ability to promote healthy digestion, aid in detoxification, and potentially improve gut flora balance.
The focus on natural ingredients resonated with me, as I wanted to gently support my digestive system without resorting to harsh laxatives. SynoGut offered a natural, multi-faceted approach to potentially improve my digestive regularity and overall gut health.
The SynoGut website provided clear information on each ingredient and its role in promoting digestive health. They also offered studies and research highlighting the potential effectiveness of these natural components. This transparency and the focus on a natural approach instilled confidence in the product's safety and effectiveness.
Easy to Use and Integrate into My Routine
The convenience of SynoGut is one of the things I appreciate most. The capsules are easy to swallow and don't require any messy mixing or special storage. The recommended dosage is one or two capsules daily, depending on your needs, which I easily integrated into my morning routine alongside my usual vitamins.
Gradual Improvement and Digestive Relief
Within a few weeks of taking SynoGut consistently, I noticed a significant improvement in my digestive regularity. Gone were the days of feeling bloated and uncomfortable. My digestive system felt more balanced and regulated, allowing me to feel more confident and in control throughout the day.
Perhaps the most unexpected benefit was an improvement in my overall well-being. With a healthier digestive system, I experienced increased energy levels and a general feeling of lightness. This positive impact on my gut health had a ripple effect on my overall health and mood.
Sustainable Support and a Healthier Gut
SynoGut offers a natural and sustainable approach to potentially promote digestive health and regularity. Unlike medications with potential side effects, the effects of SynoGut are gradual and improve with consistent use. This natural supplement has become an essential part of my daily routine, promoting digestive comfort, improved regularity, and a feeling of overall well-being.
Important Note: It's crucial to remember that everyone's body reacts differently to supplements. While my experience with SynoGut has been positive, it's always advisable to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition or are taking medication.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and managing stress are also crucial for optimal gut health. However, SynoGut can be a helpful companion on your journey to a happier and healthier digestive system.
A Reliable Partner for Digestive Wellness
Overall, I've been very impressed with SynoGut. The convenient format, the natural formula, and the noticeable improvement in my digestive regularity, comfort, and overall well-being have made it a valuable addition to my health regimen. If you're looking for a natural way to support your digestive health, I highly recommend giving SynoGut a try. Remember, maintaining a healthy lifestyle remains key, and SynoGut can be a helpful tool on your path to a happier gut.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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aheeheemwhimper · 8 months
i keep forgetting that i NEED to make prageru youtube poops
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crevicedwelling · 1 month
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this poop… pooped on me!
fulcidacinin warty leaf beetles mimic debris, and often bear a striking resemblance to the little barrel-shaped frass pellets caterpillars leave. they’re already quite lumpy and round but can retract all their appendages into little niches to really appear like a turd.
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if you look up close, though, they’re wonderfully metallic and bear a curious zipper-like edge to their elytra
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if you still don’t believe that this is a living animal, here it is with the legs extended. I’d have better pictures, but the little shit stayed rolled up for 30 minutes straight but of course I take 2 minutes to try to get photos of some flies and it walks way deep into the weeds.
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wheelbrough · 2 years
im gonna be honest here part of the reason i wanted to write a stranger things fic in the first place is bc i miss the attention of a big and active fandom but what do i do? i go and write a pretty niche fic that is just the shit i want to see and does not pander to any audience and in fact sorta alienates everyone. good job. next time im gonna pander.
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chillyfeetsteak · 4 months
5 facts about rabbits you may not know
rabbits are not rodents
this is the one people find the most surprising, and it makes sense. rabbits are small, furry prey animals with ever-growing front teeth who like to chew. while they fill similar ecological niches, rabbits are actually part of the order lagomorpha, which also includes hares and pikas.
one of the differences is in their dentition. as you can see in this hare skull i use to threaten my rabbits occasionally, there is a second row of upper incisors (called "peg teeth")
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on rodents, no such teeth exist (this is a muskrat skull I think?? can't remember)
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the other differences include rabbits being obligate herbivores while (most) rodents are omnivores, the lack of a baculum (dick bone) in lagomorphs, and the lack of visible paw pads (their feet are fuzzy all the way around)
rabbits sleep with their eyes open
a lot of people don't know this until they see it in person. it's weird. sometimes they DO close their eyes (if they are feeling extra comfy or safe or sleepy), but as a prey animal it's better to keep a literal eye out for movement that might be danger.
here's rhubarb performing his favorite "roadkill" position for sleeping and looking like a freak.
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rabbits sleep in bursts of about 20 minutes at a time rather than in one chunk, and are crepuscular (most active at dawn and dusk)
rabbits make noises
generally speaking, rabbits are silent, but there are a few noises they make for special occasions. horny (unfixed) male rabbits make a kind of hooting/honking noise out their nose. they growl when they are annoyed, angry, or territorial and it sounds a little like a pig snorting (bonus does this a LOT and it is usually because i'm not feeding her fast enough). the worst noise they make is a scream, and it is only heard if they feel death is imminent or if they are scared beyond belief. it's an awful, awful sound a bit like a human child screaming, and i hope you never have to hear it in person.
rabbits eat their own poop
okay so it's not TECHNICALLY poop but. it's brown, it smells, it comes out of the butthole. rabbits digest their food twice to get as much nutrients out of it as possible, much like other grazers. however, they are "hindgut fermenters". what this means is that instead of ruminating (regurgitating food and chewing it a second time) like cows or deer, they produce a substance known as cecotropes alongside their poop that they eat straight from the source. they have an extremely delicate digestive system and producing and eating cecotropes is an imperative part of it. nasty tho
rabbits don't see in 3D
like many prey animals, rabbits' eyes are placed on the sides of their heads so that they have a very wide range of view. this means that they do not have stereoscopic vision like us, and so judging distances is harder.
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look how soulful and demure rhubarb's eye looks from the side...
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ridiculous dot-eyed fool from the front.
they compensate by bobbing their heads up and down in order to create a sense of depth. they also "periscope", or stand up on their hind legs, which is fuckin cute
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there's lots of other cool things about rabbits that many people don't know, like that they are unable to vomit, they generally live 8-12 years if well-cared for, and that they litter train themselves if given the option. if anyone has any burning questions, feel free to hit me up! i have known and cared for rabbits for 26 years.
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yuusishi · 10 months
i just love your writings so much <3
if possible, can i request malleus or leona headcanons with reader who's a penguin enthuasiast? (am i typing it correctly??)
like, they could talk about the topic for hours.... they go like that "haha btw did u know that adelie penguins poop could be pink colored because of-"
pairings : Leona Kingscholar , Malleus Draconia x gn!reader
genre : fluff
cws/tws : none
a/n : I'm so sorry it took me months to get to this I was like super demotivated for twst writings for a while 😭
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Leona Kingscholar !!
Like with a lot of things in life, it's another thing he doesn't mind, especially when it came from you.
He actually finds it kind of cute how you're so passionate about penguins specifically, like you could've chosen other animals but penguins just caught your interest the most.
Whenever he's napping in the botanical garden he often just hears you walk up to him and start ranting about some new facts you learned, already sensing that he was awake.
(semi-related to the previous one he's def the type to recognize your footsteps)
It does bring up some really funny situations, like how you two could be cuddling and you just suddenly go: "Did you know penguins huddle together for long periods of time to protect themselves from predators or for warmth".
He's gotten used to it at this point and doesn't think it's out of place at all, he even finds it a little suspicious if you haven't told him at least three things about penguins in one day.
Ooo Leona finds it so cute when you two are in biology class and he sees you perk up whenever the little creatures are brought up. Like how you get visibly excited and all :)
He will NOT ❌ tolerate anyone making fun of your funky interest they will answer to HIM if they have a problem with it.
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Malleus Draconia !!
"You're just like me fr"
You two take turns info-dumping to each other about your very niche interests.
This leads to staying up really late into the night just talking about gargoyles and penguins, to the point Lilia himself has to go out and reminds Malleus of the time and the fact there's still class the following morning.
Frequent sleepovers are a thing 100% and it would be snuggling under a blanket or in bed together with documentaries playing in the background.
(usually though it would be nature docus cuz no one makes gargoyle docus >:( )
He confessed to you by finding the most beautiful rock he found because he read up on penguins' courting traditions beforehand and you got the sentiment immediately.
And by most beautiful rock he found, he went around the entirety of the NRC campus and even went back to Briar Valley to search for it. And funnily enough he found the one he used to "propose" to you right by your dorm :)
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winniethepoohbear04 · 3 months
overall rating of Tommyinnit “how to be a billionaire” show: 8.5/10
better than I thought it was gonna be and brought up a good amount of niche stuff for og fans while making it easy for the parents of the audience to understand
my specific crowd was quite rowdy lmao and it’s pretty funny that all 3 of them acknowledged it so that was a fun thing
A tincy bit too many genital, poop and 2020 jokes for my liking, but none of them were really bits so it was fine lolz
(This one is a lil spoily so read on ur own accord) almost a main charter death in it which made me giggle quite a bit (I’m sorry I just can not take u seriously in this setting Tommyinnit)
the story line was a lil wonky but there’s only so much u can do with stuff pertaining his actual life so I can’t complain to much hahaha
many voice features and singing which I didn’t necessarily expect but it was quite fun
surprisingly barely any time spent on DSMP
lots of people in merch of all kinds in the audience (mostly Tommy, techno and Ranboo lolz) and many people complimented my 2021 limited edition red Tubbo hoodie (had to prove I was an OG LMFAO that was a joke it was the only merch I brought to college tehe)
cool merch for sale that I unfortunately could not afford nor get a hold of but I would highly encourage people to get them if u can
overall I think it was worth seeing even tho I only bought the tickets 3 hrs before the show cause I was scared of the price commitment and if I would even enjoy it so if ur on the fence about it as well, u should go it was very fulfilling of my 2020/2021 heart and self :))
also yes there is a happy ending and he took a selfie with the crowd at the finale bow :D
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aconflagrationofmyown · 10 months
Alright folks, I’ve got a wee favor to ask…
I’ve somehow mislaid my A Whole Man is Hard to Find taglist, this time I’ll proceed without it but as it’s such a niche interest I’d very much like to collect who wants to be tagged and who doesn’t. And so I’m tagging you now to weed that out.
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Please drop a note below IF YOU WANT to be tagged, otherwise I’ll assume you do not. Even a flower or poop emoji will do, just some form of interaction beyond liking ;) xoxo, I appreciate it so much.
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sadie-bug345 · 2 months
Ok one more I need outsiders Halloween hcs (costumes, what they do on Halloween, like go to parties, trick or treating, or staying in and watching scary movies) etc. THANK YOU IM DYING I LOVE YOUR WORK
OMG SHUT UP i just checked out your blog and you seem so cool😭🥰
what the gang does on halloween!!
yall im fr missing this time of year 😭🫢
ponyboy: - he only wants to go trick or treating if friends are going - probably gets pooped after like an hour🙄🖐️ - he seems like the type to dress up as a niche character from a show, movie, or book - and the SECOND anyone asks him abt it he will be like “😃i’ll tell you all about it!!” - LMAO its super cute though - he probably really likes handing out candy to kids though - he’d give a bunch of candy to kids with the coolest costumes in his humble opinion - he’s a blast to hang out with tho.
johnny: - prob get really into his costume, he’d go all out with makeup - lmao he’s giving like joker vibes and dallyd be batman or smth😭 - like pony, he’d only go trick or treating or out to parties if his friends pressure him to - if it was his choice he’d be perfectly content chillin on the couch with some snacks and a scary movie - i feel like he’d like poltergeist (this is my personal fave horror movie so im projecting lmfao) - the type to have a total straight face during the movie but he’s QUAKING.
sodapop: - he a partier for sure - probably have some goofy ahh matching costume with steve - like they’d kill it with the ghostbusters costumes - if he does hand out candy he’d be over here hyping up kids costumes which is so sweet - he’d pretend to get all scared when some kid yells “boo!” at him😭🫶 - just good vibes all around ngl
darry: - in high school he’d def go to parties and stuff - but now he only goes to supervise the loose cannons of the gang (dallas) - he’d probably wear a shirt that says “this is my costume” or smth - when he’s not making sure everyone’s making decent decisions he’s at home handing out candy - he got a special bowl for rude kids that just has like toothbrushes and raisins in it 😭😭
dally: - i feel like he’d begrudgingly match costumes with his friends - secretly loves it tho don’t tell him i said that - goes to some parties for a bit just to make his necessary appearance - but gets bored after a bit and goes to wreak some havoc in the neighborhoods - steals candy, ransacks those haunted houses people set up in their garages, scares kids, you name it, dallas the menace has done it - it’s a lot of fun but also concerning like wow you really like giving kids traumatizing core memories?? 😧
two-bit: - ONLY joke costumes - i can see him in onesies, inflatable costumes, just anything that makes someone crack a smile - most likely a partier, if he does stay home and watch movies he’s secretly scared - the type to make fun of anything the characters are doing - lemme tell you he is RELENTLESS - like he’s lowk coming up with a whole plan just in case he’s in that horror movie situation - “so first, i’d get the bat i hide underneath my bed at all times and then get my emergency flashlight and slide on a mattress down the stairs and out the door and-“ - and you’re just like “🧍‍♀️” - LMAOOO.
steve: - he will probably get so hyped up at parties - matching with sodapop duh - super fun ngl - he and soda will just dare each other to do dumb crap and they’ll actually do it - meanwhile everyone is just staring with admiration and concern in their eyes lmaoo - probably pigs out on candy at three am but don’t we all😭🫶
cherry: - this girl will pull up with the cutest but also most random costume ever LMAOO - like ponyboy it’s probably super niche and no one really expect cherry to wear it - everyone expects her to just be a hot zombie cheerleader or smth - she said she’s too iconic for that😔🖐️ - she’s honestly the kinda gal to just hang out at home if she had it her way - but hates scary movies so like she’ll watch half and just have a breakdown and switch it to my little pony - she’s so funny and sweet to the kids trick or treating - if she sees some littler kids getting bullied she’d swoop in and steal their candy like a superhero or smth LMAO.
thanks so much for requesting again! this was a lot of fun!❤️‼️
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feraliminal · 5 months
Titan TVman and Beowulf are Basically the Same Character: Why Skibidi Toilet Is Folklore
It’s been a long time since I’ve touched the hellsite (I used to doodle and write dirty fic), but I’m fascinated by the silly toilet men videos, their popularity, and the confusion about their popularity. And because I’m a huge nerd and always want to know why people do things, I wrote something. It’s too long to leave on my Notes app and forget about, and I’m also not letting skibidi toilets anywhere near my serious blog. So I actually came back to Tumblr for this.
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(Also the first stupid doodle I’ve done in forever, here’s the original meme.)
Toilet humour is obviously a huge part of why it’s so popular, and imho it’s a poop joke that got bigger than the creator intended it to. Toilets are endlessly amusing, particularly for kids, because learning to manage your waste is essential to being a civilised person but something that no one really wants to do. Some of the first conflicts between kids and their parents are often around cleanliness and potty training, and as we get older, the toilet is one of the few places where we’re first alone, particularly if we share a bedroom with siblings. Childlore and fiction about childhood is full of toilets: bullies that strike in school toilets, toilet ghosts like Bloody Mary and Hanako-san, people who died on the loo, and rats or spiders that bite your bum. It’s a classic example of a liminal space that looks mundane but could be full of scary shit.
So that’s my first smart theory, Skibidi Toilet is a contemporary haunted toilet story with something to do with dirt and discomfort vs tech. Clever theories about symbolism are fun and I think symbolism that feels relevant and familiar might be why something first attracts someone’s attention, but I don’t think it can explain the thing having fandom.
The only thing people love as much as poop jokes is stories about cool guys having punch ups, and there’s plenty of that as well. Visually and thematically, Skibidi uses all the tropes that we love in serious popular media - fights, explosions, monsters, giants, noise, the aforementioned cool robots. Swap out skibidi toilets for alien invaders, and cameramen with plungers for cyborgs with swords, and we’d have a respectable alien apocalypse story that’s identical to five other summer blockbusters. But as it is, it’s so ridiculous that it can only be a silly little internet video.
There’s a video by MatPat making a convincing argument that it’s actually about the conflict between independent content creators and the conventional media industry. But again, I think it’s also probably only indirectly what’s turning curious views into millions of subscriptions, especially since the earlier netlore was pretty niche. I think what viewers are picking up on is the dissonance between cool robots, apocalypse horror, and silly toilets, evidenced by most of the comments on YouTube being variation of “why is this actually good”. It’s got the same vibe as other stuff I’d classify as creepypasta-style or meme-style horror: Five Nights at Freddy’s, Among Us, Homestuck, and so on. In meme horror, there is an in-universe threat to characters that’s not played for laughs. However, something like a ridiculous gimmick, a parody of pop culture, or a dissonantly cute art style makes it clear that adult viewers who understand it as fiction don’t have to respect the threat.
The line between feared and respected has always been thin. A cool example of this is the word aglæca in Beowulf and other Old English texts. Aglæca is a debated word because it’s mainly used to describe monsters and demons, but is sometimes used to describe heroes and saints. Both the human hero Beowulf and his monster opponent Grendel are called aglæca. Based on this use and its etymology, some medieval studies scholars think it means something more like an uncanny and powerful outsider. I think a big part of meme horror’s appeal is that it’s still got heroes who are more or less serious characters fighting serious battles. We can respect the characters and their struggles even if we don’t fear the absurd stuff. I’ve chosen Titan TVman for my silly title because they’re the character that best embodies the “uncanny hero” aspect for me, but tbh I think that most meme horror heroes/anti-heroes seem to be these character types.
We know that enjoying horror fiction helps some people manage anxiety and fear, and comedy horror can help us laugh at fear. With the retained seriousness besides the playfulness, meme horror might be more beneficial than basic serious or comedy horror as a comfortably uncomfortable middle ground between the two. Cringe is currently having a cultural moment too, where concerns about and celebrations of being cringe are everywhere, so it might also give us a way of exploring and processing our feelings about embarrassment as well as fear.
Memes, and therefore meme horror, are very amenable to being collaboratively and spontaneously adapted and spread by regular folk. They’re a new form of folklore, essentially. They address stuff that’s relevant to the lives of regular folk, including ugly and uncomfortable things. There’s even a theory that the culture of the very online has began an era of “secondary orality” where how we spread stories on the internet replicates how we used to spread folk stories by word-of-mouth. Secondary orality is a double-edged sword, as it can build creative and supportive communities, but also spreads conspiracy theories and hate. No wonder some of us might not be having our needs fulfilled by regular horror fiction, if we’re facing the bad kind of secondary orality as well as everything else that’s going on in the world. (More allegories! An increasingly absurd and hostile world is another theme in Skibidi Toilet.)
The 1938 book Homo Ludens argued that doing things just for fun has defined features and benefits: play gives us freedom to express ourselves, it’s separate from everyday life, it allows us to construct new worlds with new rules, and it’s never compulsory or for profit. When we’re bombarded by media that’s designed to extract the maximum amount of profit from us, engaging with mainstream entertainment might sometimes feel not as playful or as voluntary. But by being a bit cringe, meme horror retains the appearance of being indie and just for fun even if it becomes obscenely popular.
So, for me, this is what Skibidi Toilet is about. It’s about new folklore playing the same role as old folklore, even if it looks like silly toilet men videos, because we’re essentially the same people as our ancestors telling monster stories around the fire.
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arabriddler · 7 months
dash simulator
mutual 8 reblogged mutual 3’s post 10 times
mutual 7 : I wish I could reach into my body and pull out my heart and bake it in the over. I bet it’ll smell like vanilla
mutual 6 : I can’t believe people have the audacity to hate carrots.
mutual 5 posts the greatest art piece in our era but it’s for a niche fandom it gets 12 notes : felt a little silly
mutual 4 : here is my 2k words analysis of the way bumbo looked at tubbo in season 7 episode 4… As bumbo made to leave you can clearly see him almost tripping I’ve himself and if you zoom in you can see his eyes looking back at tubbo and…
mutual 3: I need to crush him into tiny pieces and put him in the blender then use him to make slime and Chuck him on the wall and then gently scrap him off and give him a little kiss before throwing him out of the window.
mutual 2 posts the most mind-blowing artistic poem written on the notes app: idk man been thinking about bird poop while on the train
mutual 1: I don’t like carrots lmao
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fru1tt0ast · 6 months
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me when i draw my two most niche interezts together... i love my sillies my poops :3
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ckret2 · 1 year
*pulls up a chair, turns it backwards, and straddles it with my arms casually resting on the back*
Hi guys. We're gonna talk about vore. In a serious and non-judgmental manner. For five minutes we'll treat it like it's not a joke kink. Thanks.
So something not all of you know about me is I'm asexual; and something probably even less of you know about me is that I'm the kind of asexual who's fascinated by sexuality and kink, like an anthropologist studying a culture with norms and beliefs that are foreign to me. I'm intrigued by what makes people's sexualities tick and what it is that appeals to them about kinks that outsiders see as bizarre or completely incomprehensible.
I maintain a strict "we don't kinkshame here" policy; I'm personally disinterested in but comfortable discussing niche kinks ranging from inflatable pool toys to the earlier-mentioned oculolinctus; and I know that when I have a writing question like "what does poop taste like" oftentimes the most detailed and helpful information will come from people with fetishes that make most of the Internet gasp in horror, and I deeply appreciate their invaluable contributions.
So when I express surprise that I got someone into vore, it's because I have a specific idea about what vore entails that comes from—you guessed it—seeing lots of vore art.
From what I've witnessed, in most cases, it takes more than just "eroticized cannibalism" to make a work "vore." Like if two cannibals are having a sexually-charged dinner over a delicious homecooked meal that we know was once human, there is something kinky going on here, and the cannibalism—the knowledge of a life ended, the taboo, the horror—is part of that kinkiness; but if you ask how many people are engaged in this sexual encounter, the automatic answer is "two," the couple eating. Not "three." The meal isn't humanized. It's an edible sex toy, a prop. It's meat.
To my mind, "erotic cannibalism" isn't "vore" until the meal is a person. That doesn't just mean giving them dialogue; but treating them as a participant in the sexual encounter. Either the subject from whose perspective we are to view the encounter, or the object of desire on whom our erotic gaze is meant to linger.
Think of it this way: if you replace the human meat with beef, is it now just a story about eating steak? Then it's not vore. On the other hand, does it now inherently become a story about eating an anthro cow, because the "beef" had enough personhood that you can't consider it "just" a cow? That's vore.
Consuming a human(oid) body doesn't constitute vore, but rather consuming a human(oid) life. A consciousness—an identity—must be swallowed. If that's missing from the encounter (say, if someone is devoured but their personhood is ignored by the creator as irrelevant; or if parts of a person are consumed, but their seat of identity—their mind, their soul—remains undevoured), then to me it's not yet vore. It's "just" cannibalism.
And so—by my own understanding of vore—I've never written vore.
But like on the other hand I have written about a cannibal who gets off to biting off chunks of his lover's flesh because he fantasizes about consuming his still-beating heart to make his beloved a part of himself; so like, okay, sure, let's be real here, I've gotten close enough to count.
The fact that it doesn't "feel" like vore to me until a life (as opposed to mere flesh) has been swallowed doesn't mean that to other people what I've written won't hit the same buttons that vore hits for them—because the edges of any one person's sexuality are nothing if not nuanced and blobby and blurry and no two people's ideas of what gets them off (and thus no two people's ideas of what makes for a specific kink) will ever be exactly the same.
All of which is to say:
Yeah I was genuinely surprised when somebody said I got them into vore lmao, legitimately my first reaction was "how tf did I get somebody into a kink I myself don't have?" BUT the fact that I can "feel" a hard dividing line between "vore" and "horny cannibalism that isn't vore" doesn't mean that other people feel it's there. It's interesting and enlightening to hear that for somebody, there is no difference in what I wrote, and I did actually, genuinely introduce them to a kink I don't see myself as sharing. I think it's kinda neat.
(So, anon who wrote in, if you're still around: I hope my surprise didn't come across as derision! I was genuinely fascinated to hear that. And I do appreciate getting this random opportunity to talk about unusual kinks on main.)
Okay, lecture over, class dismissed. Y'all can go about your day.
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