#Perdition 1.5
poll-ventures · 1 year
Perdition 1.5
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Noel had replaced her phone, and retrained the rifle on me. A rush of something electric subsided as the moment passed. I wriggled my hands in my gloves. My choice had been made.
Had I really been about to jump her? The gun had still been pointing at me, although her finger had left the trigger.
Now it was stuck firmly in place, Noel’s Saint Valentine’s Day manicure facing me as her index finger hung heavy on the metal trigger.
“I don’t know what else to tell you, Noel,” I said, catching my breath from shouting.
“How about the truth,” she stated firmly, her father’s accent heavy in her voice.
“I don’t remember any of it. I mean it.” The image of her father standing in front of my door still screamed at me from the inside of my mind, demanding to be further examined, for as long as it took to prove it wrong. “Can you just, walk me through what happened to your dad? Maybe it would help.”
“You already know,” she cried, croaking out a sob. “Don’t you?”
Hands still raised, I shook my head slowly, keeping my face a stolid mask. “No. All the police told me was that you were missing. I didn’t hear anything about your dad. That’s the truth,” I pleaded.
“You talked to the cops and still came out here, when you knew they were looking for me?” Her tears weren’t even dry, but now she was almost laughing. “Gee, for a teacher you’re awfully stupid.”
I burned with quiet annoyance, and breathed it out slowly. “I came here to help you. Even though the cop told me not to, because I thought you were in trouble.” It’s not my fault you lied, I didn’t say.
“Well, I had to get you out here somehow,” she said defensively. Sensing a weakness, I thought to pounce. No. Slow, and calmly. There was still a rifle being pointed at my head.
“Just talk me through what happened, why you ran out here in the first place.” She looked at me suspiciously, shifting on top of the dead basswood tree. “I won’t tell anybody.”
“Jesus,” she swore, then stepped backward off the trunk. “You’re still asking, even when I promise to kill you for lying.” She had calmed down too, and took a deep breath as she crouched, her pijamas muffling the thumps of her knees on the forest floor. 
I watched her carefully as she hunkered down against the fallen tree, rifle held against the trunk, now aiming at my chest.
That was when the woodpecker chose to leave in flight. He was a thin, red-headed bird, starkly visible against the blue sky, framed by the leafless branches of the trees. 
He chirped above Noel and I, pecked at a withered branch before unfurling his wings and slapping hard into the air. He freed one brown tail feather, and we watched it gracefully see-saw down, landing in the roots between us. 
We both stared at the feather, then looked back towards each other. Eyes locked on the tiny feather, she began.
“He was… I wanna say kidnapped, but he’s not a kid. The power to the whole house was cut.” She sighed, still staring down at the lonely chocolate feather. “No idea how the alarm hadn’t tripped, they said.” She took another breath, this one shaking slightly.
“Mommy and I woke to a broken house full of blood. Father comes home late, so mommy said she didn’t wake up when she heard the noise.” Now her voice was full of tears, breaking and shaking throughout.
 Her eyes turned to mine. “I didn’t have to stay up late, watching for him to go in your room. You were gone.” Staring into the raw red of her eyes, I could see the simmering hatred on the surface. Hatred for me.
“So I told them, told the cops, about you and him. They all figured you were the…” She turned to face me, tears and hate still brimming in her eyes. “They all know that you stole my dad. I told them I had to go to the bathroom, so I went back in the house, and…” 
Now her eyes were back on the feather, and she was somewhere else, seeing it all. Slowly, she started again. 
“None of them stupid cops were watching his study. It was full of his blood. Books everywhere. Chair shattered and stupid highball glass in pieces on his black walnut hardwood.” 
She suddenly looked up at me, eyes wide. “His guns. They were untouched. All that time spent shooting… His gun cabinet was chock full, unlocked, unloaded, untouched.” She turned to me now, then looked down at the rifle in her hands.
“I don’t think he’s even used this one,” she said, marveling at it. 
“Do you really intend to change that?” I asked in a whisper.
She stared at me, then down at her finger, her pink nails and too small hands tight against the wooden stock. She looked back at me again, straight at my chest, where the rifle was leveled.
“I want to,” she whispered back. “I want to bring my daddy back.” She finally blinked the tears out of her eyes, and the hatred came pouring out of her as she stared at the center of my chest. 
“It won’t. It will just ruin your life.” I took a deep breath in, grabbing the courage. “Keep the gun at me, but know that I’m not lying.” I waited for her to nod, and she didn’t. “I didn’t do anything to your dad. There’s a lot in that video I don’t understand, I do understand that you’re scared right now. And that’s why I’m here. Not to get shot by my student, my friend. But to help her see reason,” I said.
Her eyes slowly trailed upward to my eyes, then held there before she broke. She collapsed, the rifle falling as she let go of it to break into a horrible sobbing fit. The rifle landed on my side of the basswood trunk.
Feverishly, I leapt for it. With the heavy metal and wood furnishing secured in my hands, I realized I had no idea how this type of gun worked. The only thing I’d ever shot was some sort of pistol with an eleven in the name, and that had been a decade ago in some long forgotten shooting range.
The cold metal of the lever underneath my glove drew my attention, and I jacked the lever down. Nothing happened. I looked down at the safety, then decided just to try it again. This time, an unfired bullet flew out of an ejection port on the side, and I could see another thin sliver of death being loaded within. 
I slammed the lever up and down repeatedly, bullets coughing out with a noisy rasp. Over the small clinks and thumps of the unloading, I could still hear Noel’s sobbing. Now empty, I threw the husked rifle into the woods uncaringly.
Standing, I stepped over the trunk to sit next to Noel. She was curled up in the dirt, hiding her face, and sobbing. I put a hand on her to rub her back, and she screamed, kicking at me. I scooted back, her yell fading into the choked sobs again.
I moved away, then just sat there silently. I listened to Noel’s sobs eventually die away into labored breathing, and then just deep, haunted moans.
Gloved hands between my knees, I stared at the pile of live ammunition, and the small reddish brown feather.
Suprising myself, I began to silently cry.
Inspector Horne was an older, skinny woman. She stared at the clearing over thin, gold rimmed glasses that were bound to her neck by a skinny metal chain. She was dressed carefully in work clothes and a thick down coat, buttoned only to the waist. 
I watched her eyebrows knit together as she peered down at the lever action rifle I had thrown to the ground at least an hour ago. She was alone next to the old basswood, in her own world of quiet concentration.
Thick clouds had gathered above quickly, suddenly and violently pelting the woods with blasts of thin, melty snow. It’d stopped for a while, now only blasting us with a never-ending wind from the mountain. 
The sun was hidden behind the clouds, and with my phone taken away, I had no sense of what time it really was. I was trapped in slow time again. Nearby, a cicada buzzed.
I looked around again for Noel, but she had been taken too, with a thin red blanket and a cop’s hand around her shoulder. She had still been crying, snot pouring down her face. She hadn’t looked at me once.
I felt my eyes land on the feather again. Nearby, the inspector touched the same sappy cutting in the tree that I had. The feather was pinned beneath a single unfired bullet, pushing and pulling with gusts of wind.
There was something almost vile about the way it was held there. It seemed lost, trying to free itself and rejoin its flock. 
Tearing my eyes away from the pinned feather, I stared into the woods. They had lost their apathy. It had been silenced, choked out as the space between the trees was choked with cops, their chirps of radio chatter and the steam from hot coffee in paper-thin McDonald’s cups. 
Radiating outward from Horne was a small entourage of cops. The infection of blue uniforms spread as they scuttled over every inch of the woods, all but two steering clear of a yellow line of tape I sat just outside of.
My own red blanket covered my head and back, doing a poor job to keep the wind from cutting through my jacket as I sat against a tree..
“Mr. Dempsey,” a particularly unkempt and balding blue-suit was saying. “Can you please take a stand?”
I looked up at him, and imagined what I must look like. Sleep rings under my eyes, fucked up hair, sweat frozen to my face, and still recovering from having a gun pointed at my head. I blinked heavily once, twice, then said, “Why?”
He stared back at me with a growing resentment, hand on the taser in his holster. “I need to make sure you don’t have any more weapons on you, I do,” he said, slowly. His accent was lilting in an almost sing-song manner, though his thick beard and mustache muffled his words.
I looked back at the rifle, which another cop was carefully shoving into a large plastic bag. Its lever was stuck in the ‘down’ position, and I wondered idly if I’d ruined it. “Wasn’t mine,” I said tiredly. 
“Be that as it may,” he started, almost growling.
“Heel, Junior.” Inspector Horne approached the two of us, and the blue-suit Junior stepped back, plainly annoyed. “Good boy,” she said in an accent to match his own. “I’m sure Mrs. Montgomery could use some help back at the home,” she said pointedly, hooking her thumb backwards.
He wandered away, cursing and muttering something under his breath about dog treats. Horne turned to look at me, glasses magnifying her blue eyes as she gave me an evaluating stare. Her thinning, gray eyebrows peaked high as the stare went on.
“What?” I finally asked.
She went on staring, curious eyes and brows unchanging. A sudden gust of wind blew a crop of black hair into her eyes, covering her gold-rimmed glasses. She blinked, and carefully moved the hair out of her eyes as she crouched to face me on my level. 
I thought about asking her again, but decided against it as she settled on her haunches.
Then, her eyes moved past mine, to something behind me. Idly, she pulled a knife out of the pouch on her belt.
I turned to watch her as she wicked a thick but stodgy dead branch off of the tree, pulled it to her, and began to slice the dead stubs off. Thin, pale curls of wood, maybe ash, dropped into the woods between her knees. The knife had to be as sharp as sin.
“Are you our guy?” She asked me without looking up. Her head was cocked slightly as she looked down. She swiftly squared the branch, leaving a pile of pale curls of wood at our feet. “Did you take Kyle?” 
“No,” I said quickly. “I don’t know anything about that, besides what Noel told me. I… I’m sorry I ran away when we were on the phone. I was worried about her.”
She looked at me silently and slid the block of wood into the pouch with her knife, still assessing me all the while. Her lips made a line, and she stood again. “That was about the worst thing you could’ve done. It doesn’t exactly help prove your innocence in this whole ordeal. But I’m sure you’ve figured that out.”
She paused, looking over at the pile of bullets. “I’ve got a lot of questions to ask you, Mr. Dempsey. First, we’re gonna need to search you. Stand up,” she said matter-of-factly.
I did so, almost without thinking. She had honed her cop-voice as much as her knife, and it shocked me how quickly I jumped to do what she said. 
“You got anything on you I should worry about? Needles, sharps, guns?”
I shook my head, thinking of Sam and Jack, and the imagery that had stuck in their minds. I grimaced, facing the old inspector.
“Turn an’ face the tree, kindly,” she drawled. I did so, and she kicked my feet apart, so my legs were spread. Considerate but roughly, she patted me down and checked my pockets. 
My wallet and phone had already been taken, leaving only the headphones for her to find. She carefully replaced them, patting on my back. “You’re good,” she said. 
I turned to face her again. “What happens now?” I asked, feeling the nervous energy bleed into my voice. 
She smiled. “We take you down to the station, ask you some questions. That’s all we were gonna do on the phone too, before you went Forrest on us.” She surveyed the basswood over the creek, looking down at the slowly disappearing pile of ammunition an officer was slipping into a bag. “I’m just glad no one got hurt.” 
She turned back to me, and I nodded. “It was a close thing. I don’t think-”
“Save it for the station, Dempsey.” She turned to a nearby cop with a high ponytail, and approached to talk with her briefly. I turned back to the feather. As the final bullet was packed in the bag, it finally slipped away into the wind.
I watched as it climbed, higher and higher, until it disappeared into leafless trees. As it faded away, I wondered if it would reach the sky, or if it would be caught again in the skewers winter had made of the dead branches.
“Let’s go, Dempsey.” Inspector Horne was waiting for me at the edge of the clearing.
 I stood.
The empty side street that fed into the park entrance was bathed in flashing blue and red lights. Compared to the cop cars that filled the street, I realized Horne’s car was different. It had the same bars in the back windows, but no sirens, and no obvious signage. 
Now, other parts about her stood out to me. She wore no uniform, just black slacks and a smart button down with a coat, along with her fancy, gold rimmed glasses, and their thin, web-like chain.
“I can’t get in that car,” I said.
Horne was standing on the opposite side of her small blue-black four door, and having opened the door, she was already situated with her left foot on the inside. “And why not?” she asked, with guarded curiosity.
I already felt woozy, staring through the bulletproof window at where she intended me to sit. I shook my head, and looked at her from across the car. “Matter of fact,” I started, knowing I wasn’t answering her question, “do I need to come with you to the station?”
Horne looked at me testily, her eyes narrowing. She simply said, “No.” 
The ‘but I’ll arrest you if I have to,’ went unstated. 
“I have a meeting with a professor of mine soon,” I lied, the meeting wasn't for hours yet. “Maybe we could do it another time?”
She leaned on the side of the car, sighing quietly. “You’ve got a meeting at, what, eight in the morning?”
“Mr. Dempsey, we need your help with this. Noel’s father is missing, and whatever just happened in the woods back there needs to be cleared up.” She looked down at me meaningfully. “I’ve seen the security footage. We need your utmost cooperation in this matter,” she drawled slowly.
I felt a shock of anxiety ride down my spine and out to my fingers as I registered the doublespeak for what it was.
You're fucked.
“Do I have to ride in the car? I could just walk. And I’ll tell you for free, I’m not answering any questions without a lawyer.” 
The lights of the sirens played in her eyes as they glimmered, and she smiled cruely. “Being a smartass won’t get you anywhere, Dempsey.” Her southern accent had vanished, and was replaced with a formal north-eastern accent. She slammed the car door, and rounded the vehicle while pulling out her handcuffs.
Finally, I realized what had been bothering me about her the entire time. Maybe it was the adrenaline, or just the fact that I’d been making some reckless decisions, but I knew she was working with the kid gloves on. She was no cop. She was a fed. Why was a CIA or FBI agent in town, just in time for all of this to happen? And where the hell had her accent gone?
These thoughts dissolved as she pushed me roughly against the car’s trunk, bringing my hands together behind my back. “You have the right to remain silent,” she started. I tuned her out, distantly hearing that I was under arrest for ‘disobeying an officer of the law,’ while one single burning truth rode visciously in the front of my mind as I stared blankly at the dark blue paint of the trunk. 
She was going to make me ride in a car. 
I was living a nightmare. Trapped in the back seat behind bars, I sat with my legs curled up against my chest, feeling like some sort of dull species of rabid animal with my heart stabbing a beat so hard into my ribs I felt it in my skull. Somewhere distant, Horne was talking uncaringly on her radio.
I could feel every bump in the road, and I had to keep myself from throwing up Levi’s hot chocolate all over the leather seats. My body, traveling faster than it had in years, knew something was desperately wrong, and was flooding with flight and fight chemicals. 
I could do neither. I very carefully tried to force this knowledge into my body, but it went on blindly losing its shit. Levi and the White Picket Trench seemed like a lifetime ago now.
I closed my eyes, and it made it slightly better. Now, all I could see was their faces. My mother and my sister, cold in the morgue, my father pulling me out of-
No. Happy thoughts.
My mother. My mother had driven us to vacation every year. Although Danil, our driver, had taken us to Brearley every day, mom had taken it on herself to drive all of us down to our vacation home every year.
‘I wasn’t born into this life of luxury like all of you,’ she’d say to us anytime someone suggested we take a plane or have the chauffeur drive us. Nadine Dempsey reckoned, often verbally in her I’m-your-parent-and-I’m-teaching-you-a-lesson tone that, ‘Sometimes doing some hard work all on her lonesome keeps a woman sane.’
How keeping a gas pedal parallel to the floor of the big black dodge caravan she'd bought special for the occasion constituted hard work, my sisters and I never understood. Nor did my father understand why she kept on with it after he'd explained the seemingly foreign concept of cruise control to her for what had to have been the fiftieth time today.
I smiled, thinking of the day Danil had been off sick, and mother, before she went to work, dropped my sisters and I off at Brearley.
 She had been worried about being late, but still took the time to kiss us goodbye before peeling out into 83rd Street traffic. A long time after that day, after Nadia and I had graduated from Brearly’s upper school, and Nicolette was just entering the upper school, 
You laughed.
The thought stopped in my mind, jarring my eyes open. 
I looked around. 
Horne had no smile on her face, and the noise had been… A laugh. It wasn’t Horne’s voice, and it hadn’t been mine. There had been no crackle of the radio in the gruff, quiet laughter. 
Had it come from inside my head?
Fuck. I’m losing it. Today was not a good day.
“We’re here,” Horne said. The car came to a sudden stop, and I pulled from my thoughts yet again.
She killed the car, then got out and pulled me roughly from where I had curled up. “See?” she drawled, her southern mountain accent mysteriously returned. “Wasn’t so bad, now was it?”
I thought about saying a few things, then decided against it, in fear of my voice shaking. It felt good to be out of the car, finally. 
The Old Hill Police Station was an ugly, bedraggled thing, crouched low to the ground and made of soot stained concrete and hastily drawn curtains behind thick paned windows.
 Horne herded me past a standing rock with the town’s map carved into it, hand on the thick chain of my cuffs, and forced me to open the door for us. I did, and I was pushed into the empty waiting room.
The precinct smelled like dust and stale coffee. Behind a desk, a young pretty woman who was watching reruns of Cheers on a seven or eight inch tube TV stood suddenly, staring reverently at Horne as the two of us passed her stopping before a thin hallway left of the desk. 
Horne looked at her from across the sea of paperwork and cold coffee as the theme song rang out in the small, guileful room.
“Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot… Wouldn’t you like to get away?”
“A bit on the nose, no Kim?” The young woman stared blankly at Horne, then blinked. The inspector sighed, and shoved me down the hallway. The theme song echoed down after us, the thin piano and sullen bass seeming empty and dead, he vocals haunting us from down the hall. 
“Where everybody knows your name…”
The precinct was empty, save for the dead cockroaches in the corners. I imagined all the bored fifty-something blue suits coming out of their dusty offices at the first sign of something interesting, getting all geared up to go stand in the middle of the woods to be useless and drink coffee.
I was herded past the empty meeting rooms and offices towards what was obviously the cellblock. A small light above the high security door flickered, then died. The door opened as we approached, sounding with a loud buzz and a chunk of something mechanical in the wall.
The cells were empty, and surprisingly clean, save for a thin, emaciated roach that slivered up the wall and into a dim light fixture. Horne had paused here, to let me take it all in. I smirked, and hoped she didn’t see it.
“You get a call, of course.” And again, the accent was gone. She gestured to an old landline on the wall, to the right of the entrance. “You’ll probably wanna call that lawyer of yours,” she said, full of a dry mirth.
“Can’t exactly call with my hands locked up,” I kindly reminded her.
“Now that’s quite the conundrum,” she smirked, and now it was an exaggerated New Yorker accent, something out of the 1980’s. 
“What the fuck is your deal, lady?” I couldn’t help it. 
Her smile only grew, and she roughly grabbed my hands, undoing the handcuffs. “Now, do you have the number memorized? Or do you need your phone? Most a’ you youngins these days,” again she slipped into the mountain-folk accent, “don’t bother to memorize phone numbers.”
“I know the number.” I glared at her. As a child, I had only known one. My mother’s. 
She was dead now, and I was back in that morgue again, staring at her ruined face. It made me think of the old Snapchat and Facebook memories that had popped up on her birthday, and all the old pictures they’d shown at the slideshow at her funeral.
They weren’t right. They were no longer her for me. My mother was a ruined eye socket, an open jaw with both sets of pristine teeth revealed. A face torn clean of skin, then muscle, and then most of its bone by the rainy blacktop. 
Across the table, my sister was somehow worse, a twin to my mothers disfigurement. At times, I had trouble remembering her face. There hadn’t been anything left that resembled a human.
I took the phone off the rack, listening to the dial tone. Horne turned away from me, slipping the knife and block of wood out of her belt pouch, starting on it again. 
I laid my head against the cold cinderblock wall, receiver to my ear as it played it's reedy dial tone. I held my finger above the number pad.
What do you do?
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ok sorry but i just replayed Portal 2 and this has been consuming my mind
i feel like at this point everyone knows about the potato battery that kid Chell made, but what i noticed this time was what Wheatly said about it
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"Look at that, it's growing right up into the ceiling. The whole place is probably overrun with potatoes at this point. At least you won't starve, though."
at which point i think: oh! this is probably where Wheatley got the potato to trap GLaDOS. it grew from right here. i already figured that this area was where he got the idea to trap her, but this was still a really neat detail!
and then i got to the first core transfer and Wheatley's betrayal, and i realized: what would have happened if Chell's potato battery didn't grow like that? well, Wheatley likely wouldn't have a potato, right? he wouldn't be able to trap GLaDOS in a potato battery.
so then what would he have done with her?
would Wheatley have just killed GLaDOS? did Chell's potato battery save her life?
but no, i told myself. i was probably overthinking this. just because wheatley doesn't have a potato doesn't mean he wouldn't find some equally insulting perdition for her. maybe he would just use a normal, actual battery.
and then i got to the scene where Chell saves GLaDOS from the bird.
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GLaDOS says: "No tricks. This potato only generates 1.1 volts of electricity. I literally do not have the energy to lie to you."
a quick google search tells me that even a double a battery generates 1.5 volts, and given the nature of the machinery present in aperture, i'm guessing that most of the batteries they have lying around output even more
i don't think Chell would have trusted GLaDOS if she didn't reveal this. GLaDOS lies as easily as she speaks, so the knowledge that she is physically no longer capable of doing so heavily inclines the player, and the character, to believe what she has to say.
it's because her energy is so low that Chell agrees to GLaDOS's plan, and eventually completes the second core transfer and sends Wheatley into space.
it's because she is trapped in a potato that GLaDOS makes is back to the lab and her chassis.
it's because Chell made a potato battery - one that grew to "overrun" the facility - that GLaDOS survives the events of Portal 2. even if Wheatley would have otherwise spared her following the first core transfer, she wouldn't have made it back if Chell didn't trust her, which necessitates her being trapped in a potato.
Potatoes are a source of energy - of life! sustenance for Chell, the bird, and any other living thing condemned to reside in aperture, but also a kind of life raft for GLaDOS as well. in its restrictions, it forces her to be a better person. to be honest. and that saves her!
is this anything?!
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lamilanomagazine · 14 days
Qual è il momento giusto per cambiare la caldaia? Gli indizi che devi saper riconoscere
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Qual è il momento giusto per cambiare la caldaia? Gli indizi che devi saper riconoscere. La sostituzione della caldaia è un evento che può pesare in maniera significativa sul budget familiare; tuttavia rimandare tale momento solo per evitare di affrontare una spesa importante non è mai la soluzione vincente. Se è vero che ci sono delle condizioni di malfunzionamento che si possono risolvere, è altrettanto vero che altri aspetti devono far capire che cambiare la caldaia è più conveniente che ripararla. Quando, dunque, occorre rivolgersi a una ditta specializzata nell’installazione caldaie Milano? Per esempio se non viene più prodotta acqua calda, se i consumi appaiono più alti del solito o se si riscontrano delle perdite di acqua; ma una sostituzione può essere necessaria anche se si verificano dei problemi di pressione, se si registrano rumori anomali o se la caldaia tende ad andare in blocco. Sostituzione o riparazione? Bisogna capire, dunque, se una riparazione sia davvero vantaggiosa, anche dal punto di vista economico, o se invece non sia meglio provvedere alla sostituzione della caldaia, per risolvere il problema in modo definitivo. Per esempio, nel caso in cui ci si ritrovi alle prese con una caldaia che non produce più acqua calda, è opportuno mettere in pratica alcuni accorgimenti che aiutano a capire la situazione dell’impianto. Prima di tutto bisogna verificare che tale inconveniente non dipenda solo da una temporanea interruzione di energia elettrica, a causa della quale l’impianto si è spento. Nel caso in cui, invece, il problema non sia correlato al mancato funzionamento del termostato o a eventuali sbalzi di tensione, non si può fare a meno di rivolgersi a un tecnico: sarà lui a capire se sia giunto il momento di sostituire la caldaia o se sia il caso di riparare il danno. Certo è che sostituire diversi componenti nel corso del tempo è un costo, e non è garanzia di qualità né di risparmio. Che cosa succede quando la caldaia va in blocco Anche se la caldaia va in blocco vuol dire che qualcosa non sta andando per il verso giusto. Come prima, occorre sempre appurare che non ci sia stata un’interruzione della corrente elettrica; dopodiché bisogna sfiatare i radiatori. Se anche così il problema non viene risolto, è necessario contattare un tecnico, che effettuando un’indagine accurata capisce se l’imprevisto è di poco conto o se, invece, è arrivato il momento di affidarsi a una ditta di sostituzione caldaie Milano. Gli altri inconvenienti per la caldaia Un campanello di allarme può suonare anche se si registrano dei rumori nuovi o poco rassicuranti. Un professionista competente, alla luce della sua esperienza, sarà in grado di controllare e capire quale sia l’origine dei rumori. La scelta di una caldaia nuova per altro può avere ripercussioni positive sotto diversi punti di vista, considerando che le caldaie di ultima generazione sono molto silenziose. E se la caldaia avesse dei problemi di pressione? Quasi sempre la pressione può essere regolata in autonomia: è sufficiente agire sul manometro e impostare il livello intorno a 1.5 bar. Tuttavia, nel caso in cui non vi sia la possibilità di provvedere al necessario bilanciamento, si deve sospettare l’esistenza di danni o problemi tali da rendere necessaria e non più rinviabile la sostituzione della caldaia. È noto, infatti, che l’impianto può funzionare in modo adeguato solo se la caldaia lavora alla pressione giusta; dunque, questo è un aspetto che non ci si può permettere di trascurare o sottovalutare. Attenzione ai consumi Uno degli indizi che dovrebbero far drizzare le antenne e lasciare intuire che è giunto il momento di cambiare la caldaia ha a che fare con i consumi. Se ci si accorge che l’ultima bolletta è molto più alta del normale senza che le abitudini domestiche siano cambiate, è bene rimediare: può essere arrivato il momento di sostituire la vecchia caldaia e di comprarne una a condensazione di ultima generazione. Questo tipo di dispositivo, infatti, è in grado di garantire una resa termica ottimale, e in più assicura un risparmio significativo sui costi in bolletta. L’investimento richiesto all’inizio è di certo consistente, ma sul lungo periodo si traduce in un risparmio economico concreto. La sostituzione della caldaia, dunque, va pianificata con cura e soprattutto in tempo.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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scontomio · 6 months
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💣 Amazon Basics - Batterie alcaline AA 1.5 Volt, Performance 🤑 a soli 7,99€ ➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/amazon-basics-batterie-alcaline-aa-1-5-volt-performance/?feed_id=175555&_unique_id=6538152c830f0&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=Amazon%20Basics%20-%20Batterie%20alcaline%20AA%201.5%20Volt%2C%20Performance Le batterie alcaline AA 1.5 Volt Performance di Amazon Basics offrono prestazioni affidabili per una vasta gamma di dispositivi. Con una durata di 10 anni e una conservazione senza perdite di energia, queste batterie sono ideali per controller di giochi, giocattoli, torce elettriche, fotocamere digitali, orologi e altro ancora. Grazie al loro design migliorato, che include una doppia crimpatura e componenti anticorrosione, mantengono l'energia fino a quando non è necessaria. Confezionate in modo sicuro e di facile apertura, queste batterie non sono ricaricabili. Per opzioni riutilizzabili, scopri le batterie ricaricabili di Amazon Basics. #coupon #amazonbasics #pilemonouso #offerteamazon #scontomio
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 9 months
[PODFIC] The Road Less Traveled
[PODFIC] The Road Less Traveled https://ift.tt/GAFTp41 by skeens_leap [podfic version] “I'm the one that gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition.” Dean is rescued from hell, but his troubles are only just beginning. Words: 7, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of [PODFIC] Long and Lonesome Highway Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Bobby Singer (Supernatural), John Winchester, Victor Henriksen Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Spoilers, Angst, Angels, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Drama, Podfic, Podfic Length: 1.5-2 Hours via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/0IWAloG August 11, 2023 at 12:23PM
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christophe76460 · 1 year
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Bonjour tout le monde🙋🌼🌈😘
DIEU notre PERE est lumière
- 1 JEAN 1.5 - Et c'est ici le message que nous avons entendu de lui et que nous vous annonçons, savoir que Dieu est lumière et qu'il n'y a en lui aucunes ténèbres.
Nous sommes donc DES ENFANTS DE LUMIERE.
Portons le fruit que notre nature d'enfant de lumière nous permet de produire.
Trois caractères de DIEU qui devraient être perçus dans notre comportement.
- TOUTE BONTE, comme DIEU qui l'a manifesté envers tous les hommes, manifestons là nous aussi dans ce monde où l'égoïsme règne en maître.
- TOUTE JUSTICE, DIEU est juste et droit alors soyons-le également, dans nos relations, famille, travail, et bien sûr relations fraternelles.
- DEUTERONOME 32. 4 -Il est le Rocher, son œuvre est parfaite ; car toutes ses voies sont justice. C'est un *DIEU fidèle, et il n'y a pas d'iniquité en lui; Il est juste et droit.
- TOUTE VERITE, DIEU est le DIEU de vérité, et IL attend de nous que par notre comportement et nos paroles, nous disions la vérité à ceux que nous approchons
La vérité sur la perdition de l'homme et sur le salut que DIEU offre à quiconque croit en JESUS-CHRIST . DIEU veut également la vérité dans notre homme intérieur
- JEAN 3.16 - Dieu a tant aime le monde, qu'il a donne son Fils unique, afin que quiconque croit en lui ne périsse pas, mais qu'il ait la vie éternelle.
- PSAUME 51.6 - Voici, tu veux la vérité dans l'homme intérieur, et tu me feras comprendre la sagesse dans le secret de mon cœur.
0 notes
sourrcandy · 3 years
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KNIGHTS ; a 2k21 july camp nano wip intro — aka mafia wip by harls
genres. new adult political thriller, murder mystery
themes. broken crime family, battle for the mantle, badass dumbass morally grey scheming siblings, rivals to lovers?, martyrs
status. draft 1.5
links. page, tag, edits, ost
Brutal, clandestine, ruthless, blood chilling — Arkridge City is the Clemontes’ world, and we’re just living in it.
No one has ever messed with the Clemonte crime family, not until the murder of Reginald Clemonte — the godfather of Arkridge City’s criminal empire. It is first marked as a cold case, and then revealed as an inside job. The nine Clemonte children must use all their daring to untangle the mysteries behind his murder while staying alive to earn the mantle.
The dagger in your back is no metaphor, think twice before you trust anybody.
taglist — [ send an ask to be added/removed ]
gen tag!! @kazino, @halcionic, @pixxiesdust, @lucypcvensie, @heartwarning, @sautrns, @frozen2s, @cianawrites, @janaisvu, @ninazeniks, @ambrosiadarling, @perditism, @serpentarii, @seasteading, @lasbrumas, @solariumarcade [ @ikilledmyocs ]
knights taglist!! n/a
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akindofmagictoo · 3 years
DRAGONSONG: worldbuilding intro: the dragons (PART 1) 
I know that’s what you’re all here for. and I can’t blame you! dragons are great. so here is my take on them! 
this post will be about general facts and things like how they age. there will be two more posts about them. I have much information. and you are 100% welcome to send me asks (or include it in a reblog) if you have questions or more things you want to know!) 
general things 
dragons range from partially to completely blind. many younger dragons have better vision but it isn’t a direct correlation. as a result, they do not hoard gold and shiny things. they do, however, like to make nests with plants and flowers that smell nice! (and they enjoy the sounds metal makes) 
baby dragons start out a bright/dark colour and fade as they age. Enya, for example, is dark red. 
they fly by smell and hearing. they use a kind of echolocation, a particular song, to find their way (this one may or may not be audible to humans). they also share knowledge to have a kind of communal mental map. 
dragonsong generates magic; the echolocation song doesn’t generate much, as its purpose is different, but there’s a little bit. 
they sing for various reasons — fun/community, communication, deliberate production of magic, and to echolocate! 
at present, typical size for an adult dragon is 1.5 to 2 metres at the front shoulder. 
how dragons age, and how families work 
at 1000 a dragon is considered Old. no dragon has been recorded living beyond 1500. 
a dragon is a child until it is 300 years old. [I have more information on these milestones, and what size they are at certain ages. this will be PART 3] 
400 is considered an acceptable age to start having children; a dragon couple will have one egg at a time and raise it until it is 75, but often won’t have another child until their first baby is 300 or close to. 
dragons have a communal parenting style for babies older than 75 (these children can fly on their own but will still be supervised by adults most of the time). a community usually has one baby to every ten adults (at least when things are good). food is likewise shared. 
dragons’ relationship to the land
dragons are good for the continent! they generate magic in their songs and their fire is good for crops as well (ash makes the soil fertile) 
their presence also increases the number of magic users born, and they protect the continent from other more unpleasant creatures. 
in PART 2 of this post you will learn about the barrier spell and what the dragons are up to now. spoiler alert: they’re not having a great time. 
in PART 3 you will learn about dragon sizes as they age, and what sorts of milestones they reach when! 
TAGLIST (ask to be added or removed) 
@isherwoodj @metanoiamorii @lilmissravingwriter @weekofwednesdays @the-unwrittenwriter @talesofsorrowandofruin @little-boats-on-a-lake @teriwrites @magicalwriting @magic-is-something-we-create @writingbyjillian @waysofink @perditism @thehellinsideyourhead @calicowrites @vellichor-virgo @google-plexed
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violetlyvanilla · 5 years
Destiel Blog Rec
If you haven’t checked out @analyzingdestiel please please do. This is like the most satisfying blog to watch. You get completely fresh eyes watching the eps from season 4 onwards and assigning a subjective destiel believeability score.
You get commentary like this:
4x01 “It wouldn't be enough for me to ship them at this point but I do see the beginnings of something intense at the least.” 1/10 stars
4x03 “I still don't see much of a romantic relationship between them but I can see why the wheels would begin turning, what with Castiel sitting in bed while Dean sleeps. There's a lot of hinting at homoeroticism, especially coming from Dean.” 1.5/10
4x10 “ They made love, and during, Anna rests her hand on the hand mark burned into Dean's flesh. This hand mark was made by Castiel once he'd "gripped him tight and raised him from perdition". I originally wasn't sure what this signified; why were they bringing the thought of Castiel into this scene?” 3/10
4x22 “On Dean's end, it feels as if they have now passed over into the friend zone. And it's not quite a solid friendship yet.”
11/10 would recommend!
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poll-ventures · 1 year
Table of Contents
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Peaky Blinders: Ending With a Film Makes Sense, But is it Fair to Fans?
‘The city is a character in its own right’. ‘This cast gets on so well, we’re like a family!’ ‘I never read reviews, we made this for the fans.’ 
Of all the clichés uttered on the promotional circuit, the one most likely to sink the stomach is being told that a hot new series ‘is really a 10-hour movie.’ As a phrase, it’s so derided by now the real wonder is that anybody continues to say it (and yet they do. Perhaps they’re telling the truth about not reading their own press). 
As explained neatly here by Vulture’s Kathryn VanArendonk, it’s a frustrating thing to hear because it does TV a disservice, equating value only with the novelistic or cinematic and snobbishly assuming that for TV to be truly worthwhile, it has to be something other than television. TV episodes, it supposes, must all be 42-minute ugly ducklings wishing they could turn into beautiful big-screen swans. It’s an insult to the format, galling to those who champion episodic storytelling, and, in one or two cases, absolutely spot on.
Some TV shows fetishize cinema to such an extent it’s clear that their heart lies at a John Ford retrospective and not in a season 1-4 DVD boxset. Television is the pal they’ve taken to prom while gazing over its head at their first choice of date: cinema. 
UK crime drama Peaky Blinders grew into a global obsession thanks to its TV format. The scope provided by thirty-plus hours of storytelling let it develop characters that people adore. When it landed on Netflix, its reach extended beyond all expectation. It hit a word-of-mouth high around season three, by which point new fans had 18 episodes in which to get sucked in to the rarefied world of the Shelby family in 1920s Birmingham.
This week, Peaky Blinders’ producers announced that instead of the planned seventh and final season, it would end after season six, the filming of which has just resumed after a 10-month delay due to Covid-19. Speaking to Deadline, creator Steven Knight announced his intention to replace the mooted season seven with a film. “Covid changed our plans. But I can say that my plan from the beginning was to end Peaky with a movie. That is what is going to happen.” 
Read more
Peaky Blinders: The Real Story the Gangster Drama Has Been Telling
By Louisa Mellor
Peaky Blinders Season 6 News, Cast, Story, Guest Stars, Filming
By Louisa Mellor
Since the very start, Peaky Blinders has been a cinema obsessive, telling its real-life stories from its creator’s Birmingham childhood with larger-than-life Hollywood glamour. Its directors and design teams have repeatedly referenced The Godfather, designing sets and lighting in homage. Road to Perdition and countless others have been visually quoted. 
In 2019, uber-producer Caryn Mandabach told Den of Geek that each season was based on a different movie genre. Peaky Blinders‘ opening scene announces it as a Western, which develops in later seasons into a Hitchcockian suspense drama, a gangster flick, and a political conspiracy thriller.
The movies may feel like Peaky Blinders’ spiritual home then, but this is more a question of its physical one. The show’s increased pull in season five inspired the BBC to graduate it from the midweek BBC Two schedule to the prestige Sunday night drama slot on BBC One. As it grew around the world, the BBC remained its base. At press events, cast and creators were always careful to note their gratitude to the channel that first took a risk on their ambitious drama with the unfathomable name.
For years, there’s been talk of a Peaky Blinders film, stage musical, and even ballet. While the latter two would be reprisals of a tale already told – extras for enthusiasts willing to pay for more time with the Shelby family – the film is described as a continuation of the TV story, the final chapter. 
It’s clear why a film would make an attractive option. The increased costs of filming during the Covid-19 pandemic, and continued strain on underfunded BBC budgets, may mean that a seventh TV season simply isn’t affordable now. Add in the fact that a cast led by Cillian Murphy (Dunkirk, Inception), and including Tom Hardy (Mad Max: Fury Road, The Dark Knight Rises) and woman-of-the-hour Anya Taylor-Joy (The Queen’s Gambit, Emma) always has somewhere else to be. The time requirement of one feature would surely be less than that of six one-hour episodes, freeing the show’s in-demand actors and creators up for other projects.
The series already has a licensed video game, festival, merchandise and clothing line. It’s a diversified portfolio that takes understandable advantage of a hot property made – as Mandabach often stresses – on a considerably smaller budget than you might expect. Remarkably, given how expensive it looks, an episode of Peaky Blinders is reported to cost somewhere in the area of $1.5 million. A season’s worth of BBC cash would add up to only a comparatively tiny film budget, which is presumably where Netflix would come in.
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Would a Peaky Blinders film make its debut, then, as every other series has, on the BBC and iPlayer, or might this instalment in Tommy Shelby’s story be a Netflix exclusive? When Deadwood: The Movie arrived in 2019, it was released on subscription services HBO Max and Sky Atlantic. That same year, the Downton Abbey film had a successful theatrical release and is still only available to rent or buy on DVD and streaming services. If the Peaky film takes the same approach and goes subscription-only in the UK, there’s a risk license-fee paying BBC viewers awaiting the final chapter in a much-loved story could end up neglected. 
Subscribe to Den of Geek magazine for FREE right here!
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The post Peaky Blinders: Ending With a Film Makes Sense, But is it Fair to Fans? appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/39TvSQH
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topprezzi · 4 years
<em>Occhialini Piscina Graduati</em>: <u>Acquista</u> su Internet a prezzi da matti dalla Tablet
New Post has been published on https://topprezzi.it/offerta/occhialini-piscina-graduati/
Occhialini Piscina Graduati: Acquista su Internet a prezzi da matti dalla Tablet
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La piú eccellente selezione di Occhialini Piscina Graduati
Sei atterrato a al miglior siti web per commissure e giudizi di articoli connessi a Occhialini Piscina Graduati, nel quale ti diró in modo organizzato i prodotti e quelli che hanno avuto le piú buone critiche
ho realizzato tutto ció che potevo per costruire per voi la piú eccellente raccolta di Occhialini Piscina Graduati in sconto cercando di rivelare il miglior mercante sulla web e catalogandolo in modo accurato per darti la possibilitá di scegliere ció che si adatta alla tua esigenza. Poter acquistare la tua Occhialini Piscina Graduati in modo chiaro, sicuro e molto confortevole senza muoverti di casa attraverso Internet.
Il Più Venduto 1
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Hersvin Occhialini Nuoto Miopia (da 0 a -8.0), Graduati Miope Miopi Myopic UV400 Occhiali Anti-UV Anti-Nebbia con Ponte del Naso Rimovibile per Uomini Donne Adulti Bambini (Nero, -2.5)
LENTE DI ALTA QUALITÀ - Ampia lente zincata, superficie elettrodeposta per occhiali ultravioletti, superficie interna ANTI-FOG, ANTI-UV e trasparente. La lente...
PONTE NASO REGOLABILE ED ESTRAIBILE-- robustezza, durabilità, non facile rottura e adattamento per il naso della maggior parte delle persone. Il ponte del naso...
REGOLABILE PER ADATTO PERFETTO - Fibbia intarsiata con chiusura ad alta resistenza, comoda per l'uso, non facile da staccare, leggera pressione per un uso...
TAPPI PER ORECCHIE--Inserti auricolari in gel morbido, comodi da indossare, con buona impermeabilità, design siamesi per evitare di perdersi. Con questo...
PRECAUZIONI PER INDOSSARE - L'uso troppo aderente della fascia degli occhiali causerà disagio agli occhi, segni di pressione sull'avviso, perdite d'acqua...
17,99 €
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Le piú buone offerte di Occhialini Piscina Graduati.
Una raccolta di Occhialini Piscina Graduati a un solo click. Dopo un intervallo di tempo davanti al computer, di sicuro sei stanco di perdere il tempo su Internet e ancora non sai quale Occhialini Piscina Graduati comprare, tranquillo sono esperto nell’indagine di sconti e grazie alla mia passione per rintracciare i miglior prezzi, ho fatto a questo sito su Internet per mettere a disposizione un servizio a gruppi che come te e come io, siamo passati tantissime ore cercando su internet, como poter trovare i prezzi piú bassi di Occhialini Piscina Graduati che volevi trovare, ma anche sentirti sicuro quando devi acquistare, perché non puoi consentire che il tuo acquisto sia un disastro.
Il Più Venduto 1
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Hersvin Occhialini Nuoto Miopia (da 0 a -8.0), Graduati Miope Miopi Myopic UV400 Occhiali Anti-UV Anti-Nebbia con Ponte del Naso Rimovibile per Uomini Donne Adulti Bambini (Nero, -2.5)
LENTE DI ALTA QUALITÀ - Ampia lente zincata, superficie elettrodeposta per occhiali ultravioletti, superficie interna ANTI-FOG, ANTI-UV e trasparente. La lente...
PONTE NASO REGOLABILE ED ESTRAIBILE-- robustezza, durabilità, non facile rottura e adattamento per il naso della maggior parte delle persone. Il ponte del naso...
REGOLABILE PER ADATTO PERFETTO - Fibbia intarsiata con chiusura ad alta resistenza, comoda per l'uso, non facile da staccare, leggera pressione per un uso...
TAPPI PER ORECCHIE--Inserti auricolari in gel morbido, comodi da indossare, con buona impermeabilità, design siamesi per evitare di perdersi. Con questo...
PRECAUZIONI PER INDOSSARE - L'uso troppo aderente della fascia degli occhiali causerà disagio agli occhi, segni di pressione sull'avviso, perdite d'acqua...
17,99 €
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OffertaIl Più Venduto 2
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UTOBEST Occhiali da Nuoto per Miopi Nuoto Anti-Appannamento Occhiali da Nuoto Agonistico Protezione UV Impermeabile per Adulti, Bambini(-1.5)
Confortevoli e flessibili. Il cinturino in silicone morbido di alta qualità con il ponte nasale intercambiabile (nella confezione sono incluse 3 taglie...
Protezione dai raggi UV. Questi occhialini proteggono gli occhi dai raggi del sole ed assicurano un'ottima esperienza di nuoto anche con una luce solare forte.
Ottima visione e tenuta stagna. Le lenti antigraffio dotate di rivestimento anti-appannamento forniscono sott'acqua una visione chiara e a lunga distanza.
Il design ergonomico, insieme al cinturino regolabile e ai morbidi cuscinetti in silicone, non lasciano entrare l'acqua.
Lenti ottiche: i nostri occhiali sono adatti anche a persone con esigenze speciali. Sono disponibili diverse lenti diottriche: da -1,5 a -6.
16,90 € −18% 13,90 €
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Il Più Venduto 3
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Aqua Speed Lumina Nuoto Occhiali (Lenti ottiche per correggere miopia, incrementi di Mezzo Passo da -1.5 a -6.0 e -7.0 e -8.0; Anti-Nebbia, Protezione UV), -3.0; Lumina/Nero/Fumo
Occhialini da nuoto con due lenti ottiche, disponibili in mezzi passi da -1.5 a 6,0 e -7,0 e -8,0 diottrie
100% di protezione UVA / UVB con trattamento anti-fog rivestimento
Naselli intercambiabili in tre dimensioni
Sistema a sgancio rapido (EasyClick), proprio ambiente adatto
Di alta qualità, materiali non gravate e antiallergici (silicio, vetro)
25,00 €
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Il Più Venduto 4
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Zionor G7 occhialini da nuoto con correzione per miopia, no infiltrazioni, antinebbia 100% protezione UV per miopia uomini, donne, adulto nuotatori (diottrie -2.0 a -7.0), donna, G7-Black Clear Lens
Diverse diottrie: -2.0, -2.5, -3.0, -3.5, -4.0, -4.5, -5.0, -6.0, -7.0.
Ad alte prestazioni – speciale struttura per adulti, si adatta alla forma del viso e riduce la resistenza all' acqua, guarnizione naso unica per una...
Crystal View & Fog Free – protezione dai raggi UV e trattamenti su lenti antiappannamento assicura una visione chiara senza luce solare riflessione in...
Sicuro e antiallergico – di alta qualità resistente agli impatti, lenti in silicone atossico. Superior impermeabile ai dischi di cloro in entrata.
Comodo cuscino – ottimizzata su occhiali telaio presenta una minore pressione. Nessun effetto “occhi di procione” dopo ogni nuotata in piscina.
28,99 €
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Il Più Venduto 5
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EnzoDate Ottico Nuotare Occhiali ipermetropia miopia RX + 1 a + 8-1-8 Adulti Bambini Diversi Punti di Forza per Ogni Occhio(Forza:-3,Nero)
RX Swim Goggles, adatto sia per adulti che per bambini
Rx: da +1 a +8 / -Rx: da -1 a -8
Potete scegliere la forza differente per ogni occhio (forza personalizzata)
3 misure per il naso ponti per adulti, bambini e anziani
Anti-UV, anti-nebbia, venire con le custodie rigide e gli orecchie
13,16 €
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OffertaIl Più Venduto 6
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ARENA The One, Occhialini Unisex Adulto, Grigio (Smoke/Grey/Black), Taglia Unica
Comodi occhialini con vestibilità universale e guarnizione morbida
Lenti rigide con protezione UV e trattamento anti appannamento
Ponte nasale auto-regolante, cinturino graduato, senza PVC
Per nuotatori fitness, triathlon e nuoto in acque libere
20,00 € −26% 14,75 €
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Il Più Venduto 7
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vetoky Occhialini da Nuoto, Anti-Appannamento Occhiali da Nuoto Agonistico Protezione UV Impermeabile per Adulti, Bambini +10 Anni
Antiappannamento: Un trattamento speciale antiappanamento sul lato interno. La protezione antiappannamento può offrire una visione chiara e lunga distanza...
Protezione UV: Rivestimento UV offrono un'eccellente esperienza di nuoto sott'acqua. Le lenti protette dai raggi UV bloccano i dannosi raggi UVA e UVB del sole
Impermeabili e Comodi: Gli occhiali da nuoto VETOKY sono dotati di una doppia guarnizione realizzata con silicone a elevato grado di morbidezza, in modo da...
Design Ergonomico: La regolazione degli occhialini è molto semplice, grazie a una fascia in silicone che li rende anche anallergici e adatti a chi ha una pelle...
Sistema di Regolazione Facile: Fibbia in silicone 'quick fit' high tech per indossamento veloce regolazione facile e veloce,3 dimensio(S, M, L) ponte nasale...
15,99 €
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Sicuramente siete stati davanti al vostro PC per molto tempo e probabilmente siete stanchi di visitare siti web dove non si finisce mai di trovare quello che si vuole acquistare, ma non preoccupatevi, siamo esperti nel trovare offerte e grazie alla nostra passione e al nostro impegno siamo riusciti a trovare i migliori sconti. Abbiamo pensato che questa pagina avrebbe fornito un servizio a persone come voi e noi che hanno passato molte ore a cercare su Internet cercando di trovare i migliori prezzi per Occhialini Piscina Graduati, ma non solo, ma anche per trovare una pagina di cui possiamo fidarci quando si tratta di acquistare e che sappiamo non ci ingannerà.
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Un motore di ricerca per offerte di prodotti progettati pensando a voi
Durante la nostra ricerca e la compilazione dei migliori prodotti relativi alla vostra ricerca abbiamo fatto in modo che ogni articolo che trovate sul nostro sito web abbia garanzie di acquisto e qualità delle stringhe in modo che vi sentiate più sicuri nel vostro processo di acquisto e ci raccomandiate anche alla vostra famiglia e ai vostri amici. Quasi tutti i nostri prodotti e soprattutto quelli elencati nella Top 10 sono prodotti che uno di noi ha approvato o ha avuto l’esperienza di averne uno. Quindi sentitevi liberi di fare acquisti sul nostro sito web perché l’abbiamo già provato prima di voi e ci siamo assicurati di avere un’esperienza eccellente.
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mightystargazer · 6 years
Audiobook Reading List 2017
Another year gone by, Another Reading list completed. Not as many as last year, but quite empressive all the same in my opinion.
 Here goes!
  Michael Phillip Cash Monsterland
Larry Correia Grunge
Larry Correia Sinners
Carrie Fisher Postcards From The Edge
Melinda DuChamp Fifty Shades of Alice in Wonderland
Terry Goodkind Nest
Mark Cain Hell's Super
Mark Cain A Cold Day in Hell
Mark Cain Deal with the Devil
Mark Cain The Reluctant Demon
Kevin J. Anderson Resurrection, Inc
Joseph John The Eighth Day
Jonathan Ryan 3 Gates of the Dead
Andr Alexis Fifteen Dogs
Michael McDowel The Elementals
Clayton Smith Apocalypticon
Luke Smitherd Kill Someone
Luke Smitherd In The Darkness, That's Where I'll Know You
Jonathan Mayberry Beneath the Skin
John K. Addis The Eaton
Jeremiah Knight Hunger
Jeremiah Knight Feast
Jeff Strand Pressure
Jason Arnopp The Last Days of Jack Sparks
James Patterson Zoo
James Patterson Zoo 1.5
James Hankins Drawn
Mary Roach Stiff
John G. Hartness Demon Hunter collection 1-4
John G. Hartness Heaven Sent
John G. Hartness Heaven’s Door
John G. Hartness Night at the Museum
John Cleese So, Anyway
Jack Ketchum The Girl Next Door
Ilsa J. Bick Draw the Dark
Paul Tremblay Disappearance at Devil's Rock
Mark Tufo Immortalitys Touchstone
Mark Tufo Marks Merry Mayhem
Neil Gaiman The View from the Cheap Seats
Misha Burnett Book of lost doors 1
Misha Burnett Book of lost doors 2
L. X. Cain Bloodwalker
Larry Correia Detroit Christmas
Larry Correia Hard Magic
Larry Correia spellbound
Larry Correia Warbound
Larry Correia Murder on the Orient Elite
Larry Correia Tokyo Raider
A. American Going Home
A. American Surviving Home
A. American Escaping Home
A. American Forsaking Home
A. American Resurrecting Home
A. American Enforcing Home
A. American Avenging Home
A. American Charlie's Requiem
Ania Ahlborn The Shuddering
Adam Vine Lurk
Alan Black Metal Boxes
Alan Black Trapped outside
Alan Black Rusty hinges
Alan Black At the edge
Ambrose Ibsen Transmission
Jenny Lawson Furiously Happy
Clifford D. Simak Way Station
Mark Tufo Those Left Behind
Mark Tufo Zombie fallout 0.5
A.R Wise Deadlocked 1
A.R Wise Deadlocked 2
A.R Wise Deadlocked 3
A.R Wise Deadlocked 4
A.R Wise Deadlocked 5
A.R Wise Deadlocked 6
A.R Wise Deadlocked 7
A.R Wise Deadlocked 8
Tony Vigorito Love and Other Pranks
Richard Kadrey Butcher Bird
Andrew Michael Hurley The Loney
John G. Hartness Midsummer
John G. Hartness Moon over Bourbon street
John G. Hartness Oh Bubba, where art thou
Richard Roberts I Did NOT Give That Spider Superhuman Intelligence
Jim McDoniel An Unattractive Vampire
Jake Bible Stone Cold Bastards
David Rhodes Written in Stone
Neil Gaiman Norse Mythology
Alexander McCall Smith The Finer Points of Sausage Dogs
Chris Bucholz Severance
Barry J Hutchison Space Team
David M. Salkin Forever Hunger
Drew Hayes Going Rogue book 3
JM Guillen The Herald of Autumn
Craig Spector The Light at the End
Ted Dekker Eyes Wide Open
Ted Dekker Water Walker
Robert Bevan Critical Failures IV
Richard Kadrey Dead Set
Richard Kadrey The Wrong Dead Guy
Thomas Olde Heuvelt Hex
Glenn Bullion Jack Kursed
Drew Hayes Super Powereds 01 - Year 1
Drew Hayes Super Powereds 02 - Year 2
Drew Hayes Super Powereds 03 - Year 3
Brett J. Talley That Which Should Not Be
Richard Kadrey The Everything Box
Jane Harper The Dry
Emma Geen The Many Selves Of Katherine North
Alan Dean Foster For Love of Mother Not
Alan Dean Foster The Tar Aiym Krang
Alan Dean Foster Orphan Star
Alan Dean Foster The End of the Matter
Alan Dean Foster Flinx in Flux
Alan Dean Foster Mid-Flinx
Alan Dean Foster Reunion
Alan Dean Foster Flinx's Folly
Alan Dean Foster Sliding Scales
Alan Dean Foster Running from the Deity
Alan Dean Foster Bloodhype
Alan Dean Foster Trouble Magnet
Alan Dean Foster Patrimony
Alan Dean Foster Flinx Transcendent
Stephen Kozeniewski Billy and the Cloneasaurus
Robert Jackson Bennett Mr Shivers
Richard Kadrey Sandman Slim
Richard Kadrey Kill the Dead
Richard Kadrey Aloha from Hell
Richard Kadrey Devil in the Dollhouse
Richard Kadrey Devil Said Bang
Richard Kadrey Kill City Blues
Richard Kadrey The Getaway God
Richard Kadrey Killing Pretty
Richard Kadrey The Perdition Score
Joe Haldeman Buying Time
D. M. Pulley The Buried Book
M. R. Carey; The Boy on the Bridge
Sally Slater Paladin
J.R. Rain The Dead Detective
J.R. Rain Deadbeat Dad
Eric Padilla Unfurled Heroing Is a Tough Gig
Claire North The End of the Day
Alan Dean Foster Spellsinger
Alan Dean Foster The Hour of the Gate
Stephen King Gwendy's Button Box
Ron Ripley Berkley Street
Ron Ripley The Lighthouse
Ron Ripley The Town of Griswold
Ron Ripley Sanford Hospital
Ron Ripley Kurkow Prison
Ron Ripley Lake Nutaq
Ron Ripley Slater Mill
Tim Lebbon Predator Incursion
Tim Lebbon Alien Invasion
Tim Lebbon Armageddon
Emma Geen The Many Selves Of Katherine North
Jen Calonita Flunked
Will McIntosh Faller
Lincoln Child Deep Storm
Lincoln Child Terminal Freeze
Lincoln Child The Third Gate
Lincoln Child The Forgotten Room
Lincoln Child Full Wolf Moon
Diana Rowland Mark Of The Demon
Diana Rowland Blood Of The Demon
Diana Rowland Secrets Of The Demon
Diana Rowland Sins Of The Demon
Diana Rowland Touch Of The Demon
Diana Rowland Fury of the Demon
Diana Rowland Vengeance of the Demon
Richard Laymon Flesh
Elizabeth Anne Hull Gateways
The yellow wallpaper
Garth Nix A Confusion Of Princes
Diana Rowland Legacy of the Demon
Christopher Moore Bloodsucking Fiends
Christopher Moore A dirty job
Rick Gualtieri Bill the Vampire
Rick Gualtieri Scary Dead Things
Rick Gualtieri The Mourning Woods
Rick Gualtieri Holier Than Thou
Rick Gualtieri Sunset Strip
Rick Gualtieri Goddamned Freaky Monsters
Rick Gualtieri Half a Prayer
Rick Gualtieri The Wicked Dead
Rick Gualtieri Shining Fury
Rick Gualtieri The Last Coven
Ron Ripley Borgin Keep
Nick Cutter Litlte Heaven
Steve Alten The Loch
Steve Alten Vostok
Richard Kadrey The Kill Society
Dean Koontz The Silent Corner
Christopher Moore A Dirty Job
Joseph Fink Welcome to Nightvale 1-110
Peter Meredith The Apocalypse Revenge
Scott Meyer Run Program
A. G. Riddle Pandemic
Seanan McGuire Down Among the Sticks and Bones
Scott Sigler Earthcore
Peter Clines Dead Men Can't Complain
Keith C. Blackmore Breeds 3
Jeff Strand Cyclops Road
Eleanor Lerman Radiomen
Christina Raines Claimed by the Elven King
Jeff Strand Blister
Jeff Strand WolfHunt
Fanny Merkin Fifty Shames of Earl Grey
Angela Marsons DEAD SOULS
Tad Williams The Burning Man
Tad Williams The Dragonbone Chair
Tad Williams Stone of Farewell
Tad Williams To Green Angel Tower
Tad Williams The Heart of What Was Lost
Iain McKinnon Demise of the living
Eddie Izzard Believe Me
Brad Magnarella Demon Moon
Brad Magnarella Blood Deal
Brad Magnarella Purge City
Larry Correia Siege
Tom Perrotta The Leftovers
Al K. Line Black Spark
Al K. Line Evil Spark
Al K. Line New Spark
Al K. Line Guilty Spark
Al K. Line Neon Spark
Barry J. Hutchison The Wrath of Vajazzle
Charles Stross The Delirium Brief
Matthew Iden The Winter Over
John Langan The Fisherman
Mo Daviau Every Anxious Wave
Marcus Sakey Afterlife
Lou Cadle Gray
Gary McMahon Pretty Little Dead Things
Gary McMahon Dead Bad Things
Mark Tufo Victorys Defeat
Tess Gerritsen The Surgeon
Tess Gerritsen The Apprentice
Tess Gerritsen The Sinner
Tess Gerritsen Body Double
Tess Gerritsen Vanish
Tess Gerritsen The Mephisto Club
Tess Gerritsen The Keepsake
Tess Gerritsen Ice Cold
Tess Gerritsen The Silent Girl
Tess Gerritsen Last to Die
Tess Gerritsen Die Again
Tess Gerritsen I Know a Secret
Tess Gerritsen The Bone Garden#
Robert Bevan 4d6 Caverns and Creatures
James Acaster Classic Scrapes
Nicholas Sansbury Smith Trackers
Mike Evans Civil War
John Cleaver I am not a Serial Killer
John Cleaver Mr Monster
John Cleaver I Don't Want to Kill You
John Cleaver The Devil's Only Friend
John Cleaver Over Your Dead Body
John Cleaver Nothing Left to Lose
Ezekiel Boone Skitter
Barry J. Hutchison The Search for Splurt
Stephen King Sleeping Beauties
Stephen King It
Kevin Hearne Grimoire of the Lamb
Kevin Hearne Clan Rathskeller
Kevin Hearne Kaibab Unbound
Kevin Hearne Hounded
Kevin Hearne Hexed
Kevin Hearne Hammered
Kevin Hearne A Test of Mettle
Kevin Hearne Tricked
Kevin Hearne Two Ravens and One Crow
Kevin Hearne The Demon Barker of Wheat Street
Kevin Hearne Trapped
Kevin Hearne Hunted
Kevin Hearne Shattered
Kevin Hearne A Prelude to War
Kevin Hearne Staked
Kevin Hearne The Purloined Poodle
Stephen King The dark half
Stephen King Desperation
Larry Correia The Monster Hunter Files
Greig Beck The first bird
Greig Beck Book of the dead
Greig Bird The immortality curse
Sean Thomas Fisher Floodwater
Ryan Lockwood What Lurks Beneath
Stephen King The Regulators
S L Grey Mall
S L Grey Ward
S L Grey New Girl
Peter Clines Paradox Bound
Diana Rowland Unchained
David Wong John Dies at the End
David Wong This Book Is Full of Spiders
David Wong What the Hell Did I Just Read
David Wong Futuristic Violence and Fancy Suits
Aaron Mahnke The World of Lore
Brad Magnarella Book of Souls
Brad Magnarella Death Mage
A.I. Nasser Children to the Slaughter
A.I. Nasser Shadows Embrace
A.I. Nasser Copper's Keeper
Jon Hollins Fools Gold
Jon Hollins False Idols
Colin Dickey Ghostland
C.T. Phipps The Rules of Supervillainy
C.T. Phipps The Games of Supervillainy
C.T. Phipps The Secrets of Supervillainy
C.T. Phipps The Science of Supervillainy
Joseph Fink Welcome to Nightvale 111-116
Peter Brannen The Ends of the World
Anthologi Nights of the Living Dead
Jonathan Mayberry Joe Ledger Unstoppable
Alexander C. Kane Andrea Vernon
Josef Fink It Devours!
Joe Hill Strange Weather
Christopher Gray When the Dead Wake
Ron Ripley Amherst Burial Ground
Derek Landy Demon Road
Derek Landy Desolation
Derek Landy American Monsters
Joseph Fink Nightvale 117-118
Bentley Little The Handyman
David A. Simpson Zombie Road
Peter Meredith War of the Undead Day One
Peter Meredith War of the Undead Day Two
Peter Meredith War of the Undead Three
Peter Meredith War of the Undead Day Four
James Alan Gardner All Those Explosions Were Someone Elses Fault
Andy Weir Artemis
Bentley Little The Association
Kevin Hearne The Squirrel on the Train
John C. McCrae Worm 1-298
Chris Fox Deathless 1
Chris Fox Deathless 2
Chris Fox Deathless 3
rachel manija brown stranger
Peter Meredith The Apocalypse Sacrifice
J-F. Dubeau A God in the Shed
Drew Hayes The Utterly Uninteresting and Unadventurous Tales
Drew Hayes Undeath and Taxes
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 9 months
[PODFIC] The Road Less Traveled
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/u4BehX9 by skeens_leap [podfic version] “I'm the one that gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition.” Dean is rescued from hell, but his troubles are only just beginning. Words: 7, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of [PODFIC] Long and Lonesome Highway Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Bobby Singer (Supernatural), John Winchester, Victor Henriksen Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Spoilers, Angst, Angels, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Drama, Podfic, Podfic Length: 1.5-2 Hours read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/u4BehX9
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christophe76460 · 3 years
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Bonjour tout le monde🙋🌼🌈 DIEU notre PERE est lumière (1 jean 1.5) , nous sommes donc DES ENFANTS DE LUMIERE . Portons le fruit que notre nature d'enfant de lumière nous permet de produire . Trois caractères de DIEU qui doivent être perçus dans notre comportement. - TOUTE BONTE, comme DIEU qui l'a manifesté envers tous les hommes, manifestons la nous aussi dans ce monde où l'égoïsme règne en maître. - TOUTE JUSTICE, DIEU est juste et droit (Deutéronome 32.4), alors soyons-le également, dans nos relations , famille, travail, et bien sûr relations fraternelles . - TOUTE VERITE, DIEU est le DIEU de vérité, et IL attend de nous que par notre comportement et nos paroles, nous disions la vérité à ceux que nous approchons La vérité sur la perdition de l'homme et sur le salut que DIEU offre à quiconque croit en JESUS-CHRIST (Jean 3.16 ). DIEU veut également la vérité dans notre homme intérieur (Psaume 51.6 ) LIRE AUSSI ; Esaïe 9.2 / Esaïe 42.16 / Esaïe 50.10 / Jean 12.35-36 / Actes 26.18. https://www.instagram.com/p/CQYWi9HHub6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Manifest 2 x 08 "Carry On" Recensione
E ancora una volta #Manifest non da' risposte e soprattutto diventa ancora più lento e quasi senza futuro
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Questo è il nostro punteggio 1.5
Commento personale alla puntata
Una delle parti migliori del precedente episodio di Manifest è derivata dalle perdite subite a causa della morale contrastata dei nostri personaggi. Ha aggiunto una certa tensione e ha elevato quello che altrimenti sarebbe stato un episodio emozionante nel capitolo…
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