#Pablo the parrot
sapphicshawol · 8 months
spent a relaxing weekend the most depressed ive been all year but at least my mum made me food and pablo tried to melt into my jumper
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idolcandy · 2 years
I've said it before but if the other crushes get to have pets, Priya should have a parrot
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The Cuban Comedy: A Novel
By Pablo Medina.
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keikoyume · 5 months
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OFF x The Boy and the Heron
I had this concept since November and I had to draw it!!
Here some explanations and more ideas about the crossover:
Hugo is the protagonist (Mahito, in the movie), he travels through the ‘OFF world’ discovering a land of wonders. Perhaps his presence will have an impact on it…
I thought the Queen could be Mahito’s great uncle until I changed my mind for Enoch instead (I really wanted to put the three guardians). Vader Eloha would be Natsuko (Mahito/Hugo’s new mom).
Weirdly, Japhet is wearing Valérie’s corpse but also has his cat corpse in his mouth (it’s for the aesthetic✨), he's the heron the best character in the movie.
Pablo has the role of Himi, in the crossover, he’s the cat of Hugo’s deceased mom.
Warawaras are young Elsens floating with (Sucre’s) balloons, parrots are Burnts (and pelicans would be specters).
Dedan is Kiriko, he fishes meat in… the meat actually. I was thinking about the idea he’d fish cows, I felt it’d be cute and absurd. I was also thinking he’d be doing that on a big pedalo✨
Finally, I think the Batter would be the parrot king, I felt it was fitting for the character and his rough behavior in the movie.
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Remember to read about the contestants before voting!
Satin Bowerbird
Once again, another beautiful bowerbird. The satin bowerbird builds an upsidedown arch, similar to that of the Flame Bowerbird. They also collect things, again like the other bowerbird, but this one is more keen to collect. Often, they will collect garbage from nearby campgrounds, and hold them in their beaks as they perform their dance. The spot of bright blue against their dazzling dark blue feathers is quite amazing. Learn More!
The Caique is another parrot, indigenous to the Amazon Basin, and also often found as a house pet too. They are very social birds, relying on a pack mentality in the wild to defend themselves from predators. They’re also very vocal with one another, sometimes even purring as they drink! Caique are also known to have two sentries on lookout as they eat. Their diet mainly consists of flowers, fruit, and seeds. Learn More!
(Satin Bowerbird photo by Ellany Whelan) (Caique photo by Juan Pablo Arboleda)
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List of beloved Esmp s2 NPCs so far:
-Tortoise the toad
-Pablo the parrot
-Ariana Goate
-Deputy Norman
-Scott’s llama
-And I know that no one really cares about this last one, but I would die for that one specific chicken that hangs around False’s base
-It is with great shame and regret that I must inform you all that I’ve forgotten Pablo jr. My humblest and sincerest apologies
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ohnothisisathing · 1 month
I Might Never Come Down
Written for Hideduo Kiss week Day 3: Smol Peck. Fabio/Pablo Stardew Valley setting. Kind of an au because I always write these with the intention that the Stardew co-op setting is in Pac’s dream. Late as always. Title from Anderson Paak’s Come Down.
Content warning: weed smoking. Rated 17+
The sun is going down in Stardew Valley while he and Fabio sit on the pier of the lake near their farm, their fishing rods in hand. They’ve caught nothing but a few bits of trash in this lake, but they’re still hoping to catch something to sell tonight.
Fabio takes a hit of the joint he’d just lit. He blows out smoke
“We got some zaza!” Fabio says in a funny voice and grins as he hands Pablo the joint.
“Zaza!” Pablo parrots in the same tone as Fabio, liking the way it sounds. He takes a hit of the joint.
“Where did you get this zaza Fabio?” He says after blowing out the smoke.
“That lady that lives just over there,” he says pointing with his head toward a small house peeking out through the trees, “I think her name is Leah. She’s real into nature. I think she hugs trees.”
“I see,” Pablo says, taking another hit to push down the irritation that suddenly sprouts, “why is she giving you gifts?”
“I traded her some parsnips for it. If we get her something nicer next time she may give us a plant and we can grow it on our farm, maybe make a little money on the side.” He grins at Pablo.
“Oh, that’s a good plan Fabio.”
“Thank you.”
“I’ll give her the nice gift for next time, okay? It is Leah, right?” He says, wanting to keep this Leah from getting too comfortable with Fabio. 
“Yeah,” Fabio says with a knowing look at Pablo, but all he does is reach out for the joint. Pablo hands it to him, their fingers brushing.
“Wanna see something cool?” Fabio says and doesn’t wait for an answer when he takes a longer drag of the zaza, but Pablo still answers “Yes”.
He watches Fabio as he holds the smoke in his mouth for a moment and when he opens it three rings of smoke come out. The last one is less a ring and more an almost round puff of smoke, but Pablo’s eyes still widen.
“Oh wow Fabio, that’s amazing!” Pablo compliments, “what do you call this?”
“The trick? We always just called them ‘smoke rings’. I don’t know if they have an official name.”
“Ah, smoke rings,” he says, testing the phrasing out and letting his eyes fall down to the water, “I wish I knew something cool like that.”
“I can teach you if you want,” Fabio says and Pablo looks up again and sees Fabio looking at him like he’s the one who did the cool trick.
“Really? Oh thank you Fabio. Then when I know this I can blow rings and you can blow rings-“
“We can make the rings touch,” Fabio says and laughs and Pablo laughs with him, watching the corner of his eye crinkle in the low light. The ring Fabio gave him has started to glow as the last of the sunlight peaks beneath the horizon and an idea comes to him.
“Actually Fabio, I do know something. Let me have the zaza.”
”The zaza?” Fabio says in that funny voice and hands him the maconha.
“The zaza” Pablo laughs, repeating after him, “Do you know this one? It’s, uh, I don’t know how to say. Like sharing smoke?”
Pablo breathes out with his mouth open, mimicking the trick without the smoke, and Fabio’s eyes move to his mouth then quickly looks away.
”Yeah, I know that one. We call it a shotgun.”
”Shotgun…wait a shotgun?” Pablo repeats astonished, “why do you call it a shotgun?”
“I have no idea. Maybe because it’s like smoke from a shotgun. I don’t know.”
“Would you like to do that with me? A Shotgun? Pow, right in the face!” Pablo giggles at that then realizes what he said and the giggles trail off nervously.
”Uh, yeah. That would be cool. Totally cool,” Fabio answers much to his relief and Pablo’s already taking a drag before he can say something else awkward. He leans his head closer to Fabio and Fabio meets him halfway, eyelashes falling to his cheeks and his mouth slightly parted centimeters away from Pablo’s. Pablo’s breath catches and unfortunately inhales the smoke the wrong way and he’s coughing smoke in Fabio’s face.
”Pablo are you okay? What happened?” Fabio’s concerned voice comes through as he focuses on the burn of the smoke and the utter embarrassment with how uncool that was.
”I’m okay,” Pablo says with a few more coughs.
”You sure?” Fabio’s eyes look so concerned and Pablo is considering falling into the lake.
”Yeah, I’m okay. Just hurt my pride, you know?”
”Noo, it could happen to anyone. Sometimes it just goes down wrong,” Fabio says very kindly, his free hand hovering behind his back. Pablo considers starting to cough again so Fabio would maybe try patting his back or something, but he decides against it. The sun is completely down now. They should probably just go home.
”Do you want to try it again?” Fabio asks, making Pablo turn quickly to him and Fabio looks less sure, “I mean, if you want to.”
”Yes,” Pablo says immediately, never one to turn down a second chance at something he really wants and it also makes Fabio laugh which only makes him feel bolder.
”Okay, whenever you’re ready.”
Pablo takes another drag of the zaza and Fabio moves quicker than him this time to meet in the middle. Pablo breathes out the smoke and Fabio sucks it in easily and when it runs out Pablo presses their lips together with a quick smack, sealing it with a kiss. He pulls back grinning. Fabio is smiling too and looking softly at Pablo, his face visible in his ring’s light.
”That was a cool trick.”
”You think so Fabio?”
”I do. I do think so.”
They are just staring at each other like idiots, but Pablo can’t bring himself to look away. He thinks he could look at Fabio forever, memorizing his face like he’ll never see him again, but it is getting cold and they should get out of there.
”So Fabio, I think we should go home, maybe sit by the fire, finish off the zaza.”
”Yeah, that sounds good. I can show you how to do my trick.”
”Yes and we can make the rings touch!’ Pablo jokes and Fabio laughs.
”Yeah, exactly. We can make the rings touch. Come on, let’s go home.”
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empiresdailymoved · 2 years
May i request a Mythical Sausage and his parrot friend Pablo?
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my tablet is acting up again, rip
[image description: a digital drawing of sausage. he's a large man with pig-like tusks and ears. he has short dark brown hair and a beard, a pink flower resting on his head. he's wearing a red and teal robe over a grey shirt and dark grey pants, a pair of elytra strapped to his back. on his shoulder is a green parrot, who's rubbing its head against sausage's cheek affectionately. sausage is grinning happily at it. end id]
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captainwormburner · 7 months
Pablo the Parrot - Folktronica Electronic Rock - Captain Wormburner
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gardenergulfie · 2 years
And now, Sausage
Oh his intro music SLAPS
YEAH Sausage working in cuban culture into his build HELL YEAH!
Love seeing so much Pix this season, its great!
Oh Sausage’s export is wood! Good to know!
Sausage and Jimmy are so fun i love them
Damn he really is stealing wholesale from Encanto, good for him!
Oh this is great timelapse music! And i love this build! The dome on the tower is so cool!
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Daisy Frost
Elmer Frost
Pumpkin Cookie
Pumpkin Spice Cookie
Sugar Glazed Pumpkin Cookie
Magician Cookie
Whipped Cream Cookie
S’mores Cookie
Milk Chocolate Cookie
Pharaoh Cookie
Strawberry Shortcake Cookie
Snow Cone Cookie
Sea Weed Cookie
I have 936 but here are my main ocs-
Angel Calvin
Alexander Allens
Angel May
Annie May
Ciara Layes
Ciera Layes
Amy Debeste
Dennis Tainne
Lianne Coleman
Lio Coleman
Liana Coleman
Jonathan Deiluv
John Deiluv
Clara Williams
Mathew P. Rick
Veronica Jules
Phay Saj
Alexander Koi
Michael Rollans
Amelia Monique
Among Us:
Potato Fries
Harry Potter:
Noel Silver
Lexi Silver
Mel Silver
Pepa Parrot
Luis Lynx
Hyla Hydra
Maddie Rider
Gem Rose
Grace Rays/Gay-mer #24
Emmie Silver (No,she is not related to Noel Silver)
Ginna Summers
Damien Michel
James Prince “JP” Jones
Apollo Mendez
Amy Mendez
Lia Shane
Lio Shane
Ellie Mina
Eliza Mina
M Mendoza
Mika Mendoza
Object Shows:
Paper Bag
Colored Paper
Pool float
Chocolate donut
Coloring book
Oil pastels
Picture frame
Drawing tablet
Colored pencil
Flower Pot
Spinning Ballerina
Daisy Seed
Wine glass
Water pitcher
Cream Puff
Crystal Ball
Hand Mirror
Magic Wand
Card Stack
Ice Cream
Invisible Wall
Fur Ball
Gift Box
Boxing Glove
Google Translate
Bumble Bee
Candy Heart
Lightning Necklace
Mood Ring
Comedy Book
Correction Tape
Water Bucket
Hidden Camera
Lemon Juice
High Heels
Permanent Ink
Dino Toy
Paint Bucket
Mini Paint Brush
Cake Pop
Last Place Medal
Pizza Slice
Treasure Chest
Golden Coin
Silver Coin
Bent spoon
Rusty Spoon
Bucket Of Sand
Toxic Waste
Polluted Air
Digital Battery
Camera App
Gacha Club
Cookie Run:Kingdom
IbisPaint X
Texting Story
Ellie Jamison
Ellen Jamison
Kristine Krupp
CN McArthur
Simon Tolentino
Adriana Maddison
Naixil Seyer
Tina Treys
Sown wayv(Music)
Job Simulator:
Tumblr Ocs:
Righty Tighty
Lefty Lucy
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Protector Sausage is a parrot regressor, and likes usin Pablo's molted feathers for accessories! (necklaces, bracelets, ect.)
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athenagc94 · 2 years
Written in Rose Quartz
Chapter 4 - Unsuur/Builder - Turquoise
Beginning | Prev | Next
You can also keep up with it on my AO3 here.
Robbie had no idea what possessed her to offer up her home to Unsuur while he recovered from his injuries. Her bedside manner left a lot to be desired, evidenced by, well, everything about her. He would honestly do better for himself if he stayed with someone like Vivi or someone from the Church of Light. Not to mention, she still had work to do with the bridge, so it's not like she had the time to entertain him. 
But seeing his lower lip jut out in a small pout when Justice benched him made her want to speak up. He looked more than irritated—he looked sad—and that just wouldn’t fly with her. That expression looked strange on his face.
That being said, she barely had enough room for herself in her tiny ass workshop, let alone a second person. That was why she couldn’t afford to lose that stupid bet with Pablo. She needed that damn expansion and with the trusses turned in, she finally had the money to do it. Heidi planned to stop by soon to take a quick look ahead of breaking ground on the project.
Her reflection glared back at her as she put in the lapis lazuli earrings she won off Pablo. She almost chucked the box at his head when she picked them up after what she dubbed the mistake. And it was a mistake. Maybe one of the worst she’d ever made—which said a lot about how much she hated her choices that night. It’s not like she had the best track record for making good decisions.
Pablo’s shit eating grin made her blood boil. And his sing-songey, “You earned this, love,” made it even worse.
She would fight Pablo one day—be it in this life or in hell—because she was fairly certain they were both going to hell.
No amount of good vibrations from her citrine collection could save her from that. And these damn earrings better give her the foresight to solve the water crisis for all the grief she went through to get them.
She tied back her hair in a low bun at the nape of her neck, a few stray curls already coming loose from its confines. She sighed. Whatever. There wasn’t any point in trying to tame them. It might be time to finally take Pablo up on his offer to cut her hair—before he fought him in the pits of hell, of course.
She stepped out into the living area as Unsuur opened the door that led out of her room. It was more of a closet, really, but it served its purpose with just enough room for a single bed and a shelf that housed her crystal collection. 
She insisted he take the bed. He tried to argue, but she wouldn’t hear it. It was a whole thing. He only conceded when she threatened to throw his ass over her shoulder and carry him there herself.
Like she said, stellar bedside manner.
He leaned heavily on the door jamb with one arm cradling his side. She still wasn’t used to seeing him dressed so casually in threadbare shirt and a pair of loose joggers that rode low on his hips. His hair looked like someone ran their fingers haphazardly through it—probably him, but it was a good look.
“Morning,” he yawned.
“Morning,” she parroted as she made a beeline for the kettle on the stove, “Coffee?”
“Yes, please.”
He eased himself into one of the mismatched chairs at her comically small dining table. His legs were so long that his knees were almost tucked behind his ears when he was sitting. She found the pieces abandoned behind the Blue Moon and thought why not. A quick hose down from her water supply (which may not be the best use of her reserve) and a fresh coat of paint had them looking almost like new.
It saved her the trouble of spending money at By the Stairs. Arvio could kiss her ass if he actually thought she was spending a cent on his overpriced furniture pieces.
An awkward silence settled between them as she prepared their coffee. She took hers black, but he preferred his with a splash of milk—information she had to pry from him when she saw the way he grimaced each time he took a sip. The poor bastard would have suffered through a few weeks of stale bean water if she let him. Just because she liked it, didn’t mean he had to.
His eyes followed her as she moved across the kitchen. “I like those earrings.”
She almost dropped the mug in her hands. “Oh, uh, thanks. They were a,” she grappled for the right word, “they were a gift.” A badge of dishonor was more accurate. Or a bad omen. A clear quartz cleanse might be in order before she wore them again.
“Oh.” He almost sounded disappointed. “From who?”
“Pablo. He found them in Walnut Groove.”
“Lapis lazuli, right?”
She glanced back at him, realizing that he was actually following the slight swing of her earrings with his eyes. She wasn’t sure why that disappointed her. “That’s right. They’re one of my favorite stones. It’s known as the—”
“Wisdom stone.”
Her lips parted in surprise. Unsuur liked rocks. She knew that. It was the only thing he shared about himself, but she never thought the symbolism side of it all would interest him. It seemed too…whimsical for someone as rigidly literal as him.
“That’s right.”
“I like diamonds.”
Robbie whistled. “Perfection. You’ve got expensive tastes.”
“Oh, well, not just diamonds,” he said quickly, “I like rubies, sapphires, and garnet too.” Courage, justice, and truth—how appropriate. “But I just like rocks in general.”
“Yeah, I gathered that much.”
His extensive rock collection took up one full wall of his house—actually, a shack was a more accurate term for it. She thought her workshop was cramped. A couch would have never fit in his home in the first place. He seemed pleased with the rocks she brought back with her. The first being a speckled granite with flecks of blue and gray and the second a deep orange stone layered with pale yellow. His ensuing smile made her feel like she passed a test.
“So, what are your plans for the day?”
“Am I allowed to have plans?” He shifted in his seat, wincing. “I thought Justice said I was on bed rest.”
“Well, I don’t think Justice is here to yell at you.” The corner of his mouth twitched up into an almost smile. “And you can have plans.” She placed a mug in front of him and took the seat opposite him. “Or did you plan to stay cooped up inside again with this mess?”
She motioned vaguely to the chaos around them. Chests lined the walls, overflowing with odds and ends—mostly half-assembled relics for Catori. She used them as paper weights, bookends, and simple furniture pieces. Anything that might give them a purpose while she searched for the missing pieces.
“Can I watch you work?”
His request was simple enough, but it still surprised her. The fact that he stayed inside these last few days led her to believe he only agreed to this arrangement to avoid being stuck at home by himself. She didn’t think he had any real interest in hanging out with her, but it looked like she misunderstood.
“It’s not all that exciting,” she assured him, “I’ll be pretty busy working on that machine that Qi commissioned to speed up bridge construction. I won’t really be in the mindset to do much talking if that’s what you’re hoping for.”
“That’s fine,” Unsuur said, “People say I blend into the background easily enough. You won’t even know I’m there.”
The weight of his stare suggested otherwise.
“You can do whatever you want. I’m not your mother. Or Justice. I don’t care.” 
His eyes followed her every movement—monitoring and weighing every subtle change in her demeanor. It made it hard not to stare right back. And she was…staring, she meant. She never realized how sharp his cheekbones were. Or the squareness of his jaw. Then there were his eyes. They sparkled like obsidian. Her gaze fell to trace the seam of his lips and she wet her own with a quick pass of her tongue.
Was it getting hot in here, or was it just her?
She took a large gulp of her drink, blistering the roof of her mouth in the process, but it hardly registered. “So, tell me,” she croaked, “what’s the craziest shit you’ve done in the Civil Corps?”
He raised his mug to his lips and blew on it. “I once caught three mice in one afternoon.”
It was hard to tell if he was joking or not. “That’s it?”
He nodded. “And what about you? What’s the craziest thing you’ve done as a builder? I already know that you press random buttons and chase geeglers onto speeding railcars.”
She stared at him. Was that one a joke? His deadpan tone made it impossible to know.
As if sensing her unease, he cracked a small smile and clarified, “I’m teasing you.”
Relief washed over her. “Oh, well, in that case, I’m not sure if I have too many crazy builder stories. You already know the good ones, but I have a few stories from when I traveled across the Free Cities. I used to get into all kinds of trouble.”
“And you think that’s changed?”
She barked a laugh. He was funnier than he let on—more of a dry wit kind of guy. She could respect that. “Do you want to hear the story or not?”
“I do.”
“Alright, if you think you can handle it.” He motioned for her to speak. “So, this one time, when I was in Atara. I stumbled across this abandoned rickshaw filled with relic tech…”
Unsuur hated sitting still.
He would much rather be on patrol. Or looking for new rocks. Or picking sand fleas out of Captain’s coat—he wasn’t too picky.
The last few days had been torture for him—laying in bed, staring at the ceiling with nothing better to do with his time. It hurt too much to move outside of his meals with Robbie, but the pain was tolerable that morning and he felt like doing something with his day. 
Robbie had grown more comfortable around him, which was progress. They no longer ate meals in tepid silence and he considered their conversation that morning a breakthrough in their relationship. It was nice to see her laughing and joking like she would with Pablo or Heidi. Per his request, she set him up in one of her comfier chairs on the front porch. It gave him a perfect view of the machines lining one side of the broken fence that circled her workshop.
The slightly crooked sign hanging off the awning bore the name: Robin’s Nest.
Was Robin her full name? He never thought to ask. People only ever called her Robbie or Robs around here. They had since she arrived.
He pursed his lips and said, “That fence won’t keep anything out.” She was opening herself up to all kinds of threats. He was constantly cutting off rocket roosters from walking right into her yard. A wild yakmel herd grazed right on the edge of her property and he knew firsthand how they could be during a sandstorm. “You should get it fixed.”
“I’m not looking to keep anything out.”
He grimaced. He didn’t understand her.
“How are you hanging in there?” Robin hauled a stack of bronze bars over to one of her machines and laid them out. A thin layer of sand clung to her sweat-slick skin. Her cheeks were red, the start of sunburn stretching across the bridge of her nose. She itched it irritably. “You look like you’re ready to start banging your head against the wall.”
“Is that an option?”
She snorted. “You’re just full of jokes today, aren’t you?”
“I tell plenty of jokes,” he deadpanned, “but no one ever laughs.”
The consistent click of bronze stopped. “I just did, didn’t I?”
“You’re the exception, I guess.” He fidgeted in his seat. He’d gotten used to the twinge in his side each time he breathed, moved, or thought too hard about it. “I just hate sitting still is all.”
“I’d offer to have you help me, but that would go against the whole resting aspect of this thing.” She fed bronze bars on one side of the machine and thin sheets of pliable metal came out the other side. It was like magic. Or science. They were one and the same to him. 
Everyone else in his family lived and breathed science. Spoke the language fluently. All of them were esteemed Vega 5 Old World technology experts and then there was him—Unsuur—the disappointment, the failure.
He shoved those intrusive thoughts from his mind before they found a home. There was no place for them here. His attention drifted to her workbench where a small collection of rocks and precious stones littered its surface. 
He perked up in his seat. That was right. “You collect rocks too, don’t you.”
“I guess.” She stood and brushed sand from the knees of her jeans. “I just grab what looks pretty. I don’t think too much about it.”
His gaze fell to a rough cut tiger's eye she strung on a gold chain. He motioned to it and said, “Like that orange one?”
“It’s a tiger’s eye,” she corrected, “People wear them to lessen fear and seek motivation from within.”
His lips curved. “I thought you didn’t think too much about it?”
She blew a stray curl from her eyes. Her hair was tied back in a low bun, but it had already come undone. “I don’t—I mean, I collect them for jewelry making purposes.”
It was a lot more than that. She kept a small collection in her bedroom. Most were on the shelf next to her bed, but she kept a few more on the exposed wood beams around the edge of her room. As if remembering that small fact, she muttered, “Crystals soothe me, I guess.”
“When did you start collecting them?”
“Oh, years ago when I still lived in Highwind with my family. A traveling ‘mystic’ came to town and she read fortunes for the children. She told me rocks would guide me through life like stepping stones across a river,” she scoffed, “which is a bonkers thing to say to a child, but I don’t know.” She shrugged. “I was young and impressionable and my little brain fixated on that fortune and I’ve been collecting them ever since…” She trailed off as if she wanted to say more.
His heart squeezed in his chest. That was surprisingly sentimental of her which seemed to go against her very nature. She was all hard edges and rough patches, like an uncut gem, but there was a softness under all that. “Which one is your favorite?”
Her brow creased. “What?”
“Of your collection? Which do you like best?”
She laughed, a little too loud and punctuated to be genuine. She crossed her arms and he saw the walls surrounding her shift and close with that one motion. As if she remembered who she was opening up to and stopped herself from divulging too much. “An impossible question. Next.”
“I like that one.” He motioned to the turquoise she set on a spool of copper wire. Its veined surface resembled fissures in ice. “I think it would stack nicely with the rest of my collection.”
She peered between him and the stone. “You like it?”
“That’s what I just said. Yeah.”
“One second.” She took the stone and turned away from him. He craned his neck to see what she was doing, but she kept her work hidden. He settled back in his chair with a pointed huff. Maybe taking up reading wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
She spun around and presented him with her creation—the same turquoise rock with bolts and a curved piece of wire glued to its surface. Confusion furrowed his brow. Why did she ruin a perfectly good rock?
“What is it?”
“A pet rock, duh.”
“A pet…rock?”
“Yeah,” she smirked, “So, you don’t get lonely while I’m working.”
Unsuur studied it. The bolts and wire—was that supposed to be a face? “You know I think your company is more than enough, right?”
Her lips parted in surprise. That was the second time he’d gotten that look from her today. He was on a roll. “Well, I have to, uh, go scrounge up a few things from the scrapyard and I thought Uncertain, here, could keep you company while I was gone.” That splotchy red color crept back into her cheeks. “That’s all.”
He tilted his head. “Uncertain?”
“Yeah, that’s his—its name. Because, ya know, your name is Unsuur, so I thought it’d be funny if…” A vein visibly pulsed at her temple. If possible—her face had gotten even redder. “Forget I said anything. It was a stupid joke anyway.” She set the rock on the porch railing and hurried past him before he could stop her.
“I’ll be back. Don’t go anywhere or Justice will kill me.”
She grabbed her pickhammer as she bolted around the corner. And, just like that, Unsuur was alone. His gaze fell back to the rock—Uncertain. Well, not completely alone. He picked up the turquoise and chuckled.
“Looks like it’s just you and me until she gets back.” Uncertain didn’t respond—not that he expected him to. The glue hadn’t fully dried and its smile became more of a mangled frown. His shoulders slumped. Yeah… He had that effect on people, but having a pet rock grimace at him was new. “Well, do you want to talk to me?”
Nothing. Why would he expect anything different?
He bobbed his head thoughtfully. But that wasn’t a no, per se.
“Alright, so I found the coolest rock while I was standing outside Paradise Lost. Lots of layers, perfect for stacking. You would have loved it…”
Robbie traced the grain in the wood overhead, unable to sleep even though she was exhausted. The rest of the afternoon went by in a flash, toting scrap between the yard and her workshop. Dinner had been a quiet affair, just her and Unsuur, seated at her mismatched dining set with bowls of steaming fried rice.
Well, her, Unsuur, and Uncertain…
He kept the turquoise stone at the table the whole time, occasionally asking it a question and pretending like it had responded—like that was a perfectly normal thing to do. She could hardly look at the damn thing without an embarrassed flush burning at the crown of her head.
A pet rock?! What was she thinking??
He had to be messing with her, right?
That had been some lame attempt to connect with him, but why would he need a pet rock? It didn’t do anything. It definitely wouldn’t cure how bored he was, that was for sure. Light, was she actually boring? Did he regret coming to stay here with her?
She scrubbed her face until her skin stung. The clock on the wall read well past midnight. Tomorrow would be rough if she didn’t drift off here soon. As much as she wanted to take the day off and catch up on some much needed sleep, Heidi reached out to say she planned to stop by in the morning and she made an appointment with Pablo in the afternoon.
Between that, she still had work to do. Qi sent another letter asking for a status report on his robot. A letter. Like he couldn’t just walk down to her shop and ask himself.
She groaned and buried her face in her pillow.
The work never ended.
“N-No, ugh.”
Robbie sat up on the old loveset. It was a piece of trash. Literally. She found it left out for trash, but it beat having to sleep on the floor. She strained her ears and listened, but only silence followed. That whimper definitely came from her bedroom though.
Kicking her blanket off, she crept up to the door and pressed her ear to the rough wood. Unsuur whimpered again—albeit quieter than the one that alerted her in the first place. Was he in pain? Was the medicine still working? She wasn’t really sure what she could do to help him, but she cracked the open and poked her head inside?
The lights were dimmed. The blankets and pillows on her single bed made a vaguely Unsuur-shaped mound. 
He whimpered again, rustling the blankets.
“Unsuur, are you okay? Do you need more medicine?” She padded over to the bed and squeezed into the small space between the bed and shelf. Worry lines creased his forehead as he flung the blankets off him. He was shirtless. A deep purplish bruise bled out from beneath the bandages wrapped around his middle, the edges turning the faintest shades of green and yellow. The planes of his chest were flat and well-toned from years in the Corps.
A frown toyed on his lips as he curled into a ball on his side, trembling. He looked so small, so scared—like a child. Robbie gasped.
He wasn’t in pain. He was having a nightmare.
She smoothed out his hair and cooed. “It’s okay. I’m here.”
He relaxed under her touch, the lines on his forehead smoothing. His hair, though a little damp, felt like silk beneath her fingers. She brushed her thumb over his temple, then down and around the apple of his cheek. He sighed contentedly and leaned into the touch until his cheek was cradled in her palm.
She chewed on the inside of her cheek.
Unsuur always seemed so sure of himself—ironically, enough. A quiet calm in the storm that was Sandrock and all its bullshit. Ever-present, dependable, a rock for others to lean on. Or at least, that’s how she saw it, but some of the more concerning things he said so casually about himself made her wonder if that was really the case.
People say I blend into the background.
No one ever laughs.
She brushed her thumb over his lower lip. Hers tingled as she recalled their kiss. Her travels kept her from making meaningful connections—only fleeting, one off relations that left her creeping out of a stranger's room at dawn. She never remembered their names. She never gave hers. It was easier to never get too attached—to anything or anyone.
Her hand fell from his face. He looked more settled than he had when she entered the room. Good. At least one of them would get a good night of sleep. She moved to leave before he realized she was there.
He reached for her in his sleep. Her expression softened as his fingers brushed against hers. He whimpered again.
Nothing. It seemed along with liking rocks, he slept like one too. His fingers trailed up her palm until they closed around her wrist. She tugged lightly, but his grip tightened, almost insistent. Slept like a rock with a grip stronger than steel…
Another five minutes wouldn’t harm anyone. It’s not like she was anywhere close to falling asleep on her own anyway. If this is what Unsuur needed while he recovered, she could manage this much. She nudged him aside to make room for her—though there wasn’t too much room to give. The bars on her bed frame dug into her back as she found a comfortable spot. 
Unsuur curled up in her lap like a sleeping kitten, his cheek pressed flat against her bare thigh. His skin was warm against her—scorching really.
She took a slow, measured breath through her nose and held it. He smelled vaguely of spice—cinnamon, maybe? Or perhaps that was what tanned leather smelled like. It was hard to place, but she liked it. Her fingers trailed through his hair, earning a content hum that someone might mistake for a purr. 
One minute, maybe two, then she’d head back to the living room. That’s what she told herself as she leaned her head back and closed her eyes.
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knewtoday · 8 months
In the annals of history, amidst the grand narratives of human achievements and momentous events, there lies a collection of heartwarming tales that often go unnoticed—the stories of great men and their cherished animal companions. Beyond their illustrious contributions to science, politics, art, and philosophy, these extraordinary individuals found solace and companionship in the presence of their beloved pets. From renowned scientists to influential leaders and visionary artists, each chapter in this anthology reveals a glimpse of the softer side of history's legends. In the following pages, we embark on a journey through time to explore the endearing relationships shared by some of the most celebrated figures in history with their furry, feathery, and sometimes, even scaly friends. These stories transcend the boundaries of time and space, providing us with a glimpse into the moments of tenderness, joy, and inspiration that these pets brought to the lives of those who changed the course of history. Venture with us into the intimate world of Sir Isaac Newton and his inquisitive feline companion, Diamond, as they navigate the uncharted realms of science and curiosity. Join Winston Churchill and his loyal poodle, Rufus, as they traverse the challenges of leadership with a wagging tail by their side. Witness the remarkable bond between Theodore Roosevelt and his spirited canine friend, Skip, as they embody the true essence of adventure and loyalty. As we turn the pages, we will also encounter the enigmatic mind of Albert Einstein, engaging in playful exchanges with his talkative parrot, Bibo. We will delve into the Renaissance era and explore Leonardo da Vinci's fascination with his unlikely pet, Salaì the lion, as he contemplates the mysteries of art and life. And finally, we'll delve into the realm of Pablo Picasso and his dachshund muse, Lump, whose presence sparked the artist's creativity and touched the hearts of millions through his vibrant artworks. These stories remind us that, behind the brilliance and fame, these extraordinary men were also ordinary beings with a deep yearning for companionship and affection. In the midst of their profound pursuits, they found solace, joy, and inspiration in the unwavering love of their pets, leaving an indelible mark on their lives and, ultimately, on the pages of history. Abraham Lincoln and His Dog Fido Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, had a faithful dog named Fido. Fido was a mixed-breed dog who accompanied Lincoln during his early years in Springfield, Illinois. Lincoln was known for his love of animals, and Fido became a constant and loyal companion. The bond between Lincoln and Fido was so strong that when Lincoln left Springfield to assume the presidency in 1861, he was concerned about leaving his beloved dog behind. He asked his friends and neighbors to look after Fido, ensuring he would be well cared for while he was away. Fido was the loyal pet dog of Abraham Lincoln's neighbor, John Roland. He was a mixed-breed dog that lived in Springfield, Illinois. Fido gained fame after Lincoln's assassination when stories emerged of his loyalty and mourning for the late President. According to the accounts, Fido would often accompany Lincoln during his walks around town and developed a friendly bond with him. After Lincoln's death in 1865, Fido was reportedly visibly distressed and mourned at his master's grave. The story of Fido's devotion to Lincoln has become a symbol of loyalty and a testament to the impact pets can have on people's lives. As for Abraham Lincoln's pets, he was known to have had various animals, including cats and a turkey named Jack, during his time at the White House. However, there is no historical evidence to suggest that he had a dog named Fido. Albert Einstein and Bibo The renowned physicist Albert Einstein had a soft spot for animals, and his beloved pet was a parrot named Bibo. Einstein was known to have conversations with Bibo and even whistled melodies to him.
The parrot would mimic some of Einstein's whistles and occasionally add his own unique sounds. Albert Einstein, the renowned physicist, was indeed an animal lover, and he had a few pets during his lifetime. One of his most notable pets was a dog named Chico, a small breed that he acquired while living in Berlin. Einstein had a strong bond with Chico and often took him on walks near his residence. Leonardo da Vinci and Salaì The great Renaissance polymath Leonardo da Vinci was not only a visionary artist and inventor but also an animal lover. He had a pet lion named Salaì, which he kept during his time at the Vatican. Da Vinci was known for his eccentricities, and keeping a lion as a pet was one of them. Leonardo da Vinci, the quintessential Renaissance man, was not only a master artist and visionary inventor but also an individual who appreciated the companionship of animals. Among his many human pupils and disciples, one person stood out as both a student and a close companion—Gian Giacomo Caprotti, commonly known as Salaì. Salaì, whose nickname meant "Little Devil," was a young boy from Milan when he entered da Vinci's service. Leonardo, recognizing Salaì's potential and unique qualities, took him under his wing and became his mentor. Over the years, a strong bond developed between the two, with Salaì eventually becoming not just an apprentice but also a dear friend and confidant to da Vinci. Though there were moments of mischief and disagreements, Salaì's presence had a profound impact on Leonardo's life. Salaì's youthful energy and adventurous spirit often provided a refreshing break from da Vinci's intense work on his artistic and scientific pursuits. The young boy brought a spark of life and laughter to da Vinci's otherwise contemplative and focused world. It is believed that Salaì served as a model for several of Leonardo's paintings, including "St. John the Baptist" and "Bacchus." His distinct features and youthful charm found their way into the artist's works, leaving behind a legacy that immortalized their relationship. Despite the occasional challenges in their relationship, Leonardo da Vinci remained deeply attached to Salaì throughout his life. Salaì became a loyal companion to the artist during his travels and continued to assist him in his work and experiments. The bond between Leonardo da Vinci and Salaì serves as a testament to the importance of mentorship, companionship, and the lasting impact of significant relationships. Their story goes beyond the traditional master-apprentice dynamic, representing a connection that transcended time and artistic achievement. Leonardo da Vinci's influence on the world is undeniable, and his relationship with Salaì reminds us that even the greatest minds in history were shaped not only by their groundbreaking discoveries but also by the profound connections they forged with those around them, including their animal companions. Winston Churchill and His Poodle Rufus Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister during World War II, was known for his leadership, wit, and strong character. However, he was also a devoted pet owner and had a poodle named Rufus. Rufus became quite famous himself as he often accompanied Churchill during his official duties and even attended important meetings with the Prime Minister. Churchill was known to have a soft spot for animals, and Rufus was one of his favorites. Winston Churchill's relationship with his poodle, Rufus, was one of affection and companionship. Rufus was a miniature brown poodle and became one of Churchill's favorite pets. He was known to have a soft spot for animals, and Rufus was a constant source of comfort and joy for the British Prime Minister during the challenging times of World War II. Rufus often accompanied Churchill on his travels, and it was not uncommon to see the Prime Minister walking with his beloved poodle around the grounds of his country home or even at important meetings and events. The presence
of Rufus helped alleviate some of the immense stress and pressure Churchill faced during the war. One anecdote goes that during a meeting with U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in Quebec, Canada, in 1943, Churchill and Roosevelt were discussing important matters concerning the war. Rufus was also present in the room, and at one point, Roosevelt asked if the dog could perform any tricks. Churchill humorously replied, "Oh, yes! He can do anything except talk!" Rufus was not the only pet Churchill had during his lifetime. He had a strong affinity for animals, and over the years, he had several pets, including cats, horses, and other dogs. However, Rufus, being his faithful companion during World War II, holds a special place in the memories of those who knew Churchill well. After the war, Rufus remained part of Churchill's life until he passed away in 1947. The loss of his beloved poodle was a source of sadness for Churchill, who had formed a strong bond with the dog. Rufus's memory lived on, and there were even statues and memorials erected in his honor at Chartwell, Churchill's country home in Kent, England. The story of Winston Churchill and his poodle Rufus reflects the humanizing and comforting aspect that pets can bring to the lives of even the most influential figures in history. Their companionship and loyalty can be a source of solace during challenging times, and the memories of these beloved animals can continue to resonate long after they are gone.
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lebaronlordking · 11 months
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Saturday Afternoon Reggae Show DJ LeBaron Lord King July 15, 2023 [email protected] kpoo.com
4:00 PM Marcus Gravey - Burning Spear 4:03 PM Sister Nancy - One Two 4:06 PM Carlene Davis - Ism Schism 4:08 PM Akae Beka - Everything Bless 4:15 PM Popcaan - Next To Me 4:19 PM Eek-A-Mouse - She Feels It 4:23 PM Ruff Neck HiFi - Run Dem Mouth 4:27 PM Buju Banton - Steppa 4:32 PM Eddie Bellas - Roads With Signs 4:34 PM Jo Mersa Marley - No Way Out 4:38 PM Alborosie - Natural Mystic 4:42 PM PM Parrot - Dread at the Control 4:49 PM Roots Radics - Dance Of The Vampires 4:53 PM Capleton - Control Your Tempo 4:56 PM The Wailers - Ride Natty Ride 5:00 PM Koffee - Raggamuffin 5:03 PM Pasnbesa - Rythym of Life 5:07 PM Groundation - Original Riddim 5:13 PM Jah Mason - War is not the option 5:16 PM Bugle - Compliments 5:19 PM Toots & The Maytals - Love Is Gonna Let Me 5:23 PM The Paragons - The Tide Is High 5:25 PM Pablo Brown - Sweet Reggae Music 5:30 PM Anthony B - Weed Baby 5:32 PM Lutan Fyah - Let Me Be 5:36 PM Burning Spear - Let's Move 5:41 PM Desmond Dekker - 007 (Shanty Town) 5:43 PM Shabba Ranks - Mr. Loverman 5:49 PM Nas & Damian Marley - Patience 5:55 PM Peter Tosh - Legalize It 5:59 PM The Wailers - Forever Loving Jah 6:03 PM Bunny Wailer - Conqueror 6:07 PM King Tubby - John Saw Them Coming 6:14 PM Tilibop - Ganja Plant 6:17 PM Libianca - People 6:20 PM Iyatah Shai - Gideon Time 6:26 PM Pressure - Holding Onto Freedom 6:34 PM Akea Beka - Principles 6:38 PM Azizzi Romeo - Change of Policies 6:42 PM Fyakin - Green 6:46 PM Dre Island - Take Me High 6:50 PM Nego Hights - Show Me 6:53 PM Maah Jesty - Wolf Inna Sheep Clothes
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right-hand-draws · 1 year
The duck is arnold
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The parrot is pablo
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