astrxealis · 2 years
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berrydoodleoo · 3 years
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If Ignis were himself, he would no doubt have counseled them against the trip, or at least proposed some kind of clever work around. Gladio would have loomed and grumbled, and then would have been the first to bow at Luna’s bedside with some courtly, if gruff, remark. But of course, Ignis wasn’t himself, and really, neither was Gladio. And Noctis knew it was all his fault.
But Prompto was insistent, and he was trying so hard to be himself and keep things light. He'd taken over Iggy’s duties of cooking and planning their trip, and still found time and energy to help Ignis activate the handicap settings on his phone while keeping up a steady stream of light-hearted chatter. Not to mention visiting Luna and helping out with the rescue and relief efforts. It was like watching someone do a ballet in a field full of giant boulders – three of which were named Ignis, Noctis, and Gladiolus – he just kept moving, kept dancing, and you almost couldn’t see the toll it was taking on him.
So Prompto brought up visiting Luna’s hospital room again, as-if casually, mentioning that he’d had word from Weskham as to where she was currently hidden, and that he was sure he could get them in without being noticed by Imperial spies. And besides, Pryna had licked his hand when he’d visited last, which probably meant that Luna was going to wake up soon, any day now, and wouldn’t it be something if she woke up while Noct was there? A kiss from Prince Charming, eh?
Gladio had snorted, an ugly, mocking sound, and Prompto had stuttered to a halt, with an expression like his heart was breaking. Ignis had averted his face, just slightly. Shutting the whole world out. And Noctis had dredged up a voice (his own? someone else’s?) from the vise clamping his chest and said sure, Prom, let’s go.
And so they did.
Traveling the streets of devastated Altissia in Lucian royal black was probably unwise, but Prompto seemed to exude a notice-me-not aura that, in conjunction with the chaos still gripping the city, was enough to let them travel unmolested. They kept to the areas packed with refugees where possible, where everyone had their eyes glued to the screens announcing ferries and how long the current wait lists were (some were hours, most were days) instead of at each other. It did nothing for his nerves, which were a constant jangle, but at least no one stopped them. Or worse, shouted, hey, Prince Noctis!
The hospital was mostly intact, at least from the outside. Upon entering, it became clear that it had suffered a beating, either from Leviathan or the Imperial forces. The first level was still flooded, the polished marble turned treacherous by a thin layer of mud. The smell of mold competed with the smell of hospital bleach, and Noctis almost gagged.
There was a crowd here, too, too many people to fit in the emergency room reserved for the most critical cases. Noctis stood aside as Prompto shuffled about, standing on his toes, trying to find the best way forward without attracting too much attention.
A little kid with a bloody rag tied to his forehead stared at them. Noctis met his eyes and then regretted it, trying to look away and act casual. When he glanced up, the kid had wandered from his sleeping mother to stand beside them, still staring silently.
Prompto almost collided with the kid, and then did a double-take. “Hey!” he exclaimed quietly, and he sounded happy. “Stanford, my man!” He crouched, careful to keep the edges of his jacket out of the water. “How you doin’? Still waiting for a doctor, huh?”
Stanford – he must have been a few years younger than Talcott, too young to be so injured and haunted-looking – nodded, popping his filthy thumb into his mouth.
“Can I take a look, dude?” Prompto asked, gentle, touching the bandage on the child’s head. He nodded again.
It made Noctis’ eyes water, seeing how gentle Prompto was with the kid. He unwound the bandage and checked the wound beneath – the sight made Noctis wince – and produced some wrapped bandages and antiseptic wipes seemingly from his pocket (Noct felt the tug that meant they’d really come from the Armiger). He talked the whole time – man, those are cool shoes, I love chocobos, and how old are you again, dude? like, sixteen, right? or seventeen, you’re in high school, right – trying to coax some words out of him. Stanford was clearly listening, half-smiling at Prompto’s jokes, but was otherwise unresponsive.
He submitted to the cleaning with only a little tearyness. When he finally spoke, it wasn’t about anything Prompto had said.
“Do you have more magic potions?” he asked hopefully.
Prompto winced, shooting a quick glance at Noct. They’d agreed early on not to share their potions with people – it was too easy to trace them back to Noct, and Ignis was always concerned they would run out at the worst possible moment (which, to be fair, they had done so more than once).
“Not at the moment, little dude,” Prompto was jittering, hurrying to finish wrapping the bandage, “but uh, maybe later, I can, uh–”
Noctis reached into his back pocket and summoned a potion from the Armiger, the same trick Prompto had just pulled. It was weak – he just hadn’t been able to summon the magic for a proper Elixir once it was clear they wouldn’t help Ignis’ eyes – but it would help ward off infection and help with pain management. For a little while.
Stanford’s eyes lit up, and he started to snatch the glowing bottle from Noct’s hand. But then he hesitated. “For – for me?” he asked, staring up at Noct with the hugest eyes he’d ever seen.
“Yeah.” Noct tried to smile for him, extending the potion a bit further. “Of course.”
Stanford accepted the bottle, hugging it to his chest as if were a precious treasure. Now his eyes glowed with happiness, watching Noct, and he stood obediently still as Prompto finished retying the headband that kept his bandage in place. “Can I share it with my mom?” he eventually asked.
Noctis glanced at the sleeping woman, and wondered what was wrong with her. Was she injured, too, or just exhausted? “Yeah,” he said again. “Just don’t tell anyone else, okay?”
Would the woman even accept it, if her son told her he had a magic potion from a strange man? Well, maybe she would assume it came from a doctor, or that it was still the harmless bottle of (Noctis checked) apple juice it had started out as. Albeit glowing apple juice. Well, marketing, right? Maybe it wouldn’t seem too weird.
It was Stanford’s to do with as he chose. If he wanted to give it to his mom, or a total stranger, or pour it down the drain, Noctis wouldn’t stop him. He just didn’t have the energy.
Stanford’s eyes went even wider, but he nodded. “Yes, sir,” he said.
Brave little man. Noctis tried to smile for him again, moved his lips in the familiar gesture, and the kid tried to smile in return. If his own forced smile made him look as sad as Stanford’s did, Noctis mused, then it was no wonder people kept flinching away at the sight.
They found an un-monitored stairwell, the door blocked off with yellow tape. It quickly became clear as to why it was locked down – some tree branches and half a gondola were poking through the battered walls, tossed through marble and concrete by Leviathan’s rage. Worse, there were puddles of slimy water everywhere.
Prompto kept ahold on Noct’s arm – Noct realized he’d been doing that since they left their borrowed refuge in the Secretary’s home, as if Noct would drift away without the anchor – as they made their way up the stairs. “I don’t think he’s gonna keep it a secret, man.”
Noct had to blink himself back to the present. “Huh?”
“Stanford. With the potion.”
Noct shrugged. “Didn’t get the impression he was talking much.”
“It’s not a big deal. We’ll be out of here soon.”
Prompto seemed deflated, guiding him up the stairs. “Yeah.”
Noct let himself be led. What did Prompto expect him to say? Maybe he wanted Noct to go back down the stairs and offer to help everyone else in the room. Give out their store of potions, grab some bottles of water and start enchanting those, too. Act like a king for once, instead of piece of luggage that had to be carted to and fro by people smarter and more capable.
“I just feel bad, you know?” Prompto said, his voice echoing a bit in the humid, smelly space. “I’ve never done anything to deserve you guys – traveling with you guys, using your magic, seeing the gods, I – I don’t deserve any of this – this magic, this specialness, I’m just –” He swallowed. “And then there’s kids like Stanford, and man, I just don’t know. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know anything.”
Noctis let his arm slide through Prompto’s grip until he could squeeze his hand. They paused, side-by-side as they sidled around a piece of crushed stairwell, and Prompto squeezed back. Hard.
Noct started feeling floaty once they left the stairwell. Parts of this floor were still in use, despite the damage and the flickering lights. But Prompto knew the way, avoiding the lighted areas, and led him to a dark hallway behind more yellow tape.
Noct felt his steps slowing. He and Prompto’s arms, connected by their held hands, stretched like a rope between two ships tugged in opposite directions. They reached a door, Prompto produced a key, and Noct thought he might faint. He pulled free of Prompto’s grip to lean against the wall, heart laboring, spots filling his vision.
Luna. Luna was on the other side. Once he saw her, it would all be real.
He needed more time. Time to get ready, time to be better, time to be the King she believed he was. All he could picture was her face – somewhere between the child he’d known and the woman he’d seen in official broadcasts – crumpling in disappointment, and the fact that it hadn’t happened (yet) did nothing to lessen the pain. Gods. Gods. He couldn’t do this. More time—
Prompto’s face appeared, looking worried and frantic, and then Noct was being hauled into the unlocked room despite his sluggish limbs. He heard the door shut behind them, closing them in safely. And when he opened his eyes, he was in Luna’s hospital room.
“Dude,” Prompto was whispering. “Breathe.”
Noct nodded.
“Breathe. Breathe.” Prompto pressed a quick, awkward kiss to his forehead. “Breathe. Just breathe.”
Noct breathed, or tried to breathe. When he opened his eyes, he could see Luna in her hospital bed, traced in appallingly bright sunshine, and he swayed again. Prompto caught him, held him up, held him in place. Just held him, really.
For a minute, he had the inane thought that Clarus and Gladio were on the other side of the door, and if they came in they would see Noct snuggling with Prompto and the game would be up. And then he remembered that Clarus was dead, that Gladio wanted nothing to do with him, and that this wasn’t his father’s hospital room, after the stroke that nearly claimed his life a year ago. Something about the smell, the beeping, the seafoam green of the curtains and blankets, must have taken him back. And his dad was dead, anyway, dead like Clarus, dead like Ignis almost was, dead like Luna almost is….
“I can’t do this,” Noct whispered, when Prompto backed off to give him a little space.
Ignis would have said, yes you can, Highness. Majesty. Gladio would have said, don’t give me that crap, you’re gonna do your duty if it kills us both. Luna would have said, none of us know what we can do until we do it, or fail trying. But I do believe in you, Noctis.
Prompto just whispered, “I know, man.” Noctis met his eyes, briefly, and the love and sorrow there stole his breath. “That’s why I’m here to help.”
Noctis glanced back, thinking of escape, about making excuses and stepping out, running away, back to the Secretary’s house and the room where Ignis and Gladio tip-toed around each other and the smothering silence. And then he swallowed, and squeezed Prompto’s hand, and nodded, meeting his eyes one more time.
“Let’s go,” he whispered, and Prompto led him forward, into the light.
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ragewerthers · 3 years
Those Soulless Black Eyes
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Summary: Gladio is awoken by a sleepless Ignis who is suffering from something he didn't think possible... a nightmare.
What could be so terrible that the ever practical and rational Advisor can't sleep?
A/n: Hello there!
This is another fun F3S for my friend bgn846! She gave me the prompt:
'One of the bros’ getting coddled after either something truly terrible nightmare maybe? or just a stubbed toe. Just want hugs and comfort'
It takes place during Verse 2 so everyone lives!!!
You can also read on AO3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29955156
Enjoy! :D
Word Count: 2674
Blinking his eyes open, Gladio squinted at the sliver of light peeking into the bedroom from the hallway.  A little turn of his head the other way toward the bedroom window showed that the world outside was still wrapped in darkness and the tug of exhaustion at his eyelids told him that there was no way it was anywhere near dawn.
Turning back he squinted a little harder at the alarm clock on his nightstand, ignoring the voice in his head that said he may need glasses soon.  A voice that sounded suspiciously like a certain bespectacled man that he had married and who was currently missing from the warmth of their bed.  But said teasing voice was ignored for the moment as he got a good look at the time.
3:42 a.m.
Why in the name of all that was good and holy was he awake?
Looking back over to the door that was only just left ajar, the real question was… why was Ignis awake?
There was no way that he had to be up for a meeting now.  If Ignis had early morning meetings he would always take particular precautions the night before.
Clothes pressed and laundered would be hung on the armoire.  Lunch would be pre-packed and ready to go.  And most importantly, Gladio would’ve known that there was a meeting to begin with.
The mistake to not tell him had only happened once and had ended with Gladio thinking there was an early morning intruder instead of Ignis getting ready to leave.
One ripped pair of boxers, two broken coffee mugs and one very disgruntled Adviser later, an agreement was reached that this sort of thing would never happen again.
So, if that was the case then the question still remained.  What was Ignis doing up at this unholy hour?
With a quiet groan and a little bit of heartache at having to leave the warmth of their bed, Gladio sat up and rolled his shoulders before standing.
Quietly he opened the bedroom door the rest of the way, letting in more light from the hallway and trying his best not to look like some sort of mole person as he hobbled his way toward the kitchen.
The closer he got the more he could hear the movement of his partner.  Ignis was stealth incarnate so to hear things bumping, clinking and sloshing, regardless of how quiet, was still slightly unsettling to him.
As he finally made it into the living room he turned to look into the small attached kitchen, Ignis’s back greeting him where he stood by the stove.  The man seemed to be in his own little world as he reached for the cupboard and pulled out a box of what looked like cocoa. That immediately sent a wave of worry though Gladio.  Ignis was a creature of habit and that included his drinks.
Coffee was usually there for Ignis when he needed to wake up or de-stress.
Tea was always at hand when he needed to think.
Cocoa… that was reserved for comfort.  A childish creature comfort that Ignis had told him about years ago.  When things would get to be a little too much he would gravitate toward a small prepackaged mix of cocoa and milk to try and quell whatever was troubling him.
So to see Ignis standing there in the dead of night, shoulders tense and a little packet of cocoa in hand, Gladio knew that something was definitely wrong.
“It’s impolite to stare, Gladio,” Ignis’s voice murmured, making the Shield startle slightly from his spot near the kitchen’s peninsula.
“Oh uh… I didn’t… I mean… I wasn’t…,” he fumbled a bit, his sleep addled and concerned mind trying desperately to figure out what exactly he wanted to say or what he was supposed to say.
“You did.  You were.  It’s okay,” Ignis said with a small smile as he turned to regard Gladio over his shoulder, the smile not quite reaching his eyes and his features looking so tired and tense before he turned back to the small saucepan of milk he was heating.
Gladio felt his chest ache at the sight and he moved closer, carefully wrapping his arms around Ignis’s middle and cuddling his head onto the man’s shoulder.
“Okay.  You got me.  But I mean… can you blame me?  I know you’re an early riser but this is a new record, Iggy,” Gladio murmured softly, his thumb lightly soothing over the side of Ignis’s stomach, feeling the softness of the old t-shirt he was wearing.  One he would never be caught dead in outside of the safety of their apartment.
Ignis gave a little huff of laughter as he stirred the milk heating up in the saucepan.  “I must admit that waking you wasn’t part of the plan,” he murmured as he adjusted the temperature of the stove burner before going back to gently whisk at the milk.  “I just… it’s… nothing.  Not really.”
Gladio quirked an eyebrow at that and shook his head, his arms hugging Ignis a little closer around his middle.  “Nuh uh.  You know we don’t play the ‘stoic’ game anymore,” he reminded gently.  His expression softened once more and he gently nudged the side of his partner’s head with his own.  “Talk to me?  What’s got you reaching for the hard stuff this evening?”
That definitely got a laugh out of Ignis as they both glanced at the packet of cocoa powder on the counter.  “Fine.  You’ve caught me,” Ignis said, giving a little sigh as he finally turned off the burner.  “I um… I had a nightmare.”
Now that was something Gladio really hadn’t been expecting.  Apparently his silence voiced his thoughts a bit too easily.
“Surprised to find out your husband suffers nightmares, love?” Ignis asked, though there was no malice or embarrassment in his voice.  In fact, a small smile was even on his lips as he spoke and Gladio couldn’t help returning it.
“Yeah, a bit.  I guess I thought with you having such a rational mind that… nightmares really weren’t something you suffered from.  Not like Prompto… or Noct even after he plays those alien space invader games.”
“Mm yes… though you’d think the ruler of a kingdom who is in his near thirties would be able to handle a little gaming,” Ignis chuckled as he reached to grab a second mug out of the side cupboard along with another cocoa packet.  Gladio smiled as he pressed a soft kiss to the side of Ignis’s neck causing the man’s smile to grow.  “Come now.  Like I wouldn’t offer you some of my cocoa,” Ignis chided though a soft blush appeared on his cheeks.
“Still wanted to show my appreciation,” Gladio murmured fondly.  “But… did you want to talk about it?  The nightmare?  You’ve always listened to mine when I’ve had trouble sleeping.  Seems only fair that I return the favor.”
Ignis stiffened slightly at the question, carefully pouring the packets of powder into the empty mugs before reaching for the saucepan of heated milk.  “It’s… ridiculous.  I don’t know why it bothered me.  Really nothing to talk about,” he said quietly.
“Hey… if it’s enough to wake you and rattle you to the point of needing cocoa, I think it definitely fits the bill for something to talk about,” Gladio prompted, pressing another kiss to the side of Ignis’s neck before letting go of the man so he wouldn’t be jostled as he poured the milk into their cups.
Ignis seemed to be warring with himself for a moment and Gladio could see that he was measuring and weighing the pros and cons of telling him, but eventually, as the milk was poured and the two cups stirred, Ignis finally seemed to come to a decision.
“Okay,” he murmured, picking up both mugs and passing one to Gladio.  “Lets go settle on the sofa first.  Then you can be comfortable as you judge me.”
Gladio, who had been blowing over his hot cocoa, paused at that particular statement.  “Judge you?” he said as Ignis moved past him and toward the living room.  “You should know me better than that.”
Sitting down on the sofa, Ignis ran a hand through his slightly disheveled hair and nodded.  “I do.  But I also know how you are going to react when you hear this particular nightmare,” he said with a furrowed brow.
Gladio huffed as he sat down beside the man, setting his cup of cocoa on the coffee table before wrapping an arm around Ignis and drawing him close to his side.
“Iggy, I swear on my honor as Shield that I won’t judge you,” Gladio murmured before giving a little smile.  “And I swear on my vows as your husband that I will always listen to what troubles you no matter what it may be.”
Those words seemed to do the trick as Gladio soon felt Ignis relaxing against him, a soft smile playing over the man’s lips.  “What did I do to deserve you?” Ignis murmured, resting his head on Gladio’s shoulder as he let the warmth of the hot cocoa seep into his hands from the mug and the warmth of his husband settle some of the chill in his bones.
“Oh… you were definitely born under a lucky star to get me,” Gladio replied cheekily, getting a snort out of Ignis who gently nudged his foot with his own.
“Ridiculous,” the advisor teased, earning himself a soft kiss to his slightly messy hair for his trouble.
“And you love it.”
“Astrals help me, I do,” Ignis chuckled before letting out a little sigh.  “But… if you do happen to judge me even against your best intentions, I hold nothing against you.”
Gladio shook his head, gently nuzzling against Ignis’s soft hair.  “Why don’t you tell me and then we’ll see,” he prompted softly.
After a moment Ignis found his same resolve from earlier and gave a little nod before clearing his throat.  “As you already know, it was a nightmare, but it’s one that reoccurs constantly.  It has to do with… something that happened on our travels to Altissia all those years ago.”
Gladio felt his brow furrow at that, his chest aching to think of what it could be.  So many things had happened to them on that trip and some of them well worth being considered nightmare material and beyond.
“Ignis... ,” he began, but the man held up his hand.
“It’s… not what you’re thinking.  It… gods, this is so silly,” he said with a little chuckle and Gladio noticed his cheeks starting to go a little pink.  “It starts the same.  We are all somewhere picturesque, something truly worthy of one of Prompto’s impromptu photo ops.  And then… he appears….”
The venom that appeared in Ignis’s voice sent a chill down Gladio’s spine and he felt his arm tighten slightly around his poor partner.  His mind instantly went to an ancient king with eyes of black.
He was horribly mistaken.
“... that gods damned Chocobo that took my glasses.  And he’s just… just standing there, Gladio!  Staring at me with those soulless black eyes!”
Gladio’s entire line of thought immediately halted as he heard the reason for his husband’s nightmares.  For a moment he actually thought this was a joke until he glanced down to see the absolute intensity in Ignis’s gaze.
“And then… then as I continue staring at him my eyes start to get blurry until finally I’m squinting at this… this abomination of a bird and do you know why I’m squinting, Gladiolus?  Because that spawn of Ifrit is wearing my glasses!  Snatching them away from me like some sort of sorcerer of evil!”
The more Ignis spoke, the more Gladio’s mind had a chance to play catch up with what was being told to him… and oh… oh he was well past judging the man now.
He was looking at judgemental in the rearview mirror as he quickly sped toward what was going to be the Eos’s most ugly and hysterical laughing fit this world had ever seen.
But he tried, damn it.
Astrals help him he really did try and when historians would look back on this day, the fact that Gladio lasted even this small monologue without cracking up would be seen as a miracle.
“Do you think he still thinks of me too, Gladio?”
That did it.
Gladio’s laughter was absolutely unstoppable.  He was laughing so hard that for a brief moment he actually went silent, having to bend forward and wrap his arms around his stomach for fear something was going to sprain.  He may have heard a rib or two creak under the force of his laughter.
“OHOHOH M-MY GAHAHAHADS!” Gladio howled, tears of mirth on his cheeks as he continued to work his way through his laughing fit.  At some point he felt Ignis’s hand soothing over his back as he covered his face with his own hands to try and bring back some good and kind husband decorum that he had promised the man.
And he almost got to it too.
“I bet he does still think of me… sadistic little bastard.”
And just like that, any ground Gladio had gained in calming himself was tossed out the window.
“WHYHEHEHE?!” he wheezed through his laughter.
Ignis chuckled beside him and he felt his partners hand still trying to soothe his back.  “I’m sorry, love.  Honestly, seeing you laugh over this is making me feel better about the whole thing,” he answered honestly, and if Gladio wasn’t caught up in trying to stop himself from snorting and waking up the whole apartment complex he would’ve felt a little proud to have been able to help in some way.
Eventually, though, the laughter did subside into a few hiccuped giggles, making it damn near impossible to drink his now lukewarm cocoa as Ignis cuddle up against his side.
“O-oh… oh astrals sahahave me,” Gladio wheezed, breathless from laughter as he wiped away his tears with the palms of his hands, feeling Ignis chuckle beside him.
“I told you, you would judge me,” Ignis murmured, though the sleepy smile he gave the man held no contempt.
“To be fair… I didn’t judge.  I just laughed so hard I think I bruised a few internal organs,” Gladio said, sitting back against the sofa and finally getting in some lungful’s of much needed air.
“You have me there,” Ignis murmured, nuzzling into Gladio’s shoulder and closing his eyes.  “I will say though… your reaction, while surprising… does make me feel a little better about the whole thing.”
“Glad I could help… even though I really, really didn’t intend to um…,” Gladio said honestly.
“Laugh so hard you cried?” Ignis supplied for him and Gladio felt his cheeks flush even as he chuckled, wincing at the burn in his muscles.
“Yeah… sorry, Iggy,” he murmured, feeling the weight of the Advisor slowly grow more and more heavy against his side.
“S’okay.  Made it seem… not so scary a’tall…,” Ignis mumbled as a little yawn escaped him. Gladio’s smile softened as he watched Ignis not even trying to battle the sleep that was slowly starting to claim him.
Reaching to the side he grabbed the little throw blanket they kept on the end of the sofa and brought it over to wrap around them, carefully shifting so they could lay down with Ignis cradled over his chest.
“Anything to help, Iggy,” Gladio murmured softly, soothing his hand over the man’s back as he felt Ignis’s breaths evening out.
He may not have been as stoic, understanding and empathetic as he had hoped to be when he heard Ignis’s troublesome dreams.  But to see Ignis looking so relaxed and worry free in his sleep, he thought perhaps he really had helped him in some small way.
But astrals above was his stomach going to hurt tomorrow morning.
Another win for that god’s damned chocobo.
Sadistic little bastard.
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mzargentum · 4 years
Part III of first mini-series.
Warnings: None.
OC’s: Muerlinian Zephyr, Six Ulric & Evita Hemlock.
Word Count: 1,588
Pt. I | Pt. II | Pt. III
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Later that afternoon...
Business was sort of slow so the shop owner was catching up on a little reading.
“Ooo, chef Sanji,” the old woman giggled to herself. “I got a somethin’ for you to sink teeth into right between my-.”
“HI, MS. LEE!!!”
The old woman shrieked at the sudden slam against her counter, dropping her book to see a panting and sweaty wizard in front of her.
“Oh, Muerlin, is just you,” the woman collected yourself. “You nearly give me heart attack, girl!”
“Sorry, Ms. Lee,” Muerlin wiped the sweat from her brow, “but it’s urgent”.
“You covered in sweat,” the woman commented in worry, “and smell like toilet. You run cross kingdom?”
“Not really,” Muerlin replied.
“Just across town”.
“I had to grab these before Prompto could get home”, Muerlin pulled a large bark up to the counter and poured its contents out before the woman. 
Her eyes widening at them before she rose a curious eyebrow at the girl.
“What for?���
“You think Muerlin’s gonna be alright?,” Evita asked the glaive as they strolled down the Insomnia streets. “She’s not exactly a master with confrontation”.
“She’ll be fine,” Six insisted. “This isn’t the first fight those two have ever been in and it certainly won’t be the last”.
“Yeah,” the assassin looked toward the sky, the sun beginning to set.
“I’m wondering what she’s going to do to fix this shitstorm,” Six lifted a pondering finger to her chin.
“Beats me, but y’know Muerlin. It’s bound to be something crazy”.
“You sure you want to sell?,” Ms. Lee asked the young wizard. “These one of a kind item. You were so excited when you got them”.
“I know, but I have to,” Muerlin lightly sighed with a small smile. “I gotta make it up to Prompto”.
With a sigh, the old woman complied.
“Alright. These three worth 1,150 each and this one 1,550 because it’s more rare so you get 5,000gil”.
Muerlin’s face lit up like a firework as she hopped triumphantly.
“YES! That’s exactly what I need!”
“THIS BOY BETTER MARRY YOU, GIRL!!!,” Ms. Lee loudly called toward Muerlin as she hurriedly raced out the door.
“THANK YOU, MS. LEE!!! SEE YA LATER!!!,” Muerlin giggled with a wave as she dashed down the street.
Unbeknownst to her just ahead of where Six and Vee were walking. Both left wide eyed at their friend’s speed before glancing toward the manga shop across the street and then each other, silently agreeing they should check it out.
“Welcome!,” Ms. Lee shouted as she heard the shop’s door chime.
“Hi, Ms. Lee,” the two greeted the old woman in unison.
“Oh, girls, you just miss Muerlin”.
“Yeah, we saw her practicing for the hundred meter dash up the road,” Evita sarcastically joked.
“Oh, that girl,” Ms. Lee shook her head in disapproval, “she give me heart attack one day! You let her be bad for my health!”, the woman shook her cane at them.
“We’re sorry, Ms. Lee,” Six chuckled. “We’ll put her back in the kennel”.
“Hmph,” the old woman shook her head at the glaive’s joke.
“By the way, what was she so rallied up about anyway?,” Vee asked looking around the shop.
“I don’t know, but whatever it may be, it was enough to make her sell me these,” the old woman replied as she showed the girls the bag that Muerlin brought.
Not a word in any dictionary could be enough to describe the utter shock that fell onto their faces.
“What in the actual hell?!,” Six gasped.
“I told you she was going crazy”, Evita added.
That evening...
After hours of running up and down the city, Muerlin finally made it home.
Busting in the apartment, the door harshly slammed against the wall.
“Prompto!!”, Muerlin called out in a pant, hoping to the Gods that he hadn’t left for Noct’s yet.
“Prom, sweetie, please tell me you’re still home!!”
Muerlin frantically looked around the living room and the kitchen.
“What the what??”
Muerlin turned toward the bedroom to see her beloved chocobo standing in the doorway, light worry in his face.
“Oh, thank Ramuh you’re still home!”, the woman hurried up to him.
“Y-yeah, but...,” Prompto stammered as he felt against the reddened portions of Muerlin’s face, “babe, are you okay? You’re burning up!” 
“Please don’t go tonight! I don’t know what I’d do if you left!”
“I won’t...wasn’t, but what’s going on? Why is your face on fire? And...what’s that?,” Prompto pointed to a large box in the woman’s hands.
“I-It’s for you,” Muerlin stammered before pushing it toward him.
“Muerlin, I actually just wanted to talk to you-“.
“Please open it!!”, the wizard frantically interrupted the man silencing him and after a brief pause, he finally complied to opening the package.
His jaw nearly hitting the floor once he saw the camera he had been saving up for now suddenly in his hands.
Along with the 1,400gil lens and the latest pocket digital camera, a much more advanced model than his red one.
“I’m sorry for everything!!”
Prompto’s shaken ocean eyes returned to his beloved.
“I’m sorry for being such a klutz with all of your cameras and I’m sorry for what I did to you lens, and for spending all of our gil on sushi. I was going to replace it, I swear it! I know how much that camera meant to you”. 
Prompto’s ocean eyes twinkled as he watched tears begin to stream down his love’s face.
“H...how did you even get these? That’s at least 4,000gil”.
“Excuse me?!”, Prompto shrieked. “Where in the world did you come up with 5,000gil so quickly?!”
Muerlin didn’t answer as eyes peered slightly toward the bookshelf.
Prompto turned toward the bookshelf and gasped when he noticed.
“Please tell me I’m hallucinating. You sold your SIGNED Aggretsuko Pops for this?! Are you crazy?! You waited 8 months for that anime convention and 3 hours in that line to get her to sign them!! Those were your favorite things in the entire world...”.
“I had to make this up to you and this was the only way to do it. I’m a massive idiot and I don’t deserve you”.
“Woah, Muerlin, hey...”.
“...but see? I’d give anything to have you at my side forever because I love you so much, more than anything in all of Eos, in the entire universe!!”
All the blonde plebe could do was stand there in awe of his girlfriend’s spill.
“So, please...please please please forgive me!!”, the girl’s bitter tears pouring like waterfalls down her face. “I can’t lose you!!”
“And you won’t,” Prompto finally cut in, taking the crying girl in his arms, silencing her panic at last.
“Alright, now it’s my turn,” he started with a smile. “I’m sorry”.
Muerlin’s eyes widened in confusion and shock. “For...what?”
“I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that,” he shamefully admitted. “Just like with the lens and the other camera, I know you never meant any harm by any of it and then the fact that you sold them...because of this...”.
Prompto pulled Muerlin into the warmest embrace.
“I’m so sorry...I’m the one that doesn’t deserve you”, he ran his fingers through her silver locks.
Pulling herself away slightly so she can return his gaze, Muerlin blinked her tears away.
“So...you’re really not mad...?”
“Of course, I’m not mad,” Prompto giggled to himself as he caresses her damp cheek drying her tears.
“I love you more than I could love anything in this world, let alone any ol’ camera,” he gleefully admitted finally putting a smile on those soft lips.
“Besides, how could I stay mad at someone so cute?,” the man lovingly rubbed his nose against Muerlin’s, a giggle lifting from her throat and she leapt to hug the man.
Planting a sweet kiss upon his pink lips.
“Hm, go figure,” Evita mumbled to herself as she watched on the edge of their balcony.
“What’s going on?,” Six strenuously called out to the redhead standing hoisted up on her shoulders.
“Oh, just some sappy puppy love, the usual,” Evita smiled as she watched.
“Great,” Six wiggled, her arms starting to give out. “Are we done here?”
“They really do kiss like little puppies,” Evita watched wistfully as Six groaned in frustration over the weight of her friend.
“Oh, okay, there’s a little tongue in there. Okay, gettin’ saucy with it,” the assassin smirked clearly enjoying it.
“Okay, I’m putting you down now,” Six grunted toward her peeping friend.
“OH! And straight off to the races we go!,” Evita squirmed at the sudden escalation she just witness.
Ultimately loosing her footing on Six’s shoulders, a shriek echoed throughout the neighborhood as Evita plummeted to the ground below.
The ladies eyes becoming saucers at once another in the brief silence.
After the sound of the lock of the balcony sliding door unhooking, all Evita heard was a subtle...
...before a typhoon type wind slapped her in the face and turning around to see Six nearly halfway to the end of the street.
Wasting no time, Evita leapt to her feet cursing her friend to the heavens as she chased after.
Muerlin giggling to herself as she watched.
“What’s up, babe? You see something?,” A mostly naked Prompto asked as he kissed the back of his love’s neck.
“Nope,” Muerlin smirked to herself before lowering the blinds. “Nothing at all”.
Tagging: @digitalkanvas​ @completelyinappropriate​ @aquathemermaidstripper​ @glacian-apocalypse​ @a-new-recipehhh​
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Hi there! Are requests still open? If so, could I maybe request something with how the bros would deal with/ react to their s/o just suddenly not wanting to have sex/make love (whatever ya wanna call it) like for weeks every time the situation goes in that direction s/o just comes up with a dumb excuse, only to find out that it's because their s/o just hasn't been feeling good about themselves, like not sexy or attractive at all? Sorry if this is too long/specific or stupid...
Requests are Open !! Thank you, Anon!  It’s Not Long at all!! This is soo sweet. Honestly, I had such a great time writing this!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Insecurities ~ Chocobros
You felt that all too familiar feeling you hated. You felt your stomach empty and your mind cloud with the thoughts of the unworthy feeling you knew all too well. Your self-esteem was lower than it had been lately. The perfect man who you were so in love with didn’t help ease your mind. How could someone so perfect love someone so….ugh…How could he loved you when you felt as if you were never good enough. You had started to hate yourself. You knew he was often sexually frustrated. Especially that you refused to have sex with him, you knew yourself well enough to know you couldn’t handle him seeing you so vulnerable when you were already a glass figure teetering on the edge of a jagged cliffside You knew you would break down and cry if you orgasmed with this perfect vessel of a man. You felt as if he could never be satisfied with you.
GladioHere we go again, the man you loved this big sexy hunk of tattooed man was crawling onto the bed the outline of his massive erection clearly visible through his gray boxers. He was hungry and you knew it the lust in his eyes was enough to make you want to scream. This man was always ready to fuck you into the mattress. However, You couldn’t do it for some reason you couldn’t bring yourself to touch this god-like figure of a man one more time. You wanted him…by the six you wanted him. You stared at the man crawling on top of you before you brought your knees up crossing your ankles to shield your body from the lust filled man.
“Umm, Gladdy, I ummm…I can’t I’m sick…” You coughed roughly as he stopped and ran his hand up your leg. “Best way to cure a cold is to sweat it out, babe. Trust me I can help you with that!” He said and smirked his boyish smile his white teeth making you feel even worse. “I ..cant..I..” He sighed and rolled over on his back.  "What is it now, for the past month you have been brushing me off. Did I do something wrong!? If I did you need to tell me. I..am I too rough? I can be sweeter I promise.“ He said pleadingly. This was the breaking point you could feel the tears well in your eyes. It wasn’t him he was perfect how could he think it’s his fault. It was you…how do you tell the man you love you feel too worthless to be fucked. The tears started to roll down your cheeks.
"N…n..no..” You felt yourself manage to say. His eyes widened as he scooped you up in his large muscular arms like a small child. “What is it babe, Please tell me, Gods I hate seeing you cry.” You were torn between hugging the man and pushing him away. “Gladio…I can’t okay…I’m not sexy enough..” You finally let the words out. He looked at you as he pulled you close and slowly. The man burst out into the booming laughter you had grown to love. “You’re not sexy enough?” He questioned laughing. “Babe you’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen!” He pulled you close. “You can’t tell me that’s not true just look at what you do to me.” He motioned down to his cock.  You looked up at him and then back down. “I don’t know why..” you mumbled. He stared at you and then pulled you close kissing you hard. You are beautiful…you are as close to a goddess as I can get. In all honesty… I…I never thought would want to be with a guy like me. I’m big in crude and rough im not as sweet as prompto or as romantic as the other guys.“ You looked up at the love of your life confessing to you he thought you wouldn’t want him. You were so confused. "Gladdy how could you ever think that i wouldn’t want you. Your so perfect, The way you smile and laugh. How strong you are. There only one you and that’s all I could ever ask for.” He smirked wide and kissed you. “I couldn’t have described you better myself even if I tried. I love you and only you!” You looked at him realizing that he was right and that even if you didn’t see it he did. and if he thought you were perfect. well, you might as well believe him.
PromptoYour beautiful sunshine boy smiled as you both rolled around in bed and he rolled on top of you. He brought his freckled face close and kissed you passionately as his hand slide up your arms then down over your breasts and to your stomach as he lifted your shirt and slide his hand up underneath. You paused and pulled away your hand forcing your shirt down and his hand out with it. You looked down and then sat up and curled into yourself. “Chocobae what’s wrong? D..D..did I do something wrong?” He asked concerned as he soft eyes once filled with love and passion looked at you with worry. You looked down at your stomach and held yourself tighter covering your body up more. “I just don’t…I don’t feel well. maybe we could not.” He looked at you and slumped over some.“awww, again..okay…” You felt worse as he said that you wanted to please him but you couldn’t not with you looking this way. you hated your body and he was perfectly toned and fit and nice and sexy. You almost got mad about it.
“I’m sorry, I just can’t okay!” You snapped and then turned away. He looked at you shocked and then he got up and walked away worried you were mad at him. About an hour later he walked back in to check on you only to see you standing in front of a mirror looking at your body your face twisted in disgust. He had seen this all before. It was a look he gave himself at one point. He ran to the mirror and blocked it. “No!” You looked at him shocked, “No, what Prompto?” You looked at his frustrated. “Just No! No! No! NO! I’m not just gonna stand around while you think that about yourself. You’re not whatever you think!! No matter what anybody says or hat everyone else looks like your not that! Your everything but those things!!!” He yelled at you his voice laced with panic. “You’re perfect, Your gorgeous and sexy and smart and beautiful and you don’t need to change.” He looked down and then rubbed his eyes after he grabbed onto your hands holding them tightly between his.
He was crying he looked at you and shook. “You can’t think those things. P..P…Please…If you think your anything but perfect than everything great in this world is just a load of shit. Because you’re better than anything else in this whole world. Better than any other girl, better than any food, or movie, better than chocobos better than photography better than the goddesses all put together.” He pleaded and looked at you. “I looked at myself the way you did…and I never want you to feel half of the disgust or shame I felt. because you’re far more wonderful than I could ever be.” You were crying by now both with guilt and with happiness that he thought you were so amazing. You kissed his freckle covered cheeks. “I love you chocoboo.” You smiled and said as he smiled his sunshine smile and kissed you.
NoctisYou laid in bed as the sun shone through the curtains casting a small sliver of light over the muscles of the man you laid next to you smiled and looked at him admiring how handsome he was even when he was lazy and asleep and didn’t do his hair. You admired every inch of your prince he really was prince charming to you. He was sweet and funny and romantic and the most handsome man you had ever seen. You felt your throat tighten as tears spilled out. Your head filled with doubts that you would never bee good enough for a prince. Why does he love you? Why is he with you? You wiped your tears and got up to go make sure you didn’t look horrible for crying as you washed your face you felt a lazy pair of strong hands settle on your hips and pull you back against a hard erection cover by his pjs. He smirked and placed lazy sleepy kisses on your exposed shoulder and he smiled and looked at you.
“Mmmmm, morning princess.” He smiled and pulled you into his pelvis more as he kissed your neck. You melted some and smiled. “Morning Noct.” You said softly. He turned you around picking you up and setting you on the bathroom counter as he spread your legs enough for him to stand between them. He rubbed your thighs and kissed you passionately he began to slide your panties down as you broke the kiss he stopped. “Are you okay?” He asked softly. “No, I’m not. I just. I can’t do this.” You said looking at him. He sighed but nodded. “Okay..” He walked back to the room and put a shirt on and started to walk to the kitchen for food. You sat there kinda upset that he wasn’t worried. “Noct? Your not even gonna ask me what’s wrong?” He looked at you. “No, You don’t wanna fuck we don’t fuck. It’s as simple as that I’m not gonna make you. Is there something wrong?”
“I just don’t understand why you just left.”  You responded “I’m not gonna assume something is wrong, Babe I just thought you didn’t want to do anything. I didn’t think there was a reason.”  He said as he made a bowl of cereal. “well something is wrong, I don’t feel like I’m good enough for you. I don’t want to be with you because I feel like im just not sexy enough.” He looked at you and set his cereal down. “Why on earth would you think that?” I’m the prince and future king. I deserve the best and only the best. Why do you think I have you. Because you’re the best! It’s normal to have doubts and insecurities I have them all the time. but you have to believe that even at your worse you are the most amazing person I’ve ever been with.“ You blushed and looked down. He pulled you close and smirked. "Come on im gonna fuck you till the only thing you can think of is pure ecstasy” He picks you up and carried you to the bedroom.
IgnisYou were in the living room reading a book on the couch as Ignis came home he sat down next to you and he slowly wrapped his arm around you. he watched you read as he slowly kisses your neck. Ignis was not usually the person to initiate sex. however, it had been 6 months since you were last intimate and he needed you. He grabbed your book and pulled you onto his lap and he kissed you as he grinding his erection into you and pulled your hair. “My love, You have no idea what you do to me.” You blushed and moaned slightly but moved off of his lap and walked to the kitchen. “What do you want for dinner darling?” You asked trying to change the subject. He sat there confused and somewhat frustrated.
He stood up and walked to the counter. “My love, If you don’t wish to be intimate please tell me.” You looked at him and sighed. He was looked at you with concern and worry but you could tell he was tense and frustrated.  "Iggy, It’s not that I don’t want to. I want to, believe me… I really want to but I can’t.“ He nods listening to you. "Why, I need you to be completely honest with me. I want to understand.” He held your hand tightly. “I don’t want to have sex because I don’t feel like I will satisfy you or that I am pretty enough or sexy enough. I have struggled with this for a long time and I’ve been trying to change it but, I can’t. I look at you and your so smart and intelligent and handsome and you’re nearly perfect in every way. and I envy you.” He looked down and slowly shakes his head. “That’s because I was raised to not make one mistake, I was trained and conditioned like a robot. While you were playing and drawing scribbles I was learning etiquette and reciting Shakespeare. You’re not afraid of getting messy or making a mistake.  You just do whatever you want and I find that inspiring and beautiful.” He smiled at you
“I am terrified every single second of every day of making a mistake because I was raised to hate flaws and mistakes in myself and my work. I was forced to look at myself as if I weren’t good enough. Until years and years of hard work made me presentable.” He looked down. “Darling you have flaws…lots of them…your messy and you sing when you think no one is listening and you don’t care if it’s bad or good. you curl up and watch anime for 12 hours straight. You look just as beautiful when your hair is a mess and you have bags under your eyes, as you do when you spend hours doing your hair and makeup. You are imperfectly perfect! I love that you’re not a robotic flawless thing. Your human. Your you. And yout the love of my life.” You smile and laugh slightly before practically jumping over the counter to fuck your perfect man.
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shadyafternoontea · 6 years
Dawn- Ignis x reader
Continuing my AO3 to Tumblr reposting...
Summary: Dawn had broken, but the ending is never that clean. Some angsty Iggy comfort.
This story is the first story I wrote, so lemme tag some people who may not have read it @whimsyofthewind @iggys-sous-chef @animakupo @jastiss @xalmasyx
Dawn broke over the horizon for the first time in ten years.  With the start of sharp color blooming across the sky, the air cleared and the oppressive feel of death and darkness finally lifted.
Cheers erupted around the diner as the patrons who had been awaiting anxiously since the King and his Crownsguard had left realized he had succeeded.  The mood turned jovial, and drinks were brought out in plenty.
“All hail the King!” Cries of merriment broke out.
Someone shoved a drink in your hand as music started up around you.
But your hands trembled, fear still settled in the pit of your stomach.  
It felt surreal that just a few days ago, you had lain your head on Ignis, bare legs tangled with his in what should have been a comfortable moment of closeness after a rather intense period of intimacy if it weren’t for the anxiety that had settled in your bones following your post-coital bliss.  Ever the perceptive one, Ignis had stopped the lazy patterns he had been drawing on your back.
“I’m scared,” you had intoned, trying to press yourself closer to him as much as possible.
A sigh. “I know. I would be lying if I said I weren’t. And I would likely be foolish if I weren’t.”
“I don’t want this to be the last time we have together.”
His arm had tightened around you before his other had come around you, holding you tightly to him.  You had hugged him to you, burying your head into his chest, never wanting to let go.
Later when he had reunited with Noct and the others in preparation to leave, you had run to him with a cry of his name to say your goodbye.
The others turned away to give you both a moment of privacy.  Ignis had pulled you into him, arms wrapped tight around your body for a few moments before they left. His hands had slid up your side, as though trying to memorize your curves to take with him, before cupping your face.
He had kissed you then, pouring every bit of emotion he could into what might as well could be your last one. Arms locked tightly around him, you had pulled him into you as close as his heavy set Crownsguard clothing would allow.  When he had let up to lay his forehead on yours, you both were breathing heavy.
“I love you. Never doubt that.” His voice had been low, deep with the heaviness of emotion.
You had stared into his unseeing eyes, trying to memorize every feature to carry in your heart and mind.  “I love you,” you had whispered back, holding back every thing else you wanted to say to him in that one instant of peace you had been granted before he left.
That had been three days ago.  Every second since had been rife with worry and no sleep. You had spent your time with Cindy and Aranea, feeling helpless. Cindy had tried to her best to calm you down, supplying you with funny stories of the crew from before the darkness had settled. Aranea, true to form, had told you to get your shit together.
Now with the sun steadily rising into the sky lighting up the landscape no one had seen in so long, you expected to feel hope. You wanted to throw up.
You found Cindy, who seemed just as worried as you.  Takka let you into a small alcove separate from those celebrating so you could wait for a sign that Noctis, Ignis, Gladio, and Prompto would be on their way back.
Hours ticked past as you held onto Cindy’s hands for some measure of comfort. You kept checking your phone. No new messages.  Panic was starting to claw its way into your throat as you felt your worst fears being realized.  You tried to keep the bile down and made your way through people who were already well on their way to being drunk.  Anxiety made you hyperventilate, and you pushed open the doors of the Hammerhead diner to get some air.
The air was still chilly, a leftover still from the Never-ending Night, but you could feel the rays of sunlight warming your skin.  You wanted to run down the road towards the gates of Insomnia, put your fears to rest, but you were terrified that instead you would have them confirmed. Instead you made your way to Ignis’s apartment, needing the comfort of if not himself then at least his home.
It felt surreal that his apartment would look just the same as it usually did, neat and tidy, reflective of the man who lived within, when the world was in such a turmoil. Well, it was mostly neat and tidy. An errant shirt was strewn across the sofa’s arm, half dangling on the floor, a reminder of your last night together.
You would have smiled if it weren’t for the sobs that broke loose. Picking up the shirt you clutched it close, the scent of Ebony and Ignis not as comforting as it was heartbreaking. You didn’t even make it on the couch as you fell onto your knees, doubled over, and cried.
You weren’t sure when exactly you fell asleep, but you were startled awake at the sign of the lock to the main door turning. You sat up, heart hammering in your chest, hardly daring to breath.
Your eyes widened when the door opened and Ignis stepped across the threshold, looking rougher than you had ever seen him.  His hair was askew, dirt and grime and dried blood smeared across his face and his clothes, and part of his jacket was torn; but it was the utter exhaustion and sadness on his face that gave you pause.
“Ignis?” Your voice was barely a whisper and hoarse from crying.
You should have jumped for joy and tackled him, but something in his demeanor kept you put. His head moved in recognition of your voice, and he moved towards you.
“I’ve returned by some miracle,” he said as he lowered to his knees in front of you.
You rose up from the floor onto your knees to meet him, hands going to his shoulders, smoothing across the epaulettes.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?” You tried to check for sites for injury.
No, you’re not okay, or no, you’re not hurt??
“What took you so long?” you asked. Something felt wrong.
“I—” his breath hitched. He paused a moment before clearing his throat. “We had—had to bury Noctis.”
You stopped breathing for a second, and the air was pregnant with the heaviness of that statement. When you could speak, your voice was shaky. “Noct’s dead?”
“The Astrals in all their wisdom deemed it necessary for Noctis to be a sacrificial lamb on the altar.” Bitterness tinged his voice, but you could hear the heartache—feel his heart breaking.
“I’m so, so sorry, Ignis. None of you deserved this.”
You gingerly removed his visor and set it aside, noting the small bit of moisture in his eyes. You moved your arms around him to hug him to yourself, to offer him at least a little bit of comfort.
His arms came around you, pulling you close, and his head dropped to your shoulder. His entire body was trembling.
“He was my friend, and more than that, he was my brother.”
You heard a sniffle and a tremble along his frame. He didn’t want to shed tears—didn’t want to lose control of his emotions or himself. But this was not the time or place for him to maintain that stoicism that made him who he was.
You pulled back just enough to kiss the part of his jaw that you could reach, ignoring the dirt smeared there.
“You can cry, Ignis, it’s okay—I’ve got you. I’ve got you.” You weren’t sure if you were saying it to him or yourself.
You maneuvered around to lie down somewhat awkwardly, pulling him down partially on top of you to hold him tight against you.  You felt the shakes wrack his frame and the tears soak your shoulder.
In that moment, you didn’t know whether he would ever be alright, but you knew that while the world was finally waking up, it would take much longer for Ignis to recover.
You murmured assurances in his ear, mindlessly rubbing his back. The sun had begun its descent for the day but still remained high, warming the two of you as it found its place in the world after ten long years. As sunlight poured through the windows, you held your boyfriend, broken and weary, but hoped that one day he too would find his place in the world again.
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izuku-memedoriya · 6 years
Title: Save Gas, Ride a Chocobo Rating: T+ Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14023002 WARNINGS: Blood/Violence (Not much though, I wanted to keep it light hearted for the most part) Summary: Prompto has inherited the chocobo farm from his “uncle” Wiz, and wants to show his friends the amazing life of taking care of the greatest yellow animal to have blessed the planet. However, he is surprised when his boyfriend shows up alone, wanting to spend some quality time with him. Notes: This is just straight up fluff and cute chocobos, I have no excuse. Prompto deserves to be happy. Ignorance is bliss. I'm not sure where I was going with this but here u go. My friend @littlechinaaru helped me come up with the idea for the fic, since I was a lil’ stuck, so here’s a bit of a gift to them too. This is also for @promptis-fanweek‘s white day event. I decided to go for the free day.
“Whew.” wiping beads of sweat from his forehead with his wrist, Prompto stood up straight, exhaling a heavy breath as he clapped the excess dirt from his hands. “Well, what do you think, Evie?” He turned to the chocobo standing next to him, her eyes focused and head tilted at the display before her, before she let out a satisfied squak.
“Hey, you can’t even read!” His hands were on the animal, fluffing out the feathers on her cheeks. “Pretender!” He teased, knowing full well that his chocobo hardly understood him.
He stood back again, bright blue eyes gleaming as he read the sign, “SAVE GAS, RIDE A CHOCOBO, PROMPTO’S CHOCOBO RENTALS.”
The farm had the signature scent of chocobos to it, the grass tall and green at every corner, swept gently by the breeze that ran through. The large birds ran freely through the fields, experiencing the open world of the ranch.
“I can’t believe this. I own the farm, and you’re actually my chocobo now! Aren’t you so excited!” He exclaimed, turning to Evie again. She picked up on his excitement and jumped up and down on her two feet, crying out with joy.
Upon realizing she was only innocently reflecting his excitement, his face fell, dirty hand now on his forehead. “You really need to stop doing that, Prompto. It must look sooo weird.” He sucked in a breath as he began to pace. “I think I need another human around, you know, like one of the guys, or the most beautiful man ever, my boyfriend.” He let out a dreamy sigh, leaning against Evie, his head resting on her back, as if to humor the bird. “I can’t just talk to chocobos for the rest of my life.” He raised a hand to his chin. “Or can I.”
As he contemplated the idea of living as wild as a chocobo, he heard the wheels of an all too familiar vehicle park at the front of the farm.
Prompto hopped onto Evie, and the chocobo glided over the ground with ease before skidding to a halt a few feet from the vehicle. He hopped off of her and made a jog to the Regalia, where Noctis had emerged from the driver’s side of the car.
“There he is! None other than the most awesome boyfriend ever!” Prompto raised a hand enthusiastically, and Noct met him halfway, high fiving him, before pulling him into a hug. “Hey, where are the others?” He asked, noticing that Gladio and Ignis were nowhere to be seen.
“Uh, well,” Noctis scrunched his nose slightly in thought as he searched for what to say, and Prompto recognized the all too familiar habit of his, only finding it more and more adorable each time he did it. “I thought we could- have some quality time. Just the two of us, and I wanna see what you’ve got here.”
Prompto planted a gentle kiss on his cheek. “You wanna beat everyone else to the excitement, huh? See the ever-amazing Prompto farm of chocobos.”
“Y-yeah, right,” he stuttered somewhat, surprised by the kiss, but smiled with a flush nonetheless, the affectionate gesture welcomed, “that too.” Noctis returned the loving gesture with a peck to Prompto’s lips before sliding out of his hold and approaching the chocobo. “Hey. it’s Evie. I finally get to meet the chocobo you take so many pictures of.” He raised a hand, gently stroking the side of her face. Evie responded by leaning into his touch, chirping softly.
“Yeah, you bet! She hasn’t left my side since I took over. Wait, Noct, don’t do that, she doesn’t like-!” he started, but it was too late, Noct had already made the move, his arms wrapping around the chocobo in a hug. Evie squawked in surprise and jerked upwards, causing Noctis to lose his grip and slip in some mud, hitting the ground face first in a squishy thud. “Hugs.” He finished.
Prompto laughed after he hit the ground, before he said, “I know you want to love them, but I don’t think they like the concept of hugs much. You’ll be lucky if one of them even likes it.” He quickly jogged over to Noctis’ side before extending a hand to help him up. “Hey, Noct, you okay though?” Noctis looked up to Prompto’s hand, covered in grime and dirt from working outside all day. “Come on, you’re just as dirty as me now, ‘sides, you had no problem high-fiving and hugging me earlier.” Prompto smirked, a chime in his voice, knowing that he totally won the silent argument Noctis had with him.
“Right, guess you’ve got me there.” He raised a hand and accepted Prompto’s help up, much to the farmer’s amusement.
“Noct, you’re totally caked in mud!” It was hard for Prompto to contain his laughter, and he could tell by his boyfriend’s mud-covered face that he just knew he was trying to hold back from bursting into giggles.
“Hey, you’re just about as dirty as I am.” Suddenly, he smirked, and extended his arms.
Prompto immediately understood his plans, and took a step back, raising his hands. “No, have mercy on me, I beg you, I have a family to feed!”
Prompto felt the mud squish up against him, while his boyfriend all too blissfully smothered him in affection, body pressed up against his own, and face nuzzled into the crook of his neck, eliciting a strange noise from the back of Prompto’s throat, freckles ever prominent as a blush dusted his cheeks. He could practically feel the mud soak into his own clothing.
“Bluegh, Noct, not cool!” He laughed nonetheless, finding the situation all too humorous. He went to peck him on the cheek, but hesitated, as he could not find a single part of his face free from the mud that clung to him. “You really need a bath.”
“So do you.”
“Well, then, guess we’re just gonna have to have a shower together.”
“Wait, was that your plan all along?!” Prompto questioned, and a smirk was only sent his way as he approached the house on the farm.
“Maybe so. Besides, it’ll save on your water.”
It did not take them long to shower, and once the two were cleaned up, Prompto had lent Noctis a pair of his casual clothes, along with a pair of overalls. Said blond came walking out from the washroom in his own pair, gathering his hair into his classical signature look. Noctis shook his hair out with a towel before placing it down next to him once satisfied.
“So, you ready to get dirty again and tackle a day of chocobo-ing with me?” Prompto asked.
“You bet.” He smiled.
“Great, first thing’s first, we should feed the guys! I bet they’re getting real hungry about now.”
As the duo prepared various greens for the chocobos to snack on, they filled a couple of large baskets, one carried by each person as they finished, the two approaching the middle of the field where the birds freely roamed.
Pulling out the chocobo whistle, Prompto handed the small silver object over to Noctis. “Would you like to do the honor of calling the big fellas over?”
“I’d love to.” Noctis took the whistle in hand, raised it to his lips, and blew into it, the whistle working its magic as it sang throughout the farm, calling the chocobos over to them. “Alright, it’s dinner time!” He looked to Prompto, a warm smile on his face, and the blond returned a bright grin at full force.
They could hear the scattered footsteps of chocobos dashing in their direction, excited to dive their beaks into lunch. One was getting a little too excited, and nearly dove into the basket head first. “Whoa, hey, you’ve gotta share with the others, buddy.” Noct stated, putting himself between the food and the chocobo, said animal headbutting into his chest instead of a face full of food. The animal whined in complaint, but Noctis leaned back, lifting some of the greens from the basket and holding it out. The chocobo’s eyes lit up, and it dove into the food, nearly biting his hand in the process. “Hey, that’s not food, that’s my hand!” He called out, but found the bird’s enthusiasm for the food endearing.
Prompto laughed, camera suddenly out in the open as he took a picture of Noctis feeding the chocobo. “Oh yeah, that’s Spark. He really likes food. He holds the record for fastest eater too.” He raised a handful of food to another chocobo that came to him. “This here is Fry. She likes to lay in the sun, oh, and that one over there is Edward! He’s adventurous.”
Noctis looked down, only for his eyes to meet about five chocobo chicks running excitedly around Prompto’s feet, nuzzling up to him and chirping happily. “Whoa, where’d those chicks come from?”
“These little guys are the chicks of some of the chocobos around here. They seem to love me. Whenever they see me around they just follow me everywhere.”
“Think it has something to do with your hair?”
Prompto’s lips formed into a pout as he looked at Noctis, running a hand over his hair. “It doesn’t look like a chocobo butt, I swear!”
A soft chuckle escaped Noctis as his boyfriend was quick to defend himself. “Hey, you’re the one that said butt this time.”
The pout was ever strong on Prompto’s lips. “You win this time, Noct.”
Noctis smiled to him, and as they dished out and shared food amongst each chocobo, chicks in tow, Prompto excitedly told him about each one, and something about their personality. Every single chocobo had a unique trait of their own, and Prompto remembered them all.
“So, how’d you even know about this place, let alone become the owner?” Noctis inquired as he handed some greens to another hungry chocobo.
The answer came hesitantly. “Cor used to take me out here all the time whenever I was feeling really down. It got kinda rough sometimes, and he knew how much I liked chocobos. Wiz would always show me around, and teach me how to take care of them. He said that the chocobos always liked seeing me around, that my presence would cheer them right up. I’m not sure how much I believed him, but he seemed so set on it, that he wanted me to inherit the farm.” Prompto hesitated further, before giving a weak shrug. “I thought of them as my uncles. Most of the time, it felt like they were more my family than the people who are supposed to be my parents.”
“I,” Noctis took a few moments to gather his words, “did not know that about you. You know, I’d love to hear more about this place, and even more about you.” He shot Prompto an assuring smile.
“There’s not much to hear.”
“Sure there is.”
“Weeell,” Prompto dragged on, taking a few moments to think, “maybe so, but stories are for another time. Feeding chocobos is more important.”
“Whatever you say, Prompto.”
There was a lingering silence, Prompto allowing Noctis some time to himself and think on his own. However, he had not stayed silent for long.
“What fine birbs.” Prompto suddenly stated as they nearly finished feeding the crowd of hungry chocobos, a grin on his face.
“You know, birb. A well-rounded chocobo.”
Noctis snorted, hardly able to contain a laugh. “Right. What good birbs.” He agreed.
“By the way, we’ve got one more guy to feed, and then we’re all done.
“Who’s left?”
“Oh, you’ll see. I think you’ll like him.”
Prompto lifted the basket, some spare greens remaining in the bottom for this special chocobo. He soon stopped near a tree, and gestured to the chocobo that lay comfortably asleep beneath it.
“And this chocobo here, Noct, he doesn’t have a name yet, but you can use him whenever you come visit. I think it’s a perfect match. He’s a rare breed with black feathers, like your hair, plus, you both love to sleep. He almost always misses the whistle because he’s asleep. You two have a lot in common!”
“Ha, very funny, Prom.” Noctis’ eyes were on the chocobo, the large bird sleeping soundly under the shade of the tree, calm huffs escaping as he took each slow breath in his sleep, undisturbed by their conversation. “I’m sure a name will come in time.”
“So, whaddya say? Wanna take him for a ride? He needs the exercise.”
Noctis looked to him, surprise showing under his cool exterior. “Sure. That sounds fun.”
“Alright!” Prompto fist pumped the air. “This is gonna be so fun! Wait right here, I’ll grab a saddle for him and go get Evie!”
It had not taken long for Prompto to gather everything, strapping the saddle onto Noct’s now personal chocobo assistant, having to rouse the bird from his comfortable nap. Even so, it was somewhat humorous that he still did not wake when Prompto put the saddle on him. It was until he was offered food when he roused from his sleep.
Noctis fed the anonymous chocobo while Prompto remained at Evie’s side, gently stroking her as he patiently waited for the two to finish up.
“Alright, ready to go.” Noctis clapped his hands together, hands dirty and damp from greens and chocobo spit.
“Need help on?” Prompto chimed in.
“I think I’m good.” Noctis held onto the chocobo, and carefully pulled himself up onto him. By the time he looked to Prompto, the eccentric farm owner had already climbed onto Evie.
“Alright, time to explore outside the farm!” Prompto took off ahead, looking back to Noctis and waving as he passed him. “See you later, slowpoke!”
“Hey, no fair!” Noctis cried from behind before his chocobo dashed after Prompto.
Bright amber feathers brushed ebony, the two chocobos standing side by side, nearly pressed up against each other, halted for a break after so much running. Prompto and Noctis leaned towards each other, their gaze unquestionable, soft, and desiring. Noctis was the first to move, pulling him in for a tender kiss, with Prompto eagerly accepting it, both ignoring the fact that they could have fallen off of their chocobos. They remained there, the world occupied by them alone, bodies and lips moving perfectly in sync, hands on each other, all while keeping balance on their feathery friends.
It was the sudden screech in the distance that split the space between the two, pulling apart to look around frantically.
Prompto was the first to react. “Huh- that sounded like a chocobo! It must be in trouble! Noct, hurry!”
Suddenly, he was far ahead of Noctis, dashing through the trees at an unspeakable speed. Leaving him in the dust, with a kiss lingering on his lips, he was determined to catch up. If there was a chocobo in danger, Prompto would need all the help he can get.
His chocobo cried out, as though responding to the distressed cry, picking up speed as he barreled through the underbrush, jumping over fallen trees and splitting twigs at each frantic step.
Surrounding an injured wild chocobo stood five Voretooth, gathering around and preparing to take the bird’s life. Prompto jumped off of Evie without hesitation, leaping into action, pistol materializing in his hand, aiming a shot at the one nearest to the chocobo. The bullet darted through the air, the voretooth shrieking in response and stumbling back as it was hit, drawing the attention of three others. Evie was quick to jump in, sprinting in and snapping her beak at one of them, clawing and scraping at it with her large feet.
Once Noctis caught up, he threw his blade, warp striking next to Prompto and off of his chocobo, his ebony-feathered friend diving in to help Evie.
As they were distracted, swords and claws clashing, bullets flying through the air, Prompto noticed one of the voretooth stalking up to the injured chocobo.
"No!" Prompto shouted, throwing himself in front of the chocobo, shielding it from the blow. Instead of the tender flesh of the chocobo's neck, the voretooth's teeth met bare skin, cutting into Prompto's arm. He choked back a cry of pain, clenching his teeth at the feeling of his skin being cut open. "Prompto!" Noctis cried out in alarm, immediately warping to the voretooth on top of him, driving his blade through its head. The animal’s jaw slacked, releasing Prompto before it slid to the ground with a dull thud. “Prompto-” he started, and Prompto could feel his eyes glued to the sticky red liquid that flowed down his arm, dark scarlet clumps forming on pale, spotted skin before it dripped. The blond was entirely ignoring the open wound, and hovering over the chocobo instead, concerned far more about the animal than his own well-being. “You’re hurt.”
“Don’t worry, it’s nothing, Noct.” Prompto’s uninjured arm swept over the hurt chocobo comfortingly, observing the injuries. There were a few scratches here and there, but the leg appeared to be broken, bleeding from bite marks, incapacitating the bird from any means of escape. “We’re here to help. You’ll be fine in no time, trust me.” His voice was soft and assuring before he pulled out a potion, breaking the object over the animal’s leg. The blue liquid soaked into the injury, effectively healing it enough for the chocobo to move her leg. She stood up slowly, albeit awkwardly, treading carefully on one foot.
Evie and the other chocobo had managed to successfully chase off the remaining Voretooth while Prompto took care of the injured chocobo.
She trudged over to some rocks, calling out in search of something. Moments later, out popped three tiny heads from within the rocks before scuttling out, chirping excitedly at the sight of their mother, cuddling up against her legs. She lowered her neck, gently nuzzling her beak against the chicks.
“Wow. She’s-” Prompto paused, struck by awe- “she’s a mother.”
“She must’ve been trying to protect them all by herself. That’s really something.”
The mother called to her children as she walked away, the tiny chocobo chicks in tow as she left.
Prompto smiled brightly as he watched them leave, feeling happy to have helped the family. Standing up properly, stumbling somewhat as he made it back to Evie, he climbed up on her and turned to Noctis. “Guess we should get going.”
“We should worry about you first.”
Prompto smiled again, lips forced at the edges. “I’m sorry, I kinda used my last potion on her. It’s not that bad though, we can worry about it later.”
Noctis sighed in defeat before pulling himself up onto his own chocobo. “As soon as we get back, we’re dealing with it.”
“Okay, fine, honey.” Prompto smoothed out his voice, drawling out the ‘honey’ part, trying to keep things light hearted, and prevent Noctis from worrying about him too much.
The trip back had been short, and Noctis had ushered Prompto to the washroom with urgency. Although he was good at hiding things, he could tell that he knew the wound was bothering him.
Noctis worked carefully, brushing a warm, damp cloth over Prompto’s injury. Dry, flaked blood caked over fragile skin being lapped away, along with the discomfort of it sticking to his skin. Prompto let out a heavy sigh, relaxing under the touch, the warm cloth and gentle touches from Noctis, working wonders to his comfort.
“You’re lucky it didn’t bite really deep, or break anything. Don’t want you bleeding to death. Society can’t afford to lose one of the most beautiful men alive.” Prompto’s injury may not have been deep, but the angled teeth of the Voretooth had done a number on his skin, leaving jagged cuts and scrapes on his arm.
Prompto’s cheeks flooded red, teeth pinching at his lower lip.
Noctis only smiled to him innocently, but Prompto knew he was smirking up a storm underneath it all. His hands shifted through the first aid kit, applying disinfectant to the injury before pulling out some bandages. His fingers pressed lightly over Prompto’s skin as he wound them around his arm.
“Not bad for a prince, huh?” Noctis stated as he finished bandaging him. “If it causes any more problems, you should get some help.”
“You’re a real hero, and don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye on it. It was totally worth it anyways. To see the mother reunited with her chicks.” Prompto grinned. “May his highness’ boyfriend bestow a kiss upon him?”
“It’s the only payment he’ll accept.”
Prompto gently tugged Noctis’ shirt, drawing the other closer to him, hands slowly moving to cup his cheeks. He pressed a slow and tender kiss to his lips, drawing out the moment between them. He soon began peppering his face in kisses, however, showering him with affection.
“Whoa, Prompto!” Noctis laughed light heartedly, arms winding around his affectionate assailant. He hardly gave him the chance to kiss him back.
The shower of kisses mixed with cheerful laughter eventually stopped, and the two now stood, foreheads pressed against each other, noses lightly brushing, breaths mingling in the now comforting silence. Prompto’s arms lazily rested around Noctis’ shoulders.
“Really though, thanks, Noct, you really are the greatest boyfriend a guy could ever ask for.” He smiled warmly to Noctis, feeling nothing but pure bliss as he saw his cheeks tint pink, the warm color contrasting with his dark hair.
“Just be careful, Prompto. You always seem to put others before yourself. Just remember to take care of yourself too. And honestly, I feel lucky to have met you. It’s not often I come across someone that treats me, well, you know, like a normal person.”
“You’ve got feelings just like everybody else, Noct.” He simply stated, knowing that Noctis had mixed feelings about his lineage and what fate will become of him. He never really liked being a prince. “How about we take our minds off of things, and go check up on the chocobos before we head to bed?” The sun was beginning to set outside, it was hard to believe that the day was almost over. He had so much fun with Noctis, that he hardly realized that the time flew by.
He hummed contently. “My favorite word. Bed.”
Taking Noct’s hand, Prompto lead him back outside towards the chocobos’ field.
As they checked up on each chocobo, Prompto counted each of them. “Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. There, that’s all the adults accounted for! Now the little guys.”
“Counting all these chocobos are making me tired.” Noctis commented.
“We’re almost there, I just like to do a headcount before bed, helps me sleep better knowing they’re all safe.” Prompto looked down to his feet, knowing that the chicks were swarming him as they usually did, and counted the five little feathered heads, smiling in accomplishment. “Alright, looks like that’s about it.”
Finding a nearby tree, Prompto walked over, and leaned back against it. He casually slid down until he sat on the ground. “I think I’m pretty beat, and I’ve gotta keep up with this for years.” He complained, before smiling up to Noctis. “Good thing I like keeping chocobos happy.” He held out a hand, offering him to sit with him.
“I think you’re doing a great job. Looks like you’re already getting the hang of everything.” He took Prompto’s offer and sat down between his legs, leaning back against him. “And all the chocobos here? They really do seem to love you. I think Wiz is right.” As if on queue, the herd of baby chocobos came running in tow, finally catching up to the couple. They scurried and jumped on Noctis, causing the prince to grunt as one landed on his stomach and cuddled up to him. The others snuggled up around them, resting at their legs and sides, anywhere where they could get warm and sleep.
Prompto’s fingers delicately began to run through ebony hair, a soft sigh escaping his lover as he shifted closer to him, resting his head comfortably on his chest. His hand searched for Prompto’s through closed, tired eyes, humming in dissatisfaction until he found it, taking it in his own and lacing their fingers together.
“M’comfy.” Noctis mumbled.
“I don’t blame you, it’s been a long day. I feel like I could just fall asleep now.” He paused for a few moments, noticing how Noctis’ chest slowly rose and fell, unmoving as he practically lay on top of him. “Noct?” He looked so comfortable, peaceful, even, that Prompto could not bare to disrupt him from his sleep, and so, he accepted his fate, being crushed under his lover and a flock of tiny chocobos. “Man, you fall asleep fast.” He muttered in complaint.
Prompto raised the camera in his hand, and took a quick selfie with himself, Noctis, and the tiny chocobo chicks, all while thinking that this will be perfect for his blog.
After what felt like minutes of stroking hair and feathers, he found himself looking up to the night’s sky.
Each star sparkled, dotting the darkness with light, the moon shining down over the farm, and casting a soft glow over the surroundings. Prompto stared up at the sky, eyes shining as the stars did. He could stay in this moment forever, beside Noctis, with the baby chocobos cuddled on top of them, and remain content for years to come. His thoughts drifted to the future, their wedding on the farm, chocobos dressed up in tuxes, the friends he considered family with them. A small ceremony under the setting sky. Even further in the future, when he was older, sitting on the deck with Noctis after he attended his kingly duties, hands laced together as they leaned on each other. There was no more loneliness, he had his own family.
He looked down to Noct sleeping soundly in his arms, his one hand rest lazily on a baby chocobo snuggled up to him, the other still holding Prompto’s hand. The chicks surrounded them, cuddling up to them for warmth, sleeping ever contentedly at their sides.
For once, the future looked bright.
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g0ldpainted · 6 years
Gladiolus cheating on S/O Part 3
Hey guys :) Here’s the last part of Gladiolus’ cheating.
Poll results are at the bottom so I won’t spoil the outcome^^.
1st Part ; 2nd Part ; 3rd Part  // Noctis cheating 1 ; 2 ; 3 // Prompto cheating 1 ; 2 ; 3 // Ignis cheating 1 ; 2 // Ravus cheating
Words: 3700+
Genre: Angst, heartbreak, getting better, life changing decisions
Spoilers: None
Trigger warnings: Cheating, depression, disability
There was no light at the end of the tunnel. She tried to move on, tried to find forgiveness in her heart for him but it was impossible. Gladiolus' selfishness and ignorance regarding her complicated pregnancy were what caused her physical disability.. How could she ever forgive something so severe, something so life changing?
She was missing out on her baby's life, couldn't take part in most activities, couldn't teach her how to walk or write, couldn't even protect her alone. It was all Gladio's fault.. And that upset her greatly. Nonetheless, she tried. She really did. Eventually, she finally gave in and even exchanged kisses with him - for the sake of Heather. Although it hurt her and every physical intimacy reminded her of how other females had the privilege to touch him, too, she thought of her little girl that wanted her parents to be happy so badly. Heather was old enough to understand that they had been fighting, that something was wrong. Of course, she always asked, was noisy but to fix it, she always demanded her parents to hug. Each and every time, they did as she asked, holding up the façade of a happy family. Both wanted their daughter to experience that happy, unbreakable family. But it was unbearably hard.
All Gladio's 'I love you's, subtle touches, delicate kisses.. They kept breaking his S/O's heart. Over and over again. For the moment it lasted, it felt good.. But so bittersweet. Knowing she was slowly but surely sliding out of his hands worried him greatly. He bought gifts, made food, invited her to dates but it wasn't easing the pain in her heart. With each improvement she managed to accomplish, he started getting more anxious about her leaving. Imagining to lose both his girlfriend and their daughter scared him endlessly. Gladio was well aware that this was his mistake, that he was the one causing all this; it was his dream to make it all up. But that was a dream that would probably never come true.. He'd have to live with this guilt until the day he'd die. All he could do was support her, pay her bills as much as he could and care for their daughter. He dedicated his life to them.
Therefore, seeing his best friend carelessly flirt when his girlfriend surely upset him. He was boiling with jealousy every time he witnessed it. That she didn't care about it, even played along, only made it worse. His fear mixed with anger and he couldn't stop himself from letting it out. Instead of turning his anger at his girlfriend or daughter, he spent hours at the gym, worked out mercilessly. His behavior didn't stay unnoticed, his S/O knew something was off.. And she also knew what it was. But it actually didn't bother her all too much; it only gave her more time with Ignis. 
Although she knew she shouldn't, she really enjoyed spending time with him. He always listened, always lent a hand, always understood. On top of that, he always gave her adorable compliments. Ignis was a great friend.. And deep down she slowly started falling for his beautiful eyes and that wonderful smile. His hugs were great too. And his words, his accent were undeniably charming.
That she was growing feelings for another man ended up disturbing her more than she imagined. It felt so wrong but so right. However, she knew she had to hold back. Gladio, even though he did it himself, didn't deserve to be cheated on. So for the time being and until she was certain about her feelings, she just hopped in on the flirting but denied anything physical. That little bit of flirting was already enough to make her feel bad.
At least Heather loved Ignis, too. She considered him her uncle, always played with him whenever she could. In some way, he took her mother's role. All her mother could do was sit and watch.. Until Ignis changed that. He helped her sit on the floor, made sure pillows were supporting her back, giving her the ability to sit comfortably. While she still couldn't move her right arm, she could at least use her left arm to hold up her daughter's favorite toy. What really made this special was that she could finally cuddle her properly. They could lay next to each other on some pillows, have naps together. It was a nice change. All those months before, her back hadn't been stable enough to support the ability to sit, she would've slumped. But now that it was fine, her hard work paid off, new possibilities were opened to her. Enjoying more time with her daughter was one of them. Yes, she still needed help getting on and off the floor - but this was still a huge difference. Heather immediately approved of it, couldn't wait to cuddle her mom. Much to everyone's surprise, that little kid was incredibly understanding about her mother's condition. She didn't understand entirely but was raised on knowing her mother couldn't feel some parts of her body, sometimes couldn't be with her in return - but that she loved her regardless of that. It was insanely cute that, nowadays, she kept asking her mother if she could feel her legs or if she could help make them better.
Of course, that little bundle of joy lover her father, too. She loved being with him, play-fighting with him, playing with his hair. Heather appreciated that after working for so long, he came home. She was always the first to "run" up to him and hug his legs. He was often in charge of telling her about his adventures - she's always been very curious. Those were usually her bedtime stories. Those two were as good as inseparable. And that was exactly why Gladio's S/O was scared of breaking up with him. As time passed by, her curiosity for Ignis grew immensely.. But she didn't want to lose her baby. And aside from that, she felt terribly selfish for wanting to leave Gladiolus but she couldn't go on. Being with him felt more and more wrong with each day passing by. Kisses, sweet caresses, loving words - it all felt like lies. Her kisses began to get sloppier, her touches didn't feel as soft anymore and when Ignis finally confessed his feelings for her, she knew it had to come to an end. For too long had she been living with this lie, it was slowly eating away at her seams. The former love of her life deserved the truth.
"Gladio.. Can.. Can we have a talk?" she asked, sitting on the couch with a book in her lap.
It was Saturday evening, Gladio had just brought Heather to bed. The couple shared a lot of laughs today, both were in good moods for once and actually got along. A lot of the times they ended up arguing once their girl was in bed.. But today they both seemed to be fine. So his S/O finally collected her courage to tell him the truth.
"Sure.." he replied, biting his lip hard.
He knew. He knew their relationship was crumbling, that her interest was decreasing just as quickly as he love for him. He knew Ignis had feelings for her - they were best friends.. He had to confess to him, too. Losing her was still his biggest fear but during his workout sessions, he came to the conclusion that he'd have to let go if that's what she wanted. He'd still support her. But the future of their tiny princess would be altered.. And that's what worried him most. So far he couldn't tell if she'd choose to stay with him or her mom.. And he didn't want her to have to choose either. All these decisions scared him tremendously. He didn't want it to end but he would accept her decision.. At least that's what he told himself over and over again.
"Come sit with me" she smiled softly, patting the spot beside her.
Without saying another word, he walked over to her. This scenario already reminded him of when he introduced the idea of celebrating their 9th anniversary. The sadness in her eyes, the tears.. It upset him. After his confession, she stopped speaking to him for at least a week.. It hurt him, but he knew he deserved it. He hated himself for what he did. Needlessly to say, they didn't celebrate their anniversary. It was just another normal day. 
"What's on your mind?" he spoke, returning a faint smile.
"Gladiolus.. I.. I have to be honest with you.." she started, gulping between her words, "Our.. Our relationship - oh, six - I think w-we both know it's not exactly going uphill.."
That was all he needed to hear, tears shot in his eyes. That was it.
"I.. I treasure you. We spent good years together, had lots of fun but I.. I've been thinking a lot about us recently.. And..- we can't go on this way" she broke to him, her own eyes slowly filling up with tears; this was more difficult than she imagined it to be, "I'm hurting. I know it's been years since you c-cheated on me but I.. I can't forget it. I can't unsee it. Whenever I look at you I see what you did with those two girls. Right now, while I know you're extremely busy, I can't help but imagine that you have some kind of 'fuck buddies'. I.. I don't think I can ever regain my entire trust in you."
"Did you think about Heather in this?" he immediately returned, his heart racing a mile a minute yet feeling like it had been torn from his chest.
Although he tried to prepare for this, he currently didn't know what to do.
"Of course I have, Gladio. I know that we have a beautiful daughter that's unfortunately caught up in this. I know I'm probably selfish for wanting to end our relationship. But.. But we're both getting older and I don't want to waste your time any longer.. I don't want you to think I'm using you" she explained, folding her hands in her lap, "I really wanted us to work out. I promise I tried hard to ignore my own feelings in this.. But I can't. I.. I love you as a friend and you definitely still mean the world to me along with our daughter.. But I don't think we can work this out.."
For a few moments, silence surrounded the former couple. Neither knew what to say. Gladio fought his feelings. His self-hatred, undeniable anger and frustration but also his sadness. He had never experienced such heartbreak before.
"You're not wasting my time, I'm grateful for every moment I can spend with you.. And I don't think you're using me…" he started rambling on words, "I.. I-.."
"I'm sorry Gladio.." she apologized, quickly reaching out for his hands to hold them, "I know this is sudden.. But I can't keep this from you any longer.."
They had been together for long enough, she knew when he was struggling with his emotions. As someone that grew up without being allowed to show any kind of sadness, not even hint at it, these situations were new to him. He had yet to learn how to handle it, often just got angry at himself for feeling the way he did. His head lowered, he glanced at her hands. Back when he first found out about her pregnancy, he wanted to get married to her right away. Before he gave in to temptation, he was furiously planning on proposing to her. After everything went to hell and back, he refrained from doing so. He wanted to wait for the right time.. Now he knew that time would never come. Looking at her empty hand - the hand that was supposed to hold his ring - made him regret never asking her. Sure, she would've probably declined but at least he would've let her know how much she truly means to him. He felt like he missed out on that, perhaps didn't give his all. For just a moment, he intertwined their fingers, squeezed her hand tightly. It was his way of releasing emotions. He didn't want to cry..
"I.. No. - Ignis told me about his feelings for you.. It's because of him, right?" Gladio smiled sadly, slowly turning his gaze over to her.
"I c-can't deny that" she returned, sucking in her lip shortly after.
"If you two start dating, I hope he knows what a damn jewel he's got" Gladio stared right into her eyes as he spoke.
"That's n-not..-.." she rung for words, wanting to talk herself out of it.
"It's okay. I appreciate your honesty. And if you two really find happiness within another then.. I'm happy" he smiled through his pain, concealing it, "I don't wanna stand in your way."
Knowing him all too well, she knew that he was lying. He was hurting badly.
"Gladio.." she just breathed out, her eyebrows lowering to a gentle frown.
"I.. I'm sorry for my mistakes. What I did was indeed unforgivable.. I don't blame you for not being able to forgive and forget - I couldn't either if I were in your position. Nonetheless, I.. I was hoping my actions would prove to you that you mean the world to me" he gave in and admitted, "I was hoping we could eventually get married and become a real family. I'm sure Heather would've been perfect as the flower girl."
As she heard that, she couldn't help but shed a few tears. Imagining the scene in her head was adorable.. But it was truly unfortunate that it would never happen.
"Oh-.. I'm sorry" he apologized as he realized that she started crying and quickly used one of his hands to wipe her tears away, "I didn't mean to make you cry. D-don't feel guilty.. Or selfish. If being with me isn't good for you and you'd prefer to be with Ignis.. Or alone.. Then that's totally fine. I don't want you to torture yourself for me. I'm sure Heather will understand.. She always does. She's a smart kid."
Feeling his hand against her cheek one last time made her choke on her breath. Realizing that this would probably be the last time he'd do that suddenly hurt a lot more than she imagined. Even though she firmly believed that breaking up with him was the right decision, it still hurt. Over 9 years can't be erased that easily. 
"I-I don't want us to break up on bad terms. I still want to be in touch with you. I want to know how you're doing. I still want to be there for you.." she input quickly. 
"I know, I know. You're a good-hearted person. I've been able to experience that for long enough to know that you're a literal angel" he smiled at her, "I'd love to be in touch with you as well. And I hope you know that, no matter what, you can always talk to me."
"Thank you" she returned, swallowing down more tears.
"We'll probably take a few days.. Maybe even months to figure all this out. Do you want me to sleep on the couch until we find a solution?" he suggested, trying hard to maintain a calm demeanor and to not break down.
"No.. No, this is our bed. I trust you not to try and funny business. And I don't want you to be uncomfortable.." she shook her head, "But we..-.. I really want us to continuously raise Heather together. Maybe we can.. Slowly introduce the idea of us not dating anymore to her but in a way that she knows we don't hate each other. I don't ever want her to think bad of you, nor do I want her to think bad of me because of our decisions."
"I agree.." he nodded, "She loves both of us. She wants to be with both of us.. - I don't know how we'll do this when either of us moves out. She's so young.. I don't want her to have to choose between either of us.. Nor do I want her to just stay with either of us and miss the other one. We.. We really need to make sure she doesn't suffer from this."
"Yeah.. That's my biggest fear" she lowered her head.
"No, don't worry. We'll find a solution" Gladio returned right away, trying to be uplifting. 
"I hope you're right" she replied.
Afterwards, both remained silent for a few minutes, just taking in each others presence. Gladio was on the brink of crying, he was fighting hard.
"I'm surprised you're so.. Calm.." she broke their silence.
"Well,.. I.. I figured I had lost. From the moment I saw Ignis flirt with you, I knew my time was running out. When I was working out, I contemplated how to react when you'd break the news to me. At first I was convinced I'd beg you to stay.. Because that's what I want. But then I realized how selfish it would be. I love you.. And I only want what's best for you. And if someone else is better for you than me.. Then I'll support you getting with them. I decided to accept reality. All those past years, you've been rather cold to me - which is fine, I understand - so I tried to prepare for the worst" he explained, lowering his head once again, "But I don't feel prepared."
"I'm sorry" she apologized again. 
"Don't be. I should be the one apologizing. I kept secrets from you because I knew I'd lose you. That was wrong. I should've never betrayed you… because you honestly don't deserve that. While you were carrying the most wonderful gift one could ever ask for, suffering tremendous pain all the while, I went out to be the worst of a boyfriend I could possibly be" he frowned about his own behavior as he spoke, "You don't deserve this. You deserve better."
"As dumb as it may sound.. We all make mistakes. I still think that you're a good person. Aside from those mistakes, you've always been a good boyfriend. Yes, my pregnancy was shit. We were both acting up during that time. But I appreciate you. You will always have that special place in my heart. I will always love you in some way" she tried to comfort him, knowing that he was fighting his tears.
As she said that, he cracked a smile: "You'll always be special to me, too. And of course, I'll always love you."
Again, silence filled the room as the two just stared at each other, smiling faintly. "Can I .. Have a hug?" Gladio asked, feeling that his wall was about to crumble.. But he didn't want her to see.
"Anytime" she replied, smiling softly while she embraced him with her arms.
The second the former couple hugged, he started sobbing. He tried to suppress it.. But couldn't. Instead of showing her his face, he buried it in her neck. He wanted to take her in deeply one last time. At the same time, he didn't want her to feel guilty. Tears unwittingly left his eyes. He held her tightly, yet was so careful not to crush her. With each moment, his heart broke a little more. He lost her. He lost the one he loved so much because of his own mistakes. Probably to his best friend, too. She rubbed his back, tried her best to comfort him. After so many years of dating she knew how he was. She knew he didn't want her to witness this. It took him a while to finally regain his composure. Then they went to bed.. Just like they did through all those years.
For months, that cycle repeated. They had yet to figure out how all of this was supposed to work out. Their master plan was two connected houses. Or looking for two apartments that were in the same building, optimally even connected as well. Meanwhile, they slowly introduced to Heather that the love they shared was a different kind: a friendship one. She probably didn't quite understand that yet.. But she was happy for them nonetheless. She really was just a cheerful child.
Ignis and Gladio's ex got closer in no time. Yes, it hurt the shield greatly.. But he loved both these people so much, he tried his best to just be supportive. Eventually, they decided to start dating but they took it very slow. Heather wasn't supposed to know yet. But that also meant that Gladio received his final goodbye kiss. The former couple kissed one last time before she got together with Ignis. And that kiss lingered on his lips for ages. Probably forever.
As months passed by, they finally found two suitable apartments that weren't too expensive but wheelchair friendly. The contract was signed and within a few more days, they moved in, started living separately. It was a huge step for both of them. They missed each other.. But Gladio's ex at least had Ignis to dry her tears. 
Heather had a room at both their places. Her parents had keys to both apartments. They remained good friends after all. Sometimes they even had sleepovers, typically when Heather was sick. She was their top priority and whenever she was sick, she tended to cry for both her parents. She needed both of them. It was a little complicated but definitely manageable.
Gladio was willing to pay for both their apartments on top of all the bills. He still blamed himself for everything and refused to force another burden on his beloved ex by dropping his support. Of course, she highly appreciated it but she also began looking for minor jobs once her health allowed it. 
The relationship with Ignis and her was going incredibly good. He did everything for her, loved her endlessly. That she wasn't ready for too much physical intimacy didn't bother him. He knew her story and was willing to wait no matter how long it'd take. He was serious about this. And grateful that his best friend wasn't acting up about it. They remained friends, spoke about everything. Gladio never failed to remind him that he should better treat her right. 
The life of the former couple was changing greatly but their relationship even improved. They were better friends than they used to be. They were closer than they used to be. But nonetheless, they were separated. 
Deep inside, Gladiolus hoped that someday, he would be given another chance.. That someday, they could be the tiny family they always wanted to be. But if that someday would ever happen, was written in the stars.
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Masterlist ; 1st Part ; 2nd Part ; 3rd Part  // Noctis cheating 1 ; 2 ; 3 // Prompto cheating 1 ; 2 ; 3 // Ignis cheating 1 ; 2 // Ravus cheating
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Reactions of Cor/Ravis/Ardyn to their astral-related s/o sacrificed herself to bring them back from death's grip
Scream crying, Cry screaming! I’m so happy/sad, someone is making me angst someone other than the Chocobros!  (I’m such a monster, for even thinking that) ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚
For as long as Cor could remember, you were with him, his charm, the one that made him feel immortal. Many only knew of the man in himself, yet few knew of the wife that pushed through each heartache, victory and each death that surrounded the man in his years.
Cor remembered watching you battle along side him with each king he serviced, in a gaurd separate his own, he watched as the world you both lived in became black, he watched you push himself and the other hunters forward each day. Often while pushing yourself to the limit only to stop when your husband demanded it so.
Cor was just outside Insomnia’s ruins, as the final battle took place, you loyally at his side as you always were. Yet maybe it was old age, maybe it was carelessness about finally feeling hope after 10 years of the thought of seeing a sunrise with you again. Yet be as it might, the man was one moment short, before a deamon struck him from behind, you had quickly destroyed it, calling out to your husband in a fear he had never heard fall from your lips.
You cradled him in your lap, as you both watched the Citadel glow a bright blue, only as the light faded did he hear you screaming to the heavens. A loud cry of help, of assistance, in a forgotten language, only for the city of Insomnia to quickly be struck in a blinding light.
As the light faded, Cor, found your roles reversed, now he held you in his lap, looking around the desolate castle, surrounded by Gladiolus, Prompto, Ignis and Noctis! All alive, the man turned to you in his arms, only to see the young woman he had fallen in love with so many years ago, who was too weak to even move.
Cor responded to your request to carry you to your favorite spot within the citadel, all while listening of how you were truly an immortal who had assist the man she had fallen in love with and earned his love in return.
An Astral’s creation send down to him.
Yet you had pleaded with the gods to not kill all that you had learn to love and cherish, the gods took pity on you, only to take you back as a bargain, which you quickly accepted. Now you were slowly leaving this world, and wanted nothing more than to go back to the garden where you had first met.
Cor honored your request, as he stood in the garden, that once held so many memories for the both of you. The older man, held you tight as he stood under the old dead tree where he would often meet you for brief moments, before duty called again.
Cor held you close, as the sun begun to rise for the first time, in so many years of darkness. Cor felt a smile tug on his lips as you looked toward the rising sun, before turning to him. Moving a hand to rest against his cheek, as you smiled so brightly to him.
He watched through your eyes, the countless battles you fought side by side, the love and respect you held for each other, the trials you faced together. Cor watch your lives through your eyes, smiling down to the beauty that was his wife, Cor watched as those lips curved into a soft smile, a single tear falling down your cheek, as those eyes closed to the world.
His best friend, his partner, his will, his wife, his everything. left this world happy in the arms of the man she loved.
Cor held you close, his shoulders shaking as he watched the sun rise for the first time in 10 years. His first of many without you by his side.
“Father please! Don’t hurt him too! He’s already lost so much!”
Ravus groaned, that voice, it sounded so familiar, so very familiar, only to gasp as he saw you arguing with a large glowing man, Bahamut? The man moved to stand only to groan in pain as he was forced back to the ground, the bile Ardyn’s magic provided still on him. His body felt so heavy, so weak.
“You plead for this human’s life?”
“I do!” You cry.
Ravus gasped as Bahamut turned toward him, the god seeming to be judging him over, before turning back to you.
“Little one, should you save this man’s life you will never be with him again.”
“If I don’t save this man’s life, I’ll never be with him again, Father.” You plead, only for a gasping smile to appear on your face as your Father waved it okay, in doing so you turned to Ravus not far from you, the dark disgusting magic on his body falling off, revealing his human arm regrown.
“Let us go child.” Bahamut called, only to stop when he realized that you weren’t following. “Why do you hesitate, child?”
You fidget looking up to your Astral Father, “Father, may I please say my goodbyes?”
“Make it quick.”
“Thank you, Father.” You bowed before quickly running over to the blonde man, throwing yourself in his arms on the ground. “Ravus, my dear Ravus.”
Ravus hesitated before wrapping his arms around you, hugging you close to his chest, “Y/n, my treasure what have you done?”
“My dear, Ravus, I’m so sorry, I could not protect you, please understand that I love you with every fiber of my being, and that I shall never be away from you.”
“There must be away.” He whispered above your head, pulling your head to his neck, able to feel your for the first time with both arms.
“My Ravus, please, I would sacrifice myself again and again to see you happy.” You cooed, tears falling from your eyes. “I will never love anyone other than you, we will be together again some day, I promise.”
“Young one!”
You turned over your shoulder, “Coming Father!” You called, before turning to those beautiful dual colored eyes before you, unable to stop the tears that began to fall faster. “Do not forget me, My Ravus, my heart.”
“My treasure, I look forward to the day we will be together again.” Ravus replied, before pulling you into a kiss. Feeling you slowly disappearing from his embrace, before finding himself back on the dark landing where he had met his demise to Noctis, no Ardyn! Looking to his left, as he saw a sword, in the colors of gold and white, his hand ghosting over it, before pulling it to his lap.
“I shall never be away from you.” Your voice called, as the man closed his eyes, almost seeing your smiling face.
“Do wait for me, my treasure.” Ravus whispered, pushing his lips to the hilt, before standing as he rushed to go assist Noctis and his friends.
Ardyn remembered a pain, that little runt Noctis did it, yet his soul could not rest easy, somehow the little Prince, no, King had managed to escape death with the assistance of his little friends. Hundred of decades gone, his vengeance against the Lucian bloodline was all for naught.
“Ardyn, my beloved.”
Ardyn turned, that familiar voice it couldn’t be, you weren’t within the throne room when the battle took place. Turning his head, the man tried finding you, where could you have gone? Did you too perish in this foolish battle forever stuck within limbo, as he now was.
The gods truly were cruel.
“My beloved, Ardyn, you must be so tired. You have been fighting for so very long, please rest easy now.”
The man turned, as he saw you standing there in limbo, your long robes flowing around you, “My Queen,” He chuckled, as you approached him in this inky darkness that surrounded him. “I would believe that you deserve someone other.”
You gave a soft chuckle, reaching your hands out as the man immediately took them, “My beloved, there is no one else I would love to spend another eternity with, yet our time has ended so soon. I thought I alone could help you, stop this madness but even I could not.”
“My Queen, what are you going on about?” Ardyn inquired, as he held your delicate fingers in his hands.
“My Belove, I was able to be with you time and time again, as I am demi-god, one of the Astral’s children. We are far and in between, I have pleaded with the gods, time and time again to allow you to rest from this burden they themselves casted on you, and then so cruelly cast you aside. Only to toy with you again and again, as so with Noctis’ survival.” You explained, caressing the face before you, only to watch as Ardyn tensed, as you drew the deamons from him. “A weaker man would have fallen long ago, yet you did not, My strong King.”
Ardyn stared at the dark orb in your hand, than to you again, “Y/n, how are you able to,”
“I am only able now due to my pact with the gods, this is our good bye my beloved, my Ardyn.” You smiled weakly, placing the orb against your chest. A gasp escaping you, as it fused within you, your robes now turning as inky and black as the night sky.
Ardyn quickly grabbed your biceps, a panicked look in those amber eyes, “You don’t mean as to leave me.”
“I am sick of the gods toying around with the man I love so dear, I shall now become the night, the darkness, the insanity that is within the world. I will take this burden for you, as I had wish to have done so many hundreds of years ago.”
Ardyn pulled you close, “I shall not allow you to do this!”
You giggled, removing his hat, as you pulled his forehead to rest against your own, “Ardyn, you no longer have to be strong. We both know that the gods are so fickle, perhaps one day we shall meet again.”
Ardyn pulled you into a passionate kiss, his hands cradling your face, pulling back as he looked into those eyes that shed tears for him, “I will never stop loving you, until the end of days and more.”
“And I you, my beloved, my King, my Ardyn.” You smiled, as you stepped from his hold, placing his hat to your head, as you slowly watched the man become at peace.
“The gods could be so cruel,” You whispered, feeling the darkness start to creep in your vision. “Is this the pain you felt, My King? I’m sorry you had to burden this for so long.”
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Domestic Days
Here’s my entry for Day 1 of Self-Insert Week! Not sure if I’ll be able to do every day’s entry, but I’m gonna try! You also get to see the fanchild, Soleil Argentum! I’ll get into her more at a later date, but for now just enjoy the fluff.
Prompto x OC
Words: 1527
Another day, another hunt completed.
It had almost become routine by now, ever since Noctis had been absorbed by the crystal all those years ago and the sun had vanished from the world. Going out and hunting daemons was a piece of cake now. Didn't matter if she was on her own or with others, Katia had fallen into the swing of things. Sure, she'd fought daemons with the boys back in the day, but it was a different world now.
Katia sighed, worn out from the battle. Just because she was used to it didn't mean she didn't have any challenges to deal with. She just wanted to head back home to her family, have something to eat, and pass out on the couch. It was strange how she'd always crave the pleasures of a simple life after everything she'd been through.
So she made the trek back to Hammerhead, thankful that their home was so close by, she still needed to report to the hunters back at HQ that the threat had been contained before she could even think about any of that. After everything had been said and done, she walked towards home. It was a small but cozy cabin, decked out with lights provided by Cindy to keep the daemons away, just on the outskirts of the hunter base so she could get home quickly when she needed to. She smiled, the comforts of home within her reach. She opened the door, about to announce her presence when she felt something slam into her legs and grab hold of them tightly.
"Mama's back!" She looked down to see her young daughter Soleil clinging to her. The small girl grinned up at her, clearly excited to see her again. "So did'ja get 'em? Huh? Huh?" she asked. Katia had to hold back her laughter, Soleil had such boundless optimism and energy that she couldn't help but smile at her antics. At least when she wasn't getting into trouble and sneaking off. She toussled the girls messy, blond hair.
"You bet I did," she said, leaning down to face her. "Those daemons won't be hurting anyone now," Katia stood back up and walked inside, noticing someone was missing. "Where's your father, Soleil?"
"Right here!" A new voice spoke up from behind as she found herself being hugged once again. Katia let out a squeak, not expecting the sudden hug but enjoying it nonetheless.
"Oh no! A sneak attack! I'm doomed, no one can possibly save me now! I'm finished!" she dramatically announced.
"Awww, is that any way to greet your husband after coming back from a dangerous hunt?" Prompto said, playing along as he was prone to do.
"Ah ah ah, you're not my husband yet, Prom. We haven't had a wedding yet. You're my fiance." she corrected him. It was true, although they had the rings on their fingers, Prompto had insisted that they wouldn't be married until the sun and Noctis were back. He wanted a beautiful wedding in the sunlight, his best friend the King of Lucis there to see them finally tie the knot. She'd understood his reasons and agreed with them, even though nine years had passed she was willing to wait as long as it would take to have the wedding they deserved.
Prompto scoffed. "Whatever, it's practically the same thing. Besides, can you blame me for being worried? You didn't call me once, Kat."
Katia turned around to face her fiance. The years had changed them both, and Prompto Argentum no longer had the adorable baby face she'd fallen in love with, but the loving look in his eyes and the smile he gave her hadn't changed a bit. He still looked adorable in her eyes, and his personality hadn't changed a bit. She left a quick kiss on his lips, briefly feeling the goatee that had been growing out on his chin. "But you'll forgive me for forgetting because you love me, right?" she said.
"You got me there, you know I can't stay mad at you for long." Prompto said.
"Mama, Papa, I'm hungry!" Soleil whined, interrupting the moment. Well, so much for that.
Prompto sighed as he let go of Katia and picked up Soleil. "Chill out there, Nugget. Dinner'll be made soon," he told her as he began to tickle her, eruptions of laughter coming from their daughter. Katia couldn't help but melt at the sight before her. She felt lucky to have what she did right now. And watching Prompto playing with their daughter just felt so right. She only wished it was in a world without daemons and constant darkness, Soleil didn't deserve to live in a world like this. Prompto set the girl down, satisfied with his work. "How about you go play while your Mama and Papa figure stuff out, alright?"
The little girl nodded and ran off into her room, leaving the couple to themselves. "I'm with her, I'm starving after that hunt," Katia said, plopping herself down on the couch. "I'm good for just about anything really."
Prompto joined her and began to massage her hand. "Well you're in luck, I got just the thing in mind. I'll have it ready soon."
"I keep forgetting you know how to cook. Guess it's just one of those things that's hard to get used to." Katia said.
"Aw, come on, babe. Give me some credit here." Prompto said.
"...Have I ever mentioned how lucky I feel to have you two in my life?" Katia asked. She knew it was changing the conversation, but the thought came through her mind and she couldn't help but say something.
"Where's this coming from?" Prompto asked.
Katia sighed. "I don't know, I guess it's just because the world's gone to shit or something. Before all this, I'd have probably taken it all for granted. But having a home and family to come back to, it kinda makes me wish things were the way they used to be, you know?"
Prompto let go of her hand and pulled her in close. "It won't be like this forever," he said. "Any day now, Noct's gonna return and we're gonna bring back the sun. And then we'll get married and not have to worry about daemons either. And then we'll be able to take Soleil out to see the world, to see a real chocobo for the first time!"
Katia snickered. "All this time, and you still love chocobos, huh?" she asked.
"Of course! And what's wrong with wanting to share them with our adorable daughter?" Prompto asked.
"Nothing, nothing! It's just funny to see how enthusiastic you still are about them. It's cute." Katia said.
Prompto hopped off of the couch. "Well, I better get dinner started. Don't want my two favorite girls to go hungry now." he said. He leaned down and kissed Katia before running into the kitchen.
Eventually, Katia stood up and decided to get herself a drink. She hadn't realized just how thirsty she'd been until now, and it wouldn't hurt to have something before dinner. As she walked into the kitchen, she looked over at the fridge and saw something new. Proudly displayed at the top was a simple drawing of three people, one smaller than the others, holding hands and smiling. Above each person's head was a word indicating who it was. She smiled as she looked at it. "I'm guessing Soleil drew this?" she asked.
Prompto looked away from the stove for a moment to see what she was talking about, a smile on his face as he realized what she was looking at. "Yep, she did it yesterday," he said, turning back to the pots so he wouldn't mess up the food. "She was so excited about it too. Said she wanted you to come home soon so she could show it to you. I couldn't help but put it up on the fridge."
"It's pretty good for her age," Katia said. "I'll bet she'll keep improving."
"Awwwww, I wanted to surprise you!" Katia turned around to see Soleil standing in the kitchen, her face a mix between crying and pouting.
She smiled and picked her up. "Oh, I'm sorry sweetie. I didn't know it was a surprise," she said, trying to reassure the young girl. "But I think it's a lovely drawing. You should make more of them!"
"Really?" Soleil asked.
"Yeah! You should draw all kinds of things!" Katia answered. "In fact, you should keep drawing and show your art to Ordo the next time Uncle Iggy comes by!"
Soleil's eyes lit up at the idea. "You think he'd like them?" she asked.
Katia placed her back down, watching as she jumped in place in excitement. "I'm sure he would. Now how about you go wash up? I think dinner is almost ready."
"Okay!" Soleil shouted, dashing away once again.
"Does this mean we have to get Ignis to come over soon?" Prompto asked.
"Hmmmmm, we can deal with that later," Katia said. "For now, I just want to eat and then spend the rest of the evening with you."
"Sounds good to me." Prompto said.
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stonerklown · 7 years
Secrets || Promptis
Title: Secrets Pairing: Promptis Genre: Angst Word Count: 1.4k Author note: Physically hurt to write i never wanna do this again get out of my life Promptis angst never again nope. __ It's a secret they dare not tell anyone, not Gladiolus, Ignis, no one. They keep their feelings locked in, through journeys and travels it's unspoken and kept silent. Of course the innuendos are killing them softly from the small compliments on their fighting skills to the actual appearances they hold. Prompto's heart may race when his king smiles, sparks sting his skin when they high five. His tough guy exterior is always breaking when the other asks if he's okay. He's not okay cause the burning feeling in his stomach to hold, touch, have him rips at his skin every damn day that goes by. He wants Noctis to grab him and take him, he wants to tell his king, "god I love you" But he can't. To Prompto he's someone else’s so he hides it all, flirts with other girls to the point where they convince him to go on dates with Cindy, compliment and hit on Lestallum girls. Flex and smirk at people he had little to no interest in cause they're not him. They don't know him like Noctis knows him. They don't get him, his jokes and smiles. They can't read him like his best friend can. Noctis knows when he lies, when he fakes a smile or forces confidence through a cracked proud exterior. Prompto always leaks wise cracks and the kings dark eyes see through that persona instantly and can always tell when the blonde is broken. Prompto hates it yet he craves the attention from him even if he shrugs it off and says "I'm fine" He's not but he can't ruin it, he can't step in on the love and hope his king shares with Luna, Lunafreya js beautiful and everything Noctis could want. He'd never be enough. He's not her, he's not a woman and he never could be what Noctis wants. It hurts like a bitch to see Noctis dreamily talk about Luna, sending her letters. He doesn't hate Luna, he adores her. He's simply envious they she receives the kind of affection he craves. There's nothing he'd want more than kisses, hugs, to hear the word love from Noctis to him. He'd be lying if he didn't think about making a move but the constant sinking feeling in his stomach of the guilt would torture him.Noctis' eyes gaze at Prompto going through the photos on his camera. It aches as he opens his mouth as if his lips are glued together. He asks Prompto to be his best man as they sit by the light of the campfire. In the moment, it's so silent you can hear the Duelhorns stomp and Sabertusks in the distance. And the small, faint sound of something breaking. Promptos expression falls and he pulls up that soft, oh so pathetic smile. "Of course," His tone is short and he soon yawns. "We should sleep, it's a long day tomorrow lover boy!" He says over enthusiastically to coat the bitter, broken sadness underneath. He enters the tent and curls up. 'Don't cry', he chants in his head. 'Don't do it' he whispers to himself next to the other sleeping men. Noctis dumbfounded, stares at the fire and lies back on the ground, head tilted on his Chocobo. He sighs knowing Prompto isn't okay and it hurts. Did he do something wrong? Noctis sometimes wondered why Prompto didn't say anything? Why he rarely spoke his mind? He didn't know the risk of more than needed to be spilled out in a ramble of emotions and feelings. Noctis looks over at the sleeping blonde, head bobbing on the leather seats of Regalias innards. He smiles, he combs his blonde locks back and admires the freckles, his eyelashs and how long they are. His eyes trail. His toned arms folded behind his head, Prompto wasn't unhealthy or grossly thin. He was fit and Noctis admired it. He always believed Prompto was helpful, and very kind. The optimism made him jealous cause he yearned to be as happy as him and always wondered why he wasn't. Except when they were together, it rubbed off onto him. He remembers life without him, those years in elementary school were awful. Every kid craving the attention of the prince, every girl pulling still his arms and hugging him. He'd get annoyed but the day Prompto said hi was nice. He wasn't loud or trying too hard cause he was royal, he was genuine. He smiled and leaned back, staring at the sleeping gunman. He bit his lip, remembering that simply heartbroken expression he had when he asked him to be his best man. Was he expecting something else?Prompto whined and shifted in the seat, arms cradling his head on the car door as wind washed through his golden locks. Since they were teenagers Prompto was his own Chocobo friend. "Noct! We're Chocobros now!" The voice boomed at him in a memory he held dear. The boys laying in the grass of his royal garden and laughing about junk only they'd find funny. Prompto would find any excuse to take photos of everything. Noctis smiled more, chuckling under his breath. It felt like it was just them in the car. He reached over and stroked his hair, the bond he shared with Prompto was so unique, he loved it. Him. He pulled his hand back when Prompto's eyes fluttered and he saw Altissia in the foreground. The frown Noctis saw form was a dreadful feeling in his chest to endure. 'Don't frown' he murmured in his head, he wanted to make sure Prompto never frowned. He hated it, he loathed it when Prompto was sad. Nothing ached more. The room was enormous as the four were guided to a fitting room. Everything was ready within a week of being in Altissia. The sightseeing was blissful and Prompto sadly took advantage of the last days he had with having Noctis to himself. Constantly hanging out, going to views, restaurants and riding Chocobos to the beach and back. Ignis and Gladio were fitting into form fitting black suits and Noctis was doing up Prompto's tie. Prompto's adams apple bobbed nervously as he gulped. Noctis' heart pounded as he gazed at it discretely. His mouth watered and he couldn't even explain why. Prompto looked, amazing. He'd never seen him so handsome, so put together. His hair still a Chocobo looking catastrophes but he loved every strand where it was. Prompto smiled "let me help you there Noct" his leather gloved hands went up, he refused to remove them, to Noctis' neck. He tied his bowtie and kept a gaze with a Noctis. The other two left the room for food, Ignis wanted more recipes of course. Prompto's chest hurt so much, it felt like his heart was being squeezed. "I'm so happy for you, you know that" he said, "You've come so far and, and you're so strong Noct" he said in admiration.Noctis looked at his lips as Prompto's gaze was down. He wanted it, he wanted those on his, he wanted those hands around him. He wanted to take Prompto now and make him smile again, one last time because right now. Noctis could tell, it wasnt real, it wasn't true. That smile was fake and broken. Prompto wasn't happy and he didn't like it. Prompto smiled more and stood back "Perfect" he said, looking at his friend fitted in a gorgeous royal tux, medals strapped to his chest and a blue velvet sash. He heard Ignis enter "Come on, it's time." Prompto grinned painfully "Come on, you gotta be there for her when she's walking" he said. His voice lined in nothing but longing, agony. Prompto went ahead and Noctis grabbed his hand quick "Prompto I-" Prompto froze, No. He smiled and shook Noctis' hand off "Dude you okay?" He asked, clearly neither of them were but Prompto could never read Noctis as well. Noctis gulped, "Yeah" his tone was monotoned. Prompto's hands squeezed each other seeing Luna walk down. She was, stunning. The most beautiful bride and Noctis deserved nothing but. Noctis deserved her more than Prompto deserved him. Their love was everything but wholesome. Prompto shut his eyes and smiled when they kissed. Tears pricking his lashes like morning dew on grass. Noctis could always be his in his heart, memories and dreams. He could love in another time maybe? Another world. Noctis looked back and the blonde was dabbing his eyes and he mouthed "You okay?" Prompto's voice was louder than ever, it boomed in Noctis' ears. "Happy tears" They weren't and it couldn't be more unfair. More untrue. Prompto was an awful liar.
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carbunclediary-blog · 7 years
Married Life with Noctis (SFW)
It’s long but I hope you enjoy! o3o / Assumes female reader due to the queen thing. Also some spoilers for the game itself, so be mindful!
Before the Proposal:
Let's get the obvious out of the way first: Noctis is a king, meaning becoming his partner would put you in the spotlight with him. While many would dream of becoming royalty it does come with some severe limitations. Remember that kings and queens are servants of the people. 
In other words: in exchange for the authority over your country your people will expect you to behave in certain ways, and you'll be under constant scrutiny. You'll no longer be able to just walk down the street to get your favorite ice cream or go anywhere outside the Citadel alone, for starters. You're just too high a profile target once your marriage and coronation takes place. Life as you know it (particularly if you come from a more humble background) will completely change.
And Noctis is very aware of this. In fact it was one of the many reasons why he was so hesitant to propose to you. He certainly didn't come to accept his calling as king until long after he met you, and he was raised to be a king. Noctis couldn't even imagine what it must be like for you to have to adjust to his lifestyle so quickly. 
Not to mention there was (and still is) an intense fear that the pressure would break you and entice you to run away. He was used to having to hear reporters and politicians bad mouth his father no matter what he did. It tore Noctis apart back then. But you? He despises the idea of anyone talking badly about you, yet knows he can't stop it even if you're an utter angel.
So there was a small period where Noctis was surprisingly distant with you (yes, even more emotionally distant than he tries to be usually). The Chocobros and his council were all urging him to make it official. 
In Gladio's words: "[name] deserves some security after dealing with your spoiled ass for this long."
The council was more concerned about Noctis' image, of course. It wouldn’t do well for their king to be a bachelor, and they needed an heir.
To be honest, he even considered breaking up. “I don’t deserve her,” would run through his head over and over.
That is, until he sees you happily waiting for him after a long day of meetings. One look at you and his heart aches. You waited for him for ten years. You were there to comfort him when everyone wanted to kill him after what happened in Altissia. You were there in tears in that throne room when he realized he didn’t die. You could handle his sass and give it right back. You would goof off with him, game with him, laugh with him. He could be free with you.
He knew damn good and well he couldn’t live without you. You were his queen.
The Proposal
Noctis knew your relationship wouldn’t get to have many private moments in the future, and so he wanted to make his proposal as personal and meaningful as possible.
And by personal and meaningful...I mean he takes you to the Moogle Chocobo Carnival. It had been a long time since you two indulged in something just simple and fun, and the day reminded you both of your trip with the guys. You raced chocobos (you killed it and sent him into the drink), the mascots tried to dance with you two (which Noctis gladly offered you up in revenge for the earlier race), and pigged out on carnival food.
However the true magic took place when it came time for the fireworks. The two of you rode out in a gondola for a nice front row seat. Noctis held you tightly against his side while you caressed his knuckles with your thumb. You couldn’t think the day could get any better, and so kissed him on the cheek in thanks.
Noctis’ ears turn a shade of pink as he flashed his awkward smile. He pointed to the sky.
“Don’t thank me yet. There’s more to come.”
Puzzled you returned your gaze to the light show. You could hear Noctis’ breath quicken and he gripped your hand a little too tightly. You were about to ask what was wrong when you saw it.
Lighting up the Altissian sky like diamonds were the words:
“[Name], be the Eos to my Ifrit?”
Your jaw dropped as you turned to look at him. That smug bastard! He had the brightest smirk on his lips you’d seen in months. You couldn’t help but laugh. 
“I thought I already was,” you replied.
That was when he shyly pulled out that signature little box. “Not entirely,” he said.
The sheen of his eyes reminded you of that night. The night you thought he was saying goodbye for the last time. His lip quivered, his hands shook, and he was definitely terrified...and yet this time he looked happy.
“Make it eternal and marry me?” he managed to spit out with a nervous laugh.
Your gondola captain legit feared the boat would capsize with the force of the tackle hug you gave Noctis. This man was such a dork, but he had brought you so much joy. How could you say no?
Life After Marriage
You had many fears going into this marriage. Like Noct was petrified that he didn’t deserve you, you too worried that you wouldn’t be good enough to be his wife. To be his queen. But both Noctis and the Chocobros reassured you constantly: you were able to live through daemons and helped saved the world. You could do this too. Hell if Noct couldn’t fuck it up, no way you could! (Noct: Thanks guys. Love you too...)
And sure enough you actually stepped into your role surprisingly well. The council liked you well enough, and between their advice and Ignis’ guidance you got the hang of things pretty quickly.
That said, both you and Noctis are kept very busy. To the point where at times it can feel like a long distance relationship even though you’re in the same building most days. Howeve,r when Noctis returns to your shared chambers and sees your smiling face it makes everything worth it for him. He also breaks ass to ensure he’s done by the same time errryday so that you’re not kept waiting for long. You both end up staying up later than you should just cuddling in bed, talking about each other’s day. 
Or sneaking in a gaming session. Yes, you two have your favorite consoles hidden away in drawers just for these moments to yourselves. Imagine older Noctis in his pajamas, head in your lap or on your shoulder, cursing at your latest video game purchase while you stroke his hair and beat his ass at said game at the same time :P He’s not sure whether to be turned on or annoyed. He’s not afraid to fight dirty either: be prepared to be groped or smothered with a pillow in an attempt to get the edge on you! One or two pillow fights might, just might have initiated because of this.
You actually sit in on meetings where it was previously deigned queens weren’t meant to join. Noctis practically insists on this. He does NOT give two shits that you’re Queen: you’re one of the reasons the group was successful in their journey. You earnedI  the right to be there. It also doesn’t help that he feels you actually handle the negotiations a bit better than he does. Plus it’s the perfect excuse to hold your hand tightly under the table or nod off on your shoulder. You can fill him in later, right? :P
Despite your schedules you both make it a point to ensure you take time off together. More often than not this includes heading up to the balconies of the Citadel to stargaze, or taking strolls through the garden. On the exceptionally rare occasion where time allows Noctis gets his boat and the two of you go deep sea fishing. 
This in particular is one of Noctis’ favorite moments with you, and not just because he’s a nerd for fishing. He manages to convince his council that the only guards he needs for such trips are the guys, who take their own boat. This means fishing trips encompass the rarest opportunity of all to have you all to himself with no one to bother either of you, and you both cherish every second of it.
Until Prompto starts spamming you both with Chocobo emotes. Because he would. 
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freyawrites-archive · 7 years
I live for these boys and fluff! So how would they react if they came home late and find their s/o passed out on the couch and dinner is just sitting in the oven (not on but like keeping it warm or something)?
I’m going to toss these under a “Read More” just because I have a terrible habit of turning my headcanons into tiny little drabbles (aka 9 freaking pages omg). #sorrynotsorry
Also, I can’t seem to write in any single tense right now (idk what’s wrong with me)… So some of these might be in present tense while others are in past tense? I have no idea what I’m doing. Please stop me omg
Noctis -
Being the crown prince and heir to the throne can be a rather pain in the ass at times. While his father has been able to spare him from most of them, some of them cannot be avoided and they drag on for what feels like forever. This one, in particular, was called at the last minute and right at sundown. Noctis can’t even remember what the meeting was for or why it was even called…
All he can focus on is the fact that you were back at his apartment, patiently awaiting his return.
The minute he hears the all clear for everyone to leave, he’s the first one out the door. He curses under his breath and even goes as far as to warp a few times through the city to try to get home as fast as possible.
He pauses at his door, straightening his clothes and running his fingers through his hair before he slowly opens the door and slips inside. He hears the sound of the television, but otherwise, the apartment is silent. He shuts the door quietly behind him and looks around. A gentle smell touches his nose and he pauses to step into the small side kitchen. His nose leads him to the oven. He touches it and it still feels somewhat warm, though it’s easy to tell that it’s been off for a bit.
He quietly opens the oven to see a large Mother & Child Rice Bowl neatly prepared and waiting to be devoured. His heart skips a beat at the sight and smell of one of his favorite foods. Guilt bubbles in his stomach. He should have tried to skip the meeting.
He shuts the oven for now. While his stomach is growling and he wants nothing more than to devour the amazing food sitting in the oven, there is a much more important matter at hand.
Where did the chef go?
It doesn’t take him long to find you curled up on the couch. It was clear that you’d been waiting up for him and had fallen asleep watching tv. You’re lying half on your stomach hugging a couch pillow to your chest as you slowly breathe. Noctis’s eyes soften and the guilt bubbles in his stomach again, threatening to move up into his throat.
He sits down on the edge of the couch and reaches out to gently touch your hair, brushing it out of your face. Your face scrunches up before you open your eyes. You’re disoriented at first, but Noctis’s presence makes you suddenly alert as you sit up.
“Shit, did I fall asleep?” you said, bringing a hand up to the corner of your mouth to feel if you’d been drooling.
Noctis chuckles and reaches out to gently touch the hand on your face. He shifts your hand to press your palm to his and he laces his fingers with yours.
“You’re fine, princess. That meeting went on forever. I thought I was going to fall asleep,” he replied, smiling at you. You blush at the nickname but squeeze his hand.
“No doubt,” you say before a yawn starts up. Noctis chuckles again before shifting to stand up, tugging you along with him.
“Come on, let’s eat dinner. I’m starving,” he says with a laugh.
“Ahahaha you must have found your favorite waiting for you,” you replied with a laugh of your own.
He stops walking and turns quickly. You bump into him and let out a small squeak. You prepare to draw back, but Noctis moves his free arm to wrap around your waist, pulling you flush up against him. His other hand pulled away from yours and drew up to gently stroke your face.
“You’re really the best,” he says, his voice low, before leaning in to press a kiss against your lips. You melt against him, enjoying the warmth of his arms and the softness of his lips.
You definitely plan to make dinner more often.
Prompto -
“Shit shit shit shit shit.”
The darkroom made it near impossible to tell what time of day it was given that it was always dark. If he’d been smart about it, he would have set himself some sort of alarm or reminder that you were supposed to come over tonight and spend some time with him. But even then, it likely wouldn’t have worked out since the dork had left his phone outside the darkroom while he’d worked.
When he’d finally picked up the phone to check something on it, he saw a text from you.
‘Hey babe, you’re not answering your phone so you’re probably super super busy. I’m letting myself in. Call me when you’re done!
The text had been sent nearly two hours ago and when he’d tried to call you back, he reached only your voicemail. He cursed probably a hundred times between leaving the small studio and rushing the few blocks back to his apartment. He was nearly out of breath when he reached the door and leaned his hand against the frame as he breathed heavily.
He swallowed and reached to open up the door. He poked his head in first, looking around. He didn’t see any sign of life at first, so he swallowed hard and slipped inside. The apartment was mostly dark save for a small, blinking light that was coming from the living room. He moved further into the room, using his cell phone for light, and came to find that the flashing light was coming from your laptop, which had gone into sleep mode on the coffee table.
And speaking of sleep mode…
Prompto turned the phone light on the couch and the guilt washed over him again. You were curled up on the couch, your breathing slow and steady. As much as he didn’t want to disturb you, he knew his bed was much more comfortable than the couch. He reached out and gently touched your shoulder.
“Honey…” he called softly, biting his lower lip.
You groaned softly and opened your eyes. You blinked a few times in the dark and Prompto quickly moved to turn on a small table lamp nearby. As he did that, you shifted to sit up, rubbing your eyes.
“Mmmm, what time is it?” you asked before yawning.
Prompto bit his lower lip harder. “Err… eleven…”
You raised an eyebrow, looking over at him. “Eleven? Huh… I didn’t even realize I’d slept so long.”
Prompto tasted the familiar, metallic taste in his mouth and let his lower lip go as he realized he’d bit it way too hard. Before he could try to hide it, though, you reached out and took his face in your hands.
“Hey hey hey, stop that,” you chided softly, brushing your thumb over where he’d bit. You wiped away some blood before leaning in to press a kiss against the wound. It quickly stopped bleeding and you moved to press your forehead to his. “It’s okay, love. I’m sure you just got caught up with work,” you said with a smile.
“I’m sorry…” he said pathetically. You shook your head and leaned in to kiss him again.
“Hush,” you muttered against his lips. You kissed him, warm and slow, for a minute before drawing back and shifting to get to your feet. “Come come, I made your favorite. It should still be in the oven!”
You started to walk toward the kitchen, but Prompto grabbed your wrist and stopped you. He pulled you back down into his lap and pressed his face against the soft spot between your shoulder blades.
“You’re too good to me,” he muttered.
“Baby, you deserve every bit of it,” you replied softly. You let him sit there for another minute before tapping his leg. “Come on, I really want you to try what I made.”
And with the way his eyes lit up as he took the first forkful of Peppery Daggerquill Rice made it all worth the wait.
Gladio -
Gladio hates the idea of keeping you waiting even for a minute, but he’s also extremely dedicated to his duty as Prince Noctis’s shield. When he was requested to accompany the prince on a last minute trip, he hopes that it’s a quick one and that he’ll be back before you even notice.
But as the sun dips below the horizon, he has a bad feeling that that won’t be the case. They make it back into Insomnia’s wall just after sunset, but it’s still another hour before they make it back to the royal palace. Then they deliver a report before they’re finally dismissed.
Gladio curses under his breath as he finally makes his way to his apartment door. You’d been coming over more and more often lately and he was sure things were starting to get pretty serious. He didn’t want to ruin any of that, though, by appearing unreliable. While his sworn duty is to the crown prince… His heart still belongs solely to you.
He opens the door and steps inside, looking around.
“Hun?” he calls quietly. He doesn’t hear anything, but he certainly smells something. He makes a drop by the kitchen and discovers a small light on inside the oven. He can see the oven itself isn’t on, but the contents inside of it are still warm and steamy. He opens it up and is nearly floored by the amazing and powerful aroma of homemade ramen. Two bowls are sitting on a small tray being kept warm by the oven and the light.
He only barely resists the urge to grab one of the bowls and start demolishing it. He needs to find you first as he’s positive that this was your doing. With a heavy heart, he shuts the door to the oven and turns to begin his search for you. Lucky for him, it doesn’t take very long.
You’re curled up on the couch, dressed in one of his t-shirts and a pair of your boy short panties. The shirt itself nearly swallows you up, but it’s riding up a bit from the way you’re lying on the couch. Gladio can’t help but chuckle as he leans over the back of the couch and reaches down to give your bottom a gentle squeeze.
“Hey, sleeping beauty,” he calls gently.
You let out a soft sound as you’re drawn into the world of consciousness. The hand on your bottom makes your back arch, pressing your bottom against said hand, before you drop your hips back to the couch and roll over to look up at the man above you.
“Gladdy,” you coo, a sleepy smile curling on your lips.
“Morning, love,” he says with a chuckle, shifting to lean down and kiss your forehead.
“Morning?” Your eyes suddenly widen.
Gladio just laughs. “No no, just morning for you,” he says before standing up straight. “Sorry, I’m late getting home.”
You shake your head and move to your feet. “No no, it’s okay. I know it’s your job,” you reply with a smile. A yawn escapes you as you stretch your arms over your head.
“Still feel bad that I kept ya waiting.”
You shake your head again. “Stop. It’s okay.” You walk up and wrap your arms around his middle, pressing your chin against his chest so you can look up at him.
“If you say so,” he replies before leaning down to kiss you. The kiss is short and sweet before he draws back. “So… about that ramen in the oven…”
You laugh and squeeze your arms around him before leading him back to the kitchen.
Ignis -
Sometimes Ignis wonders why he takes on all these extra tasks and special projects. As dedicated as he is to his duty of being the royal advisor for the prince, it really cuts into his social life. In fact, these days his only social life is his friends and a very special woman.
It’s been a few weeks since he really got to spend some good, quality time with you. With how late he ends up getting home and how early he is to rise for the next morning, it leaves you with very little time together unless you come over strictly to spend time with him in bed.
Ignis notices that something is slightly off when he arrives at his apartment to find the door unlocked. He raises an eyebrow and raises his guard as he steps into his apartment and looks around. Everything is still where he left it, though his kitchen does look a little messy in comparison to that morning.
He steps into the kitchen and sniffs the air. His nose leads him to the oven where he finds Breaded Cutlet with Tomato sitting inside it, being kept warm by the presence of the oven walls around it. By his calculation of its temperature, it likely has only been sitting there for about an hour.
He shuts the oven and turns to look back into the rest of his apartment. That’s when he spots the small pair of shoes that are haphazardly lying on the ground next to the couch. His entire body relaxes at first when he realizes that it was only you in his apartment… only to tense back up when he realizes you were probably waiting for him and even went as far as to make dinner so he wouldn’t have to cook when he got home.
He crosses the short distance over to the couch and leans against the back of it to look down at you. You are lying on your back with a book open on your stomach, your hands barely touching the bottom of the pages. You’d likely fallen asleep mid-sentence from how you were laying. It brings a small smile to the man’s lips as he reaches out to gently take it from your hands, setting it off to the side.
“Love,” he calls gently, placing his hand on your stomach between your hands where the book had previously been. He doesn’t shake you, but he places a small amount of pressure to alert you of his presence as he calls you again.
Your eyebrows knit together before you slowly open your eyes. You blink a few times before looking up to see Ignis looking down at you. You smile at seeing him and shift to sit up, rubbing your eyes.
“When did you get here?” you ask.
“Less than ten minutes ago,” he replies, shifting to stand straight again. “How long have you been here?”
“Ah…” You trail off and reach for your phone on the coffee table to check the time. “Aaaaahhhh… A few hours.”
Ignis frowns. “Why didn’t you call me?”
You bite your lip, looking down. “I didn’t want to bother you while you were at work… I’d just hoped maybe tonight would have been an early night or something…”
You feel a weight on the couch and look up to see Ignis has moved around the couch to sit in front of you. He reaches a hand out to gently capture your chin, tilting it up a little so he can look down at you.
“I appreciate you, love,” he says softly before leaning in to press a kiss against your lips. It’s short and sweet, but you can feel it all the way to your toes.
When you part, you give him a shy smile. “I hope you haven’t eaten yet… I made dinner.”
“I saw,” he replied with a chuckle. “I look forward to trying it.”
You beam up at him.
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stonerklown · 7 years
When You’re Gone || Drabble
Title: When You’re Gone Pairing: Promptis Genre: Angst Word Count: 1.3k __ Tears jerk every night from his eyes, staining freckles and flushed cheeks as he grips onto the sheets. Waking every night in agony as his heart wrenches. His blonde locks stick to his forehead and strangled sobs escape his quivering lips. Sniffles and shakes because it wasn't fair. He worries those around him with the constant pain in his chest, burdening people who care about him, making them worried and sad. They don't understand, they can't truly feel the pain he feels, he wouldn't dare wish this pain on anyone. And the thought of his friends wondering if he'll ever leave his room, sad cause he can't stop crying every damn night. Kills him. He can't lie through this, he can't pull out a cheeky smile and float above the ground with bliss and cheer when he feels like his feet have been replaced with anchors. Day by day he'll lie in the dark shroud of his room, covers layering over him as if to feel like he's being buried alive. He wants to suffocate in the hot sheets because he hopes that all the black he sees will go white. He can do nothing but think of his world when it was full of colour, full of blue. Blue eyes, blue hair, blue kisses. He screams out into a pillow, curling cause fuck this isn't fair. It isn't fair how the world just takes without a care. He hates it, he hates the world all over again. He used to loath breathing, loath the idea that every morning he'd wake up and actually have to face the world. His grey world because he didn't know if life or death was for him. That blue was all he had, that blue made him feel gold. Bright and full of glee. He sniffles and toes curl around the satin sheets beneath him. He wears black pajama shorts and a muscle tee. He feels naked though, stripped of anything he could be proud of. He was blue and it was beautiful. He didn't think he deserved this, this feeling of constriction around him. He hears the murmurs outside, they're talking about him. He knows he's pathetic and he doesn't need to be told so. He hugs his own torso and shuts his eyes, he wants to pass out. Every day he thinks. He thinks 'this is a nightmare' because the world can't really be this cruel. Some people may claim him to be selfish, he has two other brothers who care about him. And it's true and he's never not appreciated him. But they're not his blue. They're not that colour that glows beside his shimmering gold. He looks up and hears a rustle before black fur is under his nose. He strokes the back of Umbra and smiles sadly. He saw him in Umbra, he saw his colour. Umbras whimpers muffled in the blonde’s neck and he curled by his stomach. He smiled weakly and nuzzled him and pet him. The Shiba Inu tail curled and he breathed slowly. He didn't dare talk about that day, the day he went up those stairs and told him, "Walk tall" How can he? How can he walk tall when the body doesn't even exist anymore? A world where that man’s body is gone isn’t worth living in. The empty casket that they had buried was nothing to him, nothing important and nothing worth visiting. The dog's breathing was calming and he pulled himself from the sheets and sat up. Umbra curled on his lap. Ears twitching when pet. He bit his lip and wiped his puffy, wet eyes. He felt some warmth of the dimmed sun through the curtains crawl across his flushed skin. He looked over to his bandana and gun on the side table and sighed. "I'm sorry I couldn't, I'm sorry I can't manage to complete your last wish" His voice is hoarse and weak, having not been used in weeks. He closed his eyes and leaned back, head going back. "Walk tall?" He repeated to himself as if a question. He felt the warmth leave his lap and a small yip was heard from the direction of the door. "Umbra?" He murmured and followed him. His legs hurt to stand on, a sharp stab up his spin almost. He sighed and walked in bare feet across the red velvet carpet and looked through the crack of the door and saw Umbra at a turn in a hall he didn’t recognize. He furrowed his brows and walked, this wasn't the castle and he didn't hear Ignis or Gladiolus anywhere. He turned and heard a laugh from a room, he walked towards it hesitantly and opened it to see blue. He frowned, this was wrong. He saw midnight hair sticking up and black jeaned clothes. He stepped toward the figure clad in black on the couch. He turned hearing a creak in the floor. "Prompto?" The voice was youthful and he froze. He whimpered and tears fell. The youngers eyes widened "What? Why are you crying?" He asked and neared him, he was so much smaller than the now 30-year-old blonde. Noctis' arms rose and his hands cupped his cheeks "Don't cry" he said and the older sobbed and leaned into his hands, those familiar hands. His chest was feeling tight as he nearly collapsed into the other. Shaking and wrapping muscled arms around him tight. Noctis' eyes fluttered shut and he nodded as he rubbed his back. "You're from the future, aren't you?" He asked and the blonde nodded. Umbra did this, didn't he? He sobbed and looked up, nuzzling his neck, he had to lean down but he didn't care. "You're here" his voice weak. Noctis nodded "I'm in Altissia, the others are off shopping" he put it calmly. Prompto wiped his eyes "hold me longer" he said weakly. Older or not, he was still soft. And as of now he was beyond broken. "I never told you that-" The blonde shook his head "You didn't!" He snapped in sobs "You left and I never saw you again! I never saw this hair" he stroked it, it was soft. "These eyes" he whispered and stared. "Your smile, laugh, you" he choked out, bitter laughter following. Noctis frowned and stroked the older blonde’s cheek and put his forehead to his "I love you" Prompto's bitter laughter broke into cries and he held Noctis' waist to his. "I loved you so much" he croaked. Noctis nods and looks up, he places a soft, light kiss onto the others lips. Prompto whimpered "How, how can I live without you Noct?" He asked and looked down. Shoulders shaking. The younger frowned and a sad tear went down his cheek "it'll be okay, just let it out" he cupped the others cheek. Prompto looked up and felt warmth embrace him as he slid to his knees. He shut his eyes and cried. Noctis knelt "Promise me, you'll be happy for me" he whispers and looks into the older Prompto’s eyes. Tears streaking those gorgeous freckles and naturally flushed cheeks. "Be strong for me, you are" his voice began to echo. Prompto sobbed harder.“I'll... I'll try" he cried and looked up, he desperately kissed the other again, arms holding him as he soon began to fade.
"Say it again, god please" he begged "I love you" he murmured against his lips and Prompto smiled weakly, looked down as he let go. He let go of everything. The next day he'd awoke in bed and got up, struggling slightly as he grabbed the bandana and wrapped it at his arm. He smiled softly at an idea. He grabbed a photo of him and Noctis' his vest and his sewing kit. He transferred the image to fabric and put it right on the chest of his vest. He looked in the mirror and shoved his gun into his pocket. "I, I hope you have a good day, okay Noct" he said and hurried downstairs. He shocked the others with his laughs and jokes. "Who are you?" Ignis asked, letting Prompto eat the berries for breakfast. Umbra ran over and cuddled his boots when he sat "Prompto Argentum... royal shield" he pets Umbra's fur with a cheeky grin.
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