A Beautiful Mutation
"Mulder may have demanded to speak to the writer, but it was David Duchovny who took matters into his own hands by literally holding out his to Gillian Anderson, inviting her to dance."
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blubushie · 3 months
I just realized that the person who sent you that one ask (you know the one) may not have made the connection that yes, you're a professional sniper, but you shoot kangaroos (if I remember correctly) rather than, y'know, people
Like, they might have been under the impression that you're in the military or police force or something
Maybe they thought you were this guy, idk
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Well I'm that too! Heheh (joking)
Technically it's "any bloody thing what walks on 4 legs I can legally hunt" and ALSO roos, but it literally says in my pinned I'm a professional sniper by way of a pest management professional. I shoot things dead for money
[Whispering] Hire me!
Also, I mean, I've shot people. I'm a bounty hunter. Difference be they shot at me first and shooting them was all "it's my life or theirs" situations, so. They don't get sniped tho on account of I'm just supposed to find them and bring them to gaol not fucken kill 'em lmfao
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All Eyes Lead to the Truth | Post-Modern Prometheus (5x05)
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He watches as Dr. Pollidori is quickly shoved into the back of the local police cruiser. The crowd gathered around glares menacingly at the scientist as he’s driven away. 
“Good riddance,” Izzy says, standing guard beside the FBI agent’s car where the Great Mutato is slumped over in the back seat. He has to fight a sudden urge to smuggle the guy a jar of peanut butter. 
Pushing himself off the car, he shoves his hands in his pockets and sighs. Izzy Berkowitz may look dumb to some. He may be obsessed with comics while struggling to survive a hicktown childhood with nowhere to go but conventions, but he is far from stupid. Looks can be deceiving. The Great Mutato has surely proven that to everyone here. And looking at the would-be mob milling about, like something straight out of a scene from Frankenstein, Izzy feels ashamed of his judgment.
Mutato being created by his crazy scientist brother wasn’t his fault. He was innocent in that act. Though Mutato knew what his father was doing to women within those fumigation tents while he danced to Cher and learned of the world — did he really understand how messed up it was? That a farmer artificially inseminated unknowing women to try to create his son a mate? 
Izzy cringes at that thought. Everything about this is messed up. 
He strides into the house where Agents Mulder and Scully are, about to tell them exactly that, when Agent Mulder asks, “Where’s the writer? I want to speak to the writer.”
Izzy blinks. “Huh?”
“This isn’t how the story is supposed to end.” Agent Mulder looks at him as if he holds all the answers. He almost laughs, but it’s clear within the agent’s wild-eyed stare that he’s used to being laughed at. Izzy can relate.
“Just because I wrote stories about the Great Mutato, doesn’t mean I know anything about the real him,” he admits, glancing over his shoulder at Mutato’s bowed head. “I think… I think maybe it’s his turn to write what comes next.”
Agent Scully frowns. “What does that mean?” 
“Let’s ask and find out,” Agent Mulder nods at the car. 
The agent shoulders past Izzy, flinging open the car’s back door. Mutato looks up with two sets of sad eyes and holds out his wrists, waiting for the cuffs Izzy hopes never come. 
Agent Mulder shakes his head. “If you could write a story for yourself, an ending that doesn’t involve experiments and isolation, what would it be?”
“I…” Both of Mutato’s mouths gape open. “Other than living in a world of acceptance alongside someone else like me, I’ve only ever dreamed of one thing…”
Then I'm walking in Memphis
I was walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale
Walking in Memphis
But do I really feel the way I feel?
Izzy’s smiling directly behind the FBI agents as the Cher sings to the Great Mutato in the front row. It’s like a dream: the claw-like hands of her biggest fan clapping to the beat and waving excitedly at the woman on stage. 
He looks around the crowded concert hall and chuckles at the irony. Many of these people are the same ones who’d questioned Izzy’s own creativity for years, yet had no idea they are part of a similar kind of creation: a genetically altered town borne of a father’s misguided love for his adopted son. The simple folk of this rural Indiana town are no different than the man they’d called Monster and chased with pitchforks. 
Maybe they’re all monsters.
Izzy kind of likes that. 
But there's a pretty little thing
Waiting for the King
Down in the Jungle Room
As the disco ball spins and the spotlight shines down on the Great Mutato shimmying in his seat, Izzy catches Agent Mulder reach across the table to squeeze his partner’s hand. “Something wrong?”
She leans over, a tiny smirk tugging at her lips. “Just curious if Jerry Springer is hiding behind that curtain too.”
“You think?” he teases, and she rolls her eyes. “Come on, Scully, have a little fun.”
Izzy can see Agent Scully’s brow arch as her soft smirk turns playful. “Only a little?”
“Ah, Scully,” he gives a lopsided grin, and Izzy nearly rolls his own eyes at their blatant flirting. For a guy who gets laughed at, women sure love him. Agent Mulder turns then and gives the Great Mutato a high five. 
And I sang with all my might
And he said "Tell me, are you a Christian, child?"
And I said "Man, I am tonight!"
The energy in the room swells with the chorus, urging Izzy to stand and sway with the rest of the town. As Cher walks down the stairs and reaches her hand out for the Great Mutato to hold, welcoming him onto the stage beside her, Izzy feels that warm sense of acceptance Mutato had mentioned wash over him. 
Walking in Memphis
But do I really feel the way I feel?
Agent Mulder suddenly stands, bowing his head and reaching out his hand for his partner. Agent Scully seems as awed as Mutato had moments ago before sliding her hand into his, grinning gorgeously at him as he tugs her close, his one hand grasping hers as the other dips down to palm her lower back. They dance slowly, their eyes locked and noses nearly touching. 
Izzy snorts.
Dang, the way they’re practically swooning in each other’s arms reminds him of the covers on his mom’s romance novels. He does roll his eyes then, looking up at the Great Mutato as he joyfully dances with his idol on stage. But if this is how this story of a man-made monster who’s never harmed a living soul is supposed to end, then he’s happy to watch two FBI agents gaze at one another under a disco ball. 
Put on my blue suede shoes
Izzy shuts his eyes and says, “The End.”
Read the rest of All Eyes Lead to the Truth on AO3!
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did you get into poor man’s poison through the Minecraft mob vote? Or maybe through the trend of using Hells Comin With Me? Here’s more of their music that y’all might like!
Cmon Down: GREAT VIBES, similar vibe to Feed the Machine, aka the song used for the mob vote
Providence or Pressure Cracks are also good in that vein
If you liked Hells Comin With Me, Devils Price and Georgia Law Man both have similar storytelling!
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pmpwbrrs · 21 days
I need to actually kill someone –> is there anything that's worth more than peace and love on the planet Earth 🌍💖 –> I need to actually ki
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portalmovieproject · 2 years
Final Project Update
I am sorry to announce that the PMP will not be continuing.
We started this project at the very beginning of the pandemic, when all of us had a lot of time suddenly available to invest in such a large passion project. But now, most of us have had to return to school or work, and we no longer have the wealth of time we started with.
If I had unlimited time and energy, I would love to take one last shot at seeing the project through to completion. Unfortunately, I am not at all in a place in my life right now where that would be possible. I believe many of the original members have also moved on to other interests, so we no longer have the team we once did.
I would like to thank the Anon who recently sent us an ask about the project status (and apologize that I didn't respond to it directly; I saw the notification, but I think tumblr ate the ask). Due to the project's informal nature, there was never any official end to it, so a post was never made to announce its discontinuation. Although I'm sure this isn't the answer you were hoping to hear, I appreciate the opportunity to offer closure on the project's status, and I'm very sorry to all of you who were excited to see the finished project.
Finally, I would like to thank everyone on the PMP team! I'm really glad I got to meet you all and to share this experience with you. You are all amazing and talented people, and I wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavours!
PMP Admin
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rhinoclip · 2 years
Cali and Austin would both listen to Poor Man's Poison dont @ me
Edit: How could I have forgotten our favorite southern union man, West Virginia?! I feel ashamed.
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yonekapo · 8 months
==step1: 列挙==
==step2: 重みづけ==
==step3: ゴールの具体化==
==step4: プラン作成==
10月前半:論文投稿:フォーマット校正、投稿論文:事務手続き、PMP: 35時間の講習(e-learning)、PMP:PMBOK実践、転職活動:就活方針を決める
10月後半:投稿論文:論文投稿、PMP: 35時間の講習(e-learning)、
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sbx123 · 9 months
PMP Online Certification Training Course
Learn about the Project Management Professional PMP Online Certification , a globally recognized credential for project managers. Learn at your preferred time.
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eunchancorner · 9 months
Okay Skid climbing walls gave me the idea of Pump and Skid hiding in Susie's room, and Pump scares Susie like he did in Deadly Smiles
As Susie goes to kick him out, she sees a shadow above her and only gets a second to screams before Skid jumps off and tickles her
Skid just tackled her using all his little kid weight and probably managed to tickle her for like a moment before she grabbed her and got revenge
This isn't her first rodeo, after all, I'm sure Pump has launched sneaky tickle attacks of his own. However, Skid's not used to having to fight against an older sibling and forking crumbles
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computerner75 · 11 months
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Looking for a matching set of CPUs for a hp proliant ml 150 gen 5 and want to turn it in to a gaming PC/server
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mudassir-iqbal · 11 months
In the fast-paced and unpredictable world of business, staying ahead requires a keen understanding of the forces that shape our environment. As organizations strive to make informed decisions and minimize risks, three essential frameworks come to the forefront—PESTLE, TECOP, and VUCA Let’s delve into the intricacies of PESTLE’s political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental…
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blubushie · 2 months
Ah locational difference in terms. Since "is that just a feral tabby or a genuine wild Bushcat?" is a distinction that has to be made here occasionally. Your ferals sound like they've had long enough out there to revert fully back to wild animal, and we all know how trying to make a house pet of a wild animal goes
Afaik even US programs differentiate between ferals vs untame. Untame are animals like human-fed colony cats where they're used to the presence of people and will tolerate them within a certain distance. These cats can be tamed down with hard work and a lot of dedication.
Ferals are considered completely untame and wild. Adults are nigh untameable and can't be rehomed—at best you can relocate colonies. Kittens can theoretically be worked with but really it depends on how many generations down the line of feral they are.
Generally "feral" here means "has never had any contact with people whatsoever". I'm sure it's more lenient in cities but that's the definition in my business
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mcforwhatiam · 2 years
Gifs from Beastie Boys rehearsing Big Shot, 1996
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boookfreeak · 1 year
Sometimes, when I'm listening to music on amazon music, the app is a bit behind on updating the album cover of the song that's playing. So rn I'm sitting here and enjoying Feed the Machine by Disney's own Moana.
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greggyour · 1 year
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