#PANS syndrome
group-call · 27 days
yes you support disabled and mentally ill people with nasty, mean, ugly, or otherwise "bad" symptoms. but are you normal about physically chronically ill people who's physical condition directly impacts their behavior and psychiatric condition? are you normal about physically chronically ill people who literally cannot repress, hold back, or regulate aggression, mean statements, or anger/rage episodes? are you normal about physically chronically ill people who legitimately cannot regulate any strong emotion whatsoever? are you normal about physically chronically ill people who have "bad" behaviors that would be unreasonable, cruel and unfair to "punish" because it's the almost equivalent to punishing them for something like having pain? are you normal about people like us? we exist.
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neurosky · 7 months
Reminder that hallucinations aren't always visual, and they aren't always scary!! I personally have auditory and olfactory hallucinations (hearing and smell), and they usually aren't scary.
Note that while not all hallucinations are scary, it's definitely possible for some to be. I've heard things like screams, and smelled things like blood.
But most of the time, I hear things like footsteps, doors opening/closing, cats meowing, knocking, and distant speaking. I've smelled things like gasoline, scents like lavender/jasmine, and more that I can't really describe. These ones generally aren't scary!
It's important for people to know this as it both destigmatizes conditions like schizophrenia, psychosis, and other things that cause hallucinations, and it brings a greater understanding to people who deal with hallucinations =]
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gaykneecaps · 7 months
i love you everyone who has stigmatised disorders, i love you everyone who faces ableism, i love you everyone who is labeled a 'bad person' for things you cant control, i love you people with invis disabilites, i love you people who cannot hide the fact that they are disabled, i love you people who are 'accepted' but are treated like aliens, i love you all you deserve the world<3
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rosariumpartone · 1 year
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quote from Pan’s Flute ⚜︎
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imtheecrybaby27 · 1 month
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Its convention season and I’m STRUGGLING
So I’m in the process of getting disability and I had to quit my job because my chronic pain just couldn’t handle the type of work even though I loved it; my spine said “no”
Anyway, my beanies are my biggest seller at conventions but I currently do not have the money to restock.
I have like ten left of this design:
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And I think if I sell out I can afford to restock all 4 of my designs
Here’s a few more of my popular designs that I know my girls, gays, theys, and disabled people will love.
I really need some support here because I love my art and the community I’ve built around it. So if you can’t afford to shop that’s okay. I’d really appreciate a reblog and I’d love to shitpost with you in my discord server.
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tic-loud-tic-proud · 11 months
10 Tips for people with klazomania (screaming tics)
1, and this is one that has changed my life: if you have very frequent shouting/screaming tics, DO VOCAL WARMUPS! I used to consistently lose my voice at the end of every day before I started doing this. There are plenty of short and simple warmup tutorials online- find one that works for you!
2, if you live in an apartment building, make sure to tell your neighbors. You don't need to explicitly tell them you have TS, but make sure they know you make loud sounds frequently so they're not concerned. Putting a sign on your door also works. Remember: in the USA it is illegal for landlords to evict someone solely because of a disability.
3, if you're heading off to college and plan on living in a dormitory you might want to request not having a roommate. If you are already diagnosed with a tic disorder, it should be easy to do this through your college's disability services office. If you would like to have a roommate make sure they understand your tics.
4, if you are planning on going out (to a restaurant, theme park, museum, etc.) you might want to call the staff of the location to inform them you have tics a few days before. I usually call ahead to restaurants to let them know about my klazomania and coprolalia tics and I've found that doing so makes it easier for both parties.
5, going off of 4, if you're going to a theme park or large museum and plan to suppress at least part of the time, get a map and mark off secluded places where you can safely let your tics out.
6, if you'd like you can bring a stuffed animal out in public with you: both for emotional support and to muffle the sound of loud tics.
7, if you're a middle or high school student, email your teachers to let them know about your tics. If you have moderate/severe tics it was very important to me that I gave a presentation to each of my classes at the beginning of each semester to teach them about my TS. Another accommodation that I got in high school was being allowed to zoom into my classes instead of attending in person: So on bad tic days I would stay home, and my teachers would broadcast the class over zoom for me.
8, drink lots of water and purchase a humidifier if possible. At the end of a long day drinking fluid and being in a more humid environment will help to soothe your voice. Herbal tea with honey or mild broths can also help soothe your voice!
9, have a good network of friends who understand and support you. This is no easy feat and can take years but it will have a huge impact on your quality of life. Join a support group (IRL or online) to talk to other people with tics who understand what you're going through, and find people who share your hobbies and interests!
10, remember that your tics don't define who you are! It is not your fault that you have tics, and you are not doing them on purpose. Don't feel guilty for something you have no control over. You deserve to live a happy and fulfilling life just like anyone else!
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fedorah-the-explorah · 2 months
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im getting you started.
Bro, the timeline in Carmen Sandiego is super finicky, and I'm pretty sure I've spent more time thinking about this than the creators intended us to, but WHATEVER. It haunts me.
Right, so the creators said Carmen is 20 at the start of the series, but as I said: that math don't math!
Season one takes place over the course of six months:
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Season 2 picks up one week after season 1, in February. We know this because they're celebrating Carnival.
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For the purpose of breaking down this theory, I'm going to place Carmen's birthday as March 1st, her WOEICs counterpart's official birthday.
So. At the end of season one, which would have been mid-February, Player says something about how Carmen was found on the side of the road twenty years ago, but if her birthday was in a mere matter of weeks, couldn't you theorize that he was rounding up? Maybe she's 19 turning 20.
Or, maybe, she's 20 turning 21? No!
At the end of season 2, Shadowsan says he found her twenty years ago. This is where we take a detour to discuss infant development.
In the flashbacks, we see that baby Carmen prefers crawling-- she can toddle a little bit, but not well. Children typically begin standing between 7 and 12 months, and walking between 10 and 18 months. We also see that she babbles and coos a lot, but no words. Children tend to say their first word at around 12 months. Based on this, I'd wager that baby Carmen was around seven or eight months old. We know she's a physical prodigy, so she could potentially be even younger-- the youngest recorded baby to walk was six months old.
Placing baby at 7 months when she was kidnapped, that makes Shadowsan's "I found you twenty years ago" accurate to the month. At this point, Carmen is 20 years and 7 months old.
Season three takes place in October/November. Presumably, season three picks up right after season two, putting the end of season two in October. It spans about the same length as season one.
While the word of the creators doesn't have much bearing here-- as this post is very much a "you guys are wrong and here's why" kind of post-- one of the creators did say that they imagined Carmen as being twenty by season three. That would make it impossible for her to have been twenty during season one. Too much time has passed for that to work.
Season 4 takes place sometime around February. We know this because Devineaux asks Gray what he was doing on the train to Poitiers 18 months ago. 12 months ago would have been February (start of season 2) and six months before that is August. That's eighteen months.
Going by this, I think Carmen was yoinked just after her twenty-first.
Interestingly, if my math is mathing-- and who knows, I turned a two year degree into a three year degree because I kept failing math classes, I could be talking actual nonsense right now-- this makes Player like 17/18 by season four, and that's hilarious to me because that means his parents (tried) to make him go to school for like the last semester of his senior year. Free my boy 😭
In conclusion, Carmen is 19 at the start of season one, she and Player are three years apart, and Player's parents are some cruel mfers. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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yandere-wishes · 3 months
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I will never understand how people outgrow buying stuffies, toys, and cute clothes. Honestly I only very recently learned that people give away their childhood toys and the concept still feels a bit odd to me. Like do you guys ever miss them? Or think about where they are now. Doesn't everyone just suddenly get the urge to buy a cute stuffie or ruffle skirt or little action figure from your fav show.
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wh1teswans · 16 days
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peter - taylor swift
the tortured poets department
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5ummit · 1 year
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Avatar: The Way of Water (2022)
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its-ticsticstics · 4 months
The majority of the textbooks on tics and movement disorders we're given now don't include whats called "Tic status" or "Status tics". A quote I've pulled from a neurology textbook before 2010 quoted
"motor and vocal tics can be quite prolonged, usually as a series of clonic tics or dystonic tics that are continual, lasting tens of minutes."
Now these are generally labeled under functional tics or PANS/PANDAS/BGE.
With how misinformative info on Tics/TS has become since 2020 its really hard for me to tell which is true or if if there's an overlap within FND and PANS/PANDAS with Tourettes.
This is something we all need to keep in mind when studying tics on a clinical level.
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neurosky · 6 months
I found out today that I'm actually not alone in an OCD compulsion I have! I saw an Instagram post earlier that was talking about the effects of OCD on watching TV, and one of the compulsions it listed was rewinding scenes to make sure you fully understand or didn't miss anything. I do that so much, especially with reading. I'd never heard anyone else talk about doing that! So I checked the comments, and the first comment was someone talking about how they do that when they read.
I was genuinely shocked that it wasn't just a "me thing," to be honest. I stopped reading as much for a couple years because I kept having to put my book down and replay the scene over and over in my head. I'd literally have to think exactly like the character, so I "fully understood it," even though I wasn't confused. I'm so glad I'm not the only one lol.
I'm so glad there's a community for reasons like this <3
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gaykneecaps · 7 months
i have a genuine question- is it okay for me to refer to myself as disabled? i have POTS and mostly likely have EDS and hypermobility, i also have PANS (which i wouldnt mention here except for the fact that when i have a flare it affects my pots severely) and multiple other unrelated mental/immune conditions but its mainly the pots and stuff im wondering about here- its easiest for me to tell ablebodied people that im disabled when theyre giving me shitty looks for using elevators/when theyre wondering why im tired/dont function as well as they do, but i feel guilty whenever i refer to myself as disabled
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mischiefmanifold · 10 months
reminder again that anxiety, ocd, autism, adhd, trauma, fnd, pandas/pans, etc., do NOT cause tics
if you have tics you have a tic disorder
if you have at least two motor tics and one vocal tic you have tourette syndrome
also remember that there's a lot of different types of involuntary movements
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woklaza · 5 months
Edogawa Ranpo- Puer Aeternus
I was just doing random stuff at 4:36 am when I came across this thing called Puer Aeternus during a psychology knowledge hunt and figured it really suited Ranpo.
Puer Aeterus, more commonly known as Peter Pan Syndrome, is a popular psychological expression describing people who find it difficult to grow up. Puer Aeterus means 'eternal boy/child' and came from the mythology of a god who is eternally young, as you can tell by the name.
Before I dive into my analysis, there were qualities of men with Puer Aueterus I found that I thought really described Ranpo. They are usually very attractive and influential, want freedom in their actions and live in their fantasies. Most of the time, the reason they dislike, or refuse to accept, the idea of growing up is to not be like 'boring adults' like how they should be. That's pretty Ranpo, right? There was also a description of them being immature, impatient and usually cannot bear the consequences of their own actions.
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One of the symptoms of Puer Aueterus was seeing the world differently from others. With the 'elephant snake' scene of Little Prince as an example, we could see how an adult and a child see things differently, with the child showing more creativity and imagination. The further explanation is that Ranpo does not want to be living in the same way as boring adults, and therefore remains a childish personality. And Ranpo constantly sees the world differently from others emphasising his symptoms of Puer Aueterus.
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Some other symptoms of Peur Aueterus also include fear of challenges that they couldn't solve, being dependent and being attached and dependent on a close person. (That is clearly Fukuzawa) They really suited Ranpo, so it is almost certain he has Peur Aueterus.
People with Peur Aueterus also have trouble with relationships, and common issues were abandoning close relationships to salvage dying ones. This is only worth a little mention, for it does not really affect Ranpo.
So to summarise, Peur Aueterus is basically describing people who:
~Refuse to grow up and prefer to live in a more imaginative way (Ranpo Season 1 to Season 5)
~Constantly dependent and have trouble with attachment issues (Fukuzawa and Ranpo's relationship)
~Scared of the consequences of their actions (Not scared, but Ranpo really shows how the consequence of his actions affect him)
~Troubles with relationships and feelings (Ranpo was at first reluctant to save Atsushi in Season 1)
Personally, I thought that really suited Ranpo. But just as a clarification, this is just my own analysis and research and I am not an expert in Psychology. So think of this as some sort of reference and don't completely rely on this post. Also, Peur Aueterus isn't a mental illness/disability, it's just a psychological trait found in some people.
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jacks-wierd-world · 29 days
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