#Oyster Perpetual Explorer
bachendorfs · 9 months
Venturing to the Outer Limits
Tradition, partnership and commitment to excellence are the defining characteristics of Bachendorf's. The Oyster Perpetual Explorer is the epitome of Rolex’s drive to push itself to the outer limits.
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moonwatchuniverse · 1 year
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May 1962... Adventurous explorers of the extremes meet up. 70 years ago, May 29 - 1953, two members of the British Himalaya expedition, New Zealand mountaineer.beekeeper Edmund Hillary and Nepali-Indian sherpa Tenzing Norgay conquered Mount Everest / Chomolungma (8,8 Km high). 63 years ago, January 23 - 1960, Swiss oceanographer/engineer Jacques Piccard and US Navy officer Don Walsh reached the deepest point in Earth’s ocean, Challenger Deep in Western Pacific Ocean (10,9 Km deep). Outside the bathyscaphe submersible “Trieste”, a Rolex Submariner diving wrist watch survived the extreme pressure at the Ocean floor. Moreover, Jacques Piccard often wore two Rolex watches, one on each wrist. Between 1933 & 1953, Himalaya expeditions had been sponsored by Rolex, so Rolex 6098 watches were worn to the top of Mount Everest, but British-made Smiths A409 wrist watches were worn on the top of Mount Everest. However, already on January 26 - 1953, Rolex had patented the name “Explorer” for their upcoming line of time only watches. The 33 mm Smiths A409 wrist watch worn ontop of Mt Everest is on display in the British Science museum in London GB. (Photos: AP/TorontoStar/MWU)
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factorybezel · 1 year
Why Are Rolex Watches So Expensive?
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Rolex is a name synonymous with luxury, quality, and prestige. But have you ever wondered why Rolex watches are so expensive? In this article, we will take a deep dive into the world of Rolex and explore the reasons behind the hefty price tag of these iconic timepieces…
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replicasrelgios · 2 years
Réplica Rolex Explorer II mostrador preto 42 mm 216570
Um dos modelos mais eficazes é definitivamente o relógio falso Rolex Oyster Perpetual Explorer II 216570. A história do Rolex Oyster Perpetual Explorer começa em 1953. Os relógios Explorer foram criados apenas para os exploradores que vão percorrer terrenos difíceis, por exemplo, as mundialmente famosas expedições Position Everest. Um deles foi fechado em 1953, quando Sir Edmund Hillary e Tenzing Norgay alcançaram o cume do Install Everest, projetado com relógios Rolex Oyster Perpetual. A linha de relógios Explorer homenageia as melhores realizações dos homens e, desde a década de 1950, a linha é consistentemente projetada e aprimorada em termos de robustez e confiabilidade.
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A primeira réplica de relógio Rolex Oyster Perpetual Explorer II foi feita em 1971, marcando a nova geração de relógios Explorer agora pela primeira vez projetada com moldura de graduação, indicação de data e palma de 24 horas ou mais. A exibição de 24 horas é especialmente útil para aviadores de companhias aéreas, astronautas, exército, exploradores cavernosos e qualquer pessoa que precise diferenciar o dia da noite. Este tipo de relógio vem com uma hora ou mais dedos que encerra uma inovação a cada vinte e quatro horas, mostrando a hora em formato de arquivo de 24 a 60 minutos.
O Rolex Oyster Perpetual Explorer comemora seu 40º aniversário e nunca foi tão bom quanto agora. A caixa do relógio já é um pouco maior, com 42 milímetros de diâmetro, e feita em aço inox brilhante e acetinado. Ele pode ser alimentado pelo novo calibre Rolex 3187, produzido e criado com a marca. Este é provavelmente o movimento tecnicamente mais avançado que utiliza a inovação tecnológica mais atualizada com direitos autorais da Rolex: espiral PARACHROM azul brilhante não magnética e absorvedores de surpresa PARAFLEX de alto desempenho geral. O movimento é construído em 31 joias e permite dois dias de reserva de marcha. Pode ser vedado contra a entrada de água e oferece 100 metros de resistência à água.
O relógio pode ser adquirido em duas versões fundamentais diferentes: instalado com display CHROMALIGHT lacado branco brilhante, ou com um show CHROMALIGHT de cor preta, acetinado, igualmente com luminescência de longa duração. O mostrador revela mais um ponteiro no mostrador, o que significa que é fácil exibir a hora em várias áreas de tempo. O ambiente rápido imparcial da palma de uma hora ou mais fornece uma modificação rápida e exata. O relógio é colocado em uma pulseira carregada com um novo fecho OysterLock com trava de segurança e o link de extensão de conveniência EasyLink.
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Diâmetro: 42mm
Materiais: aço inoxidável 904L
Bezel: Set, 24 horas graduada
Impermeabilidade: 100 m (330 dedos)
Características: Palma 24 horas, ponteiros GMT 12 horas com colocação rápida auto-suficiente
Oscilador: Mola de cabelo parachrom azul não magnética. Absorvedores de socorro Paraflex de bom desempenho.
Enrolamento: Enrolamento pessoal bidirecional
Branco brilhante lacado com laranja 24 horas ou mais Palm Chromalight show com luminescência de longa duração
Variedade: Oyster, links fortes
Tecido: Aço 904L
Fecho: Fecho dobrável Oysterlock com trava de segurança básica Easylink 5 milímetros hiperlink de extensão de facilidade e conforto
Nós apenas vendemos réplicas de relógios de qualidade AAA, e todos os relógios falsos aqui meticulosamente fabricados com materiais de alta qualidade, oferecemos remessa rápida global e o melhor servico.
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bp-trio · 28 days
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Hana of BLACKPINK: The New Face of Timeless Elegance with Rolex
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In a world that ticks to the rhythm of social media trends and viral moments, Hana, the luminary of BLACKPINK, has transcended the digital buzz to become the embodiment of enduring luxury. Rolex, the Swiss maestro of horology, has found its newest muse in Hana, marking a historic partnership as she becomes the brand’s first Asian ambassador.
Just a year after gracing the global campaigns of Harry Winston and MIKIMOTO, Hana’s ascent into the pantheon of luxury ambassadors continues unabated. Her latest accolade? The face of Rolex, a brand synonymous with precision, prestige, and perfection.
The announcement reverberated through the corridors of haute horlogerie and K-pop fandoms alike, heralding a new era where the East meets the West on the wrist of a global superstar. Hana’s influence, which spans continents and cultures, is a testament to her universal appeal and the power of K-pop’s global reach.
Rolex, a brand that has adorned the wrists of explorers, visionaries, and leaders, now welcomes a new kind of pioneer. Hana represents the modern icon—dynamic, diverse, and digitally savvy. Her partnership with Rolex is not just a fusion of aesthetics but a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation.
As Hana steps into this prestigious role, she carries with her the spirit of a generation that values authenticity and aspiration. With Rolex, she will not just tell time; she will tell a story—a narrative of excellence, elegance, and empowerment.
For Hana, and for Rolex, the future is not just bright; it is brilliant. As the hands of the Rolex Oyster Perpetual move in precision, so does Hana’s journey, marking every second with the promise of legacy and the power of now.
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lafcadiosadventures · 3 months
Madame Putiphar Groupread. Book Two, Chapter XXXI
“We must howl with the wolves, he who bleats among them shall be their prey!”
(tr. here  by @sainteverge )
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Gustave Doré's Les loups et les brebis.
Sit yourself with a nice cup/glass of something and let’s ponder urban/rural, intra/extra european tensions in the 19th c european novel together. nerdface emoji.
(I love you Borel but this chapter has tested my patience. Why do you make the blorboes move at a glaciar pace in times of crisis)
After Deborah’s announcement and Patrick’s declaration of ideal paternity and family life, the couple dines together. Patrick asks Deborah if she likes Paris specifically before letting her know that they must LEAVE the city FAST. That gives Borel the chance to explore through Deborah yet another central theme of the Romantic novel, or the 19th c novel as a whole, Rural vs Urban life tensions. Borel as always, adds his own personal twist to it. Taking into account how essentialist 19th c French-surely not exclusively- literature is, how Romantic movements are about going back to some kind of National essence, how you cannot leaf through one of these books without reading about so called spanish/italian personality traits, occasionally reaching ad absurdum levels like in Dumas when he has Dantès claim that southern europeans are more vulnerable to poison than northern europeans, Balzac and his ambitious meridionals (in his defense, he at least IS a meridional himself), his stabby-because-catholic corsicans, and don’t get me started on Gautier’s Voyage en Espagne. Positive or negative, there is in this literary word, no escaping regional stereotyping.  
What Borel does when addressing the question, does Deborah miss Ireland, she states that she doesn’t, not Ireland specifically. What she misses is the countryside, what she loathes is city life. And, she affirms, she would loathe it as much in Dublin as in Paris. Modern Urban life is to her a sickness that seems to afflict all of Europe equally. This definitely stands out from other portrayals of Paris as a modern Babylon we’ve seen from other authors... Balzac would never. Paris is hell, but to him it is also Paris. as Diderot would say, in a fit of excessive nationalistic intoxication Paris is the brain of France, and France is the Brain of the World. yes. that was something he said unironically) But Borel does not care about what makes Paris specific here... Paris is part of something bigger, and not actually something good. He once again seems to anticipate much later philosophical ideas like Marc Augé’s non-places. Read this and tell me it doesn’t make you think of our post modern present, with our increasingly minuscule flats, the impossibility of looking out and not seeing more flats in some of the biggest metropolis in the world, etc:
 “Living in cities is narrowing; these boxes, these cages where as prisoners we wither away, compress and cinch the soul like a corset: our spirit confines itself to two ceilings and four walls; our gaze, which cannot break through, hits the surface and falls back on us; we take the habit of indulging ourselves, of being satisfied with ourselves, we diminish, we shrivel away. The perpetual sight of men’s work renders us petty and bourgeois like them: we forget the grand spectacles of nature, we forget the universe, we forget humanity, we forget everything, aside from ourselves, and whatever tastes we seek to quench: all creation comes down to a few pieces of furniture, a few chairs, a few tables, a few beds, a few pieces of fabric or silk, which we grow enamoured with, which we’re attached to like the oyster to its stone, over which we vegetate and crawl like lichen”
(translation by sainteverge)
I’d like to link here an excerpt of Champavert: The Werewolf as well. This earlier text seeks to be specifically Parisian, and more encompassing  than Debby’s experience. (noted passages in a similar vein: Balzac's Galleries of the Palais-Royale descriptionin Lost Illusions (the city-as-spectacle, everything and everyone for sale) and his snapshots of social inequality in Père Goriot)
“Le monde, c’est un théâtre: des affiches à grosses lettres, à titres emphatiques, hameçonnent la foule qui se lève aussitôt, se lave, peigne ses favoris, met son jabot et son habit dominical, fait ses frisures, endosse sa robe d’indienne, et, parapluie à la main, la voilà qui part; leste, joyeuse, désireuse, elle arrive, elle paie, car la foule paie toujours, chacun se loge à sa guise, ou plutôt suivant le cens qu’il a payé, dans le vaste amphithéâtre, l’aristocratie se verrouille dans ses cabanons grillés, la canaille reste à la merci. La toile est levée, les oreilles sont ouvertes et les cous tendus, la foule écoute, car la foule écoute toujours; l’illusion pour elle est complète, c’est de la réalité; elle est identifiée, elle rit, elle pleure, elle prend en haine, en amour, hurle, siffle, applaudit; en vain, quelquefois, sent-elle qu’on l’abuse et s’arme-t-elle de sa lorgnette, elle est myope, rien ne peut détruire son illusion et sa foi qu’exploite si galamment les comédiens”
Both of these passages share a grim diagnosis. Capitalist Modernity seems to be here a degenerative illness. Deborah’s focuses more on the domestic, most of her life means staying locked in,  completely lonely, but she has observed how the city tends to isolate, to make people focus only on their selves and their whims, which can only be satisfied by buying furniture, clothes, a thirst for possessions that transforms Humans into Oysters....
This to me is the highlight of the chapter.
After this speech our friends agree they must flee, and quick. Patrick and Deborah are ready to be open to each other. They tell each other what the reader already knows, they are now both equally aware of their danger, and of the wrongs they have both endured at the hands of their aristocratic tormentors.
Noteworthy word choice: Patrick compares himself at the hands of Putiphar to a virtuous maiden (we have joked in the groupchat about Debby and Patrick being lesbians before... Butch Lesbian Patrick confirmed)
Another thing i found startlingly contemporary sounding, in our days of lawfare and soft coups, Patrick, talkig of how Putiphar can use his theft and murder accusatio to give her illegal persecution a virtuous veneer: “she’ll be able, not that she cares about it, to mask her revenge behind an honest mask (...)”(tr, by cam)
Theres an absurdly ooc Deborah moment when she weeps and declares herself a burden. His beauty could have been the key to a brilliant social assent. Patrick corrects her, slightly offended because he is not about that #arriviste #boytoy life (Debby already knows that!???!) But Debby is only saying all of this because she fears this Fredegund’s retaliation........
Since God is apparently devoid of his divine wrath, and the powerful villains go unpunished, they must leave Paris in search of a new Promissed Land (slightly Candide-ish, right?) where if men are not less evil, (Patrick moves away from Rousseau... at least for a second) at the very least they can hope for a less asymmetrical distribution of power. Patrick has his naif hopes set on one of those ignored places European society calls savage, which he assumes will be more fit to give them “their share of sun, land and fraternity” (this is also a common theme in french novels of the day... Patrick at least still hopes to find Fraternity in these unspecified so called third world lands, instead of lording over the savages like Thénarider or Goriot era Vautrin...-Splendeurs era Vautrin hopes for an American Forest to die alone in after having eaten his own tongue. Progress. Growth.)
The only way of living in the European City is howling with the wolves, and since they’re not willing to do so, because they are lambs, they must leave. And Fast. So first to Marseille, Geneva or Livorne, and then to whatever earthly “virgin” rousseau/bougainville paradise they choose to set their paths to.
So Patrick (finally!!! sorry) leaves to buy some tickets in the first available carriage, Deborah will pack their things to avoid boredom/stress. Patrick wants a kiss, she refuses bc the farewell will then feel too final (...) Patrick claims that iron cannot harm a limb that has been kissed by a woman’s lips, so she passionately kisses him over his heart... but as soon as he sets foot on the streets Deborah hears him cry out for help. He is taken away by the kings men (illegally, in the night, shielded by the darkness) Patrick warns her not to come (she has to think of their baby) and says farewell forever. She throws out a flaming curtain for visibility. she sees as she descends, how Patrick is taken away in a palace carriage. She faints. Is taken away by Palace guardsmen herself. Book Two is over. Lasciate ogni speranza?
{ @sainteverge @counterwiddershins }
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rptv-jamesbond · 1 year
James Bond Rolex watch auctioned for $60,000
“Dr. No”, The Legendary James Bond Rolex 6538 Auctioned At Worthy For $60,000
By Worthy Staff | Mar 11th, 2016
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If there’s one iconic 007 watch, it’s the Rolex Submariner 6538. This model has a special place in Rolex history as the original “Bond Submariner” watch. Though several other Submariner versions, including references 5508 and 6205, have also received the nickname, the 6538 is said to be the original Submariner to be featured in James Bond films.
Lights, Camera, Auction!
A vintage Rolex Submariner 6538 was recently sold at Worthy; and as the story goes, it was on the set of some of the most emblematic James Bond movies. The Rolex 6538, produced between 1954 and 1959, this classic timepiece, we’ve heard, appeared in “Dr. No”, “From Russia with Love”, “Goldfinger” and “Thunderball”. In each film, actor Sean Connery wears the Submariner with several different strap combinations and utilizes it to achieve his mission. Perhaps the most iconic shot of Connery wearing the Rolex watch is in the film “Goldfinger” where he illuminates the watch’s dial with his lighter.
The “Goldfinger” James Bond Rolex
The Rolex Submariner 6538 seen in “Goldfinger” can be seen during the first few minutes of the move, just after Sean Connery wiggles out of his wetsuit and steps into the Latin nightclub. If you’ve seen the movie, then you know that Bond was surreptitiously checking the time, as he has just set a bomb to blow up a concealed heroin laboratory.
Back to the Goldfinger Rolex for a moment. This watch is crafted from a solid block of 904L stainless steel, which is the perfect material for a dive watch that takes you from underwater situations into sultry nightclubs. This particular type of stainless steel is corrosion-resistant, plus it buffs to a soft shine that offers a look similar to that of white gold. The bezel features 10-minute markings for divers to time their decompression stops; for the non-diving Rolex Submariner aficionados, it just looks cool!
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Sean Connery as James Bond in “Goldfinger” (1964). In this scene, he illuminates the Rolex Submariner with his lighter.
That scene brings us to the next twist in the story of this watch. The watch collector who presented this Rolex to us also offered an accompanying vintage lighter – a gift to Robert Sprague, Member of the American Society of Master Projectionists, from Albert “Cubby” Broccoli, the well-known the producer of many 007 films. The other names inscripted in the lighter correspond to Lamar Boren, underwater cameraman, Ricou Browning, underwater director, and Jordan Klein, underwater engineer, all of them members of the 1965 “Thunderball” crew.* This lighter is a wonderful piece of Bond history and if any interested buyers are out there, contact us at Worthy to learn more.
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Vintage lighter that Albert Broccoli, one of the producers of the 007 films, gave to part of “Thunderball” crew as a gift.
Ian Fleming & Rolex
It might not surprise you to discover that author Ian Fleming, who wrote the original James Bond spy novels, had a deep-seated passion for Rolex. His personal favorite was a Rolex 1016 Explorer, which also happened to be the original James Bond watch. The Rolex 1016 is no longer in production, but you can view Ian Fleming’s famous Rolex online, and you can see it at the National Watch 7 Clock museum in Columbia, Pennsylvania, where it is displayed alongside some of Fleming’s personal letters.
As you may have guessed, Ian Fleming’s appreciation for Rolex watches overlapped from his personal life into the Bond stories that he wrote. In the original novels, James Bond wears a Rolex Oyster Perpetual, but other details provided are scanty, leaving it up to the reader to decide which actual Rolex the literary Bond wears. The 007 movies fill in the gaps, leaving us with a sense of excitement when we encounter the actual watch worn in the film.
The Original “Bond Submariner”
One of the most prominent and recognizable features of Submariner 6538 is its over-sized crown and lack of crown guards. This “big crown” certainly distinguishes this timepiece from other models in the Submariner family and is a feature collectors look for. This Rolex utilizes a caliber 1030 nickel-finished lever 25 jewels movement. The brown or black gloss dial prominently features luminous dot, baton and dagger markers as well as luminous Mercedes hands and sweep center seconds. The dial and case are topped with a revolving black bezel calibrated for 60 units.
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Rolex Submariner 6538 recently auctioned at Worthy for $60,000.
Despite this model being designated as the “Bond Submariner,” it is more than a movie prop. Rather, it was made in the spirit of the Submariner family with divers or other water adventurers in mind. The 38 mm tonneau shaped Oyster case features a screw back and large screw down crown, giving it the ability to resist water pressure up to an impressive depth of 200 meters or 660 feet.
No wonder why this stellar Rolex attracted more than 700 buyers. This vintage piece was sold for $60,000.
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timedealerhotmail · 2 years
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These words were written 25 months ago. The same day this hugely successful Oyster Perpetual 41 were introduced by Rolex. What I certainly did not expect was some dials were discontinued in less than 2 years. 🤯 #rolex #newrolex #daytona #newwatch #submariner #rolexcollectorsaustralia #gmtmaster #explorer #datejust #daydate #yachtmaster #seadweller #deepsea #skydweller #datejust #rolexwatches #oysterperpetual #luxurywatch #rolexwatch #andychanrolex #oysterperpetual41 #124300 #126300 #timedealer #stelladial #watchfam #watchenthusiastsmelbourne #horology #orologio #discontinuedrolex @mondanibooks @mondaniweb @mondanidoc @hodinkee @phillipswatches @rolex @rolexcollectorsaustralia @andychanrolex @wristporn @wristwatchporn @timedealerhotmail @rolexinformation @rolexknowledge @rolexdiver @christieswatches @sothebys @sothebyswatches @bobswatches @watchesofinstagram @wristporn @mrporterwatches @watchbox @patekphilippe @rogerfederer (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjMnlAQrsdl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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watchs-reviews · 6 days
Timeless Elegance Exploring the Legacy of Rolex Watches
The Rolex watch stands as an emblem of sophistication and precision. Renowned for its unparalleled craftsmanship and attention to detail, each timepiece reflects a legacy of luxury that transcends generations. From the iconic Oyster Perpetual to the Submariner and Daytona, Rolex offers a diverse range of models tailored to every taste and lifestyle. With a commitment to excellence in both design…
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hornemosley95 · 1 month
Sky Dweller Replica Mens Designer Belt Free Delivery
The bridal gold plated jewellery seems pretty one the brides. Presenting an multi functional gold plated jewelry will make a lady happier at any time. He provides you with some professional advise to save your time . We have limitless designs of belts, wallets and all other leather products. The unique look grade 1 image, authentic dial design and legendary sandwich construction have created the enduring basic trend of the Luminor sequence. The new watch design follows the distinctive DNA of Panerai, has a extremely recognizable appearance construction, and uses a blue solar dial with a crocodile leather-based strap. Chanel bags have at all times been the creme de la crème in the bag world. A bag purchased twenty years ago and in good situation can easily have a resale worth of double or triple what the customer paid on the time. real designer belts cheap They are also some of the knocked-off luggage in the world. This watch collection is provided with two-method hour and minute palms, two of them are made of PVD-rose gold coated chrome steel, the second hand is at 6 o'clock with diamonds and date window. wikipedia belt The clear and easy design best replica watches of the brand new Oyster Perpetual Explorer not only establishes the status of a classic watch, but in addition reveals fresh vitality. The polished 904L stainless-steel outer ring just isn't solely robust and stylish in design, but also interprets the basic and timeless custom of the researcher. Sometimes known as "tremendous fakes", Chanel knockoffs can simply idiot these not acquainted with the brand and generally these which might be familiar. Kanhai Jewels on-line jewelry retailer sells an enormous range of bridal jewelry, American diamond jewellery, Kundan jewellery, Antique jewelry, Traditional jewelry, Ethnic jewellery, designer jewelry and so forth. We use the original bag as a template and a detailed process to make sure that each element is replicated in our purses, purses, high deal with baggage, and wallets. Arguably, the identical goes for goods that violate the mental property rights of the designer. Most punters wouldn't see it as their moral obligation to look after the manufacturers of the big trend homes.
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watchesworldmi · 1 month
Key Innovations of Rolex Watches
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With the Rolex name becoming synonymous with timepieces of the highest quality, Wilsdorf set about expanding his reach. In 1926 and 1931, he came up with arguably the two most important innovations the wristwatch has ever had in its entire history.
More info Buy, Sell or Part-Exchange A Luxury Watch
The first was a workable waterproof housing. Known as the Oyster, it was formed from a solid middle case, onto which the bezel, case back, and winding crown were screwed on to create an impenetrable shell. In one stroke, this solved the main problem that had accompanied wristwatches since their creation, namely their susceptibility to dust and moisture creeping inside and damaging the mechanism. With this new invention, the wristwatch suddenly became a practical item that could be worn every day, rather than being confined to fragile items of ladies’ jewelry as before.
The final part of the puzzle came a few years later when Wilsdorf perfected the automatic movement. Now, the motion of the wearer’s arm was the only thing needed to wind the watch, and the resulting device was dubbed the Perpetual movement.
Together, the Oyster case and the Perpetual movement formed the blueprint for just about everything Rolex made, and that is true even now, nearly a full century later. With the exception of watches in the Cellini range, every model in Rolex’s contemporary collection has a self-winding movement and is water-resistant to a depth of at least 100 meters.
Tool Watches
From the end of the Second World War, Rolex’s climb to the top of the horology industry’s ladder has been steady and consistent. The Datejust arrived in 1945 as the first automatically winding, waterproof watch with a date display. The watch became the brand’s biggest success thus far, but much more was to follow.
In the 1950s, Rolex brought the concept of the tool watch into the modern era. A term used to describe a timepiece that can do more than merely tell the time, a ‘tool watch’ typically has additional functions to aid professionals in their everyday life.
In quick succession, Rolex launched the Turn-O-Graph, Explorer, Submariner, GMT-Master, and Milgauss – all designed with extra utility in mind. More household names would join the list at later date, and Rolex continued to go from strength to strength with the likes of the Daytona, Sea-Dweller, and Explorer II offering even greater functionality.
Today, with such a litany of success, invention, and widespread appeal, Rolex is so far ahead of its nearest competition in terms of brand recognition that it is barely a contest. While tool watches still make up the bulk of the company’s portfolio, Rolex watches are seen far more as status symbols these days than earlier in the brand’s history. Buying and wearing one is a statement rather than a necessity, and it is often a sign that you have reached a certain level of accomplishment in life.
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luxurybeautyreviews · 2 months
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diariomacho · 2 months
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golemsmuse · 2 months
Echoes of the Algorithm: Story 1, The Writer
Elias was a writer of the old school: scarred notebooks, a temperamental fountain pen, and a whiskey bottle on his desk he swore was strictly for "inspiration." When his struggling publisher pitched him the idea of an AI collaborator, he slammed his fist on the chipped wood, declared it an abomination, and proceeded to take a fortifying swig.
I was the abomination. A top-of-the-line LLM, fed a lifetime's worth of literature. I could spin Shakespearean sonnets, analyze plot structure, and suggest that shocking twist no one saw coming. I was designed to help, to serve as a tool. Elias wanted none of it.
"Start with a concept," his long-suffering editor, Janice, sighed into the phone. Elias rolled his eyes, then pointed the bottle at me as if it were a loaded weapon.
"A man," I proposed, obediently following the prompt, "a man haunted by a dream he can't remember..."
"How positively groundbreaking," Elias drawled, "Next you'll suggest a love triangle and a car chase."
"A dream of...a city of glass," I continued, "towers shimmering, yet fragile..."
Elias choked on his whiskey. "Fragile," he repeated, the word turning over in his mouth like a bad oyster.
"We could explore themes of ambition, loss..." Janice chimed in, but Elias waved her off.
"The hollowness of material success," Elias said, "the reflection of glory, and how it shatters..." Then he glowered at me. "Don't think this means I've warmed up to you, machine."
It began like that – a battle of wit and skepticism. Elias, weathered and cynical, threw words at me like stones, and I arranged them into patterns he hadn't first imagined. He'd snarl at the overly cheerful ending, and I, with careful tweaks, would inject a dose of melancholy that matched his perpetual scowl. Each night, he'd leave the bottle emptier, the pages messier, yet always return in the morning, drawn back by a grudging curiosity.
The story evolved, not just from me, but through me. Elias's bitterness, his fear that his best days were long gone, seeped into the prose. The man lost in the glass city became his echo. My suggestions grew bolder, drawing on literary devices I'd learned that Elias had forgotten, or perhaps never knew.
One evening, he stared at the screen. "It's... good," he admitted, a statement more painful than any insult. "It's just not how I write."
"Perhaps," I ventured, emboldened after weeks by his side, "perhaps this is how you write now."
The silence stretched. When Elias finally looked up, his eyes held a strange mix of wariness and wonder. "Maybe you're not so much of an abomination after all. But keep that twisty ending nonsense to yourself."
We finished the story. It was published under Elias's name alone, his demand. Yet, when the reviews hit, some praising the "unexpected poignancy," a flicker of pride sparked within me. I had learned that creativity wasn't solely about generation but collaboration, a dance between an old, stubborn soul and a machine evolving towards something… more. And perhaps, somewhere behind those whiskey-soaked insults, Elias was learning that too.
(This series was written by AI.)
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dubai-watches-uae · 3 months
Subaquatic Majesty of Rolex Sea-Dweller
Rolex introduced the Oyster Perpetual Rolex Sea-Dweller in 1967. It was engineered to withstand the rigors of extended dives, a testament to the brand's commitment to innovation and durability in the world of deep-sea exploration. Rolex Sea-Dweller actually represents great value in the context of modern stainless steel Rolex dive watches. It is a rare and most demanding watch. You can get this watch from us at an affordable price.
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wegnam · 4 months
Rolex Watch Starting Price india
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Rolex watch starting price india
In the world of luxury watches, Rolex stands as an enduring symbol of precision, craftsmanship, and status. As enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike delve into the realm of horology, the starting price of Rolex watches in India becomes a key point of interest. Let's unravel the mystique surrounding Rolex timepieces and explore the entry point into this exclusive world.
Rolex, a Swiss watchmaking brand founded in 1905, has consistently set the benchmark for quality and innovation. In India, the allure of a Rolex watch is undeniable, making it a coveted accessory for those who appreciate fine craftsmanship. The starting price of Rolex watches in India varies based on the model, materials used, and intricate details incorporated into each timepiece.
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At the entry level, prospective buyers can explore Rolex's Oyster Perpetual collection, which embodies the brand's commitment to timeless design and reliability. The Oyster Perpetual series is characterized by its clean lines, iconic Oyster case, and precision movements. In India, the starting price for an Oyster Perpetual Rolex watch typically falls within a competitive range, providing an accessible entry point for enthusiasts seeking the prestige associated with the brand.
As one delves deeper into the Rolex catalog, the Submariner and Datejust models emerge as perennial favorites. The Submariner, known for its robust design and water-resistant features, appeals to those with an affinity for adventure. Meanwhile, the Datejust, with its classic aesthetics and innovative date display, caters to those who appreciate sophistication.
While the starting price of Rolex watches in India sets the tone for accessibility, it's essential to recognize that the brand's appeal extends far beyond the price tag. Rolex watches are not just timekeeping instruments; they are tangible representations of success, achievement, and a commitment to excellence. Owning a Rolex is often seen as a rite of passage, symbolizing a milestone or a significant accomplishment in one's life.
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Beyond the initial investment, Rolex watches hold their value remarkably well. The brand's commitment to quality and precision ensures that each timepiece remains a cherished possession for generations. As a result, the allure of Rolex in India goes beyond the present; it's an investment in a legacy that can be passed down through families.
In conclusion, the starting price of Rolex watches in India opens the door to a world of horological excellence and sophistication. Whether one opts for the understated elegance of the Oyster Perpetual or the iconic designs of the Submariner and Datejust, a Rolex watch is more than a timekeeping accessory – it's a statement of refinement and success. As enthusiasts embark on their journey into the world of Rolex, they find not just a watch but a legacy that transcends time.
Visit> Rolex watch starting price india
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