#Oh and did you catch the Loved and Wanted reference? It's subtle haha
cowboyjen68 · 4 months
Hi Jen, sorry for dumping a big rant in your askbox but your blog has helped me figure out my identity and I don’t have anyone to talk to about this in real life lol. Feel free to delete if this is too weird.
So I’m a 17 y/o butch, and I have been masculine since I was a little kid. I always felt lucky to have a family that was generally okay with my gender nonconformity. They treated it like a cute quirk of mine, and I never felt like I was being judged or that I should change the way I am around them. My dad got a kick out of it. One summer he let me help him build the deck in our backyard. He always took me to baseball games, he dressed me up in his old clothes, basically treated me like I was his son and I loved it.
I feel like as I get older, my masculinity becomes less acceptable. I went to visit my paternal grandmother for the holidays, hadn’t seen her in a few years, and the first thing she said to me was “I thought you would’ve grown out of all that by now” (in reference to my haircut and outfit, I think.) I just don’t know how to react to the way my extended family treats me now. They used to be totally fine with it, but I spent my entire Christmas feeling like I was being judged for every little thing.
Like, what’s changed? Why is it cute and funny when a little girl wears boy’s clothes and wrestles with her cousins, but disgusting when I grow up and settle into my masculinity?
It’s like I’ve crossed the invisible line between being a tomboy and being a dyke, and now no one wants to entertain it anymore.
Again, sorry for the rant haha, I just feel like I’m going crazy because I tried to talk to my sister about it and she said she didn’t notice them acting any different, but I swear my aunt spent half of our Christmas dinner telling me how pretty I would be if I just wore a bit of makeup lmaoo. I’m just wondering if anyone else has experienced this, because I’m feeling pretty lost right now. Thanks, and happy holidays!
It is not weird at all. I hear that young lesbians, particularly butches, do not have older role models to bounce ideas off of or vent or get any perspective on certain experiences. Moms and Dads and straight sisters and cousins, no matter how well meaning, will just not always "get" what is happening. They say things like "we love you no matter what" and "we don't care if you are a lesbian" and they mean it, mostly. But they often don't see the subtle clues (or blatant ones)they toss around that indicates how uncomfortable they are with you being so visible, but just existing as you naturally are.
AND OH MY GOSH yes I have experienced exactly what you are talking about with the deepening judgement as you move from a cute little Tomboy to an adult butch women. It is almost like they hope to "catch it early" when we are in our teens and redirect us away from the "danger" of being a visible lesbian. And a woman who does not, in very overt ways, conform to their idea of how a woman should be and act.
My dad was relatively consistent in treating me pretty much like he would a son and, to his credit, he did so with my straight sister. We were allowed to do just about anything my older brothers did. In part because my sister was pretty strong willed but also a lot like him. I was less strong willed but she had mowed the path.
Mom was the one who was forever concerned about my looks and behavior, both out of worry I would not fit in, and because she had a certain expectation of how her daughter should grow up. Both normal Mom reactions. She understood bullies and knew that sticking out could be difficult. Her solution was not to strengthen my resilience but to attempt to "tone me down". Her efforts increased as I made the jump from kid to teen and into my late teens. She would discourage me from cutting my hair, becoming almost angry when I brought it up. She would tell me how lovely I was in dresses and skirts and say thing like " a little make up would be nice". It got really old. It lead to us not always getting along even though I loved and respected my mom. She was a great mom. But this one thing made us both crazy. She could not cool it and I could not change who I was.
Friends at school saw hints of my liking girls. I stopped wearing cowboy boots and my favorite horse buckle and it their place went with K Mart Tennis shoes and a generic belt that came with my pants, again, from Kmart. I put away the cowboy fringed shirts and flannel and went with simple jeans and sweatshirts, the acceptable attire for boys and girls in my rural high school. I kept my hair long to disguise my "looking like a boy" traits.
I (barf) agreed to date a boy and spent the better part of that time making excuses to not kiss him or spent time with him. I was starting to listen to mom and do my best to hide ME from the world. Anything (with in reason) to throw the world off the scent, the scent of me being a lesbian. Being butch made that one more step difficult.
It is hard to hide the space we take up naturally.
It might seem hard to see it now by your family is slightly well intentioned, knowing that being "seen" easily as a lesbian can be dangerous. But also, they are uncomfortable with your energy and physical presence because it does not coincide with their ideas of what a woman acts, feels and moves like. This is a THEM problem and I can give you words of comfort based on experience.
The more you begin to be you, and dress in what gives you comfort the more your confidence will grow and be evident. People who are emboldened to try and change you for their own comfort tend to back way off when there is no opening for their opinions. They just sort of realize they are wasting time. AND for those that don't, there are always a few, you don't have to give them any air or acknowledgement. You get to let them waste time and energy while you look great in whatever you wish to wear and however you wish to cut your hair. And in a wonderful turn around, you don't have to spend any effort just being you or trying to defend or correct them.
You are fast approaching adulthood and with that will come even more freedom and independence. Don't rush it but also, work towards that.
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rivalsforlife · 3 years
For the fanfic ask: F, K, S, X, Y (whichever ones you feel like answering) <3 Love your work!
Alright, thank you!!
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
oh no. Uhhh I’m probably going to think of something else like five seconds after posting it haha, but at the moment one of the dialogue scenes I really like is the dinner scene near the end of chapter 4 of The Catch-Up Game (linked here for easy reference). The... whole thing is pretty long and I like a lot of it, so I’ll just share a (relatively?) short snippet form it here:
“You did more than enough, Edgeworth,” Phoenix insisted. “If it weren’t for the Jurist System — founded upon your research — I would’ve never been able to clear up my scandal. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have gotten my badge back at all.”
“The badge wasn’t all there was to it.”
“... Maybe not,” Phoenix admitted. “It’s not like we can change that. And it’s not like I would’ve wanted you to do more. It was difficult enough to accept help as it was. Besides, you’re — you’re here now, aren’t you?”
“Phoenix,” said Edgeworth.
It’s not like it was unheard of for Edgeworth to say his first name. It just… happened so rarely, Phoenix could count on one hand the times he’s heard it since grade school. Only when it was just the two of them, never when they were in some sort of public place.
But… Phoenix really liked the way Edgeworth said his name. It wasn’t like he pronounced it differently, or anything. There was just a sense of hesitance to it, like it was something precious he was holding in his mouth, and speaking it too forcefully would cause it to shatter. His name was all soft syllables, in Edgeworth’s voice which rarely softened anything, and it made Phoenix feel like he fell back into deep water after he’d just regained his footing.
“So much has changed,” said Edgeworth. “Hasn’t it?”
“Mhm, tell me about it,” said Phoenix, sinking back into his chair, trying to stay afloat. “Maya’s the Master of her village, Pearls is looking into college, Apollo’s running his own firm while Athena’s taking on more cases by herself, Trucy’s off on tour… and you, Chief Prosecutor.” He let out a faint, self-deprecating laugh. “Meanwhile it feels like I’m stuck in place. Still the same attorney I was when I started out.”
“I don’t think that’s true, but even if it were, there’s nothing wrong with that, is there?” Edgeworth asked. “I hastened towards my position, as it was the best vantage point from which to eliminate corruption. I know I’ve made great changes. I don’t regret my choices, and wouldn’t choose differently, if I had the chance to do them over. But…” He gazed at Phoenix for a long time. “There are things I missed,” he continued, barely audible. “In some ways I’m still stuck, as well, and the thought of moving forward… terrifies me.”
“... I think I know what you mean.”
“Do you?”
Phoenix didn’t answer, lowering his gaze to where Edgeworth’s hand rested almost halfway across the table. If he wanted to, he could reach out to hold it. Broad hands that he would trust the world in. But he still didn’t know what it would feel like in his, or what expression would cross Edgeworth’s face if he had the courage to take it.
Edgeworth stared at him with an unreadable expression, almost curious. “Well, you don’t have to say anything,” he said. “What matters most is that I can be here with you now.”
“... Yeah,” said Phoenix. “I agree.”
One of the major difficulties I have in writing, especially writing dialogue, is being Even Remotely Subtle at any given point, because I am an extremely unsubtle person who does not pick up on social cues! This scene though, actually most of this chapter, has to sort of subtly set up the big event at the end of chapter 5, as well as make all of Phoenix’s motivations seem sort of plausible before he actually gives the explanation a little later. Reading it over it wasn’t actually very subtle but for me I think it was a huge step in the right direction haha. 
Mainly: Phoenix fears that Miles is going to leave him again, along with everyone else he loves in his life, since everyone is starting to move on ahead without him. He’s only just gotten Miles in his life in a semi-permanent way and is terrified of losing that. Miles, meanwhile, has been so focused on his career his whole life and is just now starting to realize the other aspects of life he’d been missing out on, namely developing his relationship with Phoenix, which he’s slowly starting to work up the courage to make a move on. And they’re both aware now that they love each other (even if Phoenix can’t fully admit it to himself yet), but scared to actually take that step forward, so they tiptoe around the subject even though they both know they’re discussing it... and end up taking wildly different conclusions away from the conversation as a result, which leads to the disaster at the end of chapter 5.
Also I just kind of like how pretty some of it managed to sound, somehow. The description of how Miles says Phoenix’s name is probably one of my favourite lines in the fic haha. Overall, I feel proud of myself any time I think I can pull off a dialogue scene where people don’t say what they mean haha.
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
Hmm prooooobably the Iris Wright Ace Attorney AU which is the one where Phoenix ends up killed by Dahlia, and to atone, Iris helps put her in jail and then takes on Phoenix’s path as an attorney... which I haven’t really written much for yet, but talked about here a little while ago. 
It’s fun and angsty because Iris has to deal with a lot of guilt of pretty much being the downfall of the two people she cared about the most, but you’ve also got Miles, who has his realization that maybe what he’s doing isn’t great so much harder and faster because the realization comes with “when you ignored the truth, it set off a chain of events that caused the death of your childhood friend.” 
Phoenix and Miles don’t end up as close in this AU by virtue of Phoenix being dead before they even meet, but Miles learns Phoenix became an attorney to save him -- and was in the courthouse when he met Dahlia because he was studying to become an attorney -- and even though Miles hadn’t spoken to Phoenix in ages, he was still Miles’ first friend and someone he held dear to his heart all those years they were separate (which I do think is true in canon too, but seeing him as an opponent made that less apparent in AA1-Miles), so news of his death indirectly because of Miles hits him pretty badly.
I did write a fic about Miles responding to Phoenix’s letters in this AU during the events of JFA as a way of trying to work through his grief. I was going to post it during the AU day for narumitsu week this year but ended up not doing that since The Catch-Up Game was stressful enough for people haha.
... I can probably come up with angstier stuff if pressed but AA isn’t one of the fandoms I crave a lot of angst for. 
OH WAIT NO I looked through my fic ideas doc and saw one that’s basically a DL-6 But Worse AU where Miles dies instead of Gregory -- kind of like The Illusion of Control, which broke me, but plot-related stuff would probably be different. A key part is them somehow managing to solve DL-6 in seven years, so that there’s the thematic parallel of Gregory then taking in Franziska (and raising her well!)
(S I already answered here!)
X: A character you enjoy making suffer.
... Apparently Miles Edgeworth? I don’t necessarily like making him suffer, I just think that you can explore many interesting aspects of his character... through his suffering... and given my fics, he’s the one I make suffer the most, so. Does it count as making him suffer if it’s canon that did it first?
Y: A character you want to protect.
Mostly the kid characters who have suffered so much more than they deserve: namely, Pearl and Trucy. Especially Trucy at the moment considering the repulsive stuff people have been writing about her in the aa ao3 tag recently. 
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sugamoonv · 5 years
Whipped Namjoon
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A.N: Another Headcanon!!!!! I just have some strong feelings for my intelligent, talented string bean.
Let's just say you work as camerawoman or man
You’re interning with bighit and are currently working on your degree in film and directing
But one of your jobs is to follow BTS around and help with Run episodes, choreo videos that they want to use for reference
Bc the actual choreo is shot by people higher up
 Since your job is to literally follow BTS around with a camera, you get to know them pretty well
They’re all incredibly nice to the staff around them
though since you’re new and do more assisting than directing, you don’t talk to them too much......yet
 Namjoon just kind of awkwardly stares at you infatuated for the longest time hoping that you and his members think he’s looking at the camera
Until one day when you get a break and you’re just sitting on the floor in the dance studio eating your lunch
Namjoon builds up the courage to join you
His members kind of give him confused looks when Namjoon brushes them off to sit with you all of a sudden
He finds out that you have a lot on common actually, and if you weren’t already beautiful to him, then listening to you talk to him about something he likes cements his schoolgirl crush on you
He’s especially enamored with the way you ramble about the things your passionate about, even if it’s something he doesn’t understand
After eating lunch together, Namjoon tries to find small moments to talk to you, be near you, etc.
Jeon “romance boy” Jungkook soon realizes that it’s not the camera that Namjoon is staring at as if it were the freaking moon
it was in fact you
And boi does the teasing start bc the little shit just couldnt keep his mouth shut over how his hyung was head over heels for you
Besides the staring, Namjoon makes his crush incredibly obvious to anyone with a brain cell
He’s suddenly more clumsy and the way you laugh only subconsciously reinforces him to be clumsy
Namjoon also laughs at everything you laugh at or every joke you crack
And I’m not talking a haha, that was funny, chuckle
I mean like the real, genuine, full-on belly laugh
To Namjoon, all the comedians in the world combined would never be as funny as the dumb scenarios or quips you come up with
And they say that a good sense of humor comes with intelligence so........
Luckily, you have more than one brain cell and aren’t completely oblivious
The boys aren’t exactly subtle either.....
Whenever you enter the room, the boys start giggling and looking at you and Namjoon before turning and whispering to each other
and the oh-so-subtle comments about how you and Namjoon should get food together for everything, or how Namjoon is alone in his studio, or “Doesn’t Y/N look nice today?” 
Namjoon is the only one that’s forced to answer that question
Not that he’s upset about it
It’s just he preferred if he could say you looked good without any prompts and without his face turning tomato red
 Namjoon takes you under his wing
I feel like that’s how he shows he cares about someone
He provides emotional support, helps with anything you need, gives advice, and just overall wants to help you grow and be healthy
As you get closer, you begin going out of your way to help each other out
You’ll volunteer your time to listen to new songs or ideas Namjoon has, go over the choreo with him when he’s struggling, give him small pieces of advice on his outfits and what not
Namjoon likes to sit with you as you edit videos
Maybe if it was a busy day, he offers a massage bc holding a camera up all day WILL make your arms sore, no matter how much you work out
It gets to the point where you constantly buy each other food and carry snacks and water with you at all times, bc what if the other gets hungry?????????
Absolutely not
Namjoon is the one that asks you out first
tbh, Namjoon is kinda old fashioned in that he believes it’s up to the guy to ask the other person out
Though if you had asked him out first, he would be just as happy
The boys all ship you
To the point where it almost becomes overbearing????
They all work to hide your new relationship from management bc both of you aren’t sure how well BigHit would take you dating
With Namjoon being an idol, dating was already bound to be difficult for him, and companies have become laxer on it but still
Not to mention that the person he’s dating is technically a co-worker
They boys come up with the idea to put on a fancy dinner for your first date since you and Namjoon can’t go out without risking being caught
Jin cooks the food
Jimin and Taehyung wait on you
Jimin had to drag Tae away from the table bc he wanted to talk about how good of a job he did decorating with you guys
Jungkook wanted to sing for you guys??????????
he claimed he wanted to do it to set the atmosphere
Yoongi nearly beats him and offers to play the piano in the background
Namjoon feels a little better considering Yoongi won’t snitch if Namjoon fucks up
You catch Hobi spying on you, but needless to say it goes well
so well that you and Namjoon become official by the next week
Since you and Namjoon are officially an item, none of the boys get upset when he ditches them to be with you
they still definitely tease him tho
Namjoon comes up with dumb excuses to have you near him
“Namjoon, you’re just going to do laundry. Why would Y/N need to accompany you?”
“The FaNs mAY WaNT tO SeE HOw I wASh mY CLoThEs?????”
Yeah that does’t work for too long and BigHit eventually puts two and two together
They weren’t happy
They told Namjoon to break up with you and he got PISSED
he went off on this whole angry rant about how you’re good for him and how hard he’s worked for BigHit and BTS so he deserves to be happy, and how BTS is big enough and the fans are so wonderful that they would accept you
He basically told them if they ever tried to force him to break up with you again, he would break his contract
You felt bad and told Namjoon that perhaps you should break up
You both had your careers to focus on and BigHit didn’t approve and you worried that the fans would hate you for taking Namjoon from them
You let your doubts get the best of you.
You’re both mature adults so after two days of arguing, you both agree to sit down and talk this out
Neither of you wants this fight to be what defines your relationship
Because of this, you come up with a pact to always be honest with one another and that if you’re still angry with the other person after a certain amount of time, you HAD to talk it out
because with his and your busy schedules, the whole, no one goes to bed angry thing may not always work and sometimes that was the reality as trying to talk about an issue may make the person angrier before bed
One thing you were surprised about was how needy Namjoon actually was
As the leader, he has to appear more mature that his members and so you and him don’t perform much pda
maybe holding hands, hugging, or him putting his arm on your shoulder/waist
but other than that.....nada
But behind closed doors??????
That boy is all over you
You can’t go more than two minutes without having his lips on your when he’s in the mood
and that’s not even when he’s in the mood IN THE MOOD
Namjoon often overworks himself which brings a lot of frustrated energy into the bedroom
He once fucked you so hard that wearing skinny jeans was a no no
Namjoon was also loud af that night so none of the boys got any sleep
Yoongi has that 3 million dollar apartment so you bet your ass he went there to actually have some peace and quiet
the others begged to go with him but he only invited Jimin
which only made the remaining members even more miserable
Jin told Namjoon that if he was that loud ever again in the dorms, Jin would leave BTS and never talk to him again
Everyone but Jimin and Yoongi were exhausted the next day, all for different reasons
Namjoon also likes to have slow, passionate sex too
Morning sex is his favorite
you’re just so soft and all of you is bare to him
he loves that he’s the only one that sees you in your natural state like this and can make love
After a year or so of dating, Namjoon really wants to get serious
You’ve already met his parents and he still has the same feelings for you the day you got together
He starts daydreaming about what it would be like to have children, pets, and a home
When you’re gone, he’ll gush to his members about how much he would enjoy being domestic with you
This man can go on for hours on how he’ll buy your favorite snacks (he’s had those memorized for a while now) and how you’ll coook for each other and try new recipes together
Jin laughs at him for this bc the boy can’y even properly cut on onion much less cook
Namjoon also talks about how amazing it would be to fold laundry together and go furniture shopping
The boys may joke but they would never actually tell Namjoon to shut up
They love Namjoon too much and he works hard for them and seeing you make him this happy, makes them happy
These future plans start to make up the majority of your after-sex pillowtalks
When he broke his relationship to the fans, most were happy but there was a bunch that were angry at you, and all of a sudden you had a ton of attention on you
So he didn’t want to make the proposal a public thing
Namjoon had to go on tour and unfortunately you weren’t going with them as you weren’t too needed, which was fine
The thing was, the sneaky little bitch didn’t tell you when he got back
So you just walk into your shared apartment to hear your favorite soft song playing, scented candles going and a pathway of rose petals
And you walk in slowly bc what the fuck right??????
Only to see Namjoon standing in the middle of the room, dressed to the nines while you look like a bum coming home from a long day of work
But he still looks at you as if you’re the most beautiful person in the world and with so much love
you almost run to him bc you missed him so much but when he gets on one knee when you see him
you freeze
Namjoon is shaking, bad, but that’s okay bc you’re on the verge of happy sobbing
imagine if I said you didn’t accept the proposal lmao
Namjoon swears that that night is the happiest he’ll ever be
making love to you after being away for so long while the only thing you’re wearing is his ring......
He could literally die from overwhelming happiness
The boys throw Namjoon and you an engagement party, but you think that they did so just to have an excuse to get drunk
From the get-go, they start planning Namjoon’s bachelor party
Taehyung asks if he can be your bridesmaid and you almost say yes
Jungkook has kind of become a brother to you, so you ask him if he wants to help walk you down the isle
it’s really unconventional, so Jungkook is shocked for a couple minutes then he just starts crying
He says it would be the biggest honor to help give you away to his brother
Namjoon can’t pick one person to be his best man so he just makes all of the boys his best men
Everyone is at this wedding
All of the boys family and yours, all the staff from BigHit that work with BTS, and all of your’s and BTS’s friends
BigHit wanted to televise the wedding but Namjoon said that he would prefer if was private to the people he was close with
No offense, Namjoon loves his fans, but this wedding is so special to him, he just wants it to be as intimate he can get it
And would it truly be Namjoon’s wedding fi he didn’t break at least one thing?????
He calls his dad into the room panicking because he broke one of the buttons on his tux
Then during the ceremony, the clip on mic somehow breaks so both of you are forced to stand there until it’s fixed to continue the wedding
Namjoon’s so happy he doesn’t care if everyone is laughing at him, including you
Namjoon chokes up a lot during his vows and when he tries to hide that he’s crying, you just laugh at him with happy tears in your eyes too
Hobi and Jungkook cry the whole wedding
Well all the boys do but Hobi and Jungkook literally cry from the moment you begin to walk down the isle to the 30 minutes after the reception begins
Jimin’s, Jin’s, and Taehyung’s eyes are also red from crying but theyre more happy than emotional
Yoongi doesn’t cry until he gives his speech
He gives this sentimental speech about how Namjoon means so much to him and how proud and happy he is for you and Namjoon
And when he looks at Namjoon’s teary eyes, he just kind of breaks down
Namjoon hugs Yoongi for 10 minutes while Yoongi sobs into his shoulder
Namjoon takes you to the country you’ve always wanted to go to for the honeymoon
He apologizes over the fact that it won’t be a normal honeymoon since some fans will probably recognize him
The first few days isnt an issue since neither of you leaves your luxury hotel room.
bc lets be honest, everyone knows honeymoons aren’t meant for visiting museums and learning the local history......
if you weren't acquainted with each other's bodies, well now you are
you and Namjoon decide to hold off on having kids for a while, at least until his contract runs out with BigHit
Instead, you buy a dog and with how much Namjoon and honestly, the rest of BTS spoil him, it might as well be your child
I mean Taehyung bought the dog a custom gucci dog sweater for when it’s cold and he has to go pee or go for a walk
Bottom line, Namjoon loves you with all his heart and every day he’s incredibly grateful for the many ways he’s blessed having his brothers by his side and being able to call you his
Permanent Tag List: @eshika0102 @detectivebourbon @omgsuperstarg
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sleepyfan-blog · 5 years
Cross and ink and a lot of fluff on a sleepover at dreams and nightmares scence nightmares turned good, and it wouldn't be completed without a jealous Error "Why won't you let him be mine" "It's not that he won't it's just that he doesn't want"
I hope that you enjoy! it’s under a cut bc it got a little long, haha
Oh and the fic I’m referring to is this
Warnings: uhh…. Unrequited love?
Dream beamed happily at Cross and Ink, stepping aside and gesturing for the two of them to come in. “I’m really glad that you two could make it! We’ve got everything set up in one of the cozier spaces in the castle.”
Cross nodded a little, a small smile appearing on his face as he walked in - he knew that after Nightmare had gotten uncorrupted (thank you, Reaper and Reapertale Gaster)  and the pair of guardians had returned to the castle they’d been trying to renovate it, in order to make it less dreary and terrifying. The lighter colors and the more generous light fixtures really helped the section of the castle that Dream took the two of them down “It’s looking really good so far - I wouldn’t mind helping, if you don’t mind?” the monochromatic skeleton offered with a small smile.
Dream shrugged for a moment, a small smile appearing on his face “I’ll ask Nightlight - but I think it’s going to be one of the projects he’s going to be stubborn about… Besides, it’s not as if we’re pressed for time in order to fix up the castle, anyways.”
Ink nodded, a grin appearing on his face “I understand! Since Nightmare’s come back to his senses, the only person we really have to worry about is Error… And as the truce between myself and him has been holding steady for the past ten years, I’m pretty sure that he won’t suddenly start destroying things… Although I really do miss helping Creators make new AUs…” The creative guardian sighed, his shoulders slumping a little, his eye lights changing shape and colors rapidly.
Cross gently patted his boyfriend on one shoulder before hugging the other “I know that you do… But you’re been helping to restore dead and dying timelines, which is a great help, love…”
Ink perked up at that and his smile was back “You’re right! It’s.. It’s really nice to be able to breathe life into a destroyed timeline. And speaking of that…” He sent a significant look in Dream’s direction.
“I… Nightmare would like to focus on the two of us rebuilding this AU piece by piece as much as we can before asking for help.” Dream responded, knowing that look on Ink’s face and determined to head off a potential argument.
“Who all is here?” Cross asked curiously, changing the subject before Ink could dig in his heels about helping the emotive guardians repair their badly damaged Universe.
“So far apart from me and Night, you two and Error, funnily enough. He appeared on one of the couches three days ago, muttering something about the anti-void being too quiet and the voices bothering him a lot.” Dream murmured, his voice low and quiet “I’m not sure what that meant, but he felt very lonely as he said it. So he’s going to be at the sleepover. Stretch and Blue are helping Queen Toriel negotiate with the humans as they’ve hit a post-pacifist ending again and the human promised no more resets unless something genuinely awful happened.” 
Dream paused for a moment before continuing “Sci and Red managed to catch the flu, so Edge is watching over them and scolding them for wandering out into the forests outside of Snowdin for too long. Hearts, Star and Classic have been dealing with things in their own timelines that have been causing a lot of problems and can’t make it… Color still doesn’t trust Nightmare so he’s dragged Killer, Dust and Hatchet off somewhere and they’ve been out of communications with the both of us for a week.”
“So it’s just going to be the five of us?” Ink prodded, one of his eye lights a yellow star, the other an orange square.
“Yep, unless one or more of the others suddenly calls for a pick up. But enough about all of that, how have you two been?” Dream asked brightly as the three of them entered Nightmare’s Library - the center area having been transformed into an epic blanket and pillow fort. The scent of hot cocoa, pizza, popcorn and cupcakes mingled pleasantly together.
Error was sulking up on top of a bookshelf, an exasperated but amused Nightmare standing beneath him as he said “-ot going to be comfortable up there, you know?”
“I don’t care!  You should have warned me that you were going to be throwing some stupid partyyy…. Hi Ink, Boring Glitch.” Error huffed back, his eye lights focusing on the new arrivals - mostly on Ink. The other’s emotional aura shifting to-
Oh dear. Dream sent a brief glance at Nightmare, who nodded minutely and scratched one of his cheeks in a subtle gesture. They’d talk once the others fell asleep. That explained a few things - still, that wasn’t any reason to let such things fester! Dream clapped his hands together and asked, gently pushing his aura onto Error, Cross and Ink, lifting their moods “So, who’s up for a game?”
“Me!” Ink called out cheerfully.
“Sure…” Cross responded, curiosity filling his emotional aura.
“Do I have to?” Error grumbled, though the destructive skeleton had already teleported down  near Nightmare. “So what game are we planning?”
“Spin the bottle: Truth or Dare Edition!” Dream answered with a bright grin, ignoring the exasperated frown and face palm this got from Nightmare.
“I… Am unsure what you mean by that?” Ink prompted “What are the rules?”
“It’s where we each take turns spinning a bottle. Whoever it lands on, you, the spinner ask whether they want to do a dare, tell a truth… Or if they don’t want to do the dare or tell the truth, you get to kiss them! Either on the cheek, forehead, teeth or hand.” Dream explained with a cheerful grin on his face.
Error was blushing bright yellow and his eye sockets started to fill with errors. Dream sighed as he sent a small pulse of his magic the other’s way, stabilizing his emotions and pulling the other from his imminent crash. Cross was a very fascinating shade of purple and was hiding as much of his face as he could in his scarf.
Ink’s eye lights were a yellow star and a green heart “That sounds like so much fun! I’m willing to play! What about you three? Or are you going to be cowardly?”
This prompted Error and Cross to answer at the same time “I’ll play!” determined expressions appearing on his face.
Nightmare sighed, face palming again and responded “I’ll play too. Let me get a bottle. You all should sit down and get comfortable. Do you want anything to eat or drink?”
Everyone shook their heads as Dream lead them to one of the blanket forts, and they crawled into the warm and cozy space, the colorful blankets and magical fairy lights providing diffused and ample light.
“Oh, and one more thing, we need to sit in a circle.” Dream instructed as the others sat around in a circle, making a space for Nightmare as the guardian of Negativity crawled in, an empty bottle in his hand. Nightmare set the bottle down in the space between all of them as Dream spoke up again “I’ll start, since I suggested the game.”
The others nodded (except for Nightmare, who was squinting at him a little) as Dream reached for the bottle and spun it with a quick turn of his wrist. It spun and spun, eventually stopping in front of Cross. Dream grinned a little “Truth, Dare or Kiss?”
“Uhh… What truth do you want to know about me?” Cross responded, having seen Dream’s mischievous side and not wanting to be stuck doing some silly dare right off the bat.
“Hmm…” Dream murmured, his eye lights turning into stars as a grin appeared on his face. He was about to respond when Nightmare cut in.
“Give the poor kid a chance to enjoy the game, would you? Stars above I know how merciless you can get at this game.” his other half cautioned him, turning ever so slightly purple.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Nightmare. Cross, what was your reaction when you first realized that you were in love with Ink?” Dream asked, pouting a bit at Nightmare. There was no need to scare the others. He was just curious…
The blush on Cross’s face returned in full force “… I cursed myself for being so stupid, because it was back before Nightmare got his head screwed on straight and I was still working for him.” He spun the bottle and it landed on Error, who froze. “… Kiss, Truth or Dare?”
“… Truth.” Error responded after a pause, narrowing his eye lights at the other.
“… Why did you agree to the truce with Ink?”” Cross blurted out, before a look of panic scrawled across his face “I… I mean…”
“No, I’ll answer it. I was tired of fighting Ink all the time.” Error answered honestly, staring at the floor “… I had hoped that maybe I could have taken him up on the offer of becoming friends that he gave me long ago.” He spun the bottle and it landed on Nightmare “Your choice now.”
“Dare.” Nightmare responded without hesitation, curious as to what the other would have him do.
“I dare you to steal something from Fresh and bring it back here in less than five minutes.” Error answered quickly.
Nightmare raised a browbone, opened a portal, stretching a hand through it and pulling it back, a distant “Hey! Not cool, broski!” echoed through the portal as the negative spirit revealed that he’d grabbed Fresh’s hat “Done. My turn.” The bottle spun and landed on Dream, who grinned.
The positive spirit answered before Nightmare could even ask “Kiss!” and eagerly teleported into his other half’s lap, eagerly pressing a kiss to the other’s teeth. He nuzzled Nightmare’s neck a little after, leaning into his warmth and spinning the bottle, having it land on Ink “Soo…?”
Ink’s eye lights turned into blue and green question marks “Hmm… Dare me, Dream!”
“I dare you to steal some of G Sans’s cookies!” The positive guardian responded with a bright grin. “And come back within five minutes.”
The creative guardian huffed, rolling his eye lights “Fiiine. But if I get into a fight with that particular sleeping dragon, you’re helping.” Ink portalled off, returning three very quiet minutes later with a tin of butterscotch-cinnamon cookies. “Ta-da… My turn.” He spun the bottle and it landed on Error. “What’ll it be, Glitchy?”
Error paused for a little bit before eventually asking “Who do you want me to steal from? And by that I mean, what dare do you have for me?”
“Aww, Glitchy, everyone doing similar dares would be boring! No, I’ve got something else for you as a dare.” Ink pulls out a box out of his inventory “I want you to wear what’s in that box for ten minutes.”
Error squinted at him before growling “Fine, but if it’s really stupid, I reserve the right to ask for a truth instead.”
“Pff-hahaha, fine~!” Ink responded with a wave as the destructive skeleton teleported elsewhere to change.
Error came back a couple of moments later, squinting at Ink in suspicion as he came back wearing a black jacket that reached his knees and slowly turned to a navy blue at the hood. Beneath it was a long-sleeved red shirt and a bright blue scarf. He was also wearing what appeared to be a bunch of his navy blue strings as a sort of a cape “… This is comfortable and not weird. Why am I wearing this?” He was also wearing a pair of red-rimmed, circular glasses.
Dream and Nightmare both stilled as they stared at Error, their eye lights vanishing for a moment. They were suddenly holding hands and Dream was shaking ever so slightly.
“Ah-ah! You can only get the truth of that out of me if you manage to land the bottle on me.” Ink called out cheerfully, having not spotted either emotive guardians’ reaction to the alternate outfit.
Error grumbled and spun the bottle, and it landed on Cross “Your turn. Truth, Dare or Kiss?”
Cross squinted for a bit, wanting to get this over quickly - he’d seen Dream and Nightmare’s reaction to the outfit and wanted answers, damn it. “Kiss.” He grabbed one of Error’s hands and pressed a quick peck to the other’s knuckles, returned to his seat and spun the bottle, hoping that he’d spun it so that it would land on Nightmare and Dream. Sure enough, it did “Right, Truth or Dare, you two? And I’m guessing you both have to answer, since you’re in Nightmare’s lap, Dream?… Or Kiss, I suppose.”
“…” Nightmare and Dream glanced at one another briefly before staring at Cross and saying simultaneously “Kiss.” The both of them each pressed a light kiss to one of Cross’s cheeks, moving at the same time. Dream settled back into Nightmare’s lap after they did so, still visibly unsettled.
Nightmare flicked the bottle with one of his fingers, and the bottle spun to a stop on Ink “Kiss, Dare or Truth?”
“Hmm… Kiss, actually! A double smooch from the both of you looked like fun.” Ink answwered after a moment, grinning at how purple his boyfriend had gone. That had been very endearing to see.
Dream and Nightmare complied and Ink spun the bottle, it landing on Error. The Destructive skeleton answered before Ink could ask, his voice very quiet “… Kiss, squid…”
This took Ink and Cross by surprise, but not Nightmare nor Dream. Still, with a playful grin, the creative guardian made his way over to Error, pausing for a moment as he studied Error, leaning in close and pressing a light kiss to one of the other’s cheeks, purring lightly “Your turn, Glitchy~!”
Error seemed a little dazed as he fumbled for the bottle, and nearly hit it hard enough to break the glass container. It eventually came to a stop in front of a grumpy Cross “Truth, Dare, or Kiss?”
“Dare me, you grump.” Cross answered after a moment’s consideration.
“I dare you to do a cartwheel.” Error responded after a moment.
The highly athletic skeleton snorted, getting up and doing just that in front of the entrance to the blanket fort so that he didn’t knock it down. He spun the bottle and it landed on Ink “Truth, Kiss or Dare, love?”
“Hmmm… Truth, this time.” Ink decided with a warm smile.
“Why did you dress Error up in that outfit?” Cross asked curiously, watching Dream and Nightmare out of the corner of one of his eye sockets. Their reaction had been weird.
“Well… Because I’ve seen a different Error wear it and was curious to see what he’d look like in it.” Ink responded with a shrug. “And yes, this means that I’ve been to a different multiverse. Things were… Very different there. Although I suspect I’m not the only one who’s been there… Eh, Nightmare, Dream?”
Neither of the emotive guardians responded, and Nightmare’s grip on Dream tightened a little bit. The positive guardian murmured after a moment “I… I think I’m done playing this game for now… Do you guys want to watch a movie?”
Cross and Error agreed - and the latter immediately shot off to go change, the ten minutes up anyways. Ink was pouting a little, having wanted to play for a little longer, but had been outvoted by a lot. Cross got up and put in one of the movies that had been set out - it was a high-seas pirate movie with a bit of magic and a great cast of characters and a rousing score.
Cross frowned a little as he realized that Error hadn’t come back, half-way into the movie. He yawned and stretched a little, slowly scooting out as Ink, Dream and Nightmare were thoroughly entranced by the story, wandering off to go find the destructive being. He found the other leaning against the door of the library, scowling and folded in on himself.
“… Error are you alright?” He asked. He didn’t particularly care for the other, but figured it would be good to check in with the other.
“Why won’t you let him be mine?” Error hissed, glaring up at Cross, a jealous expression appearing on his face. “We… We’ve been through so much together…”
“It’s not that he won't…  It’s just that he doesn’t want you.” Cross responded, feeling awkward and realizing that he was being perhaps a little too blunt. “Look, Ink does what he wants, right? He always has… If he wanted to date you… He would.”
Error hissed and buried his face in his hands “I… I suppose you’re right. But you’re so… New to all of this. Why are you so special enough to catch his attention when his attention for more than five fucking minutes is one of the few things I’ve ever wanted?”
“I… I don’t know.” Cross answered honestly, shrugging helplessly. He had no answer for that, and was just grateful he wasn’t trapped in the endless, white void his timeline had become. “I’m just… I’m grateful that I have his love and attention… Come join us? We’re watching a pirate movie, and it’s a lot of fun.”
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thejokersenigma · 6 years
Joker’s Son x Reader (Frost’s Daughter) - Oneshot Request - Christmas Pup
Ok, this was a request from another lovely anon:
I have a request for a Joker's Son x Reader (Frost's Daughter) BECAUSE I CAN'T GET OVER HOW CUTE THEY ALL ARE. Would you please write about how it's Christmas and the reader and Frost spends the holiday with Joker and Lonnie because it's been a tradition since they were kids, and Lonnie surprises the reader with a dog she was eyeing at a local dog shelter. And it's just a lot of fluff between them with the normal teasing comments Joker likes to give the two love birds.
I’m sooooo sorry it’s taking me so long to get these request out.
I’m not gonna lie, this was an odd one to write at this time of year haha and it’s all a bit random, but hopefully it ticked all the cuteness and teasing boxes!
Hope it was vaguely what you wanted!
Let me know if you want to be tagged in anything!
You piled the last present on the neat stack that sat next to you, admiring your choice of golden ribbon that matched nicely with the red holly patterned paper.
“You finally done?” Your dad asked as he now entered the room.
You over the small island at him, turning on your stool to follow his progress as he moved behind you further into the kitchen. “I would have been done quicker if you helped.” You told him.
“But they wouldn’t have looked half as nice.” Frost said with a slight smirk, “And probably wasted a lot more wrapping paper.” He pointed out.
“Have you ever even bought a present?” You asked, raising your eyebrows at him as you now watched him reach for the biscuit barrel on the side.
Your dad pulled out a gingerbread man and tossed it over to you. “Sure,” He said, reaching back into the tin for his own biscuit. “I use to buy your Christmas and Birthday presents before you could.” He smirked.
“So, until I was five?”
He made a face at you, “Probably till two,” he confessed with a guilty twist of his lips, “Then J would get someone to do it for us.”
“You two…” You muttered under your breath, turning back to the counter, rolling your eyes as you took a bite of the biscuit. “I don’t know how you would survive without me.”
“Without you, I would never have to buy presents.” Your dad reminded you, pointing his piece gingerbread accusingly.
You stayed silent at that, pursing your lips in annoyance. Frost affectionately ruffled your hair as he walked past, letting you know it was just a jest. You batted his hand away but couldn’t help smirking. Your dad was clearly in a good mood. Sure, you knew he was a different man around you compared to the stiff, emotionless, right-hand man to the Joker that the rest of Gotham knew - but it was still rare that he joked and messed around with you like this anymore.
Maybe you had finally infected him with the Christmas spirit.
You had tried hard enough over the last month after all, loving the holiday, and therefore decorating the flat as soon as possible with paper chains, tinsel and the biggest tree you could fit in the cramped living room. You’d then proceeded to make sure there was a endless supply of gingerbread and mince pies in the kitchen, whilst also ensuring the entire floor of the apartment block smelt constantly like wintery spices.
Frost had, at first, protested – like he did every year – but that didn’t stop him eating his body weight in biscuits and eventually giving up on tearing down the tinsel when you persistently replaced it.
After spending pretty much every year of your life fighting his ‘bah humbug’ spirit, you were slowly starting to make him cave.
You’d worked out that was how your dad worked. Generally, he was stubborn and unrelenting in his views and decisions, but when you chose to play the long game, slowly chipping away at his resolve, you could – just maybe – begin to alter his mindset. It did require a lot of patience and subtle manipulation on your part, though – and to not give away what you were trying to do if you became frustrated or hot-headed.
That’s what you’d been doing for a while now. Working on Frost. This time for one thing you been whining for since you were a girl – even gone so far as to threaten to leave home when you were younger and more naïve.
You wanted a dog.
Frost had never allowed it. It was another mouth to feed he couldn’t afford and a nuisance if you didn’t train it properly. At ten years old it was a joke. Now though, it was a different matter.
You had big plans, and you were now so sure you were close to breaking your dad’s resolve on the matter, that you’ve even begun visiting the nearby rescue centres. Many dogs had caught your eye, but there was one in particular you had your sights on, a young German Shepard.
He was a good catch though, and, if you wanted to get him, you needed to act fast before someone else snatched him up – something Lonnie had informed you of whilst you’d been staring adoringly at the pup who stood up against the kennel fence to greet you.
Of course, Lonnie had been right, but you hadn’t appreciated the downer at the point in time, scowling and punching his arm, exclaiming how you were working on it.
“I take it your criticism of my speed means you’re ready?” You now called out the kitchen door to your dad in the other room.
“[Y/N], when you’ve worked for J for as long as I have, you’re always ready.” He muttered, stepping back into the room.
“Good, then let’s go.” You said, slipping off the stool, “Lonnie wanted me to stop by earlier if I could anyway.” You explained, tugging on the bottom of your dress self-conscious, not used to being so dressed up. It was odd, you spent most of your time with the two men you were now going to see – yet for some reason you felt you needed to put in some special effort because it was a more official ‘get together’ – you’d done your makeup, put on a nice outfit, even messed with your stubborn hair. But it was Christmas after all, better put some effort in.
“How are things with you and Lonnie?”
“Things?” You frowned glancing up at your dad and seeing the look on his face. “Oh, come on! It’s bad enough J makes fun of us, not you too!” You scowled.
“The fact there is an ‘us’, gives it away, kid.” Your dad chuckled.
“How else to you refer to multiple people?!” You demanded, but it was clear to Frost by your quick-fused frustration that he’d hit some truth. It was easy to see it between you and Lonnie anyway.
“Let’s just go, can we?” You muttered at your dad’s bemused expression, brushing past him with the half of the presents, leaving him to grab the rest.
 A short drive and the usual greetings later, you were in the kitchen of the Joker’s huge penthouse helping to arrange food with the staff that were unluckily employed over the holidays – you always insisted the ones that stayed were the ones without family, or with family they certainly wouldn’t miss not spending the Christmas period with. You sipped at your glass of champagne before setting it on the side and bending to pull out a tray of mince pies from the oven. You knew there would still be guards positioned around the penthouse – even out on the cold streets – so you always sneakily made extra food to hand out to them. Your father always liked to tell you what it was like, trying to work your way up the ranks of J’s men, it didn’t sound easy. And it was Christmas after all.
“Hey, [Y/N]!”
“Jeez!” You cried, jumping slightly at the voice behind you. “Lonnie,” You breathed, glancing over your shoulder as you straightened up with the tray, somehow not having dropped anything. “You made me jump!” You scolded, pushing the tray onto the side and closing the oven door.
“Sorry, doll.” He apologised quickly, glancing around at the kitchen, some food ready for the table, some still waiting it’s turn in the queue for the oven. “Do you have any – uh – ‘spare’ food?” He asked.
“Well, considering for four people, we always seemed to make an amount for a small army…” You mused, also glancing around at the food prep. “Probably not.” You chuckled.  “Why,” You smirked at him, “you hungry?”
“Me, kitten? Nah, I – uh –“ He glanced around at the staff, then leant in closer to speak in your ear. “I sneak stuff out to my mates on patrol.” He murmured. You couldn’t help laughing. “What, doll?” He demanded, pulling back to look at you reproachfully.
“Oh, nothing,” You smirked, “Just didn’t think your cold heart was capable of something that nice, that’s all.” You laughed, turning back to your tray of food and moving it over to the island. Lonnie followed after you.
“Hey, doll, I’ve been out there – I know how shit that deal is” He defended, nodding his head vaguely towards the outside, “‘specially when it’s subzero temperatures.” He muttered.
“Well, then, it’s a good thing that I make extra food each year for that exact same reason.” You quipped, now shovelling beginning to shift the pies from the tray into a Tupperware box.
“You do?” He asked in surprise.
“Why do you sound so shocked?” You laughed, turning back to him again.
“I just didn’t think your cold heart was capable of something that nice, doll.” He mimicked back at you and you scowled.
“My dad always made sure I knew what the men go through.” You muttered moodily and Lonnie nodded in understanding, though the frown didn’t leave his face. “What’s up?” You asked.
“It’s just that – I’ve been stealing food for those lads for years now… but they’ve been getting food from you as well – sneaky bastards.” He muttered, and you laughed.
“Well, here you go.” You said, pushing the box of food towards him. “I’ll make the parcels up as they become available – you deliver.” You bargained with a smile.
“Alright,” He nodded, “But if some of the food ends up thrown at their heads it ain’t my fault, doll, got it?”
“Sure thing,” You shrugged, “Whatever you feel you gotta do.” You smirked, watching his back as he now strode moodily away to confront his mates about playing the system.
 “That felt like more food than usual.” Commented your dad after dinner as the four of you now moved from the dinner table to the large lounge.
“Probably because we weren’t giving out half of it to the help.” Lonnie muttered in your ear, stepping up beside you. You snickered quietly before noticing both the Joker and your dad had caught your laugh.
“I think the kids have an inside joke, Frosty.” J observed with a wicked gleam in his eye. “I hope it was inappropriate.” He grinned at the two of you.
You felt your cheeks turn a guilty red, despite it being nothing of the sort. “Just saying how it didn’t seem to slow any of you guys down - there’s still barely any leftovers.” You sassed back.
They both eyed you like they weren’t completely sure you were telling the truth, but dropped it anyway as you entered the lounge, Frost breaking away to get some drinks. You took one of the two-seater sofas next to the large Christmas tree, stretching out on the cushions, feeling that warm doozy feeling that came from having eaten a large meal.
“Move your feet.” You opened one eye slightly to find Lonnie standing over your legs, waiting for you to move.
“Why?” You frowned, now crossing your legs at the heel stubbornly.
“Oh, I dunno, doll? So, the smallest person in the room doesn’t take up two seats to herself?”
“What does it matter if I do? There’s plenty of other seats.” You exclaimed, gesturing around at the other chairs.
“If you’re gonna fall asleep anyway, dolly, you can take one of the other chairs that doesn’t have such a prime view of the TV and is also nicely close to the heater.” He pointed out.
“Aww, you cold?” You teased childishly, but sat up anyway, pulling your legs in and twisting back around to sit on the seat properly. Lonnie just made a face at you before sitting down next to you.
“Ah, look, the love birds are sitting together…” Drawled J with a wide grin, now dropping into the corner of another of the sofas, whiskey glass in hand.
You scowled at him but knew there was little use fighting his comment – the more you protested, the more he assured you that it must be true. It was better for everyone’s (remaining) sanity not to go down that path.
Lonnie didn’t seem to have that same train of thought though. “Lay off, J.” He growled moodily, not bothering to look at his father.
“Sorry, kiddo,” J cackled, “It’s the curse of the Joker charm – the ladies can’t resist ya!” He grinned evilly, shooting you a wink.
You just rolled my eyes, “I’m sure I can try.” You muttered, baited into commenting. You crossed one leg over the other and leaned into the arm of the sofa, self-consciously trying to stay as far away from Lonnie as possible. Comments on Lonnie’s attraction only made you more aware of it, your friends at the pub were usually the ones to mention it, it might become almost unbearable if J now made it a regular thing.
J grinned at you, as though reading your mind.
Your father now joined you the three of you, drink in hand. He glanced at where you sat. “Is Lonnie contagious or something, [Y/N]?” He asked, noting your stiff posture and your position on the couch. “If he is, maybe you ought to sit on another chair…”
“I was here first.” You muttered stubbornly, annoyed at the constant comments.
“Alright kid, don’t pout.” Frost reprimanded, and you scowled.
“Can we just open presents or something – anything that doesn’t involve talking?” You asked irritably, and the men glanced at each – sharing a look that said it was probably your hormones or something. This just added to your annoyance and you grumbled under your breath.
“Maybe you’re right, doll.” Lonnie muttered, getting to his feet. “Wanna give me a hand bringing ‘em in?” He asked down at you.
You frowned, at him, surprised. “Uh – yeah, sure.” You mumbled, also pushing yourself up.  You were still tired, but right now you wanted out of J’s and your dad’s scrutiny - even now, you could feel their eyes on your back as you headed out the door, closely followed by Lonnie.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t, kid!” J called after him with a grin, “And maybe a lot less than that if you don’t want Frosty to gut ya!” He laughed manically, the sound following the two of you down the corridor.
“The two of them are ridiculous.” You grumbled as you walked, feeling Lonnie’s presence just behind you.
“Why do you let it get to you so much, doll?” You heard him ask, “Does the idea really repel ya that much?”
“What?” You frowned, pausing and turning back to him.
“Why are you so horrified by the idea of us being a couple?”
“I-I’m not – I –“ You stopped again, suddenly realising what you were saying. “Are we really having this conversation?!” You demanded, marching on ahead again.
Lonnie easily caught up with you. “Yes, we are, kitten, because I wanna know what I need to do for future reference.”
You stopped once again, turning to him face him, feeling your heart rate quicken as you frowned. “Future reference?” You repeated, bewildered, your voice breaking.
“Sure.” He nodded. “What’ll make me more appealing to girls…” Your heart sank in realisation. “Specifically, you.” He added, and you swear your heart now stopped completely.
“What?” You said again, but this time your voice barely came out as more than a whisper.
He smirked to himself, walking past you, “D’ya know what the guys said when I asked them why they kept accepting food from both of us?” You didn’t say anything, but that seemed fine. “They said they were waiting for us to work it out, hoped it would bring us together. At the holidays. Said we were cute.”
You still couldn’t find it in you to speak, not wanting to ruin the moment. “I got annoyed at first.” He admitted, and you weren’t sure what he was meant by all this. “But then I remembered, doll…” He drawled, stopping outside the door you knew led to his bedroom – though you hadn’t realised you’d walked that far. “That I’ve been trying to be cute to you my entire life.” He grinned.
“You’re crazy.” You croaked, but you could feel your heart swelling hopefully.
“No…” He corrected you, “I’m cute.” He grinned.
“Oh?” You asked with raised eyebrows, though you couldn’t help but grin back.
“Do you need proof?”
“If your ‘proof’ is in your room,” You laughed, watching him edge towards the door, “then I don’t think ‘cute’ is the right word… Maybe presumptuous? Or hopeful?” You teased.
He scowled playfully at you. “Do you want your Christmas present or not?”
There was suddenly a thump against the door next to you making you jump. “Please tell me you just knocked the door…” Lonnie just grinned at you. “Lonnie…” You laughed nervously, suspicious and a little bit scared.
“Told ya someone else would get him if you didn’t, kitten.” He shrugged with a grin.
Your eyes widened. “Lonnie, don’t joke with me about this! You know much I wanted that dog!” You cried, not letting yourself believe it.
There was another loud thud against the door. “Can you believe me a bit quicker, doll - preferably before he knocks himself out?” Lonnie smirked. You could feel your eyes betraying you with tears now and you nodded, unable to speak. Lonnie grinned again and pushed open the door. A mass of hair came flying out, colliding solidly into your legs and nearly knocking you flying. You stepped back to brace against the corridor wall as the huge German Shepard puppy now threw himself at you again, his cold wet nose bumping your cheek and his claws scrambling for purchase on your dress and arms.
You brought your hands up to protect your face from being slobbered on too much, when suddenly the puppy was pulled down, leaving you laughing breathless as you watched Lonnie wrestle the dog, one hand on his collar, the other wrapped around his chest, leaning over its back to try to keep in under some semblance of control. “You might regret this present.” Lonnie gasped out, though you found that difficult to believe as you now looked down at the puppy who was glancing between you and Lonnie, desperately squirming to show one of your affection.
You laughed, “Don’t worry, I can handle him – I’ve dealt with worse.” You teased, referring to him, Frost and J. Lonnie wrestled the puppy back into the room, closing the door on him.
“Hey!” You protested, already hearing a thump against the door as the puppy protested.
“Oh, no, doll.” Lonnie growled. “I’ve waited this long - I ain’t about to have a pup steal my kiss at the last minute!” He growled.
“Oh? You think you’ve earnt a kiss?” You taunted.
“Doll, I’ve had that thing living in my room for the past week – I’ve earnt my kiss!” He growled.
You laughed. “Ok,” You hummed, stepping towards him, “maybe you can have the first kiss,” You allowed, slyly, placing your hands on his chest, curling your fingers into his shirt, “but ya gotta know you’ve got competition now.” You told him, glancing up at his dark eyes.
His hand found your waist, pulling your closer. “Bring it on.” He muttered before finally kissing you.
 TAGS for Everything: @thatwriterizzy @sheldonsherlocktony @jemjem-chan @white-chocolate-mocha-fan
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villa-kulla · 6 years
Is it possible to ask for a DVD commentry for Chisolm's 7 for either the planning the heist scene in chapter 3, from "I can't believe you" to 'And they all went back into the casino, getting ready for the final sprint' in chapter 10 or the faraday/vasquez scene in chapter 8? This fic is one of my favourite fics of all time, you kept me on the edge of my seat untill the end and how it all came together in the end was beautiful. Thank you so much
Thanks for the lovely ask, and sorry about the wait! I went with the “I can’t believe you” scene:)
For this chapter, and the Billy ‘twist’, hopefully the audience would still be unsure about Billy’s motivations, right up until Red drops out of the ceiling and says “nice shot”. I wanted it to be believable that Billy might have sold them all out if he’d had a good enough reason to, that reason being getting out of Bogue’s employ. I’d hoped that would be just believable enough to work as a ‘con the audience’ moment, although if no one fell for it, you are all genre-savvy readers and I’m not too put out about it haha. But what about Sam and Goody getting arrested??? Read on for the behind-the-scenes!
“I can’t believe you.”
“Goody –”
“I cannot. Believe you.”
Let’s play a game where we see how many italics I use in the following conversation lol
The two armed guards escorted Sam and Goodnight through the halls, their rifle butts digging into their backs. But Goodnight could barely feel them he was fuming so hard.
“I didn’t think he’d –”
“You weren’t thinking at all!”
Writing Goody chewing people out is immense fun, and I’m not sure why lol but he’s entertaining when ‘righteously indignant’
“Hey!” said one of the guards as they passed another group of security, prodding Goodnight in the back with his gun. “Keep it moving.”
Goodnight clamped his mouth shut furiously as they walked through the halls. The taller of the guards went ahead and pushed open a door to the outside, leading them into an parking lot for the loading dock, empty at this time of night. And the second the door swung shut behind them, Goodnight was twisting his hands out of the pair of fake handcuffs, and swinging around murderously to Sam.
I’m really not sure how many people actually fell for the whole ‘twist’ but I hope the fake handcuffs made people sit up straighter like ‘oooh!’:P
“I am going to kill you, Sam Chisolm!”
Sam worked his wrists out of his own handcuffs, actually looking sheepish.
“Okay, so maybe I didn’t think he’d get that mad.”
Goodnight let out a hysterical laugh and threw up his hands.
“Well what was your master plan if he did? Nothing! Jesus Christ, if Faraday hadn’t stepped in when he did…and what kind of alternate universe have I stumbled into where Faraday has more good sense than you?!”
“Thanks man,” Faraday said amiably behind him, breathing hard as he pulled off his SWAT-style helmet.
“Fuck me, how do real guards wear these things?” said Vasquez who was doing the same beside him, wiping his brow.
okay and I hope this was another ‘ayyyyy!’ moment lol. While I didn’t want to copy the whole SWAT team ruse from the original Ocean’s 11 for the actual heist (because that’s unoriginal) I did want to pay homage to it. And I thought Faraday and Vas would be good candidates for anonymous burly SWAT team members. And I hope this moment was at least somewhat surprising and satisfying lol
Sam looked like he was about to ask them something but Goodnight jabbed a finger in his chest, eyes blazing.
“Oh I am not done with you,” he said to Sam, and Faraday and Vasquez looked at each other and started backing slowly away from them, the boots of their guard costumes clunking heavily.
lol, subtle
“Goody, I’m sorry –”
“Sorry?! For what? Nearly giving me a heart attack? Or for being a goddamn idiot and deciding to give the bad guy a speech! Who does that? Christ man, even I know how to keep my mouth shut when we’re almost out!”
Goodnight has watched his share of movies and is much more genre-savvy than Sam lol. But I needed that link to the movie of Sam losing his cool
“He started talking about family and I just got mad!”
“Well no wonder you don’t want to make jobs personal if you’re gonna act like a damn hooligan every time! Tell me, Samuel, was it personal enough for you when he had a gun to your head?”
There’s this wonderful moment in Ocean’s 11 where Carl Reiner addresses Danny as “Daniel” in a beautifully warning tone, and the ‘Samuel’ here is my own little personal callback to it
“Well I didn’t think there’d be a gun down there now, did I?” Sam protested indignantly. And then his forehead creased. “Hey, did you know Billy was going to have a gun?”
This fic is peppered with references to other heist movies, and Sam’s general disapproval of using guns comes from The Italian Job. It was also a convenient link for why Goodnight’s character probably felt comfortable working with him post job-gone-wrong
“No,” Goodnight said honestly. Billy had shown up right on time, exactly as they’d planned, ready to ‘catch them in the act’. But the gun hadn’t been in the plan. Sam didn't like guns on jobs and he'd told Billy to just corner them without one, but Billy must have not wanted to chance it. He’d certainly seemed regretful though when he was apologizing for it, right before calling Bogue –
My rather abrupt explanation for the cliffhanger at the end of chapter 9, all like ‘HEY GUYS, HERE’S WHY THEY WERE STILL ACTING SURPRISED WHEN THEY SAW BILLY, IT WAS JUST BECAUSE OF THE GUN, DID I FOOL ANY OF YOU??’ lol honestly this fic probably works best if you read it all in one go, but there was no way I was going to write the whole thing before posting, given how long it was
“Oh god, Billy…” Goodnight said, his face going white at them having left Billy down there with Bogue probably still in a murderous rage.
“ – is fine,” Vasquez said from over by the wall where he was tapping on a series of screens while working his way out of his fake SWAT suit at the same time. “He and Red are running the money through the ducts now.”
not even pretending he wasn’t eavesdropping lol. Also how many screens does Vasquez even have on him?? Lol let’s pretend they’re small screens that...fit together somehow. I have no image what kind of set up he’s working on here but wtv
Goodnight immediately let out a breath, his legs suddenly feeling weak. “Oh thank god.”
Vasquez touched a finger to his ear, listening on one of his other lines, and nodded. “Red says that Billy says the gun was empty anyways.”
Oh. They all relaxed at that, realizing they probably should have assumed that in the first place. But then Goody was whirling around at Sam again.
“See?” he said, waving his hands. “Billy has common sense. Where’s yours?”
“Sam, you scared the hell out of me,” Goodnight said desperately.
“Thanks,” Sam said quietly. “For trying to get Bogue’s attention back to you down there anyways.”
“Not like it did much good –”
“But thank you. Really.”
Sam was looking at Goodnight with genuine gratitude for Goodnight’s attempts to save him from Bogue. Goodnight deflated.
“Yeah well,” he grumbled. “You went to prison and I didn’t. Least I could do.”
“You never owed me for that.”
“Well I especially don’t now.”
Sam genuinely doesn’t think Goodnight owes him, since he feels responsible for their last job getting derailed. But Goodnight is definitely still guilty, so narratively they did need something to balance the scales in their relationship, hence Goodnight attempting to get Sam off the hook and take the heat
Sam gave him a small smile and clapped him on the shoulder as he turned back to Vasquez and Faraday who were now in their black team outfits too. Vasquez was tapping away on a screen, and Faraday was fiddling with a keypad on another door that would bring them back into the casino. Both were acting like they hadn’t been eavesdropping on every word.
“Vas, how’re those files coming?”
“Almost done splicing the surveillance footage…” Vasquez said, voice muffled by a stylus between his teeth. “Saving…and sending…now.”
The ‘send the surveillance footage to the real FBI to pin the robbery on Bogue’ was a little haphazardly done of me but IN MY DEFENCE, THIS FIC HAD AN AWFUL LOT GOING ON IN IT. And I felt an elaborate explanation of them setting him up would have slowed the action down, especially at this stage in the game. The last act should be the briskest imo (oh what do you know, ‘briskest’ seems to be a word)
Sam nodded. “Alright. Red and Billy should have gotten about a quarter of the money through by now. Let’s go start putting it together.”
They nodded and went to the door Faraday was working on. He’d pulled out the wires from the keypad, rubbed them together, and the light blinked red then green. He held it open for them and Vasquez and Sam walked through. Goodnight was about to follow, but then he hesitated.
Faraday just ‘hot-wiring’ a door lol. I don’t know how technology works, but I’m not about to let that stop me
Faraday glanced back curiously and Goodnight shuffled his feet a little.
“You come up with that suit-camera stuff down there on the fly?”
Faraday shrugged. “Seemed like a good idea at the time.”
Can’t buy portrayals of ‘dumb Faraday’ tbh. He has a lot of bluster but I really like writing him as pretty sharp underneath
“Well it was,” Goodnight said quietly. And then he looked back up guiltily, and he and Faraday both spoke at the same time:
“Look, I’m sorry I snapped at you the other night –”
“Sorry I was such a dick to you on the last job –”
“– no really, I was being a jerk and shouldn’t have said all that –”
“ – and it was stupid of me to say that to Billy –”
“ – and I feel like I’ve misjudged you and –”
“ – and I still feel bad about the last time, really, but I was an asshole back then –“
“ – and you were great down there, really, and –”
“ – well, a bigger asshole back then, and –”
“ – and I just wanted to say sorry.”
I felt there had to be a proper reconciliation for them, given their tension in this fic. I can’t say I blame Goodnight for snapping at him in the earlier chapter, but I just like everybody to be friendssss
They stared at each other hesitantly, and then each cracked small smiles.
“Square?” Goodnight asked sticking out his hand.
“Square,” Faraday said relieved as he shook it. And then he took on a devilish grin as he yanked Goodnight towards him, catching him in a headlock.
oh you. Well it was sweet while it lasted lol
“Gerroff me –“
“Aww, Robicheaux, you do like me!”
“Not anymore –”
“Yo!” Vasquez said, sticking his head back out the door. “What’s the hold up?”
“We’re kissing and making up,” Faraday said, pressing a messy kiss to a squirming Goodnight’s forehead.
“Hot,” Vasquez said patiently. “Now would you get in here? We’re on the clock here, muchachos.”
idk why, but the flow of ‘“Hot,” Vasquez said patiently’ amuses me very much. He’s gonna have a lot to put up with ahead of him lol, but he’s extremely up for it
“Si, señor,” Faraday said smartly as he released Goodnight. And they all went back into the casino, getting ready for the final sprint.
side note, I’d liked to have worked in a side-plot where it turns out Faraday is completely fluent in Spanish lol, he just likes messing with people/being underestimated. But maybe I’ll save that for another fic:P 
Thanks again for the ask!
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sotheywrotestories · 6 years
One Night; Part Nine
Request; None
Pairings; Newt (TMR) x Reader
Warnings; Some violence
Summary; They got out, but now what?
Ninth. part in a series!
A/N: Haha let’s see if you can catch my movie reference ;) Also, that sneak peek I released is for Part Ten, so start getting prepared!
Part One; Here
Part Two; Here
Part Three; Here
Part Four; Here
Part Five; Here
Part Six; Here
Part Seven; Here
Part Eight; Here
Newt’s POV
(Y/N) was heartbroken after hearing that Chuck was dead. I tried to help, but how can you comfort someone who learns that their best friend has died?
(Y/N) had already met Thomas while we were in the Wicked compound, she helped get us out. Of course, she already knew Winston and Minho, but the other boys were hesitant of her. 
“Listen, we can trust her, she got us out,” Thomas bargained.  “She was in the Glade before any of you shuck faces were,” Minho glared, crossing his arms. 
“Isn’t it sketchy that she didn't make it out?” some kid asks. “The fact that she seems fine after being with Wicked for how long?”
I looked down at (Y/N) who was sleeping in my arms, subconsciously grabbing onto my shirt and curling up closer to me in her sleep. 
“She’s not okay,” I spoke up quietly, brushing hair out of her face. “Something’s not right.”
Minho cast her a concerned glance. 
“Look, we need to get moving,” Minho said. “We can talk about this somewhere else. Let’s get a move on.”
I carefully picked up (Y/N) and began walking.
Once (Y/N) woke up, I put her down to walk on her own. We walked for while with (Y/N) by my side constantly. Not that I minded. I missed her too much to really care. 
“Don’t you want to get to know Teresa better?” I asked.
When I said Teresa’s name, (Y/N) stiffened up and scooted closer to me. 
“No,” she said blatantly. “I’ve missed you too much.”
I smiled a bit and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer to me.
The storm was insane. And after Minho got hit, (Y/N) broke again, tears running down her face as we waited to see if Minho would wake up. I had pulled her into my chest and watched over her shoulder. When Minho started sputtering, I released (Y/N) and watched her tackle Minho in a hug. 
“I'm all right, she bean,” Minho chuckled, hugging her back. 
“What’s up with her?” I heard Teresa ask. 
I spun on her and gave her a look. “What’s up with her?”
I scoffed and shook my head. 
“Thomas,” I called. 
Thomas made his way over to me.
“Control your girlfriend,” I whispered in his ear. 
After being hung upside down and escaping from the shuck building, I kept a close eye on (Y/N). Teresa had an odd opinion on her and (Y/N) was tense around Teresa. 
Thomas and Brenda had been split up from us. We were in the look for them which also meant partying, I suppose. We were all drunk off our asses, and (Y/N) is an honest drunk. 
“Can I tell you something?” (Y/N) giggle while she leaned on me. 
I shot up and eyebrow and nodded my head. 
“I got really hurt at Wicked,” (Y/N) whispered. 
I sobered up immediately and looked her in the eyes. 
“And Teresa was the one who did it.”
“Listen, Teresa had something to do with how (Y/N) is acting,” I told Thomas. 
“Look, Newt we have bigger fish to fry,” Thomas said. “We’ll work this out later.”
I nodded and Thomas and I went back to the group. I kept (Y/N) a lot closer to me and made sure Teresa stayed far away from (Y/N) at all times. I tried to be subtle, standing on the other side of the group, walking behind Teresa, pretending to be preoccupied with something else at most times. 
Still, Teresa knew something was up. 
“What is up with you?” she asked me, once she had me all alone. 
(Y/N) was sleeping on the ground, curled up in her curling bag next to the fire. 
“Up with me?” I asked. “Out of everything you remember, surely you remember (Y/N).”
“Why would I remember her?” Teresa asked, shaking her head. 
“(Y/N) told me something, when she was drunk,” I shook my own head, crossing my arms. 
Teresa’s face faltered for a moment, you wouldn’t have seen it if you weren’t looking. I was looking. 
“I didn’t do anything to her,” Teresa said, putting her hands up.
“Funny,” I said. “Because I never said you did.”
It was when we were walking towards the Right Arm that I saw it. There was a long scar, running all the way up from the top of her right hip to the bottom of her left shoulder blade. It was rigged and oink, so it was painful and not too long ago.
“(Y/N)?” I asked her, pulling her back a bit as the others kept walking. “What’s on your back?”
(Y/N)’s face paled and she reached up behind herself to touch it. 
“I told you,” she sighed, dropping her hand. “I got hurt at Wicked.” “How bad?” I asked her with a serious face.
“Let’s just say this isn’t the only scar,” she admitted. 
I clenched my jaw and walked up to Teresa. I grabbed her bag and pulled her back to the point where she was looking into my eyes. 
“What the shuck did you do to her?” I spat.
“I told you!” Teresa shouted, trying to push me back. “I didn’t do anything!”
“Newt!” (Y/N) yelled, grabbing my arm. “Stop!” “Bull shit,” I growled. “There’s physical evidence that you did something to her.” “It wasn’t me!” Teresa pleaded, fear in her eyes. 
“Back off!” Thomas shoved me. “If she says she didn't do it, she didn’t do it.”
I felt (Y/N)’s grip lessen slightly on my arm and I switched back to her.
“(N/N)?” I asked worriedly. 
“I don’t feel good, Newtie,” she said, paling by the second. 
“Newtie?” Minho giggled. 
“Slim it,” (Y/N) managed to glare at him. 
“You’re probably just dehydrated,” I reasoned with her.
“It is insanely hot out here,” Minho nodded putting a hand on her shoulder. “Do you want some water?”
(Y/N) nodded for a moment before gasping. 
“No, no,” she sputtered.
I reached out and grabbed her arms, trying to catch her eye, but they were running everywhere. To the left, to the right, up, down, but never on my face. Finally, they caught onto something behind me.  
“No!” she screamed, trying to escape my grip. “Get away from me!”
For a split second, I was sure she was talking to me with the way she was fighting against me and pulling away. Then, I turned my head and saw that she was staring at Thomas. 
“Minho, get Thomas out of here,” I ordered. 
Minho nodded and grabbed Thomas, pulling him while Teresa followed behind. 
“(Y/N),” I said, still trying to get her to look me in the eyes. “(Y/N), I need you to calm down.”
After a couple of minutes, she calmed down and looked me in the eyes. 
“Isaac,” she said. 
I cocked my head. 
“Another friend?” I asked. 
“Isaac,” she shook her head furiously. “You. Thomas. Teresa. Chuck. Albert. Galileo.”
“(Y/N),” I said with the most confused face ever. “What are you talking about.”
“You’re not him,” she shook her head, crying. “You’re him but you’re not him. He’s here but he’s not here.”
“(Y/N)!” I pleaded. “Who the hell are you talking about?”
(Y/N) pulled away and hugged herself. 
“You!” she screamed. “I’m talking about you.”
Then, she spun on her heel and walked away. 
(Y/N) had avoided me like the plague. But not in the way where she didn’t want to see me, you could tell. She kept looking at me with a sad look I wish I could just take away. 
We found the Right Arm, or rather, they found us. There was one girl who clung to my side, Sonya. She was sweet but I couldn’t find it in myself to like her. I love (Y/N) and I plan on fixing whatever is bothering her. 
While I struggled to find a way to speak to (Y/N), she just walked up to me.
“She’s your sister,” she whispered, looking at the ground. 
“What?” I asked, shocked that she had spoken to me. 
“Sonya,” she said. “You don’t like her because she’s your sister.”
“I’m-she’s-what?” I stuttered. 
“I remembered a whole bunch of stuff from before the Glade,” (Y/N) explained. “Well, important things I guess. Sonya is your sister.”
“That makes sense,” I nodded, walking to her and putting my hands on her waist. “But who’s Isaac?”
“You,” she whispered. “Well, he was you. Before the Glade.”
I nodded and put my finger under her chin, making her look up at me. 
“You know I love you?” I asked her. 
She blushed and smiled a bit. 
“Completely and totally,” I chuckled. “I’m in love, actually.”
(Y/N) giggled and put her hands on my cheeks. 
“How funny,” she laughed. “I happen to be in love, too.” “Oh yeah?” I played along, snaking my arms from around her waist around to the small of her back. 
“Yeah,” she said, looking down at my lips and back at my eyes. “He’s pretty cute. And he always makes me laugh.”
“Is that so?” I smirked, leaning in closer.
“Mhm,” (Y/N) hummed and looked behind me. “Look, there he is! Minho!”
I dropped my hands in shock and spun around to see Minho waving at (Y/N). I snapped back to see her doubled over in laughter. I blushed and scooped her up, throwing her over my shoulder.
“Ah!” she yelped. “Newt! Put me down!” 
“Nope!” I shouted. 
She slipped from my shoulder down into my arms, bridal style. I took my chance and leaned down to kiss her properly for the first time in what felt like forever. 
“I love you, you shuck face,” she whispered against my lips. 
“I love you too, she bean.”
The gunfire pulled me out of my revery. (Y/N) and I had been sitting by a campfire, just enjoying each other’s presence when it started. Both of us scrambled to get up and defend the camp. 
At some point, I had gone left and she had gone right, but I could still see her, so I wasn’t worried too horribly. 
While we fought, we were all rounded up and shoved into a berg. 
“I’m tired of running,” Thomas said, holding a grenade. 
“Do it, Thomas,” (Y/N) spoke up. 
I looked at her in surprise since just yesterday, she was screaming to get away from him. 
“I forgive you and I stand with you,” (Y/N) nodded. 
Thomas nodded and all hell broke loose. We kept fighting and in the end, Minho was gone. 
“He’s gone,” I said. 
“If you think for one second we’re not going to look for him,” (Y/N) started. “You’re wrong.”
I nodded and took her hand, letting her stand next to me.
“What’s the plan, Tommy?”
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savetheblackpaladin · 7 years
I like how you headcanon that all these cuties are virgins cuz I do too lol. Of it isn't a problem, could I request some Lance relationship headcanons? You decide on what they can be (I don't know what I want and I'm embarrassed about it lol). Have a nice day!
Oh don’t you worry, I have a lot about Lancey Lance (but here’s only a few bc I’m lazy and cooking while writing this) And i’m just throwing this out there but Hunk totes got laid in high school and at the Garrison. Lance was pretty jealous
Doesn’t believe you at first when you agree to go out with him
“Yeah, haha, that was a joke! I know you wouldn’t really go out with me, we’re great just being friends and we shouldn’t jeopardi–wait what?”
“I said ‘Yes’? As in, Yes Lance, I will go out with you?”
“Oh….I didn’t–what?”
He’s processing. He was so ready for you to turn him down. He might have prepared a few scenarios
Might have a Hershey’s kiss in his pocket. Just for if he got the nerves to ask you out by asking you if you wanted to kiss. And when you said ‘ew, no’ he could whip out the candy. bam. a Kiss!
Practiced the Yawn and Shoulder Wrap™ for during a movie. He wanted to be subtle.
“So, Allura said we were cute together and I was like ‘Whaaaaaaaat?? Gurl, you crazy!’ haha Isn’t that crazy???? Unless….”
But finally it clicks that you’re blushing and fidgeting with your fingers because you actually like him too!
 “Holy quiznack…you’re my boy/girlfriend…I DID IT!!!”
totally grabs your hands and pulls them into the air while he screams that last part
He’s so excited
“Prepare to be wooed”
“Lance, I’m already wooed. That’s why I…you know what. Yes. I am prepared to be wooed. Whoo away.”
You may never hear your name during standard conversation again
he lays it on thick with the nicknames
Boo, Bae, Darling, Babe, Baby, Sweetheart…you name it. he uses it
after love confessions he throws Love an mi amor
Sweetheart is his favorite though, Cutie is the close second
He usually only says your name during sexy times or when referring to you when talking to someone else (but he can also not, it depends on what he’s feeling)
Constantly in awe. Catch this nerd just gazing at you randomly with this lovesick look on his face
“What are you looking at????”
“Just you… I’m so lucky.” He’s so sincere.
His flirting is now solely reserved for you. Be prepared for pick up lines.
“Lance! Why are you–? We’re already dating??”
“Doesn’t mean I can’t use pick up lines, babe.”
“Ok but, seriously? ‘Come here often?’ We live in the castle.”
Also, cuts people off if they try to flirt with him
“Uhm, Okay one second. I appreciate this and all…but I have the best girl/boyfriend right now? So, thanks but no thanks. Hope this doesn’t ruin your chances of joining The Coalition!”
Weekly spa dates where Lance makes a face mask specifically for your skin, hair masks (thank god he found what he thinks is coconut oil), he’ll paint your nails for you, massages for you both!
aaannd of course he’s on his best behavior when he’s giving you a massage (but he’s weak)
but no one wants to bang when the other is wearing a green face mask. (Shiro voice: No, just. No.)
He loves swimming so you’ll probably be roped into it
and if you don’t know how to swim he’ll teach you!
or if you hate water he’ll be happy enough with your company, but he might try every once in a while to get you in
*puppy face* But y/n!!! Don’t you love me???
Gets you a gift from every new planet he lands on
So. Many. Flowers.
And pretty rocks he thought were neat.
If there’s a community then he’ll get you things like jewelry, weapons, books, whatever you like, he get
blushes super red everytime he gives you a gift 
He’s a touchy feely kinda guy
so many hugs
he honestly just always has a hand on you somewhere, even when just lounging. He needs to touch.
The biggest nose kisser! GIVE HIM THE NOSE
When you walk by he’ll reach out to grab you around the waist and tug you into his lap, just cause he wants to hold you
If he’s passing by he’ll give you a passing massage or shoulder squeeze
he can’t walk past you without touching
and if you happen to be bent over looking for something while he walks by? Yeah, he’s grabbing that ass. 
If you do the same to him he turns beet red and starts stammering
definitely can’t take what he gives.
will put on a song and just serenade you in the worst possible way
and once he’s got you laughing he’ll pull you into his bad dance moves
ironically though, he can sing and dance. it’s more fun to do it bad
Does serenade properly when he decides he needs to tell you he loves you for the first time
which he wants to tell you about one month in, but he knows that’s way too early
waits until about month 4 and he cries
A bit insecure about your relationship. Talks himself down a lot
sees Keith make you laugh once and he’s like ‘Oh no, this is it. It’s all going down hill. Because who doesn’t want to date mullet? He’s super cool and edgy and good looking and–”
You gotta stop him.
He firmly believes you are too good for him.
My poor nugget.
“You sure you still love me? Because–”
“Yes Lancelot. I love you very, very much. Don’t listen to those nasty voices. You. Are. My love.”
“Sounds fake, but okay.”
“Don’t meme me when I’m being serious, Lance.”
You’re biggest supporter and roaster
You walk in the room wearing mismatched lion slippers. Lance: “What’re thoooooose!!?”
You get put in some god-awful ceremonial outfit. Lance: “You are so lucky I love you.”
“Don’t kiss me in the morning. You have dragon breath.”
“Kick his ass baby, I’ll hold your flower!” “LancE! ENOUGH WITH THE MEMES. ”
Lance whenever you do a mundane taskl: “YASSS BABY! SLAY!!!!”
Also Lance: “No, nope, gimme that. I’ve watched you choke on water.”
Overshares late at night when he’s crawled into your bed after a nightmare
Yells “Honey! I’m ho~ome!” everytime he comes back from a mission and makes a beeline towards you for a kiss.
If you get caught in a battle you best believe Lance is 100X more badass than usual
he’s making shots he didn’t even know he could make
and he’s hitting every. single. one.
Ain’t nobody touching his baby
even jumps in for a little close combat, working seamlessly with you to take enemies down
pulls you in for a desperate kiss after they’re all dead
You can’t be sad when dating Lance, he notices immediately and makes it his mission to brighten your day
if you do something super cute Lance will practically squeal, scoop you up, and twirl you around  before putting you back in your spot with a kiss
He’s a good boy who just wants to spend time with his babe and spoil them
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Welcome to another profile on Behind the Screens, giving you personal insight on who your favorite creators are and what they do when they aren’t wowing you with their creative ability.
This week, I’m excited to bring to you our first artist, Dalyane, or Da-Smiley99. Although, in her case, a more appropriate title would be jack-of-all-trades. As our resident fic writer, song-inspired pic spam creator, and incorrect quote aficionado, she shares her inspiration behind incorrect quotes, her writing persona, her meta-author plans to dictate Thiam’s relationship, and much more! Take a look :)
So, Dalyane, let’s ease our way into things. Tell us about yourself. The catch: the word count should be equal to or less than the number of letters in your two favorite Teen Wolf characters’ name. 
Stiles Stilinski + Theodore Raeken = 25 : My name’s Dalyane, I’m a ray of sunshine in human form. What I want the most is to make people happy with what I do.
And, how did you find the Thiam pack? What about Theo x Liam drew you in?
To be honest, I don’t have the slightest idea. It just came smoothly to me. When I saw Theo and Liam interacting, I was just drawn into it. I was drawn by the silent conversations in their eyes, every word that came out of their mouths that sometimes meant something else or something they haven’t said, their mutual violence towards each other. (I absolutely hate violence, but I don’t know why I’m deeply hypnotized by their banter and their complicated Like/Hate relationship). 
I’m like the most oblivious person ever, I wouldn’t even know if somebody is hitting on me, but there’s something romance-worthy (Is that even a word?) about their complicated relationship that drew me in the Thiam fandom. 
Not mentioning Theo’s past, Liam eventually learned to trust him at some point even if he was still a little hostile towards Theo. A little part of himself learned to forgive him, so he could fight alongside him. In the entire sixth season, I felt like they developed a whole new relationship based on building trust. Apart, Liam and Theo are quite strong alone, but together they cooperate, fight and act like they were a “whole”. Liam may not trust Theo yet, but I felt like his body, his own being told the opposite. I was extremely glad to see their relationship grow with their characters. So long story short, I just basically just dived into it. And it’s without a damn shame that I can say that I don’t even regret liking them together. And it’s also not because of the amazing, beautiful and breathtaking gifsets on Tumblr...Not at all.
Yes!! That sums up their relationship perfectly and worded so well. Let’s keep that going for a moment. Say this was a ‘Stranger Than Fiction’ situation and you could alter their relationship, their lives with your writing. How would they live through the following scenarios:
a. Their First Date: 
Oh, they would know for sure they’re on a date, even if it’s not a date. Theo and Liam would hear my annoying voice every five minutes. Like Liam would ask Theo to hang out at his place, it’s just two dudes hanging out, nothing extraordinary really. But I would still break the nice atmosphere by saying random things that comes from their heads. Like -Wow, Theo’s ass looks great in those Jeans, Liam thought- or -Had Liam’s lips always been that pink?- and God, they would be as red as tomatoes. Awkward much.
b. Their child’s first boyfriend/girlfriend
Theo would absolutely refuse to admit or say out loud that he doesn’t like his child’s significant other. It would hurt his pride, but he doesn’t want to hurt his small bean and his husband, Liam. Of course it’s my job! Theo would be outraged, but it would be so worth it.
c. Their first conflict as an official couple
Because of me, their fight would last for 5 minutes maximum. They would be in a situation where Theo would get jealous because he thought some random guy was flirting with Liam, when in fact he was just being super friendly. So Theo was being an asshole out of jealousy. Liam would start getting angry at him, asking what was his problem but Theo wouldn’t respond. I would just whisper in the air: “Hey, he was jealous you dummy.“ Then they would apologize to each other, followed quickly by a make out session. Yeah, you’re welcome Thiam. 
Haha, honestly, they’d be lucky to have you running the show! Piggy-backing off the craziness you’d put them through, sometimes, characters  find themselves in situations they aren’t sure they can get out of. In your life, is there a time you found yourself in a situation like that and what did you do?
Oh god. Almost nothing happened to me in my life. But I will share this particularly embarrassing moment of me. So one day I was going to my high school, I was inside the school bus. But suddenly the bus stopped at my old middle school, then our chauffeur turned to us saying our high school was closed because of the snow. 
So we went inside the middle school to call our parents so they can pick us up. But that day my mom was working, so she wasn’t available. My grandma didn’t pick up the phone either. So I was like “I can’t stay here anyway, what should I do?” Then my stupid old self just got out of the school, walking all the way to my home. Yeah, I was pretty stupid back then.
 I was freezing and couldn’t see a damn thing in front of me because I was in the middle of a snowstorm. A random guy slowed his car close to me and asked me if I want to get in. Then I remembered what my mom said about getting in a car with a stranger, Oh hell no. I lied saying I was close to home, so he would leave me alone. It worked. 
30 minutes later I think, another car stopped close to me and a woman speaks to me, “Get in, I won’t let you freeze on the road.” I hesitated, obviously. Until I saw my friend in the passenger seat. Finally, I got home safely! I was incredibly embarrassed and horrified; I felt like an idiot. I never thought that I would get home. Holy molly, that was terrifying. When my mom asked why I was home early, I lied to her saying that the chauffeur brought all the students home in the morning. Well, I’ll never ever do that again.
Oh my goodness! Girl, I’m glad you got home ok and didn’t freeze to death! Before we jump into your work, who would be on your ultimate paintball/laser tag team. Any five characters from Teen Wolf. Also, Why?
I would have Stiles on my team, because he’s extremely smart and no doubt he would make up an excellent strategy on the field. I would have Theo, he’s also smart, but he’s a bit reckless and surely takes risks a lot so it can come in handy. I would have Malia, she’s a badass and would dominate the field with some girl power! (You go girl!) I would have Corey, he’s very subtle, doesn’t make a sound and he definitely would blend in the background and that is definitely handy for sure. What a great sneaky sniper. 
For the last member of my team, I would take Mason, he will probably use his charm and his charisma to lure the opposite team’s members. Or just make jokes and references to his favorite Tv shows. That kinda does the job too.
Perfect! And now your work! *Rubbing my hands together in anticipation*
You do a little bit of it all when it comes to creating for Thiam: fanfiction, fanart, edits, incorrect quotes. Which would you say is your favorite art form? And how do you balance creating them all? 
I guess my favorite form of art is writing. I had a talent for writing since I was a kid. I could express myself better on paper than with my voice. Many people had a hard time to believe that everything I wrote came from my mind, because I can’t express myself properly when I talk. For me, writing is an art and fanfics are masterpieces. Writing has been a way for me to escape the real world, my problems and my worries. Writing is a way for me to talk indirectly to readers and expressing my feelings to them through my writing. 
It’s kinda hard to balance my creativity in my posts, because I always do something different. If I see something I like on Tumblr, Instagram or Twitter, I tried to include it in them. I always try to get better. I’m trying to find my own style and keep it. I’m saying it again, I want to make people happy with what I do and when I get positive comments on my works, that makes me want to get  better. A part of me does all of this for my followers, to put a smile on their faces or make them laugh. Seeing them happy makes me happy too.
And, if your process was a person, describe them. What do they do? Wear? Listen to?
Well, she’s pretty thoughtful. She always paces back and forth in her room, trying to find a title to her work. She bases her work mostly on the title, that is most of the time based on a song. She’s always in PJ’s and some good old crocs. She just sit on her bed, listening to her favorite songs, TV shows, movies or her favorite YouTubers. She’s a little lazy girl, I guess. I can’t really blame her, it’s how she is. :)
What would you say is both your (and her) Writing Kryptonite, haha? How do you fight it?
It’s really strange, but I can’t write anything if I don’t listen to some music. Music always has been the source of my imagination, I just didn’t realize it until a few months ago. If I don’t have my phone and headphones on me, I can’t do anything. I need music to write. Depending to the meaning, the lyrics and the beat of the songs I listen to, my works change. If I write something sad, I listen to songs about heartbreak, death, breakups, etc. If I write something fluffy and happy, I will listen to songs about happy endings, falling in love, weddings,etc. 
When I know exactly what to write (theme, feeling expressed in it and other minimal things), I know instantly what song to listen to. Every time there’s music in my ears, I get in my own writing world and my hands just start tapping on my keyboard on their own. This is pretty unique, huh? Music gets me really emotional and I can’t do anything about it. It’s very strange. Since Music is the source of my creativity and imagination, it’s very rare that I have writer’s block.                  
To get rid of my writer’s block, I simply sit back on my couch and close my eyes, listening to some soft music. I take a break, because I can’t write something for a whole day, I would get a huge migraine. I would just relax and let everything come to me.
Your love for writing with music. Is that what inspires your song edits, like this one? What makes a song shout Thiam to you? How do you choose images that embody both the song, their relationship, and your writing for it?
I always choose a song that reflects their complicated relationship and what they’ve been through. I choose songs that are very specific for them, that express their banter, their problems and their backstories. Depending on the songs I choose for my edits, the colors, the pictures and themes are different with each one. For example, for a sad song, the colors and pictures of my edits will be darker, the theme of the edit will likely be sadness, sorrow, breakups,etc. For a more happy-go-lucky song, the colors and pictures will be clearer and brighter, and the theme of the edit will be happiness, calmness, comfort, etc. 
Everything I do in my edits will change with the song I choose. I chose pictures very carefully, they have to call to me (my creative style, I mean). When I find something perfect for my edits, I just know it. It’s hard to explain it, but I can feel it in my gut when I got something good. I’m a weird phenomenon.
And, incorrect quotes. How do those come to you too? Are they inspired by things you see of hear in everyday life? 
Most of them are inspired by my favorite YouTubers: Game Grumps. It’s a gaming channel, where two grown men play some video games while sassing each other, telling semi-bad jokes, swearing 95% of the time and saying perfect incorrect quotes material. Most of them came from the mouth of these awesome guys. Is it the time when I say you should check their channel out? Yeah, go check it, please. :)
Oh wow, one of my roommates watches their channel religiously!! I’ll have to join her sometimes, when I hear them blaring from her room haha. You’ve recently started a new multi-chapter fic, Catch & Release. Can you give us a quick summary, for anyone unfamiliar. 
The story happens one year after the events of season 6. A mysterious girl come knocking on Liam and Theo’s door, seeking their help. Her name is Skye Andrews.She’s a true Alpha who’s fighting against an hostile pack that plans to take Canada. When they saw that she wasn’t a threat and saying the truth, Liam and Theo accepted to help her, also accepting coming to Canada.
And did something inspire the concept?
I don’t even know. It just weirdly came to me just like that, while I was listening to the song “Catch & Release” by Matt Simons.The story made itself when I listened to the lyrics of the song. Now you know where the title came from.
Finally, you know I have to ask. Are there any spoilers you can slip us? 
Eventually you’ll get to know all of my original characters I included in the story. I can’t give any spoilers, because I still don’t know where this story is going. But here’s something I know for sure: Nolan/Alec and Thiam will be canon at some point in the story, I just don’t know when exactly. But if you want some precise informations, my ask box is always open.
Hahaha, fair enough. I guess we’ll have to read along and see. Ooh--perfect question segway. Bonus Question-if you could read only one author/fanfic writer for a whole year, who would you read? And what story of theirs would you horde?
Without hesitation, I say Captainmintyfresh (@Thiamfresh on Tumblr). I just adore her writing so much. It calls to me and her writing style absolutely hypnotized me. She’s incredibly talented and I just can’t stop reading her works. “Airplanes” is by far her best work. I think everyone should read it; it’s a piece of art, a masterpiece. I’m not even exaggerating. Her writing is truly amazing; it gives me the chills. I really wish I could write like that. She can capture the personality and the dynamic of the characters in the Teen Wolf universe. The way she writes their interactions is truly a treat. Seriously, If I could read her works forever, I would. She’s incredibly talented.
I share that sentiment, wholeheartedly. You’re not alone! Before we wrap, I want to ask about advice because I think it’s amazing when we’re given the opportunity to learn from one another. What’s the best writing/drawing/edit-creating advice you’ve ever gotten? Is there any wisdom you could gift us?
I didn’t get any advice in writing, but I would like to give some. If you are struggling with your writing, just take a breath and lean back to look at your work. If nothing comes out, it’s useless to work endlessly and working your brains out. Just take a break and work on it later. There’s no need to be rushed, take the time you need. Writing can be hard and demands a lot of concentration and creativity. Just take the time you need, take breaks and write everything you like. You are the creator of your story.
What’s next for you? Both in life and the creation world?
Well, I’m taking a year off of college. It was becoming too much for my brain to handle so much anxiety every day. In this year, I will eventually think about where I want to go and what I want to do. Maybe it will shorten my time for writing, but I want to do the most I can. I guess there’s nothing next in the creating segment, I’m just going to continue writing and drawing. But there’s nothing huge specifically.  
Any creating is always a perfect amount, so I’m sending you all the luck and inspiration juice in the world! Anything else you’d like to share, in general. The floor is all yours! :)
This concerns anybody reading this. I’m saying this for the third time now, but I’m writing fanfictions, doing edits, drawing fanarts and writing some incorrect quotes for you (all of you). I’m doing this to bring a smile on your faces, make you laugh and make you feel so many different emotions with my work. Seeing you guys happy, makes me incredibly happy. On everything that I do, don’t be shy and comment on my works. If you like my writing style, if you like how I make aesthetics, if you like my incorrect quotes or just quotes in general and if you like my fanarts, go ahead and tell me about those things. I probably won’t respond, because I have a social life outside of Tumblr and I’m actually pretty busy.I want to get better not just for myself, but for all of you. I don’t want to let anybody down and I don’t want to disappoint anybody. I really hope that I meet your expectations. I love each one of you (I’m definitely not crying right now).
Awww! And so with that, BTS presents Dalyane, Da-Smiley99! As always, you can keep the conversation going; respond to any of her thoughts, ask more questions, send a prompt, or simply swing by for a chat with Dalyane anytime. To quote her, she would be “absolutely thrilled” to receive your thoughts! If you’d like to dive into her works, check out both her AO3 and Tumblr.
Tumblr: Da-smiley99
AO3: Dasmiley99
Ask Box: Da-Smiley ask
A huge thank you to her for being so excited about our chat and sharing us piece of her life with us! 
Have a Thiam Creator you fan over, from any platform (AO3, Tumblr, Wattpad, Instagram, FFN, etc). Definitely drop us their names. Bonus points if you include any questions you’re dying to ask them. 
Likewise, if you as the creator, would like to be a part of the Behind the Screens series, give us a shout too! We’d love to get to know you, as well.
Mic drop!
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Ultimate Herpetologist
Hello Mod Kiibo! Thank you so much for replying to me :)
Here is my OC, I hope it’s ok as I haven’t created one in a long time. She’s heavily influenced by myself actually, other than the second name and some of the animals kept. I do own 15 pets though, just no venomous or poisonous ones! I hope everyone’s OCs can get along!
Edit: Hi Mod Kiibo, sorry about this, but I forgot to add my OC’s ability that is given to the protagonist after obtaining all of her friendship fragments! The ability is called “Snake Charmer”, and it cuts the damage recieved by saying an unsuccessful lie during class trials in half :) Sorry to be a pain! Thank you for all the hard work you do for us
P.S: Please don’t copy her, she is a work from my own heart!
Hello there, tea-drinking-dragon! I hope you are doing well and are taking care of yourself! Thank you so much for your submission! I very much enjoyed reading about Amy! What a wonderful and distinctive character! I like snakes myself, so I loved reading about The Ultimate Herpetologist! This is my first time receiving a submission like this and responding to it, so please excuse my inexperience in responding to it and formatting it! As you requested in a previous post, I will write about how my OC, Yoite, will react to her. Thank you so much once again for this submission! It is very much appreciated!
Please do not copy or reuse Amy Blackadder! She belongs to tea-drinking-dragon and them alone! Please do not copy or reuse Yoite Inoue! She belongs to me and myself alone! Thank you!
Tumblr media
“Her presence is quite reassuring…”
Because of Amy’s concealed reserved nature, Yoite makes the effort to spend time with her and understand her. The former’s contentment with animals and quiet is favored quite a bit by the latter, as Yoite succumbs to tiredness and lethargy easily. She will occasionally unapologetically rest her head on Amy’s lap and nap for a short period of time, simply because she has decided that Amy is to be trusted. It is especially pleasant when Amy rubs her thumb back and forth gently on Yoite’s sleepy head.
Aside from napping though, Yoite does enjoy spending meals with Amy and spending quiet time with her snakes. She especially is attached to Amy’s Corn Snake. She lovingly refers to it as a ‘snek.’
Amy Blackadder
Ultimate Herpetologist
Gender: Female
Height: 5′7″ (ENG)
172.2 cm (JP)
Weight: 72.5 kg (160 lbs)
Birthdate: 30 July (Leo)
Blood Type: O+
Likes: Reptiles, Birds, Video games, Sweets, Gardening and Mythology.
Dislikes: Parasites, Centipedes, Spiders, Non melted Cheese, Slippy floors.
Amy is a pale skinned adolescent woman of slightly above average height, and carries a few extra pounds. Despite this, she isn’t unfit and is actually surprisingly strong, which she claims is due to handling some of her more heavy animals and their tanks. When hugged, she tends to be a little squishy.  She has slightly broad shoulders and a DD cup size. She has black hair in a choppy bob that is longer near the front of her face and gets shorter towards the back of her head and heterochromatic eyes that are green and brown respectively.
Amy has poor eye sight and wears a pair of navy coloured glasses to correct her vision. Clothing wise she wears a navy blue kennel coat made out of tough synthetic fibres and cotton over a loose turquoise button up shirt and ripped black jeans. Her shoes are black steel toe capped safety boots and have an iron plate running through the sole.
Her accessories consist of a small bottle of hand sanitizer clipped onto one of the belt loops on the right hand side of her jeans, a thick pair of handling gloves that hang out of her kennel coat pocket when not in use alongside a fold away snake hook, a white scarf with navy stars and rests a special pair of safety goggles that are designed to go over her glasses on her head.
Personality: Amy is generally laid back and won’t usually bother someone unless they speak to her first, unless it is someone she is already friends with. She’s naturally calm, and does her best to try and stop people from panicking. To do this, she purposefully comes up with cringey jokes and tries to push herself to bring up humour in bad situations. Whenever she herself is struggling with things, she’ll redirect the conversation with jokes, sarcasm or white lies. This is partially because she’s embarrassed and unwilling to share her vulnerable side to others, as well as not wanting to show weakness to make people think she’s an easy target in the killing game. She suffers from depression and can be prone to some serious low moods, to combat this she interacts with her animals, who she doesn’t mind sharing her secrets with. If she has no access to them, she tends to isolate herself in her room until she knows she can convincingly tell a cover story or make satire out of the situation. She prefers to hang around with one or two close friends rather than get too close to everybody. She is well aware that not everyone is free from malice and that dead men tell no tales.
“Oh? Um, hello! My name’s Amy, I’m the Ultimate Herpetologist. It’s nice to meet you, shame about the circumstances though.”
“A herpetologist is someone who studies reptiles and amphibians. It can be a useful talent outside, but in here… Not so much. Haha, don’t worry though, I’ll try to make sure nobody croaks!”
“Let me know if you get hurt ok? I’m not a nurse, but I know emergency first aid. The amount of bites I got when I first started training was quite embarrassing. At one point I just wanted to tell anyone asking me to catch a snake for them to hiss off!”
“Hmm? What’s up?”
“Would you like to talk about it? Or, I could just listen if you want.”
“I doubt it.”
“Lets go friendo, I’ve got your back!”
“Hey, I made some cake earlier! Here, let me take your mind off it.”
“Want me to make us some tea?”
“I’m certain.”
“Definitely not.”
“… Lets go over it again. Maybe we missed something?”
“Not everything is black and white. Lets investigate the grey area. All 50 shades of it.”
“It’s ok to be afraid. Please, let me help you.”
“What’s a snake’s favourite subject? Hisssstory! Oh… Not funny? Shame, I found it hisssterical!”
“There’s no turning back now. Even if it takes tooth and claw, we have to fight!”
“This… this is for me? Oh, wow, um, thank you very much! I promise to take good care of it!”
“ Whatever way you wish to play this, I will back you up. Just because people don’t like something or don’t want to believe it, it doesn’t make it any less real or true. Also, it’s surprising how fast people stop talking shit when they find a black mamba in their room, want to see how long it takes?”
“If that’s the truth…”
“I understand.”
“It’s people and situations like this that is reason why I prefer animals to humans.”
“… What? Really?”
“Hm? Oh no, I’m fine, really. I was just thinking about my pets back home… Anyway, did you hear about the tortoise who bit a power cable? He was shell shocked!”
“Um…. I’m sorry to bother you and if I’m annoying you just tell me, but would you mind if I talk to you for a bit? It’s just… I just need a friend right now…”
“I suppose I have room for one more being to take care of… Where do you want your enclosure? Next to the Asian water monitor, me, or the giant African bull frog? …. Hehe, are you sure? I bite!”
“Ah, it’s ok! Sorry, did we scare you? It’s ok, I’ve got him on a harness!”
“Hey Kirumi! It’s ok, have a rest. I really appreciate all the things you do for us so I…. Oh? I can smell…. Oh no I left the oven on!”
“Oh? You’re interested in snakes Kokichi? Hehe, kind of ironic, no? Hehe, just joking. Anyway, I’ll show you a couple if you like, but no venomous ones. It’s not that they’re unpredictable, it’s just I haven’t handled those ones around strangers and don’t want to risk it. I don’t want to be the next blackened cause of an accident!”
“Come on Shuichi, lets turn that frown upside down. Have you been in the games room yet? I’ll grab some snacks and we can chill out and play! ”
Free Time Event Presents:
Loves: Boba Tea, Bubblegum Bomb, Teddy Bear, Steel Glasses Case, Helping Yacchi
Dislikes: Monkey’s Paw
-          Despite being openly friendly, it is thought that she is secretly lonely, and has been observed talking to her companion animal if she has one with her when no else is around.
-The “Adder” in Blackadder is actually a venomous snake from Amy’s home country in the UK and can also be linked to a comedy show originated in the UK called Blackadder. She has been known to quote parts of the series in some of her interactions;
“My dear Gonta, you wouldn’t see a subtle plan if it painted itself purple and danced naked on top of a harpsichord singing “Subtle plans are here again!”. “
“Well that was about as useful as a barber’s shop on the steps of the guillotine…”
- In Amy’s DanganronpaV3 talent lab, she has a variety of venomous, poisonous and dangerously large animals who tanks have padlocks on and have a red colour coded danger sticker. These include:
Inland Taipan (Venomous)
Black Mamba (Venomous)
Mozambique Spitting Cobra (Venomous)
Reticulated Python (Large Constrictor)
Green Anaconda (Large Constrictor)
Gila Monster (Venomous)
Rough Skinned Newt (Poisonous)
The “Safe” animals in her lab include:
Bearded Dragon [Lovingly nicknamed “Skittles”]
Leopard Gecko [“Disco”]
Asian water monitor [“Ruby”]
Black throat Monitor [“Lancelot”]
Giant African bull frog
Blue tongue skink [“Bingo”]
Corn snake
Ball Python
The animals with nicknames are ones that she actively takes outside her labs for walks, either holding them or using a harness.
FreeTime Event:
Amy: “Hey Kaede, how’s it going? Don’t mind me, I’m just… Investigating. Other than us, it looks like there’s nothing else alive here… Not even insects. I mean I’m not complaining, but still.”
Kaede: [I watched as Amy left the long grass and brushed herself off, looking concerned. Should I ask her to hang out?”]
Amy: “I’d love to! I was starting to get a little bored, everyone has this dire look on their faces and I didn’t want to accidently tread on any toes so I haven’t really gotten to know anyone yet… So Kaede, do you like extreme wrestling, pineapple on pizza and bad jokes? No? Good! Cause I don’t either. Apart from the last one, but hopefully it’ll grow on you like penicillin on an orange. Might take a while to fester though.”
[I spent time today chatting with Amy and trying to cope with her sense of humour.]
[Looks like Amy and I grew closer]
[Would you like to give Amy a present?]
[Gives favourable present]
Amy: “Oh? For me? Are you sure? Thank you! Lets see… I don’t have anything in return, but I’ll have a look in the dining hall later and if I can, I’ll make you some of my special chocolate orange cupcakes!”
Kaede: “Cupcakes, huh? Do you like baking Amy?”
Amy: “I do! The only thing is though, is that once I’ve made something I have to eat it. I live alone so I don’t normally bake unless I have friends coming over, but when I do I’m essentially putting myself and everyone else on a fast track to diabetes. I haven’t had the time to do it in a while though because of caring for my animals.”
Kaede: “Oh yeah, I remember you mentioning earlier. Snakes and lizards right? But… Aren’t snakes slimy?”
Amy: “Haha, no, not quite. Frogs are, but not snakes. A lot of people assume that they are though because they’re shiny. If you were to stroke a snake, most feel cool, and smooth. A little bit like a leather sofa, but more sleek. Some snakes might have specialised rough scales which when they vibrate make a rattling sound, or on their belly to help them grip trees.”
Kaede: “I see… Are you ever afraid of getting bitten though?”
Amy: “Are you afraid that I could bite you?”
Kaede: “What? Uh, no, I guess…”
Amy: “Haha, don’t worry, I won’t. However, think of it this way. If something has a mouth, it can bite. People often fear snakes due to the possibility of being bitten, but in reality a snake would rather just run away. Biting is usually a last resort because it’s frightened of you. You’re much more likely to be savaged by a dog than harmed by a snake. It’s a fact that’s often over looked because dogs are cute and fluffy, whereas many people think reptiles are ugly.”
Kaede: “That is… A unique way of seeing it, but it makes sense. If we get out of here, would you help me touch a snake? Even if it’s just a little one, I’d like to try.”
Amy: “I would be very happy to, I know just the snake to introduce you to!”
Reaction Yoite: Amy would likely get on with Yoite, and would be interested in working together with her to help educate people on reptiles, providing a handling session and keeping the animals under control as Yoite controls the students and explains information to them in a way that they’d understand.
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saeyounggi · 7 years
hereafter [saeyoung choi/707]
hello! so, here’s my first mystic messenger fanfiction! it’s been a year since i wrote an actual fanfiction, so i hope i’m not too rusty. also, i wanted to write for mysme back in october, but i lacked the time so hAHA here *throws fic at your feet* please accept this orz. ALSO, i might continue this as a series, if people like this one! it would basically be 707 actually using doing those actions and date ideas that he got from movies. we’ll see. if you have any requests, feel free to send them my way! i don’t own the characters; saeyoung was created by the cheritz team, and you own yourself ;) i hope you enjoy!
pairing: saeyoung choi x mc / 707 x mc
type: fluff (super high school level fluff)
point of view: second person / mc
summary: an early leave from work allows you to discover saeyoung’s rough plans for future romantic escapades. based on a headcanon of mine that saeyoung is actually a cheesy yet awkward romantic, so he is fond of googling romantic movies and romantic actions and makes notes of the techniques he likes. for the future, of course. ;)
word count: 2230
listen: Stop The World I Wanna Get Off With You by Arctic Monkeys
God Seven was no lover – this much you knew.
The beginning of your relationship started slowly, almost agonizingly so, but you couldn’t really blame him. He was a socially inept hacking prodigy, who spent more time talking to his RoboCat than actual people. You had to break down many, many walls just to get to his soft heart, and even then, he still felt guarded. Not that you minded, but sometimes it did feel like you were teaching a baby to walk.
He would shy away from your kisses, and your subtle fingertip brushes would immediately lead to him jamming his hand into his pocket. Your hugs would leave him a blushing, fumbling mess, and it would push him to awkwardly wrap his own arms around yours. Hell, he looked like he was about to have a heart attack when you first told him that you loved him.
Once the two of you had finally settled into the whole dating she-bang, Saeyoung began to be more comfortable at skinship. He would always take the time to profess his love verbally once in a while, and he would proceed to tease you about the growing blush on your face afterwards. He was still an awkward mess, yes, but he was excellent company (and an ahhh-mazing kisser at that).
Saeyoung wasn’t quite sure how to perform romantic actions and would often fumble with his attempts. More often than not, his attempts at wooing you ended in shared peals of laughter on the living room carpet. That alone was enough for the both of you. Besides, it was endearing to see a grown man struggle with the plights of dating. Oh, but when he put effort into it, which he always does, he definitely knew how to make you swoon.
Today, naturally, was one of the many times he proved his love to you.
Your shift at the local café ended early, allowing you to stop at a local convenience store to buy Saeyoung a beautiful pack of Honey Buddha Chips. Ever since you moved in with him, he had pushed himself to pursue a healthier lifestyle. This meant getting rid of the boxes upon boxes of Honey Buddha Chips and Ph D. Pepper. While you were initially against this, since you knew just how much he loved his daily junk food fix, he insisted he wanted to switch to a better lifestyle so he could live much longer with you. You easily gave in after that statement. (Plus his puppy-dog eyes were too much for your poor heart.) So, you settled with cooking him delicious and healthy meals daily and surprising him with a bag or two from time to time.
Your espadrilles-clad feet stopped at the front of you and Saeyoung’s humble home. Ever-since the RFA Party, Saeyoung had wanted to officially move in with you. Well, he technically begged you to live with him, which was an easy request to grant. After all, you wanted to be in his company as much as he wanted to be in yours. It was similar to living with him in Rika’s apartment, with all his shenanigans and jokes and the addition of a bit more amorous moments. Despite your relationship having a slow start, you knew the whole moving-in was definitely the right move for the both of you.
You fumbled slightly with your purse, reaching past the bag of chips to grab the house keys. You slid it in easily, and with a click, you entered your shared abode. You quietly took off your shoes and placed them on the rack. You grinned as you heard nothing but silence. Saeyoung was a homebody, so the lack of clacking keypad keys told you that he was taking his daily afternoon nap. His body clock was an absolute mess, so he usually spent wee hours of the morning working and the hours of the afternoon catching on much-needed sleep.
You stepped into the dining room, planning to stash his beloved chips away before he woke up. Instead of an empty dining area, however, you were greeted by the sight of Saeyoung’s vermillion hair and the bright glare of his trusty laptop. You stopped in your tracks, breath hitching in your throat as you surveyed to see if he was awake or not. The slow rise and fall of his chest and the hunched position he had told you he was fast asleep. You sighed as you slowly made your way towards the sleeping Saeyoung. You carefully placed your purse on the dining table as you looked over at him.
Sheets of paper cluttered half of the table, while a few wadded up ones had fallen onto the tiled floor below it. His bumblebee-colored eyeglasses were atop a stack of papers to his right, and the bright glare of his laptop indicated that he has fallen asleep not too long ago. Words were scrawled over the sheets of paper in your boyfriend’s rushed handwriting, and you couldn’t help but be intrigued with what you saw.
“ROMANTIC ACTIONS I CAN DO (´ ω `♡)” was scrawled quickly at the top of the first sheet of paper, making you stifle a laugh at the messily drawn kaomoji in the title. Your wide eyes scanned the paper, realizing that it was a list of sorts, with titles of romance movies scribbled at the side of each item.
“One, blast Peter Gabriel’s In Your Eyes on an old-school Boombox,” you mumbled under breath, smiling ever-so slightly at the clear reference to the movie, Say Anything. The list sported similar items to this, some with Saeyoung’s own notes jotted underneath it. The heat in your cheeks steadily rose as you read items such as kiss her in the pouring rain, take her stargazing (with or without a telescope), and going to a drive-in on the list. You were pretty sure Saeyoung had been taking notes from the recent romance movies that you two had been watching.
“Fifteen, serenade to her in public while running from authorities,” you said, trying to stop yourself from laughing at the very idea of Saeyoung running from people like Vanderwood while serenading to you. You could clearly hear his hearty laughter ringing in your ears as he belted out Frank Sinatra’s Can’t Take My Eyes Off You in front of a mass of strangers.
Your eyes drifted over to his laptop, eyes widening at the number of tabs open on his browser. All of them had the same topic: romantic locations for dates. There was a wide range of locations, ranging from beach resorts to adrenaline rides to simple lone parks for peace and quiet.
Your heart tightened in your chest, and you couldn’t help but burst into a wide smile at your boyfriend’s cute actions. You had wondered, after all, what he kept on doing on his laptop. He couldn’t have spent that much time programming and hacking, so you knew he had to be doing something as equally important. He must’ve put hours into planning and researching all this, you thought to yourself. The thought of him spending sleepless nights poring over every detail of these dates made you feel like you had fallen all over again for the meme-loving man.
You were pulled back to reality by the sound of rustling papers. You turned your attention to the dazed Saeyoung, whose eyes widened at the fuzzy sight of someone leaning over the table. “Wh-What in the-,” he started, before you pulled him in for a hug. He stiffened at first, unsure of how to react, but the familiar feeling of your arms around his was enough to make him relax underneath your touch. The lingering and strong scent of metal and oil told you that he had been playing around with RoboCat earlier that day. He truly felt like home. You pulled away, a dopey smile gracing your face.
Saeyoung reached out to grab his spectacles from the table; a smile gracing his own face at the sight of you. “Welcome home,” he yawned out, before his eyes widened at the realization that you had caught him in act. He stood up abruptly, stretching out his arms to prevent you from seeing his plans. A chuckle escaped from your lips, telling him that his attempt at hiding his plans were in vain. He sighed, letting his arms fall to his sides.
“I know I’m shit at this dating and feelings thing, but-,” he began, before you cut him off with a quick kiss square on his lips. His eyes widened, as his face began to flush into a deep red blush, a color you had grown fond of seeing on him. You pulled away, immediately shaking your head as your hand grasped his tightly.
“You are the best cross-dressing hacker boyfriend in the universe,” you tell him, interlacing your fingers together and bringing it up your lips for a gentle kiss. His gaze is intense yet gentle, and he lets out a chuckle as he brings your hands to his own lips.
“Of course! I’m known as God Seven for a reason!” he declares proudly, moving aside to show off the very thing he had planned on hiding from you. You rolled your eyes ironically, letting your own soft laughter escape your lips.
The both of you stayed like that for a moment, laughing with fingers interlaced together. Most of your life had become a montage of moments like these, pure and sweet, and while he did have rough days, like everyone else, you made sure you both went through it together. In the end, he always owned up to his mistakes, and you did too.
Perhaps that’s why you couldn’t see yourself loving anyone else but him.
“I’m sorry if I couldn’t tell you why I was more tired recently,” he explained, nodding over at the stack of papers. “As you can see, it was meant to be a surprise for you.”
“You are such a cheesy romantic,” you say, continuing to sport your wide grin. He blushed, huffing slightly as he squeezed your hand.
“Well, I can’t let my beautiful girlfriend steal the entire spotlight. Besides,” he paused to smile genuinely at you. He lowered himself to your height, planting a soft kiss at the top of your head. “If it meant making you happy, I would’ve been happy doing much, much more than this.”
Saeyoung slowly let go of your hand and moved over to organize the cluttered papers. You moved over to help him as well, catching names such as Paris and Japan in some of the printed papers. Your heart leapt in your chest as you let out a small happy sigh.
“What?” he asked, eyes tinged with curiosity. You shook your head, words slipping out of your mouth before you could even word them properly. “It feels like you’re planning for a honeymoon,” you say, eyebrows wiggling.
“Oh,” he pauses for a moment, as if taken aback by your words, before continuing. “Well, if I was planning for our actual anniversary, then I probably would’ve looked up how much it costs to rent a huge rocket.”
“So you’re telling me you want to have a honeymoon in space?” you said in mock surprise. He pouted at your response, eyeglasses slipping ever-so slightly from the bridge of his nose. Holy shit, how did you ever manage to score a guy like him?
“Of course! We’ll get married at a space station, have a honeymoon in space, and start a reality television show up there!” he says, pushing up his glasses in a stereotypical anime fashion. He lets out a chain of haughty laughter. “We’ll name it Space Soldier 707!”
“And I’ll be Space Cadet 606!” you say, forming your hands into a finger gun and mimicking shooting at him. He clutched his chest and fell to the floor, acting like he had been shot before uttering in amusement, “You’re definitely my Number One space partner!”
“Hah, correction: I am your one and only space partner,” you say, quickly moving to grab the bag of chips you had bought earlier before things could get even more ridiculous. “Well, at least I should be after buying you your beloved chips.”
Saeyoung’s eyes widened like that of a child, lips cracking open to form an exaggerated look of wonder. He quickly leapt up from the tiled floor and reached out to grab the lone pack from your hands. You readily gave it to him, and he looked like he could cry. You reminded yourself never to get in the way of Saeyoung and his junk food fix. “A correction, my dearest [Name], to your earlier statement,” he says, breaking open the bag of chips and grinning like a child on Christmas Eve.
“You are my one and only partner, beyond the bounds of time and space. You are my life’s partner.”
Your heart practically cart-wheeled in your chest from hearing that confession, and you made a mental note to grant him a feverish make-out session in the bedroom, after your usual anime binge-watching session. God Seven was no lover, indeed, because he was not bound to the earthly description of lover. No, the English language was not enough to define your man. He was your missing piece, the half of your whole, your one and only Defender of Justice.
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Reader and Mad Sweeney have always had a flirty relationship, but it's never crossed the line. Fed up and frustrated the reader decides to give him a lap dance (for whatever celebratory reason) and smuttiness ensues. 🙈🙊
Hello there! So um…while there is some implied smuttiness and all….this ficlet sort of turned into over 1800 words before I’d actually gotten to the actual sex so…. I decided to leave it here, unless people ask for a part two or whatever cos otherwise it’d never get finished, haha. 
I made no reference to whether reader was a God or not, and there are no gender terms used within to describe the reader, though the reader has a female body starting from the lap dance scene~ 
Warning: both characters have had a bit to drink in this fic, so you know…  
Anyway, I wasn’t sure what type of reader I was writing for so have a flirty, self-confident reader who has lots of booze at their house for some reason. 
You were brooding in your kitchen over a cup of wine. 
It wasn’t sad if it was wine. You weren’t a pathetic person if you were having a cup or two of wine after dinner. You were a sophisticated person. You should be congratulated, honestly. 
You practically oozed poise and perfection. 
You were also onto your second bottle of wine somehow, so maybe the whole eliteness of it had worn off after the sixth or so cup. 
Besides, alcohol rarely affected you. You stared morosely into your cup. Maybe you should move onto something stronger. Something that would…actually affect you. 
Not that alcohol would cure your problems. 
Problem. Singular. 
But before you could rehash your problems over another cup, your apartment door swung open, a loud slam accompanying the way it hit against the wall as if thrown by Hercules himself. 
Your eyes fixate on the man sauntering through half-drunk, a self-satisfied grin on his face. Close enough. You lean your elbows on the kitchen bench. “Sweeney,” you enunciate, trying to keep the smile from your face, trying to act as if your wall was more important than the man who probably just broke a hole through it. It really, really wasn’t. 
“Hello love,” he said easily and your stomach rolled in protest. You had moved into cute nicknames a few months earlier, his Irish lilt making each new name he tossed at you something special, something to be cherished. Maybe. If you weren’t reading too much into this. After all, what did years of flirtations mean, really? When it all came down to it. He dropped a bottle on the bench. “Another one, dear, and pour one for yourself too.” 
You roll your eyes and flick him on the head, right between the eyes. “I’m not a bar.” 
He grinned and leant closer to you, his breath reeking of alcohol, with that hint of something…meadows maybe. “I know that,” he protested. Your eyes dart down to his lips, so tantalisingly close. In a second you could press yours against him, steal the whiskey from his tongue and find out just what a leprechaun tasted like. 
He pulled away sharply. “Besides,” he announced to your empty kitchen. “I’m celebrating.”
You raise an eyebrow, ignoring the disappointment that came with his subtle rejection. “And what are you celebrating, my King?” you ask as you pull out the good liquor you’d been studiously avoiding all night. 
He shrugged and rested his back against the counter. “Oh some cunt or other thought he could take me down.” He looked around smugly and you finally noticed the bruise on his cheek. “Didn’t even get one hit in.” 
“Looks like he got a hit in,” you commented dryly as you place the alcohol on the bench and grabbed an ice pack from the freezer. You press the ice against his cheek and he winces in return. 
“Forgot about tha’ one,” he said, his accent all the more pronounced with the disappointment in being caught out. You roll your eyes, and take the opportunity to trail your eyes along his face, letting your fingers run across his beard. 
“Of course you did,” you agreed. Your free hand reached up to trace a cut on his forehead. “And this one too I suppose.” You grinned up at him. “I should probably ask….you didn’t get a concussion and just forgot all the times this guy hit you, right?” 
He stuck out his tongue at you, his hand grabbing the one on his forehead. “I came here to celebrate,” he reminded you, pulling you close in a single move. The breath left your body as you were pressed up against the solid wall of muscle that was your Leprechaun. 
There was a moment of silence as the two of you looked into each other’s eyes. Do it. The words were in your head, on your lips, a hairbreadth away from shouting them at him. Let’s stop with the games, start with the fucking.
And then, because he always did, he pulled away. “I asked for booze,” he reminded you with a slur, reaching across the bench for the alcohol you’d laid out.  
You let out your breath in a huff. “Well,” you said, not quite sure where the idea had come from, half-certain you’d somehow gotten drunk off his breath, “if we’re celebrating.” Then again, it could be all those cups of wine. You took his arm and led him to the couch. You pushed him down and grabbed the bottle from his hands, taking a big swig of it. Then you dropped yourself down onto his lap. 
His eyes widened in mild shock, his hands fluttering wildly around your hips as if torn between cupping them and pushing you off. It was cute, seeing those walls of his break down. 
You bite your lip in your most seductive manner, glad to have chosen a very short skirt for your wine binge. 
He narrowed his eyes at you in return. “You’re drunk,” he accused.
You tilted your head and rolled your neck, enjoying every click as you bared your neck to him. “Have you ever known me to get drunk?” Before he could answer, you moved on. “We’re celebrating, remember? Some cunt tried to fight me,” you repeated in a fake Irish accent. 
His nose wrinkled. “That’s offensive,” he told you, his voice getting as frustrated as it did whenever anyone mocked the Irish. Apparently all those years of being demonised as pathetic drunks hadn’t exactly endeared the Irish Stereotype to the leprechaun. Maybe he was just upset everyone thought he was short. Hard to tell with him, honestly. 
You leant in and pressed your forehead to his. “I’ve always wondered,” you admit slyly. 
His breath catches in his throat. “Wondered what?” he finally manages to choke out. 
Your lips are hovering against his again, but if you’re going to do this, if you’re going to be the one to finally push those barriers the whole way, you’re damn sure going to make him work for it. 
And, you know, make sure he actually wants it. 
“What it’s like to give a lap dance,” you finish, raising your ass off his lap and grinding it back down against his thighs. 
The strangled noise he made in return was not human. You smirked back at him in satisfaction. 
“Can I?” you ask in mock innocence. 
Mad Sweeney swears at you before nodding vigorously. “Fuck, yes.” His hands finally come down on your hips and he gives them an experimental squeeze. He even leans in, maybe for a kiss, but you turn your head to look down at his hand and instead his lips brush your neck. He chuckles darkly against your skin, maybe noticing the mood you’re in, figuring out how you want this to go. 
“Finally,” he mutters and your head darts up to face him, a glare forming. 
“Me, finally?” you demand in voice that was close to a screech. “Why do I have to do all the work?” 
He blinks at you before slouching back casually on your couch, hands leaving your hips to sling over the couch’s back, an evil grin forming on his face. “Maybe I like being chased,” he tells you and you growl back in response. 
You let yourself slid forward on his lap further, your breasts pressing against his chest, hips pressed against his. Sweeney was trapped now, between you and the couch and you were going to wipe that smirk off his face and make him beg with every ounce of his body, and then maybe, finally, you might just let him get what he wanted. Maybe. 
You ground your hips down against him slowly, making sure he could feel every inch of your ass as it trailed from the top of his knees all the way down to where that bulge in his pants was forming. 
You feel a flush of heat yourself, all too suddenly becoming real to you, you were straddling Sweeney. 
You looked into his eyes then, needing to make sure that this was alright. 
He smiled at you, the heat between you fizzling out for that second. Something genuine touching his eyes. His hand reached up to cup your face and he pulled you closer to him.  
“Perhaps we should start with a chaser,” he commented, before pulling you in for that long-craved kiss. 
You probably could’ve written an ode to what he tasted like, all those different beverages clashing in his mouth with the dusty taste of tobacco, but you were too busy trying to memorise this moment. When you pulled away panting, resting your forehead back against his, noting distantly that this was the first time you’d even seen the top of that red mountain of hair of his, the first time you’d ever been taller than him. 
“A chaser comes after the main drink,” you point out finally. “To ‘chase away’ the bad taste.” You glare at him again, with no heat, hoping to convey the joke that he was critising your amazing dancing skills. You get distracted by the pinkness of his face, the way his lips have swelled ever so slightly under your administrations. The way he was trying to hide how he was just as desperate for breath as you were, both of you having pushed your limits just to keep tasting each other. 
He shrugged and you could feel it, feel the way his face scrunched slightly with the movement, the way his whole body adjusted to that small movement, and warmth pooled through your body. You were in control now. You had him right where you wanted him. Your leprechaun was literally between your legs as he said, “I’m non-traditional like that.” 
You laugh and your hands clutch at his suspenders. How could your leprechaun, red haired and muscular, wear such disgusting clothing out in public? You intertwine your fingers in them. “I’m afraid I don’t know many lap dance moves,” you whisper into his ear. 
He was too busy nibbling at your neck to notice, his hands back on your waist, fingers trying to slide up under your top while simultaneously pulling you back onto his chest. 
Oh no, you were not going to let him take this moment away from you. You’d let him trick you out your prized kiss, you weren’t going to let him change the dynamic too. 
You pushed him away with one hand, flipping your head forward and then quickly back to let your hair arc into place before running a hand through it to make sure it was adequately sex-strewn already. You lean in and bit his ear before whispering, “I thought you liked being chased.” You steal the words of retort from his lips with another kiss. He tasted more like you now, the wine from your lips mingling pleasantly with his taste. “My turn.” 
~Send me American Gods prompts, headcanons, or even just a ship name and I’ll write you a little something~
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itsdisneymydudes · 7 years
I’m Gonna Wreck It
Another movie I haven’t seen, another live blog! This week I’ll be checking out Wreck-It Ralph. Truth be told, idk why I haven’t seen this before: video game and arcade jokes? What’s not to love omg.
Oh my god, 8-bit Disney Animation logo with complimentary 8-bit music. It’s perfect.
Wait a minute...is Ralph really the bad guy if the bulldozer moved his stump first? I can kinda understand his aggression seeing as they hit first. He’s only responding...with fists...
Fastest way to get exposition is to have John C. Riley narrate over a video game lemme tell ya. And the premise makes a lot of sense. Ralph does his job. It just so happens that that job is to wreck everything. And get thrown off a roof. Into mud. Medal-less.
Lol @the-kid​-who-says-“This animation is so real.” I see you, Disney. I see you.
Whoa. Just whoa. The arcade time lapse is so full of old video game references, there is no way you could catch them all in one viewing. Damn, Disney really went all out with the royalties for this movie. Pac-man, Asteroids, Frogger, TMNT, this is beautiful.
And we’re still less than 3 minutes into this movie. Oh, this is gonna be good.
Aw, Ralph wants to love his job but hates it at the same time. Is this gonna be a mid-life crisis told through video games? Please say yes.
Lolololol this is like a modern version of Toy Story. All the video games come to life once the people leave. Oh and Street Fighter II? That could not have been easy to get in this movie (and they only use it for a quick joke about grabbing a drink after work, too. Now that’s dedication to making your world believable).
I’m loving this translation of choppy 8-bit video game motions into a 3D animated world. It’s a subtle touch, but one that makes everything more realistic imo.
Also, loving the meta-humor where Ralph literally wrecks everything he touches. Even the bushes fall over after he brushes them.
Aw, Ralph’s true motivations are coming through... :(
Lol a Bad-Anon meeting? Idk what’s better: the fact that it’s a play on Alcohol Anonymous or the fact that they used Anon from Internet slang.
Nope, I change my mind. The best part about this is how many video game baddies they have here. Bowser, Kano, Dr. Robotnik, Blinky the Ghost, I just can’t believe it.
Aw, the bad guys are really trying to explain to Ralph why being bad isn’t necessarily a bad thing. That’s nice.
Oh my god, Kano just ripped Zombie’s heart out. That’s hilarious. Fatality (except Zombie is already dead...).
Lol. Thanks, Satan.
I like how everyone freaks out when Ralph says he doesn’t want to be the bad guy anymore. Society has rules, and if Ralph is trying to break them in the slightest (”go Turbo”), then everyone loses their minds. Even for bad guys, you still gotta follow the rules.
Whoa. Blinky is right. Don’t try and change who you are to be better, accept who you are to be a better you. Damn, deep stuff.
Oh my god Game Central Station is magnificent. The gates are outlet faces, and there are so many video game characters there. This is amazing.
Lol “All aboard the Soul Train, outlet 12.” Nice throwback.
Oooo a “random security check” always pulling aside Ralph. Not-so-subtle discrimination allegory. I like it. Also, Lara Croft name-dropping is always a good touch.
Sonic is in this movie too??? Marvelous. Simply marvelous.
Holy crap, Q*bert is homeless because their game got unplugged??? Snake too??? Oh my god that’s right in the feels. Aw and Ralph gives them his cherry. That’s so sweet. Gah this is gonna be an emotional roller coaster of a movie.
Lolololol is that supposed to be Skrillex?
Ralph and Felix’s conversation is so awkward. That makes me sad :(
Ah, Ralph is already breaking stuff. Ah and Felix’s respawn animation. Too cute.
Two things: 1) why are the apartment people so effing rude. Were they raised in a bar? Jfc. 2) I’m loving how anti-social Ralph is. Yea, you tell em buddy. Stick it to the man.
As sad as Ralph wrecking the cake is, you gotta appreciate the pixelated cake-splatter everywhere.
Oh my gosh how did I not see this before?! Tapper is an old video game too! Golly gee, references are everywhere!!!
Super mushrooms and Metal Gear exclamation points in the lost-and-found! Brilliant!
Oh, I get it. Hero’s Duty is supposed to be a cross between Halo and Call of Duty. Modern games are in this movie too. Smashing.
Is that Jane Lynch???? Oh heck yes!
“First Person Shooter coming through.” Niceeeeeeee.
This dubstep-space-robot-bug-thingy-shooter sequence is FUCKING AWESOME. HOLY NUTS WHY CAN’T ALL DISNEY MOVIES BE LIKE THIS.
Even in this chaotic shooting game, “formation” and social constructs are paramount. Damn, society. You scary.
Ralph and the “old video games” calling out the “new video games” for being scary. Got em.
Ha. A giant blue beam to zap all the bugs with. Cute.
Subway product placement? Huh. Interesting.
Also, the jerk guys who are clearly way older than the marketed arcade demographic are total jerks. Realistic arcade representation though. Every arcade has em.
Oh snap. Now I know why “sticking to the program” is so important. If games don’t, then they can be shut down for good. That’s so dark, Disney.
Ah now I wanna learn Q*bert-ese. That sounds really fun.
Also, it’s funny to see how much the village people (pun intended) need Ralph now after they berated him for “wrecking everything.” Yea, karma bitch.
I like how smitten Felix is for high-definition characters. Lol innuendo.
Are the cybug eggs supposed to be a reference to the eggs from Aliens? If so, I approve.
Aw, Ralph just wants everyone’s approval. That’s so sad :( Poor Ralph.
The little cybug just jumped on Ralph’s face. Totally a reference to Aliens.
Hahahahaha. Sonic lost his rings!
Sugar Rush is a mix between Mario Kart and Candyland right? That’s sweet (yes, pun intended again).
Also, that’s a theme catchy song.
I can’t believe that’s Sarah Silverman!
Whoa was that a glitch...? Do they have those in this movie?
If cybugs are viruses, does that mean Hero’s Duty is like the Norton Antivirus of the arcade then? Lol that’d be a riveting game.
Pay-to-play for this racing competition seems like it guarantees the richest racers will always race…it’s almost like the top 1% of racers will always stay at the top…hey wait a minute, Disney…
I like how the coins dissolve in to 0’s and 1’s. It’s the little details that make this movie awesome.
Oh no, Ralph’s medal got dissolved…
So Vanellope is a glitch. Whoa.
Haha. The cops are donuts. Got em.
Is that Ralph or Shrek?
Whoa, glitch discrimination. That’s some deep stuff yo.
Children of the Candy Corn? There are so many references in this movie that I highly doubt younger audiences will recognize.
Lol. Fun-geon. Pun-geon. Aha, ok. I’m done-geon. Oh my god. It went full circle.
A Darth Vader breathing reference? What doesn’t this movie have???
Pixlexia? Is that a play on dyslexia?
Holy fuck, these racers are awful. They’re destroying Vanellope’s car just cuz she’s different? WTF.
Yay! Ralph to the rescue!
Haha. Ralph can break everything except a jawbreaker. Just like I remember them.
Oh snap. Nvm, he did.
Why would a creepy character like Turbo be the hero of a racing game? He sure doesn’t look like a hero…
Also, good exposition for the word “Turbo.”
Ahaha. Nesquik-sand. I love Nesquik. But I hate sand. It’s rough. And course. And it gets everywhere (lol, ok I’m done).
Aha Laffy Taffy that laugh. This movie is full of puns too? Oh I am in love.
Aaaaand insert obligatory Disney romance subplot here.
Lol. Gunshots are the fastest way to silence unwanted singing.
Oh my gosh. Candy-cybugs???
Is Vanellope calling Ralph “Knuckles” supposed to be a Sonic the Hedgehog reference? If so, I love it.
Lolololol did she just call him GLaDOS too??? Gold!!!
A game within a game. Game-ception? Nope, a mini-game!
Aw Vanellope and Ralph are bonding.
I get the vibe I’m not supposed to like King Candy, but his puns save me. Spiritually, ethically, psychologically. Everything.
Ahhhhh the ol’ Mentos and Diet Coke trick. Good one.
Whoa. The parallels between Vanellope and Ralph are striking, sure. But the fact that she can’t even leave her game because she’s a glitch? That’s hard stuff. At least Ralph can go where he pleases. Damn, Disney.
Lol, Vanellope learning to drive is exactly how I was in driver’s ed. “What do these pedals on the floor do?”
Vanellope has a chance to win if she can “get that glitch under control?” That totally undermines the entire message of the movie thus far! What the heck!
Aw, even Vanellope’s code is alienated from the rest of the game…
Lol, come on Felix. Put a trigger warning on before you say “Dynamite gal.”
This movie is really sending mixed signals about being bad. Is it good to be bad? Is it bad to be bad? Are bad guys just alone no matter which way they try to be?
Waaaaaiiiit a minute. Why is Vanellope on the side of the arcade game if she’s a glitch? Game makers wouldn’t do that…what’s going on…
Lol, I literally just thought of that Ralph. No fair.
Haha. Candy-coated Heart of Darkness. The horror. The horror.
Jesus, eating Sour Bill is like dunking him in acid. Ralph is twisted, wow oh wow.
Whoa. Jeez how omnipotent is King Candy? He forcibly made Vanellope a glitch, then locked up everyone’s memories of her? Whoa.
The game will reset if Vanellope crosses the finish line? Hm….
Also, nice “stick around” pun, Ralph.
Lol. Felix making the bars stronger is great.
So is Ralph returning to being bad…by doing something good? Again, what is this movie trying to say! Be good or be bad??? Be bad with good intentions??? Jeez, I’ve never had such an identity crisis over a movie before!
Haha. The assorted fans with nuts are the Cameron Crazies. Nice touch.
Ooooooo I love the camera pan-around for the racecars! Just like in Mario Kart!
Ah someone even spun out before the start! Didn’t get the timing right, eh?
Now that’s what I call pod-racing!
Ayyy nice. Vanellope’s glitch moved her ahead of those Mean-Girl-esque candy racers!
Damn, Vanellope is 2 fast 2 furious for King Candy (with a little Tokyo Drift thrown in there for good measure).
Oh my god. It all makes sense now. King Candy is Turbo. He passed his glitch on to Vanellope so she’d be the outcast and not him. But Vanellope inadvertently passed it back to him and exposed him. Whoa.
Oh nice, another literary reference. On the “Come back soon” sign, it says “Parting is such sweet sorrow…” from Romeo and Juliet. Nice one (and a good pun too).
Oh god, Vanellope still can’t leave the game.
No no no she can’t die. No no no don’t do it, Disney.
Oh I see. Ralph is using his bad wrecking powers for good. Ohhhhhh.
Ohhhh snap. Now Turbo is game-hopping virus. Shit.
Oh. He didn’t. Good.
Wait, is Vanellope getting a dress? Aw come on, Disney. I thought we were done with gender stereotyping.
Whoa, what??? Princess Vanellope??? Yo way to go!!!
Yea, Vanellope, yea! Execute those suckers! Fuck em up!!!
Aw, she was just kidding. Darn it.
Lol, constitutional democracy? President Vanellope? Yea, I’d vote for her.
Jesus, even with a happy ending, Disney has to play with my heart. Why does Ralph have to say goodbye. Why why why.
Aw a nice sweet happy ending where everybody wins. Good ol’ Disney.
This movie is beautiful. Just simply beautiful.
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bookreadalongs · 6 years
Flat Out Celeste
Tuesday, June 26th
1:43 PM with these Ivy League dreams, bet Celeste will end up in Cali with Justin. Watch her go into liberal arts instead of science. She’s clearly great at it all. Matt has science down to pat. Whoever Justin is. Is Barton another made up school?
Oh interesting. He’s the recruiter… 1:44
Oh. He was so good at teaching Julie…wow, 5 years ago? He’s surely going to follow his mother and become a professor. What if he teaches at an ivy too? I’d expect nothing else. It would be funny if he went to Celestes college but she’s def going to California. 13:48
What the heck happened in these 5 years? I mean, they had sex. Know that. Of course they’re getting back together. Matt is 26 now. He needs to act like it. Also, what’s with this author and a 2 year age difference? 13:51
Hahaha “then he stumbled and I did not catch him” that does pretty much sum it up, huh? 16:23
Oh I hope he fumbled with the door like Julie! 16:41
I appreciate Celeste. She turned down friendship, but she had to initiate them later. Relatable. Not even initiate, just be ready to not push them away. 16:54
Remember when Celeste did not like Julies alliterative update for Finn? 17:14
Is there always going to be lifesavers in these books? I guess…love is a lifesaver. From being sad or insecure or just a little down in the dumps. It’s just very reminiscent of Flat Out Love. 17:17
Subtle adding that Dallas thinks Celeste dresses nicely. Apparently her mother does as well. Interesting. 17:18
As you wish? She doesn’t love him yet! 17:20
Hahaha throw back to when Celeste began being sassy. I could see a shrug smile hair flip as she goes “or midnight”! 17:34
We get it. It’s not Julie. There’s no “fixing” complex here. 17:36 he’s right though. You fix yourself
Got it. He’s poor but will pay for her. Will that be a point in the book? Probably. The fact that he mentioned he had this job for extra money, maybe. 17:43
Do they get mad at each other then return to the tree to rekindle the love? That’s only one month of love…maybe they take it and hide it. 20:48
Justin is a wordsmith too? How Matt like. 21:05
Looks like Matt will see Julie in this impromptu Cali trip. Was he going to propose??? Saved up. 21:57
Please tell me the mysterious things she got were condoms because she went into Mats room accidentally and she’s going to be so confused and everyone will be shook! Maybe that’s a little far fetched. 21:58
Another phobia and display of love theough technology? So reminiscent of FOL 22:00
How amazing would it be if Julie was in the room with Matt? 10:15
HAHAHAHAHA the theee of us. Justin, you, and me. A trio. Just a small group. 10:19 of two
Ya think he photoshopped pictures of Celeste and himself so they’re eating Indian food together in the pictures? Tb to FOL 22:24
So, like, someone is either slipping down this cliff or hooking up on that beach, right? 22:30
Oh will we get into his past romances? 22:32
Justin predicting Celeste shutting people down like she did in the beginning of the book. 22:34 he gets her
Don’t tell me…is Helvética in comic sans? I wonder if Julie got that for him. 22:43
Haha I can imagine Matt defensively telling her she's being more than a little high strung 22:45HAHAHA Celeste forcing them to take two cars and Matt being like wtf okay ms thing 22:47woah throw back to when Celeste got Julie to come to Flat Finns going away party and Matt and Julie got together. What a matchmaker. She stayed resilient and tenacious. Wow Flat Finn...those were the days. That's so fricken creepy 22:48omg "I assumed you'd be here with Roger or Erin" throwback to when she met with Celeste every Sunday and requested Matt never accompany them. Wowza how the circle has...turned...come full circle 22:51 Omg Julie shut the fuck up. Celeste asked y'all not to fight anymore...ya know. 5 years ago. Rip. Rip Finn 22:55 She's like her mom in that car. Is her like imminent almost death going to being Julie and Matt back together? Because I'm a little tired of that story line. 22:58 Jesus fricken ---I'm tired clearly. The swears come out. Is she suicidal? Now she's going to hurt Justin? Golly - so many swears in my mind. Ahh 23:01 ouch imminent I forgot my vocabulary shrinks too She sounds possessed and scary and I'm imagining her very robotic and stiff intonation wise. It's creepy. 23:04 She's so fricken mortified of Flat Finn. It just takes her back to her weakest moments. She was lying about a lot. It makes sense Matt wanted to stay near her. That's a big part of who he is and Julie knows that. Something else fizzled. I thought it was going to go like she was pregnant then and he didn't want to keep it or something I knew wasn't going to happen. 23:06 FRICK now she's actually talking in monotone like a possessed person? Freaky...23:06 Wow, Justin called it retroactively as well as post actively. If that's a thing. She has an issue acknowledging people actually like her... 23:09 A job interview? In California, by chance? 23:19 I can't believe matt just said passing over conversation with my intellect...that's so funny. You want to hate it, but it's so funny. Because he's kidding. I see. I see what this books message is. People will love you even if you're unlovable and try to express that. So, might as well be lovable if you're trying to protect them from yourself. I needed that when I was 18. And 16. And now. And all the time before. 23:15 Yep yep. I knew those notes were going to be game changing. 23:18 Hinges? Like...Flat Finn? 23:23 It's true. Matt is the only one with her. Honestly, you can say she didn't need him, but she just blew up. It's not unfair for him to fear that if he left not unlike Finn...right? 23:29 I appreciate how Matt also thinks something is wrong with him. This is a screwed up group of people. Julie is the only normal one and she is kind of pompous and self absorbed. It works for her though 23:31 oh haha I thought Celeste proudly saying "then you clean it up" was referring to her demanding Matt to clean up the confetti Finn 23:33 ahhh when it said he rocked back and forth my delirious mind picture him like a penguin with shoulders raised grinning and tittering. 23:35 like FOL I think we need to run a Béchamel, obviously I know it's not a French sauce, but like Betchel maybe? Test on it. I swear, the only girl is a side friend who only talks about the love interest or her own love interest 23:38 Oh my heart. The Finn emails - best part of it as well as the banter between Julie and Matt 23:46 it was a better book than this one. Obvious twist was supposed to be obvious. You had to know it for some of the jokes. It's good to be obvious to everyone but the narrator even though it's third person. It just would've worked better in first person. She's obvious about things, but it feels good. There's only one puzzle piece you need to put in because she does the rest and lets you say you finished the puzzle. 23:47 The messaging session that may have left her head, but never her heart. It was a good book. I want to amp it up to 5 on good reads. It's so solid halfway through, I feel. I can't remember the first half though. Blah. Blah school. Blah blah I look good blah blah celeste needs to be changed. 23:50 Matt in full suit and tie my heart. Author is good at story tellingly and what to tell and what not to. It's true. It's like only the important parts were kept, but you feel like life between them. The thought, the nerves, the doubts. 23:53 all this "so they did" "so She does" like it's reminiscent of Point of Retreat. It was cute when it was I dos then the so he did. Or whatever. This is cute. It's a 4 if FOL is 4.5 23:55 That fucking shirt. He knew. He saved it. That fucking shirt. Like his sky diving shirt. Wow swear words are fun to think and say in your head. I guess that's thinking. 23:57 it's like weird they haven't talked in two years, right? Regardless of still being in love. People change in two years. People change in like a month. 23:58 you can even marry Harry...nowadays. Anyway, cute, but when have either of them quoted anyone? Also, tbh thought it'd be that one celestial quote. I like this more though. 00:01 shit I was supposed to go to bed when I went in bed like two and a half hours ago. Weird ending. Not gonna lie. Liked FOL just in general a lot better. A lot less choppy. Granted, less character growth, but better development of different characters. Better love story. Better tension. This had a good message though. I like it and am glad I read it. I imagine it has a higher rating on GR because the people who read FOL and loved it continued. Inherent bias. It was sweet. FOL was better. End of story. Better ending. Have I said these things already? I'm reading too much again. 5 books 4 days. All over 300 pages. Not impossible just not wise, I'd say. You better believe I'm reading another tomorrow. I love it. It helps me escape. I shouldn't escape so much. I should learn how to sleep. I appreciate reading and remembering details because everything else means so much more if you see the Easter eggs. That's why I try to read people and remember anything they say. I can start to understand them and living is just that much better. 00:14 this is going to look so ugly formatting wise
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“Catherine” - EPISODE 3
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Honestly I'm me believing Seamus when he tells me everyones voting for Shea and I end up putting some cocky ass confessional that looks absolutely dumb now because he didn't go. I'm. Just. Sad. I should've known better whew. Anyway I need a swap or something, like I need new people and ones that actually wanna form solid alliances because literally nothing is happening here and I'm too eager to just sit around...Anyway...Send help...And wish me luck.
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my game consists of nothing but doing what amanda & kait tell me to do.. D: im sorry i'm a flop i've just been real busy....if i make it to merge i'll start playing then
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My tribe is doing that. I survived our first tribal council, and got myself into a majority. I literally told everyone they're the only person I talk to lol I love people quitting like honestly my aesthetic is people leaving without me having to do anything. Who's next?!
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So I went from winning two immunities to getting second to last! Ahaha at least I might not look like a threat! Right after rhea was announced as immune I went to working making sure I was safe I talked to rob, Amanda, rhea, kait and Emma to get Steven out! If all goes well I'll be safe and we can move on to the next challenge 
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Honestly this Matilda thing isn't so bad. 1, I'm in Chicago so it's hard to participate depending on the challenge. 2, as long as the vote goes as planned this time having everyone vulnerable for the next ones allows my alliance to vote out who we want. Seamus should be going tonight which makes me sad because he is really cool and awesome to talk to. But because of the reactions from last vote it's the best move. Hopefully the game changers continue to dominate. But ya never know with this game. 
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WHEW me getting out in the first round? I believe it. Relatable content. I'm so hungover and I don't have the patience to figure out the vote. I think it's Seamus, but I need to check in with people, but I'm also trying to not fucking vomit. 
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Alright so I'm kinda sad I flopped in the challenge, both winning/losing it....And now no matter what we're all vulnerable next round thanks to the lovely Matilda so everything is just lovely. On the bright side Kait told me she found the idol so Queen! As of right now I think I'm in a good spot and as far as I know the vote is between Shea and Seamus. I really want Shea to go because I trust Seamus! Like he really got screwed over last vote and I'm shocked people handled that so poorly!? Like don't make people believe something's the vote when it's not!?!? I literally thought he knew about the split but then Lily told me she didn't tell him about it and just let him vote Shea like......Why would you do that...So now I'm a bit nervous about Lily but I think I can trust her for now. That's about it for now but I'm gonna try everything I can to make sure Seamus isn't caught in the crosshairs here.
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so last round these mcfucking liars of tribemates told me they were all voting shea but then voted veronica and didnt tell me :/ so i kinda had to play catch up and guilt a few of them so they wouldnt target me this week. i believe again that sheais going home this week but im p sure im getting some votes
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So it sounds like shea is going tonight? Which is cool with me because he hasn't been talking to me much recently. I wasn't sure about Seamus because of how the last vote went but it seems like Seamus and I are good. I just don't want any flippers going into a merge tbh. Haha. But honestly people will flip shit will go down and we just wanna go in with the best tribe possible. Also this Matilda thing? Might actually be okay if we have the same tribes tomorrow. I'm worried we will have a tribe swap and all of the tasi people won't be able to get immunity so we will all get voted out. I'm glad I don't have to do a challenge while I'm in Chicago tho so that's good. Hopefully everything works out and I don't get too much anxiety. 
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I think I orchestrated my first vote ever and it was amazing. I got out Sam, screw him, he's the worst and I bet he didn't care about the game. Now I want Steven gone, cause... who's Steven? He seems snealy too. I think I might go too, so I'm not cocky.
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I hate everyone still. This tribe is boring AF. Rob goes and tells everyone last night about his plan to vote Steven this vote, which is fine by me bc I didn't even know there was a Steven on our tribe!!!!! However like Darian and Amandie (they will be referred to as that from here on out) came to me about it also after. So okay Rob I see you leaving me out until TODAY!!!' Freak. Anyways, I'm fine with him thinking he's some kind of kingpin for now til I decide I'm tired of doing what I'm told hehehe
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So I won immunity!! https://media2.giphy.com/media/1ofR3QioNy264/200.webp#4 I can't believe I actually won an immunity! And so, here I am just like,  https://media4.giphy.com/media/qGmYKpdCVoXu0/200.webp#8 I don't like that Darian is calling all the shots! https://media.giphy.com/media/vouHgfse1v7cA/giphy.gif I want him to go soon, but I forsee him easily making the merge which scares me. 
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I CAN FINALLY VOTE!!!!! London Tipton voice "YAY ME" *clap clap*
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So I go to do the deep challenger thing and....they say get past level 4 on what's inside the box. I was like okay, but then I realize, I played this game literally yesterday for fun and I was like oh okay, and then I realize I chose some pussy shit lol
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From what I can tell...The plan is to leave Kelsey out of the loop which is so stupid. I don't know why these people want to ostracize so many people from votes like they did it with Seamus last vote with no valid reason!?!? I know Kelsey felt sympathy for Shea last vote which is making people nervous so that makes a little bit more sense but like...I just don't feel comfortable leaving people out of the loop? Ugh. This is just too much. 
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Okay so my confessionals have sucked and I'm sorry. Lily, Liana, Dan, and I are all in an alliance and we've decided who's getting voted out every round and this time we'e going for Shea. Last time he got wind that his name was being thrown out there even though it was the decoy name and he went OFF!! LIKE HE WAS CRAZY FREAKING OUT AT EVERYONE! And during the first vote he was throwing out EVERYONE'S name! He threw out mine, Christine's, and Carson's and those are just the ones that I heard about. Who knows who else he was saying. So his messy ass has got to go. I think we might be swapping soon and I don't want to get stuck with someone who's going to throw me under the bus the first second they get to save themselves. So I also got to go to that Challenger Deep thing. IT FUCKING SUCKED! I HATED IT! I picked level 25 because I think hey that's pretty deep and the deeper you go the harder the challenge but the bigger prize! TOO BAD THE PRIZES WAS A FUCKING PUNISHMENT! Now no one from my tribe can compete in the immunity challenge next time and I feel awful. If we stay in these tribes then it'll make it easier to just vote out Kelsey but if it's a swap we're all fucked because of it.
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I....Might've caved and told Kelsey the plan. If this backfires.....I'm dead. I just felt so bad like Kelsey didn't deserve to be left out, you know? Don't let me down Kelsey, don't let me down.
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Im just doing this so I dont get a strike
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Girl. Hold my hair...this week was too much. Coming off of Veronica's elimination, I was feeling so good for Shea and I. It seemed like we have finally found some leverage in the competition and I was ready to run with it. However, when I checked in today and saw a severe lack of people wanting to talk strategy, I knew something was up. Winning immunity was amazing and I don't regret that for a second but I think it softened my reaction time a little bit. I think the biggest challenge for me in this game is actually pushing myself out there. I'm usually very confident in my facade of being a harmless player letting me be subtle in my moves but I don't think that's the case at all anymore. If you don't speak up, you're outspoken and...that showed this week. It's a deadly balance that you have to find and on the tribe this week, it just didn't work for me. Originally, Shea wanted to do Seamus but lil' ol me thought we could get out another person who's a threat such as Liana since Seamus still makes an effort to talk to me. When it came to the votes and convincing others...not many people wanted to strategize with me and that was a definite problem. The only people who kept it real with me- or shall I say person- was Catherine. (Host Note: Whom??) THAT is something I appreciate more than anything. I thought that Lily would but unfortunately she was "out" the whole day. Girl...get a grip. Catherine (???) would definitely be the only person I cling to in the competition IF we were still together but...we. Merged. DEAR JESUS AND LORD ABOVE, THANK THE HEAVENS!!! I know I'm not going to be able to win immunity, but at this point, I could care less. This is definitely something that came at just the right time. I was at the bottom of my tribe and I know a few people are still going to be coming after me, especially coming off of my immunity win. However, I'm giving this week everything that I've got. While I doubt more and more I was the real mastermind of eliminating Veronica, the reason why I was prominent in that elimination was because I was bold. Not aggressive, just bold. I think if I can harness that quality again, I can breakthrough another one. Tasi is OVER, darling. Liana is already fuming despite her attempts to cover it up. There are people from Tasi that I bet will never talk to me again now that we're merged. Everything I want, I've definitely got to work myself for. Basically, it's what I expected it to be being a new player; it's me working for myself now. Now's the part where veterans who know each other and people with connections outside of this game start linking back up. It's up to me to start really wedging myself in. I want to give people a reason to vote out anyone BUT me. And at this point, now that Shea's gone, I'm going Open Season on all of these hookers. Miracles are hard to do, but if I did it once, I can do it again. I REALLY want to show these people what I can do. I came to slash throats, save my family and wear ugg boots. And if I have to do it from scratch? Christina, bring me the axe; NAAAAAOOO!!!! Wish me luck! Sincerely, Canada's Self Proclaimed Favourite; Kelsey Mikaelson~! 
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