#North Karelia
niilasnordenswan · 1 year
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© Niilas Nordenswan Photography – Pine Away
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anirobot · 7 months
The greywolf ate apples in Lieksa, North Karelia!
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ilaielias · 1 year
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Ilai Elias Lehto: Vastaparras
3.4.–29.6.2023 Luontokeskus Ukko Ylä-Kolintie 39 83960 Koli
Avoinna: Ti–la klo 10:00–17:00 Su klo 10:00–15:00 Ma suljettu
Villa suusi, villa pääsi, villa viisi hammastasi, villaiset sinun vihasi, villainen sinä itsekin. (Tohmajärvi, J. Hakulinen 1891. SKVR VII, 5:3942)
Kolin luontokeskus Ukon galleriassa aukeaa huhtikuussa Ilai Elias Lehdon yksityisnäyttely Vastaparras. Näyttelyn pehmeät veistokset, seinäkankaat ja kierrätysmateriaalia yhdistelevät teokset tarkastelevat humoristisella tavalla miehisyyttä, suomalaisuutta ja luontosuhdetta. Näyttelyn teokset on toteutettu pääasiassa villahuovuttamalla. Näyttely on esillä kesäkuun loppuun.
Ilai Elias Lehto (s.1988, Joensuu) on pohjoiskarjalainen kuvanveistäjärunoilija. Hän asuu Kangasalla ja työskentelee Tampereella.
Lehto toteuttaa veistoksellisia teoksia pääasiassa pehmeistä ja kierrätetyistä materiaaleista, sekoittaen kuvataiteen ja tekstiilikäsityön perinteitä ja tekniikoita. Hylättyjen tilojen ja poisheitetyn poetiikka, sekä kulutusyhteiskunnan laitamilla tapahtuva roskittuminen kiinnostavat häntä. Pehmeiden veistosten ja tekstiilikäsityön pariin taiteilija on päätynyt puolivahingossa, rakkaudesta tekstuureihin, pehmoeläimiin, karvapintoihin ja kuoseihin.
Luontokeskus Ukon gallerian näyttelyt kuratoi Kolin Kulttuuriseura.
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flagged-island · 1 year
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The coat of arms of Pielisjärvi (now part of Lieksa) in North Karelia, Finland.
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nurmesiandesign · 1 year
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Hyviä karjalan kielen päiviä - Good karelian language day.Street names in karelian language have appeared in the town (firsts of kind in Finland)
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sivakkaphotos · 2 years
Photo exhibition about Sivakka Village
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fernsandtales · 2 months
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Cloudberry Felt Cake
Fascinating piece of fruit and such a beautiful symbol of the northern resilience. Somehow it's an important symbol for me as I'm trying to reconnect with my heritage.
As I was reading about cloudberries, I came upon this Finnish idiom: Metsä kuuntelee silloin kun kukaan muu ei (the forest listens when no one else does) and it gave me goosebumps.
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ihmekukkavesi · 11 months
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North Karelia Pride // Joensuu, Finland // 20/05/2023
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ruscatontheroof · 8 months
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Russia. Karelia
Russia. Karelia
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thatlittledandere · 5 months
I love learning about regional differences within countries or even regions. It's an American internet so even I know that New Yorkers are on a whole 'nother level of exceptionalism and being from Brooklyn specifically Means Something. Tell me, how does the rest of Brazil feel about people from Rio? What sets the Quebecuois apart, aside from speaking French? Does South Africa have stereotypes about people speaking all the different languages they have? Does being closer to North or South America mean something in Mexico? Italy hasn't been one cohesive country for very long, how shattered is it still? Etc etc etc tell me about regional stereotypes in your dear homeland Ethiopia make it a fight if you have to. I want to HEAR
#venlapost#like try not to be outright racist (not that I'm an expert on that) but aside from that#the innocuous things#this was spurred by the differences between east and west in Finland#I've tried to be vague about where i live but it's probably not TOO distinguishing to say i grew up in the west and now live in the east#and it's a common idea that people from savolax and karelia (east) are friendlier and more sociable than ostrobothnia (west)#(there are three ostrobothnias. you still know nothing about me. moving on)#and now that I'm closer to the eastern border I've also been made aware of the differences between north and south karelia#and how strong confirmation bias ban be lol#like. if someone happens to come by when we're on a break we invite them to join#and to me that's like 'oh how nice the eastern Finland hospitality in action :)'#while. i mean. if that happened in my hometown. would they really NOT do that#it is easier to imagine someone getting up and taking them to another room to talk so the rest can finish their coffee in peace#but isn't that more about the personalities of the people present?#in high school i had a substitute teacher from savolax#(who decided to translate it into savolax in English anyway. why are there three extra letters)#and he said that when you invite someone over to your house where he's from you'll prepare a whole meal to eat together#while over here you take guests to the living room for an hour before giving them a cup of coffee#and MAYBE some dry leftover... sweet buns idk how to translate it#he thought we were SO inhospitable#and i thought 'that's not true my mom always bakes like three different things to offer evening guests :('#before remembering. my parents moved to my hometown as adults. my mom is karelian#and her behavior in general is. VERY in line with the stereotypes lol#and how in some ways i feel some details about daily life suit me better here where i live now#i may have grown up in ostrobothnia but my roots are in the east and most of my extended family live all around savolax#so. maybe topelius was right and we DO have different tribes here#this got. longer than intended. finnish portion over go argue about YOUR east/west dichotomy
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niilasnordenswan · 1 year
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© Niilas Nordenswan Photography – Polulla, North Karelia, Finland
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russianlanguageday · 10 years
Traditionalism vs. Assimilation Among Indigenous Peoples of Siberia.
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As is the case for many indigenous groups around the world, native peoples of Siberia struggle to fit into the modern global village while retaining their ethnic identity and cultural distinctiveness. Since the end of World War II, the indigenous peoples of Siberia have had a special legal status which allows for certain “affirmative action”-like quotas and benefits. However, the main aim of these policies was to integrate ethnic minorities into the all-Soviet people and to inculcate the “new Soviet man” mentality. Compulsory boarding schools, where children from different ethnic groups were brought together from the age of seven in a collectivist environment, often served as the hotbed of such Sovietization. The effect on native culture was disastrous. But, as James Forsyth in his A History of the Peoples of Siberia points out, “Russification began even before this, in kindergartens, where most nurses and teachers were Russian speakers. Even where some of them were natives, however, there were cases when children or the nurses themselves were reprimanded for using their native language” (here the parallels with Native North American languages are obvious). In the Soviet Union, it was believed that minority languages and cultures would die out under communism, and that “nationalism can only be bourgeois”. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, a number of new laws have been adopted whose goal is to preserve ethnic distinctiveness of indigenous peoples. But can the tables be turned?
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thatcharmingjerk · 2 years
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It's literally two minutes after midnight and it's this light, ok wig!
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vestaignis · 2 months
Золотистый закат на острове Межной. Русский север.
Golden sunset on Mezhnoy Island. Russian North.
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Остров Межной расположен в Кенозерском национальном парке  в Архангельской области. Территория парка представляет собой природный и историко-культурный комплекс, расположенный в юго-западной части Архангельской области, его западная граница проходит по границе с Республикой Карелия. В 2004 году Кенозерский национальный парк получил статус биосферного заповедника и был включён в Список биосферных резерватов ЮНЕСКО. С 2014 года является кандидатом на включение в список объектов Всемирного наследия.
Кенозерье называют озёрным краем — территория Парка имеет развитую гидрографическую сеть и насчитывает 251 озеро, 67 ручьёв и речек. Каждый из многочисленных водоёмов Парка открывает свою неповторимую красоту в изгибах берегов, плеске волн, цвете воды.  Площадь Кенозера — 68,6 км², с островами — 99,4 км². Всего островов — 70! Берега и холмистые острова озера покрыты сосново-еловым и сосново-берёзовым лесом. Есть по берегам и пляжи с чудесным белым песком. 
Mezhnoy Island is located in the Kenozersky National Park in the Arkhangelsk region. The territory of the park is a natural, historical and cultural complex located in the southwestern part of the Arkhangelsk region, its western border runs along the border with the Republic of Karelia. In 2004, Kenozersky National Park received the status of a biosphere reserve and was included in the UNESCO List of Biosphere Reserves. Since 2014, it has been a candidate for inclusion in the list of World Heritage Sites.
Kenozerie is called the lake region - the territory of the Park has a developed hydrographic network and has 251 lakes, 67 streams and rivers. Each of the Park’s numerous reservoirs reveals its unique beauty in the curves of the banks, the splash of waves, and the color of the water. The area of ​​Kenozero is 68.6 km², with islands - 99.4 km². There are 70 islands in total! The shores and hilly islands of the lake are covered with pine-spruce and pine-birch forests. There are also beaches with wonderful white sand along the shores.
Источник:https://roman-smirnov.livejournal.com/223355.html, /osipovvas.livejournal.com/50214.html, /www.kenozero.ru/o-parke/prirodnoe-nasledie/reki-i-ozera/, /ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Кенозерскийнациональныйпарк, /pomorland.travel/what-to-see/natsionalnyy-park-kenozerskiy/.
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sovietpostcards · 1 year
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“The First Snow in Zaozyorye” by Myud Mariyevich Mechev (1963)
Zaozyorye is a common Russian name of a village. It means “beyond the lake”. The one pictured is the North, in Karelia.
Two interesting facts about the artist that I found. The name - Myud - is one of a kind. МЮД (M-Yu-D) is short for Международный юношеский день, World Youth Day. And the other thing is that, instead of a patronymic that’s typical for Russian names, Myud had a matronymic! His mother’s name was Maria. He was born in 1929, during the high of women’s emancipation. His parents chose to give him a matronymic to celebrate that.
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