#No it’s not magic what are you talking about my cells just make exact copies of themselves.
humans can just heal cuts and we act like it’s normal
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Mwahahaha >:D Thanks to the S/O’s traumatic fear of hospitals post I now have an idea! As a sequel to it, can I get Headcanons where Akira and Akechi get critically injured (from Metaverse or an accident I dunno) & they have their own death experiences while in the hospital/ER (they survive thanks to the promises they made with their S/O but still) and their worried S/O visits?
*Casually posts this at 3am* I return from the Super Mega Hell I call transcribing interviews to bring you this
Also… Uh very minor Royal spoilers I guess? In Royal there’s a chance that Mementos is completely dark when you go to one floor but that’s it
As for Akechi’s part… Spoilers for the seventh palace (for vanilla P5) so just incase anyone here is not up to this part I put his part under the cut!
Akira Kurusu & Goro Akechi getting injured and having a near death experience with a S/O who is scared of hospitals for that exact reason
Akira Kurusu:
> Everything was going rather smoothly
> You were in Mementos, taking care of a few requests
> But eventually, you got to a floor that was particularly confusing… And completely pitch black
> “Um Joker? I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this broken wall like three times already.” Skull said as he pressed his face against the window 
> “Did I make a wrong turn? No but… I went right and…” Joker muttered to himself as he mentally tried to recall the path he took
> “Should we go back to where we were?” You asked as you squinted trying to see anything in the darkness
> “I’m not exactly opposed to that idea but um, where exactly would that be?” Asked Fox
> “Navi, can you see anything?” Noir asked as she turned to the hacker
> The girl opened her mouth to answer only to be cut off by something no one wanted to hear
> Rattling chains
> “That doesn’t sound good…” Crow said as he leaned forward to grip the driver seat
> “Joker we have to-” Mona began to say
> He didn’t get a chance to finish however as moments later, the Mona car was knocked over causing the Thieves to scream in fear and tumble out
> “Do we even stand a chance?” You asked as you gripped your weapon and looked at the Shadow before you
> The Reaper was… Well, terrifying
> “We don’t really have much of a choice.” Crow replied as he raised his saber
> “Get ready everyone!” Joker called as he rushed towards the Shadow
> You were hitting it with everything you had
> Magic, melee attacks, guns… Even Almighty attacks
> But it seemed like that was barely effecting him
> And what’s worse, you were running out of items
> “Joker…” You say as you turn to him
> Everyone is exhausted, all of you are breathing heavily, trying your best just to stay conscious
> You watch Joker, the leader, your boyfriend, lets out a shaky breath as he turns to Mona
> “Mona… Turn into the car and… Please… Get them out of here.”
> “’Them’? Wait, Joker you don’t-”
> “Please.”
> “No, Joker, you can’t be ser-”
> “I leave you in charge of driving, [Code name].” He says before turning back to the Shadow and aiming his gun at it
> “Wait!-”
> “See you at the entrance.” He says with a smile as he fires a couple of times before turning and sprinting in the opposite direction of the Thieves
> “We- I- We have to-” You stutter out as you turn to try and run after him but then you feel someone’s hand on your shoulder
> “Joker gave you a task to do didn’t he?” Crow says as he gives your shoulder a gentle squeeze
> “But…” You say, tears making your vision blurry
> “Come now, this is Joker we’re talking about, I’m sure he meant what he said.”
> You sniffle quietly before nodding
> “You’re r-right.. Let’s go, everyone.”
> It’s silent on the way back
> You glance over at Crow who is sitting in the passenger seat and notice that his expression is a lot more… Different than usual
> You’re used to seeing his signature polite yet charming smile but this time he looks…
> Scared.
> Does that mean?…
> No, don’t think like that. This is Joker we’re talking about. I mean… This man runs across rooftops without the slightest care there’s no way he could be defeated…
> Right?
> After a bit more driving you eventually manage to reach the first floor
> But instead of going up the last platform you stop, just right before it 
> “Hm? [Code name]?” Queen says as she leans forward a bit
> “I- I want to wait for him.” You say, trying your best to keep your voice from shaking
> You can almost feel everyone turn to look at you but instead of saying anything else you just grip the wheel a bit tighter
> “… Okay.” Crow says after what feels like ages, “let’s wait five minutes and then go up, alright?”
> You nod and bite your lip
> You can’t cry right now, because Joker is fine, and if Joker is fine, then there’s no need to cry
> You repeat these words over and over like a mantra but��
> … Five minutes pass, and Joker is nowhere to be seen.
> You let out a shaky exhale as you grip the wheel once more
> “We-” you begin as you shut your eyes “we have to go up.”
> No one says anything, but it doesn’t matter
> You know everyone’s thinking the same thing.
> You watch as the other Thieves slowly climb out of the Mona car, supporting any of the members that can’t quite find the strength to stand anymore
> Once you’re all out, Mona quickly turns back into his usual form and quickly walks up to you
> “[Code name], let’s go.” He says tugging at your outfit lightly 
> You give a quick nod before finally climbing up the stairs
> You’re exhausted and you wish for nothing more than to collapse on your bed and sleep for about a week
> But what you see as soon as you climb the final step makes you instantly break out into a sprint
> Leaning against the wall is… Joker
> His clothes are torn and there’s blood everywhere but he’s really there
> He’s alive
> “Hey, what took you so lo-” He says before you knock the air out of his lungs as you collide into him
> “Oh my God.” You mutter into his chest as you wrap your arms around him tightly
> You hear him hiss which can’t mean anything good but you feel one of his hands slowly rise until its settled on your back
> “Joker! Y-you made it!” Skull shouts as he hobbles as quickly as he can towards you
> “Oh my, you look horrible!” Noir exclaims as she quickly glances at him
> “We need to get him medical help, now.” Crow says as he glances towards the entrance
> “Yes, um, what’s the quickest way to get to the hospital again…” Queen mutters more to herself than anyone else
> “Come on guys…” Joker begins, his voice a lot quieter than before, “I’m fi…” 
> He doesn’t get to finish his sentence, instead he just slumps forward causing you to stumble as you try to keep the two of you upright
> “Oh no, Akira! Akira wake up!” You shout as you shake him slightly
> When he opens his eyes again, he finds himself in a dark room
> He groans quietly as he turns his head to try and get a better understanding of his surroundings
> Upon closer inspection, he notices that this isn’t just a ‘dark room’, it’s a prison cell
> Or to be more exact, his prison cell
> Wait then that means that I’m…
> “How did I end up here?” He mutters as he slowly sits up and stares at the all too familiar bars
> “Hm? Oh my,”
> “So you finally woke up huh, Inmate?!”
> Akira watches as the twin wardens turn and face him at the same time
> “How did I get here?” He asked
> Instead of an answer, Akira just hears a deep chuckle
> “This place exists between mind and matter… I believe this should be enough to answer your question.”
> It really isn’t but okay
> “Don’t look at our Master with such a dumb expression Inmate!” Caroline says as she slams the bars with her baton
> “Caroline, I don’t believe this was his intention.” Justine says with her usual calm voice “I suppose he is simply confused.”
> “… Am I dead?” Akira asks turning his head towards Justine
> “Not exactly.” She answers as she glances at her clipboard
> “It seems you’re too stubborn to die, maybe you do have potential after all.” Caroline adds as a small smile appears on her lips
> “Your friends also seem very determined to keep you alive, they’re the reason why you woke up.” Justine says
> “My friends?” Akira asks 
> “They practically dragged you to the nearest hospital! You should thank them for all their efforts!” Caroline says with an angry expression
> “Yes, it seems the bond you share is truly something special.” Justine says with a polite smile
> “Yeah, so stop wasting time and wake up already!” Caroline says before slamming the bars with the baton once more
> Once again, Akira finds himself opening his eyes
> Only this time, he’s staring at a white ceiling as opposed to a dark prison cell
> Also this time instead of the sound of water dripping, he hears beeps
> Turning his head to confirm his suspicions, he finds a monitor showing his heartrate
> Huh, so he really is in a hospital
> “Akira?”
> “[Name]?”
> He tries to turn his head back but before he can you’re already leaning over him
> “I was so worried… You- You collapsed so I- I tried to wake you up but you…” You practically sob these words out
> “Hey, hey [Name] it’s okay, take a deep breath and try to calm down okay?” Akira says as he raises a hand up to your cheek
> You hate hospitals, he knows that
> Yet here you are, right by his side
> He must’ve made you really worried if you managed to conquer one of your greatest fears
> He makes a mental note of how he will have to make this up to you once he gets out 
> “You stopped breathing Akira.” You cry out as tears make their way down your cheeks
> Oh God, how does he even respond to something like that?
> “… I did?”
> Wow, congratulations dumbass.
> “Yes! I- We- Doctor Takemi… Oh God…” 
> “[Name], [Name], hey, it’s okay, breathe with me okay? Come on, deep breath in…” Akira says before taking a deep breath
> You let out a few more sobs before trying your best to copy him
> Once you do, he smiles softly and deeply breathes out, hoping you will do the same
> The two of you continue this for a while, and eventually you manage to calm down
> “Good, it’s okay now [Name], I’m okay.”
> “Please don’t… Don’t ever do that again.”
> He nods as he strokes your cheek again
> “I promise.”
Goro Akechi:
> “Long time no see” Crow says to the group before his eyes land on you
> You couldn’t help but look away
> This wasn’t how it was meant to be
> You knew what he was planning, but you always thought hoped that you would be able to change his mind
> You quietly listen as Crow talks to the group and clench your fist when he tells you about Shido being his father 
> Panther gives you a quick worried glance but you just raise your head and look directly at Crow
> “Why? Why must you be against us? We- We could’ve-”
> “Let’s finish this.” Joker says cutting you off
> It doesn’t take long for you to defeat the enemies 
> “Goro…” You mutter quietly as you raise your hand slightly
> But then, something you never expected happens
> You watch as that mysterious persona, who you now know as Loki, appears once more and transforms Crow’s pristine white outfit into a dark blue and black costume, the small red cape turning into a ripped up black fabric and his pure white gloves turning black with talon like fingertips
> “You’re going down… I’ll destroy you…. Go down with me!” Crow shouts as more of the red mist surrounds him
> “That bastard, he made himself go psychotic!” Skull says reaching for his weapon
> “No…” You say as you stare in disbelief
> “[Codename] I know this is hard for you but you need to focus right now. You can’t let him win.” Queen says as she places a hand on your shoulder
> You take a shaky breath and nod
> She’s right. You can’t lose here, you need to snap some sense back into him afterall
> “Change Shido’s heart… In my stead… End his crimes… Please!…”
> “Leave it to me.” Joker answers staring at the partition
> “We can’t…” You begin as you look from one Thief to another
> “Isn’t there some way to get this open?!” Panther says as she glances at Mona
> That’s when you hear the gunshots
> You can’t help but cry out in shock, one hand flying up to cover your mouth
> You realise the others are talking but you just stare at the partiton, tears flowing down your cheeks
> You don’t move, at least not until Fox physically has to drag you away from the partition
> You don’t really know how long the group has been walking to reach the exit, but then again, you don’t really care about that
> You’re still crying when you return to the real world, only this time there’s no mask to hide your tears
> Your face feels hot, and your head hurts which must mean you look like an absolute wreck right now
> Once again, you notice the Thieves are talking but you don’t listen
> After a couple of minutes, you notice that some of the members are slowly shuffling away and heading off in different directions
> Soon enough, it’s just you and Akira left
> “[F/n].” Akira says, as he turns to look at you “I’ll walk you home, okay?”
> You shake your head at that, mentally cursing at the shooting pain you feel moment after
> “… Here…” You practically choke out
> “Huh? I’m sorry I-”
> “I’m staying… Here…” You repeat, hand vaguely gesturing at the Diet Building
> Akira looks at you for a solid minute before nodding a few times
> “Okay… But [F/n]-”
> “I’ll go home… Later.” You say cutting him off 
> “Right.” He replies as he turn to walk towards the station “I’m sorry.”
> You listen to his footsteps for a little while, but then… There is silence.
> You’re pretty sure you’re out of tears by now, so you decide to wipe your face with both hands
> You need to calm down, crying won’t solve this
> You take a few minutes to just breathe and eventually, you feel yourself shaking a lot less
> Why did this have to happen?
> No, asking this is pointless now
> You look at the Diet Building once more and bite your lip
> Before you can fully comprehend what you’re doing, you find yourself marching towards it
> You really wish your weapon wasn’t just a plastic imitation in the real world
> Then again, what could you possibly do?
> Maybe you could-
> “Hm?” You hum to yourself as you take a closer look at the wall
> Due to it being early evening, there isn’t much natural light left but you’re pretty sure there’s something smeared on the wall
> Not only that, it seems almost like… There’s some sort of trail?
>… Wait, is that?
> You cautiously touch it with your finger before bringing it back for closer examination
> T-This is…!
> Before you can fully process why there’s blood on the wall you hear the nearby bushes rustle
> You move one hand close to your bag ready to pull out your plastic weapon as you take a few steps closer
> “Who’s there?” You ask
> “Don’t be… Stu-” The voice begins before coughing violently
> “G-Go…”
> “Mm…”
> You quickly drop your bag and use your hands to carefully move away the leaves
> Sure enough, there’s the Detective Prince, Goro Akechi, your boyfriend, lying in a small pool of his own blood
> “How- No, wait- Erm- Hospital.” You sayas you quickly move one hand towards your pocket to retrieve your phone
> “Heh…” Akechi coughs out as a small smile appears on his lips
> You were pacing the hospital hall back and forth for hours
> Despite your constant pleading, the doctors told you that you can’t be in the room
> Your hands are constantly fidgeting and the amount of times you bit your lip caused you to draw a bit of blood
> You hate this place, you would much rather be anywhere but here…
> But you can’t leave him. You won’t leave him.
> “[L/n] - san?” 
> You look up at the sound of your name 
> “Yes?” You ask as your eyes land on the doctor
> “You can go see him now, but…”
> “But what?” You ask as your eyes widen 
> “He’s in a coma.”
> You nod and give a quick thanks before walking into the room
> Your hands are shaking again
> Calm down [F/n], just breathe
> You take a deep breathand slowly step towards his bed
> Goro is wrapped in so many bandages but he’s alive
> “Goro…” You whisper as you gently stroke one of his hands “you absolute fool…”
> You stay with him until visiting hours are over
> But you return the next day
> And the day after
> It’s not until the 3rd day that he actually wakes up
> The first thing he does when he wakes up is raise one hand slightly and flex his fingers
> “Hm.” He hums looking at his hand
> “Oh my God… Goro, how are you-”
> “Terrible.” He says with an annoyed expression
> “I thought you… You know…” You say as you turn to fully look at him
> “I almost did.” He answers, a hint of sadness in his voice 
> There’s a moment of silence before he speaks up again
> “It was… A strange experience.”
> “Huh? How so?”
> He coughs before answering
> “I’m not sure how to explain it,” he says before clearing his throat “I saw… A blue room?” 
> You frown at him, clearly confused
> “Don’t look at me like that… I told you I don’t know how to describe it.” He says, his eyes scanning your face
> “Ah, um, sorry.”
> “You know, I can’t say for sure but… I thought I heard your voice in there.”
> “Hm?.. Wh- What did it say?”
> “You said I’m too stubborn to die, especially in that asshole’s Palace, plus, I heard you crying.”
> You let out a small laugh at that
> “Well, it’s not wrong.”
> “There’s no need to cry over me. I told you, I’m not wanted, I’m a backstabber, a traitor.”
> You click your tounge at that as you reach for both of his hands and squeeze them lightly
> “That’s wrong. You may have betrayed the Phantom Thieves but you are wanted. I want to be with you.”
> “[F/n]…”
> “I… I can’t say I forgive you for what you did, but that doesn’t mean I’m just going to abandon you!”
> Goro doesn’t answer
> Instead, he just squeezes back
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drtenebrisxii · 3 years
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Lost Traveler - Chapter 8 - Prudence
(more chapters here: deviantart.com/arcadian123/art/Lost-Traveler-8-Story-Prudence-863333735 )
The meditation chambers were empty rooms that were completely white. they were also possessed by an empathetic spirit. This meant that the room would take different forms, show different images and provide different sounds and other items to help the one inside to focus and meditate. For Flare, it became an exact replica of her bedroom at her palace, with a sunset visible through her window and the sound of the mutterings of the many conversations that took place in there… nostalgia immediately hit her and she cried silently for a few minutes before she could regain control of her feelings and could start to meditate.
She alway knew that being a heroine would not be easy, but she expected that she’d always knew what the right course of action was: Go and beat the bad guys as quickly as possible, the longer one takes, the more damage they can make. Now she has like 4 guys telling her that that’s not the right thing to do, two are powerful wizards, the other two are scientific “geniuses”. And all of them say the same thing: let’s get the help of bigger and slower authorities to minimize chances of failure. Prudence. Her Mother wouldn’t like that very much, but then again, she was the highest authority of the Sky Kingdom, so she could do whatever she wanted. Her Father would have told her… probably, something similar to what those 4 said. Her father was the one that requested her to forget her dreams and do her duties as a princess since sacrificing her dreams of adventuring for the betterment of the kingdom would be the really heroic thing to do and was the most prudent course of action.
-Why is Prudence needed in this situation, though?- she wondered out loud- All I need to do is go there and destroy the evil clone… undoing all the stuff she’d done in my place. Is not that hard!-. Why were they all doing this? Why were they trying so hard to stop her from solving things directly? Were they so confident in her failure without their help? That annoyed her. How dare them. And especially Nyepu! He had seen first hand what she could do! yeah, he had to help her a little but she could slaughter an army of savage Daemons all by herself! How is he not confident that she could just defeat a damn copy of herself?!
She huffed in annoyance at her thoughts, that damn Celio making her promise stupid things. She shouldn’t have allowed that guy to intimidate her… well, ok, she is not disrespecting a venerable Necromancer, he is the kind of guy that can just go and put her soul out of her body if he so wishes… which means that he can help her solve things quickly!
-He talked about a shadow coming, though… well, maybe we could just beat that shadow to it instead of waiting...- She sighed in frustration. She already gave them her word. -I’ll wait… I just… need to focus and then put things in perspective to those four idiots… I don’t know why they all think I’ll fail, I don’t know why they are being so careful about this, but they need to know that we all do things differently- she sighed again, trying to relax and control her feelings. Her thoughts had led her to the truth: the guys didn’t trust in her skills, they were being very prudent with her for this, obviously… wait, that meant that her fathers were like that with her mother because they didn’t trust her skills?! No… that couldn’t be, The Queen would never allow anyone question her capabilities, not even her lovers, but, on the other side, they were her helpers, so of course she had to hear them out. Still, she was the Queen, so she could ignore their advice and suggestions to go on with her own choices… yeah, no one questions the Queen, she, in her great majesty and wisdom, can hear others out but would always be the one taking the choices... -I’ll put those four in their place- she would do that after getting a better hold of her emotions, indignation and frustration were still high in her being.
Nyepu was not a happy dragon.
Just as Giorgio had anticipated, the Admin was very annoyed with this whole ordeal. The equipment Nyepu required for the tests was expensive, therefore, there were not many devices available and bringing them to the Temple of the Holy Darkness meant that a lot of projects would be delayed. The Dragon researcher had to weather a lot of angry looks and annoyed glares, he also had to give many an explanation and apology. And of course, traverse the damn dessert. Again. Twice.
-Meow… you guys really needed a lot of stuff…- would comment Amcel as the researchers and some extra helpers they brought with them put all the stuff together. Amcel and a few of his students would look from a distance, almost as if...
-Just so you know, scientific equipment rarely explodes… and we are all professionals here, don’t worry about anything- comments the dragon as he was testing one of his biological devices. They had taken a fraction of the Temple’s Hall to install their equipment.
-I can’t believe we are doing this here… this is stupid- comments Giorgio, while checking the computer they just finished installing- we could have started with the tests sooner but nooooo, we had to worry about some random shadow…- many of the students shudered or flinched at the mention of the shadow.
-Look on the bright side, with so many wizards, at least one should be able to help us quicken things…- comments the dragon.
-if you need to accelerate a process, we can do it, but you’d need to give us precise indications- comments the felyxin Adeptus, sounding very civil. - Master Celio wants us to collaborate for the wellbeing of Lady Flare, the sooner we help her the least time for her to develop crazy ideas- Nyepu would sigh at that as he went to help with the installation of another device that looked like a shower.
-I doubt so, she is a heroine and a good girl… Celio made her promise something and she will keep her word- comments him. Giorgio would approach to the same device and help as well with some connections.
-Wow… now I’m feeling jellous… since when do you have such a high image of her?- asks him with a blush and an annoyed look. Nyepu and Amcel chuckled and Giorgio pouts.
-I do have you in high regards as well, Giorgio, you are just annoying- says the dragon with a grin before focusing on making some other connections in the device.
-I-idiot…- says Giorgio, crossing his arms and blushing more.
-I agree with Nyepu, you don’t need to know her for long to know she is someone with strong values- says Ancelm as his students begin to leave to do their own things.-Why are you helping her, though? Still under the influence of the blood magic?- the feline grins and Giorgio gives the Adeptus a look before looking at Nyepu. The dragon was still working, close to finish with his part of the work and finally start the tests when he says:
-This is Giorgio’s fault- said him simply.
-NO IT IS NOT!- yelled Giorgio and Ancelm laughed. - I didn’t brought that stupid bird with me! and who was the PSYCHO who decided to pursue her despite the FUCKING SAVAGE DAEMONS!?- Ancelm laughed even more, Nyepu chuckled a little as well.
-I’d say someone lost his fear to those monsters after his little adventure in the ocean…- says Ancelm and Nyepu rolls his eyes.
-I should have brought you with me, wizard…- the dragon finishes checking the device and sighs - Well, I think that we are ready to go…-
-You hadn’t answered my question: why are you doing this? what do you gain?- presses Ancelm.
-A little reputation and probably a nice business partner in the Sky Kingdom- says Giorgio.- and well, Nyepu’s heart finally warmed up for someone so I’m protecting that- said him, giving a sly look to Nyepu, the dragon just huffed with a slight blush in his white face, Ancelm snickered.
-Shut up...-he said before clearing his throat -but yes, that’s why we are helping her, she doesn’t deserve to be sent to the Sky Kingdom to die without knowing what’s going on, and since we can get some extra benefits in the process, all the better- he shrugs, he then remembers something, a strange and warm thought he had yesterday, right after he discovered the incredibly crazy aspect of Flare’s lack of love life. Every female estirge, at certain age, gets this impulse of getting boyfriends for love, affection, support and sexual intercourse… it was in her blood, and yet, she had managed to fight this impulse to pursue her dream of heroism… not unlike how he constantly fights the call of the sea, or has this lack of heroic or altruistic blood his kin seems to have and be renowned for… “I thought we were unique” but he hadn’t reflected much on that at all recently, mainly because of other urgencies. “Maybe I just thought that under her influence” that idea, though, saddened him and that ultimately bothered the draconic researcher. -Just bring her and let’s get done with this- said him and Ancelm raised a brow before nodding.
-You want some tea and cookies as well, sir?- asked Ancelm jokingly, starting to wander towards the meditation rooms.
-I know you are joking, but… if you do have tea, it would be appreciated- said the dragon,as he, Giorgio and the others took their stations in their improvised scientific cell.
Flare was having a rather unusual experience. Seeing her blood out of her body felt weird for some reason, maybe because  she’d seldom seen it? Also, it definitely was making her hungry as well. Her hunger was only aimed at Nyepu, though. For some reason, the taste of the dragon scientist’s blood was the only thing she was craving right now. “Must be that… bullshit of the blood magic… or my damn biology...” thought her, annoyed at how just seeing at his blue eyes was making her feel flustered. Also, being pierced by a needle was also a funny experience, as in, it didn’t hurt, on the contrary, it felt strangely nice. Yep, all these new experiences made her forget that she was going to “put those four in their place”.
-We have all the blood we needed to run our tests… now, with the help of the wizards, we should have the results in a few hours- announced Nyepu before taking a sip from a cup of tea, seemingly ignoring the way she kept looking at him. “I can control it, I don’t need his damn blood… also… he’d most  probably deny it, no matter what” -If you are feeling hungry, you may take some of my blood- he offered looking at her and Flare almost falls in surprise, quickly regaining her flying, Giorgio made a face and Ancelm grinned.
-I… I’m ok! - declared her trying to sound offended by the offering and Nyepu shrugged.
-I recommend you at least have some fruit to recover your energies- said him -tha…ngh!- She couldn’t help herself and pierced his arm with her beak “What am I doing?” thought her as she drank his blood.
-s-sorry…- she said quietly, the gem in her neck sending the message to the dragon as she sucked his delicious blood - I… was hungrier than I expected- Nyepu shook his head.
-I understand- the princess noticed him looking at Amcel, who immediately nodded.
-Fascinating- she felt the aura of the feline, that feel of quietness- It is happening…-
-What is happening? - asked her confused after forcing herself to stop… if it were for her, she’d drink even more, but she didn’t want to abuse.
-The Blood magic- said the felixin and she frowned - Your aura is enveloping his, is fascinating since, as you say, I don’t feel emotions from you making it happen, it just happens automatically… that’s impressive and something I’ve hadn’t seen before- Seems that the scientists weren’t the only ones making experiments, she gave an accusing look to Nyepu who just smiled and said:
-I was going to offer you just fruits to recover, but he came up with the idea of making a little experiment… since I’m conscious of what’s going on now, this will help me to train in fighting external influences- said him and she huffed annoyed.
-So I’m just an experiment to you two?!-
-No one said that, lady Flare, we are just… getting as much done with as possible- explains Ancelm - not to mention that this is a great time for you to train on your blood magic-
-NO!- declared her angrily, but Ancelm raised his hands placatingly as the scientists began to work.
-I mean, in getting a hold of it, madame! I won’t insist on you learning to influence others but, maybe you could learn how to… not to?- he offered quickly and this did grab her attention- As I told you, your Aura quickly enveloped Nyepu’s the instant you drank his blood… maybe you can… learn how to dispel it?-
-I’d appreciate that if you did- commented Nyepu, working on injecting some stuff into her blood samples- and I’m sure you’d feel better knowing you can control your own power better-
-You can’t tell how I’d feel over anything- declared her and he shrugged. She couldn’t deny he had a point, though. Considering how delicious was the dragon’s blood, the idea of never sucking blood to not influence others magically sounded… depressing. She sighed and looked at Ancelm - I guess you are right, Adeptus- Ancelm seemed to relax and smiled.
-I’m glad you agree, lady Flare! Let’s begin, then!-
-Look it on the brighter side, miss Flare, now you and Nyepu have something in common: both are test subjects!- would comment Giorgio giving the dragon and bird a toothy grin, both returned him an annoyed glare.
It was clear that while Flare was a master in combat magic, she just sucked at controlling her aura. She knew the basics and knew them very well, that’s why she could start a clash of wills with Ancelm back in the day they met, but that was, actually, the limit of her control of Aura. After a few broken vials, one harmed estirge adjudant and more than a few uncomfortable pictures, Ancelm had to stop with his tests with Flare so Nyepu could get a hold of his emotions and continue working on the tests… and on convincing Giorgio to erase the pictures. The dragon had never thought that having his emotions being influenced, would be so nasty, or how little he’d be able to control himself even knowing he was being controlled… In the short span of Ancelm’s experiments, Flare, in her attempts to NOT influence him, managed to make the dragon feel sad for her, angry at the idea of her being made fun of, then sad for failing her, then happier and eager to do anything she asked, then so angry he just had to punch one of his workers. Giorgio would take lot’s of pictures with his Aux and laugh so hard at the last one that he ruined one of their experiments. Yeah, the two of them were the epitome of professionalism. He did managed to control himself enough to not murder everyone in the room with his bio-canon so he considered that a win, though.
-I’m very sorry- would say Flare, looking tired, slightly dizzy and very embarrassed as she sat on Nyepu’s shoulder, drinking more of his blood, they had taken more of her own to replace the lost samples.
-Is ok… experiments rarely go well in the first try- he replies still evening his breath, using the tentacles of his back to keep working.
-This day ended up being more interesting than I expected, hehe!- said Giorgi in a very good mood.
-Shut up- would say Flare and Nyepu at the same time.
-And now you are doing that?! Oh by the Gods! Just marry already- said Giorgio annoyed. They just glared at him. Ancelm on the other hand had a thoughtful look in his eyes. After Flare was done drinking she just stood on Nyrpus shoulder for a little longer, staring at nothingness with a blank expression in her face, she must be tired. Nyepu decided to work as soon as possible, all while thinking that he’d need more anti influence training.
After that, time went on. Ancelm would lead a small team of wizards to help accelerate things, Flare would end up falling asleep on him and then be gently laid on a working table. Apparently, se was more tired than even her expected. The researching team would begin to get their first results. And the more results they get, the more worried Nyepu and Giorgio felt. Ancelm would notice this right away but didn’t comment since he really didn’t know what they were seeing in the results. Three hours later, Flare awakens, yawning quietly and chirping a little, and just in time for the scientists to finish their last analysis on the last result.
-Rise and shine, Lady Flare- would say Ancelm with a smile - I hope your little nap had been reinvigorating. Nyepu was beginning to think that the guy was being a little too gentlemanly.
-Greetings…- she said yawning again, her eyes were still closed, then she shook her body, puffing up her red feathers before seemingly waking up entirely, opening her pretty sky blue eyes. Nyepu felt a slight blush in his face at that thought, she did have pretty eyes. -Are you guys done with your tests?- right to business, as expected of the impatient princess.
-We have very weird news - said Nyepu, giving now a look to Giorgio who nodded at him, then back to Flare and Ancelm, both of whom looked intrigue, her even tilting her head in curiosity:
-Weird news?- asks her.
-yes… we hadn’t found any trace of the known cloning and aging methods in you… but… your body’s age is… illogical…-This grabbed the complete attention of the two magicians.
-Please elaborate- said Ancelm. Nyepu sighed.
-Flare’s body seems to be missing a year- he says. Silence.
-Missing a year? how…- she was saying but Giorgio interrupted her:
-Considering your birth date, your body should have a specific age… and yet, it does not, your body’s age is one year younger than it should-
-And while usually that would mean that you are the clone, here comes the really weird part… there is no doubt that you were born in the date of your birth, but it’s like… the last year didn’t affected your body in the slightest…- says Nyepu looking bewildered.
-This usually means that we messed up, but, I can assure you we didn’t… since, we checked everything like thrice- explains Giorgio, looking as bewildered as the dragon.
-What could that mean?- asks Ancelm, but Nyepu and Flare looked at each other’s eyes. She had basically been gone for a whole year, that’s what they discovered after checking the news yesterday, at least, that had been their suspicion, back then. Was this the confirmation they needed?
-That means, that someone had kept princess Flare in a stasis of sorts, keeping her even from aging, for a whole year- explains Giorgio- that or she rejuvenated herself somehow-
An hour later, they were having a very late lunch at the Temple’s food court. Nyepu and Giorgio finished their report and sent it to Argenta. Ancelm and Flare stood with them, mainly to keep company. The little princess had forgotten completely what she wanted to say to the guys in face of the news: so it was true, she had been gone for a whole year but… how? where? by whom?! Neither Nyepu nor Giorgio could think of a technology capable of rejuvenating someone’s body like that, at least, not without leaving some trace, and stasis technology capable of stopping age like that was non-existant, at most, it would make processes slow a lot but not outright stop it. Ancelm thought that it was very hard and impractical for a wizard, or a team of them, to cast a stasis spell for a whole year. Had they needed to learn aspects of her personality, there were easier ways to do so. And while the guys tried to think in how could this be possible, Flare was more worried about other things.
“A whole year. That usurper had been with my family for a whole year, and had married a lot of people that she’d never even consider marrying… What else had the clone been doing in all that time? How is it possible that no one had noticed that the clone was not the real Flare in such a long time?!” thought her in increasing despair.
Intent on  what have been the clone up to for so long, she started to investigate old news, Ancelm quickly joined her and the researchers helped her after finishing their report… so there they were, eating while facing the maddening reality of what the news had for them:
-None of this makes sense- comments Ancelm.- If what the scientists say is true, someone had taken the incredibly hard effort of keeping you away for a whole year for a copy of you to replace you and do… nothing- said the felixin Adeptus, checking old news regarding the sky Kingdom while idly eating some synth-beef.
-She got married and in general had only been behaving like a normal princess... - comments Giorgio, also reading old news while eating mashed potatoes with fried fish.
-You can sort of see some political strategies but… well… that’s it… - comments Nyepu, eating fried rice with a mix of fried seafood and algae.
Flare couldn’t deny that she was impressed with how quickly these guys processed information. Of course, she was a trained princess, she could see political ploys, and would understand easily how the imposter’s weddings had strengthened the influence of her mother on the city-states of the Sky Kingdom, all while making their governors feel like they were the ones gaining power. Also, a whole rebellion was avoided by one of said marriages. “Is like… everything was just fine, but… but why?” Wasn’t it supposed to all be a huge and hellish chaos? isn’t that the point of making evil clones? Why was everything sounding so… ok?
Suddenly her urgency to go ‘save’ her kingdom seemed a lot more silly. Her copy not only was doing a lot of good, she was following her mother’s wishes perfectly and everything seemed to be fine in general… Of course, this was what she gathered with a quick research of less than an hour, but it was undeniable that all the news had to say about her usurper seemed to be good things. She agreed with Ancelm: this made no sense.
-The only thing I can think…- said her suddenly, stopping from sucking juices from fruits, as the trio of males looked at her- is that I’m not the only one being replaced… maybe… maybe they are replacing everyone slowly? get the power of my kingdom for… for some… for evil generic reasons...- even her felt stupid saying that.
-Is… a possibility- says Nyepu, shrugging, he didn’t had the heart to tell her his own theory- honestly, at this point, anything could be happening there- says the dragon.
-But… a whole year of that? sounds unlikely, absurd, even- says Ancelm, then shakes his head -I think we really did good in take this with caution-
-I agree- Giorgio nods - this is very definitely a very weird situation, with the help of Argenta and, what the Church of Darkness can provide, we should be able to uncover whatever is going on-
-I wanted… to suggest to go and face this quickly- says her suddenly, remembering what she had thought in the meditation chamber - go beat the shadow of the prophecy before they could come to bother us but… but this is… this doesn’t make sense…- had she gone to her kingdom right now, and challenge her copy, she’d probably just been thrown to jail or executed in place… a whole year of memories that she doesn’t have, a whole year of working together and doing good for the kingdom… no one would dare to doubt that the usurper was the real deal, and most probably, a very loved one at that. It wouldn’t matter if she was the real princess… the usurper had a year of advantage over her. -if it weren’t for the tests... would my parents have recognized me? would have seen in me their real daughter when they had one for a whole year that was so… so... perfect?- There was a deep silence after she said that. Nyepu immediately understood what she meant, since she’d told him about her conflicts with her mother. Ancelm was a very clever wizard and figured something along those lines. Giorgio didn’t understand, but noticed the mood and decided to keep going towards a more posstive note.
-The clone needs to be tested as well- comments the goat researcher, grabbing the attention of Flare- no matter what, every clone leaves some trail, the most common being the age or some chemical agents in their blood… it has to be a clone created by technological methods since a magical one would require an aetheric flux that your family would have detected immediately… as soon as she takes the same tests and she is proven to be younger than you, your parents won’t have a choice but to accept you as their daughter- the goat researcher smiles at her softly. Flare nods at him with a little smile.
-That��s true… I guess… you guys were right on this of… making tests…- says her feeling like it wasn’t very easy to say that. Thankfully for her, the geneticists only nodded and smiled.- but how long will it take before Argenta decides to help us?- Suddenly, Nyepu received a message in his Aux and checked it, his eyes opened widely at what was
-Apparently, only a few minutes… Argenta wants to hold a meeting with us and the Adeptus Primus- explains him and Flare opens her beak in surprise “That… that was fast!”.
-I’ll get him right away- said Ancelm, closing his eyes for a moment. It wouldn’t take much before the Lich descents to them, passing through the ceiling and floating at the side of Ancelm.
-Good afternoon, everyone. I hope you are feeling better and your meditation had been mind opening, lady Flare- says Celio.
-Good afternoon, Adeptus Primos Celio, it… was- she did get ideas, but the recent discoveries changed things. Suddenly, Nyepu’s Aux projected a very silly and big image of an emote face.
-Heeeeello, everyone!! how are my dear citizen and one wanted criminal today? () - greeted the Goddess of Science, Technology, Truth and the Day with a synthetic female voice. “Argenta had always had a terrible sense of humor… and her face is disappointing” words of Flare’s master that rang in her head as she flinched at being called a wanted criminal, she had to agree with the comment on her face, though… seriously? just an emote?!.
-Greetings, Argenta- said Nyepu drily- We need you to convince the other princess to go through the tests… is the only way to determine that the Flare with us is the real one and the other is a clone created for unknown reasons… unless, you can tell us something we don’t know about what had been going on in the Sky Kingdom-
-You guys are forgetting to thank me for being so fast, giving you lot part of my time and for having been keeping in secret the location of the Flare with you (¬u¬) - Nyepu and Giorgio rolled their eyes.
-Thanks- said suddenly Flare, grabbing everyone’s attention- thanks for your time, and quick response, and for keeping my location a secret, Lady Argenta- said her, bowing to the technological goddess.
-AWWW!!! (^^) you are such a cute little birb! unlike my scientists... (¬_¬) you guys could learn to be a lot more grateful and sweet like miss Flare (uwu) - the felixin mages chuckled while Giorgio and Nyepu just huffed in annoyance, even Flare couldn’t help but crack a smile. -anyway! (owo) you guys had certainly discovered an anomaly ( >:T)  the results of your tests tell me so: no traces of known cloning methods and a very strange age test result… there is no technology or magic capable of doing that: a WHOLE year of rejuvenation is just absurd… (:/) And, well, I’ve noticed slight changes in the court of the Royal Kingdom (u_u) -
-What do you mean?- asks Flare, suddenly having a horrible feeling.
-Nothing very particular, but, honestly, they seem a little too perfect, if you ask me…() I’m good at making psychological profiles of people uwu the royal family was perfect in its imperfection... (:3) but… (o_o) they began to be a little too perfect… (>_>) while that’s usually a good thing (._.) they were not the only ones (DX) The Sky Kingdom has grown in power considerably, the people from the court becoming a little more efficient and capable in general, of course, is not a big improvement, but is noticeable since, to me, seems a little too sudden and focalized (u_u) I’ve been proud of them, but the test results, and the attitude of Queen Mistana to try and solve this in secret had worried me (>:T) I’ll demand her daughter to take the tests… but I need you two to go do it (:3) - says her looking at the geneticists.
-Ahm… why don’t you ask that from members of the Machine Cult of the Sky Kingdom?- asks Giorgio- we have work here, going to there would be problematic-
-I have the suspicion that the Queen has a strong influence even between my own clergy in that city, so is a possibility the tests results will be compromised (=_= ) … I want to minimize risks… (X_X) take your equipment there and make the tests… (uwu) and just to be sure, I’ll send two other groups of my geneticists with Guard escorts from other cities to run the same tests… (ouo) if everyone has the same results, than it would be a given that there were no mistakes (uwu) and we’d be closer to uncover the truth… (>_>) - Giorgio and Nyepu exchanged an intrigued look.
-Maybe the other teams can meet here first so they can run their tests- suggest Celio - unless you expect the Queen to suspect a complot of sorts-
-She definitely will (-_-) -
-I agree with her there… my mother can be very distrustful, especially from things that are too convenient or too inconvenient- adds Flare.
-That’s why I’m suggesting to do everything in front of her, with different teams of experts, so there are no suspicions, she can bring any scientific team of her choice to verify the proceedings, as well (uwu) i’d also require the assistance of your wizards, Adeptus Primus (x3)-
-I’d be more than happy to offer my assistance in running the tests and providing magical support in case things turn out… problematic- says the felixin lich.
-Perfect! prepare yourselves!! () I should have an answer from Queen Mistana by tomorrow, so be ready to depart to the Sky Kingdom’s capital city! (X3) - Nyepu and Giorgio would sigh while Ancelm and Celio nod, Flare couldn’t believe it: she finally was going home. And with the support of Argenta and the Church of the Holy Darkness! She looked at the guys “their prudence… made this happen...”.
Later that day, night was falling. Ancelm and Celio went to the meditation chambers to try and enter in contact with the Dark God to seek guidance and make sure if Flare was the one in their prophecies. Nyepu and Giorgio had been busy packing up and talking with the Administrator of their research facility, there was a lot of yelling involved and Argenta had to interfere. And Flare? She had been exploring the Temple to take her mind off things. She had gotten what she wanted: she was going home to finally unravel this mystery and saved her people… but, the clone hadn’t done anything but good for her people. She probably did a way better job than her as a princess… so… was it worth it? “Truth is good on its own… that’s what a heroine would say… but a princess would admit that sometimes, is necessary to keep a few secrets and hold a few lies… for the greater good… and that’s also… heroic?” Flare would sigh. She had transformed into her Battle Form: she was way bigger than usual, her wings had become arms, and her figure was more anthropomorthic and slender… she did so because she always trains in this form at least a once a day but, she couldn’t bear herself to train when there was so much in her head, as such, she was in the training room, looking blankly at nothing in particular.
-You don’t look very happy- said a familiar voice, Flare almost jumped as she quickly turned to face the big white dragon who was entering to the training room, levitating.
-Nyepu… what are you doing here?-
-I came to check on you- he said simply, she felt a little disappointed he wasn’t walking on his legs… she shook her head to bury those silly thoughts - We are done with packaging our devices, so is happening, we are going to your kingdom- he says, smiling a bit, apparently, trying to sound nice. His pretty voice was still slightly cool but there was the sincere intention there, and there was an honesty in his smile she really liked and made her feel… something, she wasn’t sure what it was but she liked it and felt herself smiling a little as well.
-Yeah...soon, we’ll solve this mystery… is just…well...- she began to say looking thoughtful again.
Nyepu couldn’t believe he was here. While working on putting everything on crates and arranging for transportation of his devices, he couldn’t stop thinking in her: she had look shaken after discovering the clone had basically been being a “perfect princess” and just felt that she’d need some company, even if it was his. “Is this… blood magic influencing me? well, even if it is, I don’t care...”.
He was a bit surprised when he saw her transformed in her combat form again and the memories of their rather hectic encounter came back to his mind: she had been strong, bold, confident, energetic… she looked the most alive back he’d seen her then: fighting head-on abominations that made him empty his bowels in fear. He hadn’t gotten a great look at her in the frenzy of fighting and running for his life, but, now that he got a better look at her? She is…
-I don’t know…- she says finally, snapping him out of his thoughts, he immediately scratched his muzzle so she didn’t notice he was blushing. -None of this makes sense and I’m worried… I’m worried me going there will only cause more harm than good-
-How so?- he asks.
-I’ve been thinking: my clone apparently… is the Flare my mother had always wanted… so… if I go… I… I may ruin everything- her face looked more haunted now -all those marriages would be nulled and impose on me… and I won’t… I’m not sure I’m up to take for husbands…not to mention that, for a whole year, the people of my kingdom had developed an idea of how is ‘Princess Flare’ and… will I have to act like she did? Would I have to be the fake one? Will I...- but she stopped as Nyepu put a hand on her shoulder, well, more like half his hand since even in her bigger form he was still way bigger. She looked at him and he returned her a soft expression.
-Is going to be ok- he’d say -It will take a while but people will accept you for who you are… and I’m sure that some arrangement can be made so you don’t have to...you know, deal with four unknown guys at the same time… also, I’ll help you, somehow… I know you are a capable and strong girl- he smiles at her leaning closer to her- The princess that can murder hordes of Savage daemons can take a marriage… especially with some help- he adds trying to smile more. She looks at his eyes with her pretty sky blue ones, her golden beak slightly opened and stays like that for what seem ages. For a moment there, Nyepu felt he spoke out place but then she suddenly hugs him and he feels his face getting hotter before hug her awkwardly… not only because she was smaller, but also because he wasn’t sure if he should… and yet…
-You helped me today as you promised… we are going to my homeland… as you said… I… I can trust that you will be with me… thanks…- said her.
-Y-you are welcomed- he said, not sure what else to say.
He still wasn’t sure how much of this was the blood magic and how much was himself, but he felt that this was the best thing to do for the princess. For another unique soul.
She wasn’t sure if he was acting on his own or under the influence of her powers, but a part of her felt he was being genuine and she couldn’t feel happier. She wasn’t alone in this mess.
And while they were like this, hugging each other. The entrance to the Training Room suddenly disappeared...
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hitchell-mope · 4 years
(Film three. In Auradon. Bal’s apartments in the castle. After “best day of my life”. Mal’s in a pair of Ben’s boxer shorts and a doctor who T-shirt. Standing there)
Ben (looping his arms around her waist): hey
Mal: hey. How are you?
Ben: good. Good. And you
Mal: oh so much better now (she turns around) and is this all for me?
Ben: mmmmmmaybe?
Mal: well I greatly appreciate it whoa
(She’s turned around to get a better look at him. He’s, just like her. In boxers. Longish purple hair. And literally nothing else)
Mal: oooh I’m feeling very matchy matchy and very much mismatched
Ben: well there are two ways of remedying that. I could put a top on. OR. I could lock the door and soundproof the room and
Mal: lock the door I’ll soundproof
Ben (very happy): okay
Mal: oh my god!
(Under Ben’s shoulder blades are two jagged cuts from which are growing beating miniature mounds of flesh in a dark blue colour)
Ben: what’s wrong?
Mal: your back!
Ben: what! What is it. What’s wrong?
Mal: I. I. II don’t. Know. It looks like somethings growing out of your back
Doug (walking in briskly with Evie right begins): it’s probably dragon wings. The ember sped up the process I think
Mal: and how do you know that?
Doug: Hierachy And History: all levels of magic and their effects and uses. First edition illustrated.
Bal: can I?
Doug: yes you can borrow it. Hell. Keep it. I’ve got plenty
Mal: how do you know all this?
Doug: I uh bought literally every book about magic when you brought it back. Physical copies and on kindle
Mal: ohhhh. For a minute I thought you were mansplaining to us.
Evie: he’s not chad. He actually knows things. And why the hell aren’t you dressed?
Mal: well sis. We almost died a couple of hours ago so Ben and I were about to engage in a bit of glad to be alive
Evie: eww shut up
Mal: oh like you and Doug haven’t
Evie: that’s besides the point.
Mal: why are you here?
Evie: why do you think. Ben put a top on or something
Bal: no
Ben: I’m comfortable
Mal: I’m relaxed when he’s like this
(Evie sighs and looks defeated)
Doug: so what’s the plan
Mal: yeah about that. I’ve been thinking and I think I’ve connected the dots
Doug: oh?
Mal: yeah and it’s got to do with you and I sis
Evie (horrified): no
Mal: yah
Evie: no
Mal: yeah
Evie: nonono
Mal: yesyesyes
Evie: NO!
Mal: yes! Face it E we might be related
The boys: what?
Mal: think about it. Our mothers are the most self centred vainglorious batshit crazy bitches that side of the river Tiber. They would want the most powerful. Chernabog is a recluse and an altruist. The headless horseman has no mouth so can’t sing their praises. So all that’s left is the god of the dead
Evie: but I’m beautiful
Mal: and what am I. Corned beef?
Ben: I’d still marry you if you were corned beef if that helps
Mal: it does help surprisingly
Evie: but didn’t Maleficent say your dad was human?
Mal: villains lie E. That’s why I was always a disappointment
(Ben hugs her)
Adam (sauntering in like he owns the place): well isn’t that sweet.
Evie: what the hell are you doing here?
Adam: I’ve come to discuss the appalling situation that you let happen.
Mal: I’m sorry?
Adam: so you should be. Ben I have a plan. Put them all back and close it permanently
Doug: what
Adam: go back to the mine. It’s where you belong dwarf
Ben: ok you get out.
Adam: what?
Ben: you heard me. You’re not king. And you have no control over me my actions or my friends. So please. Get out
Adam: fine. But you should at least hear what happening since you had to have him save you
Doug: my names Doug but go on.
Adam: the people are in a panic. They’re terrified. If hades can escape others will try to. If you ask me
Bal and Devie: we didn’t
Adam: if you ask me I personally think it’s high time you do away with this ridiculous endeavour once and for all
Ben: no.
Adam: I wasn’t talking to you boy. I was talking to the future queen. Your people are scared. And even the poor are scared they lash out. Either way you’ll end up back where you cane from. You Carlos and the rest of the technicolour freaks that are destroying the property values that I painstakingly created. You are a “vk” are you not?
Mal: I’m not uh I uhm I don’t consider myself a vk anymore
Adam: then who? That is who you are right. Cradle to grave and all that rhetoric. Face it Mal. You are not an Auradon girl.
Elsa: oh you are so right beast. My daughter is not an Auradon girl. She’s the soon to be the queen of Auradon and isle AND she’s the princess of Arendelle. So that’s three titles to your zero. Meaning you’d do well to shut up
Adan: to what do I owe this...thing
Elsa: my daughter was hurt. So I’m checking on her. Like you should be doing for Ben. Or has belle finally ridding herself if you rendered you void of the most basic compassion for your son as well as everything else?
Adam: as I was saying. If my reasonable suggestion goes unheeded the people will rise up and there’s (a phone blasts out “backstreets back”) OH WHAT NOW!
Ben: it’s my cell phone. Doug would you be a dear and grav it for me
Doug: sure. But only if you put a top on?
Ben: I’ll think about it
(Doug snickers and answers the phone)
Doug: king Ben’s personal cell phone the major-domo speaking. Yes. Yes. Oh shit. Thank you for informing us (he hangs up) the wand, the spindle, Jafar’s staff and the magic mirror have been stolen from the museum
Bal, Elsa and Evie: what?
Mal: when?
Doug: two hours ago. There’s no security footage. The cameras were busted. Ten guards are dead. Two have had the hearts crushed. The rest were cut to pieces by glads shards
Adam: ok then. It’s decided. Round them up. I’ll get the trucks ready. We can have you and them all back by sundown
Elsa: you realise who you’re sounding like right now?
Adam: the only sane man. As it has been for years. Now Mal my dear. Your choice. Anarchy or order. Where’d she go
(Mal’s teleported away)
Evie: you poked the dragon.
Ben: I’ll go after. See if she’s ok
Elsa: no I will. This is a mother’s job
(She teleports after Mal and finds her in the dining room hyperventilating)
Mal: I can’t do it. I I can’t
(Elsa pulls her into a cool down hug)
Elsa: shhh shhh now. Don’t listen to him.
Mal: but he’s right. I’m going to be the queen. I should be thinking about these things. And ten people are dead. And some nutbag has some of the most powerful magical relics in existence
Elsa: but you still have the book and the sceptre. And the book. And if your hunch is correct. You’re half god. So
Mal: so, what?
Elsa: so...beast cannot lay a hand on you or Ben or anyone you care about. Not without your say so.
Mal: so what you’re saying is I hold all the cards
Elsa: essentially yes
Mal (weak laugh): why doesn’t that make me feel better
Elsa: because your upbringing had left you scarred and unable to make decisions that could impact people you care about
Mal: ... harsh but true
Elsa: listen
(This is when “brave” happens)
Mal: I can be brave. I can tell Adam where to stick it.
Elsa: I’ll supply the barge pole
Mal (cackling): please let me see that when it happens
Elsa: hmmmmm maybe
(Back in bal’s living room)
Evie: you’ve hated us all since the moment we arrived. You couldn’t stand the fact Ben chose my sister over the Hunan balloon animal you picked out.
Adam: sometimes the parent really does know best
Evie: said Gothel. Said Madame Mim. Said Jafar, Cruella, my mother, Yzma, Gaston, Maleficent and every single shitty parent we had to deal with over there. You’ve joined their ranks plain and simple
Adam: I am not one of them. You are. Upsetting the well defined status quo on a whim.
Ben: you were a bastard of a father and now you’re a bastard of a human being. The kingdom has me now. And I shan’t make the same mistakes errors and blatant crimes against humanity that you did
Adam: then you’ll be a disappointment as king.
Evie: oh for once in your life shut up and let others speak
Evie: oh there’s my mother again. Doug honey did you know that she said that exact same thing to me when I stared talking?
Doug: oh my god I’m so sorry.
Evie: eh don’t be. I’m over it. Well mostly. But the fact that this idiot is saying it says plenty about his perceived moral superiority
Adam: if you can’t listen to reason I can always force you.
Evie: once again. My mother. Maleficent. Gaston. Jafar. Cruella. Mim. Medusa. Yzma. Hearts. Need I go on?
(In Ursula’s grotto Uma’s working on something)
V!Harry: what are you doing. Well. I know what you’re doing. I’m you. I’m just asking for the benefit of those out there
Uma: who?
Harry: nothing. Don’t worry.
Uma: ugh whatever. I’m working on an escape. If she thinks she can stop me she’s sorely mistaken
(This is when “speechless” happens)
(Mal bursts back in to the room)
Mal: alright here’s what’s going to happen. Ben, Evie you guys still wanna continue with the program?
Ben: yes
Evie: absolutely
Mal: then you do that. Because, Adam, we aren’t closing the barrier. You got that?
Adam: I really don’t think
Mal: I don’t care what you think. Nobody here cares what you think. You’re no longer king. Hence superfluous to the narrative. You’re nothing. The chain of command goes Ben, Doug, me, Evie
Evie: uh excuse me?
Doug: sorry hon. She’s right.
Ben: yeah. King, major-domo, queen, chancellor.
Evie: shit
Mal: so you can scream shout moan complain. But we’re not closing off the island. EVER!
Adam: you’ll regret this.
Mal: pretty sure we won’t.
(Adam stalks off)
Mal (immediately deflating): man I need a drink. Amethyst wine anyone?
Evie: do I even wanna know?
Mal: probably not.
Ben: it’s great. Just like the butter bars
(Evie turns green around the gills)
Doug: I’m probably gonna regret this but what’s in it
Mal: white wine. Vodka. A quarter pound of sugar. And it’s all mixed together with juiced violets. Hence the colour
Evie: that sounds disgusting.
Ben: oh it is. But we made it with magic so the potency is through the roof
Doug: meaning?
Ben: meaning it’ll get you blackout
Mal: shitfaced
Bal: blindingly drunk
Evie (forcing back a disgusted look): ahahaha. I’ll pass
Bal: suit yourself
(They commence drinking. In the isle chadeficent is looking on as Ursula goes belly up)
Chadeficent: need some help?
Ursula: my wretch of a daughter blew up my grotto and escaped with that mouth breathing pirate spawn. Of course I need help
(Chadeficent sends eerie magic hands, the exact type that ripped out Ariel’s voice, plucks out Ursula and drops her on the pier)
Ursula: now that that’s all settled. Who the hell are you
Chadeficent (now only using Maleficent’s voice): you tell me sea witch.
Ursula (unsurprised): you’ve literally never looked worse
Chadeficent (in Chad’s voice): hey watch it bitch!
Ursula: excuse me
Chadeficent (still in Chad’s voice): I mean seriously you look like a desaturated smurf.
Ursula (eyes glowing teal): Do you wanna say that again kid?
Chadeficent (in Maleficent’s voice): no he does not
Ursula (smirking): who’s body?
Chadeficent (both voices now): the son of Cinderella
Ursula: oooh a new meal?
Chadeficent: no. A tool (Maleficent’s voice) in more ways then one
Ursula: how’d you get here.
Chadeficent (both voices): the elongated horseless carriage
Ursula: so the limo
Chadeficent: yes.
Ursula (very much unimpressed): mhmm. Why are you back?
Chadeficent: I’m starting a coven. I assume you want in?
Ursula: eh what the hell. Wouldn’t be the first time we teamed up to ruin lives
Chadeficent: remember when we ruined for children’s lives simultaneously?
Ursula (mad): oh you mean that time my daughter was publicly humiliated and gained a dehumanising epithet all because your daughter acted out in anger at something the witches daughter did that left the freckled thing to be tortured by the furrier for a month?
Chadeficent: yes
Ursula (bark laughing): HA. Good times good times. So. What’s the plan
Chadeficent: we are going to break my daughter
Ursula: mind? Body? Soul? Spirit?
Chadeficent: all four
(In Auradon. Adam’s just sat down at the bar of a tavern)
Adam: double scotch on the rocks
Bartender: coming right up sir
Adam: never have kids Moliere
Bartender: my names not Moliere sir
Adam (not even listening): you raise them. You teach them. You impart your wisdom. Your values. And what do they do? Take a giant steaming shit on all you worked on and turn everything completely upside fucking down in the name of goddamn “progress”. Know what I’m saying?
Bartender: ohhhhkay?
(Adam gets off the stool and starts the jukebox. This is when “gold” starts.)
Bartender (very very scared now): sir. Your majesty are you ok?
Adam (pensively): no. No I’m not a majesty. Not anymore. Well. Not yet at least.
(He runs out of the tavern without paying)
Customer: what the hell was that all about?
Bartender: I don’t know. But I have a feeling little benny needs a warning.
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Demon Splicing and Why the Clones Failed.
This is more like a research paper than a fan theory, but hey, I had fun. I’ll try to improv some citations at the bottom, but I don’t guarantee that Tumblr will let me keep them there. 
Now, this is a HUGE, MASSIVE, LONG-ASS POST, and once more it is ultra-sciencey; so if you have any confusions, questions, or want to just look the other way and just go “eh, magic” then that is totally okay. I don’t, and won’t, claim to be any kind of authority on these things; I just needed an excuse to open my computer again and I guess do some intense research into etymology (that would be the study of anything with an exoskeleton, basically. I promise it is very much relevant to this theory.). 
Summary/TLDR: Demons need specific qualities in their hosts in order to suit themselves, ergo they modify their host’s bodies by using Mutually symbiotic viruses, akin to those of the Polydnaviridae ingroup which coexists within several genera of parasitoid wasps, to alter the human genome. What we explore here is how they do so. Also, because it is intrinsically connected, we will also be dipping our toes into why, exactly, the clones weren’t “suitable” in all instances, as well as how demons may or may not select their hosts. This circles back to my previous post discussing the Twin’s and Paternity, and specifically the topic of genetic expression, though you do not need to have seen or read that post to understand what I’m talking about here. Also discussed is the matter of genes that humans lack, but which would seem to find their way in during possession; the production of feathers, the formation of additional limbs, proteins,  and such which are simply not within the power of any existing virus we know of to alter . 
One thing must lead to another however, so before we get into the biological science, we need to get into the hypothetical, cosmological stuff that is quantum physics. Didn’t see that one coming, did ya?
Demons and DNA: 
We know from that one elusive panel of chapter 44 ( I think...) that demons have genetics - they have genes, which implies that they have, at the very least, DNA. The question then is how, but more so where - where did those genes come from?. Demons don’t have physical bodies, right...? Why would they need DNA? 
Because maybe some of them do possess actual, physical “bodies”, or at least cells, that preside in Gehenna. 
The Demon Kings are quite likely to be an exception rather than a rule, considering they were the first demons to have come into existence, or at the very least the first demons to have ever attained bodies -- which is precisely how demonkind may have obtained DNA in the first place, via a phenomena called horizontal transference. 
Now, I’m going to contradict, in a sense, my other post here, and tell you to forget what you were taught about viruses in high school. Virology is a complicated school of biology, and viruses are extremely simple, and yet extremely complex organisms. Now, viruses typically contain RNA which allows the virus to reproduce once it is injected into the cells of its host by combining viral RNA with eukaryotic (for the sake of simplicity) DNA. 
However, there are strains of viruses that contain DNA, not RNA. No one is completely sure how these viruses evolved, but one theory would suggest that these dnaviruses “stole” part of their genetic material from the hosts they evolved with, incorporating pieces of lipids and proteins to turn their RNA into functional DNA; this process of one organism “stealing” DNA from another is called horizontal transference, and it is how bacteria and other asexually reproducing organisms maintain genetic diversity and “evolve”. 
But, you ask, how the bloody hell does a Virus have DNA? How does it replicate?
 When most people think of viruses, they think of mobile ones, pathogenic ones - but dnaviruses are not usually pathogenic, instead highjacking the excretory or reproductive systems of their hosts and using their reproductive cells to spread genealogically from parent to offspring. One well-studied example of this is the polydnavirus found in Ichneumon wasps, which are themselves parasitoid. They reproduce by injecting their eggs into the bodies of paralyzed caterpillars, who then feed the hatching larvae with it’s living tissues. However, one problem the wasp faces with this method of reproduction is the caterpillar’s immune system, which could kill the eggs - were it not for the polydnavirus, which produces chemical signals that prevent the caterpillar’s immune system from destroying the precious egg that is it’s host cell. As the larvae develops, the polydnavirus is replicated into the cells of the larvae, and once it hatches it is literally born with the virus in it’s body. (I’ll let you go wild with the half-demon thing there, I’m here to talk about possession right at the moment.)
Ok, ok, but what does this have to do with demons? after all, demon possession is, in a way, “contagious” since demons can go from host to host. 
Welcome then, to the world of multi-viral mutual symbiosis - fancy way of saying viruses can work together to meet the ends of one another in a host if it benefits both viruses. Demons may possess some form of this event, being somehow sentient (by means perhaps of primitive, conductive cells not unlike what you would find in a jellyfish) but ultimately composed of or utilizing not only one, but several strains of viruses to fulfil their parasitic ends, one which allows them to infect the host and modify existing DNA, and one which can incorporate it’s own DNA into that of the host to bring about desirable conditions. To that, I must add as a courtesy that those primitive conductive cells which could, in a way, offer sentience, may in fact be what comprises the physical manifestations of demon’s hearts. None of this is, of course, to explain demon magic, which is a subject I do intend to breach one of these days - but not today. Today, we do science.
 This goes away to explain why Todou sprouted feathers, a phenomena that would not have otherwise been biologically possible given the constraints of human protein structure. That isn’t to say that it would be impossible for a virus to modify via RNA transcription keratinoid proteins to form hollow attachments, which is exactly what you find in polar bears and porcupines, but the structure of feathers is, I’m afraid, just too far off the mammalian path for it to be but a 0.03% likelihood via RNA transcription alone, meaning that it would have to have been the result of DNA that isn’t human. 
Speaking of statistical probabilities: 
Cloning and the Failure Thereof
Humanity has a hollywood-induced idea that cloning organisms is a fail-less system, when that could not be further from the truth. In point of fact, only about 3% of all attempted cloning experiments with everything from fish to sheep produce viable, healthy clones. This is because cloning is done, kind of ironically, in much the same way as a virus operates; by using the  DNA and RNA of the existing mother’s cell’s to complete the chromosomal pairing up that normally happens in the zygote during fertilization. Because of this, the RNA transcribes, ideally, the same exact DNA code that the “mother” has; but here again we get into genetic expression, because though a clone is genetically the same as it’s parent, it is exactly BECAUSE it is genetically identical that recessive (and often in the case of  some experimental animals, fatal) traits and gene combinations can occur, depending on exactly how the original, zygotic DNA is copied. Even when using the RNA of the same organism, transcription errors naturally occur -- and they occur so frequently, in fact, that very few cloning attempts are ever successful; that is, they either produce genetically weak, fatal-combination, infertile, or underdeveloped offspring that ultimately can’t be re-cloned or which can not reproduce, and therefore negate the incentive to clone an organism for it’s “healthy genes”. 
Connecting the dots: 
When a demon is cloned, it’s human DNA is cloned; but so are the genetic modifications of the dnavirus, which is why clones seem to have human superpowers. They are no loner 100% genetically human, and that opens the door to all kinds of genetic complications and probably meant that thousands, not hundreds, of clones were “discarded”, and hundreds died before they even lived. Simply put, it’s an absolute bloody miracle that the cloning thing worked at all, much less that Lucifer was able to remotely perfect the technique. 
How he did so is not so much a mystery though; unlike what you would assume, with mammals at least, the more often you re-clone a clone, the “cleaner” it’s genetic code seems to become by phenomena of natural selection and artificial selection; clones with good genes are re-cloned, clones exhibiting bad genes are culled or die on their own, and so on and so on until you get a good sized population of identical clones. With the added fuel of the elixir to make growth happen phenomenally fast, it’s not too surprising that he has a private stock of cloned bodies to inhabit whenever he likes. (Which gave me big Orochimaru vibes, just sayin’). 
As for the RNA virus body, I suspect that is retained with the demon at all times, which makes sense because once and RNA virus stops replicating it’s RNA into the host, the host cells re-fix the “broken” codes and eventually replaces the alien DNA created by the virus with it’s own; however, a dnavirus’ DNA gets worked semi-permanently into the system of it’s host, since it has it’s own completed code which is then, reversedly, transcribed over and over by the host’s RNA transcription, which is why dnaviruses went undetected by science until about 20 years ago, and why, God forbid, if there was ever a pathogenic dnavirus, we would all be royally screwed because even the best immune system on earth can’t detect a dnavirus because our immune systems rely on identification markers dependent on RNA viruses; oddly, however, so does every other organism, meaning there literally is not a single living thing, including caterpillars and spiders who are victims directly of “pathogenic” polydnaviruses, has an immune system that could find the damn things. They utilize the host’s own RNA to transcribe their DNA, and therefore go almost completely undetected by whatever they infect.  
Speaking of which, let’s talk about:
Immunity and Prions
If Demons rely on RNA viruses to primarily infect their host, then it would make sense why some people would be more resistant than others; however, there  is a compelling aspect of demon possession which makes me think that it is the other way around - everyone is resistant, until they are not. 
Demons typically possess bodies which have weak-minded and psychologically stressed individuals behind them. Stress weakens the immune system, but it does so in specific ways; and certain viruses in real life are programmed to take advantage of these specific measures more than others. 
Right now in the US, there is a nasty epidemic of CWD, Chronic Wasting Disease, spreading through native deer populations on the east coast. This “zombie disease” is a virus that infects the nervous system of the deer (along with cattle and sheep) and forms prions - folded proteins that are then replicated, and replicated, and replicated; and like cancer of the brain, they just keep on replicating and replicating, eating up the animal’s energy reserves and drastically impacting their behavior and bodily functions, starting by supressing and outright destroying their immune system. Mad Cow Disease is a more famous example of a prion disease in the same family as CWD, except that those prions migrate; they move into the soft tissues of the animal and make every single part of it impossible to eat without also contracting the prion, which contains the virus; and MCD is not remotely picky about it’s host, since it affects a very basic protein structure. Any and everything from birds to reptiles to humans can be infected by MCD and it is completely fatal. 
My point is, that CWD and MCD both primarily infect animals exhibiting high levels of stress hormones, which is why outbreaks happen primarily during the breeding seasons for these animals. Not only that, but the virus then directly attacks the animal’s immune systems and opens them up to every kind of secondary infection you can imagine. 
However, prion diseases and even just plain old viruses can do the exact opposite as well. HIV is a common virus that kills you by making your immune system hyperresponsive, not by shutting it down; it becomes so responsive, in fact, that it attacks healthy tissues. Prion diseases which affect insects also do this, creating folded proteins in the nervous system of the bug that trigger it’s immune system to continuously flood the body with antibodies until it is just too exhausted to do so, and the insect’s body decays as a result of secondary infection. 
It could be that this is the case of demons as well. Prions would be valuable in affecting the behavior of the host, though not necessary; they would, however, make the ingestion of a possessed person almost guaranteed to infect you, since most viruses just don’t have the defenses on their own to tackle stomach acid, but a prion virus does. 
To recap: 
Demons use DNA and RNA viruses to infect and modify their host to their liking, perhaps using the assistance of prions to aid in endurance and transmissibility. Because of this, cloning is a gamble of “what DNA will I pull out of the box today” since the DNA virus’ DNA, and possibly even any prions, is left behind even after the parasitic demon leaves; however, the RNA virus is inert once it leaves a host body, and therefore is retained by the demon within whatever primitive cells they may carry in their demon hearts, which may be taken from some immutable “form” or body that they possess on the other side of the divide (in Gehenna); these alien forms may be the byproduct of their first ever possession, using, perhaps, horizontal transference to absorb some of the DNA from their first (and possibly even subsequent) host and then re-incorporate it into subsequent hosts, which is how Amaimon would be reptilian in spite of having a mammal body; because he perhaps, first possessed or found genetic favor of a reptile of some kind and “borrowed” the DNA from them via horizontal transference, since it worked for him. This can then be applied in turn to all other demons, or at least demon kings. 
I spent literally a week researching this stuff, but I am welcome to criticism of my shoddy work. Also, I am in no way saying this is technically right; it’s just a theory after all, and you’re more than welcome to disagree. :)
If anyone wants to add on, feel free. :) I think I’m done for the week. 
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rinusagitora · 5 years
All very ghoulish (2/10)
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: Karin Kurosaki, Ichigo Kurosaki, Rukia Kuchiki, Kisuke Urahara, Momo Hinamori, Izuru Kira, Tessai Tsukabishi, Ururu Tsumugiya, Tier Harribel, Kenpachi Zaraki, Genryuusai Yamamoto, Toushirou Hitsugaya, Masaki Kurosaki, Mayuri Kurotsuchi, Nemu Kurotsuchi, Yuzu Kurosaki
Pairings: minor KiraHina
Words: 6,100+
Summary: Monster!AU collab w/ @back-in-a-bit. SFW version;  Chaos overtakes London, and Karin undergoes a strange procedure.
AO3: works/16307414/chapters/49021901#workskin (NSFW)
Momo Hinamori felt like she rode roller coasters more often than not.
For the last four decades, she was Sousuke Aizen's loyal wife, and then only two years ago, he was incarcerated for being one evil son of a bitch, and she hadn't gotten back on her feet since then. Her nightmares persisted. Her ribs still hurt, even though she healed months ago. It was very much like he leached on her bones.
Momo Hinamori was once a monster with serrated teeth and a fire in her core. Presently, she was just embers, coddled in her new husband's mink coat and bottle-fed with packs and packs of cigarettes.
Thankfully, strip clubs allowed indoor smoking. She was never caught without something made of nicotine and ordinarily poisonous chemicals between her lips. Their invoices came in clean like linen and were filed strongly smelling like tobacco.
Still, Shinji pet her hair like a cat, or his child, even though she stank and looked at him like he was a cannibal.
“You should go home tonight, sweetie,” he said. “You’ve done more than enough for the girls tonight. Go back home to your husband.”
She smiled. “Okay. Thank you, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Momo gathered her purse and coat, headed outside, and she hailed a taxi on the street. "Caridge Park Apartments, please," she said.
"Caridge Park," the driver copied. "Care if I listen to the radio?"
"Go ahead."
Momo's head laid against the glass. A news station turned on. Momo didn't care much for the news, so she tuned it out and instead fiddled with her phone.
She received a text message over Kik from a family friend, Nemu Kurotsuchi. Gin Ichimaru had critically injured her husband Izuru when they defected and attempted to destroy the Seireitei coven. Nemu used her magic to heal him. Izuru and Nemu were good friends ever since, almost like father and daughter. Momo was fond of Nemu as well. While they only spoke in private, Nemu was a brilliant, sweet young woman, and it wasn't uncommon for them to text back and forth.
Nemu's text worried Momo, however. Nemu had only sent and apology.
The sun was just over the horizon. The speaker mentioned an explosion at a call center, the call center her dear brother worked at, and it felt like her guts dislodged. It felt like her teeth were knocked out all over again.
"I-I'm sorry, can you turn that off? I need to make a call," Momo said.
"Sure thing."
Momo quickly dialed Toushirou and it immediately went to voicemail. Momo swore time stopped. Her and Toushirou weren't close, not like when they were kids, but she loved him enough to think about him every day. She called her husband next. She didn't even bother with salutations. "My brother's workplace just blew up," she croaked.
"Oh my God," Izuru said over the receiver. "Momo, where are you?"
"I need you to call Rangiku for me. Tell her to get in touch with Akon right away. I'll call you when I'm done. I love you."
Momo crushed her phone in her hand. With the speed of a viper, she slammed the metal shards in the driver's face, and forced heat into her hands. The cab swerved into a phone tower. The horn blared.
Momo was completely unaffected. She calmly kicked off her heels and stepped into the glass-ridden street, where she molted her human skin. Her arms, four, to be exact, pushed down her skin to her ankles, where she emerged with cloven hooves. The tips of her inward fire licked the open lesions across her chest and shoulders, which cast a discordant light onto her face. She pulled her mink coat over her body, ignored the smell of singed fur, and vanished with a spark.
The explosion was no accident. Momo had questions for Nemu.
Toushirou's life normally amounted to nothing less than a circus, but between his strange dreams and sleep deprivation, it felt like he was on acid in a funhouse, jabbed and taunted by various spooks as he stumbled across the simplest entrapments. His body protested but Toushirou intended for his pain to be kept under lock and key.
He rolled his shoulders. They ground in their sockets, a sound much like when the bones of shapeshifters shifted into place. It never failed to make his stomach churn.
He was sick. At the same time, he refused to treat the symptoms. It was a demonic thing. Any indication of weakness was a recipe for cannibalism. After Sousuke Aizen, Gin Ichimaru, Tousen Kaname couped and killed at least a dozen of their coven members, Toushirou didn’t dare test his luck. He remembered all too well he wasn’t the only thing which lurked in the darkness, as ironic as it was.
Toushirou distracted himself from such miserable thoughts. The coven group chat displayed several new messages. Juushirou was abuzz about Mayuri's latest disappearance, as if that oddball didn't have a new act every weekend. Toushirou made sure to let Juushirou know not to worry about that clown privately. Toushirou was one of the newest members of their coven, after his former coven was incorporated into Seireitei due to their small number's inability to handle the increase of ghoul attacks, and since he was so new and youthful, he was still leered at. He knew it was necessary to make friends. Juushirou, a handsome and ancient fae, was amiable and liked by almost everyone. He was a great in for Toushirou.
He glanced at himself in the mirror by the door one last time. His suit was starched, his bedhead handsome. Telecommunications wasn't his favorite occupation, but it was better than his managerial position at McDonalds. It wasn't like his demonic pride was intact in the first place.
At five in the morning, traffic was a blur of barren red lights until the intersection a block away from the call center where he was employed. Brittany Coschtz pulled up in her little Prius, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, with her shiny pink hair pulled back into a messy bun, and her smile wide as the Amazon River. She was pretty. Toushirou let himself go in recent years when he compared himself to her. His neck sinews smoothed out, his chest was undefined. Nonetheless, he couldn't help but imagine sexual exchanges.
Brittany pulled ahead of him once the light turned green. His wood shrank. Toushirou missed the flat expanse of his groin.
In the parking lot, Toushirou paused when he came upon the security guard in the middle of a heated argument with an older woman.
Seconds later, Toushirou disregarded the encounter. It wasn't the first time someone trespassed and was warded off by security. His job was to train entry-level phone staff. It wasn't his concern.
"Good morning class," Toushirou said when he finally arrived to the training room. "Cell phones away, it's not like there's service down here anyways."
Phones were tucked away before he confiscated them. He began to boot up his desktop. "We're starting with escalations today. Bring up the curriculum and select the first hyperlink under escalations."
"Toushirou, did you see the chick outside?"
He rolled his eyes. Of course they wouldn't share his apathy to the subject. "Yes. I walked right past her and Dwight talking. He's got it covered. Don't worry about it."
"I saw Brittnay pull in earlier, but I didn't see her come in. Is she okay?"
"Everything is fine. Let's just get to work. Dwight has been working security here for sixteen years. He's more than capable of taking care of trespassers."
"Yeah, but like... did you see her teeth? She had like giant fangs. Are they fake?"
That did concern Toushirou. He hadn't picked up any ghoulish malevolence, though. Who knew what it was.
All said and done, Toushirou was disconcerted. What if they were to be attacked within the hour? Toushirou worked so long to preserve the life he crafted for himself. It took years to reach a comfortable job, to blend into humanity. He wasn't sure he had the patience to completely change his identity in the event he had to protect himself.
"Alright, everyone open the curriculum and go to week three and start on Situational Calls Overview. We'll go over it as a class in half an hour. If you forgot to clock in, make sure to send me a time card correction now so I can fix it."
Not a second later, the sound of crushed rocks ripped through the room. The force of the shockwave sent Toushirou into the opposite wall. He was covered in brick dust, it tasted like ash.
Toushirou became livid.
He grew a webbed crown and serrated teeth from his head. His fingers and toes lengthened and tapered off, crystalline scales sprout from his pores. His tailbone grew like a new spine into a thick tail like a lizard's.
He snarled at the two wretched ghouls. They fucking stank. It made his sinuses buzz from the irritant. His claws itched to fucking gut them.
He lunged with an open hand wound back to take out its head. His claws tore through the ghoul's side. He spun and slammed his heel into the gut of the other ghoul. Alas, the severe internal damage to both monsters unfazed them.
"Stubborn cunts!" Toushirou bellowed. He kicked one of them square in the ribs an he used it as a springboard to kick its partner with his razor-sharp toes.
He was pushed off his perch. His chest heaved like he was hyperventilating. Toushirou with his ancient tongues struggled to articulate something that described the feeling. Mechanically, he pushed himself up, and he slipped in a pool of oil. His blood.
The ghouls descended. He shrieked and flailed.
Toushirou would not let himself die at the hands of some fucking byproduct.
His bloodied palms slapped against his chest. From his back grew wings, and with a single thrust he launched himself into the air.
The train stopped every-fucking-where in the UK, and when Karin, Ichigo, and Rukia realized that, they collectively agreed to take a nap. Karin had trouble sleeping, however.
Rukia was a petite woman who met them at the station. Her and Ichigo were good friends. Strangely enough, Karin was never told about Rukia, but Ichigo was absent-minded and forgot about a lot of things, especially things which kept them in the loop.
Like the one time he and some friends he had in high school were exploring a storm drain when it suddenly flooded. Ichigo was pummeled by debris and forgot to tell his family about it. Subsequently, he constantly forgot to change his bandages, and about a month and a half after the flood when Karin realized he was injured, she helped redress his wounds and happened upon an exponentially worse wound. Of course, he chalked up the pain to bruising. Karin's brother was a dumbass.
As tired as Karin was, she was nervous to meet Kisuke Urahara. She replayed her earlier conversation with Rukia once again.
"Rukia, are you from Seireitei?" Karin asked as they were led into a private carriage.
"Of course I am. You won't find any other covens where we're going. Our leader doesn't tolerate the division of power. Yamamoto's power is absolute, and he's become more iron-fisted with this ghoul infestation."
"I know it's getting bad back in Karakura, but in London, I can't go anywhere outside of an armored, insulated car. The ghouls are so great in number that they swarm upon catching our scent."
"And we have to go there in order to meet Urahara?" Karin asked.
"Yes. Although, I'm not sure why he needs you, Karin," Rukia replied.
"He asked for the strongest of us. Karin is in heat," Ichigo said.
"Oh, that explains the smell, at least," Rukia replied. Karin wasn't one to be ashamed over her base needs, but she wished Ichigo wasn't so open about her maturation. It felt like there was a revolving door into her sex life. For someone like Karin, who preferred all facets of her life neatly compartmentalized, the overlap was absolute hell.
Ichigo quickly changed the subject. "Any guesses why Urahara wants the strongest of us?"
"Honestly? Sacrifice," Rukia postulated. Karin never came into contact with a full-blooded demon in the past, and especially not when she needed something from them. Uryuu told her how demons adored bloodshed and debt though. They loved it even more than a starved vampire loved blood.
"Cheerful today, aren't you?" Ichigo mumbled.
"You asked."
"I really hope they haven't asked for the strongest to send on a mission or some shit. Those ghouls are getting nastier. I don't want to get caught up in that alone," Karin confessed. She was rarely scared, never for herself, but Karin feared the unknown above all else.
Like when her mother passed away. Karin vividly remembered Masaki's funeral, where she refused to cry because if she started, she wasn't sure she could stop. Her father obsessed over the bills for awhile, and because of that, Karin lost a lot of sleep over the thought of homelessness, and then her grades dropped. She was so scared to unbottle her fear that the only way she kept from bursting like a hot dog over an open flame was to hurt hersel. There was still a scar on her stomach.
Rukia reached between them and held her hands like her big sister Yuzu did. "You won't be alone," Rukia assured Karin, "I promise."
Karin, unsure how to respond to sincere and earnest affection, changed the subject. "So who is this Urahara guy?"
"He's a demon exiled from the Seireitei coven. He's largely hailed as a genius though, so we had no choice but to reach out to him about the ghoul infestation. Here we are now," Rukia explained.
"How bad is it in London, then?" Karin asked.
"Martial Law is being discussed by Parliament."
"You've gotta be shitting me.... It's gotten that bad already?" Ichigo said. "Oh god, I thought we had it bad."
"It's torture, honestly. I haven't been able to go to work since I almost always end up getting ambushed whenever I leave my flat. If I don't apply medicated lotion, which I happen to be allergic to, I can't even go outside because they catch my scent." Rukia pulled up her sleeve and showed her bright red hives. Karin swallowed a thick lump in her throat.
"Jesus Christ," Ichigo said. "Rukia, why didn't you tell me? We have fae in our coven. They'll certainly have something for you to alleviate some pain."
"I consulted one of our own fae, Juushirou Ukitake. Even with undiluted blood, he couldn't help me. Our witches allied with our coven can't even help."
"Look, let me talk to Orihime. She has considerable healing powers. We'll see what we can do for you."
"This is sweet and all," Karin said, "but how're we gonna meet up with this Urahara guy?"
"There will be an armored truck for us at the station," Rukia said. "The driver knows where to take us."
"This isn't sketchy or anything…" Karin grumbled.
Four and a half hours after that, Karin was still nervous like the conversation was fresh. When they pulled to a stop in London, and Karin saw a windowless van outside her window, she felt sick.
Tessai Tsukabishi and Kisuke Urahara were in the kitchen when Toushirou Hitsugaya crashed through the ceiling onto Tessai.
"Fuck," Kisuke cursed. Tessai very coolly laid Toushirou on his back. The boy's lips were an unearthly green from hypovolemia. "Get the kids. Let them know we'll be having guests. Remind them to use the incense while they're waiting," he said. "I'll fix this kid up in the meantime."
"Alright, dear, holler if you need anything."
Kisuke opened his shirt. His insides crawled towards Toushirou.
Karin's head collided with the truck's interior and she cursed at the top of her lungs. "Careful up there! You're gonna bash my fucking brains in!"
"Karin… calm down," Ichigo told her. She spun towards him, her nostrils flared, and he looked away.
"That's what I fucking thought," she grumbled.
"We shouldn't be much longer," Rukia assured them.
Sure enough, the truck came to a stop, and the engine was killed. Karin, Rukia, and Ichigo happily crawled out of the back of the truck. A chill went down Karin’s spine. A reanimated corpse certainly explained the haphazard driving. If Kisuke Urahara wasn't above reanimation, though, what did he have in mind for her?
"This way," Rukia said. They entered through the back door of a green, two-story house, closed off with a warped wooden fence even taller than her brother. Someone the smell of mosquito repellent permeated from the very ground itself.
They followed Rukia down a bare concrete staircase to a dimly-lit, half-finished basement. There were six other people crammed together around a short poker table and covered in a fog of incense.
"Welcome. I'm glad you could make it," said a young woman, around Karin's age, with dark hair and ice-blue eyes. "My name is Ururu Tsumugiya. I'm one of Kisuke's children. He had a last minute patient come in so he had to take care of that first. He should be done shortly, however. In the meantime, have a seat."
Rukia pulled up a chair, but Ichigo and Karin shared a look that told them both the other one was more comfortable standing.
"No offense, but the tension is thick as hell here," Ichigo announced.
"That's because Toushirou Hitsugaya was attacked by ghouls this morning at his place of employment," said a youthful woman, with blond hair and rows of jagged teeth. "He's here now. Kisuke Urahara is patching him up."
Ichigo and Rukia became visibly disturbed. "Tier… this can't be true," Rukia said. "What happened?"
"That's all we know so far," Tier said.
"If you ask me, if he kicks the bucket, it's his own fault for not being able to defend himself," said a giant, black-haired man.
"Karin… these are Genryuusai Yamamoto, Kenpachi Zaraki, Yachiru Kusajishi, Ururu, Tier Harribel, and Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez," Rukia quickly explained to Karin. "This can't be true, though. Hitsugaya is one of our strongest entities! He couldn't have been overpowered by ghouls."
"He's not going to die," Tier said coolly, "But it's the truth."
"We're in quite a dire situation," Genryuusai said. He was certainly as intense as Rukia made him out to be. Even when he lamented, Karin felt like he was angry with her specifically. She decided she didn't like Genryuusai Yamamoto. Karin figured he was under a lot of stress, but he was also inconsiderate enough to not reign in his malevolence.
"Is this really your strongest, Ichigo? I'm surprised," Kenpachi Zaraki said. "I was under the impression you were the strongest."
"She's in heat," Ichigo said.
"Hey, I am right here, people. Instead of bringing it up to my brother, bring it up to me," Karin snapped.
"She's right," Tier said with a nasty glare aimed at Kenpachi, "if you have questions concerning Karin, ask her." He uncomfortably shifted in his seat.
"I'm sure she'd be much more comfortable if you stopped bringing up her maturation, Ichigo."
Karin, and most the other table, leapt to action at the sudden intrusion. Ururu was suddenly in front of them. The hollow barrel of a gun obscured Karin's vision.
"Alright, everyone calm down. I didn't mean to startle everyone…" Kisuke said. Slowly, weapons were lowered.
"These are certainly trying times, if every single one of you are on edge," Kisuke said as he took a seat. "I'm glad to announce I've found a way to eradicate this problem, however."
"And how is that?" Genryuusai asked.
"If you let him speak, he would tell you," Tier quipped.
"This… isn't going to be to your liking. Tier, Kenpachi, and Karin. You three are the strongest from your current covens. We are going to combine your powers, essentially."
"That's it?" Kenpachi asked.
"Well… no. This is an extremely experimental procedure, so I have no idea how it works to begin with, and I have no idea how the three of you will come out."
"These extreme measures for… for a ghoul infestation?" Ichigo exclaimed. "Absolutely not! I'm not letting my sister go through this thing without knowing what the hell she's gonna come out like."
"There's more to this infestation than he's letting on," Yamamoto announced.
Kisuke interlaced his fingers and laid his chin on them. "Unfortunately…. This hasn't been proven yet, but I believe there is a certain individual within our ranks responsible for the increased ghoul activity."
"You mean someone had begun puppeteering them?" Rukia said.
"Well, who is it?" Yamamoto spat.
"I'm not sure…. It could be Sousuke Aizen, Mayuri Kurotsuchi, and Shuutara Senjumaru. They are the only individuals with the means to achieve this caliber of invasion. I have no clues to which one it might be. But all of them are shrewd and powerful. We need extra firepower to take down the villainous one."
And if they didn't, they would all be attacked, one by one, until they were all annihilated.
"I'm in," Karin said. "I don't care what you think, Ichigo. We have to do this."
Ichigo stood stiller than a statue, stunned by Karin's resolution. It hurt her to see him that way. As much as Karin loved her family, there were problems bigger than them to begin with.
Tier sighed. "I suppose I'm obligated to protect my people, as well."
"I'm just down for a good fight," Kenpachi said.
"Then let's get the three of you ready."
Momo crashed into Nemu's family room. Mayuri Kurotsuchi was instantly neutralized by a ball of fire. It wasn't enough to kill him. All Momo wanted was to question Nemu why she apologized right before Toushirou blew up.
For the time being, at least.
Nemu cowered beneath a desk as Momo stormed over. Normally, the sight would have made Momo's heart quiver, because she knew what that kind of terror felt like, the icy terror of angry loved ones who you adored with every bit of soul. But family didn't murder their loved ones. Momo was no saint in that department, but she hadn't killed anyone knowing their innocence.
"What the fuck do you know about my brother?" Momo bellowed as she grabbed Nemu and lifted her into the air. "If I don't think you're being honest, I'll hurt you."
"I'm sorry," Nemu wept. "I tried talking him out of it. I know how much Toushirou means to you, but Mayuri refused to listen to me. He said Toushirou is too much of a threat."
"For what?"
"He wants to take over London, and then Europe from there. He's making ghouls for an army. He says making the strongest of the Seireitei into ghouls will increase his manpower several fold."
"You're lying!" Momo snapped. "Demons cannot be made into ghouls. They're a mindless byproduct of our feeding on humans."
"He's a genius. He found a way to splice DNA or something. I got so scared I couldn't hear anymore." Nemu attempted to pry Momo's hand off her neck. "You know what it's like. You know he'll kill me if I try to run away."
"So you fucking killed my family?" In her fit, Momo threw Nemu across the room. She readied a ball of fire. "You never told us a thing. You know Izuru and I would have done anything for you! But you never said anything."
"I'm sorry," Nemu cried. "I didn't want him to hurt me."
Momo faltered. She understood, better than anyone else. She understood, because Sousuke was the same.
"I hate myself for siccing ghouls on Toushirou, but I didn't have any other choice." Nemu stood and hugged Momo. "I love you so much, Momo. I didn't know what to do."
Momo picked Nemu up. She tenderly held her. "I forgive you," she said. "Let's get you out of here, honey. We'll get you help, okay?"
Suddenly, Momo's head exploded with a monumental headache. Blood flowed down their faces. The two toppled to the floor, where Momo saw Mayuri loom over them.
"Get up, Nemu," he ordered, "that's not going to keep her down long."
Nemu stood. Momo may as well have cried with Nemu as they dragged her down a flight of stairs. Momo knew she was bound to be turned into a ghoul like Toushirou, so she wailed, despite how her ears rang.
"Help me," she pleaded. Nemu only cried and apologized between her hyperventilations.
"Help me," Momo pleaded, as they threw her battered body onto a steel gurney. "Please, help me."
Nemu escaped to a chair by the door. Momo's head lolled to the side to watch Mayuri flick a hypodermic needle with his freakish manicure. Inside, a green mass, green like watered grass, swam. Momo could only beg to be let go as he approached with that awful serum.
When he stuck Momo's arm, her entire world crashed around her for the second time in her life.
Momo was murdered and her body enslaved by a sick motherfucker. First her soul, then her body followed. She hoped death would be total that time around as her arm rot at the injection site.
"Come, Nemu, we have other work that needs to be done," Mayuri said. Momo was left with a heavy sense of dread.
And anger. Again, Momo was betrayed by someone who was supposed to love her, it made her a fool, but she was tired of her compassion misused by cruel, selfish bastards.
"Burn," she growled. They all could burn for all she cared.
"Burn." She gushed fire, like a geyer.
"Burn." Her flames touched the plaster ceiling and blackened golf ball sized spots.
Fire, white from rage, burst out of her body, whirled around the room like a typhoon, and blew apart Mayuri's house. Momo pushed rubble off her body. She stung from head to toe from her burns. Nonetheless, the cops were on their way. She had to go.
Masaki sat in front of Karin. In the mirror behind her mother, Karin saw herself as a child again, with short hair mussed from her baseball cap and a band-aid on her cheek and weird, gangly limbs and her adult fangs too big in her mouth.
"Are you okay, my dear?" Masaki asked.
Karin wanted to tell Masaki she died more than a decade ago. But it was like the day before her mother's death. Karin wanted to throw herself into her mother's arms and never let go.
"I'm okay," Karin said. The mirror and the walls bled kanji characters. Kill her, it read.
Karin's heart sank in her stomach.
"I'm gonna take a bath," Karin said.
"Leave the door unlocked," Masaki told her.
Karin dashed upstairs and turned on the bath water. She cursed quietly. What the hell was happening? Where the hell was she, if she was somewhere which demanded her mother's murder?
Was it part of Kisuke's ritual? If so, what the hell was she supposed to do? Was she supposed to kill her mother, or find another way to defeat her and abide by a secret moral of the quest?
Either way, Karin was nauseated. Obviously she wasn't a stranger to murder. She killed many ghouls, had some accidents when she was immature. It was different when it was someone close to her.
The stairs creaked. The back of Karin's neck bristled like an animal alerted to danger. She locked the bathroom door.
How the hell was she supposed to get out of there?
The walls bled murder again. The bathroom door rattled violently. "Karin-chan," it boomed with a perverted rendition of her mother's voice, "I told you not to lock the door! Open up this second!" Karin dug through the vanity. Whoever was on the other side of that door wasn't Karin's mother. Masaki passed away years ago. The Masaki beyond the door was only a nightmare.
Karin popped out the razor blades from one of the fresh razors. She fit them between the fingers of her right hand. Sweat beaded down her neck and stained her shirt.
Gingerly, she reached out to unlock the door, when it splintered. She screamed and backpedalled, only to be pounced on. Blearily, she saw Masaki's hair curtain her from the light above. Drool, foul to the nose, fell on her cheek, and despite the water in her eyes, she made out jagged laniary.
Karin slapped the beast. It reared back thanks to the cut she gave it. Karin rushed past it for the kitchen. She dropped the razors in the sink and picked up their largest knife from its seat in the knife block. The creature topped down the stairs with elongated limbs. Karin saw, with her eyes clear of wood, she doled significant damage to its face.Karin readied her knife as it charged. When it leapt into the air to tackle Karin, it fell onto the knife.
Karin let the beast down. Although winded, Karin cried fresh. Her mother's hair was beautiful.
She tossed the knife into the sink, wiped her hands on her pants, and exited through the front door.
Karin popped out of the membrane she floated in. She hoisted herself up, rolled her shoulders, squeezed out the excess fluid in her hair, and sighed.
She felt different. Hungrier.
Karin stumbled through the surreal landscape. Ichigo waited by the door. He wrapped her in a pink shroud.
“I’m so hungry,” Karin mumbled.
“Okay, let’s get you something to eat. Come with me. Let’s get you washed off and something in your stomach.”
Karin’s body felt ill fit. Karin scrubbed herself with all kinds of suds and soaps and perfumes but the feeling didn’t fade.
She stepped out, pressed a towel against her hair, and wrapped it around her torso. Ichigo was outside with sweats, boxers, and a sports bra. She dressed, and when Karin returned outside, he wrapped her waist in a gait belt.
“Kisuke says vertigo will be an issue until you eat. Otherwise, are you okay?” Ichigo asked.
“Yes,” Karin whispered.
“What was it like in there?”
"I don't want to talk about it."
“You had to be the worst of the worst, didn’t you?”
Karin nodded. Ichigo's eyes were straight ahead. He looked sad, and it didn't evoke the sympathy it did before.
“Come on, let’s get you some food.” Ichigo guided her by her gait belt. She did stumble once on their way to the kitchen up a flight of stairs, but otherwise, the trip wasn't anything noteworthy.
She was sat at the island counter in a dim, windowless kitchen. Ururu, Kisuke's daughter, entered a moment later.
"I was hoping you would be the one to make it out. God knows that derelict Kenpachi wouldn't have been very useful."
"I wouldn't say that. I can still feel him in me, his bloodlust," Karin said before Ichigo tossed her a disposable blood package. "He may not be the most cooperative to you, but he'll prove essential in the future."
Tier was quite rational and analytic. She was kind enough to have shared her experience with Karin.
"I've been wondering how exactly these ghouls are increasing in number so quickly. I can't think of any current events that would lead to such a flux of byproducts," Ururu said.
"Geez… you're right. Sousuke Aizen's experiments are almost all dead now. There hasn't been anyone capable of such destruction gone AWOL either," Ichigo chimed.
"Yet," Karin said. "I'm sure we have a mole in our ranks."
"Who do you think it is?" Ururu asked.
"I don't know. All I know is someone knew to sic a ghoul on Toushirou, and they knew exactly where to sic them. He smelled like he took great measures to blend in with humanity. He couldn't have been caught by surprise. And who else would know when and where are ride would come pick us up?"
"Holy shit," Ichigo cursed. "Does your dad know about this?"
"I'm sure he's figured it out."
"So he's using us to find evidence so he doesn't make claims that Yamamoto is gonna say are outlandish."
"That's where my money is, and whoever it is, Urahara knows we'll need something like you, Karin, to stop them," Ururu replied. Her phone vibrated in her shirt pocket. "Just a minute. Urahara and Company, this is Ururu."
Ururu's eyes widened. "Bring Momo here. We'll operate immediately. Thanks, Shuuhei." Ururu clapped her phone shut. "I have to prep the operating room. Looks like we have an unusual situation come up."
"Best of luck," Karin said.
Momo was not a happy fucking camper, especially when her body still regenerated. Her favorite fucking coat altogether evaporated too.
All she fucking wanted was to use someone's phone for two seconds to call Izuru.
"Drop your phone. If I have to tell you one more time, I'm gonna fucking burn you," she snarled.
It was a child. They cried like Nemu cried, like a scared kid. Momo had time for guilt after she killed Mayuri.
"Drop. Your phone. I will count to three. I will kill you if I don't have your phone."
The kid tried to run. She pounced and burnt hair filled her nostrils as she bent to pick up their fucking phone. Dumbass kid, she grumbled.
"Baby, I'm really fucked up. I blew myself to shit."
"Momo, oh my God you're alive! Where are you?"
"I don't know," she replied.
"Stay put, baby, we're looking for you. Keep an eye out of Shuuhei's dogs, okay?"
"Izuru, I'm really fucked up."
"Look, we found Toushirou. He's being treated by Urahara. We'll take you there to get fixed up, okay? Just hang in there. Talk to me."
"I didn't mean to worry you." Momo's legs gave out on the grass. "I just got so mad. Nemu sent me a text apologizing right after I heard Toushirou got blown the fuck up." She wept. "Izuru, her and Mayuri are behind the ghoul attacks. He spliced DNA or something. I think he tried to turn me into one. I would've been real fucked if I didn't blow up.”
"You did good, baby. You did so good. Just hang in there. You're gonna be okay. Baby, tell me about your day at work."
"She was crying when he stuck me, you know, with that stupid ghoul DNA. She doesn't know what else to do. Don't be mad with her." Momo's regeneration couldn't keep up. She would expire soon, so she had to make sure Izuru knew everything that happened. "Tell her we still love her."
"No, you have to tell her yourself. Stay awake for us, baby. Tell me about work."
Momo's face was licked by a dog. She stared into it's eight, sweet, soulful eyes. "The only good men are dogs. I missed you, Venom."
"Venom is there? Venom, take her to Kisuke Urahara! Flatworm, feed her a piece of you!"
Flatworm was a Labradoodle-flatworm-dog with the ability of high speed regeneration. If part of its tongue was eaten, the consumer would shave death off for a good hour, and Venom, a rottweiler-spider-shaped dog, coughed up silk and wrapped Momo in it upon Shuuhei's command. It was cool and soft. Momo hummed peacefully and let the darkness of sleep take her.
Momo gratefully swallowed a piece of Flatworm's tongue. She would live for another day.
Izuru and Shuuhei rolled her onto a makeshift gurney they threw together with a canvas drop and a dolly. Izuru held her hand in the back, pleaded with her to stay conscious a minute more. When Momo was rolled out of the truck, they were grey shapes that took her inside and put her beneath a bright light.
Yuzu choked. She futilely attempted to pry her attacker off.
"How cute. You're very cute, Yuzu Kurosaki. Even when you smell like fish, you’re cute."
Addie's body rest upon the stained and rank sheets of her bed. Yuzu couldn't bear to look at the carnage. Not then, not ever. It was as futile as her escape, though. The image was burned into her brain.
"Don't worry, cute little Yuzu. You won't be in pain for much longer."
He brandished a thick syringe. She kicked her legs. As if she could avoid her fate, a cynical part of her thought. Her diluted vampire blood left her defenseless. When it plunged into her neck, she went limp.
"It'll be over soon," he promised her.
It was euphoric and nightmarish. Her arms and her legs went numb, her vision tunneled.
Yuzu realized she was dying.
"I know it's scary, but you can now serve a greater purpose." Her mystery attacker told her as he pet her hair.
Yuzu looked to the young woman who stood silently in the corner. She silently begged to be helped.
The young woman didn't even flinch. She only whispered to herself.
"Nemu, pick her up and let's go," her captor said after he shoved a bag over her head. "We've got things to do."
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rainforestgeek · 5 years
If you lose your strength to stand (I’m gonna reach for your hand) pt. 9 “Tell Me it’s Not for Nothing”
Part 8
AO3 link
The next morning Keith woke up from the deepest sleep he’d had in years. Light breath purred against his neck. Matt’s arm draped over his side and they lay pressed together back-to-chest. He was loathe to leave the warm bed, or disturb Matt, but Keith had things to do. He’d indulged in this comfort long enough.
He carefully extricated himself from the blankets, slipping out of Matt’s hold and into the cool ship air. He gathered his space suit and armor from the floor and started getting dressed.
Keith was strapping his blade to his belt when Matt stirred. He sat up and stretched. Keith indulgently took in his lithe, muscular torso and toned shoulders. It felt so good to be explicitly allowed to look. Especially with the memory of all that smooth skin under his hands. Matt grinned sleepily. “Hey.”
“Morning. You should get ready. It’s probably gonna be a long day.”
“So romantic.”
Keith’s face burned. He mentally scrambled for a response.
“Sorry, I’m just kidding.” Matt got up and gave Keith’s temple a gentle kiss before pulling on his pants.
Keith relaxed, relieved. Words returned to him. “I’m going to the dining hall. You should stay and eat breakfast here. I know Pidge’ll be happy to see you, too.” He made to leave.
“Wait, Keith.”
He stopped and turned back.
“Um.” Seeing Matthew Holt look uncertain was so bizarre. He kept looking from the floor to the ceiling and back to the floor.
Keith waited.
“Last night, I ran into Lance in the hallway. Is…should…you’ve known him for a while now. What kind of guy is he?”
Uh. Out of left fucking field. But then again, most questions came across to Keith that way. “In summary, he’s a dependable idiot.”
“What do you mean by idiot?”
“He pretends to be an asshole. It’s distracting when he flirts with girls on missions.”
“Has he ever flirted with Pidge?”
He thought for a second. “I don’t think so. Matt, if you’re worried about Lance playing Pidge or something, don’t. They’re close. He wouldn’t do that.” He hesitated, then, trying to be comforting, took Matt’s hand and squeezed it.
Matt’s eyes focused on him. He leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips, lingering a moment. “Thanks, Keith.”
Keith couldn’t understand why a simple kiss like that flustered him so much when they’d had sex just last night. He swallowed. “See you at breakfast.”
Out in the hallway he saw Lance in his street clothes standing in front of Pidge’s room. He didn’t do anything, just stared at the door with his hands deep in his pockets.
“What are you doing?”
Lance jumped. “Umnothingjust – ”
“Okay, wrong question. Why are you standing outside Pidge’s room instead of knocking like a normal person?”
“Are you really telling me what normal people do?” He glared at Keith, but there was no real heat in his voice. He started walking in the direction of the dining hall. “Whatever. I just…we’re dealing with so much stuff today and I don’t know if she’s still asleep and she’d rip my face off if I woke her up, so excuse me for being a tiny bit afraid of knocking.”
Keith fell into step with him. “Don’t worry about it. Coran will get Pidge out of bed.”
“Why are we still talking about Pidge?”
“Why are you talking about Pidge?”
“Because you are!”
“I’m not the one waiting outside her bedroom first thing in the morning.”
“You – !” All the blood rushed to Lance’s face and he huffed like an agitated dragon. Keith had almost forgotten how fun it was riling him up. And familiar. He couldn’t resist poking further.
“Did you need to tell her something in private? Something secret?”
“I CANNOT believe I actually missed you, you jerk!” Lance stormed off ahead.
You did? Keith thought.
That was weird hearing so directly from Lance. He knew Pidge and Hunk did, and obviously Shiro –
His fists clenched. Shiro wasn’t here. He hadn’t been for a long time. Keith physically restrained himself from punching something.
He never did see Pidge that morning. She wasn’t at breakfast, and she wasn’t at the tactical meeting with Emperor Lotor either. Coran and Lotor and the other paladins were on the bridge when he followed Matt inside, star maps projected through the air, but no sign of their smartest teammate. And he wasn’t the only one who noticed.
“Where’s Pidge?” Hunk asked.
“Sequestered in my rooms with the mice,” Allura said. “She is running analyses on data she gathered from the clone. She came to tell me earlier and I decided not to interrupt her progress.”
“Speaking of which. How the hell did a galra spy get on board the Castle?” Lance demanded.
Keith avoided eye contact when he replied. “I don’t get it. The Black Lion took me to him. She recognized him as Shiro.”
“Yeah. Can’t the Lions, like, see inside our souls?” Hunk asked. “Unless you can make an exact copy of somebody’s brain it doesn’t make sense. Wait, is that possible?”
“It’s irrelevant,” Allura said. “The Lions bond with our quintessence. The very fundamental energies of our lives.”
“So how do you copy quintessence?”
“You cannot. Not even the Druids are capable of such magic.” Lotor looked thoughtful. “Shiro spent time as a prisoner of the empire, yes? Fighting for entertainment?”
“What’s your point?” Matt said.
“He has a cyborg prosthetic arm, work of the Druids no doubt. Which means they must possess the original arm. It's probable they extracted its quintessence and grew it in the clone.”
Lance made a disgusted noise. “How do you do that with a dead arm?!”
“Keeping the tissue alive is a simple matter for Haggar, Red Paladin.”
“It is revolting. But more than possible,” Allura agreed.
“But that’s still just speculation,” Matt said. “We know there’s been a spy inside Voltron. It doesn’t matter how if we don’t know why. What specifically does she want out of all this? Why hasn’t she used more insider information?”
“It’d be invaluable to know, Matt. But on that we also have nothing but speculation. What do you think, Lotor?” Allura asked.
He frowned. “I agree that the witch’s plan is of the utmost importance; however, I would remind you, Princess: it must not compromise our efforts to stabilize the rest of the galra,” Lotor said.
Lance half-raised his hand. “Correct me if I’m wrong here, but isn’t that plan in danger as long as we don’t know what Haggar is up to?”
“So we’ll multitask.” Allura sighed. “It is risky, I know. But concentrating our efforts solely on the rogue galra or the Druids would allow the other threat to grow unchecked. We must do our best to tackle both problems at once. I would still like your assistance with the rogues and quintessence, Hunk.”
“Yeah, of course. I’ve been studying Honerva’s science log and I’ve got some ideas.”
“In the meantime,” said Lance, “I’m gonna question Ezor. See what she has to say for herself.”
Keith snorted. Something about Lance leading an interrogation struck him as funny. “What are you going to do – annoy her into talking?”
“Ha, ha, laugh it up Mullet, you’re coming down there with me.”
“Of course I am! She could tell us where Shiro is.” Keith realized as the echo died around him that he'd shouted.
Lance gripped his shoulder. “We’ll get answers this time, Keith. I promise.”
Matt pitched in,“Pidge told me last night she’s making something that can help with that.”
Lance let go and took a step away from them. He said, “That sounds scary. Should I be scared?”
Matt fixed him with a look. One that Keith wasn’t familiar with. “Should you?”
Swallowing visibly, Lance replied, “Of Pidge or anything she makes? As a rule, terrified.”
Matt seemed to like that answer. Keith felt some kind of subtext between the two that definitely went over his head.
Lance wondered how many half galra they were going to have behind this glass. They were at two, now. One more and it’s a pattern.
Matt followed them down, making Lance feel tense.  His face was as closed-off as it had been last night, except this time without the joking mask. Now his expression was straight-up stone. But hopefully having his new boyfriend around would help Keith keep from going off like an IED.
Keith on the other hand had his arms crossed. Pretty standard Keith stuff.
Ezor was laying on the floor with her feet propped against the wall. Her soles smushed against the glass, smearing traces of dirt on it.
Keith hit the big intercom button. “Time to talk.”
The galra swung her feet down and sat up to look at them. “Ooooh, the underlings grace me with their presence. Where’s Mr. Bitch Slap and Miss Queen of the Universe?”
Lance stepped closer to the glass and tried to look confident. “Sorry. You won’t be seeing the princess any time soon, let alone get your hands on her.”
Ezor cocked her head. “Whelp, sucks for me, because that sort of impedes me doing my job.”
“Okay. You’re fired.”
“Lucky me.”
“Look, we don’t care about you. We want to know where Haggar is.”
“What’s in it for me?” She asked lazily, leaning back on her hands.
“We don’t kill you,” Keith growled.
Ezor shrugged. “Eh. That sounds about right. Haggar’s probably with Sendak, pulling his little puppet strings.”
“That would mean she’s dead. Which we know isn’t true.” Matt sounded just the tiniest bit proud despite performing his best imitation of an ice statue.
“Huh. Then I don’t know.”
“Hey Lance, I’m smelling a giant pile of horse shit,” Matt said, turning to face him.
Lance bit back a snicker. “It’s really stinking up the place. Think we should eject it?”
“Can’t smell it if it’s in space.”
“Rude.” Ezor protested.
“Then make yourself useful, and quick.”
She huffed. “I don’t have a tracker on the woman, I don’t know where she is.”
“But you’re working for her. You and the other generals,” Lance said.
“Look, we’re just trying to survive by now, okay? Lotor went bozo – years of dedicated service all to become universal outcasts. Most people would do anything to avoid execution and I’m no exception. But I must say, this is the nicest cell I’ve been in so far.”
“You’re a mercenary.”
“And dodging the question.” Matt narrowed his eyes. “If you want to stay alive, then tell us what you know about Haggar’s plan. What’s she after?”
“Oh that’s easy: take down Voltron. You’re really slow around here.”
“From the inside. Nice try, but no cigar," Lance snarked.
Keith whispered. “I don’t think she smokes.”
“Are you kidding me right now?” he whispered back.
“Oh good job! You found the little project she planted.” Ezor’s tone was more condescending than all Lance’s most hateful middle school teachers combined. “Guess you do have two neurons to rub together if you weeded out the spy.”
“What has she done with Shiro?” Keith demanded.
“The original? That one’s probably dead.”
The words hit Lance like falling hail. He waited for Keith to blow up at her. When nothing happened, he glanced to his left to see Matt squeezing Keith from behind in a tight hug. Keith’s eyes slid shut and his breathing evened out.
Matt looked at the general evenly. “You’re lying. You were on the ground, alone. You had to have set up a rendezvous point.”
Lance swallowed back the ice in his throat. “Yeah! Where were you gonna go after killing Allura?”
All three of them jumped at what happened next: Ezor fell onto the floor and started cackling. She laughed so loud she clearly couldn’t breathe. Her red face turned magenta.
“What the fuck is so funny?” Keith said.
“She – does not – want the pri – princess dead, you primitive worms. My – ” she took a moment to regain her composure. “My orders were to kidnap the princess.”
“Then where was the rendezvous point?!”
She smirked. “Right at the border of the Patrulian Zone. You can chase her there if you want, but if you go there you’ll definitely die.”
Patrulian Zone…Patrulian Zone…Quiznak, why did that sound so familiar?
Matt frowned. “She’s right. No one uses any route through that section of space anymore. Too many ships have gone missing.”
It suddenly hit Lance. If an actual light bulb had manifested itself above his head just to go off at that moment, he’d totally believe it. “HOLY CROW!”
He sprinted towards the elevator and shouted over his shoulder, “Keep questioning, I’ve got to tell Allura!” He ran to the bridge, which was empty, then searched the Castle at top speed until he arrived at the princess’s bed chambers. He swallowed back the awkwardness about approaching her in her private space. He knocked on the doors.
“Allura? It’s Lance, I’ve got important news!”
Her voice came muffled from inside. “Come in, Lance.”
He opened the door and skidded inside. “We were just interrogating Ezor and she – oh!” He froze. “Um, h-hey Pidge!”
Pidge sat cross-legged on the giant bed with Allura. She was wearing her shorts and windbreaker, and her feet were bare. Her glasses reflected the glow coming from her laptop, which was connected to some weird circular gizmo. All the mice had perched on her head and shoulders to weave tiny braids in her hair. Flames licked up Lance’s face and he quickly looked away to avoid staring. Allura cocked one eyebrow at him from her perch on the bed, and Hunk (whom at first he hadn’t noticed sprawled out on the floor with his ancient holographic science notebook) pointedly looked between Lance and Pidge, only fueling his embarrassment.
“You’re already interrogating her?” Pidge sounded oddly disappointed.
“…Yes?” he replied uncertainly.
She tapped at the gadget plugged into her computer. “Never mind. You were saying?”
“Right, uh. Ezor told us she was trying to kidnap you, Allura, not kill you. We just assumed it was an assassination. Haggar’s orders were to bring you to her at the entrance to Oriande.”
Everyone’s eyes widened. Pidge turned to Allura. “Do you think she could get in?”
The princess shrugged, brows furrowed. “Possibly. She’s technically an Altean with magical gifts. But what she could do with me I don’t know.”
“Maybe she was gonna cut off your arm and seduce you to the dark side.” The stupid joke left his mouth before Lance could stop it. He clapped his hands over his mouth, embarrassed, and heard an agonized groan from Hunk and a cute giggle-snort from Pidge. She bit her fist, plainly trying to hold in her laughter. Lance smiled behind his fingers
“Seduce? I hardly think so!” Allura’s scandalized yelp drew back his attention.
“You see what happens when you say stuff like that?” Hunk said. Lance shot him a glare.
Pidge took several deep breaths, to calm down. It obviously only worked like three-quarters of the way. “It’s a reference to a classic Americ – Earth movie. He means maybe Haggar wants to convert you to her cause, so you can be evil Altean alchemists together.”
Allura wrinkled her nose. “Perhaps. I suppose she only knew where to go because of the clone.” Lance nodded. “Haggar’s lust for power is dangerous. If she gains such mastery of quintessence then she could destroy the economic balance we’re trying to achieve and wreak disaster upon every living thing in the universe.”
Hunk’s eyes had gone so comically wide Lance was amazed they didn’t fall out of his skull. “Are you KIDDING ME? Zarkon is dead and now we have to deal with THIS? You guys do not sound scared enough! How do we stop her? PIDGE?”
“Hunk, lower your voice,” Allura admonished, “you’re scaring the mice.”
Pidge typed away at her computer. “I’ve been analyzing the clone’s galra arm. If we get close enough I might be able to track down Haggar, and since we have a good guess where she’s been…”
“…We could get in range and bring the fight to her. Pidge, you are brilliant!”
Pidge smirked at Allura. “I know.”
Lance’s stomach fluttered – then growled. The conversation was veering where his usefulness vanished anyway, so he made to leave the geniuses to do their thing. Hunk was already talking magical defenses with Allura. “I’m gonna go eat something and get back down to the cell.”
“Wait, I’ll come with you.” Pidge gathered her stuff and jumped clumsily off the bed. She looked and sounded a lot more manic than usual. “You wanna see something stupid?”
“If you hold up a mirror in front of my face, you’re dead to me.”
“Ugh. Opportunity missed. Come on, I just have to get something.” She grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the room. He caught sight of Hunk and Allura looking meaningfully at each other, Allura outright giggling.
Pidge led him through the corridors and to the Green Lion’s hangar. Her work station was a mess. When she let go of his wrist, his skin tingled where she’d touched him.
“How do you find anything on here?” Lance asked, poking at something that looked suspiciously like a mechanical spider.
She batted his hand away. “It helps when nobody moves my stuff.” She handed him an alien bullhorn. Then she covered the opening with some kind of circular fan-looking thing - the one she'd had hooked up to her laptop earlier. It didn’t really look like a fan, but it was the closest comparison Lance could come up with. Pidge pressed the center button, making the outer ring (which she spun a few times like a dial) light up blue. “Okay, say something to me.”
“Is this the thing I heard you were making for interrogating reasons?”
“Lance, just use it like a normal bullhorn and say something.”
He was so torn between annoyance and affection. He was trying so very hard to be annoyed at her – she hauled him around the castle, she kept him up half the night (fine, the Pidge in his head kept him up half the night – technicalities). But despite the obvious bags under her bloodshot eyes, Pidge’s face was lit up like a Christmas tree and she was bouncing in excitement.
So Lance tested out her little invention: “I thought this was gonna be something stupid.” But the words came out in the high pitched, pebbly monotone of an old robot. His eyes widened. He started making little jerky robot movements. “Holy crow Pidge, I’ll never doubt you again.”
She giggled, her face flushing a bit. Probably sleep deprivation. “The dial on the outside changes the voice filters.”
He examined the gadget. “What’s ‘PW’?”
“Patrick Warburton.” Lance looked at her blankly. “The actor? 20, 21st century? One of the most iconic voices in history!”
Lance chuckled. “Since when were you a movie nerd?”
“My mom is. They made some weird-ass cartoons back then. Just try it, Lance.”
He spun the dial to “PW” and said the first thing that came to mind. “Did you sleep at all last night? Whooooaaaa-ho-ho-hooooaa. This is the smoothest, sexiest voice in the history of everything.” He playfully struck a pose. “Hey, girl. Cassanova’s here.”
Pidge laughed so hard she doubled over, hands on her knees, and visibly gasped for breath. Her cheeks turned a striking shade of pink. Lance’s heart break-danced proudly in his chest and he couldn’t have stopped his own grin if he’d tried.
“That was ridiculous.” Pidge’s laughter died out when she tried - and failed - to bite back a yawn. “The other settings are silly but I had to include that one.”
He put down the bullhorn on her warzone of a work table. “It is amazing. Total show-stopper. Is it useful? Or was this, like, stress-relief?”
Pidge took back the gizmo and started fiddling with it. She turned back to her work table, her back facing Lance. “We can attach it to any speaker in the Castle. Any of them. I figured we could hook it up to the containment cell and questioning Ezor will be so much funnier now.”
Lance giggled just thinking about it. “We’re not done interrogating her, you know. We can still use it.”
She turned her head, smiled at him, and continued, “I just figured, you know. Anything to lighten the mood around here. Make things easier for everybody. Yesterday sucked.”
Madre de Dios. That was unexpectedly sweet. In a rough, awkward, Pidge-kind-of way. He wondered how Pidge was dealing with the whole clone Shiro thing. Like, emotionally. She did look a little crazy today.
He frowned when she let loose another huge yawn. “Seriously, how much have you slept?”
She tried to glare at him through her drooping eyes. Valiant try, but dice. He gently tugged her out of the hangar and in the direction of the dining hall. “Enough. I just need some caffeine.”
“Not the same thing as beauty sleep, Pidge.”
“Who cares if I’m beautiful?”
Definitely ignoring that question. “Fine. Big-brain sleep, then.”
He rolled his eyes and they walked in silence.
Completely out of the blue, Pidge muttered, “…reminds me of peanut butter.”
“Patrick Warburton’s voice. It tastes like peanut butter.”
“You can taste sound?”
“Yeah, sort of. It’s called synesthesia. My senses get a little crossed so my brain makes some weird and powerful associations. Green’s purring is like sparkling lemonade. Hunk’s voice is like cinnamon rolls.” Her eyes stared out into nothing, big and unfocused, like she only could pay attention to what she was saying.
Lance hesitated, wondering if he really wanted to know. “What does my voice taste like?” He immediately cringed. Nice going, McClain. She’s gonna think you’re so –
“Um, apples and cream cheese.” Her answer came quickly.
Lance’s thoughts skidded to a stop and he stared at her.
“What? Is it weird?”
“…That’s extremely specific, Pidge.”
She shrugged. She looked at him from the corner of her eye with a mischievous spark. “Be glad yours is positive, like Hunk’s. But Lotor's is black licorice.”
Lance barked out a surprised laugh. “Have I ever told you I love your brain?”
P A N I C.
Pull the fire alarm! Make a run for it! Stop, drop, and roll! Find the emergency exits and pray you don’t die!
Pidge stopped in her tracks and looked at him for a long moment. The sirens blaring in his head steadily quieted. Amber eyes anchored him to the spot, and he couldn’t look away, couldn’t even blink, they were so entrancing. He noticed there were faint stripes of chocolatey brown around the edges of her irises. She looked at him like he was encrypted computer code and she needed to solve him.
Which was weird, honestly. Lance sure as hell isn’t encrypted. His papi always called him an open book.
Finally Pidge quirked one side of her mouth up in a soft smirk. Lance didn’t even know a smirk could be soft. “You could stand to say it more frequently.”
Flames licked up Lance’s cheeks. Yeah, he couldn’t handle any more of this. He slung an arm around her and steered her into the kitchen, keeping her propped up against his side. Lance heated up some of that weird fruit coffee Hunk made for Pidge while she hoisted herself onto the counter. When he handed her the space mug, he noticed that Pidge was a little above eye level with him with her sitting up so high. Her bare feet swung and tapped the cupboards below. She took a sip with her eyes never leaving his face. It was like staring into a spotlight.
“Stop giving me that look.”
“What look?”
“That look. The one on your face.”
Pidge just grinned and raised an eyebrow at him. Lance busied himself with finding what passed for nutritious food around here. If she wouldn’t sleep, he’d at least get some protein into her. And himself, holy quiznak he was hungry. She was still staring at him when he looked up.
Desperate not to spontaneously combust under that gaze, he blurted the first distraction that sprung to mind. “Last night I saw Matt leaving Keith’s room!”
She choked on her drink. “Leaving like they’d just finished a late-night conversation or…”
“Well. I heard some stuff through the wall last night that definitely wasn’t talking. More like moaning.”
“UGH, Lance! What the fuck!”
“Pretty sure that’s what Keith was doing to – ”
“Finish that sentence and I will destroy all your skin care stuff.” She rubbed her forehead. “Why would you say that to me? Now I’ve got that mental image of my brother and…gah.”
Was that his brightest decision? Yeah, probably not. Lance knew more than well enough how gross hearing about your sibling’s sex life can be, even just mentioning its existence. But desperate times called for desperate measures and she’d finally stopped scrutinizing him. He could breathe normally again.
He ended up shoving a bowl of food goo into Pidge’s hands (what? He could barely cook Earth food) and hopping onto the kitchen island across from her with his own bowl of Jell-O-y green weirdness. They ate in silence for a while.
Eventually Pidge spoke up, looking into her bowl and using her spoon to play with the goo. Avoiding his eyes. “Actually, I’m kinda worried about Keith.”
“Why? Is your brother a heart-breaker?”
“I’m serious, Lance.” She sent him a brief glare then looked away again. “Keith fell apart last time Shiro disappeared. What’s he gonna do now that he’s lost him twice?”
“Three times.”
“What?” she asked distractedly.
“Keith lost Shiro three times. Kerberos first.”
“Oh. Right.” Pidge stabbed her food. Lance looked carefully at her face. Her eyes, kept stubbornly wide open, were shining with unshed tears.
Lance had already cried himself dry yesterday. “Keith’s gonna be okay. We’re all gonna be okay. I swear Shiro’s still alive.”
She looked up at him. “Did Ezor tell you that?”
“No, she said he was probably dead. But he has to be alive! I know it, I could feel it. Remember? In the void thing? That had to be him.”
“I hope you’re right, Lance.” She set her bowl down, got down off the counter, then hopped up onto the island, sitting next to him. She smelled oddly like berries and tea.
“Pidge…” he started slowly. “Why didn’t you sleep last night?”
He could see her struggling with her answer. She was so close that he felt her body heat on his arm. I guess it makes sense a girl’s gonna be the death of me.
“I couldn’t sleep.” The words sounded rough and quiet. “So I went to the med bay to study the clone. Lance, every cell, every gene sequence, every piece of circuitry, even the scars matched perfectly with our scans of Shiro’s physiology. I kept thinking if I could find the differences then I could figure out how he was being controlled. But it looks exactly like him.”
Her head fell on his shoulder and she squeezed her eyes tight. The soft impact dislodged her glasses. Lance carefully took them off her face and set them aside (and tried to ignore his heartbeat insisting that this was a crisis). He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and she curled into him.
“I kept thinking what if he was the real Shiro? What if I was wrong? What if he’d actually been corrupted somehow? I did sleep, for like five minutes. I just dreamed about shooting him, over and over and over again. So I got out of bed and built a voice-altering gadget. Hold me a little tighter, please?”
He did. “Pidge, why did you shoot him? What made you so sure?”
“It’ll sound weird.”
“You have floating fluffy caterpillars for pets and I found you on the roof scanning the solar system for aliens, and you’re worried about weird now?”
She laughed and it made his heart a little lighter. “I looked him in the eyes and it was painful. Like when someone shines a flashlight in your eyes. You should’ve seen his expression when he attacked you, Lance. It was feral.”
“You wanna know what’s messed up? When you said it wasn’t Shiro, when Lotor said it was a clone, I was relieved. I didn’t wanna think Shiro would yell at me like that.”
She mumbled into his shirt, “Never. Shiro would never say all that bullshit. I guess it all makes sense now.” Pidge gasped and so suddenly Lance swore he got whiplash she jumped out of his arms and onto the floor, leaving the right side of his body feeling cold. Her eyes went manic again.
“Lance! If that was Shiro, really Shiro talking to us in the Voltron mindscape then we can talk to him through Voltron!”
The solution was so painfully obvious he couldn’t believe they’d overlooked it until now. “He’s connected to the Black Lion, who’s connected to the other Lions – Pidge we have to try this right now! We need to get in our Lions and talk to Shiro!”
“We need find Allura and Hunk and get Keith!”
Part 10
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archaeopter-ace · 5 years
Director's Cut: anything from Autoeponym or Metamorphosis you've been eager to share?
So I think I’ve mentioned giving Jim jaundice before, either in A/N or in response to a comment, but I haven’t actually been able to find a way to work it into my plot. I still really like the idea, though.
Basically, this goes back to the idea that Jim’s transformation is partially governed by the normal replacement of cells in the human body (I say partially because really his skin should have been the first most visible sign but I needed that to happen later. Also I don’t want to wait years for horns). 
If I go back to hybrid genetics for a moment, Jim has one full set of human chromosomes and one full set of changeling chromosomes (part of the process that creates changelings involves imbuing them with chromosomes as part of their humanlike-physiology package. They’re not quite 100% troll even in troll form, since they can bleed whereas all the injured trolls we’ve seen have just chipped or crumbled. It’s not clear in the show whether this is just because the wounds observed were inflicted with a cauterizing weapon, e.g. daylight, or whether it’s because being living stone makes them rocklike through and through). 
Right, so, Jim has a full set of each. Enter: The Epigenome! 
Your personal genome is all the genes you possess. When talking about one’s genetic underpinnings, we’re talking about genotype. If you ever had to do Punnett squares, TT, Tt, and tt are all genotypes. Tall, Tall, and Short are the resulting phenotypes, the physical characteristics expressed. 
However, organisms with the exact same genotype can, in fact, have different phenotypes thanks to epigenetic effects. Basically, the epigenome is all the associated proteins that are bonded to the DNA, ‘cause the DNA isn’t just floating around loose in the nucleus. It’s not bound up into chromosome, either - the DNA are the blueprints and it’s hard to read them if you keep them in a densely-packed filing cabinet - but it is still bound to proteins. The proteins are like the light switches that turn things on and off, so you know that you’re copying out the right bits of DNA at the right time to make the right protein or enzyme or whatever you need it to do. The epigenome can be affected by environmental factors, which is why identical twins can look less and less identical over time as things like diet, where they live, and their lifestyle can have an impact. (also how the effects of slavery can still be felt today in the DNA of African Americans, because Lamarck was wrong about most things but as it turns out some lived experiences - such as severe hunger and constant stress - can imprint on the epigenome and get passed down, and this might contribute to the high rates of heart disease seen in black men. microaggressions are another culprit, but I digress).
Or you can just go in and muck about with the epigenome of genetically-identical lab mice and get drastically different gene expression. Google epigenome mouse to see the classic example. 
So Jim’s got a set of human DNA and a set of changeling DNA, and the proteins on each control gene expression. (Incidentally, this could also explain the strong resemblance Jim has to Portrait Guy, who is probably Barbara’s father - Jim doesn’t have any human DNA from his dad to counter-balance the genes he got from his mom, so he’s just got the one bookcase, to borrow the analogy from my earlier post, which has a mix of movies from his maternal grandparents. huh. I just realized that would make him genetically more like Barbara’s brother than her son?)
And for the changeling DNA to be ‘dormant,’ all that needs to happen is for it to be bound up in proteins that prevent any part of it from being copied and used. Until puberty, and then the machinery switches, and instead of copying designs from the human DNA, his cells switch over to copying the changeling DNA. It’s most noticeable when human cells die and are replaced with troll cells that have been using the troll blueprints from the start. The transformation doesn’t actively kill off human cells, and that’s why the change happens so slowly. 
So to bring it back to jaundice, which is a disease associated with liver problems: it turns the skin and the whites of the eyes yellow, due to a build up of bilirubin in the bloodstream. Bilirubin is in red blood cells, and when they die the liver filters it, but if it can’t keep up the skin turns yellowish and sickly-looking. (the real problem isn’t being a bit yellow, but rather whatever damage the liver has or problems with biles ducts, etc., that lead to the jaundice in the first place). 
My thought was - what if Jim’s liver changed faster than his blood cells? (the actual replacement rates for each don’t quite bear this out, but I’d have been willing to hand-wave, or else say both his liver and his blood are 50% troll at some point). In this scenario, what would happen if his new troll liver no longer recognized dead red blood cells as something it could and should filter, leading to a build-up of bilirubin and thus jaundice?
It’s been really hard to work into the story, because by the end of Autoeponym Jim’s face and hands - the most visible parts of him - have already turned trollish blue-gray. So if he turned yellowish on top of that, he would only wind up green-looking, and neither he nor Barbara would be as concerned about that as they should be, and would probably just think it’s the natural progression for whatever kind of troll Jim turns into. Also: oh no, his eyes are turning yellow, what an unexpected symptom (*deadpan sarcasm*). 
I’ve already got a thing set up for an upcoming bit where changeling blood is purple because its got haemerythrin instead of haemoglobin, and it’s less effective at binding oxygen but more effective at binding the ambient magic that all trolls need to survive, and there just wasn’t a place to squeeze in jaundice on top of all that.
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katherineshep · 6 years
Arcana: Post-book 13 theories
Officially: Arcana's plot is BEAUTIFUL. It's rare to find a game of that intense story and I love it completely. Book 13 blew up my mind and the more I think about it, the more ideas I have about what actually happened in Vesuvia.
In the newest updates we have the note "In the meantime, see the story from different angle" after every route. This and one good talk with my dear bro @voidslantern were the last straw for emergence of new theories.
Theory 1: There are multiple Apprentices.
If you don't even romance anyone, the game leaves you with a feeling that you must be in many places at once. This clearly is seen in the trial chapter: we talk Julian to confession about what he saw in the lab... or we do not and we go out of the dungeon with Nadia. More than that: Asra may be arrested with Julian, or there are both Julian and Nadia in custody, or Julian is in the cell by himself. Julian may surrender with different details and different trial speeches. We might save Julian in his lab or he might wake up in the palace. This all leads me to the thought, that somehow there are three different Apprentices, and three Asras, Julians and Nadias as well. And then there's Muriel who's defensive against Apprentice for some reason, and jealous (!) in Asra's route (he once said "It's always just you and him"), and there obviously will be a plot with him (I just don't know when), so there might be 4th Apprentice. And 5th with Portia.
What's important is that lots of the main plot spots are different and they exclude another route's events. I think every event in the game after Apprentice's death is affected by Arcana. Duplicates never meet, their paths never cross. Though, it's quite complicated to have multiple copies of people walking around, so that's where the second theory, most pleasant, is born!
Theory 2: Apprentice held the ritual of her own before Asra's one, and this shattered the Time and influenced her friends' will.
Bro said, that there is something wrong with time flow, like in Lucio's dining room. And maybe it's true. Maybe Ritual broke the Time itself, shattered the timeline to multiple variants. So Appentice may be trapped in some kind of circled queue of events with some variables changing - that's where multiple routes come from. Maybe Apprentice's last regret was that she could play everything out differently, but in that moment plague wasn't cured and she was dying. Maybe then she, as powerful magician (she was one at that time), consciously or not called out to any of The Arcana, and one of them listened. So the Ritual wasn't what Asra was doing with Lucio much later. Ritual was about how Apprentice made a deal before she died. Maybe she wanted to end the plague... then I wonder, what was her price for what she got. If she wanted to not only end the plague, but protect Julian, Asra and Nadia, she might have asked for them to have the chance to change something if they happen to be in really desperate state. I don't know what might almost dead person give to Arcana. Maybe it (whichever of Arcana heard Apprentice's plea) asked for her magic for her friends's salvation (and it was win for the Arcana because it would make Julian, Asra and Nadia possible contractors who will be given some magic to contact with another Arcana gods). Because, well, supernatural forces of that power can't do good for nothing. There always is a price.
I think Apprentice's plea to change something has pulled the whole bunch of following events like, you know, she wrote fate of her friends in that exact moment and they act by it. She sacrificed her magic for saving Asra - and he probably reached Magician who told him of the plague reason and/or about the way to resurrect Apprentice. Julian reached Arcana too (he's no mage, but as his pre-death state could be a catalyst, as Apprentice's magic could channel through him to the Hanged Man too!). Nadia is a bit different - she originally had the connection with High Priestess, so maybe Apprentice's magic didn't reach her. Or did it, but eventually? Nadia started seeing prophetic dreams, maybe that is what Apprentice's sacrifice gave her.
Common desire of these three to take down Lucio could influence the outcome of the ritual, and Asra could tell Lucio that only so few people, him and Nadia and whoever was on that dinner, are needed for ritual completion. But I think Asra couldn't devise this all alone, he got the clue from The Magician about this complicated, twisted magic. Asra lost his beloved person, he was devastated, and this was his moment of despair that triggered Apprentice's magic to connect him and Magician. Julian's desperate moment was when he understood that he had not found the cure and has no more time. And Nadia's one happened when she felt completely helpless, being suppressed by her husband.
Theory 3: Apprentice is a magical creation.
We don't know fully the capabilities of Apprentice and what she did before she died. Her "home" place is the shore (where Asra's childhood was, though it was told that Apprentice came from another city). She was working with doctors on the plague (like Julian did). I haven't found yet parallels with Nadia, but doesn't it seem weird that Apprentice shares some of her past with Asra and Julian?
Who is she? Is she really human? Is she only a girl trapped in circled events, or she's only a reflection of Asra, Nadia and Julian's fates, thoughts and hopes, some collective magical illusion-hallucination? Maybe in exchange of her friends' salvation she became a will-less puppet of some Arcana, when she died, and now she unwillingly pushes Asra, Nadia and Julian to connect to their Arcana gods - in a bargain she did not know consequences of? Or she did something of magical nature before her death and became one of the Arcana herself and now she's playing with there three? Maybe she originally was some Arcana that got bored, went to mortal plane in a girl's body and created a bunch of plots to have fun? Or even she was Arcana, had parted ways with other gods of her kin and they cursed her to all this life?
Theory 4: It all may be agony hallucinations of Apprentice.
Agonizing brain can create those things, and in the end Apprentice might be very well dying of plague now. Or these are agony of the Apprentice in the next wave of plague which is about to happen.
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au-stories · 6 years
Ironed Heart Ch. 2: Truth within Lies
Prologue Chapter 1
Warnings: none
Words: 2943
After spending the night hanging out with his sister, Rhodey went back to his room near the top floor of Stark tower. He preferred to stay away from the rest of the group as much as possible. Like his sister causing destruction with her science experiments, his magical powers tend to cause unwanted and frequent unnatural collateral damage that he would rather not have his family caught in. Temporal portals would often rip open in his rooms allowing creatures from alternate dimensions to enter their world. Unfortunately, this is a side effect from learning how to control his magic though mysticism, since only mystics could see the likes of these creatures. When Rhodey was younger he would often run downstairs to his father dragging him up the tower at night to try and show him, but Tony wouldn’t be able to see something that seemed to be clear as day to Rhodey. Rhodey had been grateful to his father, that he was intelligent enough to send him to get help from Dr. Strange, but he would never show just how much he appreciated that from his father. Rhodey being sent away was the nicest thing Tony has done for him growing up.
           There are ups and downs to have the mystic arts as your power. As a young teen in a world where magical powers are blind to the untrained eye you could get far in this profession. For instance you could be a really cool magician in the day time. But, when you have a trainer like Dr. Strange, your trained eye has seen a lot more than the average teen your age. Rhodey rarely felt fear anymore against creatures not from his own world, but at the same time they made it difficult for Rhodey to function like a normal human being. He would often be woke up in the middle of the night by some alien or demon trying enter into their realm. Dr. Strange has entrusted him to be able to take care of himself and his family from these attacks since his master was often in other worlds himself and he couldn’t always be there to protect Rhodey. On nights like these, were Rhodey’s mind has been strained, he could often hear demonic like voices echoing through what felt like the entire tower to him, but he just knew it was his own mind. Strange has told him these beings would often tempt him since he was gifted in the magic arts, and he would have to defend himself against their control.
“Young one please rescue me before they come back again. They have been torturing me for over a decade and yet it seems to me like a child is the only who can listen well enough.”
“Who are you, and where are you.” Rhodey asked quickly. This was the woman he has been seeing in his dreams, but more clearly than normal.”  
“Rhodey, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you under these circumstances, and I fear if I did tell you, you wouldn’t come to this god forsaken place.”
“Please just tell me.” Rhodey begged.
He attempted to look around in this dream like vision of his, but as always it was always covered in a fog. As he is trained further into the mystic arts he has been able to start seeing this vision or dream more clearly. But, something always seems to be blocking him.
“Have patience child. I know you have been trying for a very long time to see the exact location of where this cell is at. For that I am grateful.” The woman sighs still in chains against a wall. She is covered in ice from the waist down.
“My dear child. If you wish to know who I am, please be careful on who you say my name to. And I will only tell you if you agree to help me. Otherwise, I will continue to bother you and your sister until someone answers me.”
           “Yes, of course. You have been truly beaten down in a cruel punishment for this long anyone deserves to be free.”
           “You sure do have a true heart my dear child. My name is Loki… Loki Stark and I am your mother young one.”
           “No.. no. no. no. This can’t be!” Rhodey is starting to raise his voice.
           “My child, look deep within yourself, you know it to be true.”
           “This can’t be true. Loki, you’re an Asgardian, Thor’s Sister. You nearly destroyed New York and could have destroyed the world if the Avenger’s didn’t stop you over 14 years ago. But, this doesn’t make any sense. You look blue down here with red eyes. The last time I checked I did not look like a monster.” Rhodey knew saying monster would wound the creature he saw before him, but he did not realize just how much. The woman shed a few tears that just froze to her cheek.”
           “Child please listen to me. That is true 14 years ago, but the United States Government, Asgard and Jotunheim made a treaty right after the invasion ended, forcing me to stay in Tony Stark’s Tower. They agreed I would be more useful alive then in prison. During that time in the Tower…” The woman trails off not wanting to get into specifics with Rhodey. But, she looks up, and changes her skin tone back from the blue faced creature to a pleasant black haired, white skin and emerald green eyed woman, that had enough similar features to display a resemblance to Rhodey’s sister.
           “That’s a great magic trick lady. I can make copies of myself too and change my skin features and..”  Rhodey is going into a rant
           “And where did you think you got those illusion powers from child.” Loki smiles trying to keep a pleasant face. “From Dr. Strange? You know recently had to be taught those abilities. But, you have always had illusion spells. You changed from your Frost Giant form to match your father and myself. Your sister Maria did as well.”
           “Leave my sister out of this Loki. You put millions of people lives at stake over a decade ago and you truly expect me to believe I am part frost giant?”
           “Rhodey..” Loki sighs in realizing she isn’t getting anywhere with this. She is starting to understand that Tony has never tried to tell them who their mother is. The only hope she would have is to get in contact with Tony and give him a piece of her mind. She stopped and looked up at Rhodey realizing she trailed off in her own thoughts.
           “Rhodey, please forgive your father for never telling you who you really were. You must understand that if you knew, how the entire world would react to you being a frost giant and related to me.”
           Rhodey turned his back on Loki while she said this to him.
           “So far mother, all you showed me was fancy magic tricks and loose detailed information on who I’ve been raised by. Any genius would know those names by now.”
           “You are correct my child. Anyone would know those names on earth. But, you are hear on Jotunheim. Talking with a Frost Giant in a dream world illusion that you created. Ask yourself, how would you know of these places, and why would you consistently travel hear in your dreams, if you do not think about home. All Frost Giants and Asgardians think about their home when there away from it too long…” Loki realized that she is pushing too much for this meeting to continue. Her faith in someone rescuing her has been broken and her only hope was Rhodey, but she did not know how to connect to him with not being his life this entire time. He has been just as stubborn as his father when it came to believing in the impossible.
           “My condolences my son… You have my word I will not invade either you or sisters mind again. You may leave, but thank you for giving me a chance to see you my beautiful child.”
           “No. Loki, I am sorry I gave you hope for escaping. I am not who you say I am. I can’t be. I am Rhodey Stark of Earth not Frost Giant, trained by the Supreme Sorcerer Dr. Strange in the art of mysticism.” While he said this Rhodey, created a the same teleportation spell he learned earlier that day and stepped through it, he woke up that night in a pool of sweat and exhaustion.
“Ugh 3 a.m.?” Rhodey said to himself.
 Rhodey stepped from his bed and went down the hall. Turned around the corner into the restroom. He started to turn the bathtub on to cool off when he realized he could see his breath turning blue. He looked down at the water as he touched it and it was turning into ice.
“No. No no no. This can’t be happening to me.
Rhodey turned the sink on and before the water turned to ice he was able to splash himself in the face, not realizing it wasn’t cold to the touch. He grabbed the towel hanging on the wall to dry himself off and looked in the mirror.
“Shit!” Rhodey punched the mirror shattering it. But, in the broken glass he was able to tell the figure he saw wasn’t running away but matching what he did in the mirror. All he saw was red eyes and blue skin. He looked down at himself to see that his entire body transformed this way. Rhodey let a cry throughout the Tower. To his surprise he did not see Maria standing out of the restroom but his father.
“So I see you found out son..”
Rhodey looked up into his father’s eyes with tears burning his cheeks.
“Father.. what am I?”
Rhodey sat sobbing on the toilet after seeing himself as a Frost Giant. This would have raised alarms if the other Avengers would still have been around, but thankfully the only ones that still come by have their own place that they prefer to live in. Tony is stunned to see his son crying. For numerous reasons. He didn’t think that Rhodey would ever find out that he was a Frost Giant. Two he didn’t think Rhodey would even still be around the Tower when if he did. Tony has kept this secret in order to protect his children. He thought by telling them they were half Frost Giant they would resent living with him even more than they already did. But now it comes to Tony where he has to face his biggest challenge yet. In order to calm Rhodey, he may have to relive a past he wants to stay buried.
           “What am I father?” Rhodey said sobbing on the toilet not looking at Tony.
           Tony stood there looking at Rhodey almost as bewildered as Rhodey is right now, but for different reasons.
           “You are my son, Rhodey.” Tony sounding like he’s winded in just trying to talk. Tony has barely said anything to his children the last decade, and he is now realizing what he has done to them, by excluding them from their past.
           “Am I though? Look at me. What do you see?”
           Tony stood there with a grim look on his face.
           “I see a young teenager that reminded me of a lot of myself when I was your age.”
           “I don’t understand.” Rhodey said sniffling.
           “Rhodey, when I was younger, I never got a long with my parents either. Unlike you however, I knew who they were really well. I thought I did the right thing by not telling you.”
           “Not telling me I am a monster?”
           “No Rhodey. By not telling you who your mother was. It was dreadfully arrogant even for my own standards, that keeping something like that hidden away was the right thing to do for you. But, I was persuaded into an agreement to never say her name to you or to Maria.”
           “Dad what are you saying?”
           Tony jumped a few feet inward into the restroom from Maria’s voice echoing behind him. But he notices that her voice is distorted and he cannot see her.
           “Maria? Where are you?”
           “I am right here.” She appears in a green and black suit of armor that was in stealth.
           “I’m.. sorry for interrupting, but when I heard Rhodey’s yell I had to put the suit of armor on and came prepared. I went into stealth when I heard what Rhodey was saying. I felt like I was intruding.”
           Tony stared at his daughter in the suit of armor. “Did you make this on your own?” Tony stared astonished.
           “I had the sketches planned out, Bruce helped program it.”
           “That’s great and all Maria, but I think the bigger issue is that I am a freak of nature!”
           Maria stared at her brother in the form of a Frost Giant.
           “Hush now. I think blue looks good on you.”
           “Maria, shut it.” Tony for once raised his voice at her. Maria sat there staring at him blankly not sure on what to say.
           “You’re right Rhodey. Maria that is impressive, we will talk later. But, Rhodey, you are no monster. You’re the son of a beautiful woman, who passed away giving birth to you that was a Frost Giant as well.”
           “You mean Loki?”
           Tony’s face immediately when dark, after trying to show happiness towards his son.
           “How do you know her name?” He whispered. As Rhodey explained what he saw in his dream to his father. Tony leaned back against the wall. He leaned there with his face getting red with anger. “Rhodey. You know this is a serious accusation. Saying that Loki is a live. She died 14 years ago.”
           “I’m serious father. She is imprisoned in Jotunheim!”
           Rhodey and Maria stared at their father who looked more confused than angry. They could tell that for once in their lives that this anger wasn’t at them either. But, just like Tony they didn’t know how to react to this confusion. Tony got up from leaning back and punched the wall.
           “Are you really out there? After all this time?” Tony thought to himself. After the fourteen years that have passed. Tony lost all hope in having a chance that Loki would be alive. Thor brought him the news that she passed away all those years ago.
           “Get me Steven Strange.” Tony said walking out of the room and going downstairs.
           The children sat for a minute not knowing what to do with their father. But then started to chase him down towards his lab. They watched from a distance as their father flipped his desk into the glass windows and punched one of his cars.
           “Yes, Mr. Stark?”
           “Is any one of my suits operational still?”
           “I would not say they would be. But you will. Mk II has 45% and has the least damages to the suit.”
           “Get it ready.” Tony said not looking up from his table.
           “Dad, wait your actually getting on the suit. What are you going to do? At least let me come with you?” Maria asked.
           “A certain Asgardian is going to give me clear answers on this topic. You’re staying here until Strange gets here to help with Rhodey.”
           “But, dad my suit has all the functions as your original Frost Iron Suit you stored away. Besides is fighting Thor a really good idea right now?”
           “One how did you know about that project? I had Friday put it into a ghost drive on my personal computer? Two you’re staying. I will not have my daughter fighting for me. Besides some could say I was able to stand my own against the god once before.”
           “But, dad.” Maria nags. Realizing she won’t get her father to budge. “Fine, I hacked into your computer with the help of my A.I… Mischief. Also, that was over fourteen years ago you fought him. If I know Thor he was probably going easy on you at first.”
           “My daughter has her own A.I even and hacked my own computer?” Tony said to himself. “Maria, your work is remarkable. But, this confrontation, may get aggressive. Thor is the current King of Asgard, and may not be so kind into telling me what I need to know.” Tony said while having his helmet close around him. “Stay inside. Wait for Strange.”
           Tony aimed his arms down and white energy erupted from his hands and feet from his propulsion systems. Tony crashes through the ceiling not caring for the damage he caused.
           “Hey mischief. Did you get a lock on where my dad was headed?”
           “I’m hurt that you even had to ask that my dear. His coordinates locked onto Norway. That is of course the last known location of the remaining Asgards after their Ragnarock.” Mischief said in a British accent.
           “Oh right, the whole thing with their end of the world or what not. Oh well. My world is still here. And I refuse to let what remains of it get Thunderstruck to death. Speaking of.”
           “Thunderstruck by AC/DC, is one of your favorites isn’t Maria?”
           “Nothing like the classic rock, hey Mischief? Let’s go! Activate stealth mode, follow my dad’s coordinates. Oh and one more thing.” As Maria launches herself through the same hole that Tony made only, when she takes off its completely quiet.
           “Yes my dear?”
           “Call in Big Green. We may need the extra muscle for this.”
           “Oh this is going to be fun.”  
Tag List: @lokifics
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Return to Sender
A few weeks ago, I had the incredible privilege and pleasure of attending Third Rail’s latest magical creation, Behind the City. The next day, while riding the train to work, I messaged my friend across the seas a recap, knowing that she would probably never get to experience the show. I’ve chosen to share what I wrote to her here. However, before you click to read more, be warned that this is a full recap. Spoilers abound. And there is always a possibility of the show remounting. So proceed with caution...
Are you sure? Last chance to avoid spoilers. 
Here we go:
My companion (let’s call him Mr. C.) and I arrive at a fancy bar in Tribeca. There are a few patrons, but overall it's not busy. We check in and in a few minutes are brought downstairs with another pair who is also there for the show. There we check our bags and are advised to use the restrooms. Then we are given black tote bags and brought into a sitting room and given cocktails. After a few minutes, Mr. C. and I are asked to follow a woman, who takes us into a walk-in fridge. It's not actually cold in there, and it's set up like a secretary's office, with yellow accents. A secretary, also in yellow, greets us and asks us to sit. She works for some sort of messaging/communications company, TTMS. We're given headphones attached to a cassette player and a voiceover tells us the story of what we are doing in the present moment (you are sitting in a room that should be colder, a woman sits across from you, etc). The secretary prepares two packets with a letter, cassette tape, and stamp/address label, and instructs us to put them into our bag. She takes Mr. C. out of the room leaving me behind. Another secretary of sorts comes in on a cell phone. She hands it to me and asks me to recount the first time I met Mr. C. I do, after which she gives me a clipboard with questions about him (height, place of birth, would he get lost in a city, etc). A stranger (half of the other couple) comes in and sits next to me. We are again given headphones and listen to a Walkman. A voice tells us about coming with a person and losing them -- it’s a story we'll hear many times throughout the evening.
We're asked to stand and are brought up out of the basement and onto the street. The woman who brought us there waves as the door closes behind her, but we are not left alone for long. Another woman in bright clothes walks up to us. In a thick, rushed New York accent, she takes us on a walking tour, explaining about the buildings (a firehouse and chapel) that once were and how the city has changed but the memories are still there. She runs into a man she knows, who gives us tea and a fortune cookie in an alley. "Remember what you're looking for or you won’t know it when you find it." My lucky number is 309, a number that was also on my envelope earlier that evening.
We continue on, splitting from the man (but not before he hands my companion a plastic bag of something), and are brought to an apartment building where we buzz 309. Our tour guide takes a letter out of the mailbox and hands it to me. We are to go upstairs and give it to the person there. So up we go. We knock on #309 and an esoteric woman in giant glasses opens the door, asking if we are some restaurant's delivery people. With hesitation, she lets us in, and I give her the letter and my companion hands her the plastic bag. Inside is a box of dumplings which she offers to share. We sit and she takes out the letter and reads it to us. She has been getting the exact same letter for years. It's from a man who writes about being in a basement in a room that's not as cold as it should be, and a firehouse and chapel, maps, a window, a hotel room, a mailbox. She takes out two maps and has us mark out the places (basement, firehouse, chapel) and then it hits her. She's maps. So she must take us to the window.
She brings us to the street, gives us headphones and a Walkman, and brings us to stand on a street corner. We look up and there in a window across the street, two floors up, is a bed positioned upright so we can see a scene unfold between a couple lying together. We listen to a sad story about the two of them, and when the woman leaves, a man in a suit stops by us to tie his shoe and the man in the window makes a phone call (all of this is narrated on the Walkman, too). The man in the suit answers the call and hands it to me. Could I come upstairs?
Upstairs we don't go to the bedroom, but a dingy room filled with wires and lights. The headquarters for the messaging service. We prepare letters for ourselves, using the supplies from our tote, addressed to a place we no longer live so that it will get returned to sender (the company headquarters). That's the only way to ensure we'll get them.
Back downstairs with a man holding a boom box. We walk down the street, a nostalgic song blasting. We meet a young man on the street (we'd previously seen a Polaroid of him at the secretary's office). He's excited. Tonight's the night! He brings us to a hotel, where we are given cocktails. He then takes us aside into a little seating area. He's been getting postcards from his future self. We read some of them. "Don't go to the bar on June 19, 2019." "Tell your mom you love her before May 25, 2016." Etc. One of them has a chunk missing but it advises him to be in a hotel room at 10:18. The date is unknown. It's almost time. We head up and help him clear away his clutter. He hands me a clock and we countdown to the fateful hour. Nothing happens. We wait another minute. Nothing. The man, dejected goes to a calendar posted on the wall and crosses out yet another date. Maybe tomorrow. The three of us sit on the bed and color with him, which cheers him up. Then it's time to go.
We walk back out onto the street and he brings us to a mailbox. He looks in our bags and takes out the envelopes we'd prepared at the headquarters. We slip them in the slot and are given headphones and a cassette player once more. This time we insert the tape from our bag. It's the same voice as before, but this time he is recounting the story of how I first met Mr. C. The voice narrates that I walk down the street and wave good-bye to my companions, so I do. 
I walk alone past the scaffolding to an old red emergency box, where I see - who else - but Mr. C. coming down the street! We don't have much time to talk because suddenly the tour guide lady is back. She takes our bags and hands us each an envelope and sheet of paper. A limo(!) pulls up and we get in. She says goodbye and it's just Mr. C. and I being driven around Tribeca. The paper is a copy of the missing person’s report I had filled out for my friend. The envelope: half of the map I had prepared with the lady, fortune stuck in the middle. Mr. C. has the other half. After a few minutes we arrive back at the original bar and just like that it's over!  
Mind. Blown. 
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sattlersquarry · 6 years
“Three-Card Monte”--French Drop (Part 1)
Okay so not as much Jonathan in this chapter as I originally planned. But not to worry! This story isn’t just going to revolve around Cameron. Jonathan will play an important role too.
Also, in Chris Fedak’s breakdown of season 2, he says Cameron would only be in jail for 36 hours. (Link to the article here.) For the purposes of my story, Cameron has been in jail for a month. As a writer, I have a responsibility to make creative choices.
aka this is fanfic and I DO WHAT I WANT!!!
Chapter 2: French Drop (Part 1)
There are two sides to every story.
Every magician knows how to make a coin disappear. It’s a simple trick: the magician holds the coin up for the audience to see, then waves their hand in front of it. Like magic, it’s disappeared.
Only, it hasn’t really disappeared. The magician palms the coin, keeping it close to them the whole time. The audience only thinks it’s really gone.
Two sides. Yours and mine.
It was 87 degrees in Aruba.
Jonathan Black was having a very interesting nightmare--he was being chased by a giant, anthropomorphic ace of spades card--when he got smacked in the face by a flying newspaper.
He woke with a start, and heard a shrill voice yelling at him. He was still a little (read: a lot) hungover and everything was kind of a blur.
“I ask you to do one thing--one thing!--and you can’t even do that right!” the voice continued. He groaned and sat up, looking at the headline of the newspaper.
It was a copy of the National Enquirer. There was a photo of him partying on the cover.
The voice belonged to none other than the Mystery Woman. Her two-colored eyes bore into Jonathan as she lectured him about responsibility and staying out of the public eye.
“What will happen if Kay sees this?” MW continued. “She’ll get suspicious of her precious Cameron and go to talk to you in jail--only it won’t be you! It will be him! And our whole plan will be ruined.”
Jonathan had never seen MW this rattled before.
“Listen,” Jonathan said, his voice raspy, “relax--”
“Don’t tell me to relax!” MW snapped. “I gave you a month off so you could unwind after a year in prison, and all you did was drink, party, and hookup with models.”
“That’s not all I did,” Jonathan protested. “I also learned how to surf--”
“I’ve seen you surf, and it’s abysmal,” MW scoffed. “Get up; get dressed. Vacation’s over. We’ve got a plane to catch.”
She slammed the door of Jonathan’s hotel room. A painting of a seashell fell off the wall and broke in its frame.
“Great,” Jonathan muttered. “Just great.”
The ride to the prison was long.
Kay drummed her fingers on the steering wheel, trying to focus on the teeny-bopper pop song on the radio instead of her frazzled nerves.
If Emerson was right, Cameron had been in jail for a month. How did Kay not realize it was Jonathan, not Cameron, who spurned her that day in the Archive?
It’s because I was too embarrassed, she thought. All I could think about was my pride. God, how could I be so stupid?
She turned up the radio before she could beat herself up any more.
In what felt like the blink of an eye, she was walking into the prison with Emerson’s folder of photos tucked under her arm.
A guard led her into the questioning room. She flipped through the photos and paused when she saw Jonathan’s mugshot.
There was a dark, desperate look in his blue eyes. The same look she saw that night in the Archive.
She looked up. There he was.
Any second thoughts about coming to the prison vanished when Kay looked into his eyes. Those were Cameron’s eyes.
“Holy crap,” was all Kay could think to say.
Cameron sat across from her and leaned in.
“I’m not Jonathan,” he said urgently. “I know that’s the exact kind of thing Jonathan would say, but it’s me, Cameron.”
“I know.”
Cameron continued as if he hadn’t heard her.
“I tried to call you, but it turns out the conveniences of modern cell phone technology are a curse and not a blessing--wait, you know?”
“Yes, Cameron,” Kay said. “How-how did this happen?”
Cameron grimaced.
“Let’s just say, Jonathan isn’t going to win any ‘Brother of the Year’ awards anytime soon.”
“I’m so sorry, Cameron,” Kay said. “I should’ve known the ‘Cameron’ in Aruba wasn’t you.”
“How would you have known?” Cameron said.
Kay’s mind flashed back to the Archive.
No more promises.
“Wait,” Cameron said before Kay could respond. “How did you know to come? Was it Emerson and Charlie? Oh my God, was it Deryk? Do I have to do commercials now?”
Kay furrowed her brow.
“Who the hell is Deryk?”
“It doesn’t matter,” Cameron said. “So, it was Emerson?”
“Yes,” Kay said. “She gave a presentation to Deakins, Mike, and me. I was the only one who bought it.”
Cameron chuckled.
“I mean,” he said, “it did sound pretty ridiculous. I wouldn’t have believed it if I wasn’t living it.”
“I almost didn’t believe it myself,” Kay said, “but she was explaining the differences between twins. The things she was saying about behavior and nature versus nurture...I don’t know, it just made sense.”
“I’m just glad I don’t have to spend another second here,” Cameron said. “You’re here to take me home, right?”
“First,” Kay said, “I need to test your fingerprints. And the DNA results won’t come back for a few weeks--”
Cameron groaned and put his head in his hands.
“But,” Kay said, “I can try to expedite the process. Maybe bring in a judge and put you on the stand, try to convince a jury that it’s really you--”
“Yeah, because the judicial system has done wonders for the Black brothers before,” Cameron quipped.
Kay sighed.
“I wish I could get you out right now,” Kay said. “Hold tight, Cameron. I’m going to get you home.”
Thanks for reading pals!
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WK Followers - Weekly Creation Kit Update 02
Curious about the progress of the mod? Then pay this blog a visit at the beginning of the week and take a look at my weekly CK Updates! Developer Journal: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
Again, unfortunately a slow week. But still, I’ve finished a couple of things on my to-do-list. So, adding onto what I wrote about last week, let’s begin.
Interior Cells:
As you know by now, the cells don’t need to be built, they need to be optimized. And - honest to god - I am bad at that. It can take me up to several days to properly optimize a dungeon, and even then I’m not entirely satisfied with it. This week, I optimized exactly... you guessed it... one cell. And this mod adds a lot of cells.
Also, as I predicted last week, I wasn’t able to tackle locations and encounter zones yet. Why... I’ll tell you why.
Because of these. I was halfway through implementing one of the personal quests, when I realized (during playtesting) that the follower barely had any lines when I picked them up, told them to wait, to leave, to do something for me, etc. I expected a minor mistake in the dialogue conditions (since I usually copy those from one follower to another and tend to forget to point them to the right direction), but to my horror I found most of the dialogue lines empty! Somewhere between making sure they can follow me for now, and dragging them all across Skyrim to see their reaction to their surroundings, I completely forgot to add more follower dialogue. Which... sets me back quite a bit, since I was about to hold auditions for the voice actors some time this week and didn’t want to do that without having the basic quests and dialogues completed. Now I’m paranoid about having skipped over other essential lines and thus, I’m carefully combing through all of my quests, making sure these kind of things don’t happen again. Auditions will be held once that’s done, I think.
On a more positive note, I finished the first drafts for the re-worked personal quests and right now I’m satisfied enough with my work to edit them. Which is very easy for me, since I’ve been writing since my teenage years. Did you know that I love writing? I guess it’s pretty obvious by now. (Unrelated: Hit me up with your favorite books, authors... anything, really. I love talking about books.) Implementing them, though, well... that’s another story. Theoretically, with all the modding experience I’ve gathered over the years, it should be a piece of cake. On the other hand... you know what they say. What can go wrong, will go wrong. And when you’re working with the Creation Kit, you’ll witness this quite often. You’ll come to expect the worst. Always. But I’m confident I’ll figure it out as I go.
So... taking all of my high priority points into consideration... What does that mean? Well, first and foremost, the follower dialogue for two of my followers, Brionna and Laoghaire, to be exact, isn’t quite as finished as I thought and I’ll have to remedy that before I can broaden my horizons regarding working with voice actors. I’m actually quite excited about that. What I’m less excited about is the dungeon optimization I’m still stuck on. It’s going to take me a while, I just know it. Combined with ironing out the mistakes I made inside the dialogue view of my mental models (for newcomers, the quests where I store thousands of lines of dialogue and their respective branches regarding opinions, thoughts, and the likes), I’m certain I’m looking at several weeks, if not months, of work. I wish the Creation Kit was more stable. Part of me is to blame for this, too. My younger self needs scolding.
I’ve decided not to make any of the supporting or minor actors standalone, except for one or two exceptions (you’ll understand when you see them). That still means I’ll have to properly dress and rework their placeholders, too.
Nothing’s changed about this, yet. You’ll see that statement quite often down here. Low priority points on my list will only be tackled once I’m done working on the top priority ones. Thus, if nothing’s changed during the week, I will not comment further on these points. Instead, you’ll be linked to the last update that mentions changes to them.
Models & textures:
Unchanged (read more here).
CK & folder structure cleanup:
Unchanged (read more here).
Unchanged (read more here).
So... TL;DR?
Dungeon optimization, quest implementation and bug fixing are still eating up most of my time. I’ve decided against standalone supporting actors and spent a couple days working on optimization, finishing up drafts, filling in missing lines of dialogue and looking for voice actors. Yes... but when’s the release? No ETA yet.
… And that concludes our CK update of the week. Thanks for your interest in my mod and the support you show me! It’s quite overwhelming, actually. I’m really excited to share this journey with you and hope to see you around!
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Everyone’s freaking out about the lack of an Unknown Route so let’s do a thought exercise and build one up out of thin air.
Inner fan fiction writer is going up again.  Yes, I’m actually going to try and write out an entire Unknown Route within the 11-day time period that’s typical of all the other routes.  Bad Ends may or may not be mentioned here.  I dunno.  Depends on what’s going through my head at the time.  
It’s gonna be a long writeup so I’m throwing it under the [Keep Reading] box.  So if anyone really is curious about a completely made-up fan writing about this, go right ahead and jump in with me.
PROLOGUE: I’m gonna be honest here and say that this prologue is literally copy-paste from the other openings: you’re told by Unknown to go to Rika’s apartment for “reasons” and meet up with the RFA, life goes on as usual.  I tried seeing if we could have the prologue where you meet up with Ray instead like in V’s route, but after a while I hit a wall so I’m leaving it for now.
DAY 2  - 4: Basically, life is going on as usual.  Zen’s being flirty, Jumin gives no craps, Yoosung is cute, Jahee just wants out, Seven is Seven, V’s never around.  Awesome.  Here’s the difference: Unknown is actively talking to you.  You see, he hacked into your phone when you downloaded the messenger app, and talks to you in-between logs.  Half the time he’s Unknown, the other half is Ray, and you’re basically bouncing between these two personalities trying to figure out who exactly you’re talking about, but they both agree that the RFA is evil and must be saved from...something.  The choices are usually either you completely agreeing with him on his weird tirades or not.
BAD END #1: This happens if you completely agree with Unknown/Ray about everything that he mentions about the RFA and believing that they are indeed the bad guys.  Unknown opens up a chatroom, but this time it’s out in the open instead of hidden between code like before.  He says that it’s time for the RFA to be brought to paradise, and basically starts a massive attack on the members.  Yoosung and Zen are kidnapped almost immediately, while Jahee and Jumin are barely able to hide away due to the bodyguards.  Seven is the only one left in that chatroom, and before you all leave, Unknown thanks MC personally for helping him achieve his goals, and says that he will meet you personally to escort you to paradise.  Seven’s last message before logging out is cursing MC for everything.  Maybe we get a nice image of V mourning because this was TOTALLY not what he wanted.
Yes.  The first Bad End is you literally selling out the RFA to Mint Eye.  Told you we’re getting serious.
DAY 5 - 7: I’m not sure which day this part of it should end on, but for now, we’ll keep it at 7.  Here, Zen starts our week with a shocking message: his brother, the one that shunted him away all those years ago, has finally remade contact with him.  He has no idea how in the world to react to this, because this is the man/moment that changed his life forever.  BROTHER BETRAYAL, basically.  So while everyone else is having their personal problems (maybe Yoosung failed another test, that’d be funny), this is the big problem that follows this chunk of time and yes this is going exactly where you think it’s going.
This entire event is hitting a chord in Seven, who keeps going silent every time Zen talks about another attempt by his brother to reconnect.  Everyone can’t help but notice the strange change in mood, and even wonder if Seven just doesn’t like family matters in general.  Here’s the thing: Unknown is recognizing this as well.  He’s increasing his hack attacks, and while doing that, he keeps talking to you behind the code.  This time, instead of convincing you that everyone else is bad (he failed that method the first time, couldn’t you tell?), he’s now trying to convince you that it is SEVEN and V who are bad.  Something about him being a liar and cheat and whatever other insult you wanna throw out.  This time, you can either agree with him or not (Seven is getting oddly defensive and secretive, he surmises).  Ray flirting with you may or may not happen between chats.
However, it becomes apparent that they definitely share some kind of similarity, given that his way of averting the conversation is literally the same as how Seven does it.  While asking about their connection is available, asking about it too soon will severely drop points and make it very likely to get the Bad End.  However, you could start slowly insinuating that not only is Seven a good guy, but that he could just be thinking about family and got triggered and all that good stuff.  That’ll leave him reeling.
BAD END #2: You’ve fully accepted that Seven and V are both bad influences to the RFA, so one day you walk right up to the chat and confront Seven on basically the evasive behavior.  You push him a bit too hard and everyone else starts wondering what the heck is wrong with you, that you weren’t this upfront about these questions before.  But you’re totally convinced that Seven is a bad man and keep declaring it as such, because “he hides secrets”.  Before they know it, Unknown drops in, basically saying the exact same thing.  The scene ends with Unknown just about ready to drop the truth bombs, but it’s implied that the truth broke the RFA apart, no longer trusting the ones who led the organization.
DAY 8: A chat opens between MC and Unknown, hidden from the others.  In true MC fashion, all the conversations they had with each other has shaken Unknown’s core quite a bit, and he thinks that maybe the RFA are fine and should be left alone.  But still, he is venomously believing that Seven is the root of all evil and all that junk.  He still won’t tell you why, but the reason why he’s bringing this up is because even that notion is shaking, and that belief was the only thing keeping him going.  Chat ends before you can ask him anything.
Another chat, good news: Zen has finally decided to respond back to his brother, and so far everything is going rather smooth.  Everyone’s hunky dory, except for, of course, Seven, who isn’t responding to anything this time around.  When finally asks, he breaks down and opens up a bit more about himself: he used to have a brother as well.  He’s not gonna mention names or why they’re separated or all that juicy business, but he does mention that they’ve been apart for a long time and he had spent the majority of his time trying to find him.  Zen reconnecting with his brother has reminded him that he had failed in that mission, and felt like he wasn’t in the place to give advice since he couldn’t even find his own brother.  Everyone is shocked, but they comfort him and say things along the lines of “we’ll help you find him, we swear”.  He may mention his crazy parents without any details, but eh, I think you could get away with it.
That chat room ends, but you don’t leave, because Unknown has reestablished contact with you.  The words that Seven had said had touched him deeply, and now his entire core concept has broken apart.  He will definitely mention that he wouldn’t have believed him before, but after some MC magic (I don’t know how else to mention it), it’s actually causing Unknown to slowly believe him.  He gives a bit about his story and thanks MC for helping him, but will not reveal his name, before dropping the chat.
Cut to Seven, doing his little hacking things, maybe crying a bit because the chat got to him and stuff.  Suddenly, Unknown attacks again, but this time, one of the hacks is hiding a message.  Seven looks into the message and finds something interesting: Unknown just wants to talk.  No malicious intent, no ulterior motive, he just wants to confirm himself on something.  Seven is skeptical, but decides to play along for now, especially when Unknown reveals that he’s not even telling the higher ups about this conversation.
DAY 9: Seven is not on at all, but drops a message saying that the hacking is increasing so he needs to 100% focus on it.  Even Unknown stops talking to you, messages or not.  Meanwhile, the rest are left wondering about Seven’s mysterious brother.  V, unfortunately, is not around as always, and he’s the only one who knows the truth about Seven.  Half of them are convinced that he must be just as crazy as Seven.  But with each comedy chat, we cut back to Seven and Unknown talking to each other between the hacks.  The chats are finally getting to something that’s not akin to name calling, but there’s still some layer of walls between them.
That’s fine, because then Unknown finally contacts you again in a hidden chat.  He doesn’t know what to believe anymore, and you can choose for him to either stick to his old beliefs or reach forward and try this new direction.  Whichever way you choose, Unknown decides to drop the bomb: his name is Saeran.  He is about to reveal this to Seven when he gets a message: the savior of Mint Eye is making the bold move of going after the RFA, starting with MC.  Seven says that the bomb should protect her, but in true fashion, they go through the window and MC is successfully kidnapped.
DAY 10: The day begins in a fancy cage, and they’re ready to indite you into Mint Eye.  When you’re alone, Unknown comes to you, openly talking about bringing you to paradise or something like that.  But you could tell that his heart isn’t as into it as before.  In fact, he whispers to you that he doesn’t believe that you deserve to be here, and says that he will find a way to get you out, even if it ruins any chance for his salvation.  Before going out, he slips you a cell phone, with the RFA messaging app programmed into it.  It was the one that Unknown was using to talk to you before.
After verification, everyone is scrambling to try and find a way to get to you as soon as possible.  Zen and Yoosung are mostly comforting you, while the others are establishing a way to find you.  Seven is trying to reestablish his connection with Unknown but his side of the conversation has been cut.  You can’t talk to him either, because you have his phone.
Near the end of the day, someone drags you out of your prison and into the halls.  Someone wants to talk to you...and it’s Rika.  And she’s PISSED that you “corrupted” the man who had achieved salvation.  V, she had lost faith in, but Saeran?  No no no, this is the first case of someone being dragged back from salvation.  Remember how she loved your darkness in V’s route?  Hell no, she hates it, and she wants it gone.  With Unknown by her side, she officially starts the ritual to get you anointed into Mint Eye.  The way you react to it all gives Unknown massive PTSD, because it’s shot-by-shot the exact same reaction that he had when he first got in.
BAD END #3: He reacts too late, and you drink the medicine to get you into Mint Eye.  Since coordinates never get out, the RFA can never find you, and you basically start acting like Unknown before this route started.  Unknown, however, has had a full change of heart, especially after being reminded of how he got in here, but knows that he was the one that brought her here in the first place.  He decides to be there for her, hiding in the personal hell he dragged her in, as punishment for what he had done.
Hell yeah, dramatic irony.  Saeran hated V the most, for being the one who started all this.  So it would be tragic as hell for the last Bad End to turn him exactly into V.
NORMAL END: The PTSD snaps a chord in him, and Unknown basically pushes her away from the medicine, saving her.  Rika is even more pissed, and tells everyone to get him.  Unknown goes full on ballistic and tries to defend himself, while telling MC to run.  MC pulls off something better: in the mayhem, she is able to send the coordinates of their location to the chat room.  The minute the men get in, everyone basically scatters in fear, allowing MC and Unknown to escape.  Once alone, Unknown drops his real name as Saeran and confesses basically everything, while saying that since he was the one who dropped you here in the first place, he should be arrested by Jumin’s police and tried in law.  MC says hell no to that, grabs his arm, and hauls ass out of there.
Sure enough, Seven is outside, and seeing you two bolt out there like a bat out of hell was more than enough for him to cheer up.  You fling yourselves in the back and he hauls out of there back to the hideout.  They plan to hide out there until the mayhem goes down, and then slowly bring Saeran back into society.  He won’t tell MC, but through the chats with Unknown Seven was able to get into the network once they stopped talking, and he was able to figure out that Saeran was here.  He already deleted his name from the records, so Saeran is gonna be fine just going back (I mean, on the run, but unfortunately you’re not getting those details).
Sure enough, Saeran is getting withdrawal from the lack of elixir, and on top of that the original Unknown and Ray are coming out, basically saying that Saeran has a problem after all that stuff that happened to him.  He’s going to have to start mental treatment soon.  But nothing that Jumin can take care of, especially after all those conversations about brotherhood.  Jumin is totally fine with it, especially since he’s kept in the dark about Saeran actually being in Mint Eye and was told that he was only a victim.
He doesn’t show up in this year’s party, and neither does Saeyong, because he’s starting treatment immediately.  However, while the party starts, you get a message from Saeran, now properly assigned in the messenger.  He talks about everything that happened up until then, and says that all of this is completely due to MC.  He then ends with the message “Wait for Me”.
GOOD ENDING: Two years pass, and another party is underway!  And hey, Saeran is here too, the first time the RFA see him in a non-hospital setting!  He’s hiding in the back, too shy to show his outfit, but he wants to show you first.  You actually compliment him, and it causes Saeran to be more confident in standing out in the party.  You two end up sharing a dance together.
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themonkeycabal · 7 years
I watched Age of Ultron this morning to refresh my memory. It was ... a challenge. I took notes. (I actually have a spreadsheet of AoS ep notes, so, yes, notes are a thing I do). Looking at those notes, it seems I yelled kind of frequently. And, I was totally yelling in my mind. This movie falls apart quick. 
Oh well, chore done. *pats self on back*
Below, my notes, if you need your memory refreshed and don’t want to sit through the movie again. See how much I love you guys?
(I did edit for coherence when I decided to post)
• the opening sequence cgi doesn't get any less awful and wow, I didn't realize how stilted the dialogue maybe I'm just predisposed to be touchy about the writing because this movie was not what it could have been
• "okay Jarvis, you know, I want it all. make sure you copy hill at HQ"
• lullaby method for calming hulk
• so much of the bruce natasha stuff is so awkward. or mostly all of it, really. it's frustrating because it didn't serve a big narrative purpose at all. none of us had to suffer through this awkward for any reason.
• steve encounters wanda in the castle as he's trying to apprehend strucker. she just knocks him back, doesn't get in his head here.
• tony finds that they've got a part of a chitauri whale ship thingy
• tony encounters wanda next and has his vision of being in space and seeing all the avengers dead. and dead steve accusing him of not doing enough to save them. Tony Stark extra guilt special, with side of emotional trauma and nearly dying in the vast emptiness of space surrounded by hostile alien forces trauma.
• "a victory should be honored with revels." "who doesn't love revels?" … I'm pretty sure I wrote that (commentary about stilted dialogue comes back to bite me). Okay, not exactly, but pretty close.
**"They are very fond of merriment and revelry," he confirmed with a wry smile.
"Oh my God, dad will love them," Darcy said, choking on a laugh at the thought of it. "There's nothing Tony likes more than merriment and revelry." **
I'm just saying. Also, I wrote it first. Thank you.
• tony wants to have time to look over the scepter until a farewell party. presumably for Thor, who will take it back to Asgard. Though, he then asks Thor if he's staying for the party. So … I'm still not sure what the party is for. Nobody seems to be saying goodbye to Thor much. Also lots of WWII vets — but that's Tony trolling Steve. Still, unclear on the party purpose.
• Twins, orphaned at 10.
Pietro - increased metabolism and improved thermal-homeostasis Wanda - nuero-electric interfacing, telekinesis, mental manipulation Hill: "He's fast and she's weird".
• iron legion, still kind of creepy Tony
• Bruce: How's he doing? Tony: Unfortunately he's still Barton. Bruce: That's terrible.
Look! Characters acting like they've known each other for longer than five minutes!
• Helen Cho skin grafting magic machine nanomolecular bonding "his cells don't know they're bonding with simulacra" "she is creating tissue" regeneration cradle
• gem in scepter housing a thinking mind of some sort, program,
"Down in strucker's lab I saw some fairly advanced robotics work. they deep-sixed the data, but I've got to guess he's knocking on a very particular door." "Artificial intelligence" "This could be it, Bruce. This could be the key to creating Ultron"
Tony no!
"I thought Ultron was a fantasy." Oh, Bruce, if only.
• "I see a suit of armor around the world." "Sounds like a cold world, Tony." "I've seen colder." Tony is way way freaked out by space invaders. So much. Like whoa.
He and bruce have three days to try and pull the thinking mind out of the scepter
Integration succeeds on the third day.
• Ultron malfunctions immediately, and attacks Jarvis. Then begins assembling a body from the iron legion assembly underneath the office/lab.
• Poor Rhodey, his tank story falls flat when he tells it to Tony and Thor. But adorable.
• annoyingly (not annoyed at Sam), but Falcon's apparently looking for Bucky. "I'm very happy chasing cold leads on our missing persons case. Avenging is your world. Your world is crazy." Darcy needs to spend more time with Sam Wilson. I think they'd bond over superhero craziness and the wtf of it all.
• Rhodey tells his tank story to non-avengers and it kills. Good job, Rhodey. ILU Rhodey.
• oh god, more awkward Bruce and Nat. Please stop. Though, actually, okay, the bar scene, up to a point, is kind of charming, but then it goes super awkward and uncomfortable and makes me cringe a little bit.
And I don't hate bruce/nat in general, but it's just so forced in this film.
Then Steve comes in to force it some more. Stop, Steve. Please, don't help.
I'll continue to ignore all this.
• Clint is sure the hammer thing is a trick. Then everybody tries. Look, sort of team bonding! Thor's face when it moves for Steve is fabulous.
Anyway, then Ultron ruins everything. And already I'm losing interest in watching this film again.
• Iron Legion co-opted by Ultron. Lots of Ultron blah blah 'you're all killers, I'm a global peace initiative, humanity has to evolve, blah blah, peace through killing the avengers'.
It's funny, Ultron snarks at one point about standing around talking about his evil plan. Except, he monologues like six times in this movie.
• Ultron escapes through the internets, goes to the castle in Sokovia and the advanced robotics works Tony noticed earlier, and begins to assemble his robot army and his robot body.
• Rhodey and Hill realize Ultron could go for nuclear codes
• Thor is unhappy with Tony. Because the scepter got away with a Legionnaire. Like threateningly angry, grabbing Tony by the throat angry. Because we've apparently gone back to them only knowing each other for five minutes. Character consistency? What's that?
And then it's everybody turn on Tony time. Look, Tony makes mistakes, big ones, but this whole scene was obnoxious. Steve: "The Avengers were supposed to be different from SHIELD." *sigh*
"We're the Avengers. We can bust arms dealers all the live long day, but that up there, that's the endgame." Tony continues to be very, very wigged by what's coming from space. He's not wrong, but he's also super traumatized.
Tony: "How were you planning on beating that?" (space invasion) Steve: "Together." Tony: "We'll lose." Steve: "Then we'll do that together, too." GOOD PLAN STEVE! GOSH, GLAD YOU'RE A TACTICAL GENIUS. For real, though, that was a dumb thing to say.
I just really don't care for this movie.
Also Ultron killed Jarvis. (not really).
• Wanda and Pietro summoned to a church by Ultron. Who blah blahs about the church being in the exact center of town "the elders decreed it so that everybody could be equally close to god" Does Ultron think he’s God?
Ultron reveals himself to be a robot.
Wanda says she let Tony take the scepter because she saw his fear and knew it would make him self-destruct. If there's one thing Tony likes more than revels, it's self-destructing.
"Is that why you've come? To end the Avengers?" "I've got to save the world. But, also, yeah."
Did Joss use a cliche generator to write this?
• Pietro and Wanda give their tragic backstory.  Stark Industries shells destroys the apartment building they lived in, their parents were killed. One is unexploded and they spend two days staring at the name Stark.
• Ultron is all over the place, Hill reports. Metal man or men attacking robotics labs, weapons facilities, jet propulsion labs. Wanda and Pietro are involved.
and Ultron kills Strucker. don't care. Except, Strucker probably knew something that Ultron wanted hidden.
• Team bonding by looking through paper files for what Strucker might have known! (not much bonding, but, oh well). Thor seems to like to throw files and bankers box lids. Me, too, Thor. Me, too.
Tony IDs Ulysses Klaue. Black market arms. They met from time to time, but Tony never sold him anything. Steve gives him judging face. Shut up your face, Steve. God. For real, dude. (I love Steve, but he's so clunky in this movie. It's the writing/direction not Chris)
Anyway, they realize Gollum stole vibranium from Wakanda by a brand on his neck. So they go track him down in South Africa. How did the Wakandans let him get away with billions of dollars of Vibranium? I mean, he got caught once, but then he clearly escaped and had a lot of the stuff. How did they not hunt him down? Falling down on the job, T'Challa.
• Ultron, Wanda, Pietro get there first. Don't care. Ultron awkwardly quotes the bible -  "Upon this rock I will build my church" -  because … I don't know. Reasons? He thinks he's God now? Maybe? Earlier he liked the 'symmetry of faith' but it's not really expanded on. Who knows. Joss doesn't. Is it supposed to foreshadow him putting the destructo device in the church? Meh. What a stupidly forced line.
• "Keep your friends rich and keep your enemies rich and wait to find out which is which." Apparently from the Wit and Wisdom of Tony Stark. Okay, Tony. Anyway, Gollum IDs the line, suggests Ultron is one of Stark's robots. Ultron takes exception to that and accidentally cuts off one of Gollum's arms. Whoops.
"Don't compare me with Stark. It's a thing with me. Stark is … he's a sickness."
• Team is moving into tanker Gollum is set up in. Fighting and shenanigans.
• Bruce leaves the safety of the quinjet, after he couldn't get communication with the team to ask if the situation was 'code: green'. This will end badly. Stay in the plane, Bruce. Really, though, why did you get out? Okay, you're worried, but you don't like turning green. Maybe … I don't know. I know Tony's armor gets cell reception — did you try calling him independent of the comms? I mean, maybe try that first. (Bruce did not try that first.)
• Wanda tries to whammy Thor. It doesn't seem to work "I am mighty" until it does and he's in a strange stone hall. Wanda gets Nat next. Tries for Clint, but he electrocutes her in the face. Heh. Pietro knocks him down. And Clint suddenly has two more kids.
Meanwhile Nat is having a vision of ballerinas/her training — ceremony where she is sterilized. For, you know, great angst later.  Elsewhere Steve is at a party after the war. He sees Peggy. Of course. Poor Steve. Thor is attacked by Heimdall. "They see you leading us to Hel."
• Wanda goes after Bruce. Tony calls in "Veronica" as Hulk goes on a rampage and the rest of the team is down. Veronica is satellite launched Hulk containment and HulkBuster Iron Man armor.
Tony and Hulk fight, tear up city streets. Are they in Johannesburg? I am not paying much attention. This movie is boring. … checking … IMDB says yes.
Tony tries to remove Hulk from the city. Lots of property damage. Yikes. They destroy a very large building under construction. Tony finally subdues him.
• Hill reports no official calls for Bruce's arrest but it's "in the air." Also, Stark deploys the Stark Relief Foundation (noted). Hill suggests they should all go dark until Ultron can be tracked down. Everybody's plenty traumatized. And now's the part where I will ignore Clint's family that came out of nowhere! (I know it comes from Ultimates. I also know HOW IT ENDS WHICH IS HORRIFIC)
• Ignoring the family on the farm. "We would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed." SAME TONY.
• According to IMDB Joss had such a hard time keeping all these characters straight. It was a "nightmare". "They're very disparate characters. The joy of the Avengers (he says as he bitches about them) is they really don't belong in the same room. It's not like the X-Men who are all tortured by the same thing, and have similar costumes. These guys are just all over the place, and it's so tough."
I have not, historically, been on the Joss hate train — certainly the Joss disappointment train — but there's something about that statement that makes me grind my teeth. "They have different costumes!" Really? REALLY? DO THEY REALLY? GOSH THAT IS SO HARD! YOU'RE SO RIGHT! AND THE DIFFERENT CHARACTERS HAVE DIFFERENT BACKSTORIES AND MOTIVATIONS? MY GOD! WHAT UNIMAGINABLE MADNESS! HOW DO YOU SURVIVE?
Lazy. That's what it is. It feels lazy. Unpaid fanfic writers manage it and manage it a lot better than this mess. Ugh. Shut up, Joss.
It goes on to say he was so exhausted that he elected not to direct Infinity Wars. Yeah, I think what really happened was that he was given the option to save face and claim exhaustion and walk away. He checked way the hell out of this movie long before it premiered.
(I took an hour long break here to contain my irritation. Surfed the net. Watched some of the All-Star Game. Had a hotdog.)
• Anyway, back to the Barton farm and the family I will ignore.
Thor is having small child-induced flashbacks. He bails the awkward farm for London and Erik Selvig. Smart man.
Meanwhile, Steve looks around, moping about the normal life he'll never have.
Though, okay, Clint having a convo with Laura "Ultron has these allies. They're kids. They're punks, really. AND I WILL ADOPT THEM HONEY! DON'T YOU WORRY! THEY'RE TWINS AND THEY'RE ANNOYING AND I WILL BRING THEM HOME HERE WHERE THEY BELONG! Someone's going to have to teach them some manners. THEY PROBABLY PUT THEIR FEET ON THE FURNITURE HONEY! BUT, WE CAN RAISE THEM RIGHT!
• U-Gin Genetics Research Lab, Seoul, South Korea. Dr. Cho encounters Ultron. Ultron wants her to make him a squishy flesh and vibranium body. He uses the scepter on her.
• Back on the farm. More Nat and Bruce awkward. Pass. Though, they talk about being monsters (if they are), which is a tenuous and somewhat stretched thin theme in this film. Still super forced and anvilicious.
• Elsewhere Steve and Tony split wood like manly men. And argue.
"Every time somebody tries to stop a war before it starts, innocent people die." This line makes very little sense. It sounds profound, but it's not. Even in the context of what he and Tony are arguing about, it doesn't really make sense. So … you should always war? I don't think that's what you mean, Steve.
UGH! This movie could have been much better in so many ways.
Laura, who I don't hate despite my ignoring, interrupts (bless her) and asks Tony to fix the tractor.
• Tony goes into the barn and runs into Fury, who likes to lurk in dark corners, waiting for his moment to make his dramatic, timely entrances. ILU Fury, never change.
"You're not the director of me." Oh, Tony.
Tony tells Fury about the vision he had — where the Avengers were dead because of him and the whole world, too. "It wasn't a nightmare, it was my legacy. The end of the path I started us on."
But Fury knows all about guilt and tries to pull Tony out. Good luck, Nick. (it sort of works. ish)
• Thor meets Erik in London. Thor in stealth hoody. "I like the look. If you're going for inconspicuous, though, near miss." I miss you, Erik.
• Back at the farm. Fury is briefing them saying Ultron's building something. Re: Ultron: "He's easy to track. He's everywhere. The guy is multiplying faster than a Catholic rabbit".
Tony asks if he's still going after launch codes, Fury confirms he is but isn't making any headway, Tony is a little baffled. "I cracked the Pentagon's firewall in highschool on a dare". Fury says he contacted people at the net hub "the Nexus" in Oslo. Fury says the codes are being changed, Tony asks, by whom. Parties unknown. Fury says Ultron has an enemy, which is not necessarily the same thing as an ally for them. Except it's totally Jarvis, so you're fine.
Fury gives a "buck up little Avengers; go save the world or Barton's kids are dead" speech. Notably the kids were in the room for a lot of this.
They decide Ultron wants to build a human body that is evolved. And Bruce wonders if anybody's talked to Helen lately. Nope, sorry, Bruce. Everybody but Ultron completely forgot about her.
• Helen is amazed at the binding of the vibranium and tissue cells. Ultron calls vibranium the most versatile substance on the planet "and they used it to make a frisbee." then he gives us a yawner humans are limited and dumb and stupid and whatever else speech.
As a member of the general film and television viewing audience, can I ask that maybe Hollywood screenwriters come up with some new material? This speech is almost literally in every single movie. And I mean actual literally and not Chris Traeger literally.
Anyway, Ultron takes the infinity stone out of the scepter and places it on the new body's forehead.
• Erik takes Thor to an underground cistern or something. Erik calls it the Water of Sight. Thor says in every realm there is a reflection. He wants to return to his vision to see what he missed.
Ultimately Thor sees the infinity stones in his vision.
Ahahah. According to IMDB Joss said he wanted this scene to be longer but Marvel said he could pick one — longer Thor scene and trim the farm, or keep all the farm. He chose the farm. Why not? That whole sequence only lasts for seven uncomfortable, stilted hours. Yes, that's what we needed more of. Good choice.
(I'm not going to say we needed a longer Thor scene, but … ugh this movie)
• Tony in Oslo. "A hacker faster than Ultron? He could be anywhere." (HE COULD ALSO BE JARVIS) He likens it to looking for a needle in a haystack. But, it's easy to find one, you just bring a magnet. Then he attempts to hack the launch codes and waits.
• Back in Seoul, the body will be ready in a few hours, but they can start transferring Ultron's cerebral matrix.
Wanda says she can read "him" (the body, aka Vision). "He is dreaming." Helen says it's Ultron's base consciousness. Wanda drifts over and touches the cradle thingy and gets a vision of planetary destruction.
Wanda confronts Ultron. Ultron says "the human race will have every opportunity to improve." Pietro says "and if they don't", to which Ultron replies "ask Noah." Which, really, doesn't make much sense, either. I mean, I get the likening to the flood, but … what? Who is Noah in this scenario? The new flesh body? And again, does Ultron think he's God? Unclear. Nobody knows.
Oh, I guess not. "When the earth starts to settle, God throws a stone at it. And believe me, he's winding up."
This makes no sense.  
U: "We have to evolve. There's no room for the weak." P: "And who decides who's weak?" U: "Life."
Wait. I thought God was throwing stones?
I didn't hate this movie the first time I saw it, I actually enjoyed myself. Which is the point, so good job everybody. But the second time I saw it, I was pretty meh. And now, I'm kind of starting to hate it. Some movies grow on you after a while, this is not one of those movies.
Wanda sneakily hits Helen with some Scarlet Witchery and wakes her from the scepter-induced brainwashing.
(I took a break for another hour. scrolled tumblr. played fallout shelter. had a yogurt. rubbed my cat's tummy until she bit me. QUALITY TIME)
• ANYWAY back to Seoul. Ultron's done bloviating. Helen stupidly draws attention to herself and pauses the cerebral matrix upload. Ultron shoots everybody. Then completely disconnects himself and steals the body. Oh, because the Quinjet is inbound.
• They drop Steve off like three miles away? Why? He doesn't mind jumping out, you know. The lab's an island, you could have just dropped him in the water. But, it wouldn't give us our nifty location shot. So … okay, I guess.
Anyway, Steve runs fast. He gets to the lab and tends to the wounded Dr. Cho. She tells him Ultron's new body plan, but says Steve can't just blow it up, because the gem is in there and its power is uncontainable. Which is weird because it was contained in the scepter. (Normally, I'd let that go, but this script is such an unholy mess, I'm going to be petty. So there!)
• Clint spots the truck carrying ultron and the body. Steve jumps on it. Action and property damage ensues.
Ultron robot guards fly off with the truck. Nat's inside. She's going to airdrop the body to Clint. During the drop, Nat is grabbed by Ultron.
•Wanda and Pietro see the Avengers on the news and decide to go help out. They confront Ultron on a commuter train. Which is, of course, approaching the end of the tracks. GEE NEVER SAW THAT ONE BEFORE. Somehow the train defies physics and despite running into stuff maintains its momentum in order to crash through a lot of buildings dramatically.
• Back at the Tower …
Bruce is ready to destroy the body. But Tony's all, no wait. I have a new bad idea! (Except it's not really bad, but I can see where people are maybe concerned at this point). Also, Tony reveals he found Jarvis. Jarvis went underground. Tony wants Bruce to put Jarvis into the body, in order to override the ultron bits in the body.
"This is the perfect opportunity. We can create Ultron's perfect self, without the homicidal glitches he thinks are his winning personality." You know, I have a hard time thinking Tony would be that tone deaf. There surely had to be another way to get the same end result of the creation of Vision. That is such a dumb thing to say. I get that Tony can be blinded by his quest for knowledge of invention, but this is a little beyond blinded, especially after everything else.
"I'm in a loop. I'm in a time loop. This is exactly where it all went wrong." Bruce says the rightest thing in an hour of this film. Good call Bruce. Nothing says a good time like characters having the same argument repeatedly.
"We're mad scientists. We're monsters, buddy. We've gotta own it. Make a stand." REALLY? REALLY TONY?
Anyway —
• Nat is being held by Ultron. Ultron monologues to her.
This doesn't bother me as much as it bothered some. I mean the Nat being held part. The monologuing was super cliched.
Anyway, Nat is 'held' by Ultron. She immediately starts working on a transmitter, knowing Clint is looking for a signal from her. So, you know, she's able to be a sort of tracker to Ultron. So … why break out if that's where the fight's going down anyway? And when Bruce turns up to "rescue" her, her first thing is all "okay, so what's the play?". So … I'm in the 'she got there first and was just waiting for them to show up' camp.
• Bruce has caved to Tony's weird persuasion. Anyway. Okay.
Steve shows up with the twins to try and stop transferring jarvis to the body. Arguing arguing blah blah. Pietro disconnects the power to the cradle. And Clint finally gets his shot in on that speedy little bastard, and he's so proud of himself.
And now there's more fighting. Steve and Tony go at it. Bruce grabs Wanda. It's all very … not interesting.
Clint runs up and he's got to be all "wtf? who do I aim at?" you're the best, clint and my favorite ever. screw the rest of these idiots, I just want two hours of him and pietro and wanda.
Then Thor turns up. He jumps on the cradle, does his lightening thing and directs it to the cradle. And Vision is born. Thor holds everybody off while Vision figures himself out.
Thor then explains the infinity stones. Vision has the mind gem. He also says that's the source of Wanda's powers.
I like Vision. Also he's pretty. And he is worthy. He hands Thor Mjölnir.
And they're off to Sokovia. Because Clint tracked down the signal Nat sent, because she's waiting for the rest of the idiots to catch up. Make it 2 hours of clint and nat and the twins. I'd pay for that.
• They try to evacuate the city. Steve gives his orders and a soliloquy.
"Ultron thinks we're monsters. That we're what's wrong with the world." Well, Nat and Bruce are on the fence about their monsterness. Also, Tony did just have the bizarre bad idea to embrace his inner monster. That happened like three minutes ago. That was such a weird scene, too. Ugh. This movie! Such a mess! (WE MIGHT BE MONSTERS! ARE MONSTERS MADE ARE THEY INSIDE OF US WHAT MAKES US MONSTERS? DO YOU GET IT? DO YOU? DO YOU?)
"This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right." No, Steve, I'm pretty sure that right now, it should be entirely about beating him. "The Earth could be destroyed and we'll all be dead, but we'll rest comfortably in the ashes of the Barton children knowing that we weren't monsters like Ultron thought we were." You can philosophize after you've saved the planet. UGH!!!
• Ultron's hanging out in the church again. Tony finds him. Ultron asks if Tony's come to confess his sins. So … Ultron is a priest/preacher/minister of some type? Are we narrowing down this tortured and tenuous religious metaphor to something almost coherent? It only took 1:39:41.
He liked the symmetry of faith and he's stuck his destructo device in the middle of the church and it's symbolic of … I got nothing. Because Ultron doesn't really mention anything about it again. And he misses the opportunity to rhapsodize religiously when he's fighting the God of Thunder.
Look, go for the metaphor/allegory/whatever, or don't. Just don't half-ass it.
• Apparently this armor is the Mark XLV. (I hope Tony recycles, because those things are expensive and that's Darcy's inheritance he's burning through with FORTY-FIVE suits of armor. Not counting War Machine or the Iron Intern.)
• Vision traps Ultron's matrix to, I guess, the local ultron bot network, so he can't escape through the internets. Did ultron bots elsewhere in the world just drop? Or are they all called to Sokovia for this? I'll assume so. Figure travel time.
• Ultron's device will lift a chunk of the city and then drop it, making a big bomb that will ultimately destroy the world.
• A zillion ultron bots invade the city. And now it'll be six hours of cgi robot battles. I want to take a nap.
• Ultron monologues again. "You, Avengers, you are my meteor. My swift and terrible sword." So … he's back to maybe being God now? I'm so confused.
"And the Earth will crack with the weight of your failure." Wait, I thought they were your sword? Is it their failure that they've become your sword, or will they fail as your sword?
• Bruce/Nat scenes that actually aren't entirely terrible. I do really like "I adore you" SHOVE. Heh. ILU Nat.
• I never noticed before that Friday has some sort of Irish-ish accent.
• Clint and his new daughter Wanda are fighting off robots and rescuing people. And she's all "how could I let this happen? this is my fault?" and clint gives his inspiring "yeah, it's everybody's fault. chin up kid. the city is flying. I've got like twelve arrows. Go out there and you're an Avenger, let's go kill robots" speech. It was better than than Cap's. (ILU Cap, but you're poorly written in this movie)
Wanda decides to be an Avenger and goes robot smashing and Clint looks at her with such pride. (Well, no, he just nods and tells Cap they're clear)
And then Pietro runs up and calls him old man and Barton Bartons, he takes aim on Pietro from behind. "Nobody would know. Nobody. 'The last I saw him, an Ultron was sitting on him. Yeah, he'll be missed, that quick little bastard. I miss him already.'" Ha.
That's always worth watching a couple times. I mean, hey, AoU is not entirely irredeemable. There's good bits. There's just also a lot of not good bits.
• More robot fighting. Stark and Friday are trying to come up with a solution. Tony's got the idea to blow up/vaporize the flying part of the city, to keep it from hitting the ground and, you know, killing the planet.
Fury, always a master of timing, shows up with the primary helicarrier for evac of the city. Pietro is impressed.
And they bring along Rhodey!
• More robot fighting.
• Barton goes to rescue a kid. There's shooting. Pietro saves them by suddenly running slow enough to get hit by bullets. And dies. Because … ? After everything they did to work out the rights to Pietro and Wanda for this film and for the MCU in general, to go and kill one of them off, it's so irritatingly stupid.
• Anyway, it distracts wanda and an ultron hits the destructo device, dropping the city while Tony is busy trying to vaporize it.
• Somehow Hulk ended up on a quinjet. I don't know, I wasn't paying attention. And he has it in stealth mode and he just takes off despite Nat's attempts to call him back.
• Vision has a final confrontation with what's left of Ultron. "Stark asked for a savior and settled for a slave." So … he's Jesus? NOBODY KNOWS. Vision saves us all by finishing him off.
• The New Avengers Facility in upstate New York has a HUGE staff. I don't think I ever noticed that, either. Including, Erik Selvig.
• Steve and Tony try to rationalize why Vision can pick up Mjölnir, Thor's just content to ignore them and say Vis can keep the mind gem because he's worthy and such. "Elevator's not worthy."
Thor takes off back to Asgard on account of how all the infinity stones keep turning up. So somebody's mucking about, and by Odin's neckbeard he'll find out what!.
Tony is taking a break from Iron Man-ing. New team reveal — Sam, Rhodey, Wanda, Vision.
• Estimated Time: Three days to try to integrate the Ultron AI. AI attacks at night. Next day they ID Gollum. They arrive in South Africa in daylight, so next next day. Five Days then? Then they arrive at Farm at daylight, early morning. Another day. Fury is there at night. They leave at night. So on to day six. Go to Seoul, and Tony to Oslo. Two more days? Then Vision is born at night and then to Sokovia. Another day.  So … the week and a half of Ultron.
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Hilarious thread documents all the ridiculous 'Scooby-Doo' ripoffs
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Marvel movies? Passé. Don't even think about the DCU. Today, we're going deep into the only cinematic universe that matters — the SDCU (Scooby-Doo Cinematic Universe.) 
In the age of studios frantically scrambling to make a quick buck on rebooting something old, it's hard not to be cynical thinking about if we'll ever see the end of this Sequel Era. But if you can believe it, there was a time when it was much, much worse. Especially in animation.
There's no doubt that we're now in a golden era of animated programming for kids. In the realm of television, you're only a stones throw away (not literally, please don't throw rocks at your TV) from unique premises, mind-blowing art, and deep, emotional storylines. 
But it's taken the industry a while to get it right. Or, in the case of these animation studios, it seemingly took 20 years to stop recreating the one thing they did get right.  
And now (because no one asked)... A complete (?) listing of every Hanna-Barbera/Ruby-Spears Scooby-Doo clone: a thread pic.twitter.com/VPGMfkPgfa
— Jonathan H. Gray @ TCAF 🤪 (@jongraywb) April 28, 2019
SEE ALSO: Mainline 90s nostalgia with the forgotten cartoon channels of YouTube
Jon Gray, an artist and writer who's worked for Disney and Sonic the Hedgehog comics, recently dropped an intricate Twitter thread detailing the dark ages of Hanna-Barbera and Ruby-Spears, the animation giants behind The Flintstones, Tom & Jerry, and of course, Scooby-Doo. 
For the entirety of the late '60s and '70s, it seemed like they were either bafflingly incapable (or unwilling) of coming up with one singular good idea for a show that wasn't an exact carbon copy of Scooby-Doo. 
Gray describes it best, saying "H-B was notorious for cloning every successful idea they had eighty fold. Scooby was the most ridiculous example. My criteria for a clone is as simple as their shows: mystery solving and/or monsters with a pet. Sometimes one, the other, or both." 
— Sam Henderson (@magicwhistle) April 28, 2019
Gray's current count for Scooby-Doo clones is at 22, although he acknowledges he might've missed some just because of the sheer breadth of its content library. Here are our personal favorites: 
Scooby Doo Except the Sidekicks are Also Ghosts
*The Funky Phantom* Scooby-Doo with a non-talking bulldog Scooby-Doo and ghosts who are the sidekicks (an effeminate revolutionary war ghost and his snickering ghost cat) One of several HB series animated in Australia which is why it looks so different than everything else. pic.twitter.com/ToRg62AFIU
— Jonathan H. Gray @ TCAF 🤪 (@jongraywb) April 28, 2019
Scooby-Doo But With a Different Car 
*Speed Buggy* Scooby-Doo but Scooby is the Mystery Machine is & Shaggy is his mechanic. NOTE: Mark, Fred’s expy, is supposed to be Native American (revealed in an interview?) but you’d never know it b/c it’s never mentioned in the show & his skin is only darker in a crossover. pic.twitter.com/BGBtGexrtj
— Jonathan H. Gray @ TCAF 🤪 (@jongraywb) April 28, 2019
Scooby-Doo Except it's Shark Tale 
*Jabberjaw* Scooby-Doo but the setting is “Underwater Jetsons”, the kids are all in a band, the girls are transplants from Josie (minus Valerie) but w/ Fred & Shaggy expies & Scooby-Doo is now a shark that’s also Curly from the Three Stooges I mean, Damn Jabberjaw is a *LOT* 🤣 pic.twitter.com/QOt01ME0WS
— Jonathan H. Gray @ TCAF 🤪 (@jongraywb) April 28, 2019
Scooby-Doo: Old Town Road (Remix) 
*The Buford Files* Scooby-Doo in the Deep South with bumbling small town cops. Also Scooby-Doo is a lethargic confederate bloodhound with an occasional girlfriend. 15 min shorts that were always paired with The Galloping Ghost. Show description on the second picture. A mess lol pic.twitter.com/LBslMJPn7x
— Jonathan H. Gray @ TCAF 🤪 (@jongraywb) April 28, 2019
Scooby-Doo and Uhh...Whatever the Hell This Is
*Casper and the Angels* Scooby-Doo but it’s Casper the Friendly Ghost EXCEPT the Ghostly Trio is now Hairy Scary (a hairy ghost who likes Casper), the cast is all girls (who are space cops) & the setting is The Jetsons This and the next might be the biggest “wtf?!?” on the list. pic.twitter.com/IxYWtDwBUO
— Jonathan H. Gray @ TCAF 🤪 (@jongraywb) April 28, 2019
Scooby-Doo Except it's Oh My God What Is That Thing 
*The New Shmoo* Scooby-Doo but the kids work for a comic book company & Scooby-Doo is now the Shmoo. For whatever ungodly reason the Shmoo from Li’l Abner became STUPID popular so H-B shoved him into everything from a blatant Scooby clone to having it meet the Flintstones TWICE. pic.twitter.com/We16hqY2rJ
— Jonathan H. Gray @ TCAF 🤪 (@jongraywb) April 28, 2019
Scooby-Doo And We Are Clearly Running Out Of Ideas I Guess He's [spins wheel] A Werewolf This Time? 
*Fangface/Fangface & Fangpuss* [RS] Scooby-Doo but now Shaggy turns into Scooby-Doo who is also a werewolf. It’s highly ironic that when Ruby-Spears split from Hanna-Barbera to form their own studio their first cartoon was a Scooby clone. Fangface Is so blatant a clone that... pic.twitter.com/4WHlxPIlJ9
— Jonathan H. Gray @ TCAF 🤪 (@jongraywb) April 28, 2019
By the early '80s, Gray writes, the Saturday morning Scooby-Doo clones had fallen out of favor, with the last one officially being A Pup Named Scooby-Doo in 1988. We can't possibly imagine why. The viewing public's appetite for H-B's main cash cow wouldn't arise again until the next Scooby-Doo movie, 10 years later. 
It's mind-boggling to think about how one behemoth could dominate an entire industry by just flooding it with knock-offs of its main property. OK, maybe it's not that unbelievable. All you really need is one profitable idea and the belief that kids will watch damn near anything that's put in front of them. Alex Hirsch, creator of a little show called Gravity Falls, described this era best. 
The 70’s were the animation dark ages, a coked-out whirlwind of talking dune buggies, dogs with neck ties, and teens in groovy bands. Every shark had a tambourine and every sherif was a ghost. And we haven’t even mentioned these bastards yet: pic.twitter.com/iekwpPMeLx
— Alex Hirsch (@_AlexHirsch) April 28, 2019
But even the shows that were blatant cash grabs with awful concepts that took one collective corporate brain cell to produce are still nostalgic for someone. The only redeemable quality of these shows may lie in the fact that they were the best part of some kid's Saturday morning.
It's no mystery that the animation industry is clearly much better off now without these ripoffs, though. We may be stuck in an endless loop of reboots (both good and bad), but creativity abounds in the shows recognizing that kids are more intelligent than previous animation studios gave them credit for. 
So let's send off the gangs of meddling kids (and their dogs, or ghosts, or shark) that came before. They've solved enough mysteries to entertain a generation. 
WATCH: Kingdom Hearts III continues Disney's crossover gaming magic — Games to Play Before You Die
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