egophiliac · 4 months
What do you like about the Diasomnia boys if I may ask?
I always love hearing about the different reasons people enjoy characters.
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I mean, c'mon. he has split custody over Sebek okay
also, Lilia in particular has maybe the best timeskip character development of all time
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#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 chapter 4 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 chapter 4 spoilers#stage in playful land#i hope this is legible whoops#anon i am sorry but you made the fatal mistake of asking me to talk about diasomnia#insert 'i just think they're neat' jpg#i do like the other characters a lot but they are definitely my favorites#they just hit a lot of my favorite things in characters i guess!#yes even you sebek even though you keep shrieking NINGEN at me#(it's okay he gets Character Development™ later)#and their dynamic! it's great! these guys frikking love each other SO much and they WILL have terrible terrible angst about it#ohoho delicious#give me all your emotional hangups baybeeeee#also somewhere in there i went from 'i like them all equally (but lilia is the most fun to draw)'#to 'lilia is absolutely my favorite (and still the most fun to draw) (EVEN MORE fun now thank you swishy ponytail!)'#(it was probably when his candy coating got a little scratched and whoops all the tragedy fell out)#(where's that 'get loved loser' post because i need to staple it to lilia's forehead)#i am extremely bad at putting things into words so please don't ask me to explain it any further#just know that the diafam is everything to me and if we don't get more episode 7 soon i'm going to crumble into dust and blow away#we'll be getting the crowleytimes on monday and maybe there will be. idk. some foreshadowing or something in his groovy#probably not but LOOK i'm desperate
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rambunctioustoons · 8 months
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linterteatime · 1 year
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pwease don't repost! the sillies™
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intervalart · 3 months
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valorianknights · 1 year
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Freddie has some serious rizz.
I mean our sweet boi is dating a literal goddess.
I can just picture Freddie, this sweetheart who happens to be a walking pop culture dictionary, introducing her to this strange modern world and she's just dazzled or confused about it all.
He would probably take her to her first comic con with his family and she just admires and compliments all the artists and cosplayers, but never buys anything.
At least until she gets to the weapons and Rosa just says no.
After thinking about the movie, I realized that she's lost everything. Her family is gone and she only has the shazamily and the wizard as her allies. There's plenty of potential for angst if someone wanted to write it. Anthea probably blames herself for what happened, telling herself that "I could've done more to stop Kalypso" or "Maybe if was stronger no one would've been harmed" or even " I could've changed her mind, I could've saved my sister's from themselves".
I know she said she was going to stay in the mortal world for a while, so I'd like to think that the family let Anthea stay in the Rock of Eternity.
She could probably teach the shazamily about the gods and maybe cool subsets of their powers that they don't even know about.
I like the theory of Anthea being taken under Wonder Woman's wing to train as her apprentice and eventually becomes a new iteration of Wonder Girl. I mean they're cousins and she seems to be very curious but protective of humanity. I'll probably draw that idea some other day.
Billy probably teases Freddie all the time about his girlfriend, Darla would love to have a new person to have at her tea parties and Anthea would treat them as a serious event and announce Freddie as her plus one.
I'd like to think she would fall in love with ice cream like Diana, but also ( just for kicks and giggles) she would take a liking to Darla's Snickers flavored tea, much to Freddie and Billy's disgust.
Here's a small fun exchange:
Anthea: This is AMAZING. Freddie you have to try this!
Darla: Finally someone appreciates my refined tastes
Freddie: Uhh... wow... As much as I would love that, I'm actually allergic. Dang. A tragedy really.
Billy: Oh really? I don't remember that allergy?
Freddie: Yep, it's a recent development. Sucks.
Billy: Holy Moly! In that case you probably can't be anywhere near Ann...
Darla: and since she loves it so much you guys probably have to stop holding hands
Freddie:... What?
Darla: I asked Pedro why you guys always take so long leaving the lair and she told me that you guys were holding hands
Billy: Pffft....Oh my God 😂
Anthea: I thought we were kissing? And besides you said the tea tasted good yesterday.
Freddie: I didn't drink any tea yesterday
Anthea: But I did and after we kissed you said that you liked how my lip gloss tasted.
Darla: 👀
Billy: 👀
Freddie: 😳😳😳
Eugene: *Walks by the room* Busted~
Freddie: Mom said not to eavesdrop!
Eugene: I wasn't. I was using the bathroom and I could hear you guys. We have thin walls.
And since neither of them asked the other out, I just like to imagine Freddie just making a sign on a poster board saying he thinks that she's smart cool and classy ( because I love the Owl House)
And reacts like this:
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And then he comes from behind her and asks her out on a date .
I just want good things for them.
Sorry for the long post. I was just excited 😊
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Books of 2023. NOTHING BUT THE RAIN by Naomi Salman. I picked this up last night because I wanted to annihilate something in one sitting (it’s a whopping 91 pages), thinking the premise was Neat and it looked Very Readable, based on the opening paragraph, but I didn’t actually have any expectations for it going in.
Dear reader: I absolutely loved it.
What a weird, funny, fucked up book, which hits *checks notes* exactly all of my readerly buttons!! I love our narrator, 63-year-old retired doctor Laverne, trapped by memory-erasing rain in her exceedingly rainy childhood hometown (and, y’know, by shady mysterious lethal border guards, about whom we know absolutely nothing), and I love her voice and the format and the ambiguity and how this little book felt like exactly the right length and gave us actually no answers but guess what!! I’m not even mad!!
The tension conveyed through the broken up diary entries is absolutely masterful, and Laverne is hilarious and completely relatable, and there are completely horrifying things going on and it’s just. So Good. (but also content warnings under the cut, if that’s a thing you’re interested in!)
cw for gaslighting not just by the rain, child (and adult) death/mercy killing (not on page but described), and animal death (kitten, accidental, described as aftermath)
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summertimemusician · 11 months
Honestly the one thing that really frustrates me about Hyrule Warriors is how they cut Linkle being Link's sister, because otherwise it would have recontextualized Warriors entirely as a character.
This is mainly just headcanon territory, but something always bugged me about him being a knight in training from the get go, mainly because it's usually never any Link's first choice with First, Sky and Wild being the main exceptions (Gaepora took him in, and Gaepora runs the knights academy, makes sense he'd want to join then plus he'd probably want to protect Sun, plus Skylofts knights function differently than Hyrule knights, they don't have the same hierarchy and Skyloft is pretty peaceful before SS truly picks up so again, makes sense he wouldn't have troubles joining, we don't know First's reasons besides him seeing evil on the horizon and deciding if no one's was gonna do anything about it he might as well do it himself, and Wild was basically recruited at a young age for pulling the Master Sword while presumably young, he was never given a choice), we see it with Four, he's a blacksmiths apprentice under his grandfather and we see in his manga him practically baring his teeth at his father he won't become a knight and he doesn't pick up the sword unless really necessary, we see that with Time, he was raised as a Kokiri, he dreamt of adventure already from the drawings we see in his room, but he could always just become an adventurer if he wanted to though of course we see that change with the Hero's Shade, I'll come back to that, Wind? Was content living in Outset with Aryll before Ganon decided to fuck around and found out really hard, Legend was also a blacksmiths apprentice and adventurer and he only takes up knight training in the manga because Sir Raven inspired him, like even if he didn't want to be a knight the training would still serve him well (and lo and behold the advice pays off given all the shenanigans mostly caused by divine beings Legend gets saddled with), Hyrule obviously leaves in a very hostile world so he wouldn't even have ANY time to think about knight training, he's self taught because he'd literally die if he wasn't given monsters need his blood to ressurect Ganon so it's honestly a unique case of technically self defense, either he learned to hunt or he'd remain hunted, Twilight is the same case as Wind's, Ganondorf fucked around and found out with the wrong older sibling's people plus the protagonists heavily implied love interest(s) and got shafted into next week, him and Dusk don't have a personal connection besides Midna for him to stick around much and we see him go back to Ordon, so no knighthood there, so why was Warriors different? What motivated him?
I think Linkle being his younger sister would have been the answer.
Long post ahead, continue under your own risk
I know lots of people characterize Warriors as being of a noble line and joined the knights at the urging of his father, but let's not forget most Links are orphans so thinking Wars is an exception is a pipe dream. So that's out, however, in medieval times knights actually get plenty of benefits since they work mostly for lords, ladies and the local crown, being a knight is synonymous with being a noble or at least having a decent life at the cost of serving someone else and the Hyrulean knights don't really have any requisites before joining (though we do see long lines of knights exist, which some Links are descended from without their knowledge, so it's not farfetched to think that a good chunk of the knights of Hyrule qualify as members of noble houses loyal to the Hyrulean crown, would also explain their why they're ineffective a lot of the time too, if most of them grew noble and Hyrulean isn't war seeking {most of the time} then they wouldn't have any real experience), it would be a good way for Warriors to support himself as he climbs up the ranks, and most importantly, someone else, because he'd need to make that money to feed Linkle if she's his younger sister because most Links who take on elder sibling roles are at their best when trying to protect their younger siblings (Wind with Aryll, Twilight with Collin, to an extent Legend and Gulley, all Links are at their best when fighting/protecting someone else), Linkle could grown up without restrictions and he could support them both, making them work harder than other knights because he's already at a disadvantage.
Making it so he's in the perfect place at the right time to get noticed by Artemis before the War of Ages, and give him a reason to go against orders and fight rather than standby like other traineés, being discovered as the Hero in the process.
And as a result since Mask is in the war too, he gets inspired by Warriors (who as an older brother would definitely just snatch him, Wind, Tetra and heck even the Skull Kid under his wing because no way is he letting children younger than even his own little sister fight alone) and eventually becomes a knight too after presumably stopping his search for Navi or using his knight status to search more effectively, which gives us the Time we see in LU who eventually become the Hero's Shade, which trains Twilight. Because he looked up to Warriors while younger.
I just think it's a huge missed opportunity with a lot of room for angst/hurt comfort/drama, and also opportunities for Warriors, Legend and Wild to bond over not really liking the knights because they've all not likely been treated well by his fellow knights while young even though he himself is one, and that Warriors would absolutely be one of the first to throw hands if he heard another soldier talk badly about any of the Links, in this essay I will-
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taffingspy · 4 months
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Ghosts of memories
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askfordoodles · 2 years
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Gremlin Mode™ engaged >:3c
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wartornrequiem · 2 years
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posting the miw content i want to see (27/∞)
im ricky simping again [x]
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marinehero · 9 months
#{ v. la } ✗ 「 whiskey neat 」
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ლ. WHISKEY NEAT is set during the One Piece Live Action adapatation, where Vice-Admiral Garp, reknown around the world as the Hero of the Marines and as the man who brought former Pirate King, Gold Roger, to justice, takes special interest in the capture of a fledgling pirate wearing a straw hat known as Luffy, following his crimes against the Naval Base in Shells Town and his theft of a map to the Grandline.
     This verse includes the events of season one, as well as the events before and after. Contains spoilers for the OPLA.
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Verse Notes:
     Portrayal is primarily based off of what was shown from the Live Action and takes inspiration from the animanga canon. I will be attempting to refrain from any spoilers for that which is yet unrevealed in the LA.
     In other words, manga events yet to be mentioned or yet to occur in the LA will be assumed to be canon until proven otherwise, even if not directly referred to.
     Garp's belief in Justice is fundamental. He has commited his life towards its pursuit and he's determined to keep pursuing it until the day he dies. Not quite a dream, it is a promise. One he keeps physical reminders of in the form of various accessories, such as necklaces, rings, and pins; carrying his own beliefs of it with him wherever he goes.
     In comparison to his canon counterpart, following the nature of the OPLA in general, Garp carries himself with gravity worthy of his status. His eccentricities are slightly more kept for private, even if not hidden and still present.
     Primarily works within the Grandline, but takes particular interest in affairs within the East Blue for the personal reason of it being his home sea.
     He has well-earned his title of Hero of the Marines. Although he uses no weapon or devil fruit, he is a more than formidable opponent for both his experience, raw strength, and skills.
     His relationship with Gold Roger, though publically unknown beyond the superficial knowledge of them being mortal enemies, had left a permenant mark on Garp. And, although responsible for it, he continues to privately grieve the Pirate King's death.
     Following the events of season one, Garp did a background check on all members of Luffy's crew and continues to keep an eye out for news regarding them. Regardless of his cocnern, he keeps his word of no longer interfering or directly following after his grandson.
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melodyofthevoid · 8 months
How are mer born (or created is an option)? And what happens if two different species of mer have kids together? Is it like, a genetic lottery to see if a kid takes after their mom or dad's species?
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musical-chick-13 · 10 months
Always very funny (read: annoying) to me how frequently people will say something like, "Oh, I love fucked-up fictional relationships, I love TOXIC ROMANCE, I need my ships to have Problems™ that would make even the most stoic adult cringe in shame" and then vehemently reject literally any fictional romantic dynamic that involves a woman being horrible.
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sysig · 1 year
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Employee(s) 416 (Patreon)
#My art#The Stanley Parable#TSP#I wanted to make colour references for them! They came to mind prepackaged with a colour palette lol#Working within the Stanley Parable palette might've had something to do with that haha limitations breed creativity!#They both turned out so cute <3 That doesn't help me pick between them at all! Haha#Oh and the Sinister figure (Sigure?) turned out cute as well haha ♪ I love that Stan has cute little blushy cheeks ah too cute#It feels mean to pick one to compliment first to ignore the other til later but I have to start with one of them! Lol#416v1's hair turned out so cute and ah it was fun to do! The yellow highlights in complement to her shirt ah! Gotta do that more often#And then adding little Lines™ to her stockings heck yeah - they weren't part of her initial design but I love them#They'd be such a simple stitch for a cute pop of colour I simply had to#And the fact that the ends of her hair and her skirt have kinda similar shapes haha they're fun shapes! Very enjoyable :D#Okay now to 416v2 haha - he's also super cute!! Leaving some of his lines to implication and pseudo-lineless has a fun effect hehe#I also don't draw Stanley with them very often and I didn't in 416v2's original design either but his collar buttons! Cute ♪#Stanley has them it felt appropriate to add some to v2 hehe#I couldn't quite swing the effect I was going for but his legs are kinda meant to transition into his ''main body'' like his skintone#The lines weren't working with me tho :P So this instead! I think it still looks neat :)#Minimal shines for him since he is a shadow but still had to use the colour shines again >:3c Too fun! Haha#They're fun ♪ I'm glad my favourite extant employees all have references now haha
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hatchetsfield · 27 days
📁 x 3 ( for linda )
send me a 📁 for a small random headcanon about my muse
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when  linda  was  a  child,  her  sleep  was  often  plagued  by  nightmares.  her  mother,  back  when  she  was  still  alive,  would  always  come  in  to  console  her.  linda  would  sob  into  her  mothers  elegant silk  nightgown  about  nibbly’s  and  drowsy  town’s  and  piggies  and  cinnabon’s.  linda’s  mother  considered  these  ramblings  to  be  nothing  more  than  the  product  of  a  scared  child’s  sleep-deprived  state.  whenever  her  mother  would  try  to  hush  her  cries  by  assuring  her  it  was  only  a  bad  dream,  linda  would  insist:  “no,  it’s  not  a  dream!  it’s  real!  it’s  real!”  .  .  .  .  linda  ‘outgrew  her  nightmares’  by  the  time  she  was  eight,  and  does  not  remember  them  happening  nor  anything  having to  do  with  them.
to  linda,  worship  and  love  go  hand  in  hand,  mutually  exclusive.  they  are  a  yin  and  yang  of  sorts,  one  being  unable  to  exist  without  the  other,  both  having  to  be  earned.  this  view  was  deeply  embedded  into  her  psyche  by  her  father,  who  made  it  clear  growing up with  biting  words  and  the  refusal  of  hugs  that  this  was  his  perspective,  and  never  allowed  linda  to  doubt  its  validity  or  believe  otherwise.  (  this  view  bleeds  into  her  own  parenting  style,  as  her  favorite  child  is  usually  mutually  exclusive  with  the  one  who  most  adores  her  )  
linda was  young  when  she  lost  her  mother, around  age  ten.  she  was  very  close  with  her  mother,  and  it  was  as  though  a  piece  of  herself  had  been  forcefully  and  permanently  ripped  from  her  when  she  died.  the  death  was  deemed  a  tragic  accident,  with  her  car  being  pulled  from  out  a  lake  near  the  witchwood  forest.  linda  always  felt  that  there  was  more  to  it,  that  the  death  was  no  mere  accident,  but  her  concerns  were  shot  down  by  her  father  each  and  every  time  she  tried  voicing  them  to  him.  ever  since  she  was  a  child,  she’s  snuck  out  to  go  sit  in  front  of  her  mothers  grave ( even now, married to gerald with their four boys, linda still sneaks away at night to go visit her grave, and neither gerald or their boys are any the wiser to these visits )  —  a  gravestone  etched  with  little  bees  and  honeycombs  with  the  epitaph:  hallowed  wife,  loving  mother,  and  beloved  honey  queen.  
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steakout-05 · 7 months
the twinkle in his eyes when he sees the jetpack...... i love........
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