#Nano PA
jsabtdfandtsoec · 4 months
Here, a 5 second long random ass video that I created in flipaclip like 10 minutes ago. I just have no idea what else to post on Tumblr sooo this is just a shitpost also hope you enjoy that lazy video lol
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justjaye233 · 6 months
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I finally have what I think is a good design for them, haha( •̀ ω •́ )✧
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clocklyfox2008 · 1 year
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I should do more shaded arts soon bc I think I may improve on it soon hopefully (plus lighting bc I suck at it)
Any he's just an emo(/j) nano just trying to hide from society due to a past incident that cause him to be like this now. I originally made him an au character but now as an oc, I think I have alot of freedom to do things that I planned for him.
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sloubs · 2 years
j'me dis y a des collégiens et des lycéens aujourd'hui ils ont probablement jamais entendu le mot swag de toute leur existence
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trolleybitch · 2 years
trolley does nano days 4-9!
i forgot to update tumblr! but i am continuing to write words!
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many words, in fact. nano is still going unsettlingly well and i am ending today with a daily word count of 2093 and a total word count of 16,868 - quite a bit above today's general goal of 15k. i had a really productive day on monday reworking a scene i already had a lot of detail for (seriously i worked on it for 3 straight hours on a monday night, who am i), which then put me in good stead for having a terrible sleep-deprived distracted day yesterday and only managing 935 words. today it has been back on form and it's reassuring to have a bit of a safety net. imagine if i actually finish early?? what a concept.
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sylvestreries · 6 months
les histoires sont plus jolies dans les histoires, plus intrigantes, plus trépidantes, plus poétiques, plus...
Je compare ma vie et mes peines à celles des personnages d'histoires qui me voient pleurer, et depuis la descente dans l'hiver, les réminiscences de batailles dont le champs est tout mon intérieur, je me trouve bien terne.
Alors j'observe la pluie, et les chats qui se disputent mon attention, je mets de la musique familière et je m'envole dans des ailleurs dont je n'ai que quelques clés.
J'ai commencé à écrire l'histoire d'une montagne et de fleurs, rebelles et libres, rêvant ensemble de s'en aller loin de leurs tracas, et je me retrouve bloqué.e, au cœur tremblant de ma propre montagne creusée de dédales, les doigts tremblants. La main douloureuse, et les larmes du monde dévalant mes joues. Par où aller désormais ? Quels couloirs aveugles et sourds parcourir ? Quel réconfort dans les présences étranges qui se discernent quand la nuit accepte de se montrer douce ? La peur au ventre, dans les veines et dans la tête, qui ne sait accueillir le mutisme obstiné du dormeur, et les souvenirs dont la tendresse s'effrite pour en révéler les creux.
J'ai envie de bien faire, et je m'empêche d'avancer, de peur de quoi ? De tout gâcher ? De rater encore l'accomplissement d'un projet de ma propre entremise ? De me perdre encore plus dans mon labyrinthe, puisqu'enfin je ne sais plus où je suis déjà passé, encore moins où peuvent bien se trouver l'entrée et la sortie. Y a-t-il seulement une voie vers la lumière quelque part ?
Quelques fois j'ai retrouvé un passage vers la grotte par laquelle je suis entré.e, à même la falaise. La vie en contrebas poursuit son cours, quelques effluves familières m'ont retourné l'estomac, et j'ai hésité de longues heures à redescendre, à faire comme si de rien n'étais, à retrouver l'entourage qui a été sécurisant, il était une fois.
Et puis longtemps j'ai respiré, avec ce dégout logé au creux de moi, à la pensée de qui je pourrais bien redevenir. Et puis il se tarissait quand je laissais mon souffle se mêler au vent, quand j'écoutais les oiseaux et le bruissement dans les feuilles des rares arbres encore agrippés à la roche, l'odeur de la terre humide, et les insectes affairés alentours. Et se réveillait quand je posais à nouveau les yeux sur la société qui s'appelle Normale, et avait bercé mon sentiment d'étrangeté.
Comment oser penser à revenir en arrière, me soumettre à ses ordres absurdes et qui ne laissaient qu'à peine place à la couleur, à la douleur, à l'infini, et au tout petit ? Moi minuscule et fier, je me le refusait avec autant d'obstination, que la ville s'agrandissait toujours plus, au détriment de toujours plus. J'en avait eu marre de l'intérieur, maintenant que j'en était sorti.e ce n'était certainement pas pour revenir m'y enfermer !
Mais la Montagne, l'obscurité, le silence en tout sens, l'absence, et la perdition qui semblait éternelle, semblaient ronger et tout à la fois nourrir ma détermination. N'importe quel chemin ira, pourvu qu'il m'éloigne de là !
J'ai erré et trouvé d'autres grottes, habitées par des êtres pointus, par des griffes et des crocs, par des piqûres lancinantes, par des odeurs répugnantes, parfois par de l'eau, dont je n'arrivait à percevoir ni couleur ni chaleur, dont l'odeur m'effrayait toujours, et que je me forçait à laper, car ma soif était vorace et avait lâché prise bien avant moi. J'ai parfois rampé dans des coudes étroits, parfois pour tomber dans une flaque, et grommelé, et puis je me suis mû.e dans le silence, avançant encore vers l'inconnu de la prochaine rencontre de mes doigts sur les murs, de mon front, mon genou ou mon petit orteil, dont je crois que j'ai perdu l'ongle.
Quand ma tête a heurté une masse immense au beau milieu d'une caverne qui me semblait vaste, j'ai entendu résonner des pas lointains, et vu des éclairs dessiner les murs par centaines, douloureux pour mes yeux habitués à l'obscurité totale. Ma tête s'est mise à bourdonner de milliers de voix inconnues, j'ai cru imploser, tellement l'immensité de ma solitude avait finit par s'accoutumer et se taire, alors j'ai laissé mon corps gagner, les larmes ont dévalé à nouveau mes joues, j'ai crié je crois, j'étais secoué.e de spasmes de rires, de rages et de sanglots, et j'ai cru perdre ce qu'il me restait de stabilité intérieure. La caverne était traversée par des lumières, floues derrière de rideau de larmes et un rythme semblait pulser. J'ai fermé les yeux et ai glissé vers le sommeil, peuplé des voix diverses qui traversaient mes sens.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 4 months
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Pairing ⇒ Tony Stark x PA!Fem!Reader
Word count ⇒ 2.4K
Summary ⇒ You've been Tony's PA for many years, and you have both developed feelings for one another over time. When Tony sees you in a beautiful red dress he can't take his eyes off you, and feelings are confessed later that same night. When you spend your first time together it is filled with raw passion, but you wouldn't change it for the world as you're with him.
Rating ⇒ Explicit (E)
Warnings/Tags ⇒ Use of nickname (Precious), mutual pining.
Smut ⇒ Dirty talk, manhandling, choking, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, spanking, oral (F receiving), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), creampie, implied aftercare.
A/n ⇒ @ccbsrmsf1 I am deeply thankful you sent me this photo because the creative and other juices started flowing instantly. I hope you will enjoy this, and thank you for proofreading and inspiring me with this. I love you 3000 🩵
Events Masterlist ⇒ @anyfandomkinkbingo ⇒ Sex under the influence
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Banners: Yours truly ⇒ Divider: @firefly-graphics ⇒ GIF: Source
Main Masterlist ⇒ Tony Stark Masterlist
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Working as Tony's personal assistant never gets boring, especially when he's taking you to special events as his date, just like tonight. The two of you will attend an award ceremony where he is nominated to win one for his work on nano-tech research, and you couldn't be happier for him.
Right now, you're about to walk the red carpet, but for reasons beyond your knowledge, Tony is nowhere to be found, and your anxiety is starting to rise a little. The ceremony is almost ready to start, and just when you're about to pull your phone out of your pocket, you feel a familiar, firm hand on the small of your back.
''How do you look impossibly more beautiful every time I see you, Precious?'' the smooth voice of your boss, Tony Stark, graces your ears, and you feel every last nerve streaming out of your body, and a broad smile adorns your face.
''It's all thanks to you, Mr. Stark," you tell him, referencing the fact that he bought you the red dress he gifted you a few days ago to wear tonight. When you got the last-minute invite, you were scrambling to find an outfit when Tony overheard your frustrations as you were venting to your colleague, Stephany. A few days later, a perfectly tailored, dark red dress was sitting on your desk in a large, black box.
And here you are, wearing the dress that matches his outfit perfectly, making you two the standout pairing on the red carpet tonight. He's wearing a simple outfit consisting of a black suit with a red shirt, a pair of red glasses, and slicked-back hair, making him look a particular type of handsome you don't get to see very often.
You're used to seeing him in old T-shirts, faded jeans, and messy hair when he's working in his lab or his Iron Man suit when he's out on missions. But to see him clean up beautifully like this has you slightly clenching your thighs every single time, as it's an absolute sight for sore eyes.
"How many times do I have to tell you that you can call me Tony?'' he says teasingly, and you feel the blush on your cheeks grow, warmth spreading over them as you're looking for the right words to say. When you're about to answer him, you get interrupted by one of the people managing the red carpet, ushering the two of you in front of the photographers.
He holds out his arm for you, and you hook yours through, your hand resting on his lower arm as you pose for the photos together. All the photographers can't get enough of the two of you, and Tony can't get enough of their attention either, making the carpet feel like it's going on for a long while it is only a few minutes. When you're done, however, you let out a small sigh of relief; the worst of the night is over.
''Let's head inside, Precious; I have an award to collect!" Tony said jokingly as he grabbed your hand, leading you through the mass of people to your table, where dinner would be served during the ceremony, and a glass of champagne was waiting for you. You're seated on Tony's left, and some other important people from Stark Industries are there too, though you don't pay attention to them as all you can focus on is Tony.
As the night progresses, you and Tony have a few glasses of champagne, and you notice you're starting to giggle a little, which is a clear sign for you to stop drinking. You don't know, however, that Tony is reveling in these sweet sounds tumbling from your lips, his heart beating faster every time he hears it.
When it is time to present the award Tony is nominated for, your attention shifts to the guy presenting it, and even though he looks familiar, you're not entirely sure where you recognize him from. There's not much time to think about it because the winner is soon announced, sending the entire room into applause.
''And the award winner is Tony Stark for his life-changing research on nano-technology!" the man announces. You applaud him as you get up, and the first thing Tony does is turn to you, pulling you into a tight hug that you happily reciprocate as you melt into each other's touches. Neither of you wants to let go, but when he does, you give him a kiss on his cheek, which makes his breath hitch slightly. Now it's his time to blush, but he doesn't get to think about it for too long as he's already pulled away by others at the table and heading towards the stage shortly after.
''First of all, I want to thank everyone for being here tonight because this award wouldn't have been the same without all your support. But now, I want to thank the person who means the most to me, and without whom I wouldn't have been up here, my amazing PA, Y/N Y/L/N!" Tony starts his speech while looking at you, and you blow him a kiss as a thank you. Your shyness is significantly lessened by the two glasses of champagne you've had.
''She has been by my side throughout every step of the process, and without her, I would still be in the early stages, or I would have moved on to something else entirely. Because of this, I want to dedicate this award to you, Precious. I love you, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us,'' he says with a wink, and you can feel the warmth coursing through your veins, a broad smile appearing on your features.
When he's back at the table, he leans into you before whispering something in your ear that has goosebumps erupting over your neck and arms and clenching your thighs simultaneously.
''We should get out of here, Precious, because I have something important to talk to you about,'' he says, and before you know it, you're on your way back to Stark Tower. You're looking out the window as your foot is nervously going up and down, as you're letting all the possible scenarios of what he could want to talk about with you pass through your mind. What he is about to tell you is something you have dreamt of but never expected to happen.
Something feels different when you step into his apartment - where you've been countless times. It feels like the atmosphere has shifted since the last time you were here, not even five hours ago.
''Let's get comfortable first, Precious. Do you want something to drink?'' he offers as he takes off his glasses on the kitchen island for now. He hands you another glass of champagne, which you drink to calm your nerves before Tony tells you what's happening, all while he sips on his.
''It's best to say what I think because I am head over heels in love with you, Precious. I have been for a long time and can't hide it anymore. I want nothing more than for you to be mine, to be able to touch you, kiss you, love you the way I desire,'' he says, leaving you with your mouth slightly slack as his hand reaches up to your cheek, cupping it gently.
His deep, dark brown eyes look into yours as he patiently waits for your answer, trying to find the answer on the tip of your tongue. How you love him too, how you want to be his, how you want him to make sweet, gentle love to you for hours on end, but that's not what you say.
''I'm yours, Tony, now please fuck me already,'' you tell him, and he does, right on the couch where you're sitting, without a single ounce of hesitation. Your dress has found its way on the floor, followed shortly by his suit as you're both completely naked on the couch, your leg over his shoulder as he's buried between your thighs and eating you out with the passion of a starved man.
''Holy fuck!" you exclaim as his tongue makes contact with your clit, the tip making teasing circles around it as your hips buck up, pushing your pussy impossibly closer against his face. His facial hair is rubbing deliciously against your thighs, the burn intensifying your arousal immensely.
''Fuck, 'm cumming, Tony, please let me cum!" you say, your hands finding their way into his hair and pulling hard, leaving no trace of the previously perfect slicked-back hair as it's a mess that you can't help but pull on as you're rutting against his face. His lips seal around your clit as two fingers plunge into your dripping pussy to bring you to your orgasm. The bruising pace he sets ensures your first one has you seeing stars, and with a scream of his name, you cum, your entire body shaking uncontrollably.
Before your orgasm has even ended, he manhandles you on your hands and knees with his strong hands, and from the corner of your eyes, you can see his muscles bulging as he does so, the veins on his arms clearly visible as your face is pushed into the cushions before he lines up his long, thick cock with your entrance which is presented beautifully for him.
''Look at you, Precious, such an obedient little slut for me! Bet this pussy feels so good around my cock,'' he grunts through gritted teeth as his tip breeches your hole, your pussy welcoming him immediately as he slides in with a single thrust.
''Fuck! Such a tight pussy for me, Precious, feels so good around my cock,'' he praises you, and all you can do is moan, his hand between your shoulder blades keeping you firmly in your place. The pace Tony sets has your mind reeling, and you're slipping further into the fuzziness you love so much as he takes control of your body and your every movement, fucking you into the couch.
The sound of his hips slapping against your ass fills the room, combined with your shared moans, groans, grunts, and praises. You feel like you're floating, and when his hand comes into contact with your ass as he lands a spank, you are tipped over the edge of your second orgasm as your pussy clenches around him.
The way your ass burns in the place where he just spanked you is a delicious, welcome burn that has you moaning loudly, prolonging your orgasm even more, and the pleasure seems to be neverending.
''Oh, fuck, gripping me like a damn vice, Precious, feels so good when you cum for me, but I need one more from this perfect pussy of yours, need one more from you, okay?" he tells you as he keeps pounding into your sensitive pussy, the overstimulation slowly creeping closer after the first two orgasms in such a small amount of time.
''P-please,'' you beg softly, and the hand that was between your shoulder blades slides forward to your throat, pulling you up until his chest collides with your back, and he's still fucking you deeply from this angle, his cock hitting your sweet spot each time, earning himself soft moans and whines from you.
''Want you to cum with me again, Precious, one more, and then I'll fuck this pussy full of my cum. That's what you want, isn't it? For me to fuck my cum into you until you're dripping with it? You can have it all, Precious; need one more from you,'' he groans as he slightly lifts his hand, tipping your head back onto his shoulder. Your eyes are shut tightly as your hands move to his arms, gripping them tightly as you dig your nails into them, scratching him to ground yourself.
''So fucking close, Precious, 'm almost there! Cum for me, and I'll pump you full; I got so fucking much cum for you. My balls are so fucking full for you," he tells you, and with three more sloppy thrusts, he cums with you; your last orgasm is not as intense as you're on the edge of overstimulation. He lets go of your face as he slides out and sits down, pulling you onto his lap as you're both coming down from your highs.
Both of you are panting as you settle into his arms, his warmth enveloping you as you let your hand rummage through his hair, messing it up even more with a soft giggle.
''You know, it is the first time that I heard this cute little giggle of yours when I realized I have feelings for you,'' he tells you as he presses soft kisses onto your face, and you close your eyes as you let the happiness take over right now. You don't want to be anywhere other than his arms, and he's not planning on letting you go anytime soon, either.
''It was the first time I walked into your office; it's from that moment I had a massive crush on you,'' you tell him as your hand glides to his facial hair, your nails gently scratching it as you lean in for a gentle kiss. His tongue slides into your mouth as you're sharing your first real kiss, one that isn't a drunk, sloppy one or a quick one on New Year's Eve, but a deep, passionate, love-filled kiss that has you both gasping for air after.
''I've been thinking-'' Tony starts as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, ''-that I want you to be mine. If you say yes and are okay with it, I want to keep it a secret for now, as I want it to be you and me in this relationship. As soon as everyone else finds out, it's always a huge mess, and I want you to myself for as long as possible,'' he says, and you nod in response.
''I want that too, Tony; I want you to be mine,'' you whisper before capturing his lips again, and that's when he lays you carefully on your back on the couch.
''In that case, I want to make love to my girlfriend now,'' he says with a smirk, and you can't help but blush at these words. Tony's girlfriend sounds like perfection, and you wouldn't want it any other way.
''And I want to make love to my boyfriend,'' you tell him with an equally large smile before pulling him in for a kiss and letting the pleasure take over again. You're exactly where you want to be and never want to leave his arms again.
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nanowrimo · 4 months
How a First-Timer Wrimo Landed Literary Representation
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NaNo participant Demi Michelle Schwartz shares her story on how NaNoWriMo helped her sign on with a literary agent! She also offers some lessons she learned from taking on the challenge — and maybe it'll inspire you too!
Are you an author with dreams of being represented by a literary agent? If so, I’m here to tell you that NaNoWriMo played a key role in my journey to signing with my agent, Michelle Jackson at LCS Literary.
I received an offer on the manuscript I drafted during my first NaNoWriMo in 2022. Fun fact, I signed my contract during November in 2023, exactly a year after writing the book. Reflecting back, there were choices I made that I hope will give you insight into how your NaNoWriMo project could lead to securing representation.
Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone
I’ve been an avid reader of young adult mysteries and thrillers ever since middle school. For this reason, I naturally gravitated to those genres when I started writing books. Still, I’ve grown to appreciate all genres from my MFA in Writing Popular Fiction program at Seton Hill University, a top one being fantasy. When I decided to participate in NaNoWriMo, I stepped outside my comfort zone and drafted a young adult Little Red Riding Hood reimagining with Greek mythology.
Exploring a different genre led to me writing the book that got me my agent. So, if you’re interested in taking the NaNoWriMo challenge, consider trying something new. Along the way, you’ll expand your creative horizons.
Planning Before Taking the Challenge
Something I noticed after participating in NaNoWriMo twice now is that planning my books led to me feeling invested in them. As authors, we always have ideas bouncing around in our heads. Some stick, and others don’t. Taking time to explore my characters, plot, world, and more made me realize how much I loved what I was creating. Before I even started writing on November 1, I felt passionate about my story.
When you’re pitching agents, your goal is to sell your story. Having such a strong belief in your manuscript will allow you to authentically query it. Passion shines through, and if you care about your book, an agent may fall in love with it, too.
Taking Time to Receive Feedback and Revise
I can’t stress enough how important it is to receive feedback on your work and do several rounds of revisions. Once you draft a book during NaNoWriMo, it may be difficult to resist the temptation to send it out right away. Rather than querying a manuscript that isn’t ready, channel your eagerness to share your work into finding critique partners and beta readers.
For my manuscript, I did a revision on my own after winning NaNoWriMo. Then, I received critiques, made edits, and repeated this process until I felt my manuscript was ready. I queried my agent in August, and she offered me representation at the end of October. I truly believe the time and effort I put into polishing my book led to getting many full requests and my offer.
If I would have pitched the draft from NaNoWriMo, I’m 100 percent sure my email would have been flooded with only rejections. So, remember to take your time revising. The wait will be worth it when you begin receiving positive responses to submissions.
Now that it’s a new year, there’s a long runway before November arrives. It’s never too early to start planning your NaNoWriMo project. Since this challenge gave me the opportunity to draft the book that made one of my dreams come true, I hope you feel inspired to take a strategic approach to your NaNoWriMo project and give it wings to soar in the publishing world.
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Demi Michelle Schwartz is a young adult fantasy and thriller author from Pittsburgh, PA, represented by Michelle Jackson at LCS Literary. After earning BAs in Creative Writing and Music from Seton Hill University, she went on to pursue her MFA in Writing Popular Fiction at Seton Hill and graduated with her degree in June of 2022. When Demi isn’t working on her manuscripts, she’s busy chasing her other dream as an award-winning songwriter and recording artist.
Check out her website, Twitter, and Instagram!
Header photo by Negative Space.
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Nano to literally every PA boss ever (especially when on zen mode or controlled by a pro player)
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jsabtdfandtsoec · 4 months
Its 21:31 inbyour country.
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Who just randomly asked me when it was 21:31 in my country? Don't tell my parents! because it was past my bed time, Also that was yesterday not today. Also thanks for the ask because that was my first one anyway let me just 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙧 𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣
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plushberrycc · 8 months
Also a drawing of Hal and Nano (they are different imo) from a while ago cause I got PA finally :D
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I'm so happyyyy
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clocklyfox2008 · 1 year
So Opaline gave me inspiration to make this
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Yes, nano fesh
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miki-kaname · 6 months
Anime girl birthday list
(For future reference)
Yoruichi Shihouin (January 1)
Hotaru Tomoe (January 6)
Makima (January 7)
Rukia Kuchiki (January 14)
Mio Akiyama (January 15)
Maki Zenin (January 20)
Keiko Yukimura (January 31)
Sawako Yamanaka (January 31)
Rin Tohsaka (February 3)
Mikasa Ackerman (February 10)
Tsuyu Asui (February 12)
Hitori Gotoh (February 21)
Ui Hirasawa (February 22)
Homura Akemi (February 22)
Shinobu Kocho (February 24)
Sakura Matou (March 2)
Michiru Kaioh (March 6)
Nano Shinonome (March 7)
Mio Naganohara (March 10)
Chiaki Nanami (March 14)
Raphael Ainsworth Shiraha (March 19)
Yoshino Himekawa (March 20)
Rei Ayanami (March 30)
Miwa Kazumi (April 4)
Tohka Yatogami (April 10)
Gabriel White Tenma (April 20)
Retsu Unohana (April 21)
Ikuyo Kita (April 21)
Aoi Asahina (April 24)
Mahiru Koizumi (April 24)
Tohru Honda (May 6)
Kyoko Sakura (May 9)
Kanao Tsuyuri (May 19)
Konata Izumi (May 28)
Nijika Ijichi (May 29)
Mitsuri Kanroji (June 1)
Kurumi Tokisaki (June 10)
Launch (June 17)
Tsumugi Kotobuki (July 2)
Tsukasa Hiiragi (July 7)
Kagami Hiiragi (July 7)
Maya Ibuki (July 11)
Mash Kyrielight (July 25)
Sasha Braus (July 26)
Yukina (July 26)
Kyoka Jiro (August 1)
Kotori Itsuka (August 3)
Faye Valentine (August 14)
Satanichia McDowell Kurumizawa (August 15)
Ritsu Tanaka (August 21)
Emma (August 22)
Iroha Tamaki (August 22)
Orihime Inoue (September 3)
Hange Zoe (September 5)
Ami Mizuno (September 10)
Ryo Yamada (September 18)
Sayaka Miki (September 20)
Monika (September 22)
Momo Yaoyorozu (September 23)
Rangiku Matsumoto (September 29)
Madoka Kaname (October 3)
Nejire Hado (October 6)
Kyoko Kirigiri (October 6)
Vignette April Tsukinose (October 10)
Minako Aino (October 22)
Mai Minakami (March 24)
Miyuki Takara (October 25)
Setsuna Meioh (October 29)
Azusa Nakano (November 11)
Origami Tobiichi (November 11)
PA-san (November 11)
Illyasviel von Einzberm (November 20)
Yui Hirasawa (November 27)
Megumin (December 4)
Misato Katsuragi (December 8)
Nero Claudius (December 15)
Shouko Komi (December 25)
Yuuko Aioi (December 26)
Ochaco Uraraka (December 27)
Nezuko Kamado (December 28)
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lerefugedeluza · 6 months
Coucou ♡ 
Une petite vidéo bilan du Nanowrimo de cette année. Ce mois était plutôt chaotique mais j’ai quand même réussi à écrire presque tous les jours. Si vous voulez en savoir plus, n’hésitez pas à regarder la vidéo ! Si vous avez participé au Nano 2023 vous pouvez aussi me raconter comment ça s’est passé pour vous ! 
Bonne journée ♡  (et désolée pour les problèmes de son, j'ai fait tout ce que j'ai pu mais il n'est toujours pas net)
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adhindatb · 10 months
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Halo Tumblr
Kembali jumpa lagi tentu saja dengan kisah-kisah manusia bucin yang mana ternyata dia sekarang sudah jadi suami aku gaes 🥺😭 (masih nggak nyangka)
Masih dengan HASTAG #SuratUntukmu yang dulu rajin sekali aku tulis buat kaka tingkat favorit ku ini. Ternyata memperjuangkan seseorang memang harus s e r i u s
Si manusia yang dulu dingin sekalii seperti ubin masjid, ternyata pas udah nikah jadi si paling pengertian, paling paham perasaanku, dan paling perhatian. Tidak lupa panggilan romantis nya "adek" walaupun 24 tahun jadi adek aku nggak pernah dipanggil "adek" sama kakak ku sendiri...
Dalam rangka memperingati 44 hari bersama mu yang nano-nano. Senang, sedih, nangis, dan marah ternyata kita lewati di plus minus satu bulan pernikahan ini...
Semoga kamu makin sabar sama si "adek" yang banyak maunya ini. Aku cuma mau bilang kalau aku nggak menyesal sudah menunggumu hehehe 🤭🥰
Untuk : Mas Bojo🌻
Dari : Fans Mu Nomor Satu
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nanowrimo · 11 months
5 Tips for NaNoWriMo First-Timers
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Feeling nervous as a new Wrimo? NaNo Guest Demi Michelle Schwartz has advice for you! Read on for tips on how to make sure your first attempt at Camp NaNoWriMo is a great one.
Have you heard about the NaNoWriMo or Camp NaNoWriMo buzz? Are you on the fence about taking the challenge for the first time? If yes, I’ve been in your shoes.
Last year, I got a new novel idea I was eager to write. I love challenges, and NaNoWriMo looked like the perfect time to draft my story. Still, being a first-timer gave me nervous butterflies. Little did I know I’d win my first NaNoWriMo with a finished draft at 73,000 words.
Whether you’re planning on participating in Camp or thinking ahead to November, I have five tips for you.
1. Plot and Research in Advance
First, I can confidently say I wouldn’t have been successful if I didn’t plot and research. Having a solid story idea from the start gave my writing direction each day.
If you’re a pantser, this may contrast with your process. Rather than completely plotting the novel, see if you can at least plan major beats or turning point scenes. That way, you’ll have plot points to write towards.
Also, doing research in advance reduces the amount of times you’ll have to pause to look something up. You may have to google information here and there, but a head start will make these internet-surfing adventures minimal.
2. Plan a Writing Schedule
Planning a writing schedule is key. For me, I’m most productive when I first wake up before I’m swamped by the day’s tasks. Also, I write well before bed, as long as I’m not too tired. Knowing when you write best will allow you to plug in time to work on your story.
Also, look at your calendar and plan accordingly. Part of my NaNoWriMo goal was writing every day, but I had to work around other commitments. Last November was a busy month for me in my songwriting career. So, I had to adjust my writing schedule during busy release and press days.
Having a plan for when you’d like to write and being aware of days you can fit in more time with your story will give your journey structure.
3. Remain Flexible
I can’t stress enough how important it is to remain flexible. No amount of planning can prepare you for curve balls or days you’re not in a creative mood.
If you go into NaNoWriMo thinking all your plans are set in stone, you may find yourself feeling anxious when something veers off course. Remaining flexible gives you room to adapt while staying on track.
4. Interact with the Community
NaNoWriMo has a special community. Whether you’re connecting with other writers on the website or on social media, everyone is so supportive.
There’s nothing better than participating in an event where writers are cheering each other on and sharing experiences. You may make friends and connect with critique partners and beta readers. Most of all, you’ll realize you’re not alone as you take the NaNoWriMo challenge.
5. Celebrate All Your Wins
Finally, celebrate all your wins. Recognize when you draft your first chapter. Give yourself a pat on the back when you hit a certain word count. If you’re doing a streak, feel proud for writing several days in a row.
Sometimes, as writers, we only focus on our end goal. It’s important to remember the small wins along the way play a role in reaching the desired result.
There you have it. Those tips allowed me to succeed during my first NaNoWriMo. There’s an international community of writers ready to welcome you, so get out there and become a Wrimo!
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Demi Michelle Schwartz is an author from Pittsburgh, PA. She writes young adult fiction and enjoys the mystery, thriller, and fantasy genres. After earning BAs in Creative Writing and Music from Seton Hill University, she went on to pursue her MFA in Writing Popular Fiction at Seton Hill and graduated with her degree in June of 2022. When Demi isn’t working on her manuscripts, she’s busy chasing her other dream as an award-nominated songwriter and recording artist. Check out her website, Twitter, and Instagram! Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels
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