#NOT my arg bullshit
offlinesequence · 21 days
just remembered that as a kid there was a sign in my local forest that had the operator symbol thing carved into a specific area of the map and it would scare my 12 year old ass every time we went by it
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hiddensneker · 1 year
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wolflover33100aj · 19 days
No thank you, I'm good
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
The want and urge to animate an eldritch horror Danny Phantom is so strong and yet I don’t have the artistic skill or knowledge of particular types of animation to fully do the idea in my mind justice
#bones speaks#you know that one arg channel? _Boisvert#that one#the angel from that#that’s the best way to describe what’s going on in my head#I feel the need to animate and not draw it bc drawing it won’t show the extent of the *wrongness* ya know#angels say ‘be not afraid’ for a damn reason when first meeting people and I need Danny to have the same vibe#sorta holy or divine and visually goes beyond human comprehension so much so that we can only see what our brain can best process#which is to say: some creepy ass bullshit of an amalgam horror creature of colossal size and power#When I look at Eldritch Horror Danny it needs to be so much overstimulation of shit going on that I instantly start dissociating#it needs to be so much at the same time that it genuinely makes you mentally break#if you check out that ARG channel: be warned that it’s main theme is depression and hopelessness. it may send you into a depressive spiral.#it has frightening and VERY unnerving imagery along with religious themes and gore and a LOT of staring#just so y’all know and I don’t accidentally make y’all dissociate or anythin cause that shit nearly instantly makes me lose touch w reality#like I should enjoy watching it bc it genuinely makes me feel bad and yet the curiosity of such an interesting take of the medium an just-#it’s just so cool ya know? stuff Beyond Comprehension and exsistential dread is just FASCINATING.#like Everywhere at the End of Time#that shit? instantly makes me have an anxiety attack and makes me off the rest of the day.#do I find it incredibly intriguing and on the occasion listen to it again knowing damn well that I’m setting myself up for a shitty day? yes#it’s just sO COOL#audio format of dementia is beautifully haunting. I worked for a time volunteering helping dimentia patients. some of them…#they were hollow. empty shells of a person that when I saw them all I could visualize was that awful static from the album just going on and#on forever. there was nothing left. that shit and morality scares the SHIT out of me and equally entices me#tw dissociation#tw memory loss#tw dementia
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pigeonwit · 10 months
british people reading this post have you heard of twiddlywinks the grocery store
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yonicfemcel · 10 months
i have burned through my 2tb and now i need new storage i wonder what i should get. there is a 985gb usb for 16 pounds but it almost seems like it's that bullshit where 100gb are not actually there as storage or whatever. Just bought my third SSD so I can expand my goon files :)
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evanatsuhi · 2 years
i’m so sad that i have to add i/nscryption to my list of games with missed potential bc i think it’s a genuinely good game it’s just that the dev fucked it all up with the stupid arg 😭😭
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darkwater-reservoir · 2 years
No, we cannot keep the cat
Summary: Nat finds a cat while looking for supplies and, to Tucker's dismay, the group decides to adopt it
A/N: Tyler is the name of tsv in this fic as he is in all my fics and Nat uses she/they pronouns
Pairings: none
Rating: G
"Guys! Over here!"
Tucker is the first to reach Nat "What is it? What did you find??" The 17 year old holds up a black cat with yellow eyes and has a huge grin on their face "I found a cat!"
When Tyler finally reaches them his eyes light up and he starts to pet the cat in their arms "they're so cute!"
"Yeah! I think we should keep them"
"No absolutely not." Tucker says flatly "We can't afford another mouth to feed. Besides, we're nomadic right now the cat's probably just gonna run off"
"Lame" Danyon chimes in "I vote we keep the cat"
Tucker scowls "no! There will be no voting! We are not keeping the cat!"
"I also vote to keep the cat" Nat replies, now petting the cat on the floor "Tyler?"
Ty looks at Tucker, who is very obviously livid, and then to Nat and Danyon, who are now both playing with the cat on the floor. He pauses for a moment and looks back at Tucker, who just silently shakes his head and glares at him.
"I also vote to keep the cat"
Nat grins "3 to 1 motion passes, we keep the cat and also Tucker's a dumbass"
"Well its not your car..." Danyon mumbles looking at Ty "I DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHOSE CAR IT IS! WE ARE NOT KEEPING THE CAT!"
Nat completely ignores Tucker and turns to Danyon and Ty "I think we should name her eclipse. What do you guys think?"
"Yep! The pussy's got a pussy"
Ty sighs "Nat, please don't phrase it like that"
"How about George"
"George?" Nat says exasperated "fucking George?? Danyon you're gonna name the cat George???"
"Well, I think its a good name"
"WE ARE NOT NAMING THE CAT! WE ARE NOT KEEPING THE CAT! WE ARE DOING ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING WITH THE DAMN CAT!!! Just leave the damn thing alone and lets get a move on before someting fucking finds us" Tucker snaps. No one listens.
"How about Sunrise?"
Danyon and Nat turn to look at Ty "because its 6 am and the sun would be rising right now? Also because a sunrise would be really good thing and the cat is a good thing?"
Danyon shrugs "I like it. Nat?"
Nat picks up the cat again and makes her way towards the store entrance "Sunrise it is"
"Nat you are NOT bringing the cat into the car!" Tucker calls to Nat "You don't even have cat food!"
Danyon walks past Tucker and holds up a basket of cat food, toys, and litter "i do"
Tucker just sighs as the other 3 walk to the car with the cat and reluctantly follows with his shopping cart of food "I guess we're keeping the fucking cat"
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jaffre · 20 days
was watching a video on inscryption and in the middle it asked me to go play the hex and i was like.......ok FINE its eight bucks ill go play it
amazing game i love it
BY THE WAY this is the video
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daeluin · 6 months
chanting we are gonna get through this. we always get through. we survived the '90s. we lived through 2001. and 2009. ni el gato nos pudo. siempre costó y salimos peor pero salimos. tenemos un pueblo muy rico y resiliente vamos a salir
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itsadancingdinosaur · 2 years
Modern day W.B. Yeats would make an arg
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trickstump · 1 year
having both MCR and FOB active and (allegedly) working on new albums at the same time since like 2008-ish, both like. in their own words, on their own terms without outside/label pressures and influences is really interesting because you get to see the different ways these two bands who are often lumped together operate. and by this i mean i know with unerring certainty that i will just awaken one morning to find my home razed to the ground and MCR5 dropped, no warning, like a tornado, but those assholes from chicago are going to drip market arg me into a pepe silvia fever pitch and breadcrumb me every second to FOB8, where they will then, and only then, put me down execution style with one right between the eyes the second patrick stump opens his mouth to sing whatever harrowing bullshit pete wentz has triple dog dared him to sing.
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ell-does-stuff · 2 months
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also eepy lila
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while gathering images for this ive noticed that the "pile of dexter" as im calling it is staring at the thieves the whole time they're in the attic (specifically fat thief)
is he somehow still alive???? just possessing a pile of dead doll????????
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so cool to see the big ass spider get some actual relevance!! def gonna be important next episode for sure
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ROSS'S DAD!!!!!!!!
also jaune is so pretty with her hair down like omggg... love to see her being such a supportive friend to lila as well
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"are you throwing away dad's stuff mom?" WAAAAAA MY POOR BABYYY IM GONNA CRYYY
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theyre so me
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"this cat looks sick im taking it to the vet" BULLSHIT i know what you are. 👁️👁️
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DEXTER'S MOM!?!?????!?!?!?!?!!!??? i had no idea she would ever show up like wow i did not expect to see her at all
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poor little babies and their lack of parents
ok sorry ik im joking here but MAN this scene made me feel bad 😭😭😭
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pretty sure this dude is the same guy as the "costume bob" in the last episode??? i felt bad for him last time but here he seems like kind of a pathetic and weird ass man ngl lol
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he is EXACTLY how i pictured he would be!! my brain is not gonna shut up about him for the next few days i just know it HAHAHAH
also my caramelpopcorn (thats their ship name right?? or was it candycorn??? i forgor lol) heart is completely full, i loved actually seeing him and kevin canonically interact, they are perfect <3
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"im... uh... like an uncle!!" "i just wanna help the children..." BROO??? feeling kinda bad for frank rn, these are like the only kids he genuinely cares about and hes being turned away from em
ik hes a shady guy but STILL
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also i made this gif myself yall better like it
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aaaaaaaaaand dexter's mom is dead.
like son like mother i guess 💀
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love how ignacio's door has small little boards on it from when they bashed it with a hammer HAHAHHA
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also, looking at the inside of ignacio's house, is that john's family on the little table there???
one of the images in the arg gives a better look at this, but i had no idea it was in IGNACIO'S HOUSE of all places. why does he have that??? and right by the gun too.... what is this silly cult man planning......
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(the arg image in question if yall were wondering)
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"we understand you" "we're here for you dude" "thank you guys, i just wish things weren't so..." HATZGANG FRIENDSHIP WAAAAA!!!!!
also ROY HAS BEEN THROUGH SHIT MY POOR GUYYYY i wanna hug him mannnn 🥺
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witchhazel-fumes · 2 months
Creepypasta is inherently cringy. It's foundations are built on the backs of mentally ill teens and young adults from the late 2000s-2010s. Of course it's self indulgent, we were suffering and needed escapism. Of course some of the portrayals of mental illnesses are less than perfect, we were navigating an ableist world while struggling with said illnesses. Hell, many of us were being abused and the idea of a found family made it so we could make it through another day.
I've been in the creepypasta fandom since I was a little girl. 9 years old, in fact, 2009. The dawn of ARGs becoming popular. I've only recently began creating content because I felt the community has matured enough that if someone didn't like what I did, they'd move on rather than rant and rave over how garbage my art is. That's mostly the case. Mostly.
See, I'm seeing a rise in "mature" portrayals of these characters. Not NSFW "mature", that's always been there. I mean supposedly gritty, realistic, "made for adults" kind of spins. It'd be fine if the people doing it weren't fucking trampling on the heritage of the community in the process. We're a goofy community, and the slenderman is our dad that makes us waffles. We write bullshit, but still entertaining stories about serious topic, then put those characters in goddamn tutus. You can have your cake and eat it too. You just don't have to be unpleasant about it.
My favorite example of this duality is @carnalhaus 's Nine Jeff. His story is heartachingly sad, it's fairly realistic, it's got mature and NSFW themes at times, and yet... we've got art of him in a cat maid outfit. And it's fantastic. The duality of this fandom is what makes it so great. Shunning one part in favor for the other is just a fundamental misunderstanding of the media. Being all high and mighty about how "mature" and "realistic" your interpretation is isn't unique. It's sad.
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Here’s some crack fics I wrote a month ago that haunt my restless dreams. Behold.
The archive is on fire
this bothers nobody.
the tape recorder is on, rolling like proud Mary. 
”Martin came into work today, fucking hate that man. Wish he would die. I’m such a good boss”
the door opens, and in comes Martin Crackhorn. “Sup you sexy snake, want some leaf juice?” “Fuck off you bastard, I’m reading about the mentally Ill.”
martin blushes. 
Tim bursts through the wall like the kill aid man, dressed head to dog in mr bonzo merch. And lingerie, but no one cares about that—there are more pressing matters. 
“I solved the arg mother fuckers, here’s my girlfriend.” Alice hand drier walked in on the ceiling, because trans people don’t like physics or any of its motives. “Wassup bitches, gimme a twenty.” 
“Why?” Sasha asks, crawling out from her desk chewing a table. “Because I’m so sexy that’s why.” 
They all nod in agreement. 
“Welp,” Elias says, notifying to everyone that he was still there with a slap of his 200 hundred year old knees. “I’m getting another divorce today, can’t stick around.” 
“Leave my dad alone!” Martin and Tim say, glaring at each other before Martin stabs Tim in the elbow. “They! That was new!!” 
Jon sighs. “I wish mr spider had just eaten me instead of billy wheeler.” 
“Womp womp” says nikola, taking his ear and chewing it like Tabasco. 
“I hate this life.” Gerry says, “make out with me,” says the sexy yellow door. 
“No thanks, I’m a book, we will never work.” Micheal runs away crying. 
“what did you just say to my grandson?” Gertrude has risen from the dead. “I think you’re confused gramma.” “No, I’m Gertrude.”
Eric is in the corner putting his eyes back in, but they’re backwards and he is horrified by the sight of his own Brian.
”marry me Juliet,” says Martin to his emotionally constipated boss. “No! I’m busy.” He picks up the binoculars and looks at Tim who is sat two feet from him on Alice’s lap. 
“Omg that’s so gay.” Alice is weeping openly now. 
Peter walks in, the room goes misty. 
“There you are, my prized little problem.” 
“Dad!” Elias gets a weird look, but no one follows up on it because Tim is missing both his girlfriend and his knees. 
Peter dips out after punching Jon in the emotions.
”I can see it all.” Jon gets punched by Daisy, who immediately smooches bassira on the forehead before jumping into the coffin. 
“Well,” “shit,” Berlin and Hoop are pale and normal looking, pay no attention to the zippers on their necks.
”it’s time to d-d-d-duel!” Mary has been skinned. Everyone ignores her. As they should. 
“Well,” Martin wants to say he didn’t see this coming, but he did. “I’m going to marry you.” 
“Oh word?” Jon and Martin have a wedding in spring. It is delightful, no one dies, and the priest is just happy to be free from the meaty clutch. 
Jared hopworth is the flower girl. It does not end well. 
The eyepocolypse is avoided, but Daisy still does because it’s what she deserves. 
Elias gets killed by jurgen lightener, who immediately dies of Ligma. 
All is well, except for Tim. He is suffering. 
Heavy metal blasts from her mouth.
”wassup twot, where’s the cheese?” Mary sighed. “We ‘ave non.” “Bullshit, give me the cheese before I ceaseless watcher you.” 
Mary visibly tenses. She pulls out an uno reverse. 
Gertrude eats it.
”Dearly beloved, get wrecked.” Gertrude does a backflip.
”I want your lungs.” “No, that’s gay.” 
The crusty dusty old bitches fight. Gertrude wins, the absolute girlboss.
Micheal comes out from Gerry’s room, no one ask why. 
“Oh no!” Gertrude’s eyebrows run away. “The consequences of my actions!” 
“I’m going to kill you.” 
“Nuh uh.” 
a gunshot rings out. 
Gerry is an orphan, Mary is still alive, Micheal is single, and Gertrude is secretly John Cena, hence why the eye couldn’t see her.
”if you don’t like my killer attitude—“
Eric bursts in. “You’re cheating on me?!” 
“What? No?” Gertrude is a confused old lady. 
“Not you— her.” “Oh, yes. She’s a lying scumbag.” 
Eric gets the rusty shears, but trips and dies. Not on the shears, but from embarrassment and testicular blueness. 
“Gerry wants to die.” No one knows who said it, but it’s very true. 
So he does.
momstermf enermguy. Bag for lumgs.
”I want to marry you so that we can divorce.” “Alright Elias, calm your saggy tits.” 
No one is happy, and Micheal is still a door. 
“Don’t @ me.” Gertrude is dead now, and all is at peace.
Martin was hungy. Tim owned a pet gorldfish. 
Can I make it anymore obvious?
”Martini, you absolute gay barnacle, have you seen my fish Charles-Jevil—“
Marin is choking on the fish. Greedy bastard.
Jon is crying in disappointment and also because of his severe and chronic lack of parents. 
Sasha is dead. No one knows why.
Tim has a gun, and breaks through a wall just to walk back in through the front door.
Will wood is blasting from every device, electronic and not. 
It’s just Red Moon. Again, and again. 
Elias walks in, hears will wood, and because he is a homophobe he immediately dies. 
Agnes would have come, but she was on a date with her boyfriend because they deserve happiness and they get it. 
Tim has been c4’d by Martin. The audience cheers, then weeps until the archive is flooded.
”My paper-work!” “Jon you fucking neek, no one cares about the fucking boxes you foolish bitch!!”
Jon is having a panic attack, and the water has eaten his shoes.
Tim has forgotten his anger, and since he is a ghost, he can get his pet fish back from Hades, Orpheus style. 
Spoiler, he looked back. She died.
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you say that the Zutarians are obsessed with the idea of being a canon and shove it down everyone's throats, but they admit that they are glad that Zutara is not a canon.
"They're glad it wasn't canon" Bullshit. They made up fake interviews with writers "confirming" Zutara was originally meant to be canon but a power struggle they lost led to Kataang "stealing" their endgame. They pretend there was a deleted scene in the finale of Iroh saying Katara was the one for Zuko. They STILL make petitions so Netflix or whoever is doing anything Avatar related will make Zutara a thing. And they are CONSTANTLY harrassing people, demanding that we take their ship as canon even though it wasn't.
"We are not interested in being canon" is ALWAYS followed by "Our idea is inherently superior to canon anyway, and the show would have been better if it had done what we wanted them to."
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