#NOOOOOO 😂😂😂😭😭😭💀💀💀
siriuslysatorusimping · 9 months
Been thinking about one of your posts since I woke up this morning. About how Gojo doesn't know how long it's been and if Rinko is alive or not. Like he tortures himself into thinking that she's found someone else and given that person children and just has all the experiences he wants with her with someone else.
Like I know its not true but can you imagine.
am i allowed to blame your pregnancy hormones for this? 💀if this is overstepping, i apologize.
Gojo does know that she will likely never end up with anyone else, but that almost makes him sadder. Because he wants her to be happy, even if it's not with him. (But he also knows that he can make her happy and he wants to he's just a lil dumb sometimes 😂)
He wonders briefly if she could be happy with Nanami and if he's gone the rest of her life, if those two would give it a try. But he also knows that they view each other as siblings and it likely wouldn't work out. So he just hopes that Nanami is there for her 🙃
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fluffypotatey · 6 months
Leverage Ep 13
SEASON 1 FINALE BABYYYYYYY no pregame thoughts!! only watch
Spoilers in the reactions (obviously):
OH MY GOD! i really thought i missed something or like an episode for a second bc of how this episode begins
jfc Leverage don’t scare me like that T^T
Jim Sterling >:((((((
Parker my beloved 😍
the build up has me so exited
lmao Nate doing the chair turn-around cliche • love him
he sounds very drunk tho 🥺 concerned 🫠
“I got out of sales.” “Oh, so what are you in now?” “Theft.” Love you Nate <3333
Hardinson 🥰
Nate should punch this Ian Blackpoole guy, as a treat
Punch him! Punch him! Punch him!
Oh? 👀 Parker and Sophie are both surprised to find each other 👀 was this heist actually heists plural??? 👀👀👀👀
And they just let Nate leave??? 😂😂😂 he told y’all, to your face, that he will rob you and you let him leave????
Eliot and Alec sitting in an elevator: K I S S I N G 😙😙😙😙😙
lmao did Alec buy a fucking mansion???
Noooooooo the crew is mad at each other 🥺🥺🥺🥺 stop that. it was an episode ago, sure, but still
Nate: “Why are you guys even here >:(“
Everybody: “they insulted us! and I have a reputation to uphold!”
Everybody and what they don’t say: “bc we care, okay!”
Alec wants to talk 🥺 but Parker is avoiding it (on purpose or oblivious…idk)
Nate can be so stuck up sometimes 🙄 love him tho
“You want…Eliot to…feel out my wife??” Words I didn’t think Nate would say
“Ex, Nate. Ex-wife” Sophie 😂😂😂
Sterling’s fucking reaction to the museum security 😂😂😂😄
NATE 😂😂😂
ELIOT 😂😂😂😂😂
Nate getting fucking ROASTED
Is he gonna tell her 👀
oh 🥺
Oh no we’re getting a flashback
ow 🤧
awwwwwww 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
omg they included her in the planning
“That is confidential” girlie, these are crooks
Parker I love you 🥰
Lmaooooooo poor Nate (doesn’t feel bad for him at all)
Ah fuck they know!!! Sterling could you stop being a stalker and let the heist continue in peace >:(
Oh that poor museum guy 😅 he’s having the worst day
“Everybody knows it’s a fungus” MAGGIE I LOVE YOU
Sophie wants to reconcile with Eliot 🥺 oh wait no, everyone, she doing this with everyone
Oh she’s trying 🥺 she’s bad at it tho. very bad
Fucking spike of stress at Sterling’s appearance 😭 why can’t he just not do his job >:(((
You’re fine, Maggie. I think. I hope. I don’t know
I wanna punch Blackpoole so bad
IS STERLING JUST PRETENDING TO BE BLIND (nope, he just didn’t see them, wow)
this poor museum guy 😂
we’re fine!!! we’re good!!!! (She is not fine)
Thank you public panic
oh this is so funny
Sterling you’re behind now!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA
did they plan for lockdown? 👀 THEY DID 🔥🔥🔥
Sterling, do not threaten Maggie 😡😡😡😡
“I’m the bait” YEEEEEE
Nate turning the lines on Ian 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
My Nate/Sophie is in conflict with Nate/Maggie
Only solution: Nate/Sophie/Maggie
They’re doing the circle thing
But it’s sad😭
Please don’t separate them!!!! NO SEPARATION
you know, it hurts more because Hardinson would look for her T^T he would always try and find her while Parker finds new ways to hide and blend in
Y’all listen to the tv score and turn around—
General thoughts:
Uh, so, what the fuck 🫠 I am so sorry to everyone who watched this show live that cliffhanger is just….so evil.
Actually so happy to see Maggie get included with the crew, and it was nice to see that things weren’t just thrown under the rug from the last episode. Like on one hand, I am sympathetic towards Sophie, but on the other, her con put the team in a lot of danger. Danger they did not agree to because their heists are never really on the safe side. So it was fun to see that “yeah, I don’t know if I can trust you like I could before.”
ESPECIALLY WITH ELIOT!!! He actually admitted that he was feeling at home with the team and getting comfortable and letting his walks down 🥺 so it makes so much sense that he’s not ready to forgive Sophie for breaking that (also, Eliot I swear, we need more episodes focused on you because WHO FUCKING ARE YOU??? Nothing is explained fully, you’re like a jack of all trades, the tank of the team, you have a very tough exterior and I just— I wanna knooooooooooow 😖)
Hardinson and Parker were so fucking cute 🥰 and I love how their relationship is building but also felt really worried because Hardinson really wants to talk to Parker about where they stand, but she’s being very avoidant about it T^T and then!!! she fucking says “Let’s see how hard you look,” WITH A FUCKING SMILE GIRLIE NO!!! DONT PLAY WITH MY HEART LIKE THAT 🫠
ough 🤧 how is this the end of the season……on to season 2 I guess
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eureka-its-zico · 16 days
NOOOOOO SHUT UP WHAT DO YOU MEAN SANJI’S ROOM IS BESIDES DOC’S??? SJEJFIAGW- 💀💀💀 if that were me I would literally fall on my knees out of embarrassment while apologizing to Sanji but also beg him to forget everything 😂😂😭😭😭
but this is exactly what I think about every time an author writes smut scenes happening at the Strawhat’s ship (specially at the Merry since it was smaller): wouldn’t it be awkward bc anyone could potentially hear everything??😂😂💀💀
Sanji is 1000000% too stunned to speak honestly. He is going into full blown denial and the entire next day couldn’t meet her gaze because WHY?!???
And I thought about that too lol it’s such a small confined space underneath. Like the Merry is compact compared to the Thousand Sunny (in my mind, but not by a lot) that I can’t imagine their cabin quarters being too spaced out 🤣🤣 so it makes for an interesting time.
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onedayimgonnasnap · 1 year
Guy slander once again (he didn’t do anything to piss me off but he made me laugh during one of those NSFW epilogues)
Bro fucking said something the along the lines of “Dragon’s teeth in going into completion” HELP- 💀😂🤚
Guy be dirty talking like our founding fathers 😭
“Oh Theodore I’m arriving😫💦” HAHAHA
“Bartholomew do you mind raising the speed of thy pound?”
“Oh yes! Don’t pause James Oliver Henry Humphrey Bogart IV jr!!! I am arriving. Your dingle jingle Berry is marvelous!”
And Guy had that stupid smirk the whole time I was laughing so hard- BECAUSE IT WASNT A ONE TIME THING😂👏
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gwyns · 1 month
In Azriel’s bonus chapter there’s a part that says “Too many wants and needs left his skin overheated and pulling taut across his bones. So he slept only when his body gave out, and even then only for a few hours.”
And this is also said (idk how many chapters before Az’s chapter) "Can't sleep?" Cassian took up a fighting stance. A shadow curled around Azriel's neck, the only one brave enough to face the sunlight. "Something like that," he said.
Was this a slight reference to him jerking off to the fantasies of Elain (the fantasies that E/riel’s think are romantic💀)? It could be a mix of both Azriel pleasuring himself and him being an insomniac/trauma preventing him from sleeping. I still can’t believe he jerks off to headache medicine. It lowkey makes me cringe.😂
NOOOOOO everytime... every single time i manage to wipe this memory from my brain, one of y'all brings it up... you've cost me 20 years off my life, anon i'm kidding ok ilysm <3
anyway this is an interesting catch! i'm not sure honestly. like you said it could be both but i do lean more towards him not being able to sleep because of trauma reasons but... we all know how weird guys can be when they're horny 😭 or maybe i've just been lucky enough to encounter the weirdos
WHY did sarah write that. that's probably the least sexy thing ever, like WHO THE FUCK GETS OFF TO IBUPROFEN?????
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weirdo09 · 10 months
I have that ship tag blocked so im blessed for not having to see that atrocity (im sorry your eyes did tho 😫) but a lot of them lowkey act weird af (like a racial fetish) about it and it makes me uncomfortable as a black person
Like they lokwey fetishizing and painting gwen as this...dainty perfect innocent white girl maiden who black boys obsess over and it's not just miles they do it with, it's hobie and they're even doing it with 42 miles too and making them fight over her like??? That's weird af...I don't want them anywhere near 42 miles at all, he don't like white ppl 😭 they want him to have a gwen too like noooooo he doesn't need one, give him someone BLACK. why do they need that white girl involved so badly. Like you said black/white couples are so overrepresented in media to where black couples are a rarity
I hate they even had to make her the love interest cause now you have this crazy entitled fanbase who will push for it and backlash at anything that goes against it
i had it blocked, it was on the gwen stacy tag 💀 YES THEY ACT SO FUCKIN WEIRD LIKE it makes me uncomfortable too as a black person as well because it’s just like y’all treat miles like he’s not a human 😡
YES THEY DO N ITS SO ANNOYIN, like that’s just disgusting. like i really feel like this fandom is just bullshit really because it’s just like WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THATS OK TO DO ?!?! miles is such a wonderful character n them mushin him into some sort of thing that’s he’s not. i was thinking of blocking the gwen stacy tag because they treat her like a fuckin victim when she wasn’t, that was miles.
OMG THEM NIGGAS DONT LIKE HER AT ALL!!!!! like hobie just let her stay at his place, that’s all. miles’ self explanatory and miles 42 would hate her, like despite her. GWEN IS NOT ALL THAT, SHES SO BASIC 💀💀💀 THEY WOULDNT FIGHT OVER HER, THEYD FIGHT OVER MARGO 😂😂 fr like miles 42 would HATE white people, he was the one raised on pro black ideals. NOBODY SHOULD HAVE GWEN, SHE NEEDA WORK ON HERSELF 🙄 BLACK BLACKITY BLACK, he needa black person please 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
omg, yes like i barely see black couples in the media anymore and it makes me wanna beat those white people in the studios. the white girl + black boy plot is soooo basic n stupid 😡
they shouldn’t have made her a love interest because of how they made her treat miles like he wasn’t important to her and it’s just like gwen doesn’t deserve such a great person that is miles after she repeatedly hurt him.. the entitled fans needa get their assses beat (the only people i would tolerate getting beat up)
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I'm on the final episode of Star Trek Next Gen
I feel like Deanna is kinda getting tired of Worf saying the word stimulating😂
Data's house is full of cats, whata mood😂
Riker is definitely not all good with Deanna dating Worf, and I find it completely hilarious that he's distracted by it
Hell yeah! It is!
Wait, Beverly is married to Picard? Huh.
Beverly's look at Jean-Luc when he also responded to the person saying Captain Picard 😂
Huh, they're divorced. Sounds about right 😂
"He's Jean-Luc Picard, and if he wants to go on one more mission, that's what we're going to do." The foreshadowing to Picard👀
The poor past Enterprise crew is so confused😂
It seriously took Picard that long to realize Q was involved? I figured that out as soon as the first people showed up in his vision.
"You're going to deny us travel through space?" Dude no, he's Q, he's probably gonna deny you the ability to exist
I was right! Ha!
Yeah Jean-Luc, you definitely have a much bigger problem than you realized.
Jean-Luc Picard,
The man who caused the annihilation of mankind.
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Role model indeed.
Q sees Picard as a pet💀 thank you Data 😂
There's no love lost between Worf and Admiral Rider, it would seeem🤔
Not gonna lie, I thought Word's ship slammed on the brakes abruptly when he jerked forward saying "Dor-sHo GHA!"😂
Aw, Beverly had Picard sit in the chair for old times sake😭
Poor past O'Brien, he's so confused
Oh my god, did they find old footage of Riker? Because it doesn't look like he's talking on a video call
"So, Captain, how long shall we stare at each other across the Neutral Zone?" The extraness of this dialogue delivery 😂
Makes me wonder how long they were staring at each other on video, or if the dude is referring to the ships
There is nothing there, future Picard, nothing. No need to yell.
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And undermine Beverly on her own ship!
Seriously though, the poor past Enterprise crew 😂
Oof, I do not envy Geordi right now
*deadpan* Oh no, a rupture in time. Whatever shall happen, I wonder? However will they survive?
Seriously tho, I would have such doubts about going on the Enterprise if this Picard was the Captain and being completely confusing.
Rip to Ensign Chilton
Goodness, that makeup Riker is wearing is quite something 👀
Ok, there is definitely some tension between Worf and Riker. Did something happen to Deanna and that's what's causing the tension? I wanna know!
Alyssa's baby, noooooo.😭
Why hello Q
Picard is the cause of the anomaly 👀
Truth be told, I thought that was where this was gonna go.
Oh shit, three identical time pulses 👀
Oh no
Okay, so the thing between Worf and Riker has been going for over 20 years🤔
Deanna's funeral? Shit, I didn't want to be correct that something happened to her
"I always thought that we would get together again. And then she was gone."😭 Meh heart💔
Picard, you do sound kinda cray
Good job Data! You understood what he was saying. Of course, when it comes from Data everything makes much more sense.
I would really prefer to transfer to another ship if I was on the Enterprise during this past Enterprise experience
The ship shaking makes me imagine the scene to the song Party Rockers
It worked! Yay!
The Continuum didn't believe in Jean-Luc Picard, but Q did, and sometimes that's all Picard needs
Q's out here giving so much good advice.
And it's back to when he interrupted Worf and Deanna's kiss!😂
That long look shared between Riker and Worf, you would think they were having a telepathic conversation 😂
Deanna!! She sat next to Will, and in my book that says something good😂
Picard joined them at the poker table ❤️
That ending scene, man. It was a sweet end to the TV series 😭😁
Now I gotta go find which movie to watch next
Overall, the show was good, and on a 0/10 scale, I'd rate it a solid 8.😁
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roxy206 · 2 years
Ball challenge week
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If I ignore the “previously on” that means Irma wasn’t eliminated right
Nooo not the notes 😭
Not Viv calling her win bittersweet because her girl Irma went home 😭
Viv with one win & zero lip syncs hell yes
I smell a K.immy vs F.ierce lip sync tonight
[well neither of those tweets aged well]
Omg the messages from homeeee 🥺🥺🥺
I’m crying it’s fine
“Mack” 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
“Papa” stopppp this is too sweet
Brad: one of you will turn into a pumpkin Viv: that happened to my cousin 😂 omg I love her so much
Gisèle is too nice giving advice
Yessssss Viv’s vision for this look
Noooooo not Gisèle melting her work
JADA 💀💀💀
Omg this whole challenge turning into a comedy of errors
Kimmy ☹️☹️☹️
Bringing up violence against trans women is so important on this platform
Viv ☹️
In the worst transition of tweets … this look
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Omg this first runway category!!!
Jada’s reveal okay
Well …
No but I love Viv’s tuxedo look
I’m starting to get nervous
I really hate all these “but”s
Viv in Untucked is going to make me cry ☹️
I mean Viv is a fucking amazing performer so there’s that
I so disagree but
I do fucking love seeing Vivian perform though
Nope no nope
I still love Gisèle so thank god she’s still got a shot but losing Irma last week & Vivian this week? ☹️☹️
I’m truly so devastated that Viv isn’t in the finale. I think it’s bullshit on the judges’ part to send her home when this was her first time in the bottom two & they had consistently had the same critiques week after week for Kimmy combined with the fact that Kimmy made a worse look than Viv. And yes Kimmy is a great dancer, but Viv gave a great performance in that lip sync — certainly well enough that they could have decided to save her
I don’t necessarily think it’s fair to critique a contestant’s runway looks that aren’t a design challenge expecting them to fix that when they’ve already put together their package & brought it with them. But it was weeks of hearing that with Kimmy, but then one week they critique Viv’s runway walk & poof gone
Anyway. Team Gisèle
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Chapter 26 is...
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It has it all, from closeness and cuteness of Loki and y/n🥰 to the first necessary revenge😈🦴👊🏻...yessss and I was like
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Loki and y/n really can't live without each other and they have the understandable need to be together all the time and it's so adorable. I hope this comes true for them soon🥺💖
'You'll be sick off me baby' noooooo we will never be sick of our Loki 😭🥺but I get his reasons why he thinks like this.
His scars in his heart are deep and the healing process just started, and so it's for y/n too. The reassurance Loki gave her is so important...in her world there are only those abusive, disgusting and cruel people and she needs Loki to show her that there are also good things and good people in this world...like the the people who helped him to get on his feet again. It's a learning process for her...but she has the best teacher 😉🥰
Daddy needs to protect his Baby. NOBODY will ever touch his baby again 🤬💀, she is his and his alone . Why is protective and avenging Loki sooo HOT🌶🥵 ? I have BMUBMD vibes here (think I have to re-read it...in blood drenched Loki...🥵❤️‍🔥🤣). And he did it, yessss I love what he did to Bucky, he got what he deserved. I'm empathic like y/n but...that piece of shit Bucky would never have stopped his evil actions so...I 'm more like an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth...and never mess with a Loki in love. 😈💀👊🏻😈
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I could literally hear it through my phone when Bucky's bones cracked and it made me shiver...you Queen of writing you.💖❤️‍🔥🦴
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Loki will always protect and defend his baby, he has an enormous protective instinct and he loves her so much...thinking about it makes me always so emotional.🥺🤗🥰
My presumption was right, Steve let Bucky down in the moment when he became useless for him. Steve is a narcissist, only money and fame is on his mind. I still have my theories about Steve and I'm curious what will happen next and if I'm right...and the Osbornes 🤔.. ?(I hope I remember the name right 🤪)
We don't know her yet but I already like Loki's little sister (she's like a mother😂😂) And I love Eric, I like how much he cares about Loki , he's a real friend and a gift.
I'm so happy that y/n got her satisfaction when she visited Bucky, I feel so good about it.
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I'm sorry but I can't stop thinking about it, I don't know why it touches me so much, Loki's and y/n's beginning relationship is kind of immaculate and the loveable way they treat each other...and at the same time it's so hot 💚❤️‍🔥💚❤️‍🔥
'...and played with his poofy chest hair'...thank you for this line🤣🥵
...and I'm excited for the dirty things he will do to her and when he will take care of her 😏😏...and she of him and worshipping him❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
'Katlyn was next on his list' yes bitch, burn in hell 💀🔥🔥🔥
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And he will send that bitch in her own personal hell 🔥🔥🔥
My Queen👑 you had a big lack of sleep but you wrote a gorgeous chapter. I'm on my knees again🧎🏻‍♀️ and I love you so much🥰💖
Take good care of you 💚💚💚😘
loki doesn't understand how addicted we are to him and that we'll never be sick of him 🥺
Yup bodyguard loki has channeled his BMUBMD self ;) but to be fair this is not the first time he has harmed someone, he was in the army and he has been a bodyguard for a long time.
I don't feel too bad for Bucky either and Steve's true colours are out in front of him, like y/n said now he'll know how it feels to be betrayed like that.
The bone cracking makes me cringe and I wrote that, i hate violence but yeah if daddy loki wants to protect me and avenge me? Goo daddy go.. I love you 🤣
His poofy almost non existent chest hair owns me
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Thank you for the loveliest ask my dear, love you so much 💚💚🤗❤️
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Omg the branch, I hope you're okay 😂 Listen I got an Eddie-made-my-brain-turn-to-cotton-candy moment last week when I was taking the freshly dried laundry out of the tumble dryer, into the laundry basket, and then I moved to empty the thingy with the condensation water from the dryer. Only that I was so busy daydreaming about Eddie that I emptied the fucking thing not over the sink but over the laundry basket with my freshly dried clothes 😭😂
I know omg😂😂😂I saw it at the very last second and just, like, swerved my shoulder to avoid it. It grazed my face a little, I was so close to actually walking into it.😂😂😂 I laughed it off and carried on my way and I'm sure it was amusing to all the cars driving past me😂😂😂 (and Eddie would have been cackling too😂)
Oh noooooo omg Kiki😂😩 I mean, at least they got washed twice so you know they're clean???😂💀But even so, hhhhh that's such a mess😭
Eddie needs to stop turning our brains to cotton and let us have some peace (nooooo don't hasdfghjkl my life is never gonna be the same and I'm so grateful to and for him💗💗💗💗)
I suppose we're free entertainment, at least, and he does blush to realise how preoccupied and caught up we are, over him of all people, like?? Him??? He needs a second...
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nriacc · 2 years
omg noooooo 😭😭 alex whyyyy. you certainly delivered on the drama !! i cant wait to see what happens next. i also just want to say i definitely started the fic for alex, but you totally got me into matty and the 1975 (i even just bought tickets for their upcoming tour lol) so thank you for writing !! im like totally obsessed haha :) x
So so so much drama 😂💀 wheels can’t just have a normal time can she 🙃 I absolutely love that you got into The 1975 because of this fic! Mission accomplished!! Bloody love it! Thanks so much for reading💜x
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sunflouwerhabit · 1 year
NOOOOOO WAY WE JUST BECAME MUTUALS. omg DTL has been my everything this week. i'm about to finish the drabbles (about 75% done) and i'm not ready for it to be over 😭😭😭
OH MY GOD HIIIIIIIIIIII 🥹 i am so sorry for just now seeing this (my tumblr skills are getting better but are still very much lacking 💀) but we are INDEED MOOTS!! ((don’t get too excited, i’m an absolute loser 😂🫶🏻))
but ahxjdjjsjdjdjdjdjd thank you so so so much for reading both DTL and the drabbles!! i’m so happy you’ve enjoyed 🥹 if it helps, the drabbles are an ongoing project AND i’m working on down the line from harrys pov (which will be a full fic eventually!), so we won’t be saying goodbye to this universe any time soon ♥️ alllllll the love and feel free to DM me at any time :’))
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maxverstepponme · 1 year
La Cami siendo toda una Kelly 😭 ya no sé quién es peor entre la Tino y ella, pero Dios, todo un drama por un tipo que no es tan wow 💀 es lindo si, pero a ver, no es un Leandro Paredes 😂///
Noooooo que en Twitter hicieron la comparación de nuestro Leandro Paredes de cómo él es más fachero y lindo que De Paul y una de las cuentas secundarias de Cami dijo algo re racista sobre Paredes y también de que no se comparaba con De Paul
?????????????? Así quedé
Pasate el tweet, con Lean no se meten
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caribbean-ace · 2 years
Station 19 5x07 is back folks and better than ever! After a 3 week hiatus we’re now on the road to some interesting stuff happening. Something came up and i couldn’t catch the episode live BUT i’ve decided to stay a little late to watch it. As usual spoiler alert so let’s hit it:
1. I’m so excited omg i can’t even. Now, onto the stuff happening here: badass firefighters + someone hug Jack please :( + someone hug Vic pls :( + lmao Travis ass is hurting + “your better half” YES + ugh the guys at 23 + Duval is just gonna suck it up? + poor Andy she’s being tortured by working there + Travic is the cutest + BRO WHAT I WAS NOT WAITING THAT AND I KNEW IT HAPPENED + “we’re making a baby” when she says it like that it sounds hot + i can’t i can’t i can’t Carina Deluca will kill me + i dislike Dean’s parents so much
2. Can they have Pru? They are such good parents they should raise her + Bailey is one of the best characters of the Grey’s Anatomy ‘verse by far + oh so this is how they mess up the bathroom + Jack is walking a very delicate line, i hope he gets help + now we know where Travis got his temper + i hope Andy makes them run Maya’s drills😂 + that actually looks therapeutic + i’m scared for them
3. OH MY GOD NO SHIRTS + THE FINGER BITE CARINA + MAYA’S BACK AND EVERYTHING WHAT I NEED HELP + it’s hard to switch from the horny scene to this sad scene😭 + oh Sullivan… well i just hope this doesn’t affect Ruiz and Hughes relationship + imagine Ben and Miranda being in love with baby Pru and just giving her all their love😭 yayyy they are fighting for her😭 hopefully they get to keep her😍
4. Maddox is going to do something stupid i sense it + i hate they are so defensive for no reason + i get they are hurt but they just disrespect Dean at every turn + go off Bailey! You’re right + Duval is going to learn the hard way her lesson just to play it cool with the “boys”
5. They are so drunk it’s just borderline dangerous + oh boy we’re back with these two horny wives😂 + Carina mocking Maya is the best + i am so distracted by the minimun clothing that is going on here + the look of adoration from Maya to Carina😍😍😍 + i’m crying😭😭😭 they are so in love it hurts + oh chocolate and sex don’t mix that good, infections are real dude💀 + come on andy you can do this! + Travis’ mom is so perfect let’s protect her at all costs
6. Oh my lord please don’t make this a thing don’t + we don’t need more messy love triangles + on the other hand marina has been having mindblowing sex for the last two days + ohhh andy paralleling maya in season 3 + go andy! I love how she finally placed Maddox where he needed to be + ohhhhh noooooo😭😭😭😭 baby Pru already knows she’s so pretty i can’t even😭 + ah marina picking up donors😭 + poor Travis his family deserves better + andy is looking hella fine working out + i dislike Sullivan because he’s only having an angle all the time + oh that came out earlier than expected + for whatever reason i thought he was going to find out some other way.
Anyways that is the end of my rambling while watching the episode! Good comeback from those three weeks, for the marina scenes i’d say it was worth it every second, finally we have them in scenes that feel more intimate (in the physical aspect because they do have that emotional intimacy). Dealing with the angst and the battle that will follow for Pru’s custody is going to be hard plus Dean’s best friends dealing with his loss it can be too much. I don’t even want to think too much about Jack and Vic, maybe it would stay as a slip up and nothing more. Good for Andy and stepping up like her father taught her, Maya and Captain Herrera would be so proud of her now🥲 and last but not least Travis’ family dealing with all those feelings and resentment, it’s hard to someone like Travis’ father to think that being gay it’s wrong only to discover that you happen to be gay too, rejecting your family for something that you thought it was “bad” or “evil”. It’s pretty hard to just forgive someone and pretend it never happened, they just need to own their mistakes and try to move on as slow as they can.
Banger episode i’m so ready for next week’s episode, i’m treating this one as a early birthday gift so i enjoyed plenty, i hope you have enjoyed too!
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taechnological · 2 years
Sae ... can you guess the rest of the members songs choices in "Proof"?
(I mean use that powers you got form selling your soul to the devil 😂)
noooooo i'm sorry u sent this ages ago and now almost all of the order is revealed 😭 i cannot flex my psychic powers now 💔💀
shsjskks anyway it's gonna be yoongi amd then hobi after today 😂 they're going in the order of their debut album individual concept pictures release but make it reverse
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silentxxsoul · 3 years
911 thought dump that started way too late and the lady doing the driving test is giving me anxiety
Coincidently this is the first 911 in my new apartment and my routine is so off 😤
We need way more May and Ravi yall. Way. More.
This show is so much better when they have the rescues. That whole sequence was so freaking good man.
Oh god the role playing oh my god oh my god May noooooo I didn’t mean that when I said we need more scenes of you 😂😂😂😂
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BuckFacts are back!! 🖤🖤🖤🖤
I find it funny that as a fandom we’ve headcannoned that Buck is good cook and he’s resorted to freezer waffles. I mean, unless Taylor likes that but still funny that the show was like “nah” to him actually cooking. I for one, refuse to accept that as cannon
I can’t breathe y’all this ep has me in stitches
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I’m glad that Bucks finally standing up for what he needs in a relationship. His needs need to be vocalized as much as his partners and those two are long overdue for some kind of talk. I’m firmly team Buddie but I also want Buck happy and honestly? So far this season he hasn’t seemed that happy with Taylor and I think a lot revolves around what Bobby said earlier. There’s no talking, no communicating.
They kinda just fell into this onscreen and there’s no real trust built up between them. Buck holding back after the hostage, Taylor holding back about her dad. Regardless if they make them endgame I want to see them lay it out and talk, and not just about her backstory but also the future stuff. Kids? 10 year plans? What’s important and where do they want to be in a few years down the line…
Granted that’s asking a lot of two characters out of a very full cast, but I think it’s important for the writers to hit on that next step end am interested to see where this goes.
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I love how without hesitation Buck is down to help the people he cares about. He’s always looking to fix people and it sucks to see him get down after that helps being rejected. But I also think Taylor really needs to do this on her own or she’ll never cope with it.
Bobby being a detective is so fun, but he’s missing his buds 😭
Did he really just suggest they rob a casino lmao Robert.
Can I just say I love getting to see the team together? I feel like we hardly got this at all this season.
Also, the fact that the Gen Z showing up Buck by using the mobile app has me cracking up. IRL I’m the only millennial my age that uses that and it’s 100% because I don’t want to deal with the barista-customer interaction where I panic and order the wrong thing.
WAIT are they REALLY doing this role play style? Like BONES RP STYLE 🤣
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Oh. Oh no. She found out the day she was supposed to leave 😢
Take the phone number!!! Takeeeee ittttt!!! Let yourself be happy 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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I swear to god I never knew Bobby was a kinky mf 💀
God Toni and her boo are so cute
This was a good ep y’all, not the best of the season but it’s like they hit their stride just in time for the midseason break 💀🤡
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Hope the continue this momentum into 5B
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