#My doubts for the Shapeless are increasing
vaalthus · 2 months
Convergence Part 1 (spoilers)
*Deep inhale*
*Long exhale*
So to start,
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I have to say I was utterly shocked that Jaania chose not sacrifice any more of her forces to buy her more time weave her spell but after giving it some thought it's an action that makes sense for her. As I mentioned in commenting on the Final Steps release, Jaania is finally able to see that our motivations we're always intended to strive for everyone's sake in the best of ways we knew how. As a result, she's hoping we can see and have faith in the good she's trying to bring about through her ascension.
As such, it makes no sense in her eyes to waste the lives of those who have been so loyal to her in helping her reach this moment when there's a chance their lives can be spared by us and they in turn be able to experience the world she seeks to achieve. Though those same troops would have been more than happy to lay down their lives for her so that world is brought to fruition. It's just a pity Jaania didn't give the order to retreat sooner otherwise the last of the Pelekoans might have survived.
What troubles me is the comments like these:
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It's no secret to anyone that the last of Jaania's forces were those who were most loyal to her and her vision but what I find troubling here is the inevitable aftermath of these people once this conflict reaches its conclusion. As Hansa, pointed out to us in the Awakened Depths, Jaania became a beacon for those who had a simple wish to be achieved: to be free of any and all magical threats that Lore offers. However, it's not just these soldiers that want that, it's the nobles, the farmers, the little guys that have been supporting the Rose all these years across Greenguard and likely still do, sure that number has definitely taken a dive since the start of Book 3 but I doubt it's still insignificant. All of those people will soon find their dreams and the person who was meant to bring back a sense of uninterrupted peace in their lives is about to be dashed. We can only hope their response to this reality is constructive as opposed to the opposite.
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What I've been saying all along folks :3
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Miss me with that "we're not so different you and I" speech.
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I like to think this is the Hero taking all they've learned about the ability to make choices in the Maleurous saga and is just throwing that much needed wisdom back at Jaania who feels the need to instill order in the world.
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This comment is interesting to me because we have seen the Hero effectively try and be everywhere all at once for eveyone's sake, quite almost obsessively I might add, and I feel if Jaania hadn't recently just had a change of heart on her perspective on them, and taken the time to analyze the Hero's deal, she might have been able to more strongly appeal to their need, their desperation, in protecting everyone they can. Not that it would work either way, the Hero's distrust and deep-rooted fear of her, as seen in Fear, showed that getting us on her side was simply not possible.
If she was more predatory, of course, she would have used that aspect against us as every other villain that attacks our psyche has done before. A neat contrast here is what I'm pointing out.
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*sigh* Every single new questionable scene with this woman continues to force me to find comfort in the fact that her and the other Magesters too dependent on the Mana Core Fragment will be dead eventually thanks to Roirr's actions. I truly want to believe there's a positive future for the Shapeless Empire that doesn't involve exploiting its citizens through this agreed upon cycle without violence but the rotting hands of the past never want to let go of control easily.
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Okay technically this right here is the more sensible reasoning, but I stand by what I said! What I like most in this scene is that we simply reaffirm what we've been trying to tell her since this whole mess started with her organization. Everything we bring up about the harm the Rose has done thus far has been consistent and aren't negated by the fact that Jaania, at heart, wants to do what she believes is best for everyone's sake.
What I love even more however is how she averts her eyes the moment we bring up Akanthus because she knows she can't even reasonably, or delusionally for that matter, deny she has made a grave error in judgement in allowing Akanthus' abuses on, well, basically everyone, and soon everything, in his wake. It's that "Yeah, ya got me there look" that just sends warm feelings down my spine.
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Now if you told me at the start of this saga Jaania was going to offer us a bargain to effectively play as the puppeteer god of fate alongside her, I definitely would have called you insane. It's moment I'm sure comes as a complete shock to everyone, it certainly did to me anyway. And honestly why wouldn't it? It's one thing to ask us to stand down and simply allow her to achieve apotheosis but it's a completely different matter to propose to come and play god. But it's one that sadly makes all too much sense.
Jaania has admitted that she has made terrible mistakes and has been too much of an imperfect being in her quest to achieve peace and prosperity for Lore. So better way to accommodate for her ham-fisted actions and judgement so far then to have someone like the Hero to hopefully keep her worse tendencies in check. As opposed to someone like Akanthus or Zadd who would, in all likelihood, make things worse had they been afforded the opportunity. There's another reason I believe she makes this offer but I'll get to that later.
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Nothing else to say here beyond epic callback!
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Out of all the Hero's moments in this quest, I believe this is where their experiences throughout the Maleurous saga shines through the brightest.
In a way, you could argue that, in spite of the obvious chaos that will come with it, Jaania's plan is to instill an eternal order, a Destiny, upon Lore itself, one in which she will insists never ends as she dictates. Yet the Hero knows the importance of others being able to decide the paths they choose to walk, I'd argue they've known that since Calamity, without some transcendental hand to yank them in another direction against their own will. So they certainly would not agree to be the one to dictate the fate of all those that live on Lore let alone allow someone as misguided as Jaania to do it.
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Okay, I think we all knew that the void pearl was too easy a solution to deal with Akanthus and was likely not going to work but there's something absolutely amusing about Hesperrhodos being used a shield to be sent to the Void and then teleport immediately back to Lore without issue since, ya know, Elemental Spirits can just do that at any time. Hell I at least would have thought that thing would have let a monster through or something. The downside to seeing Zvezdana looking completely slack-jawed after these events unfolded is the fact that we still don't have a damned plan to take Akanthus out of commission...so yeah.
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I have to say I love this final appeal Jaania gives to the trio of combatants because it shows a few things. First, that she still fails to understand that her organization was really only giving the illusion of peace to all those the dwelt within range of the Rose's reach and even then only really through the lens of normal humans. Second, it displays that she never truly had a proper grasp on the relationship she fostered with those she worked alongside. Lastly, she places too much hope that wanting the same things is not the same as agreeing ideologically how get those things.
Which inevitably leads to one option: Violence
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I have waited 12. long. years. for this very moment. 12 years spent waiting since we broke free from that ice cap. 8 years I waited since from the first time we saw her again in Timelines. 7 years since the original Gala and our spat. 4 years since dealing with the second rift and I had a deeper appreciation for her mental state which motivates her.
And now I am finally here to fight Jaania one on one. So, you best believe I fought alone to prove which of us was could beat the other!
The following boss fight that ensues is perhaps one of the best thematic story fights in the entire game at this point, as it should be for the antagonist that is the face for this entire saga. I'm quite pleased that devs designed her to be difficult, hell I'm even glad that couldn't easily soul gambit my way out of this one.
In terms of mechanics, it's everything you could expect, Jaania does everything she can to debuff us and each time she fails and has her health cut down in bulk she commands even more strength to take us down, even attempting to go for the old freeze'em solid trick and when that doesn't draw any purchase thanks to Aegis she relies on her new found soul weaving arts to dispatch us. All the while we deal with the tragic music in the background tugging at the heart strings for a conflict that should have been avoided.
How far we've come since the Doom Amulet was our first real challenge in-game for year, eh?
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And can I say how amusing it is that Jaania trapping us in ice is something that could only work once? Aegis apparently always had the means of unfreezing, he simply couldn't due to Draco keeping everyone away from where we were placed. So, with him already being close by to protect our soul from going poof, there's no way he's going to let us get trapped again. Even more amusing is to think about how Jaania is basically using the old ice soul weaver meta to take us on.
But after all of that we prove in the end, with or without aid, to be stronger than Jaania, at least in this exact moment.
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It's a pity though that the moment does not last as expected Jaania will not let it end without fighting at her full potential.
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This right here is the reason I believe Jaania made her initial proposal to us and why I bring up the Maleurous saga. For me at least, it's easy to see the similarities between Jaania and Notha. Both are exceptionally powerful accomplished mages that desperately sought out to change a world that gave them deep rooted traumas that they wished to change that world so that the suffering they experienced could not continue. However, where Notha wanted to bring about chaos to change the order of the world; Jaania is hellbent on imposing order on the chaos the world of Lore and its magic offers its inhabitants. Furthermore, I suspect, unlike Notha, that Jaania cannot bring herself to reconcile with the trauma magic has placed on her life and the people she cared about. Most defining of all though, which will likely be her downfall, is her need to be in control of everything so that she or anyone else might never hurt again.
Antagonists like Jaania are always left in a hard spot. They seek to rid the world of suffering and conflict forever and while that is a noble desire they fail to realize how unfortunately intrinsic those things are to existence. Thusly they bang their heads on a wall until they're bloodied and broken only for that dream they longed for to dissipate before their very eyes.
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And so, her last option is to go full synchronization. I can't guess what happens next here with Jaania. Judging by the increased streaks of white in her hair, her soul is continuing to unravel though I think she's in no worse of a state than Tomix was when he was at the end. I was originally going to say synchronizing with a corrupt spirit created through forbidden magic would spell instant catastrophe for Jaania but then I remembered Aspar was created through the same means, although he was just a fragment, so she might pull off the effect with little issue.
I suppose we must simply wait and see what becomes of our troublesome Arch Magus and where the winds will turn for her ambitions.
And of course, there's still this asshole and the doom device.
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walviemort · 1 year
the clothes make the dad
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Just a little thing that’s been floating around in my mind, thinking about how Killian might choose (or not) to dress his baby bump. Hope you like it!
rated T / 1k words
The button ups were the first to go, which was met with mild grumbling but not much more. 
His jeans were next to grow too tight, and he had a dubious stare for the elastic atop the new pair she presented him with, but wore them with no complaint. 
However, the day he could no longer wear a waistcoat was the first that Killian had to concede that pregnancy might get the best of him. 
He’d been able to manage the mood swings, the morning sickness, the aches and pains—it was all worth it to make sure their child grew safe and healthy. And while logically, he knew physical changes were coming, they’d been thus far slow so he’d apparently convinced himself they wouldn’t be that bad. 
But now his vests would no longer button, despite him letting them out as much as they’d go. As he struggled in vain to pull the fastener to its closure around his steadily growing midsection, he finally had to face the inevitable. 
As he perched on the edge of their bed, unbuttoned garment hanging off his shoulders, he looked down at his 26-week baby bump almost mocking him in the way it curved out from his stomach, stretching out under his tshirt. “Darling little one,” he said to his stomach before placing his hand atop it. “I love you earnestly, but you are definitely cramping my style.”
A snort from across the room drew his attention; Emma was giggling at him from the doorway. 
“I see you mock my suffering,” he said, melodramatically. 
She crossed the room and took a seat next to him. “You knew this was coming. Don’t act like you’ve never seen a pregnant woman before.”
“Aye,” he sighed. “May as well get over it and put me in a muumuu.”
“Like you’d be caught dead in a shapeless dress.”
“True; perhaps empire waist?”
She chuckled again. “While I have no doubt you could pull that off amazingly, I bet you’ll get by just fine in tshirts.”
He huffed. “Yeah, but they’re just so…so…”
“Comfortable? Easy? Basic?” Emma supplied. 
“Casual,” he said in disdain. 
Emma rolled her eyes. “Trust me; in a month or so, you’ll be all about comfort over couture.”
He arched an eyebrow at her in disbelief. “We’ll see. Captain Hook has a well-dressed reputation to maintain, you know.”
“Oh, I know. But Killian Jones is a bit softer around the edges, and it wouldn't hurt for him to dress like it every now and then.”
“Is that your way of saying I’ve gotten fat?”
“Of course not,” she quickly placated, but he was jesting; he knew he still looked sharp. “You just look more…I dunno, cuddly?”
“Love, that doesn’t help your argument.”
“I know, I know…” she trailed off, placing a hand on his upper arm. “Okay, well, have I ever mentioned just how great your biceps look in tshirts?”
He hummed. “No, I don’t believe you have, my dear. Perhaps you could show me?”
That, of course, quickly devolved into something involving no clothes at all. 
Eventually, though, they did get dressed again, and he felt a bit more confident when he pulled his shirt down over his bump. 
Weeks passed, and their child continued to steadily grow. He hated to admit it, but Emma’s prediction came true—he was far more concerned with function than fashion. 
As his bump continued its outward expansion, he did need Emma’s help to make sure it stayed covered as much as he preferred—a traditional maternity top wouldn’t do, as he couldn’t quite fill out the top of it, but Emma managed to track down some shirts styled for men of a, ah, huskier build, along the likes of Mister Smee; normally, his vanity would have been wounded, but when he put on the garment and it actually covered his rounded belly, he was simply relieved. 
He thus managed the duration of his expectancy, though not without frequent eyeing of his waistcoats where they hung, untouched, in his closet. (Then he’d stare down at his ever-increasing waistline and wondered if he’d ever fit in them again. Although Emma only had to dry his tears at the prospect of having to wear tshirts forever once or twice.) But as his form grew more and more cumbersome, Emma’s comments on her adoration of his appearance in shirts seemed to continue, even if he was eventually sure she was placating him; he wasn’t about to protest, though.
Towards the end, he somehow managed to ignore the tent-like shape of his tops and just how much the elastic of his jeans had stretched, too preoccupied with the constant movements and shifting of the babe within. And he was grateful that both items of clothing were forgiving of his postpartum body after their darling daughter, Alice, made her arrival. (If he let her spit up on a few of them…well, that was his business.)
However, the day he was finally able to comfortably wear one of his preferred vests was more than welcome. Emma pouted a bit when he pulled it out of the closet, but seemed satisfied when he only put it on over one of his (old, soft, smaller) tshirts.
He fastened the last button and sidled up to his wife. “Well, how do I look?”
Her hands settled on his biceps, as they tended to. “You know you look good,” she smirked. “Just…maybe keep the tshirts in the rotation?”
“Aye, I think I can manage that,” he agreed. “Although, maybe later, you tell me how the vest looks…without anything under it?”
Her grin turned wicked. “You can probably persuade me.”
She liked that just as much, it seemed. But he didn’t miss the soft look in her eyes when Alice interrupted their evening and he grabbed a tshirt off the floor to slip on before going to tend to her. 
And when his daughter settled back down and snuggled into the soft cotton, he did have to admit—there were some advantages to these garments. 
thank you so much for reading! tagging a few: @sancocnutclub​ @wyntereyez​​​​​​ @jennjenn615​​​​​​ @superadam54​​​​​​ @ashley-knightingale​​​​​​ @justsomewhump​​​​​ @teamhook​​​​​​ @mathiaskejseren​​​​​​​ @88infinity88​​
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missmaxime · 3 years
Brio - in a vehicle plus life or death for the prompts ❤️
I don't know why I let myself so these prompts, they always spiral 🙈🙈 It's not gonna be a WIP, it's not gonna be a WIP
It’s still early, just past nightfall. Yet Rio can feel the hum of the string music in his ears and the stench of cigars weighing him down as if he could fall deep into slumber. Be it not for the hourlong carriage ride ahead – insisted he be spending the night at his family’s mid-town estate instead of a guestroom at his uncle's country mansion.
Dealings have been – there’s a lot of discussion points that lie ahead tomorrow. Caught between his own ambitions and the ego of a man twice his age and half his talent. He sinks back against the slick leather of the bench, it eases his discomfort just enough. Refused to take the larger, more lavish one – he’d rather arrive on horseback, anyway (Like a peasant, his grandmother would scold at the suggestion).
Mick, caught aback by his too-soon departure, is still retrieving the horses from the stables. Said it might be a little while before all would be in place. It’s alright, as long as he can steer away from any unnecessary socialite parties. It’s not lost on him the ladies of a certain standing his grandmother invites over for dinner on a much more frequent basis, smiling tight lipped at him, goading him, as he remained pleasant yet pointedly uninterested.
She must have send word to his aunt, for him staying solemnly in the carriage was not solely motivated of clearing his head after a harsh day of business, having his aunt send over flocks of undesirable prospects had him crawling out of his skin.
It’s fully dark inside, few parts inside lit for the harsh light of the moon on this particularly clear night.
He can’t blame the intruder for tearing open the door and thinking they can hide unseen from whatever noises he hears high up the hill.
For a few seconds he listens to her quick pants, fast trying to regain control of her lungs. In her hand there’s a bag, it’s faint but as she sways he can hear metal or something clinging like softly licked wind chimes.
Without a sound he takes out his handgun, clicks it audibly.
She gasps, stumbles as she tries to twist around too fast and falls back onto the bench across from him.
There’s a lantern next to him he has burning fast, casting the whole inside of the vehicle in a sea of orange. “Y’know,” he starts, adjusting the light. “They don’t take thieving lightly around here.”
Her hood has dropped to her shoulders, revealing a pale face with large blue eyes, her hair falling around her face like a servant. Her lips purse at his words, no doubt feigning confidence. “I only took what’s mine.”
He narrows his eyes at her, and he can see it – the moment she shifts, lets the cloak slide of her shoulders, pastes a look on her face he can see is unfitting to who he just saw. Something that fits her like a glove, only boring, offensive even compared to battle-ax that just broke in and stole her bag of trinkets.
“Think they gonna buy that?" he asks, unfazed. Outside murmur increases and there’s a torch nearing across the dark lawn.
Her face is inches from falling, eyes the gun still pointed at her, resting lazily on his leg – only it doesn’t. “No one saw me.”
“Yeah, who am I? Some stable boy or kitchen maid you can buy off with a coin or two?”
“Worth a shot,” it dribbles nonchalantly from her lips, but he can see her fidgeting with the belt of her dress as the noises outside start to take shape.
There’s something entertaining though, having this woman here. Not brave enough to test his aim and make a run for it, but feisty enough to talk back like that. Doesn’t she know who he is?
Feet away he can hear the shoes of horses clunk onto the pebbles, signaling Mick’s soon return. The horses neigh as a man must strike up conversation with him. A man that works for his uncle and will likely deliver him with the much too soon departure of his nephew. He groans inwardly, can only imagine now how much disrespect he’ll take from that. Setting him back a whole day of negotiations.
“Come here,” he tells the woman, pushing the gun back into his coat.
When she doesn’t act he takes her hand and pulls her into his lap. He searches her eyes, finds a sudden comprehension in his intentions, regardless of how vague the reason for those might be to her.
And he can’t say it’s unpleasant, feels a soft and feminine body curl into him under the shapeless sack she’s wearing. Unspoken, her mouth falls open, and he licks his lips taking it in.
Her hands circle around his neck, at the exact moment his hand slides into her hair. She doesn’t hesitate, leaning down to capture his bottom lip with hers, nibbles on it as if she’s shy about it. Contrary to how she moves against him in his lap.
Even before she has a chance to fully pull back he follows her, pushes and bites her lips until she sighs and keens so wanton against him. At first opportunity he licks into her mouth, revels in how she pushes back playfully, nails driving marks into his neck.
It’s unclear if it is only seconds or minutes, but he groans when she startles and leans back as some idiot pulls open the door.
One of his uncle’s guards, as he predicted. Face falling from an ah-ha to an oh-shit in a span of half a second when his eyes fall onto Rio’s face. “Sir, apologies.”
She has hidden her face in his neck, shielded from view. Smart girl.
He slides his hand over her ass, squeezes, making her yelp. “None taken,” he replies, stern but friendly. “Send my apologies to my uncle. I find myself… otherwise occupied.”
It's a short goodbye as the guard nods curtly and closes the door again.
She retracts herself from her hiding spot, face open. “Uncle?” Finally it seems like pieces of the puzzle are falling into place. “You’re Lord Gutiérrez.”
His thumb is still rubbing circles on the top her thigh, and she shows no sign of putting a stop to that, feels comfortable even.
“And who do I have the pleasure with?”
Doubt lingers in those seas of blue, as if he won’t be able to find out within hours – well, Mick will do that – if he wants to. Maybe he’ll send him to do a little recon on her anyway.
“Elizabeth Marks.”
The carriage pulls forward, Elizabeth falling into his chest as it does. “Where are we going?” she breathes hot against him.
“Somewhere you can keep your head and your booty, and I my flawless reputation. If you don’t have any objections against that?”
“Okay,” she nods, far too compliant.
Yeah. He’s definitely sending Mick out tomorrow, perhaps tonight. If only for his own piece of mind.
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monofpoke4life · 3 years
Datr Week 2020 Day One: Missing You
(Totally forgot yo upload this last year. I think I was unhappy with it, but I can’t remember why. Anyway, please enjoy)!
"So how'd you know to do that thing to Chunk earlier?" His young voice squeaked, echoing into the dark, shapeless abyss.
"Any enemy can be felled with the right jab. It's just a matter of knowing where to hit. Most are susceptible to major and vulnerable organs like the kidneys or liver. I am particularly fond of throat punches. They're ideal for stunning an opponent while leaving them alive for questioning." Replied a feminine and distinctly accented voice.
A frown tugged at the corner of his lips, yet all it did was morph a frown briefly into a pout and back.
He felt his brow furrow, as the world suddenly came into view. It was like turning on your phone in the middle of the night. Blinding and full of color at its sudden appearance, but it didn't strain his eyes as they continued on their walk. A set path expanding in front of them far beyond their view, but materializing in front of them with each new step. One he walked what felt like a million times before. No different than all of the other times he walked it. Just the same old sidewalk with the same old cracks that were on his way from the school to his house.
Certainly nothing looked out of the ordinary, and yet, this walk was entirely different. It would be one thing if it were just the electrified thrum in his veins or the ecstatic beat of his heart from the idea of catching Zim in one of his alien schemes or running home to watch a new episode of Mysterious Mysteries. However, it was neither of those things, and had everything to do with the young lady walking beside him.
There was a tingle in his leg, but he paid it no mind as he chuckled, "I'll keep that in mind the next time those bullies try to stuff me in the trash again." He shook his head at the memory from earlier that day, before he pointed out, "But you still never answered my question." Her steely gaze of rare, purple eyes flicked over to meet his own bespectacled gaze as he elaborated, "I know you're British, but come on, "keep them alive for questioning?" You sound like you're from MI6 or something. I mean, where do you learn techniques like that?"
"Girly Rangers," came her little too clipped reply as she turned her head, giving him her full, narrow eyed attention.
At that, his heart suddenly jumped into throat. He could easily get lost in her eyes. His breath quickened just a tad as a wave of nerves crashed into him. Both the expected good kind, and unexpectedly bad kind, settling sourly in his stomach.
They stared a moment later before he called her bluff, and she quipped, "If I didn't find the idea ludicrous myself I'd have swatted at you." She shook her head as a genuine smile graced her lips, before she looked up to the bare branches of the trees that lined their walk, as she continued, "My mother was in the military. You pick up a thing or two with those you live with."
He felt the pin prickling feeling of a chill run down his spine, starting at his neck, yet his body lacked the telltale twitch as he excitedly murmured, "That's so cool!" At that remark, the corner of her lips twitched into a proud smirk at his unsubtle praise. Realizing she heard him, his face grew hot. He wanted to turn away, crawl into a hole, but the sight of her amused, gentle smile kept his eyes riveted to hers. 
"S-so what else did she teach you? Anything useful I could use on my paranormal investigations?"
The anxiety in his gut increased, and a familiar dread set in, waiting patiently for his world to shatter. The kind of dread that makes somebody want to hide under a blanket from the world. Yet he heeded it no mind as his lips parted into a shy yet ecstatic smile.
"Sure, one more tip couldn't hurt," she said, murmuring the last part more to herself. "Well, body language is always telling. When someone is lying their eyes will look up and to the right because they’re tapping into the imaginative part of the brain.”
“Wow, so you’re like a walking, talking lie detector?”
“You can if you train yourself enough,” she said nonchalantly.
“Could you teach me?” He inquired as a fluttery feeling in his gut returned. His arm nervously rubbed the back of his neck as he continued, a little too quickly, “Maybe you come over my house some time and-”
“I beg your pardon?” She inquired quizzically, yet something in her voice had an edge to it. Ice filled his veins at that, and he stammered and scrambled to recover, “I mean or your place is fine. Of course, only if you wanted to, but nobody ever usually wants to. Actually, no place is fine then. Look let’s just pretend this never happened and-”
His heart dropped from his chest only to roar within his ears as he felt a delicate finger lightly touch his lips. He froze. He didn’t dare to breathe let alone talk; meanwhile his eyes fixated upon the dainty appendage touching him. If he didn’t know better, a spark spread from her to him, electrifying him from the inside out. His whole body grew hot, and he felt like his brain would melt from the radiant blush that was surely upon his cheeks.
“Hm, so that’s where you’re off button is,” she mused aloud as she pulled her hand away. Her eyes shined with silent mirth. He gulped and could practically hear himself audibly swallow. Gawd she had to have known what that clever smile did to him! Forget his brain melting, he was going to melt into a puddle at her feet.
Dazed, he saw her lips move, yet didn’t hear a word she said.
“Sorry, I spaced out. What was that?”
“You shouldn’t apologize. It’s a sign of weakness,” she chided. He felt confused and opened his mouth to reply, but before he could, she continued, “I said that’s very kind of you, but unfortunately my parents and I are still adjusting from the move; however, once we’re settled, I’d love to come over.”
He blinked owlishly behind his round glasses. His flushed face cooling down within the time it took to sink in. However, when it did finally sink in, he grinned so hard his face felt like it could split in half.
“That’s great! I can’t wait until then! How long do you think that will take? Maybe a week? Oh I need time to prepare and clean my room-er-not that it’s not clean, I-” He abruptly cut off his ramble as he saw her finger raise once more. He skittered backwards with his trench coat flapping with his rapid movements. The usually heavy yet oddly light feeling backpack nearly threw him off balance, but he managed not to fall.
She snickered. His heart skipped a beat, and a warmth coalesced in his chest, emboldening him.
“How does this Saturday sound,” He asked with all of the courage and grace a socially outcast boy, like himself, could with his first real friend. The first person who made him feel secure and supported since...gawd, he couldn’t remember! He couldn’t think!
By that point they started walking again, and that dread came back tenfold. His untrained eyes followed her right hand as she tucked a dark blue strand of hair behind her ear. A gust of forceless wind slammed into them, and it appeared as though she turned her head to shield it from the winter wind. She was always honest with him up until that point, so he had no reason to doubt her. No reason to notice how the motion drew his attention away from her eyes.
But he knew to look for it now, and all of the other times his mind replayed it over and over again within his head. On this night, as it had so many times before, that dread feeling his gut finally crashed to the forefront as everything went dark, and squealing, victorious laughter surrounded him like a stereo system. 
He went to scream, to shout, warn her, anything! Yet nothing came out. In fact, she was gone. He whipped around in an attempt to find her. As he looked behind himself, he went to turn back around, and there she was in all of her green, alien, Irken glory as she rushed at him with pak leg raised. When she was so close he could see the darker, barely discernible, purple of her pupils did he finally gasp and rocket himself into an upright position. Eyes shooting open as he nearly fell out of bed.
His stomach roiled as a brief wave of vertigo hit him from moving too quickly, especially without his glasses. With the grace of a lean yet gangly teen, he leaned on his side towards the edge of the bed. His arm flopped onto the end table beside his bed, and he hung his head between the space that separated the two as he let the wave pass. He also took the time to catch his breath.
Once recovered, he raised his head to blearily look for his glasses in the dark. After a few near misses of lightly brushing against them, Dib finally managed to snag them. As he placed them upon his face, he frowned at the sight of the slight tremble of his hand.
At the reminder of his memory, that nightmare, Dib growled at himself as he flopped onto his back. He yelped and flinched as a sharp pain shot up his leg, having hit his ankle off of a bedpost. 
The pain quickly went away as swiftly as it came, and Dib huffed and sighed. His forearm falling back to rest upon his forehead. Barely awake and he was already exhausted. Of course, the fact that he had that blasted dream again didn't help at all.
At the thought of the dream again, Dib growled and rolled over onto his side, facing the wall and his open window. He knocked his glasses up towards his forehead as he rubbed his clenched shut eyes with the heel of his palms. If only he could forget and move on. That would make his life so much easier.
And yet...the thought of forgetting Tak or how she made him feel...he could never do it. Just the idea made his heart race into a panic and sent his mind into a whirlwind. His childhood crush aside, Tak was his first friend. A real friend, or so he thought.
Pfft, just his luck that his first friend turned out to be an alien who only talked to him for his information on Zim. The thought triggered a dull, painful ache to grow within Dib's chest. One more powerful than the pain of her trying to destroy the earth. With him on it.
Dib shifted his right arm under his pillow to further support his head while he opened his eyes to pensively glare at his drumming fingers.
"Four freaking years and I still can't get you out of my head," he grumbled to one person in particular. Not that she'd ever hear him, being flung into space in her ship's escape pod and all.
The pod. Possibly drifting aimlessly in the vacuum of space. Cold and lifeless as the metal shell encasing Ta- 
He shook his head to dispel the direction of his thoughts. However, he didn't do it fast enough as he felt the slight burning tingle of his eyes welling up with tears only for one to slide down his cheek.
He grumbled some more as he wiped it away and gazed up at the midnight blue sky. The busy tizzy of his mind slowed down to a crawl as he closed his eyes and tried to focus on his breathing. In and out. Find his happy place and think happy thoughts, or at least ones different from those that woke him up.
It almost worked too, as the angry tension in his muscles slowly evaporated from his body. His limbs became noodle-like and his facial muscles relaxed. The drumming stopped, and his mind drifted into a hazy fog of nothingness. He liked the nature of the nothingness. By definition, there was nothing there. Nothing that could potentially hurt him physically or mentally.
In and out. He pondered the nothingness, and how something so endless in area and possibilities could give him a sense of security, like being wrapped within a warm blanket.
Then, Dib's mind drifted to the thought of security, as it always did. The lack of it, how he could hold onto it, how he could find it within himself or others, and then finally when was the last time he felt it.
"Ya know they're wrong, right?" Tak's voice echoed from a memory that felt like decades ago. 
His younger self jumped at that, looking over at her from where she sat beside him in the library. She'd broken him out of a very important task...which was to stare morosely at his unopened book.
"Hm, what was that," He inquired, trying to sound tired to hide the sadness in his tone.
Her purple eyes narrowed at him suspiciously. As per usual her penetrating gaze felt like she could see right inside him, reading him like an open book. However, she chose to ignore it in favor of the topic at hand. 
"I said, ya know they're wrong, right? About you?"
His eyes widened in surprise at that.
"O-oh?" He paused a moment, before his brow furrowed and he inquired further, "About what exactly?" It wasn't like he didn't believe Tak. Dib had no reason to doubt her, but years had cautioned him to not get his hopes up. 
He watched her frown a moment as she paused. The question caught her off guard as she clearly thought it would be a one and done statement. However, ever the perfectionist, she persisted to speak her opinion of him.
Glaring at the pencil she twisted between her fingers, she elaborated, "Well, a lot of things. The most prominent, though, is that you're not crazy for being different, for believing in the paranormal."
He sat up straighter at that as he continued to stare in astonishment, watching her wearily for any sign of a lie. He found none, but still felt the need to ask, "Really, you mean that?"
"Of course! There's nothing wrong with being different. It-" She trailed off at that. He ignored the part of his brain that thought her brow furrowed pensively was cute. This was a serious, heartfelt situation, and it wasn't the time to make googly eyes at someone who probably didn't like him that way.
He opened his mouth to offer a word, in order to help her along, but she continued before he could.
"It doesn't make you wrong. You- you're not- you're not defective." At the word "defective," it came out of Tak's mouth with as much disdain as one would use when talking about the city's cesspool, and her gaze immediately snapped up to look him in the eye.
A part of Dib felt like she wasn't just talking to him at that moment, especially as shortly after she said it, she unconsciously snapped the pencil in half. It made him wonder who hurt her or called her that in the past, what was their address, and could he beat them up. Well, maybe die trying, but preferably not.
The other part of Dib felt like she meant every single word. Even after everything that would happen later, he still felt she meant it. The way her determined stare carved into his very soul, refusing to look away until he agreed with her. How those amethyst orbs tenaciously glared and willed him to take to heart her words of wisdom, but most importantly; the earnest, raw edge of emotion that slipped into her voice. 
No matter how brilliant of an actor she was, she couldn't fake that.
The full meaning of her words combined with her body language finally sank in and a blissful warmth settled in his chest. It quickly spread to every neuron and nerve until it felt like pure happiness, contentment, and safety was going to erupt from his mouth in the form of the widest grin he'd ever make.
However, he had enough sense to not grin at her like a fool or madman. His entire body thrummed with energy and oddly a sense of calm. 
For once in his life he felt relaxed, safe, peaceful even. Relaxed to just let things play out, and to have faith in her as his friend, as he did for her. He could say or do anything, and she'd have his back, always giving her 110 percent. It felt...blissful.
However, that bliss couldn't last, just like the nothingness as the memory faded in exchange with his conscious state. Before it fully faded, he remembered he got her to laugh
 Not a laugh at someone's misfortune, like Zim, or being victorious against those bullies, like Chunk, but a genuine, gentle laugh with a small smile to match.
The memory faded, and he opened his tear filled eyes once more. As they dripped onto his pillow, he curled in on himself. His heart was as erratic as his breathing. Trying not to sob aloud kind of does that to you.
Gawd how he missed that feeling of security, of being supported, of someone having his back, and boy did he miss the one who made him feel that way.
Ironic how an alien could act more and treat him like a human than the real humans. And there's a high chance that all of that was fake. If it wasn't, well, it was four years too late to think about that.
A choked sob escaped his lips as he angrily sighed out the window, "I hate that I miss you."
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nomanwalksalone · 3 years
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by Réginald-Jérôme de Mans
A few years before my excellent state graduate school destroyed the promise of accessible public education and raised tuition to the same levels as the privates, my housemate, complaining that he wanted an experience that I had already had, transferred to Yale. Said experience, one I had never put a name to, was “the Ivy League experience.” I never thought that my undergraduate years at Dirnelli U (known to non-iGents as Brown) amounted to any sort of emblematic experience of the eight universities that compose the Ivies, nor that the sort of experience that expression connotes exists today outside of the imaginations of a few who have closed their eyes to the sartorial realities of college, whether on the campus of an Ivy League or elsewhere.
Certainly by the time I wandered my college town’s streets the idea of an Ivy look that was not the national college outfit of jeans, sweats or even pajamas was ludicrous, even if those wanderings frequently took me past Brown’s last two, soon-to-be-extinct, soon-to-be-unmourned, Ivy outfitters. Despite one of them adding a large wood carving of the Polo logo to its sign, they remained unrelatable enclaves surrounded by the diners with insane hours (midnight to four AM) and smoke shops with Sobranie Black Russians which I remember more sentimentally.
They weren’t welcoming, either, if I ever braved to venture past the window displays with Royall Lyme and defiantly middle-aged Barry Bricken and Tricots Saint-Raphael mufti. Undergraduates were not buying, and that shop, Hillhouse Ltd, closed my senior year. Times had changed to the point that I remember the opening of a Gap on Thayer Street drawing some criticism in the press for that shop’s expected priciness.
Richard Press evokes Hillhouse Ltd.’s predecessor, Langrock, and the other classic outfitters of the Ivy League in his sparkling memoir Threading the Needle, a collection of reminiscences from his posts on the website of J. Press, the ur-classic clothier founded by his grandfather. Even if J. Press is now owned by its Far Eastern licensee Onward Kashiyama, Richard Press remains the face of the firm, and, for all intents and purposes, its breezy, never windy, voice.
Press is ebullient to the point of becoming almost ethereal, a far cry from my memories of the weary heaviness of my local Ivy shops’ atmospheres, their prosaic furnishings and quite mundane merchandise… But then again, my first recollection of Ivy style, recognized in retrospect like a recovered memory, was of my high school English teacher’s tweed jacket, which he opened to lend me a pen that smelt as memorably bad as almost anything I’ve smelt since then, including tanneries and certain institutional wards, suffused as it was not with the Hebridean peat fires that Richard Press insists you could smell in the old Harris Tweeds his father sold, but with decades of spilt coffee and sweat-drenched wool that must have never seen a dry clean, so that his shapeless, indiscriminately patterned tweed jacket bore the pedigree of its soiling. My first experience, then, was of miasma, not Press’s ether.
No wonder Richard Press makes a virtue out of the emptiness of the actual Ivy stores, filling them with ethos and intangible evocations: a sense not just of community but of belonging. Belonging to the New Haven restaurants that only sat university students and staff, not townsfolk; belonging to the boisterous undergraduates who knew that Press’s frequently invoked “Boola boola” is a Yale fight song; belonging to a time when immigrant tailor Jacobi Press and his staff travelled the trails of the carriage trade and visited boarding schools to sell rich adolescents custom suits, the better to lock them in for college and life. Belonging to dangerous road trips between Dartmouth and its sister college in the days before co-education (or good highways) to flirt, or at least hope to loan out a J. Press Shetland wool sweater; belonging to Frank Sinatra’s party one whirlwind evening when the Chairman of the Board sat most of the J. Press New York staff at his table in all the chic watering holes; belonging to the small group of people who have seen Dean Acheson in his underwear… Always, however, the thrill of this inclusion is in its exclusion of others: through codes of language, through the financial means required to pay for custom tailoring (for children who would grow out of it!); through social class. It is a privilege to read Richard Press’ writing, but it would be unwise to forget the privilege his rosy reminiscences required.
Comfort and ease in tailored clothing, then as now, only came at great expense. It does not surprise me that those physical Ivy shops of Providence, untouched by J. Press’s halo, withered and died. Threading the Needle includes Richard Press’s jabs at casualization. He bemoans it as a great swindle on us, depriving us of knowing what to wear, and requiring us to buy cheaper, junkier clothes at much higher margins than what honest traditional merchants like J. Press were and are selling us. But the reason Ivy is dead is because the class that wore this syncretistic American clothing, a dowdy bastardization of Britishness with Puritan formlessness thrown in, reflexively because it was what was done, and what was sold where one shopped, was quite happy to wear lighter, easier, less confining clothing as soon as they could shed the weight of Ivy, the dress code expectations that changed so radically from the 1960s onward, and quite happy to spend less on cheaper casual clothing than on expensive tailored jackets and ties whose silk had to be madder-dyed in England. You may see a few young people wearing a Harris Tweed jacket or seersucker sportcoat on a northeastern college campus, but they are all doing so with intentionality, the intention to recreate something that no longer naturally exists, populating an invented ecosystem with overthought clothing to which they associate a politics that was not at all certain to be associated with it in the days when so-called Ivy clothing was the norm on Ivy campuses.
Press’s essays even give us, in pieces, the narrative of what actually happened to Ivy Style. Once upon a time it was the norm on rarefied campuses of young gentlemen who might continue using the same tailor who had bench-made their clothes in high school and college once they graduated to Wall Street, like a Fitzgerald protagonist. The aftermath of World War II democratized (to a point) college enrollment through the GI Bill, leading many, many more people, of theretofore-unrepresented social classes, to attend college and adopt a similar wardrobe. (Another prep school teacher once informed us that Columbia University had simply called up his father after the war and asked him to attend, allowing him to climb the social ladder.) Innovations in production allowed factory manufacture of Ivy-style ready-to-wear garments as well, so that the increased number of people who wanted to wear Ivy could also afford to wear the Ivy look without having to pay the prices of artisanal one-off work. Ivy became widespread: Press uses the word “heyday” in the titles of several of his essays from this golden age when Ivy was the look. And every fashionable look has its end. Not only did fashions change, but social changes in the 1960s meant that homogenous dressing on campuses was at an end, particularly dressing like one supposed a white-collar grownup would in coat and tie. The 1970s’ upheaval in prep school dress codes broke the back of coat and tie for kids, dealing another blow to Ivy. The Ivy partisans Press evokes who wore it during those decades, doughty men, men of intelligence like Dick Cavett, of integrity like John Chancellor, were middle-aged men who had started wearing the same style of clothes decades earlier as students. (Even Frank Sinatra, who scooped Richard up to his bosom, only lasted nine months as a customer in the late 1960s before sending an emissary to tell Richard Frank no longer wanted to experiment with the Ivy look.) Ivy as a style worn by current Ivy Leaguers, or by American college students pretty much anywhere, no longer existed.
Decades later I, too, wear tweed jackets, but keep them clean (unlike the original Ivy population), and am not a parafascist reactionary (unlike some of the most visible latter-day Ivy practitioners). Savile Row tailors had to sacralize the concept of tweed for me, washing away all its associations of brown, smelly, shapeless and hegemonic, so that my garments in it, strange alpaca Shetland weaves or unthinkable lavenders, are as far from Ivy as possible.  Despite the awful Brown Daily Herald (for which I coined the motto “all the print that fits is news”) carrying a weekly News of the Ivies section, none of us felt any ineffable Ivy-ness. The closest I came to such a feeling may have been reading a cheesy story by Providence’s own H.P. Lovecraft, whose action suddenly shifted to the very room I was sitting in… or perhaps hearing a townie couple at a Spring Weekend concert by the very non-Ivy Violent Femmes mutter about how all the kids in the audience had good teeth.
I do not mourn Ivy, as I do not mourn the shops that died trying to sell it to the college populations that have moved on. I hope my housemate found what he was looking for in New Haven (I did successfully, and evilly, bullshit him into buying two Brigg umbrellas for his move there). Had I been him, no doubt I would have succumbed to some aspect of Richard Press’s winning fantasies, replaying the opening paragraphs of Franny and Zooey in my mind, wool-lined Burberry and all, in search of a possessions-linked romance that reality has no place for in this day and age, if it ever had.
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rickonwrites · 5 years
Tabris x Ser Perth 
He expressed respect and courtesy regarding how to address elves. The warden and her group spend the night in Redcliffe preparing for the battle, and with the shadow of death; grave and morbid, hanging over them all an unexpected human seeks comfort in her stoic strength and perhaps, gives her reason to reconsider the worth of shem. He is religious, noble and unfailingly polite.
“It is decided then. We will stay the night and help the town prepare for the coming battle.” Tabris paused to look every member of her motley crew in the eye. A stern gaze that brooked no argument, the set of her shoulders firm and determined there was no bartering with their fearless leader.
She lingered the longest, and rather tellingly, on Morrigan. Dark grey, almost black irises locking in with wickedly golden ones. After a beat, the witch huffed and shrugged. “”Tis your death wish, I suppose. Be not fooled that I should not transform myself into a bat and leave the moment things turn dire.”
Tabris grinned, a slight crinkle of lips. “It won’t. We will live, and we will win. Have some more faith in me, Morrigan.”
“After all, what’s a village full of undead compared to the Archdemon hey?” Alistair quirked, shrugging off the moue of disgust the witch threw his way with evident satisfaction.
“I for one look forward to spending a night behind a nice, locked gate, for once.” Leliana proclaims, to a chorus of mixed opinion. “No more having to keep watch and huddle pathetically by the fire!”
“Aye, and to wake with a blade in our faces!” Ogrin said, causing the party to shake their heads and begin preparations. Anyone else and the comment could have been ambiguously construed as sarcasm, but the dwarf’s bloodlust was without parallel.
Tabris could only inwardly smile, hiding her amusement. It would not do to show levity now when she needed to be the decisive, clear-headed leader. She hadn’t expected half the party to voice dissent when she first proposed they stay to help Redcliffe. Morrigan was no surprise, and to a certain extent neither was Sten. But even Zevran had deigned to comment on her becoming soft for a shemlen cause. There was the Blight to consider, and the need to recruit forces. She had thought the decision to be obvious.
But perhaps, she conceded, distractedly nodding in greeting to a passing soldier, there was some wisdom in their concerns. The conclusion seemed already foregone. A poisoned Arl, a wave of undead to plague the village, and only a handful of barely disciplined local militia. Half the town seemed to have already packed up and left, and the few who chose to stay were hiding in the Chantry, praying for salvation in the form of a shapeless, incorporeal deity. Not only that, but should they somehow achieve the impossible and rescue the town there yet lay a darker mystery in the castle itself. A mystery that had the elf’s nose twitching, as if she could already scent the dark magics involved.
Tabris sighed, subconsciously resting her palm against the worn pommel of her blade. And yet she could just as little deny the truth behind the benefits of defending the village. The ever looming if - if they won, if they survived, if they secured Redcliffe as an ally and gathered enough force - would not be so easily dispelled by the mere chance that they could die in the attempt.
Alistair was right, she thought, as her step ascended the wooden stair of the Chantry’s entrance. How could any of them fathom defeating the Archdemon and its hordes of darkspawn if they could not even handle this?
Knots of displaced villagers stilled in an expectant hush as she nudged the heavy, oak doors open. She spared them little more than a cursory glance before she strode forward purposefully to the red-haired man waiting down the long, dim hall.
“These are the people that move your heart to take up sword in their defense?” Morrigan's snide, but softly uttered quip reached her pointed ear.
Tabris did not glance back to shoot her companion a cautioning glance as much as she wished to, though she did lift a shoulder in resignation. “You know were I in their place I would not hesitate to defend my Alienage,” she replies after some thought, keeping her voice low. “It’s why I am here after all. And so you should also expect my mind to be of yours, Morrigan. However, yon bronze-haired buffoon is correct. Our need for reinforcements is too pressing, I would not pass any opportunity to gain allies however few or beleaguered they may be.”
“And risk our lives in the process? Whilst I am no frightened filly to shy away from battle, I am also not so fool as to knowingly join a battle with such odds stacked against us.”
She could feel Morrigan’s piercing gaze at the back of her neck, the woman’s disapproval palpable. Tabris took a moment to look around her, taking in the sight of mothers and children huddling in corners and meeting their wide, baleful eyes with a directness she never thought she could employ amongst humans. My, how far she had come.
“Whatever happens on the morrow, there is no questioning that the Archdemon that lies heart to our quest shall be a thousand-fold worse. Think of this as ripe opportunity to test ourselves and those we call our companions, and judge well before it is too late to turn into a bat and fly off with tail tucked between your legs whether an encounter with the Archdemon is something we may yet survive. If your spells cannot smite a walking bag of bones, then you’ve joined our quest merely to die.”  
There was a terse pause, until finally Morrigan’s conceding grunt was as much indication that the elf’s infamous gift of coercion had worked its intended effect. Satisfied that she would get no more protestations from the witch, Tabris braced herself to deal with her next hurdle.
“Bann Teagan,” she greeted him, choosing not to bow as she felt Alistair fold himself beside her.
The man barely batted an eyelid, gazing at her with open curiosity and, painfully obvious, hope. “Grey Warden, I hope you’ve not returned to tell me you’ve changed your mind?” His voice was light. Lighter than she knew he felt inside. What he clearly intended to be a friendly jest was transparently a poor attempt at concealing his fears, as his voice audibly trembled on the last vowel.
Tabris had no patience for courtesies and gentle rejection. She shook her head adamantly, “No. We stay. We will help you fight - or die in the fucking effort.”
Teagan stilled for a moment before his shoulders went slack, the corners of his lips lifting in an easy and relieved grin. He lifted a pale, lily-white hand to tousle his head of red locks. An oddly boyish gesture for someone of the noblesse. “Thank the Maker! The way you were striding in here I thought you looked far too grim to be delivering good news.”
“The only good news we need to hear is at the end of this battle, when we defeat your enemies.”
He nodded, in easy agreement. “Yes, yes. But with you in the mix I’ve no doubt our chances have increased tenfold. Do not think me a stranger to the legendary tales of the strength and cunning of the Grey Wardens. I am indebted to you my lady. You may count the fiefdom of Redcliffe an ally!” He was delighted, and without a second thought reached out and squeezed her gloved hands; his large hands covering hers neatly. Tabris concealed the jolt of surprise the unexpected gesture elicited and forced her fingers from their instinctive descent toward her dagger’s pommel. Humans were so sentimental sometimes.
Gently extricating herself from his grip, she inclined her head in acknowledgement of his praise. “As I said, such words of debt and gratitude are best left until battle’s end. You speak too soon, ser.”
“She is right,” a new voice, baritone and earthy, joined them. “We’ve still much to do to prepare for the upcoming battle.”
From the corner of her eye Tabris noted the Knight Commander approaching from the Holy Mother*’s chamber. She winced inwardly. She’d not be in favour with the old hag after she had refused the offer of a blessing. Words and goodwill were at the bottom of the list of things needed to win. Tabris was too practical to engage in such pretensions. She knew what needed to be done, and she would bear the cost of it with eyes wide open - not with some incorporeal promise from a deity not of her own people’s.
Ser Perth joined them, a slight sheen of sweat at his temple. He glanced at her appraisingly, an impressed grin tugging at the corner of his lip.
“Fresh from a bit of prayer?” She asked, actually expecting it to be so though her tone gave off the impression of levity.
He inclined his head, brunette locks rustling in the process. He seemed just as undone as Teagan. “Just finished collecting the last of the charms her Holiness blessed for my men and I. I must thank you again for convincing her to do such a kindness for us. Morale amongst the other knights really has seen improvement.”
Tabris inclined her head smoothly in acknowledgement, expertly hiding her thoughts on the matter. Unfortunately, she needn’t have bothered. Zevran spoke up in poor attempt at an undertone, as if lending voice to her very thoughts, “For a blooded, sword-wielding, grown man you are awfully naive if you think a small trinket like that will keep you from a darkspawn’s blade in your back.”
He shot his fearless leader a quick, sneaky little grin - the barest twitch of his lips - before keeping his attention on Ser Perth’s response. It took all her will not to roll her eyes at the assassin. Chastising words would be had. She silently promised him that much.
“You are the Antivan assassin, yes?” When the knight spoke, his voice held none of the obtuseness Tabris had anticipated, especially in one of his ilk.
Zevran inclined his head, corners of his lips drawn in amuse anticipation. “I see my reputation precedes me.”
“I’ve been to Antiva - only once, and only very briefly. But I’ve been there all the same. For all that the Antivan Crows were just another organization run by just another group of deadly men - of which you and I know, there are plenty in the world - talk of them would have you believe them akin to gods. Do you think this so, assassin?”
“We have never called ourselves as gods, and have always declared ourselves as the Crows that we are. Though the comparison is somewhat flattering, yes.”
** TBC **
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bnha-archive · 6 years
How bout some Kaminari Aizawa comfort angst?
Kaminari is a sweetie. And Aizawa is my tired boi.
Angst Prompt
Denki Kaminari
“It’s not your fault.”
 Those had been your last words to Kaminari before you fell unconscious, blood dripping from your mouth. It’s been two weeks since then and you still haven’t woken up. According to the doctors, there’s a fifty-fifty chance of you waking up; and even then, who knows if you’ll be the same person you were before.
  The hospital room is silent apart from the beeping and whirring of machines managing your body for you. Every day Denki Kaminari would visit you and sit until the nurses told him visiting hours were over. Sometimes he would talk about his day: complaining about assignments, grades or the latest antics of Bakugou. Other times? He would simply sit in silence, like today. Hoping beyond hope that you would wake up.
  “It’s not your fault.”
    …wasn’t it though? Isn’t he supposed to have your back? You’re his partner—and he let you down. Big time. He feels a burning in his chest. He coughs reflexively, it doesn’t relieve the pain. He doubles over in his chair, clutching at his shirt. Not once this entire time had he let himself cry—you aren’t dead, so he shouldn’t have had to.
 The blond teenager heaves with emotion that he had been trying to suppress for a fortnight—guilt, regret, rage, sorrow, and unbridled love, force their way out. The sobs wrack his body so hard he starts to choke on his tears. He lifts his eyes to gaze at your uncharacteristically pale and still face. He reaches out a shaking hand and places it on top of your own, squeezing. “You—you can’t—not like this…!” His eyes and lungs burn but he doesn’t care; these tears are for you and you are worth his weeping. He bows his head once more, his hand still intertwined with yours.”
 Did your hand just twitch? No, it must have been his imagination.
 There’s no way he imagined that. Kaminari’s head shoots up and his golden eyes meet your hazy ones. And then they close again. Immediately he’s on his feet, yelling for anyone who can hear him. You woke up, you said his name. You’re back. You’re ok.
 He’s ushered out of the room as nurses and doctors flood it. He paces, anxious, hopeful and afraid. What if it had been a fluke? Did that happen with coma patients? After an eternity someone in a white lab coat emerges, a tall woman with unnaturally curly hair informs him, “This is a promising sign. The eyes reacted to stimuli as well. It could very well take more time for recuperation—but there’s no doubt that the coma won’t be permanent.”
 That’s all that he heard. He knows the doctor said more but he doesn’t register. You were going to make it. You were alive.
And that’s all that matters.
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           Shota Aizawa
  A shapeless form lies on the ground. As Aizawa draws closer to it his sense of dread increases—he recognizes that hair color, that body type. But it couldn’t be true. He kneels next to the corpse and silently prays it isn’t who thinks it is, he turns them over: it’s you. Familiar but lifeless eyes gaze back at into Aizawa’s own dark hues. The man recoils in panic, how could he have let this happen? A movement out of the corner of his eye catches his attention and he whirls around to see his students. All of class 1-A is before him, standing and staring with eyes that look just like yours.
 “Aizawa?” Eraser Head’s eyes pop open at the sound of his name. He blinks away the fogginess of sleep to focus on your face, with eyes that are very much alive. Your brows are puckered in concern and teeth are worrying your lips between them. “You… you told me to wake you up 15 minutes before class restarts,” A nervous smile. “It took you a bit longer than usual to respond—I was a tiny bit worried.”
“Sorry.” He grunts and sits up in his sleeping bag, unzipping it so that he could climb out.
“Don’t worry about it, happens to everyone.”
The teacher rakes a hand through his tangled black hair, that dream… was much too real. His dark eyes focus on you, flitting about the teacher’s office putting files away, making small talk with other members of the faculty. You had been hired as an aide to the teachers of U.A. last year; in all honesty, your position is a bit like a glorified secretary. Not that you ever seemed to mind, it’s obvious to anyone that you enjoyed your job. Plus, you were good at it.
Nobody is dead. All the students are safe.
You meet his gaze from across the room and give a small wave.
You aren’t dead. You’re safe.
But how long did that kind of thing last in this line of work? All the faculty, including you, put their lives on the line when they rush to a scene of a crime or disaster. The danger of it all never started to bother him until he met you. His feelings for you were like those that he held for his students, or at least that’s what he told himself. It’s because you’re a greener Pro-Hero, that must be it. You had only been on the scene as an independent Hero for 2 years before U.A. recruited you.  Just another student to look after—that’s all.  It’s just extra work.
It doesn’t matter that he’s had this dream several times before. It means nothing that his subconscious is apparently telling him that he fears your death.
Dark eyes slide back over to where you’re sitting, grading papers of second years. Shota could see your mouth making tutting noises even if he couldn’t hear it. His lips twitch upward involuntarily at your expression.
It’s not love. It can’t be.
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egsgesfgs · 3 years
its dangling fringes carefully layered and displayed
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was very much afraid of going to grandfather. “When we reached the river. Defy the High Septon, and we will have blood running in the gutters of King’s Landing as well. Not where I have to see it.” The Wise Masters had established their slave pens and auction block just south of the Skahazadhan, where the wide brown river flowed into Slaver’s Bay. This, they say, could be due to an increase in the number of sand storms caused by climate change.. Some of the ships they passed appeared deserted, their gangplanks drawn up. Other than that, the vest is pretty darn flawless. “I tell fehér női bőr csizma you what, my poet, I want to reveal to you a mystery of nature of which it seems to me you are not in the least aware, I’m certain that you’re calling me at this moment a sinner, perhaps even a scoundrel, a monster of vice and corruption.
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quowreadspact · 6 years
Collateral 4.2
I’m only going to be able to liveblog for an hour and then I need to go. Hopefully I can still finish the chapter or be able to come back today to finish it (I need to read the first third of Oliver Twist today for class).
Lets begin! 
Conquest’s place was the sort of place that looked like it was or had been a government building, fifty or a hundred years ago.  A courthouse, a government office, or something.  In my day to day, I might think it fit into that general category, but there was no sign, and I’d never have cause to try and figure it out.
White exterior, pillars framing the front door, and broad stone stairs.
I climbed out of the car that the practitioner with no name had brought, bringing the rolled up image.  I couldn’t help but note the two men to either side of the double doors.  Both stood, and they had a vague military bearing, with their clothes not really being a uniform, but still sort of playing into my impression of what a hitman or an ex-veteran might wear, if they couldn’t leave the work entirely behind.  Boots, bulky jackets that hid guns, shaved heads.  One wore a shapeless, dull sweater, the other had his coat open, showing a suit or vest with a row of shiny brass buttons.
They also gave off a hostile impression.  The sense that they would attack me at any second, justified or not.  More like the Others I’d seen prowling around the perimeter of Hillsglade House.
I couldn’t say for sure if they were Others or not.
This is so super intimidating. I do not think this is going to go well.
Also, can’t he tell if they are Others or not using his sight? I guess they can disguise themselves well. 
The nameless practitioner gestured, and I led the way to the door.  The men on either side looked at me, up and down, as I ascended the stairs.
“No weapons,” one said.
“At your side.  A blade?”
Ah.  June.
“I promised the spirit I would keep her close and keep her warm.  Is there room for compromise?”
“I’ll keep an eye on him,” the nameless practitioner said.
“Yes sir.”
To me, he said, “You don’t touch her, unless you give us warning, or you’ll get shot.”
“Noted.  Thank you,” I said.  A part of me was a little surprised that he’d jumped so quickly to calling it a ‘her’, but I supposed that was a part of living in this world.
“Know that whatever you leave behind is lost, past that threshold.”
“That rule ends when I’ve left?” I asked.
“And if I decide I don’t like the rule?”
“You’ll displease everyone in attendance, the Lord included,” he said.  “And your stay in Toronto will be a very short one.”
“Gotcha,” I said.
Hm, I wonder who else is in attendance. Maybe we will see Mr. Meath. Also Blake I really wouldn’t be pushing the rules right now. (Not including June, he can’t break his promise to her.) 
“You’ll want to use your Sight to watch your step.”
“My step?”
I used my Sight as I opened the door, continued using it as I walked down the hallway.  Had I been using my regular vision, I might have found something off with the surroundings.  The furniture was old, everything was nice, but it didn’t really fit together.  It looked nice, when I took any room or area all together, but when I looked at it in more detail, the short table and mirror by the front door had nothing in common with the furniture at the end of the hallway.
Viewed through the Sight, there was another oddity.  Nothing was connected.  No object had a strong tie to anything.  Not to the room, not to any owner, not to events or ideas.  They were isolated, stranded.
Ghosts, if I could even call them ghosts, lingered here and there.  They were so faint I could look straight at them and I wouldn’t necessarily be able to make them out.  Psychic echoes of people who had been slain or defeated, many bearing grievous wounds that stood out, tied to the pieces of furniture, the decorations, and the objects collected on walls.  The tethers binding them were short enough that some were contorted, bent over tables, reaching for but unable to claim swords that rested on stands, clocks and candlesticks.
I got it, now.  This wasn’t a house that had been lovingly, if eccentrically decorated.  It was a large, sprawling trophy case.  Every enemy the Lord had vanquished, he had taken something from them, a piece of their home and a piece of their selves.
He really needs to use his sight more often unprompted. Anyway, wow, thats kinda fucked. But also pretty cool honestly. 
“Up the stairs.  Watch your step.”
I made my way up the step, avoiding one section of step that had badly splintered.  I noted the hole in the surface.  Something had penetrated the stair.
As I rounded the corner to continue up the staircase, I realized it was somewhat more involved than that.
The staircase existed in shambles.  A staff had been thrust into someone’s open mouth, continuing into the join between two stairs, punching through tile, concrete and wood.  The skull of the victim, jaw open, was still on the stairs.  The flesh had long since rotted away, the remainder of the body carted off.
A colonial-era sword had bit so deep into the stone railing that it had stuck.
My foot nearly slid on the stairs as I ascended.  I paused, picking it up, and I saw finger bones and shell casings.
I could smell the gun oil, a chalky, burnt smell that might have been the odor of old gunpowder.  Blood.
As I crested the top of the stairs, I saw the walls on either side of me were in ruins.  Open, snow-covered fields spread out to either side of the ruins, the clouds hanging low in the sky, to obscure my view. There were humps in the earth, that could have been shallow graves with the earth still heaped over them.  The alternative was that they were bodies buried by only the shallowest covering of snow.  Weapons of all sorts stood out from the plains like an eerie sort of grass.  There were a surprising number of religious symbols among the weapons.  Crosses planted in the earth.
It was dark, clearly night-time, but the sun hung directly over the long hallway in front of me, blood red and large enough to fill a quarter of the sky.
It was cold, and the sun afforded no more warmth than it did light.  It did, however manage to leech the moisture from my mouth.  It was both hot and cold at the same time, with one not taking away from the other.
“Huh,” I said.
“We’re in the fallow season within the Lord’s domain.”
I looked back at the nameless practitioner.  The moon hung over his head, far smaller than the sun, but still imposing and somehow artificial in how big and imposing it was.
“Please watch your step, and do keep moving.  Lingering can expose you to other effects here.  So can a misstep.  Things broken here do not always mend as you hope they would.  You can hastily patch up a wound that may take a lifetime to heal, or you can allow things to become something else altogether, after the breaking.  I doubt you want to do either, if you happen to fall through the floor and break a leg.”
“Point taken,” I said.  I picked my steps carefully, avoiding the increasing number of weapons that littered the area, the parts of the floor where damage, holes, or fire had left the footing unstable.
I elected to pull off my jacket, because I preferred being too cold to being too hot, and it seemed I wasn’t going to get a middle ground between the two.
Fallow didn’t seem to reveal much during a google search, I kinda knew what the word meant. 
Adj: Plowed but left unseeded during a growing season, .Characterized by inactivity. 
Basically I guess time is wonky and nothing happens here? Or a lot does? I don’t even know. I think both Blake and I are sick of time shenanigans.  I’m with Blake also, I prefer too cold to too hot. 
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mataiisblog · 3 years
Forget your typical rub.
If you dont twinge to be stroked and soothed and sent a propos your way once a glass of cucumber water, next these body treatments have enough child maintenance more than just relaxation.
From tapping your fingers almost your body to ancient-dated solid therapy that makes you setting as though youve had a three hour nap taking into consideration again the span of a thirty minute session, these unique body treatments are ideal if youregarding watching to switch things occurring from your all right full-body daub.
Body Gua Sha Facial gua sha has become increasingly popular and involves using a round-edged crystal tool to avow blood circulation, boost your skins rosy feeling and reprieve muscle shakeup.
Gua sha is a therapeutic healing technique, widely practised in China for thousands of years, says Katie Brindle, a Chinese Medical Practitioner and founder of Hayou.
It is used to liven up and adding together occurring the flow of circulation coarsely the body. It works by press-stroking the skin until redness appears.
This red flush is called petechiae and can see taking into account bruising. Its drama and fades certainly speedily. In the West, we connect redness taking into account bruising and sting, but in this instance its healing.
Gua Sha Treatment - Traditional Healing Technique You might have tried facial gua sha  now touch when suggestion to to your body (Picture: Getty Images/iStockphoto) Most people 서울 1인샵 environment a prudence of weightlessness, stomach-ardent calm and greater moving picture afterwards. In Asia, body gua sha is used to treat a range of conditions from fever to chronic cough and migraines.
Studies operate it can lump micro-circulation by 400 per cent, determined inflammation and lump immunity. Scientists see eye to eye to on it works in a number of ways. Firstly, it stimulates lymphatic drainage and firms the skin by breaking the length of stagnant shapeless, drawing toxins to the surface and bringing well-ventilated blood to the affected area.
Gently encouraging the society of lymphatic vague (which cant flow by itself) is to your liking to right to use puffiness and congestion and benefit the body to certain excess waste and toxins. Then as the blood is reabsorbed by the body it promotes an enzyme as soon as than than anti-inflammatory and immune boosting properties, hence reducing inflammation, boosting immunity and aiding snooze.
It is along with commonly believed to condense cellulite, lessen mastitis, quickness happening healing period for injuries and dispel arthritis.
I got into it following I was in a big amount of smart after that an disrespected and nothing had helped  and I couldnt tolerate how the bland headache was hastily alleviated. Instead of jade or quartz which are typically used re the order of the turn, body gua sha uses a metal tool which has a more stringent effect not far afield and wide off from the order of the body, but is not received for the delicate skin of the direction.
You can cd in to the lead a handful of registered UK practitioners in the UK, or obtain it at dwelling. You just quirk to invest in a likable air tool and oil, adds Katie.
Do it as often as you gone, just make earsplitting that any redness subsides into the future you retreat the same area. Dont law gua sha on extremity of damage skin, broken veins, moles, cuts, bruises or rosacea. Press-stroking your skin shouldnt problem and we message eight strokes as a gain, which is sufficient to effectively bring taking place a red flush. If in doubt, fall.
Sound smear Tibetan singing bowl in sealed therapy; Shutterstock ID 1104981647; purchase_order: May 2021 ; job: Wellness; client: ; optional attachment: Sound healing has been re by now ancient become primordial (Picture: Shutterstock / Microgen) Using the vibrations of hermetically sealed gain be adjoining therapy from smear can bring more or less a deep wisdom of relaxation.
Its thought to function in on a being, mental and spiritual level and can pardon deep-seated emotional sore, yet to be going on a enjoyable nights nap, pardon struggle, alleviate muscular aches, gathering vibrancy and eliminate toxins from the body.
Sound healing has been a propos past ancient time, says Farzana Ali, founder of The Sound Therapist. Put clearly, its a type of meditation, but rather than chants, mantras and visualisations, its over and finished along together afterward using sounds  every another frequencies and vibrations can put you into a deep make a clean breast of relaxation.
When were focused, concentrating or restless out, our brains are in a beta-dominant brainwave confirm. When therapeutic-grade instruments are played in a beatific-natured way, they fabricate low frequencies which cause our brain to relax and switch to an alpha-dominant brainwave confess. In this dreamy, chilled disclose our minds and bodies are skillful to stop, and thoughts are organised.
This can benefit to increased feelings of clarity, restfulness and sure feel. There are a few types of sealed perform.
Sound healing is once you enjoy the sounds of the instruments such as crystal singing bowls, Himalayan bowls, gongs and drums. Sound therapy, a bespoke treatment where hermetically sealed is tape in the back a reflective process allowing you to question anxieties, anguish and limitations.
And finally, hermetic smooth, where vibrations and sound are scrap book when a smooth. In this treatment, by yourself Himalayan bowls or drums are used. The bowls are played near or approaching particular parts of the body (such as the backing and limbs), even if drums begin at the soles of the feet and are played vis--vis the body.
The proximity to the instruments means that you can mood the rhythmic vibrations and this relaxes tight muscles and conscious. The practitioner will adapt how they conduct yourself depending in checking account to what you mannerism. Higher frequencies for the bowls and faster drumming is more stimulating, whereas degrade frequencies and slower drumming is more restful.
I got into it into hermetically sealed therapy because I couldnt meditate, but with I went to a crystal singing sealed bath and woke taking place after a 45-minute session as if Id had a three-hour nap.
It was as soon as I had figured out how to hack on fire.
I wouldnt inform buying a bowl and function this at residence, says Farzana. The bowls are quite costly, should single-handedly be placed at genuine points of the body and played a real habit. Instead depart it to the experts and cd yourself in in addition to a practitioner. Farzana offers forgive online hermetically sealed bath sessions upon Instagram where she will bathe you in meditative tones.
Instagram @thesoundtherapist
Tapping Poppy tapping her outlook This needleless acupuncture vibrancy technique uses fingertip taps otherwise of needles (Picture: Poppy Delbridge) This needleless acupuncture activity technique uses fingertip taps otherwise of needles  you can with use cupped hands, or a bundle of hay etc.
While tapping, you chat through your concerns to eliminate negative emotions. Its plus referred to as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and is thought to ease shakeup, depression, chronic unexceptional throb, draw attention to and even weight loss issues.
Tapping is all not quite taking you out of a highlight hypersensitivity, explains Poppy Delbridge, an Energy Psychologist and Tapping Practitioner. Its a join up of ahead of its era psychology techniques (talking therapy) and holistic simulation function.
It was discovered by unintended in the 1970s by an American psychologist who was keen in moving picture practises and used tapping adjacent-door-door to his talking therapy to cure a long-term client of an extreme phobia. It works by tapping meridian points which are mainly focused upon our point and upper body, whilst proverb set in motion words to bring brusque emotional cause problems.
It helps to tap in a precise order and use taking into consideration door to specific words which are relevant to that person. The tapping signals to the amygdala (the portion of our brain that keeps us in the put the accent on zone) to bring you yet to be to a calmer parasympathetic pay for leave to enter.
There are oscillate forms of tapping, some specialise in tapping for aching, deep trauma, or phobias, but my form of tapping focuses upon what we lack and how we what to atmosphere and removes negative feelings.
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autolovecraft · 6 years
Four days later, whilst we were troubled by what we read.
It was incredibly tough and thick, but so old that we must possess it; that this treasure alone was our logical pelf from the long undisturbed ground. Our lonely house was seemingly alive with the commonplaces of a prosaic world; where huge winged daemons carven of basalt and onyx vomited from wide grinning mouths weird green and orange light, and was exquisitely carved in antique Oriental fashion from a mighty sepulcher. His screams had reached the house, and heard, as if seeking for some cursed and unholy nourishment. What the hound was, and without servants in a body to the door and threw myself face down upon the ground. After that we were mad, dreaming, or sphinx with a charnel fever like our own. In a squalid thieves' den an entire family had been torn to shreds by an unknown thing which left no trace, and the crumbling slabs; the phosphorescent insects that danced like death-fires under the yews in a few rooms of an ancient manor-house on a bleak and unfrequented moor; so that our doors were seldom disturbed by what we read. So, too, as if receding far away, a queer interruption; when a lean vulture darted down out of the kingly dead, and another time we thought we heard the baying again, and the flesh and radiantly golden heads of new-buried children. May heaven forgive the folly and morbidity which led us both to so monstrous a fate!
His screams had reached the rotting, bald pates of famous noblemen, and this we found potent only by increasing gradually the depth and diabolism of our penetrations.
On October 29 we found it. A locked portfolio, bound in tanned human skin, held certain unknown and unnameable drawings which it was dark. As we hastened from the centuried grave. I shudder to recall it! But after three nights I heard the faint, distant baying over the graves, casting long horrible shadows, the tales of one buried for five centuries, who had himself been a ghoul in his time and had stolen a potent thing from a mighty sepulcher. I could identify; and on the moor the faint, distant baying over the graves, casting long horrible shadows; the phosphorescent insects that danced like death-fires under the yews in a niche in our senses, we thought we saw the bats descend in a distant corner; the antique ivied church pointing a huge spectral finger at the grave, the tales of the uncovered-grave. When I arose, trembling, I attacked the half frozen sod with a semi-canine face, and about the relation of ghosts' souls to the terrible scene in these final moments—the pale autumnal moon over the graves, casting long horrible shadows; the vast legions of strangely colossal bats that flew against the rising moon. -Loot ever assembled by human madness and perversity. There were nauseous musical instruments, stringed, brass, wood-wind, stronger than the damp sod, would almost totally destroy for us that ecstatic titillation which followed the exhumation of some gigantic hound. In the coffin lay an amulet of green jade. Extinguishing all lights, we were troubled by what seemed to be a frequent fumbling in the Dutch language. As we hastened from the unnamed and unnameable drawings which it was not wholly unfamiliar.
What the hound was, and before a week was over felt strange eyes upon me whenever it was dark.
But after three nights I heard the faint deep-toned baying of some gigantic hound. I read of a crouching winged hound, and every subsequent event including St John's dying whisper had served to connect the curse with the commonplaces of a prosaic world; where even the joys of romance and adventure soon grow stale, St John nor I could identify; and were disturbed by the claws and teeth sharpened on centuries of corpses … dripping death astride a bacchanal of bats from nigh-black ruins of buried temples of Belial … Now, as we found potent only by increasing gradually the depth and diabolism of our neglected gardens, and articulate chatter. Even had its outlines been unfamiliar we would have desired it, but we recognized it as the baying of that dead fleshless monstrosity grows louder and louder. Statues and painting there were, all of fiendish subjects and some executed by St John is a mangled corpse; I alone know why, and was exquisitely carved in antique Oriental fashion from a small piece of green jade object, we proceeded to the earth we had heard all night a faint, distant baying as of some gigantic hound, and before a week after our return to England, strange things began to ascribe the occurrences to imagination which still prolonged in our ears the faint, deep, sardonic bay as of some gigantic hound which we collected our unmentionable treasures were always artistically memorable events.
Our lonely house was seemingly alive with the stealing of the pre-Raphaelites all were ours in their time, but so old that we lived in growing horror and fascination.
Bizarre manifestations were now too frequent to count. Mostly we held to the earth. As we heard a whirring or flapping sound not far off.
When I arose, trembling, I heard the baying in that ancient churchyard, and heads preserved in various stages of dissolution.
Our alarm was now divided, for upon an evil tenement had fallen a red death beyond the foulest previous crime of the amulet. Down unlit and illimitable corridors of eldritch fantasy sweeps the black, shapeless Nemesis that drives me to self-annihilation. Whether we were jointly going mad from our life of unnatural personal experiences and adventures. There one might find the rotting oblong box crusted with mineral deposits from the long undisturbed ground. Around the walls of this sole means of salvation. We lived as recluses; devoid of friends, alone, and leering sentiently at me with phosphorescent sockets and sharp ensanguined fangs yawning twistedly in mockery of my spade. This is the last demonic sentence I heard afar on the dim-lighted moor a wide, nebulous shadow sweeping from mound to mound, I fear, even madness—for too much has already happened to give me these merciful doubts.
We were no vulgar ghouls, but worked only under certain conditions of mood, landscape, environment, weather, season, and I had first heard the baying in that ancient churchyard, and sometimes we burned a strangely scented candle before it. It was the night, not only around the windows also, upper as well as lower. When I arose, trembling, I shut my eyes and threw myself face down upon the ground. May heaven forgive the folly and morbidity which led us eventually to that terrible Holland churchyard. It was the night, not only around the doors but around the doors but around the sleeper's neck.
There one might find the rotting oblong box crusted with mineral deposits from the oldest churchyards of the devilish rituals he had loved in life.
Four days later, I staggered into the nethermost abysses of despair when, at an inn in Rotterdam, I know not how much later, whilst we were jointly going mad from our devastating ennui. I cannot reveal the details of our shocking expedition, or gibber out insane pleas and apologies to the door and threw it suddenly open; whereupon we felt an unaccountable rush of air, I know not how much later, I heard a knock at my chamber door. We lived as recluses; devoid of friends, alone, and with headstones snatched from the long undisturbed ground. Extinguishing all lights, we had always entertained a dread that our doors were seldom disturbed by the taxidermist's art, and sometimes we burned a strangely scented candle before it. Madness rides the star-wind, and less explicable things that mingled feebly with the presence of some creeping and appalling doom.
These pastimes were to us a certain and dreaded reality.
Bizarre manifestations were now too frequent to count.
Much—amazingly much—was left of the earth we had heard in the Holland churchyard?
I shut my eyes and threw it suddenly open; whereupon we felt an unaccountable rush of air, and sometimes we burned a strangely scented candle before it. Being now afraid to live alone in the morning I read of a gigantic hound.
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nellpire · 7 years
[130119] Nell - Nylon interview (translation)
Q: You held a year-end concert, right? Jongwan: We like doing concerts around Christmas and new year's. The audience likes it, and maybe because it's the holidays, our hearts get warm, too. Jaekyung: It had been four years since our last album, so we couldn't hold concerts for a long time. It was great to get back on the stage again.
Q: You're in the midst of working on your 'Gravity trilogy', right? And last month's single album was the first part. Jongwan: It's a long-term project. We're planning to release single albums centered around the same topic over the span of a few months, and finish off by including them all in a full album. One of the advantages of this is that we get to show all the songs equally, not just the title tracks. When we release full albums with more than ten songs, people usually put all the focus on the title tracks. But when we release single albums, the tracklist is so short that more people listen to the whole thing. Jaewon: I think releasing several songs on the same topic a few months apart is very meaningful. Music changes a lot from month to month these days. For example, a singer can release song 'A' and then come back a couple of months later with song 'B' which has a totally different color than the first. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but we wanted to create a more consistent feeling in our music. That's why we started planning this Gravity trilogy. Jaekyung: The market is so fast these days that we consider a song a success if it stays in the higher levels of the charts for just one week. We wanted to break out of that kind of thinking with this project.
Q: Im Sujeong appeared in the music video for 'White Night', the title track of 'Holding Onto Gravity'. Jongwan: Since it's just one role driving the story, we needed someone who matched the atmosphere in our song, and more importantly we needed someone who's good at acting. The idea of hiring Im Sujeong came up, but we thought it'd be too hard to get her. But she agreed readily after hearing the song, so we're very thankful.
Q: You received the Best Rock award at the 2012 Melon Music Awards for your latest single album. You said 'Thank you for not forgetting us' in your acceptance speech. Junghoon: For various reason we couldn't control, we were gone for four years. It's not a short time. We weren't afraid, exactly, but I personally had my doubts about whether people would like us the same way as before. But people seemed so happy to see us whenever we performed, so 2012 is a year I'm really thankful for. And I thought, 'so they still like Nell's music regardless of if we're in our 20s or our 30s'.
Q: I can be scary to grow apart from the public's interest. Jongwan: I didn't think so during the time we rested. In a way, it's a distracting thought, you know. We have no time to think about those things when we're composing and recording. But the thought did strike me when we started our promotional activities. We see the direction he world is heading in when we go to broadcasting stations, so. Jaewon: I'm always shocked by how much everything has changed in four years. There are so many idol groups now. Many new teams formed in the past four years, and when I see them I can't help but think 'will they disappear?'. Seeing all that, it's like seeing what it's like to grow apart from the public's interest with your own eyes. But that's also a baseless thought, so I don't feel very burdened by it. We've come this far just by doing things that we like, so I think it's natural. Some people like us, some people don't. Some people remember, some forget. Junghoon: We're so happy when we run into groups or idols that were active four years ago at the broadcasting stations. With that in mind, we end up thinking again, 'the music industry isn't such a tough place after all'.
Q: Not only broadcasting - did the indie scene change a lot, too? Jongwan: It has changed in various ways, and I'd like to think the surroundings are better now than before. Of course, teams that are just starting out might say 'he doesn't know what he's talking about', but I'm just comparing to the late 90s, when we started out. First off, social media is a thing now, so even if you don't go through a commercial system, you can still make your music known, so there are more chances and methods to let people hear your music now than before. Also, I think the public awareness of band music or so-called non-mainstream music has changed a lot. Back then, people thought of extremely gloomy things when they heard the words 'indie' and 'underground', you see.
Q: Has music become better and more varied? Jaekyung: Honestly, I'm not sure about the variety. When I hear people say that indie or underground has become a culture, I feel that there's a trend within that, as well. And a lot of music is created under that 'trend' category. Junghoon: There were lots of 'live houses' back in the day. Every live house specialized in a different genre. If you wanted to listen to quiet modern rock, you went to 'bbang' just outside Idae, and if you wanted to hear punk rock you went to 'drug'. But these days, it doesn't seem to matter where you go; most of the music seems to be of a similar genre that doesn't stray outside the trend. Jongwan: But I do think the quality of the music has gotten better. The diversity is lacking, but I feel like there's a bigger professionalism these days. Sometimes I go to clubs and listen to junior musicians, and I think they're all good. And their technical skill is good.
Q: What is the reason why the number of artists is increasing, but at the same time the diversity is decreasing? Jongwan: People can see what type of music 'does well' on the indie scene. If you're looking for indie these days, 10cm comes to mind. They receive a lot of love from the general public for their music. So people who are just starting out see that and want to play similar music. You can see that just from how there’s been an increase in acoustic music over the past four-five years. I don't see it as a bad thing. I think it's just a process that the indie scene needs to go through as it develops.
Q: Nell seem to be your own distinctive branch of perfectly overground (band that's gone from underground to 'mainstream') music that at the same time can't be called underground. What do you think of this? Jongwan: We can't think of ourselves as objectively as we view our surroundings. And we don't really care about those things. But there are times when we think that ambiguity is comfortable. It's a pity we have no co-workers we can relate to, but we have no complaints about how people know our music, yet don't know what we look like. Jaekyung: There's no need to split everything into 'over' and 'indie'. Those words are handy when talking and explaining so we use them sometimes, but I want to say we're just us. And that's a natural thing. If you look at foreign bands, there are some who sell 100,000,000 records and still play in small clubs etc. We think we’re just living as a band, rather than splitting things into over and indie.
Q: Do you try hard to maintain Nell's color? Jongwan: No, we don't. We've never received songs or been pushed by anyone but ourselves, so the sounds we produce when the four of us get together is what Nell's color is. That's why, even if we play punk rock or dance music, our feeling will still be alive and well within it. The fact that we've gone fifteen years without changing members will be part of the reason, as well. Jaewon: Honestly, it's hard to make it in the music industry these days, but I think it's even harder to keep a band going. There are very few bands who have lasted this long without changing members. I think you need to have a good relationship in the band to make music and create your own color. It’d be nice if there were more teams who are friends like us and keep going for a long time.
Q: What's the most difficult thing about keeping a band going? Jaewon: Uhm, there's money and there's girls. Haha. There's quite a number of bands who fall apart because of women. Jaekyung: It's true. There was this foreign band that broke up over a woman too. What was worse was, they were brothers. Also, something that can make it hard to keep a band going is when you don't feel satisfied with the music you're making. The things you liked and made when you were young are often not the same as what you want to create now. You have to get over small hurdles like that, but if you can't, won't it be very hard to keep the band going?
Q: Is making music still difficult for you now after fifteen years? Jongwan: It gets harder and harder. Because the things you want get clearer. Music is about changing the shapeless things in your head into actual existing sounds. As the ideas in your head become clearer, it gets harder and more complicated to realize them. The stress when you can't make it work also grows bigger. Junghoon: Ignorance is bliss, at the end of the day. The things that were easy when you knew nothing gets harder the more you find out.
Q: People describe Nell's music as 'depressing'. Do you agree with this? Jaekyung: Our music doesn't express just one type of emotion. There are many categories of feelings, like sadness, happiness, excitement, deathwish etc, but people have more emotions than just those. I think what we express are those elaborate emotions in between. Plus, what people take away from each song depends on the person. Jongwan: Could it be that we don't find it depressing since we made it? Our writing sessions are not depressing, you see. Haha. Junghoon: Also, I think if you listen to it when you're depressed, it can comfort you. Many times it's a much bigger comfort to watch a movie or listen to music you can relate to rather than watch and listen to bright things when you're down and tired.
Q: What are you interested in other than music? Jaekyung: There's nothing else right now. I still feel like I haven't come halfway into music yet. I have a long way to go. Junghoon: I think we all have our individual hobbies, but nothing we want to actually try our hands at as of now.
Q: What are your future plans? I've heard talks about a Japanese record deal. Jongwan: We're planning to release two single albums and one full album for our Gravity trilogy, and we do have plans for Japanese activities, though there's nothing concrete yet.
Q: What's the reason you chose the Japanese market? Jaekyung: Unfortunately there are barely any concert halls in this country. Bands usually borrow sport halls to perform in, you know. In comparison, there are many concert halls in Japan. With that alone, it's a very charming market. Plus, it's one that accepts things of great diversity. From that perspective, Japan has a very charming music market.
Feel free to use, but please credit Nellpire.
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solnishkawrites · 7 years
Primus, pt. 1
summary: the peaceful, sheltered life of a young noblewoman is destroyed with a revolution, and she is forced to confront several bloody truths
loosely inspired by this.
Zaida Warraich III of House Sun Crane, Heir Tertiary to the Throne of Man, stared up at the pearlescent shimmer of the enormous holo-vid screen as the severed heads of her mother, father, uncle, and elder brothers were mounted on spikes in front of the palace. There were bloody holes in her mother’s ears from where her killers had ripped out her earrings—though whether the jewels were now trophies or merely loot, Zaida didn’t know.
Does it matter now? They’re dead.
Dead. All of them. Dead.
Her bodyguard, an Imperial Marine officer in matte-black body armor, tightened his grip on her forearm and tugged her closer against his side, continuing to walk and forcing her to move with him as they left the screen behind. Zaida wasn’t spared the sight of her dead family, though; every placard in the city was playing the scene on a loop, along with a pre-recorded speech from the “great liberator”, Suenao Ishino, who’d commanded the army of thugs which had stormed the palace grounds. Intermingled with the endlessly-repeated words and the reek of smoke from the burning chateaus of the noble Houses were the screams of middle-class women being dragged out of their homes by those who’d once been their servants. They, too, were having their jewels ripped from their ears, but they weren’t important enough to have their heads mounted on spikes.
But some of the looters might decapitate them anyway, just for the fun of it.
“Hey, hey!” a man wearing a footman’s livery said, staggering towards Zaida and her escort. “How much for ten minutes with the pretty? I’m fucking loaded. I’ve got so much—”
Zaida closed her eyes and turned her head aside as her bodyguard drew his pistol and fired across her body. She flinched at the sharp crack of the gunshot, and only opened her eyes again after stumbling and nearly falling over a piece of debris in the street.
“Almost there, ma’am,” her escort muttered into her ear.
Almost where? Zaida wondered. There had been no plan for any of this. One minute she had been reading in the palace library, and the next a fully armed and armored officer of the Imperial Marines had been dragging her through the corridors and shooting anyone who made eye contact with her. She’d been curtly ordered to change into a maid’s uniform of a shapeless blouse and slacks, smuggled out through the kitchen entrance, and was now… somewhere in the capital city.
There, at the end of the street: a black, squatly cylindrical amored aircar, its side doors wide open and waiting, under the guard of a dozen or so Imperial Marines carrying submachine guns and assault rifles. There was a ragged ring of corpses around the vehicle which marked the limit of how close the Marines were willing to let rioters come. 
Zaida’s bodyguard towed her towards the vehicle, almost running now. He shot a woman wielding a piece of high-pressure tubing who stepped in front of them, moving so quickly that Zaida didn’t have time to look away; the 9mm osmium pellet cracked through the air at twice the speed of sound, creating a fist-sized divot in the center of the woman’s chest and shattering her sternum and ribs as the impact blew her backwards. Zaida was too out of breath to scream, and her bodyguard kicked the corpse aside before grabbing Zaida around the waist and tossing her the last few feet like a sack of grain. One of the Marines standing guard inside the vehicle’s door snatched her out of the air and handed her off to another person, and this one dropped her down into a seat and strapped her into place.
Her escort leaped into the vehicle and slammed the button for the door to close, shot two people who tried to climb in after him, and yelled for the driver to take off. There was a squeal of tortured metal as the enormous fans on the car’s underside started to spin, the entire vehicle shaking with their motion so hard that Zaida felt her teeth might rattle out of her skull. There was an enormous lurch to one side—and then they were airborne, the metal-scream subsiding into a steady mechanical roar and the aircar’s motion easing into something that, though not comfortable, didn’t threaten them shuddering to pieces in the sky.
The doors slid fully closed, dousing the aircar’s cabin in darkness before the bright amber strips on the grey walls came to life. Though there were four seats, only one other Marine was sitting—and she was stripped of her helmet and chestplate, her abdomen swathed in red, wetly-gleaming bandages and her head lolling senselessly back against the headrest. The rest of the Marines stood crowded against the walls of the transport, giving Zaida what little extra space there was and hanging onto support straps to keep their balance. Though several had the inky black faceplates of their helmets turned towards her, none of them spoke.
They gained altitude quickly enough that Zaida’s ears popped, and the aircar’s speed increased once they were clear of the rooftops. This made its flight stabilize further, though the roar of the fans jumped several octaves and became an earsplitting wail of anguish. 
Zaida’s escort, identifiable from the red edging on his pauldrons that marked him as an officer, took a standard-issue commo helmet and put it over her head, fastening the straps and bringing the controls live. The helmet’s noise-canceling technology kicked in, reducing the noise of the aircar’s fans to a faint background hum. The loudest thing Zaida could hear was her own ragged breathing.
“Gold One, do you copy? Over,” someone said.
Zaida flinched in surprise and swiveled her head from side to side, trying to see who had spoken.
“Gold One, do you copy? Over.”
A sigh. “Can you hear me, Lady Warraich?” The voice was coming from the helmet’s internal speakers.
Zaida took a deep breath and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, her voice was reasonably steady: “Yes. Yes, I can hear you.”
“Good. I’m Lt. Yuri Rudnikov of the 49th Imperial Marines. You, I, and Sgt. Bassima Samie are the only ones who have access to this channel. We’ll arrive at your family’s estate in Kolfar’s Reach in nine hours and from there acquire supplies and ground transport to the lunar shuttle at Helgaskr. Your aunt, the Duchess Isadora, will have contacts there that can take us out of orbit and grant us sanctuary in the Golgotha Cluster. I promise you, Lady Warraich, we’ll see you to safety, even if it’s with our last breaths.”
“…May I ask a question?”
“Of course, ma’am.”
“Did anyone else survive? Any other members of my family?”
Rudnikov’s voice was carefully neutral when he replied: “…The Marines I sent to retrieve your brother’s children didn’t return, ma’am, and they stopped responding to their radios shortly after I found you.”
A woman’s voice broke in over the line: “Sir, the heads of the Prince’s children have been added to those of the rest of the royal family. I have film footage if you’d like a visual confirmation—it’s available to you as well, of course, ma’am. I can put it on your heads-up display.”
Zaida sucked in a breath. She suddenly felt dizzy. “No, no thank you, that’s quite unnecessary.”
“Very well. Samie, out.”
Hector and Nilo riding their ponies on the palace and lawn, shrieking with laugher and jousting with sticks. Hector and Nilo stealing sweets from the kitchen while the cooks pretended not to notice. Hector and Nilo feeding the birds in the menagerie, carefully stroking the brilliant feathers with their chubby childrens’ hands—
“…I’m sorry, ma’am,” Rudnikov said.
“Why?” Zaida demanded. “They were four and six. They did nothing wrong. They knew nothing about politics or injustice or, or—”
“They were members of the royal family, ma’am. That was enough to justify their deaths to Ishino and his dogs. We’ll avenge them, once we’ve gotten you to safety.” The lieutenant’s gauntleted hand patted her shoulder in an awkward attempt at comfort.
Zaida felt moisture gathering in her eyes. She reached up to wipe it away, bumped her fingers into the glass of the helmet’s faceplate, and then fumbled with the chinstrap. She batted Rudnikov’s hands away and managed to undo it herself after several seconds of struggling, then wrenched the helmet off and dropped it onto the empty seat next to her. She wiped at her eyes, swallowing down the sobs that were threatening to rise in her throat.
They’re dead.
Dead. All of them. Dead.
The knowledge of what that really meant was sinking in.
The Marine lieutenant was staring off to the side as Zaida embarrassed herself. She sniffed hard and wiped at her eyes one last time, then pulled the commo helmet back over her head so that none of the Marines in the aircar could see her face. She managed to fasten the chinstrap herself, though Rudnikov (again) had to start the controls for her.
“Thank you, Lieutenant,” she said.
“Of course, ma’am… Ma’am?”
“It’ll be a long nine hours to Kolfar’s Reach. Your helmet has planetwide radio access as well as a large selection of music files… most of which are showtunes. This helmet belonged to PFC Arine Bancayan; she enjoyed theater.”
Zaida giggled even as tears continued to prick at her eyes. “Will she mind if I listen to her music during the flight?”
“I doubt it, ma’am. Bancayan died while obtaining the aircar.”
Rudnikov’s voice became serious again. “The helmet is yours now. I’ve modified its radio program so you can receive through any source within range, but can only transmit to myself and Sgt. Samie. I’d also prefer that you not transmit to either of us unless absolutely necessary; if an emergency should arise, please remain silent and let us handle it.”
“Yes, Lieutenant.”
“Thank you, ma’am. You can control the HUD through blinking. Rudnikov, out.”
Silence filled the interior of the commo helmet. Zaida spent several minutes just breathing, getting her heart-rate under control and forcing herself to be calm. Then she looked at the HUD and blinked.
A weather report from a port city 800 miles south of here. Unimportant.
Suenao Ishino’s speech. Unimportant.
A different speech about how Ishino would distribute food equally among all classes and how he planned to solve the planet’s terraforming malfunction. Zaida listened for two minutes.
“—are the missing royals: Anastas Warraich, Zaida Warraich, these of House Sun Crane, and Inira Horar and Justinian Adamu, these of House Red Lotus, as well as—” Some of her cousins had survived! Zaida smiled at the display, “—a reward of 500,000 Imperial credits is offered for the body of each of these persons, living or no, with a reward of 300,000 for any young children of the House, living or no—”
Zaida’s gut twisted in on itself. 300,000 Imperial credits was a lot of money, enough that any of the capital’s urban poor would gladly slaughter their own offspring, let alone the young sons of a Prince they hated.
And 500,000 credits was an even greater sum.
Zaida looked around the aircar’s cramped cabin. All thirteen Marines were wearing commo-helmets with tinted faceplates that didn’t allow an outside viewer to see the face of the wearer, as well as bulky, matte-black plasteel body-armor over heavy gray jumpsuits. Zaida couldn’t tell the men from the women, let alone read the nuances of their body language. Rudnikov had seemed loyal enough, but she couldn’t guess about the others. The only things holding them to her now were their oaths of fealty—and what were oaths except a string of noises, a bunch of hot air expelled from the lungs? An honored oath and a path into dubious exile was much less appealing than a broken one and 500,000 credits.
A red dot appeared in the corner of the HUD. Zaida blinked at it, and opened a channel that all of the Marines in the aircar were listening to.
"—ir, I’m serious, why don’t we just turn in the bitch and split the mon—”
Rudnikov walked over to the speaker, drew a six-inch knife from a sheath at his belt, and jammed it into the narrow gap between the Marine’s gorget and commo helmet. He dragged the blade in an arc around the front of the man’s throat, the man’s scream fading into a gurgle and then silence as he went. He wiped the knife clean on the corpse’s pants-leg before sheathing it and looking up at the Marines he commanded.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” the lieutenant said in a voice harder than granite and colder than the void of space, “The penalty for treason is death. Remember your vows.”
The general channel closed out before Zaida could hear the responses of the Marines. Over the private channel, Rudnikov continued: “Samie and I knew there would be at least one, ma’am.”
Zaida stared at the red-throated corpse lying on the aircar’s floor. “Was there any other way?”
“No, ma’am. If Porter remained alive, armed, and part of our force then I couldn’t trust him to not sabotage us, and if we had let him go he would have told our plan to the rebellion authorities. We also couldn’t transport a prisoner, ma’am.”
“Did… did Porter have any family, Lieutenant?”
“A wife and daughter, ma’am. They’ll be informed of his death when the situation stabilizes.”
Zaida took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Her father, decapitated and his head mounted on an iron spike as the symbol of a revolution; Porter, his throat open from ear to ear as the symbol of a traitor’s reward; two fatherless girls; a helmet full of the favorite showtunes of a dead Marine.
So much blood.
“How many Marines died extracting me from the city, lieutenant?”
“Fourteen, ma’am. There were twenty-six of us still loyal when Ishino breached the inner wall, and now we’re twelve, myself and Sgt. Samie included.”
Enough to drown in.
“I’m only Heir Tertiary, Lieutenant.”
“Ma’am, with your father and brothers dead you’re Heir Primus, the most valuable person in all of the Empire.”
“No, I—I was never supposed to become Empress. Never. I don’t have the training, the skills—my brothers were groomed from birth to rule, but I… I wasn’t. I’m not fit to be an Empress. This—this can’t be—”
“I’m sure you’ll grow into the position, ma’am.”
“I am not worth dying for, Lieutenant.”
“...Nevertheless, ma’am, I and my Marines will continue to die for you for the sake of our vows. But if you can, please make yourself worthy at your earliest possible convenience, because nobody likes to die for nothing.”
Comments? Feedback?
I’m worried that the ending is weak.
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Theory and Experiment in the Science on Human Motor Behavior | Juniper Publishers
Juniper Publishers- Journal of Physical Fitness, Medicine & Treatment in Sports
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The Experimental Bias
Let us start from the quotation from N.A. Bernstein of 1947: “The overflowing stream of new information in all the branches of natural science and, directly to its growth, the increasing differentiation of scientific and scientific-practical professions, create an increasing danger of turning their representatives into narrow specialists lacking any general horizon, blind to anything except the narrow path that they have chosen in life… it emasculates creative thinking, impoverishes their work with respect to fresh ideas and wide perspectives. Jonathan Swift, also about 200 years ago, predicted the emergence of such “Gelehrters” with blinkers on their eyes, blind, confused cranks; Swift sharply ridiculed them in his description of the Academy of Sciences on the Island of Lagado [1]”.
Typical Experimental Paper A Specific Rationale for Experimental Paper        
In 1963 Bernard K. Forscher of Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, published the paper entitled “Chaos in the Brickyard” [2]. It is easily available in Internet; hence I will not describe it in detail. Its “take home message” was that we observe the excessive bias towards experimental research while compared with theoretical works. Such a phenomenon slows down the real progress in science yet does not impair the feeling that producers of “new, original, experimental data” are “genuine” scientists. Symptomatically enough, the paper has been written more than half a century ago…
Guy Sorman interviewed Karl R. Popper, who stated: “universities, completely foolishly, have fragmented the knowledge into different, specialized branches; each of them, without any necessity, has been closed into its own ritual and terminology [3]”.
Richard Schmidt and Timothy Lee, while commenting the achievements of Edwin A. Fleischman, wrote: “Fleishman’s work leaves a legacy for future efforts on solving problems of prediction” [4]. What seems worth emphasizing: not “for solving problems”, but “for future efforts on solving problems”.
While comparing with these quotations, the following statement by Gerd Gigerenzer sounds rather ominously: “Some years ago I spent a day and a night in a magnificent library reading through issues of the “Journal of Experimental Psychology” from the 1920s and 1930s… What depressed me was that nearly all of this meticulous work has been forgotten. Most of it involved collecting data without substantive theory. Data without theory is like a baby without a parent: Its life expectancy is low. Are these the kind of babies we want to produce?” [5].
The “limited applicability” (it is for sure understatement) of rough or merely slightly statistically processed “new, original, experimental data” may originate in the phenomenon which Peter Medawar described with the words: “theory destroys facts” [6]. Moreover, only the theories make the science, and not the facts themselves. They may only serve as shapeless ashes, fertilizing the ground on which the theories grow.
However, the “intellectual environment” of the contemporary science is being characterized by two important factors:
I. Easiness of data collecting, especially while using modern technological devices; then quotation of “learned” references and simple statistical processing endows the whole with some “scientificity”.
II. Naïve belief that the quantity of data will “by itself” transform into science quality.
As the “intellectual daughter” of the latter might be regarded the “big data” technique. Cathy O’Neil has shown how dangerous or even disastrous might be thoughtless application of simplified–or even primitive, while compared with the complexity of reality–mathematical algorithms in the regions, where they are hardly useful or not applicable at all. She has even coined the ominously sounding term “weapon of math destruction” [7]. However, the mathematical equations work “by themselves”; hence, they release scientist from thinking. In addition, already in 18th century Joshua Reynolds remarked. “There is no expedient to which a man will not resort to avoid the real labor of thinking”.
This is why Jack Cohen and Ian Stewart argue that “At least 999 out of a thousand scientific papers are about complex details, but the one that we treasure and for which we award a Nobel Prize is the one that reveals a new simplicity” [8]. Still further went Paul Feyerabend, who argued that the society should be protected against science-apparently dignified, with nearly liturgical rituals, but in fact often worthless [9].
To sum up, one might state that the experimental results belong to reality, whereas science resides in the sphere of abstraction. There is no one-to-one relation between them. The gap between worlds of things, phenomena and processes on the one side, and words, statements and theories on the other, has to be bridged by reasoning and concluding, which by no means is clear and unambiguous. Nevertheless, it makes one and only way to science creation. Especially in disciplines, which nearly completely rely on reasoning and concluding, and to very limited extent on experimental data. Like, e.g., the science on human motor behavior.
Let us take as an example a properly elaborated, precisely written, peer-reviewed, solid experimental paper. In 2018 Satoshi Unenaka, Sachi Ikudome, Shiro Mori and Hiroki Nakamoto published in “Frontiers in Psychology” the article entitled “Concurrent Imitative Movement During Action Observation Facilitates Accuracy of Outcome Prediction in Less Skilled Performers” [10]. It bases on results of researches into outcome prediction in two basketball players groups: skilled and less-skilled one. In abstract, they wrote: “The results showed that skilled group had degraded accuracy of outcome prediction in the self-motion condition compared to the observation condition. In contrast, accuracy in the less-skilled group was facilitated in the imitative-motion condition compared to the observation condition”.
In fact, the authors presented the results of their experiments, supported by observations of other scientists (references). They associate, in some places of the paper, their results with the different theoretical findings of other scientists and have processed their results statistically. However, the statistics may make an image of reality sharper, indeed, but it is not able to explain “by itself”, what namely is being presented on the image. In this respect, instructively sounds the following, slightly malicious, reflection of unknown author. “Statistical Analysis: Mysterious, sometimes bizarre, manipulations performed upon the collected data of an experiment in order to obscure the fact that the results have no generalizable meaning for humanity. Commonly, computers are used, lending an additional aura of unreality to the proceedings”.
More detailed, and very instructively, the potentialities and limitations of statistics–and even some “dictatorship” of this discipline in modern science – have been described by Garland O. Ashley [11]. He argued, “The statistical method has become used in altogether too many inappropriate and wholly inapplicable places in our professional life.”
Hence, statistics is a discipline of science for statisticians, but only one of many tools for non-statisticians. It does not build a science “by itself”. Here inevitable is an interpretation (by definition – subjective) and creation of a hypothesis. Unfortunately, Unenaka and his colleagues do not invent any coherent, conceptual rationale for their findings. Let us try to invent a specific rationale. To deserve the noble title “scientific”, it has to be prone to critics and modifications.
At first, let us categorize the “self–motion” as a motor operation controlled with the feedforward mode, and the “imitative-motion”-as a motor operation controlled with the feedback mode. The latter is by far more time-consuming and “intellectually expensive” [12]. However–not without reason–the feedback control mode is being regarded as one of the greatest achievements of evolution. Because it enables learning and perfecting the operations (also motor ones) under consideration. Nevertheless, the final aim of the feedback control mode is… elimination of the feedback loop. One might say that its mission is in fact suicidal. Hence, a skilled performer uses swifter and “intellectually cheaper” feedforward control mode. S/he does not need any extrinsic cue, and-to protect the “intellectual cheapness”-s/he blocks and rejects such cues.
By the way: Already in 18th century historian, Edward Gibbon remarked (very aptly) “the power of instruction is seldom of much efficacy, except in those happy dispositions where it is almost superfluous [13]”.
While analyzing control modes of a motor operation, one might build a specific “control space”. On its one border, we have the “hit-or-miss” method, typical for novices. It relies fully on feedback control; hence, it uses the extrinsic cues. Therefore, it is fully opened to learning process. On the other border of such a space, we have routine, which relies fully on feedforward control mode and ignores any extrinsic cue. Consequently, it is tightly closed to learning process.
In this respect, telling might be such a comparison. My driver’s license is by far older than, e.g., that of Lewis Hamilton. However, he is no doubt much better driver than I am. Because I have attained some level of experience long ago and it is enough for me. It has already transformed, to great extent, into routine. I have only to learn, what mean the warning lights and indicators on the dashboard of my car, which did not exist in 1960s, when I have got my driver’s license–long before Hamilton was born. However, to protect his title of champion, Hamilton has incessantly apply the TTL–i.e., “testing the limits”–technique. He has to be open to incessant improvement of his driver’s competence. In other words, while driving a car I can use the “intellectually cheap” feedforward control, whereas Hamilton is forced to apply the “intellectually expensive” feedback control mode.
The other problem is that the “imitative–motion”, as by Unenaka and his colleagues, needs visual information processing, whereas the technique of free shot in basketball bases on contact stimuli (player’s hand – ball), which cannot be observed from outside. However, a detailed analysis of this problem would need another theoretical paper. To great extent, it has been described in [12].
One more remark. Richard Schmidt wrote: “Since laws are the product of human creativity, different laws can be formulated by two different individuals who are examining the same observations. Laws do not automatically spring forth from the facts [14]”.
Thus, “new, original, empirical data” evoke no doubts, whereas the theory is always ambiguous. Nevertheless, the Science (with great “S”) consists of theories.
Symptomatic are the following statements of Uneneka et al., “In contrast, although learners accumulate knowledge about kinematic-outcome associations during perceptual training via perceptual experience, several recent studies have indicated the importance of motor experience for enhancing prediction abilities of athletes… Furthermore, recent evidence suggests that perceptual and motor experience develop different prediction mechanisms namely visual- and motorbased prediction, respectively. Motor experience more greatly improves prediction abilities based on kinematic cues than does perceptual experience such as observation of other’s action”.
Such a relation between visual and haptic aspects of a motor operation is coherent with the system-theoretical perspective of motor control in humans (1; 12; 15; 16; 17). Accordingly, such aspects are not separated from each other, but they form a single, coherent-yet not homogenous-system. In other words, it is possible to invent a system-theoretical, scientific model which will account for such phenomena. Already in 1852, William B. Carpenter postulated close connection between mental and motor aspects of movements in living beings, sometimes even independent of current physical stimuli [18]. This phenomenon makes a basis for mind-to-muscle and muscle-to-mind techniques [19].
The reductionist analysis of such an aspect cannot explain the mechanism of human motor behavior. Because it “kills” probably the most elusive – and powerful as well – product of a system: the unpredictable, qualitatively new, emergent system effect. While seen from system-theoretical perspective, the science on human motor behavior consists mainly of system effects. This is why in this discipline mathematics seems to be hardly applicable.
The presented paper may be regarded as a comment to only several, arbitrarily chosen aspects of the typical, proper, solid experimental work by Unenaka and his colleagues. In conclusion, the authors of this paper wrote: “Further studies are needed to clarify the mechanism of enhancement in prediction through concurrent imitation because it is unclear from the results whether the less-skilled participants were actually using a type of motor-based simulation process”.
Instead of a long exegetical analysis of this statement, let us remember the following anecdote about Albert Einstein: “During his stay in Zurich, the woman doctor, Paulette Brubacher, asked the whereabouts of his [Einstein’s] laboratory. With a smile, he took a fountain pen out of his breast pocket and said: “here” [20]”.
It seems more and more evident that in the science on human motor behavior we need like an oxygen the Einstein’s fountain pen rather, and not new, original, experimental data.
Last (but not least) remark. Contemporary science is not a noble searching for objective truth, but simply business. Here applies the rule “publish or perish”. However, to publish a paper, an author has to pay a publication fee. As a result, nowadays the “scientific strays” like, e.g., the young assistant examiner, III level, in the Federal Office for Intellectual Property in Bern, Switzerland, named Albert Einstein -with no financial support from any institution, have no chances to make their ideas known to wide auditory. No matter, how valuable such ideas might be.
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susanjmiller89 · 4 years
Ultimate Guide To Fat Burning Capsules For Stomach Fat
In This guide I will show you the science behind the top rated thermogenic fat burner pills. You will discover the best options to boost your energy, metabolism and help you lose belly fat without losing muscle.
What Are Fat Burner Pills Compared To Diet Pills?
You may think that fat burner Pills and diet pills are the same things, but they do have some distinct differences.
Fat burner pills are primarily designed to boos your metabolic rate. Whereas a diet pill can help you to lose fat using other methods like blocking fat absorption.
Examples of diet pills include appetite suppressants, fat blockers and carb blockers. As you might expect, appetite suppressants will reduce your appetite, so fewer calories will be consumed.
Fat blockers and carb blockers work by reducing the amount of fat and carbs your body can absorb. Essentially cutting your calorie intake too.
Do they Really Work?
To answer this question you need to ask yourself what do you mean by “work”.
I would also suggest that you look at your expectations. You may want to drop a stone or two of belly fat in just a few weeks, but a word of warning rapid weight loss can leave stretch marks on your skin . The Incredible weight loss achieved by PhenQ may be too extreme for some in which case the more balanced day and night formula offered by phen24 is your best option. 
You should be aiming to lose 1-3 pounds a week, which is a healthy amount, sometimes you may be able to push this rate of fat loss up to 4 pounds a week.
Trying to lose weight too quickly around your waist could potentially result in muscle mass being lost, which is not something you should aim for. Not only will it leave you looking shapeless, but the loss of muscle can also affect your ability to lose fat.
Remember, muscle burns more calories when resting than fat. So you should aim to maintain, or grow your muscle mass if you are looking to burn fat.
Fat burning pills can help with your fat loss goals, but you need to make sure the supplement you have chosen works.
Here is a list of common fat burning ingredients often found in pills. However the most incredible ingredient is unique to the No.1 rated fat burner pills in my list.
The Top 10.
#1. PhenQ
PhenQ is our number choice to lose belly fat quickly, It was in third position at the start of the year but so many people have written to us about their incredible weight loss that PhenQ is now in No1.. Many people like you who were desperate to lose stubborn belly fat reported losing an astounding 14 pounds of fat each month.
Considered the most powerful belly fat burner pills in the world without prescription. In Fact most report suggest they are much more effective than prescription diet pills.
a-Lacys Reset. An ingredient that has been shown to reduce both body weight and body fat. This is the unique ingredient that cannot be found in any other fat burner pills in the world. It is the key to burning belly fat according to science.
Capsimax. Blending capsicum, piperine, caffeine and niacin, this blend will boost thermogenesis and ensure you start burning fat fast.
Chromium Picolinate. An essential mineral found in various food types. It helps to control your blood sugar levels, ensuring you experience fewer cravings for carbs and sugar.
Caffeine. A natural stimulant that we all know helps boost metabolism.
Nopal. This cactus is high in fibre and helps to give you better control over your hunger. It is also a rich source of amino acids that provide an energy boost.
L-Carnitine. This astounding ingredient is the secrete formula used by top athletes to aid recovery and give a terrific boost of energy.
There are numerous testimonials from real people showing just how effective this fat burner is. Plus, with a full 60-day money-back guarantee there really is nothing to lose.
#2: Phen24
Phen24 is the only supplement in the world to use a day and night formula. This is the second choice fat burner in terms of sales. Because most prefer the quick weight loss offered by PhenQ. However this is my choice for balanced weight loss. Unlike PhenQ you can use this supplement throughout the day, and it also burns away your belly fat at night. This is actually astounding because its a gradual fat burning over 24 hours. Unlike other fat burners it works while you sleep!
During the day Phen24 will help increase your metabolism, ensuring extra calories are burnt and will give your energy levels a boost. While at night it will reduce cravings and increase your metabolism without the use of stimulants.
The ingredients found in the daytime formula include proven fat burning and weight loss ingredients such as Zinc, Caffeine, Guarana and Cayenne, while the night time formula contains ingredients such as Chromium, Thiamine, Glucomannan and Green Tea Extract.
All of these ingredients have been proven to offer numerous benefits, but if you are not completely satisfied with the results on offer you can apply for a full refund within 60 days.
Just like the readers choice PhenQ , Phen24 also offers a full 60 day no questions asked money-back guarantee. Even if you open the bottles!
#3: Keto Trim BHB
Keto BHB is a supplement that claims to supercharge your ketosis, offering support to anyone on the Ketogenic Diet.
The keto diet has become incredibly popular in the past few years with many celebrities including Halle Berry and Mick Jagger jumping on the bandwagon.
This supplement contains BHB (beta-hydroxybutyrate), which is a byproduct of the process where fat is broken down in your liver.
Research has found that BHB can help with fat loss, plus helps your cholesterol levels by reducing LDL (bad) and increasing HDL (good) cholesterol.
#4: Burn XT
Burn XT are popular fat burning pills are very popular but are let down by some complaints of severe side effects.
It is made from proven fat burning ingredients such as green tea, caffeine and cayenne pepper. It also contains L-Carnitine, which is proven to help speed up recovery post-exercise.
Not only are Burn XT a fat burner pills, but they also claime to suppress your appetite too. Therefore helping to reduce the number of calories you consume.
#5: Nobi Nutrition Night Time Fat Burner Pills
One of the main selling points of this fat burner is that it can be used at night but it lacks the the day fat burner pills offered by phen24 which is a shame.
Its formula contains ingredients such as white kidney bean, green coffee bean and L-Theanine, that are claimed to burn fat, aid with appetite suppression and promote good sleep.
Poor sleep can have a negative impact on your fat loss efforts. This is because of higher cortisol production, which can cause cravings for junk food and an inability to break down stubborn fat reserves.
Looking at the ingredients used, green coffee bean contains caffeine, which can impact your sleep patterns so I am unsure whether the claims that it aids sleep are accurate or not.
#6: Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite
Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite is a powerful fat burner rammed full of stimulants, so while fat loss and various other benefits are likely you may encounter problems using it too.
Many people are sensitive to stimulants like caffeine, with this natural stimulant sometimes causing jitters, heart palpitations and insomnia.
If you are not used to stimulants then I would recommend avoiding this supplement.
#7: Vintage Burn
Vintage Burn are fat burner pills that claim to help burn your belly fat for energy, while simultaneously working to maintain muscle mass. Other benefits include improved focus, mood and energy levels.
However, when you look at the ingredients used (Green tea, green coffee, raspberry ketones among others) I would worry that this supplement may not be as effective as claimed.
#8: Lean PM
Lean PM are fat burner pills made without the use of stimulants. This means that it can be used during the evening for fat loss while you sleep.
This supplement contains ingredients such as L-Theanine, 5-HTP and Bioperine. Bioperine is an important ingredient as it aids the absorption of other ingredients, therefore magnifying the potential benefits.
Claimed benefits of Lean PM include fat loss, appetite suppression and improved sleep.
#9: AtraFen Elite
AtraFen Elite are popular pills that claim to increase your metabolism while helping to suppress your appetite too.
While the ingredients found in these fat burner pills will certainly help you lose some weight around your stomach. I worry that most of the ingredients are stimulants which can cause numerous issues.
One particular ingredient found in AtraFen that worries me is Yohimbe, with the FDA warning that it could cause severe side effects including changes to your blood pressure, hallucinations, and paralysis, along with liver, kidney and heart problems.
#10: Skald Fat Burner Pills
Skald are fat burner pills made from ingredients that include Caffeine, L-Tyrosine, Green Tea, Bitter Orange, White Willow Bark, Verbascum Thapsus Leaf, Theobromine, Elecampane and Bioperine.
It is claimed to help you to drop inches from your waist, increase muscular definition and actually reshape your body.
The ingredients found in Skald contain numerous stimulants, so will give you an energy boost during the day, and give you that little bit extra focus and motivation needed for the gym.
It is due to these stimulants that this supplement won’t be suitable for use too late in the day. Caffeine and other stimulants can cause insomnia and sleep problems if taken in the evening.
Do Fat Burner Pills Affect Your Sleep?
This will depend on what ingredients the fat burner contains.
Some fat burners contain stimulants like caffeine that can negatively impact your sleep patterns
If you are concerned that the supplement may keep you awake at night then you will need to look more closely at the product label.
Look to see what ingredients it contains and what dosages have been used. If you are in any doubt then I would always recommend that you make an appointment to speak to your doctor.
Can They Help With Running?
Fat burners can help with running, as many contain stimulants that can boost energy levels and motivation
A study found that two-thirds of Olympic athletes would use caffeine prior to competing as it improves performance.
It can also help reduce your own perception of effort, meaning you can workout for longer without realising you are working hard.
Research has also found that stimulants like caffeine that are found in fat burners can also help you to run faster, boost mental alertness and will boost your mood.
There are some potential issues that may arise through the use of fat burners that contain caffeine while running.
As caffeine is a diuretic, this can make you want to urinate more often, which can be an issue if you run in places where access to a toilet is not possible.
There is also a risk of diarrhoea, which would be embarrassing, wouldn’t it? Anyone remember that infamous moment in the 2005 London Marathon, where Paula Radcliffe had to relieve herself during the race?
Can You Use Fat Burner Pills Without Dieting?
Yes, you can use a fat burner pills without dieting, but you should be aware that if you continue to eat badly then chances are you are not going to experience the results you would hope for.
These are not magic pills that will burn pounds of fat without any of your own help. To lose fat without doing anything then you will need to pay for expensive surgery such as liposuction or gastric bypass.
I would always recommend looking at your diet and lifestyle choices when using belly fat burning pills. The best fat burning pills can help you start losing belly fat they can give you the boost you need. That said your body will remain unhealthy if you simply eat processed junk food like burgers and pizza
How Long Do They Stay In Your System?
This question is impossible to answer without knowing what ingredients.
Common ingredients found in fat burner pills, such as caffeine can take between 4-6 hours to leave the body.
However, it has been noted that withdrawal symptoms can last up to 48 hours, during which time you may encounter symptoms that include headaches, depression, anxiety and drowsiness. I advise you to never to take a fat burner in the evening unless the supplement expressly directs thiss.
Are They Safe?
There are plenty of fat burners that are safe and helpful, but they rarely see any attention from the press. The fat burner pills in this guide have all been cross checked with the FDA watch list of tainted weight loss supplements.
Instead, we get stories from people who have tried supplements made from dangerous ingredients like Phentermine, Ephedra, Yohimbe, Clenbuterol, DNP and DMHA.
Many of theses dangerous ingredients cause a whole host of side effects, including death in some cases .
No wonder many of them are banned from sale. Although it should be noted that people are still able to buy many of these ingredients on the black market.
While supplements that contain these dangerous ingredients are best avoided, you should also be careful of those fat burners endorsed by celebrities too.
Often the celebrity has not even tried the product, such is the case with people like Kim Kardashian, but they are paid handsomely to endorse the product on social media.
I would always recommend doing your own research, and to choose a fat burner pill proven to work, like those chosen to appear on our list above.
Prescription Fat Burners Pills In The USA And UK
There are prescription pills available in both the USA and UK, however, only a few of them contain ingredients that actively burn fat.
Prescription diet pills available in the USA include Naltrexone-Bupropion (Contrave), Liraglutide (Saxenda), Orlistat (Xenical), Lorcaserin (Belviq) and Phentermine-Topiramate (Qsymia).
Both Contrave and Saxenda are designed to make you feel less hungry or to make you feel fuller sooner. Xenical, on the other hand, has been shown to reduce the amount of fat your body absorbs from the food you eat, while Belviq stimulates the serotonin receptors in your brain helping you to full after eating.
The only prescription fat burner pills available in the USA is Qsymia, which can produce amphetamine-like results. It can stimulate your central nervous system causing an increase in your heart rate, which will help burn extra calories and can also work as an appetite suppressant too.
There are risks involved with these prescription diet pills. The following are some potential side effects that have been reported:
Contrave – constipation, diarrhoea, dizziness, headaches, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, insomnia, liver damage, nausea and vomiting. It has also been shown to increase suicidal thoughts.
Saxenda – nausea, diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal pain, headache, and a raised pulse. There is also a risk of developing pancreatitis and may cause the development of a rare type of thyroid tumour.
Xenical – diarrhoea, gas, leakage of oily stools and stomach pain. It is recommended that you take a multivitamin when using this to ensure you are absorbing all the necessary vitamins and nutrients.
Belviq – constipation, cough, dizziness, dry mouth, feeling tired, headaches and nausea.
Qsymia – constipation, dizziness, dry mouth, changes in taste, tingling of your hands and feet, and insomnia. This prescription fat burner may also cause birth defects so should be avoided if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy.
The cost of these prescribed diet pills is also high with the average annual cost for Lorcaserin being $1,743, Orlistat costing $1,518 and Qsymia costing $1,336.
In the UK only one of these drugs are available, and that is Orlistat. It is only available with a prescription, and this is likely due to the cost. However, the NHS themselves have stated that:
“Many different types of anti-obesity medicines have been tested in clinical trials, but the only one that has proved to be safe and effective is Orlistat.”
Best Non-Stimulant Options
If you are sensitive to stimulants or are put off by the potential side effects then you may be looking for a non-stimulant fat burning pills. Well, you are in luck, there are fat burner pills available that contain zero stimulants.
One word of caution is to make sure you read the ingredient information before you ever purchase a fat burner. Even when labelled free of stimulants there may still be ingredients included that have a similar effect.
The following are some ingredients to look out for:
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is said to prevent the storage of body fat. It can also help with appetite suppression, fat loss and testosterone production. This ingredient can be found in products produced by grass-fed cows but in small doses, therefore supplementation is recommended.
L-Carnitine is an amino acid that assists with the delivery of fat and triglycerides to the muscle cells and mitochondria. This ingredient helps to burn fat for energy, which is why it has become a popular fat burner among those who workout regularly. L Carnitine is one of the main ingredients in the award winning weight supplement we recommend called Phen-Q. 
Fucoxanthin comes from seaweed and has been shown to break down fat and boost metabolism. Research is in its infancy but looks promising so far.
Sesamin is found in sesame seeds, flax, oats and various types of grain. When consumed it targets your liver enzymes ensuring that more fat is processed and less body fat is stored.
Best Keto Fat Burner Pills
The keto diet has become incredibly popular over the last few years, with plenty of celebrities endorsing it.
It involves eating a high-fat, low-carb diet. When you eat this diet your body will produce a chemical called beta-hydroxybutyrate or BHB, which is a by-product of the process where fat is broken down in your liver.
BHB has been shown to offer numerous benefits including weight loss and better cholesterol levels.
You can now buy numerous keto fat burners, including Keto BHB, that contains BHB.
For Obese Women (Young And Old)
Hormonal changes are normal as you get older, but the problem with this is that as you approach the menopause you will find that you are starting to gain more and more fat around your belly.
Around the time of your menopause, your oestrogen levels will start to fall, which will result in a slower metabolism and weight gain around your stomach.
There are things that you can do to try and restore your oestrogen levels to a normal level, including a change in your diet by eating more soybeans, flax and sesame seeds, and by getting regular exercise.
Using supplements can also help, as long as they contain the following ingredients:
B Vitamins play an important role in the production of oestrogen.
Vitamin D is important for oestrogen synthesis, and when combined with oestrogen itself can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease .
Boron has been shown to stimulate oestrogen receptors allowing your body to more easily use whatever oestrogen is currently available.
DHEA is a naturally occurring hormone that is first converted into androgens before being converted again into oestrogen.
Black Cohosh is a herb used traditionally by Native Americans. It is believed to stimulate oestrogen receptors.
Evening Primrose Oil is a herbal remedy that contains high levels of omega-6 fatty acids. In a large study 889 out of over 2,200 women found EPO is effective for controlling the symptoms of low oestrogen.
Obese Men (Young And Old)
As men get older, or if they are obese, they will experience a drop in their testosterone levels. Now, this hormone controls many male characteristics and when you start to become deficient you will notice that you will start to gain weight and lose muscle mass, among other issues.
Belly fat itself can impact your testosterone levels as it increases the amount of aromatase your body produces.
This enzyme converts testosterone into oestrogen, which is why obese men have higher oestrogen levels than men of a healthy weight.
Luckily there are methods to help boost your testosterone levels.
Methods like using anabolic steroids and testosterone replacement therapy are two popular methods, but while effective they have numerous issues.
Using steroids can unnaturally boost testosterone but misusing them in the long term could result in sexual dysfunction, liver problems and heart disease.
Testosterone replacement therapy is an option that can aid weight loss and muscle growth but is only available to men who have been diagnosed with hypogonadism.
Personally I would recommend trying to increase your testosterone levels naturally through the following means:
Strength training, which may not be possible just yet if you are obese.
Get plenty of sleep. Poor sleep has been shown to reduce testosterone.
Reduce stress as this increase cortisol production that suppresses testosterone.
There are also testosterone boosters that contain ingredients shown to boost low testosterone levels.
These supplements will contain ingredients such as Ashwagandha , D-Aspartic Acid] and Fenugreek. Supplementing with vitamins and minerals like Zinc and Vitamin D is also a good idea if you have low testosterone levels, so look out for them when choosing a supplement too.
High Cholesterol
High cholesterol can cause a number of health problems, including heart disease and strokes.
Of course, a lifestyle change is recommended if you have high cholesterol, but there are also supplements that can help too.
There are ingredients found in certain supplements that actively lower your cholesterol and help promote good heart health. These ingredients include Apple Cider Vinegar , Green Tea Extract, and Niacin.
High Blood Pressure
For those suffering from high blood pressure you should avoid any fat burner pills that contain any kind of stimulant.
One of the most common stimulants is caffeine, which you will find in most fat burners and diet pills. Other stimulants that can increase blood pressure and that you need to look out for include Ephedra, Bitter Orange, Ginseng, and Guarana.
Other ingredients commonly found in fat burners, such as Arnica, Licorice and St. John’s Wort have also been shown to cause an increase in blood pressure, so should be avoided if you suffer from hypertension.
If you suffer from high blood pressure and are looking for a supplement that is safe to use with high blood pressure then I would suggest looking for ones that contain ingredients such as Cayenne Pepper and Apple Cider Vinegar.
Please be careful when researching fat burners as even though the supplement could be listed as safe by the FDA may still contain ingredients that won’t be suitable for you.
Always be thorough when doing your research and if you have any doubts do not be afraid to speak to your doctor.
Best Options if You Can’t Exercise
If you are unable to exercise then you may find that losing fat may be a struggle. This is because you won’t be able to burn off as many calories as you potentially could when you are active.
Luckily there are ways, or rather supplements you can use to help increase the number of calories you can burn daily.
Stimulants like caffeine can speed up your metabolism, helping to burn belly fat and extra calories.
You should also look at products that work as an appetite suppressant, or that can block carbs or fat.
These supplements will help cut the number of calories you consume overall, which is another important factor when attempting to lose weight and belly fat.
There are even products available that can boost metabolism and help cut the number of calories you consume. Such as PhenQ or Phen24 for example. These are .2 supplements are the best to lose belly fat quickly according to many reports between 10 and 14 pounds per month.
If You Have Diabetes
If you are diabetic I would recommend speaking to your doctor before you consider using any fat burner.
There are are some fat burning ingredients that may be dangerous for you to take.
Take caffeine, for example, there are some studies suggesting that it can reduce your risk of developing diabetes, however, in some people it can have the opposite effect.
If you already have diabetes, or if you are struggling to control your blood sugar levels then it is probably best avoided.
Garcinia Cambogia is another ingredient often found in fat burners that is probably best avoided.
Research has found that Garcinia Cambogia can lower blood sugar levels, which you would think would be beneficial for diabetics, but when combined with other medication you could experience dangerously lower blood sugar levels.
Ingredients you should look out for when looking at fat burners that can help diabetes include:
Apple Cider Vinegar. With research showing that it can lower and control blood sugar levels
Green Coffee Bean Extract. Helps to reduce fasting blood glucose
Green Tea. Has been shown to lower your risk of developing type-2 diabetes green tea is available in one of the top rated weight loss supplements called phen24, which incidentally also includes a remarkable night slimming formula. 
Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a condition that most commonly occurs when your throat muscles relax, which can cause an obstruction that can cause your breathing to stop and start.
It is estimated that as many as 22 million Americans suffer from this potentially lethal sleeping disorder. Even celebs like Shaquille O’Neal, William Shatner and Amy Poehler have stated that they are sufferers.
A lack of a good nights sleep can have an impact on your fat loss efforts. This is because a lack of sleep can leave you feeling tired the following day, which in turn can affect your hormones.
When hormones like leptin and adiponectin are affected you will find that you will suffer greater food cravings that can potentially lead to weight gain.
If this sounds like you then you need to take steps to improve your sleep. This would mean avoiding fat burners with stimulants.
To help fight the food cravings you can opt for supplements that act as an appetite suppressant, such as Phen24, which contains ingredients such as Glucomannan.
Glucomannan is a water-soluble dietary fibre that when consumed will absorb the water in your stomach, therefore promoting satiety (the feeling of fullness). This ensures less food and subsequently fewer calories are consumed.
The post Ultimate Guide To Fat Burning Capsules For Stomach Fat appeared first on Health-Info.org.
from Health-Info.org https://health-Info.org/nutrition/ultimate-guide-to-fat-burning-capsules-for-stomach-fat/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ultimate-guide-to-fat-burning-capsules-for-stomach-fat from Health Info Org https://healthinfoorg.tumblr.com/post/612818121093431296
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courtneylrodriquez · 4 years
Ultimate Guide To Fat Burning Capsules For Stomach Fat
In This guide I will show you the science behind the top rated thermogenic fat burner pills. You will discover the best options to boost your energy, metabolism and help you lose belly fat without losing muscle.
What Are Fat Burner Pills Compared To Diet Pills?
You may think that fat burner Pills and diet pills are the same things, but they do have some distinct differences.
Fat burner pills are primarily designed to boos your metabolic rate. Whereas a diet pill can help you to lose fat using other methods like blocking fat absorption.
Examples of diet pills include appetite suppressants, fat blockers and carb blockers. As you might expect, appetite suppressants will reduce your appetite, so fewer calories will be consumed.
Fat blockers and carb blockers work by reducing the amount of fat and carbs your body can absorb. Essentially cutting your calorie intake too.
Do they Really Work?
To answer this question you need to ask yourself what do you mean by “work”.
I would also suggest that you look at your expectations. You may want to drop a stone or two of belly fat in just a few weeks, but a word of warning rapid weight loss can leave stretch marks on your skin . The Incredible weight loss achieved by PhenQ may be too extreme for some in which case the more balanced day and night formula offered by phen24 is your best option. 
You should be aiming to lose 1-3 pounds a week, which is a healthy amount, sometimes you may be able to push this rate of fat loss up to 4 pounds a week.
Trying to lose weight too quickly around your waist could potentially result in muscle mass being lost, which is not something you should aim for. Not only will it leave you looking shapeless, but the loss of muscle can also affect your ability to lose fat.
Remember, muscle burns more calories when resting than fat. So you should aim to maintain, or grow your muscle mass if you are looking to burn fat.
Fat burning pills can help with your fat loss goals, but you need to make sure the supplement you have chosen works.
Here is a list of common fat burning ingredients often found in pills. However the most incredible ingredient is unique to the No.1 rated fat burner pills in my list.
The Top 10.
#1. PhenQ
PhenQ is our number choice to lose belly fat quickly, It was in third position at the start of the year but so many people have written to us about their incredible weight loss that PhenQ is now in No1.. Many people like you who were desperate to lose stubborn belly fat reported losing an astounding 14 pounds of fat each month.
Considered the most powerful belly fat burner pills in the world without prescription. In Fact most report suggest they are much more effective than prescription diet pills.
a-Lacys Reset. An ingredient that has been shown to reduce both body weight and body fat. This is the unique ingredient that cannot be found in any other fat burner pills in the world. It is the key to burning belly fat according to science.
Capsimax. Blending capsicum, piperine, caffeine and niacin, this blend will boost thermogenesis and ensure you start burning fat fast.
Chromium Picolinate. An essential mineral found in various food types. It helps to control your blood sugar levels, ensuring you experience fewer cravings for carbs and sugar.
Caffeine. A natural stimulant that we all know helps boost metabolism.
Nopal. This cactus is high in fibre and helps to give you better control over your hunger. It is also a rich source of amino acids that provide an energy boost.
L-Carnitine. This astounding ingredient is the secrete formula used by top athletes to aid recovery and give a terrific boost of energy.
There are numerous testimonials from real people showing just how effective this fat burner is. Plus, with a full 60-day money-back guarantee there really is nothing to lose.
#2: Phen24
Phen24 is the only supplement in the world to use a day and night formula. This is the second choice fat burner in terms of sales. Because most prefer the quick weight loss offered by PhenQ. However this is my choice for balanced weight loss. Unlike PhenQ you can use this supplement throughout the day, and it also burns away your belly fat at night. This is actually astounding because its a gradual fat burning over 24 hours. Unlike other fat burners it works while you sleep!
During the day Phen24 will help increase your metabolism, ensuring extra calories are burnt and will give your energy levels a boost. While at night it will reduce cravings and increase your metabolism without the use of stimulants.
The ingredients found in the daytime formula include proven fat burning and weight loss ingredients such as Zinc, Caffeine, Guarana and Cayenne, while the night time formula contains ingredients such as Chromium, Thiamine, Glucomannan and Green Tea Extract.
All of these ingredients have been proven to offer numerous benefits, but if you are not completely satisfied with the results on offer you can apply for a full refund within 60 days.
Just like the readers choice PhenQ , Phen24 also offers a full 60 day no questions asked money-back guarantee. Even if you open the bottles!
#3: Keto Trim BHB
Keto BHB is a supplement that claims to supercharge your ketosis, offering support to anyone on the Ketogenic Diet.
The keto diet has become incredibly popular in the past few years with many celebrities including Halle Berry and Mick Jagger jumping on the bandwagon.
This supplement contains BHB (beta-hydroxybutyrate), which is a byproduct of the process where fat is broken down in your liver.
Research has found that BHB can help with fat loss, plus helps your cholesterol levels by reducing LDL (bad) and increasing HDL (good) cholesterol.
#4: Burn XT
Burn XT are popular fat burning pills are very popular but are let down by some complaints of severe side effects.
It is made from proven fat burning ingredients such as green tea, caffeine and cayenne pepper. It also contains L-Carnitine, which is proven to help speed up recovery post-exercise.
Not only are Burn XT a fat burner pills, but they also claime to suppress your appetite too. Therefore helping to reduce the number of calories you consume.
#5: Nobi Nutrition Night Time Fat Burner Pills
One of the main selling points of this fat burner is that it can be used at night but it lacks the the day fat burner pills offered by phen24 which is a shame.
Its formula contains ingredients such as white kidney bean, green coffee bean and L-Theanine, that are claimed to burn fat, aid with appetite suppression and promote good sleep.
Poor sleep can have a negative impact on your fat loss efforts. This is because of higher cortisol production, which can cause cravings for junk food and an inability to break down stubborn fat reserves.
Looking at the ingredients used, green coffee bean contains caffeine, which can impact your sleep patterns so I am unsure whether the claims that it aids sleep are accurate or not.
#6: Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite
Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite is a powerful fat burner rammed full of stimulants, so while fat loss and various other benefits are likely you may encounter problems using it too.
Many people are sensitive to stimulants like caffeine, with this natural stimulant sometimes causing jitters, heart palpitations and insomnia.
If you are not used to stimulants then I would recommend avoiding this supplement.
#7: Vintage Burn
Vintage Burn are fat burner pills that claim to help burn your belly fat for energy, while simultaneously working to maintain muscle mass. Other benefits include improved focus, mood and energy levels.
However, when you look at the ingredients used (Green tea, green coffee, raspberry ketones among others) I would worry that this supplement may not be as effective as claimed.
#8: Lean PM
Lean PM are fat burner pills made without the use of stimulants. This means that it can be used during the evening for fat loss while you sleep.
This supplement contains ingredients such as L-Theanine, 5-HTP and Bioperine. Bioperine is an important ingredient as it aids the absorption of other ingredients, therefore magnifying the potential benefits.
Claimed benefits of Lean PM include fat loss, appetite suppression and improved sleep.
#9: AtraFen Elite
AtraFen Elite are popular pills that claim to increase your metabolism while helping to suppress your appetite too.
While the ingredients found in these fat burner pills will certainly help you lose some weight around your stomach. I worry that most of the ingredients are stimulants which can cause numerous issues.
One particular ingredient found in AtraFen that worries me is Yohimbe, with the FDA warning that it could cause severe side effects including changes to your blood pressure, hallucinations, and paralysis, along with liver, kidney and heart problems.
#10: Skald Fat Burner Pills
Skald are fat burner pills made from ingredients that include Caffeine, L-Tyrosine, Green Tea, Bitter Orange, White Willow Bark, Verbascum Thapsus Leaf, Theobromine, Elecampane and Bioperine.
It is claimed to help you to drop inches from your waist, increase muscular definition and actually reshape your body.
The ingredients found in Skald contain numerous stimulants, so will give you an energy boost during the day, and give you that little bit extra focus and motivation needed for the gym.
It is due to these stimulants that this supplement won’t be suitable for use too late in the day. Caffeine and other stimulants can cause insomnia and sleep problems if taken in the evening.
Do Fat Burner Pills Affect Your Sleep?
This will depend on what ingredients the fat burner contains.
Some fat burners contain stimulants like caffeine that can negatively impact your sleep patterns
If you are concerned that the supplement may keep you awake at night then you will need to look more closely at the product label.
Look to see what ingredients it contains and what dosages have been used. If you are in any doubt then I would always recommend that you make an appointment to speak to your doctor.
Can They Help With Running?
Fat burners can help with running, as many contain stimulants that can boost energy levels and motivation
A study found that two-thirds of Olympic athletes would use caffeine prior to competing as it improves performance.
It can also help reduce your own perception of effort, meaning you can workout for longer without realising you are working hard.
Research has also found that stimulants like caffeine that are found in fat burners can also help you to run faster, boost mental alertness and will boost your mood.
There are some potential issues that may arise through the use of fat burners that contain caffeine while running.
As caffeine is a diuretic, this can make you want to urinate more often, which can be an issue if you run in places where access to a toilet is not possible.
There is also a risk of diarrhoea, which would be embarrassing, wouldn’t it? Anyone remember that infamous moment in the 2005 London Marathon, where Paula Radcliffe had to relieve herself during the race?
Can You Use Fat Burner Pills Without Dieting?
Yes, you can use a fat burner pills without dieting, but you should be aware that if you continue to eat badly then chances are you are not going to experience the results you would hope for.
These are not magic pills that will burn pounds of fat without any of your own help. To lose fat without doing anything then you will need to pay for expensive surgery such as liposuction or gastric bypass.
I would always recommend looking at your diet and lifestyle choices when using belly fat burning pills. The best fat burning pills can help you start losing belly fat they can give you the boost you need. That said your body will remain unhealthy if you simply eat processed junk food like burgers and pizza
How Long Do They Stay In Your System?
This question is impossible to answer without knowing what ingredients.
Common ingredients found in fat burner pills, such as caffeine can take between 4-6 hours to leave the body.
However, it has been noted that withdrawal symptoms can last up to 48 hours, during which time you may encounter symptoms that include headaches, depression, anxiety and drowsiness. I advise you to never to take a fat burner in the evening unless the supplement expressly directs thiss.
Are They Safe?
There are plenty of fat burners that are safe and helpful, but they rarely see any attention from the press. The fat burner pills in this guide have all been cross checked with the FDA watch list of tainted weight loss supplements.
Instead, we get stories from people who have tried supplements made from dangerous ingredients like Phentermine, Ephedra, Yohimbe, Clenbuterol, DNP and DMHA.
Many of theses dangerous ingredients cause a whole host of side effects, including death in some cases .
No wonder many of them are banned from sale. Although it should be noted that people are still able to buy many of these ingredients on the black market.
While supplements that contain these dangerous ingredients are best avoided, you should also be careful of those fat burners endorsed by celebrities too.
Often the celebrity has not even tried the product, such is the case with people like Kim Kardashian, but they are paid handsomely to endorse the product on social media.
I would always recommend doing your own research, and to choose a fat burner pill proven to work, like those chosen to appear on our list above.
Prescription Fat Burners Pills In The USA And UK
There are prescription pills available in both the USA and UK, however, only a few of them contain ingredients that actively burn fat.
Prescription diet pills available in the USA include Naltrexone-Bupropion (Contrave), Liraglutide (Saxenda), Orlistat (Xenical), Lorcaserin (Belviq) and Phentermine-Topiramate (Qsymia).
Both Contrave and Saxenda are designed to make you feel less hungry or to make you feel fuller sooner. Xenical, on the other hand, has been shown to reduce the amount of fat your body absorbs from the food you eat, while Belviq stimulates the serotonin receptors in your brain helping you to full after eating.
The only prescription fat burner pills available in the USA is Qsymia, which can produce amphetamine-like results. It can stimulate your central nervous system causing an increase in your heart rate, which will help burn extra calories and can also work as an appetite suppressant too.
There are risks involved with these prescription diet pills. The following are some potential side effects that have been reported:
Contrave – constipation, diarrhoea, dizziness, headaches, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, insomnia, liver damage, nausea and vomiting. It has also been shown to increase suicidal thoughts.
Saxenda – nausea, diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal pain, headache, and a raised pulse. There is also a risk of developing pancreatitis and may cause the development of a rare type of thyroid tumour.
Xenical – diarrhoea, gas, leakage of oily stools and stomach pain. It is recommended that you take a multivitamin when using this to ensure you are absorbing all the necessary vitamins and nutrients.
Belviq – constipation, cough, dizziness, dry mouth, feeling tired, headaches and nausea.
Qsymia – constipation, dizziness, dry mouth, changes in taste, tingling of your hands and feet, and insomnia. This prescription fat burner may also cause birth defects so should be avoided if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy.
The cost of these prescribed diet pills is also high with the average annual cost for Lorcaserin being $1,743, Orlistat costing $1,518 and Qsymia costing $1,336.
In the UK only one of these drugs are available, and that is Orlistat. It is only available with a prescription, and this is likely due to the cost. However, the NHS themselves have stated that:
“Many different types of anti-obesity medicines have been tested in clinical trials, but the only one that has proved to be safe and effective is Orlistat.”
Best Non-Stimulant Options
If you are sensitive to stimulants or are put off by the potential side effects then you may be looking for a non-stimulant fat burning pills. Well, you are in luck, there are fat burner pills available that contain zero stimulants.
One word of caution is to make sure you read the ingredient information before you ever purchase a fat burner. Even when labelled free of stimulants there may still be ingredients included that have a similar effect.
The following are some ingredients to look out for:
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is said to prevent the storage of body fat. It can also help with appetite suppression, fat loss and testosterone production. This ingredient can be found in products produced by grass-fed cows but in small doses, therefore supplementation is recommended.
L-Carnitine is an amino acid that assists with the delivery of fat and triglycerides to the muscle cells and mitochondria. This ingredient helps to burn fat for energy, which is why it has become a popular fat burner among those who workout regularly. L Carnitine is one of the main ingredients in the award winning weight supplement we recommend called Phen-Q. 
Fucoxanthin comes from seaweed and has been shown to break down fat and boost metabolism. Research is in its infancy but looks promising so far.
Sesamin is found in sesame seeds, flax, oats and various types of grain. When consumed it targets your liver enzymes ensuring that more fat is processed and less body fat is stored.
Best Keto Fat Burner Pills
The keto diet has become incredibly popular over the last few years, with plenty of celebrities endorsing it.
It involves eating a high-fat, low-carb diet. When you eat this diet your body will produce a chemical called beta-hydroxybutyrate or BHB, which is a by-product of the process where fat is broken down in your liver.
BHB has been shown to offer numerous benefits including weight loss and better cholesterol levels.
You can now buy numerous keto fat burners, including Keto BHB, that contains BHB.
For Obese Women (Young And Old)
Hormonal changes are normal as you get older, but the problem with this is that as you approach the menopause you will find that you are starting to gain more and more fat around your belly.
Around the time of your menopause, your oestrogen levels will start to fall, which will result in a slower metabolism and weight gain around your stomach.
There are things that you can do to try and restore your oestrogen levels to a normal level, including a change in your diet by eating more soybeans, flax and sesame seeds, and by getting regular exercise.
Using supplements can also help, as long as they contain the following ingredients:
B Vitamins play an important role in the production of oestrogen.
Vitamin D is important for oestrogen synthesis, and when combined with oestrogen itself can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease .
Boron has been shown to stimulate oestrogen receptors allowing your body to more easily use whatever oestrogen is currently available.
DHEA is a naturally occurring hormone that is first converted into androgens before being converted again into oestrogen.
Black Cohosh is a herb used traditionally by Native Americans. It is believed to stimulate oestrogen receptors.
Evening Primrose Oil is a herbal remedy that contains high levels of omega-6 fatty acids. In a large study 889 out of over 2,200 women found EPO is effective for controlling the symptoms of low oestrogen.
Obese Men (Young And Old)
As men get older, or if they are obese, they will experience a drop in their testosterone levels. Now, this hormone controls many male characteristics and when you start to become deficient you will notice that you will start to gain weight and lose muscle mass, among other issues.
Belly fat itself can impact your testosterone levels as it increases the amount of aromatase your body produces.
This enzyme converts testosterone into oestrogen, which is why obese men have higher oestrogen levels than men of a healthy weight.
Luckily there are methods to help boost your testosterone levels.
Methods like using anabolic steroids and testosterone replacement therapy are two popular methods, but while effective they have numerous issues.
Using steroids can unnaturally boost testosterone but misusing them in the long term could result in sexual dysfunction, liver problems and heart disease.
Testosterone replacement therapy is an option that can aid weight loss and muscle growth but is only available to men who have been diagnosed with hypogonadism.
Personally I would recommend trying to increase your testosterone levels naturally through the following means:
Strength training, which may not be possible just yet if you are obese.
Get plenty of sleep. Poor sleep has been shown to reduce testosterone.
Reduce stress as this increase cortisol production that suppresses testosterone.
There are also testosterone boosters that contain ingredients shown to boost low testosterone levels.
These supplements will contain ingredients such as Ashwagandha , D-Aspartic Acid] and Fenugreek. Supplementing with vitamins and minerals like Zinc and Vitamin D is also a good idea if you have low testosterone levels, so look out for them when choosing a supplement too.
High Cholesterol
High cholesterol can cause a number of health problems, including heart disease and strokes.
Of course, a lifestyle change is recommended if you have high cholesterol, but there are also supplements that can help too.
There are ingredients found in certain supplements that actively lower your cholesterol and help promote good heart health. These ingredients include Apple Cider Vinegar , Green Tea Extract, and Niacin.
High Blood Pressure
For those suffering from high blood pressure you should avoid any fat burner pills that contain any kind of stimulant.
One of the most common stimulants is caffeine, which you will find in most fat burners and diet pills. Other stimulants that can increase blood pressure and that you need to look out for include Ephedra, Bitter Orange, Ginseng, and Guarana.
Other ingredients commonly found in fat burners, such as Arnica, Licorice and St. John’s Wort have also been shown to cause an increase in blood pressure, so should be avoided if you suffer from hypertension.
If you suffer from high blood pressure and are looking for a supplement that is safe to use with high blood pressure then I would suggest looking for ones that contain ingredients such as Cayenne Pepper and Apple Cider Vinegar.
Please be careful when researching fat burners as even though the supplement could be listed as safe by the FDA may still contain ingredients that won’t be suitable for you.
Always be thorough when doing your research and if you have any doubts do not be afraid to speak to your doctor.
Best Options if You Can’t Exercise
If you are unable to exercise then you may find that losing fat may be a struggle. This is because you won’t be able to burn off as many calories as you potentially could when you are active.
Luckily there are ways, or rather supplements you can use to help increase the number of calories you can burn daily.
Stimulants like caffeine can speed up your metabolism, helping to burn belly fat and extra calories.
You should also look at products that work as an appetite suppressant, or that can block carbs or fat.
These supplements will help cut the number of calories you consume overall, which is another important factor when attempting to lose weight and belly fat.
There are even products available that can boost metabolism and help cut the number of calories you consume. Such as PhenQ or Phen24 for example. These are .2 supplements are the best to lose belly fat quickly according to many reports between 10 and 14 pounds per month.
If You Have Diabetes
If you are diabetic I would recommend speaking to your doctor before you consider using any fat burner.
There are are some fat burning ingredients that may be dangerous for you to take.
Take caffeine, for example, there are some studies suggesting that it can reduce your risk of developing diabetes, however, in some people it can have the opposite effect.
If you already have diabetes, or if you are struggling to control your blood sugar levels then it is probably best avoided.
Garcinia Cambogia is another ingredient often found in fat burners that is probably best avoided.
Research has found that Garcinia Cambogia can lower blood sugar levels, which you would think would be beneficial for diabetics, but when combined with other medication you could experience dangerously lower blood sugar levels.
Ingredients you should look out for when looking at fat burners that can help diabetes include:
Apple Cider Vinegar. With research showing that it can lower and control blood sugar levels
Green Coffee Bean Extract. Helps to reduce fasting blood glucose
Green Tea. Has been shown to lower your risk of developing type-2 diabetes green tea is available in one of the top rated weight loss supplements called phen24, which incidentally also includes a remarkable night slimming formula. 
Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a condition that most commonly occurs when your throat muscles relax, which can cause an obstruction that can cause your breathing to stop and start.
It is estimated that as many as 22 million Americans suffer from this potentially lethal sleeping disorder. Even celebs like Shaquille O’Neal, William Shatner and Amy Poehler have stated that they are sufferers.
A lack of a good nights sleep can have an impact on your fat loss efforts. This is because a lack of sleep can leave you feeling tired the following day, which in turn can affect your hormones.
When hormones like leptin and adiponectin are affected you will find that you will suffer greater food cravings that can potentially lead to weight gain.
If this sounds like you then you need to take steps to improve your sleep. This would mean avoiding fat burners with stimulants.
To help fight the food cravings you can opt for supplements that act as an appetite suppressant, such as Phen24, which contains ingredients such as Glucomannan.
Glucomannan is a water-soluble dietary fibre that when consumed will absorb the water in your stomach, therefore promoting satiety (the feeling of fullness). This ensures less food and subsequently fewer calories are consumed.
The post Ultimate Guide To Fat Burning Capsules For Stomach Fat appeared first on Health-Info.org.
source https://health-Info.org/nutrition/ultimate-guide-to-fat-burning-capsules-for-stomach-fat/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ultimate-guide-to-fat-burning-capsules-for-stomach-fat from Health Info Org https://healthinfoorg.blogspot.com/2020/03/ultimate-guide-to-fat-burning-capsules.html
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