#Muse; Ed
ask-dark-monita · 29 days
Ed, look! A 40 foot chicken!
Ed looks behind him and runs in a straight direction in search of the giant 40-foot chicken.
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"Ha ha ha!"
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madootles · 4 months
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this guy
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@vocesofmd (continued)
It wasn't that Edward hadn't tried. Once he felt well enough to actually move around, he tried to fix the cottage. He tried to just accept that Izzy was gone and that he would have to just move on. But how could he? It was like the grief was pulling him down, to the ground, an unbearable weight on his shoulders. It would kill him and if he wanted to be honest with himself, he wanted it to kill him. Before he dragged Stede down with him. Stede... he didn't seem to be dealing with this any better — Ed saw him, almost every night to sit by Izzy's grave and talk to him, when Ed refused to even acknowledge that he had been there at all. And when one night he came back to bed crying because probably an animal had disturbed the grave, Ed knew they couldn't stay. They couldn't just move on either.
Ricky would come back to the Republic eventually, and they had to be ready. Only the wait made Ed get lost in his head too much and for once again he found solace in drinking and drugs. He had several ideas about their revenge plans, but one day, just like that the thought was pushed away. Ed had just too many ideas about what to do with their lives to think about that. The Inn seemed boring, fishing was something he wasn't that good at, but he could make clothes, couldn't he? He made made his own leather jacket, after all, and it was fun doing that, so he could be a tailor... a leather tailor. Now that was a business idea, wasn't it? They'd open a shop with leather outfits, or at least one that matched Ed's beloved style. Blackbeard's style. Follow the trend. Merchandise. Or whatever Frenchie had called it. Frenchie! He could be of help, he was good at these things and he had to find him, so he asked the fishermen to let him know when Revenge returned to Nassau. What if they combined a outfit shop with alcohol? Mixed drinks and trying outfits, now that sounded even more fun?
Stede barely seemed to follow Ed and his ideas, but he didn't protest much. He had been drinking too, so maybe Ed's mixed drinks idea would work perfectly. He had been looking for a good rum deal at the market when he saw something... someone that made him freeze. It had been as if he had been high, dancing, having fun when suddenly he was sober. Almost as if he was in a trance, Ed walked to the man, his hand on his shoulder to make him turn around.
It was Izzy. ❝Izzy?❞ Ed grinned and let out a small sigh in relief... before reality kicked. It could not be Izzy, could it? That man had died. In his arms. They had all buried him, sobbing. Was he really losing his mind? Had he drunk too much? But why wouldn't his mind recreate the same image Ed held of him? Why give him this new look? ❝How... Are you real? ❞
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radianttruthsii · 3 months
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Artist Vali Myers in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Paris, 1951, photo by Ed van der Elsken
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fxckin-blackbeard · 5 months
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torra-and-the-toons · 3 months
I just had a thought that woke me in a cold sweat from a nap...
Since EEnE and KND technically exist in the same world, what if the adults from EEnE are always gone because they're busy terrorizing the KND?
This is not at all a serious headcanon, but it's funny to think about.
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Your favourite music band/artist
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not-that-dillinger · 3 months
(Combining: GUEST :  for one muse to offer the other a place to stay. STORM :  for both muses to find shelter from a severe storm. Same universe as prev Ed and Sam rp?)
Sam had been tucked away in the basement of The Arcade, coding on The Grid’s terminal, so she didn’t hear the sound of the rain right away. When she did however it snapped her out of her trance. A jolt of slight panic coursing through her. The bike!
She raced up the stairs, pushing away the TRON machine she had moved back into place behind her so that Marvin didn’t wander in when she was working, and raced past the other covered, but no longer dusty, cabinet machines in the arcade till she was at the door, swiftly unlocking it. She paused under the covered threshold of the entrance when she saw just how much water was falling out of the sky. That was definitely one hell of a storm.
Well. It’s not like she was going anywhere anytime soon.
She flipped her hood up and walked out to the street towards her Dad’s… well her, Ducati now, kicking up the kickstand and grabbing onto the handlebars to walk it under the covered threshold. She lifted her head up when she heard the shuffling of feet and some splashes nearby. At first she didn’t recognize him through the rain until he got a bit closer. She lifted one of her arms, waving it slightly as she called out to be heard over the pounding of raindrops and howling wind.
“Ed! Hey! Over here!”
She rested the Ducati against the wall, still waving with her hand as she held open the door of the arcade to invite him inside.
It was one of those days where Ed couldn't go home. One of the days where he was afraid of what he might do if he left his thoughts to wander. Usually he would stay at the office and code until he passed out at at the keyboard, but his meeting with Mackey earlier that day had been... it had been a lot of things, but certainly not good. Draining, mostly. And for reasons Ed wasn't quite sure of, it brought up old ghosts that Ed still couldn't put to rest. They were the sort of ghosts that made his office, which was normally a refuge, feel downright oppressive.
He'd hoped that a long walk would exhaust him enough that he could go home and pass out as as soon as he got to bed.
He'd been walking for about an hour and a half when the storm hit. It was one of those rare deluges came so suddenly, and so intensely, that LA's near non-existent storm drainage system quickly overflowed and flooded the streets. The kind he'd only seen a handful of times in the twenty-some-odd years he'd lived there.
Between the dark, and the rain fogging up his glasses, he had pocketed the glasses in hopes of preserving them when he inevitably tripped over his feet, and resigned himself to shuffling blindly back toward the tower and his car.
Not that he had any idea whether it would be better to go home or stay at the office.
He hadn't been walking back long when he heard someone calling his name, though it had still been long enough that he was thoroughly drenched, and shivering mildly from the cold. He froze in place on the sidewalk, having to take a moment to identify her by voice, since he was all but entirely blind.
"...Sam?" he asked, then realizing where he was, and that she was the only person likely to be there. He glanced both directions, and, seeing no lights, nor hearing any vehicles (there rarely were; this part of town had been all but abandoned since he was in middle school), shuffled across the street, navigating toward Sam by voice alone.
"Hi Sam," he said awkwardly, stepping under the eaves. "Uh, thanks," he said awkwardly, hesitantly following her into the Arcade.
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cryptix23 · 8 months
Okay listen I've seen a few people criticizing Ed for still feeling 'unlovable' despite Izzy's confession, but like, of course that means nothing to him?
Ed is afraid no one can love Edward. All of him. The parts of him that aren't all myth, the parts of a real and complex person who loves satin and fine dining and lavender soap and goofy outsider artists. The parts of him that aren't retold in hushed, awed voices. Izzy literally said to his face that he loves Blackbeard and hates Edward. That he hates all the softness and comfort and frippery and care and appreciation. That he wanted back the man who laughed while people burned. (And later realized that was a Huge Mistake but that's beside this point.) So when Izzy says "I have... love for you," what Ed hears is just a reaffirmation that he loves Blackbeard -- the myth up on the pedestal, the terror of the seas, the Kraken. The monster with no use for fine things like love.
And Edward is still unloved, because Edward is not worthy of fine things.
(yes he is, but he was not in a place to hear that and especially not from Izzy.)
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passimtemere · 3 months
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Won't ANYONE feed this poor hyena he hungee
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note-boom · 1 year
Okay I just watched the latest episode and I am in TEARS over how beautiful the OP and ED were. Those...those soft, pastel colours did something to me, okay?
The ED especially just did something special to me. The season started off with the backstory of the ADA, so it was so....beautiful to see the ending theme have a little omake of a lazy day at a fully peopled agency. It was nice to see an organisation started by ordinary people with extraordinary talents have a peaceful day where their extraordinary people are doing ordinary things.
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ask-dark-monita · 1 month
Eddy and Donald: What’s it like being shorter than your friends?
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"Wish I was taller, to be frank."
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"But do ya also wish that you were a baller and had a girl that looked good that you would call her and a rabbit in a hat with a bat and a six-foot Impala?"
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"That's... oddly specific, Ed. But y'know what? Now that you've mentioned it... Sure! Why the heck not? If I were a baller, I'd probably be rich! And a girl that looks so good that I would call her? Also a bonus, baby! Dunno what I'd do with the rabbit or Impala though."
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sage-nebula · 2 years
Thinking about how when baby Tails met little Sonic, and Sonic was so nice to and supportive and encouraging of him, and that was the first time in so long that anyone was nice to or actually liked Tails, and so an achievement was unlocked for Sonic: Miles Prower will now die for you.
And then a little while after that, when Tails tells Sonic that he's already got the best family, and that Sonic is his best family, and he loves and cares about Sonic more than anyone else, and so an achievement was unlocked for Tails: Sonic the Hedgehog will now die for you.
These brothers just love each other so much, I cry.
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sitronsangbody · 2 months
So I watched Jacob Sharpe's new video "the strangest workouts on tik tok" (and this post is not about to be a dig at him; I like him and I generally appreciate his attitude in the video). There are clips shown of people working out in groups and the workouts are unorthodox activities like drumming, trampoline jumping, swinging in the air and so on, and the videos are captioned something like "white women will do anything to avoid a regular workout". First of all, I resent shaming people's exercise preferences regardless of who they are. It's inevitably harmful towards people who struggle with EDs and the like, and also - who fucking cares. I congratulate anyone who's found a form of exercise that's genuinely fun and enjoyable. The idea that working out should be super hard and painful and boring and some kind of heavy duty is pointless. Why not make stuff fun if it's an option? Why have your day suck more than it needs to? This is also Jacob's conclusion to the video. But also, I keep seeing "White women" used as a cop-out to shame people for the wildest things. Yes, the clips in the video show primarily white women, but is that really all there is to know? You know who might have trouble going to a regular gym and doing "regular" workouts? Disabled people. Fat people. Injured and chronically ill people. Neurodivergent and mentally ill people. Elderly people. Gender-nonconforming people. Because the exercises and equipment doesn't accommodate all bodies. Because of harassment, staring, rudeness, non-consensual filming. Because it feels unsafe or IS unsafe. And guess what, sometimes thin able-bodied neurotypical cis white women also feel unsafe at gyms. That's valid too. Like, by all means criticise white women when it's prudent. We frequently have it coming. But let's not use "white women" as an easy path to ignoring other oppressive structures in the world. Are you giving valid criticism? Are you doing meaningful satire? Poking harmless fun? Or are you actually shitting on people for no good reason, but you think it's okay because it's "white women"?
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fxckin-blackbeard · 1 month
A Wild Night
|| @pyramultimuse - Modern!Killian Jones ||
ᒥ🎸ᒧ—         It had been plastered all over the news all morning. Edward Teach of Blackbeard's Crew and former bandmate Jack Rackham arrested at a bar in Dublin. The picture for the story was Edward's mug shot, where in spite of his glazed, dilated eyes he had a smug grin as though it was just any other picture.
A night in the drunk tank and Izzy posted bail for Ed, and only Ed. And now? He stands outside Killian's door about midday. His hair was a mess, he was sporting some sunglasses for his killer headache, and in his hands was a tray of coffees. One was for himself and he was sipping on it already, the other was for his partner. A preemptive peace offering, surely.
The night before Edward had mentioned he was meeting up with an old friend who was in Dublin, unfortunately that friend was the degenerate loser Jack Rackham. Known for his disastrous fall from grace in the rock world due to a serious drug addiction. Edward still cared for the guy, but Jack did not care what trouble he brought the Blackbeard's Crew rockstar in return.
Edward knocks on the door and shifts his weight onto his right leg, his left was killing him like his hangover. Disheveled, that was the perfect word to describe Edward's appearance. He was even still in the clothes he had on the night prior, they were visibly dirty and wrinkled, but it looked like he tried, very poorly, to fix them up.
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still thinking about that one time one of my friends' mother told me that at my age she would have killed herself except for the people who would have had to find her (and that she was glad she didn't). when she was telling me about how sometimes you do or don't do things for other people, not for yourself (this was as a response to my needing sutures for self harm that one time, in fact). and I. it should bother me, I know it should. but a non-zero part of me simply goes 'it would be fine if i did xyz and then told medical professionals so that it wouldn't be normal people finding me'. I don't care. I've freaking thrown up blood and not cared and kept going (clearly, I was fine, and that's only been like once... I think).
I think studying to become a nurse, especially the mental health subject, has desensitised me to a potentially dangerous degree. hm don't like that.
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