not-that-dillinger · 2 months
(Combining: GUEST :  for one muse to offer the other a place to stay. STORM :  for both muses to find shelter from a severe storm. Same universe as prev Ed and Sam rp?)
Sam had been tucked away in the basement of The Arcade, coding on The Grid’s terminal, so she didn’t hear the sound of the rain right away. When she did however it snapped her out of her trance. A jolt of slight panic coursing through her. The bike!
She raced up the stairs, pushing away the TRON machine she had moved back into place behind her so that Marvin didn’t wander in when she was working, and raced past the other covered, but no longer dusty, cabinet machines in the arcade till she was at the door, swiftly unlocking it. She paused under the covered threshold of the entrance when she saw just how much water was falling out of the sky. That was definitely one hell of a storm.
Well. It’s not like she was going anywhere anytime soon.
She flipped her hood up and walked out to the street towards her Dad’s… well her, Ducati now, kicking up the kickstand and grabbing onto the handlebars to walk it under the covered threshold. She lifted her head up when she heard the shuffling of feet and some splashes nearby. At first she didn’t recognize him through the rain until he got a bit closer. She lifted one of her arms, waving it slightly as she called out to be heard over the pounding of raindrops and howling wind.
“Ed! Hey! Over here!”
She rested the Ducati against the wall, still waving with her hand as she held open the door of the arcade to invite him inside.
It was one of those days where Ed couldn't go home. One of the days where he was afraid of what he might do if he left his thoughts to wander. Usually he would stay at the office and code until he passed out at at the keyboard, but his meeting with Mackey earlier that day had been... it had been a lot of things, but certainly not good. Draining, mostly. And for reasons Ed wasn't quite sure of, it brought up old ghosts that Ed still couldn't put to rest. They were the sort of ghosts that made his office, which was normally a refuge, feel downright oppressive.
He'd hoped that a long walk would exhaust him enough that he could go home and pass out as as soon as he got to bed.
He'd been walking for about an hour and a half when the storm hit. It was one of those rare deluges came so suddenly, and so intensely, that LA's near non-existent storm drainage system quickly overflowed and flooded the streets. The kind he'd only seen a handful of times in the twenty-some-odd years he'd lived there.
Between the dark, and the rain fogging up his glasses, he had pocketed the glasses in hopes of preserving them when he inevitably tripped over his feet, and resigned himself to shuffling blindly back toward the tower and his car.
Not that he had any idea whether it would be better to go home or stay at the office.
He hadn't been walking back long when he heard someone calling his name, though it had still been long enough that he was thoroughly drenched, and shivering mildly from the cold. He froze in place on the sidewalk, having to take a moment to identify her by voice, since he was all but entirely blind.
"...Sam?" he asked, then realizing where he was, and that she was the only person likely to be there. He glanced both directions, and, seeing no lights, nor hearing any vehicles (there rarely were; this part of town had been all but abandoned since he was in middle school), shuffled across the street, navigating toward Sam by voice alone.
"Hi Sam," he said awkwardly, stepping under the eaves. "Uh, thanks," he said awkwardly, hesitantly following her into the Arcade.
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riinzler · 19 days
👀 (@iamnoprogram)
okay so walk w me here. i have two ideas
sam comes back to the grid post legcay wants to fix things up. rinzler reluctantly helps out b/c w clu gone his secondary directive is to help the grid and the programs in it, in his own way
rinzler follows sam and quorra out of the arena and catches up with them in the outlands. maybe he follows to flynn’s hideout, maybe he separates them and tries to bring sam back to the city idk
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not-that-dillinger · 2 months
Tagged by: @starstruckxstray (Thanks Nashoba!)
NAME?: Elf
PRONOUNS?: they/them or e/em
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: Ed, though I would love for Eos or my other OCs at @unwritten-identity-discs or @order-of-the-pharos-universe to get more attention... though part of it is Ed likes to hog the muse braincell....
RP PET PEEVES?: Godmoding, or characters knowing things about mine that they shouldn't, mostly. One-liners also annoy me if they're not a question directly asked to my muse. It's very hard to work with that.
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: Just over a year here, though I once dipped my toes in rp forums when I was really, really young... Not that I remember much of those.
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION?: It depends. DMs here are usually fine, though I am also happy to chat on discord.
BEST EXPERIENCE?: All of it? All of the amazing and kind folks who are part of the RPC, if that isn't cheating. Honestly I have had a great time here and though I have not met any of the folks I RP with, I feel like I have made some genuine friends here.
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT? : Angst and Fluff! (Sorry, am a sex-repulsed ace, smut isn't my cupppa tea!) I also love a good adventure plot.
PLOTS OR MEMES?: I'm more likely to send in a meme that DM to plot, mostly because I feel like memes are easier to break the ice with and get the ball rolling, though I am always happy to plot at any point!
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: ...both? I prefer longer replies because it gives me more to work with, but I will respond with whatever I feel is necessary for the reply, usually a paragraph or more.
TIME TO WRITE?: Mostly in the evenings, though I sometimes do a reply or two to take a small break from everything else around lunch.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: ...yeah. There may be more self-projecting on Ed that I care to admit to, though he has also... influenced me. (I got curious about crochet after I decided that was something Ed did, for example.) We both like theatre and musicals, though Ed has done more than me, we both like tea, and both have experience with coding.
Tagging: @computerwarrior, @evecolourshock, @enforcerrinzler, @riinzler, @iamnoprogram, @the-expatriate, and anyone else who wants to do it!
(As always... if I tagged you, you have no obligation to do it if you don't want to!)
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not-that-dillinger · 2 months
(Stealing this meme from @riinzler)
Italicize all that your muse fears
Bold any your muse dislikes
Do both to anything your muse is afraid, yet enjoys
Romantic feelings | Close relationships | Death | The dark | Spiders | The unknown | Water | Heights | Intimate actions | Cuddling | Friendship | Allies | Betrayal | Emotions | Themselves | Being alone | Cramped placed | Their body | Getting close to others | Fire | Alcohol | Their past | Invasive thoughts | Family | Blood | Numbness | Social interaction | Meat | Sex | Unrequited love
Tagging : @first-frost-fallen-snow(any muse, any blog!) @wanderxdusk (for Shikoba and/or Kerosene) @evecolourshock @computerwarrior @iamnoprogram @enforcerrinzler @the-expatriate, any anyone else who is interested!
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