someday-dreamlands · 4 months
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Moscú en 1965, por Karel Neubert
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tonks-21 · 10 months
Reader likes to do models | La casa de papel headcanons | Corvey’s chest | Requests open
Headcanons when you like to do models 
Characters: Tokyo, Río, Nairobi, Denver, Moscú, Helsinki, The Professor, Raquel Murillo/Lisboa, Palermo, Mónica Gaztambide/Estocolmo, Berlín
Reader: gn
TW: fluff, +18
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You were assembling the model of La Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre when someone came into the room...
-She would find this hobby of yours cute
-Talking with you while you make your models
-She likes to see your concentrated face
-Boops your nose from time to time making funny sounds with her mouth
-Sometimes she jokes with you touching you in intimate areas when you are working on a delicate piece
-But she wouldn't forgive herself for ruining your work 
-Other times, she'll just tease you to see at what point you can handle her 
-Tokyo likes to kiss you while you're making the models. On the cheek, on the neck, on the mouth…
-If she's having a bad day, she hugs you like a koala bear and won't let go while you are assembling the pieces and all
-The calmness and tranquility you exude when you're at it, she loves it
-Sometimes, if she’s needy, this woman will remain by your side ‘till you decide you’re done with it
-Even if it’s 3 am already
-When you finish a model, she kisses you as if she could never do it again
-She just loves you so much
-Then you two lie down on the bed tired and she snuggles into you
-This guy also find it cute
-Would try to help you, but fail in the process
-It’s just too tiny and delicate for him
-And if he finishes good a part of it, he will surely break it unwillingly when you two celebrate afterwards
-Remains by your side the WHOLE time
-Even if it’s late, even if he’s sleepy, even if it’s raining rocks; Río will be there with you
-It’s the type of falling asleep while you are working in it
-This guy compliments you when you do LITERALLY the most easiest thing 😘
-He just likes to do it
-It’s in his nature
-He will glue and sand the materials in order to help you if you ask him to do so :)
-And even if you don't
-He just can’t help it 😭
-This woman sees intelligence/ability for something as something attractive, even hot, so she’d have this impression of you
-Long talks while you work on some model
-Likes to sit behind you, letting you into her between her legs
-I’m not sure if she’d join you, I think Nairobi prefers watching you
-But would like to try if you want her to
-Gives you kisses every now and then everywhere but in your mouth
-When you finish and start to stretch, she grabs you around the waist and kisses you on the lips
-Nairobi would rub some part of you like your waist distracted while you’re assembling the pieces
-Would boast about you doing models in front of the gang
-If you fall asleep, no problem! Nairobi will take you to bed or at least put a blanket on you while caressing your back, comb a bit your hair and kiss your head
-Would call you cool!
-Likes to talk about the intelligent you are when you are working on the models
-This bitch’d scream it if he could 💀
-Being with you while you’re at it calms him
-Likes to see you work, but would go from time to time
-Makes you dinner 🥰
-And brings anything you want to you
-Hears you talk about this hobby of yours while going to the shop and buy things for it with you
-When you’re done with some hard piece, he hugs you with one arm
-Don’t use this a lot, as a tip. But it’s cute anyway
-Moscú puts some relaxing music and tries to help you
-And fails incredibly
-But he tries cutely 🤩
-He’s this dude that says “i’m too old for this” haha
-He likes to see you work so passionately in it
-Making models near to this man includes:
Him caressing your back
Bringing you whatever food/drink you ask for
This guy going to the shop and buying the wrong thing
(idk how to do this shit with Moscú, i can’t see him like anything but a father figure 😭)
-We know that even if this man looks huge, he is literally a little teddy bear
-So he’ll stay by your side
-Make you coffee
-Buy anything you ask him to
-And getting the right materials each time
-He’s too attentive to that
-And cheering you up
-He says “let everything there, i’ll clean it up tomorrow”
-He’s such a sweetheart 🥲
-When he comes home and you are in it, he’s always “what are you doing? Can I see? Can I see?”
-If you ask Helsinki to do some model, he won’t, he says he has indelicate hands
-He admires your art as if it were the best one in history 😍
The Professor / Sergio Marquina
-He is surprised at first
-Then he places his glasses with his unique movement and smiles at you
-As he does origami, he has some ability to help you
-It’s kind of romantic between you two
-You two are kind of shy/not talkative people, it’s calm and relaxing just do models all evening along
-You do models of the places in which you’ll gonna steal
-When it’s finished, you kiss him right in the lips
-Sergio smiles into your touch and caresses your cheek
-It becomes a type of special date between you two 
-He’s always so nervous asking you for doing this date 
Raquel Murillo / Lisboa
-She’d find it cute
-But also hot, as this woman finds knowledge attractive like Nairobi 
-Sometimes, she tries to seduce you while you are concentrated gluing something
-Sits in your lap, blocking your vision placed in the model, and caresses your waist while kissing you
-It’s funny and hot at the same time
-So, since she knows about this hobby of yours, you usually work in the models in your bedroom
-Likes to tease you when you are placing the parts of the model
-She just looks at you while you’re doing it. Not such a fan, but she’d visit you sometime
-She compliments you when it’s done by the way
-Sometimes Raquel’s needy while you are working on a model
-She just grapes herself to you from behind as a koala bear
-Okay, this guy would not be there at all
-One day, you didn’t sleep the whole night, you stayed working on the model
-He comes in the morning with his coffee
-And just.. spreads it all over the model
-This jerk laughs while you run after him around the house
-All the gang just lets you chase around
-They think is kinda cute, bc Palermo just jokes around and says stupid things while you struggle to catch him
-He covers himself while you give him a couple of slaps, you were angry, but you weren't going to hit him for real either
-After a few seconds, this guy tells you that he’ll help you redo it
-Palermo helps you a lot
-And I mean, A LOT
-He doesn’t just glue and sand the materials, he also place them and looks with you to the instructions
-He asks you to take breaks, in which he’ll take you to dance 
-At the end, he’s a jerk. But a intelligent and stupidly romantic jerk
Sorry I didn’t put Oslo, it’s only that I can’t think about situations/hcs with him because, with the little participation he had, both in time and in speech, I can’t really figure out his personality or his type of reactions.
Mónica Gaztambide / Estocolmo
-Would hug you when she knows about it
-It’s cute to her
-Helps you if you ask her too
-When she’s back home or has free time Mónica is near you reading a book or something, enjoying your company
-Soft talks
-Cozy clothes
-Would like to go buy the materials with you
-Gifts models on special dates to you
-Mónica gives you massages from time to time in the head and arms
-Takes unexpected photos of you working on models and says how cute you are
-Would say she had delete them, but it’s not true
-He would hug you from behind, complimenting you and admiring your art
-He likes it so much
-Helps you if you ask to, but prefers to see you do it while drinking wine
-Would give you kisses on your head from time to time
-Since one of his love languages is quality time, he’s there with you 
-If he knows you are working, he prepares two coffees or the drink you prefer
-Supportive af, but a calm guy 😄
-Would presume your art and the fact that he doesn’t even know what you saw on him
-Did I say he compliments you a lot?
-Well then I repeat it :D
-Berlín insists on buying you the supplies
-Puts Bella Ciao while you are working
-Talks to you about his life in the process
-An usual date  between you two is you working on your models and Berlín just there, with his wine, and the two of you talking about anything and everything at the same time
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Remember: Requests are open, I’m accepting of this series too :D
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redkitsune-art · 1 year
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Centennial of the Establishment of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
DISCLAIMER: I have no political agenda with this. I simply study the Soviet Union, this is out of pure interest - no more, no less
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imtelech · 2 years
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Lise Sarfati | Moscú 90 annés
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villings · 2 years
En Moscú, las cúpulas en llamas. En Moscú, ya tañen las campanas. Los sepulcros están aquí, en hilera, y allí duermen los zares, las zarinas.
Tú no sabes aún que en el alba del Kremlin se respira mejor que en cualquier otro sitio. Tú no sabes que en el alba del Kremlin yo te rezo hasta el alba.
"Versos a Blok" / Marina Tsvetáyeva
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aradxan · 2 years
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olivia2010kroth · 20 hours
Москвичка: Женщины советской столицы 1920–1930-х / Muscovite: Women of the Soviet capital in the 1920s–1930s
Москвичка: Женщины советской столицы 1920–1930-х / Muscovite: Women of the Soviet capital in the 1920s–1930s https://mosmuseum.ru/exhibitions/p/moskvichka 24 апреля 2024 — 25 августа 2024 / April 24, 2024 – August 25, 2024 Музей МосквыЗубовский бульвар, 2Мы работаем со вторника по воскресенье с 11:00 до 21:00. Кассы работают до 20:00.Понедельник — выходной. Moscow City MuseumZubovsky…
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ujcdecuba · 1 day
Lukashenko: EE.UU. está arrastrando a Bielorrusia a un conflicto militar
Según el presidente bielorruso, Washington pretende «poner en marcha un mecanismo para involucrar al resto de los Estados» en el conflicto ucraniano. El presidente de Bielorrusia, Alexánder Lukashenko, ha denunciado este jueves que EE.UU. está arrastrando a su país a un conflicto militar. «Washington está haciendo todo lo posible para arrastrar a nuestro país al conflicto. Poner en marcha un…
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Información Interesante de 0bama y el Evento de Moscú
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danataikoprensa · 1 month
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adribosch-fan · 1 month
Criminal: El Kremlin “monitoreaba” el atentado terrorista en ciernes, al anfiteatro de Moscú, por parte de ISIS, y dejó que avanzara-143 muertos-
Los servicios de seguridad del Kremlin eran conscientes de la amenaza del ISIS a Rusia antes del ataque al concierto, sugiere nueva evidencia del organismo de investigación Por Matthew Chance y Chris Lau Los servicios de seguridad del Kremlin estaban al tanto de una amenaza de ISIS días antes de un ataque mortal a una sala de conciertos cerca de Moscú, según sugieren documentos de inteligencia…
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jgmail · 1 month
Lo que está ocurriendo ahora con la migración es un horror
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Por Alexander Dugin
Traducción de Juan Gabriel Caro Rivera
Esto va dirigido hacia los nacionalistas rusos y no rusos: el acto sangriento que han organizado nuestros enemigos iba dirigido a aumentar las tensiones étnicas entre nosotros. Pedir que vivamos en paz después de lo ocurrido es una perdida de tiempo, por lo que es mejor decir las cosas con claridad:
Los rusos son el pueblo que ha construido un Imperio y una Potencia, por lo que ponerlo en duda es un acto de rusofobia. Cualquier humillación contra los rusos e intento de separatismo debe ser castigado. Rusia es un Estado de carácter ruso.
Cualquier persona que no sea étnicamente rusa, pero viva en Rusia, comparta nuestros valores y tradiciones, respete y ame al pueblo ruso como teóforo, honrando su cultura y su lengua y que además esté dispuesta a luchar guerras para mantener la independencia de Rusia, entonces debe ser considerada como una de los nuestros, parte de este núcleo imperial y un ruso en un sentido espiritual. Su historia es nuestra historia y sus héroes son nuestros héroes. Esto se aplica a todos, tanto a los ciudadanos como a los no ciudadanos, a los rusos de siempre como a los que apenas han llegado.
Si una persona étnicamente no rusa no quiere formar parte de nuestra gran nación, entonces debe ser denunciada a la policía y sometido a un control especial, no importa si es necesario para la economía o no, lo importante es que sus ideas deben determinar cual será el lugar que ocupe entre nosotros.
Esto se aplica igualmente a los rusos étnicos que se opongan al Imperio, al Poder y al Estado con tal de destruirlo, todos ellos serán directa o indirectamente considerados como traidores y enemigos del pueblo ruso sin importar que sean liberales, comunistas o nacionalistas. El hecho de que sean rusos es aún peor, porque son enemigos abiertos de todo lo que somos e inferiores a los no rusos que comparten nuestros ideales.
Todo el que exprese dentro del territorio ruso de forma abierta simpatía por nuestros enemigos – Occidente y el régimen títere nazi de Kiev – mientras estamos en guerra, o profesa una ideología extremista radical de tendencia rusofóbica – como el ISIS, prohibido en Rusia, el salafismo, el liberalismo o el nazismo – debe ser castigado de inmediato siguiendo los parámetros del conflicto armado y la gravedad del delito cometido, castigo que puede ir desde unos cuantos azotes hasta la cadena perpetua o el restablecimiento de la pena de muerte.
El tema de la migración debe ser tratado en profundidad y no debe tolerarse ninguna clase de presión externa por los intereses privados, la corrupción y demás. Lo que ha ocurrido es horrible y es necesario que el presidente le dedique una hora completa de su tiempo a estudiar este tema a profundidad. Solo así se podrá resolver este problema. El informe con respecto a este tema debe ser redactado por gente preocupada por el destino de nuestro país y nuestro pueblo y no por intereses oscuros. Los cambios con respecto a este tema deberían haberse producido hace mucho tiempo y ahora se han agravado muchísimo.
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noticiassomosponce · 1 month
Sube a 115 el número de muertos por ataque terrorista en Moscú
Las autoridades rusas continúan hallando cuerpos bajo los escombros de la sala de conciertos, donde el Estado Islámico perpetró el atentado. El Servicio Federal de Seguridad (FSB) informó de la detención de 11 personas en relación con el atentado. (The Associated Press) PorAgencia EFE Moscú. El número de los muertos en el atentado cometido en la sala de conciertos Crocus City Hall, a las afueras…
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blaqsbi · 1 month
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Challenge: How Well Do You Know Symbols? https://www.blaqsbi.com/5yoc
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prensabolivariana · 1 month
Según datos preliminares, en este hecho 40 personas perdieron la vida y más de 100 resultaron heridas, comunicó el Servicio Federal de Seguridad (FSB) de Rusia. Instituciones y políticos de varias partes del mundo se han pronunciado ante el ataque terrorista registrado en la sala de conciertos Crocus City Hall, ubicada en la provincia de Moscú, Rusia. Continue reading Las reacciones mundiales al ataque terrorista en Moscú
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villings · 2 years
Doy mi vida por amarte          junto a la chimenea          a orillas de la estufa de esta noche en Moscú, huyendo de la cárcel, de los hierros, herido por la voz de la familia que llama por teléfono, me encuentran siempre triste alguien dijo mi breve dirección: "está al norte del Volga, al sur del aeropuerto, llegó bien, pero hay hielo de muerto en su mirada". Y las voces oh Kafka me recuerdan a ti entre la penumbra redactando tus obras para darlas con Brod al vano fuego.
Dolan Mor
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